#if you squint you can see dally and johnny
crow2222 · 27 days
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Post book hangout ‼️‼️
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me irl, if you care
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quizzicalwriter · 7 months
hi beautiful! can u do a fluff for dally, maybe him x a shy!reader?
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Pairing: Dallas Winston x Fem!Reader
Summary: You’d been friends with the guys for quite some time, so it wasn’t too much of a shock when Dallas showed up at your house needing patching up.
Warnings: Some mention of blood and fighting, nothing besides that.
A/N: Thank you for the request!
Word Counter: 2.2k
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Dallas had never been one to seek help after a rumble, he was a man for Christ’s sake - at least that’s what his brain yelled at him whenever he’d stumble his way onto the Curtis’s front porch for the umpteenth time, battered to shit and hardly coherent. Darry had always been an older brother figure to him, something he quietly appreciated, even more so in moments when he could hardly think from the pain.
What he hadn’t considered was Darry taking on another shift, a night shift at that. He vaguely remembered overhearing it from Ponyboy a month or so ago and it’d fleeted his memory until now. He turned toward the driveway, cursing under his breath as blood dripped into his eye for the fourth time that night. Darry was the only person he knew who could patch him up, besides himself and maybe Sodapop if the guy didn’t blanch from the blood.
There was only one other person he knew of who could handle the sight of blood, and that was you - the group's little nurse in training. You were practically an answer from God to Dallas as he wobbled down the front porch steps of the Curtis’s house and began his trek across the neighborhood to your house. You two hadn’t spoken much, hell, you were more friends with Johnny and Ponyboy than you were with anyone else, but you’d been friendly enough with Dallas for him to feel comfortable staggering toward your house.
It was only a ten or so minute walk by the time he reached your house, the chain link fence encircling the semi-rotted building creaking as he pushed against it before hopping it. There was a gate, but it was up a few steps and Dallas’d be damned before he walked up any more steps that night. He couldn’t bring himself to care when the neighbor across the street flicked their porch lights on, squinting over to your front lawn as he hobbled toward your bedroom window. He’d apologize on your behalf if he got you in trouble with your folks, maybe. Either that or he’d get you a pack of smokes as an apology.
A short series of knocks against the glass pane of your bedroom window shook you from your dreams, making your heart leap into your throat as you moved from your bed. If it hadn’t been for the full moon outside you’d likely have gotten your father, but luckily for Dallas, you recognized his features immediately - cut and busted as they were, it was still Dallas.
You crossed your floor, unlatching the locks atop your window before lifting it open for Dallas who promptly climbed in, the slight tilt forward he had to do to maneuver in through the window caused a few droplets of blood to splatter against the hardwood floor beneath him. Instinctually you grasped at his shoulders, eyes wide in shock as you took in his current state.
“I-“ You started, feeling your mouth dry as your eyes cast up to meet his, noticing the gash set just underneath his right eye. “Go sit on my bed, I’ll get the first-aid kit under the bathroom sink.”
With a wordless nod, he moved over to your bed, silently savoring the warmth your body had left against the sheets as you left the bedroom quietly. He’d never really seen the inside of your bedroom before, only whatever he could see from outside your window whenever he and Johnny would break you out to go meet up with the others for the night - it suited you, something that made him quirk a smile as you tiptoed back into your room, slowly closing and locking the door behind you.
“Nice room, kid.” He whispered, lifting his hips after to retrieve a pack of smokes from his back pocket, swiftly lighting one up before tossing the still-lit match into a mug on your bedside table. You’d’ve yelled at him if he hadn’t looked so beaten to shit, but you couldn’t help the involuntary eye roll at the sight of him lighting up a cigarette in your bedroom.
“Not a kid, Dallas.” You replied under your breath, pulling a chair that you’d had sitting near your dresser to sit in front of him. “We’re the same age.”
He snorted at that, taking a harsh drag from his cigarette as he watched you unlatch the first-aid box, deftly sorting through everything you’d need to clean him up. As he exhaled the lungful of smoke toward your still cracked window he took a moment to lean forward, bracing his elbows against his knees to make it a tad bit easier for you to clean him up.
“You don’t talk much.” He replied, smile around his cigarette quickly fading the moment you began to wipe at the cut along his cheekbone. If you’d been anyone else he’d have cursed, jerked away, or shoved you away, but you were you - so he stayed put. You noticed this, eyes flickering up to his for a brief moment before returning to your handiwork.
“I do.” You responded, tossing the dirtied gauze pad into a nearby trash can. “I talk to Johnny and Pony plenty.”
“Johnny’s no better.” Dallas laughed out, eyes squeezing shut for a moment as you waved your hand over the area, trying to dry the alcohol before it stung too much. “I mean you don’t talk to anyone but them.”
You chewed at the inside of your lip as you applied steri-strips to the gash, actually managing to close it up in the process. As you tossed the wrappers into the trash you sighed, not knowing how to respond to what he’d said. You knew it was true, even Johnny commented on how shy you were when you’d first become friends with him and Ponyboy - which coming from him said a lot.
“It doesn’t mean I don’t like you.” You assured him through a slight smile, the sight causing Dallas’s heart to skip a beat, something he’d likely chastise himself over later on. “You intimidate me, I guess. Not in a bad way, you’re just - you.”
“Me?” He asked through a laugh, brows furrowing in confusion as he lifted his hand to remove his cigarette from between his lips. “Intimidated by me?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his confusion, finding yourself somewhat amused by the idea that Dallas wasn’t aware of the persona he had. Or maybe he was and simply wanted you to clarify, you didn’t know for certain.
“I’m not scared of you.” You assured him, giving him another short-lived smile as you began wiping away dried blood along his forehead and jaw. “I just- you’re cool, the last thing I’d want to do is embarrass myself by stumbling over my words. So I guess my brain rationalized that it’d be better if I was silent.”
He studied you then, brown eyes affixed to your features as you cleaned him up. Instead of feeling burdened by his glare, you felt something different bloom in your chest and stomach. Your hand paused against his cheek, only dropping once your eyes locked with his.
“You’d know if I didn’t like you, kid.” He whispered, voice hoarse as though he were restraining himself from saying something further. You only shook your head, a stifled laugh falling past your lips as you responded. “Not a kid.”
“I like your voice.” He whispered, leaning closer to you. You felt yourself freeze, unable to do anything other than let your gaze flicker between his and his lips. “It’s a shame you don’t talk more.”
Before you’d been able to reply Dallas’s lips were upon yours, the scent of rubbing alcohol and cigarette smoke flooding your senses as his hand gently cradled the back of your head. You hadn’t expected it in the slightest, but it was far from unwelcome. You kissed him back, savoring the warmth of his lips against your own until he pulled back for a breath of air.
“You going to talk more now? Or did I ruin my chances?” He asked through a soft laugh, his words in a tone you weren’t used to coming from him, almost vulnerable. You nodded, wetting your lips to taste him again as you looked down at your lap.
“Yeah, I can talk more.”
“Good.” He stated, tone light as he straightened his posture. “C’mon, you haven’t put a band-aid on my cheek yet.”
With a laugh and shake of your head, you pulled a bandage from your first-aid kit, scooting forward in your chair to bring your knees flush with his. While there was still a bit of apprehension in your movements, it was certainly far less than it had been before. Your palm rested against his jaw as you delicately placed the bandage, whispering an apology whenever he’d wince.
“Why do you do this?” You asked as you smoothed the adhesive onto his skin. “Fighting, I mean. Seems like every time I see you, you’re sporting a new bruise or cut.”
“I like it.” He replied, shrugging with a tone so nonchalant you would’ve bought it if you hadn’t been patching him up for the last thirty or so minutes. “Done it all my life, ain’t no sense in changing now.”
“It’s reckless.” You stated, motioning to the pile of bandage wrappers in your trash can. “Reckless and stupid.”
He only cocked a smile in return, one that made you fight the urge to smile back. He’d gone through the same song and dance with every damn friend he’d ever had, the ones that cared anyhow - and with any woman he’d been with.
“You hopin’ to change me?” He asked with a slight tilt of his head, fingers intertwined between the space of his knees. “Wouldn’t have thought you’d be the type to lecture.”
“I’m not lecturing.” You replied, almost defensively. He couldn’t help but laugh at your tone as he shifted his legs, boots nudging the outside of your calves as he waited for you to continue. “And I don’t want to change you, I know the man you are - the men all of you are. I just- I don’t know, I figured you could benefit from knowing someone cared about your wellbeing.”
There was something so genuine in your tone that Dallas found himself unable to do anything other than smile warmly back at you. You were shy, but you were smart and held your own if it came to it, and he respected that. He tapped his boots once more against your calves, pulling your attention back to his waiting eyes.
“You care about me, huh?”
You could sense the teasing tone from a mile away, but instead of irritating you, you only let out a huff of laughter as you playfully rolled your eyes. “Yeah, I care.” You responded, giving him the smile he’d been waiting for before bending over to close up the first-aid kit.
He only nodded in response, lips pursed in thought as he looked toward the first-aid box, watching intently as your hands pushed it toward your nightstand. He could still feel the faint sting of the antiseptic against his wounds, but you’d done a damn good job, and you’d surely been kinder with him than Darry was on the best of days.
“Did you want to stay?” You asked, tone so quiet that Dallas had nearly missed it in favor of watching your body shift against the wooden chair. He looked up to you then, smug smile making itself known once more. You returned it with a laugh of your own, letting your head fall back in faux annoyance. “Not like that!”
“I know.” He laughed out, noise followed by a soft sigh as he rested his palms against the soft mattress underneath him, slowly rolling his shoulders back to stretch the tired muscles. “Only messin’. But no, I can’t.”
In truth he knew that if he’d stayed neither of you would’ve slept, and as much as he wanted that he didn’t want you to be another girl he fucked and walked out on. You deserved better than that, and he wanted to give you that. With a short grunt, he pushed himself off the bed, moving back over to the window with you following closely behind.
“You sure?” You asked, tone adorable enough to make his resolve waver for a moment. He turned to you, smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he raised his hands to cup your cheeks, thumbs brushing against your cheekbones as he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“You’ll see me tomorrow, kid.” He murmured against your warm skin, only pulling away to press a kiss to your lips before pulling away fully. He noticed the hint of disappointment lingering in your eyes, but he knew you’d thank him for his decision in the future.
“Not a kid.” You whispered as he moved to duck out your bedroom window, causing him to pause as he slung over his other leg. He smiled back toward you, a certain warmth in his eyes that made you want to follow after him.
“Not a kid.” He replied.
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A/N: Another Dallas fluff! I hope you guys enjoyed this one, I enjoyed writing it. I enjoy writing all of my fics, but still. I have about eight more fics I’m currently polishing up, so expect an influx of works this week. As always, thank you for any interactions you give my work as I appreciate them all and you can catch me over on AO3 under the user, “Unscriptural.”
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see ive had this marinating in my mess of a brain for a Very Long Time™️
hcs for the boys dating someone with glasses if ya havent already? 🫶🏻
A/N: Hey Butter! This was a lot of fun to do, thanks for requesting it! 
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I firmly believe, with all of my heart, that Darry has reading glasses
Nothing you can say would convince me that this man doesn’t wear reading glasses when he’s sitting in the living room, leafing through the newspaper
So having an S/O that wears glasses really doesn’t bother him in the slightest! 
He thinks you’re super duper cute, thinks you’re the cutest thing really, especially when you adjust your glasses shyly
Tons of compliments, expects so many compliments from Darry about how pretty he thinks you are, more so if you feel insecure about wearing glasses! 
10/10, would definitely trust this boy to hold onto your glasses, he’s gentle and he’d make sure they don’t end up broken
Sodapop will ask to try on your glasses and then proceed to squint through the lenses and make fun of your eyesight
I’m talking full-on, stumbling around laughing with his hands out because “Christ Y/N, I didn’t know you were this blind”
But then he turns around and talks about how pretty you are so don’t be alarmed my dear friends, he does, in fact, love you dearly 
Sodapop will poke that little spot between the lenses, right over the bridge of your nose when you’re not paying enough attention to you
I don’t know why he does it, he just does, I don’t think he really has a reason for it
Is surprisingly gentle when it comes to your glasses! I think he’d actually be very gentle when it comes to handling them, he’s afraid of breaking them 
Ack, Ponyboy with an S/O who wears glasses makes my heart super duper happy
I think just seeing two little dorks together? I just really, really love that
Y’all look like the perfect dorky couple and please trust me when I say that I mean this with nothing but love for dorks-
Tons and tons of blushy compliments about how cute he thinks you are, most of them are written notes <3
He’s the kind of boy who if you walks in without your glasses, he’d pout in confusion and ask where they were 
Out of all the boys, he’s the one to really trust to hold your glasses and keep them safe from everyone else
Dally calls you four-eyes. That is all my friends
Is it teasing? Yes. Is teasing how Dally shows his affection because he struggles putting his emotions into words? The answer is also yes
I feel like I talk about this a lot with him, but he’s definitely got the vibe of I’m going to bully you out of love, but the second anyone else does it, they’re dead <3
He’ll never admit it do you, but he likes that you look a little geeky, he thinks you’re kinda cute and soft and it makes him feel big and bad
Dally likes feeling needed when it comes to his partners, he likes feeling needed in general and I think having softer-presenting partners makes him feel like that
Don’t let him touch your glasses, they will end up broken and he’s not even going to apologize for it 
God he thinks you’re the cutest thing he’s ever laid eyes on from the very moment he sees you
If you so much as glance at him over the tops of your frames, Johnny’s melting under your gaze
Loves the way you look with your glasses and will undoubtedly shower you with compliments
I can totally see him being weird and tracing the edges of your frames for no reason whatsoever
Definitely trust him with your glasses, he wouldn’t break them
They’re safe as can be in his hands! I trust him!
Do not, and I mean do not let Two-Bit hold onto your glasses unless you’re alright with cracked frames and smudged lenses
Two’s got a heart of gold, but he’s immensely clumsy and that never means good things
I feel like he just wouldn’t get the concept of keep your hands off the lenses?
Like half the smudges and fingerprints on your glasses are his, I swear, it’s mostly Two-Bit
He’ll like grab your face? To pull you closer for a kiss to your cheek and touch the lenses on accident
Thinks you’re super duper cute though <3 you can’t feel self conscious about them when you’re around him because he compliments you so much 
Hype. Man. I bring this up every time because I don’t think you guys fully believed how whipped Steve is for his partner
Steve loves your glasses. He loves you and your glasses are part of you, he loves them
Don’t try and be shy and not wear them around him, he wants to see them!!
Although he can be sweet, Steve’s gonna tease you too, it’s just gotta happen
Asking if you can see that far or if you can read this or that, simple things like that!
I don’t know if you should trust him with your glasses? I definitely wouldn’t trust him with mine because he’d get grime on them
Tim loves your glasses and is going to be a little more vocal about it than Dal is whenever you’re behind closed doors
He’ll nudge your glasses back up when they slip down your nose, his finger gently pushing them back into place
But at the same time, he’s gonna tease the hell out of you cause it’s Tim and that’s how he shows his love <3
Teasing pt. 2 but a little softer than Dallas-
Teasing nicknames mostly and asking you to read everything when you don’t have your glasses on cause he’s trying to test how bad your vision is
“C’mon doll, just that sign, it ain’t even that far away, just the other side of the street-”
Curly will ask if he can wear your glasses and will pout if you tell him no
Don’t trust him with your glasses, he’d break them and then pretend like he’s innocent and try to shift the blame to someone else
He likes the look on you though, thinks you’re pretty with them on <3
No real compliments? But he’s gonna make sure that you know he likes them, he’ll presses kisses all over your face and be extra smiley when you’re wearing them
If he hears about anyone deciding to mess with you for wearing glasses, Curly is not above murder
No one messes with you and Curly isn’t afraid to throw fists to reinforce that point
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st4rr-girrl · 1 year
Match maker
Ponyboy + Johnny
Side ship; (Dallas x reader)
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Summary; You’re teasing Ponyboy about his open diary that you found, but when you read it huge secrets get revealed. You help Ponyboy express his feelings.
Warnings; teasing, gay relationship, Fem reader, johnny and dally never died, slight angst
Johnny x Pony
Reader x Dally
Now playing;
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“Ooo~ Ponyboy, what’s this?” You teased the blonde boy, grabbing his open diary and waving it in the hair. His eyes widened and a pink tint spread across his face. “D-Don’t read that, Y/n.” He sat up quickly, attempting to rip it from your hands, but in a swift movement you turned around and he grabbed a handful of air.
You smirked at him teasingly, as you ran out of his room. He ran right after you, alerting the gang in the living room. You giggled as you opened the front door and ran out, Ponyboy closely behind. “Babe??” Dallas yelled after you. “Be right back!!” You shouted to your boyfriend.
You ran down the dark street, lighten by few light posts, as you read the diary. ‘I’ve known Johnny for years, but it doesn’t stop the pounding in my chest when he’s around. When I see him, I feel as if my heart is beating so fast that others can hear it. Sometimes I’m scared it’s gonna come out of my chest. His dark eyes and skin make me wanna hug him and never let him go. I don’t know why I feel this way, but I can’t control it. When I talk to him it’s like my heart jumps in my throat and prevents me from talking and spilling out everything I’ve been wanting to say. I wish I could tell someone about this, so I don’t feel as bad. But I feel like they’d judge me and tell everyone.’ You stopped running, and your face dropped slightly.
Pony mirrored your actions and stared at the ground. His fists clenched and his eyes filled with tears. You furrowed your brows and you slowly lifted your head to look at Pony. “Ponyboy…” you whispered, gaining his attention. He stared at you, trying to read your face for closure.
You smiled at him. “Pony. You could’ve told me, Yknow. I wouldn’t have judged you. Neither would the gang. I’m pretty sure they were suspecting, anyways.” You reassured him, smirking at the last comment. His eyes lit up, as a smile slowly spread across his face.
You opened your arms and ran to him, jumping on him in an accepting hug. He laughed, wrapping his arms around you.
“Plus, I’ve seen the way Johnny looks at you. It’s meant to be.” You giggled, tapping your hand on his cheek twice before handing his diary back and walking inside.
“Hi baby~” you said, as you saw Dallas standing with his arms cross, unamused. His jaw was clenched and no emotion swirled in his eyes.
“What!? Why are you looking at me like that!” You whined, placing your hands on his shoulders.
Johnny smirked knowingly. You stared at Johnny, squinting at the dark boy.
He put his hands up defensively, as pony walked in. You turned around and ran to Ponyboy, grabbing his hand and dragging him to Johnny. You grabbed Johnnys hand and dragged them both to Pony and Soda’s shared bedroom.
You let go of them both, as they stared at each other.
“Talk.” You smiled at Ponyboy. Ponyboy shook his head vigorously as you did the same, but nodding.
“What?” Johnny asked, his eyes turning between pony and you.
“Tell him! Please! For both of your sakes!!” You shouted, eyes wide in frustration.
“Tell me what??” Johnny asked curiously.
“I….. I like you, Johnny. Not as a friend. Or a buddy. As a partner.” Pony confessed, staring at the messy floor.
A smirk formed on your lips as you scanned Johnny for his reaction.
“I-I like you too, Ponyboy.” Johnny confessed, blush spreading across his face.
You clapped. “Cute! You two have fun.” You winked and blew a kiss, quickly leaving the bedroom and skipping down the hall happily.
You had a smile on your face that was stuck.
You went to Dallas. “I’m such a match-maker.” You giggled.
He shook his head and hugged you, bringing you to the couch.
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Like my writing? Here’s my masterlist.
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maleyhae · 11 months
Call me;)
Johnny Cade x Soc!reader
a/n- here's chapter 1
As I sat on the dome monkey bar thing(the circle monkey bar that's in the movie) I was thinking if he was lying to me or telling the truth and the Cherry but it was whatever. I then see two boys as I squint my eyes. The boys look like Johnny and Dallas Winston. I thought to myself "Great, he got his friend to jump before accidently bumping into him."
I saw someone on the monkey bar thing while walking with Dally. "Hey it's the girl I was talking about Dal." I say to Dallas "That the girl that you bumped into you could've jumped again Johnny" He says "I know" I say shrugging and we keep walking towards her "HEY SOC!" Dally yelled great he's gonna start something I think as I see her jump 'poor girl' I think.
"What?" The soc says "your friend was that one redhead that threw Coke in my face right?" "Y-Yeah, but you deserved it you were harassing her!" She said clearly intimated and I saw it as I smirk "God you're the most annoying ass soc I've ever heard speak I day leaving not worry that Johnny wasn't behind me.
"Sorry for him Y/N'' I say "It's fine Johnny" She says blushing and smiling "Well I ought to get going now Johnny, Cherry is probably wondering where i'm at." She says getting her stuff ready and leaving. "Wait" I say just enough for her to hear me "Yeah Johnny?" She says "Can I get your number?" I asked.
"Yeah sure, hold one, let me get a pen and paper" she says. I was shocked that a pretty girl like her would actually give me her number. As she wrote in a pretty light blue pen and wrote "270-561-3997" and handed it towards me and walked away. I hoped it was an actual phone number or a fake. I think about it while waiting for Ponyboy.
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fanficsloth · 3 years
If Walls Could Talk - 5 Seconds Of Summer.
Some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard.
(Y/N) Winston was sent away to boarding school when she was about sixteen.
Her father didn't want her turning into her older brother Dallas. But that was a big mistake.
When she arrived at the school, she turned heads of everyman. She knew how to get what she wanted. She had everyone wrapped around her finger.
For of course it was in her blood, she was a Winston.  Everything she learned she learned best from her older brother himself.
The gang hasn't seen her for years, she was finally back at home in Tulsa.
She had grown up into a beautiful woman. She held herself with the most confidence anyone has seen.
Dally thought it would be a good idea and get the whole gang back together when she came back. The pair was partners in crime.
When they were walking down the street to the Curtis household , everyone was staring at the young woman. But at this point she was so unfazed by their actions, she continues to carry her head held high, winking at some men with a cancer stick pressed between her lips.
All of the gang was sitting on the porch soaking up the sunlight before catching glimpse of who was walking up to the house.
They were all stunned by her beauty. They at least thought she was going to look identical to Dally. But they sure was wrong.
"Y'all know (Y/N) she doesn't need an introduction. But try any funny business, I'll kill ya. Or she'll do it before I have a chance to do it." Dally nudged his head at his sister before sitting next to Ponyboy and Johnny.
"Well someone had a nice puberty." Two Bit snickered at the young girl, her (Y/E/C) eyes rolled before flicking him off. "I wish I could say the same thing about you. Looks like you haven't grown since I left." she smirked while letting out a small giggle making the man shut up real quick.
Before anyone could say anything else a car pulled up with the last of the two members of the gang. Steve and most importantly Sodapop.
She always swooned at Sodapop but who didn't. The whole town knew about the heartthrob of Tulsa.
"Well, well, ain't it lil (Y/N). Back from jail?" Steve joked before giving her a big hug, "See Two-Bit, this is how you welcome someone back." she squinted her eyes at the man who was poking fun at her.
She felt eyes staring at her, her eyes looked over and saw Soda's eyes looking at her.
As like the other men, he didn't expect her to be so beautiful, strong, independent. He wasn't expecting her to be how she was when she returned. He thought she would be shy and timid like most women. But sure he was wrong.
"Soda." her plump lips turned into a smile before following the men inside the Curtis household.
As they all crowded around the tv, (Y/N) went into the kitchen to grab a beer.
"Aren't you a little too young to be drinking" she heard a voice joke, she rolled her eyes before shutting the fridge behind her. "Okay grandpa." she bit her lower lip before meeting Soda's bright blue eyes.  
"I missed ya (Y/N). Never thought you'd be back. How was it?" Soda asked while placing his arms across his chest being genuinely interested in what she had to say.
Her soft hands opened the bottle of booze with no problem which surprised the young man.
"You know going to class, getting hit on by men, beating people up, oh can't forget partying. You know the usual school shit." she laughed before moving her (Y/C/H) out of her face. "How's you and Sandy? Your new job?"
"She left me. But worked distracted me from it. I'm really liking it there. I'm learning a lot of new things" he nodded his head.
(Y/N) walked up slowly to him before placing her cold hands on his face making his skin have goosebumps. "I know what else can distract you with that." he whispered, her big eyes looking up at him.
Soda sucked in a big breath before grabbing her hands to remove them. "(Y/N), you know I can't. You're Dally's little sister. You asking me to have a death wish?" he smirked showing off his dimples that she loved.
"It'll be worth it." she winked before walking back into the Curtis's living room sitting next to her older brother, leaving Soda to walk in with a red face.
Throughout the weeks, (Y/N) and Soda would always run into each other. Whether it be at the store, walking around, at the diners, clubs. Everywhere.
Their eyes would always find each other's. They were watching one another. They just couldn't get enough.
This time, the gang agreed to go out to a club, let loose for one night, as the men drank. Soda and (Y/N) just drank soft drinks while laughing at the mess, the jokes the others were saying.
Bodies are hoping to get addicted to sound. And Soda was addicted to the sound of her laugh.
As (Y/N) grew bored, her hands wondered onto Soda's lap while drawing circles. She wanted to feel him, hear him. She wanted him.
What (Y/N) wanted, she always got. It's the cherry on top for it to be a secret Romeo and Juliet situation.
"Wanna blow this joint?" she whispered into Soda's ear, being extra cautious to be sure the other men didn't see. Most importantly Dally. But he was too drunk, head down on the table with his eyes shut.
He pressed his lips together before nodding his head. "Hey where you going? We're just getting the party started. " Steve asked while scrunching his eyebrows together. "I don't wanna be here anymore. I'm bored, I can't drink out in public. You guys just drink up, have a drink for me. Just keep an eye on Dally okay? If something happens you'll regret it."
The gang just looked at her before looking over at Soda. Why would he be going with her.
"I'm just going to make sure she get's back safely. Soc's man, she's like the golden ticket to them being Dally's sister." he ran his hands through his slicked back hair  trying to play it cool.
"You have your knife on ya?" Pony asked, Soda nodded his head before turning to follow the impatient  girl who was already walking out.
As the pair felt the breeze of fresh air on their face, they linked hands and ran quickly to the Curtis house.
When they hit the front door, Soda pressed (Y/N) against the door smashing his lips to hers.
Her soft hands making her way into his dark hair.
Soda lifted her body while never breaking contact with her lips to carry her into his room, he slammed the door shut with his foot while placing her on the bed.
When the doors close, it's bond to get loud.
The pair were quick to remove every clothing item they had on, Soda was nipping at her neck but was careful not to leave any trace of marks, knowing the gang would see.
As she laid on her back, Soda positioned himself to her entrance, "You sure." he breathed, (Y/N) nodded her head before hiding her face in his neck with her hands on his bare back. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."
Soda moved forward causing the both of them to hum in harmony.
(Y/N)'s nails digging in his back with every movement.
"Soda" she moaned, while pressing her lips together.
They have waited for this moment, the tension of the pair was just too much to bare anymore longer.
As they both were reaching their Climax , Soda pressed his lips to hers before they both hit their high.
Soda fell beside her, with his arms wrapped around her body while she leaned against his side tracing shapes into his chest.
His blue eyes looked over at her with her (Y/ H/ C) messy, in her face. Making her more beautiful. "You know you're a queen?" he asked her pressing a small kiss on her forehead.
(Y/N) just smiled letting out a small laugh, "Uncrowned queen I might add."
But before the pair could get any notice, they heard the door open with loud voices following after.
The two's eyes widened before hurrying up and finding their lost clothing items with a couple of "Shits" leaving the young girls mouth  while fixing her hair in the small mirror.
The pair made it downstairs while sitting on the couch with the gang.
"What you guys do while we were gone. I bet you they did the dirty. Did you guys do the dirty?" Two-Bit laughed while raising his eyebrows up and down, causing drunk Dally punching him on the arm. "That's my sister you're talking about asshole. Soda knows better."  
Soda's blue eyes narrowed a bit ignoring what the pair were talking about. But before he knew it, (Y/N) was whispering in his ear again.
"If these walls could talk, I'd hope they wouldn't say anything. Because they've seen way too many things."
Soda gathered up the courage to respond softly in her ear, "It's so worth it."
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peacockwinchester · 3 years
Hullo.  It is the Darry oneshot I have aspired to write and put on the internet lol.  Actually my first Darry fic since I came out as genderfluid.  Also thank goodness my Mom also thinks Darry is attractive /j it’s weird but whatever at least my sister can’t make fun of me.  Anywho-
Warnings: General Outsiders content, a singular Supernatural reference, mild language if you squint
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     Darry and I were in the kitchen cleaning up some of the dishes.  Well, less dish washing and more absentminded straightening on my part.  God was I nervous.  I knew there wouldn’t be any weapons tonight, but people would still get beat up and I was nervous about my friends going into that.  I could tell that Darry knew what I was feeling, because he just let me do what helped with the anxiety.
“Dar, if you, Soda, or Pony gets beat into the ground I will actually finish the job,” I warned.
“You know I won’t let them get too hurt,” Darry assured me.
“Yeah, but who’s looking out for you, big boy?” I raised my eyebrow.
“Misha, I can take care of myself,” Darry gestured to his very muscular torso.
“Yeah, but still,” I huffed.
     For a minute the only noise in the house was Soda and Steve’s arguing.  I sighed deeply.
“You.. uh, you look nice,” I flushed.
“I do?” Darry asked, looking at me after he finished the last dish.
“Yeah... I mean, you know...” I gestured vaguely.
“I know,” Darry smiled at me, giving me a small kiss on the forehead.
“Just be smart,” I shrugged, completely changing the subject.
“I will.  And you’re cute when you’re flustered,” Darry laughed softly.
“Shuddup,” I stuck my tongue out at him.
     I was sitting on the couch watching TV when the boys got back from the rumble.  I immediately got to my feet to meet them at the door.  I did a quick head count (minus Johnny and Dally) and noticed Ponyboy was missing.
“Where the hell is Pony?” I asked Darry.
“I don’t know, he left with Dally,” Darry replied.
“Oh, because that makes it so much better!” I scowled (Haha Supernatural reference).
“He’ll be ok, Misha.  We have bigger problems right now,” Darry put his hands on my shoulders t ground me.
     I sighed, putting one of my hands on top of his.
“You’re right.  Alright, guys.  I’ll get the First Aid kit,” I motioned everyone into the living room.
     When I had finished literally stitching up the guys, I turned to Darry, who had been helping me get the others patched up.
“Your turn, big boy,” I said.
“Absolutely not, Misha.  I’m just a little bruised,” Darry waved me off.
“Well, let me disinfect that cut on your forehead at least,” I put my hands on my hips.
“No.  I’m fine.”
“Darrel Curtis, I will hurt you if you don’t let me take care of you!”
“Shut!  I’m doing it!”
      I got some peroxide and a bandaid ready.  Darry huffed and sat back in the chair.  The only way for me to get to him was to straddle him.  It was only a little awkward, because firstly I didn’t register that it could be read as overtly sexual, and secondly, I’m quite sure Darry didn’t think of that either.  Anyway, I disinfected the cut and put the bandaid over it.  While I was doing this, it occurred to me that Darry had slipped his hands around my waist.  I was a little startled, because I didn’t know he would be this comfortable around the gang.  Apparently he was.
“All done,” I said, swallowing any nervousness at the PDA, “Was that so bad?”
“Actually it was terrible and I think you owe me something,” Darry gave me a look.
“And what’s that?” I raised my eyebrow.
“Just a kiss,” Darry shrugged, grinning at me.
“You sure?” I asked.
“Positive.  You wouldn’t want to be in debt.”
“Hm.  I suppose you’re right.”
     I planted a small kiss on his forehead, just like when a kid scrapes their knee.  Darry frowned a little, though playfully.
“What?” I asked.
“You missed,” he stated.
     I laughed a bit and remedied the situation by kissing him on the lips.  It was just a quick peck, the sort of kiss we shared while making food for Soda and Pony.  However, this time we knew everyone was watching.  When I pulled back, I could feel the eyes on us.
“What are you looking at?” Darry scowled at the guys.
     I twisted around so that I was sitting in Darry’s lap instead of straddling him.  Every single one of our friends were staring wide-eyed at us.  Soda looked almost like he would have choked on water if he’d had it.
“You two... uh...” Two-Bit cleared his throat. “You’re together?”
“Yeah.  Have been for a year.  You lot are just blind,” Darry teased them.
“But-but-” Soda spluttered.
“How the hell did you guys not pick up on it?” I asked. “We dropped like, so many hints!”
“I just assumed you were just really good friends!” Soda defended himself.
     I sighed and facepalmed.  It was awkwardly silent for a minute, before Two-Bit spoke up again.
“So... uh, Darry, does that mean you’re, like...” Two-Bit trailed off, gesturing vaguely.
“Gay?” Darry clarified. “Yeah.  Does it matter?”
“I mean, not really,” Two-Bit shrugged. “Just never saw it comin’, is all.”
   Aight that’s it for now, guys.  If you liked it I wanna know, cuz it makes me happy knowing people actually like my shit.  Might write more in the future, might not.  Anyway, see y’all!!
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tammyshehole · 5 years
helping steve after a bad fight headcanons
Requested: nope, sorry !
A/N: i literally have tons of requests right now but they're all harry potter and i'm honestly not in the mood for harry potter ngl (which is never the case). so instead of writing my requests like a decent person, i'm just gonna write some outsiders stuff because all i can think about lately is steve randle 🤷‍♀️ sooo once again, i'm super sorry but hopefully you guys like this ! (update: i'm not super proud of this so don't hurt me if it's bad😂)
Pairing(s): steve randle x reader
Character(s): steve randle, reader, sodapop curtis, mentions of ponyboy, johnny, dally, and darry
Warnings: angst and fluff if you squint, crying (is that worthy of a warning ??), slight mentions of death (barely), i think like one curse word
Word Count: a heckin lot of bullets, sorry
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you were watching whatever cartoon was on and having a jolly ol' time when someone started knocking on your door
rAtHeR aGgReSiVeLy might i add
you were about to get real fiesty w the person behind the door bc it's too late for this bullshit
turns out the person was sodapop who was practically carrying a rather beaten up steve
of course you panic and help soda set steve down in the closest chair
soda would've stayed with you and steve if he didn't have a barely conscious dally in the back seat of darry's ford
as soon as soda left you ran over to steve
he had a cut on his neck and stomach, a broken nose, a busted lip and eyebrow, a black eye, and bruises all over his chest
you almost started crying right then and there but held yourself together and focused on cleaning up his face
he could tell you were tearing up and tried to lighten the mood by telling you about how him and dally almost beat up a whole group of socs all on their own
that made it worse
"darlin' please don't cry"
"i'm tired of it, steve, i don't wanna see you like this. it's one thing when you're gettin' in fights in order to protect pony or johnny but when you get all cocky and decide you can take on groups of guys twice your size it's a whole other story"
"well i made it out alive didn't i ?"
"barely ! i'm not stupid steve, i know if soda wouldn't of made it on time you'd be dead. don't act like that cut there on your neck ain't from a blade to your throat cause i know it is"
he was silent after that
and you were practically sobbing
it wasn't a pretty sight but you couldn't help thinking that one day you were gonna get a call from soda saying steve's gone for good
eventually between the tears and yelling you managed to clean most the blood and dirt off his face
for the millionth time, you had to pop steve's nose back in place after a fight
he was used to it by now but you may have accidentally been a little more aggressive than needed
you were upset oh well he can deal with it
after he was clean and bandaged up (for the most part) he was apologizing nonstop
"i'm sorry darlin'"
"i know you are"
"like really really sorry"
"yep, i heard you the first 8 times"
"no baby i mean it i-"
"ok steve honey shut your pie hole before i break your nose again"
you made him take a shower
he insisted on you taking it with him bc he needs more attention and has a weird thing where he loves other people washing his hair
you don't wanna give in but also don't trust him to be alone
eventually you're in the shower too
he won't full out admit it but he loVES being babied by you
you're starting to think that's the reason he even gets in fights
he doesn't wanna go to bed bc he wants to tell you about how great the fight was now that you've calmed down
but you eventually get him to suck it up and go to bed
he insists on cuddling but everytime he hugs you or pulls you close he somehow hits a bruise and dramatic wailing ensues
after he's chilled out, he gets a tad more serious
"i know i've said it a lot but i really am sorry. i'll be more careful, i swear. i love you."
"thanks, stevie. i love you too"
"i mean honestly i aught to, i have no idea what you would do without me. i can't even imagine!"
yup, there's the steve randle you know
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eliniei · 5 years
Those Hard Days - Chapter 27
Summary: Rae’s brother always made sure she was tough as nails. But when her father flips her world upside down, will she find that there’s a limit on how strong she can be?
Warnings: Rape/Non-con (non-graphic, fade-to-black), child abuse, underage drinking, underage smoking, drug use, violence, major character death
AO3: here Fanfiction.net: here
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Chapter 27 - Wound
Rae’s eyes fluttered open. The sun was shining through the window and onto her face, making her squint. There was a dull throb in her shoulder. For a long moment, she couldn't remember what had happened, but after a few peaceful seconds of warmth and comfort, it started coming back to her. 
The Brumly rumble. 
She’d fought the kid who beat up Johnny- who wanted to beat the shit out of her because she ran into him on accident. 
He’d stabbed her in the shoulder with her own knife, then pocketed it and left with his buddies. 
She was back in Sodapop Curtis’s abandoned bedroom, wearing a bloody, but dry, camisole, and a pair of pajama pants. Her arm was tightly bound, and the pain was minimal- at least for now. She pushed herself up into a sitting position with her free hand and laid her injured arm in her lap. She heard movement to her right and looked to see the honey-blonde God himself shifting in one of the dining room table chairs. He was leaning back with his eyes closed, and breathing steadily. 
“Soda?” she asked softly, reaching out to touch his leg. His eyes opened and he watched her through a sleepy haze before realization struck him, and his eyes widened. 
"Hey, you’re finally awake!" Sodapop Curtis exclaimed, leaning towards her, elbows on his thighs. “How ya feelin’?”
“Mm...okay,” she answered, sweeping the fingers of her good hand through her hair to tame her bed-head. “It hurts a little, but not too bad. How long was I out?” He looked at the clock sitting on the bedside table.
“Not very. It’s Saturday, close to noon.”
“How did I end up here?”
“Dally, of course,” he mused. “Brought ya here instead of goin’ back to Two-Bit’s. Didn’t want his mom to freak out.”
“Oh- right.” 
“You didn’t wait up with me all night, did you?”
“No, no,” he assured her. “A few of us took shifts. Didn’t want you to wake up and need help with no one here to-” She pushed the blanket back, and tried to slide out of bed, but without the use of her other arm, she struggled. Soda was at her side in an instant, lifting her to her feet. Her knees wobbled a bit and she grabbed his arm to steady herself. “Okay, okay,” he said, softly. “Take it easy. Ya ain’t had nothin’ to eat or drink since yesterday. Slow down.” He led her to the dining room and dropped her into a wooden chair, then hurried away with the promise of a glass of water and some Aspirin.
She hoped Bob was feeling just as miserable as she was after three blows to the head and a broken nose. God, she couldn’t wait to see his bruised face on Monday morning. 
Rae downed what Soda gave her. Her friend disappeared again, but this time out the front door. She heard voices coming from outside. Dally was inside quick as lightning, and met her at the table. 
“Feelin’ okay?” he asked her, the smell of tobacco still on his breath. She nodded.
“Prob’ly better once the pills start kickin’ in.” He sat down next to her and she motioned to the bandage wrapped around her shoulder. “Who cleaned me up?”
“Well, Tim was gonna stitch the cut up, but not long after you passed out, Curly got real dizzy, puked in the mud, and keeled over with you still leanin’ on him. Ya’ll were a sight. Tim had to drag his ass home- prob’ly a concussion. Stupid kid.” Rae gave him a look. “What? It’s the truth, ain’t it? Anyway, I got ya in the car and drove ya here. Evie’s real good with sewin’, ya know, so Steve asked her to come on over and stitch up your arm.”
“Evie? Really?”
“Well, we couldn’t take ya to the hospital, ya know?” Dally let out a soft laugh. “She wasn’t real happy, as you can imagine. Went green in the face a couple times, but she managed. She’s gonna come over again later and help you get a shower and stuff.”
She could feel the painkillers spreading through her body as he finished explaining. The pain nearly vanished. She gripped the table and stood up, taking a moment to balance herself. Without thinking, she stretched her arms. She felt the thread pull and a shock of pain ran down her arm. She gasped, then relaxed her arm again and watched as the gauze around her shoulder soaked through with a little blood. The sudden sight of red against white made her head light.
“Shit.” Rae clutched the table again for a few seconds until her head normalized.
“Take it easy, kid.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m goin’ outside. I think I could use some fresh air.”
“Alright, but just on the porch,” he instructed. 
“Yeah, cause I’m gonna go walkin’ down the street in my bloody undershirt.”
“Hey, don’t get mouthy with me, kid.” 
Her brother stood and laid his own jacket across her shoulders, and she went out to find Two-Bit, Johnny, and Soda outside, chatting. She took a deep breath, letting the cool air fill her lungs.
“Rae!” Johnny exclaimed, unfolding himself from his slouch. She smiled at him, watching his big eyes sparkle for the first time in weeks. “How’s your shoulder?”
“Oh, it’s okay. Just took some aspirin, so I should be set for a while.”
Two-Bit came up behind and surprised her with a clap on the back. She pitched forward a little, not expecting it. At least it wasn’t on the injured side.
“Cool it, Two-Bit!” Soda ordered, loudly, grabbing her arm to make sure she didn’t fall off the porch. 
“Oh-right. Sorry,” her friend apologized. He reached into the inside of his jacket and pulled out an off-white canvas sling. “Swiped this at the drugstore for ya. Figured it might help.” Rae took it with her good hand and examined it.
“Thanks. I’ll have Evie help me with it when she gets here.”
“No prob, no prob,” he responded with a nod. “Anyway, I gotta use the facilities. Be back.” 
Soda followed Two-Bit inside, saying he wanted to get lunch started. Rae slowly lowered herself into one of the lawn chairs occupying the porch. Johnny was sitting on the top step, leaning against the pillar, a cigarette lit between his fingers. She leaned back in her seat. 
“Heard you took on old Bob last night,” he said, staring off down the street, his eyes squinting in the sunlight.
“Yeah,” she confirmed. “Got him pretty good. Twice in the face and Tim broke his nose.” Her small friend nodded and took a drag.
“Good,” he said, when he’d exhaled the smoke. 
“I got a bad feeling it ain’t over, though. He don’t like to be bested at his own game.” She let out a breath. “And he knew.”
Johnny choked on his cigarette and looked at her, alarmed, but before another word could escape his mouth, Evie appeared at the front gate, her wavy brown hair flowing down her back. She greeted them with her pretty, bright smile and a wave. He closed his mouth, and concentrated on finishing his cancer stick.
Once Evie had helped her out of her clothes, she took a good look at the cut. Rae couldn’t bring herself to look at it. She didn’t want to faint again. Once she confirmed that none of the stitches were pulled and the bleeding had stopped, the older girl helped her in the shower, tightly bound a fresh gauze bandage around her shoulder again, and then put her in a new change of clothes. It was a long process without the use of an entire arm, but they managed. 
The two girls sat at the dining room table a while later, eating the turkey sandwiches and potato chips Soda had prepared for lunch. Once they’d finished, Evie started messing with the adjustable strap of the sling while Rae combed out her wet hair. When she was done, Evie slipped it over Rae’s head and set her injured arm in it.
“How is it? Comfortable?”
“Yeah, it feels fine,” Rae said, setting the comb on the table. “I really appreciate this, Evie. I know we ain’t close or anything.”
“Hey, it ain’t nothin’, kid,” she said, waving her off. “Glad to help. And look- if you need anything-” The older girl eyed Rae, closely. “-anything at all, just come on over. I’ll put you up.”
Rae looked up in alarm. Evie stretched her arm across the table and placed her hand over Rae’s.
“It’s okay. I won’t tell nobody.”
“Look, I didn’t exactly get blessed with a great home life, either, okay? Don’t be mad at Steve- he only told me ‘cause he thought maybe I could help. He’s real worried. They-We...we all are. So just-” She smiled, a genuine, soft smile. “You can count on me, too.” Rae’s hesitation melted away and she felt her eyes well with water.
“Thank you, Evie.”
“Good girl.” Evie stood from her seat and wiped away a tear slithering it’s way down Rae’s cheek. “I’m gonna get. Meetin’ Sandy over at the mall, later. Wanna get all pretty.” She winked, and floated out the door, saying her goodbyes to the boys on her way. Rae went back to the bathroom to clean up the mess they’d left behind. Dally followed her a couple minutes later.
“Much,” she said with a sigh of relief. In more than one way, she didn’t say. "Can we go visit Curly?" 
“Sure, if ya want. Go ask Two-Bit to drive ya, though. Buck needed his car today so I ain’t got no wheels.” She zipped up the last of her dirty clothes in the backpack her friend had brought from his house and scampered off to find him.
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sw33tm0urningl4mb · 6 years
For Forever
(Yea okay shut up, this was kinda based off of For Forever from Dear Even Hansen)
(Basically, Pony’s in love with Johnny, and believes that his love will let Johnny see the colors..but, Johnny is not in love with Pony, by rather with Dally. 0.0)
Johnny x Dally (gang gang 🤙)
Warnings: this might be too umm sad¿¿ for your heart just sayin, aaand, it’s TOTALLY different than what you expected… oops lol
For a moment, it was just us. We stood at the peak of a hill, our hands intertwined, while we listened to the breeze tussle the branches on nearby trees. I glanced around and slowly, just slowly, pulled Johnny down onto the ground so we could sit. I folded my legs and he folded his, keeping quiet the whole way so we didn’t interrupt anything.
For a moment, I stared at our hands. I squeezed my fingers into his and glanced up at Johnny. His dark eyes gleamed, and I nudged him.
“Can you see anything?”
He shook his head a slight no, and guilt weld up inside my chest. What was I doing wrong?
“Are you sure? You can’t see the slightest red o-or something?”
Johnny’s eyes dropped to the grass and I shut my mouth. Complaining wasn’t going to make this better. He heard enough from me anyways, and on top of that, his parents weren’t the best at shutting up either.
For a second, I watched grey clouds scatter across his black eyes, and I started to wonder if I was imagining them, but when I blinked, they stayed in place..
“I’ve never been able to see anything, Pone, you know that. Sometimes I like to image I can..Like when I’m with Dal, sometimes I like to think I can see the little flecks of green in his eyes..” His voice got real quiet and I sighed, feeling my chest tug inward, like a cave crumbling in on itself.
I shook my head, hearing nothing but his first statement. “I just..I just thought maybe this time it’d be different.”
Dead silent.
“I love you..”
Johnny turned, and I felt his hand slip out of mine, instantly sending chills up my arm. “It’ll never be different, Ponyboy-” He snapped, but his words cut off, a sudden outburst of air shutting him up.
“What?” I asked, the words coming out in a whisper.
This time, the cave walls completely shattered against my pounding heart, and I felt my stomach sink like it was full of lead. I wanted to argue with him, some belief in magic urging me to do so, but I didn’t. Only a puff of air left my cheeks, and I looked away from him, letting the words sting.
Johnny folded his arms across his stomach as he faced the opposite way, and I wanted to rip them apart, to tell him things truly could be different. But how? I let that one sink even farther into the wound. How could I possibly explain that this, all of it, could get better? If he just had some confidenceI thought, If he just believed, maybe things could change. They would.
Without hesitation, Johnny continued on, as if he’d been forming his sentence for a long while “If it was different, I’d be able to see this sunset with you. Miracles don’t just, fuckin’ happen, Ponyboy.”
I nodded dolefully, feeling suddenly exhausted, and laid back onto the grass with a hard thud. I stared up at the sky with a squint, watching the clouds drift through the waves of thin pink and orange, wishing I was dead and buried.
Silence covered us like a thick blanket and all we could do was lay underneath it. I looked at Johnny every so often, trying to think of something to say, but every time I tried to speak, all that came out was air. It frustrated me into a headache.
Why can’t I make him see colors? Why? He loves me, doesn’t he?
Suddenly, a whistle pierced through the breeze, and both Johnny and I snapped up at the sound of it. Off to the side of the hill, with a leg propped out and his hands in his pockets, stood Dally, his eyes squinted into the wind. He strutted his way over to us, and I watched as Johnny’s face began to beam.
“Heya Johnnycakes…” He ruffled the kids hair as I stared quietly at the two of them. “Heya Pony, you okay? You lookin’ kinda pale, man.”
I blinked a couple times, rubbed my eyes, and let out a hmph? A small dribble of coolness rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away quickly.
Dally chuckled and plopped himself down next to Johnny. He leaned back on his hands and sighed. “Pretty ain’t it?” His eyes met mine briefly before flicking back to Johnny, who was suddenly staring at the sky with wide eyes. He looked like a little kid on Christmas.
“Yeah..” Johnny said excitedly, breathless, “It’s real pretty..”
“Christ Johnny, you actin’ like you ain’t ever seen a sunset before! Hasn’t this here boy shown you enough of em‘?” Dally laughed again, this time reaching around for a cigarette.
Johnny didn’t reply until Dal had gotten his cig lit and in his mouth. “Yeah but..but this one’s..
He took a deep breath in,
I heard the sound of my own heart slow in my ears, and I looked at the two of them, astounded.
“Well now it’s your turn, Pony, how much wider can those eyes get, huh?” Dally budged an arm into my shoulder with a grin, but I didn’t smile back.
I heard him grunt something under his breath, but I didn’t catch what it was. Then, I saw him lean forward, and in a more delicate voice, offer over his cigarette to Johnny. Johnny took it, of course, and calmly smoked the rest of it. Addaboy, Dally muttered and patted Johnny’s back, a calm look on his face.
“J-Johnny?” I stuttered out rather quickly, my hands fidgeting to grip onto my jeans.
“Well,” Dally interrupted, “I oughta hustle outa here,” He stood up and dusted himself off, his eyes fixed only on Johnny.
“No wait,” Johnny pleaded, “Stay a little longer?”
Dally shook his head, grinning. “Johnnycakes, I got some broads waitin’ for me down in town. They routy ones too, so I can’t be late.” With that, he shrugged and turned on his heel, walking away from us and back down the hill.
Johnny watched him until he was out of sight, then turned back to me. His eyes had begun to form little grey clouds again..
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milkcartonbastard · 7 years
A Not So Beautiful Thing
This is the second part of- http://luddlebubble.tumblr.com/post/162010957103/the-beginning-of-a-beautiful-thing
Warnings- Birth. I also know nothing about birth, so I’m going off of what I’ve seen on television…
Note- This is the part two to the first Darry X Reader where Darry’s lady-friend got preggers. I shouldn’t be allowed to name ANYTHING.
  Darry’s hand was spread out across your belly as you two slept. Your gigantic planet of a stomach was taking up most of the room in the bed, but Darry still insisted on sharing a bed with you. You were laying on your side and he was curled up next to you. It was sweet really.
  You had been woken up by small pains in your stomach. It was different then what it felt like with the babies kicking. It felt a bit like cramping. You screwed your face up and sat up. Darry moved with you. His eyes snapped open and he watched you carefully.
  “You gotta go to the bathroom, Y/n?” Darry asked. You gritted your teeth and shook your head. Darry’s eyes widened and he threw the covers off of himself. “Is it time?”
  “I think I’m having contractions. I think I’m going into labor!” You gritted your teeth as another contraction pulled your muscles. You’d noticed your stomach had been laying lower about a week before and that was always the first sign of labor. Oh, you knew it was coming. At least you’d carried until the nine month mark.
  “I’ll wake everyone up and start the truck!” Darry was yanking his pants on and stuffing his socked feet into shoes. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and turned on the lamp before trying to stand. Darry was hollering at the boys to wake up. Johnny, with sleepy eyes and messy hair, walked into your room and helped you wobble out of the room. You were cradling the bottom of your bump.
  The entire gang had decided to stay over at the Curtis house when you’d reached 38 weeks pregnant. You were, now, about 40 to 41 weeks. Well, that didn’t seem to matter now that labor was starting.
  “Oh, shit.” The words followed the sound of the screen door slamming shut. Darry was in the front of the house looking extremely frightened. His face was pale and Two-Bit didn’t look too alright either. You paused slightly and looked at Darry carefully.
  “What’s wrong?” Your mind began to go into hyper drive. Darry pointed over his shoulder and you looked. A white substance had overtaken everything with a different color. It was above the porch’s steps and the truck looked submerged. You felt your knees begin to buckle.
  “There’s five and a half feet of snow and it’s the middle of the night. The roads are covered and we’re snowed in.” Darry’s pale face made sense now.
  “And I’m in labor. Oh my god.” You were ushered to the couch. As soon as you sat down another contraction hit and it was worse than the first couple. You grabbed onto the arm of the couch and breathed in deeply instead of screaming.
  “You’re having contractions?!” Ponyboy’s eyes were wide and he looked wild.
  “Of course she is! Why do you think we’re trying to get her to the hospital?” Dallas exclaimed. Pony shook his head violently.
  “No! When was your last contraction? Besides the one you just had?” Pony asked. Everyone was watching you and Pony with tense bodies.
  “Less than two minutes.” You stated softly. Pony looked at Darry with a serious look. You could see the gears turning in the youngest Curtis’ head. He scoffed and motioned to you.
  “She would have given birth in your truck. You wouldn’t have made it to the hospital even without the snow.” Pony stated and began to shift his weight from one foot to the other.
  “Aargh!” You gripped the couch’s arm and gritted your teeth. Someone’s hand was on your shoulder and another grabbed your free hand.
  “What do we do?” Soda asked urgently. You breathed out once the contraction ended and tried to relax against the back of the couch.
  “We’re birthing the babies.” You stated dryly. You heard seven people gulp suddenly and simultaneously.
  “We don’t know how!” Steve exclaimed. You shot him a look and then looked to Pony. Pony was counting on his fingers and mumbling. You knew a plan when you saw one.
  “Okay! We need towels, hot water, scissors, blankets, and rags!” Pony exclaimed and everyone scattered. “And coffee! Alright, we need to move her to a bed? She can’t give birth on the couch, man.”
  Johnny and Darry helped get you to Darry’s room. They pulled the sheets off of the bed and helped you onto it. You rested your head against the headboard. Oh, god. It was really happening. It was really time. Darry held your hand as you had to pull your pants off. You did and let the large shirt, it was Darry’s old one, cover your body down to your thighs.
  “Alright, got the towels, blankets, and rags.” Two-Bit rushed into the room and plopped them down onto the foot of the bed. He pushed two rolled up towels under the bend of your knees and stuffed pillows behind your back. You were sitting up now and holding your stomach. It felt bad already and you weren’t even pushing yet.
  “Aghh!” You clutched Darry’s hand and started breathing through another contraction. It lasted a hell of a lot longer than the other ones. Soda brought a bowl of hot water into the room and put it on the nightstand beside the bed. He took your free hand and began rubbing your right shoulder. You exhaled once the contraction ended.
  “Alright, let’s get started!” Pony walked in the room and his face immediately turned pink. His ears were like little beacons. You suppressed a yell as another contraction tore into you. You were in pain, to say the least.
  “What’s wrong, Pony?” Soda asked. Darry turned his attention to his youngest brother. Pony hesitated and pointed to your legs. They’d thrown a blanket over your legs so you didn’t have to feel so exposed.
  “You need to check and see how far she’s… dilated.” Pony stated. Another contraction hit and the two boys by your side couldn’t move.
  “Check and see, Pony. We’re stuck here,” Darry squeaked out. Your knuckles were white from clutching their hands so hard. Pony made his way to the foot of the bed quickly. You were in the middle of a contraction and didn’t care. The other boys, Two-Bit, Steve, Johnny, and Dally were standing in the doorway by the upper part of the bed. They watched apprehensively as you braced through your muscles pulling together.
  “She is,” Pony lifted the blanket up slightly and squinted through his embarrassment. “About five centimeters dilated. I think she’s supposed to start pushing at four?”
  “No! You push at 10 centimeters, Ponyboy!” You exclaimed as you exhaled and relaxed a bit. Soda and Darry exhaled with you. Ponyboy nodded and fixed the blanket to cover you again.
  “Oh, yeah. We might have a while to wait then.” Ponyboy walked toward the nightstand with a rag he’d grabbed from the end of the bed. He rung the water out and placed it on your forehead and he placed another one behind your neck. It felt really unreal that your twin babies were about to be delivered in the Curtis house by a gang of rowdy (wonderfully, of course) greasers.
~~~Time skip a few hours~~~
  “Dammit, Pony. Check!” Johnny shouted. Pony, red in the face again, checked to see how far along you were. His eyes widened and he raised up quickly.
  “She’s about 10 centimeters. She can push now!” Pony exclaimed. The boys started chattering in the doorway excitedly. You groaned horribly and clutched Dallas and Steve’s hands. Darry and Soda had called a break for themselves since you’d nearly broken their hands. They were hoping some of the snow had melted and that they could get you to a hospital. It was warmer, but there seemed to be more snow than earlier. It was a blizzard out there. The first snow storm of the year and it decided to happen at the same time as your labor.
  “Alright, are you ready?” Steve asked. You nodded and sat up a little bit more. Sweat was running down the sides of your face and you were ready to get the babies out of you and into the world.
  “Alright, Y/n, push.” You rolled your shoulders back and began to push. You felt movement, like a baby was being pushed into the world. It hurt like hell. It felt like you were pushing a watermelon out of your body. It was excruciating, yet it was the only way.
  “I see the baby’s head! I see the-” Pony’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed onto the floor. You screamed out in pain and someones hands were placed on your knees. You looked up and saw Two-Bit and Johnny at the foot of the bed. Steve had let go of your hand and was pulling Pony into the hall. You felt yourself fold up and you pushed more. The baby was lodged, almost.
  “I can’t push anymore! Something’s wrong!” You cried out the words, red in the face. Johnny looked at the crowning baby.
  “I can see the top of the head. I think the shoulders have jammed the movement. Try to push!” Johnny patted the top of your knee and you ground your teeth. You tried to push, but it was like you were being torn open. You grabbed Johnny’s arm an pulled him close to your face.
   "That is not how it works.“ You growled. Johnny’s eyes widened and he began to blush and his mouth moved up and down, but no words came out. "Now, you are going to put your hands inside of me and pull this wonderful fucking miracle out of me.”
  “Yes, Y/n.” Johnny grabbed for the baby’s head. He rotated the shoulders and the baby just slide out. It wailed and you felt it kick you in the thighs a bit. Two-Bit was just staring at the baby with wide eyes. You groaned and sat up a bit more. You could see the baby moving between your legs.
  Two-Bit snapped out of it and pulled out his switch blade. He grabbed the umbilical cord and separated it so the baby could be moved. Darry was ready with a blanket nearby. He swaddled the baby and held it close.
  “It’s the girl. One more to go, Y/n Curtis. One more!” Darry was crying softly and rocking the baby in his arms. Soda was whooping from the doorway, Steve and Dallas were patting your shoulders, Johnny was recuperating himself with a sip of his coffee, Two-Bit was cleaning his switchblade, and Pony was still unconscious.
  “Take deep breaths and then we’re going to push again.” Johnny placed his hands on your knees and you took in a few more breaths. You started to push again. You were screeching as you felt movement again. Johnny was ready this time and rotated the baby’s shoulders. This one didn’t cry. You didn’t feel any tiny feet kick you and it was like the world was holding it’s breath.
  You sat forward and tugged your hands free. You picked up the baby carefully and started patting it. Maybe it was choked up or maybe it was just unaware. You felt something tugging at your chest as the quiet of the room continued.
  “Y/n…” Soda’s voice was thick and cracked. You were crying now, too hard to do anything. Dallas took the baby from your hands and patted it like he was trying to burp it. A hiccup sounded out and wailing began to sound throughout the room. The baby boy was crying.
  “It’s a boy, in case you didn’t know.” Dallas said with a roll of his eyes. You were sobbing happily as Two-Bit cut the umbilical cord with his switch blade.
  “What happened to the scissors?” You asked. Two-Bit grinned broadly and patted your knee.
  “We couldn’t find any. I improvised.” You laughed and saw Darry start making his way toward you. The blanket was across you legs now and you were leaning against the bed. You felt exhausted, honestly. Darry gave you your daughter and let you hold her. The boys were all sitting on the bed, piled around you.
  “Well, what are the names?” You grinned as you looked down at your daughter. Darry was looking down at your son. You motioned for him to come closer. You whispered the name you liked for the girl and he whispered the one he liked for a boy. You both nodded at each other.
  “For our girl- Ophelia Jellybean Curtis.” Darry stated. The room nodded in agreement. “We can call her Beans for short.”
  They all looked to you. You smiled and licked your chapped lips. “For a boy- Bellamy Chase Curtis.”
  Everyone was all smiles and giggles. Ponyboy was starting to stir in the hallway outside. You remembered grabbing Johnny and gave him a side hug. He tensed before hugging you back. “Sorry for being rude earlier. Birth does that to a person, I guess. You alright?”
  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just delivered two babies at the age of sixteen. I kinda feel… good. Thanks for getting pregnant, Y/n.” Johnny stated. You pursed your lips and glanced toward Darry.
  “That was all Darry’s doing. I just laid there.” You laughed at Darry’s ruby red face. Johnny laughed behind his hand. Dallas coughed and broke you out of your laughing.
  “Next time you conceive your children, make sure that the birth isn’t on a snow day. Honestly, guys.” Dallas stated and the room agreed. He was wiggling Jellybean’s toes, which caused her to kick him. He grinned mischievously. He cooed at her and threw his tough guy reputation out of the window.
  “Happy Birthday, you two.” Uncle Soda smiled as he was given Bellamy to hold. A nice and tired chorus of Happy Birthday was sang throughout the room. You looked at Darry and kissed him sweetly. He smiled behind your lips, his stubble scratching your chin.
  “I love you, Y/n.” He sighed and you handed Beans to Johnny. Two-Bit had already called dibs for next. You kissed Darry’s nose and relaxed against the headboard.
  “I love you too, Darry.”
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callmemrscurtis · 7 years
The gang as waiters
Darry -The waiter that knows the whole menu cover to cover, memorized the specials and tells you which sides you can get with your order. -Guacamole costs extra -throws the straws on the table like they're confetti -absolutely cannot stand carrying all the plates on his arm bc little kids are running around and he doesn't want to trip -the lead singer of "Happy Birthday" when the whole staff sings it for a customer -he treats it like a concert..."it's show time, guys...her name is Rebecca." -the type of server to put his glasses on and squint at the writing on a menu (since the print can be so small) when explaining something to someone - Sodapop -The sassy waiter that encourages you to get a dessert because either a. you look so good you deserve a treat b. What's one cheat day or c. It's to die for you haVe have hAve to have it - asks if a 14+ year old needs a kid menu because he sees Pony as a kid and it just slips his mind -jokes around with playful customers -never usually flirts bc he needs the job to help support Pony and he can't risk getting fired -PRAYS that people order fries so he can eat some off of the plate -doesn't understand why most girls get tongue tied when placing their order or why others just point to it on the menu - Ponyboy -The waiter that laughs at all the dad jokes -keeps filling up your water glass even if you only took a sip since he last came by -is fascinated with meeting all these new people and likes to see all the different things they order (ex: no mushrooms or scrambled eggs with RYE toast) -he's never late, NEVER this boy prides himself on his perfect record -employee of the month EvErY MonTh EVERY SINGLE ONE because he's good at his job and he kisses the boss' ass - Johnny -terrified of dropping the food so he carries everything on a tray in front of him -quietly grabs your drink and refills it without being asked but he heard you saying something as he catered to other customers and swoops in -decorates the plates with a fancy garnish or whipped cream if it's like waffles or something -he practices what he's going to say to each customer even though it's the same thing everyday "Hi, my name is Johnny and I'll be your server today...can I get you guys something to drink?" He's super relived when it's over -I bet he'd eventually go on to be a bartender cause his social skills being so bad -he's only working to get out of the house tbh -sloppy handwriting on the notepad bc he's so uncomfortable he just wants to get it out of the way and leave - Dally -tbh would spit in your food if you were being an ass or like put his fingers in your drink -Constantly messing up orders because he was just out of it -the manager getting mad because he shows up in a messy uniform and sometimes not in uniform at all -asks his coworkers to cover for him because he's hungover or just not feeling it -wonders how he hasn't been fired yet -hates when people don't say please or thank you because he bothered to show up, didn't he? Show some respect. - Two-Bit -charges you for an extra drink and keeps it for himself because he doesn't want water and you're already paying (he thinks of it as 'your treat'...you could be friends one day, he'll totally pay you back...never) -accidentally lets dirty jokes slip to the customers and he gets yelled at in the back but everyone in the restaurant can still hear it -either shows up and puts in 110% or doesn't show up at all -should be fired for showing up drunk at 9 o'clock in the morning because he was out all night drinking - Steve -flirts with the ladies of pretty much all ages from 16 to 61 he's still a playa if you know what I'm sayin... -does anything for a good tip -surprisingly good at his job considering he is normally a very straight up person but he hasn't escalated a situation to the point where he wanted to fight someone, just the opposite really -he has a tendency to ask if you want more bread idk why -knows the regulars and call them by name -"do you want to add chicken to the salad?" -"Janet, sweetie...could you hand me the peeper mill some guy at table two ordered a salad and you just know he's gonna want some fresh ground pepper" -"Sure thing. Here you go, Steve. And btdubs he totally looks like a parmesan guy you should take this too" -"Totally. Good call."
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mrs-johnny-cade · 7 years
Johnny Cade~Drunk
89-“Kiss me.”
 90-“You’re drunk.”
“I thought you weren’t coming tonight?” You asked Johnny as you leant against the bar. He shrugged his shoulders, “Dal convinced me to come.” You nodded your head in acknowledgment.
“I’ll see ya later Johnnycakes, gonna go get drunk.” You mumbled the last part under your breath as you left him and went to the back were Dally and Two-Bit were getting drunk already.
“Pass me a bottle would ya Two?” You asked reaching your hand out towards him. He passed you a bottle happily and continued rambling about Mickey.
You stumbled up to the lot where you knew Johnny would be. Walking here you had sobered up but you reeked of alcohol.
“Johnny?” You asked quietly squinting to see who was on the car seat.
“Can I stay out here with you tonight?”
“Sure (Y/N).” You smiled and leant your head on his shoulder.  You turned your head up to look at him; your faces were inches apart. “Kiss me.” You whispered and stared into his eyes.
“You’re drunk.” He protested.
“I don’t need to be sober to know I love you Johnnycakes.” You smirked patting his cheek lightly.
“You’re drunk (Y/N), I don’t want you to regret doing this.”
You sighed and lied down on the abandoned car seats pulling Johnny to lay down with you. “Cuddle with me then.”
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lilypads-stuff-blog · 5 years
The outsiders, Chapter 13
pov- Dallas Winston
Chapter 13 of the Outsiders
POV: Dallas Winston
Chapter 13
Everything is white. That is all I could see. But what I could hear and smell was a different story. I could here Birds, seagulls I think and the sound of waves of water hitting rock. I can smell the strong sent of salt and earth.
After a few moments things seemed to focus and become clear. I am standing on the edge of a cliff with the ocean below. I have never seen the Ocean, but its bigger then anything I have seen before. It looked as if it could go on forever. I looked up squinting at the sky. Its a deep blue with very little clouds and the sun shone high above me. Or maybe it wasnt the sun, maybe it was the mighty God himself.
"Its beautiful isnt it, Dally" A calm voice said. I spun around. And there he was. Johnny, he looked different. His face was smooth and gentle. His eyes sparkled and he looked...happy. He no longer had that lost, kicked puppy look. These were all good differences.
"Jo-Johnny?, is that really you?" I stuttered. He smiled and nodded. I rushed forward and gave him the hug of his life..or what used to be his life..ok nevermind.
I set him down and looked around once more "uh Johnny? where are we?". Johnny looked around and sighed. Not a sad or upset sigh, but a lighhearted one. "Dally, we are in the gap" he said still looking around. I looked at him strangely. "The gap of what Johnny?" He looked me directly in the eyes. "Gap between life and death". He watched my reaction. I looked at him as if he was crazy. "What do you mean Johnny?, I am dead".
All of a sudden Johnny's eyes clouded with grief and glazed over with tears. One tear excaped and slid down his face. He turned away. "Why?... Why Dally?. Why did you try to get yourself killed?. Why did you break?. Your Dallas Winston, Your Not supposed Break." His voice broke with each word he took. I looked at the ocean. He was right. But he was also wrong. Johnny was the only one I really cared for. Pony too. Just not as much. I inhaled a shaky breath. "Johnnycake, Im sorry. But I couldnt leave in a world that my baby brother aint. My eyes stung. As I tried not to cry. I couldn't cry, for Johnnys sake. Johnny looked at me with a small smile. He then inhaled deeply and gave me a sad smile. "You have to go home now Dally" I looked at him surprised and shook my head slowly. "No, Johnny, I cant leave you" I started to Panic. He smiled a warm smile. "But Dally, your not here" he said and I looked at him confused. "Yes I am Johnny. I’m right here with you" I looked at him strangly. He sighed "Dally, your not really here. In this place, its kind of like a dream. You are actually in the hospital, back in oklahoma. Dallas, your in a coma". I shook my head and covered my face with my rough hands. Johnny hugged me. "Take care of pony for me"then white.
An annoying beeping noise echoed in my ears. I felt myslef lift into consciousness. That annoying beeping noise is aparently coming from the monitor. I looked around and got suprised. In the visitors chair sat a sleeping Two-bit. I looked around for something to throw at him. I settled on a bottle of meds. I threw it at him and it hit his nose. He woke startled. He looked around until his eyes landed on me. His eyes widened and he blinked a couple times. "Da-Dally?"
0 notes
eliniei · 5 years
Those Hard Days - Chapter 3
Summary: Rae’s brother always made sure she was tough as nails. But when her father flips her world upside down, will she find that there’s a limit on how strong she can be?
Warnings: Rape/Non-con (non-graphic, fade-to-black), child abuse, underage drinking, underage smoking, drug use, violence, major character death
A/N: Chapter 3! This chapter is a litle lighter. I promise not everything is going to be dark and gloomy.
AO3: here Fanfiction.net:
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Chapter 3 - Steady
"Rise and shine!" Two-Bit's voice said, way too happy and way too early. Rae mumbled something about leaving her alone, and rolled over so her back was facing him. "Oh, come on, kid. Don’t be like that. Ain’t you usually a morning person?" She sighed and rolled back over with her eyes open, to see Two-Bit's smiling face looking down at her. She squinted, the sun from the window behind him shining brightly. It made him look like god damn Jesus Christ. Except, well, with greasy hair.
"Your smile’s too bright. Turn it down," Rae complained.
"Oh, very funny," Two-Bit chuckled, ignoring her demand.
"What time is it, anyway?" she asked, groggily. He looked over his shoulder to the clock on the wall.
"’Round nine. Time to get up!" he exclaimed. He grabbed her arm and pulled her off the couch. Her body was really sore from the night before and she winced. She was still fully clothed with jacket and shoes. Still covered in dirt. Head still throbbing.
"Lay off, would ya?" Rae asked him, pulling her arm away just as Steve walked into the room. Two-Bit looked her up and down, his smile suddenly gone, and confusion crossing over his face. She reached back and felt the goose egg that had formed on the back of her head. It was tender and she thought she maybe felt a little dried blood coating her hair. “What in the world happened to you?”
“Just got beat up a little is all.”
“A little?”
"Mornin’, kiddo," Steve said over Two-Bit’s question as he shoved some cake in his mouth. “Glad to see you’re finally up.”
"Yeah, yeah," she sighed, ignoring the question, and inspected her fingers for red specs. Steve and Two-Bit looked at each other. Darry walked into the front room from his bedroom pulling a black shirt over his head.
"Oh, good. You're here," he said to the other boys, running a hand through his wet hair. The screen door slammed shut behind them. Johnny stood in the doorway, slouching, with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket. "Hey Johnny." The small boy nodded. Rae noticed the cuts on his face finally starting to disappear, but the bruise that covered his entire cheek was still dark.
"Rae, shower," Soda said, stepping out of the steaming bathroom, only wearing his jeans. She nodded and went to the bathroom, carrying her backpack. She thought she heard Darry assemble the boys in the front room as she closed the door. She assumed he was going to tell them.
Rae let the hot water flow over her hair and body, washing the dirt down the drain. Now that she was alone, grief swelled in her chest. She scrubbed her skin with a washcloth until it was raw and the water burned. The roaring in her head turned into a dull throb, but it made room for her to think. Flashes from the night before ran through her mind and she gripped the windowsill until her knuckles were white and she thought her nails would break. Her jaw clenched and she crouched down into the tub, trying not to sob, but letting her hot tears mingle with the water. She didn’t want her friends outside the door to hear.
Once she got it all out, she dried off and dressed. She wiped the fog from the mirror. Her cheek was swollen from where she’d been hit, and a small cut along her jawline. The beer bottle her father and smashed must have still got her. Rae held her own gaze for a few short seconds but, quickly, and refused to look back. She reached into her backpack and pulled out her comb.
They were still having their meeting when she went to open the bathroom door. They were talking loud enough to be heard through the wood.
“Shouldn’t they go to the police?” Ponyboy asked.
“No, stupid,” Steve argued. “If they went to the fuzz, they’d take her away and put her in a home. No way would Dally be judged fit to care for her with his record.”
“Steve,” said Darry’s exasperated voice. “Could ya’ll quiet down? I’m sure she doesn’t want to be treated-”
Before anyone could say anything else, Rae swung the door open and joined them, combing through her wet hair. Darry stopped mid sentence and they all stared at her. She blinked back at them before throwing her comb back into her bag and taking a seat on the couch between Ponyboy and Two-Bit. The room was tense and silent, all of them unsure of what to say. Frustration pooled in her chest. Darry sure as hell was right. She didn’t want to be treated differently and they were off to a horrible start.
"So, uh, anyone want a real breakfast?" Darry asked, finally, breaking the tension. He gave a pointed glance to Steve who had chocolate crumbs all over his front.
"Johnny and I want some," Ponyboy said, as he looked towards his small friend, who nodded.
"Me too," Soda said, after clearing his throat. He elbowed his friend in the side.
“Yeah, sure,” Steve replied, softly, and started dusting off his shirt.
"What about you, Rae?" Darry asked. She shook her head. The thought of food made her want to hurl.
"I’m okay, thanks," she replied He stared at her with a frown.
"Alright, but if you do get hungry, tell me," Darry relented, but muttered something about Dally under his breath. He retreated into the kitchen. It got quiet again, making the tightness in her chest rise further.
"TV?" Rae asked, trying to calm the feeling and to get the boys to talk, again. She looked around at her friends, but her eyes landed and stayed on Two-Bit, the television enthusiast.
"Sure," he said and moved to turn it on. She shrugged and sat quietly as they focused on the show. Soda and Steve started talking quietly amongst themselves and a while later, Darry called them in to eat. Rae stayed behind as the group piled in around the small table. Her headache was threatening to come back.
As soon as they had all left the room, she laced her feet up inside her Converse and went outside, closing the door gently behind her. It was still chilly out. She sat down on the top step and leaned her head against the pillar beside her. She closed her eyes. Maybe the cold would help her head.
A while later, someone tapped her shoulder. Rae almost jumped out of her skin, but twisted around to see Two-Bit standing behind her. How long had it been? Had she fallen asleep again? Her wet hair was plastered to her face where she had rested her head. She brushed it off her cheek and over her shoulder.
"Mind if I join ya’?"
He sat down next to her. Rae hugged her knees to her chest.
"We know," Two-Bit said, sadly.
“I know,” she huffed. “I heard Darry talkin’ ‘bout it.” He nodded and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to him.
"We’ll get through this, ya know?" She shrugged, but let herself relax into his side. She rested her head on his shoulder. He sighed. "I want to kill that bastard.”
"Join the club," Rae said. Thoughts of the night before ran through her head again. "It was my own fault.”
“Don’t you say that,” he said, laying his head on top of hers.
“But, it was,” she insisted. “I shouldn't have been-”
“Rae Lee Winston, you listen to me,” Two-Bit said sharply, lifting his head quickly and cutting her off. He looked at her, a harsh look in his eyes. She stayed her tongue. “It ain’t no one’s fault but his.” She sighed through her nose, but didn’t push it. “If Dally heard you talkin’ like that, he’d beat your head in.”
“He gave me a pretty damn loud earful last night,” she said, bitterly. “Anyway, what’s done is done. Ain’t nobody who can change it now.”
"Ain’t that the truth,” he said with a nod. “But if you need a place to stay, you come right on over. My couch is always open to you. You’re never going back to that house. We’ll make sure of it." Rae did manage a real smile at that, however small.
"Thanks, Two-Bit but, I don’t want to bother you with my shit.”
"You’re no bother, Rae," her friend stressed. "Don’t you worry about that. You and Dally have one of us since you moved here. You're good with us and you know it. Plus, my mother loves you." She snaked her arm around his back and squeezed.
"Thank you."
"No problem, kid. That's what I'm here for," Two-Bit said, with a smile. When she let go of him, he caught her smiling too. "Come on. Let's you get inside. Your arms are cold. You don’t gotta get sick on top of everything else." He stood up and offered her a hand. She took it and he hoisted her up. They were about to step inside when someone walked up behind them.
"Rae?" Dally’s voice asked. The other two turned around to find her brother coming through the front gate, finishing off a smoke. A hopeful feeling rose in her chest.
"Hey, Dally," Two-Bit said. Her friend turned and shook her brother’s hand. "We were just goin’ back inside. I think there’s some leftover food if you want some breakfast." Dally nodded and followed them inside.
“Sure, thanks, man.” The rest of the gang was back in the front room. They all looked up when the three walked in.
"Hey, Dally," Johnny greeted him.
“Hey Johnnycake,” Dally said with a nod, then turned to Darry.
"Can I, uh, talk to ya in the kitchen?" he asked.
"Sure," Darry said, and got up from the armchair he was sitting in. He led Dally into the kitchen.
Rae frowned as she watched her brother leave the room. Two-Bit nudged her arm and held out a deck of cards.
“I guess,” she said and sat down across from him on the floor.
As he dealt, she tried to listen to his chatter about his mother and sister, but she couldn’t concentrate. Dally was here, so that meant he was back, right? Had he found their father?
After a few hands, she spied her brother watching from the kitchen doorway, leaning against the frame, a frown on his face. He lifted himself up and walked towards them.
"Yeah and then- Oh, hey, Dally," Two-Bit said, cutting his story short. Rae looked up at her brother. She followed him as he knelt down beside her and took in his face. He looked tired with dark circles under his eyes and stubble coming in on his chin.
"Could ya take her tonight?" Dally asked. “I don’t wanna impose on Darry. He doesn’t need the added trouble.”
"Hell, yeah! We'll have a party!" Two-Bit exclaimed. Rae huffed a silent laugh.
“Nothin’ too wild,” her brother said, shoving his finger into Two-Bit’s chest. Her friend laughed.
"Don’t you worry about that. I'll take her as long as my mom lets me."
"Thanks, man.”
"Yeah, no problem, brother.” Dally focused his attention on his sister.
“Darry’s gonna drop ya off at the Dingo later today.” She nodded. “Buck and I were up all night- I’ve gotta get some sleep, but I wanna have a chat with ya.” She nodded again. “I’ll see ya later.” She watched him walk away from her again and the hopeful feeling she’d had earlier gave way to disappointment. Her chest felt constricted. Why couldn’t Dally just sleep in Soda’s old room for now? It’s not like anyone was using it.
Two-Bit noticed her mood sour.
“You know Dally,” he said while dealing out another hand, trying to reason with her. She sighed heavily through her nose and turned her cards over. “He’ll be back.”
“I know. I just wish he’d stop leavin’.”
It was more than a wish, although she didn’t want to admit it. Rae needed him to help keep her steady.
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eliniei · 5 years
Those Hard Days -  Epilogue II - END
Summary: Rae’s brother always made sure she was tough as nails. But when her father flips her world upside down, will she find that there’s a limit on how strong she can be?
Warnings: Rape/Non-con (non-graphic, fade-to-black), child abuse, underage drinking, underage smoking, drug use, violence, major character death
AO3: here Fanfiction.net: here
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Chapter 46 - Epilogue II
Four years later, Rae walked into the cemetery where Dally and Johnny had been buried. She tossed her brown hair over the shoulder of her dark t-shirt and felt a cool breeze blow through the strands. Her top and jeans were covered in dried dirt and grass stains, her cheek red with a forming bruise and a line of dried blood running from the corner of her mouth down to the collar of her shirt. The Saint Christopher medal around her neck shone in the late afternoon sunlight. In the crook of one arm, she carried a bunch of brilliant, red roses. She stopped in front of Johnny’s grave, first. 
“Hey, Johnnycake,” Rae started. She pulled a few roses from the paper wrapping and set them down by the bottom of his headstone. “Thought I’d bring ya some flowers.” She wiped the top of the stone off, pushing a few dead, shrivelled leaves off. “Looks like Pony’s been keepin’ your place pretty clean, huh? Does he still come a lot? The gang misses you somethin’ fierce, ya know.” She smiled softly, and after a few more words, moved down to her brother.
"Hey, Dally,” she greeted him, sitting down criss-cross in the dirt, facing the stone, a bright smile on her face. “Just got outta a rumble. Shepard territory this time. Even Darry came on out to help. I got roughed up a bit, but ain’t nothin’ I can’t handle.” She set the rest of the roses down. 
"I know, I know. You don't like roses but it’s all I could get." She cleaned off the top of the headstone, then ran her fingers down the lettering engraved on it. 
Dallas Tucker Winston November 9, 1948-1965 Devoted Brother and Friend
Rae’s eyes clouded over for a moment, her smile drooping, his face that night flashing in her mind. But she snapped herself out of it, remembering what her therapist had said, and replaced that image with one of him smiling. 
"I-I have something amazing to tell you, Dally," she confessed, smiling again. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement and turned her head to see Curly approaching from where he’d parked his car. She tilted her head back. "Well, more than one thing, I guess.” She huffed a laughed. 
“First thing’s first. Remember how I told you that I was takin’ a year after high school to get a job and save up for college?” She paused, reaching for the hair ties at her wrist. Still doin’ the same old shit. “Ponyboy, Two-Bit, Curly, and I are all going to the University of Oklahoma here in a few weeks. Yeah, Two-Bit finally graduated. Amazing, ain’t it? Barb says I was a good influence on him." Rae looked up at the sun for a moment, then back down. “I’m a little sad since Carrie’s stayin’ here in Tulsa so she can be close to Tim, but at least I’ll have the boys. I guess she’s gonna help him with the gang when Curly heads off. She ended up turnin’ real tough, and you’re the one who started it, teachin’ her how to fight.” She felt Curly squat down next to her.
“You tell him yet?”
“Nah, not yet. I was waitin’ for ya.” He smiled and she turned back to her brother’s grave. "So, Dally," she continued, holding out her left hand to the gravestone. There was a silver ring with a small, blue rock sitting on it. "I know you’d prob’ly wanna beat our heads in for this. Curly asked me to marry him and, well, I-I said yes. Tim was sure pissed as hell, ya know?” 
“That’s an understatement,” Curly said with a short laugh.
“We ain’t gonna get marrried anytime soon, so ya ain’t gotta worry about that. I ain’t knocked up or anythin’. That’s what Tim thought, anyhow.”
Rae paused, her smile fading. 
"Dally, you know how we talked about how I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life? I...I think I decided, okay? I wanna to become a therapist...maybe even a certified, professional psychiatrist.” She laughed under her breath. “I know that’s a big word. A-and I’d have to go to medical school for it. Imagine me, a doctor. My therapist was...very supportive.” Curly draped his arm across her back, rubbing his hand up and down her arm. She looked back at him, her smile turned sad. He nodded and kissed her temple.
“I’ll wait in the car.” She nodded and watched him walk away, then turned back to her brother.
“I think I wanna help kids like us." She looked down at the grass and pulled up a few blades. “Kids who...ain’t got good parents or...lost someone...ya know?” Her lip trembled a little, and she sucked in a breath. "But, I'm scared, Dally. I’m afraid of leavin’ ya here without me. I’m scared of leavin’ the rest of the boys behind. Scared of bein’ someplace...new. Therapist says it’s somethin’ called...uh...separation anxiety." Rae let the blade of grass fall out of her hands. “I shouldn’t be surprised, though, huh?”
"It ain’t ever been the same without ya, ya know. I miss ya Dally. You-you remember those nightmares I had when ya first died? Kinda like Pony’s, huh? When his parents..." Rae sighed. “Well, I had one again the other night. My-my therapist says it’s prob’ly ‘cause I’m nervous to leave. She’s gonna...refer me to someone at the college. She says I made some real good progress over the past few years and hopes I will keep it up.” She sat quietly for a few seconds, but finally stood up, looking towards Curly’s car. He stood with his back to her, leaning against the driver side door.
"Guess I better get goin’. The boys are havin’ a cookout tonight for the fourth. Everyone’s gonna be there.��� Her stomach did a nervous flip as she stared down at the headstone. 
“Oh, that’s right. Cherry Valance told me to tell you 'hi' for her. She's back in town for the summer. Said she’ll prob’ly come visit soon, too. She’s gonna show us around when we get up to the college.”
She looked back at Curly again. He held up his hand and pointed to his wrist. She huffed a laugh and nodded.
“Alright," she said, turning back one last time. "We’re gonna be late. Do-do me a favor and keep watchin’ over us, okay?" She smiled wide. "I hope I'm makin’ ya proud, big brother. I hope...I hope I’m livin’ life the way ya hoped I would. I love ya, Dally. I’ll...I’ll come visit on my breaks, okay?" She touched the top of his headstone again and started moving back towards the car, letting her hand slide off the smooth, glossy stone.
"Ready?" Curly asked as Rae slid into the passenger seat and closed the door.
"Yeah," she said with a nod. "Let's go."
When they pulled up to the Curtis house, they could smell the grill had been lit already. When they’d made their way to the backyard, Darry was standing in front of it, flipping a burger. He looked up and his face split into a smile. He looked like he’d gone away from the rumble unscathed.
“There ya’ll are,” he called. Soda and Tim turned from their lawn chairs to see who his brother was talking to. Angel and Chrissy were laid out on beach towels, next to them, in nothing but bikinis and sunglasses. A cigarette hung out the corner of Angela’s mouth. She lifted her glasses and peered at them through squinted eyes, then dropped them back on her face and gave them a lazy wave before going back to her own business. Chrissy turned over onto her stomach and waved as well.
“Hey guys!” she called, then laid down flat, trying to get an even tan.
“Took ya long enough,” Darry chided. 
“Oh, yeah. We went to the cemetery real quick.” 
“Hey guys,” the middle Curtis brother greeted, lifting himself out of the chair. Rae smiled and made her way over. He went over to a large cooler and pulled a couple cans of beer out. He threw one to Curly, and held the other out to her. He inspected her face as she took the drink from his hands. “Looks like someone got you good, huh?” She smiled a sly smile.
“Maybe, but I think he looks way worse.” Soda laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. She popped the can open.
“You’re really somethin’, kid.” 
Steve came around from the front of the house, plates and napkins in hand. He set them down on the table the boys had set up outside. Evie came out after him, carrying a bowl of potato salad, followed closely by Cherry, who was carrying a salad, the tongs sticking out. They were smiling, giggling, even.
“Oh yeah, I can totally show ya how I do it,” Evie said to the redhead. They set their bowls down on the table and headed back towards the house to get whatever was left inside. Cherry turned as they walked to wave at her. Rae waved back. Steve came over to them and shook hands with Curly. 
“Hey guys,” he said with a grin, his chipped front tooth prominent. He took Curly from her side and the two went to talk about the car they’d driven over in, mumbling to each other. “Yeah. It is-? Okay, that ain’t gonna be a hard fix or anythin’. Let’s have a look...”
Two-Bit, hopped over the back fence, his hand already wrapped around a bottle of his favorite beer. She smiled and went to meet him. He laid his arm across her shoulders as they made their way over to the chairs. 
“Mom’s gonna kill you, lookin’ the way you do,” he informed her and took a sip of his drink. “How was the rumble?”
“Pretty fun,” she responded. “Got smacked in the mouth with a pipe, but I got him back.”
“Good girl,” he said with a smirk. “Always been a tough kid.” She shrugged.
“Well, ya know where I get it from.” She tugged at the medal around her neck.
“Yeah, I do.”
A sudden scream had her spinning, looking for the source. Carrie came running from the other side of the house in a bikini top and jean shorts, bare feet running through the grass. She had a neon pink plastic squirt gun in her hand, a bruise spreading across the knuckles from a punch she’d landed across some poor kid’s cheekbone earlier that day. Ponyboy came around after her, a green gun in his hand, squirting water at her. 
“Hey, Rae!” she yelled as she passed, then squealed again when the cold water hit her back. Pony ran after her. 
“Hey, Rae!” he repeated. She smiled and shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest, watching them go. 
Tim got up out of his chair and came up next to them. His eye was starting to turn black.
“Make it out okay, Tim?” Rae asked, leaning forward to see him past Two-Bit.
“Alright,” he confirmed and reached his hand into his back pocket. Her foster brother must have seen what Tim had in his hand, because he jumped out of the way, quickly. Before she could do anything, Rae found herself on the barrel-end of a blue squirt gun with a wet face, the water dripping onto her shirt. 
A flash of a memory appeared behind her eyes- but it quickly melted back into reality. Darry was right, she guessed. Time really did help.
She stared at Tim in shock for a moment, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. He tossed the gun over to her and pulled an orange one out of his other back pocket, then gave her a slanted grin and took off running in the same direction Carrie had.
Rae shook her head, a wide grin spreading across her face. 
“Oh, you’re dead fuckin’ meat, now,” she yelled and chased after him until Darry called them all for dinner.
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