#if you read this script i ENCOURAGE YOU to look too deep into it
sunnykeysmash · 1 year
just realized there's probably a lot of new people in sunnyblr so im gonna shill again the sunny spec script I wrote in 2020 in 2 days
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txtaetertots · 1 year
06. auditions
[ synopsis ] choi beomgyu has spent his entire senior year slacking off and causing mischief. but, due to his inattentiveness, his slacking off went too far and if he doesn't improve the grade in his literature class he'll guarantee himself a seat in summer school. yn has big dreams to be on stage and star on broadway. however, she needs to impress recruiters with one last production as the lead in order to earn herself a spot in a new york based school. when beomgyu's literature teacher makes him join their drama club for extra credit, their futures quickly become intertwined and dependent on each other.
a/n send an ask to be added to the new taglist!
taglist will be up with tomorrow's updates!!
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The line was ridiculously long for auditions. YN isn't normally nervous, but this time it's different. There's a lot on the line. If she doesn't get a decent role it could affect the outcome of her second review. She needs to 'wow!' the NYU Tisch admissions board with a main role she can truly shine in. She needs to be Sandy.
She runs through her lines in her head, making sure she doesn't miss a beat. Her competition is stiff. Everyone wants to be Sandy. But, no one is as big of a threat as Ahn Soojung, the theater department's Queen Bee. Soojung has been known for her cutthroat determination and competitive nature. She's always butting heads with YN, who was the only member of the theater department at her level.
"Kim Minji."
Eunchae appeared from the stage entrance. She's not much of an actress, but she loves being involved behind the scenes. Mr. Kim put her in charge of facilitating the auditions, a big responsibility for a sophomore. She looks down at her clipboard of names, crossing out names of the people she calls forward to conduct their audition. While waiting for Kim Minji to walk up, she looks around for her dear friend. She spots YN leaning against the wall and sends her two thumbs up for encouragement. YN smiles. Nothing relieves her nerves quite as well as support from her friends.
As Eunchae disappears behind the curtains with Minji, Soojung appears after them, having just completed her audition. Her head was held high, chin pointing out with pride. She walked with poise and unfaltering conviction in her abilities. No one can ever recall a moment in which Ahn Soojung was anything but elegant and confident. She walks by YN, exchanging a smirk as if it were her way of intimidating YN. She had snubbed three main roles from YN this year alone, and she was sure she was about to snatch another.
"Good luck, YN," Soojung sings, the clicking of her heels against the marbled floors taunting YN as Soojung walks away.
Don't let her get in your head.
YN shook her head, trying to rid herself of Soojung's intimidation tactics. She wasn't to get to her this time. This time is too important to let anyone interfere, especially Ahn Soojung.
Eunchae's sweet excited voice chimed her out of her thoughts. It was time. YN took a deep breath, straightening her posture, before walking up to the stage. Eunchae whispered quick words of encouragement before dashing off to the side to observe.
YN looked out to the judges table where there sat Mr. Kim Seokjin and Mr. Park Jimin, the choir director. They always worked on musical productions together with Mr. Park helping lead the vocal rehearsals. They smiled upon seeing YN take her place on the stage floor marker.
"What part will you be auditioning for, YN?" Mr. Kim asked, getting her audition sheet ready to take notes.
YN gulped, the nerves starting to return.
"I will be auditioning for the role of Sandy."
"Very well," Mr. Kim nodded, turning to a scene in the script for YN to recite.
He named the scene and line from where she would start. YN nodded, immediately familiar with the scene. She recites Sandy's lines perfectly, bouncing off Mr. Kim's reading for Danny. Her expressions and tones were charming and sweet, encapsulating Sandy's character beautifully. Her smile was radiant, shining even under the dim stage lights. YN was born to be on stage.
"As always," Mr. Kim smiles. "A dynamite performance, YN."
"And what will you be singing for us today?" Mr. Park asked, resting his chin on his fist.
The nerves had settled, YN was in her element. She confidently replies, "I will be performing Sandy's Sandra Dee Reprise."
Mr. Park smiled, nodding his head gesturing her to begin. YN took one more deep breath. Eunchae cues to the soundbox crew to begin the appropriate track.
Club members had lined up by the doors, quietly settling in upon hearing YN's name. Along with Soojung, YN was known among members for her extraordinary talents. Her voice was one of the strongest in the department. Any chance to hear her sing, everyone will pause and listen without a second thought. It was a less than two minute set, but YN managed to have everyone mesmerized and swooning.
"Thank you , YN," Mr. Park says. "Beautiful as always."
YN was dismissed and she walked briskly off the stage, trying to hide her wide smile as she made her way back to the hall. She felt good about this audition. Really good. So good, she thinks she's got Ahn Soojung beat.
"How much longer must I wait?" Beomgyu sighs, restless. He's slumping closer to the ground, letting his back slide down the wall without resistance. It's been two hours since auditions began and he still hasn't been called up. His friends stayed back to wait with him after their auditions, wanting to make sure he saw it through.
"You know for being a drama club hater you sure are dramatic," Taehyun scoffed, watching him sprawl across the hallway floor and sulk.
Eunchae walked out, catching their attention.
"Choi Beomgyu." She says, looking around and laying her eyes on the boy exasperated on the ground. She tries to stifle a laugh as she watches Soobin and Yeonjun pluck him off the floor and onto his feet.
Yeonjun pushes him forward. "Be good!"
Beomgyu waves him off, trudging his feet up the stage and to the stage marker as directed by Eunchae. He gives her a friendly smile and nod, thanking her for her guidance. After she disappears to the side stage, he sulks again facing Mr. Kim and Mr. Park.
"Beomgyu?" Mr. Park says, surprised and confused. He looks over to Mr. Kim, who has a goofy grin across his lips. He pauses, realizing this must've been the 'big plan' Mr. Kim told him about earlier that day. "Nevermind."
Mr. Kim closes his script, leaning forward to rest his arms on the table, "I'll let you do whatever you've prepared. I trust it's an appropriate and genuine reflection of your effort."
Beomgyu nodded, clearing his throat and shaking the nerves out of his arms. He didn't have much prepared. He just picked a random scene and a random character to learn the lines of the night before. It wasn't exactly his best effort, but it was an effort nonetheless. The goal was to pass, not excel. His delivery was decent. A bit silly, but still decent enough to pass Mr. Kim's standards.
"Alright," Mr. Kim says, jotting down a few notes on Beomgyu's audition sheet. "What will you be singing for us?"
Beomgyu looked around wide-eyed. He was not aware he had to prepare something to sing. It was a silly slip, considering it was a musical. Singing was obviously going to be involved.
"Just sing anything you're comfortable with," Mr. Park smiles, trying to encourage the lost puppy before them on stage.
Beomgyu nods. He thinks for a moment before taking a deep breath. Time to get it over with. The auditorium was silent. Only the club directors, his friends, and a few crew members who were facilitating the auditions were watching.
"You're the sun to the moon, You're my ocean painted blue,"
Beomgyu's voice echoed. His eyes closed, body swaying to his own rhythm. His audience watched intently, trying not to make a sound. No one has ever heard Beomgyu sing. In fact, they didn't know he could. Mr. Park and Mr. Kim looked at each other. No word was exchanged, but they knew they were thinking the same thing.
As soon as Beomgyu finished singing, a deafening silence filled the auditorium for a brief moment. The crew members shuffled quietly, preparing for the next audition. Soft whispers among them could be heard. About what, who knows. The quiet was overpowered, however, by the loud claps and whoop-ing from Beomgyu's friends. Yeonjun was on his feet leaning over the row in front of them, calling out Beomgyu's name while violently clapping. The others looked between themselves with shock while clapping and cheering.
"Thank you, Beomgyu," Mr. Kim says, impressed. "The cast list will be up Monday morning."
Beomgyu bowed, excusing himself off stage. Part one of his assignment finally over and done with. As soon as he walked out the stage door he was bombarded with his friends jumping on him and yelling.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU COULD SING?" Taehyun exclaimed, teasingly punching Beomgyu on the back.
"Because I don't," Beomgyu said, trying to shake them off him.
"You're so full of it," Soobin scoffed. "You're getting a part."
"Don't even say that," Beomgyu huffed. "I would rather take the L than put myself through a musical."
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justanothersquidblog · 11 months
I haven't seen you say much on Mira, what's up with her?
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKAY OKAY OH BOY OKAY. I have a lot to share so buckle up.
so Mira! Mira Mira Mira!
Mira, on the OUTSIDE, is just so sugary sweet- she calls eveeeeryone darling and treats them with this constant flirty honey like charm that just coils you up in this ball of pleasantries you haven't realized she insulted you three different times in a sentence.
She's a bit of a mastermind. With a mind that goes a mile a minute really. And its not over mathematics or Scientifics no she's smart with People. She's got the equation for people down. It was hard when she was younger, but she claims to have cracked the code.
She's the team strategist when she wants to be helpful and a manipulator of conversations for fun. She can see where people's dialogues will take them three paragraphs early and move around the script for the fun of it.
Cause knowing everything about who people are- their masks- their fallacies- its all boring and dull and discouraging to her. Everyone has this air of fake it till you make it professionalism the only thing Mira can find life and enjoyment in is playing with them.
When everyone around her is fake there's no one to actually connect with and so she in her own way is quite lonely. And she knows she's the same too. She hides behind her own sugariness to make sure her own mask is immaculate.
Mira can not physically cry. For the life of her, she's tried. But she can't. She boils until she pops. And she refuses to pop in front of masked fakers she can read the ins and outs of without care.
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Only Mira's older sibling really knew who the real her was. They were a bit of a cry baby. So they'd shed tears for her. As she boiled in her emotions. There was no one else who knew her better- But after they disappeared, she hasn't seen them since, and wonders every day if she's alright. And every day, she never shows a thing.
This mask, she can't take off. No matter her emotions, how she truly feels, it feels as though she's got the mask glued onto her face now, and there's no way to take it off. Mira has a difficult time expressing her true emotions but unlike Ingrid who resorts to grumpiness and coldness, Mira takes the face of a charmer. And it's tiring.
THIS CHANGES OF COURSE with the arrival of Callie- and Mira finds herself becoming a more involved character in her squad. More than just the sweet face with sweet words and a snappy bite- she starts to console and encourage the others and lets down her own guard and be more genuine with the people she loves.
Mira loves very deeply when she feels like she can, but the ingenuiness around her stopped her from caring for a long time. But after the squad weave their ways into her heart, she loves for them so deeply. And her desire to take care of her people sparked a new fire in her.
She's still looking for her older sibling. Worried. Wondering. But unbeknownst to her, they'd fallen deep underground- into a metro- where their mind and memories of her and themself were eventually taken away.
So who knows. Maybe one day they'll see each other again but will her older sibling remember her?
Who's to say.
......me im to say they'll reunite one day im sobbing okay im done now im sorry this was so much lore IM SO SORRY
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orangeinecstasy · 10 months
about you ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ryan mcmahon
paring: ryan x reader (no use of y/n)
summary: waking up to one of ryan's late night writing session.
a/n: short ryan blurb because i love him sm and think about him all the time
wc: > 1k
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*reblogs, notes, and feedback are greatly appreciated!!
My sleepy eyes opened slowly, my hand reaching for the phone to check the time. I grab it, and the phone's bright light turns on, causing my eyes to squint before they adjust. Two am, the time read. I set my phone down with a huff. I was used to waking up in the middle of the night unannounced, but that didn't mean it was any less annoying. I set my phone down, turning over to cuddle up with my boyfriend but finding an empty bed.
"Ryan?" I say, sitting up, now fully awake. I look around the room, the moonlight peaking through the curtains as the light source. I push back the covers, standing up, the cropped shirt I wore to bed now seeming like a wrong choice as the air of the room presses against my skin. Opening the door, light from the hall spills into the room, the faint sound of a guitar coming down the hall. 
I walk down the hall, leaning against the door frame of the music room, and find Ryan. Guitar lades across his lap as he sings quietly, hands moving effortlessly across its strings. "Late-night jam session?" I say with a small laugh. He looks up at me, a faint pinkness in his cheeks as he sets the guitar on its stand.
"Eh, Kinda," he says, rubbing his nape. I walk over, moving some of his hair out of his face before settling on his lap. "I know this is your job, babe, but you need to rest," I kiss his temple gently. Ryan's arms wrap around me, a sigh leaving his lips.
"I know, I know. I'm just trying to write this song, and I feel like it's coming out all wrong," as he spoke, I watched his eyes cloud with unsureness. "I'm sure it's wonderful. You're the most talented songwriter I know," I say, trying to give him some encouragement and comfort. 
I looked over at the desk littered with crumpled paper and a notepad with what I assumed to be lyrics written on it in Ryan's script. "Here," I get up, pull up a chair next to him, and sit down.
"Why don't you play it for me? That usually helps, yeah?" I rub his arm gently, smiling. He picked up the notepad, eyes moving from it and back to me. "Uhh, I'm not sure," he says with a slight shrug.
"Awe, come on, Ry, there's nothing to be nervous about. It will be wonderful," I kiss his cheek, leaning back into my chair. 
He rubs his hands together, picking up the guitar, fingers plucking the strings to ensure everything was still in tune. Clearing his throat, his eyes scan the notepad before looking at me again. "Promise you won't laugh?" he pushed his hand through his hair. I nod, smiling softly,
"I promise! Seriously," his hands move across the strings, a beautiful tune flowing from the guitar. 
He paused, causing the instrument to make an unusual noise. "Before I start," he took a deep breath, a soft blush prickling to the surface of his skin. "I just want to let you know that this song is potentially... maybe... definitely about you," he says, a mix of embarrassment and nervousness on his face.
My face lit up, lips pressing together, trying to conceal my smile and excitement. "This is going to boost my ego a bit too much," I say with a small laugh. "Please, you're so cute," he says with a smile before playing the song again. 
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The song finished, and tears welled up in my eyes. Ryan set his guitar down, rubbing his hands on his thighs. "Thoughts?" he cleared his throat, looking over at me. "Ryan... I... that's the most beautiful song I've ever heard. I really, truly, love it," I blink away the tears in my eyes and take his hand into mine.
"You're so fucking talented," I squeezed his hand gently, watching the worry fade from his eyes. "Thank you, baby," he kissed my cheek gently, "I'm really, really glad you liked it. It means a lot," he squeezed my hand back, kissing my knuckles. 
"Can I take up that going-to-bed offer again?" he stands, stretching his arm above his head, causing his shirt to shift up slightly. "Of course," I stand, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him gently. He hums gently into the kiss, letting the tension leave his body. The two of us walk back to the bedroom hand-in-hand, falling asleep in each other's arms.
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just-a-carrot · 4 months
Helloooo!!! I was looking for inspo for my own visual novel a little while back, it's set in a ballroom so eventually the keywords lead me to discovering save the last dance (and itch.io in general im a total noob to this lmao) i dont know what it was but it just like took a vice grip around me INSTANTLYY.
So I downloaded the main game today and I am actually silently cursing you because I got nothing done all day I was just like transfixed. The artstyle grew on me alot, and oh godd the character designs... God I love the designs, espcially Genzhou's. There's just so much love (even in every gruesome death scene lol) put into this it's almost difficult not to get obssesed...
Also sidenote I found it kind of encouraging almost to see that you're (self-proclaimed) older, I found that really inspirational lol. There's something that just makes me want to create and actually sit down and learn when I play your games. I guess I've always had this feeling of having all the time in the world but recently I've been feeling almost like it's too late to learn new skills (which is kind if ridicolius since I'm like smack dab in the middle of gen z). Regardless I guess your work made me realize the artistry in visual novels, I could keep going but I tend to ramble lol
ahhhhhhhh this is so sweet!! i got very weepy reading this, especially as i'm already feeling quite soft today as it was a bit of an anxious one... 😭💕
that's fascinating that you found StLD first searching for ballroom stuff!! i am always curious how people first find out about any of my games. i'm happy you enjoyed it, especially enough to go play the main game sob. i'm incredibly touched
and i'm even more touched that you've been enjoying the main game so much 😭💕💕💕 especially all the kind words about the art!! i've grown more confident in my art more recently but especially in the beginning stages of the game i was incredibly self-conscious and worried about it because it was rather odd-looking and didn't match any other typical VN styles. so that's really sweet of you to say. this game certainly has had a lot of love put into it (and blood, sweat, tears, my entire life... etc.). it is very much a big passion project and my eyes were perhaps too big when i got started, but because it dug itself so deep into my psyche and i also made some good decisions like releasing in parts, etc., i've been able to keep working on it until the end despite it taking me like 2.5+ years so far. i'm not even sure i can put into words what this game and chars have done for me and my life and the many journeys and discoveries i've made along the way
dkjfalsdkf yes... i am a millenial, i will say that much. though i don't often feel like one. except for the fact that i often have no idea what people are talking about or referencing and tend to be awkward and confused most of the time LOL this is also why my characters are all older, as well. i sometimes feel a bit strange since i feel much older than many of the others in the VN dev sphere (well, perhaps in age only, not really in mental maturity maybe LKDJAFLKDS). if this can give inspiration to others that are also a bit older though, then i am glad 🤣 i have spent much of my life going from thing to thing and never really knowing exactly what i want to do. case in point my current job has nothing to do with my master's degree. though the one constant has always been creation of some kind, whether it's drawing or writing (and now with games, doing both of those on top of scripting and coding and a bajillion other things lol). i don't think you should ever feel "too old" to do something. or to get started doing something. or to feel like you "haven't done enough" etc. i say this so strongly because i also try to reassure myself sometimes perhaps LOL it's also ok if you don't know what you want to do so you're just trying out different ideas that you're passionate about. so many of us just wanna find something that makes us feel fulfilled and passionate, that makes our hearts ache, that fills us with joy and motivation. so if you can find something that does that for you, no matter how old you are, grab it and don't ever let go lkdajfalskd
at any rate, i'm glad i could also help you discover more about VNs in general. i hope it will be helpful as you work on your own games!!! 💕
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the-everqueen · 8 months
look. this fic started as crack taken seriously except now it's getting longer than a one-shot and we haven't even reached the crack yet. so i'm posting a snippet to like. encourage myself to finish it.
One thing has proven consistent in Matthew’s life, both as a human and as a raven to Dream of the Endless: changes in management are never smooth. It doesn’t matter how much you plan in advance, it doesn’t matter whether the new boss is qualified—things are gonna go sideways, at least until everyone adjusts.
Don’t get him wrong, Matthew doesn’t doubt that Morpheus did everything he could to ensure the Dreaming’s wellbeing before the Kindly Ones came for him. But jeez. Daniel Hall was a toddler just a few months ago and now he’s the next Dream King. Which Lucienne keeps telling Matthew isn’t quite right: the boss isn’t gone, the Endless are their functions, in some cosmic-fate sense Daniel was always already going to be Dream, yada yada.
Matthew doesn’t buy it. He went to the wake. He gave his tribute.
The kid is all right. But Matthew can’t shake the memory of him clutching the emerald at his throat, the echo of that familiar deep voice cracked down the middle. I am afraid. Hard to hold anything against him—he couldn’t have known what he was signing up for, and this ain’t exactly the kind of job that attracts volunteers. Still…the newness is unsettling. The realm feels like it’s on edge, waiting with bated breath to see what happens.
Which is how Matthew finds himself in search of a delinquent Nightmare.
The Corinthian, Dream tells him, has not shown up to work for the past several days. Dream doesn’t use those words, says failed to perform his function with a kind of detached precision like he’s reading from a script. It makes Matthew feel a little sick, though he’s ashamed to admit it: Morpheus’ words in an unfamiliar mouth.
He ignores that for the more pressing question: “He’s back in the Waking World?”
“No, he has not departed the Dreaming.” Dream’s brow furrows in transparent concern. Weird weird weird to see an identifiable emotion on that face—at least, one that isn’t annoyance or resignation. “I would know what he is doing, if not attending to dreamers.”
“Can’t you—I dunno—check in? You’re the boss.”
What Matthew doesn’t say is, that bastard promised me a reprisal. What he doesn’t say is, I heard Lucienne say he was supposed to be your masterpiece, but he gives me the creeps.
Morpheus would have heard these unspoken protests and said, You don’t need to like him to fulfill your duty to me. This Dream frowns and says quietly, “I don’t know that he would welcome my intervention.”
And that’s new, Dream taking into account someone else’s feelings, particularly one of his creations whose past incarnation—pardon the French—royally fucked him over. Then again, Daniel would have known the Corinthian as a protector of sorts. Maybe he’s feeling a residual fondness, that kernel of humanity come back to haunt the rest of them.
The thought makes Matthew sad. He ruffles his wings. “Yeah. Yeah, all right. I’ll fly around, see whether I can find him.”
Dream doesn’t give him any hints about direction, but Matthew figures it can’t hurt to swing by the Corinthian’s house. Well, “house” is a generous term for the architectural Kleenex box where the nightmare chooses to reside, as close to the shoreline as Dream would tolerate. Matthew wasn’t around to know whether it’s a relic of the first Corinthian, but he thinks it’s an eyesore regardless.
He swoops in through an open skylight. The place is too fucking massive for just one person, in his opinion, so it might take him awhile to search—
“Hey, birdie.”
Matthew lets out a croak of surprise and banks to land on something that might be a side table, might be a piece of driftwood enlisted for Aesthetic Purposes™. The Corinthian is sitting cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by skeins of colorful thread. Instead of a knife, he’s got a needle pinched between his fingers, which he’s stabbing into…surprisingly not a body, but a piece of fabric stretched across some kind of wooden hoop.
“Man, what the fuck,” says Matthew.
“You’re the one who came here uninvited,” the Corinthian says with a shrug. He resumes the stabbing. Matthew can make out the vague outline of something that might be a duck, embroidered in grey and orange thread. It’s got a knife in its beak. “What are you doing here, anyway?”
“Delivering an HR report.”
“That’s a lie, Lucienne wouldn’t talk to me even through a middleman.”
“It’s from our mutual boss.”
“The Dream King?” The Corinthian frowns. “What’s he want?”
“For you to do your job, apparently.”
“I’ve been doing my job.”
“Uh, no, you haven’t. Not in the past week or two.”
If the Corinthian were a normal human being, Matthew would say the expression that passes over his face is guilt. The fine lines around his mouth(s) tighten, his eye teeth grind together in a gesture that might be glancing from side to side. But then the Corinthian refocuses on his embroidery project. “Well, tell him not to get his panties in a twist. I’ll be on the clock tonight.”
“If you want PTO—“
“—we don’t actually get paid—“
“—you gotta talk to Lucienne—“
“—I know, I know, submit the requisite forms, blah blah blah—“
“—and not just fuck off on your own, I mean, you of all people should know that.”
The Corinthian tilts his head. Something about the motion makes Matthew’s feathers stand on end. “Me of all people?”
“Well. Yeah.”
“No, no, birdie, why don’t you say what you mean.” The Corinthian flips the needle over his fingers and it transforms into knife. “Tell me how I’m special.”
Matthew lets out a nervous kraw, spreading his wings. “Man, you’re on thin fucking ice, you think Dream is gonna be chill about you killing another one of his ravens?”
“Alex Burgess shot Jessamy.”
“Because you made sure she was cut off from the Dreaming.”
“That wasn’t me.”
“Close enough.”
“Really? You think the current Dream King is close enough to Morpheus?”
Matthew shuffles from one foot to the other. He ought to take flight, tell Dream that he found the Corinthian and his lord’s former masterpiece has taken up arts and crafts. Let Dream decide what the punishment for that offense is. But he feels the need to protest, to prove his loyalty. Maybe because he’s the New Guy (if not as new as the latest incarnation of the boss). Maybe because the Corinthian doesn’t get to question his commitment to the job.
He says, slowly, “He’s Dream of the Endless. That’s all there is.”
The Corinthian barks out a surprised laugh. “Guess you’ll stick around,” he murmurs cryptically, and the knife is a needle again. He lowers that awful not-gaze back to his embroidery hoop. “You can tell our Lord Shaper that his renegade hammer will be back to pounding nails tonight.”
“Was that an innuendo? It felt like it wanted to be an innuendo.”
“What doesn’t?” The Corinthian’s smile is all teeth.
Matthew ignores that. “So is this what you’ve been doing while AWOL? Making home decor?”
“What’s it to you, birdie?”
“I dunno, seems out of character. Shouldn’t you be plotting murder?”
“Maybe I’ve been slipping into the Waking World.”
“Nah, you aren’t stupid. You wouldn’t be that obvious about it.” Matthew pauses. “Besides, Dream said you hadn’t left the Dreaming.”
“So he is keeping tabs on me.”
“You’re dreamkin.”
“Yeah, veritable tracking chip built right in.” The duck is gaining feet, bright flashes of color making a pantomime of long strides. “Like knowing where your right hand is.”
“Does it bother you?”
“Would it bother you?”
“Not really. I mean, it doesn’t. When the boss rides along. Uses my eyes or whatever. Feels weird, but that’s what I’m here for.”
Matthew looks around the room. It’s organized like a human apartment, albeit one of those fancy places in Architectural Digest: sleek white sofa and matching chairs, glass coffee table that doubles as modern art, hardwood floors so gleaming Matthew can see his reflection in them. He’d assume it was for show except for details like the discarded books and the blood-spattered “Home Sweet Home” cross-stitch framed on the opposite wall.
“Are you…bored?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Taking up new hobbies, skipping out on work.” Matthew gestures at him with a wing. “I dunno, feels like burnout.”
“And what do you care?”
“Well, the last time you got dissatisfied with your job, a lot of people died—caw, fucking shit!”
He takes flight just in time to dodge the wicked blade that comes at him with eerie accuracy. It sticks in the table with a thunk, before it dissolves into sand.
The Corinthian snarls in triplicate, “That. Wasn’t. Me.”
“Okay! Okay, sorry, fuck.” Matthew circles in the air a few times before landing on the back of a chair. “You could just say so, don’t gotta get all murderous about it.”
“S’my nature,” the Corinthian says, mulish. His fingers sort restlessly through the rainbow of thread. It’s a minute before he chooses a sprig of green and starts threading it into his needle. Sunglasses materialize on his face, hiding his terrible eyes. “What are you hangin’ around for? Don’t you have a report to deliver?”
You don’t have friends, huh. Matthew is smart enough not to speak his observation out loud this time. Makes sense, though. The Corinthian is a Nightmare, and in the narratives he inhabits, all his overtures end in murder. Probably other dreams don’t want to get too close, even if this incarnation is supposedly collared and muzzled. Hell, Matthew didn’t want to come here just to see what the fucker was up to. In hindsight, he assumed something nasty. Not…whatever the fuck this is.
He thinks about what it might have been like, being Morpheus’ favorite. He thinks about Dream saying, I don’t know that he would welcome me.
He thinks maybe the Corinthian is lonely.
“I’m not a messenger pigeon,” Matthew says, ruffling his feathers in mock outrage. “Besides, Dream asked me to check out what you’re doing. You really want me to tell him you got distracted making home decor? Won’t that tarnish your image or something?”
The Corinthian frowns at his wobbly duck.
“He already caught me slacking on the job,” he says.
“Look, I’m just saying—if you want me to tell him you got distracted by some cute nightmare, I’ve got your back.”
The Corinthian curls his lip like a dog. “Why? You think I’m gonna forget about you ditching me back in Svartalfheim? I know you don’t fucking like me.”
“What, I can’t do a favor for a coworker?” The Corinthian’s fingers twitch, and Matthew croaks. “Fine, fine, sure, if it makes you feel better. I cover for your ass and you stop threatening to kebab me, how does that sound?”
The Corinthian stitches a whole patch of grass before he says, “All right. You got a deal.”
“Cool.” Matthew tries not to dwell on how it feels worse than if he’d made a pact with the literal Devil. Okay, no, that’s an exaggeration, Matthew went to Hell the once and he’s not keen on having another interaction with Their Unholiness anytime soon. But keeping a secret for the Corinthian feels a lot like betraying Dream, even if it’s harmless.
At least, he thinks it’s harmless.
Man, he’s going to feel so stupid if it turns out the embroidery is part of some scheme.
He mantles his wings, preparing to take off.
“You got anything you want me to tell the boss?” he asks.
“Thought you said you weren’t a messenger pigeon.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t pass a word along. As a favor.”
The Corinthian doesn’t respond for a long minute. Matthew starts to think that’s his answer, but then he says, all lazy cheer, “Nah. I got nothing to say to him.”
And Matthew thinks that’s the biggest lie he’s ever heard but it’s not his job to argue, so he heads back to the palace.
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bishiglomper · 4 days
I can't sleep
I took a whole muscle relaxant but.... yeah
My brain won't stfu
I keep trying to run scripts
Being one of those self conscious autistics freaking SUCKS
I figured out how I could ask Amir stuff though.
I'm weird and can't curse IRL without some major effort so to just SAY "You don't have to fuck to be fab" is already hard enough without the extra layers of social anxiety that come with it. I was about to conceded defeat with that idea. But fuck it I'll just hand him a note like "Can you say this line as Alastor pls?"
Also I was kind of hoping for a-
"You dont have to fuck to be fab, darling!"
But then I thought if he did it more like-
"You dont have to fuck to be fab, my dear."
THEY HAVE SUCH DIFFERENT VIBES AND I LOVE THEM BOTH like a "let your freak flag fly" VS encouragement UUGH how do I verbalize that exkncbfjsn. Like honestly if he did the latter I might get teary fr 🥺
Also that would be fun to share with a panel and voice it at a mic but LOL like i could do that. 💀
Also. If I WERE to have the courage to use the mic..
I would want to pose a question to him as Alastor, and say something like "Do you consider yourself asexual? (a sexual)" (ty 🤭 @grownupchangeling)
But that's a very risky chance of Amir catching onto the wordplay let alone expecting him to run with it.
If I can get a hold of him before the Sunday panel (which, I freaking hope I would) Maybe I could just run it by him and then he'd be prepared.. 👀
See, I told you, my brain just won't shut up. I'm so anxious lmao I hate speaking to people. I wish I could just emote irl. Sigh.
You know nephew is so different when he's in a mask costume. Pikachu or plague doctor, he loves interacting with people. He actually had the confidence to sit away from his family to join other kids at an interactive thing at the Ren Faire, and he sat himself at the edge of the road to greet and pass out gems to passerbys. He's just totally different.
My friends said her kid was like that too. With masked costumes, they're just more confident. And she can tell how comfortable they are by whether they're wearing their covid mask or not.
I cannot put on that type of mask, my self consciousness runs too fucking deep. I can't even play imaginary with kids. I can't read/sing aloud. Barely even alone. I feel like too much of an idiot.
One time anime club asked me to explain the plot of the anime we were gonna watch because they didn't see the first episode, but I had. The lights were off, I was in a corner, I didn't have to look at anyone and they didn't have to see me. I also knew beforehand that they were going to ask it of me. I did it but I felt like I was on fire. Even all that only helped by like 15%.
It is just. So bad. So, so bad. My online interactions are only marginally better. The think-to-text filter is a lot more forgiving than the think-to-speech one.
So anyway, that's the trauma dump of the day ✨️💅 I hope you enjoyed your stay ✌️
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atthegeniusfactory · 1 year
wonwoo briefs him one more time about the interview, reminding him that he has to finish on time so they could catch his flight to los angeles at night. he reads the script for him again as he sat at the back of the car sipping his coffee. 
today marks the sixth year anniversary of writer lee jihoon. today he will also reveal the end of his series because tomorrow, jihoon hopes he could finally write something else.
"ji, are you really sure about this? the questions, you sure you will answer all of them?" wonwoo asked him one last time when he gets his make-up done. 
"you look more nervous than i am." jihoon tried to sound like he isn’t on the verge of running away but the faint tone of uncertainty could not escape wonwoo's ear. 
"you know i'm proud of you, yeah? not just as your manager but as your best friend first too." jihoon understands and he could only smile at him. a genuine one because he, too, is actually proud of himself. finally. 
the interview goes on as written on the script. seungcheol is one of the journalists he became closed with throughout his career. jihoon trusts him enough to write only what is necessary and true. the set feels more comfortable than he expected and he was glad. jihoon smiles when he was asked about his fans and their reactions on his novels. it was also his cue that the more awaited questions will follow soon. 
"and you know you're fans have been intrigued about you and your writing process. many have been asking about the famous lee jihoon's love story that allows him to be able to write relatable characters with heart warming stories. today we will finally hear you answering these questions. i feel so grateful to be the one asking and hearing it first!" jihoon smiles through it all as seungcheol exclaimed looking at him then back at the camera teasing their future viewers. he discreetly takes a deep breath and when he does, his anxious eyes met his best friend’s encouraging ones. it's time. 
"and of course i'll go straight with the most asked question, what is lee jihoon's love story?" 
it happened when he was twenty one and in a club. he was the youngest of the group and the last to officially turn as a legal adult. his college friends, if he can call them that, back then was so firm on making him celebrate his legality “the true man's way,” drinking liquors and smoking cigarettes that are not bought with a fake id. 
they were so adamant on having jihoon break his rules—no drinking alcohols, no smoking, no piercings and tattoos. jihoon had found excuses before when he was invited to sneak inside bars or take five minute cigarette breaks in between classes at the back of their building. 
call it peer pressure. he can't leave the group because then he would be alone. he thought it was easier to pretend to fit in and be part of something than be alone and have everyone look pity on you. jihoon convinces himself that they were actually fun to be with for the most part. they're good people, he tells himself even after he found out that there's a group chat of everyone except for him. 
and just so they could stop bothering him, he agreed to go to a club in hongdae. tells himself this is the last time he will see them anyway. they are graduating in two months and they would definitely cut ties with him after. 
not even forty minutes after they entered, jihoon finds himself searching for the exit. he was able to dodge all the drinks passed to him. he was tempted at one point because he paid for half of it but then lets it go. he was introduced to different people, mostly girls who act like they have known him since forever, praising him for his studies and more for his muscles. jihoon started working out and lifting weights last month and he thinks he's making progress if not for the girls trying to touch him up everywhere. 
he saw the red exit sign and was almost relieved to be finally out of that clammy place but only to be greeted by the smell of burnt fog and cigarette butts on the ground. jihoon quickly scrunched his nose and waved his hand to dismiss the smoke coming his way. 
"wrong exit, buddy.” jihoon turned to the only person standing there with him. 
he watched as the blonde man takes one last hit of his smoke before turning around to let it out. jihoon raised his brow at that but thanked him in his mind. he stood there with no idea of what else to do aside from having to watch the other threw his cigarette on the floor and stepped on it. 
he eyed the blonde man who is certainly taller than him given the fact that jihoon is below average of what society perceives as a standard for a man's height. it was dimly lit in the area except for one blinking light bulb above the exit door. he tried to move himself a little to the left so he could see the man's face more. 
it was the first time, ever, that night that jihoon thinks he sees a man so beautiful that no other girl inside that stuffy room could compare. 
the man moves around to take a lollipop out of the front of pocket of his plaid shirt and a faint light shined on his face. jihoon noticed his eyes, small and slanting slightly upward on a perfect angle that if he smiled, jihoon swears it would look like a clock at exactly 10:10. 
when the stranger in front of him took the lollipop to his lips, jihoon almost wanted to snatch some air. his thin lips looked a little pouting, quite inviting if jihoon tried to spend more time staring at it. his jaws could definitely cut paper but his cheeks. when the man popped the lollipop on one side, jihoon could almost feel how soft and squishy his cheeks were. 
he was taken aback when someone opened the door and he was almost hit by it. two men stood behind him and started lighting their cigarettes. jihoon looked lost, literally because he doesn't know the place.
the first mistake he did that night was to agree to his friends in coming along. second was looking up at the blonde man in front of him at that moment and following him out in the streets. 
opposite of what he expected to happen, which was similar to a scene picked straight out of a thriller movie, the blonde man seemed decent enough. they walked together with a good distance between them. he also offered a vanilla flavored lollipop to which jihoon gladly accepted. the blonde man only asked him if he was okay when they were two blocks away from the club and to a much quieter street. jihoon only nodded and no one dared to talk the entire time after.
honestly, jihoon has no idea why he kept following the man and why the other does not look bothered at all. he wanted to break the ice first, maybe introduce himself or ask for his name so he could stop calling him blonde man in his head and thank him properly. but he’s not good at meeting new people and there’s a lollipop stuck in his mouth.
they stopped at a convenience store not long after and before jihoon could take the candy off his mouth and talk, the blonde man has already turned his back walking on the same street they just went to. 
jihoon thought it was his third mistake that night, not getting his name or his number.
life continued for jihoon and he eventually forgot about the blonde man. he graduated, spent a month back in busan to be with his mom, got his first job as a production assistant and then moved back permanently to seoul.
jihoon was able to build a new routine. he wakes up at 6, leaves his apartment at 7, and reach their office at 7:45. sometimes he eats lunch with jeonghan and wonwoo, his workmates who he found himself genuinely liking. most days he eats alone on the way to sets or shoots. he comes home at 9, sleeps at 11, and the cycle continues.
he could tell how much different his life is now just because he is surrounded with people who doesn’t force him to open up and do things he doesn’t like to. jihoon learned not to care about what people thinks of him. somehow. he just really wants to live freely. 
some nights jeonghan would invite him for a drink with his other friends and jihoon learned how to say no. jeonghan did not ask more when he said he doesn’t drink, but he would still always invite him nonetheless.
jihoon found himself tagging along with wonwoo a lot more specially on saturdays. one time during lunch, wonwoo asked him if he likes to play computer games and he said yes. next thing he knew, he is sitting in a pc bang fighting with wonwoo because he lost in a match. it was the first time he learned about wonwoo and met mingyu, wonwoo’s boyfriend. 
jihoon was assigned to a new project and was lucky to be working with wonwoo and jeonghan. it was for a tv campaign promoting korea’s music and dance. they had to travel and shoot at five different sites for this project and he’s just relieved that he has wonwoo and jeonghan beside him to share the struggles. 
the last site for the shoot was in busan. everyone were busy and dreading for it to end already. the project was really good, from the concept, the message, the locations, the sets, and even the hired singers and dancers. if jihoon was asked, he would say it’s one of his favorite yet.
especially when he locked eyes with the man who just came in. jihoon might have forgotten about the existence of the blonde man but definitely not those eyes.
and he was not blonde anymore. he has his hair dyed in jet black, cut short with the sides fading. oh, and he has an eyebrow slit. jihoon stood there frozen and he saw as the realization hits the other man as well. his small eyes and thin lips both opening wider. if not for wonwoo who nudged jihoon’s side, he would have stayed there for hours. what’s there to be surprised about seeing the not-blonde man again? it was not like they shared something from the past.
the shoot went perfectly well just like the other times. jihoon learned that the man’s name is soonyoung and is a professional dancer based in pohang. he is the leader of the group moonwalkers who were invited for today’s shoot. jihoon noticed also how wonwoo and soonyoung seemed close to each other. he saw them talking and laughing lightly around each other. jihoon might have passed it off knowing that wonwoo handled contacting the artists, but wonwoo have not acted like this before with other clients. 
“didn’t know you’re close with them?” jihoon whispered beside wonwoo. they are standing behind the monitor watching soonyoung take his individual shots. 
"i'm friends with him. we were on the same circle in high school." wonwoo answered. then he looked at the shorter guy beside him who has his eyes glued to the monitor. if wonwoo raised a brow with a plotting smile on his face, jihoon would not have known. 
everyone bowed and clapped after the director shouted "it's a wrap!" sighs of relief and joy can be heard and they were all absolutely happy to be packing up. jihoon was busy talking with other heads and assistants, double checking if they completed all their shots and inserts. when they were done, wonwoo was quick to pull him on the side where a certain black haired man was standing anxiously. 
before jihoon could protest and understand what's happening, he was already standing in front of him. if he could just glare at wonwoo and smack him in the head right now, he would. 
"soons, this is jihoon. jihoon, soonyoung. there! i have done my job. you can now ask the other things to each other. don't act like kids please i know you are each other's type if not for the questions earlier. bye!" wonwoo had the audacity to laugh and push the two closer to each other before walking away. jihoon turned and wanted to protest at wonwoo but soonyoung called him. 
"jihoon." like there was a magic bound with his name. the way soonyoung said it, blanketed with warmth, tenderness and fondness. soft against the deepness of his voice. jihoon inhaled sharply before facing him. 
just like that night four years ago,  jihoon thinks (no, he knows) that he has never seen someone so beautiful and breathtaking like the man standing in front of him. 
jihoon knew better to get soonyoung's number before they separated ways that day. soonyoung beats him to it though. they stayed in contact, exchanging messages and greetings every day. from good morning! good luck with ur job today hope u dont get into a fight with one of ur bosses to good night rest well and relax your body i know you did so well today teaching the kids.
sometimes the two would meet if soonyoung travels to seoul for a few days of dance workshop or when jihoon was assigned near wherever soonyoung is dancing or teaching. the two learned a lot about the other. how jihoon can't eat (live) without coke on his side and how he wanted to pursue music at first. how soonyoung is quite (not) obsessed with tigers and started living independently at a young age to purse dance. the two talk endlessly, never not having stories to converse about. they talk but never about that first night. 
jihoon dragged himself out of their building. he is not one to initiate skinship unless he feels extremely drained and out of it. tonight was one of those night. clinging and leaning his head next to wonwoo who was indulging him of his antics and holding hands with jeonghan who finds everything annoyingly sweet. it was not all the time that jihoon gets to be like this with them or anyone else. 
"heads up." wonwoo shrugged his shoulder causing jihoon's head to bounce and earning a deathly glare from the smaller. still sporting an annoyed look on his face, jihoon looked to where wonwoo was pointing. 
there he saw soonyoung waving at him while leaning on his car. he saw how his smiles turned from a small, shy and gentle one to a big excited one, so big it takes up his whole face and made his eyes disappear. jihoon found it endearing. calming. heartwarming. jihoon felt free from all the heaviness weighing him down. 
jihoon thought he might have found a resting place in soonyoung's gentle and genuine smiles. 
it was a real surprise for soonyoung to be in seoul, standing in front of jihoon that night. they did not talk about meeting up this week or the next because soonyoung was busy for an upcoming competition and jihoon with a new project. 
but soonyoung drove to seoul tonight. not for the reason that he has a workshop to attend to, but because he simply wanted to see jihoon. 
they ordered chinese takeouts and drove near han river. from their frequent meet ups during the past months, they found a not-so-hidden area near the river. it was away from the usual spots people sit at to enjoy seoul at night, but not too quiet for it to feel shady and unsafe. 
they ate, talked, sometimes pausing and spending quiet moments to listen to the faint music from someone busking near them. 
"why are you here tonight?" jihoon have been itching to ask since he walked up to soonyoung earlier in front of their building. 
soonyoung did not hesitate to answer him truthfully, “i missed you.”
the music fade out and stopped and the people running and cycling in front of them paused midway, and all that jihoon could see in that moment was how happy and animated soonyoung looked while munching on a big piece of mandu (he tried to eat it in one go making his cheeks puff). all jihoon could see was how bright and light life has been since meeting the other: how there was a reason to wake up each morning because there would always be a good morning message waiting to be read, how there would be chats or voice messages in the middle of the day reminding him to breathe, eat, relax, and enjoy work, and how there would always be a “job well done today! good night, ji!” to end the day.
jihoon wanted to tell the same three words but he couldn’t, as if those words were leashed to his core. what was so wrong in telling a friend that you missed him? 
“i like you.”
those three words made the world around jihoon deafening and suffocating. suddenly the music was playing louder like the bass was placed right next to his ear and every booming goes straight into his heart and people were running frantically, distraught with thousands of thoughts going in on their minds, and jihoon was looking at the fifteen year old version of himself.
when he first had to entertain the idea of admiring another man. when he witnessed how the entire school mocked a boy for confessing to another upperman. when his cousins would tease him for his small figure and pale skin. when he tried to tell his mom about this one boy and he ended up going to a church camp for a week. when he tried his best to hide the blush on his cheeks everytime joshua, his senior, would invite him for a basketball game after class. and when he ran away fast from the gym when joshua said the same three words. 
back then, jihoon feared the consequences of confessing to another man. the look of disgust from other people, the possibility of his mother sending him back to camp, the never-ending teasing and mocking, and having to go through school without any friends.
and now, jihoon still fears it. he knows better but he still can’t overcome his fears.
so he kept dismissing soonyoung and his antics, kept rejecting the admiration the other was showing, kept saying no. it goes on for five years because soonyoung said he can wait and he will.
but soonyoung got tired too, and left. there was nothing big and dramatic with how he said goodbye. jihoon knew that eventually the other will get tired of him, of waiting. somehow, he expected it to come.
soonyoung showed up in front of his apartment unexpectedly. he knew he was in seoul for a few days to attend a dance workshop and today was his last day. they had agreed they could not meet up because of their schedules and would just plan for another trip. 
so jihoon was surprised when he heard his doorbell in the middle of the night. he was confused when he saw soonyoung from the camera monitor. he definitely knew the passcode to jihoon’s apartment and would sometimes even invite himself in so why was he ringing his doorbell this time. jihoon stood uncomfortably when he opened the door for him and was not welcomed by a big yet gentle crushing hug from a smiling soonyoung. and he already knew how the night would end. 
that it would end up with soonyoung driving back again for two hours to reach pohang and he would never have another reason again to go to seoul aside from attending workshops. that there would be no good morning message tomorrow when he wakes up and the days after. that there would be no more spontaneous trips outside seoul. no more visiting different cities where the other would be, teaching kids how to bend their bodies properly and how to dance gracefully. no more soonyoung appearing randomly in front of his office or in his kitchen cooking his favorite meal. just no more soonyoung in his life after this night.
when soonyoung got no response from him after their talk, he stood up and left. jihoon wanted to run after him, grab his arm, hug him tight. he wanted to say “don’t.” wanted to beg if he could wait just a little more. but jihoon can’t do that to him anymore, can’t add more pain to soonyoung’s already breaking heart. so he remained on his couch, watched the taller man wear his shoes and walk out the door. not once looking back at him.
"so when did you realize you were actually in love with him?" seungcheol asked. 
"when he walked out my door and never came back."
jihoon was supposed to stay for a few months and take a break at los angeles, but he ended up staying permanently. it was a big decision he made three months into his break. he found the new city and the new life refreshing, like he actually had a restart in life. in this new city, he explored, questioned, and accepted his true self. he met people who shared the same stories and allowed him to come out peacefully. the new city embraced him warmly and it was enough to make him stay. 
wonwoo moved to los angeles as well, together with mingyu. it was hard working with jihoon through video calls and emails alone. fortunately, mingyu got a contract with an agency based in los angeles and so they decided right away to fly to the other side of the world. they also bought an apartment on the same building as jihoon’s with wonwoo reasoning that he missed his best friend and his cooking a lot. 
jihoon held a book signing event for the celebration of his first book after his hiatus. he was surprised and thankful that a lot of people still came to support him despite being away for five years.
he gleefully greeted everyone, spending a good few minutes talking with each one and signing their books. he remembered a few from years back and bowed at them thankfully for waiting for him and for traveling to los angeles just to see him. 
“thank you. enjoy the reading.” jihoon bowed and smiled at the fan. 
he turned to wonwoo on his side to ask for the time left but wonwoo was looking at something with a shocked looked on his face. jihoon immediately turned to where he was staring but was greeted by a man—blonde, a good few inches taller than him, and wearing a pink plaid shirt. 
jihoon wanted to punch the universe for bringing him back to the same sight he had fourteen years ago. the difference was just now, soonyoung was standing next to someone jihoon was quite familiar with.
“hi! it’s been a while, ji!” 
jihoon took a quick deep breath before smiling and greeting jun properly, “glad you’re here still, jun.” 
soonyoung looked surprised, looking between jihoon and jun. “you know him?” soonyoung said directed to jihoon.
“jun is quite a special reader. i don’t think i’ll forget him.” jihoon answered as he opens the book jun placed in front of him.
“babe i told you! i’m not delusional!” 
the pen jihoon was holding floats in the air for some seconds before he continued writing. jun was telling him how we waited patiently and knew he would come back eventually. jun told him how he finally met his own first love and how he was lucky to marry him. jihoon took a quick glance on both their hands and understood. 
jihoon congratulated them, thanked jun again for being a loving fan, and smiled at them genuinely. soonyoung didn’t say anything after and just waited patiently at the side for his lover. 
soonyoung smiled at him warmly before leaving the line and jihoon knew. it was the end of his chapter in soonyoung’s life. the closure he needed to finally be able to move forward and let go of his regrets, what ifs, and what could have beens.
when he came home that night, he opened a document that was sitting untouched for five years now. finally, jihoon can end this story. 
the end. 
been writing this for a long time now and i really want to write it beautifully. wanted to add a lot about jihoon discovering himself and dealing with his sexuality but i feel like i wont give it much justice and i wouldnt be able to write it ... good ?? hahaha i still have a lot to learn when writing and conveying messages especially with a topic this heavy.
would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on this one :)
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bengiyo · 2 years
War of Y Ep 10 Stray Thoughts
Let's finish off Frigay with the soap opera drama. I'll be relieved when this managers fighting is over, and I'm not sure I'll be continuing next week.
Last time we were here, we learned that Bew is likely not just a victim in all of this, and either has become or always was a player as well.
I'm going to miss these shorts once we're done with this pair.
I am glad Sprite gets to be in this show and have fun.
I do like the dramatic posing and framing. Curious how this payoff will blow up.
Glad to see Gus and Bew not qualifying their queerness as a couple and being direct about it, and contributing to the call for marriage equality. Super refreshing.
Ah, Sprite's character is talking to Toon. Small industry.
Oh, are we going to fuck on the counter? Pran would be proud.
Oh, Bew was the one who didn't want a formal contract? How long has be been plotting to bail on Toon?
It's time for the drama! Stefano is back and ready to swap some babies!
Yes, dramatic rain and lightning. Give us ambience!
Honestly, I'm tired of accounting for all the provocations and escalations. It's all too much.
(For a variety of reasons, I had to pause the episode here on Friday. We are resuming now on Sunday morning.)
Bew is definitely still an actor. Pla is not playing anymore and snatched that phone back.
Damn, now Gus has the moral high ground?
Okay, we need to talk about music translation and where we place this in our shows. It baffles me that we still haven't figured out how to let music subtitles appear elsewhere in the video with the uploaded subtitle files these services use. I like knowing what the singers of songs used in dramas are saying, but squeezing it between dialogue is so frustrating.
"I want to end all the rumors." Me, too, Toon. I'm ready for this entire plotline to end.
Oh no. Can we not script people touching their chests when we literally have mics strapped to them???
An airport goodbye in the age of security theater? It's more likely than you think.
I feel like I need to read some deep dives into FC culture.
Why is Bew taking this picture in portrait mode??
I'm enjoying this tentative reconciliation.
Love that BL and other dramas have made me emotional about a head pat.
I do like that both parts have ended on a hopeful romantic note. That's encouraging.
Next week looks kinda fascinating in that they're doing a reality competition show. Can't guarantee I'll continue. I didn't like these guys in the little we've seen, and I'm not sure I have enough Days of Our Lives jokes to make it through ten more weeks.
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emilydeananimates · 5 months
Script Version 1
From the story I drafted, I created the following script using guides from the internet on how to format it (in the document the font is Courier size 12 which hasn't carried over to the blog post). I have never written a script before so this was a completely new experience for me. However, writing a script has really helped me figure out the scenes for my project and will really help in the storyboarding process. I will likely review both the story and the script, but this post (and the one before) are the early drafts. I still haven't decided on a title for my project yet.
TITLE: ???
We’re inside a brightly lit living room. The Protagonist’s mum is gives her a hug and a kiss goodnight before heading upstairs.
The Protagonist is left alone looking at reminders of her 30th birthday. She reflects on the family photos on the shelves, photos of her siblings with their own families and the lone photo of herself. She sees a photo of her grandparents.
The Protagonist is a child, drawing at a table with her Grandfather. He has drawn a kingfisher and she’s proudly showing him her drawing.
She turns on the tv, flicking through channels, shows of couples, weddings and having children. The Protagonist turns off the tv and reads the cover of a magazine about finding love and achieving expectations. Annoyed, she puts the magazine down and leaves the living room.
She leans in the doorway looking out at the forest beyond taking deep breaths. Her phone buzzes with a reminder for work tomorrow. She turns back inside.
In her room, a radio voices society's expectations, and her childhood teddy bear questions her life choices. Angry, she rushes outside into the forest.
We’re in a dark, gloomy forest of dense trees. The protagonist falls over a root and a light catches her attention. She encounters a friendly glowing Kingfisher who flies off, indicating that she should follow. Intrigued, she follows the glowing trail left behind.
The clearing is full of doors with glowing blue runes which the Kingfisher flies through. The Protagonist tries to follow but the runes flicker and fade, the doors collapsing and a shadow figure emerging from the dust and rubble.
Frightened, by the figure attacking her, she runs from the clearing, only to find herself back in the same clearing, stuck in an endless loop of being in the same clearing.
The kingfisher reappears and guides her to a hidden doorway in the clearing guarded by the shadow creature. She tries various strategies: throwing a stone, using a makeshift weapon, even disguising herself; all attempts fail to get past the creature.
Exhausted and defeated, she gives up. The kingfisher transforms into her grandfather, offering encouragement.
GRANDFATHER My dear, why do you fight? You give the shadows far too much power. You are stronger than you realise; it’s time to forge your own path. There are so many opportunities in front of you, go ahead and create your own destiny.
Encouraged, the protagonist enters the clearing holding her Grandfathers hand, before he turns back into the Kingfisher and flies once more through the hidden door. She confronts the creature.
The creatures attack don’t touch The Protagonist, the creature diminishes in size with each failed attack.
The Protagonist reaches the glowing door, turns the handle and steps through. The door closes behind her and a golden rune for destiny glows where she once stood.
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
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@rosiinante asked: hiiii my loves xx does anyone fancy writing some headcanons for akazaya members (& Oden pls) reacting to a confession from a reader with a crush on them? please and thanks you my darlings ❤️💋✨
a/n: written by Lale (@childofblackmaria) <3 you had me at Akazaya, hehe. this was so fun to write and such a sweet request! love me some crush headcanons. i'm glad i could write you something in return for that sweet Rayleigh you wrote me. i also included your clown for you. hope you have fun reading this, ily x
word count: 818
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Oden our beloved
he’s the kindest and sweetest person to confess to, carrying his golden heart on display, shining so, so bright
sure, he is loud and doesn’t have a filter and he can come off as rude, simply because he unapologetically does what he wants, but he got the biggest and warmest heart which made you fall for him badly
Oden is blunt in his feelings and encourages you every day to be the same, knowing you tend to bottle up your feelings often
which is why it catches him by surprise first to hear those words coming out of your mouth
but lord, his smile once he realizes what you just said
makes you fall in love over and over again with him
wants you to meet his wife Toki over a steaming hot bowl of Oden because there might be something else that could get steaming hot tonight… and long-term, if you want to
slide him a bag of money to grasp his attention
and don’t shy away when he falls asleep mid-conversation, this man is busy with raising his father figure’s daughter by day and committing arson and robbery at night
confessing face to face can be a tricky thing, but luckily there’s other ways too
he’ll knock at your door at dawn, the love letter you left underneath his pillow the night before in his hands
his fox eyes resting on you, a smug smile on his lips, the lips you dreamt about kissing for so long
Denjiro will invite himself in, closing the door behind him and flop down criss cross next to your futon where you lay frozen, forgetting how to breath until he takes your hand into his, bringing it to his lips 
he’ll probably fall asleep two minutes later, but won’t let go of your hand and keep mumbling your name over and over again in his sweet dreams
this was not in the script
but luckily Kanjuro knows how to improvise
your confession surprises him first, considering how fond you seem of all the other Akazaya Nine. there must have been someone closer to your heart than him, right?
only when you pull him down to you by his long red hair, smack his face between both of your hands like a sandwich and look him deep in the eyes, repeating what you just said, he starts to realize
you’ve fallen for him, the fallen clown, how tragic and yet so beautiful
he’ll make a joke about how he has to ask Kin’emon first if other people are allowed in their marriage, sweating when you turn around huffing and puffing
wraps his arms around you from behind to hinder you from walking away
“if you’re okay with your heart in my hands, then we can try…”
yes you can kiss the clown man now
hardest part of confessing to Izou is overcoming your fear of rejection or in this case, the fear of being shot on the spot with his stern gaze alone
sure, he can be intimidating, but somehow you still feel so drawn to him
not only because of his effortless beauty but also because of his determination and the softness that shines through when you’re alone with him
when you gather all your courage and confess your feelings on that one starry night, away from the ears of the others, you’re not able to look him in the eyes
the floor is suddenly really interesting
only when Izou tilts your chin up with two fingers you dare to look up, your eyes meeting his
and oh, you’ve never seen him looking at someone so full of love, almost apologetically
those lipstick kisses stains that cover your face still burn up when you think back to it, like a memory engraved on your skin
the sweetest out of them all, it is said that her smile cures acne and depression and any broken heart
confessing to Kiku is easy, it feels soft and light, like a spring breeze waking up the sleeping blossoms with a gentle kiss
she takes your hand into hers while she’s listening to you, encouraging you nonverbally to let it all out as she draws small circles with her thumb on your skin
and then she smiles
rip because that’s the sound of your heart bursting into stardust out of happiness
Kiku might ask you for a few moments to fully take all of your words in, she doesn’t want to give you a rushed answer, even though you can tell from the sparkle in her eyes that she is beyond happy
when she nuzzles her face in the crook of your neck and whispers how happy she is, you’re completely melting away
she’ll probably pick you up and twirl you around once you’ve both confessed to each other, pinkies linked, a promise that this will be forever
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dreamgrlarchive · 4 years
Self Care 101 🦋
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In this post I’ll be outlining my current routines as they relate to self care. I’ll cover everything from head to toe making sure not to skip your spirit. You cannot be a girl of ANYONE’S dreams if you aren’t taking care of the most important person in your world: you.
wash face with gentle cleanser from curology, tone with organic Mamonde rose water and finish with rich moisturizer and spf30
brush teeth with activated charcoal toothpaste by Crest and baking soda for whitening and gum clarity
take vitamins : woman’s one a day, hair skin nails, biotin, vitamin c
drink glass of water then a cup of tea
black tea, raw cane sugar, a lemon slice, ginger
good for energy, immune function, and detox
this may sound so extra (😅), but depending on my hairstyle, I sometimes like to let the shower run for about five minutes with the door closed to create a sauna effect. this is especially if I have a mask on my hair.
my showers usually are about 20-30 minutes
I have a back brush, pink exfoliating gloves, a loofah, and tree hut body scrubs and I use them ALL.
I wash first with my dove beauty bar to assure clean skin before washing with EITHER my OGX Shea So Soft body wash or Dove Renewing Peony and Rose Oil body wash to add scent or silkiness to my skin.
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hair removal:
I haven’t yet mastered the art of waxing myself so I’m still riding the shave wave. *when I do I’ll make a post 4 that*
I exfoliate throughly before AND after shaving
I shave my entire body using Tree Hut Shaving Oil and a nice conditioner I’m not using. This leaves my skin super soft and silky and helps the razor to glide without skipping. I use Gillette Venus. no less than five blades, anything less is ASKING for nicks and a hard time.
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when I don’t feel like shaving, I use Nair. use at your own risk. yes, I Nair my ENTIRE BODY. only leaving it on for about 7 minutes I rinse in WARM (not hot) water and exfoliate afterwards. it is imperative to moisturize after to avoid irritation. however, Nair is much easier to do than shaving and seems to last an inkling longer.
after shaving, once a month, I pull out my KENZZI. it’s an IPL device and it has helped to slow the growth of my hair. it’s noticeable for us long, thick haired chicks. I use the second to lowest setting as a melanated babe, as the higher settings could burn me.
I know many endorse the hair on women movement and I can understand it. But I personally love my skin silky, hairless, and smooth.
after eating dinner, I wash my face and apply the tiniest bit of glycolic serum and my curology night cream. my skin has been the best it’s been in a few years. then I brush my teeth and rinse with peroxide.
every four days I give myself a facial
my favorite face masks:
The Ordinary Salicylic Acid mask
The Ordinary AHA + BHA mask
all Tony Moly sheet masks *luvvvvv those*
GLAMGLOW SUPERMUD clearing treatment *fav*
Peter Thomas Roth Pumpkin Enzyme mask
Peter Thomas Roth Cucumber Gel mask
Peter Thomas Roth Irish Moor Mud mask
Peter Thomas Roth Rose Stem Cell Bio-Repair Gel mask
ORIGINS Clear Improvement mask
An at home honey and aloe mask
I apply a rich facial moisturizer and get to bed.
I then write in my planner my new plans and what I did that day if I hadn’t already. then after that I script and make mood boards in my diary. then I read a little. currently reading: Making Faces by Kevyn Aucoin, and Live Like a hot Chick by Jodi Lipper.
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I talk to my grandmother about my feelings, she helps me sort things out. please try to find one person you trust to talk to, my messages are always open. 💓 I often overthink. I suffer from anxiety and clinical depression. sometimes these things make me FEEL limited. these experiences wax and wane. I remind myself that the darkness is temporary.
I write in my diary what I feel and track my emotions for potential patterns. I don’t manufacture or sugar coat my feelings, I just talk.
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sometimes you need a good cry. let it out. clean your slate. you’ll always feel better, sometimes great after a hard, deep sobbing cry.
I try to get out of the house and get some sunlight. it helps brighten my mood sometimes.
LOVE taking baths I don’t care what the status quo is about dirt. just rinse off. I love wrapping my hair up and soaking in warm-hot water.
first I run the water. as it’s running I add my bubble bath, then body wash, then my Shea Moisture fragrant coconut oil. it smells soooo good, literally yummy. then I inevitably scream from dipping my toe in the hot water. finally I get in, scrub down my body, emphasis on feet. then I wash, and just relax. I’ve even fallen asleep in the tub once, I was so zen.
careful not to soak too long or overdo it with your products. synthetic materials lingering in your lady bits for too long cause cause infections like bv or uti
some women add tea tree oil, acv, or even Aztec clay to their baths for wellness purposes. I love adding essential oils to my baths to relax and the natural scent is just great 🥺
when I get out I always put something that feels lush and soft on. *invest in super soft, comfy bath towels, they’ll make you feel so luxurious and soft after a nice relaxing bath*
the yoni is something sensitive that needs to be taken care of thoroughly, and differently than the rest of your body. it’s not recommended to use soaps down there, it can unbalance things and make you itch. also make you prone to infection. this is why I use clear warm water to clean. if I use soap it’s a sensitive, gentle formula. don’t ever try to clean the cavity. she’s a self cleaning vessel.
to shave, I trim my hair down as close as possible and use a FIVE BLADE razor with conditioner and take my time. making sure not to pass a spot twice, I apply moderate pressure and move slowly. when finished I rinse and scrub gently. I PAT not rub dry. to finish off I apply TendSkin, and salicylic acid to avoid ingrowns. once that’s soaked in I apply shea butter. very soft and pretty 🌸
⚠️ DO NOT PUT ON TIGHT PANTIES OR RIGHT PANTS AFTER SHAVING. it restricts the hairs and causes irritation and ingrowns. throw on some comfy loose shorts for a while, let it breathe
dietary needs:
drink plenty of water
cranberry juice
vitamin c
minimal red meat
at home vagacial for the high maintenance girlies:
*make any necessary extractions with pointed and slanted tweezers *
brown sugar, tea tree oil, a little shea butter
exfoliating and anti inflammatory
baking soda, fresh lemon juice, vitamin e oil, papaya juice, gelatin
fixes discoloration and brightens the skin while softening
aloe vera gel, rose hip seed oil
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smelling sweet:
ah yes, my favorite part. I love fragrance so much. I love to smell like you could literally break off a piece of me and eat it.
I find that using fragrant washes and oils make your scent more strong and help it linger. I already mentioned the body washes I use. the tree hut scrubs I use smell amazing also. I alike to add essential oils and man made scents like strawberry and chocolate to my Shea Moisture oil (so yummy).
I also use a fragrant lotion, eau de parfum, and fragrance mist.
here’s a list of some of my favorites:
jimmy choo fever
coach floral blush
yves saint laurent mon paris
victoria’s secret bombshell
victoria’s secret scandalous
fragrance mists:
victoria’s secret velvet petals, pure seduction, warm and cozy
bath and body works a thousand wishes, fiji pineapple palm, warm vanilla sugar, black raspberry vanilla
sweet almond
chocolate scented essential oil
strawberry scented essential oil
sweetest combo ever:
vanilla extract, coconut oil, shea butter, and your favorite perfume. you’ll be smelling like a warm cupcake with extra sprinkles and icing 🧁
oil, lotion, eau de parfum, mist
pulse points:
inside elbows and knees, in between thighs, inner arms, behind ears, back of neck, ankles
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it’s super important to keep your hair moisturized. quenched tresses move, grow, shine and bounce. dry hair is limp, lackluster, and extremely fragile
my fav diy deep conditioner:
a banana, half an avocado, three spoons of honey, an egg, a spoonful of mayo, a spoonful of coconut, olive, and castor oil each
strength from egg, avocado, mayo and olive oil
moisture from avocado and honey
cover damp CLEAN hair and scalp in mixture and cover with a plastic bag, then towel for an hour, rinse thoroughly, and seal in moisture
fav hair products:
castor oil
fusionplex conditioner and mask
Aussie conditioner
wella goji berry mask
coconut oil
style booster edge control
helpful tips:
when shampooing, concentrate on the scalp and wash thoroughly twice, as the suds will naturally cleanse your stands without drying and stripping them
rinse hair with apple cider vinegar every now and then. it restores your ph balance, smooths the cuticle, clarifies the strands, and adds shine
always add oil and leave ins to DAMP hair, never dry; this will ensure you’re sealing in moisture
try to use smooth fabrics to dry your hair, bath towels encourage frizz and breakage
hands and feet:
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and last but not least, let’s cover manicuring and pedicuring.
it’s super important to make sure your nails are either DONE or filed, shaped, and smooth. at home maintenance is super easy. make a point to scrub your hands and feet well when bathing. make sure to stay on top of your cuticles by trimming or pushing them back. I like the look that pushing them gives. I use an orangewood stick, metal pusher and cuticle softener to make the process super easy and safe. after I’m done I add my pineapple scented cuticle oil. I do this on my fingers and toes.
invest in a rasp and pumice stone for your feet and use these gently every two weeks after soaking them in warm foot salts. rough usage can cause cuts and irritation. in between treatments keep your feet soft by slathering them in a moisturizing foot cream, cocoa/shea butter then oil to seal it all in. buy some soft thick aloe infused socks and wear them to sleep. you’ll thank me 😉
for info on how I do my nails click this
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well, that’s all I’ve got. I truly hope you enjoyed my post! it’s always fun sharing my advice with you all. any feedback is appreciated and question is welcomed ♡
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astvs-p1ece · 3 years
do you do requests for p1harmony imagines if you do could you do one about how they would act around there idol crush!
A/N: of course! This is my very first ask and I was excited to wrote that. Sorry you had to wait ! I hope you will like it 💙💙 All of the scenarios are short this time, but I wanted to keep them like that :))
T/w: nothing! It's just a fluff, boys being a little bit shy you know the jezz
P1harmony scenrio:
You are his idol crush!
He laughed akwardly seeing the comments on Vlive. Few hours before, the boys had a stage for a MusicBank and your group shered it with them.
He had hope his red ears and face would not be notticed my anyone, but it was all that p1ces were talking about right now. He recalled the memory of your dialog that was scripted. After the rehearsal he thought he could handle your eye contact, but feiled miserably after you had to do aegyo.
It wasn't his foult you were so freaking cute and that your laugh made him giggle a little too much!
"It wasn't that deep, guys!" He say to the camera. "There was just so hot and this just influenced my temperature!!"
But even the emberresment he felt for hours and now again, wasn't a big price for your number you gave him after the show. His akwardness made him seem funny in your eyes and after the encouragement from your group members you shoot your shot.
He blushed again at this memory.
He realised he was looking at you for a little too long at the award show. But how could he not? Your outfit was really making you look like a fairy and your smile while you were giving a winning speech was someting he could watch all along.
Don't be weird, he thought to himself and took his eyes off of you to look at his fans and wave a little to them. He then remembered his menager's restrictions about not interacting with any idol too much to not couse any rumors.
Keeping that in mind he looked at you once again and then at the table the boys were sitting by. Playing with water's bootles, he was listening as you were continuing your heartwarming thanks.
After that part was over, the crowd applause you again and Theo felt his heands burning because of his harsh smacks.
"So pretty" He mumblle to himself and then the rest of boys started to laugh, pointing to him that his flushed face was on the big screen now. He get his grip together now that he was given more attention to, but he couldn't make the red cllour on his ears go away.
Yes, the script sometimes made him cringe, but wasn't it worth it when he could litearlly see you few times a week? It definitly was.
He felt really lucky when he heard that you will be his MC partner for Inkigayo. It was a great oppurtunity to get to know you. Yeah, the emberresment was definitly worth it. He kept telling this to himself before your first show.
God, the things he did to become friends with you...
"You don't have to be this nervouse, Jiung. This is a part of being an MC and this is so normalise nobody will really pay atention to the shit we're saying" You smiled at him and tried to cheer him up a little.
Jiung was a really geuine person and in your eyes he was good friend, so you didn't like seeing him like this. You hoped your words would helped him even tho you knew you didn't said very much.
And it did helped him. He felt a storm of butterflys in his stomach when you smiled at him like and when he realise you grew close togheter althought you didn't knew each other for a long time.
Intak smiled at the screen of his phone.
Recently your group released a new content. The episodes weren't too long and it main purpose was to keep your fans entertained. So Intak, as your fanboy no.1, was very entertained seeing how much screen time you got.
All of your members were wearing the headbands with animal's ears and you looked particulary cute with fox ears, all excited trying so hard to win and get snacks.
After he finished watching the video, he cought himself smiling a little too much and he was honestly suprised he got this happy from just a video. He already knew he had a soft spot for you and for him you kept getting more and more atractive each time he saw you, but his feelings weren't deep and he wasn't crushing on you, right?
Later when you two met at the company building, he accidenly said he thinks foxes suied you. It made you blushed, you didn't thought he was watching all of your content. And it also made him blush, panicked that he just made his crush for you so oblivious.
In the week you weren't seeing each other, Intak was getting thru mini breakdown over your latelest interaction. But it gave you a confidence to akwardly flirt with him next time you saw him and ask for his number, so at the end of the week, Intak turn from an emberessment bean to a happy bean full of love and energy.
"Have you seen new Y/N's vlive?" Jongseob read the comment on their live. Shota made it very clear before that he was your fanboy and talked to p1ces about some of your songs.
"No, something happend on it? I think I had classes on that time."
After that, the comment section blew up with the explenetions. Apparently, you were doing solo mugkbang and when you asked about songs recomendations your fans sugested P1Harmony. After listening to some of their songs, you then stared watching MV videos and dance practices.
He honestly didn't know what to say, so he only told fans that he will watch this vlive later. Althought he seemed pretty calm on the outside, he felt like the excitment was almost too much to hendle. Thought about you, his long time celebrity crush, acknowledging him was someting he didn't expected all of sudden.
After few hours, when he finally had time, he watched that and you really said you love his dance break, huh? This gave Shota a confidence bost. He hopeed that someday he will be able to thank you in person for this compliment.
Your groups were on a show where after recognising a song, you had to dance to it.
Before shooting your groups had time to say hello. Your members were goofing around with the boys and you were a little too shy to join, so you stand closer to the quiter members of P1Harmony.
You were talking with Jongseob and Shota when you realised that you were looking a little too much at the yunger boy. They both were really inteligent and funny, but Jongseob atracted you with his cute smile and witty remarks. Because of that you blushed so much and said you had to ask stylist to fix your makeup.
You stayed in the other room with your eldest member to the time the shooting was about to start.
The game was fun and since you really loved kpop dances you stayed on the middle of the dance floor almost all the time. Laughing, you listened hosts as they were commenting on your dance skills.
"Really, you stayed there so much you didn't even caught Jongseob looking all the time at you with doe eyes." This took you off guard. Your blush came back to your face and left you speechless.
When you were hiding behind your leader's back not knowing what to say. Jongseob thought he was going to die. He felt like a kid when his crush was being exposed, and to be honest this is exactly what was happening.
He looked at the other members and luckily they didn't fail to rescue him.
"Yeah, when Y/N dances it's hard to not look at her. I think it's normal when someone is this talented" your member add.
Shooting was over and you calm down a little. You waited for the opurtinity and told Jongseob you also coudn't stop looking at him. This day you came back to dorms with big smile, his kakaotalk ID and your members constant teasing.
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mssirey · 3 years
Some agentreign, with a tattoo artist Alex! 
Alex knew the roughly sketched symbol, of course. How could she not recognize the insignia of the character her sister played on her show—the campy series with its sometimes shallow commentary or ham-fisted allegories of the world, but that left enough room for interpretation that lent to a beloved view of its main cast. 
When Alex glanced up at the woman who had booked her afternoon slot, there seemed nothing outwardly fan-ish about her—her aesthetic one of corporate power, her blazer a sharp cut from a designer Alex couldn’t be bothered to know the name of, her palette choices bold, but smart—not someone she would have read as having much time for fun. But then, Kara was much the same, and she knew better about how deeply her sister loved being a part of a show about superheroes. 
“My daughter really loves the show,” the woman offered with a little wave of her hand at the drawing, a jittery air around her, as if she anticipated the judgment she might face, “and Supergirl is her favorite character, of course!” She laughed, a short puff exhaled as her shoulders sagged and her hand returned to ring together with her other. “She said I was her Supergirl the other day, and if you knew how much she loves the character—“
Alex stopped her then, a gentle smile touching her lips. “That is a beautiful base for a tattoo,” she assured. She stepped forward, reached out without thinking, hand covering the nervous twist of fingers, warm against her palm. That close, she realized how tall the woman was—especially as her shoulders pulled back and she straightened up just a little. 
Alex almost withdrew her hand as the woman’s teeth clacked sharply together. She watched lashes flutter over warm chocolate eyes as they dropped to where their hands touched, lingering while their breath was held as one. 
“Wow— ” one hand pulled free of hers, Alex’s stomach ready to turn, only for fingers to run so gingerly over her own skin—from wrist up her forearm—drawing her gaze down to the full sleeve of ink that she had poured her own heart into, disappearing beneath the once-tidy cuff of her shirt, since stained with the efforts of the day. “Your tattoos are… so…” she had heard all manner of words to describe the art she wore—everything from ‘intense’ to ‘troubling’—rarely a favorable opinion coming from someone who wasn’t an enthusiast, “catching.”
Alex swallowed as those fingers traced a line of color, meant to accentuate the form of the figures at the center of the design—both a representation of herself, stood back to back; one stripped down to blood and bone; the other painted in an unnatural light, too ‘perfect’, meeting all the expectations placed on her, shackles on her wrists and chains weighing down her shoulders. 
“I designed it myself,” she said the first thing to come to mind, her eyes almost rolling at her own lack of wit. 
“I really like it,” the woman commented before seeming to realize how long she had been touching Alex, her hand jerking upward, a marvelous warmth reaching her cheeks. 
They parted, a full pace put between them by the time Alex found the breath to offer her thanks. 
“So, um, did you just want the insignia?” Alex held up the sketch to bring them back to business. 
The woman faltered, a plea writing itself into her expression. “Well, um, so, you might be able to tell, but I’m not much of an artist,” she exhaled, a laugh bubbling up after, plucking at the chords of Alex’s heart. “I know I want to use the symbol, but I… I don’t know what else to include.”
Alex chuckled along with her. “That’s alright,” she assured. “Come on, let me stretch a few ideas for you,” she waved for the woman to follow her, leading them to her drawing table. The sigh of relief she heard tickled up her spine, and she had to resist shivering. 
Drawing on little bits of knowledge she had picked up from Kara, Alex started with a simple base, offering the traditional symbol along with a few alternate designs—some softer, some sharper, some with broken or doubled lines to add a bit of extra dimension—before getting into a range of accenting options. 
The woman was vocal with her thoughts as she looked over Alex’s shoulder, humming approving notes when something stood out to her, or commenting on the touches she liked, allowing Alex to easily evolve the piece. There was particular interest when she mentioned the phrase ‘el mayarah’ and explained its meaning. 
“Oh! Ruby has definitely said that before,” she gushed, the happy little sigh that accompanied the words tugging at the corners of Alex’s lips, her grin so effortless. “We should definitely include that!” 
It wasn’t long before they had a final design— staying true to the show’s version of the insignia and incorporating both ‘el mayarah’ and the script of the language used by Supergirl, wreathed by a flowy, cape-like backing. 
“This will likely take two visits— one for the linework and base coat, and then another for the detailing. Is that okay?” She certainly wouldn’t be sad to see the woman again and grinned when she agreed. “You said you were hoping to have this on your back,” Alex prompted as she led the woman to her station. 
“Over my heart, yeah,” she confirmed.
“I really like it,” Alex echoed the words spoken to her, and she genuinely meant it. She loved the way the woman talked about her daughter, how every word ran deep with love, how cherished the little girl was. 
“Is there anything I should know... going in?” There was a surge of nervousness buzzing in the air as the woman shrugged out of her jacket, folding it neatly over the chair at Alex’s desk. 
There was a moment—as Alex watched buttons slipping free of their holes—that she forgot herself, staring longer than might have been polite before she busied herself with putting on her gloves and arranging her inks. “Mostly that when I’m over your ribs, you will feel it,” she sucked in a sympathetic breath. “But, I’ll be gentle, and you can always take a break, if you need.”
She waved the woman toward the chair, turning away as she divested her bra and slid into place against the padding. 
“Comfortable?” She got only a nod before she pulled up her own stool. “Relax,” she coaxed, placing a gentle hand on the woman’s back. “I’ll take good care of you and you can swear all you like.” 
“Glad to know it.”
As Alex had warned, the woman did feel it. Her breath hissed through her teeth, a sharp inhale that tugged at her, but then she relaxed beneath Alex’s hand. “Good girl.” The words slipped out before she could think to question them, and her own breath caught in her lungs, her gun lifting away from the woman’s skin. There was a soft shiver and then stillness, the barest whimper bubbling out of the woman. 
Alex could have perished. The woman was so pliant beneath her, and it took everything to concentrate on the design. But she leaned into that soft praise, continued to encourage her to stay loose, and things went very well—hardly needing to hold the woman still and working straight through without a break. And in the end, she did manage to finish the whole piece, running only slightly overtime. 
There was a little disappointment knowing that she likely wouldn’t see the woman again. “If you need any touch-ups, you can always reach out,” she offered. 
“Thank you,” the woman said as she gingerly slipped back into her jacket. She bent over Alex’s desk, scribbling something down on the sketchpad with all the trial drawings. “Maybe we could get dinner some time,” she nodded down at the page, where her number was scrawled. 
“I’d like that,” Alex grinned, excitement blooming in her chest. The woman’s name was also there on the page. “Then, I’ll see you later, Sam.”
“I look forward to it, Alex.” The sentiment echoed through her for days, accompanied with the image of Sam’s haughty little smirk. 
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shingia · 3 years
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here’s how the introverted/quiet haikyuu boys would try to flirt with you (most of them being encouraged/forced by someone else)
-> sakusa, kenma, yamaguchi, ushijima, akaashi, suna, kita
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sakusa had never felt the need to initiate any kind of contact with anyone ; sure, you looked breathtaking under the bar lights, but never in a million years would he risk getting out of his comfort zone. at least not without a little (big) push from komori. when he finally agreed to go sit next to you at the counter, it actually took you a few minutes to notice him, when he half-heartedly asked about your drink.
« how is it ? »
« pretty good » you smiled, a bit taken aback by this unannounced stranger. « um... do you want a taste ? »
he looked down at the glass you were handing him before letting out a disgusted “fuck no”. but after seeing komori desperately wave his arms from the other side of the counter, sakusa thought he could try to make an effort and proposed to pay for your next drink, still looking as uncomfortable as ever but also lowkey proud of himself.
kuroo was a pain in the ass, and kenma knew he wouldn’t know peace unless he gathered the courage to finally make a move after months spent daydreaming about you. and so he did, but definitely not as kuroo expected.
« hi, um... my friend over there is harassing me to come and talk to you so can you please pretend i just said something funny ? »
he looked very fidgety and you noticed he was nervously chewing the inside of his cheeks.
« sure, i got you » you smiled before tipping your head back and letting out the most realistic laugh you could fake. but it turned out that your laugh was actually very communicative, and next thing you knew, you two were actually laughing together at the stupidity of this situation, while kuroo was proudly watching from afar.
to say that yamaguchi had rehearsed would be an understatement. he had his script memorised and really hoped that your answers would be the ones expected. the last period of the morning had barely ended that he was already heading to his locker with a determined yet terrified look on his face. he knew your locker was right next to his, and that he needed to seize upon the little timespan he had before you left.
« hi... yourhairlooksnicetoday » he blurted out without any emotion in his voice but pure panic.
you looked at him with your eyebrows lifted, taking a few seconds to process his words before flashing him a bright smile. « oh thank you ! i really like your hair too ! »
oh. that wasn’t planned. yamaguchi’s thoughts started to race, yet his body remained frozen. and after a few seconds spent awkwardly looking at each other, you finally revived the conversation. « we should eat together someday ! see you later ! ».
poor yamaguchi’s heart was definitely pounding in his throat when you waved at him before walking away.
sure, ushijima wouldn’t have minded getting closer to you, but flirting was something he definitely wasn’t comfortable with. however, he thought he could give it a try and began dropping subtle hints. but so subtle that they were absolutely unnoticeable. for example, he considered complimenting your new school uniform the utmost form of flirting.
and when you finally realized what he was trying to do after several months, you decided to make his job easier by creating perfect opportunities for him to make a move.
« i don’t have anything planned this weekend, i’m probably going to bore myself to death... »
« don’t you have a test to study for next week ? »
well, he was certainly more oblivious than expected. but that doesn’t mean he didn’t accept your proposition to study together during the weekend. gladly accepted actually.
it drove bokuto crazy to know that akaashi had a crush on you but had never ever tried anything. so he considered it his responsibility to prep his friend for the moment he’d finally make a move.
fukurōdani had just won their first match of the season and akaashi was waiting for you outside the locker room, already a bundle of nerves. after congratulating him, you handed him his jacket that you had kept with you in the stands. « it kept me warm while i was freezing up there, so thank you », you smiled.
ok, now seemed like the perfect opportunity to put bokuto’s tips in practice. even though he knew they were terrible, they seemed like his only option. as calmly as he could, the setter took a deep breath before letting out something he never thought he’d ever say : « maybe because it’s made of boyfriend material »
as much as you didn’t want to shake his confidence, you couldn’t help but facepalm at this awful pickup line. and akaashi didn’t need your reaction to realize how terrible it was.
« i... apologize for that. let me do this my way : would you like to go out with me someday ? »
bonus : years later in your relationship, neither of you ever had the courage to tell bokuto that it wasn’t thanks to his pickup line
« wow, i didn’t think ya’d be such a wimp... it’s been two hours, just do something already ! »
« i’ll do it when i’ll feel like it », suna shrugged atsumu’s teasing off. it was true that he’d had his eyes on you ever since the team entered the restaurant to celebrate their victory in today’s match. but suna did not want to bother with the whole “flirting thing” that atsumu tried to talk him into. however, he stayed true to his words and, indeed, came to talk to you when he finally felt like it.
near the counter, you were waiting for your friends to get out of the bathroom when your eyes laid on the intriguing boy that was walking towards you. behind him, his entire table was staring with impatient faces. but like i said, suna didn’t want to bother with flirting and cut to the chase. very nonchalantly, he grabbed a pen from the pencil pot next to the cash register and started scribbling something on your receipt.
he handed it back to you a few seconds later, faintly shrugging « here. i usually reply fast ». your eyes lowered on the receipt, where you could read the eleven digits of his phone number. and just like that, he went back to his table.
no one in their right mind would ever have dared to tease Kita about how long it was taking him to make a move on you ; simply because everyone knew he had already rigorously thought about how and when he’d do it. and they were right, he wanted to be prepared. but talking to you face to face was much different than training in front of his mirror.
he had thought about complimenting your appearance, but it was the last thing he cared about. kita was a man of few words, and he wanted you to know exactly why he liked you in the least complicated way possible. and it took him a lot of courage to do so, even with so much preparation.
«  i don’t know if someone ever told ya that but... » he started, fiddling with the straps of his bag. there was no going back now, you were all ears.
« ...i really enjoy talking to you. with some people it can feel like a waste of time but... you’re always relevant and uh... well, i wouldn’t mind going out with you someday. if you’re ok with it of course »
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gotham-ruaidh · 3 years
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
This story takes place during the summer of 1987. It's the time of the Cold War, and heavy metal, and Just Say No.
Ten chapters, each with a specific song as its soundtrack.
I'm so excited to finally share it with you.
Chapter 1: Starry Eyes
Soundtrack: "Starry Eyes," Mötley Crüe, 1981 [click here to listen]
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It was quiet here in the mountains.
Claire Beauchamp drew in a long, shaky breath of clear, crisp air, and tucked her legs up onto the seat of the Adirondack chair. Watching the sun set over the valley.
Gripping the arm of the chair with shaky hands.
Behind her on the deck, a dozen or so strangers – men and women – shuffled into their own chairs, or to square tables with board games under one arm. Chatter wafted through the door that led into The Ridge’s main building.
The brochure that Joe Abernathy had pressed into her hands, sitting in the back seat of his Jaguar sedan while his wife Gail drove them to the airport, described The Ridge as a residential treatment facility. Her mind was still reeling from the intervention, and that Gail had already packed her a duffel bag stuffed with essentials – it had all been so seamless.
There were many things Claire had wanted to block out in the two years since she’d left Frank and everything had fallen apart. Many things she had shut out from the world around her, paralyzed by pain. But she hadn’t lost all of her faculties quite yet.
Because no matter what The Ridge called itself, no matter how beautiful the landscaping of its grounds, or the plush cushions on the chairs, or the gourmet meals prepared by the in-house chef (herself five years in recovery, or so the brochure proudly proclaimed), there was no hiding what it really was.
Claire was there because she was an addict.
And she would stay there until she had unfucked her life.
“Excuse me?”
She turned to see a tall man, red hair down to his shoulders, colorful tattoos covering every inch of his arms and disappearing beneath the sleeves of a well-fitted black t-shirt.
“May I sit next to you?”
She shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
He flopped down into the chair, crossed his long legs, and lay both palms on the armrests, thumbs tapping a quick beat.
“First day?”
It had been forty six hours since her last fix, and pain sliced her skull. She hadn’t gone this long without in more than a year. “Yes,” she murmured.
Now his fingers joined in the tapping. “Thought so. The new ones always come in the middle of the day – that’s why Group is always in the afternoons. So we can have our individual sessions in the morning, and meet all together in the afternoon. It helps to stick to a schedule.”
She turned in the chair to look at him. He wasn’t looking at her – just gazing straight ahead – but he kept talking. “Anyway, it’ll just be a few minutes until dinner. I hope you like Mexican – they take Taco Tuesdays pretty seriously around here.”
She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I can’t remember your name. I know we introduced ourselves at Group, but it’s all just a blur.”
He turned to face her, and she could hear his smile. “Don’t worry about it. You’re Claire – pills addict. That’s what you told us, anyway.”
“It’s true.”
“Well then.” He stuck out his hand. “I’m Jamie – I’m an alcoholic. Bourbon, mostly. And a little bit of cocaine, now and again.”
She gripped his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m a sex addict, too,” he added. “John – my therapist here – he said that the more honest I am, the better it will be for me later on.”
“I appreciate your honesty,” she said, not quite sure what else to say.
“I’ve hurt a lot of people by not being honest, and by drinking, and not being honest about my drinking.” He folded his hands in his lap. Lallybroch read one tattoo inching up his left arm, and Ellen read another. “I’m on the tenth step. I’ve learned a lot so far.”
Claire stared down at her own hands – bare, except for her mother’s silver wedding band, which Uncle Lamb had given her when she was twelve. “Well, if we’re going for honesty – I’m a trauma surgeon, at one of the top hospitals in Boston. My asshole ex-husband used to hit me, and I prescribed myself some ludes to deaden everything. I wrote out the scripts to him, then took them to the pharmacy myself.” She pursed her lips, feeling his eyes on her. “I thought I had it under control – I thought that nobody noticed. Until I showed up high one day, and made a stupid mistake, and almost killed a patient.”
He was strangely quiet – and after silently counting to twenty, Claire looked up at him. He was still tapping his fingers against the armrest of the chair, though in a more structured, organized rhythm. Nodding his head. Thinking.
“It was my best friend who got me here,” he said softly. “I’ve known him since we were kids – he even married my sister. He saw what I was doing to myself, how much I was hurting her, and hurting the thing that he and I had worked so hard to build.” A spray of black and white stars flexed above his elbow. “Who got you here?”
“My best friend. We went to medical school together – he was my man of honor at my wedding. He and his wife staged a full-on intervention.”
Jamie’s brows lifted. “Wow.”
She nodded, encouraged. “I’d already been indefinitely suspended without pay from the hospital. I figured, what do I have to lose?”
“Yeah. We have to reach that point.”
A metallic clang pierced the air – and Claire jumped.
Jamie smiled. “That’s the literal dinner bell. Like I said, I hope you like tacos.”
Claire slid forward in the chair and stood, stretching. “I could eat anything right about now. I’m not too picky.”
Now Jamie stood – and smiled down at her. “I’m helping get everyone seated tonight – we all pick up chores around here. See you in there?”
She smiled back. “Yeah. And thanks for talking to me.”
“No sweat.” Quickly he stepped away from her and across the deck toward the door back inside.
Claire turned to see a woman – young, dark-haired, size zero – remove her enormous sunglasses.
“I can’t believe you were talking to him!” she exclaimed.
Claire shoved her hands into her pockets. “What do you mean?”
The woman shook her head. “Do you even know who he is?”
“He introduced himself. Seemed nice enough. Why?”
The woman huffed and flipped her hair over one shoulder. “That’s Jamie Fraser. You know – the singer and lead guitarist in Print?”
“Print?” Claire searched her scattered memory. “Isn’t that some hard rock band?”
“Not just some band – the biggest band in the world for at least five years now. Like, dozens of hits, videos on MTV 24/7, big stadium tours, and armloads of awards. I’ve been trying to get his attention since I got here! And he just walked right up to you!”
It had been a long day. Claire was hungry, and tired, and wanted nothing more than an aspirin and a pillow – maybe a taco first. Definitely not any more time with this girl.
“Well, thanks for the info – ”
“Geneva,” the woman explained. “I’m an alcoholic. You?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Claire made a beeline for the door.
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