#im not planning a crime
phoenix--flying · 1 year
the things i search up as a writer dude
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roxiusagi · 7 months
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Sangcheng week Day 5 - Collaboration
sorry all that i can offer for today is a silly doodle because i ran out of time lol the collaboration is JL JC and NHS commitment to the bit.
(i dont know if its readable so im putting transcription under cut)
wwx: you know a-ling, we should find your jiujiu a nice madame…maybe that’ll finally help his temper (lol) (shame that he is blacklisted everywhere haha)
jl: what are you talking about. jiujiu and Nie-zongzhu have been together for years
wwx: (a-ling are you /srs or /j)
jl: [acting casual but cackling inside] [gave sangcheng his blessing with the condition that he’ll get to break it to wwx]
wwx: -and you didnt tell me?!??
jc: says the one who secretly eloped?
wwx: but! but! Nie Huaisang?? did you not listen to what i told you?
jc: yeah i did. So we talked it out like adults. we disagreed on things but its ok now.
the “talking out”: 
jc: -ARE YOU INSANE???!-
nhs: lower your voice wanyin.
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ghosted-jazz · 2 years
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Oh no- they’re domestic
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dizzybevvie · 19 days
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Something about nostalgia
(click for better quality PLEASEEE)
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raccoonstickses · 3 months
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moeblob · 7 months
You know, I'm sorry for another story time but my life has been very stressed lately and today I got a huge boost. SO.
As some of you may know, I moved states at the end of July and have been here since August 1st basically. Social anxiety is a struggle but I'm making it. And there's this easy to reach by walking convenience store and almost every time I walk there I walk past a gem store. And I think to myself almost every single time "I love the store has a bouncer". I didn't say anything to him at first! But one day I got brave and proceeded to make an absolute FOOL of myself as I am on my way back from buying some sodas and ask him "are you like the store bouncer?"
The man looks at me and smiles and gives a little chuckle and says pretty much yeah? And then I say more awkward things and then promptly leave feeling very embarrassed. I purposefully AVOID that lil corner for a couple days and then finally feel brave enough to walk by cause it's ... like. Literally right by my destination. Man isn't even outside that day and I think phew! I can't be creepy if I can't talk to him!
BUT THEN I SEE THAT HE IS DIRECTLY INSIDE CHATTING TO A WORKER. And he sees me. And smiles and stops whatever conversation he's having and exits the store to say hi. (I am definitely beaming, like a normal person, because I apparently am NOT creepy enough to this man more than a foot taller than me who could easily kick my ass if he wanted) So we just chat. For maybe ten minutes? It's very nice! We have a Very Normal Conversation! I feel better about the first interaction because I had a second interaction.
So now............ today. I am once again wandering around and on my way to lunch when I pass the gem store and I'm like "hello again!" to the gem store bouncer. We begin to chat again and he mentions a pendant they recently appraised that he likes and I, thinking this entire time that the store was ONLY appointment only and I would never be allowed inside, am casually mentioning "yeah, I was born in June and we have three birthstones and like.... none of them are dark enough for me. I mean there's pearl which I'm not a fan of and then moonstone and another." And so he's saying they have a sheet inside to show birthstones so we walk in together to find out the mysterious third stone.
And the sheet only shows pearls. And I'm like "this is a crime against June babies" and then I somehow start talking to one of the female workers and I'm saying "yeah I just kinda like walking by here and seeing the bouncer" and she looks at him and is like "oh I like that." and I admit I have no other idea what to refer to him as (I don't know his name at this point anyway) and she's like "most often security guard."
Ah. Yes. Like a normal person would think. Security. Yes. Not "gem store bouncer". She then leaves to grab a coffee from across the street and I leave with the bouncer and somehow we get into talking about wearing mostly black and how he's pretty goth and then I mentioned a sweatshirt my aunt sent me once saying "I'm only wearing black until they come out with something darker" and he grins and says it's a life motto. Then the woman returns with her coffee and he tells me to tell her what I said, so I repeat it and she looks me dead in the eye and says "that was made for me. Also I love that you called him a bouncer it's hilarious".
I now observe that he (all black suit black shirt black tie) and her (black sweater with black/white striped pants n black shoes) are indeed somehow the gem store goth club. And then she heads back in and he says he's sorry they don't have any cookies to offer me, they normally have cookies in the back for employees, and I'm like "ah no it's fine thank you".
And then I left feeling like I was somehow allowed to join the Cool Goth Club at the gem store.
Anyway, sup, my new favorite person is the goth bouncer at the gem store and he makes me smile so much when I see him.
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kissykalachuchi · 1 year
bakugou katsuki was born on weed day 420 and he's in love with a boy the color of weed (green midoriya izuku)
oh my bkd i figured it out
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aroacettorney · 3 months
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kmodoposts · 4 months
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Who would believe that this innocent kitter regularily thieves my butter, attempts genocide on my cactus and hangs on the railways of the stairs so she can get a good chomp in as I pass.
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AHH theyre all friends:) theyre all good friends and they help each other and there is nothing that could possibly ruin this ever
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deimosatellite · 25 days
PEOPLE ARE LIKING THE DOSTOY SEINEN MANGA POST AGAIN AJSLDKFJDKSF ok ok fine here's the basic plot of the start of it . its like modern ish times and raskolnikov is the main character whos kind of having a shit time when he runs into alyosha who was actually sent to kill him because. theres a society of angels that are hitmen sent by "god" to do away with unpunished "sinners" and alyosha happens to be one by very complicated reasons. but its fine bc alyosha is a softie and takes pity on our sopping wet cat raskolnikov and decides that he wants to help him be better (i can fix him!!!) and consequences ensue. i need psychiatric help
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
THE SEQUENCE OF ALL THE CHARACTERS SHARING INFORMATION IS SO FUN!!!!!!! esp the spotlight on hinako I love her a lot I’m glad she’s getting attention 🫶🫶 i feel like hinako didn’t want kids but would still fight to death to keep them safe ESP SINCE SHE’S A COP/INVESTIGATOR TOO i hope we learn more about her in t3…..
OUGH Hinako deserves so much attention!! I makes me crazy that we simultaneously know nothing important about her, and also she's the minor character/victim we know the most about: she has a full appearance, several outfits, we see her doing domestic tasks, we know her career and see her working, and we know her full name. (I also find it really juicy to have these two cop/investigator character in a murder "mystery" series that are completely detached from their usual role; it was fun to give that back to them in the au.) It's so interesting because originally I thought she was the one to want kids and Kazui held her back, but with recent info it definitely seems like he wanted a family more than her... And you're right -- that doesn't stop her from kicking anyone's ass who stands between her and protecting these kids 😤😤😤
And ah thanks!!! It was so fun trying to map out potential investigation methods >:3 The group is very limited because they're basically in prison (even if they're going free at the end). But at the same time, there's ten sets of skills and connections and knowledge which definitely helps. Plus, ten bodies in general is helpful -- you can have a lot of distractions and actions going on at once with so many people... I was so focused on thinking who could go in and out of the facility, but I wanted to add that Muu's parents help a lot too! They can't do much information-wise, but with their money they can pull some strings on the outside.
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decolonize-the-left · 10 months
violence tw/cw
cops: yeah we see the black eye, but since we didn't actually see the crime being committed our hands are tied. Sry.
Me: interesting ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️
Cops: yeah if nobody answers the door we can't just go inside, we don't have the right to just enter peoples houses. So we knocked and left when nobody answered.
Me: ✍️✍️✍️✍️
Cops: also it had to happen within the last 4 hours. And also I'm checking the call log and we were busy that night. By the time the cops showed up... Yeah I'm sorry there just wasn't a way to get there sooner but we tried.
Me: I see ✍️✍️✍️✍️
Cop: Sorry things ended up this way.
Me: Thank you this has been incredibly insightful, actually.
Me, later that night: alright so if get his kneecaps before he calls 911 I should be fine
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What do you think of Neco Arjuna and Karna?
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gracias, lo odio!
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prototypelq · 7 months
okay's DMC5 training has been very fun and surprising indeed! Took on Bloody Palace today, bad news is, I died, embarrassingly, to a single remaining half-health nobody on stage 75.
Good news is, I sort of remember the boss encounter patterns so I do feel more comfortable about my chances surviving through them. Still, my health did drop low a few times with each of them, and I'm sure I will still manage to somehow die to Goliath a few times in future tries pffff
Pulled off some sick Balrog moves, and a few Quad S-es, I feel very good about myself now)
@fluffypichu876 you were right, Interceptor swords are awesome, I underestimated them. Will be using them more from now on!,
Camera is still my worst enemy, worse than literally anything in this game, but ugh, I'm sort of managing.
However, the best about today's practise was that I had freakin FUN. Lots of fun, to be exact. That's why I'm trying to get back into this game and it sure delivered today!
*p.s. I could die for Dante's little hops when he moves back whilehe's pointing E&I
**Subhuman my beloved, best DMC battle track, sorry but nothing else compares to YOU CANNOT KILL ME when you SSS
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So, do we think this book finale will mirror the last one (with Trystan being ready to accept the throne and then changing their mind at the last second and then running back to MC) or do we think it's gonna be different?
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