#if we consider the boiling rock arc specifically
ash-and-starlight · 11 months
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yeah sure mugshot redraws are fun but i feel like This is what we really need to discuss
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loopy777 · 6 days
Is Zuko a Gary Stu? A lot more people are becoming anti-Zuko especially after the comics. Thoughts?
Well, it depends how we're defining "Gary Stu." I tend to prefer a strict definition for it and "Mary Sue," that of a self-insert wish-fulfillment character. I also don't personally consider it to necessarily be a negative; one of my favorite fictional characters is George Lucas' Flash Gordon Gary Stu, Luke Skywalker.
But the common internet usages for the term typically translates to "character favored by the narrative and/or storyteller(s) to a degree that harms the story." So I'll address both definitions.
I don't think Zuko is any kind of wish-fulfillment character in the AtLA cartoon, nor do I think the narrative shows him any favoritism. In fact, I'd say the story goes out of its way to make things harder for Zuko than the basic character arc demands. It could've had him switch sides at the end of Book Earth, and I don't think there would have been much complaining. Likewise, the story could have had gAang come around to him a lot sooner in Book Fire, rather than spending entire episodes (and in Sokka's case a two-parter) reconciling him with the gAang one-by-one. I think his character arc is improved and given more impact by the desire to cover this extra rocky ground, although I also think 'The Boiling Rock' didn't need to be a two-parter and all of early Book Fire's filler episodes with the gAang should have been relocated to after Zuko's defection so that they'd have the added interest of showcasing the expanded gAang's new dynamic.
Ah, but then we get to the comics. I'm going to assume we're talking about Gene Yang's comics specifically, since Zuko has not appeared substantially in anything written by anyone else. It's easy to harp on these comics' use and treatment of Zuko, but I want to be clear that they're poorly written on pretty much every level. The dialogue is bad. Major plot threads are abandoned without comment. Everyone is mischaracterized. The humor is more juvenile than anything in the cartoon. What stories are told spin their wheels until they get wrapped up in a rush. There's bad, racist, pro-colonialism messages baked into them all. Etc and so on.
And yes, I do think these comics favor Zuko to their detriment and his. Gene Yang has admitted that Zuko is his favorite character in the cast. But even if he hadn't, we can see in 'The Promise' that the presentation has a lopsided preference for Zuko over Aang, the other main character of the story. Zuko is not portrayed as wrong for pressuring Aang to promise to kill him, despite Aang being uncomfortable with it and the whole idea being against Aang's major beliefs; compare that to the cartoon, where Zuko was portrayed as wrong and bullying in his attitude to try to get Aang to kill Ozai. In the matter of the former Fire Nation colonies, Aang and Zuko have opposing approaches, but rather than the story taking the stance that they need to compromise and mix'n'match their ideas, Zuko gets to utter the line, "I was right all along," while Aang has to be lectured by Katara, admit to being wrong, compromise with the Air Acolytes, and break off his relationship with his ghost mentor.
In 'The Search,' Zuko goes on to find his mother and learn her backstory, something that ends up not troubling or challenging him at all. She gives up her new identity to become his doting mother again and Zuko doesn't have a single doubt about it. He gets an adoring little sister in the form of Kiyi, despite her having a real problem with her mother choosing to become Ursa instead of keeping her familiar form. And his questionable treatment of Azula is not addressed; like Aang in 'The Promise,' she's the one who has to compromise (or in this case refuses to compromise).
You can see the pattern here of Zuko's presentation. This is where we can start to question if Zuko is Gene Yang's self-insert, but to do so, we would have to assume a lot of stuff about Gene Yang. For example, he breaks up Zuko's romance with Mai and then starts hinting at something with him and Suki; does that mean Gene Yang wants to date Suki? Then why bring Mai back so prominently in 'Smoke & Shadow' and then both go easy on her mistakes and break her up from Kei Lo at the end? Maybe Gene Yang wants a harem with both Suki and Mai, but if that's the case, then it's pretty odd that he ends his run on the comics with Zuko dating neither.
We could do the same for other aspects of Zuko's presentation (Does Yang want a tiny powerful Firebender as a little sister? Does he think all colonizers are awesome? Does he advocate denying first-amendment rights in times of danger? Is his favorite food to eat at winter time extra-spicy fire noodles?) But we'd probably run into similar questions we can't answer, leaving us to either assume way too much that would likely be wrong or admit that it doesn't matter.
Which brings us back to the much simpler idea of the character being favored beyond what is warranted. That helps with examining 'Smoke & Shadow,' where Zuko is actually portrayed as making some wrong choices for once in all of Yang's run of comics, like ordering his people's homes invaded and trashed on a vague hope that he'll find some information about Azula- but before that, he's somehow enlightened enough to make rainbow fire, and afterward, he solves everything with a quick apology to his people.
Usually, the narratives ignore Zuko's flaws and twist themselves into weird shapes to justify things. It's like Gene Yang started with the intentions of having Zuko make mistakes and grow over the course of the various stories, but then chickens out, so we're left with themes that feel incomplete or outright harmful. Zuko doesn't need to grow beyond his desire to have a Fire Nation elite (and their pet Earth Kingdom spouses and servants) rule over the former colonies forever, he gets to say, "I was right all along." He starts by locking Azula away in a straight-jacket, but then doesn't find a way to reconcile with her and treat her more humanely, because she goes fully homicidal and then runs away so he doesn't need to deal with her. But in 'Smoke & Shadow,' we get one example where, probably because Yang doesn't see it as that bad in the first, Zuko is allowed to temporarily be wrong before returning to a state of grace.
I think Gene Yang is trying to tell good Avatar stories. But, among his (many, many, many) mistakes, I think he's letting his favor for Zuko influence the stories he's trying to tell. He's trying to give his favorite character juicy dramatic material that lets him grow into an even more awesome character- but then he shies away from depicting his favorite in too harsh a light, ruining the whole thing.
The stories don't feel like they're going anywhere with him, despite him being a main character.
So if that fits with your definition of "Gary Stu," then yes, Zuko has become one in the comics. But he didn't start as one in the cartoon, and I don't think Gene Yang writes stories out of a desire for his favorite to marry Suki because Sword Girlfriend > Knife Wife.
Perhaps that's he never got Maiko back together; he likes Mai too much to make her the one in the wrong, but then that would mean Zuko needs to learn and grow, and that can't be right. ;)
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dreamsclock · 2 years
“how’s it feel?”
sam grits his teeth. to his left, hanging over the spectator dome, dream is grinning behind his mask. “not here,” he says, “not now, dream.”
(mcc / dsmp crossover with c!sam and c!dream!! warnings: scars, death, trauma, torture, abuse, prison arc, permanent injury, long term injury, trauma response, c!sam crit, c!sam hurt, c!dream hurt)
“how’s it feel?”
sam grits his teeth. to his left, hanging over the spectator dome, dream is grinning behind his mask. “not here,” he says, “not now, dream.”
admittedly, it gives him a little comfort to see how stiff dream is around him, and how stiff he is in general.
the masked man looks completely out of place amongst the laughing, playful spectators, one leg favoured over the other, a nastily healed scar on his face only just covered by the mask. sam knows it well, knows exactly how quackity had given it to dream, remembers dream’s sobs.
that’s all that gives him the courage now to lean forward, clad in MCC uniform, and snap a very low, very strained, “people will hear.”
dream’s teeth bare. “hear what? two friends talking? that’s what we are, right? we’re friends here. everybody’s friends.”
sam doesn’t flinch, but his laugh is curt and unhappy. “what do you want?”
“how does it feel?” dream repeats, a hard bite of satisfaction in his words. “to have the roles reversed? you lying about scars while i’m the one who listens?”
oh. so it’s about this.
because it’s always about this with dream, like sam hadn’t suffered when dream had escaped, like sam hadn’t been the one suffering every minute that dream had been locked up! dream is selfish, and that smug selfish satisfaction now makes sam’s blood boil.
because yes, he’d had to lie about the scar down his face: to anyone in MCC who asked, sam blamed a red stone experiment gone wrong, which they bought with a rueful caution to be more careful—
his eyes meet the smiling ones of dream’s mask.
yes. he’d be more careful next time. if he ever got dream back under his control…
but it had been a horrible role reversal, lying about his own wounds while dream had been there. the other man had been hanging around him like his shadow, there at his every turn, watching him intently through every game.
it’s hard not to feel like a prisoner.
absentmindedly, sam’s hand comes up, traced the scar across his face. “you know how it feels,” he returns, keeping his voice as even as he possibly can, “you know exactly how it feels, dream. what, are you here to mock me? to— to take revenge?”
dream considers him for a moment. that low mean grin turns into something thoughtful, almost scornful.
“i’m here to watch,” he says at least, tilting his head as the decision dome lights up again, “and i’m here to watch you, specifically. to be fair, you’ve given me a show.”
the lies, the defensiveness, the way the other server members avoid him. heat like humiliation curls in sam’s chest.
“watch?” he says, defensive, snappish. “you’re gonna pretend like you can’t play anymore to try and gain sympathy points from me, is that it?”
dream’s body language stiffens, draws back. sam prides himself in that: at least he has some power still, at least he’s not completely helpless against dream’s attacks.
“sympathy,” dream repeats, contemptuously, “yeah, because that’s what i want from you. astute, sam.”
“what else would this be?” sam demands. “you love MCC. you wouldn’t—”
“maybe i’m still trying to figure out how to play properly after being tortured for three months and locked up for ten,” dream suggests sarcastically, “just a thought. just something for you to think about.”
it’s sam’s turn to scoff. “you played fine in may.”
“i played fine in may because quackity would have killed me otherwise.” dream sucks in a breath through his teeth, and rocks back on his heels. one of his legs doesn’t bend like it should. sam remembers hearing it shatter. “that’s not the point.”
“then what is the point?”
a few of his teammates look over curiously. lowering his voice fearfully, sam steps closer to the spectator stand, draws satisfaction when dream flinches back, however minutely.
“what’s the point, dream? what are you trying to gain?”
“i get to learn about your strengths. weaknesses. i get to watch you in a competitive environment and… you know… figure out exactly where your faults lie. and i get to unsettle you.” dream’s breezy laugh is only a little strained. “it’s… strategic. very strategic, sam.”
because dream is always two steps ahead, and this is how: he watches. watches everything going on, manipulates from behind the scenes. when the decision dome lights up with a game, dream and sam both glance over automatically, and a slow smile curls around the ex-prisoner’s lips.
“buildmart,” dream says, in a tone implying he’d known it all along, “i always hated that game. good luck, sam. i’d watch my back if i were you.”
“what the hell are you planning?” sam says, voice rising a pitch in sudden unease. “tell me.”
dream spares him a pitying glance.
“just… be on your guard. that’s all i’m saying.”
he pushes off into the crowd before he can be questioned, but sam still feels the cold smiling mask watching him throughout the game, never wavering, never ceasing. a cold shiver runs fear down his back.
what is dream planning?
it’s not until much later, after the event, after he’s back on the server, that he places the unrecognisable sound in dream’s voice when he’d been talking to non-dream smp members: the lilt, the hint of something secret in his tone.
wistful. he’d been nostalgic.
and then sam remembers the dragging limp of his left leg and the awkward position of his arm, and the tremors in his hands that make aiming a bow hard and the dizzying fear of respawns that had almost crippled dream in the last MCC.
“maybe i’m still trying to figure out how to play properly after being tortured for three months and locked up for ten. just a thought. just something for you to think about.”
dream’s voice had been more bitter than sam had ever heard it before, and for a moment he’s struck with doubt. had MCC become unplayable for dream?
he dismisses it, after a minute, burying his face in fran’s fur. he has to.
and even if it had become unplayable, good.
evil things like dream shouldn’t enjoy things, shouldn’t experience happiness like that. he thinks of dream, thinks of his body, broken, bloodied, and feels a wave of satisfaction.
justice. it’s justice being served, and he doesn’t regret it even a bit.
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
As someone, who's favourite character is Zuko, let me just say that your analysis about the Southern Raiders is spot on. Something about that episode (especially the way Zuko acted) always felt a little... off to me. And I could never figure out what it was exactly and considering the fact that discussion about this episode centered around the Kataang vs Zutara, I thought I was the only one who felt that way. So, I guess thanks for putting my thoughts into words.
Oh, I really feel ya, anon. If you actually don't look at the episode from a shipping point of view, which seems to be the focus of most the fandom, a lot of unpleasant things really start sticking out. I'm personally neutral to the Kataang vs. Zutara debate, I see good points and drawbacks to both ships, and no one's going to convince me that this episode proved the superiority of either pairing, especially when the shipping interpretations have never been important to me when analyzing this episode. People can say Aang is right in the end, they can say Zuko understands Katara's plight better (which, considering Aang has lost even more people he loved than Zuko has, he certainly should have understood Katara's suffering quite well too), but focusing on whether Zuko or Aang are the angel or the devil on Katara's shoulders practically blinds everyone to the very glaring and mindboggling flaws in this episode's writing, imo.
In general, the concept of Zuko's life-changing field trips with the three Gaang members he'd wronged the most is fine and fun for most people, but from the first time I watched the show it felt like the production team knew they were pressed for time and needed some veeeery quick and effective solution for Zuko to gain acceptance in the Gaang ASAP despite all the bad blood there. I can imagine a lot of people love these episodes, but admittedly I wouldn't rank any of them among my favorites because, as interesting as some of their concepts could be, if executed right, my immersion certainly wasn't as strong as with the rest of the show due to the nagging feeling that this was all for the sake of redeeming Zuko in the eyes of each Gaang member... and not necessarily in the eyes of the audience.
They get away with it, of course, because by this point in time, the audience is 100% conditioned to love the Gaang and Zuko, and if you see them getting along, you should be rejoicing in their team-up... but if you put some emotional distance between yourself as a viewer and the events of these episodes, their writing leaves a lot to be desired, especially in the concept of giving Zuko a quick whitewashing in the eyes of Aang, Sokka and Katara, one after the other, so they can genuinely accept him as a teammate and friend. If we'd seen similar trips frequently or occasionally in the rest of the show, with two specific members of the team taking off on an adventure by themselves, it might not be so glaringly obvious (and even... artificial? I guess?) that they're trying to quick-redeem him for each of them here, but on top of it happening thrice, it's literally happening one after the other, too. There's no episodes in-between, it's just literally a four-parter arc of "let's help Zuko become friends with these three".
The plotlines to be dealt with in these episodes are basically catered to each Gaang member, tailor-made life-changing field trips based on whatever they'll value the most, all of it conveniently possible and doable in the span of time they have between Zuko's joining of their group and the show's finale. Aang needs to learn firebending, Sokka needs to save his dad, Katara is permanently grieving for her mother's death. And so, Zuko to the rescue! If he helps them with their personal character quests, he gets 50+ approval points! :'D Honestly, I'm absolutely not against the notion of Zuko befriending them, obviously not, but the methods through which they chose to make it happen simply might not be the finest...?
Zuko loses his ability to bend because he "lost his rage", but he's still angry pretty often, the show even spoofs its own writing by showing him losing his patience at Sokka... while at the same time trying to sell that Zuko "isn't angry" anymore? Zuko helps break out random prisoners from the Boiling Rock without taking a single moment to actually learn who they are, why they were locked up, and without pondering if they deserve to be helped or if perhaps they're genuinely dangerous? Zuko gives Katara every possible tool and information she needs to take revenge on Yon Rha, because, loosely quoting his own words, he "cares what she thinks of him"...?
How about if we'd seen Zuko trying to connect with Fire Nation people, to help his fellow Fire Nation citizens, especially the ones who were living in dreadful conditions, like the ones in the Jang Hui river village? How about if we'd seen Zuko saving lives rather than threatening to take them? How about if we'd seen Zuko actually reasoning with his anger, and either working his way out of it, or repurposing it consciously, or making legitimate, personal efforts to find a new source of strength for his firebending through self-reflection, above all else?
We didn't really need sudden one-on-one field trips to teach Aang, Katara and Sokka to trust Zuko: we needed Zuko to prove himself worthy of that trust, to show how much he has changed, to literally contrast his new behavior with the old, to actually see that the guy no longer jumps into violence-mode 24/7, that he's willing to listen to other people's opinions or wisdom, that he wants to learn better when he knows he's misguided or misunderstanding something or another. Would he have become BFFs with any of them in four episodes if this had happened? Well, it definitely would have happened with Aang, the other two would have been trickier, but they definitely would have been more willing to accept him if they actually got to SEE that the changes in Zuko weren't skin-deep. Katara can be as thick-headed and stubborn as she may want to be, but I have no doubts she wouldn't have been able to hate Zuko as much as she used to if she'd seen him helping people, much like she often wants their group to do. But instead, they don't get to see the actual changes and growth... they just get their biggest goals and wishes satisfied, and that's enough to decide Zuko's trustworthy, no matter whatever sketchy behavior he displays in later episodes.
I absolutely appreciate the worldbuilding context we gain for the raids on the Water Tribe through The Southern Raiders, but I don't think this was an organic way to tell the story of how Zuko became friends with the Gaang. If pressed, I'd even say that Zuko's overt desperation to be their friend is OOC, to a degree: if this guy actually knows how dangerous his father's plans are (and he's supposed to :'D), how isn't he focusing on that side of things, when he's always been such a go-getter? It's not like he grew out of this sort of ends-justify-the-means behavior, seeing as he's absolutely obsessed with stopping his father ASAP, by any means possible, in the finale, when there was no such urgency to be found ever since he joined the Gaang. How isn't he more worried about stopping Ozai than about becoming best friends with the Gaang? Immediately sharing everything he's learned about Ozai's intentions of destroying the whole world might not make them friends instantaneously, but it would certainly get someone like Sokka to take his information seriously and immediately begin strategizing how to counter Ozai's plans. Instead, Zuko spent all those weeks, over a month, even, teaching Aang firebending, going on field trips and hanging out with his new friends in Ember Island. Once you have all the cards on deck and you actually look at all of them at once, doesn't it feel like there were so many more ways to achieve what the show was going for, far more effective ways than through the "let's be friends with Zuko" arc?
Ultimately, there's very little display of growth, in my opinion, in this small arc, on Zuko's side, despite the most obvious and reasonable way to earn the trust of the Gaang would be by outright showing them how much he's grown. I won't deny I appreciate that the writers respected his personality and didn't just warp him into the perfect good softboi the way the fandom apparently interprets him, but even if Zuko was going to be cranky and speak one-liners like "I'm never happy", it wasn't impossible to write better situations for him to connect with the Gaang's members and gain their trust. Even if the writers were set on having these episodes happen exactly as they did, they absolutely could have been written in a much better way, to create an explicit and direct contrast between Zuko's early behavior and the new Zuko's behavior when it comes to things that matter (most the parallels I've seen the fandom drawing are things like "oh look he hated tea before but now he brews it for his friends! So much growth!"... would've been nice to see the growth when it came to a lot of other things, too, if the growth really was there? Am I rite...?).
I may just be influenced by other redemption arcs that focus mainly on characters having common goals and working together to achieve them, then becoming friends in the process... but I really don't see how Zuko's character benefited from these episodes. Yes, bridges were built... but they absolutely could have been built in a more organic way that didn't make people like myself (and a few others) question if Zuko had learned or grown at all, considering the way he behaves isn't all that distant from the Zuko we've seen and known throughout the rest of the show. And the fact that he really seems to have learned nothing in The Southern Raiders once you reach the show's finale... you're basically asked to take for granted Zuko did learn a lot of lessons because he says he did, to assume he's going to put them into practice sometime in the future despite he has chances to do it during the show itself but never does, simply because they drop the ball upon every opportunity to show how much he's changed.
I really don't blame his character at all, when it comes to these shortcomings... it's seriously, genuinely, a problem with the writing department. Take a look through the fandom and you'll see thousands of people who claim Zuko's character arc is the most touching, complex and beautiful writing they ever have seen... and why? Because we're in the face of tell-don't-show :'D most people's perception of Zuko's character are based not so much on HOW Zuko displays his growth, it's strongly based on him stating he made progress, even if there's too many instances where the growth simply seems to have fallen to the wayside or gone forgotten for the sake of a plotline or another. Zuko absolutely could have been written far better than this, he could absolutely have the redemption arc his fans are sure he does have, but for me... there's way too many gaps in logic, too many missed opportunities, to truly think his growth was as extraordinary as a lot of people are hung up on saying it was.
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shortkingvi · 3 years
No, no, tell us more about your thoughts on tyzula
alright,,,, i feel like this was a long time coming with how much i talk about my deep love for azula and her character arc so i'm gonna write a pretty lengthy analysis/discussion here about it all,,,,,,,, i'll put in it a read more so people don't have to scroll past a super long post if they aren't interested, so click below if you DO wanna read it
right SO, in order to understand the crux of why tyzula is so compelling and such a complex ship to understand, we have to understand azula as a character first
to preface, i should clarify that i'm not the kind of person who enjoys the "people are born evil" narrative because it's pessimistic, cheap, and in my opinion, not realistic. i think that characters can progress past the point of redemption, sure, but i don't think that any person is inherently meant to end up a monster
azula is a character who has never received unconditional love. the only reference to positivity in her childhood that we get is ozai's praise of her as the better firebender. this, however, is conditional love to the fullest; growing up knowing your value to your parent is intrinsically tied into what you can accomplish makes you highly defensive of losing your ability and disappointing, because then, what do you have? maybe this is the gifted kid in me speaking, but being identified as "special" at a young age is SO damaging in so many ways
azula only knows love in the form of praise for her abilities, not for her as a person. her mother certainly had no unconditional love for her in the way she did zuko, in azula's mind at least. azula herself says that her mother thought she was a monster; now, we can argue until the hippo cows come home whether or not ursa ACTUALLY thought this but it doesn't change the fact that this is how azula PERCEIVED it. she watched zuko receive love from their mother and their uncle while all she ever received was praise for what she could do, not who she was. she also received praise from her father and admonishment from her mother, so it's natural she would be inclined to follow her father's - horrible - advice rather than her mother's
anyways, now that we've established azula's lack of understanding of unconditional love, let's talk about ty lee. ty lee is the first one to give azula a taste of what love is. now, again, much of this is borne out of manipulation on azula's part BUT this is mainly because azula only knows how to receive approval through actions and not character. for ozai, she molds herself into what he'll approve of; for ty lee, she molds HER into something that won't be swayed by azula's flaws
nonetheless, we see some real azula peek through when she's with ty lee. during the ember island episode, we get a pretty sincere apology from azula to ty lee that feels VERY out of character for someone who never apologizes for anything. we see azula's dependence upon ty lee as, on the surface, something related to ty lee's abilities. however, it does seem strange that azula chose a non-bending circus girl as one of the members of her elite, inside squad (no i'm not arguing ty lee isn't strong or powerful, i think she's actually one of the most powerful characters in the show re: chi blocking, but azula probably wouldn't think this immediately)
INSTEAD, azula chooses ty lee because she TRUSTS her. trust is how love manifests when you aren't taught how to love in the first place. ozai, the only person azula thinks cares about her, puts his trust in azula to carry out his orders so she, in turn, does the same as an expression of care and love. because that's what she thinks love is! love to her is "i trust you to do this for me when i can't" and not "i trust you to do this for me because you WANT to"
because azula doesn't GET to want. she only gets to DO
so, now, let's get into the betrayal, turning, rebellion, whatever you want to call it, at boiling rock
IF azula only ever expresses real compassion for ty lee, and we've established that trust seems to be the way azula expresses this compassion most of the time, a betrayal would be the worst possible thing for her to face. she's already dealing with mai turning on her and choosing zuko, although i'd argue this was always in the back of her mind considering mai and zuko's relationship. what she ISN'T expecting, however, is ty lee. ty lee, who she trusted explicitly, turning on her and choosing the other side. because in azula's mind, she's not sure what she's done wrong! she's carried out orders perfectly, she's the strongest, she's the logical option at this point in terms of who will win the war
and still, ty lee turns on her
so now we have an azula who's lost the one person she cared about most (if we're going on the context clues of the show), and it breaks her. breakdown azula sends away all her advisors and protectors out of fear that they'll betray her because she's already been betrayed by the one person closest to her, so what's stopping all of them from doing the same?
her hallucination is important in understanding tyzula too; her mother talks about her use of fear to control people and azula replies with "trust is for fools, fear is the only reliable option." funny how hallucination ursa never mentions trust here and yet azula talks about it, huh? because trust is equal to love in her mind and she just lost any semblance of love she had left in her life the moment ty lee left her. i could write a whole other thing about the symbolic hair cutting here, but i'll save that for another time probably because this is already getting long and it'll turn into a whole discussion about hair in the avatar universe
ANYWAYS, this is all essentially why i love tyzula so much. we have a girl who doesn't understand and has never felt real, unconditional love losing a person who DID love her deeply but couldn't trust that her actions were good
we have azula, who was raised in a restrictive environment where her abilities were the only things keeping her from being physically abused (because she was regularly being emotionally abused if we're being honest), trying to grapple with understanding what GOOD even looks like
it's worth it to mention that azula was raised in a highly homophobic environment as well; it's not coincidental that bryke specifically confirm it is the fire nation who criminalized homosexuality. azula's internal homophobia, compounded with her inability to understand love, makes tyzula this tragic mish mash of almost, maybe, but also never
in any other world, tyzula happens a million times over; ty lee and azula are childhood friends who grow up, lose contact, come back together, and break free of their oppressive environment that neither of them are truly suited for (azula mentally and ty lee emotionally)
in the world we're given, however, this is everything they CAN'T be. and that's what makes them so fantastic
i love azula, i think about azula a lot, i RELATE to azula, my heart breaks for what she could have been if she weren't a product of her environment. but, more than anything, i'm just so heartbroken by azula getting SO close to understanding what love is but coming just short because the one way she expresses love, through trust, is the one thing she feels ty lee breaks
and isn't that the tragedy of it all?
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nibeul · 3 years
Please I want to know more about your clones 🤔🤔
I am so late to responding to this but GLADLY!! I love gushing about them though I have so many (like 50 I think) so I will try to stick to my main group ahh :)
Cross (he/him): Cross was my first clone OC ever, so he holds a very special place in my heart even if I do not draw him often enough. He’s a commander (CC-0044) and was present on Geonosis, though later returned to Kamino to help Alpha with the CC training program.
He got his scar in 21BBY and it’s actually not from the battlefield (none of his scars are actually from the battlefield). The scar comes from being whipped by a lightsaber hilt, which sounds funny out of context, but it wasn’t an accident.
He’s batchmates with @katanrocksketches ‘s OC Asch! The two were pretty close when they were in training, and Cross got his name before leaving Kamino. It was given to him because of his kind of uhhh, “cross nature” or disposition pfft. He softens up a bit between 22BBY-20BBY though the walls go up again after that :’)
Coming off Kamino, he was a stickler for rules and was not a big fan of clones tattooing themselves/dying their hair and whatnot (he didn’t even like having a name at first though his batchmates used it enough that it begrudgingly stuck). After meeting Sunny though, he lets him do one tattoo and ends up getting his number underneath his left eye. It is like, staying to how he believes they should be while also accepting that it’s ok to be individual.
Cross’s favorite color is red because for him, red represents Ando (my Padawan OC) and they are very close (NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY. He sees Ando as his little brother or kih’vod to protect).
Cross actually does not know a lot of Mando’a because of his belief that they should not try to be seen as individuals. He distanced himself from anything that he considered “individualization”, and Mando’a was included in that. Sunny teaches him a little bit later down the line, and Ando also teaches him and Ten (another clone OC of mine) some Togruti, too
Part of Cross’s strict disposition comes from being subject to Priest’s death circles on more than one occasion (I might retcon that to Adral—a mando OC of mine—because I hate KT Ugh).
By the end of the war, he carries a lot of guilt. He loses a lot of the people he’s closest to because of his actions/orders, and he uh. Doesn’t live past O66 :’) he does get a very quick.. redemption.. arc.. kinda..
Sunny (he/him): Sunny was my second clone OC made around the same time as Cross, and he also holds a very special place in my heart :) I really love clone medics, there is just something about them that makes my brain go brrrr. I also think the irony of his name is great
Sunny’s name was originally Sers, but after writing him for a few weeks, I changed it because I thought Sunny fit better. His name was given to him by his batchmate, Aran, and while he vehemently protested against it, the name ended up sticking. He won’t admit that he actually likes it (though the tattoo and painting of his armor say otherwise anyway)
Sunny is the CMO of the 409th Corps (my OC military group basically). He’s a Lieutenant (or at a rank around there, definitely a CO at the least) and he does not back down. Ever. Even the people who outrank him will fall into line if he tells them to, Jedi included. He is not afraid to pull rank as a Medic, and his resting bitch face can be very scary
On the same line of thought as the rbf, he is basically perpetually scowling. He does not look approachable at all
Sunny loses the entirety of his batch on Geonosis, including Aran who he holds onto while he is dying. The Jedi leading Sunny’s company was.. not accustomed to war and failed to adapt when it was needed. Because of this, Sunny doesn’t necessarily harbor a dislike of Jedi, though he does not really trust many of them in leading positions. He also does not like that there are kids being put in the role of commander, he does see many Padawan deaths (he later comforts a dying Padawan that he was close to, I think I wrote part of that scene for myself and it was kinda upsetting oof) —> he gets his tattoo/paints his armor in order to honor his dead batchmates
Throughout the war, Sunny gets seriously injured only once after going down in an LAAT (where he nearly ends up dying too). Boost finds him, though he’s kinda accepted that he’s not gonna make it (I mean he does but it doesn’t look like he will for a bit). After Flip (younger clone OC) dies, he doesn’t really care if he kicks the bucket either :’)
Sunny is the only one out of my main gang to make it past O66. His chip doesn’t work at all, though he has to fight through his brothers (aha, the only ones who are still alive that he is close with) in order to save a Jedi youngling that was in the medbay at the time. After that, he goes on the run with the kid (clone dad clone dad) and offers his services as a doctor in the outer rim in order to keep them afloat
Boost (he/him) (she/her) [either or, there is no real preference]: Boost has gone through a lot of changes design wise. He started out as Dax, but then Dax became another OC, then she was Boost, though she had kinda short hair that was pushed back by a headband, then his hair was buzzed, and now we are finally at long hair Boost. Idk how to describe, but she is very shaped I think
Boost for his nickname from bear hugging his batchmates and lifting them off the ground when doing so. Also from fucking around in training where he threw another one of his batchmates in order to get from one ledge to another. All around just a name with silly origins that she liked and decided to keep
Boost and Sol are batchmates!
Boost is very tactically intelligent. She’s good at thinking on her feet, sees the bigger picture before focusing on details, good problem solver, etc. He is an ARC after all, there is good reason for his status and rank as a Lieutenant. That being said, he can also be very very stupid in the sense that off the battlefield, he’s oblivious. He does enjoy being the jokester of the group, and he sometimes plays up his dumbassery for jest, though yeah, a lot of people assume that he is not smart because of his demeanor which is very wrong
Boost is terrible. Terrible at braiding her hair. Sol is the best at braiding it, though she would never admit that even if everyone knows it. He started growing his hair out once they were off Kamino and hasn’t stopped since despite the fact that is technically not within regulations. Cross turns a blind eye and Ko (Jedi General) could not care less for inconsequential regulations like that
Boost is really good with kids, but good in the way a uhh.. chaotic uncle/auntie is. He’s a lot of fun to be around with, and being around kids makes him even more rambunctious than usual. He can be what is considered “childish”, pulling pranks and everything but like, he is very emotionally mature and knows when to be serious. Again, a lot of people kinda just boil her down to “dumb” which is really wrong, though it doesn’t bug him a lot.
Boost has a big sweet tooth!! He loves getting sweets when they’re on Coruscant, which they actually tend to visit frequently enough because of Ko’s status as a Sentinel (and also because Ko benefits what the Republic sees as the “propaganda machine” as a prominent General with a good track record).
Boost is romantically involved with @buttsalsa ‘s civilian OC Esta. I reblogged some art of them the other day, they are very cute :D
Boost doesn’t make it to Order 66 :’) I actually wrote out his death and cried after going back to read it LMAO It was rough
Sol (he/him): Sol was made as a package deal with Boost, and I feel bad because I think he gets overshadowed a lot but he is kinda like the rock for the group. When he dies, things really start to crumble but uh!! That is a sad thought for another time. Anyways, like I said, he is basically the rock and also a voice of reason for Boost’s shenanigans
Sol got his nickname after reading through some flimsi that their trainer had given him. He didn’t know if it had any meaning, but he liked the way it sounded and immediately began using it. Boost quickly picked up on it and the rest of their batch was very supportive
Sol loves reading. He specifically likes reading history, and Ando slips him what he can (fun fact, when Sol dies, Boost returns to their bunk to find a couple of holobooks that Ando had left and breaks down aha.. pain). Whenever he doesn’t feel like keeping Boost from causing trouble, he just sits in a quiet corner and reads his books while everything erupts in chaos around him
Sol’s favorite beverage is tea which Ko introduced him to. He has a few boxes he keeps with him when he can, and he shares them with Boost sometimes though he has to add a lot of sugar/honey in order to do that. If he could drink tea all the time, he could. On the flipside, he absolutely loathes coffee and doesn’t understand how Sunny can drink multiple cups on a day
Sol is kinda like the person that everyone is friends with even if they don’t realize it. He’s like.. the perfect emotional pillar, kinda the therapist friend in a group that desperately needs therapy. He’s more of a listener than a talker which is why it’s easy to overlook him, but he insists that he doesn’t mind much. That being said, it’s only once he’s gone that people start to realize just how much he did (aside from Boost who already thought the world of him)
Sol is also an ARC trooper, having gone through the training program together with Boost. He doesn’t have the same tactical knowledge that Boost does, but he’s good at mediating, long range combat, and also working through plans (he’s pretty meticulous). He and Boost balance each other out well, since he is like the “slow and steady” one out of them.
Sol is the first to go out of the main four (second out of my bigger group of six). He and his entire platoon are wiped out in a massacre as a result of false intel.. man :’)
Anyways, thank you for enabling to ramble about my ocs ToT I honestly just needed to infodump shdjf
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aight SO
i finished ep 12 and i've talked about it with a friend, and now i've also taken a look into the tarlos tag to get a sense of what people are saying. i think i'm ready to break this down.
so there are a few big questions about That Scene and the following tarlos interactions. i'll just work through them one at a time. buckle in, this is gonna get long. now without further ado...
1) Was TK lashing out at Carlos at the firehouse in character?
Short answer: yes and no.
Long answer: we've seen TK get physical and even violent before. He literally sought out a bar fight in s1. He nearly got into a fist fight with Judd, too. And did you see the way he was hurling darts after that, when he and Carlos were on their date? This boy is not a stranger to getting physical. There are, however, a few major differences between those scenes and this one with Carlos.
One. The bar fight was premeditated, while his fight with Carlos was not. Why is this important? Because it means that TK has shown some measure of restraint in the past. He managed to stay present during what I would call the 'trigger' of the bar fight episode, and saved his physical response for a later time.
Two. His altercation with Judd, on the other hand, was not premeditated. The difference, then, is that Judd was also ready to get physical at the time. With the scene with Carlos, Carlos was trying to remain calm and impartial for most of it, and attempted to de-escalate when TK got violent. The whole thing was driven by TK.
Three. In none of the scenes we've seen before of TK getting violent has his dad's health or safety been threatened. TK's dad is a HUGE part of his life, and he has a LOT of emotional trauma surrounding his relationship with his dad. He's TERRIFIED of losing Owen, because he's nearly lost him so many times before. TK has some MAJOR anxiety about losing people, to the point where he refused to let Carlos into his heart at the beginning of s1. There's also the fact that TK has gone through a lot of trauma in not a lot of time. Even if the show wants us to believe the kidnapping is over, I'm willing to bet that the after-effects are still hitting. For both TK AND Carlos, honestly.
There are also two other lines to consider when we're talking TK's characterization: first, in the episode when Gwyn moves out, and we see her and TK talking, she then calls Owen who asks if TK 'flew off the handle' (i believe that was the wording, correct me if I'm wrong). This is important because we have two people who are VERY close to TK talking about how he reacts to things, the crux of which is that TK gets reactionary. He has high emotional responses and says (or does) things that he doesn't necessarily mean.
Then there's another line that I think is important. This is the one in the crossover episode, when TK tells Buck that he's 'done a lot worse than steal a fire truck'. This one is important because it's TK talking about HIMSELF. We don't have any context for this or what it means, necessarily, but I'm willing to bet from context that he wasn't just talking about ODing.
So with all this in mind... do I think TK was in character? Do I really think TK would do this? Well... it makes sense in the context of TK's story and his arcs and all the scenes we've seen him in so far. But, at the same time, I would definitely have done it differently. It's a thing like... it's not a WRONG answer, but then again, was it really right, either?
2) Was Carlos's reaction to TK lashing out in character?
Short answer: yeah, I think so*.
*though if they don't expand on it I'm gonna have a problem.
Long answer: Carlos, at this point in the story, is dealing with two things that I think impact his emotional landscape a HELL of a lot.
One. His past and his family. He grew up with a man who seems emotionally distant, and it has only VERY RECENTLY started to get better. He felt INCREDIBLY alienated after he came out, and then when he became a cop and he was dealing with his father's silent disapproval. He is always searching for approval and, most likely, affection as well. What this means is that he feels like he constantly needs to prove himself, and bases his self worth on how OTHER people react. If someone reacts badly, that's a mark against himself.
"But Kay," you say, "What about the scene where he made dinner for TK and TK walked out? Carlos didn't blame himself then!"
Which is an interesting point! Carlos didn't put the onus on himself in that scene, he turned it back on TK, calling him 'crazy'. I think that was a secondary coping mechanism, to be honest. He knew he couldn't deal with feeling like he was the one who was wrong AGAIN so he twisted the situation around in his head until it was TK who was 'being crazy'. I've talked about that scene in depth before so I won't do it again, but Carlos's reaction is, I think, indicative of having felt rejection before and trying to protect himself.
Which brings me to number two. The fact that he's nearly lost TK several times already. This plays a HUGE role in how Carlos acts, especially with TK. Carlos has wanted TK LITERALLY from day 1, and since then he's nearly lost him how many times??? Enough, at least, that I'm fairly certain he's now holding on too tight, even when it comes back and hurts him. He just... he seems to have this mentality that if he's in he's ALL in, and he's not allowed to back away or put any distance between them, or else he'll lose TK for real.
Because we've seen TK pull back and get some distance before. We saw TK take a night away after their fight about the farmer's market. Maybe not with the best communication, but TK was angry and he needed space, so he left. When he did that, however, Carlos was convinced that they were breaking up. Like, CONVINCED. You cannot tell me that Carlos didn't think the worst in that moment.
Now why is THIS important? Easy. Because Carlos and TK may be moving forward in their relationship, but they are at a point right now where they react to things in fundamentally different ways. TK kind of bounces between becoming reactionary and going distant (again, we saw this in s2ep8 very clearly), while Carlos has reached a point where he kind of doubles down on holding tightly to TK even when he maybe shouldn't.
Basically, when you boil all this down, Carlos is DESPERATELY trying not to rock the boat, with his parents OR with TK, because he's scared of everything coming apart. And I think that makes sense with this episode.
The problem, then, is that this is a coping mechanism. The narrative has set it up as such. Which means that he's going to have to address it at some point. If he doesn't, I will be FUCKING PISSED, believe you me.
3) Did the narrative address that scene with respect, dignity, and nuance?
Short answer: I DON'T THINK SO.
Long answer: TK is human. He's a recovering addict. He's had problems with feeling numb in the past (that line about how everything is gray), which, I think, makes his feelings just THAT MUCH BIGGER when he does have them. So clearly, he's going to make mistakes. The question then is, was this particular mistake something he's learned from, or was it just used for the drama?
I have two reasons to believe it was the latter rather than the former.
One. Judd's reaction. Judd telling Carlos to get out of the firehouse after TK hit him, as if Carlos was the bad guy in that situation, was dramatic as hell. TK and Carlos are pitted against each other in that moment, and instead of mediating, Judd picked a side. Which is, ironically enough, the first thing that I think was NOT in character in that scene.
Judd, we know, is a bit of a hot-head, but he's also very empathetic. Judd was shown trying to mediate between Billy and Owen the last time the two of them had an episode together, because he understood both sides of the story and he cared for both of them. Why do I think it should have been the same this time? Well, because he loves TK and Carlos BOTH. They were both in the group hug at the hospital after the Ryder's car crash. It wasn't like Carlos stayed back, okay--JUDD CARES FOR BOTH OF THEM. And I think, at that point, that Judd would have seen the fact that TK was spinning out and Carlos was trying to stay objective and known that he needed to de-escalate. It would have been SO EASY to have that line be "Okay, okay, both of you step back and take a breather." He could EASILY have mediated. But he didn't. And that was a specific choice that leans more toward drama than anything else.
Which brings me to number two. The fact that they don't talk about it on screen. We had a hand-wavey 'we agreed no apologies' and a hot and heavy make-out scene instead. The writers wanted the drama of the two of them being in bed together while the fire started, and in order to do that they sacrificed the screen time it would have taken to actually have them have a conversation. Because, again, it would have been SO EASY to write them actually talking about it. They've done it before! After their fight about the farmer's market and Carlos's parents, the two of them have a WONDERFUL conversation. Why then and not now? Well, to make the fire more dramatic, to up the stakes one more time.
So no. I don't think there was any respect. I don't think there was any nuance. TK made a mistake, because he's human and he has some problems with emotional regulation, but there were little to no repercussions for it where there really should have been. There was no respect coming from the firefam for Carlos, either. There were no apologies, or further comments, or anything. And honestly... this season has done a lot toward making me feel like they don't give a shit about violence. Judd hitting that kid in the bear trap in the wild fire episode, Judd hitting the drunk driver who drove him off the road, Judd punching Billy when he thought he was framing Owen, and now TK hitting Carlos... all with no repercussions or apologies or even discussions about them... it's not a good look.
And there you have it. The writing makes sense. It does. But it's also really clear that the writers' priorities have changed. I really, honestly feel like the show has lost something since season 1. There's been a massive tonal shift, and I don't like it. The fact that we keep having Event after Event with no reprieve, have sacrificed conversations and interpersonal relationships for Drama, and have started killing and maiming characters with wild abandon, sometimes with seemingly no reason... it's all just a Lot. I have enjoyed watching season 2, but it's not sticking the same way as season 1 did. I'm not letting myself get attached to characters at this point because clearly we're not in a found family show anymore. I don't care about them the same way I did before. I can’t bring myself to do it when it’s becoming clear that we’re not going to slow down and actually process anything anytime soon.
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guymaito · 3 years
For the ask thing :3:
Top 5 animals? Top 5 fav/comfort movies? Top 5 fav cartoons/shows?
I’m honestly glad to know theres other people including you who actually like Pakku and his character :3 Yes he was a completely asshole at the start but he did change, it’s just that it was so subtle that not everyone saw it
Also random song associations with characters:
Fighter by Jack Stauber reminds me very well of Piandao, Pakku, and Jeong Jeong as their younger selves during the war.
Why do I associate Grace by Lewis Capaldi with Bumi? (the music video tho would give more context to why it might make sense)
Oh Klahoma by Jack Stauber reminds me of Piandao and his overall anxieties for his partners.
Consider some of these songs as sorta song recs? Idk but still :3
1. Giraffes!! the reason why their tongues look like That is cause of extra melanin and to prevent sunburn!!
2. Seals!! there are 33 different kinds of pinnipeds and there over 50 extinct pinnipeds
3. Dogs!! they can only see in shades of blue and yellow, so bright red roses look yellowish brown and lively green grass look dehydrated and dead
4. Crows!! a group of them are called a murder
5. Cows!! they’re actually colorblind, they can’t see red specifically, so male cows, bulls aren’t getting mad at the color, they’re getting angry at the movement
1. The Losers movie from 2010, it’s a action mystery movie about Clay and his team that are a part of an elite US Special Forces Unit and are approached by a mysterious woman to exact revenge on their handler, Max, who betrayed them and just,,,the characters, CHRIS EVANS, jake jensen and all of his kinda weird glory, THE ELEVATOR SCENE, also cougar!!
2. Captain America and The Winter Soldier movie, it’s a action movie, which makes me realize that a lot of my faves are prolly gonna be action something, but anyways, it’s about Steve Rogers, who now lives in the nation's capital as he tries to adjust to modern times. An attack on a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague throws Rogers into a web of intrigue that places the whole world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Natasha Romanov, and a new ally, Sam Wilson, Steve struggles to expose an ever-widening conspiracy, but he and his team soon come up against an unexpected enemy. oh my god,,,just,,,the fight scenes, the running scene at the beginning of the movie, steve meeting sam that way, just everything!! this was also my introduction to marvel so in my mind no other marvel movie can live up to this (other than spiderman away from home)
3. Spiderman Far from Home, again, it’s a action movie, i’m not gonna explain this cause the post is getting long, but!! mj and peter!! just,,,all of their scenes!! also jake gyllenhaal!! the fight scenes!! the soundtrack!! everything about it is amazing!!
4. Thunderforce, again, i’m not gonna explain, it’s an action adventure and comedy movie (ofc it is look at the other 3 🙄 /s), the relationship between lydia and emily!! the relationship between lydia and emily’s daughter!! the humor!! the fight scenes!! the soundtrack!!,,,,just everything about is good despite the bad ratings
that’s more like a top 4 than a top 5 but that’s like,,,,all the movies i genuinely like and will rewatch if given the chance and for that where’s a honorable mention: Hamilton (the movie version on disney+ that came out i think nearly a year ago), the soundtrack is amazing, the characters are better, got some funny moments and is mostly historically accurate, like yeah angelica did forget her name cause at the time of her meeting alex ham, she was married to a man named john church (or something church idk) so her last name was church but she introduced herself to alexander as angelica schuyler, not angelica church, so in satisfied she was telling the truth about forgetting her own name, but in the same song she said that her father had no sons even though the real angelica had 3 brothers.
1. Avatar the last Airbender, ofc or else i would have a blog (mostly) centered around it and it’s sequel /s but fr though?? it’s such a good show!! zuko’s redemption arc, iroh’s redemption arc (even though his more subtle than zuko’s) , aang!! love him and his character so much, especially when he gets to be a sassy little shit, sokka and his shit humor and brains, katara, toph, hakoda and HIS shit humor, the fight scene with hakoda (he fights kinda like a waterbender, using his opponent’s momentum against them), bato and his lovely, lovely voice, piandao, aang going ‘how about he get on YOUR back and you can fly us to the south pole’ or something like that to sokka after he complained about appa not flying higher, the boiling rock episodes, hakoda apparently being a good dad but a shitty prison riot starter (love that for him), just!! atla is such a good ass show, im not changing my mind. also!! i like the way they introduced ozai, not showing his face but still presenting him as not only a shit dad, but a shit person as well, like up until book three, we only saw him like, the neck down and in like, a flashback or two (i don’t really remember how many flashbacks ozai was in actually cause it’s nearly been a full year since i last watched it) and that’s it, so it made seeing his face for the first time all the more better cause you was already like ‘what the hell does this shitbag look like’ and then you see him and now ur like ‘oh!! THATS what he looks like!!’
2. The Legend of Korra, again, ofc or else i wouldn’t have a blog (mostly) centered around it and it’s prequel, just,,,,korra’s arc from being hot headed to calm is fantastic but also sad considering the way she went from that to this, korra’s book 1 character!! for whatever reason i really like b1 korra, just,,her design, her hair style (even though she had it for nearly the entire series) just!!! book 1 korra <3, also the entirety of book 1!! just amon posing as a anti bender nonbender despite being a waterbender himself, the scene where tenzin and his kids nearly lost their bending, which would’ve meant that, if tenzin did lose his bending but his kids didn’t, that would’ve meant the strongest airbender would’ve been his 11 year old daughter, the gruesome way to end the season finale episode by doing a murder suicide which was dark as fuck for what?? a kids show??, also the villains in this show!! their good as hell!! the backstory of the red lotus and how and why they were created?? amon and his anti bending?? kuvira and her plan to basically rule the earth kingdom (idk i haven’t finished book 4), unalaq and his spiritual stuff and wanting to become a dark avatar and fusing with vaatu?? also!! the other disturbing scene of korra basically getting tortured near the end of book 3, i mean?? it deadass left her hella traumatized and unable to walk, again hella dark for a fucking kids show
3. The Walking Dead, even though i haven’t finished it or watched in like, 4-5 months, i just,,,the way the presented negan!! practically foreshadowing him the entirety of season 6!! him appearing at the very end of the season 6 finale and pretty much having an entire episode dedicated to him in the very beginning of season 7 (which is why some fans argue he was introduced in s7 not s6 cause of the fact that he didn’t show up until the very end of the s6 finale but had an entire episode with him in it in s7, while others say vice versa cause the very the first time we see him was in s6 not s7), the fact that the walking dead logo was getting progressively more and more decayed as the series go on?? the fact that the WALKERS (the zombies) are getting more and more decayed as the series go on?? dale’s death scene?? shane’s death scene?? negan’s relationship with rick’s daughter?? the fact that this show also has what?? 11, 12 seasons?? which reminds me that i’m still on season 9 of twd
4. Sabrina the Teenage Witch, just,,,salem and his sarcasm?? sabrina’s aunts?? sabrina herself?? just!! everyone is just so fucking funny in this show it’s unreal, specially salem!! a lot of my favorite scenes have salem in them, the ‘are you on a women’s chat room again?’ (or something like that) and salem saying ‘i like the attention’ in response, that one harvey and salem scene that i don’t know how to describe without turning this into a giant paragraph like the ones before this one
5. blue’s clues, it was my favorite childhood show and i love the reboot of it so much!! especially p for pride moment in that song i don’t remember the name of, blue themself!! steve leaving which was sad but getting an equally amazing host in the process?? amazing!! the scene where salt and pepper introduced their baby, paprika?? just,,,it’s such good show and i loved it when i was younger and i still love it now!!
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Mayday IS NOT a Mary Sue!
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I’ve heard this assertion before and it’s just bullshit.
To tackle this topic I’m going to crank the dial up to ‘Very difficult’ and strictly look at Mayday’s debut in What If…v2 #105. Were I to take her entire character history into consideration the accusation would crumble like wet paper.
Now, there is no absolute definitive definition of what a Mary Sue is, though there are broad overlaps between the definitions. Those overlaps really boil down to an over idealized character/female character (the male equivalent is Gary Stu or Marty Stu).
For the purposes of this discussion (and because this is what I’ve seen the accusations revolve around), the idea of her being a Mary Sue hinges upon three key points:
She is not flawed
Everyone likes her
She masters her powers/wins her first fight with no difficulty
Let’s tackle them each at a time.
She lacked personality flaws?
Well she seemed a bit of a hothead, rather melodramatic and arguably (because she planned on returning to action) deceitful at the very end of the story. She also considered herself a freak and was upset that her athletic accomplishments were the result of her powers not her own hard work. And of course her sense of self was radically rocked when she learned her father was Spider-Man.
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Whilst not a personality flaw per se, a source of contention in her life was that she didn’t fit in neatly with any of the school cliques. She was smart enough to hang with the nerds but also athletic enough to hang out with the jocks and as a result was forced to choose between them. This in turn hurt her romantic prospects the boy she liked, Brad Miller.
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This is integral to the story because through her alter ego Mayday can combine her intellect and athleticism and be her truest self.
Ah, but does this not then reinforce the accusation that everybody likes her? Poor Mayday. Her problem is too many  people like her. Cry me a river right?
Well, hold on a minute. Why is the idea of people liking the character a mark of a Mary Sue in the first place? It can’t just be a realism issue as many characters can be celebrities or beloved public figures. Bruce Wayne (out of costume) and Wonder Woman are beloved by most of the general public. So is Thor, Captain America and arguably Tony Stark and ¾ of the Fantastic Four.
Obviously villains dislike them though. In this vein then Normie Osborn in What if v2 #105 would dispel the accusation. But let’s be honest, that’s a little cheap isn’t it? Obviously villains aren’t going to like the hero, they wouldn’t be effective villains if they did *glares at Kylo Ren*.
So why are those characters not regarded as Mary Sue’s then? Well, the simple answer would be that the general adoration from others isn’t really that big of a deal for most of those characters. The general public do not strictly speaking need to like the F4 (and in fact have vacillated in their opinion of them), they just need to be famous.
In contrast Spider-Man had a poor public reputation due to Jameson and this is regarded as a hallmark of the character. It’s such a hallmark that it made it into the first 2 movies and later in Spider-Girl the fact that she had a far better public image was highlighted more than once.
So what’s going on here?
Well basically a character is a Mary Sue when everybody loves them at it either serves no story purpose, or if it’s a cheap way of conveying how much the audience should love a character. Or if it makes the character’s lives easier without them putting any work into it.
To give you an example from anime Son Goku and Usagi Tskunio (from Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon respectively, two of the most popular anime ever) typically made friends easily and even converted enemies into allies more than once.
Does this make them Mary Sues?
No, because the people who became friends or allies didn’t just immediately or easily evolve into those roles. Work and effort was put into that by Goku and Usagi respectively. They endured pain or displayed bravery or sacrifice or put their hearts on the line to convince someone to bet better
Now, I’m not saying Mayday’s popularity came about through methods like that. We do not know how Mayday became as popular as she is, though we can easily infer it’s due to her athleticism, physical attractiveness and brains. She’d fit into multiple cliques in school so it’s not unbelievable that her company would be desired by them.
What ultimately disproves her as a Mary Sue in this regard though is that there is a price to pay for that popularity. She is forced to choose between the groups and thus undermine friendships with one group or another. And she can never fully be herself…until she becomes Spider-Girl that is.
Basically Mayday being popular doesn’t make her a Mary Sue because it comes at a personal cost. Her life would honestly be easier if she was just a jock or a nerd.
Of course the counterpoints to that are that it’s a pretty minor concern all things in the grand scheme of life. And if she brings those two halves together as Spider-Girl then she’s solved her problem hasn’t she?
Well for starters, not fitting in exactly with any one group, undermining one set of friendships due to servicing another, juggling those social circles?
That might be a piece of cake next to what Peter Parker dealt with in high school, but for many teenagers it is actually pretty important.
In much the same way that scale matters in super powered conflicts, scale matters in terms of emotional conflicts too. We might argue May has it easier than Peter, but Peter had it arguably easier than the X-Men, or the Silver Surfer or ben Grimm. This is why his romantic or financial struggles were as compelling as (if not more so than) those of the Avengers efforts to save the world.
Mayday is 15. She is growing up. She is still figuring out who she is. So yes, her place in the high school hierarchy (especially in 1990s America no less) and social situation would be important to her. And it is she who is ultimately our POV character.
As for the second point about the two halves of her lives, it’s true. Mayday’s emotional conflict of being pulled between two groups reconciles by the end of the story because she bridges the gap. But for starters, let’s remember Mayday was designed to be a done-on-one character with merely the possibility of a continuation. So reconciling her emotional conflict by the end of the story makes a lot of sense narratively. However, the reality is when she became an on-going character it really wasn’t a big deal.
This is because, whilst she bridged that gap as Spider-Girl, she can’t be Spider-Girl ALL the time!
She has to at some point take the mask off ad go to school and in that environment she still needs to juggle not seeming nerdy to the jocks but not seeming like a jock to the nerds. She would still need to sacrifice potential romance and team building experiences with the jocks or sacrifice arguably more substantial friendships she’s held since childhood.
Okay, so being liked by everyone in context  doesn’t render Mayday a Mary Sue.
But surely we cannot defend her fighting prowess? In her first ever encounter with a villain, her first ever fight, her first ever use of the webshooters she won, and seemingly didn’t stumble.
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How can this be defended? Isn’t that at least approaching Rey from the Star Wars sequels levels of unearned skill?
First of all, May should be graded on a curve for the simple reason that she wasn’t invented to be strictly speaking an on-going character. Her whole character arc might’ve begun and ended in What If v2 #105 so given the story, of course we weren’t going to see a training montage.
But even if you ignore that the accusation doesn’t really add up.
For starters it’s pretty obvious her opponent (unlike Rey’s rival, Kylo Ren) was not overly experienced. He seemed to know how to use the weapons in his possession but was clearly emotionally unstable seeing as he was beaten by such an obvious way.
May’s internal thoughts throughout the fight also make it clear she is mostly winging it. She isn’t fighting as effectively as an experienced Spider-Man against an experienced Goblin. She is mostly riding on instinct and her strategy, whilst ultimately effective, is also very rudimentary.
She spots Normie’s gloves are capable of an electrical discharge when she webbed up his hand.
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She knows he uses pumpkin bombs because she saw one when he attacked her earlier; plus it’s likely someone just knows about such an infamous super villain.
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So she waits for him to pull out a pumpkin bomb then webs up his hand again, hoping he’ll react by using his discharge and blowing himself up. 
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Amidst this she needles him to make him emotional and throw him off balance increasing the chances he’ll use his best weapon (the pumpkin bomb) and not think through his actions. 
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Let’s also consider she webs up the same hand twice, which would make Normie consider his reaction even less.
It’s a basic but it got the job done. Mayday wouldn’t have needed to be a genius or an experienced fighter to have come up with that plan.
But as it happens her parents are two people who between them have scientific acumen, strong social skills, a penchant for getting inside people’s heads or under their skin and are very quick witted and resourceful. It’s not really necessary for the story to spell out for us that Mayday could have inherited these traits and/or observed them in practice growing up.*
From a storytelling POV, because we the audience are familiar enough with Peter and MJ (even if you don’t know that many specific stories) that context is part of the subtext of the story. So Mayday possessing those essential skills isn’t a cheap ass pull or anything.
But what about her use of Peter’s powers? She didn’t stumble with them, not even once.
Well, putting aside how the narration makes it clear she’s riding by the skin of her teeth more than once, this is justified when we compare to Peter himself.
I know that in Spider-Man 2002 and Amazing Spider-man 2012 Peter practiced with his powers and did stumble a bit in his use of them. But those were live action movies that demand a certain greater degree of realism because we have actual human beings right in front of us. They were also made 4-14 years after What If v2 #105. Additionally, whilst Maguire and Garfield’s Peter’s did have to stumble a bit, the key phrase there is ‘a bit’. 
They got the hang of their powers pretty quickly, with Maguire’s Peter trouncing Flash Thompson with ease.
Garfield meanwhile defended himself from people in a tiny subway carriage practically by accident.
Maguire’s Spidey got the hang of web swinging on his second try.
For the original 616 Peter Parker, the situation was even easier. IIRC aside from one flashback story showcasing Peter accidentally failing to control his strength, Peter had a handle on all his abilities pretty quickly, including web-swinging. Very  early into his career he held his own against four experienced heroes simultaneously. Specifically the Fantastic Four.
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This was (in publication order) the first ever time Peter battled anyone with powers of their own. And remember, this event is 100% canonical to Spider-Girl’s universe. Her version of Peter Parker (her father) battled the F4 exactly this way.
Ah, but that was written in 1963. Standards weren’t as believable or grounded as they were circa 1998. Well, what about Ultimate Spider-Man from 2000? A series that was actually bucking trends because  it was more grounded and realistic (allegedly)? In this universe Peter had his powers for a while before he first ever super villain battle and had dealt with some petty crooks before.
Nevertheless he too was very effective when he first fought Ultimate Green Goblin. Ultimate Goblin wasn’t great at critical thinking, but he was overwhelming stronger than Peter and more durable. And yet, Peter at the very least held his own in the fight.
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So it seems spider powers don’t require much practice before you can use them in combat. You can at least avoid attacks, hold your own and grasp the basics of web-swinging pretty quickly.
When looking at the 616 version of Spider-Man’s (and by extension Spider-Girl’s) powers this makes a lot of sense.
To begin with wall-crawling was second nature to Peter in the 616 universe and Ultimate Universe.
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More importantly the Spider Sense is a MASSIVE factor in Peter and Mayday’s respective fighting styles and was explicitly a factor in Mayday’s duel with Normie.
The Marvel wiki had this to say about Peter’s spider sense on his main page:
Spider-Sense: Spider-Man possesses a precognitive danger or "spider" sense which warns him of potential or immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of his skull, and links with his superhuman kinesthetics, enabling him to evade most any injuries, unless he cognitively overrides his automatic reflexes… Spider-Man's spider-sense is directional and can guide him to or away from hidden weapons and enemies. Sudden and extreme threats can cause his spider-sense to react with painful intensity. Spider-Man can also sense and dodge attacks directed randomly or by an artificial intelligence. Using his spider-sense to time his enhanced reflexes, Spider-Man can casually dodge attacks up to and including automatic-weapons fire, provided there is sufficient distance. His spider-sense is sufficiently well-linked to his reflexes to the point that a threat can trigger them even when Spider-Man is asleep or stunned.
This is further corroborated in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man: The Ultimate Guide Updated Edition’, written by Tom DeFalco, co-creator of What if v2 #105
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Additionally, ASM #656 established that Peter’s Spider Sense helped him greatly when web-swinging by subconsciously guiding his aim towards safe anchor points.**
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So Mayday’s proficiency with her newfound powers is actually not all that surprising. Her Spider-Sense actively compensated for her lack of experience. And if we look at her battle with Normie her predominant tactic is to just dodge and keep him distracted. The latter doesn’t really require training just some common sense and guts. The former is practically the wholesale function of the Spider-Sense in the first place.
Still don’t buy it?
Still think this is all a stretch?
Think that the Spider-Sense is just cheating?
Maybe you think dodging is one thing, but Mayday actively attacks Normie three times in the battle.
She saves herself from freefall and then transitions that into a strike against him.
She webbed up his hand accurate in the midst of the fight twice!
Her ability to do all that in her first fight, with no training, surely proves her for the Mary Sue she is.
Well here is something even I never considered until today…Mayday was already  athletic before  she gained her powers.
Mayday had won herself a spot on the Midtown High girls basketball team.
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The story doesn’t say when this happened but her familiarity with the team and the popular kids not on the team heavily implies she’s been on the team for a while. She talks about possibly getting a shot at scholarship or going pro. This again implies basketball isn’t just a recent new hobby, that she’s been into it for a while; an idea confirmed in her on-going solo book. This is further alluded to when Mayday laments that she believed her athletic skills were the result of training, practice and hard work.
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That line itself implies Mayday has in fact had her powers all along and been unwittingly been using them. This would mean that Mayday had been practicing on the court for many years, giving her a handle on her skills that she could bring to bear against Normie.***
However, earlier in the story Peter and MJ have a shocked reaction to Mayday’s slam dunk. Along with their dialogue this implies Mayday actually didn’t have any powers before the start of the story.
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Regardless, if Mayday trained, practiced and worked hard as a basketball player (and was good enough to make the team) she’d have developed certain skills. Skills that would have been transferable to her duel with Normie.
She’d have developed hand-eye co-ordination. Hence her ability to aim her webs and strikes accurately.
She’d have developed an awareness of the physics of he body. As in what movements in relation to the situation would generate what result. Like for example when she transitioned her swing into a kick.
She’d have had a certain knowledge of basic physics, because she’d need the ball to go where she’d need it to go. As in if she pushes off left with her arms out she should travel X distance. If she curls up her body it will slow her down, etc.
She’d have developed muscle memory and been able to move on instinct. Hence she could still be great at dodging even without her powers.
She would’ve known how to observe terrain and her opponents. E.g. she knew how to use the bridge’s shape to create a pendulum motion and kick Normie. And she knew observed his electrical discharge attack and pumpkin bombs.
She would’ve learned how to use the terrain and her opponents’ strengths and weaknesses to her advantage. Hence she, you know…won the fight.
And she would’ve known how to perform under pressure. She wasn’t thrown off by her powers or Normie’s almost lethal attacks.
All of these factors would’ve served her incredibly well in her fight.
When taken all together NO.
Mayday Parker is not, and was never, a Mary Sue.
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*Mayday’s scientific knowledge would also have served her very well in being able to figure out the right way to move in the battle. For example when she broke her freefall and turned the swing into an attack.
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**We might also speculate it was the Spider-Sense that guided Mayday in how to use trigger the web-shooters through the double-tap mentioned in the story.
Although frankly Spider-Man being such a famous and well documented hero the general public have probably seen him shoot a web and thus know about his famous hand gesture. So Mayday, being intelligent (let alone scientifically clever like her Dad) probably deduced how to activate the web-shooters.
***Not to mention, the scene demonstrates Mayday testing out her powers. So she didn’t walk into battle with Normie completely unaware of what she might be capable of.
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comradekatara · 5 years
sexism in the fire nation?? I want more examples!!
Okay, I’m not sure exactly to which post you’re referring, but you should know I have made a post expounding on this topic in the past. I do wish to speak on it further, though, because there seems to be this widespread belief among the fandom that the Fire Nation is the least sexist of all four nations during Aang’s time—and this bothers me for a number of reasons…
7 more paragraphs under the cut because it seems I have no self control???
The Fire Nation is an imperialist state that profits off of its colonialism, to the detriments of the territories it colonizes (obviously). Therefore, it makes sense that the FN seems more modernized than the rest of the world. But do not mistake their technological advancement for social progress. It is common propaganda that social progress moves with technological progress, in the same direction, and at the same pace. (For one thing, define “social progress.”) Colonialist states such as Israel will try to justify their occupation of Palestinian territory and oppression of Palestinians with, “Okay, yeah, maybe we’re doing those things, but we’re also the only country in the Middle East with LGBT rights!” And um, sure, Tel Aviv has a pride parade, but the Israeli gov’t also directly oppresses LGBT Palestinians. Or how when India decriminalized homosexuality and a lot of dumb liberals were like, “Good for India for finally catching up to the West!” when it was Western (British) influence that fucked India up in the first place. 
And even so, these are not the best examples I could give, because the FN can’t even boast gay rights. Now, you all know I tend to see the comics as a buffet of canon; I pick and choose what feels right, and if I doubt its plausibility, I have no problem ignoring it. At first, I was dubious to the claim that Firelord Sozin criminalized homosexuality. Apparently, being gay was all fine and dandy in the Fire Nation before Sozin (which I highly doubt, but still) and then all of a sudden he’s rounding up his subjects and sending them off to… well, it never exactly specifies, but you can guess. Again, not many specifics are given. But, it would make sense for an autocrat boasting the glory of his nation to need a scapegoat, and “the homosexuals” seem a pretty decent target. I mean, it’s not like this doesn’t have historical precedent. So while I initially marked it as kind of immature writing, just the idea that Bad Man is Homophobe because Bad, the more I examined the Fire Nation royal family of ATLA, the more it made sense that the Fire Nation has a history of egregious homophobia. 
Instead of looking to Sozin, who we truly know nothing about other than the fact that he liked to throw grass in people’s faces as a kid (which, uh, same—okay tangent, but why is ripping grass out of the ground and then throwing it like confetti so satisfying? Anyway), we need to look at the interplay among Ozai, Zuko, Iroh, Azula, and Ursa. Now, it’s really not hard to apply a queer reading to Zuko’s arc. I mean, the fact that it plays out like a 1:1 of a coming-out narrative wasn’t intentional on the part of the head writers is, frankly, staggering. And saying this isn’t to diminish the importance of his moral growth—one of understanding his own complicity in the war, and taking on the responsibility to mitigate his family’s legacy of violence and terror—but it is actually impossible to ignore the role Gender plays in all of this. If the Fire Nation was truly free of sexism, which, by the way, is impossible because its culture is too steeped in real-world influences to be able to separate imperialist values from upholding patriarchy, Zuko’s story would have played out much differently. For the record, you could switch out the word “Honor” for masculinity in not just ATLA, but a lot of other texts as well (especially those involving duels) and I bet we’d all come to understand just how silly and deluded the entire concept is. Of course, honor does not necessarily equate to masculinity. Acting honorably is whatever the culture defines it to be. For the Fire Nation, their culturally is militaristically-inclined, and so Zuko tries desperately to be a good soldier. Of course, Zuko is terrible at War, and thus is considered a failure. Being nurturing, compassionate, sensitive, or gentle is seen as weakness, and thus Zuko is forced to suppress these inherent traits if he does not want to be deemed weak. To be clear, Zuko does not learn how to be good; he learns that he is good. That he’s okay as he is, and that he should trust to act on his instincts, because they were right all along. 
Concurrently, while Azula’s arc is certainly less Gender than Zuko’s is (Toph proves the closest parallel to Zuko in that regard), misogyny is a pervasive element in understanding why she is the way she is. Unlike Zuko, who is, frankly, encouraged to yell (as it is pretty much the only form of emotional expression men are permitted to display) Azula must remain poised at all times if she wants to stay in her parents’ good graces. She clearly had better discipline than Zuko did as a child—and that is partially due to raw talent, but talent can only get you so far. Her flames weren’t always blue. While, yes, Azula is valued for typically masculine traits, such as her physical prowess, cunning, and “stoicism,” she is the Crown Princess. It is expected of her to follow in her father’s footsteps and promote military dominance during her inevitable reign. And surely you must be saying, “Well, if there are female Firelords, case closed, right? If a woman can be supreme ruler, then clearly the country cannot be sexist.” Riiiiiiight. Because Ancient Egypt wasn’t sexist. Because Britain. Etc.
I also see people saying that there were female guards at the Boiling Rock. Other than the fact that the Boiling Rock seems like it’s a bit short on guards and will take what they can get at the moment (Sokka and Zuko are both children who do not fit into those uniforms and no one questions it. No one even says, “Hey, aren’t you a little too young to work here?” …which is a shame, because the response, “I’m an intern..?” would’ve floored me) working-class women have always participated in labor. The Boiling Rock is not a gender-segregated prison. The only thing they care about is whether or not you’re a threat to the Fire Nation. They don’t even care if you’re an actual child (see: Suki). Seeing as the Fire Nation is deeply concerned with the containment of rebel forces, and the prison is fucking huge, it makes sense that they would hire a handful of women along with the male guards. It doesn’t seem like a job many would want (although with the Fire Nation’s brainwashing it’s hard to say), and they could use all hands on deck. But do we see any female high-ranking military officials? Any female soldiers in their military at all? The worst jobs cannot afford not to hire women. The Firelord cannot afford not to turn his daughter into a weapon simply because she is female. (His dumb gay son is clearly inept and a lost cause.) Azula’s greatest advantage is that people underestimate her. She enlists the help of Mai and Ty Lee, two teenage girl non-benders, because she knows that agility is key. She would rather blend in, be able to move through crowds unnoticed, than to show off (not to say she doesn’t like showing off, but she is distinctly subtler than Zuko, not to mention Ozai). In this way, her cunning and prowess are feminine qualities. Her swallowing of her emotional outbursts is a distinctly female trait. Under patriarchy, men are, in fact, encouraged to display their emotions more than women are, because at least men get to be angry. Azula is hyperaware of how misogyny operates in society, and she uses that as yet another tool in her arsenal. 
Now, I cannot go without mentioning Iroh’s treatment of Azula. We’re clearly all thinking it. Pre-Lu Ten’s-Death-Inspired-Epiphany-Iroh sends his niece and nephew some gifts from the Earth Kingdom: a doll and a knife, respectively. He sends the wrong toy to the wrong kid. First of all, he sends a ten-year-old Zuko a knife, which is decidedly not a toy (though he still manages to use it like one), and he sends a doll to Azula, which she immediately burns out of spite. Azula rejects gender roles in the same way Zuko does, but there is another layer to it, because femininity and women are so devalued; masculinity and association to it is a way of gaining power. Thus, Azula must perform femininity (physical perfection, “One hair out of place”) to gain approval and can never be caught slipping if she wants to be taken seriously. Unlike Zuko, who never once acts dignified, and is never taken seriously, Azula has learned to utilize these roles to her advantage in every possible way. And yet, Iroh does not care about how well she presents herself. She is a woman, and she wields too much power. Of course, the latter part is true. She is far too powerful considering her agenda, and she does need to be stopped (and helped). But when Iroh says, “No, she is crazy and needs to go down,” there are some heavily gendered implications at play here. To put it outright: Iroh is a sexist. He may have critically reexamined his views on war and peace after the death of his son, but that clearly did not extend to gender. Even a subtle thing, like constantly trying to set Zuko up with random girls in Ba Sing Se (it’s implied it’s not a one-off occurrence) (also, why would he be so rude to those poor girls as to force them to go on a date with Zuko, the actual worst person you could ever go on a date with except for perhaps a serial killer) seems a bit…. presumptuous. Not that I’m necessarily faulting him for his heteronormativity. Suki never had the chance to introduce him to Judith Butler after all, seeing as they had a war to win under intense time pressure and all that when they met. Maybe afterward, though. It’s the least he could do to better connect with his #Wells4Boys nephew (and #MyLittleStepchildren niece—though they truly have their work cut out for them). 
So yeah, assuming that sexism does not exist in the Fire Nation ignores the real-world implication of those claims. The Fire Nation is largely modeled after imperialist Japan, among other cultural influences. To then claim that an imperialist, militaristic society can exist without patriarchy in a cultural landscape so similar to our own is heavily reductive and downright ignorant. Not to mention, there’s pretty clear evidence throughout the entire show that the Fire Nation is sexist, among every class, and on a systemic, structural level.
So when people say, “Sexism is bad for men, as they are taught to repress their emotions, and they hurt themselves and others in the process,” they are, in fact, talking about Zuko. QED.
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human-enthusiast · 4 years
One Piece “isms” - #1
--Episode 2/ Chapters 3 + 4
Theme: Abusive Authority
Details: When Luffy and Coby dock in a town named Shells Town, they quickly learn about their troubles with authority. The mention of Roronoa Zoro and Marine Captain Morgan’s name expels fear in the citizens for some similar reasons. Later, after meeting the Pirate Hunter tied to a post, they learn about Morgan’s tyrant ruling over people. Specifically, those that openly defy his rules and authority, treating them like inhumane scum.
1. Authoritarian Leadership - (Dictatorship quality)
2. Inferiority (Superiority) Complex
3. Obsession with “treacheries”, insubordination, or lack of power over even small matters.
4. Alignment: Lawful Evil
5. Unfair imprisonment - Zoro and the existence of a Crucifixion Yard.
Very early on in the series, we have, what I would describe as a mild introduction to certain conflicts the protagonists face. Now whether or not you ever watch movies or read books centered around pirates, it’s common sense to know they are enemies to the world’s government(s).
It’s not to say pirates don’t have their own form of government or authority -- any society or civilization has one that was structured around those who first joined-- but they separated themselves from the one governed by kings/queens/emperors/ or anyone who governs with written or traditional laws.
So, if being introduced to a character, who begins his journey as a pirate, we would expect his enemy to be the Marines right off the bat.
Not so unusual. Luffy has shown to have a gray morality or chaotic neutral personality, but this isn’t well defined until way later on. He does what he wants, with a mindset that says ‘consequences be damned’. That is pretty much his motto at this point. That being said, the opposite to what Luffy’s side of the story represents would be lawful and justice.
Captain Morgan is actually the first official Marine we see in the series. By that, I mean he’s the first one actually named and given a personality to judge on. Though technically, Helmeppo would be the first to be seen, but it’s his father whose been alluded to since they arrived. Right off the bat, they both show case the worst possible outcome of authorities: power trips, abusing the system, respect is demanded, and rules are absolute.
Both the anime and manga illustrate Morgan’s delusions of control and megalomaniac personality quite well, and how Helmeppo thrives in it by hand-me-down powers.
Something to note, I just started reading the manga, but I have watched the anime for a few years now (English dub), and I’m now just starting the Dressrosa arc. While the anime is good (not perfect) at adapting from the manga, there are more intriguing details to me that do better in narrating the story (at least with the first few chapters).
Here the manga shows tax exploitations:
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Some are fairly easy to miss, but the walls and metal gate show signs of poor treatment, or degradation. The anime does something similar with the gate, having more advantage with coloring:
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The door used to have what I believe was a darker green color. But now it’s rusted fairly much, even a little on the hinges, and the paint for the symbols looks a little faded. Now, this may just be a way to give texture to surfaces, which is initially true and what I thought when I first watched/read the series. However, the kicker we learn is a little ways after.
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It’s explained that the people are under heavy taxation to the point that it depletes a living wage for everyone. Morgan refers to the people as peasants, so he’s clearly aware of their indigent state. It would explain a little about the state of everything and how he could’ve paid for the erected statue of himself.
The red-circled speech bubbles are especially important, and I think highlight Morgan’s character. It’s my favorite detail with him. I’m not saying I like the character all around; if I ever meet someone like this, I’d probably pull a Luffy and straight take a swing at their throat/junk (although I tend to think of the consequences, so I’d more likely take a legal/other direct action if need be).
No, it’s just...characters with this kind of mindset are fun to observe and explain.
There’s another character that is like a mirror image from this Marine: Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Both are high ranking members of their society, wealthy, completely power hungry, apathetic, and fear inducing to their subjects. There are plenty of complications with Azula, but it definitely shows in her first introduction and later on in Season 3 when she has a psychological break down.
Direct conversation from Season 2 Episode 1:
[Ship Captain]: “Princess, I’m afraid the tides will not allow us to bring the ship into port before nightfall.”
[Azula]: “I’m sorry, captain, but I do not know much about the tides. Can you explain something to me?”
[Captain]: “Of course, your highness.”
[Azula]: “Do the tides command this ship?”
[Captain]: “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
[Azula]: “You said the tides would not allow us to bring the ship in. Do the tides command this ship?”
[Captain]: “No, princess.”
[Azula]: “And if I were to have you thrown overboard, would the tides think twice about smashing you against the rocky shore?”
[Captain]: “No, princess.”
[Azula]: “Well, then maybe you should worry less about the tides, who have already made up their mind about killing you, and worry more about me, who’s still mulling it over.”
I included the exchange between her, the bat-shit crazy royal, and the captain, who has better acknowledgement of the forces of nature, because it’s fairly similar to the exchange between Morgan and the marine he’s talking to about the people’s wealth. The marine and captain regard their authority’s title, and probably have similar worries over their inability to reason maturely.
Any good villain can be vindictive, selfish, and have no regard for others (a lack of empathy), but the one underlining similarity is their negligence with reality. And in order to get like that, there is a deep obsession with control.
Azula wants to disregard nature, specifically ocean tides, rather than change her course and plan. This is a frightening aspect because of her complete ignorance on the mod of reality. She wants to maintain control of her ship, and she is very much willing to sacrifice the safety of others just to feel superior.
While Morgan also wants to keep an iron fist over the citizens. He has this more monetary greed, spending it more in lavish purposes for him and his son. He’s a little more aware of the fact that the people don’t have much money, but to him, it’s no excuse to pay the taxes in full. There’s absolutely no regard for other matters in reality, that including personal finance.
The obstacles or personal matters of those “below” him fly over his head. Because what he believes to be a level of respect is absolute obedience. I almost have no doubt that if Luffy and Coby never made it to Shells Town, it may undergone an actual dictatorship like life. When the people have seemingly ran out of money, an alternative subjection-- or showcase of loyalty--probably would have been enslavement and unpaid labor. Assuming that the money Morgan and Helmeppo spend remains on the island at a high fixation.
Maybe that’s too extreme and would also have economic downfall on the Marines as well, but I wouldn’t put it pass Morgan to come up with anymore extreme ideas.
One other similarity with Azula and Morgan is the insane notion of loyalty. This mental state is compromised more with Azula during the final episodes. At that point, she is given the responsibility of being Fire Lord, and with it, comes absolute hysterics and paranoia about maintaining control over everyone. The slightest missteps from her servants enacts a banishment for them, leaving less people to remain under her control. This may have also been a product of Mei and Ty Lee’s betrayal in the Boiling Rock Part 2 episode, completely warping her sense of trust.
There isn’t much known about Morgan before he was head of the Marine Base that is explanatory of his own behavior, but he has the same obsession over the concept of loyalty and traitors. Whether the actions are from citizens or his own subordinates, there is no excuse for anyone to disobey him. Hell, he found it perfectly acceptable to kill a marine who accidently bumped a part of his statue, that probably didn’t do anything minor to it.
That being said, he has no room to let anyone ignore his orders. When the Lieutenant was ordered to kill Rika because she helped Zoro while tied up, he refused. In response, Morgan went for the kill (he’s very much alive in the anime).
He and Helmeppo also show case this behavior in ways that are actually more foreshadowing for later arcs.
In the manga:
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The citizens are bowing as the brat saunters by all high and mighty. This is the earliest render of how Celestial Dragons are introduced. While maybe this isn’t necessarily required for the Marine official, it’s more of a by-product on fear-induced situations. A psychological reaction if anything.
The other foreshadowing is the distinction of what the Marines and the World Government consider justice. What is right to them means following the laws-- obedience and purity are absolute. That’s a whole other topic in of itself. But it sets up the fight that Luffy finds himself in with the Marine. Morgan thinks he’s wrong and worthless, fighting on the grounds while yelling “I am Marine Captain “Ax-Hand” Morgan!”
Names carry power. Titles govern rank and superiority. Morgan believes this should be enough to make Luffy crumble over. It’s not. This is a revelation that goes beyond what someone holds in status. And thus, making Morgan a rather incompetent leader.
It’s also rather ironic how, with their battle, it’s very black and white in terms of morality, and the side that views what’s right is on the ‘wrong’ side (pirates). Pirates aren’t lawfully good, or very empathetic. That’s usually not their objective during the Pirate Era. However, if a group of pirates fight against a base leader, and as a result, creates a more balanced, sustainable life for the citizens in the end, there is something drastically wrong with the authority system.
Morgan really sets up as one of the first Marine antagonists, and it’s done using underlining characteristics of higher powers in more tame situations. What one fight could fix within an hour or two, would take more or less years to handle further along in the Grand Line. What One Piece offers is a focus with a type of matter that resurfaces again with different opponents.
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aftermathdb · 5 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Mega Man Battle Royale.
Cue the Mega Man 2 theme!
Five robots. All with the name Mega Man. Time to find out which one is the strongest one there is!
Mega Man Classic Preview.
We all know this story. Doctor Light created several robots to try and help out the world at large. But then that dastardly Doctor Willy took them, and made them evil. To combat this, we got the first, the classic, the original… Mega Man.
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And we even get to go over his many… many weapons. Thanks to his variable weapons system, Rock has a plethora of firepower to work with, and a lot of variety to utilize in a fight.
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From his trust Mega Buster, to his various elemental weapons, Rock has an answer for everything. And his Gear System from 11 can give him an extra edge up.
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And if he’s ever in a pickle, Rock can call up his trusty companion, Rush to give him an edge up.
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And if you’re wondering about feats, Rock has plenty to work with.
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Though, of course, he does have his fair share of weaknesses. He’s not necessarily invincible, his weapons have limited ammunition, and he wasn’t designed for combat.
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But in the end, Mega Man is a power house. If a crazy German is trying to take over the world, there’s only one man to call:
The Mega Man.
Mega Man X Preview.
And we fast forward into the future, where Doctor Cain, discovers a new kind of replicated human called a reploid. These beings had A.I.s so great, that they were practically human. But then some of them ended up going… Maverick.
In order to combat this new threat, Cain called in Sigma. But, we all know how well that went. So he went with the backup plan: Mega Man X.
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X, surprise surprise, has a Mega Buster, and the ability to copy other weapons. And he’s specifically built to be better than the OG Mega Man……… So we already know two of the combatants that are going down, right?
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But, he’s still got weapon energy to worry about. But he’s got plenty of weapons to choose from. And if he needs some extra firepower, X can call upon his Ultimate Armor.
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This gives him extra firepower, and channels his inner Street Fighter fan and lets X use legendary moves like the Hadoken and the Shoryuken.
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And of course, he’s got feats. That healing though… That would make him hard to put down.
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But in the end, if a nutball virus that’s controlling a powerful robot is trying to take over the world, there’s only one man to call:
Mega Man X.
Mega Man. Volnutt Preview.
So, fast forward again, and we land in a new year where the Earth has flooded. And we all basically died because we got that shitty. Hey, if we had a bunch of wars that ended up killing everyone, and kept letting the top 1% run the show, I’d say that we deserve it.
But the humans on a space station were basically running the whole thing. But then they died too. Except for one, called The Master. And his Carbon known as Mega Man Trigger. And The Master decided that the Carbons deserved to run the planet, since there are more of them. But then a bunch of crazy stuff happened, and left Trigger without his memories thanks to a being named Sera, and left him on Earth. This left him stranded, and the new natives gave him the dumbest name they could think of: Volnutt.
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God this is weird.
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So, he decided to battle evil, stop the Master System, and try to regain his lost memories.
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The downside to his special weapons is that they all draw from the same power source, and that they have to be swapped out manually.
But he’s got a list of feats to pull from to win the day.
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In the end, if you need a man to be stranded on the moon for nearly two decades, there’s only one man to call:
Mega Man Volnutt.
MegaMan.EXE Preview.
In an alternate timeline, Doctor Light, now known as Tadashi Hikari, focused on the internet and digital A.I instead of robotics. His work would create an entire universe known as the Cyber-World that would be managed by A.I systems called NetNavis, and one kid named LAN would get one of the strongest Navis of all: Mega Man.EXE.
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Like all the Mega Men before him, Hub has a Mega Buster, and can even grab enemy weapons for his own weapons system thanks to the Battle Chips he has on hand.
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And with over 1,500 Battle Chips, LAN and .EXE have basically an army’s worth of weapons to choose from.
And since .EXE is a digital program, and not an organic being, he’s survived a ton of punishment.
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And in case you’re wondering “Wait! He’s digital. Can he even fight in the real world?”- The answer is “Yes.”
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.EXE has been able to come to the real world on a few occasions, and has even fused with LAN through Full Synchronization. And with Perfect Synchro (No relation to Yu-Gi-Oh), .EXE can even retain his weapons and abilities. This is a good thing, considering all the crazy feats that .EXE has on hand.
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And as it turns out, .EXE is actually LAN’s stillborn baby brother turned into a computer program, which helps with that whole “Perfect Synchro” thing. Which means that the planet-busting Cybeast exploding comes around to that number you see up there.
But at the end of the day, when a bunch of evil viruses are trying to destroy an entire cybernetic universe, there’s only one man to call:
Starforce Mega Man (Geo) Preview.
Going ahead a few more years (Give or take a hundred or two), humanity has moved past cyberspace and onto radio waves. But then a guy named Kelvin Stellar got kidnapped by a bunch of FM-ians, or FM Aliens… God what the fuck happened to this franchise?- What’s wrong with a young robot fighting evil robots to save the world?- Was it not big enough?
Anyways, to fight back against these… FM-ians, Geo ended up merging with another form of these guys who is apparently an AM-Ian named Omega. Because a cyber-being named after a Greek letter of the alphabet is always someone you can trust. But they merged into a brand new being known as Starforce Mega Man
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(Wow. First Hub, and now Geo. What do these guys have against ghosts?- I know what jooke I’m using whenever Danny Phantom shows up (And for those of you wondering, he’s not in the next battle)).
But, as a being that is composed of EM waves, Geo can effectively be unseen, unheard, and untouched by any other human beings.
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And thankfully, this Mega Buster has some differences from the others. Like how it automatically charges up on its own, but it can be modified to change it’s power, speed, and status effects.
Anyways, onto the rest of the weapons. And with 600+ equips, Geo has an arsenal on his hand at all times.
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And he can even control “Noise” a term used to describe excess energy created by EM Beings. He can even absorb a lot of it to access a super form known as “Red Joker” who can scatter your remains across the atmosphere after he uses a blast that turns you into EM Particles. Yeesh, remind me to never piss off any aliens made up of EM Particles. You never know which ones might end up having that form or ability on hand, er… appendage?- What would an EMbeing call those anyways?
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With all that power, Geo and Omega have a resume to boot. They’ve taken on plenty of enemies. Including a being that could move a  black hole that was 4 million times bigger than the sun.
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And Geo tanked attacks from Sirius (The one that did that)! In order to pull off a feat like that would require over 4.6 Decillion Megatons of TNT. Looks like Optimus now places second for how largest amount of force one can output to Geo.
And since other EMBeings can move from the center of the Milky Way to Earth in about three days. Putting them over three million times the speed of light. Considering that Geo could basically survive a black hole like it was nothing, this means that it’s likely that he could do the same.
And unlike all the other Mega Men, Starforce managed to make sure that his world ended up peaceful.
So, at the end of the day, when the world is in danger of being destroyed or overrun by alien beings made up of Electro-Magnetic waves, there’s only one man to call:
Starforce Mega Man.
I gotta say: Doing all these callbacks to the end of Classic’s rundown from Mega Man vs. Astro Boy was kinda fun.
The battle itself.
Luis is lead on this battle and he’s backed by Zack and Kiid. Brandon on the music, Mega Mania. Jerky on Spriteart, and Chris Kokkinos on sound. No voice actors (thank goodness. I’m not in the mood, nor do I have the time to look up their twitter accounts).
So, for those who saw the preview, we know that the main reason they fight is because they all just show up in the same location. Eh, it could be worse. There are some fights that could have been improved without a story to them.
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So, as the preview showed, Classic, Volnutt, and X all kinda… Get to the ground while Geo and Hub kinda just… duke it out up top.
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Unfortunately for Classic, X is canonically his superior in every way. This puts him at a disadvantage against the Maverick Hunter. However, Rock has a trick up his sleeve.
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His Super Adaptor armor.
But, it’s not like X is a stranger to having a super form as well, and he breaks out his own armor.
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And the Black Hole Bomb is launched, but it’s not like X is a stranger to this, as he breaks out rather menacingly.
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(Anyone here watching DIU?- I’m excited to see the Highway Star arc dubbed)
So, spoiler alert: Volnutt is the first to fall. Without any fancy tech, or FTL capabilities, he’s not escaping the Black Hole Bomb.
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But, as stated before, since X is Rock’s superior in every way, Rock goes down next.
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(Don’t worry, X gets better).
And after X pulls himself back together, he opts to blast his opponent with the Mother Elf attack.
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Star Force is made up of EM waves, which means he can physically fight back.
It also means he can hack X and basically knock him down.
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So the final battle is between Starforce Mega Man, and MegaMan.EXE.
Which means the finishing blow comes in
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And the winner is MegaMan.EXE!
Verdict + Explanation.
So, as it turns out, it really boils down to Starforce and .EXE.
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X’s Mother Elf attack wasn’t much to do either, as both Starforce and .EXE were experienced with that kind of attack.
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But you might be thinking “Starforce held back in his fight with EXE so to not cause a paradox! Shouldn’t that mean that Starforce is stronger?” And to answer that… No.
Both combatants were holding back in their fight.
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And at best, Starforce’s speed is 3 million times that of the speed of light. But remember that time when EXE traveled the entire Cyberworld to find something that could help him save Bass.EXE?- Since the Cyberworld is an actual cybernetic universe and not just a hard drive or a file on a computer, it means that it’s comparable  to our own. Since MegaMan.EXE couldn’t have been gone too long, on account that Bass.EXE didn’t have a lot of time to survive an attack, this means that MegaMan.EXE’s best speed would have to be…
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……… Remember when Darkseid, a literal GOD, had the best speed feat recorded?
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Also, unlike X, who is explicitly stated to be better than Mega Man Classic, Starforce isn’t stated to be better than EXE despite coming after him in canon material. And his healing and defensive powers gave him a leg up.
And if you’re thinking “Wait! Wouldn’t EXE’s speed feat be an outlier without anything to back it up?”- There’s a popup for that too.
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And with moves like Uninstall and Interrupt, EXE could basically just steal or stop any of Starforce’s attacks. He could do it to all the other Mega Men’s weapons with it too……… Except for Volnutt, interestingly enough (Hey, gotta throw him a bone after Legends 3 was cancelled).
In the end, all the Super Fighting Robots had plenty of firepower. But if you want a Mega Man to rule them all, there’s only one man to call:
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Overall impression
Too many zeros. Like, I can’t really concentrate on this fight with that many zeros on one little programing droid!
I mean… Yay?- Now I have an excuse to make it so that Ultron is a non-problem in the story, but still? That’s a lot of zeros on EXE.
I like the fight, and the jokes are pretty good, but I can’t get over those zeros.
Like… the music is great, the animation is solid, and the research is sound, but still.
Those zeros…
8.5/10. Ah, goddammit. More zeros.
Next time…
Someone’s husband is dead.
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So, a ballerina turned (literal) cold-blooded assassin against a super-spy trained by who knows how many people? I was honestly expecting Nat to fight Huntress or Black Canary. And for Widow to fight… Literally anyone else with a sniper. I would have honestly had taken Ruby Rose vs Widowmaker.
Whatever. Join us next time as we cover…
Redhead Spider-Lady vs. Purple Spider-Lady.
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
Spider-Lady vs. Lady-Spider.
So many zeros… *insert whimpering noises here*
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whateverisbeautiful · 6 years
Reveling in Richonne
119: The Commitment (8x13)
From the jump, I’ve been saying that Rick and Michonne are magnets cuz of the way they are always so drawn to each other and close to each other figuratively and literally. 
So, of course, seeing a moment where these magnets feels like there’s some space between them hurts cuz it’s just not the way they’re meant to be.
But what I love about Richonne is that they are never on the rocks even during rocky times. 😌
And this scene in 8x13, while tough, still provides some underlying hope and proof of the connection and commitment they always have with each other. 💯
So the episode starts with the group executing their defense against the Saviors. My favorite part of this whole fight is “part two” of it, cuz the whole time I was like where is Rick but then he came out and went Savage Rick on errybody. 👏🏽 Including almost Siddiq, which I’m glad he caught himself lol. 🙈
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As they chase the Saviors away, Rick and Maggie talk and Maggie shares how she wanted all of them dead and Negan most of all, cuz Negan isn’t just some dictator to her, he’s literally her husband’s murderer. So it makes sense that she’s this hungry for his demise especially considering that her husband had the most graphic and brutal death on the show. 
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(Side note: I miss Glenn so much. 😢 They really gave the character with the best heart the most brutal death.)
The next day there’s yet another scene of Daryl and Tara switching off on their feelings towards Dwight again. That whole arc between them really had me like...
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So at this point we’re a few minutes into the episode and I was starting to be like alright where is Rick and Michonne cuz, at this point with TWD, when R&M aren’t featured that’s usually when I start asking myself...
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 And fortunately they do get a personal moment between them this episode, even though it’s a tough one to witness. And not cuz it isn’t well acted (their scenes are always excellently acted), but it’s just cuz R&M feeling even remotely distant just feels so wrong cuz again, it’s so not the way it’s meant to be.
These two are magnets so when they feel separate it feels off and makes my heart break. 💔Like fr, at first seeing that TWD wanted me to watch them in this state had me like...
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But because this is Richonne and they are legitimately soul mates, even this moment provides evidence to why they actually are going to be just fine and how they still very much love each other. ☺️
So Rick is in the kids room taking down the wood panels that cover the window. So far every time we’ve seen Rick since losing Carl he’s doing something to keep himself busy and active and I was like; Rick please for my sake I need you to take a break lol.
And then the wider shot shows that Michonne is standing in the doorway (and no lie, now that it’s been a few months, seeing the crib in this shot is low key restoring some of my Richonne baby fever).
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Even from a distance you can tell that Michonne is concerned about Rick and is here cuz she knows that he needs some steadying.
So then she slowly walks in, which I didn’t interpret as being nervous to talk to her man or walking on egg shells, but more so like she just knows to be sensitive with him while he’s in this headspace. 👌🏽
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Immediately this moment feels familiar because of how many scenes we’ve seen of Michonne walking in to be there for Rick when he’s feeling lost. This moment, however, has a difference because it’s the most difficult loss this time.
As she walks in, Rick does turn and look at her and lingers for a moment but then he turns away to continue distracting himself with the wood panels. 
And I’m definitely sympathetic to the whirl wind of emotion and pain Rick is feeling right now but I admit at first when I saw him seeming to push her away I was looking at Rick like...
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Just a little lol. Cuz I understand what’s going on, I just so badly wanted Rick and Michonne to be there for each other right now, not just on one person’s end.
So then very gently Michonne says, “Saved you this turnip” which is adorable. ☺️ She’s legit his wife, y’all. 🙌🏾
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Like part of why it was upsetting to see Rick not be there for Michonne is cuz she so clearly is always thinking of him. 
Like I just picture the fact that everyone was probably getting their food and having to ration it out and Michonne knows Rick isn’t there to get his so she makes it her responsibility to get him something, cuz she knows he needs sustenance and he’s not going to get it on his own while he’s being preoccupied with everything else.
Rick says, “Yeah. I’m okay.” and I’m glad he doesn’t say it in a rude dismissive way but more a deflective way, cuz if he had said it in some ungrateful way we woulda had problems lol. But Rick could never disrespect Michonne cuz he’s a real one. 💯😌
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But this is how you know Rick is in a bad space tho, cuz you can see he’s trying to keep her at an emotional distance right now, which usually when they’re in the same vicinity they are so locked into each other and magnetically connected. And it looks like it takes some legit effort for him to go against that and sort of shut her out.
Again I was like; Rick the one thing you cannot do is shut her out. Of everyone, she’s the one that he needs to let in both for him and for her, who is in pain too because she opened her heart to Carl so much that he became her son and best friend so she’s in the same boat.
Michonne knows this is Rick moving to move away from it. And what’s sweet is that while Rick can’t look at her here, Michonne’s eyes stay on her man.
I think one of the reasons Rick can’t look at her seems to be because she reminds him of not just the hard times they went through together in losing Carl, but so much of the good times with Carl too. Michonne represents so much good and Rick is shutting out anything good cuz he’s pretty convinced he doesn’t deserve it.
Like I really think that’s what it boils down to; he knows he needs her, he knows he can let himself grieve and process with her and that she will love him through this, but he doesn’t think he deserves it so he’s pushing it away. 
There could even be a sense of guilt too, cuz he knows she’s in pain and yet he’s not being the shoulder for her to cry on the way he knows he needs to be. 
They are also both aware of how interconnected they are, so Rick knows if he looks at her and lets her in the way he should then that’s going to be the thing that breaks the shell he’s trying to stay in.
He knows she sees him on the deepest level and if he looks over and let’s himself really see her too then he won’t be able to help feeling his honest feelings, and he’s running from those right now.
But Michonne can look at him cuz I think she’s come to know that letting that shell or wall that we put up collapse will be scary but will be more healing and freeing than hiding behind it. 
And when he looks away she walks closer to him which I love. I’m telling you a lot of the significant stuff in this scene is found in the movement.👌🏽 Cuz he’s forcing himself to be caught up in the work but she’s focused on him and moving closer to him rather than accepting the distance.
She says his name, and the way she says it you can tell she wants to take down this wall and just really talk to him and let Rick just be real about where he’s at right now instead of this whole pretending to be fine. He’s not okay and they both know they know it.
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And it becomes even more clear that Rick knows she knows, cuz he hears her say his name and then immediately starts talking about how Maggie turned off the generator and “the kids are gonna need air in this heat.” 
There’s a lot of weight to this line cuz it’s Rick trying to protect kids as he feels he wasn’t able to do that for his son. Its an attempt to communicate with her too but It’s also trying to change the subject cuz he doesn’t feel ready to discuss the deeper issue, and just in hearing the way she says his name he knows that’s where it could go.
Michonne watches him and then puts down the turnip and steps even closer to him. Cuz y’all magnets don’t never quit. 💯😋
I love that Rick has a woman who is this adamant to not give up on him ever. She told Rick she’s still with him in season 5 and every season she proves how true that statement is. 🙌🏾That’s one of the million reasons why she’s a character to look up to.
You can literally sense how much she wants to reach for him or connect with him but she also knows that he’s going to need his time. Like I said, the real Rick is buried under this jaded Rick and it’s going to be a process of getting real Rick back out.
Then more tentatively she asks “Can I take a look at that cut? I have some stuff to clean it.” And y’all, again, she is such a good wife. 👏🏽👏🏽
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I feel like it’s totally fair to imply she specifically went and got stuff to clean it for him. The way she so longs to tend to him is so precious cuz it really is like she wants to help mend him and his broken heart all while having a broken heart of her own. 😭
I really wish we would have seen Michonne and Rick’s first interaction when he returned from his Negan exchange in 8x12, but it’s nice that we at least get insight to how clearly the main thing she cares about is that he got back safe and that he get healed up from the wound. 
Seeing her concerned for him and wanting to help also made me hope that this would help Rick see that leaving and wildin out like he did in 8x12 doesn’t just affect him, it affects her too.
The tone that she speaks to him is so loving here and I do hear a bit more hesitancy in this line because she’s seeing that he’s pushing away which usually never happens, but I love that she initiates anyway because nothing is going to make her stop fighting for her man on any level.
Rick says “Let me get this done first.” and the main thing I hear in this line is fear. He’s nervous to allow himself to be around the person who can help him be vulnerable. 
But notice he doesn’t say no or just completely shut down the offer. To me that shows that it’s still in him to give her and what she wants a chance.
So Michonne steps away deciding to let the subject go for now and I appreciate that she never over-pushes. She gets that right now Rick’s not ready to face everything and he’s set on finishing this task for the kids since he sees it as a way to be useful as a father. 
Michonne continues to look at him as she steps away, definitely sad that he’s right in front of her and yet he’s so far away. 
And even as she walks back she looks at him one more time sort of accepting that he’s not going to be able to fully connect with her right now and I hate seeing them like this, y’all. 😢 Like this really had me like...
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But what I do love about this moment is that she’s not stepping back to walk out of the room or just to drop this moment completely. No Sis is going over to the other window to help her man with the goal he’s set on right now, which is taking off these panels for the kids. 👏🏽👏🏽
I love it for a lot of reasons and one of them is cuz one of the many things R&M have in common is always wanting to be useful. 
But I especially love it cuz this act of hers says; I’m not leaving you. I’m staying by your side and meeting you where you’re at. Like you don’t want to talk and that’s fine, but I’m going to help you one way or another.
This moment reminds me of 7x04, when Michonne decides to return to the room and talk things out with Rick rather than walk away. She never just walks out on him and it just illustrates how much Michonne loves this man.
And it’s even a nice little symbolic visual the fact that Michonne is able to remove the panels just with her hands where as Rick is taking the more aggressive approach with the axe. I feel like it speaks to the contrasting ways they’ve been dealing with everything.
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And this moment also confirms what I said earlier which is that all versions of Rick love Michonne. Because even this Rick, that’s at his most distant from her, knows he needs to be real with her. 
Like I think seeing the way she compassionately meets him where he’s at really convicts him and reminds him that he’s got a special woman who genuinely cares about him and he knows he has to make some effort to connect with her.
So he finally stops working on the panels and he closes his eyes for a moment almost like trying to let real Rick have the reins again to open up with his woman the way it should be. 
And we see Michonne look over cuz she notices that he stopped and she stops too cuz I think she’s so ready to catch him if he’s breaking down. So even just in a silent moment she senses that there’s something happening with him right now. And I think what’s happening is Rick remembering who he’s with and why he has to let her in cuz anything else would go against who they are.
So then a bit more open this time he says “I saw him at the back of the convoy. That’s why I did it.” And, just like in the van in 8x10, Michonne faces him completely because Sis wants to be present with him so much.    
Rick takes a breath and says “I had to try. I had to.” Y’all, that’s real Rick trying to communicate with her. Like his inner world is chaotic and pulling him every direction right now, and yet there’s still a sense of him wanting to fight to be present with her, cuz he can’t not fight for her.
I appreciate that Rick gives more of an explanation to his actions, cuz he knows if anyone deserves to know why he’s doing this it’s Michonne. 
Like Michonne is his wife so her love and support is on a whole other level and so his openness with her is on an elevated level too. 👌🏽
Even if right now it’s just a baby step, this exchange between them is still so significant. Cuz they could’ve just let this be a moment that created a wedge. Michonne could’ve walked out of the room and Rick could’ve just let them work in silence when she decided to stay. But in both of them doing the opposite, it’s them making an effort to stay connected.
And when he says this, the scene ends with Michonne continuing to watch him and I’d say she knows this is him trying to extend some sense of connection.  
I know in real time this scene was unsettling cuz we’ve been blessed to see R&M be so united for so long. But that unity isn’t gone even in this moment, cuz their relationship and their love goes too deep to ever truly be broken.
Like what’s so powerful about Richonne is that things aren’t always perfect for sure and they have to carry the weight of the world sometimes, but they always choose each other. 🙌🏾
So I never felt like this moment was a breaking point for Richonne. And I especially rebuked the notion of them potentially splitting up after this scene. The mere thought of that had me legit like…
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It’s of course super hard to see them this way, but in Michonne staying and helping and in Rick opening up despite his instinct to shut down, it reveals how Richonne is going to make it. 
Cuz even in the toughest of times they still don’t give up on each other or shut each other out completely.
Besides, staying apart too long is practically impossible cuz magnets. 😋
And y’all…this next episode makes that wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully clear. (lol if I said I was extra before…8x14 gon’ be a whole other level 😂) 
But before I get too ahead of myself lol, there’s still a bit more 8x13 to talk about in this post. Like how there’s later a scene where Rick is sitting alone outside of Hilltop and there’s this sad moment where he can hear Henry and Carol talking about how Henry would’ve died if he had went out there.
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It’s painful seeing Rick be in this almost comatose state and also taking in this conversation cuz you know that probably everything around him makes him think about Carl. 
And then Siddiq approaches and he also offers to look at the cut and Rick somewhat reluctantly lets him. Which, y’all, I was a little salty that he was about to let Siddiq help with the cut when just earlier Michonne offered to do the same thing, but I think this just further proves how Rick knew spending time with Michonne would bring him out of this shut down state that he’s pretty convinced he has to stay in, so he’d rather let Siddiq do it. 
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As Siddiq sits with him he tries to make a deeper connection with Rick and I was like Siddiq that’s sweet boo but there’s no way Rick is going to take this in at this point and time and sure enough, Homeboy gets up cuz he’s not trying to have any heart to hearts right now.
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And then the next time R&M are together in 8x13 is the final scene where they stand over the graves after the whole walker debacle. 
And I love seeing them together even tho it’s also sad to seem them in so much grief and to know they have to be around so much loss during this time. 
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The part that I wasn’t feeling tho is seeing Rick walk away. Cuz seeing him leave Michonne just is never the way. 
And I get he’s still at a point where he’s running from dealing, but I was still like...
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Cuz if he can just stay with Michonne he’d get so much better. 💯
But sometimes it takes a longer process to fully embrace the healing, and in this next episode we finally get to see that embrace. Won’t He Do It! 🙌🏾😋
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gif sources: michonnegrimes carlschandler alloutwar thewalkingdeadgifs
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segasister · 7 years
Oh boy… this is gonna be a long one!
“All Bottled Up”: Yes, it makes Starlight suffer, but it also makes most of US suffer with her, you clearly being the exception because your hate boner for her is showing. I hate her too, but I hate Trixie more for basically not learning jack squat. Because apparently lack of motivation/character growth is better than any. Also, the only reason you put this episode on your best list boils down to, “It’s a Starlight Glimmer torture porn! That’s why I liked it!” Not exactly a sound “actual” reason for liking this episode.
“Celestial Advice”: To be honest, I found this episode rather meh as well. No comment on that.
“Fame and Misfortune”: For the last time! The pony with the glass of water cutie mark was not a shout-out to YOU! They have never even heard of you before your tantrum on how you desperately want to trademark the image of a glass of water, you narcissistic, hypocritical sociopath! Unless you work on the show itself, are a child of a staff member, or that one kid from the Make-A-Wish foundation, Hasbro won’t make an OC that’s essentially you! What’s it gonna take for you to see that? By the way, I love the episode for basically telling the Analysis community, “Hey! What you’re doing is pointless! Don’t forget who the core audience is.” I don’t see it as bitter; I see it as playful. And as for the, “We’re not flawless” I don’t see that as the show covering their ears and ignoring all criticism. Besides, that’s what you do.
“Honest Apple”: Opinions! You just LOVE those! ESPECIALLY those that are so different from yours you feel the need to remove them! Listen; the reason Rarity hired her to be a judge to begin with was because she needed someone to judge the competitor’s work based on practicality. Then again, Rarity could’ve listened to Applejack the first time around when she said that hiring her as a judge for this wasn’t a good idea. You are right about one thing: “You may be entitled to your opinions, but [they’re] a reflection on your expertise of the given subject. If you have no expertise, then your opinions are worthless.” In short, stop trying to shove your bad facts on mental health down everyone’s throats. “Opinions” are different when it comes to things that actually matter. Ponies don’t mean jack in the long run. Health, however, does.
“Daring Done”: Honestly hated this episode for the crowd alone: how easily swayed they are, how blind they must be to not notice a kidnapping in broad daylight, ugh. The lore on Sonnambula, however, was a plus, only because it builds up to the finale. Also, this could’ve been the ONE episode of any kids show I’ve seen about retirement that ends with the retiree STAYING retired, and having the kids at home learn that all things come to an end, but no. Other than that, this was the worst Daring Do.
“Rock-Solid Friendship”: Yep. This was bad. Take Pinkie Pie in, “A Friend in Deed” and make her ten times worse. Also, bad move on the show for basically saying, “Maud is to blame for Starlight’s Cutie Mark Vault”!
“A Flurry of Emotions”: I’ll give you this one! Flurry Heart IS adorable and IS the best part about this episode! Also, plus for giving Cadence and Shining Armor more character development! However, you decide to not talk about the episode and make that segment about that stupid public masturbation joke. It’s funny considering you publically hate-masturbate over Starlight and Josh, the latter of whom you’re TOTALLY not obsessing over because you secretly miss him and are TOTALLY not butthurt because he has found a new girlfriend and has moved on.
“Marks and Recreation”: I’ll also give you this one. This is what happens when you mix “The Cutie Map” with “Bloom and Gloom”, only Rumble’s conflict is that he wants a specific cutie mark and doesn’t know that what you’re talented in means jack squat when you grow up and the only jobs that are available are jobs in retail, none of which having to do with your actual talent.
“To Change a Changeling”: Of course you mock the, “both sides” rhetoric. While I agree that there are times where CLEARLY one side is at fault, this is an instance in which, yes, BOTH sides are at fault: Pharynx for wanting to focus more on having the Hive be militaristic, and Thorax (as well as the rest of the Hive) wanting to focus more on bettering their relations with other nations. Both are good, but both have their drawbacks, as we can clearly see here. Also, we get it: you hate InkRose to the point where you told your followers to harass her with R34 fanart of her because she’s not a Liberal. You turned me away from the left because of how childish you’ve been because of this, as well as your death threats towards any conservative out there.
“Fluttershy Leans In”: Okay, one more! I enjoyed this episode. Fluttershy puts her assertive lessons to good use, AND it’s in her area of expertise. Only problem: she was too vague. Then again, if she were specific in what she wanted, she would’ve come across another issue: finding someone she could collaborate with to bring her visions to life. This also would’ve made for a good episode, but what we got wasn’t too bad either.
“The Perfect Pair”: Romeo and Juliet set in the pony world. What did you expect? Yes, it gives us lore on the Apple parents, but that’s about it. Also, I wouldn’t compare them to Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. I wouldn’t compare them to anyone except Romeo and Juliet, only their relationship grows over the course of a few decades as opposed to a few days.
“Parental Glidence”: Why do I have to keep agreeing with you in terms of what we thought of certain episodes?! WE’RE SUPPOSED TO HATE EACH OTHER, DAMNIT! XD Anyway, we all have dealt with pushy parents who don’t know the meaning of the word, “privacy”. Rainbow Dash IS in right here, but she didn’t have to tell her parents off the way she did. She could’ve politely told them, “Hey, guys, I know you support me and all, but I need personal space.” If they still refused to back off, then she could’ve silently walked away.  She didn’t need to blow up in their faces like she did or else it could’ve ended more horribly than it did here.
“A Health of Information”: Okay! ONE MORE YOU GET! That’s it! Anyway, this episode was definitely fun, had a great moral about overworking yourself to the point of exhaustion, had a great use of lore, and Fluttershy is once again best pony. And I’ll agree with you here in that this is the best episode starring Fluttershy in the entire show.
“A Royal Problem”: Eh. The comics did it better. Better use of the Dream Realm (Friends Forever starring Luna and Discord), better development of Celestia and Luna (throughout the series), heck, even a better evil version of Celestia (In the Reflections Arc)! This episode was disappointing. Starlight was the only good part of this episode.
“Shadow Play”: To summarize
Peet: I really hate when a show delivers fanservice! Me: Okay, can you say that without saying "fanservice"? Peet: I really hate when a show goes out of its way to make fans happy!
Yeah… Peet declares this episode the worst of Season Seven, and the worst finale to date… because it provides fan service and adds to the lore of the show (while retconning the lore of the comics). Ignoring that this was built up throughout the second half of the season (”Campfire Tales”, “Daring Done”, and “A Health of Information”), ignoring that the Pillars have a legitimate reason for “holding the idiot ball” (they were in Limbo for a millennia and are, thus, out of touch with the modern world view), ignoring that the Mane Six actually took part in resolving the conflict this time, as opposed to last season, and ignoring Starlight’s progression throughout the season. Wow… just wow.
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Clone Wars       Massacre
Oh, wow is that what     we’re really going with,
  Don’t get me wrong     the tone has been better     but are you sure you want to take on something       like a massacre?         (Sla-very-            Kinda-
 (Also yeah whatever did happen to Ventress because she screwed up in attempt at Dooku’s life*, backing   down, and I thought she had just    cool-ed from the whole revenge thing-      -    *Not killing him        voluntarily   when she had the chance,        -          No
   Did I-       hear that      right?
       It honestly sounds like they’re saying                “Lightsisters,”                        Instead                     of                  night sisters                     as                    previous,
Also yeah going back to the people that encouraged your toxic behavior and are toxic enabling generational breakers
Also, they don’t recognize      her?
I do have to admit I never got the idea of     plasma arrows,
   Or possibly     coming to hold someone accountable,
   That expression really      doesn’t speak of flee  
  Also I’ve vented my emotions and I’m going to go kick the        unaccountables to the curb
   (With maybe        one more ro        -ast       before I do          so-)
   Point being, she seems a lot more stable          (And center     -ed)
    Ok there was a small       modicum of change            in the emotions,
    Hey, that’s good
    Hey there’s some accountability there,
    Has forsaken
    Okay never mind       it’s spiraling             downward           -s
     Kinda the weakest relation of all 
       but this is actually pretty on top
      Just replace sister with a “friend,” or “generation,”     and you’ve got a good idea
        At least it wasn’t             “me”,
      Okay, that’s some good    advice,
        Us       That’s a bit of thought assuming,
        Ordered about
     Ah, lady that includes you          you know,
       Ok you know I’m all about loyalty to generation and humanity,          But this is feeling kind of supremacist right now,
       Maybe        a bit jumpy,
  Okay this is a relatively validating       talk
   Never mind it just got tox and         over involved,
     Gosh darn it
   The Bean wanted some actual non- over- involvement       affection/in     valid          ation-            And you turned it           tox,          Oof,      
                           There are                           lots of ships, by the way
     Yeah, is this back to hunting down savage line or did          I just-           Oh,       Well this is an odd conversation
     Grievous just bounding up
           Not actu                     ally the relaxed or cordial meeting
           You’d expect from two people of      evil,
         Two that know the location of each other’s               lair,
   Pretty much out of nowhere because Dooku usually uses the       hologram, so far as we’ve seen,          And there hasn’t been any real big set up          to any sort of major event          That would require the           amassing of the                droid army,    Or an        in person      audience,
 Seriously,   you called him here for       that?
  Look my apprentice        tried to very weakly kill me         Pretty much up and           gave up near        the end,
      But I’m still sore,
    So I’m sending             you
Grievous; (internally)        I am a general         how would I be any          help in tracking down         one person, with            my pro-             fess            ion            in        Military,             A category so broad and       general (Area of            effect) that I would be          near to absolutely useless              in this quest,           Which boils down to very             specific              pettry
       Again how is     Grievous going to be at all helpful in this?            -              Like that’s a small ragtag team of          rebels,
         That is way below            his area of affect,
          He’s more likely to bungle it up on the basic concept of it’s             really outside his thing,    
 Also yeah let’s send the one lone person to a place most known for its        gaslighting,
     I know grievous is robot       but he clearly has emotions like a human          (Or any sentient)         Requiring/desiring stimuli            and companion                  -ship,
               (As                  seen                  previously)
                 Really this quest is really outside his       mode of    operation,
   Like he’s used to strictly logical widespread     warfare, against multiple moving shapes           (large vessels)
     And you’re sending him in to close range   restrained targets using emotional manipulation, at       high sp-        eeds-           -           (Similar to guerrilla warfare)
   You’re setting this dude up for failure
   Yeah he might succeed by numbers alone
    But you’re going to lose a lot just           based on wastefulness and           just that not being his mode of operation    (Noting particularly the expedition where he crash landed on a planet and barely made out with his skin)
-abandoning     hundreds of         troops   -         (I’ve already talked enough about how this                 just doesn’t work                            and     how this should be seen as a stupid move)
    And should be seen as more of an insult.
     Bent         Back
      Blue            Robe-                -             To         Battle            . . .           Against a small group of          rebels
(Like   seriously,)
Buddy, you can stop with the epic music I know that’s a lot of ships but there is nothing epic about this,
   Any way..
    Okay, never mind this got really tox,
    I do
  Loyalty is always been a weird concept to me because yeah it always changes because there’s so much to see and do
   The only loyalty should be to the concept of    account-ability
  (And not    being a dick    ,)
Ven -tress joins a death cult
  [Seriously blood oaths and              life oaths               are cre                ep-
People and things changed and no amount of oaths or       false promises are going to             fix that,
   It’s just something you have to except             or manage, correctly
You can’t control    other people.
Whelp she drank the whole thing of Kool-Aid,
(Also didn’t they just go over the con-   - sequences of messing with the stuff,”
Also guess he’s going to need a new name because     Ven-tress given to her by    her abuser      (Or was    so implied,”       )
Also I’m supposed to view this as advanced gaslighting      right
What hap-pened?
 Her eyes?
“M       -other,”            Yep she’s drinking that Kool-Aid
   Oh it was going to be used to introduce us to anyone else because we know literally no one and everyone else seems to be just   extras,
Bo-nding     is    nice,
  Will    ing        ly,         -      W-h         -        This is going      on-
   Thank you          p-erson I barely know          -            Also Dooku coming into ruin good times                   -           Buzz kill             -              Droid                . . .                  You know if it’s been time building up their                 bond,
           This might’ve been more impactful-
           [ It still works but       the weird creepy in humane behavior before hand doesn’t really help,”  
    Any way,
   So much for your plan
  [oh so yeah attacking random [Neutral] planet just because you have a    hate bo      -ner
     ?         -?
   You know this would be better if           it had occur-            red like right     -after,
    Like, Dooku, was like;        Okay, well that plan went horribly,           So now I know that Ven-           tress and all of          Dathomir hates me,
    Let me send someone        stealthy to do the job
     You’re telling me Dooku doesn’t have anyone           Besides like the main three            four-            Bad guys?             -             Like this is chain of command where are the         gimmick minions?
   [Besides evil, vengeance        And t    -ech,”           ]
      ?   Oy why do you have the Clankers  and the tanks    marching next to each   other?
  Like what do you want the    heavy artillery in the back,
  Yeah I get this gives them better   range but wouldn’t you want some    pro-tection            -             ?
   Also yeah what happened to all the       males?
   Like I know Ven-       tress       beat a couple of them     up,
     ?      -       No, they’re here because      Dooku is an ass who doesn’t understand   strat-egic     planning,
And also he sent   Grievous,
 Like you’re the     (Ex) concept of vengeance
     -          The confidence   alone        -    you should kick his ass
Also,     sense it?
 There was only four guys     to your entire   operation,      like 1/4         Chance..
 That suck         -ed
  Also   good job not dodg-        ing,
 Seriously that was pure     rock that she could      see coming,
Okay, there’s no way     -she’s dead,
Also where are the lines because you really didn’t have        her plan for this shit,
   [Also this would be a really great moment right now Ventress to go to Bez-er-ker mode and get some revenge on her ab-       us       -er          -       I know this whole things theme     is “letting go of the past,”        Which you do,         after you get the past somewhere          where it can’t constantly            hurt you,
  And pose      a threat            (Or          stress,     )
Point being emotions have a      reason as well as      (a time and a Place)       And while venting is fine           murder is not,            Don’t      conflict        the two        . . .   [Also     they’re just clustered together,”
   also how is your        gaslighting         magic going to         work against robots?
  [also is Ven-tress going to die because her arc is pretty much over and the only way I can see this ending is via redemption equals death
    (Seeing as she’s around Obi-Wan’s age (or at least an adult around          Sky          -walker’s) so her window of absolute redemption and accou-         ntability is      pretty much         over..
     Also,          Ok, I guess it’s against droid it’s not too much out of her       range,
     (Though if it’s actual people she would probably         be dead,)
    Or     daca?
  At-      tack-
  Also I guess she’s      lead-              er now,            (Also that line was a little        emotionaless)
     Makes sense for the ar-           -chers     -use the surroundings,               ?
           Did she just            fall off a tree,              ,                    Good for                 Them,
[so yeah sending the robots to deal with these sentient     person 
 least to say it’s no surprise that ended up terribly,
        Again sending the tech guy was pretty much       guaran-      teeing failure,
      As in any older Gen          -younger Gen        fight-
    ?        ?
[again    I’m putting that down to gaslighting          magic,]
   Why the look back?
    Or is that just showing us the magic cave 
     (for future reference)          -            ?
     And apparently the attack just stopped 
   (or maybe it’s on a different front)
    Point being those guys want needed and Mother needed two people to get the thing,
  What          ?
   Ser-iously there’s just someone       be-hind there?
   What’s the point of the            metal?
     Not,      even the same species
   (I think)
  Also, resurrect-?
   Look lady I don’t know what you know about resurrection but it doesn’t work like that,
  Definitely not something              a boomer can perform,
   Also,        Ah, movie you might not want to do that considering bringing people back from the dead tends to break any kind of tension,  or suspension,
   And she was presumably         an adult,
    So yeah      that shouldn’t be possible,
 Okay,  you do not really       want to go there,
    Ok yeah I’m going to have the bitch...   out about now
       (I don’t there’s anything particularly tox         or that I should know any of that info-             rmation,
      This is generally supposed to be some divine          zombie bullshit,
       Which,              Is just a nope for me          personally,
[Honestly this episode is completely fine, clearly meant to be some kind of  Grievous vs Ventress thing, and so long as the bring things back to the dead pothole gets closed up by the end of it      ,I’m not too mad
  (Otherwise the galaxy is pretty damn       screw.         -ed        [Quick.       Reverb]         Scan         
0 notes
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Between this friends are uryu, (a quincy, natural and organic adversary for the spirit reaper), orihime (some form of spirit witch issue) and ‘chad’ (a fullbringer with breathtaking robustness For slow-moving avid gamers there's just a truck option that, when triggered, does anything and everything for you personally it steps, hits hollows together with records things for you personally how to enter cheat codes in bleach brave souls. The element robustness/weakness network works completely identical as nearly every shield bot therefore i will not key in in a intricacies how to enter cheat codes in bleach brave souls. All eliminate starts with a organising section you can pick your fighters and dangle 1 of 3 techniques to make the eliminate invade, significant and characteristic (further more details delivered in persona) how to enter cheat codes in bleach brave souls. 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Bleach courageous souls combination hits yes !, you will see needless to say combination hits in “brave souls” really how to enter cheat codes in bleach brave souls. simple get and have fun how to enter cheat codes in bleach brave souls. |Label: chlorine bleach: courageous souls maker: klab shield aimbots structure: android/ios style of music: 3 dimensional measures solution: is determined by electronic device discharge particular date: 2016 01 13 challenge: normal to quite hard (challenge settings) remained: 5 hours average quality around the globe: n/a gamerankings how to enter cheat codes in bleach brave souls.com (now of penning this report) pegi/esrb era rating: pegi 12 /teenage are priced at: entirely free (ingame online store) klab corporation how to enter cheat codes in bleach brave souls. 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