#if you want the secret stuff i would love to tell you so much ab it just lmk and we can talk in dms or smth :]
kriskross · 2 years
personally i would love to know about your dnd ocs
I'm obsessed w u.... ok so rn there are 5 dnd ocs that live in my brain but I have more they're just kinda dormant/I haven't solidified their designs yet. There's a lot (though I tried to be brief) so I'm putting it under a read more
Clementine Waitrose (redemption paladin) is my main guy rn I like them sm... their name isn't actually clementine but I can't say what it rlly is because the other players for this campaign follow me lol BUT they used to be a "knight" (if you could call it that)! It was their childhood dream to be captain but after they actually got to do that they soon grew to hate it, choosing instead to leave their position to pursue domesticity! But now they're adventuring because they have a few promises they left unfulfilled. They have a lot of lore I can't say outright
Tanis Skorzeni (shadow sorcerer). He sucks. I love him and I am shaking him around because I think he needs it. He wasn't always magic but he went caving one day, blacked out and woke up outside the cave with magic. Ran away from home when he was 13 because he was tired of the stress his dad caused him and found work playing piano in taverns and whatnot! He's 26 now and he's engaged :] his fiancée is ill though and the town clerics are too expensive so he's journeying to find money or a cure! Ended up in barovia though and can't get out. Also Strahd likes him a bit too much
Erebus Jiendia (eldritch knight)... they live in Icewind Dale, which has been experiencing winter for 2 years now and it SUCKS BAD. They come from a long line of wealthy artisans, so they're also a part of that, but they put down their pottery business for a while to go kill a God about this winter. They're very very angry also about something else I can't say and ending the winter seems like a productive outlet for that. They're the one that wears a mask they don't take off. Not because they can't but just because they don't want to. They're very nice though to their loved ones, including their worstie (not-so-secret best friend) Aster, who's another party member
Gale Kari (wild magic sorcerer) bimbo of my heart amen 🙏 ❤️. She was looking to reconnect w her bio parents a while back just out of curiosity, fell in love with someone named Jaz, decided that finding their bio parents wasn't that urgent, and settled down in a small town... Jaz went missing one day though and Gale has been waiting for xem ever since. She got tired of waiting in place though and is now out actively looking... but also trying to have fun about it as much as she can. To stay optimistic
Deus (aberrant mind sorcerer). Also came from a wealthy family but she got all up in her head about it. I'm sorry they would be into NFTs if they knew about them. I'm sorry. I'm sorry it's all a part of a planned character arc. I promise. He kinda sucks... he's stuck up, rude, and wouldn't be caught dead in anything less than a 4 star hotel. They're going through it though. They were warned but didn't care and now everything's happened all at once and they're trying to make sense of it all and maybe one day they'll realize that they need to want to be a better person or something idk (I do know. They will.)
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
omg omg omg can you write smth ab e!42 miles being with a girl who’s super affectionate and girly. he’s like okokok and she’s like lalalala you know?? and one day they get into an argument and it looks like she’s gonna leave but he handles it?
Ofc Love!!!!
A/n: AHHHH keep requesting and lmk what else I should do
Warnings: Miles being a nonchalant ngga, fluff, angst, possessiveness
You lived a pretty good life. Your parent(s) were active in your life, you had a wonderful boyfriend that would burn the universe to the ground for you, and you got whatever you wanted. Miles kept his job pretty under wraps so you didn’t know what he did, all you knew was that he was buying the newest miu miu jacket and he funded your bath and body works addiction. Everyone knew you loved Miles but they questioned whether or not he actually loved you.
It was no secret that Miles wasn’t as affectionate as you; everyone around you noticed it, your parent(s), your friends and even other family members mentioned it to you:
“You could do so much better, y/n"
“I mean, it seems like he doesn’t even want to date you fr” your cousin remarked
“Yeah are you holding him against his will?” Your aunt chimed in
“I am not!!! He’s just like that” you defended
You were very open with your affection; kissing, hugging and cuddling him a lot. Miles on the other hand, showed his love differently by buying you stuff and spending time with you. He was often very cold and closed off towards other people and they assumed it was that way for you but it wasn’t. Miles was affectionate but he didn’t show it at all for fear of people using you as a weapon against him.
When you got to your room, you felt yourself tear up. I mean sure, miles was nonchalant but that didn’t mean he didn’t love you. Plus Miles would tell you if he didn’t want you, right?
You couldn’t stand with the idea that Miles was doing this out of pity and not out genuine love for you so you texted Miles:
You: Hey can we talk?
this didn’t help the aching in your chest so you tried to fall asleep and forget about it but it haunted your dreams that night. Usually, your dreams are pretty calm but in this one, you were running from Miles and when he caught up to you, he said:
“I DON'T LOVE YOU, Y/N. WHY CAN’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT??? I wish it could’ve been different” Miles pulled out what looked like a claw but before anything could happen, you woke yourself up.
You woke up in a cold sweat and saw a message from Miles:
3:02 AM
Miles: what’s up, Mami?
4:45 AM
You: Do you love me?
Miles: What?
Miles: What happened?
You: You didn’t answer my question
Miles: yeah, why?
You: You don’t have to lie to me, yk?
Miles: Let’s talk about this tomorrow.
Miles: Did You’re family say some shit again?
You: yeah...
The next day came and you met Miles after school:
“So what’d they say?” Miles questioned
“They said I’m forcing you into a relationship” you admitted, feeling defeated
“Oh give me a break, y/n. Fuck them and their opinions, they don’t know us” Miles said, rolling his eyes
“Miles, they’re my family. And honestly I can see why they believe that” you spoke up
Miles took a deep breath:
“Why? Because I’m not jumping you 24/7? That’s not who I am and you knew that when you decided to date me. As for the family thing, they just jealous of what we have.” Miles said, stoically
“It wouldn’t kill you to show me a bit of affection, Miles” you replied quickly
“no. But it could kill you” he muttered
“excuse me???” you said
“Just know that I do love you, Y/n. I’m sorry that you don’t feel the same” Miles said
“And why are you speaking so cryptically lately?? If you got something to say, speak.” You argued, a sudden burst of masculine energy and ferocity flowing through your veins
“Watch it, y/n. Stay in your place, it’s easier.” Miles said dangerously, he spoke a warning to you
You ran away and went to your room, rushing past your concerned parent as you heard them talk on the phone:
“Yeah, she’s still mad about Sunday hahaha” your parent laughed
“Yeah well we were just joking, you know how we do” The person on the other end spoke, you assumed it was your aunt.
“You know kids y/a/n(your aunts name), especially Y/n. She’s so soft and I don’t want her to get hurt.” Your parent said
“Well at the end of the day, she’ll be okay. And it will be a lesson to her, everyones first love is heartbreaking” your aunt said
“yeah, I guess. Well I gotta go. Love you” your parent departed
“Love you too” Your aunt said
You played crying in your pillow because of what they said and because of your argument. Soon, you heard a knock on the door:
“Oh Heyyyy Miles” your parent greeted
“Hi. Is Y/n here?” Miles asked
“Yeah she’s in her room” Your parent said, opening the door for him
“okay” Miles said, walking in and knocking on your door
“a thank you would’ve been nice’ your parent muttered under their breath. Miles full well heard this but he chose to ignore it because he would have a few choice words with your parent and none of them would be nice
You heard three knocks on your door.
“Y/n? Baby, let me in” he said
“Go away, Miles” you sniffled
“Mami, imma get in one way or another so you may as well just open the door.” Miles threatened
You opened the door with watery eyes and tear stained cheeks. Miles’ heart broke immediately.
“I’m sorry for not giving you the love you deserve. I know I’ll never be good enough for you and you deserve better than me. Your family is right but I need you to know that I am so in love with you, it scares me. When we aren’t together, my chest hurts; I can’t be without you, y/n. I love you so much and I’m sorry I treat you like shit. I can change, mi amor."
“Oh Miles” You hugged him as tight as you could
“I love you"
“I love you too, Mami"
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honeyshiddendesire · 2 months
So You Thought I Was Nice?
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Pairing: Paulie x Fem Reader
Warnings: 18+ duhhh lol Minors Begone!!! Rope Play, bondage, dom! Paulie, vaginal penetration, friends to lovers, rough sex, mating press, dirty talk/ degradation (silly girl, messy girl, sloppy thing, nasty girl) pet names (darling, doll, sweetheart), messy pussy eating, pussy smacking, creampie
*My first Paulie smut cause he is underrated and needs extra love!! If you don't like Rough Paulie keep scrolling please!!**
Summary: You unknowingly get Paulie all worked up and he has to show you he’s not as nice as you think he is.
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“Ugh I just wish someone would be rough with me. Is that too much to ask?” You sigh as you sit on your friend's couch and instantly you hear Paulie let out a sigh. “Listen darling I’m all for hearing you vent …but this is too much for me.” He can’t help but groan as he runs a hand over his face. You pout as you look at him, his hands lighting up his cigar to get his nerves to calm down but you only press on. “I’m serious Paulie and come on you’re my best friend. Who else am I gonna say this too?”
“Hopefully anyone else but me.” Paulie’s continuous groans make you roll your eyes as you toss a pillow at him. “Oh hush Paulie you’re a big boy you can hear this kind of stuff unless you’re too nice for sexual things.” Paulie glares your way before shaking his head, “Better watch it doll you’re gonna get on my last nerve if you keep this up.”
If you keep rolling your eyes they were gonna fall out but his words just had you in full sass mode, “Yeah right it’s like I said you’re too nice. Besides, what cha gonna do anyway, hmm? You’re just like the other soft guys I have sex with, all bark and absolutely no bite at all.”
“Alright that’s it. Get your ass up.” His command was said with a red face that makes you break out into a laugh which only makes him see red. Instantly your hands are being pulled together by a long rope. “What the - hey!”
“I said…Get up. Now.” He grunts with a puff of smoke, yanking at the rope making you sit up on the couch. “Or did ya think I was too nice?” You couldn’t even think of a comeback, this spark in Paulie making your breathing pickup. You wondered what his next move was but you also wondered what yours should be as well. Should you play nice or keep being a brat just to see how far he’d go. Both options sounded good but you took too long for his liking. Putting out his cigar in the ashtray on his coffee table he stepped toward you with a very uncharacteristic smirk that you weren’t used to.
“What’s the matter, doll? You scared?”
“N-no.” You can’t help but stutter out but it comes off all quiet and you mentally beat yourself up for it. You’re usually such a brat but something in you just wants to comply. “Want me to let you in on a little secret?” He asks, leaning down toward your face, tugging on the ropes so you’d get closer, his hand holding your chin to look at him. Your eyes focused on him as he grins at your expectant expression, “I love breaking bratty girls like you.”
You gasp as he picks you up, tossing you over his shoulder carrying you into his bedroom where he tosses you on the bed like a sack of potatoes. “Safe words shipwright.” He tells you as he ties the rope to his metal bed frame. Your breath hitches as you see him move to stand at the foot of the bed, his hands removing his jacket dropping on the floor. You knew he was fit from his job but seeing him remove his shirt in front of you to reveal cut abs was a sight to behold. “Careful doll, you keep looking at me like that and I don’t know how I’ll hold up.” His tone was stern but he still wore his signature blush.
Removing his belt he winds it in his hands snapping it to make a loud sound that has you yelp, “Now you better behave or I’ll have to use this on you. Got it doll?” Without realizing you found yourself nodding along and he just smirked. “Good.”
He made quick work of your clothes leaving your bottom bare and ripe for his greedy eyes to view. Paulie scowls as he looks at your soaked cunt, “Look at how fucking messy you are, such a sloppy brat getting all wet just from a couple words. Disgusting.” Though his words are harsh you notice how his blush only deepens and he licks his lips, eyes never leaving your pussy. You squirm from his gaze and he only clicks his teeth pushing your legs open, “Behave.”
“No.” You mumble and he only grins, “No? Yeah I’ll get you to behave real quick.” Paulie says as he pushes your legs back and dives straight down to your leaky core. A scream ripping from you as he swats at your pussy, before licking you like a starving man. Sucking at your clit roughly making you squeal out his name in shock, “Oh fuck Paulie!”
“Ah ah ah~ a lady shouldn’t curse.” He grins even though you have the mouth of a sailor he still had rules that only he could break. Biting your lip so you can keep your curses all muffled as he shoves his tongue inside your pussy, circling around to get a taste of your juices. Nipping at your clit gently until you were squealing and squirming even more. “Paulie what the hell!” You can't help but yelp again as he slaps your clit, “I said behave.”
“Okay okay!” You whine out and he just chuckles before diving back in, shaking his head and sucking at your clit, his strong hands pushing your legs back to keep you still. You were a wreck, you didn’t think him of all people would be so sloppy then have the nerve to back up as if admiring his work and spill out utter filth. “Damn you’re such a messy girl, leaking all over the fucking place. Nasty pussy making my bed all wet.” You frown breathing deeply but there’s no weight to his words as he simply dives back in like you’re the best meal ever. “Tastes so fucking good mmm.” Paulie’s moans make your eyes roll back as they send vibrations throughout your body. You couldn’t get enough of him and neither could he.
“Paulie~!” His name leaving your throat in a whiny moan that makes him slap your thigh gently. Your sounds making his brain fuzzy and eat you with your passion, running his tongue through your folds, sucking at your lips and clit before kissing you all over. Stars danced across your eyes as you felt yourself cum in his mouth, a moan leaving you as you felt him squeeze at your thighs with a bruising grip that left you dizzy. Your voice was gonna be wrecked when he was done with you but you had a feeling that wouldn’t be the only thing he wrecked. After he left you shaking he moved to kiss up your thighs sloppily until he sat up and undid his pants, licking his lips as you watched with your chest heaving. He grinned as he looked at your flustered expression, legs shaking and chest rising and falling rapidly, “Easy there baby don’t want you passin out on me.”
Paulie felt a spark of pride seeing you like this laid out for him and it grew when he saw your eyes go wide just as he let out his thick cock from their confines. The tip leaking and red waiting impatiently to finally dip inside your wet caverns that he wanted to destroy. “Gonna make you apologize for all that shit talking you were doing earlier. I’m not gonna go easy on you sweetheart so you better be ready.”
Nodding your head rapidly you couldn’t help but give a breathy answer, “Please Paulie fuck- please show me.” SMACK! “Fu~ sorry!” You almost curse again but stop yourself after feeling the sting on your thigh again.
“Making me repeat myself again doll? Guess you really did want someone rough huh?” He taunts to you before kissing up your body, his cock grinding against your sensitive folds, “I’m gonna have to fuck some manners into you and this pussy for making such a mess. That sound good to you sweetheart?” He asked and you found yourself nodding quickly, your voice lost as you felt every vein pressing into your throbbing clit.
“Good girl.” Paulie whispers against your lips making you lean up trying to kiss him and he only smirks, “Didn’t think you were so needy.” You whine as you feel him grind into you hard, tongue licking at your bottom lip before dominating its way into your mouth. You release a moan at the taste of yourself, his tongue swirling around yours and you sigh into the kiss legs wrapping around his waist to cage him close to you. You feel him pull his hips back making your heart race in anticipation, a moan being muffled by his tongue stuffing your mouth as he thrusts his cock deep in your wet pussy.
“Fuck~” Paulie groans as he leans back untangling your legs from his waist just to push them back into the mattress. You throw your head back as you feel him push deeper into you, “Yes!” This is what you needed all along. You just never realized that Paulie of all people was the one that could do it for you. He left you speechless as he picked up a brutal pace, pulling all the way out just to slam his full length back into you, never giving you or your pussy a chance to adjust. Toes curling and eyes rolling at the feeling of finally being used how you so desperately craved, “Paulie!” His name leaves your lips like a broken song that he wanted to play on repeat all night and he was gonna make sure he heard it.
“Like that ya brat?” His voice groans out, jaw tense and face a deep shade of red, blonde hair falling in front of his face as his goggles were long forgotten on the floor. You couldn’t find the words and just nodded in response, moans broken getting louder by the second and he could only scowl. “Can’t speak anymore huh?” You just whine as you feel him grip your thighs harder, his eyes looking down to where you both were connected.
“Slutty little pussy.” He mumbles as he watches his cock getting soaked by your creaming cunt sucking him in deeper. His hands on your thighs definitely gonna leave a bruise that you couldn't wait to see in the morning. The sound of slapping skin filled the room, the headboard rocking loudly along with your screams of pleasure were like music. It made his ears rings and he needed you to cum but he wanted you to beg him for it. Slowly his hips down has you whining and looking at him with pleading eyes that made him smirk.
“Awe what's the matter, brat? Ready to admit that I ain't so nice?” He taunts but it's breathy and makes your pussy clench. He looked so hot like this, hair a mess, face flushed and abs rippling as he had you folded. “Yes! Yes Paulie you're so fucking rude!”
Scowling he reached up and pulled your hair till your back arched with a moan, “Naughty little brat you just don't listen do you? Say you're sorry if you want to cum.” He groans, leaning down to bite at your neck, making you gasp. “I'm sorry Paulie please! Pleasepleaseplease lemme cum. I'll be good! Ugh I'll be so good I promise!” You whine and he leans down to nip your bottom lip.
“Yeah you'll be good for me finally? No more fucking those softies huh?” Paulie's words catch you by surprise but honestly you couldn't agree more. With the way he was fucking you there was no way you'd go back to anyone else when he was giving it to you so good.
“Yes Paulie I promise! Ah~! I'm all yours please let me cum!” You found yourself pleasing and he rewards you with a deep kiss and his hands going back to open your legs more. Hips picking back up their brutal pace on your cunt that was gonna be his by the end of this.
“Whose pussy does it belong to from now on then?” Paulie asks and all this filthy unexpected talk just took you for a world wind. It was too much and you couldn't take it at this rate. “Yours Paulie! It's all yours!” You scream out to him and he licks at your lips. Looking in your eyes as he says, “So cum for me baby.”
“Oh~Yes!” You scream in ecstasy, eyes rolling back and body arching toward him as you spray your pretty juices all over his cock. A deep groan leaving him as he cums right along with you, hips stuttering for a moment as he fucks ropes of cum deep in your pussy.
You didn't realize when he undid the ropes in your afterglow until he spun you around to lay on his chest. Both of you falling back into the mattress with a long sigh of satisfaction. His face red as a tomato hoping nothing more would be said or he'd die of embarrassment.
You had a huge smile plastered on your face as you looked up at him, his arms tightening around you hoping to squeeze the words he knew were coming out. “Wow Paulie I didn't think you had it in you.” You grin and he just groans loudly in response. “Oh hush it will ya. Don't make me gag you.”
Your eyes beamed at his statement and he only blushes more realizing he made a mistake in his words. “Really!? Can we try that next time!”
“Dammit you shameful woman! Do you always think with that pussy of yours?”
Staring at him with a big smile that he can't seem to look away from you nod your head, “Yup!”
Paulie just knew he had his hands full with a lady like you by his side.
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seongclb · 1 year
— enhypen reaction to you being from another culture !
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bf!enha x gn!reader, fluff, established relationship au, no warnings!
req. by anon
n. i’m so excited for this! hope u guys like it even though it’s a lot shorter than intended
♫ nothing compares by the weeknd
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𖠗 이희승 | lee heeseung.
he would genuinely be so interested
before u guys dated he definitely used it as an opportunity to ask you things
and flirt
a lot.
“omg no way! i’ll keep an eye out for this celebration just for you”
lots of winks and those adorable smiles
rizzseung for a reason guys !!
now that you guys are together though
def celebrates with you and learns at any chance he can get
“tell me more!” he’s so eager bc he loves u and everything about you
ur family love him for sure
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𖠗 박종성 | park jongseong.
not only does he love learning about your culture
but he loves trying out the dishes
especially cooking them
instead of online recipes though, he’ll go straight to your family
that way he knows just how you like them and are used to them too
it’s his secret love language like he genuinely bonds with you over it
on days where you’re just homesick especially or just not having a great day and all u want is a homemade recipe
he’ll cook it for you so you come home to something warm and homely
“i know this isn’t the same as how your family would make it but i hope you like it, my love”
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𖠗 심재윤 | sim jaeyun.
similar to heeseung, he’d use it for flirting with you beforehand
and probably in the relationship too
like if u celebrate something
he’ll be like “let’s match”
would get on so well with ur grandma
so well that she’s teaching him words in your language
she says she would adopt him if you guys weren’t going to get married
he loves learning about it so much
says things like “when we’re old and married, we’ll go to where you’re from and just eat all the amazing food! and meet your family back there too!”
and ur just there like :(
cos he’s so cute and excited whenever something big happens
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𖠗 박성훈 | park sunghoon.
is so fascinated by it again
one thing he would love to do is go shopping for cultural clothes
when he gets the hang of the nice styles, he starts picking things for you
and of course, himself!
loves colour coordinating and taking pictures
then hypes you up, “yeahh my baby is so pretty and hot like what nobody else could ever”
so nervous at first around your family but after he researches a ton for how their culture is, he gets more comfortable and they just welcome him as if it’s their new son
asks you to always like explain anything new he hears and then he’s like
“wow that’s so cool, can’t wait to teach our kids one day”
blush time.
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𖠗 김선우 | kim sunoo.
his fave thing is to try snacks and foods with you
“y/n i saw this new food on tiktok and it’s from your culture! do you know it? let’s get it tomorrow”
maybe tries learning how to cook it
even though he loves food (like me) he also loves learning like
anything literally
wants to know everything from bottom to top
buys books about your culture just show to you how much he appreciates it and loves it
doesn’t act like it’s a big thing bc he feels like you’d feel weird if he was putting so much on your culture
but when the opportunity arises, he’s the first to know things even you dont
one thing ab sunoo is that he’s gonna excel in anything!!!
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𖠗 양정원 | yang jungwon.
another fascinated one
again like sunoo, would read books to understand it and search the web
wants to go to visit your home country multiple times when you guys travel the world together
he’ll jump at any opportunity to go with you for anything related to your culture too
the more practise the merrier
he just wants to do as much as he can with it since one day he wants to do the same with his kids
wont tell you though
he just admires it so much
u guys compare superstitions and stuff
interesting, long conversations about what it was like to grow up in each of your cultures <33
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𖠗 西村力 | nishimura riki
always found it one of the most special things about you
you just were different in a good way
he liked that you were a new thing to him, one that he could learn about and grow to settle in himself
and that’s exactly what he did
when learning about it, it’s as if it became apart of him too
like, oh y/n does this bc it’s part of their culture
and suddenly next time, he’s doing it bc it’s part of his culture too
and when you ask him why he does that
he’ll just say something like, “i wanna get used to the stuff you do so we can do them together and it’s not like weird or anything”
hes so pure and kind-hearted i love him
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zaimta · 1 year
paring: zoro x gn!reader
zai says: the official hcs!! i'm a firm mihawk fam believer
ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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zoro picks up on mihawk flirting when they go out once in a blue moon, or from how mihawk interacts with his s/o
he doesn’t ask him about it either he just sees it happening and remembers it, perona peeps how he’s always around when mihawk is doing stuff like that and bullies him for being a secret hopeless romantic (sibling core) whole time he’s just trying to be a better boyfriend for you even tho he won’t see you for 2 years
mihawk who notices himself at first he tries to be subtle about it because he only agreed to help him with swordsmanship not matters of the heart but zoro wouldn’t get the hints so he had to be direct
“you’re looking to impress your s/o, yn are you not?”
he gives him a crash course and perona helps too, zoro would ask perona about it and she makes y’all’s relationship her business
“so how many dates have you taken them on? ooh and where did you go?” zoro looks deep in thought trying to recount all the dates the two of you have had, the fact that he might not be completely hopeless in the romance category excited perona “three i think.” she gave him a blank stare “wow you’re helpless it took you that long to remember three dates”
despite how much she bullies him she loves hearing about you, zoro only tells her about you and y’all’s relationship every once in a while because he doesn’t want her prying in his business (he does it anyways)
when y’all reunite for the first time every thing ab him is different, and the way he kisses you is completely different too it’s a little rough but with big hints of passion and class hands rubbing circles on the hips for good measure
he kisses your hands too, normally it happens when he’s holding you hand he brings it up to his lips and presses a kiss to the back of it, palm kisses also especially if you work with your hands all the time it means way more
neck kisses?? they’re precise and calculated knows the specific spots that work for you and some times it ends it him kissing your collarbone
the way he speaks to you would change slightly too, he’s aware that you’re his s/o and compared to the rest of the crew he should treat you differently he does and he doesn’t at the same time
pet names between the two of you would still stay behind closed doors, but sumn ab the way it rolls off his tongue got you weak in the knees
he would say “i love you” more (well at least more to his standards) because he lost you for a whole 2 years he learned to cherish the time he has with you now
still lives for putting his hands on his hips, no matter how much he changes that will always stay the same it’s his go to place for his hands
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lovelybucky1 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 7- cum play
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warnings: gender neutral reader, cum play, facials, male masturbation, dirty secrets, 18+ minors dni
kinktober masterlist
main masterlist
Rooster knows he’s a little bit fucked up. Has known since he first discovered porno magazines and had internet access. He’s always had a thing for cum, but it’s not the white, sticky stuff itself that did it for him.
Seeing it on skin, leaking out of wet holes, dripping down thighs, being cleaned up with tongues. It was dirty, messy, all the things that went against everything he was taught.
He’s always been neat, kept his things clean and tidy. It’s how he was raised. And it’s also why having a messy, desperate little thing in his bed is so enticing.
He would never have done this unless you asked for it. He would have taken this with him to the grave, but you pried it out of him.
“Tell me a secret,” you asked as you laid in bed, the room dark.
He shouldn’t have told you, but the cloak of darkness made him feel less shy. He wouldn’t have to look you in the eyes and say it, wouldn’t have to hide his blush. He spit it out in a rush, and you were quiet for a moment, considering.
“I want to try it.”
You opened Pandora’s box, and as much as he’s enjoying himself, he knows that he can never take this back. The toothpaste is out of the tube, he’s indulged himself, and he doesn’t want it taken away.
Now here you are, on your knees and looking up at Rooster with eyes too wide and innocent to be looking at his cock. He stokes himself over your face, aiming his tip right towards your mouth.
You asked him to do this. It’s not wrong, he has your permission, but he feels so fucking gross knowing what lies ahead, and even grosser because it turns him on.
“I want your cum, Bradley. Don’t worry about the mess, I want that too. Cum all over me and then we can clean it off together, okay?”
Your voice is as gentle as it is seductive. You know he likes to hear you talk, but you also know that he needs reassurance when trying something new like this. He needs to know that you like it, and that it’s okay for him to like it.
You sit up on your knees and hold onto his thighs. The contact makes him shudder and he squeezes his cock a little at the tip, seemingly to stop himself from finishing too soon.
Your eyes trail from his face, down his chest and toned abs, to the tip of his cock. A milky drop of precum beads at the head and inspiration strikes. You lean forward and rub your cheek against his cock, the wetness smearing across your skin and it makes him moan.
“Fuck, honey,” he bites out. Another spurt of precum hits your cheek and you smile up at him, sweetly and innocently, like butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth. You’re a goddamn tease and Bradley has never been more in love.
After a feel more rough tugs at his cock, his abs clench and release, contracting as he edges his orgasm.
“C-cumming!” he chokes out, just as the first drop of cum hits your cheek. It’s hot and sticky, and it ends up covering you from your forehead to your chin.
You’re eyes, which were closed once he started to cum, open and you look up at him to find a blush high on his cheeks, and his forehead slick with sweat. He looks wrecked, and he hasn’t even seen the aftermath yet.
“Look at me, Bradley,” you say gently.
He peaks open his eyes and a low growl you’ve never heard him make leaves his throat. He reaches out to swipe his thumb through the mess on your lips.
“Look like a fuckin’ mess,” he mutters, eyes full of adoration.
“All for you,” you smile.
“I’m gonna have a heart attack if you keep lookin’ at me like that, dollface.”
Your smile just widens.
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itspbandjellytime · 3 months
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The Assistant [Hailee Steinfeld x Fem!Reader] - Chapter 3
Plot: Y/N Waldorf is fresh out of college and her first job is being Hailee Steinfeld's personal assistant, but what Y/N doesn't know is that Hailee is hiding a huge secret from the general public and from her, as her assistant.
Notes: This is a multi-chapter fic, you can also read this on wattpad under the same username "itspbandjellytime". This fanfic is also going to contain NSFW themes in the near future, so if you're under the age of 18 please don't read this. Thank you!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Word count: 1.4k words
[Y/N's POV]
The next day arrived, today is the day I move in with Hailee. I already packed my bags earlier this morning again, I looked at Jackie with a smile on her face and gave her a tight hug "Girl, don't be sad, at least we live in the same state now." I reassured her as she fake cries. Jackie pulls away from her and laughs "I know, I am just being very dramatic and besides, West Hollywood and Malibu is a 40 minute drive. You can visit anytime you want." Jackie told me "Hailee isnt expecting you to show up, that quick right?" Jackie asks me as I reached for the door. I respond with a shrug "Eh, better to be early.", Jackie grabs my wrist all of a sudden which made my eyes widen. "You good?" I ask her with a confused tone, Jackie told me to sit down on the couch with her for a bit.
"Yeah, It's just that I've been hearing something online about Hailee... you know... Keeping a secret from the general public?" Jackie said, as much as I love Jackie, she's my best friend, I will jump off a tall building and sell my organs for that woman... There are times that she relies on random and odd stuff on the internet, especially engaging in blind item pages like Deuxmoi. I furrow my brows, oblivious on what Jackie was telling me "What do you mean? Also what did I tell you interacting with those pages?" I said in a very motherly tone despite the fact that Jackie is two years older than me. 
"Heard it from Deuxmoi before you got here, someone said that Hailee Steinfeld is hiding a secret from the public and only her manager knows about it." Jackie says, and then gasps "Do you think she's pregnant?" 
"GIRL WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I yelled "You've been on Deuxmoi way too much! We both know that site is like the fifth? or lower circle in hell, you know what Tree Paine did when Deuxmoi went after Taylor Swift, right? Also we don't know these people personally!" I said, I let out a sigh and rubbed my temples, going silent for a while. "Look, whatever that is... I won't believe it." I said standing up, putting my hands up with a smile on my face.
Jackie smiles back, understanding what I just told her "Alright, but you know I am just one call away and we can meet up like once or twice a week." Jackie said, standing up again and giving me a hug. I hug Jackie back and nodded "Yeah, just message me if ever." I said, grabbing my bags and finally leaving the apartment.
Forty minutes later, I finally arrived at Hailee's lavish looking house located in Malibu. The house looked amazing from the outside and made me think what's in store inside as well, I parked my car somewhere and grabbed my bags from the trunk. I walked up to the front porch and rang the doorbell, waiting for her to open the door. 
Seconds later, she opens the door for me. Hailee is wearing a pair of black yoga pants, a pair of sneakers and a black sports bra that shows off those toned abs of hers that makes me weak on my knees. She looks so hot, my heart starts racing and a lot of thoughts run through my mind seeing her like that. But I still kept my normal posture in tact to be a little bit professional "Hey, you're here! Come on in." Hailee says, inviting me to enter the house. 
I enter the house with my bags and I look around the place in awe, I knew that her house would look this good even though I've never seen the whole thing. "I'm sorry if I look like this, I just finished working out." Hailee says, leading me to her living room "Make yourself comfortable, Y/N." Hailee says again, I nod with a smile on my face and I sat down on her couch. I just stare at her walk to her kitchen as she grabs a bottle of cold water from her freezer, the way I look at her is filled with admiration and adoration. My little moment was broken when all of a sudden I heard two high pitched barks, I look down to see her yorkies Brando and Martini looking at me, their tails wagging in sync. 
"Oh my goodness, are these Brando and Martini?" I say, smiling at the dogs having some second thoughts if I should pet them both, I am a huge dog person but I have a huge fear of dogs biting me. "Yep, in the flesh! Don't worry they don't bite, they're super friendly." Hailee says, heading to the couch to sit next to me. Hailee puts Brando on my lap and he starts to lick my fingers, which caused me to chuckle and gently pet his head "He's starting to like you, are you a dog person?" Hailee asks. I nod in response as I kept petting Brando while Martini is lying down on my shoe "I have a German Shepard in Washington, his name is... Well... It's a ridiculous name." I said, trying to keep up with an actual conversation with Hailee. 
"Well, what's the name of your dog then?" Hailee asks, her hazel eyes looking into mine. I swear, I get lost in those eyes every time.
"His name is... Sir Tenderloin McAvish the Second... We call him Tendy for short." I answered, Hailee starts to burst out laughing once I told her the name of my family's dog. Her laugh is so contagious, it made me laugh as well "I am dead serious, that's his name." I said, pulling my phone out and showing a photo of Tendy to Hailee. "He's a rescue dog, we got him back in 2003. He's like a big baby." I said, showing her a photo of me and carrying Tendy like a baby. Hailee laughs and smiles at the photo of me and my dog, zooming in the photo to see him up close.
"Well you're not wrong Y/N, I treat these two like they're my own children. Oh wait, that reminds me... Come, I'll show you your room." Hailee says, standing up from the couch. I gently put Brando down on the floor again and watch him run around the living room with Martini, I picked my bags up and followed Hailee upstairs. I continued to admire the interior design of Hailee's house, it looks cozy and comfortable. "Alright, we're here." Hailee says, opening the door of my room for me. I entered the room and looked around, I have a comfortable bed and my own bathroom and TV. 
I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at her "Thanks, your place is cool. Who's your interior designer?" I asked, Hailee leans against the door frame, crossing her toned arms. "My mom, she's the best." Hailee chuckles and looks at me, "Well I gotta say, your mom is cool. Quick question, have you ever done this before with your past assistants?" I ask, Hailee shook her head in response "Nope, most of my old personal assistants are people older than me cause you know I started this whole acting and music thing at a young age..." Hailee answers, taking a sip of water from her water bottle.
"So I am the first assistant to stay in your place then?" I asks, with a little hint of casualness.
"Yeah, I feel like you're going to be an assistant that will last long." Hailee responds, winking at me with a smirk on her face "Anyway, if you need anything else. Just let me know, this is your home now... Well once you get a place of your own." Hailee says, closing the door of my room.
I flopped down on the bed, lying on my back as I stare at the ceiling, letting out a sigh. Everything is happening all at once, it feels overwhelming but in a very positive manner to say the least. I furrow my brows a bit, looking back as I was looking around the place before heading to my room earlier. 
There was this room at the end of the hallway and it was dark, I didn't ask Hailee about it because it might come off as invasive and I might lose my job. So I just quickly assumed it was a storage room, or a room that has her awards, or a room that has one single box that has her scrapped music or that damn album everyone in the fandom is waiting for. Whatever lies in that room, I'll just ignore it and focus on one thing and one thing only. My job as Hailee's assistant.  
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 11 months
omggg!! i like never request anything but you responded to my last one ab tan and it made my dayyyyyy 😭💗. btw, that's literally my bf i'm never getting tired of him so here's another one if you have a chance
hear me out *again*…perhaps tangerine is stressed out about some stuff that’s causing him to be distant. reader noticed this and obviously she comforts him!! maybe a little lemon cameo too!! this isn’t super detailed but i hope you get it🥰.
your writing is keeping me alive stink🤭🫡!
- 🧬
hii!! ahhh that’s literally so sweet!? me too, will never get tired of him. I love it, such a cute idea! stop it🥹 thank you! your lovely comments do the same for me. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 and sorry this took longer than planned, been ill last couple days
tangerine x fem reader
wc || 749
masterlist + taglist
Tangerine is naturally a very closed-off guy. He isn't exactly the type that can talk about his feelings and share what's on his mind or what's bothering him. He often felt like a burden for sharing his thoughts and doubts, so he preferred to keep them to himself, usually by distancing himself.
He hated the vulnerability of it all, how intimate it felt to share his genuine feelings and concerns. But ever since he started dating you, he's been trying to correct his way of thinking. He wanted to change for you, be a better man for you, but he also wanted to change for himself. He knew you'd never judge him for his thoughts, though he couldn't help but resort to his old habits of projection and isolation. He wanted to be honest with you, but it was much harder than he thought.
Sometimes you knew him better than he knew himself, so when you noticed him avert from your company and distance himself, you knew something was bothering him. You had to be careful when approaching the topic, as you didn't want to pressurise or distress him any further. You thought softly easing him in would lead to the best outcome, so you make your way to the kitchen and make him a tea to his exact taste in his favourite mug, then collect a pack of biscuits from your secret stash.
You slowly walk into the living room with tea and biscuits in hand, where you see him lying on the sofa, staring aimlessly at the tv.
"Hey," you say quietly, not wanting to startle him. "Thought you might want this," you smile, extending the mug towards him.
He takes it from you with a soft nod, sitting up, a wry smile lining his lips. "Cheers," 
"What you uh— what you watching?" you ask. 
"I dunno," he lightly chuckles, searching for the controller. "rugby, I don't know— can't remember," 
"Mind if I join?" you sweetly ask, nodding to the space beside him. 
"Go on," he softly grins.
You sit next to him, subtly scooting over, cuddling into his side as you drape a blanket over both of you. You look up at him, your features soft and understanding as you cup his cheek, angling his face to yours, bringing him back to you when you notice him divert from your gaze.
"Everything okay?" you ask, entangling your hand in his.
"Yeah," he nods, his words unconvincing.
"What's going on? You don't seem like yourself," you sweetly press, your thumb stroking over the back of his hand. "You can tell me,"
"I know," he softly sighs, glancing at the tv, trying to avoid your questioning. "Just—“ he starts, shaking his head. "We got updates for our mission in a couple weeks, and it's stressing me out. It's-- it ain't a good country, that's all. And it just—" he pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head as if to get rid of an uneasy thought. "I don't want something happening, you know," he exhales, kissing the crown of your head. "I don't want to leave you alone... if something happens," he frowns, hugging you tighter as if the action was to reassure him. 
"Aw honey," you whisper, squeezing his hand. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? That couldn't have been an easy thing to keep to yourself," you softly smile, your eyebrows knitting together as you analyse him. You didn't want to lie or tell him what you thought he wanted to hear, so you didn't say anything else. You choose to snuggle into him, holding him close as if to comfort his thoughts. "Okay, here's an idea," you start, watching his eyes soften with intrigue. "We order a fuck tonne of food; pizza, pasta, noodles, kebab— whatever you want. And we invite Lem over, and we can just pig out on the sofa and— and watch shitty tv and drink beer? That sound good?" you smile. 
A genuine grin creeps on his lips as he looks down at you on his chest. "I like it. Sounds good," he kisses your forehead, brushing a few strands of hair behind your ear. "Only if we can get curry. I've been fucking dying for one," chuckling.
Even though it was such a simple thing to say, you could tell he was starting to feel better about the situation. 
"We can order as much curry as you want," you smile and reach up to kiss his cheek. "Anything you want."
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taglist: @tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @slasher-sequels-suck @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @ugh09876554444 @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @sporadiccherryblossomfan @landryslove
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htmliu · 1 year
◜𖤐 ִֶָ 𓂃 tropes that i associate haechan with !
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genre. fluff (?) wc. <700
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frenemies to lovers
everything about hyuck is so very “oh i don’t understand or know how to deal with my feelings, so i’m just going to annoy the crap out of you.”
a LOT of bantering. stolen glances. it’s the pushing and pulling he gets the thrill out of. he can make fun of you, but if anybody else does it, they better know how to fight bc !?!?!? OH HE’S AB TO SQUARE UP.
stupid stupid oblivious mutual feelings (idiots to lovers)
this one is like a follow up of the previous one. almost joint, actually. it’s like when you both are with other people, everything is fine. you guys are left alone for ONE SECOND. and Boom. TENSION.
NEED I SAY MORE ???? honestly speaking, this trope is RIGHT behind enemies to lovers when it comes to the most hyuck-coded fanfic tropes to ever exist. it’s THERE.
you basically grew up with him. he’d been friends with your brother for as long as you’ve known. every summer vacation, your house was his paradise. but his presence — to you — was HELL.
now from here, we either go with you have had a crush on him for the longest time, he drives you crazy, and everything along those lines.
you think you hate him to the bone (and he relishes in your so called hatred bc, again, PUSH AND PULL). but in reality, you really just don’t know how to deal with your feelings. there is a pattern with me as you can tell.
this is me pulling out the big guns now.
“if only the others could see you right now, literally melting in my touch.” followed by MESSY making out. disheveled hair. Hands Everywhere but where they should be. just him trying to make up for all the times his lips could’ve been on yours but he could’t just kiss you anywhere and everywhere bc of the whole “secret dating” part.
but then again. the adrenaline rush that he gets bc of this entire ordeal? he’s ABSOLUTELY there for it.
friends with benefits to ?? to lovers
this trope is always a MESS — to say the least. but ukw, that’s why i like it. why i associate hyuck with this trope is very self explanatory.
one drunken night accidentally led to a hook up session. it’s definitely not something you both hadn’t fantasized about before either. although, you always shook it off bc you knew you couldn’t be jeopardising your friendship.
but would it be wrong. if you guys were do it do it again. and again. and again. until none of those times were an “accident” anymore. and before either of you knew it, you were caught up in a web of your own mistakes. feelings were everywhere. along with the fear of losing whatever was left of your friendship. fear of messing everything up.
but for some reason, haechan still wanted more. bc everything just felt right when your lips were on his, his hands on your hips.
oh, you had him at your fingertips.
fake dating
see. the thing with me is. i love the push and pull as much as haechan does. perhaps even more than him. EVERYTHING ab this is just so HIM uk?
with the silly little contract that goes like — no kissing when not in front of people, no skinship, stay 5ft away when not in front of people, and ofc DO NOT FALL IN LOVE. and then just that happens. it’s so cliché. but that’s what i’m here for.
the way haechan will test your patience to the fullest. break every rule on that contract until you break the last rule yourself. after all, rules are made to be broken.
BUT THE BUILD UP TOO LIKE. when haechan doesn’t realise that he isn’t just doing stuff for you bc he’s your pretend boyfriend, but bc he actually cares for you. and there you both were, obliviously falling into an abyss of love.
“i think i could get arrested for breach of contract. bc i might or might not have broken the last rule.”
“well looks like we’re both getting arrested then.”
personally, it’s either a summer + road trip + e2l. there is this one specific scenario stuck in my head.
while everybody is out and about with their significant others, exploring the beaches and what not. you’re stuck with haechan, the last person you’d want to spend your summer with. but alas, god had it his way, and two single pringles had to mingle (#userhtmliufunnyera)
so somehow he convinced you to go out (re: lured you with a free ice cream treat). you are ab to hop onto a bike. you say something about him making you fall off the bike bc of his incompetence. and haechan, without missing a beat, “falling off the bike is the least of your concerns. although, falling for this guy — points to himself — is something i should warn you about in advance.”
summer + childhood friends to acquaintances to lovers. i have a very cruel summer by taylor swift x summer!au x hyuck vision and it’s driving me INSANE. it’s angsty, but it’s fluffy, it’s mutual pining, and it’s everything i want and more.
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sunnyangy · 14 days
Hello! I hope you’re taking requests rn 🥺
I really liked your version of the NSFW alphabet for Togame. Could you do a Umemiya version please?🦐
hellooo ! i am taking requests indeed, it helps me get ideas :) and of course, everything for my boy Ume <3
NSFW Alphabet 🍂
- Umemiya 🌱
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
• Umemiya likes to always cuddle you after, kissing you all over and giving you compliments. He will thank you, tell you how good you were and how much he loved it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
• His : He likes his torso. He thinks he has a good shape and his muscle are big enough but not too much, his abs and v line well drawn.
• Yours : Your waist and your hips. He looooves to put his hands on it, pulling you close, caressing them with his fingers. Waists drive him crazy.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
• Likes to cum in you if he’s sure there’s no risk for unwanted pregnancy, but if he can’t creampie you then he will come in your mouth, or on your tits. And, he will make you swallow. If you let drip on your chin, he will use his thumb to stuff it back in your mouth.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
• He actually sometimes imagine you bent over his desk in his office at Fuurin, as he would fuck you from behind, not caring if anyone came in.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
• He actually never did it before you, as it wasn’t one of his interests. He was way more focused on other things, and didn’t stumble on a partner he liked enough to do it with.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
• He likes to see you, so he likes the classic missionary, mating press, cowgirl, or like you sitting on the counter while he’s between your legs, kissing you. But sometimes he will stuff your head in the pillow, ramming from behind as he grips your waist with his other hand, leaving finger shaped bruises.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
• He usually is goofy as always, making some jokes. Buttt it happens that he gets serious, and here you know you’ll have trouble walking the day after.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He is trimmed pretty short but there’s still some. And it happens that he forget to trim it, or is too lazy. It is also white, but a bit more grayish.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
• He is always very romantic, giving you compliments and making sure that you feel good, always peppering your skin with kisses, even when he’s rough. He is very sensual, all of his movements being the right thing to make your mind melt.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
• Only does it if you’re not there, as it’s not one of his main preoccupations. It might only be like once a week. And he will use your pictures/videos/texts as material.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
• Brat tamer. He likes when you try to be the dominant one. He will let you think you’re winning at first, but then put you back in your place as his thrusts fasten and get deeper, while he stills keep his angelic smile, his hand holding your throat down.
« Come on princess, you don’t think i’d let you win mh ? »
• He is a bit ashamed of this one, but free use. He can’t help but enjoy that you two can just initiate sex anywhere/during anything if you want to. Of course, you agreed for it and have a safe word, but he loves that sometimes you sucking him off seems totally normal as he watch tv, or that he’s eating you out while you’re reading something and you don’t have any reaction.
• Marking. He will leave hickeys and bite marks everywhere, making sure everyone knows you’re taken.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
• He likes anywhere in the house, even just holding you against him will do. He probably will never do it at someone else’s house, he would be way too uncomfortable.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
• Usually when he gets spicy texts from you, even just as a joke. His mind will spiral and think about everything you do together.
• Also when you wear some short clothes around the house, especially crop tops where he can see your waist.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
• Ever go further if you say your safe word, or hurt you. Will never do knife/blood play.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
• Umemiya prefers to give oral. He loves to be between your legs, lapping at your cunt and sucking on your clit as he places kisses all over it. He is GOOD, as he also uses his fingers at the same time. He loves to see your face contort in cute expressions, as you squirm and moan, your hands in his hair or on your chest.
• He OF COURSE loves to receive it too, he loves letting you do all the work as he relaxes and let out some soft sighs, his hands behind his head.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
• He is fast and sensual. He can be slow, but always get carried on, your pussy sucking him in, and he can’t resist. He will always be romantic and sensual but it happens that when he’s frustrated, or stressed, he gets rough, wanting to release his tension.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
• He doesn’t really like quickies, as he doesn’t get all the satisfaction from torturing you nice and slow and getting you yearn for him. But he will do it if one of you really is horny.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
• He is open to experiment with you, but is careful on the risks. Although if he sees something online that he wants to try, expect him to come to you, just showing his phone. He will also try everything that you want, and i mean EVERYTHING.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
• Umemiya cannot get tired. He will fuck you until you tap out, until you can’t even think straight, and the only thing you can babble out is his name. He will only stop when he hears « H-Haji.. Hajime.. Hajime.. Haj-jime.. », your eyes humid and your cunt dripping with your own arousal.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
• He doesn’t really like them, because he thinks that he can give you everything himself. Although he won’t mind vibrators, because he can’t give you that.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
• He LOVES to tease you, but will always end up giving you what you want. He can never resist your needs anyways.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
• He is very vocal. He’ll always be letting out sighs, groans, talking to you, and sometimes even moaning. He will never shut up, but you love it.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
• In his phone, he has a folder with every nude, video, and spicy text you ever sent him. He loves to keep them, and watch them all over again. He also has some sextapes of you in it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
• 19cm/7.5in, thiccy and meaty. #f1d4c0 , #f2b395
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
• He isn’t that horny, but definitely more since he met you. You two will do it around three times a week, but sometimes even more. He surprisingly starts to be the one asking for it more.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
• He won’t sleep until you do, until he’s sure you’re comfortable and have everything you need. When he’s sure everything is fine for you, he will sleep next to you, holding you tightly.
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shockinglyangel · 3 months
MATURE, Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Sexual content, Mentions of nudity
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A = Aftercare: Draco didn't really grow up with his parents loving each other so I feel as though he's a little bit set off from the whole caring part, but he can for sure learn. I have this theory that his first girlfriend broke up with him after he didn't give her any aftercare and he was confused as hell until the boys explained the importance of comfort after sex, after that he totally learnt how to take care of someone after having his way with them. He's definitely the type to lay with you in the bed after and accio you something to eat or drink if you need it, but don't ask him to leave the bed, that's where the line ends.
B = Body part: He likes his abs and stomach quite a lot, he's a bit insecure about his skin as people constantly call him pale and pasty, but he's learned to like it. For his partner, I think he would enjoy their face the most, like yes this man does like a nice rack but I think he'd appreciate facial beauty more.
C = Cum: Too scared of getting someone pregnant and having to explain it to his parents so he'd pull out, even with spells he's just too cautious, he does like to finish in your mouth though and watch you swallow.
D = Dirty Secret: He'd let you do anything you wanted to him, as long as you're with him he's totally cool about it, would be down to try anything if you asked him too. He does lie to his friends and say that he's constantly the dom in the relationship, but the truth is he enjoys when you take control and let's you do it quite often.
E = Experience: Draco uses sex to deal with pent up anger and emotions so he's had quite a lot of meaningless hookups, he knows what he's doing and he does it well, he's not the best out of his friends but he's still very skilled at what he does, if he needs help with anything he tends to ask Theo as he knows he'll keep quite and give him an honest answer.
F = Favourite Position: LOVES when you ride him, mans a little princess when it comes to sex, he likes his pleasure to be put above your own and enjoys watching you do your thing on top of him. When he takes control it's mainly from behind with his hand in your hair pulling your chest to meet him, he likes the reaction this position receives from you.
G = Goofy: Not one to crack jokes during, he takes this time as a serious moment to show you what he's made of, he's putting all his emotions into this and to be honest his emotions are the most jolly so he really has nothing to laugh about.
H = Hair: He takes good care of himself, they are semi naked in the quidditch boys changing rooms constantly so he's learned that the majority of his classmates have their well shaven and has since taken on board the burden of cleaning up his own. He prefers a clean shaven woman, won't turn you down if you're not but is less likely to go down on you.
I = Intimacy: Sometimes he can be romantic, it's not a rare sight but it's harder to come across, when you startle him or pull him aside for a quick session he's definitely the type to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, but when he really needs to get something off his chest and finds you as a hole to fill, he's definitely not going to be telling you how much he loves you - but you know he does love you of course, he'll reassure you of it after.
J = Jack Off: Anywhere, everywhere, dawg gets a hard on when he's stressed so he's constantly bricked up and in need of some release, doesn't normally come to you as it's quite excessive and doesn't want to bother you, even though we both know you'd be down for a few more rounds per day, he's not too sure of it.
K = Kink: He's really into the whole stomach bulge stuff, he places his hand on his lower stomach to make sure he can feel himself as he thrusts into you, something about it just happens to stroke his ego.
L = Location: He has a reputation to uphold so it's a little harder to get him to go anywhere but the safety of his dorm, but when you finally convince him you'll be surprised with the places this man wants to go. One time he took you guys to the great hall after hours and fucked you on the slytherin table, and another while drunk he snuck you both into his enemies dorm and had his way with you on his bed, this man has no limit for where as long as no one finds out.
M = Motivation: Anything and everything, but God does he like to see your ass peaking out from under your skirt or shorts, or the way your nipples poke through your shirt when you're cold, he'd do anything to take you there and then if he could.
N = NO: Not in the manor, nowhere near his parents, if they find out you're both completely and utterly fucked, and not in a good way
O = Oral: He's more a receiver than a giver, head is his favourite thing, he likes to place his thumb on your cheek to feel his dick poking at it, and he likes the way your lips wrap around his cock. He's not at all bad at giving though, he just finds it to be a strenuous activity and it tires out his tongue.
P = Pace: He's a pretty fast guy, fucks like a rabbit and looks like a ferret, amen.
Q = Quickie: Could go for a thousand quickies per day if you asked him to, he likes to pull you aside and into a broom closet when he knows no one is around, but he's more into spending time with you wrapped together under a sheet.
R = Risk: He'll try anything once, as long as it doesn't involve either of you going to the infirmary and having to fill in a form on why you're there, he'll try it.
S = Stamina: He can go for a couple of rounds, but you will both be dripping in sweat by the end of it and in desperate need for a shower, he only goes for more than one if Blaise is staying in someone else's dorm for the night, otherwise the poor dude will have to put up with an aroma of sex while he sleeps.
T = Toy: He's not that into toys but he will incorporate other things like food, ice, his tie to tie you up with or muffle you with, other than that he feels like toys are against him and not with him, and he doesn't like competition.
U = Unfair: He's impatient so he'd rather fuck you once and then tease you after, he's into overstimulation if it's happening to you.
V = Volume: He moans and groans, sometimes even louder than you, and sometimes just for dramatic effect so other people can hear. He loves it when you're loud though, once again stroking his ego.
W = Wild Card: One time he had sex with this girl in front of the fireplace late at night in the common room and someone came in so she hid herself while he just placed a cushion over his dick and called it a day, awkwardly standing up to apologise to the person who had come in and try to explain his predicament but luckily it was just Lorenzo.
X = X-Ray: He's big, somehow very good at hiding it, but he's quite defensive when people make little pp jokes towards him.
Y = Yearning: High sex drive, 'nuff said
Z = ZZZ: He sleeps like a baby afterwards, you will have a hard time waking him up after he's finished for the day and ready to hop off into his dreams, most likely about his parents finding out about his sexual endeavours, if that happens, he'll wake up in a cold sweat and you'll have to do round 3/4 to help calm him down.
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bluedalahorse · 1 month
Hi Blue! If you're still doing YR asks, here's one: do you have any thoughts on/hcs about how August, Vincent and Nils became friends?
(From August's letter, it's a bit unclear if he's listing things that already happened over his first year when he says "you've made some friends" or if he's hoping to achieve that in his next two years; I lean towards the former based on his reference to hanging with Erik and the third-years, but I would love to hear your thoughts whether our ideas of the timepoint align or not!)
Hi friend! I love this ask so much, thank you for sending it.
Apologies for this taking a while. I was letting all my thoughts cook together into a nice stew.
I don’t know if I have a definitive origin story for the August-Nils-Vincent friendship, but I also don’t know if it’s the sort of friendship that has a distinct origin story or a moment that can be pointed to as the moment they all became friends. Instead I can see a series of scenarios that bring them together in their first year. I also have some thoughts on the mindsets behind that and how dynamics in the group shift over time.
So the first thing I’m thinking about is the forced proximity of dorm life. We know based on how everyone responds to Wille’s single room that first years rarely get singles, so they all would have had roommates, and it’s possible two of them end up rooming together first year.
For the purposes of me picking something specific, let’s say August and Vincent are assigned to one another as roommates first year. Nils is the odd one out. He has a different roommate—an international student with a long distance girlfriend, and they’re always on the phone being incredibly lovey-dovey with one another without any care that Nils is trying to study one desk over. This Blatant Display Of Heterosexual Privilege annoys Nils, so he never really bonds with that roommate and starts spending all his time at August and Vincent’s across the hall, even sleeping over time to time.
Initially Nils sleeps on the floor in someone’s sleeping bag, because he’s pretty in the closet after initiation and Vincent’s joke of “sharing a bed isn’t gay if we’re lying in opposite directions” is well-meaning but… very unhelpful, to say the least. Eventually August and Vincent feel bad for Nils sleeping on the floor all the time, and August volunteers to swap so he’s sleeping on the floor and Nils is sleeping in his bed. He clumsily explains this by being like, “Erik has been telling me about his upcoming year of military service and maybe I’ll do that too because my father would have wanted me to, and in the military you have to sleep in uncomfortable conditions and on the ground and stuff so this is training.” And Nils and Vincent are like “o…kay then, weirdo” but they let August sleep on the floor. The next time Vincent adds himself to the rotation and sleeps on the floor, saying he’s not going to let August out-Sparta him and develop more abs than everyone else. And so they fall into a rhythm of rotating who gets a bed, and their double room becomes an unofficial triple. Nils still worries from time to time that the bed thing is gonna become weird though.
They notice a lot of things about one another during that time then but don’t really talk about it. Nils and Vincent notice that August really struggles with sleeping and occasional nightmares in the middle of the night, and will often sneak out to go for a run when it’s dark. When August starts to notice that they’re noticing, and they notice that he notices, they diffuse the tension by teasing him about having a secret girlfriend he’s sneaking off to at Manor House, and then a whole roster of secret girls, some of whom live in Bjärstad. Erik catches wind of this and the third year boys get in on the teasing too, and this is what starts to cement August’s reputation as a bit of a slutty bad boy. He’ll lean into that reputation more his second year, because he starts to internalize it more at that point and because the guys respond to him positively for it. But first year he’s in more of a fumbling “what are girls even???” state and is mostly managing a clumsy hookup here or there, while also being very earnest (off-puttingly earnest, even) about the idea that he has to find the girl who will help him run Årnäs someday. (I actually think the clash between what people say about August’s relationship reputation at Hillerska, versus how he actually behaves in a relationship, are something we’re meant to notice.)
Vincent, meanwhile, is really struggling with his studies and his recent ADHD diagnosis and his self-image around school. I imagine August and Nils are focused on getting good grades, and can probably study in the same room without annoying one another. (August is a bit more likely to pull an anxiety all-nighter, though—more on that in a bit.) Maybe he and Nils have a little bit of a friendly competition going about their test grades.
Vincent, however, really struggles. His meds help him up to a point—mostly so he isn’t bouncing around his classroom and chattering nonstop while the teacher tries to teach, which is how he went through his pre-Hillerska school years. Since he’s diagnosed relatively late for a boy, he’s way behind on developing study skills or habits that would help him succeed, and he’s afraid to use accommodations or strategies like notepad planners or the pomodoro method or similar. Nils and August sometimes try to help him out, and sometimes help him through unintentional body doubling for certain academic tasks. But sometimes they also get frustrated with him for distracting them while they work, or for constantly cracking jokes when they try to focus, and end up snapping at him. At that point Vincent will pull away and say he doesn’t care because his family can pay for what he needs in life, and being good at school is stupid. Inwardly he’s dealing with a lot of shame and negative self-image, which comes out as anger and snark. He’s especially jealous of August’s academic abilities—August and Nils get about the same grades, but Nils seems to be more calmly organized whereas August runs on a little more messy anxiety and Vincent thinks he should be doing worse at school than he is. (If that makes sense?)
Outside of dorm room life, they have shared activities first year. They all make the rowing team and take it pretty seriously. August takes it the most seriously, and spends too much time in the gym, leading Vincent and Nils to have some time to hang out when he’s not there. I imagine Forest Ridge has a seriously significant rowing victory their first year that August plays some role in, and that’s where the famous photo of August and Erik comes from. Maybe that’s what leads to third years finally adopting August a bit. Nils and Vincent are excited about the victory too, but they’re a little envious that August gets pulled into the third year circle whereas they don’t as much.
In addition to rowing, there’s also chess. August, Nils, and Vincent have a chess board in the common room they like to play with. The third years claim the nice chess boards, so they’re stuck with one that’s missing a few pieces. They’ll usually replace these missing pieces with coins (or at one point, an unopened condom.) Chess leads to a lot of subtextual drama between the three boys, because only two of them can play at a time, and the other one has to watch. It’s just, a bit of a platonic love triangle situation. August, due to the eternal curse that is rejection sensitivity, sometimes worries that Nils and Vincent prefer to play chess with just each other, and that they’re just tolerating him. One day he comes back after hanging out with the third years, they joke that he’s not allowed to play with them that night… so he never plays with them again. Nils and Vincent are honestly pretty baffled, but they never ask August about it because it’s weird to talk to the guys about emotions.
This kind of leads to my final idea… I think August would go through a lot of this stuff, not just chess, and assume he’s just being tolerated. I read him as having a pretty negative self-image, and he just doesn’t think of himself as likable at all. (Yes, he’s arrogant when we meet him, but that arrogance is so obviously a front and a defense mechanism.) He does like Vincent and Nils and think they’d be good friends, but he can’t possibly imagine that they like him as much as he likes them. And he takes little moments like the chess moment above as confirmation of that, and holds people at arms’ length. I think this is part of what’s behind what he says in the letter. I do think there were moments where August was overtly bullied and rejected. I also think there were moments where people were reaching out to him on good faith, and really did enjoy his company, and he couldn’t accept the truth of it because bullying and trauma make you more prone to rejection sensitivity, and you doubt that people really do like you.
I also like to imagine that there was a significant moment of August-Nils-Vincent fracturing that happened in between first and second year. August and Vincent were sort of beginning to get on one another’s nerves at that point, and they both secretly asked Nils to be their second year roommate, leaving Nils caught in the middle of them. Nils ultimately went with Vincent. (Secret reason: he was starting to feel some attraction to August at that time, which he got over sometime in second year but you know, he was having a Moment. Nils was not in the mood to put himself through an “oh my god they were roommates” type situation.) August’s rejection sensitivity brain went into overdrive at that point like, SEE NILS AND VINCENT LIKE ONE ANOTHER BETTER THAN THEY LIKE ME. He acted cold and closed off to them a lot of second year, even if they still all did stuff together. This is also about when August leaned a little bit more into the serial dating of multiple Hillerska girls, because at this point his brain has swallowed the toxic masculinity poison of “you don’t reach out to your bros for emotional support, only your wife.” And at that point he was looking for a wife, trying to earnestly convince girls he was Serious About Relationships while trying to play it off to the guys like he was a total player sleeping around and hooking up. One of the unfortunate girls who had to deal with August at this stage in his life was likely Unnamed Manor House Prefect, who he mentions briefly to Sara in 1.6. He’s like “oh yeah I’m close with her, I’ll talk to her about getting you a dorm room” and like. What a weird line. What happened? Did he write her an incredibly shitty Valentine’s ball poem? Did they date and did it go disastrously? Did she refuse to date him, but he ended up respecting her anyway, because her spreadsheet-making game was stronger than his when they organized a movie night for their dorms? Was there a weird fake dating situation that never panned out into real dating? Fanfics for all scenarios including Unnamed Manor House Prefect are due on my desk at the end of the weekend.
Anyway. Tangent! My point is that August was very very sad when Nils and Vincent decided to room together and leave him out, and he pulled away. And it wasn’t until season 3 that he started to realize they might actually like him for real, especially the part where they hug him after he’s sad school is closing. That didn’t erase every issue they’ve ever had, and they’ll obviously all have to work on friendship more and learn how to grow up and communicate honestly and such. But I do think it’s an interesting trio dynamic with a lot of excellent teenage messiness, and I love it.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hello, can I have some headcanons of LJ, Toby and EJ with a y/n who acts like Ai Hoshino?
Various creepypastas w/ an hishino-type!reader!
OKAY SO I LITERALLY just watched the first episode/prologue thingy for the anime ai is from and lemme tell you. i fucking cried. like i knew how the first episode ends, more or less, but i still wasnt ready. she deserved more screen time frfr i wish to admit that i had a very hard time writing this one (not your fault!) since i struggle with writing characters similar to hishino SOBS so i sure hope this doesnt turn out too too bad! also if it sounds im ragging hard on ai/ai/type reader im so sorry TToTT i think its because i relate to ai a fair bit in regards to the whole masking/lies thing also spoilers at the end after all the hcs, has nothing to do w/ the request i just wanna yell ab episode one
Characters: lj, ej, and (platonic) toby
CWs; none!
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Laughing Jack;
when he sees you acting cheerful and happy and put together around him, hes none the wiser
he may eventually catch onto some clues if the mask slips, and when he does hes going to poke and prod and pry
"why so sad, sugerplum?"
when or if you drop the perfect façade hes kinda... taken aback
more or less not much changes but hes more likely to keep a closer eye on you, pick up on small things that effect you
in a weird way he can relate
outwardly presenting as a charismatic person ready to catch the spotlight, but in reality being an reckless and inexperienced kid
its... comforting in an odd way, and while i want to say that lj helps you better yourself, i think he would cling onto it too hard and you two end up feeding into the lies
like i want to make this cute and lighthearted but with how i currently see lj, i just dont see him as being... the best, even if he doesnt mean harm to you
i mean, you love him, right? thats not a lie, is it? sure... neither of you had really.. said the words to each other, for fear that it wasnt going to be true.. but, hes sure he loves you-!
honestly i think a raw and hard conversation is in order for the two of you to move forward and last
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Eyeless Jack;
catches on almost immediately, unlike laughing jack, hes good at reading folks
i mean he kinda has to given that when he needs food....
moving on
he sees right through you, and hes scared that he can understand exactly what youre deal is; another who understands where youre coming from, only real difference with eyeless jack is that hes not trying to keep some charming act up
he subtly urges you to let the mask fall and talk to him, human to semi-human-turning-into-a-monster-human... afterall its not like he has someone to spill your secrets to, given youre really the only person he talks to on a consistent basis.... even if you werent the only person he had he wouldnt dare share your issues with others
with that said, if he cant help you, he wont force his help onto you... at least for as long as its not getting to ridiculous heights
generally minds his own business but he would love to get to know the real you
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Ticci Toby;
obligatory hes written as platonic since im not comfy writing romantic stuff for him + im still trying to figure out just how to.. write him...
honestly i think its a 50/50 if he figures out something deeper is going on with you
on the chance he doesnt know, he just thinks youre a charming and bubbly person to be around albeit a little bit of a clutz... but hey when has someone not done something kinda dumb? doesnt think much of it, and things go on as usual
if he does find out youre only acting? i think at first hed be kinda mad, that you lied to him about... a lot of stuff, i mean can he really be sure he knows the real you? well, given the nature of your personality, yeah, to a degree he doesnt
as selfish as it sounds, i think hed need a minute to cool it before you guys can talk and find a way to move forward with the friendship. like i think ultimately hed come to some sort of understanding, since there was SOME ...genuine-ness.. to your actions
tries to make you cut out the pretending stuff outright, you can be genuine around him you dont gotta act like how others want you to act
ooooof yeah no im not too proud of this one but i didnt want to just give you nothing, so i hope that this doesnt totally suck to everyone else </3 again, im bad at writing like characters like this since obviously i feel i focus a lot on the façade thing anyways, below is me yelling about the first episode as mentioned above, spoiler warning !!!
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and when it showed the 1st birthday recording :( that just restarted the waterworks
i dont usually get so hooked on characters and feel for them this easily so quickly, but boy! was this an exception! maybe it was because the thing was an hour and a half long so thats a lot of time to get attached (thats probably what it was) but god
i knew it was coming but it still broke me
and when the babysitter lady offered to take them in
i might watch the rest of the episodes sometime, but idk how the rest of the anime is like after that banger opening
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humanmorph · 1 year
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Lye „Lyke“ Lychen as a sacrifical altar (to Aterika’Kaal) (but he's also kind of the sacrifice)
my @secret-samol gift for @bronanlynch! for the Aterika’Kaal/Lyke prompt of „what if things had gone differently and Aterika'Kaal was still with Lyke“.
notes on this under the readmore!
In this scenario Lyke would succeed in getting the heart of the Motherbeast in Episode 47 and while Alaway would notice & probably still call out to Aterika’Kaal the way he presumably did in canon, Lyke would be there and get to make a compelling case to Aterika’Kaal the likes of „If you stay with me I am going to feed you. I’ve taken care of you until now, I’ll keep doing that“ (argument supported by the fact he’s currently holding the heart of an incredibly powerful dead god). Aterika’kaal agrees and they barely escape through the Sanctum of the Stone Chorus portal. I think it's fun if Lyke then stays there after the hour described in the move is over, maybe knowing he can't convince Pickman & the others that what he's done is actually good, and fine, there's not even anything to worry about he has this totally handled, But yeah he then sets out from whereever in Sangfielle Aterika'Kaals domain is (Austin did say it was an actual place somewhere), and the rest of the Blackwick Group is left to wonder what the hell happened since Lyke just vanished! Alaway has possibly fucked off too after losing the heart. And them getting fired, the Carnival of Moted Light etc. would still happen (and I guess Chine would succeed at what they were doing since Lyke isn’t there?) and who knows if they’d take any action in finding Lyke after that! All that aside though, Lyke basically offers himself to feed on (through blood and/or energy) and to sustain that he keeps consuming(not literally eating) powerful objects/artifacts/resources and possibly eventually living things (I’d imagine he'd still take work as a „please deal with this weird shit for us“ person and when he has to kill a cursed beast or whatnot... might aswell feed Aterika'Kaal?) (What also plays into that decision, and is part of Lyke justifying this to himself, is that without him, Aterika’Kaal would become too powerful. So he aims to function as kind of a conduit & control the power intake so to speak. I think this probably doesn’t work for very long.) I think this eventually goes bad for him because it’s super taxing on his body and the whole deal kind of flips with Aterika’Kaal feeding/keeping HIM alive. He starts finding bodies in the domain again (alternatively, Aterika'Kaal gets better at hiding them because it knows Lyke doesn't particulary like it when it does that). Lyke probably gets stronger due to this power/magic wise, but also way more fragile (he's constantly anemic!). („I love you. I want us both to eat well.“ - Christopher Citro) („When I write of hunger I am really writing about love and the hunger for it, and warmth and the love of it and it is all one.“ M.K. Fisher) Notes: I put some resources Lyke’s canonically had in-game + some extra stuff in this picture (the arrow is a reference to Marn’s epilogue, the bugs are bugs (with possibly sinister connotations. If you want them to have those, it’s optional) and the fur is from the Ravening Beast). Another detail I came up with I might aswell tell you because otherwise noone might ever know: the ring with the blue stone is a gift from Es. Sketch Notes: 1. Lyke turning his head to kiss a rose / exposing his neck was one of my very first ideas/sketches I made while working on this, and I liked it too much to not include it. 2. This is supposed to be Aterika'Kaal giving Lyke a blood transfusion but it rather looks like it's feeding on him instead...! I like how the relaxed pose turned out. 3. I wanted to draw something smaller in a simpler style to fill the big canvas I was drawing these on (even though now I put them in separate files anyways...). The day I drew this I saw a tweet about a medieval monks sketchbook, so I was still thinking about that. I didn't even plan to color it originally but I ended up getting invested, haha
Inspired mainly by these 3 quotes: „KEITH: I’m a walking- I am a shrine to Aterika’Kaal.“ (Sangfielle 12: The Secret Ledger of Roseroot Hall Pt. 4) „KEITH: There's a version of dealing with Aterika'Kaal that ends with Lyke being satisfied that he rehabilitated a god or at least it looks […] like what he thinks Aterika'Kaal would have been before the YVEs showed up. That's probably his main retirement path, but it also might kill him instead.” (Sangfielle 47: Wax, Iron, and Ichor Pt. 4) „AUSTIN: As you’re fading, the last thing that you do is make this blood sacrifice to Aterika’Kaal. Your own blood.“ (Sangfielle 52: Six Travelers: Lyke)
#secret samol#sangfielle#friends at the table#fatt#rosa art#lye lychen#aterika'kaal#lyke#guy of all time btw this was such a joy to draw and think about#its so funny to me though because i almost put lyke/aterikakaal on my own prompt list but then for whatever reason didnt#and then i saw it on the spreadsheet (2) & was like 'man i hope someone picks them. i want to see this.' BUT IT WAS ME... IM SOMEONE....#@ those 2 people (one is eliot bronanlynch. i know this) especially: i hope you enjoy!!!!!! @ everyone else you too ok : )#the notes were in a pdf originally i didnt think id write so much.#i thought about making it bullet points maybe itd look neater on tumblr but i dont. want to... copy&paste it is...#this isnt the first time i painted digitally but it MAY be the first time ive had a good time with it#i used the twitter circle thing for the first and possibly last (until next secsam) time for this so i could post wips. for motivation#it worked : )#cool to see my actual progress#fun fact about the quotes i added i spent like. a lot of time to look for a better one than the citro quote#because i straight up just do not like the poem its from. i am ripping it out of its context. but it still sounds nice. i folded eventually#the urge to ramble on the the tags........ i will overcome it now and post this#ARGH i forgot tumblr doesnt take transparency on large files well.... it just turns white#well ive made it dark now on the painting it looks better than white but the original was transparent. know this#im posting this kind of late. relatively. i JUST got back from work
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mihwee · 1 year
hi! hope youre doing well~ ^^ first time asking from you, so sorry if it seems kinda awkward ;; could i possibly ask for a nsfw alphabet with gn reader and tartaglia/childe from genshin impact if youre up for it?
dont stress, take care of yourself!
hi stink, i can finally do this again since im starting to post daily 💀 after this ill do a TVIDTD (the villainess is destinied to die) nsfw hc 🔥
The Harbinger's алфавит
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sys/Content: NSFW ABC. childe gets fcked 🔥
WARNING: nsfw duh, mention of bloodplay, clits nd cocks, but no specified gender
GN READER / drabbles enjoy (+ im trying to find my blog aesthetic holy fuckk ) also, reader described as traveler or comrade yeh yeh
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A: Aftercare
Let say, Childe is a sweet person. Whether its you who fucked the life out of him or vice versa, He was a person that lacked love and support from the beginning. But even so, with his playfull personality, i think he'll guarantee the best cuddles afterwards. Giving things he never received type of stuff. But ofcourse~ he'll love it more when you take care of him. (Even if hes fully capable of doing it himself lmao)
"How sweet of you y/n, How about you come a little closer."
B: bodypart :: which part do they mwa mwa the most
Your hair maybe. He likes taking little swifts of your scent every now and then, and especially your perfume, your shampoo... so he knows What type of perfumes you like. (So he can buy u them~) If were talking about Things He'd want To lick, suck and maybe gobble up... Thats up to your imagination.
"Oh, how can i just choose one comrade?"
C: Cum :: does they love cum, hate cum etc
Childe loves the feeling the he pleased you so much, (as usual.) He would usually lick up all your release, Letting the unusual flavor slide down his throat. A feeling that he cant buy again no matter how much money he gives.
"C'mon. Dont be a Loser, round two!"
D: Dirty Secret
Heavy Masochist. Honestly, hes a mix of both. He feels the thrill of fighting, the possbility of losing excites him the most. So it woudnt be a suprise if he likes getting a spank or two. Maybe a couple fingers inside, four? Pfft. Not a problem. you can choose which hole, He woudnt mind.
"A-ahh.. you can keep going, right there."
E: Experience :: how many cocks have childe took up his ass? Only time would tell
In terms of flirtiness, fuck hes a veteran. Before he met you, it was a usual ocassion that he slept with a couple women there and there. yet, never filling that void deep inside his heart. (oo~ emo.) You can enrust him he knows what hes doing, and exactly knowing how to send you over the edge.
"Mmh, close already? Want me to keep going?"
F: Favourite position
Missonary, Mating press, lotus position etc... he loves seeing your expression, your face. So its no wonder he likes these types of positions. Whether your biting your lip in pleasure as you pound into him, Or pool drooling onto your shirt as he bended your leg over. Fucking you to the fullest
"dont hide your face from me."
G: goofiness (he cant contain the silliness 😢) :: how silly are they in the sheets
Is he more humourous during sex? Not really. Well ofcourse he is on a normal day, Just not when you both are going feral on eachother. he particualarly likes being a little more serious on how he can make you orgasam. But sometimes, like for example: when you both accidentally broke the legs of the bed you were fuckin' on
He'd definetly let out a laugh or two lmaoo
"Get up~ we arent done yet."
H: Hair ::
Id say hes pretty well trimmed (if were talking ab pubes) not too much. Neither alot, Musk makes up for alot of aspects in sex you know? Plus hes busy killing people, itd be a waste to shave it all off anyway LMAO, + if its YOU were talking about, He doesnt give a fuck lol, a Poles a pole, and a holes a hole. You know the sayings
"H-hey! What are you pulling on? ......Nevermind." *💀💀
i: Intimacy :: careless whisper in the background~ how romantic are they?
Id say hes quite the rough-romantic? Always either wanting to get spanked or slapped, or gripping onto your hips and shoulders. Whispering words of "I know you love this." And all that. I guess he likes complimenting himself by a ton, and your groans seem to fuel his desire up even more.
"Let me hear you. Show me how much you want to fuck me."
J: Jack off :
He doesent really jack off most of the time, too busy doing missions, too busy getting commanded to kill this, kill that, do this. But when he gets the chance to do so, the only thing that'll ever come to mind is you roaming your hands all over his body. Pitifully bc he only jerks off when hes far away from u, doing missions as said earlier.
"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. Y/n* —very breathless manner... wow~
K: kink :: Name atleast one of their kinks!
Getting tied up, or tying someone up, restriction of someones movements, letting him do whatever he wants with them is quite the taboo thing he inherited from his fellow harbingers. It excites him more, for every sensation is doubled.
"Don't worry y/n,, i wont bite... unless.. you want me to."
L: location :: where do u two do the devils tango more frequently?
The classic bed or some hidden alleyway in the city of liyue. Childe is quite rowdy in the bedroom, as much as his personality guarantees. —He'd probbably be moaning in pleasure, your fingers knuckle deep inside his ass as some random kid checked up 'why is there a stray cat meowing sm?' LMFAOO
M: motivation :: How long does he last? minute boy or hour man? You get the lines.
I shoudve set this to L as libido. But~ childe is very determined. Hes a man known for his incredulous stamina, and his reputation for lasting upon hours and hours, AND best believe Your gonna walk away with limp legs or a broken voice. Nothing in between.
"Your already so needy Y/N~ why waste the time? Another round."
N: NO (helll noooo) : turn off or icks
Non-consensual. It stems from his childhood, from getting forced to do things he doesnt like. Or, knowing how to fight for his life at the mere age of 14 was something he never asked for as a defenseless child. As much as he likes to spice things up in the bedroom, CNC gives him quite the ick.
"I... i think ill pass on that Traveler."
O: oral
Definetly giving, He likes to draw out some of your cute moans As he sucks you off, Or lick your clit. Holding onto your thighs or thick shaft as he lowers his head onto your crotch. Making u groan his name in pleasure.
"Mmgh,Nngh. Do you like this y/n? "
P: Pace ;; how fast the plap plap
Depending, he usually starts from slow then it grows quicker by the time you both chase for release. In a particualary good morning, he'd rather thrust in your tight hole as he whispers sweet nothings, —or in a bad evening, Riding out your lenght till it cant even produce a drop of cum.
"Fuck,fuck... im close.. im.—h-hah..."
Q: quickie
It like a everyday thing for the two of you. In some quiet boutiques Changing room? Why not? In some discreet alleyway fucking like some kind of animals? Casual. A quick fuck woudnt hurt in the eyes of tartaglia, considering hes always on the move.
"Come on...anywhere would be good Y/n...."
R: risk
S: stamina ;; how long the plap plap
Speaking of quickie... he loves risks. He loves the feeling of your hand onto his mouth as your ride/fuck the shit out of him. he grows even more harder when you tell him to keep quiet. Honestly, hes just really up for anything.
"Shit... they c-can see us.."
T: toy ;; do they use brr?
Stamina and pace is very different, as always— it depends. Childe can last for up to 8 hours with you AND a stack of bottled waters. And sometimes, he'd writhe under you, clawing your back as he came for litteraly the 5th time. Feeling like he cant take it anymore.
"Rougher..rougher..fuck, p-please.."
U: unfair :: how much dey like to tease frr
Ofcourse. A wide selection of cuffs, Muzzles, Butt plugs, Everything, its mostly you who decided to buy them to use on childe.. with his money... ahen. But he doesnt pay any mind, He even finds it quite arousing...
"Dont turn it...up...h-hah...please.."
V: volume :: how loud this bitch
Very. Childe is MAXED out stats when it comes to teasing. Letting go of your shaft as you almost neared your climax, Or pulling out the moment you convulse around his dick. He teases so much, you feel like your about to punch him at any waiting moment.
"Woah woah.. so pumped up already?"
W: wild card ;; (wild headcanon, Wild scenario etc)
he freqently lets out rough growls, or slutty whimpers. And doesnt feel embarassed to let all his noises out. —Eitherways, it always feels like music to your ears.
"....D-Dont laugh at me..."
X: Xtreme
Ok. So, You heard that childe was rumoured to be quite the playboy in his motherland. Fucking women left and right, but never reaching his climax. And it seemed to intrigue you. Later that night.. you fuck him hard and count every time he orgasamed. Sucking him to the very last drop.
"I-it was the thing of the past! C-come on now... please...nngh.."
Y: Yearning ;; how much he misses u when ur out
Hm, It might sound unusual, but he loves bloodplay. He might hate most things like Vomiting, Or stool-play, Blood is no match, and one of the many factors that turned him on quite fucked up-ly. Get it? Nevermind. You dont need to dig into it...
"Tastes the best, Mmh."
I feel like ive written this, Hm. But, He feels quite the slump whenever your not around. Even sfter his missions with the fatui, his energy quite drained whenever your not there, and hugging some random pillow in your house. (That he sneaked into when your away lol)
"When will y/n arrive... Haahh..."
Z: ZZZ :: after zex... do mimimi right away?
Not really. When he feels holding up a little, he loved to stare at you dearingly. Watching your chest rise up and down as you breathed softly, and the way your hair framed your face as you slept after a pretty hard session. Keepying you protected under his watch.
"How cute, Traveler."
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I put some explanation for some Letters, bc ik some of us dumb as shit like me who dont get it right away unless i read the desc myself
this also took awhile 💀 me and my friends 10hr swimming trip ended so im really dead tired (maybe id write more for some reqs if i get horny as fuck)
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somuchyoudontknow · 10 months
Feel free to disagree, but there has to be a reason why, as your one anon put it, they continue to poke the bear when they could just not.
think about other celeb couples that were controversial or hated by fans; Harry and Olivia, Sebastian and his gf, Henry and his gf, ana and Ben affleck (not sure if hated but annoyed a lot of ppl lol during Covid).
What did all of these couples have in common? They all continued to push through even tho fans reacted so negatively (usually the fan base on the male counterpart side). Sebastian got vilified by his own fan base and it was quite similar to the CE stuff. His own fans became his worst haters and he was canceled at least a dozen times. He ended up leaving SM likely due to it and there was a ton of times you could tell he was having a meltdown due whatever what was happening. The main difference between him and CE was that Sebastian made it more obvious he was seeing all the hate (he literally captioned an IG post, thanks for the love, thanks for the hate) and then made comments on interviews that ppl were stalking him (not untrue). But he continued to show up with ale despite getting attacked everytime.
Henry put fans in their place and keeps showing up with Natalie. I think his situation is a bit different but maybe also the same.
Harry and Olivia kept showing up with each other but during don’t worry darling press it looked like they barely ever interacted (did anyone think that was odd they did a whole press tour and I don’t think they interacted once? But she kept showing up in pap pics with him later).
Ana and Ben got made fun of relentlessly due to their Covid pap walks. But they didn’t stop. The comments were relentless on every tabloid and ana clearly was scarred by it all, but she still had to push through and keep showing up with Ben.
This is my theory:
CE continues to be associated with AB despite the backlash because he, like all his predecessors, have to be.
He just doesn’t want to have to be seen with her unless he has to be.
His reserved list of friends continue to allude to spending time with her and her crew. AB also doesn’t appear to want to address CE publicly, but continues to let herself be associated with him and hide unless it’s to let people speculate she’s with him.
This is their way of pushing the narrative instead of doing pap walks.
They did do one and you could tell, I think, that AB has never done anything like this before. She looked completely out of her element and CE did not look like he wanted to be there at all. He’s hiding his face behind a mask outside. They got made fun of by fans and tabloids alike. To my knowledge, they haven’t really done one since.
I think they can’t make it believable but they need to, just like all those other couples. So this is their only route. They have to continue pushing the envelope, despite backlash and despite fans getting so upset and more and more rabid.
It’s the same formula, but you’re not seeing them “together” because either one or both sides refuses to flaunt it, so it’s causing some team real to make assumptions they’re just private.
No, real privacy - you wouldn’t know a thing. CE doesn’t live in LA. He could keep his dating life on the DL which he apparently had all these years after breaking up with Jenny S. Its only when he dates an actress or HW person that these things don’t remain on the DL.
I’ve always thought that if AB was a real thing, those ten months leading up to their public reveal would have given him/them reason to not go public. He and his family were harassed so much that they all retreated to hiding away. The comments about AB, just rumors, were abhorrent. I think they could have kept it secret and just kept on keeping it secret.
But they didn’t. Which tells me, they had to make it public and they have to use it for publicity. He had to let her show up to his movie premiere because it was big press for him, first movie of the year. If they wanted to keep it private, she could have not attended. But she showed up and pretended he didn’t exist and vice versa. By contrast, Ana was happy to be papped with her bf on the same day of the premiere, but we don’t get that with AB. Just her showing up looking like she played dress up in her mom’s closet.
This may now be a very unpopular opinion, but I think everything that’s happened this past week gives more reason for PR than not.
You can disagree, but this is what I’m seeing. They have to continue this and this is CE’s workaround. I don’t think he’s an idiot. I think he is much smarter than people give him credit for. Also, I’m thinking him having to show up with her in CP and post those IG videos probably had him cringing for weeks after. All the comments coming from haters probably has him sick to his stomach and it’s probability why he looked so solemn and nervous the first day of that comic con. I also think for the fans or I guess haters? That are sticking around, you’re going to be here for a while. He’s stuck in this and I think it’s going to continue, like you, mod, have said - until it’s run it’s course.
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I agree 💯 I don't have to add anything :)
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