#ill be in my bunk
thirstyvampyr · 4 months
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houseofpurplestars · 1 year
Watch "Screaming Females - Desert Train" on YouTube
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maretriarch · 2 months
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Just in time for 4/13 here's the second line of my r63 dolls, this time CREEPover themed with bonus accessories! in an ideal world they would come in adorable recuperacoon shaped packaging. and probably a sopor slime making kit because kids love slime. which one are YOU picking up from your local Goreget today?
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baalzebufo · 1 year
some fake peppy thoughts ive been having :)
ok for me. as much as i enjoy fake peppino funny beast memes. its really important to Me to limit how animalistic it is usually. because part of the uncanny nature is how its something inhuman trying VERY HARD to be human, and specifically to be peppino. so like. fake peppino should seem like an aliens idea of a person. so then when you juuust start getting used to it and the idea of 'ok this is a guy.. a weird guy but fundamentally still a person-' it does something wildly inhuman like dislocates its jaw to swallow a whole rat. and it shatters the entire comfort zone you'd built around him. its neither
i think fake is cute in my weird monsterloving way but its also so vital for me that he is FREAKY. in the same way a bird mimicking human speech is uncanny. or a speechless horror movie villain wearing someones face is. i love him as a vessel for existential horror relating to doppelgangers
like to me. fake peppino doesnt have a real concept of right or wrong and would probably try to kill peppino less after the games events, he still definitely has animalistic vibes (i think it absolutely attacks anything that bolts and runs or screams at it. predatory instinct) and it still does messed up unsettling things on the regular. i think peppino thinks its trying to eat him and hes probably right. he keeps waking up with its face pressed to his window. is it trying to be his double or take his place?
it definitely thinks hes the Real Peppino, regardless
(of course im bias as a horror lover and i want more of fake being a vessel for genuinely disturbing imagery lol, these are just my silly opinions about that silly guy)
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jokermoreau · 10 months
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Safiya + Luthais
The blood felt thick on his skin, and he could taste the iron on his lips. Luthais hadn't been thinking when he'd taken the lives of the cultists - not even a seconds hesitation had come over him. He'd taken to cutting through them with his greatsword with all the wrath he had pent up in his body. The fury of a man who had something to prove and too many people to protect.
As he sheathed his sword he turned around, finding himself face-to-face with Safiya. His eyes searched hers for some sort of reaction. What would she think of his brashness? Would she shy away from him? Reject him?
The curve of her lips into a smirk sent his heart into overdrive. He'd do anything for her, anything at all, if it meant that she'd stay safe. Closing the space between them, he took her hands into his, leaning down to press the softest kiss to her knuckles.
"Sorry you had to see that,"
Safiya played by @shepardcommander
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wreckmetoji · 1 year
An ongoing fic in which you don't realize you have both Fushiguros at your feet.
↳ Megumi Fushiguro/Reader Part 12/15
Part 8 , Part 9 , Part 10 , Part 11
content warning. afab reader, profanity, angst, reader needs to repent for her sins, say sorry to him right now immediately
This is part 12 of a 15 part story. 
1.5k words
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Megumi took a deep breath, glancing over to the door of your apartment building. "Let's go inside and talk." Everything was.... hazy. It all felt wrong, incomplete, there were words hanging in the air no one was willing to speak. A potential for an ultimatum no one was prepared for, or even worse, no choice at all. Although you couldn't blame him if that was the conclusion he came to. Even still, after everything you've managed to put him through, and all the shit you've done to him, he still cares. You can see it in the way he runs the shower for you, in the way he makes sure the water isn't too hot or cold, in the way a fresh set of lounge clothes are neatly folded and waiting for your embrace on the bathroom counter, along with an ice cold bottle of water. You don't deserve this. Fighting back the sting of tears with a shaky inhale, you dry off and get changed, throwing your damp towel over your shoulders to prevent the droplets falling from your hair wetting your shirt. You steel yourself, rolling your shoulders, tilting your head side to side to stretch your neck, preparing for this absolute train wreck of a conversation you need to have. It's long overdue, anyways. It shouldn't have to be had in the first place. With a shaky hand, you open the door, stepping out into the hallway. You're met with complete silence, hearing nothing but your heartbeat in your ears and the anxious pit in your stomach. Instead of calling out, you investigate, slowly padding down the hall towards your living room and kitchen. You round the corner, seeing Megumi sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, the heels of his palms pressed into his eyes. He looked fucking miserable. Slouched, elbows propped up on his knees, he looked like he would simply shatter if you even breathed in his direction, already so broken and chipped and tearing at the seams. If he knew you were there, he didn't make it obvious. Offering some sort of relief, rather than laying a hand on his shoulder or speaking gentle meaningless words, you sit down beside him, giving enough space so he would be able to feel the dip of your weight on the couch, but your bodies weren't touching. Megumi didn't move, staying stone still in your presence, leaving you to sit and wallow in your anxieties and thoughts. You deserve worse, you wanted him to yell at you, chastise you, tell you how fucking horrible you were. A small part of you knew he wouldn't, couldn't. So, you sat in silence, waiting for your penance with bated breath, anxiety clawing away at your heart and gut with vicious fervor. "I..." Megumi finally spoke, after what felt like minutes, hours, earning your glance out of your peripherals. He didn't continue, not for a while, considering he sounded like he was going to break down you couldn't fault him. "I would have... done anything and everything for you. I still would, I still want to–" He paused again, a frown pulling at the corners of your lips as tears pricked at your eyes. "I hate that I still want to. I still want you, so much, and even though I know you don't fucking care–" "I do care, Megumi Fushiguro. I care about you so much–" "Then why would you do this?" A question you didn't know how to answer. You didn't know why you started this mess, why you continued this mess, why you allowed any of this to happen. I liked the attention, was one thought, but that wasn't quite it. If it were that simple, Megumi would've been more than enough. "Because I'm selfish," You settled on, fingers holding a vice grip on your lounge shorts, "Because... I felt horrible that something might've been ruined between us, and I was scared, and I was selfish, and he just offered to help so I accepted it and– and–" You choked on your words, like water was bubbling up your throat and filling your head and brain and the only way out was your eyes but you couldn't, you couldn't cry, not now. When he didn't speak, you continued. "And I felt so... shitty. I felt so shitty about what I did, and then I didn't hear from him again, but at the dinner– the dinner we did some things and he drove me home and I was so disgusted with myself. I was disgusted that I just let everything happen, I wanted it to happen, but not like th–" "Did he hurt you?" You understood the implication, and it made you swallow. Looking back over at him, you find his arms draped over his knees, brows furrowed and eyes looking right through you. All you could do was shake your head, but he was busy looking for any hesitance or inkling of a lie. "He didn't do anything like that. It was all... consensual, I mean, but I hated myself so maybe it was just self destructive," You confirmed, his lips pursing as he turned to look forward, "But then it all bubbled up and so I called you over..." You watched the recollection of your second tryst turn the gears in his head, the anxious pit clawing higher into your ribcage. "I wanted to feel like I was worth something. Like I was loved, less disgusting, like I wasn't this... shitty person that does nothing but take and use." "So you did just that." His words stung, they had a tear pushing past the threshold and rolling down your cheek, pooling at your chin. You nodded again. You couldn't say it out loud, but he was right. "I see," Megumi added, voice and face stoned over and preventing you from looking in and gauging how he feels, how he'll react. "And when I left in the morning?" Shame. You felt nothing but shame. "He texted me." You picked at your fingers, avoiding answering the whole question. "What did he text you." "He apologized. For how he treated me the night before, and... and then he called, and he said he heard you talking to me and when you didn't come home he knew that– that something happened." You paused again, lips pursing, "So he offered me brunch, as an apology. And then that... I–I'm leaving out some details but, that catches us up to... today." Silence hung in the air for the umpteenth time that day, before his hand reached over, long digits settling over your nervous picking hands in a small but incredibly kind and meaningful gesture that he didn't want you hurting yourself. "Did he ever do anything you didn't want?" "I don't know if–" "Did he do anything you didn't want? " Megumi pressed, hand gripping yours fractionally tighter. "No." "Good." The question of why he asked that hung in the air, your face expressing obvious confusion for him as he glanced back over. As if he could read your mind, his hand returned to his lap, speaking a low but firm, "I'd fucking kill him if he did." Before you could voice any confusion or concern, he stood, making his way to your kitchen and opening the fridge door. You could hear a crinkle before he closed the door, making his way back over with a water bottle in hand. Right, you forgot that. You graciously accepted it, preparing to mutter a small thank you, but his thumb wiping away the trail your tear left made you choke on your words. "It's late," Megumi stated, hands going into his pockets. You didn't feel like you had adequately covered what was going to come of your relationship– how did he feel about everything? Did he just need to shut you out for a bit and process? Did he never want to talk to you again? "Okay," Was all you could mutter, standing from your place on the couch. Not for the first time this evening, you were left confused and stupefied as Megumi padded his way down the hall to your bedroom. You followed, twisting the bottle of water in your hands, watching him with curious eyes as he evened your blankets out and peeled them back, stepping aside with crossed arms. "Get in," Megumi spoke pointedly, nudging his head towards the open gap between the comforter and your bed. Wordlessly, you got into bed after setting the bottle down on your side table, pulling the covers up to your shoulders. He seemed satisfied with this, making his way back over to the door and shutting off the light. Anxiety gnawed at your stomach once again, making you shoot up to sit. "Megumi?" He turned, expression continually unreadable as he hummed in response. "When... will we talk about this more?" Will I see you again? This felt like more of a goodbye than anything. "We'll see." That didn't make you feel any better. "Megumi...?" You spoke quieter, hand clenching your shirt over your heart. When he didn't reply, you felt tears pool in your eyes again. "I-I..." I care about you so much. I'm so... So fucking sorry. I love you. "I'll see you in the morning. Sleep well." He interrupted, closing your bedroom door behind him. And then you were left with nothing but your thoughts and looming questions that lived in the back of your head. You heard your front door click, ensuring you were now truly, and utterly... Alone.
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vurelly · 2 years
illinois fucking sucks
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floralegia · 3 months
I honestly really had forgotten how incredibly whumpy ybc is from like. Minute one
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bluupxels · 2 years
my mods folder: *is 42gb*
me: *annoyed* why is my game lagging? 🤨
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saltylenpai · 1 year
My guy could you possibly have covid..?? No judgement, only concern!!!
I tested 3 times all negative but yknow whatever it is it wont go away. thank u for the concern tho im okay just a wheezy queasy mess.
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orbdog · 2 years
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4b9 · 2 months
made myself a little desk yayyyy
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chaosandmarigolds · 21 days
“Coco what’s on your mind”- ILL TELL YOU 😁
Okay, so I’m not in the military, nor am I qualified to say this but I’ve just always imagined like their bunks are itty bitty on base, like smaller than a twin (why? I dunno I just always have)
Anyway and Simon Riley? He’s a bulk of a man but he doesn’t complain about them- until it’s two in the morning and he’s nudging you to wake up. “Scoot.”
With an unfocused gaze you grumble awake, seeing the general shape of his figure beside your bed and you frown, “Where? Can’t scoot.”
There was a silence, as if he was having an enternal debate the entire situation, then just as silently as he had snuck in he had left,or that was what you thought until about five minutes later your door opens again- and this time you sit up- confused on what your boyfriend had in store.
His mattress. He had his mattress hoisted over his shoulder, with a huff it was dropped to the ground and he steps over it to get to you, “Up.”
A pause and he leans over, “Love of my life, get up, please.”
With a narrow of the eyes you relented, rubbing your eyes as you watched him pull the thin mattress off the bunk, and scooting them both together on the floor, then once again he left again. Leaving you standing in now the very limited floor space of your quarters, when he did come back it was with his blanket and a pillow.
You make eye contact when he settled down on the two mattress, and you were doing everything in your power to not giddily smile. “Can I-“
(Me? Unhinged? You’re just now realizing this? Annnyway that’s all <3)
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rottenaero · 1 year
What if Steve got kicked out of his parent’s house after season 2?
He was already on thin ice after s1, with the beers and his fight with Jonathan, but after he got into ANOTHER fight with Billy they’re just kinda like, ‘pack your shit and leave’
And after a few weeks of living out of his car in the school parking lot, Eddie notices him after Hellfire and just kinda like, offers his house as a place to stay.
Of course Steve is like, ‘nah, ill be fine’ because he doesn’t want to freeload, but Eddie is absolutely not having it and convinces him that he wouldn’t be, and that he can pay him and do chores and shit if he really feels that bad about it.
Then Steve just starts living with him, of course there are rules, don’t invite people over, don’t talk about Eddie’s business, and don’t talk about the shit in his room.
The rest is the standard criteria, don’t bring animals in, don’t burn the house down, blah blah blah.
Course Wayne is a bit mad about this random guy with the last name Harrington at first, but the guy makes him coffee before he leaves for work, and is willing to put on a goddamn sailor costume to pay help pay the rent, so eventually they become acquaintances.
Eventually turning into the two watching sports on the tv and laughing at Eddies antics.
Thing is, during this whole thing, no one knows they live together. Dustin and the party don’t get much more than i moved out with a friend after the first time they ask to hang out at his house, and Hellfire just knows he has a roommate, not that its Steve, because all his shit is in the living room and hes always working when they’re over.
One day, mid-lunch, they decide to hang out at Eddie’s after school and he's all cool with it but is like ‘wait, my roommates off, let me go ask them if its okay’ and they're like ‘sure, okay, I wonder who it is?’
Then he waltzes straight up to Steve Harrington, who’s sitting by Nancy and Jonathan, and asks.
“Hellfires coming over afterschool, you good with that?”
“Yeah sure, do whatever, its your damn house, I can get out your hair if you want?”
“Nah nah, its all good, want you to meet ‘em anyway. Hey hey, wanna sit with us today?”
Then Eddie heads back to the now silent Hellfire table (actually the whole cafeteria is a little silent) and sits down in his seat, Steve sitting in the empty one next to him.
Hellfire is absolutely confused, not just because Steve lives with him, but because of the very talked upon rumors about Eddie being gay, and how very true they were, and the fact that as a former-king, Steve should know that.
Steve however, seems very unconcerned with those rumors because for as close as Eddie keeps getting to him, even holding his bicep at some point, he acts very chill and relaxed, even leaning into him at some points.
Hellfire eventually calm down, and go to his house after school, and around 10 they decide to just stay the night. Eddie gives them a thumbs up, and turns to Steve.
“You’re bunking with me tonight.”
Gareth starts panicking because there is a very obvious pride flag above one of his posters and he may not have seen it before and Eddie is so getting beaten up.
Except none of that happens. They wake up early that morning and Steve starts getting ready for work, and is about to leave when he turns to Eddie with a smirk.
“What, no goodbye kiss? Too dorky to do in-front of you friends?” And Eddie strolls right past the flabbergasted Hellfire and plants one on his temple.
“Goodbye o-great-king-of-assholery!”
Gareth quite literally chokes.
(What makes this even better? They’re not even dating, thats just Steve-being-Steve)
Part 2
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sainzstorms · 2 years
weekend hasn't ended but campus already drained me. basically miss the event™ that is austin gp. does anyone have a trusted link to download the races? im talking free practices and quali in case i miss it too
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i-heart-emos · 3 months
Cute head cannons/ Luke castellan
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Luke loves when you hold his face and softly rub his cheek he didn’t get a lot of physical affection since the passing of his mother so when you do this it warms his heart especially if you do this and say you love him he’ll probably almost cry
He likes tracing I love you and flowers and heart all over your thighs and back with his fingers when you to lay in bed together it makes him feel closer to you
Being the son of Hermes comes with some perks even if luke doesn’t like to say it like Percy he can control wind but not very powerful so he’ll use it to pull open a door for you if he’s to far away or pull out a chair and slightly push you down into it trying to be a gentleman
He knows you like coffee cause it helps stimulate your hyper active brain so in the morning he’ll always wake up earlier just to sneak into the kitchens brew up a nice warm cup of coffee so you can wake up to it on the side table of your bunk
He’s very. possessive he’ll walk around camp with his hand around your waist or your finger interlocked everywhere but if he can’t be with you for whatever reason he’ll have you wear a little L.C. Necklace that he gave you for your birthday the first year you started dating
Sometimes he overworks himself as a counselor or just in training which can cause him to fall ill so your always there by his side scolding him telling him he needs to stay in bed for Atleast the day and he’ll just roll his eyes exclaiming “ yes mom” but deep down he really loves being babied like this he loves seeing your caring side and as your helping him take his medication he’ll look at you with admiration for your compassion
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this sometimes before I go to sleep I’ll just randomly think of these and they’ve just been living in my head rent free so I thought might as well share these thoughts with tumblr so pls tell me if you enjoyed these and I’ll make more for Luke or any characters on my list ❤️
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