#im not a fan of the ace betrayal theory really
draftingteacups · 2 years
Hello again Draft, have you heard of the Ace betrayal theory? After reading some theories, I wonder what's Soni's reaction be like if the Ace betrayal comes true in the canon.
NOTE: I had heard of the Ace Betrayal Theory, and I'm on the side that Ace isn't going to betray us, given that it doesn't really make sense with the current direction of the game.
I feel like Ace had his moment of "betraying" Heartslabyul by going against Riddle as a part of his card soldiers to not play with his rules and such, which fits him and the motif of Episode 1. He's kinda done his part in that sense 🤷
In the What-if Scenario
But in this What-If scenario, if Ace's betrayal was true, Soni would go through a lot of emotions, but the first one would be disbelief and confusion. If he played pretended to be her friend up until the end of the game or something like that, Soni wouldn't be able to understand why he'd go through all that effort since Ace was known for avoiding those sorts of things (his dumb decision in Episode 3 with the anemones y'all).
Next would be Soni feeling a combination of hurt and anger at the fact that Ace did this. Soni rarely trusts people with anything, and Ace was one of the first that she trusted. Immediately following that is the rage of being fooled. She'd most likely use her anger to rip into him and ask questions, to which he wouldn't tell her at all in typical Ace fashion.
Just imagine if this takes place over a year later or something (idk on the timeframe here in this ask) Ace has taken the time to train up his Pokemon and Soni has her first Pokemon Trainer Battle in Twisted Wonderland against him. Granted, in the actual fic, Soni's going to technically have Pokemon "Trainer" battles with the others once certain Episodes are over, but for dramatics, imagine if this was the first battle.
Of course, he loses because while he's decently trained, Soni's never slacked off in training. She was the one to help him in that while he focused on his magic. It'd always been like that. Throughout the battle, she goes and hits his Pokemon's weak spots and goes through them as quickly as possible because she's feeling the hurt now and it's going to make her irrational.
When all the dust settles and Soni goes over to Ace who's very nonchalant and Arceus does she hate that, she'd deck him in the face, calling him the worst.
If I was going to add a layer of extra angst on this, if they were dating like in this ask here, it'd be more upsetting.
Soni was softer on him in her own way as they dated, but that got trampled hard in his betrayal. We've seen Soni being emotional in the fic, but I don't think Soni would cry in the current day (with what's known in canon TWST). That will change later, but the crying happens in the past, so that doesn't count either.
But here in the Ace Betrayal theory, she would cry.
After all, she got hurt by someone she liked both as a friend (one of her longest since she came to TWST) and romantically, the latter being something she's never done before. Ace has dated someone before, but he got bored of the relationship and ghosted the girl instead of telling her that he didn't want to be with her before. (This was mentioned in his Ghost Marriage SSR event.)
Imagine if Ace betrayed her to break the mirror that would get her home because he didn't want her to leave. He panicked about her never coming back. He didn't want her to go because he liked her too much to let her go and he was afraid. Ace tries to play off his affection for her, but anytime the thought of her going back came up from someone, Ace just bore with the pain of losing her altogether because Soni was one of his closest friends and someone that he was close to. Never did he want her to cry, he never expected her to cry and it's all because of him.
Just 😭😭😭
drama, we've got it in spades✨☠️
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lovee-infected · 3 years
Yaasss!! As a cater simp i do find dorm leader cater theory very interesting but i just cant vibe with it?? The hints and evidence that support this theory i couldnt find them very convincing tho (or maybe i just havent read much abour this theory??) I think this theory is quiet popular too and the majority of the fandom seems to agree to it, thats why im kinda glad to see other people like me 😅
Hahaha true!
Honestly the amount of interesting theories of this fandom really fascintes me. Especially the time loop theory. I remember choking on my coffee while reading it for the first time and I was a total "BRUH" because I couldn't even imagine how creative and big brained the first person who came up with this theory had to be. The thing is, you don't necessarily have to agree with them in order to enjoy those theories! I, personally, seem to just enjoy reading them as a hobby, a way to see what brilliant ideas and theories this fandom might come up with, even if I don't really agree with them.
Many theories such as Ace's betrayal theory, the time loop theory, Cater's drom leader theory and enormous theories presented for Diasomnia and the mysterious headmaster Crowley are absolutely interesting to read and are even a great inspiration for creating more fan lore!
Ace's betrayal theory for example has inspired many fanfics and fanarts all over the fandom and I find them all very pretty and interesting. Another example would be one of my favorite theories: The theory where Silver slays Malleus at the end-
Yeah that's probably the most painful thought I've ever had in mind and I can write you a 500-word essay explaining why I believe Disney can't kill Malleus at any cost, but at the same time I'm enjoying the pain all these fanfics and fanarts which are inspired by this famous theory bring me!
In summary, no matter how believable (or unbelievable) theories are, not everyone is going to agree with them! But at the same time, remember that you're free to enjoy and get some fresh inspiration by them even if you don't agree with those theories!
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lawssword · 4 years
May I ask you how do you think Law and Luffy's alliance will end? What will their farewell be like?
Wow I wasn't expecting an ask like this, ever, really but you go me thinking and I love that! Anyhow I spent a 45 minutes shower and then some thinking about this.
In all honesty, I think it can go one of two ways.
1. It will be a parting a lot like with Vivi and the strawhats, they'll defeat Kaido, Law and Luffy will part and go on their own journeys. With their own goals and still being allies but just, separate. Like Shanks and Whitebeard were.
If it comes down to fighting for the one piece, of course Luffy will fight for it but Law won't become an enemy, not really. They'll be rivals in the same way Coby and Luffy are rivals. At the end of the day they're still friends, just on opposing sides.
2. It will end in betrayal. But I dont think it will be the a betrayal that's expected. Now Law has that ability to grant immortality to someone and of course there's that theory going around that Law will end up giving that to Luffy in order to fight Kaido and all that.
But obviously Luffy would never stand for that, for two reasons. The first being, if law did that, it meant trading his life for Luffys and Luffy doesn't fuck with that shit. The other reason, Luffy doesn't want to live forever, and he certainly wouldn't want to out live all of his friends, Luffy don't vibe with that shit either.
So the betrayal would be Law forcing that onto Luffy some how, because Luffy would not stand for that shit but Law wouldn't let Luffy die if he had the option to save him. And thats pretty damn obvious after seeing the fight with Doflamingo. (I genuinely think Law would have used that power on Luffy if he had to while Luffy was fighting Doflamingo and thats what he meant when he said he'd die by Luffy's side.
Given that, I think the first one is far more likely, especially from a storytelling point. Oda isn't going to kill off a main character and a fan favorite unless it will be a huge, and nessecary turning point for the story.
A bit of a tangent here, but Ace's death was vital to Luffy's character strength development, the introduction of Sabo, the current plot of Wano, the events that lead up to whitebeards death, the plot point leading up to Luffy's beef with Big Mom (Fishman island was Whitebeard territory), the re-introduction of Blackbeard, and the time skip that becomes more and more important with every passing arc. (What Law was doing on punk hazard, the time it took marco to heal after losing Ace and whitebeard, the alliance Kid, Hawkins, and Apoo had, the list goes on)
My point with mentioning Ace is that Law's character carries just as much weight as Ace's, so Law's not going to be killed off unless its absolutely necessary. And honestly, the best time for Law to have died would have been in Dressrosa, it was the peak of his character arc, plus Doflamingo was Law's entire motive, Kaido is just part of the fall out.
All that being said, I think the first option is way more reasonable. They'll defeat Kaido, probably get a huge lead on where the one piece is, and have a massive party to celebrate (im talking like huge feast like fishman island/skypea vibes here) and they'll part and probably have a race to get to the one piece. (Law doesn't really have a reason not to go after the one piece pluse keeping Law relevant would just keep fans attention because he is a fan-favorite).
Here i could go on tangents about whats going on with sabo and the revoltionaries but I'm not gunna do that
Anyway I think their parting is going to be a bitter sweet thing kinda like the parting Vivi had but they'll have a friendly rivalry a lot like Coby and luffy, like I said before. Though I do like to think about the possibility of Law fucking shit up royally with all thats going on in wano but that because I really like angst.
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