#im being dramatic this was SUPER fun to work on
carpsoup · 4 months
my finished part for the Lay Down map
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bo0zey · 1 year
anyone else ever get in those silly goofy moods where u just hate urself sooo much that u instantly feel physically almost violently ill just thinking abt urself and also even tho u worked a 12hr shift w no breaks or water running off of the 2 cups of coffee u had for breakfast 20 hours ago, the thought of eating instantly sends bouts of nausea coursing thru ur soul while churning in ur stomach bc ur brain hates u so much that its convinced ur body that u don’t deserve sustenance or anything else that’s life sustaining or promotes ur physical well being because u subconsciously convinced urself that ur such a shit excuse for a human being that u neither deserve nor have any right to anything regarding maslow’s hierarchy of needs bc u r such an awful thing u deserve to be neglected n treated like the nonliving object ur own brain sees ur living body as or am i just mentally ill lol
#laying in bed everytime i think abt myself i feel literally nauseated n like it’s so weird#this feeling comes in waves intermittently just even .01 sec of ‘hm i’m hungry’ FFFFFNOPE HRRGRHFFF VOMITTY#i want to curl up in a ball and die forever i don’t care about me i don’t want to take care of me anymore i’m not even good at it#whyyyyyyyy did i stop taking my meddsssssss i guarantee y’all this is why i’m being such a crybaby on the dash lmaoooo#i have a headache i’m def dehydrated from crying n sniveling n barely drinking any water today while sweating like a mf at work#imma go to bed 🛌 if i don’t wake up i will be soooo pleasantly surprised y’all have no idea FINGERS CROSSED🤞#real talk tho can someone tell me why my body is literally reacting this way for like no real reason#like am i truly that disgusted with myself i make myself nauseous just thinking abt me#ok yeah the answer is yes lol BUT LIKE WHY THATS SUCH A DRAMATIC BODILY RESPONSE TO MY BRAINS DUMBASS THOUGHTS???#ik the body and mind have a super powerful link n the brain influences the body like crazy but like#why this why does my brain literally want me to berate and degrade myself and isolate me and make me cry alone n starve me that’s so mean#i’m not starving btw i’m literally always eating just these past 2 days i’ve been such a fuckup my body won’t let me do anything#i had a chocolate poptart for dinner last night (thurs) n threw myself to bed#i hope i don’t end up hurting myself that would be so lame#i literally don’t have time for that like i am Not doing wound care duty off the clock for my damn self lol#also don’t want to take care of myself so i wouldn’t bandage myself up properly sooo yeah i’m not gonna do anything actually#cleaning ur wounds r super important ok yall ur literally playing god if u don’t do good aftercare snfjfbdj#i can’t believe i’m in this nasty ugly depressive episode i hate this so much i don’t have time for this i hate this cycle#i hate being bipolar 2 n my moods n meds have been so fkcdd up lately that i don’t even have the rlly fun hypomanic episodes anymore#i’ve just been constantly having mixed episodes im unbearable to be around im so sorry for everyone that’s ever spoken to me im insufferable#ok that’s enough im done being dramatic lmao#im gonna give myself a bolus PRN dose of clonnie then i’m going tf to bed#ramblings#shut up cianna
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cnidariandreams · 10 months
usually i'll only pick up on when things are going really well and then a big negative event happens, but this time bad things were happening but a positive came out of it. and it's nice to notice that. i think that's neat
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toonbly · 1 year
lies down in the dirt. honestly the more i think abt glenns arc the more i start to really REALLY like and appreciate it. freddies a goddamn genius
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ohdeerfully · 3 months
hello there!
was wondering if I could request Alastor and reader having a debate over whether radio or the newspaper is better than the other (reader was a journalist in 1930’s New York in their past life). Heated debate that ends with fluff.
thank you!❤️❤️
hi thanks for the request!! honestly it doesnt really end with fluff, more just alastor being confused and also confusing, and im super sorry for that :sob: but i hope u enjoy it anyway!!! kiss kiss
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What Would the Papers Say
Alastor x Reader (not explicitly romantic)
TW: none! join my discord!
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Alastor stood in front of you, a tight smile and narrowed brows decorating his face as he stood ominously over you. You swallowed, hard, as you had to crane your neck significantly to look him in the eyes. He waited impatiently for your words, his smile inching to become larger and more sinister by the second.
You took a deep breath and steadied your gaze against his, staring into his maliciously red eyes.
“Why can’t you just admit your wrong,” You said snidely, “The newspaper reached so many more people. And gave more people jobs. And was just better in general, really.”
Alastor laughed at you with closed eyes, something he would tend to do in arguments. He liked to make the other person feel ridiculous. 
“How wrong that is!” He snapped back, eyes settling on you again. “My dear, the radio had much more value. Could your rolls of paper play music? Speak to people? All I see is a boring, colorless, dry wad of useless writing.”
You balled your fists in anger, restraining yourself from getting physical. You wouldn’t be able to land anything, anyway, so there was no point in trying. 
“That ‘useless writing’ was my life’s work, you dick!” You spat, heart clenching slightly at the thought of him considering something so important to you useless. “Some people don’t like to listen to an annoying asshole yap in their ear for forty minutes!”
Alastor waved his hand dismissively at your attempt at an insult, his smile never faltering in the slightest. If anything, it grew wider when he saw your growing frustration. “But more people like listening to the asshole’s stories than reading the drab paper, no? News travels so much faster verbally! Why else do you think the paper lost popularity after the radio was introduced?”
You lost any response you had, eyes falling to the floor in defeat. Your stomach churned with unease, hating that you were losing an argument to Alastor. Yeah, it was hard to win against him in the first place, but it still pissed you off.
“At least we had fun comics to read…” You muttered in a weak attempt at a retort, folding your arms.
Alastor only barked a laugh in response, stepping forward and grabbing your chin with his sharp claws to tilt your eyes back up to him. He wanted to see your eyes glimmer with defeat, it was something he loved to see when he beat somebody in an argument—especially over something they were so passionate about.
However, his smile weakened by a hair when he saw your eyes, slightly shining with held back tears. You still had a look of frustration and you were confidently staring right back at him, but for once… he didn’t really like the look of miserable defeat. Not on you. 
Alastor’s grip on your chin dropped so fast, as if you burned him, and his eyes darted away from yours. His brows were furrowed in what you perceived as confusion, but the expression vanished nearly as soon as you recognized it. 
“Agree to disagree, then,” He said finally, looking back down at you through slitted eyes. He turned with a dramatic flourish, briskly walking away. He turned his head slightly towards you as he spoke one last time, “though, the radio’s never been used for fire kindling.”
Alastor did not like the way you made him feel. He didn't like that your grief made his own emotions go haywire. He was going to find out what it was about you that made him feel... weak, was it? He wasn't sure, but he just needed to get out of there.
You cursed at him, though he paid your words no mind. You could tell by the way his ear flicked in your direction that he had at least heard your frustrations. You finally let your confident face fall, and with a pout you traveled towards the hotel lobby. You needed a drink.
“Bold to argue with Alastor like that,” Husk gruffly commented as you sat down, slumping your shoulders. His arms were folded over his chest, and you awkwardly rubbed your arm.
“You heard all that?”
“You aren’t exactly the quietest.”
You sighed, resting your head against your palm and drumming your free hand against the bartop. “That’s embarrassing,” You said simply, chewing on the inside of your cheek. It wasn’t uncommon for racket in the hotel, but you typically held yourself to a higher standard than being the cause of said racket.
Even though you were upset about the argument, you couldn’t help but visualize that expression on his face when he looked at you earlier. What was that? Concern? Regret? Or were you just reading too much into it? And why did he leave the room so quickly?
You pondered over this as Husk slid a drink over towards you, the glass leaving a watery trail from building condensation. You gave him a small smile and silently sipped at it for a few minutes.
You tried to tell yourself you didn’t care one way or another what those emotions Alastor displayed were. He was a jerk. He put you down for what you were passionate about, and what you had dedicated your life too. What a dick. You didn’t care. Nope.
With a groan, you tilted your head back to finish the glass and nodded a thanks to Husk again before you made your way up the hotel stairs. Without realizing it, your legs seemed to take you to a particular floor and to a particular room that you would’ve rather avoided. You briefly wondered how strong that drink was that Husk gave you.
You held your fist up, paused for a few seconds, and then knocked. Why were you even here in the first place? You weren’t going to apologize. You opened the door yourself when you heard a faint ‘come in,’ slowly pushing it forwards and cracking it open just enough to peek your head through. Your eyes trailed around the room before you finally saw the demon in a bayou-like setting. 
Alastor was sitting leisurely on a metal chair, one leg thrown over the other as he sipped on a mug. His eyes were barely open as he relaxed, and you could only slightly tell that he was looking at you.
“It’s rather impolite to interrupt somebody’s alone time,” He quipped as you walked the rest of your body into the room. “Especially somebody you pestered and yelled at only an hour ago.”
You bit back an angry comment, and kept your breathing level. You shouldn’t let him get under your skin like this. You clenched your fists, but otherwise maintained a cool attitude. You walked towards the corner of the room, examining the scenery before you. You wondered if the forest was actually that big, or if the wall was just an extremely well illustrated illusion. It wouldn’t surprise you if Alastor was eccentric enough to manifest a whole bayou in his own room.
Alastor looked up at you from his seated position, though he still seemed incredibly tall even as he sat. He had a grin spread across his face, and his head tilted slightly at you.
“Need something?” He tried prompting a word out of you. You hadn’t said anything since coming in, and curiosity began gnawing at his thoughts. He was frustrated, truthfully, about the earlier experience he had with his own confused, jumbled thoughts.
You honestly didn’t know why you came to his room. You didn’t really know what to say. You weren’t going to apologize or grovel for forgiveness, and you knew he would never ever admit he was wrong, either.
“You know,” You started slowly, voice just above a mutter. “The newspaper and radio could’ve worked together… one doesn’t have to be better than the other.”
Both grin and eyes widened at your comment. A wave of Alastor’s hand materialized an identical chair across the table, and you sat yourself neatly—and, a bit awkwardly—when he gestured for you to join him.
“What a thought,” He replied, bringing the mug to his lips again. His comment didn’t really give you any insight to what he actually thought about your statement. Though, you should’ve guessed. He has a superiority complex so big he would never admit to anything being on an equal level to him.
Still, you smiled weakly at him. You watched as his gaze studied you, maybe a bit too intently, and you momentarily saw that strange expression shift across his features. Just as before, you barely had time to consider it before it vanished.
“Tell me,” Alastor said, leaning back into his chair. A mug manifested in front of you as he spoke, and with a smell you could tell it was your favorite tea. You wondered if he actually knew, or if it was just something he could do magically. “If you are so keen on the radio and paper working together…”
He paused dramatically, and you clenched your jaw in response. How aggravating his knack for showmanship could be.
“Would you care to make a deal?” There was a sinister look in his eyes as he said the words, his grin twisting up his face with his sharp teeth bared at you. You felt a prickling at your neck, a bit uncomfortable.
“I don’t really… want you to have my soul, dude,” You responded, fiddling your fingers around the rim of the mug in front of you. 
That sinister expression lightened, and he cheerfully waved a hand at you. “No, no, no,” He laughed, leaning forward and letting his elbows rest against the table. “No soul contract. Just… say, a mutually beneficial partnership. Radio Demon and Newspaper Demon. Interesting, right?”
“I… guess,” You replied slowly, considering it. Hey, if your soul wasn’t involved, what was the big deal? How much power could Alastor hold over you if he didn’t have your soul?
A lot, probably.
You shrugged. “Sure, deal.” 
Immediately after your response, a shining sheet of paper and an outdated quill appeared in front of you. You eyed Alastor warily as you took the sheet, reading over the terms of your deal. Honestly, it didn’t seem that bad. It only really iterated your loyalty to him, and in return he’d give you the same. 
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think this was a weird attempt at courting you. Weird.
Your eyes moved back to Alastor, who was watching you intensely. He had that strange expression once again, and it was starting to frustrate you. Why did he keep looking at you like that? And what did it mean? The room was silent for a few moments, save for the flickering noise of the ever-present radio frequency that followed the demon in front of you.
You took the quill, signed, and after a dramatic flash of light the paper was gone and you saw Alastor sitting with his eyes closed in an overly pleased smile. He clapped his hands together for a moment, before settling his sharp gaze on you once again.
“Well, my dear,” He leaned his chin on top of his hands, which were clasped together. He had a dangerous glint in his eye. “Mind if I take you for lunch to celebrate our new partnership?”
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portgasdwrld · 11 months
📞Wait a minute while I make you mine
Featuring: Ace x fem!reader
Warning: suggestive, mention of NSFW content, slightly angsty at the end lol
Summary : fun pool day with Whitebeard crew and the reader and Ace being awfully flirty.
Part.2. Part.3
The photo is found on Pinterest, credits to its owner
Note: this idea came up to me at work, enjoy my first short story!! 🫶🏻 part 2 maybe ?
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You had just changed into your new swimsuit that you bought few hours ago from the shops in the resorts. The little fabric was complimenting the curves of your body beautifully, leaving a little gasp even from between your own lips.
You smiled knowing someone else might also enjoy it. You pushed back your hair glancing one last time at the mirror with a satisfied smile. You grabbed your sunglasses and left them resting on top of your head.
Your close friend, who was one of the few nurses on the ship, called Livia, was waiting for you outside of the changing room. She glanced up at you and smiled.
-This is just so sexy.
She commented while making you turn and checking you out. You grinned and nudged her arm playfully. You blushed a little and intertwined her arm with yours. With your other hand you played with the gold necklace pending on your neck. You two started walking towards y’all fellow pirates.
-Right? I think the women had the perfect eye. Good thing I got it.
- She did, Ace is gonna loveeee it~
You rolled your eyes and gave her a quick glare before shyly smiling.
-I’m definitely not wearing this for this idiot. Im being hot for myself.
-Yeah, and I’m a man with heavy hairy balls.
Her answer earned a laugh out of you. She gazed at you with a floating teasing smirk, thinking it was cute how hard you were refuting your obvious crush on the infamous commander of the second division.
-I can already picture him drooling over you.
-He’s not the type to drool, you retorted with a frown.
-Right, he only drool over food. Okay then, he would blush and look away like you don’t exist while he has a raging boner.
-This version doesn’t so bad now.
You nodded quite satisfied with your friend storytelling abilities. She pushed her blond hair behind her shoulders and winked at you.
-I know. To be fair, y’all would’ve probably fucked already, but you deliberately chose to blue ball yourselves.
She said with a disapproving expression. You scoffed thinking it was quite funny how invested your friend was with your « love life ». Ace and you were kinda just friends… yeah?
-You are talking a lot for someone who hasn’t done a move on their crush for months. How’s you and Imani going?
-Imani..she-she’s just so gorgeous. I get super shy when I’m around her and she’s also like one of the top nurses on the ship so it would be inappropriate.
-You have been saying the same excuse for weeks.
You exclaimed exhausted with your blond friend. She looked at you with puppy eyes like she was about to reveal the best excuse in the cutest way.
-Yeah but you know what ?? She had those beautiful butterfly’s locks done at the last island we stopped and she looks even prettier. I’m hopeless. I have fallen for a goddess while I’m a commoner.
-You are being dramatic. Imani is gorgeous but so are you.
-Im a Pisces.
-Livia, that’s not an argument.
-Arent you the astrologer here?
-Yeah and what about it ?
-Tell me about Imani and I compatibility!
-Livy, I make sky map… and I have already done it, i told you it was a green light.
She removed her arm that was intertwined with yours and brought both of her hands to her face to hide her blushing cheeks.
-OMG!!? Can you imagine me going out with her?!
She asked with heart eyes and an almost perverted expression that almost made you frown in fear. You patted her back to help her calm down.
-Collect yourself, blood is almost coming down your nose.
You joked with a defeated chuckle. She nodded quickly while patting her hair on top of her head to gain some senses.
-Okay so about you and Ace-
-Oh look the guys are over there, you cut her off while running towards Marco who was sipping on some refreshers while speaking to some others men.
You heard her yell as she ran behind you. You crashed into Marco because you foot slipped on the water on the ground, making you lose control over your body. He sensed you and was quick to grab you and pull you up to your feet again.
-I thought we only had to say to kids not to run near pools ? He said while raising one of his eyebrows with a disapproving look.
You pulled you tongue at him and crossed your arms under your breast.
-Well, the water just could’ve been somewhere else.
Livia ran towards you but a similar situation happened and she fell right into you. You groaned as the weight of her body crushed on yours. You pulled yourself on your elbows and gave her a bored look.
-Why are you running around a pool?
You asked while rubbing the back of your head that had just hit the hard floor.
She yelled at you as she pulled herself up of your body. Marco watched the scene with a chuckle and pulled his hands, offering them to both of you. You took one and chuckled.
-It’s so good to be able to relax a little bit, you exclaimed while stretching your arms, enjoying the way the sun was warming up you exposed skin.
-Let’s jump in the pool already, I’m sweating.
Livia complained as she grabbed her hair and pulled them up to allow some air to hit the back of her neck. You saw few of the men on the ship give her heart eyes. You chuckled knowing that Livia was probably the most lesbian girl you have ever knew and those guys could only hold into their fantasy. You truly hoped it would work out with her crush though.
Imani was a beautiful dark skinned women who was working hard to keep up with Whitebeards health as much she possibly could with of course the help of Marco. She was one of the popular member on the ship, known for her beauty and intelligence. So it wasn’t surprising to know that a lot of people liked and admired her.
-Yeah, enjoy it! Not everyone can enjoy the pool freely, Marco replied referring to him being a power holder. He suddenly snorted and he quickly excused himself while a chuckle left his lips.
-Whats wrong ? You asked curious of what he was laughing at.
He moved his head pointing behind you with his familiar smirk. You frowned confused and looked behind you, only to see your freckled friend trying his best to swim with a unicorn swimming ring, two orange arm floaties on each of his biceps and water googles. You couldn’t help but burst into a laugh.
You whipped the tears at the corner of your eyes from laughing. The view in front of you was so different from the cocky and confident man you knew.
-OI, ACE ! You look like a kid who’s learning how to swim!
You yelled while holding into your stomach. The tall man looked at you confused and a red blush tinted his freckled cheeks. He removed his googles to let them rest on top of his head.
He yelled back with an embarrassed frown.
-He’s so cute, you mumbled under your breath but loud enough for Marco and Livia to hear it.
-How about you join him?
Livia exclaimed while pushing your body into the water. You didn’t even have time to react that you felt your body entering the cold water of the pool. You fought back a little in the water as you were taken out totally in surprised. You finally pulled your head out of the water and pushed your soaked hair out of your view.
-LIVIA! What was that about ?! I almost lost my glasses.
You yelled at her slightly annoyed as you pushed your sunglasses at her. You definitely had water in your nose. She laughed at your slight frustrated expression. She threw your glasses to Marco, before jumping into the water too, splashing you , making water enter your eyes this time.
You waited for her to emerge out of the water to splash her eyes back with constant water waves.
-Im sorry, I’m sorry ! She pleaded while putting her hand up in defeat.
Marco shook his head wondering why two young adults like Livia and you were acting like total children.
You heard Ace suddenly yell with his stupid grin. You smirked and started to swim towards him. You saw his eyes grow big when he realized that he was the one in disadvantage. He tried to « swim » away but some kids was pulling into the unicorn head of his swimring. So he was mostly fighting against sinking because of the kid.
You finally arrived next to him and looked up at him with mischievous eyes. Your propped yourself on his floater.
-Did the kid and you planned this ?
He asked a little bit annoyed but you could feel he was tense. You glared at the annoying kid and pulled his arms off of Aces unicorn.
-What do you think you’re doing?
You asked him seriously. He looked up at you, lips suddenly trembling. He quickly left while screaming for his mom. You looked back at Ace and started to laugh. You swam back to his floater and so your arms and chest were resting on the huge swimring.
His eyes travelled down to your breast and then to your lips but he looked away with a blush.
-Get off, you are gonna make me sink.
He said while gazing at your wet body once again and then at your eyes.
-I dont feel like it, you replied with a pout while tilting your head.
He rolled his eyes and he licked his lips as he brought his face closer to yours. He smiled with his familiar mischievous eyes that you loved so much. You felt butterfly in your stomach at the sudden proximity.
-You really like being a brat, huh?
You grinned and pushed back his head with you finger on his forehead.
-Maybe I do~
You retorted in a calm voice that came off more seductive than you intended to. You saw Ace’s eyes squinting slightly at you as he gave you his infamous smirk.
-Alright, then would you help me get out of the water?
-Already tired ?
-Yeah, I don’t have the thrill anymore to worry about sinking especially because of a kid or you.
-Pfff, like I would really sink a hottie like you.
-So now you think I’m hot?
-Yeah well, you are made of fire, you retorted with an obvious tone while furrowing your eyebrows. He looked at you speechless for few seconds before he shook his head and slowly started making his way outside of the the pool.
You laughed as you got off of his swim-ring and helped him by pulling him and swimming forwards. By the edge of the pool, Ace removed his unicorn with your help and quickly pushed himself outside the water. He sighed relieved as he walked slightly away.
-No worries~ Well I guess I will see you around.
You said while glancing at his tone body glistening with the water. The way his back muscles moved as he slightly turned to your direction. He looked over his shoulders as he was removing his arm floaties.
-Uh..yeah sure.
You waved at him with a smile and searched for Livia somewhere in this sea of people. He watched you walk away from him. He wished he proposed you to eat an ice cream and maybe talk somewhere in this big resort, maybe learn more about you if you allowed him to. But he wasn’t sure of how you would take it.
You were always big on being independent and it was something you had proud in. He didn’t even know if being in a relationship was even something you thought about. Maybe you were more about fucking and not talking to that person ever again, but as much as he wanted you, he wouldn’t break his own heart by having too much hope for something he couldn’t possibly have. You loving him is impossible.
He sighed as he felt a sudden heavy weight on his heart. His throat slightly chocked up. He shook away those thoughts and decided to just distract himself with his friends, the weather, other girls maybe too…
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kamii-2 · 1 month
hii so as yk i wanted to make an requesttt. i wanna know if you can do ice brady hc (maybe a lil spicy iykyk)
i chose ice brady because i honestly because she’s literally so underrated i see no fics abt her and i feel like i need some(desperately)
its ok if u cant do it know js take ur time mll💋💋
love u smm have a amazing day ❤️❤️
hi lovelyyy, i love this request and i agree, ice is super underrated (she’s so fine omfg)
warning(s): cussing, smut
genre: fluff & smut
pairing(s): ice brady x reader
always making dirty jokes
like that one live where kk, paige, snd ice were talking about height and kk says that her and nika were face to face and ice goes “mouth to mouth.” 😭😭
big and little spoon, depends on the day
you guys barely ever get into arguments so when you do it’s bad
shes the type to say stuff that purposely makes you mad
a bully 😭
definitely scream sings dirty songs ALL THE TIME
like she will be in the kitchen and youll be in the bedroom and all you hear is her screaming the lyrics to all i need by lloyd
calls you names all the time
“okay little ugly.” “you tell me the opposite every day.”
records you eating and posts it with the big back audio
now every time you eat you hide from her 💀
lowkey (highkey) slow as hell
loves to facetime you when you can’t come over and play roblox
falls asleep on the phone every time you guys call
LOVES taking showers with you (in cute ways and in dirty ways)
dramatic as fuck
my blurb about ice being sick is a great example of her being dramatic 😭😭
tells you that she loves you before bed every night
loves kisses and hugs
“one more kiss?” “i just gave you like 4.” “well it’s an uneven number so-“
kk and paige are always with you guys
they’ll all come to your dorm, go to your room, then go live 😭
ice is the type of person to say “do you wanna fight” every chance she gets
“no.” “do you wanna fight?” “let’s go then.” and you stand up and she starts screaming before your even do anything
takes absolutely nothing seriously
sends you tiktoks all day long
you guys make tiktoks together all the time
lazy and only does stuff if you give her things in return
“can you do the dishes?” “not unless i get something in return.” “like what?” “head.” “ice.”
posts you on her instagram story all the time
smut hcs
i don’t see her degrading you in bed, like making fun of you as a joke yea but never calling you a slut
she loves giving praises
telling you how good you’re doing and stuff like that
absolute clown
if you wear glasses and they fall off while you guys are fucking she will play around and put them on
same thing goes for lashes 😭 like if they fall off she jsut puts them on your body some where
and if you wear wigs and it comes off, guess what … she wears it
ice is definitely a switch
shower sex is 😩
she doesn’t really care for toys
you guys have a strap and vibrator but use them every once and a while
loves edging you and getting edged
def has a sex playlist
dirtiest of dirty talkers
like nobody has talked to you the way she does
takes pictures of you guys fucking and has an album in her phone full of them
fucking everywhere but the bedroom
car, bathroom, restaurant, anywhere
ice is always horny 😭 especially at night
sends dirty messages all day long
she also sends those red thoughts tiktok videos (pls tell me yk what im talking about)
she loves when you eat her out
her moans are actually angelic
thinks scissoring is too much work so she never does it 😭😭
when she uses the strap she doesn’t hold back
tells you have much she loves you as she fucks you
loves to make you squirt
i hope you enjoyed, anyway i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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bbunivxrse · 5 months
AHHH I LOVED UR "HATED HIM" GOJO FIC ITS SO CUTEE🥹 I WANNA SEE A PART 2!! im curious will the reader date gojo or js continue to hate him lmao
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pairing: gojo x f!reader contents: pt 2 to this fic although you dont need to read it to understand this one. no warnings js fluff here !!! word count: 2.5k on the DOT a/n: HII NONNIE IM SSOOO HAPPY U LIKED IT!!! im sorry this took so long ive been busy with work and exams coming up :( hopefully i can post more often soon :((( ANYWAZ ENJOY
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so maybe you don’t hate Satoru Gojo. not anymore. since that moment you shared with him, you thought everything would go back to normal, and for the most part it did. well, you think it did, but everyone else saw the changes clear as day.
as time passed, from an outside perspective it seemed like the two of you suddenly had a… “stable” friendship. both “stable” and “friendship” being used very very loosely. although gojo prefered “happy relationship” and “loving marriage”. the yelling matches (you yelling at gojo while he just sits there and smiles like an idiot) that used to occur multiple times daily went down to only once a day, if at all. you didn’t seem to shoo him away as much or rant about how annoying he is. it was almost like you were warming up to him.
if nobody knew what had happened between the two of you it would’ve seemed like a random switch that went off one day, except everyone did know what happened, cuz gojo’s big mouth went and told everyone the next fucking day. to escape being made fun of to no end, you told everyone you only kissed him so he’d shut up and there was no feelings beyond that, which was half true. the other half of you knew that being all bandaged up by him after a mission gone wrong, sitting in his bed while he tells you how much he cares about you, a man who’d usually piss you off and act all goofy. to see him like that was like a breath of really fresh air and kinda changed the way you saw him.
obviously he was still super annoying and pissed you off, but he seemed to finally get the memo and tuned it down so that it was actually manageable. his laugh was suddenly cuter, his face was less punchable and his flirting was almost starting to fluster you. almost. he still made those stupid comments and monologues for waaayy too long but he got a lot sweeter in his teasing and actions. he somehow found out what your favourite foods and places to eat were and bought you food after long days of school, training sessions and missions and took you to places around tokyo on outings “dates”. your friendship with him was finally tolerable. 
waking up on a sunday morning, you hear the sound of buzzing from your phone on your bedside table. 
incoming call from gojo.
its way too early for him to be bothering you already, but you know very well that if you don’t pick up now he’ll keep calling til you do. you silently curse shoko for giving him your number when he asked her, since he already knew you’d say no to him. “what do you want?” you answer his call, putting the phone to your ear as you sit up in bed. “good morning to you too i guess..” you can hear the pouting in his voice. “what are you up to today??” 
“i’m training a bit with nanami and haibara later.” you check the clock on the table, mentally starting to plan when you’re gonna start getting ready to meet the two of them. “nanami!? why would you train with him!? he doesn’t know anything.” he seemed to completely tune out the second name you mentioned
“he knows more than you.” you laugh at his dramatic gasp over the phone, picturing the look on his face. “whateverrrr. you should train with me instead!” 
“what!? why not?? im soooo much better than him!” you can hear the passion in his voice and you begin to wonder how he can have so much energy so early in the morning, especially on a sunday. “please humble yourself, and i already told nanami i’d train with them anyway.” you glance back at your clock, continuing to consider how long you can stay in bed for. “fiiineee. we can train together next time. what’re you doing after that?” 
“after training i’m gonna…” your voice trails off as you think back to earlier this week, trying to recall if you had made any other plans with anyone for today. “not doing anything later. i’m probably gonna go back to my dorm.” you confessed, forgetting exactly who you were on the phone with. “oh so you’re free later? perfect! we sh-“ 
“no, i’m not free. i’m going back to my dorm gojo. and i’m staying there. all day.” you make sure to give him the details of your plan to stay in your room so he doesn’t have any wiggle room to plan anything. “hmmmm.. okay! ill just come over then!” 
“what?? n-“ 
“cyalaterbye!!” you hear the phone beep as he hangs up, now looking down at your lock screen. 'god he’s sooo annoying.'
getting out of bed after looking down at your clock again, you decide you have more than enough time to watch a bit of the show you’ve been catching up on. maybe about two and a half episodes?
checking the time halfway through the first episode, you decide you’re not in the mood to continue watching and you’ll watch a movie instead after training. you get up and begin getting ready for the scheduled training session you had, lightly fixing up your hair so you looked presentable and throwing on your uniform before heading out. 
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training with nanami and haibara went well, and you were all surprised gojo didn’t show up to bother you but you figured he was busy with his own thing. coming home you immediately threw your uniform onto the floor and went to take a shower, feeling all gross and sweaty. ‘ill pick it up later.’
you turn the water on, allowing it to get hot before stepping into the shower. you decided to use your favourite body wash that smelled like heaven in a bottle, the scent filling up the entire bathroom and making all the air around you smell like your favourite fragrance. you linger in the shower for a bit, the hot water feeling therapeutic against your skin. once you were done you headed back to your room, throwing on some comfy flared sweats and a random tank top from your wardrobe. looking in the mirror, the outfit was surprisingly cute, and really comfortable.
in a good mood from the nice shower and already feeling pretty after only putting on some  random clothes, you decided to have fun and do some light makeup. maybe you’ll run a few errands later? you were a bit low on snacks at the moment.
finishing off your makeup with a pretty lipgloss, you look in your little snack drawer to see what you had left. some gum, a few candies and one bag of your favourite chips you’re planning to save. maybe it was time to restock. 
you throw on a light jacket and grab your bag, gathering your essentials and getting your shoes on before leaving your dorm. you decided to go to the little convenience store only a few minutes away since they had all the snacks you like. 
within a few minutes you made it to the store, picking out a bunch of snacks and candies you liked. as you were looking at the new flavours of candy they had, the bell by the door jingled as someone entered the store. “y/n!!” you heard a familiar voice behind you. “why are you here?? you said you were staying in your dorm. all day.” gojo mocks the tone you used with him on the phone earlier. “i changed my mind. why are you here?” 
“satoru wanted to get some candy on the way home.” suguru appears from behind him, giving you a smile and a polite wave. “hmm.. they have a nice selection here, what do you think i should get?” gojo puts a hand to his chin as he looks through all the candies. “the sour green apple candy from this brand is really good. and the lemon flavour too, they’re my favourites.” you say as you point to the candies. “then they’re my favourites too,” gojo immediately picks up two of each flavour you recommended, before picking a few other candies he knows you like.
“you do not need all that sweetness. think about your health.” suguru grimaces at the amount of sweets in gojos hands. “i’m not gonna eat all of it! do you really think that low of me? i’m sharing with my girlfriend.” he plops his purchase on the counter for the cashier, smiling down at you “and i’m still coming over,” 
“i didnt agree to that, nor do you have girlfriend.” 
“don’t care,” gojo shrugs as he takes his bag full of your favourite candies, cheerfully skipping out the door followed by you and suguru. the two of you followed as he happily pranced down the street and back to school. 
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“you’re really not gonna leave me alone?” 
“nope!” you and gojo stand outside your dorm as he waits for you to unlock the door. you sign at his persistence, grabbing your keys from your bag and opening the door. he had never actually been in your dorm before so this was like a new world to him. “kinda messy in here. you needa clean up a bit y/n” gojo steps inside as if it were his own house, yet looks around at your space as if he were at a museum. “do you ever shut up? and take your shoes off. don’t step on my nice carpet. if it gets dirty i will kill you.” 
“yes ma’am.” he obeyed as if his life was truly in danger. you take off your own shoes, putting your jacket and bag away before plopping yourself on your bed. you watch gojo pace around your small dorm room, picking up random objects to inspect before humming and placing it back down. you know he should be monitored carefully while in proximity of your stuff but you really can’t be bothered to babysit right now and just allow him to stimulate himself.
after a few minutes of replying to missed texts from a few of your friends, you hear gojo sigh, dropping the bag of candy on the floor and placing his glasses alongside the makeup you put on earlier. you realize he hadn’t said a word for those few minutes. “you’re being too silent, what are yo-“ gojo fully drops himself on top of you, his hard head hitting your chest so hard you swear you heard a rib crack. “holy fucking shit you fatass, get off me!! you’re heavy.” you try to push him off you but he doesn’t budge. “but ‘m tired baby,” he whines as he made himself more comfortable on top of you. “i will kill you.” 
“m‘kay..” gojo yawns, wrapping his arms around you. now you’re stuck, great. you honestly didn’t think the word ‘tired’ existed in gojo’s vocabulary since he somehow always has energy. you had never seen him sleep before, which sounds somewhat normal until you remember the overnight trips and missions you and your classmates went on frequently, where gojo never slept. or he never let anyone see him sleep. you didn’t really realize it until now, with him on your chest already seeming close to knocking out.
as much as it annoyed you that you couldn’t get up to eat the candy he’d bought for the two of you to have, you figured if you woke him up he’d just bother the shit out of you until you let him sleep again, and you honestly realize how cute he is when he’s quiet. sighing in defeat, you open up your laptop that you had left on your bed earlier and throw on a movie you had already wanted to watch today. “hm..? what’s that?” gojo mumbles as he’s half asleep. “the movie suguru recommended me the other day. the one about the samurai?” 
“ohhh.” gojo turns his head away from the screen to rest on the other side of his head “that one sucks. and the main character dies.” 
“ugh, spoiler warning next time??” you flick the top of his head as he laughs. you scroll through the selection of movies on the site, humming occasionally while adding interesting movies to your watch later list. eventually you find a random movie that you had never heard of but it looks interesting enough and decide to watch it. the large boy laying on top of you turns his head back to the screen once he hears the new film playing. this time he doesn’t say anything, but you notice his eyes struggling to stay open as he yawns literally every waking minute.
“gojo why don’t you go back to your dorm to sleep? you can barely keep your eyes open,” you giggle at him as he tries to look offended but clearly doesn’t have to energy to. “mn-mm. ‘m watchin… with my wife.” he yawns mid sentence. “well i’m not your wife, soooo…” 
“you are my wife… we’re married… you remember.”  you know he normally only says stuff like that to get under your skin, but sometimes it sounds like he truly believes it, which is a bit scary. you can’t even pay attention to the movie with how hard you’re contemplating to get him off you and in his own bed, but it seems there’s truly no solution. he’s a freakishly tall and muscular man with 100% of his body weight on top of you, so you obviously can’t push him off. and he clearly wont willingly get up, and you know you can’t convince him to get up, so you begin to accept that you might actually be stuck here. 
“ill let you stay if you grab the bag of candy for me,” gojo seems to be too tired to remember that there’s nothing you can do to force him to leave and he easily could’ve refused. he lazily throws the bag onto the bed beside you before plopping himself right back where he was before. “now lemme stay.” you roll your eyes instinctively, grabbing the bag and picking out one of the candies gojo had picked for you. he lets out one last yawn before allowing his tiredness to consume him.
as you open up the sweets and start eating, you look down at gojo. you never really took a moment to actually realize how pretty he really is, and especially how cute he looks while he sleeps. as creepy as that sounds. you think it’s because his mouth is finally shut and he’s not saying the most annoying sentences he can come up with, or constantly blabbering to you about stuff you never asked him about and have no interest in. you honestly didn’t mind this heavy man peacefully asleep on top of you as you eat candy and watch a movie. it was quite nice, actually. maybe you’ll start to allow gojo to do things like this more often. 
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i really had no idea how to end this :SOB: but it turned out well i hope. pls send requests btw i have ZERO idea what to write neext
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ghostl0re · 4 months
this is just for fun this post is not to be taken as a complete reality of his personality. astrology is a hobby for me i study it and read charts for fun so im not an expert. also this post was written based on his chart with NO houses.
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(images for mere representation of his energy)
moon (moon tri. mars, moon sext. uranus and neptune, moon tri. pluto; magnetic, attractive, he could be able to read people easily and may want constant change) and mercury (mercury tri. mars; energetic, loves to learn, active) in pisces honestly i can sense it in his interviews. may appear shy. he feels a lot, there was this interview where he said he connected spiritually w Numa...yeah. he's sensitive. VERY. an empath.
venus in aries im not surprised you can actually see it in certain videos with a certain person (iyyk) (venus sq. mars, venus opp. jupiter, venus sq. uranus, neptune; commitment problems, low self-esteem, sweet person regardless) he kinda needs constant stimulation or he'll get bored but when he loves he goes all in and with passion (im not gonna talk about the s3xúal stuff cuz i feel like im crossing a line lol i respect him) if he's not interested in someone believe me YOU'LL KNOW
sun in aries like are we surprised? he's sooo confident also prob very flirty, FUN, a leader, impulsive and definitely energetic (sun opp. jupiter, sun tr. pluto; could have a big ego and is also an influential person, if we read his chart w gemini rising he has sun conj. moon; caring person) let's not forget all that aries chaotic energy like sarcasm, wanting to do everything fast in life, thinking they're always right, being judgemental, optimistic, bursts of energy, wanting attention or getting over things easily, honest AF lol
mars in cancer soo passive-agressive and a protector of those he loves, loyal, moody, sensitive and just nice overall. (mars sq. jupiter, mars opp uranus, neptune; bro gets the work done but could be unpredictable, dramatic, could be one of those people that just loses their shit just chaotic overall, cancer helps A LOT tho)
jupiter in libra popular, charismatic, creative, kind he's great w the arts but i think we already knew that lol he could have a lot of luck in the arts and look at him now, everyone loves him
saturn in aquarius a leader, responsible, secretive, loyal and confident he gets the work done (saturn sq. pluto; he could be stubborn af, face hard challenges, etc. could get dark but also very good cuz it makes him a resilient person)
uranus and neptune in capricorn (generational planets) hard working, determined, responsible, wants success, independent. (uranus conj. neptune, uranus sext. pluto, neptune sext. pluto; strong personality, curious mind, imaginative, could be curious in spiritual topics)
pluto in scorpio (generational planet) remember Bayona used to say Enzo had this mysterious energy? pluto in scorpio could be one of the many reasons (f.e his pisces moon) why he seems mysterious, he could feel a lot since is a water sign, emotional, MAGNETIC but this planet as well as uranus and neptune are more about a whole generation.
lilith in pisces bro he's super and i mean SUPER intuitive, EMPHATIC and creative (he has A LOT of water in his chart) he has a vivid imagination but it also signifies addictions or anxiety (i wont be diving into it tho) lilith in pisces could mean self-sabotage tendencies, excesssive tendencies (in anything), lives in their head, trust issues, escapism and repress their emotions. and that's all because this placement feels A LOT is always connected with everyone and everything.
chiron in leo he has the wound of talent he prob thinks he's not talented enough he actually thought he was gonna get fired many times lmfao
summary: he's very VERY emotional person. i almost drowned looking at his chart, water king. water makes him a super sensitive dude, his fire placements make him more energetic and confident, he's emotional, spontaneous, fun, energetic, down to earth, unpredictable, expressive, ambitious, spiritual, sensitive and impulsive, reads people like a book, he feels deeply, most likely an empath. i would say that the reason he's captivating are his pisces placements (if i knew his birth time this would be so much more detailed) he probably had (or has) anxiety and self-doubt thoughts i see him more of an ambivert kind of person, you can see in his interviews and even in his insta posts how deep and sensitive he is but also his fiery combination, he just seems fun. overall he's a super cool dude i like his energy a lot, he's very magnetic. im gonna say a weird thing but he kinda reminds me of getaway car (yes...the taylor swift song, wanna know the specific part of the song that reminds me more of him? after the bridge, when piano intensifies loll)
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note: im not including his north and south node cuz they're more specific depending on the house they land, i would love to know his birth time to get more specific things but alr
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blitzxiiru · 2 years
I loooooooove your future 2012 AU of the boys. They all look so badass and cool but still them and its so GOOD. I wanna consume them.
I also had some questions if thats okay? What happened to Leo's leg? Did his knee injury gradually get worse and he was like "lol im gonna cut it off" or did he get reinjured in that spot and that was basically the end of the entire leg? Also how old are they in this AU? I know they are supposed to be adults but like in their 20s? I'm just wondering cause their character sheets dont have ages. ALSO LEO BEING THE SHORTEST MADE MY ENTIRE LIFE. (Props to Mikey for finally gaining some height). And I LOVE Donnie's long ass bandana tails, he looks so cool but so dramatic with them its great. Anyway thank you for your time and this beautiful AU!
AIHDDJHDJD THANK YOU SO MUCH IM HAPPY THAT YOU ENJOY THE FUTURE 12 GREMLINS. as traumatised as they are, they’ve worked through it despite some really rough patches. they definitely still have their bad days and nightmares, but they’ve learned to grow together and help each other through those bad times. they’ve changed and grown in their own way ofc, but they needed to relive the teenage years that they’ve lost, that’s why they’re still somewhat themselves in my au :)
it’s actually a mix of both! leo kept pressuring his knee and over the years it gradually became worse — since he kept pushing his knee beyond it’s limits it keeps getting re-injured. the final straw was him snapping his knee again (completely this time) during a nasty fight and had to chop it off. the phantom pains he gets from his missing limb is… horrible, to say the least.
(BUT THAT FIRST SCENARIO YOU MENTIONED WOULD BE SO FUNNY THOUGH. imagine leo waking up one day and going, “oh wow. this knee injury hurts really bad, maybe i should chop it off. lol im actually gonna do it.” cue him barging into donnies lab like “DONNIE. I DEMAND YOU CUT MY LEG OFF” “WHAT?!” “CUT MY LEG OFF IT HURTS” “OF COURSE IT HURTS WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU’RE THE ONE WHO KEEPS INSISTING THAT YOU SHOULD ‘TRAIN’ IT.” “yeah but i think my blood circulation isnt working look my leg is pale” “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK LEO” and boom. leg no more.)
they should be around their late 20s in this au, i hc that for every season of the show they age one year. so at the start they were like 15, and the show had 5 seasons (granted s5 was a bit messy and was full of aus and past flashbacks, but there was that demodragon arc and stuff) so they would be 20 at the end of the show. specifically they’re like 28 :) they are kinda old but hey at least they don’t have to pay taxes in the sewers…
oh god, when raph suddenly had a growth spurt it was horrible for leo. he was relentlessly being teased every single day and raph would NOT let off. and then when MIKEY hit being 1cm taller than leo, the teasing fucking doubled and he was downright miserable. they kept growing while leo was barely getting any height. he’s still their sensei though — and he makes them do extra training as punishment for the relentless teasing :) donnie doesn’t join in on the teasing (sometimes he does) but he does snicker when raph and mikey make jokes about leo’s height. it’s funnier for him because he’s been the tallest out of all of them since day one.
and yessss i loved designing donnie! since he was tall everything about his design had to compensate for his height so i figured long mask tails and a long lab coat would do the trick. his brothers were concerned over him tripping on his mask tails but he hasn’t, not even ONCE. he is one graceful, careful boy. he braids it or ties it into a bow whenever he does lab work so it doesn’t accidentally slip into one of his chemicals somehow. sometimes he lets mikey do it for him :)
thank you for the questions anon!!! these were super fun to answer and i hope it helped clarify a little more about the au :))
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wibta if i had accidentally got my crush/friend in trouble for something he didnt do?
okay im not sure if this is even worth submitting since this happened a month or two ago but whatever. so me and my crush are pretty good friends, to the point where we can make fun of each other in a friendly manner and we are both pretty touchy in showing affection. i frequently liked to annoy him by poking him, tickling him, etc. he does similar stuff, like grabbing my clothes/belongings or whatever.
one particular day, we were in class and he was just kind of goofing off and not paying attention. he was doing his regular teasing, stuff like writing on my paper or poking the back of my head while i was working. honestly i was getting a little annoyed since i was genuinely trying to do my school work for once, and i admit this was a little dramatic of me.
so, i smacked his hand away and snatched his glasses off his face (not with genuinely bad intent, tho). he tried grabbing them back, trying to take them out of my hand. i jokingly said that he was trying to hold my hand, and was "harassing" me. i wasnt even being loud or trying to draw attention, but some random girl took this seriously. she didnt even go up to us first to ask if i was okay/if im joking, she immediately went to the teacher and reported him. our teacher, who had no idea we were friends (we are VERY different appearance and personality wise), scolded him and threatened punishment if he "harassed" me any more. we couldnt even explain, so we were just forced to split up and not talk to each other for the rest of the period.
he wasnt upset at me, but it was still super humiliating since he was already frequently bullied for being 'weird' and this just made it worse. so.. is it my fault even if it didnt mean to get him in trouble??
What are these acronyms?
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lychgate · 1 year
Oh heck, my apologies (for not proofreading and/or being specific)
I was thinking more about like how do you figure out lighting, colour picking and the methods you use to finish up a piece. I was also really curious about your favourite anatomy tips and how you do so many dynamic poses.
Uhh tl;dr
I am fuckin stupid and I'm sorry
Lighting, colour picking, methods for putting the colours down, anatomy tips, and how do you do dynamic posing so well??
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I only draw busts and it's making me mad :D
HMM lets see: I don't color pick unfortunately, it's not a method I use so I can't help u there sadly. As for lighting and shading, I don't really use any tutorials but I just apply the same types of questions to it that I would to any other part of my work while drawing, which are broad question types like : - where is my light source - is this piece calling for any unique light source? (universal/generic lighting is just fine to keep using!) - how MANY light sources do i have, and what are their distances to my figure - what's the MOOD of the piece, is dramatic lighting necessary - if im just here to have a bop and do an art what light source do I want to play with for practice If it was something like a more polished and finished piece I'd definitely be thinking on these questions harder, or multiple revisions and potential references would be pulled up. But normally for references I just refer to my memory of shows that I've seen, since it's a LOT of visual library, and animated or live action, light source is heavily calculated. So you'll get a good display of these ranges you can apply. Lately I've been watching The Bad Batch and I'll always recommend that and clone wars as good examples of environmental lighting, especially given the style of animation they do with how shapely their figures are. It's a good simplified breakdown of the planes of a figure, so paired with their hard lighting choices u get an even exaggerated easier format to look at for guessing light source. (very reminiscent of comics like the more stylized/cartoon you get in art the more u can push and pull these dynamics. or like easier to spot then live action)
SO UHH, im disclaimer: not in any industry and im sure gonna be missing some terminology, but I just nabbed some random images off the google of bad batch to show case a few broad categories of lighting:
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Multiple light sources are ur most common type, and to me the most fun especially when it's like Two light sources. U can often play with the fun lighting types like rim lighting, u often have a warm side and a cold side for contrast/directions sake. The distance of the light determines how sharp or broadly lit something will be, and the size of the light can determine how much of that light hits the figures. So Omega here is surrounded by the lights on their ship, there's likely a very broad top light that's gently lighting the entire area, but the reds and blues of the buttons and screens around her are what's shaping the figure more dramatically. You can see the blue is coming from the top/behind her, where the red is more in front/bottom side to her, since it's the way she's facing and looking at you/the viewer. The second one, still on their ship, features the more broad top down lighting, but the screens in front of them are more important as they're all facing it. both lights in this image are broad wide lighting, so there isn't much of a sharp focus.
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COMPLEX LIGHTING to me usually just means 'there are many light sources of greatly varying distances and brightness' or that there's a lot of figures in the image so it's got a lot more to organize so that the whole image may look readable at the end. You get a lot of environmental lighting for these types, meaning like hey the SUN is one of ur major light sources. it is super fucking bright but it is also FAR away, it's lighting EVERYTHING. and closer to sunset/sunrise u get more direct, highly saturated light from it because of the angle it's often shining- there's a lot to play with for just an outdoor lighting! The three images I picked here are a more morning shot, a mid day shot, and an evening shot. Talking about the angle of the sun especially at the last image with the grookey on Omega's shoulder, which casts a shadow over her and her friend. But her friend is positioned in a way so that she's not entirely over shadowed, because we're here to look at all three figures, and their faces matter in this shot. VS the middle images which is more about the scene/setting as a whole, and the figures are all more or less equally lit/shaded according to just standing in bright daylight.
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there's also this fun lighting type, singular light sources can usually add a WIDE RANGE of emotion to the piece, depending where you flash the light. You've probably seen tons of light study gifs or shots where a face is shown with one light passing around their entire face and it highlighting the different planes that illuminate based on where the light is. So the first image, the classic Morticia Addams eye drama light, is focused hard on the figures, and what they're looking at. The second image of crosshair is another type of foreboding emotion, but instead with the eyes in the dark. Singular light sources aren't always for drama or asking you to focus on one specific thing but I feel like end of the day, the sharper and closer the one light source is, the more the artist is usually asking you to focus on the scene for. There's also some examples here of multiple light sources being used for the same storytelling dramatic effect. There's crosshair's entire front lit up to focus on not just him but by extension the rifle he's holding, with a backlight to catch the edge of his helmet and the barrel, because those are where we want you to look. They're the most important parts of the image, and they wanted to make lighting appropriate for reading that. With the last image there's what's his face (bro i forget my b) looming over him in a common type of dominant lighting. With how the lighting is assigned to this scene his face is shadowed, vs crosshair's who is partially under that shadow. IDK IM RAMBLING NOW i doubt this is the concise easy to read tips anyone's asking for sorrY I am not a teacher. IN SHORT FOR LIGHTING I JUST think about shows I've watched. I won't go into anymore but I think a GREAT example of super well done lighting in all categories of art are the John Wick films. They're both lively, highly direct, and superficially colored to fit the mood of each character and scene. I'll suck these movies dicks i'm obsessed:
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Anatomy I always generically recommend people continue loose study/education from skeletal and muscular anatomy cause if you can build a figure from the inside out, the surface is going to be loads easier. And then when I'm too lazy to look up any muscular break down cause I sure don't remember every part at every angle I kind of just fudge it which is super common, like how many of us draw an ear correctly to it's bends and shapes. I sure as hell don't I just like to draw them the way I'm familiar with lining it (unless it's some really polished piece) cause end of the day my ear is still getting interpreted as an ear. So If I can't recall which muscle overlaps the other given a certain angle I just take a guess and usually it's not something blaring if I threw it down confidently enough. Studying not just muscle though, but how all body types sit and tense and move is crucial. Like fat is obviously going to have a much different type of hang and sit on the body, and then there's deciding how much fat to muscle you want on a figure. There's also skin to consider- older skin is looser, scarred skin has a tighter more custom pull to the areas, skin otherwise is just a big elastic band around ur body. So when that becomes overstretched or cut in any irregular way it's going to have a much different look to the muscles and bones it wraps around. Muscle reference I don't have anything specfic to refer other then using actual anatomy charts. Some 3d modelers have made great reference to body parts with full turn arounds i'd suggest. Since big fantasy muscles can be exaggerated so much (and they should!) it's the only reason why id only Lightly suggest for observing other artists individual drawings of buff characters. cause lotta us are fudging parts and u will end up picking up an incorrect anatomical trait (we literally all do it, just a silly unlearning process once ur hand is so familiar and used to drawing something a certain way) I think something specifically that's really helped me slowly gain a very diverse understanding of the fat to muscle ratio is getting into sumo wrestling. (NOT TO PUSH MY FAVORITE SPORT BUT I HAVE SOURCES IF U WANNA HEAR ABOUT IT/FIND A SPOT TO WATCH) In sumo there's no weight division like other forms of wrestling, and because of that you can have a very diverse set of ways to go about your own style of fighting. Entirely setting aside the fighting STYLES, there's broadly the categories of how much fat do you want to put on and the advantages that has against your opponents, vs how much muscle, or where that muscle needs to build on your figure, height and the like also play into it but basically 'what is my body shape, how can i build/ play it to the advantages of how i fight my opponents'
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so like terunofuji is a fucking MOUNTAIN of a man, he's the current yokozuna (top banana rank) and his sheer height and weight plays greatly into his fight style. All of them are fucking jacked and watching Sumo has been a great general visual library builder because: - its a huge sport so it has a lot of coverage and footage on high def cameras - they're mostly nude and you're getting incredible displays of muscles in slow mo as they collide, fight, and throw each other. s2g you'll have an entirely new appreciation for the human body and just how many ways it can shape itself from watching this sport.
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Always a ton of fucking leg muscle but Takayasu is one of my faves i gotta show him.
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with no weight limitations not only are you seeing all the different levels of weight to fat, but you're getting an excellent display of how fat builds and forms on different people. there is no one way to gain fat, its pretty cool how diverse it can form, where it prefers to store fat, how quickly someone might gain weight vs overtime, genetics, what types of fats you're storing, lots of shit to look up on! this last image is ichinojo vs enho who are like usually one of the biggest and the smallest wrestlers, and both play to their size and shape and have become very high ranked. ANYWAY THIS POST REALLY WENT PLACES HUH idek if i answered the questions right i think i gave more questions back but i tried to touch a little on my thought process and where ive specifically gone in the art study journey. For poses I really don't look up anything I just try to think of the figure and do a lot of preliminary sketches. No i don't have the 'picture a perfect apple in my head' noggin i too suffer from looking at a blurry void when i try to think of shit so yes im hitting a brick wall by not utilizing all the model posing references that are probably out there hsuogjdhk
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eerna · 1 year
actually, on the topic of wesper, its kind of a shame it's the most simplified dynamic of the three main ships by the fandom. like, yeah, it has the classic 'innocent sunshine x jaded flirt' dynamic, but it's not *just* that. there's so many cool layers and stages to them. i feel like people forget (probably bc he's both charming and juxtaposed against supreme bitch kaz) that jesper is kind of an asshole actually. he's a selfish, unreliable, obsessive adrenaline junkie who toys with wylan's feelings because it's amusing to him for essentially the entirety of the first book. wylan himself has zero self-worth (understandably) and is wholly cognisant that jesper's leading him on, but lacks the self-confidence to push back against him much, even when he hurts him, because this is still the best he's ever had, and wylan's been hurt for far less than that. they are not at all good for each other in their soc forms: jesper flees commitment, and wylan is incredibly alienated and desperate for companionship. then you get to see them grow and work on those flaws, and how the shift in their dynamic reflects that. it's not a dramatic turn that's needed from one of them (eg. mathias and kaz), it's a quieter, affirming kind of healing. wylan learns that he's worth standing up for, and stops letting jesper and the people around him walk all over him. jesper learns to stop running from human attachments, reconnecting with his parents and grisha heritage. they're not doing for each others' sake, like kanej, nor for the benefit of humanity, like helnik. they're doing it for themselves, and it just so happens to incidentally bring them closer as they reflect what the other lacks. idk im overthinking it but there's something so warm and hopeful in their story, that the world is unkind to everyone, that it hurts us, but it doesn't mean we have to- we can still be kinder to others, and to ourselves.
I am Castiel facing at this ask bc,,,,,, I love my boys so much,,,, and you put it so well,,,,, this is such a nice description of them,,,,,,, It isn't as dramatic of a change that Kanej or Helnik go through, but it is still there!!! They still influence each other as people!!! I especially love how in book 2 their family issues are revealed around the same time, so they help each other deal with them since both are super important to the plot, and it all comes BEFORE they get together. In fact, their "first" kiss is exactly what you said, Jesper running from commitment and just wanting to have a bit of fun, and then it turns out the dude he was kissing wasn't Wylan at all and Wylan was like. Just standing there. Watching. And ir could have been avoided if Jesper used his words instead of just being reckless and whatever about it all. Ugh. I love them
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HII GM!!! i hope u had good worming time ehehe :3 anyway. now that you've spent some time w/ the undersiders & met a lot of the brockton bay wards & some of new wave + the prt!! i wanna hear ur thoughts on them in general + the world so far if u have any!! & also ur thoughts on like.... how powers happen & brian and taylor's origin stories etc if thats also something you've been thinking abt!! eyes emoji eyes emoji..
i am having SO much fun w worm. physically making myself put down my phone and walk away so i stop reading and do the productive things i promised myself i would do this weekend.
I AM SO. WARY. OF THE WARDS. I DONT TRUST THEM. its rlly cool 2 me that they all have powers that i myself would consider like. Bad or Scary. the emotion manipulation thing, the literal warping of time and space etc those are all things that i would be like. this feels overpowered to the point that i almost expect it more from a villain character to build dramatic tension. which. i guess in the meta sense still works bc theyre being set up as antagonists rn but you know what i mean!!!!!
i fully think we've reached the point where taylor is in way too deep to the extent that changing anything now would end horribly bad for her on both sides. shes still holding onto this thought that shes gonna have this dramatic reveal where she puts the villains in jail and the heroes welcome her with open arms. but after that conversation with armsmaster thats just !!!!!!! not going to fucking happen!!! it doesnt work like that!!! also there keep being these little sidebars and moments where she admits to herself that shes excited about villain work or like..a chance to hang out with her new friends. girl you are not going to join the protectorate i can see right thriugh your dumbass.
<< side note on all of this i have a little bit of a theory for this. i think tattletale probably. knows. she joined with the intention of betraying them eventually. im still sort offff kind of unclear as to the extent of lisas powers and how they work but at this point i dont know how she couldve possibly missed that huge elephant other than the possibility that she is intentionally ignoring it.
ANYWAY. IVE STRAYED FROM YOUR ACTUAL QUESTION IM SORRY I JUST LIKE THE UNDERSIDERS A LOT. i have a lot of thoughts on the meta of the story and the role reversal of "villains good heroes bad" that i know some cape media does sometimes and im not exactly sure jf thats what worm is going for but i AM AWARE OF IT . and i think that is playing a little bit of why i am biased like this. but this is not to say i dont like the heroes i wan 2 know everything about them. however i dont trust them. SUPER interested in what Amy's got going on w her dad and the fact that she fucking turned off taylors powers????? despite saying she wasnt gonna mess with brain stuff?????? i think amys gonna get rlly fucked up about something pretty soon. i could see her snapping and turning into some crazy supervillain esp in the last interlude where she talked about how much pressure she and others put on herself w healing everything and everyone.
uhhhhhhh what else. hey powers coming from trauma is pretty fucked up huh!!!!! u know whats rlly funny is like. i sort of expected it to be somethinf bad like that but i was also wasnt expecting the angle that like. the powers are unrelated to whatever the event was??????? like im sure u could find ways to connect each of their powers to their trigger event but its not ljke. obvious ?? i guess?? like taylor wasnt bittem by a radioactive bug that gave her bug controlling powers u know??? im rlly rlly excited 2 learn abt more characters trogger events just to like. expand the data pool and see if yhere is a correlation between the power that they get and the event that happens. or if the power theyre born with the potential of having is just set in stone or whatever. does that makr ANY sense
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strawbs-screaming · 7 months
the boxers on karaoke night
this was so fun to do, what song are they singing? Sonic underground theme or education connection jingle. im not taking any questions (or you can be boring and ignore it, choose something else i guess)
Glass Joe
- screaming his soul out, yes bestie go at it
- his voice cracks more than the floorboards when youre trying to be silent in the middle of the night
- Really off-beat but doing his best
- definitely gonna suffer the next day
Von Kaiser
- Really tone deaf, cant handle the fact that he sounds like a broken blender
- shed some tears while singing, really feeling it
- Just screaming the lyrics, having his fun but kind of embarrased
Disco Kid
- singing his soul out, his choir boy phase is paying off
- dancing while singing, hes out here giving us a free concert
- accidentally threw his microphone while singing
King Hippo
- helping vocals, he doesnt understand the lyrics but is just providing some back up vocals
- also dancing
- bit the microphone, claims it tastes like rotten lemons
Piston Hondo
- sounds more like hes chanting more than singing, hondo its karaoke night summon demons night is next friday
- busting it down with the most monotone expression ever
- also another backup vocalist
Bear Hugger
- Just screaming the lyrics, so loud that he gave himself hearing damage
- Just waving his arms around, really feeling the emotions (behind the notoriously emotional education connection jingle and sonic underground theme)
- him and Hippo are just screaming together, this is the pinnacle of friendship
Great Tiger
- no singing, hes just the main dancer with his clones
- you can only get some basic lipsyncing from him if youre lucky, hes too busy flaunting his dancing
- killing it but kinda struggling, pls take a breather tiger youre gonna pass out
Don Flamenco
- another back up vocalist, going too fast for his own good
- attempted to spin while singing, fell to the floor
- cant sing while dancing, his brain just stops working if he tries to do those both at the same time
Aran Ryan
- Really off-beat & screeching, not even singing hes just saying the words
- chucked the microphone at von kaiser's head at least 3 times, thankfully missing due to him being too busy screaming
- jumping around like a maniac (as usual)
Soda Popinski
- actually happy, trying his best to keep up and enjoying it
- doesnt know how to dance properly so he just does a little jumping
- convinced bull to sing along with him
Bald Bull
- singing very quietly, pretty shy about it since he has a bit of a strained voice
- keeps getting called out for not singing
- Just really awkward, holding the microphone like hes strangling it
Super Macho Man
- only sings along the chorus, he only wants to sing songs related to him & for him
- no dancing but singing it like hes on the verge of tears
- Really dramatic voice but no extra movements, trying to look cool & mysterious when he just looks like hes going to tell his mom that he frew up
Mr Sandman
- Really monotone singing, unironically enjoying it but doesnt really like his voice
- stops singing halfway through to dance
- trying to resist the urge to smack aran with the microphone in his hand (failed)
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phlve · 10 months
Socionics Quadras — Delta
Delta, or the ‘fourth’ quadra, includes LSE, EII, IEE, and SLI.
Reinin caracterises this quadra as Judicious, Serious, and Aristocratic.
Dominant elements
The dominant IM elements of the Delta Quadra are Te, Fi, Ne, Si. Grouping together the elements of the Ego blocks of the Delta Quadra types, we get a picture of what aspects of life Delta Quadra types strive to bring to the forefront of life, as well as the kind of group atmosphere and lifestyle they pursue.
Te blocked with Si
Delta types make a point of talking about the rationale behind their actions and emphasizing the productiveness or unproductiveness of different ways of doing things - even in such emotional areas as personal relationships.
Delta types value peaceful, refreshing activities where they are doing something useful and balancing out their inner world at the same time.
Delta types have the philosophy that they will have to rely on their own industriousness to achieve their goals rather than on luck, speculation, group effort, or strong leadership.
Ne blocked with Fi
Delta types love to share personal experience mixed with their own sentiments regarding their experiences, but all in an insightful and non-dramatic manner.
Delta types like to talk about new beginnings, opportunities for personal growth, and their plans and prospects for the future.
Subdued elements
The subdued IM elements of the Delta Quadra are Fe, Ti, Se, Ni. Grouping together the elements of the Super-Ego blocks of the Delta Quadra types, we get a picture of what aspects of life Delta types strive to keep hidden, avoid, not focus attention on, and keep at the periphery of their lives.
Fe blocked with Ni
Delta types rarely display their deep passions and vision, preferring instead to talk in more neutral terms about what they want to do and why.
Delta types reject dramatism and emotional affect in favor of wry humor and understatement.
Delta types don’t tend to form or maintain groups based on fun, emotional interaction, but only take groups seriously that perform some common productive or restful activity.
Delta types generally dislike using poetic wording when describing their inner state, but talk simply about what they feel or their bodily sensations.
Se blocked with Ti
Delta types do not fare well in high-pressure situations where they are being forced to do things, are facing threatening opponents, or are submitted to rigorous discipline, but wear out quickly and look for a more peaceful and welcoming environment.
Group behavior
Groups made up of primarily Delta types tend to be focused on working on projects, enjoying physical recreation, or finding out interesting things about each other. Laughter is usually subdued and brief; instead, people smile a lot and try to be witty and welcoming. Groups need to be focused on some specific productive activity or topic of discussion, or else they fall apart. In Delta groups, there is a lot of splintering and decentralization. This allows for more focused and productive interaction with only those who share your particular interests or sentiments. People jump from small group to small group easily to keep up their interest level. No one demands that the entire group listen to one person or that everyone do the same thing. Delta Quadra types believe that if everyone just pursues their own interests and makes some accommodations for others, the group will be better off anyway. Delta Quadra types do not focusing on building group identity or unity of purpose, but prefer for the group to remain splintered and decentralized.
Romance styles
Delta romantic relationships usually begin simply as the encounter of two individuals interested in a relationship and each other in a particular moment, with very little in terms of outward demonstrations of “romance” in the “wooing” sense of the term or in strong external demonstrations of emotions. Deltas are more focused on the present moment than Gammas, and therefore even relationships of very strong attachment do not lead to constant concerns as to their longer-term practical feasibility. Deltas see as optimal romantic relationships those where partners spend time together on fun activities and sharing ideas of potential practical application. Romantic atmospheres are low-key, based on comfort but practicality.
Perception of other quadras
Deltas tend to see Alpha types as fun company and interesting people to discuss ideas and prospects with, but naive and inconsistent in their personal and business relationships. Alpha types seem to lack the common sense to turn their fun and creative energy into something productive and often seem overly idealistic.
Deltas tend to see Beta types as people who “dream big” and always want to turn things into grandiose endeavors, yet can’t manage day-to-day affairs effectively. Also, Beta types seem unwilling to consider things from the point of view of others, which gives them a streak of meanness and cruelty.
Deltas tend to see Gamma types as driven and reliable in personal and business relationships, but not sufficiently understanding of people who want to pursue their own individual path in life. Gamma types sometimes become too demanding and can have a streak of vindictiveness or spitefulness which prevents them from being accepting and forgiving.
Source: Wikisocion
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