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Damien: EVERY GIRL IN THIS SCHOOL IS A BITCH! I don’t even like dancing anyways... 
Pip: Well I, for one, think dancing is wonderful!
Damien: Please, Pip... You’ve never danced with anyone! Except that Estella girl but that’s besides the point!
Pip: Why, I most certainly have! With Annie Knitts! She’s a lovely dancer...
Damien: Urgh... Annie Knitts? Don’t even get me started with her... She can fuck off somewhere else...
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Bradley: Damn, Thorn... What’s with all the salt today? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Or maybe you’re jealous that your BOYFRIEND danced with a girl..
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Pip: Oh! Erm, we aren’t in a- 
Damien: SHUT UP, BIGGLES! I don’t have a boyfriend! Stop bothering me, God! Fuck off! 
Pip: Oh, Damien, calm down- 
Damien: I’M OUTTA HERE! 
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Damien walks out with big angry steps. Bradley laughs to himself. 
Pip: Oh dear... He’s not usually this... frustrated. 
(glad to be back! this blog is alive again! hope you don’t mind the new art style!) 
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Monday, January 13th, 2023 
The students are back from break. They discuss about their holidays during lunch.
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Pip: And that's how my entire house almost caught on fire! How was your Christmas, Damien? Damien: It was fine. Pip: Oh splendid! I'm glad to hear that! Damien: ...
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Pip: Damien, are you alright? You look pale... Damien: Argh!! God, just leave me alone! Just, shut up! I just- I'm in a bad mood, today!                                                                                                         Pip: Oh... Very well, then... I’ll leave you be...                
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Pip mumbles to himself. 
Pip: As if you're ever in a good mood... Damien: What?! 
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Pip: N-n-nothing! Erm, I was simply wondering if you're going to Bebe's birthday party on Friday... Damien: HA! You're funny! Pip: Oh, well thank y- Damien: Of course I'm not going, you dunce! After what happended with Tweek! No way! I'm not even invited! Pip: Apparently, I heard from Butters that were all invited. I think he's supposed to give us the invitations today! Damien: Well, whatever, cause I'm not going! I don't want to talk to that spaz's face again!
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Pip: I heard there will be a dance at the party! Don't you want to dance with Red Tucker?  Damien: R-RED?! Pip, she was just a one time crush! I have no interest in her anymore!   Pip: Really? But didn't you spend a whole week crying after finding out Kevin was her boyfriend?
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Kevin: You did? 
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???: Ah, yes... The little, pissant, redneck, podunk, jerkwater, greenhorn, peckerwood, right-wing, white-trash mountain town of South Park. ???: There are plenty of other words to describe such a fucked up place but I'm not gonna do that because we'd be here for days.                                     
???: Despite being such a weird place, we've been through A LOT. -We were attacked by Barbara Streisand. Twice... -We witnessed a boxing match between Jesus and Satan. -We travelled to a world of imagination... -We started World War 3... And yes, were not proud of it. -We travelled through space and saved the entire human species from being extinct... -We discovered the truth about Family Guy. -We had to live through 4 years of presidency under Mr. Garisson and-
???: Oh... I see! I guess you don't actually care about what we've been through... Well fine! I guess I should introduce myself, then...     
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Kyle: I'm Kyle Broflovski. I'm 17 years old and I’m  in 11th Grade. 
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Kyle: I go to South Park High with my friends Stan and Kenny...                          
Kyle: ...                                                                                                                  
Kyle: And Cartman but he's not my friend...
Kyle: We just got off Christmas break and now we have to go back to school... Kyle: Its sucks ass but at least my friends will be there!
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Kyle: I hope you can stick with us through this little story! You’d be suprised to see what this crazy town can do. Kyle: See ya later, I hope! 
[TO BE CONTINUED]                         
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Greetings! My name is Kat and this is my new South Park askblog! 
Its not just an askblog, though! Its also a comic featuring many South Park characters and many different storylines! This is a comedic high school au of the show, South Park! 
It is going to be lots of fun and I hope you stick with me through this! I have bios for all the main characters you can check out on this blog!  
Asks are not open yet but in the meantime, I’d recommend reading the about page and such! If you’re interested, I’d appreciate it if you follow this blog! Thank you for reading and I really hope you stick around! 
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