fatblackdiva · 4 years
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The podcast is out! bit.ly/gentletruthspodcast! #bravenewworldindeed #thisfightlivesinmybody #ifidieinpolicecustody https://www.instagram.com/p/CBiobm0DPau/?igshid=16xhd4roo2mur
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slimblac · 7 years
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#IfTheyGunnedMeDown #IfIDieInPoliceCustody 🐖 #BlueKluxKlan 😈😈😈
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gatta10 · 7 years
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#Repost @callingallblackmen (@get_repost) ・・・ @Regrann from @_they_call_me_penny - I have permission to post these pictures from the family. On July 11th 2017 Michael Jefferson was beat to death and had his Throat slit while in Menard Correctional Centers Custody ...Please tag every NEWS Source so we can get justice for him... we need surveillance cameras revealed we need justice!!!#justiceformichaeljefferson The coroner office ruled his death as NATURAL CAUSES... when clearly these pictures prove foul play. Menard Correctional Center Needs to be held accountable for the murder of MICHAEL JEFFERSON!! Please tag all news sources below🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 #justiceformichaeljefferson #cnn #foxnews #msnbc #thebreakfastclub #kaepernick #policebrutality #ifidieinpolicecustody #mtv #bet #newblackpantherparty #usorelse #CallingAllBlackMen #Nommouserkaf #ProtectandDefend #PADNstore #keepitE #Afrikantown - #regrann
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dammitdymond · 6 years
Blog Post #4: What even is “Black Twitter”?
“He can read my writing but he sho can't read my mind.” Zora Neale Hurston
Hello, people of earth! Dammit Dy’mond back at it again. 
So the other day I was thinking a lot about twitter and I was wondering about all these questions I have about my favorite social media site. Why is it so addictive? Why is it so satisfying? Why is it so funny? 
But then I started to question my overall experience on Twitter as a whole and that was when I realized: my experience on Twitter is drastically different than the experiences of other non-black twitter users. 
There’s actually so much about “black twitter” that needs to be unpacked and I’m worried I won’t put all my thoughts into one singular blog post. 
So let’s start off simple. What actually is black twitter?
Well, it actually has an entire Wikipedia page. Here’s a definition straight from the site below: 
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So as a black person, I’ve always heard of the term being thrown around by other black people on twitter. And I’d joke around and say “black twitter is the best twitter” or that black twitter is part of and sometimes even makes the ‘culture’  of the larger black community. 
But still, what exactly is “black twitter”  and the “black twitter experience”?
There’s no one singular answer to this question honestly.  Black Twitter is community with my fellow black people on one website.  Black Twitter is sharing the ideals mainly held by black populations.  Black Twitter is comedic genius.  Black Twitter is content curated for black people, by black people.  Black twitter is discourse and discussion on matters facing the black community.  Black twitter is the #BlackLivesMatter movement.  Black twitter is the #IfIDieInPoliceCustody hashtag 
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Black Twitter is #BlackWomenSmiling and #BlackWomenSmiling so showcase and celebrate our beauty as a collective when were often thought to be less attractive or other negative stereotypes perpetuated by the media 
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Black twitter is holiday hashtags like #ThanksGivingWithBlackFamilies that we as black folk all relate to. 
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Black twitter is jokes aimed specifically towards black people. 
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So now that I’ve shown you actual instances of black twitter tweets I can dig a little more deeper. 
Civil rights activist and author, Zora Neale Hurston, once said: “He can read my writing but he sho can't read my mind.”
She wasn’t talking about black twitter of course but I think this quote means a lot in the context of black twitter. 
Non-black twitters users can see black twitter. It’s very much accessible. If you follow me on twitter you’ll most likely see me tweet and retweet content specifically aimed at other black people. Why? It’s because I’m black. But to really understand it, to really get it, you just gotta be black.
 Now for this part, I have to be a little more clearer. No one here is promoting segregation on twitter so don’t misquote me. But the thing about black twitter is that when you and your people have been historically excluded from mainly non-black spaces, you create your own spaces. When we’re in these spaces we have created and cultivated, we’re free to celebrate ourselves in all our beauty and strength as a group. When we’re in these spaces, were advocates and activists for another unarmed black person walking down the street. When we’re in these spaces, we’re comedians. When we’re in these spaces, we’re artists. When we’re in our own spaces, we express ourselves in our truest form with no one to hinder that. 
Activist, scholar, and fellow black twitter user, Dr. Goddess once wrote this when referring to black twitter.
“You see, in this list are the loc-wearers, the wig doners, the sports enthusiasts, the hometown reppers, the Afrocentrists, the ghetto fabulous, the afro’ed up, the regal ones and the graduates.” 
On black Twitter, everybody’s joining in on the same conversation.
It’s a beautiful thing, she believes, an expression of culture and a building of community.
Black people are Lit. Black Twitter is Lit.
So here is the end of today's blog. I really loved this topic today. Everyday   Happy Black History Month everybody. Today is actually the release of the new Marvel movie Black Panther so Black Twitter is about to go crazy with the impending memes and tweets. Never gonna complain about it though. I mean seriously, how could you complain about this 👇🏾
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Peace out Y’all! Dammit Dy’mond outtie. 
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abluesforbrklyn · 7 years
I’m letting y'all know right now if I die in police custody I WAS MURDERED! Don’t let them use my mental illnesses as an excuse either. I am way too strong and stubborn to even give them racists ass police the satisfaction of me killing myself due to the pressure. And I damn sure wouldn’t resist arrest knowing that the 1st chance they get they will put a bullet in me, because I value my life and I want to live. I want action and justice.. burn THEY shit to the ground and not ours.
#IfIDieInPoliceCustody, Shanelle Betts
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jeremytanner2020 · 4 years
What is Black Twitter?
I recently heard of the term ‘Black Twitter’ and had no idea what it referred to. After doing some research on the subject I decided to share my findings here with all of you. Apparently, Black Twitter is not a hashtag or website. It isn’t a secluded physical space on the internet. Rather, the term refers to a group of culturally connected communicators using Twitter to draw attention to issues of concern to black communities. While Black Twitter has sparked some serious hashtags like #blacklivesmatter and #ifidieinpolicecustody, conversions on Black Twitter like #growingupblack allows members of this community to relate to each other in shared experiences of growing up as a black person in a more light-hearted fashion. Some people appreciate its existence as a community where people can share their thoughts with others that can relate to their messages. Some others see it as a wrongful seclusion from the larger Twitter landscape. 
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discussnotfuss-blog · 6 years
Social Media Sparks Social Justice: An Intro
Recently, I have been conflicted on what I think of social media. Sometimes I want to delete all of my profiles, sometimes I don’t know what I would do without it, and sometimes I couldn’t care less about it. I waste a lot of my time on apps like Instagram and Twitter and Pinterest, and I often get upset at myself for doing so. However, I’ve failed to open my eyes to how truly powerful and democratizing these platforms are, especially for those who aren’t as privileged as myself (being a white, straight female).
This past week, I have read up on a lot of material about the role of social media in social and political movements and I was really moved by what I learned. I knew of things like Black Twitter, and I knew its purpose, but I had never thought of how important it is. Having a space online where minorities can interact and share thoughts and ideas and questions and stories, with the potential to begin a movement or go viral, is monumental; minorities have a very long history of oppression and silence, so for them to have the opportunity to finally share their struggle and take real action on behalf of their community is huge. I’ve come to realize that the time we are in now, where social media is taking over and helping to create social and political discord, is going to be a very important part of history one day.
You don’t have to agree with everything you see online. However, when important questions are being asked and issues are being exposed, such as #OscarsSoWhite and #IfIDieInPoliceCustody, it’s crucial that you at least acknowledge those issues and treat them like they are valid. People like myself, which are in the majority, might be offended or upset by some of the controversial issues being brought up on social media, but we should stop being so selfish and instead recognize our privilege and offer our support and solidarity in these movements, because everyone’s struggle is valid and everyone deserves a voice.
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emilygarcia146-blog · 7 years
Black Twitter
Black Twitter is a modern day civil rights movement that is empowered by African Americans that have created a social media capital. Black Twitter users make an impact on issues of race and identity that have gotten political attention. Black Twitter is not only used for racial injustices, but includes proud moments of the culture and cultural appropriation. Black twitter is know for their hashtag movements that were heard all over the nation and started a conversation on race in the United States. Some of the most popular hashtags from Black Twitter are #StayMadAbby, #OscarsSoWhite, #BlackExperience, #BlackLivesMatter, #GrowingUpBlack, #IfIDieInPoliceCustody, #SayHerName, #HandsUpDontShoot, #FlexingMyComplexion and #BlackOnCampus. What is great about Black Twitter is that it solely focuses on the black community, which includes common citizen, celebrities and politicians. Of course, there are criticisms about Black Twitter. Some people do not understand why it needs to be labeled. Some people are concerned that it is just a way to segregated black people online.
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rawfruitgoddess · 8 years
Money he would have given away anyway to help our people. How long must they kill our prophets... 💔 Honor His Legacy. Eat Electric Food. 🌱 rawfruitgoddess.com/electric-food #drsebi #electricfood #iamdrsebi #ifidieinpolicecustody #blackvegans #blackvegansofig
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These stories were taken from an article about Sandra Bland’s mother, Geneva Reed-Veal speaking up about Black women being killed by police after her daughter was found dead in her jail cell after a minor traffic violation. Geneva especially emphasized on how these women were lacking any widespread media attention. 
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mamietaughtme · 8 years
Stop police who commit crime!!! #laquanmcdonald #16shots #rekiaboyd #SandraBland #sayhername #TamirRice #ifidieinpolicecustody
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freespeechradionews · 8 years
New Post has been published on FSRN
New Post has been published on http://fsrn.org/2015/12/texas-grand-jury-opts-not-to-indict-waller-county-jail-personnel-in-sandra-bland-death-protests-expected/
Texas grand jury opts not to indict Waller County jail personnel in Sandra Bland death; protests expected
Protests are expected in Texas cities tonight after a grand jury decided not to indict Waller County jail personnel on charges related to the in-custody death of Sandra Bland. Lena Nozizwe has more.
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A Texas grand jury announced Monday that it will not indict Sandra Bland’s jailers or personnel from the Waller County sheriff’s office on felony charges related to her death in the Waller County jail last summer.
After a tense exchange of words during a traffic stop near the Prairie View A&M campus, Texas State Trooper Brian Encinia pulled Bland from her car while aiming his taser at her, threatening to “light you up.” Three days later, she was found dead in a Waller County jail cell.
Authorities ruled the death a suicide, saying Bland used a knotted plastic garbage bag as a noose to hang herself from a partition in her cell. Her family openly questions the official story. During a news conference Monday Sandra Bland’s mother, Geneva Reed-Veal, says officials have done little to provide answers.
“So as I sit around this room and I look at all of you, you came here to get answers to your questions right? Had I sat here, had anyone of us sat here and not answered your questions you wouldn’t have a story. You wouldn’t have any information,” says Reed-Veal. “That’s where we sit right now. We don’t have any information about what happened to my daughter.”
Cannon Lambert, the attorney for Bland’s family says grand jury proceedings are secretive and allow prosecutors to “cherry pick the evidence.”
“We’ve understood, based on representations made to us, that the very instrument of death, that is the plastic bag, has never been fingerprinted and so therefore it could not have possibly be submitted to the grand jury for their assessment as it relates to that piece of evidence,” says Lambert.
Chad Dick, one of the appointed special prosecutors, says because the grand jury proceedings are held in secret it is not possible for attorney Lambert to know exactly what evidence was presented. And he says that Waller County has tried to meet with the family and provide information.
“They have been contacted in fact they have been contacted on more than one occasion in order to discuss being a part of the investigation,” Dick explains.
On January 6th, the grand jury will reconvene at look at other elements of Sandra Bland’s death, including the actions of the state trooper who stopped her in the first place.
But Lambert says to think that more time is needed to evaluate the case is “absurd.”
He says all you need to do is look at the 52 minute arrest video.
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blackyouthproject · 8 years
Sandra Bland and the road to the non-indictment
Sandra Bland and the road to the non-indictment
After five months of asking questions about the circumstances surrounding the death of Sandra Bland, a jury decided it will not help provide answers. (more…)
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fleshtonecrayon · 9 years
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mamietaughtme · 8 years
#SandraBland #sayhername #ifidieinpolicecustody #EmmettTill #mamietaughtme
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