#im gonna attempt a mermay
chirpy-chase · 1 month
1 for oc askgame !!! you can choose the character or do multiple :3
eee!!!!!!! yippeee!!!!!!!! im not. the best at describing voices so its gonna be ones i have voice claims for. with additional stuff of like what their accents are if the vc doesnt have it. and also some liddle drawings :]
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JAMES!!-tf2 oc. he/she/they currently im thinking of gale from bg3 of being a good descriptor just. if he was french instead(:pensive:)
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NOBLE-dnd character i play! very much alive right now. any pronouns Tarte Tatin cookie from cookie run kingdom is my vc for him, not much else to add
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LOUIS!!!!!!!!!!!-my sweet darling my boy my little lady. any pronouns casey jones from the rotmnt movie. but i know in my heart of hearts she would also sound weird as hell she was raised by an italian and a fucker from boston that shit has to rub off on her at least a little bit.
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foxcort · 4 months
2023 AO3 Year-End Fic Review
thank you for tagging me @praetorqueenreyna 💚🤗
What is your AO3 account?
foxcort @ ao3, but im also gonna link my account on squideworld (which has nothing rn but im going to start posting there instead and its got about the same vibe as ao3)
2. How many words did you write total in 2023?
i wrote 10773 words and it was all for acotar!
3. How many fics did you publish in 2023? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
i wrote 6 fics for the entire year (which is surprisingly more than i originally thought!), 5 of which were oneshots and 1 of which was a collection of drabbles. im hoping to start writing at least 1 multichapter in 2024
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
my longest was a heart of scales and storms at 2785 words, which was a feylin mermay oneshot and my shortest was spring memories at 714 words, which was the first fic i contributed to this fandom (and one that has a very special place in my heart)
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
comforter was my most popular fic at 447 hits and my least popular was a court of ice and fire at 43 hits, which is completely understandable considering its an oddly specific au and the only chapter i have posted is tamlin-centric, but i still love the idea and hope my muse can come around to contributing more to it this year!
6. What fic didn't perform as well as you thought it would?
hmm maybe a heart of scales and storms? the statistics show that it only got 53 hits, but i still remember the comments i got for that fic and @haniaaaaaaaaaaa drew ✨this✨ beautiful art piece inspired by it! so from the reception the fic garnered it feels like it should have more than 53 hits but honestly i had so much fun writing it and i remember smiling so wide my face hurt for days after bc of the comments/artwork that it didn’t feel like it didn’t perform well (as far as hits go)!
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
oh wildfire at 192 hits (this is a lot for me lol), which was an erisweek entry and the first time i ever attempted writing from his pov. honestly i don’t expect any of my character-centric stuff to take off, so i was pleasantly surprised at how it performed!
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote in 2023?
most probably comforter, more specifically the neslin chapter. i’ve had this super angsty, acosf divergence multichaptered neslin idea in my head for a while now, but i suck at long term fic planning and like most people i want to jump right into writing the interesting parts of it, so the neslin chapter was a scene from that idea and i felt so happy writing it and getting into the mindsets of nesta and tamlin in that au.
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2023?
definitely rosemary by @bittermuire (thank god for this survey because in my effort to link the fic i realized ITS BEEN UPDATED!!! and as i read through it, i became even more convinced this was 100% my most favorite fic of 2023 💚) honestly, anything muire writes has me immediately hooked, but its the characterizations of the archeron sisters in particular that are so special to me. especially in rosemary. it also happens to be an october/fall fic, which are bonuses and pluses as far as im concerned. if you love the archeron sisters, give rosemary a read. if you need more convincing, allow me to provide one of my favorite quotes from the fic—
Lucien Vanserra watched her leave, his heart threatening to give out, and cursed himself a thousand times. Then another thousand times. Then, drowning in table salt, dreaming of her hair, thinking of getting himself a few sessions of therapy, he decided he would not, could not possibly, let her go. / rosemary (ch.1) by iriy @ ao3
honorable mention to plus 4 by firenaition @ ao3, because this is a fic i read at least once every month, a fic that i've shown and begged my rl siblings to read and quite possibly my favorite azulaang/atla fic of all time
10. Tag your friends to have them do this year-end fic review as well!!
if you haven’t done it already and you want to, do it! and tag me too, i love reading these!
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little-leaf-man · 1 year
It's mermay so im gonna take a break from trynna do anything even a little hard on the brain rn and attempt mermaid Hosea
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breathofthecookie · 5 years
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I’m CrYINg why is he SideWaYS
A baby Luvo for @prisiidons Zora Mermay! I can’t stop drawing this guy now lmao. I love him! His fins are ridiculously fun to draw!!! Also I tried a new art program and holy shit its exactly what i’ve been looking for? 
Don’t mess with him if u value ur shins, he’s a kicker! 
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Tempting Tempest
Shark!Bakugou X mer!reader (+more)
Warnings: mentions of noncon/dubious themes, slight violence, sexual themes
A/N: this wasn’t even one of the big ideas I had for mermay, but I started writing it at work and it just sort of happened. I plan on writing scenarios for both option one and option two (see the end of the fic), and if I get inspired, I’ll write scenarios for more characters too! I love mermaids so it would just be wrong if I didn’t post something for mermay.
Peering over a large lump of pink, spindly coral, your eyes narrowed in on an octopus, languidly scuttling its way through the sand. You licked your lips and heard your stomach rumble: octopus wasn’t the most tantalizing meal in the ocean, but at the moment, it was the safest when your food sources were so scarce. That, and a couple of its legs could satiate a few of your sisters who, like you, have not been mated as of yet.
It was May, which meant that it was time for the more male-dominant pods from the south to migrate up to the central waters to enjoy the warming waters. Both your sisters and other pod-mates alike had been snatched up by these tail-hungry mermen, either by being wowed and wooed by different trinquets and talismans the males had created for special bonding occasions such as these, or for the more stubborn and jittery merfolk such as yourself, being captured and forced to mate. Wooed or not, you wanted nothing to do with it, and the repercussions of avoiding the frenzied scuffle was lack of food and resources.
So that Octopus was yours.
Your tail swished back and forth as you slowly pulled your dagger out of your side pouch. Tasty or not, you and your sisters were going to feast. But just as you were about to pounce, a dark shadow loomed over the octopus. You looked up to see a marlin and your dinner-plate eyes only grew that much larger.
You swam, fast and furious towards your prey, jetting through the water with smooth finesse. You were the swiftest in your pod, something you pride yourself on—even still, that marlin saw you coming a mile away and darted quickly in the opposite direction. That didn’t stop your pursuit. You chased the giant fish under large, rocky arches and through a tall, kelpy forest, determined to make the fish your meal.
It took you far too long to notice the second shadow that had been falling over you throughout your fishing endeavor. Missing a beat, you slammed yourself into a rock the marlin used to scale to get away. Goosebumps appeared on your arm when you heard snickering from above you.
Looking up, you could see only his silhouette. You couldn’t tell who it could have been, but you knew he was male by the sharp point of his fluke; he was a shark—possibly one of the most violent breeds of merfolk around. A short glance out into the abyss and you saw the marlin miles away. Your hungry brain told you that if the merman was in pursuit of the fish as well, and that if you were to fight him for it, you would undoubtedly lose, but looking back at the silhouette, you could tell by the tilt of his head that the merman had no interest in the marlin. But he had his own dagger in his hands. He was hunting and you were his game.
Before you could get another moment to think, the merman curled down in a beautiful arc and dove down straight for you. You inhaled through your gills and bolted away in an entirely new direction in an attempt to throw your pursuer off, but with a deliberate flick of his tail, he made the sharp turn and was trailing behind you in no time.
You stayed low, hoping you could lose him after swimming around around large stacks of sediment, but whenever you could steal a glance back he was right there, grinning wickedly, advancing on you even more.
“You can’t swim forever, little guppy,” you heard him snarl behind you, his tone half-amused with a note of agitation. You felt fingers curl around the base of your fluke, and though you tried to jerk him away, his grip was vice.
You descended, skidding along a sandy seabed, scratching your arms and torso on absconded rocks. You hissed in pain, but managed to keep a tight hold on your dagger throughout your entire fall. Large hands grabbed a hold of your tail and flipped you over with ease, pushing you back down against the seabed where pale, glittering sand pushed up off the floor and floated around you. Finally able to see your attacker up front, you had to hold your breath to keep from gasping.
Despite hating him on sight, there was a moment where you thought to yourself that he was the most gorgeous creature you’d ever seen. Ash-colored hair swayed gently with the easy ocean currents. Hungry, crimson eyes were a beautiful, stark contrast to the incessant blue that flooded your everyday life. And the way his bronzed abs flexed as he caught his breath had liquid heat rushing through your tail. You wanted to reach out and touch the hook-shaped scar on his left peck. It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if you did. Merfolk were curious creatures, and most of you found that the easiest way to satiate their curiosities was through touch.
So you did. You lifted your free hand and drew your fingers along the rough edges of his scarred skin. He bristled at the contact, but didn’t stop you, opting to eye you with equal interest. You felt the beat of his two-chambered heart thrumming against his flushed skin. It was mesmerizing—almost as much as the gentle rumbling that reverberated from his chest—the tell that he was ready to mate.
The tips of his fingers touched your bare shoulder, slid up your neck, and found their home on your chin. He tilted your head once to the left, once to the right to check your neck to see if you’d already been mated. He let out a content hum and placed his hand on the back of your neck. Fluttering excitement buzzed down your spine to your fluke, and you slapped your tail against the floor to try to ease your sudden fervor. It didn’t help, and by the look on his face, he knew he had you. You thought for a moment that maybe you could mate; there really was no reason to be so stubborn. It was only natural and you were of age. The alluring rumbling from his chest was obviously getting to you, but why would you let yourself be mad over being picked by a very attractive suitor. You could mate with him. You could…
But then he had to go and speak again.
“Not so keen on fleeing now, huh?” The triumphant tone he kept had your scales flaring. “And here you had me thinking you were gonna put up a bit of a fight.” He flashed a toothy grin. Sharp. Dangerous. You didn’t want those teeth anywhere near you.
You swung your dagger at him. He caught your wrist with ease. His grin only grew wider as he pinned your arm back against the ocean floor. You hissed at him, grabbing a fistful of sand and flinging it at his face. He coughed and sputtered, so you used that opportunity to sweep your tail up and across his stupid, beautiful face. He let up and you were able to kick against the floor and swim up in a desperate search for an escape.
From the view, it seemed you had three options.
Option one: you could brave the sea cave you spotted miles away. The contents of the dark were unknown to you, but you figured you could brave the unknown and wait until this merman loses interest. You probably wouldn’t be able to eat for the rest of the day, but it sure as hell beat being mated to some arrogant, two-pricked shark. (Octo!Aizawa—noncon)
Option two: fight the arrogant, two-pricked shark. You might’ve not been the strongest fish in the sea, but you were fast and, at times, cunning. Your pride was on the line anyhow and if it was a fight he wanted, it was a fight he was going to get. (Shark!Bakugou—dubcon)
Option three: swim away some more. The ocean was vast, but you were bound to run into something or someone that could help fend this fiend off of you sooner or later, if he doesn’t get tired from the chase first. Swimming away would surely open a few more paths for you too. But you’d have to be fast. (Other mer!character scenarios that may come up)
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING: @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza1987 , @rubycubix @smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy @sarcastictextstuck @kpanime @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow @wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn @im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai @eggpienutbuttercroissant @usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello 
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daisymondays · 6 years
About Me: Writing Edition
Hey about 10 years ago @gingertodgers tagged me in a writing version of the fact meme and i (being useless) forgot to do it until now when in a desperate attempt to put off doing my essay I decided to search for all my tags in my emails
One insecurity
That I’m not really a very good writer
Two fears
That I’ll never be able to finish an orginal piece
That I’d never be able to get published with orginal work
Three writing turn ons
Coming up with new ideas and actually writing them
Finishing a fic
Exploring different dynamics and characters
Four fandom/writing goals
Write the sequel to Missing Things
Finish writing an Orginal piece
Continue exploring the Mermay // Sea short stories im doing atm
Five likes
Coming up with HC with people
Working with amazing betas because beta comments are always amazing
Thinking about story ideas, I get so caught up in them
Authors responding to my comments, makes me happy knowing they’re happy
Six weaknesses
As anyone who has ever had the misfortune of betaing for me can tell you, i have an inability to know what a comma is
Repeating phrases, i reuse sooo many phrases
I probably (deffo) care far too much about what people think
Getting bored of story ideas when it isnt coming easily
Editing, i hate editing anything, rereading my own work is a nightmare because one its painful and two i find the letters get all blurry and non existent in my head. If im gonna reread something i’ve gotta crank it up to font size 16 and change the font
I take things to heart too much
Seven loves
Fandom friends without a doubt, im coming up to a year in the drarry fandom and like i love everyone i’ve met on here
People leaving comments on my fics but espesically ones that just really get the fic
Writing banter scenes, i adore when i get into the flow of those
Coming up with Orginal characters
Exploring side pairings and characters such as Greg and Pansy who had a bad rep
Seeing my stuff recced, i find it so surreal, the whole thing for me is very surreal, like the idea of anyone reading anything i’ve written let alone liking it enough to recc it like WOW
Writing friendships and just people who know each other wholly, i live for those dynamics
Eight tags
@aibidil @magpiefngrl @bixgirl1 @goldentruth813 @shiftylinguini @carpemermaidtales @writcraft @violetclarity
idk if you’ve done this or not, it’s literally been a good two months
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