#iiii like how it turned out i guess?
nyabeilles · 10 months
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boyfriend said i should draw rusty vs firestar and this is what i came up with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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merinathropp · 7 months
hi yeah so Kara's portrayal of Mrs. Danvers absolutely tore my heart out and blew the roof off when I saw Rebecca London two weeks ago so here are some observations I'm finally writing down
- after the costume ball scene, Ich was trying to run back up the stairs, and Danny came down them towards her with THE MOST SWEETLY EVIL GRIN IMAGINABLE, just absolutely smug and delighted and totally unashamed of herself, I have literally never loved Danny more, good for her, let her be happy etc. you just know she slept SO well that night
- balcony scene, when she's telling Ich to jump: for the first few lines, she wasn't looking at Ich at all, she was gazing out into the ocean, and she had this awful twisted look of despair/panic on her face as she said 'you'll never be happy, no one wants you, no one needs you', and my heart literally plummeted because it seemed as though Danny was talking to herself*, not Ich. she snapped out of it a second later and very deliberately turned to look at Ich to deliver the rest of her speech, but oh my gosh, WHAT an inspired and heartbreaking choice???
(*apparently Kara confirmed on Instagram that this is her intention with those first few lines huuhhjsdhfksajdf I'm obsessed)
- the first time I saw this production, I was confused by how polite and normal Danny behaved to Ich for most of Act 1, BUT NOW I SEE THE LIGHT!!!! the whole brilliance of Kara's portrayal is this delicate slow burn effect, she's perfectly cool and collected during their first interactions, then gradually gets more mad and emotional as the show goes on
- Rebecca IIII (after the phonecall) she walked very, very slowly down the stairs with one hand clapped over her mouth, fell to her knees clutching the banister, and sobbed. she hadn't sung a note and I was already crying watching her. so many Dannys make that moment about anger and betrayal (which is valid!!!), but I was bowled over to see Kara make it about Danny just crumpling to pieces and finally allowing herself to cry and cry for the woman she loved.
- (then she somehow proceeded to sob and belt her way FLAWLESSLY through the entire reprise, I couldn't believe how clean her notes were when she had tears streaming down her face???? and the absolute icing on the cake: on the final few lines, it was like all her grief just iced over, her face hardened into this look of total focus and hatred, and she stood up slowly singing 'now it's time for your revenge on Manderley' absolute perfection honestly.)
basically we're all blessed beyond belief by Kara's Danny and idk what I will do when this production closes. live in perpetual grief forever I guess.
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batrogers · 26 days
Inspired by @crazylittlejester's Wars headcanons, which intersect a lot with my own issues with food so of course it stuck with me.
Content warning for discussion of a very broken relationship with food/implied restriction, but I like making things a little hopeful and sweet.
Twilight & Warriors LU fic, rated G, approx 1000 words.
Also on AO3
Twilight set up to make dinner, as he had a hundred nights before for the group, with about twenty minutes of that being debating what to make with Wild, which one of them was going to be in charge tonight, and then getting the ingredients out of Wild’s slate before he settled to clean up and start. It was his favourite chore, if he was honest; he loved cooking when Wild let him, and after how long they’d been together Wild often was content to help rather than lead. He got distracted a lot, and liked the chance to get up and wander, and after one too many “What if” ideas, the others preferred it, too.
It was around when Wild wandered off to see what Hyrule and Wind were doing that Twilight saw Warriors crack his neck at the far side of the fire and stand up. He turned and started walking away himself and Twilight froze.
Had he ever seen Warriors leave the fire when he was cooking? He didn’t think so. His mouth twitched. “Leaving already?” he joked. “I’m gonna miss the company.”
Warriors startled, then turned and laughed. “What, you liked me just hanging around staring at you?”
“I don’t care,” Twilight admitted. “Although in Ordon I’m used to the company. I've just gotten so used to you watching the whole time it’s strange to see you go.”
To his surprise, the other man walked around the fire and touched his shoulder. “I think if you haven’t poisoned me after four months, you’re not going to. I don’t think Wild would either, at least on purpose, but...”
Twilight automatically responded to the second with, “He’s only done that once,” before the first part finished processing. “You thought I might poison you?!”
The hand almost left his shoulder, then squeezed it before its owner dropped to sit beside him. Twilight turned to stare, but Warriors couldn’t quite meet his eyes or answer him. Twilight stared at his hands again and tried to think back – he knew at some point in the first two weeks they’d been together, Time had talked to Warriors although not what about. That was when he’d started watching him cook.
Had he ever eaten with them before that? Twilight didn’t think so. When Wild cooked, Warriors usually asked him for something to make himself and...
“Something happened during the war?” Twilight guessed, when Warriors hadn’t spoken.
“Very early in the war,” he agreed. He looked around the nearly-empty fire, but most of the others were napping, training, or getting up to something else. “Impa had taken me on as her protege and – literally within two weeks of losing the castle, I fell.... very ill. I almost died; if we hadn’t been staying with the Sheikah, I likely would have. And within days of pulling out of danger, I was sick again before they could find out who was doing it.”
Twilight swore and narrowly missed cutting his finger as he cut up the onions in front of him. He shook himself and sighed. “Shit. That fucking....” He couldn’t think of a strong enough word.
Warriors snorted quietly. “I’d be sick after eating anything after that, for another two weeks until Impa figured out a strategy to make me not... Not panic at the thought. Fairies can detect most poisons, so I started coaxing them to stay close, and the rest of the time... If I didn’t make it, or Impa didn’t vouch for it, I just.... didn’t eat. Add that to rationing, and I made more than a few people scared for my health the rest of the war.”
Twilight didn’t comment that he’d honestly talked to Time about how he looked now. Warriors still was one of the skinniest among them, although Twilight had just assumed it was his natural body type. But to hear the rest was.
“I don’t mind you watching me,” he said, because what else could he say?
“I’ve appreciated it,” Warriors said, softly. “Time caught me not eating and reminded me we had to trust each other. It was... hard.”
He’d never watched anyone close enough to see if the risk of Warriors being too nervous to keep food down had come up now, Twilight supposed, and he wasn’t going to ask now. But it was tempting. He dumped the chopped onion into the pot and started on the wild garlic, feeling his eyes with more pressure than before.
Was it clean enough? Did he think his food was safe?
Cooking for the village children meant a lot to him; he was always careful about that, because making one of them sick was his worst nightmare. But it didn’t feel the same as the importance of realizing Warriors trusted him in the face of something that’d almost killed him before too.
Just as vital, but nowhere near the same.
“Thank you,” Twilight said. He swallowed until his eyes didn’t burn. “For trusting me. Is there anything else...?”
Warriors snorted, hard. “Just warn me if Wild tries to talk you into anything weird if I walk away. Alright?”
Twilight turned and caught his eyes before he nodded, not letting the lightness in his voice belie the fear he could see there. “I promise. No surprises here.”
“Great. I’m gonna go find the river and bath, then.” Warriors stretched his jaw and stood, squeezing Twilight’s shoulder as he walked away, his light tone at odds with the tension in his back.
Twilight would chase Wild off with the spoon if he had to to keep that trust.
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klorophile · 3 months
Arcane and food
There is a subject that’s been turning and turning around my head for quite some time now and that I really wanted to analyze because it’s just a detail and yet it gives me Feels Of Beautiful *o*, and it is: food in Arcane. But bear with me because we’re going to take detours that might be unexpected? (I want to mention air jails and pomegranates)
So, I’m not gonna teach you anything when I say: food is important. In real life obviously, but in fiction too. What I have in mind here: in real life you can’t survive without food, so it’s something that you do everyday, so it is a very mundane and daily thing… which is precisely why, in fiction, it can be very absent (the heroes have to save the world/prove themselves/find their identity/solve a big mystery/… = better things to do than what we do in our daily lives because it is a story to get us out of our everyday lives) or on the contrary very meaningful (ex: In The Lion King, Simba is a carnivorous lion but he accepts to get used to eating bugs when he meets Timon and Pumbaa and decides to live with them, it’s a symbol of him leaving his lion life behind).
Also, in the classical tragedies, there is the rule of grandeur: the main characters have to be princesses and kings and never your common citizen. And princesses and kings will not be shown doing stuff like peeing or eating in this genre, because it is too down to earth for the beauty that’s being displayed.
So, eating = down to earth, concerns your everyday living people ; not eating = what people that are more akin to queens and deities will do, celestial. And that’s a distinction that I really feel in Arcane…
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Vi eats (like a pig) when she gets out of prison, and she very much says it: « we’re here because I’m hungry ». When she eats, she eats. She puts fuel into her stomach and that’s it, it’s a very earthy and mundane thing, it’s not a metaphor like tobacco can be (tobacco = power in the Undercity). Vi just eats like we all do and that’s it. 
…Or is it? Well, at least that’s what she says to Caitlyn. Caitlyn was following Vi in hope of being led to important clues, and she gets pissed when she sees Vi stopping for food, because that is definitely not what Caitlyn got into the Undercity for… Because Caitlyn, as a Topsider, is not hungry. She had breakfast this morning, she will have dinner tonight, it’s whatever, her needs are met and she doesn’t need to think about it, and the viewer doesn’t have to think about it. But Vi is the opposite: As a prisoner, her needs depended on the decisions of the people in charge of her prison. She most probably didn’t get to choose what when or how, and most probably got the minimum and a look of disdain with it. In my head, I really like to make this cute comparison: you know how pet owners take their animals, like a dog for exemple, and they lift them above the ground when they have been naughty, and it’s « no, you’re in air jail now ‘cause you’ve been a bad dog so as a consequence you’re not allowed to dog anymore for a fitting amount of time » and it’s not a slap and not a hug and not a game, and the dog is just up confused with her legs dangling straight like IIII° <oh no what now? and they can’t do anything because air is not their element, the ground is, proven by the fact that they have all of four legs which is a lot of legs when you think about it and all of them want to touch the earth, so quadrupeds are like very ground dependent I guess. So the idea of air jail is that the pet can’t do anything and all that’s left is thinking about their existence and the choices they made and how it led them into not being able to choose anything anymore, and to be at the total mercy of their air jailer who happen to have only two legs that need to touch the ground, and two damned other that can remove you from your daily fulfilling life. And I might put a little too much thoughts into what’s basically cute a meme, but I think that is what is behind the air jail, and that is why it is so funny and cute when you do that to your pet (I’ve only seen it done with love), but yeah here is the thing: that is exactly what Stillwater is, but without the funny and loving part.
All of that detour to say that when Vi was in prison, she was basically in air jail. She wasn’t ‘just imprisoned’, she was removed from existence, and that aspect is accentuated by the fact that a) the prison is called “still water”, as in ‘you’re not allowed to move anymore’, b) it’s on an island that’s removed from both Piltover and the Undercity, and also: c) the time-skip.
The time-skip is very meaningful, because it makes us feel like everything was stopped and stuck from the moment Marcus took Vi away to the moment Caitlyn found an interested reason to get Vi out. We don’t get to see Vi in prison because it is literally a time out. It’s not her life she’s living during this time skip, it’s just her being removed for years and having no control over it.
When she gets out, she eats because it’s an earthy thing, and she was in the air all this time. She reclaims, not even her life, but just a life. This is why it is very important that we see her eat, because it shows us how she feels like she can finally move around and have an impact on the world. She is back.
At first she says to Caitlyn that she brought them here simply so that she could eat, basically to express to her that she is not going to just be used yet again by a Piltie, no, she’s here to reclaim something too and Caitlyn doesn’t have a choice in letting her have that or not, because Vi, as someone who grew up in the Undercity, is more adequate for this quest. 
And then she gets the tip from Jericho.
Food is connection, both to the place and the people. Vi eats because that’s what you do when you get home.
And she does it like a pig because she knows that’s not what a Piltie does, and she’s definitely not here to please Pilties.
Silco does not eat. He is a “kingpin”, he is very close to a classical tragedy figure (I mean… Agamemnon and Iphigenia… That’s his conflict). But he also has a mug painted by Jinx on his desk, with a lid and all, for coffee and stuff. But we don’t see him use it (sadly). He only drinks alcohol, which is akin to tobacco: not necessary to live, on the contrary, especially for tobacco which feels the lungs with noxious smoke when there is already so much suffocating people in the Undercity; when a character takes to it, it’s a symbol of being rich and/or powerful in the Undercity. 
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So, with the painted by Jinx mug, the earthy thing is here, but Silco decides to not be seen using it. It’s here and not here. And that’s because it’s precisely Silco’s story: It’s him trying to be all but a deity, the founder of Zaun, and fatherhood creeping up on him whether he wants it or not, to the point of him choosing to be a dad with a child instead of a divinity at the head of a city. He doesn’t want to be earthy, because to bring a city towards its independence you probably need to be more than human, but he is earthy and human in the end.
Jayce (and Powder)
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In episode 1, Jayce had left two sandwiches on his desk next to his dangerous forbidden work. It has tomatoes and lettuce, it's fresh. It’s a sign of how easy he has it at this time, because he can just leave food around his work, food is not precious, he doesn’t need to eat it right away. Then Powder comes into the room, and she’s starving, so her eyes light up to what is a random sandwich to Jayce, but an out of ordinary meal for her. 
And Powder eats, because at this time of the story she is just a child playing around. She is being earthy. She is not concerned by all the stakes yet, she lives the life of a human (we can't exactly say the same about Jinx, who is more akin to a spirit).
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There is also very much a thing to say about how Jayce puts his stuff on his desk, and then Powder/Jinx takes it for herself. She did the same with Hextech. (Though, I note that Powder took a bite from the sandwich and didn’t say anything to the others, she didn’t share. While we can argue that her stealing Hextech is helping Zaun, she’s kind of sharing the power with her community. And I’m just here wondering…: Why didn’t Powder share the food? What does this mean about her? Was this done intentionally to say that she’s always been on the selfish side?)
Caitlyn is nicknamed “Cupcake”. We don’t see her eat, but we see her being called the food. I see it as a way to make us feel how rich and privileged she is, and how Vi feels that and tries to make Caitlyn feels that too. I mean, of course “Cupcake” is a sweet nickname, and the most important meaning is that Vi likes Caitlyn (and also that it can be a reference to one of Caitlyn’s abilities in LoL), but still, a cupcake is a cupcake: a frivolous pastry. A cupcake is not food you get to survive, it’s something you can go without but you get it because it’s yummy. It’s superfluous, but someone from Piltover can afford them regularly. And Caitlyn is beyond that, she is the cupcake. She is a symbol of being rich. And people in the Undercity would want to eat her, but also Vi wants her for other reasons now…
Powder 2
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In the « Enemy » clip, Powder plays with her food but does not eat it. She is distracted, and to me it feels like another sign of her being meant to turn into Jinx, a character straight from a tragedy. Something more akin to a deity or spirit of rebellion rather than a little sister. (The clip is all about the seeds of Jinx in Powder, which is why I feel like it is relevant to analyze that scene as one too.)
*big sigh*... Jinx
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In the last episode, Jinx brings a cupcake to the table, with the gemstone she stole on top of it. And omg does it bear meanings.
First of all, there is the fact that there is only one cupcake when she invited 3 guests (Vi, Caitlyn, Silco), along with her two brothers who are always with her, maybe we can even count Vander since she did put a plate for him, and herself. With seven people and only one cupcake, we have to wonder: who is going to have the cake? This brings so much tension to the scene: all the people around the table, and only one prize that they have to fight over… And the twist is that no one wants the same thing (Vi wants Powder, Silco wants Jinx, Caitlyn wants the gemstone), and yet they can’t share anything.
Second, the fact that it is a cupcake. Of course it’s a cupcake. Because Vi calls Caitlyn "Cupcake", and it’s all about Jinx wanting Vi to choose her, her zaunite little sister, over her shining new topsider enforcer of a girlfriend. To Jinx, Caitlyn “Cupcake” is a big problem, and that is why she is going to put it on the table.
Third, she put the gemstone on top of the icing. And, visually, that’s what immediately tells us that the stakes are very high, and that we’re very much talking about both the past (the gemstone that killed Jinx and Vi's family) and the future (the key to 'progress' stolen on Progress Day), what we can keep from before and what’s going to have to happen next from that. Also, it feels very irreverent that Jinx puts the symbol of progress on a cute pastry. She is not scared of dirtying what is both a treasure, leverage, power, a weapon, … The gemstone is so much, and Jinx puts it into cream because she can. Because she wants to question it. Because she wants to be the one who decides what is going to happen with the gem. She makes a display of how this moment is a turning point, and how she is the one who is going to decide where we’re going from here. Basically, what is so scary about that episode is how much power Jinx has into her hands, next to how emotional and affected she is by every single word and eye twitch she gets from her guests.
Also, I might be seeing too much into it, maybe, but I still think that the reference is relevant: the cupcake with a gemstone on it is a pomegranate.
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It does look like it: the gemstone is visually akin to a blue pomegranate berry, and it is on a cupcake that serves as the husk of an actual pomegranate that holds its berries. With the differences that in Jinx’s tea party the cupcake is the less important because it’s edible while the stakes are less about who is going to get food and more about who is going to leave with the gem of power, while in the pomegranate mythology it’s straight about whether you eat it or not, so the berries are the most important because they are edible (Persephone). 
Also, in ancient Greek mythology, the pomegranate is related to death. It’s “the fruit of the dead”. And for Jinx, those magical stones are definitely all about death, since that is what she killed all her family with, whole family that she invited at her table. There is just this vibe around her gemstone crowned cupcake that I feel is the same around the pomegranates in mythology. It’s all about death, choosing to eat, staying underground (Persephone spending time in the underworld, Jinx shooting to make the Undercity an independent Zaun, Vi choosing Topside if we refer to her LoL affiliation). It's all very much about choosing underground/aboveground, and staying with the dead or not.
And the gemstone is only one berry while there are always several in the pomegranate, but I would say that that’s precisely because what is at stake with the tea party is choosing a person over another (Vi choosing between Jinx and Caitlyn, Jinx choosing between Silco and Vi, Jinx choosing to be Jinx or Powder) in a case where one choice has to exclude the other. So it’s a pomegranate with only one grain, and that is what makes us go even more « oh no… », because it's all about choosing, and we know that the ending cannot not be a tragedy for at least one character (joke’s on us, it ends up being a tragedy for absolutely everyone ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ).
TLDR: Arcane is a tragedy, Vi tries to get out of it by eating greasy food with her fingers while Silco says he’d never do that while doing that, and then Jinx puts one single pomegranate cupcake on a table with seven people around it and waits for them to fight for it, but they all bicker about other stuff than the food she baked herself, so she judges that no one is deserving of it and she destroys the world as a logic consequence. Arcane is all about how easy yet complicated it is to eat.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
“one of the top three sexiest robin williams roles” you can’t just leave that in the tag without saying what the others are (but if I’ve missed it OTL)
Okay, okay I admit, I was being mildly flippant because I think robin williams is highly capable of being sexy and armand is a great example, however now that we're here, let us consider the tenets of the sexy robin williams character
EDIT: also at this point, apologies, I was out travelling for a few days, I was not ignoring you. ahem. continuing:
did I come across him as a kid/teenager in a story that made me cry my eyes out
moustache/general hairiness
how queer is he
how well-dressed is he
how anti-authoritarian is he
does he make me laugh
Let's go wild and say every one of these gets rated from 0-10 (with 0 being for example "not at all hairy" and 10 being "sexy motherfucker")
now, here's some of his most well-known ventures
good morning vietnam: he's not got a moustache, because it's the army, but because it's the army his natural anti-authoritarianism is dialled up. he queers the space and goes hard on the camp comedy. loses points for being about americans in vietnam, and he's kind of a pest towards a vietnamese woman to begin with (although he does improve). best out of context line: "we can't say dyke these days, we can't even say lesbian, we have to say woman in comfortable shoes." Also the movie ends on a dorothy/wizard of oz quote. it's definitely not queer, but it's also... a choice.
0 on me crying for him, 3 on his chest peeking out once or twice, 7 on queerness (although I cannot overstate that it's not queer, but it IS him doing great camp as robin williams), 4 on the well-dressed I guess, at least he's not always in khaki, like... 6 on anti-authoritarian, because he's still an american in vietnam, 6 on the laughter because when I laugh I laugh a lot, but some of it ages pooorly = 26 points
dead poets society: the og "teacher you had a crush on, because he affirmed your queer identity and taught you poetry." I have since worked with tutors who taught me poetry and yeah, you do get heart eyes at them, poetry and being heard just does that to you. it's anti-authoritarian of course, it's professor-chic. it's low on the hairiness scale though. of course, it is also very very sad. he's dressed like me 20 years from now.
9 on sobbing scale, 2 on hairiness from memory, 8 on queerness in that whole fucking movie, 7 on well-dressed (this is about my gender okay), 5 on the laughter he's still robin williams even when he's only joking around a little, 8 on anti-authoritarian = 39 points
to wong foo: only in it briefly, canonically bisexual, leaves an impression, however the birdcage gives him more to work with, also... he has a soul patch, it is there, one must see it RIP. however I like that he just appeared in this movie, which was very bold in the way it cast its roles for the time
0 on sobbing scale (for him), 0 on the hair-scale my goodness, 10 for queerness that is a bisexual man (his truest self), 6 on well-dressed yes he's technically well-dressed but I don't like it much, and 5 on anti-authoritarian -- he's a queer so duh but it's not really in the plot for him, 7 on the laughter he's just charming = 28 points
bicentennial man: he's a robot who argues for his right to be considered alive. he's not my personally sexiest robot of all time, but every robot is a sexy robot. this one also made me cry (we're seeing a trend huh).
IIII cannot rate his sexiness in this movie, it's been too long -- will have to rewatch and get back to it
good will hunting: we love a dramatic turn, I wanted to say, but he did a lot of dramatic turns actually. this one might be the most straightforward dramatic that I've watched though. he's got a beard! he's helping out a kid without a lot of opportunities. he's challenging toxic masculinity. we love a sexy bearded man who's making the world a better place, breaking the cycle
yeah I cried at this as a kid 8 points, iiihihihi he has A BEARD 10 points! queer ethos related to breaking the cycle of toxic masculintitty and being someone who's looking at methods of healing and non-nuclear family support networks but not overall super queer on his character's front necessarily 5, 4 on the well-dressed it's worse than dead poets, 7 on anti-authoritarian, hmmm and 4 on laughter... it's still robin williams = 38 points
jumanji: a mess of a person who never shaved before, that's trans man aesthetics forya. he's a bit too busy for me to consider him sexy necessarily, he arrives and immediately man-eating plants, man-hunters (no innuendo intended), floods, and what-have-yous follow. he doesn't have time to be sexy, but that being said...
yes I cried to this movie as a kid 7 on the sad williams, okay he is hairy but is he kempt at all??? still 6, idk if it's queer to be trapped inside a game for most of your life but it'll certainly make you neurodivergent which is queer enough 5, badly dressed (sorry) 3, anti-authoritarian... tricky... he doesn't get on with his strict dad as a kid, he evades a man-hunter (again, no innuendo), he gets arrested by a cop and he continues to roll the dice on a game that wreaks havoc (although he continues to abide by the rules of the game sooo there's a whole essay here, let's just say 5), 4 on the laughter = 30
hon mentions: hook -- makes me cry too hard to even consider sexiness + when I was a kid it was all about dante basco. mrs doubtfire -- the particular kind of drag he does doesn't do it for me, but we love a genderfluid icon. mork&mindy -- I haven't actually seen it, but he seems too baby overall at that point. flubber -- he's got that mad professor type Look, but I've never actually seen it (I saw a trailer over and over on one of my vhs' as a kid), life according garp is a weird fucking movie which is surprisingly trans-positive but also just like... not well-made, I wanna watch what dreams may come
AND FINALLY BIRDCAGE - one of my queerbaby movies I elegantly let the tears fall 7, HIS CHEST HIS FACIAL HAIR HIS ARMS 10/10, 10 ON QUEERNESS, 10 ON DRESS, loses points on the authoritarian because he gives in to his petulant son's demands for heterosexuality BUT gains some back for his speech about being a middleaged fag + standing by his lover at the end 7, YES HE MAKES ME LAUGH 8 = 52
DING DING DING actually Birdcage is robin williams' sexiest role woops are we surprised?
generally: robin williams is underrated as a hairy man tbh, my guy's arms and chest are 👀👀👀👀👀
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lolatulips · 4 months
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Hey hey hey hoo hoo! Guess who it iiiis with a whole ‘nother Rhythm D oc using @emo-hermit 's patient template! This time, I give you Crystal Winters! A world renowned figure skater who collapsed from a heart attack during a performance in Middlesea.
There is a lot written under the cut here so do be prepared if you wanna delve in!
She was known for her excellence in remaining graceful on the ice and maintaining the appearance of floating weightlessly as she glided, as well as her immense gratitude and charity with both her fans and those less fortunate than her. Overall, she is regarded very fondly by most all that know her and, despite being a world class athlete, she very much prefers not to make too big of a fuss of herself. Even when all this happened, all she could think of was how scary it must have been for the audience to witness.
As such, Crystal's time spent in Middlesea Hospital will kind of be the inverse of Lucky's. She understands that this is a serious situation and that it will take quite a while for her to get back on her feet, but the doctors are doing everything they can to help her and, with patience, she'll be back on the ice before she knows it! No need to show anything else but a smile while she's there, right? It's not the doctors’ fault that her body just decided to fail on her.
So… why then? Why is it that she cannot help but feel so… sad? Why is it that she wants to just curl in on herself and… cry… at the prospect of not being able to perform anymore? People have sent her flowers, cards, little plushes wishing her well during her recovery period, and they're all so sweet, yet…
She doesn't wish to make it anyone's problem or be too much of a burden on the people helping her to get better, but Crystal cannot help but feel exasperated, upset and disheartened about the fact that she will be left useless for months to come. That she will have narrowly few outlets to expend her energy and clear her mind of her troubles. That the possibility of her heart not being strong enough to ever allow her back on the ice looms over her like the clouds on a snowy day.
Outwardly though, Crystal shall present herself as happily as one can, taking time to listen and understand what the doctors tell her while seeming to take it as “just one of those little things that happens in life!” before then going on to bake complex gourmet desserts for five hours so she can do something energy consuming.
A real Pollyanna to contrast from Marie being such a Primadonna!
Speaking of Marie...
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… She happens to know Crystal aaaall too well. Frighteningly too well, in fact. In fact, upon being told of her arrival at the hospital, Marie adamantly refused to take her on as a patient, shoving that task onto Ian and Ada while she took over their responsibilities for the day in turn. She will do absolutely everything she can to remain scarce with anything involving Crystal, though is very much unlikely to tell anyone why this is precisely. You can expect her to use her time powers a lot for the sole purpose of avoiding her at every possible turn.
Maybe some day we'll find out why that is…
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lost pieces pt. i
a/n: in the business of full transparency, i decided two months ago i couldn’t keep writing for same mistakes. i became extraordinarily resentful of this universe and ultimately decided to take a (permanent?) break. over the last two months, i decided i wanted to share these lost pieces to fics i will probably never publish because i am so proud of them. maybe this will help me get my mojo back, maybe it won’t. i don’t know how many pieces i’ll end up sharing. regardless, here’s this. 
piece synopsis: from a fic titled “and i don’t mind, if it’s me you need to turn to” (5 times Rebel does something for one of the Daggers and one time they do something for her)
lost pieces masterlist | same mistakes-verse masterlist 
warnings: unedited, swearing, angst, slice of life, mentions of kids, birthdays, insecurities
iiii. Payback
“We could ask your instructor’s daughter.”
“Amelia? She’s like 15-”
“No, the other one.”
He sighs, shifting. “I mean... I guess we could. I don’t know, I don’t think she likes kids.” His wife sighs.
“Reuben, honey, it’s worth a shot.” He bites his lip, looking at his wife.
“I’ll call her, but I’m not making any promises.”
“I owe you.” Is the first thing he says, as soon as the door opens.
You shake your head. “Not at all, Payback.” He sighs, opening the door wider to let you in. You follow him in to the house, weaving through a long hallway.
“Seriously, I know this is so last minute. Our babysitter’s got the stomach flu, or food poisoning, or something. We’ve been planning this date night for months now and I just-”
“Payback, I think I can handle a few kids for a few hours.” He sighs as the two of you stop at the living room. The room is lit up only by the flickering of the TV, the cartoons echoing through the room. “Elijah, Adrian, this is your babysitter for the night.” The two boys turn and you wave.
“What happened to Sarah?” The younger one moans, slinking down on the couch.
“Adrian, I told you baby, she’s sick.” A woman’s voice answers, and you turn to see Payback’s wife Celia walking down the stairs. She turns to you, offering you a smile. “Thank you for doing this, Reuben and I owe you.” She says softly as the boys turn back to their cartoons. You shake your head, setting your bag down against the wall.
“Seriously, it’s no big deal. I would’ve just spent the night watching reality TV and getting wine tipsy, so not like I had big plans or anything.”
“No one else answered, and we were getting kind of desperate. You don’t know how much we owe you.” Payback says, leaning up against the wall.
“Seriously, please, I’m happy to do this. Where’s everyone else?”
“The Padres game.”
“Oh right.”
“Which, why aren’t you there?” You shrug.
“I’m not a sports person. The only sports I partake in are the Wii kind.” A ghost of a smile appears on his face. “I’m not allowed to go to pro sports games with them anymore, because I don’t pay attention.”
“Your Dad make that rule?”
“I fell asleep through one too many Chargers games, you know back when they were still here, while at UCSD and that was the end of that.” He shrugs.
“Makes sense, season passes to the games here are expensive.”
“Yeah, they’ve only gotten worse over time.”
“Speaking of expenses, how much do I owe you?” Your eyes widen and you shake your head again.
“No, absolutely not. I’m happy to do this.”
“Mama?” The three of you turn to see Payback’s youngest, Cece. At only three years old, she had the whole family wrapped around her finger, but was absolutely inseparable from her mother.
“Hi Cece.” Her Mom coos, reaching out her hand for Cece to take. Cece takes it and stands behind her Mom as she peers out. You smile at her, crouching down to be on her eye level.
“Hi Cece. I’m (Y/N), I’m gonna watch you tonight.”
“You remember her, right?” Celia asks as Cece eyes you.
“Hey, do you have a cool name too?” Adrian shouts and Payback narrows his eyes.
“Adrian, inside voice.”
“Sorry. Do you have a cool name? Like Fanboy?” You chuckle.
“Yeah, it’s Rebel, but you don’t have to call me that.”
“Oh, I will, it’s way cooler.” You glance up at Payback, laughter escaping you.
“Cece, you remember her, right? She’s the one who brought you your teddy at your last birthday.” The girl glances down at the stuffie in her arms and her eyes widen and she toddles towards you. Wrapping her arms around your neck, you grin, picking her up.
“Alright, I think I can hold the fort down. Why don’t you guys head on out?”
Celia hesitates. “At least let us give you money for pizza.”
“WE’RE GETTING PIZZA?” Adrian shouts, scrambling up from the couch to bounce excitedly on top of it.
“Adrian James, sit down. And stop yelling.”
You chuckle at Payback’s reprimands. There’s a muttered “Sorry.” from Adrian as he flops back down, which earns a glare from Payback.
“They’re going to be on their best behavior, right?” Celia asks sternly.
The two boys nod. “Hey Rebel, can we watch movies?” Elijah asks and you nod.
“Sure, or we could play Mario Kart. I brought my Switch.” The boys began to shout excitedly at the news as Cece covers her ears. “Hey, you two, don’t get too excited now.” Payback sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Seriously, please we owe you. We’ve been planning this for months, and we didn’t get to have a date for our anniversary last year because of the move and I know this is so last minute-”
“Don’t worry about it. Go have fun. Go for a romantic walk on the beach. Run away to Vegas. Please, just go enjoy yourselves.” You say, ushering them towards the door. The boys follow you to the door as Payback and Celia hesitate.
“You sure?” Payback asks once more, despite his hand already being on the doorknob.
“Say bye to Mom and Dad.” You all wave and Celia laughs lightly as Payback opens the door. Celia takes his hand, gently leading him out of the house and you shut the door behind them.
“Do we know you?” Adrian asks, looking up at you and Elijah nudges his brother.
“You think your parents would let a stranger babysit you?” You laugh, looking at the two boys. They both remarkably resemble their Dad, height included. At just 7 and 11, they look like mini versions of Payback. “I work with your Dad. And I came to Cece’s birthday party a few months ago, remember?” They both shake their heads.
“Nope!” Adrian shouts again and Cece winces, tucking her head into your shoulder.
“Okay, Adrian, the yelling has gotta-”
“WAIT, you work with my Dad, does that mean you fly the cool planes like he does?” You nod, smiling.
“Yeah, I do. Are you boys hungry?”
“Depends, are we getting pizza?” Elijah asks, rocking back on forth on his feet. Kid knew how to play his cards.
“You want pizza? We can get something else.”
“Like what?”
You shrug. “Could order McDonalds, Chinese food-” Adrian makes a face”-anything really. What do you want to eat?”
The boys look at each other, thinking it over. “If we get pizza, can we get breadsticks?”
“I want wings!” Adrian shouts once again.
“We can do that, but only if you stop yelling.” The boy’s hands fly to his mouth, his eyes wide. Elijah lets out a giggle at his brother and you nod your head to the living room.
“C’mon, let’s go sit and we can discuss what to get.”
“Okay!″ The boys shout, giggling as they run back to the living room, launching themselves on the couch. You sigh as they smile goofily at you.
“Alright, you two, where do you want to get pizza from?”
“I’m not letting you say no.”
The envelope that has landed in front of you has your name on it and your eyes take a moment to register what it is. You pick it up, turning it over and open it. Your eyes go wide and you turn to Payback, envelope already halfway out to him.
“No, absolutely not, I will not take this-” He pushes the envelope back to you.
“Seriously, we were in a real bind. We owe you that, and more. The kids loved hanging out with you, you did a great job. Please let me do this for you-”
“No, no, I was raised better than that. I was doing a favor for a friend-”
“And now I’m replaying her-”
“What’re you guys arguing about?” Fanboy asks as Coyote takes the envelope from your hands. He opens it and his eyes go wide.
“Shit dude.”
“Give me this.” You muttered, taking the envelope back, offering it to Payback. “I’m not taking this. I refuse. I was doing a favor for my friends. You have cute kids and I was more then happy to babysit them so you and Celia could have a night off. Please, don’t worry about it.”
“I will not be out-stubborned.”
“Do you know who you’re talking to?”
He sighs, crossing his arms. “I got all day.”
“K, that’s nice, but class starts in a minute.”
“We all know Maverick is gonna be late. Just shut the fuck up and take it.”
“Payback, no.” He leans up against your table.
“Just shut up and take it. Would it kill you to do that?”
“Yes! I was raised by the philosophy of it takes a village. And the village does not accept compensation for doing something they would’ve done anyways, so... no, not taking it.”
“You really won’t accept it?”
“No, I’d just feel bad.”
“And I feel bad if you don’t take it. You went above and beyond for my kids and they haven't stopped asking when you’ll come babysit again.”
“I thought you didn’t like kids.” Hangman remarked, settling at his usual seat in front of you.
“I like them when I can return them to their parents. And I’ll babysit your kids anytime, so long as you stop trying to pay me.”
“I won’t win here, will I?” You shake your head and he sighs, picking up the envelope. “Fine, but if Celia asks, I tried.”
+ the one time they did something for her
You sighed, looking at the numbers on your phone click over. Rooster’s soft snores sound from next to you, and you look down at him, heart clenching at the sight. You reach out to run a hand through his hair and even in his sleep, he nuzzles closer to the touch. You swallow, leaning over to slide the phone on to the nightstand.
“Happy birthday to me.” You whisper, snuggling closer to Rooster.
“Hey, thanks for asking me out to do this with you.”
Phoenix nudges you. “Course, it’s your birthday. We didn’t celebrate last year.” You shrug.
“Well, I didn’t exactly tell anyone it was my birthday last year.” Bob’s eyes widen. “Okay, don’t look at me like that, it makes me feel bad. I don’t know, Coyote got me a card and I went out to dinner with my Dad and Rooster, but I’ve got bad luck with my birthdays and I don’t know, just don’t like celebrating them.”
“Well, you’re celebrating this year right?” Phoenix asks.
You pick up your coffee, taking a drink as you stall. “Um, kind of? I think I’m getting dinner with my Dad but Rooster and Coyote have been pretty quiet about it this year.”
“You think they forgot?” Bob asks softly. You shake your head.
“No, think they’re just letting me take the lead on it. Haven’t really mentioned it at all.”
“I’d be milking my birthday for everything it’s worth. Getting all the drinks out of Hangman.” Phoenix jokes and you chuckle, rolling your eyes.
“Dunno, don’t think he even knows when my birthday is.”
“Why do you do that?” You hum, meeting Bob’s eyes. “You know, act like nobody notices you.” You chuckle nervously, rubbing your hands together.
“I- I don’t know, I think I get enough negative attention from you all, the last thing I need is more.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Phoenix asks sharply and you look her.
“Are you... you’re serious? I mean c’mon, it’s been about me since the day I got here. Being Mav’s daughter, Ice’s goddaughter, that stupid argument with my Dad after the uranium mission, the investigation, getting Ace and Atlantis fired... I know I have a problem with making it about myself and for all the worst things.”
“Someone tell you that?”
“No, God no. Just one of those things you kinda just... know.” You watch as Phoenix looks at Bob, an unspoken conversation passing between the two of them.
“Hey, that’s my thing.” You joke, trying to lighten the solemn mood that has settled over the table. “Seriously, I’m fine with not making a big deal out of my birthday. Coffee with you guys and dinner with my Dad is enough.” You say, forcing a smile.
And it was. It still stung, the feeling of rejection from years long gone. Birthdays spent alone as your Dad dejectedly tried to make it better, Carole offering you anything you wanted, when all you wanted was a friend. And Bradley had been there, but Bradley was always there. Bradley was popular and everyone saw you as an extension of him. No one was really your friend, just his. And you knew it too, when every invitation to a birthday dinner or party went ignored. And you didn’t need, or want, to feel that anymore. So, if no one knew when your birthday was, no one could forget it. No one could make up an excuse to not see you or ignore it entirely. And you were fine with it. The people who cared did little things, and you didn’t need your birthday for them to prove that they did. It was easier this way, to just blend in, to not be seen-
Your phone beeped, breaking you out of your thoughts as Phoenix and Bob watched you carefully. You swallow as your eyes focus back in, realizing it’s April. A text wishing you a happy birthday, wondering when she can stop by to bring you your gift. You sigh, fiddling with one of the rings on your fingers as you looked at your two friends.
“This was fun, but I should probably get back to my house. I think April wants to bring me a gift and um-” Pheonix’s still staring as Bob nods. You’re already halfway up from the table, slipping your phone into your back pocket and grabbing your keys off of the table.
“Have a good rest of your birthday.” Bob says softly. Phoenix is on her phone, typing away furiously, and you try not let the action sting.
Didn’t care enough to even let you get out the door before she was already ignoring you. So much for progress in your friendship with her. You knew this had been Bob’s idea anyways.
You nod, waving goodbye as you walk to the exit of the local coffee shop, a place you’d frequented in high school. You tried not to let the thought of glimpses of friendship, study groups and outings, from high school sting as the door shut behind you.
“She thinks you forgot!”
He startles, rolling off his couch. He groans pushing himself up slowly and turning to sit on the hardwood, trying to figure out why Phoenix was in his house, pissed as all hell. Hangman peeks out from the kitchen, coffee cups in hand.
“Who thinks who forgot what?” His boyfriend asks, handing a cup to him. He sits down on the couch, observing the situation in front of him.
Bob shifts nervously. “Phe, really, you heard her. I don’t think-”
“Rebel thinks you forgot her birthday.” He thinks for a moment he might drop the cup and has a half a mind to set it down on the floor before he does. “Now explain to me Machado, how Bob and I remember her birthday but your pea-sized brain does not have enough space to remember your best friend’s birthday.” He holds up a hand.
“Whoa, whoa, Phoenix, I didn’t-”
“And trust me when I tell you I’m going to rip Bradshaw a new asshole for forgetting. The hell is wrong with the two of you-”
“Trace, I swear to God I didn’t-”
“-I mean, you should’ve seen her face, the way she said she didn’t want anyone to give her attention. Said we give her enough negative attention as is. She doesn’t think we even know when her birthday-”
“Trace, would you just-”
“Are you going to fix this? Tell me you’re going to fix this. Because if you don’t fix this, I will personally attach you to my jet and take off, so help me God. I mean she looked ready to cry-”
“Are you gonna-”
“I mean what the fuck is wrong with you? Did someone drop you on your head? I know you were raised better-”
“Phoenix!” He shouts and she finally pauses, chest heaving. “I didn’t forget, I literally just tried to call her. She didn’t answer, I thought she was still asleep.”
“Probably crying because you basically gave her a big fuck you by forgetting-”
“Would just let me talk for five fucking seconds?” He seethes. She does stop, albeit looking angry at his choice of words, and he takes a deep breathe. “Bradshaw didn’t forget either. We’ve been planning a small dinner for weeks now, because she hates her birthday, but we had to do something.”
“The worst part of this is how at peace she was with knowing you forgot.”
“Would you stop making me feel shittier than I already do?”
“Girl’s got self-esteem issues.” Hangman says shrugging and he looks to his boyfriend, mentally wishing he’d shut up for once.
“Yeah, we all know she needs to be in therapy. Not news. You’re just willing let her think you forgot?”
“I didn’t want to make a big deal of it, she hates that.” He defends, feeling silly even now as he said it. Should’ve been doing more. “We were gonna text everyone today, because you know our crew can’t keep their mouths shut about surprises. We were just gonna let it be a little surprise for her with everyone who could come. Just dinner and her friends, that’s all she wants, but she’ll never ask. So we were doing it ourselves.” Phoenix rolls her shoulders and he can see some of the anger dissipate. A silence falls over the room as he stands up, sweatpants shifting as he does. “Fuck, did she really cry?”
“On the verge of tears when she left.”
He groans, running a palm over his face as he leans over, picking up his mug and setting it on the coffee table in exchange for his phone. He swipes it open, going to his best friend’s name. He gets sent to voicemail, almost immediately, and he curses quietly.
Hangman’s watching him carefully. “She not answer?” He asks as he pulls the phone away from his ear. He shakes his head but almost immediately a text pops up.
Sorry, April’s at my house. Call you when she leaves?
He swallows. “Okay, so April’s at her house. Why she didn’t answer.”
“So dinner?” Phoenix asks, crossing her arms.
“Let dinner be something small, we can do cake at her house afterwards. We’ve already have them here.” He says, jerking his head to the kitchen. “But if you’d be willing-”
“What do you have in mind?”
“You know you didn’t have to come to dinner tonight.” You whisper, nudging Hangman’s shoulder. The two of you follow Penny, Mav, Amelia, Rooster, and Coyote to the restaurant. Hangman looks nice, a park blue button-down polo matching a nice pair of jeans and your jacket is hanging over your crossed arms, the dress fluttering with the light breeze.
He shrugs. “Wanted to.”
You laugh softly. “Definitely not because you’re part of the family now and can’t escape?”
He chuckles. “Maybe a little of that.” He says, holding the door open for you as you follow the group into the restaurant. “Did you think we’d forget?” His questions catches you off guard and you hum as you watch your Dad sweet talk the hostess.
“What do you mean?”
“Your birthday, did you think we’d forget?”
“Didn’t think you knew when it was Bagman.” The teasing tone and nickname creates a frown line in his forehead. “What?”
He squares his shoulder, guard going back up. “Thought we were closer than that.”
Your shoulders droop. “Hey, I was kidding. I’m just not used to people caring s’all.”
He sucks a breath in through his teeth as you begin to follow the hostess to your table. “Yeah, trust me, I get that. But they do. I do. And so do a lot of others.”
“Did we...” You shift in your seat. “I don’t remember leaving the kitchen light on.” Rooster adjusts his grip on the steering wheel, not saying anything. He pulls into the driveway next to Hangman’s car, your Dad’s farther up the driveway.
“Looks like they beat us to the house.”
“Well, you were the one who spent an extra fifteen minutes in the restaurant bathroom.”
“I had to pee!”
“For fifteen minutes?”
“Listen-” You giggle as your boyfriend turns to you.
“Listen, it’s my birthday. You can’t be mean to me.”
He sighs. “I could never be mean to you.”
“Yeah, I know, why do you think Fanboy always tells you you’re whipped? C’mon, let’s go inside. I want cake.”
“Whatever m’lady wants.”
You laugh as you climb out of the car.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
burnin for you pt three | stranger things ; g.emerson
A/N ; I told you guys I love this idiot and I have officially kinda adopted his grumpy ass as one of my own damn it, but anyway... and I wanted to write this for him and all that jazz. Welp, here we kinda have me getting a late night idea about 'stupidest' nicknames that reader and Gareth could call each other -and of course, how to give reader at least one friend that's not hellfire / corroded coffin and a girl so she can do her girly shit and not seem so flat or tragic for me while also exploring reader's home issues and such and inserting ANGST, so here we freakin go.
I shit you not, when the idea for their nicknames came I died laughing. If you guys don't like them, oops? I guess just sub in your own chosen nickname? Look, I'm still working on making the switch from writing OC characters to doing x reader so uh.. I'm trying, lol. [ BTW, i'm gonna attempt to revisit or update the ones for Tommy and Billy, I just.. haven't thought of a way to do it yet. ]
Huuuge huge thanks for all the feedback, oh my god, y'all have been making my days so bright with the comments and the tags and the reblogs and the likes bc I dead ass did not think anybody would read anything I put out bc I am gremlin.. You have no idea how much it truly means to me and I thank you so so so so so much, mwah!
- Ashes
Pairing ; Gareth Emerson x sweet!girly!rich reader [ we're officially calling them pastels and plaid. ]
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ;  pt I | pt II pt III part IIII can be found here those can and should be read first, then this one.. first of all. Gareth has been aged up to 18 before anybody says a word. I'm putting that out there now. So there's no question about it. This is set in 86 BUT BUT.. the upside down, vecna and all the other stuff that goes along with is not a part of this, it's more of a slice of life thing. So if you're into that... NO DEATHS EITHER BTW.
Tag List ; @allelitesmut @aries-arcade @hcloangcls @heyaitsklaudia @krys-orion @musichealsscars and @scoobiessnacks are the only ones currently on my taglist. If you’d like to be on my taglist for anything I write, including Stranger Things [ here ] add yourself there.
Warnings ; Chrissy -and readers, not so great home lives and her relationship with jason are discussed here so there are some not so nice things (ie, her ED is hinted at here but not really discussed, Jason is an asshole, her mother is verbally abusive and readers parents are just plain neglectful killjoy types who alternate between never being around and purposely taking away things that make reader happy if she's not 'good enough' at them) so before I go any further, that's mentioned heavily in the beginning. It's not that graphic but it is there. Mentions of the devils lettuce + the boys doing a smoking circle after jamming in Jeff's garage, lots of internal pining and the angst that goes with it, use of nicknames/petnames (bunny and meatball, my mind at 2 am, babes i s2g) and that's it.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || - send me things.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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You couldn’t sleep. The house was too quiet and your mind was way too noisy. There’s a park just down the street that you’ve been going out to the swingsets to sit on nights like this. It’s normally empty because this is the gated neighborhood and most of the people in it are usually asleep, so as you make your way down dimly lit streets towards the park, you’re surprised to learn that’s not the case tonight.
Chrissy Cunningham is sitting on the jungle gym, Leaned back with all her weight on her palms, her head tilted back as she gazes at the sky. Remembering she’s one of them, you’re about to turn and make your way back up the street but she spots you and jogs over.
“Wait. Don’t go… Please?”
You eye her warily, a hand on your hip. You start to turn and just walk away anyway because looking at her only brings back the way Brook, the queen bee at your old school confronted you in front of everyone at your old school to tear you down and humiliate you and ruin everything, but you happen to see the red in Chrissy’s eyes.
You try to tell yourself she’s probably high, everybody in your old clique at the boarding school you were in before life -and shitty, neglectful parents, landed you in Hawkins in the big lonely house on the end of the street. But something about that thought doesn’t fit. Then you remember hearing her mother shouting earlier, halfway up the block.
What’s more is you heard her over your father’s true pride and joy, a top dollar home theater system. That wasn’t on low volume by any means because you were trying to drive out the tomb-like silence.
You rub the bridge of your nose and it’s what she says next that sways you into sticking around. “Please don’t go. I…I won’t annoy you and this isn’t a trick, okay? I just... I want someone to talk to right now. Please?”
You take a deep breath. “Fine.” you finally respond. The two of you make your way back over to the jungle gym she’d previously been sitting on and for about ten minutes, you’re both just sitting in complete silence.
“The freaks..” Chrissy starts and you cut her off. “They’re not freaks.” you assert calmly, giving her a warning look. “They’re my friends. I think they are, I dunno...” you go quiet and your words trail off as you look down at the manicure you’d given yourself that afternoon while watching General Hospital and babysitting the two youngest Sinclair girls. You’d done the two girls nails to match, of course.
“Sorry, it’s just…” Chrissy swallows hard, swinging bare feet around, her feet making a soft thud when the heels of them met the wood plank behind them. “That’s what everyone around here calls them. It’s a bad habit and I hate it.”
“Then don’t do it. Y’know, you do have the power to change things.” you say it with a quiet laugh and you immediately apologize. “Don’t take my advice. Trust me.” you add a few seconds later. “Because I tried to change things at the boarding school I was at before… Only ended with me getting fucked over.”
Chrissy cringes and looks at you in concern, but closer up, you’re thinking to yourself that if anyone needs a concerned look right now, it’s her. You start to ask her if she’s eaten because everything about the way her face just looks so damn tired makes you think about Elaine from your old school. Before you can stop yourself and remind yourself that Chrissy is one of them and they’re not to be trusted under any circumstance, you’ve asked the question. “Are you okay?”
“The whole neighborhood heard it.” Chrissy mumbles softly. “I thought just this once she’d be proud of me,y’know?” she’s wiping at her eyes and you tense a little because all you wanted to do when you left your house was come down and sit in silence to look up at the stars.
Try to quiet your own noisy mind and all the doubts and fears in it for just a little while. Try to stop yourself from calling Gareth at fuck all o’clock because he’s the only one you sort of trust and you just needed to hear his voice because you’re determined not to give anybody - a friend, your parents, a boy, that much of a hold on you again.
Instead of admitting that you heard it because that feels like the wrong thing to do somehow, you shrug. “I was watching some stupid show.” you mumble quietly. It’s not a complete lie, you were watching tv when it happened. You just omit the fact that you heard her mother lashing out at both her and her father over the volume level of said television show.
She looks a little relieved that maybe one person didn’t hear her mother lashing out. You manage a weak smile and repeat your earlier question because to an extent, she hasn’t fully answered it. She looks down at her bare feet and shakes her head. “I hate being me.”
And you feel that in your bones. But you don’t say anything. She laughs and it’s a quiet and almost bitter sound. “I mean, perfect boyfriend, perfect grades, perfect body… You’d think I’d be happy…Right?” she shakes her head and mutters a quiet, “Forget it.”
“No,no.” you reach out for her wrist when she goes to leave. “Finish what you were going to say. It’s not like I’m gonna sleep tonight anyway.” with a mild shrug.
“Your parents too?” she asks and the question is almost hopefully phrased as she searches your eyes. You bite your lip and shrug. “Lack thereof, actually. They won’t be back from their little business trip until December, if they even come back. According to my father, they’re in talks to merge with some other entertainment business and go in together to open some nightclub or something. They could be gone a year or something, I really don't know..” you laugh quietly.
“Wasn’t your father talking to the mayor about re-visiting the whole idea to buy out the mall?”
“Yeah, he was. Then he got this offer and decided to go with it. Mayor Kline didn’t want to negotiate, something about the current owners of the mall had a better idea.” you shrug, rolling your eyes.
“So you’re there alone?”
“There’s a cleaning lady that comes in twice a week. It’s not like it’s a big deal.” you shrug it off. It is a big deal but you’re so used to the endless parade of service people in and out and the absence of your actual parents that now you just get numb because there’s no hope left.
“We weren’t talking about me, Chrissy.” you mumble after the silence gets just a little too thick. She sighs. “I hate him. I hate him and I hate my mother. But I still love her and I want her to be proud of me just once so I do everything I can…”
You gaze at her and nod. “Listen, this is your life. Fuck them.”
She manages a nervous smile. Twists a strand of strawberry blonde around her finger. “I wish it were that easy.”
“This is gonna sound selfish but trust me.. Or don’t, whatever.” you’re swinging your feet as you look up at the moon and stars overhead. After a second or two to pause and think about how best to word it, you decide to just say it. “Has that idiot Jason Carver ever done anything good or helpful for you?” you gaze at her.
“Well, no but–”
You shake your head. “No buts. Him ‘making you popular’ or whatever bullshit you were about to say is not important, it doesn’t count.” you laugh quietly. The more you sit and talk to her on the jungle gym in the middle of the night, the more you’re confronted with just how much alike you both are.
You don’t like that, it doesn’t sit well.
This in turn, leads you to sort of think that maybe it’s time you follow the advice you’re giving her. Or try harder to.
“Okay, what about your mother? When’s the last time she actually gave a shit?”
Chrissy’s mouth opens and closes and she’s in deep thought. You shrug mildly. “Do what makes you happy. To hell with your mother definitely, Hawkins High student body and especially that piece of shit Jason Carver.”
“Why are you telling me this? I..” she trails off, laughing softly. “I thought you hated us.”
No sense in deluding the poor girl, you respond quietly, “Most of you, yeah. I wouldn’t spare a drop of pee if most of you were on fire..” you gaze at her thoughtfully. “Maybe you’re different. Maybe it’s not too late for you.” and as you say this, you focus all your energy into it because if it’s not too late for her this means it’s not too late for you.
She manages a weak smile. “Maybe.”
“What does make you happy, hm?”
Chrissy giggles quietly. “There’s this boy.” she starts and instantly, you get the feeling you might possibly not want to hear the rest because if it all centers around a boy -because right now, god that sounds just way too close to home and you’re definitely not in the state of mind to deal with that just yet, it’s probably gonna be an awful disaster for her.
“No, I meant like.. Hobbies?” you clarify what you meant.
“Cheerleading. That really does make me happy. It’s the only thing that keeps me hanging on.”
Like your ballet. That your parents took you out of to put you in boarding school so they could jet around god knows where and do anything but be parents. Your mother claims to this day that she was doing it for your own good because you weren’t good enough and she was saving you from pain later, but you honestly didn’t care if you were any good or not, you just loved to dance. You loved the structure and the discipline because it was something nobody gave a shit about you enough to give to you at home.
Besides the one nanny you had when you were 10, the only one who acted like a goddamn parent and didn’t treat you like you were just some kind of little prop when needed. But they took her too because your father said attachments were something that would make you weak.
You nod and you smile a little. Before you stop yourself with the reminder that again, she is one of them and therefore, not to be trusted even a little, you mumble quietly, “Ballet.” and you give a shrug. “I was in classes but my mother decided I wasn’t doing well enough at it to warrant going anymore.”
Chrissy swallows hard and she doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. You mumble an apology because there you go again, making it awkward. “Sorry, I… That should’ve stayed in my head.”
“No, no.. It’s fine. I don’t mind.”
And she doesn’t.
Something she’s thinking about makes her smile just a little and you bite your lip, looking at her. “Okay, out with it. What’s his name?” you decide that maybe it's safer to stick to boys or whatever else you can both think of because this conversation is getting just a shade too heavy right now for you but you want to talk to her, you need to talk to someone.
“Eddie Munson.” Chrissy answers in an almost dreamy and shy tone as she laughs softly. "It feels so good to just say it."
You gape for a second and then you laugh quietly. “Wow. I..” you shake your head, dragging your hand through damp hair, “I was not expecting that.”
“You can’t say anything, alright? Please?” she begs.
You’d never say a word, one, because you dunno if she’s trustworthy or not just yet and two, you know how that feels. To trust somebody with something and then they take it and use it against you somehow, make a total mess of everything.
You rub your forehead.
This entire conversation has been one eye-opener after another.
Some necessary and some, like Chrissy’s confession about having a crush on Eddie Munson, totally shocking. But you feel a little lighter somehow. You come away with the desire to stop letting life run over you repeatedly. To stand up for yourself more. With everyone. To stop giving a shit about anyone who doesn’t give a shit about you.
“I won’t.” you manage a smile and hold up your pinkie despite it being the height of childish. She links her pinkie through and you both laugh quietly.
“Y’know..” you’re not even sure why you’re suggesting it, maybe it’s to save her from Jason Carver turning into a worse man later in life and her being trapped, maybe it’s just for shits and giggles because you cannot, for the life of you picture Eddie, an actual golden retriever idiot, - the thought comes with all the friendly affection you can muster, of course,  with her.
“Eddie’s a way better person than Jason. Jason’s only going to get worse.”
Chrissy nods. The look in her eyes tells you that this isn’t something she hasn’t thought about a thousand times already. You shrug and lean back against the metal pull bar beside the top of the slide behind you so that you’re actually facing her completely. You laugh a little. “I need to take some of my own advice.”
“Yeah.. that whole fuck them speech? It was aimed at me too.” you admit, going  quiet to stare down at the cracks in the wood beneath you. Chrissy laughs softly. “So do it.”
“You first.” you deadpan, sticking out your tongue.
“Okay, what if we both do it?”
“Do you think they’d be able to handle both of us just lighting a match and watching everything and everyone who didn't care enough and we no longer care about burn though?” you ask quietly, kicking your feet again as you admit in a quiet whisper, “Because I’ve got so much anger sometimes I can’t sleep.”
“I know what you mean. Mine isn’t… It’s more pain than anger.”
“Pain turns into anger, you know that, right? But the whole numb thing, that comes first most of the time. Or that’s how it worked for me.”
Both of you go quiet again and then she looks at you. “What’s it like?”
“Hm?” you glance up at her. 
“Dating Gareth Emerson?”
You laugh softly.
“We’re..” you trail off and lean your head back against the wooden post. “He’s just my friend.”
“But you wish there was more going on… Right?”
You shrug. “A little yes, a little bit I’m too scared to even think about it. I’m a fucking mess, okay? Just like.. Trust me.” 
“You don’t seem that bad.”
“Thank you.” you mumble.
“Why don’t you just tell him?” Chrissy is poking the bear because she doesn’t understand why you wouldn’t just tell him. She always sees you two around school. And everybody thinks you’re dating him, especially after the brawl that happened a week or two back between him and Mason Allen. A brawl that Mason Allen hasn’t quite gotten over just yet. The thought reminds her that she was going to warn you to warn Gareth and his friends to watch their backs, so she butts in to say so.
“Hey, you might want to warn Gareth.. And his friends. Mason’s furious because Gareth kicked his butt.”
“Oh he is, huh?” you muse, glancing at her. “Is he planning something?”
“Just says that when he catches him alone, he’s going to get him back.”
You scoff. “Yeah, like hell that’s going to happen. I won’t let it.” you assert.
But really, can you stop it? You weren’t brave enough to stand up for yourself thus creating the mess in the first place. Even as the thought hits you, you know that you’re at least going to try. Whatever it takes. Because you’re not going to let Gareth get dragged into something you should’ve been brave enough to handle on your own.
“I’ll warn him later.” you mumble to yourself. Chrissy circles back to her original question, asking again why you don’t just tell Gareth how you feel. You laugh softly. “You first, sweets. I happen to know Munson would be fuckin thrilled. He’s always watching you.” you give her a slightly warmer grin as you say it.
Chrissy nods and takes a deep breath or two. “It’s not that easy.”
“My point exactly.”
“I thought you were dating Gareth, I mean.. He calls you bunny. And you’re always with him. You’re both always kind of touching each other?” Chrissy points out quietly. You laugh again. “I have not the first clue where Gareth came up with that nickname. I just told him he could call me literally anything but my name because I hate it so much and then he started calling me bunny.” you shrug, laughing again. “Knowing him, it probably has to do with me eating vegetables and fruit. Something off the wall like that.”
“What do you call him?” Chrissy giggles as she asks the question, smiling at you all soft and serene.
“Never to his face and this doesn’t leave us, got it?” you look at her and take a deep breath before bursting into laughter. “Pretty boy. I uh.. Had a real interesting dream a few nights ago when I got a little crazy and raided my mom’s wine and I’m pretty sure I called him daddy a thousand times during that.. But seriously,” you’re staring at your pale pink toenails as you swing your feet back and forth, “I call him meatball most of the time. Because he’s stronger than he looks, meatballs are kind of a comfort food for me and like… I dunno where I was going with that. I called him tiger once and his face went so fucking red, it was the cutest thing…” you double over, laughing at your sap and stupidity. 
You cringe a little. “That was way too much information.”
“No, it’s okay. This is nice. Can we?” she fidgets with the sleeve of her sweater while looking down, “Can we do this again sometime? Can I talk to you and stuff at school?”
You laugh and shrug. You don’t expect her to follow through on the talking at school thing, not even slightly, but you smile and nod. “Yeah. Sure. Why not?” you mumble, wondering to yourself the whole time if you’re going to regret it in the long run.
Something tells you maybe this time you won’t.
You haven’t regretted a single second since you made the decision not to get sucked right back in with the type of people you used to be friends with and be like, to an extent. 
Chrissy grins brightly at you. You manage a slightly smaller bright grin. “Hey, if you ever need somewhere to go, I’m at the end of the street. The big blue house.” you point out your house to her and she nods. “I’ll probably take you up on that a lot.”
– ( jeff’s garage )
The heavy haze hung in the air and Jeff fanned in front of his face a little as he passes the joint to Grant. Grant took a hit and passes it to Eddie.
Eddie nudges Gareth and Gareth blinks.
“Okay, meatball. Focus, idiot.” Jeff laughs out.
Gareth gives him a dirty look and flips him off. “Fuck off, Jeff.”
“What? I can’t call you that but she can? I thought she wasn’t your girl… Meatball.” Jeff scoots himself away from the circle and lays on the cement slab floor laughing his ass off.
“Of all the nicknames. She picks that one.”Gareth shakes his head, laughing even though sometimes, it is a little annoying. But to be fair, you only started calling him meatball when he started calling you bunny.
And now, it’s become a habit.
“Pretty sure she’ll say the same thing, you call her bunny.” Eddie points it out and this prompts the rest of the little circle to glance at Gareth.
Gareth’s face is on fire and he gives Eddie a death glare. “Dickhole.”
“What? I heard you earlier.” Eddie shrugs.
“Of everything you could call her, man.. Bunny? Seriously?” Jeff questions.
“Why bunny?” Grant asks quietly as he fixes his gaze on Gareth, waiting on an answer.
Gareth laughs and shakes his head, taking a hit of the joint before passing it on to Jeff. He exhales and at first, he tries to just shrug it off without answering.
“You know the rule. Spit it out.” Eddie says it so sternly and with such a shit-eating grin at the same time  that they all burst out laughing.  “This is the circle, Gare. No secrets.”
“Fuckers.” Gareth grumbles, irritated. “Fine. If any of you says a word, I swear to Ozzy..” he trails off and grins, kicking his sneakers together as he leans back, propping on his hands to gaze up at the ceiling. “It’s that little nose wrinkle, okay? It’s.. It’s so fucking cute and it reminds me of that rabbit my older sister Sarah had. And she’s always kicking her foot against the desk.”
Jeff is laughing harder, so hard that he takes a hit and it nearly doubles him over because he can’t stop laughing and he inhales and nearly chokes himself down on the smoke in the process. “Say what now?” he looks at Gareth.
Gareth shrugs and cringes as he adds in a quieter tone, “And she’s shorter than me, there’s that. Look, she’s small and cute… Like a rabbit. If you assholes say one word, I’m gonna kick your asses, got it?”
“Scout’s dishonor.” Eddie taunts, smirking. Gareth leans out to give him a lazy shove. “Especially not you, asshole.” Gareth warns.
“Aw, he really is in love.”
“I’m not, damn it. I’m not.” Gareth insists, glaring at his friends even though he knows it’s a lie deep down. And even  though it’s been weeks now and she hasn’t proven his original assumption right yet, he’s still living every single second that he knows you with the worry that eventually, the other shoe is going to drop.
Only now, he’s gone and fucked up, truly. He’s too attached now. So when -not if, because he’s convinced that this is too good to be true and any day now, he’ll wake up and it’ll have been a dream or a figment of his imagination, something, the bad thing does happen, it’s going to crush the guy.
The more he tries to fight it off, the deeper he winds up falling. It’s exciting, it’s terrifying and it’s frustrating as hell, especially lately, with the little nicknames and the way he can’t stop himself from touching you all the damn time.
“Just fucking do something, Gare. If you don’t, it’s going to drive you crazy and you will explode.” Jeff’s outburst has Grant and Eddie nodding in agreement. “The tension’s so fucking thick you’re kind of giving us all blue balls, idiot. Any second now,” Eddie wags his finger at Gareth with a smug look on his face, “You will explode.”
“I will not. It’ll be fine. Look, maybe being her friend is enough, man.”
“Bullshit.” Grant coughs but doesn’t bother covering the word as he does it.
“Yeah, he’s full of shit.” Jeff agrees, laughing as he shakes his head. “You’re full of shit.”
“That’s the biggest load of horse shit.” Eddie exclaims.
“Fuck all of you, alright? Why aren’t we talking about Munson making ga-ga eyes at a certain cheerleader, huh?” Gareth smirks when Eddie flips him off and he moves away from the circle, laughing. “Doesn’t feel so fucking great, does it?” he asks, folding his arms.
“Your situation and mine are totally different, shithead.” Eddie answers, going quiet. “Y’know I can’t tell her anything. She’s one of them.”
“And any day now, my girl could be too, idiot.” Gareth points out quietly.
Jeff shakes his head. “If you were any more stubborn you’d be a goddamn brick wall, Emerson. If she was going anywhere, she’d have done it at least the third or fourth day she was here. No… she’s always with you, with us, dumb fucker. Wake up.”
“I can’t with him, I really just can’t. Says all that and calls her his girl. Makes no sense.” Eddie mumbles, shaking his head too.
“You’re blind and an idiot, Emerson. And I mean that with all the care in the world.” Grant muses, taking a sip of a soda he only just remembers that he’d grabbed from Jeff’s kitchen earlier.
“As I said just a second ago, fuck all of you.” Gareth flips off his friends as he stands. “I’ll see you assholes tomorrow. Gotta get home.”
And as he’s leaving, his friends' opinions just won’t get out of his head. No amount of shoving them down will help, either because he’s starting to realize, even now, that they’re all right. Sooner or later -probably sooner, just being your friend isn’t going to be enough. It’s already starting, truth be told.
But the poor guy has not the first clue what to do to move things one way or another.
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poeticmoonspirit · 2 years
These Things I've Done - Part II
Part I Part III Part IIII Part V Part VI
Aang desperately looked to his friends, trying to find a helpful face, but found no one. Even Sokka, who he thought would be on his side, glared at him with an anger he had never seen before.
But what hurt most was seeing the betrayal in Zuko's eyes. He hurt one of his best friends out of spite and anger and he didn't know if the firebender had it in him to forgive him.
The avatar was supposed to be a beacon of hope for the world, he was supposed to help people, yet he couldn't help his friends when it really counted. He glanced at Katara who was making her way into the beach house, and felt sadness tug at his heart. Why couldn't they see reason?
Toph and Suki stood near Zuko, with Suki crossing her arms with a look of disdain etched on her face. Toph has clenching and unclenching her fists, and stomped her way over to Aang. He gulped, bracing for what was to come.
What he didn't expect was to be hit by her. He held his stinging cheek, eyes wide at the blind girl.
"Have you lost your freaking mind?! How could you say that about Katara? About Zuko?"
He couldn't find the words. He just couldn't.
"We're all out here busting our butts to train your ungrateful and judgemental ass, and you're just gonna say all of that with your whole chest?" Sokka closed his eyes and pinched his nose in annoyance, a migraine was slowly but surely making a home in his head and he was not happy.
But he was going to let Toph say her piece before he could say what he needed to so he could lie down for a bit.
"What's wrong with you?" She was fuming now, unable to keep her anger at bay.
"I'm – I'm sorry." Toph shook her head.
"I can tell you're lying."
Sokka stepped in, "You know, I have a really bad headache right now, so I'm just gonna say this and go, but what you said to Katara was downright wrong but more importantly, I'm honestly disappointed in you, Aang. I don't know if you remember this, but Katara and I both have the same mother! Are you going to say that Zuko corrupted me too? For wanting revenge against that monster?"
Aang honestly hadn't thought of that. He just didn't want Katara to take the path that would lead to her corruption. He didn't think it was that big of a deal at the time. Was he sorry? Yes. But he wasn't sure if he was sorry for what he said or the consequences of it. He felt bad but he had to remember his ancestors. He had to remember their teachings and spread it to the world. Even if people didn't want to hear them, he knew that the monks were right.
"I–I wasn't thinking of you, Sokka. At the time I was just thinking of Katara–"
Suki spoke, "Do you honestly think she can't make decisions for herself? That she's just some innocent and helpless little girl?"
Aang didn't—he couldn't—do this right now. The comet was going to be here in less than five days and there was so much he needed to do instead of fighting with them on something that wasn't even that important.
"Katara's very powerful, I know that already! I know that she can protect herself!"
"So why do you keep acting like she can't?" Sokka asked, stepping closer to the airbender.
"Because—because I love her!"
There was nothing but uncomfortable silence after that. Sokka pursed his lips, not wanting to break it to the airbender that she was already taken and definitely not in love with the twelve-year-old.
Zuko finally spoke, everyone turning to look at him. "I, well," he rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrassment, "Katara and I didn't want to tell everyone until after the comet but I guess the cat's out of the bag now. We're...together now."
Sokka, already knowing after she spilled it to him a few days ago, sighed. He knew Aang was going throw a fit and frankly, he was tired of having to calm him down.
Aang sputtered, his fists and jaw clenched in anger, "You guys are what?"
The firebender rolled his eyes, "Do I really need to spell it out for you again?"
"No, no you can't—she's mine! My forever girl!"
As angry as Toph was at the avatar, she couldn't help but burst out laughing at his words. "Your what?! You can't be serious!" Suki held in her giggles at the earthbender's antics. Aang glared at her.
"This isn't funny, Toph!"
She was still cackling, "Oh, but it is! Do you—do you actually think Katara belongs to anyone?! That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!"
Zuko couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Katara is her own person, Aang. Why do you still not get that?"
Aang was furious now. He wanted to blow the entire world up for being unfair to him. First, Katara became a murderer and now this?! He was done. He had to leave before he made things worse. So he picked up his glider and flew away, escaping yet another mess they had to clean up.
"He—he can't be serious!" Zuko said, struggling to keep the anger in check. His entire body was heated, as if it were engulfed in flames. He always did this! He always left when it was time for him to take responsibility.
The rest of them sat there in anger and annoyance at this turn of events, making a promise to themselves to teach the Airbender a lesson or two. Zuko didn't know about the others but it's safe to say that he'll never forgive the airbender for his actions today.
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bicon-crange · 9 months
can the nosey ones know abt ur crush? :3c dw if not. my condolences (positive)
yeah sure why not i cant stop fucking talking about it anyways.
iiii dont know if its necessarily a crush though!! definitely an obsession. definitely some kind of. fixation. thanks for your condolences i definitely fucking need them. TT-TT )
its like. uh. this person i know whos sooo articulate and smart and. theyre really sweet. yknow BASIC SHIT. theyre great everyone likes them.
anyways when we first started talking it was like. some kinda. there was clashing. i guess is how you could put it? but every time we finished talking i felt soo like. electrified. like buzzing. like my whole body was just shaking. adrenaline? maybe?
i really thought at first that it was just a friendly interest. some sort of.. y'know intellectual thing! you meet someone whos so much smarter than you and whos ideas are so well put together and who thinks YOU'RE interesting and of course you want to know more of how their brain works of course youre. captivated a bit yknow? thats like. normal. to feel. i think.
oh the first couple times we talked i went so nuts! i reread over our convos like a thousand times and reiterated our talks several times to EVERYONE in my house. its so actually embarrassing. but they were good convos you HAAAVE to understand. it was like. ducking weaving. it was like. some sort of mental exercise . and i thought it was like. normal. but it just kept. HAPPENING. AND HAPPENING. AND HAPPENING.
and i tell you what this was a lot easier a month or so ago when i was like I JUST REALLY LIKE TALKING TO THIS PERSON!! ^_^ (<- STILL A DEFINITE POSSIBILITY) cause ugh. lately its like. ever since the thought popped in my head that this interest MIIIGHT be romantic in nature its. ALLLL DAY thinking about them its so nuts! its so constant!! its literally like a fucking DISEASE... i feel like. angry over it? spiteful? almost? it reminds me of when i had a crush on a guy in elementary school and I didnt know how to handle it so i beat the hell out of him with a lunch box.
like im over here forgetting shit left and right and messing up basic conversation skills and having heart palpitations and theyre like. fine probably. iiii honestly dont think they even think about me lol. i mean definitely not as much as i am,easy, because im totally insane and obsessive i know this.
we also dont talk so much! its not very often! so yeah im sure they dont think about me as much. im even definitely sure if i ever verbalized this it wouldnt work out. ive visualized them turning me down like 20 different ways for 20 different reasons just today. lots of reasons yknow! im mentally unwell and totally nuts, im immature and also very ugly im unable to carry out a meaningful relationship because of my chronic pain problems and various health issues, all of that is fine but my obsessive nature is really freaky,LD relationships are a no-go, they just dont like me that way, ect ect ect.
its sooo stupid. its SO middle school. they type a response to me and i can barely look at the screen. i feel SO fucking stupid its insane. im like. going to claw my eyes out of my head and chew on them till they burst. i hate it here. and its never going to be reciprocated whatsoever so im literally not even going to try.
BESIDES Y'KNOW!! I DONT EVEN KNOW FOR SURE IF THATS WHAT IM FEELING!! its been wracking my brain for a week straight!! its like. am i just fascinated on an intellectual level, am i just interested in an anthropological sense, are these just really good conversations, if this just normal friendship and im making things super weird? am i just excited that someone seems to get what im saying about what im interested in? yknow. dumb.
either way TLDR; im waiting for it to pass. either I'll sort my own feelings out or itll pass! if its infatuation, GOOD, that has a expiration date of 1-2 years so i will just box it up and not think about it and not do anything about it. ^_^ )9 and it WILL die. BUT if you know how to force that process to go along faster let me KNOW.
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itstaisstuff · 1 year
ummmmmm okay so this is embarrassing. so. i know i said a week but actually i am here again and not vanishing into the fog sorry about that *awkwardly clears throat* ANYWAY hi it is i that one guy who keeps bothering about tangdubs!! i am aiming to add more fics to that tag so iiii was wondering if i could bother u for a prompt or two for some little fics i could try to write :3 i have so many longer things in the works but well.. a little oneshot is good for the mind..
Oh omg hiiii heyy helloww that one guy who keeps bothering about tangdubs!! *kicking my feet twirling my hair and giggling* I missed ya, sweet anon<3
You don't even know how happy I am to get this ask because OH VOID. I HAVE SOOO MANY THINGS I WANNA WRITE BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE OF TIME. So let's see what exactly you want!!
Keep in mind: even if you won't like the ideas I'm glad to just share them. Also you can tweak them however you want!!
Something fluff?
Haha. Little coffee shop au. Bdubs is a barista in this little shop, working 2/2 and Tango is the best friend of hisregular(Impulse) and just moved in town. As time goes by Tango starts to visit this coffee shop without Impulse, he comes around even on holidays when he doesn't have to go to work. He goes there mainly because of this handsome very mockable barista. I can go into the depths of this au, but in this case this will be a loong answer(but you can always ask about it if you want to) so the only thing you need to know for now is just how they both are completely fallen for each other and keep trying to harmlessly prank each other (mainly verbally, but sometimes Bdubs would give Tango a salt instead of sugar just for fun knowing it wouldn't change anything and Tango won't stop visiting and ordering stuff)
The idea for fic I had was them just hanging out during Bdubs' break while he does one of these stupid crosswords from a cringey journal someone left. I'm gonna leave the rest to you, but the main idea was about Tango saying "if kiss is just a word, then I have a serious conversation with you". What was it for? What's gonna happen next? Idk, you tell me!
Something angsty?
Little fantasy au is for you! Local wizard Bdubs living in a forest and Royal engineer Tango who visits his place from time to time due to King's order to ask the wizard for something. Living far from everyone makes you feel very lonely. Especially when a very certain handsome blonde engineer with blue eyes(yes I'm a blue eyed Tango enjoyer so what?) you clinge to is not around. They may know each other, but it doesn't seem like Tango actually shows any interest in the wizard guy. But oh well. If Bdubs wants something, he'll get what he wants. No matter how. Even if he'll have to make a love potion just for his beloved one to be around. He'll do that. And so, the potion is ready, will be served whenever the engineer is back with a task from the king, and Bdubs will never see the pretty blue eyes he's fallen for. Instead there will be bright ruby eyes, looking at him with all the love in the world, holding him as gently as noone has before, sweet talking Bdubs, making him compliments... That's what he wanted, right? Bdubs is supposed to be happy. But he knows it's all fake. Every single world Tango says, smile he gives, cuddling, it is all fake. It is all because of the potion Bdubs made. He is... Happy, really. He got what he wanted. Except the pretty sincere blue eyes with the real spark of joy.
I actually did a little fix by myself, so yeah. You know the rules. Ask box is opened if you're interested, I guess? I don't really have an idea for a oneshot. But it can be turned into a very emotional fic with Bdubs blaming himself for killing Tango's personality and realizing what a rotten person he is for enjoying Tango's fake love. So selfish.
Something spicy?
Yeah. This is also an option. So... Phantom Bdubs. He's like a werewolf, but werephantom. That's why he always sleeps. Once he wakes up, he doesn't remember anything from his night hunt, he can just tell it happened by the blood on his face and sharp pain in the back from having wings. It happens once in a while, maybe few times a year if he keeps the good sleeping schedule. It is the same Bdubs with the same memories and emotions, just the need for blood. He doesn't care who it is. He needs to get blood. Usually he keeps some. Animals around for an unexpected occasions so he would never hurt his friends. But once the season 8 comes around and the moon... Well, messes everything up, Bdubs' abilities to control that are fucked. No matter how much he sleeps, he knows it will happen. The first time he didn't expect it to happen, but once he woke up with this fading taste of blood, it because really weird. He travels around the server asking if everyone is alright and if anyone's pets has dissaleared lately, but everything seems normal. This is weird. But as long as noone is hurt, Bdubs can relax. Or at least he thinks noone is hurt. It keeps happening for a month, two. Bdubs starts to worry. Whatever is he eating during the phantom phase is still not found, but none of the hermits say anything, so... It's still not affecting anyone. With the moon stuff everything gets worse, every hermits suffers in one way or another. But Bdubs is really worried about Tango, who seems to be getting really cold. He is much more pale and started wearing sweaters, he just seems much weaker in general. Moreover, he starts to act... Different, when Bdubs is around. He doesn't know what's happening, so he just helps Tango any way he can. But what he doesn't know, is that Tango is his walking blood tank. And oh, if only it was just about the blood. As I said, phantom Bdubs is still the same Bdubs. He just doesn't care about hiding his emotions, because he knows he won't remember anything once he wakes up, plus the bloodthirst blind him so much he can't fully control his actions. He wants something– he gets it. Tango can't do anything about it, and... It's not like he doesn't like it. It hurts. It hurts a lot, actually, but oh, it is absolutely worth it. How confused and embarrassed was Bdubs when he woke up in a bed with Tango, both completely naked. Did Bdubs ever think it would happen? No, not really, but was he just so confused because he knew he was not supposed to be there? He still stayed for a little bit, just because one little thing he noticed. Tango had some bite marks. Bdubs carefully pulls the blanked away trying not to wake him up and sees that Tango has it all over his body. On his neck, his shoulders, his chest, his arms... Bdubs didn't want to even look down, just sure he will find more of the marks. Well, no wonder why he was getting so pale and weak lately. Bdubs haven't ever had so many mixed emotions in his life. Was he embarrassed to be in a bed with someone he most definitely likes with the marks of fun nights without ever remembering it? Was he in frustration because Tango was just volunteering his blood even though it is bad for him? Was he so tired of this all phantom stuff? Yes. All of that, yes. And he tries to leave before Tango wakes up. First few hours he spends in his room just laying on his bed staring at the ceiling being all red because of all the different thoughts about what they could have been doing. But for the next few weeks he will make sure Tango gets all the health support he needs. They never talk about it, but Bdubs still has this awkwardness. And the next time he wakes up in his own bed, having this taste of blood down his throat, he knows where he was a few hours ago. And he can only imagine how much he liked this night.
As for specific one shot request? Ofc you don't have to do anything... Spicy, yknow. I don't even think I have something on my mind for a fic, I just wanted to share this au in case you were looking for something like that. But feel free to write anything really-
Something closer to canon(non-au)?
Something about season 7 being the season when they started dating each other. Something about how Bdubs would lay in his bedroom which Tango built him failing to fall asleep because of this silly feeling. It's more of the "does he really appreciate me? Does he really care enough to gift me something like the whole bedroom? Does he really think I'm that cool?". Something about how Tango tries to do his best to impress Bdubs during the boomers business. Something about how they finally talk about they feel about each other while rebuilding the boomers logo in the middle of the ocean. That's it.
Okay, I think that's it! Ofc you can take any other idea based on any of these aus, idm. I'm just glad to finally talk about these. Anyways, I check ao3 once a month (just to check the tangdubs tag. Yup.) So there's a good chance I may miss it... So may I ask for a link once you finish something? And good luck with it, sweet anon!! Have an amazing day<3
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twilightmalachite · 6 months
PORTRAIT - Ah, still delay—thou art so ■■■ 13
Author: Akira
Characters: Akiomi, Izumi
Translator: Mika Enstars
"I-I’m a model, not a hero, alright?! Ask RYUSEITAI’s Sagami Jin for that instead, please!"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Department Store's Furniture Area
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???: ……
Izumi: What? Wha? What? What is thaaaat!?
Akiomi: D-Don’t speak, Sena-kun! You’ll bite your tongue!
Izumi: Carry me more gently then, idiot! You’re shaking and shaking me and it’s scary, scary, scary!
Akiomi: Be grateful, instead! You’re shockingly slow, Sena-kun, it didn’t look like you’d be able to get away, so I picked you into my arms!
I could have easily just left someone as hateful and un-cute as you behind to die and run away on my own, you know!
Izumi: Haah? Who’s un-cute? I’ll kill you!
Akiomi: If you want me to protect you, don’t tell me you’ll kill me!
Izumi: It’s not like I asked you to, did IIII?!
???: ……
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Izumi: Eek!? That monster! I-It threw something! It threw something sharp!
Akiomi: Whoa, I guess they’re throwing equipment and stuff that’s lying around the place, huh… It’ll be really bad if something like your head gets hit, so try to avoid them, please!
Izumi: H-How am I supposed to avoid them? It’s dark, I can barely see a thing! You risk your life to protect me! Isn't that your responsibility?!
Akiomi: Well, it’s not like I’m your guardian or anything like that…?
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???: ……
Izumi: Eeek!? It keeps throwing more things! Hurry and do something, idiot! Beat it, just like those guys in weird clothes do on TV!
Akiomi: I-I’m a model, not a hero, alright?! Ask RYUSEITAI’s Sagami Jin for that instead, please!
Izumi: Haah? What’s Ryusaytai? Sagamey Jin?
Akiomi: Oh, you never heard of that guy, even though he’s famous? Apparently Sagami Jin belongs to a unit by that name over at Yumenosaki Academy—
Izumi: Never heard of him. I don’t care about anyone other than Yuu-kun and I.
Akiomi: What a lonely life you live.
Izumi: Shut up! Shut up, shut up, don’t you pity me!
Akiomi: Ow ow ow!? Please don’t claw at my face!
Ahh, enough! Forget a wolf at the front gate and a tiger at the back—There’s a suspicious person at the front gate and a shitty brat at the back![1]
Izumi: What does that mean? I know you just said something mean about me! I’ll kill you!
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Akiomi: (Aghh!? Why on earth am I doing this…!?)
(Ahh, I want to go back to my peaceful everyday life where I’m bored out of my mind! How come it’s instead turning out like a horror movie, where I’m being attacked by a monster in a department store in the middle of the night?!)
(Who am I to complain? Would I not have had to go through this if I had just kept away from these troublesome kids?)
(If I had just left them to fend for themselves in their harsh lives, even though they’re only just tiny boys…?)
(If I had pretended I saw nothing and treated it as none of my business?)
(…Doing so would make me no different than any other, despicable adult.)
(Those at the agency, those at the photography studio, and those parents who think they love these children…)
(Not one of them took what these children had to say seriously.)
(And so that’s why these children had no choice but to hold each other’s hands and rely on each other’s support instead.)
(If I give up on these children here, who else will stand for them?)
(For these poor, innocent children—)
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Izumi: Kunugi! Kunugi-senpai!
Akiomi: What is it now!?
Izumi: There’s something vibrating under your pants!
Akiomi: My underpants? Why would it do that? Wait, you mean in my pants—Huh, is my mobile ringing?
Izumi: Moble?
Akiomi: I guess they’re not called that anymore, are they… Umm, who on earth could be calling me so late at night?
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Akiomi: (Hm? Narukami-kun? It’s that kid that’s calling me, right?)
(But I already took them home, didn’t I…? Or, maybe it’s to apologize for all the trouble they caused me today?)
(You’re very civil when it comes to things like that, Narukami-kun. You try their hardest to gauge other’s feelings and act as accordingly as possible.)
(You’re giving it your all to be liked, admirably and desperately.)
(But it’s the opposite of what one would consider child-like, so adults might not think of you as cute, but…)
(I think you’re cute, that aspect included.)
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Izumi: Hey. That’s a phone, isn’t it? Don’t you gotta answer it?
Akiomi: W-We need to get away from that costume and find somewhere safe, first!
Izumi: Costume? By that, do you mean that monster?
Akiomi: Correct! It might look like a real monster in the dark light, but monsters aren’t real—Meaning that must be someone inside a costume!
Meaning, we are currently being chased not by a monster, but by a creep in a costume! Either way, it’s a dangerous, or even a very serious situation, though!
Izumi: Hmm… Does that mean it’s human?
If it’s a human, that means it’ll get hurt if you hit it, and if you kill it, it’ll die, right?
Akiomi: You’re not wrong, but listen to me, I can’t do anything like fight it, okay?! I’ve lived my entire life honestly!
And yet, this is what I get…! God, please have mercy on me!
I’ve been making an honest effort to be a good boy, can’t I get rewarded just a little?!
Izumi: Hmph… You’re not the only one here doing their honest best.
Well, whatever. If you can’t answer the phone, Kunugi-senpai, then I will. I have the time since I’m being carried around.
Akiomi: Do you really have the time?!
Izumi: It doesn’t look like that costume can see well and is moving slowly. And everything they’re throwing is missing. It’s not all that scary if you keep your cool.
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Izumi: Umm. You press this to pick up, I think? Hello?
…Hm? Who are you?
Akiomi: Hey, don’t answer people’s phones without their permission! Seriously, what are your parents teaching you?!
Izumi: You can say all the bad things you want about Papa and Mama, but I won’t let you.
Akiomi: Ow ow ow!? Please don’t pinch my cheek! Aiming for a model’s face is off-limits!
Izumi: Papa and Mama just suck at a lot of things. So they do a lot of things wrong. But still, they’re honestly doing the best they can—
So it's annoying when someone other than me says bad things about Papa and Mama.
[ ☆ ]
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The saying “tiger at the front gate, wolf at the back gate” refers to when you think you've escaped a danger, only to encounter a second one.
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batrogers · 16 days
For the WIP game, "Far and Hyrule". They're my favorites!
I'm actually just polishing this off to post it soon! It's basically a medium-length fic of them commiserating about their lives that turns into giving Wind "The Talk", which got a little out of hand. I realized I am writing for an audience that may have not gotten a great Talk themselves, so I've tried to actually do it well...
But... filtered through how I write Far and Hyrule. It's been an interesting process trying to make it work LOL.
It's too late to do final pass edits tonight, but given it's a holiday tomorrow maybe I'll get it done then. It will probably wind up rated M on AO3 just because they do get moderately graphic (Far & Hyrule have *very* poor filters!) but here's a cleaner sample under the cut.
If you'd like to not think about Wind ever knowing anything about sex, ever, I suggest giving this one a pass.
[Wind's POV; Far's use of "Sister" hear means "girl around his age he lived with," not biological relation]
Far nodded, but Hyrule actually addressed him first, not Link.
“Do you really have a kid?”
“Yeah,” Far said. “I mean, I’m not positive if Talon’s mine or not, he’s the kid of one of my sisters who asked me to take him, but as he’s gotten older he definitely looks it.”
“How old?”
Link made a face; Far didn’t look that old but he guessed he was wrong—
“You’re not that much older than me, are you?” Hyrule asked
Abruptly Far’s eyes were on him again as he said, “Nah, I’m only twenty.”
Link stared back, unsure what exactly that was supposed to mean. He felt awkward as he watched Far glance back at Hyrule, almost pointedly, before he spoke again.
“How much do you actually know about sex?” Far asked. “Including the nasty jokes by other sailors.”
Link coughed. “You mean the stuff that makes Tetra punch them?”
“We can ignore that if you just want us to start from scratch,” Hyrule offered, and Link rapidly nodded. He did not want to repeat any of those jokes to these two. They wouldn’t be offended,no: he feared they might have critiques.
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awordbroken · 1 year
evo ending spoilers
i left irem without delving into the post-evo stuff because i wasn't done processing and the other stuff seems like it'll need me to pay attention, so. i've been processing ig. and ummm uhhh ughhh i'm like sighing and hemming and hawing because i feel so done with being a negative nancy, but ughhhhh i don't think i liked the finale.........?
i mean i liked the exploration drifting through possible futures. there was some really good writing there (although some were mmmmm upsettingly gross). but then once i committed to a path i kind of expected more to the ending sequence? it felt very short and--you know what, maybe what's actually bothering me is that it depicted MY character dying in a horrific fashion. omg. tee hee. no, yeah, they would not fucking do that.
(first of all, literally the last i saw of the dilmun club was stumbling into a meeting my character was pointedly not invited to. any 'destiny' that presumes that my character would ever continue to play gopher for a group that has LICHERALLY never stopped condescending and demeaning them and never once treated them as an equal long enough to end up dying in the presbyterate for them is just not happening. be for real.)
i also kind of feel like ummmm they committed to three different ending paths and then didn't have any ideas for a third path? so now after thinking about it the one i ended up picking just feels like a tepid centrist compromise with the bad from both the other paths. ummmmm what. was the point. of offering that option at all. also it gave me constables renown which feels like the game chastising me. in hindsight i guess the naturalist talking about how the detective thinks she can change the constabulary from the inside was supposed to be a hint that that's basically what the malleability path would turn out to be? at the point where i needed to choose i just kind of didn't want to pick any of them so i just stuck with the one i already had the most of.
before the update dropped i was thinking about how i don't think i want this storyline to be canon for crow melusine so maybe i should incorporate it into some other of my ocs' story to flesh them out but right now iiii. don't want to. i don't want to.
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flygefisk · 8 months
OOOO OK YOU ASKED FOR PEOPLE TO ASK ABT YOUR DRAGONS IM SO DOWN, so much so im going off anon for this shit /pos gods im obsessed with howl and synder rn, the writing was phenomenal!!! Since on my side fr is doing its maintenance thingy I cannot look at your lair, but id looove to know more about them!!
Like for example, is there any more about Syndor you can lore drop about? Is he a regular ol guy (species wise) or a lil something else?
Oh and Howl!!! Im sorry if its obvious and I just missed it cause its late but what is she?? It sounds like shes some sort of badass zombie but Id love to know
OH AND i am in fact very curious about the most recent anciets you got, they are so so cool!! I adore gentle giant characters, hugging the big ladies finger rn <333 I unfortuantly dont have a lot of ideas for names for either, but the sea monster is giving me K, A, or M vibe names, ones that sound sing songy to speak!
aaaa thank u!! i have. No confidence in my writing tbh so i very much appreciate it <3
syndor, biologically, is a very average dragon. he's just been through some stuff. he is trying very hard to keep his past in the past. after all, his present is so wonderful.
howl's meant to be a little bit unfathomable, so fair! but they're not a zombie- the body they're in is totally alive. mortal, even. it bleeds! it hungers! i guess they were reincarnated, but with more intent.
i had written more about what howl was before their death but didn't like the pacing, so i scrapped it. the tl;dr version is she was a girl (who was actually transmasc/genderqueer in an era where that was not an option), murdered by a suitor. a wild god found the body, found the wild thing that was howl, and gave it a new life. their initial story + the scrapped portion is under the cut if you want the whole thing!
howl and syndor are kinda two sides of the same coin- howl is completely free from its past, living in the present, happy. i'm not sure how much they remember of their last life. syndor, though, is hiding from his past, it sits like a shackle holding him back. he lives in the present, not out of the joy of life, but because he can never go back and feels he doesn't have a future.
they're good for each other like that. syndor helps howl navigate a new world, howl helps syndor find his own way.
tbh i was kinda thinking calypso for her! iiii haven't had a lot of time to think about either of them tbh, its been. a rough week asfsds
once, long ago, there was a girl. this girl was a farmer's daughter, loved by all in the village for her kindness and beauty.
the girl had many suitors. carpenters, merchants, knights, all loved the girl. she never courted any, though. her father hoped she would marry, find some wealthy husband who could support her, and was always quietly disappointed when she turned them away at the door.
the girl knew what she was supposed to do. she often spent time with the other girls in the village, laughing at their talk of boys and secret kisses and nights spent hidden away together. she knew she was meant to marry a man and have his children and clean his home.
to the girl, this sounded like hell on earth.
the girl had something she was hiding- something that lived within her, something wild and angry, that she could not describe. the something rioted against the idea of being a housewife, reviled the thought of motherhood.
its snarls and howls grew louder and louder with every suitor. she was sure that one day, the something would eat her alive.
once, long ago, there was a prince. this prince enjoyed traveling his country, meeting folks from all walks of life, giving gifts that, to him, were pocket change, and, to his subjects, were life-changing. it would be easy to assume this habit made the prince a kind man.
the prince met the farmer's daughter, and was struck by her beauty. he took her polite smile and sweet laughter as acceptance of his courtship.
the prince gave the girl and her family lavish gifts- jewelry, silken gowns, bottles of fine wine each costing more than her home. the girl's parents were overjoyed, of course. they would be nobility, if she married the prince, rich beyond their wildest dreams.
the wild something in the girl howled every time she saw the prince. it snarled when he kissed her hand, screeched when he placed another golden chain round her neck.
she imagined its teeth gnawing at her bones, so full of hatred it tore its own skin with sharp fangs and claws. she imagined her own mouth full of fangs like that. she imagined those teeth tearing into the prince's throat. ripping out his honeyed words. clawing out his selfish eyes. staining that fine silk and velvet with dark blood.
how sweet that would be.
once, long ago, there was a farmer. he had a daughter, a kind and beautiful girl loved by all who met her. and his daughter had a suitor, a prince who loved the girl.
the farmer loved his daughter, and wanted her to be happy. he felt that she was unhappy sometimes, though she always wore a sweet smile, and he felt it was due to their lifestyle. he was certain if she married the prince, she would be happy. safe from poor harvests and harsh winters. warm, well-fed, and happy.
the prince came calling one day, while the girl was out, so the farmer happily told him where she had gone. the farmer hoped today would be the day the prince proposed.
the girl was picking berries along the creek- she loved walking in the forest, listening to the sounds of the wind and birds and insects rather than the incessant chatter of the village. quiet and peaceful. the wild something was angrier than it had ever been, but it seemed calmer in the forest.
until her quiet afternoon was interrupted. the prince on his white horse, his voice so loud and vain and self-obsessed. the girl's father had been right, the prince had come to ask the girl to marry him. again.
no, she said, for the dozenth time. the wild something growled. he asked again, insistent and irritating. the wild something snarled. again and again he asked, until it was more of a command than a question, and the wild something howled and bit and clawed until it leapt from her throat, her sweet voice full of rage as she rejected him once and for all.
the flash of metal, the tearing of fabric, of skin. the spilling of blood.
she died with his blood under her nails.
once, long ago, there was a god. it was a wild, ancient god, one of blood and lust and life. a forest god.
the god scented blood on the air, civilized blood. it cared little for civilized folks, as most gods do. it cared little whether they lived or died. but it was a curious god, so it tracked the scent, bounding on deers' hooves to its source.
the god's paws left no tracks in the bloodsoaked earth around the creature's remains. it touched the weapon buried in the thing's stomach, ran its talons over the strange covering it wore, brushed a bit of hair from its face. the god considered the creature for a moment: its face contorted in rage, its hands and coverings stained dark. there was another scent here, under the obvious blood and rot, one even more familiar to the god.
a wild something, indescribable even to the god of such things, coiled around the body that was once its own. it stared up at the god, its teeth bared. the god raised its head and howled in its many voices, joined soon by the wolves and coyotes and hawks and hares of the forest, in a mournful harmony of all wild things.
the something howled too, until its song became a scream, letting loose all the sorrow and love and rage of a life that would never have been enough.
the forest went silent. the god lowered its head and nuzzled the something, like a doe to her fawn, like a bear to her cub. wild things understand each other. they understand the cycle, that nothing lasts forever and nothing really dies. the god understood the something's desperate plea, no need for words.
another chance.
once, not so long ago, there was a man. he walked through an overgrown forest, dirt on his hands and his shovel. he loved walking in the forest, listening to the sounds of nature. it was calming.
he paused near a burbling creek to wash the sweat from his face. he sighed in grim satisfaction- tired, sore, numb. but it was over.
the man realized, after staring into the water for long minutes, that something was different. wrong. the forest was silent here. his eye was drawn to a large stone behind him- half his height or more, veined with black and glittering white patches. on its face, a handprint made of something dark.
a strange impulse took over, something wild within him, and he began to dig.
a scraping sound. crumbling earth. cracking twigs. then, light. sunlight. warm and bright and so welcome after so long in the dirt.
the creature reached out from its grave. its hands- long, clawed, discolored- shook as it pulled itself up. it blinked against the morning light, yawned as though waking from a long nap.
it almost didn't notice the man with the shovel. he stared at it, his expression unreadable. it ignored him, letting the world wash over it: a cool breeze on its face, the sound of the water, of birds and insects, of wind through the leaves, the cloying scent of dark earth giving way to flowers and trees.
finally, the man held out a hand- blistered, covered in soil- and the creature let him pull it from the earth.
the man removed his cloak, wrapping it around the creature's broad shoulders. it rubbed the fabric between its clawed fingers- soft, warm, dark like good soil- and smiled. it should have been frightening, with its sharp teeth, but the man just smiled back.
wild things understand each other.
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 17
I feel like harry would be so sweet when you're on your period 😔 he knows you're feeling so bad so he gets you anything you want, stays out of your way if you're moody or cuddles you if that's what you want 😔 he brings you medicine and water and anything else you want because he just wants to make you feel better 😔
i have a cold and i feel so bad and i need harry 😔 he wouldet you take a nap in the middle of the day and even though he's not tired he would lay with you 😔 he would make sure your water bottle is filled and you're drinking enough and he would try to feed you some soup even if you're not hungry 😔 such a mother hen 😔
harry helping out around the house when you haven't been feeling well lately 😔 he knows it takes a lot of energy to do a whole bunch of chores so he just does it for you 😔 he does a load of laundry or does the dishes for you and makes sure you're eating well 😔 that night when you're laying in bed you lay your head on his chest and thank him for doing so much for you 😔 he says he's happy to help and he always wants to take care of you 😔
he would bring you to your early morning lab even though he doesn't have to be up that early 😔 his eyes are tired when he pulls up to your dorm but he gives you a kiss and hands you a muffin because he knows you probably forgot breakfast 😔 then he waits for you in the library and when you're done he brings you back to his apartment and talks you into taking a nap with him because he's tired and he knows you are too 😔
no harry would be FERAL feral when you say you want to ride him 😵‍💫 he smirks and says "yeah? want to be on top?" and he helps you readjust so you're in his lap 😵‍💫 then you slowly sink down onto him and he's breathing so hard just watching the spot where you're connected 😵‍💫 he throws his head back and says "fuck baby you feel good" 😵‍💫
hmmm college bf harry and you watching porn together, maybe there's a scene where a girl is going down on another girl and he sees how intently you're watching and how you're squeezing your legs together 😌 then later when you're kissing he breaks away to kiss your neck and he's talking to you in a low voice, saying "I saw how much you liked that video earlier... is that something you want to try? we could do that... I know a few girls who'd be so willing to lick into you while i watch" and you're whimpering and gripping his hair to pull him back to your lips 😌
and when you touch yourself in front of harry and you're suddenly moaning much louder and basically gasping for him and he smirks and says "you really like this don't you? I guess we'll have to do this more often" and reaches down to turn the vibrator up another setting 😵‍💫
but him finding your vibrator 😵‍💫 he holds it up when you come back into the room and he says "and what's this little thing?" and your eyes go wide and you try to reach for it but he holds it above your head, smirking and saying "I don't think so" while you whine for him to give it back 😵‍💫 he says "why don't you show me how you use it?" and you're blushing so hard so you try to turn away but he wraps his free arm around you saying "iiii don't think so, I think i want to see you make yourself feel good" 😵‍💫
harry definitely loves using a vibrator on you, watching your eyes close from how good it feels and the way you move your hips up to press against it 😵‍💫 he says "that feel good baby?" and he smirks when you nod and grab at his hand 😵‍💫
no but harry having a crush... he follows you around trying to look inconspicuous but everyone can clearly see he likes you 😔 he always offers to get you things or help you out and he always offers you a ride home or to the restaurant your friends are meeting at 😔 he just wants to be close to you 😔
thinking many thoughts .... you and harry are always late to after parties and you always show up holding hands smiling like teenagers in love with your hair and makeup a little messed up but no one says anything they all just know 😌 the two of you usually slip out after an hour or so because you have more celebrating to do 😌
harry would literally be disgusting oh my god, running his fingers though your folds and saying "you're soaking my fingers babe, think we should do something about that?"
ooooh yes a little over the phone action 😌 he asks you to touch yourself and you whine a little saying "that's so dirty" and he says "yeah? we could stop then, I could say goodnight to you and get ready for bed" but you're so turned on and you know you won't be able to sleep like this, and you two agreed to only touch yourselves when you could be talking to each other, so you sigh and trail your fingers down your body saying "tell me what to do" and he's so pleased with himself 😌
godddd I am so into the idea of him talking you through things 😵‍💫 saying filthy things like "so needy for me, aren't you? your pretty clit is so swollen, just want me to touch you, hm?" and you nod so fast and try to pull his hand to touch you but he tuts and says "be patient love, I'm just looking right now" and you whine and tip your head back on the pillow as he starts telling you all the things he's going to do 😵‍💫he's basically just thinking out loud when he says "I think I'll use my fingers first, know how much you like when I find that little spot inside that makes you cry for me" and "then maybe I'll lean in and suck on your clit for a while, see how much wetter that gets you... i want to have you dripping for me" and at that point you're so turned on you can't handle his teasing so you reach down and try to touch yourself but he grabs your hand and says "now that's not nice, is it? thought I told you to be patient while I'm looking" and pins your arms down next to you while he keeps talking 😵‍💫 he says "then once I've made you cum a few times- don't think it'll take too long, you already seem pretty worked up- then I'll finally slip inside, and I know you'll be absolutely soaking around me, won't you? and so tight too, I always have to take a few minutes to let you get used to me... I'm just a little too big for you to take, aren't i?" and you nod right away because you know he gets off on you stroking his ego and you're just whining for him to touch you but he ignores you, just staring at the way you clench around nothing and he says "can't believe you're so worked up just from a few words, we're gonna have a long night" and finally he reaches down and brushes his fingers over you 😌 you cry out from how sensitive you are and he shushes you a bit, saying "don't worry baby, you know I'll give you just what you need, I just like to tease you sometimes"
"if you don't want me all over you then don't wear this" so you smile at him and take the shirt off right then and there 😌you try to get up off his lap but he pulls you back down saying "oh no you don't" before he's flipping you over so he's on top and he can kiss all the new skin you're showing 😌
harry cuddling you after sex 😔 he has his head on your chest or tummy and moves your hand to play with his hair 😔 he has his arms around you and he just wants to feel close to you 😔
harry realizing you're kind of insecure he would be so sweet 😔 spending the whole night running his hands all over your body and kissing everywhere you've said you don't like and he says "i don't want you to change anything, i love you just like this" and he really does, he knows your body so well he could find all your soft spots with his eyes closed 😔
and he would be so happy seeing you get more comfortable with him, touching you all the time and smiling so big when he sees you wearing more revealing clothes that you didn't used to wear 😔
anyways harry spitting in your mouth and then smirking at how fast you're breathing and he can tell how much you liked it 😌he says "dirty girl, you like it when I'm rough with you don't you" and you nod and he leans down to bite at your neck 😌
harry definitely loves having you sit on his lap alllll the time 😌 when you're watching a TV show he pulls you close and has his arms around you so you can feel him breathing and when he giggles at something funny 😔 when you're kissing he wants to have you on him so he can feel you against him 😌
harry would be so supportive of you all the time 😔 im literally going to cry thinking about how he would help you study and walk you to class before every test so he can give you a good luck kiss 😔 he would wait for you to get done even if it's over an hour he would just get you your favorite coffee or a smoothie and tell you he's sure you did amazing as soon as you come out of the room 😔 he would be so happy for you when you got job opportunities or when you get a job somrhwere he would be so proud of you 😔 he's with you every step of the way and he brags about you all the time to his friends because he loves you so much 😔
your first time with harry would be so 😵‍💫 he makes you cum at least twice with his lips and fingers because he wants to make sure you're very ready, when you get a little impatient he tuts and says "I'm not small baby, and I never want to hurt you" and dips his head back down 😵‍💫then when he thinks you're wet enough he lines himself up and rubs his head along your slit to tease you some more 😵‍💫 you're nearly crying from how sensitive you are and how much you want him and he just can't have that so he finally pushes in 😵‍💫 he's nearly losing it from how tight you are around him and the little whines you're making and he leans his head on your shoulder and says "relax, pretty girl, you're doing so good for me just need to let me in" and he reaches his other hand down to rub gentle circles on your clit 😵‍💫
harry would love using a vibrator on you he would be obsessed with the way your back arches and you try to close your legs because it's so intense but he holds them open and watches how you clench around nothing 😵‍💫 he rubs it in slow circles and his voice is low when he tells you what a good girl you're being and he keeps it on you after you cum even when you start whining louder and trying to move away he says "can you give me a few more? think i want to see you cry for me" 😵‍💫
when Harry finally dips his fingers between your legs after you've been kissing and grinding on him for a while he groans against your lips and murmurs "fuck you're wet" and you nod so fast before you grab his face and kiss him again
i would chop off my foot to experience harry after sex, he brings a cloth and cleans you up being as gentle as possible😔 then you get up and he smirks a bit when he sees how shaky your legs are 😌 he says "gonna make it or do i have to carry you?" and you flip him off as you walk to the bathroom 😌 when you get back you're trying to pick up some of the clothes that got thrown around and clean up a bit but he shakes his head and says "get over here and cuddle me" and you laugh at how needy he's being and say "just give me a minute would you?" and he pouts saying "that's how it goes, i give you an orgasm- or three- and you give me a cuddle, it's a fair trade and that's the rules" and you can't so no to such logic so you climb into bed and let him pull you against him 😔 he's already halfway asleep and his lips are pressed against the top of your head when he says "I love you so much" 😔
nooo harry would be obsessed with how wet you get for him 😵‍💫he runs his finger over you just barely teasing your clit and says "all for me lovie?" then sucks his finger into his mouth while looking right in your eyes 😵‍💫
I think harry loves exploring your body and figuring out what places are sensitive and make you grip his hair when he pays a little extra attention to them😌he likes running his hands and lips over your body and getting you to make pretty little noises for him before he touches you properly 😌 he just loves the buildup and hearing you beg because you're so worked up 😌
Harry's praise kink on stage one million percent translates to the bedroom and he doesn't let you cum until you beg him enough and make enough noise for him
anyways harry licks his fingers before he rubs your clit
i think Harry likes being the dominant one but he also gets so turned on when you fight him a little 😵‍💫 not doing exactly what he says right away or turning your head when he tries to kiss you so he has to grab your jaw to make you look at him 😵‍💫 he says "don't act like you don't want me, I'm sure if I reached down between your legs you'd be absolutely dripping" and pulls you to his lips 😵‍💫
thinking about him leaning back on his hands and saying "gonna ride me baby? make yourself feel good" and his eyes are a little hooded and his lips are so pink because you've been kissing for so long
oh yes let's discuss harry with a thick girl (me) 😌 you're kissing one day and he tries to pull you onto his lap but you're clearly very hesitant and he stops right away saying "I'm so sorry, didn't mean to rush you or anything, we can just keep watching the movie-" and you cut him off to say "no that's not why it's just, I'm kind of..." and he catches on to what you mean and he says "you have no idea how much you turn me on, do you? i just want to feel your body on me" and he sees you still look a little nervous so he says "but we don't have to do anything you don't want, not ever" and seeing how much he clearly wants you gives you a little extra confidence boost so you're crawling over and swinging your leg over his lap 😌 he looks so pleased to have you right up against him as he leans in for another kiss but he can feel you're kind of holding yourself up on your knees so he grips your hips and pulls you to sit fully on him and then keeps his hands around you so you won't move again 😌 the his fingers start to creep under your shirt and you pull away, he apologizes quickly and says "i should have asked first" and you say "it's okay, just maybe not this time?" and he tells you that's more than okay with him as he gets back to kissing you 😌 then after youve been with him for a while and he's alwaysssss hyping you up and showing you how much he loves your body you're a little more comfortable with him seeing you with less (or no) clothes on 😌 he always makes sure to praise you and kiss all over your body because he loves it so much and he wants you to love it too 😔 it leads to some very filthy evenings where he licks you all over until you're pent up and shaking from how much you want him 😌 he loves grabbing your thighs and wrapping them around him and biting your soft tummy to see you giggle 😌 overall he just really loves your body and he never fails to show you how much it affects him 😌
harry comes home late and you're already asleep cuddles around the blankets 😔 he moves you gently to be laying on him instead and he kisses your forehead and shushes you when you move around a little trying to keep you asleep 😔
staying up late with best friend harry just giggling about everything and that's when he realizes he likes you as more than a friend because he knows there's nowhere else he'd rather be and he wants to spend the rest of his life like this 😔😔😔
harry would always be taking care of you 😔 he makes sure your water bottle is filled and on the bedside table while you get ready for bed and the window is cracked open because he knows you get too warm 😔 when you're coming back in the room he holds his hands out for you and gives you a kiss before he pulls you to be laying on him 😔
drunk harry trying to get you home because he's tired of being out and he wants you to himself 😌 he has his hands all over you and he's helping you put your coat on while you say goodbye to everyone else and he's basically pulling you away while you laugh at how needy he is 😔
late night talking I'm lit rally feral i waNT IT RIGHT NOW Laying with your head on his chest talking shit about the girl you hate or gossip from work and he's so attentive and gasping at the appropriate times to let you know he's invested 😤
being up late with harry and you're both so tired that everything is suddenly so funny so you're laughing so hard you're in tears even when you're not saying anything you just look at him and you're both busting out in laughter 😭😭
noooo being Harry's secret girlfriend and when the articles start going around about like "HARRY STYLES- ENGAGED TO SECRET LOVER!" you're just like "omg babe did you know we got engaged?" and he's like "oh yeah? funny how they found out before we did!"
hmmmm yes that's how your friends find out you and harry are a little more than friends, he's plastered one night and he's suddenly all over you pulling you to sit on his lap and kissing your neck and you're a bit shocked he's being so open and everyone else is teasing you but he doesn't care 😌
when Shania was walking down the stairs and harry went 🤲🏻 and beckoned her closer.... that's him telling you to come over to him during a party when all your friends are around and he's a little drunk because he wants you to sit on his lap
i don't like scary movies but I want to watch them with harry so bad 😭 you decide to have a little movir marathon since you're not doing anything the next day so you get a whole bunch of snacks and get comfy on the couch all cuddled in blankets 😔 you look up at him saying "you're gonna have to cover my eyes when something scary is coming otherwise I'll keep you up all night being scared" and he laughs and agrees saying he'll keep you safe 😔 he lets you hide your face against him and he tells you when the worst part is over so you can look again 😔 then since he's a little pest he would definitely try to scare you by gasping or grabbing you suddenly to make you jump and he just laughs when you smack his chest 😔
being nervous to meet Harry's family bc you're scared they won't like you but he's so sweet telling you they'll love you 😔 then after you're still kind of nervous and asking him how he thinks it went and he says "gemma told me she likes you more than me so I'd say pretty well" 😔😔
so obvs harry loves edging and it's so frustrating that he never gives you what you want right away but also it's so good in the end when he finally makes you cum so one night you're kissing and being so whiny and needy and he pulls away enough to say "what do you want baby? I'll give you anything you want, just have to tell me first" and he's a little out of breath as he starts kissing your neck 😵‍💫 you manage to say "I want you to tease me tonight" and he has the most evil smirk on his face when he says "yeah? want me to edge you until you're crying and begging for me?" and you nod and he pulls you in for a filthy kiss 😵‍💫 he murmurs, "such a naughty girl, asking me to do such dirty things" and you whine and move your hips to try and rub against him 😵‍💫he pushes you back down and says "you need to be patient lovie, it's going to be a long night for you" 😵‍💫
harry would love your moans and I think he would include them in one of his songs <3 we know he's a slut for a home studio so it's a very real possibility <3
every time I go to a fancy or even a little bit nice restaurant i steal a fork and I think harry would think that's absolutely hilarious, he would be so into it and help you steal forks from all over the world 😌 you two you take a selfie with the contraband and he has a special little folder on his phone for all the pictures 😔
fwb harry definitely teases you for how wet you are allll the time, he reaches down to finger you and he says "you're soaking my fingers love, do you always get this wet or is it just for me?"
thinking about harry cumming inside you for the first time 😌 he pulls your hips flush against his, getting as deep inside as he can and he tucks his head in your neck making little whimpers because it feels so good 😌
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