#ilovecherries2 Monthly Prompts
ilovecherries2 · 1 year
Prompts for January 2023
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Here is the prompt list for January. There are dialogue prompts, short prompts, and an emotion prompt that can be used together.
Dialogue prompts:
"I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner."
"Hello?" "BOO!" *Screaming* "That wasn't me, who was that?"
"Do you think it'll snow?"
"You should tell them the truth." "How?"
"It's always the liars."
"There will always be this. This is the one thing that doesn't change."
"It was your fault!" "We both know it isn't. They shouldn't have gone. If its anyone's fault its theirs. They shouldn't have gotten in my way."
"I'm so glad we didn't get snow on Christmas and instead we could sunbathe."
"Who is the real villain of the story? Huh?" "Shut up, Villain. I have been trained to ignore such venom."
"My new year's resolution is to eat as much chocolate as possible."
"The trees are talking." "Yeah, she's nuts."
"Don't I know you?" "No. No, you don't. I'm, uh, just passing through. Sorry to bother you."
"She was my great great grandmother."
"You're a liar."
"Who is the hero?"
"I should have known nothing stays buried."
"Aren't crows omens of bad luck?"
"My new year's resolution is to read."
Short Prompts:
Coffee Shop
Second Chance
Dragon Tamers
Fire Works
Fake Dating
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There will still be weekly prompts as usual as well as weekly prompts from this prompt list.
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ilovecherries2 · 1 year
Prompt List
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Hi! Above is a prompt list I've created for December. I realise it's a bit late (I'm posting on the 9th) but I've been thinking of creating monthly prompt lists for a while and thought I'd start now rather than later and maybe forget.
I'll continue to post prompts on my main blog, I just thought it would be a cool thing to do. I've seen other people do it, so why not?
If you don't want to see my monthly prompt lists you can filter them out as I'll be using the tag "ilovecherries2 Monthly Prompts".
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