#im never sure if these are real
omrarchive · 3 months
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kkoct-ik · 10 days
i dont think i will ever forgive what the internet did to DID because please explain to me how "your sense of self is so torn apart you think youre multiple people" turned into "youre actually multiple people"
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do you understand what i mean? please understand what i mean
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jenoutof10 · 5 months
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they arent blood siblings but they are BLOOD siblings
based on this! post by @BigMeruemFan
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bad-science · 4 months
Everyone loves dark academia and cottagecore and themes of death and decay and being weird and mysterious until I have stray bones in my house and teeth on my shelf. Then I’m too weird for the weirdos. Too spooky for the so-called goths. You bitches can’t handle my bonus teeth
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rotruff · 1 month
night so long you start thinking of your f/o taking care of you so you can just lay down . night so long you start thinking abt them taking off coats and unzipping dresses or unbuttoning shirts and being careful when they take off any makeup or glasses and giving gentle little reminders when they hand over any medications or even just a glass of water to make sure you've had some.
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flamemons · 8 months
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It's alright to scream
I'm screaming too
Why'd you think I do the things I do?
For shadows haunted me like ghosts
So I became what I feared the most
I conduct fear like electricity
A manmade monstrosity
Killer — The Hoosiers
i woke up from a nap with this song stuck in my head and. yea
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silverliningspidey · 11 days
todd can definitely not swim. he’s definitely the friend that sits on the edge with their feet dangling in the water, he doesn’t mind not being able to join in he’s very content to just watch and laugh at their antics. i feel he might’ve had an issue when he was younger with being scared of the water and his parents never pushed him past that so he just. cant swim.
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style experimentation stuffffff
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nightfall-1409 · 3 months
like its ok to wish that hunter did more to get crosshair out but i will say PLEASE stop saying that rescuing the literal helpless child from the child murdering fascists was somehow wrong of Hunter.
also like. can we stop undermining the very clear and obvious way that crosshair liked the power that he was given in the empire, especially over others, he was radicalized. he convinced himself that the war crimes were justified in the name of power. that is a far bigger problem and something that is going to haunt him far longer and requires a lot more to undo and forgive (and some people will never and should never do that, and others can't bc they are Dead)
to say it was all the effects of the chips, at this point in the series, its just not true. the events of aftermath specifically are 100% the chip. Everything after that is up for debate. We don't know when it was taken out, but at some point it was, and crosshair's pov is that it doesn't matter when, bc he likes where he's at. Had he not been abandoned by the empire on Kamino for so long, I doubt he would have ever changed, had Cody not deserted after confronting him about what it was the clones were doing, I doubt he would have ever changed. Had he not been forced to see Mayday's struggle and fight to bring him home and still after everything they both gave after everything suffered mayday died not in battle but because someone couldn't be bothered to even try to help him, I don't think he would have changed. I don't think Hunter could talk him out of it, and maybe he didn't try hard enough, or really, at all. Crosshair's version of loyalty, though, is blind, unquestioning, a soldiers loyalty. Obeying what they were doing, things that Hunter couldn't obey, and would have made him a monster to do.
But I can't imagine the disgust I would be forced to contend with if like, my family member came forward like "oh yes we're built to be soldiers, that doesn't mean preserving or protecting innocents, It means power and killing those who get in my way. its my purpose in life and i think you're stupid for not getting over the moral objections" like what do you even say to that. Hunter at that point had SEEN what the empire was doing. They both had, their home planet, (and head canons aside, all clones did in fact, in canon, see it as their home.) orbitally bombarded to secure power. How do you talk someone out of that, if fundamentally what your disagreement is on the value of life. You don't. Hence Hunter's demands in S3E5 to know what changed. What finally made Crosshair realize what he believed, about power and his purpose, was wrong.
Crosshair didn't want out. Crosshair was upset they didn't stay. He saw their purpose as being with the Empire. They escaped and ran and deserted. If they weren't with him, in the Empire, then they should die, like the Jedi, and Crosshair did absolutely believe that.
So this is all to say that. they are not equally responsible for what happened to their squad. Crosshair didn't have a choice at first— but once he did keep running right over that line. And a lot of us hoped that he was lying about the chip, that he wasn't entirely responsible for all that he did. But he was. That's clear at this point.
Even the whole chip matter— it's prolly really hard for Hunter to separate it. logically, he knows it was partially the chip at this point. But at that point in the story he watched someone he was incredibly close to nearly kill them all and at the time he had no idea why. If Hunter'd not grabbed Omega by the leg and tripped her she would be shot dead. If omega hadn't surprised Crosshair by shooting his gun out of his hand he would have killed Hunter. He shot wrecker, to use him as bait against the rest of them? Like, again, we all knew about the chip, but I can understand the emotional toll of such a thing bc he DIDNT at the time. The betrayal in that moment? How do you let it go?
But thats all fine! its interesting its character development and its the story they were determined to tell. But like. we can be honest.
Now if someone thinks that im wrong i'd love to know what exactly hunter needs to be sorry about, and why he's equally responsible that doesn't like either downplay the war crimes and murder and doesn't throw Omega like directly into harms way and under the bus.
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simplydnp · 3 months
Sometimes I think Dan and Phil are totally platonic besties and then other times I’m convinced they fuck on the daily. I think they do it on purpose and it’s honestly iconic.
kind of the best thing is that they are that and everything in between. you can tell they just like being around each other. they've made content together for 15 years and the large majority of it was done in the strictly platonic sense for their audience. and they were still having so much fun with it. we're in the 'we know you know' era now so we get to see flashes of different dynamics they have, but they absolutely have more we Don't get to see bc they're not for us.
they like each other. stupidly fond of each other. spending time together doesn't feel exhausting. they're best friends and each others' harshest critics while being the biggest hypeman and also safe space.
dnp's relationship with us, their audience, always has been and always will be different than any other content creators. part of it is how they accumulated it, but another part is just the massive history we have with them. they Get us. they Know us. they're silly goofy sarcastic guys who love us and hate us sometimes. theyre grateful but careful too. they like to rile us up, just like they do each other. it's a love language, teasing, and we've shown positive responses to it over the years. i like to say that my relationship with dnp is antagonistic sometimes--cause i know they're pushing my buttons on purpose. and ykw? it's fun! it's fun for us and it's fun for them because they have the control. i know anything they let out is cause they chose to let it out because they Know how we are. so yes they absolutely adore messing with us. we're a funny bunch.
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delicatepointofview · 2 years
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Not to be like that but... tired eyes are the death of me
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sunforgrace · 11 months
no but the thing is the thing is orpheus turns and. you’re early. i missed you. he sacrifices his life to save his love and he still dies at 41
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iron-sides · 12 days
shaking and frothing at the mouth like a small rabid dog. i have thoughts about the perfect court that do not and cannot exist in any language but what's important here is that you HAVE to under that fundamentally. fundamentally riko moriyama is a scared little boy who has been told since birth that he is nothing, and that the only way he can change this is to be the best: he can be the best or he can be nothing, and the default state here is nothing. and he knows somewhere deep in his gut that he will never be the best. he grew up with kevin day and saw the way kevin lived and breathed exy and knew there was something different about him, knew that they way kevin lived and breathed exy was somehow more than the way he did. and so he lied, he drew numbers on their faces he beat kevin down however he could because he could not stand to be nothing ever again. and it still wasnt enough.
#GODDDDD IM SO NORMAL ABOUT HIM!!!! WORST GUY EVER FOR REAL#DESPERATE TO FEEL IN CONTROL OF ANYTHING HE CAN BECAUSE HE CAN NEVER CONTROL THE IMPORTANT THING#which is to say he will never understand WHY kevin is better than him. because the answer is so simple and so contradictory to everything#he has ever known:#fundamentally riko plays exy because he needs to be something more than nothing. fundamentally kevin plays exy because he LOVES it because#he knows nothing else because its what he has left of his mom because he is incredibly autistic about it#and that level of love of fondness of drive of passion is not something riko will ever have#because riko doesnt love EXY#he loves BEING THE BEST. he loves the spotlight the attention the being more than nothing#this is why hes better with the media than kevin: he plays exy For This and kevin does media For Exy#aaaaaaa. anyway <3#riko man. im so normal about him#my thots#aftg#also i think its important to understand that (i think) (to me) kevin KNOWS THIS#he knows exactly why riko does the things he does and thats why he makes so many excuses for him#because that's his brother. because it isnt rikos fault he was raised to believe he could be the best or nothing#but its not kevins fault that hes the best. and its not jeans fault he exists#<- because it was never about jean. it was never even about kevin! they were both collateral damage#of the way tetsuji raised riko#and im not totally sure how much of that jean knows ill have to read tsc again#but yeah. anyway ^-^#kevin day#riko moriyama
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arc-digital-art · 9 months
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Been seeing snippets of @alice-angel12x's Neverland AU on youtube and suddenly needed to draw Tinkerbell Wally more than I needed air
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amygdalae · 4 months
i wanna use my graphics tablet but i used the stylus to nudge a bat into a plastic cup the other night and im thinking maybe i should sanitize it somehow
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
So watching the newest Spy x Family, I see everyone squealing over Uncle Franky (don’t get me wrong I am too) but I also think his outsider’s perspective is kind of sad. When Anya is waiting for Yor and Loid to get home, the line he says there struck me.
“Hey, do you like your mom and dad?”
Like that’s a weird question to ask a young child who, hopefully, should love their parents. But Franky I think is acutely aware that they aren’t Anya’s real parents and the Forger family is fake. Franky has worked with Twilight for years, knows him very well and has presumably seen him make and drop identities like one would an article of clothes. We’ve even had Franky directly accusing Loid of being too clinical, focusing only the mission. I think Franky believes that once Operation Strix is completed, that he’ll leave and Anya and move on to the next assignment.
 I think that idea has colored a lot of Franky’s interactions with Anya. Yes, he’s also a big kid and wants to run around and be silly. But I also believe he’s trying to give this girl a sense of happiness and family presumably before she’s dropped off at the nearest orphanage once her usefulness is outlived. Like we all know Loid is catching feels but he’s a Good Actor and it might not be readily apparent to his coworker. Idk it must be so sad for Franky to watch this little family interact, to sweep up a child so clearly desperate for love and family in a spy operation, only to realize it won’t last.
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