#if not let me know and i'll change it!!
rageagaiinsta · 2 years
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She stands in front of the stranger, holding out a cold beverage. “I brought you some water.” Hazel green eyes are filled with worry as Annaleigh stares at them. What’s wrong with them? They don’t look so good. This person looks exhausted and she hopes they’re going to be alright. 
“Do you need anything else? Is there anyone I can call for you?” she asks. Annaleigh takes a seat next to them on the park bench. She plans to stay here with them for as long as they need her to.
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@chhubs​ :: liked for an rp meme based starter. :: noticing trauma sentence starters.
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speakofcompersion · 1 month
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Still Shining - Taemin
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embroid-away · 1 year
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What If: Captain America Were Revived Today? #44 (April 1983) by Peter B. Gillis and Sal Buscema; Original Image by John Romita Sr.
In this What If? Marvel tale, Captain America is unfrozen in 1983 rather than the 1960s. Without the leadership of Steve Rogers, The Avengers disband. Meanwhile, a Captain America imposter, who calls himself a "real American," has decided to use his newfound influential media status to publicly support a National Identity Card to "deal with illegal aliens,” to suggest that members of civil rights groups "ought to think seriously as to whether or not their actions contribute to the strengthening of communist enemies," and declare that if those groups tear the country apart with protests, martial law is justified "for the peace to find a solution.”
Neighborhoods with large black populations (e.g., Harlem) are walled off and forced into poverty, and one character even mentions that Jewish people are being “put back into camps.” The right-wing politicians make sure that things like this aren’t shown on television, keeping the majority of the American public ignorant of the horrors committed with their indifferent support. The public are simultaneously told that with some sacrifices, America can be free once again. The fake Captain America confronts a group of peaceful protestors, and he is shot by a sniper (in what reads like an inside job), allowing the police to have “reason” to attack the protestors. The imposter does not die and instead uses the attack to provide more reason for the violent crackdown against protesting groups.
When the true Captain America is unfrozen, he is horrified to see what America has become, especially with his emblem stamped all over it. He immediately seeks out the resistance forces (who clearly represent the Black Panther Party) and joins their cause, stating that "the wrongs [he's] seen will take much more than one man to right -- but [he's] got a name to clear, a costume to unsoil-- and a country to die for!!"
By the time Steve joins them, the resistance only has one chance left to stop the American downfall: a political convention where the "America First" party will be able to secure its support to sweep the national elections and allow them "to return America to the pure and great nation [the] forefathers envisioned."
The resistance strikes just as the convention begins. The Captain America imposter is no match in a fight against the true Captain America -- especially against a Steve Rogers who's fucking pissed. ("Get up so I can knock you down!!")
With the imposter knocked unconscious, Captain America addresses the convention crowd, warning that an America that does not represent all its people does not deserve to exist at all; that liberty can be "as easily snuffed out [in America] as in Nazi Germany" and "as a people, we are no different from them."
The crowd realizes that the man speaking before them is the true Captain America and cheers. Captain America holds his hand up and silences them, stating that he will not allow them the chance to simply replace one idol with another. He alone can’t undo the horrible damage, and he pleads that there’s still a chance for the people to “find America once again.”
Fascism doesn’t change its tune, just its singers.
A 2021 Marvel Trumps Hate ( @marveltrumpshate ) commission, completed on 22-count aida cloth with embroidery floss and watercolors on a 9" diameter bamboo hoop.
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whenyoulosesmallmind · 5 months
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Nicklas Bäckström & the Washington Capitals (+ nickeovi) ― Immortality, Clare Harner | insp.
credits: x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x.
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multipleoccupancy · 2 months
@hvbris for Samantha
The invitation to a mission had felt like a long time coming. As if he had never and would never escape after what he had seen just two years ago. As the invitation instructed though, Theo or as he had been instructed to call himself, 'Killian' waited in the suggested lounge area at the air port having arrived just a little before the designated time.
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He was nervous, his leg bounced absently and arms folded across his chest as he tried his best to not look around too desperately for whoever it was he was supposed to meet there. The place was near deserted anyway no one would really have any excuse to come and sit with him unless they were there for the mission. Right? Right? Just what was he being lead into with it all?
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
The Catfish ship name is actually reserved for Eridan and Nepeta. MSPA Booru affectionately names Feferi x Nepeta ship as Octopussy.
oh cool! i'm not going to use that
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pathetichoney · 1 year
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[Image ID: A drawing of a selfie taken by Sam Manson with Damian Wayne. They are both dressed up in formal attire, Damian in a black/dark grey suit with a red tie, and Sam in a purple topped off the shoulder dress with black straps. She is wearing a variety of jewelry, a necklace with a bat pendant, a black choker with a star of david in a circle pendant and cartoonish spider shaped earrings. Her hair is reminiscent in her half-up hairstyle, but with two ponytails rather than one. The background is a dark wall, a white collumn and white tile flooring. There is a window in the back, with green curtains, and outside the window is a cityscape of Gotham at night. There is a watermark of the artist’s username in the top left corner @pathetichoney​. End ID.]
i am back on my bullshit this time with a v special new way that i’m drawing bc i got a new phone that i am paying out the wazoo for, however i can draw on it so my art has gotten significantly better. though of course i had to test myself and do both 1. a full background 2. a character who wears lipstick which i always struggle with unless their mouth is in a particular position and 3. a character that i have never ever tried to draw.
so like. rip me lol.
anyways i am back on my bullshit bc this is fanart of fanfic!!!! i always feel exactly in my element when i do this, it’s just always so good??? and fun?? and when i first read this fic, i mean oh god i just fell for it so hard. i ended up rereading it again like barely 48 hours after i’d finished reading it the first time lol
the fic in question is a damian and danny are twins au! it’s called Leap Before You Think by TourettesDog and i just-- the characterisations are just so well done it all feels incredibly natural especially with the merging of the two different universes into one cohesively and seamlessly it’s wonderful. there are a few faults with this pic i think, however i am still incredibly proud of it. as a bonus, here’s a better view of the window scene because i’m still really proud of that one:
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wyverncult · 8 months
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they are very shanoa and albus. i miss them
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
I hope we get a scene of Alicent with Aegon's body. If her son is damned to die, if she is damned to spiral into insanity, if she is to lose her life too the grief, let me see her with his body.
let her hold her baby in her arms one more time. let her wipe the blood that poured from his mouth and nose as he died. let her run her fingers over the viscous burns that adorn his skin. let her fix his hair. let her bathe him with a cloth as she had when he was a babe. let her kiss his cheek, his forehead, his hair, his hands. let her lay her head against him, hugging him like she had failed to do for years.
he was her firstborn and yet, her heart was still beating and his was not, she was not yet cold in her grave, no, no her son was cold, her flesh was warm, too warm. he was her baby, her son, the boy she tried so hard to protect, who had loved even when it hurt, who she had stood in front of a dragon for. she loved him, the very bones of him, and now he was dead.
let her lose her mind right there, in that room, still clinging to her body, one that's too cold, too still, too quiet. let her scream out to the gods, damning them, cursing them for taking her eldest son, amongst everything else in her life.
I want her to drive away anyone who tries to take him from her, forcing the silent sisters or whoever would be left to deal with his body at that point. let her curse and spit and claw at anyone who comes too close.
she would stay there for hours, reflecting on her memories of him. maybe she talks to him or hums a lullaby until she finally loses her battle with what remains of her consciousness and sanity, falling still against the table.
she dreams of Aegon, she dreams of the life she wish she could have provided, the life she had tried so hard to give him. a life where he was safe, a life where she had been a better mother, a life where she didn't need to live in and impose fear up on her children. maybe if she had tried hard enough he would still be alive, she'll think as she floats in the space between consciousness and unconsciousness.
she'll wake in plain chambers she only partly recognizes, she'll learn of her sons lackluster and sparsly accompanied burning, she'll learn her son was gone and she was alone. there won't be much of her left to care. she just continues dreaming, dreaming of her dead children and spiraling to madness until her broken heart finally gives out.
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[my previous post inspired this, cause all I can think about now is Alicent mourning her son and its gonna put me in an early grave]
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decarbry · 2 years
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Playing around a little with my Nomu!Aizawa... scars based on when he gets snatched, hair down to his middle-back, extra extra scruff because of an even more diminished ability to care for himself, a faded mark on his ring finger...
If you thought Aizawa couldn’t get more tired surprise! As a Nomu in my AU his main purpose is Shiggy’s alarm system (I love the head canon that Shigaraki is an Aizawa fan because he’s the kind of selfless hero he wished saved him as a child, so in this AU he gets that wish aaa). It means that even when he does get to sleep his quirk will open an eye automatically anytime something makes a noise near Shigaraki. I also kind of wanted to go with Kurogiri’s naming mechanic and give him a Nomu name that translates, so Yabureme is how he’s known!
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beesorcery · 2 months
hello it's part 3 of 3 for my cool fun graphic design adventure!! part 1 and part 2 got too long. to recap i am recreating this t-shirt design but with the magic 8 ball songs instead of city names:
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here is the current draft, updated through 3/27 (pittsburgh) (!!!!)
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multicolour-ink · 4 months
More rough draft ideas for the Anastasia AU. This one is the bro's reunion, so if you don't want to spoil yourself for the story I have planned, maybe skip it! (tag will be #au spoilers)
~ also note that (due to memory loss) Mario goes by "Maurice" ~
* * *
They agreed to meet at the fire flower field.
"I'm sorry", Maurice began, softly. "I didn’t want to decieve you. I just...wanted to find out where I come from."
The Prince breathed in deeply, and then out through his nose like he was lifting a weight from his whole body.
"I'm just...so tired", he said weakly. "I'm tired of being tricked."
He raised a hand and aggressively wiped away tears that had already started spilling down his cheeks. Maurice, for reasons he could not fathom why, made to move forward, his hand reached out. However, he quickly drew back as he realised what he was about to do.
Prince Luigi looked back at him.
"You look so much like him. And you're so kind. That's what hurts the most."
Feeling more courage, Maurice gingerly stepped closer.
"Just, please tell me. Who am I?"
He clasped his music box to his chest. The Prince's eyes widened.
"Where did you get get that?"
Maurice looked at it, startled.
"I don't know. I've had it as long as I can remember. I think it's-"
But he stopped himself as he watched the Prince dig into his pocket, and bring out a music box of his own. This one was moon shaped, but the craftsmanship was very like Maurice's.
"Funny", said the Prince. "My music box is supposed to match with my brother's. A sun and a moon. A pair bound together. Would be funny, if you were an imposter, and you had just crafted a fake one just like his."
Maurice swallowed.
"I don't...know. Mine...could be fake. It has weird writing on the back. Might just be a signature or something."
He froze as some form of emotion went over the Prince's face.
"Can I see?"
Prince Luigi put his hand out. Maurice didn't miss the fact that it was trembling. He obeyed.
The Prince took his music box in the other hand, his pupils dilated, and he turned it so Maurice could see there was an inscription on the back.
, as long as we're together.
"My brother and I used to say that all the time to each other", the Prince said, his lip quivering. "We thought it would be fun to inscribe it on the back, so we carried a half each, and remember that we were never alone."
He held out the music boxes side by side. As Maurice looked, he saw that the inscriptions came together to form a full sentence.
Nothing can hurt us, as long as we're together.
"And that's always true", Maurice found himself saying with no warning.
He stopped. Now he was the one trembling.
Prince Luigi then tapped the top of his own music box, and an oddly shaped disc popped out. Taking it, the Prince then inserted it into the front of Maurice's.
"I didn't even know that was there!", he said in awe.
"A secret compartment in each of the boxes", the Prince explained. "That could only be accessed by the other's key."
He then twisted the box. The bottom slid away, revealing a smaller compartment with a tightly folded piece of paper inside.
The Prince handed the box out to Maurice, his eyes begging the younger man to open the paper.
Maurice was not going to argue. Unfolding the paper in shaking hands, he found it was a photo of two little boys. Both exactly alike, but a little different at the same time. They were smiling, holding each other like there wasn't a care on the world.
Prince Luigi had opened up his own secret compartment. Inside was the same photo. A copy.
"So that you two will always carry a happy memory with you."
Maurice stared at the photos. This really was it. He wasn't feeling like this was strange anymore. This was real, and he knew who he was.
He looked back up at the Prince. Luigi was crying, a hand pressed to his mouth as silent tears spilled out, his expression looking like it was begging for this to be true.
"Hi bro", Mario smiled.
The tears were shed on each other's shoulders, as they held each other tight amongst the fire flowers...
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
for news of the heart, ask the face (linked)
hello @soryasongsaa my beloved, I was your secret santa <3 (ty @song-tam). I have tried. very earnestly. to write a tamarelliana fic worthy of your prompt, so I hope you enjoy what I've come up with. because MAN did I not know what I was doing
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summary: Tam, Biana, and Marella each have their own demons to face, but fortunately they have each other to lean on--or at least they would, if they stopped pushing each other away. And if they stopped listening to the dark and mysterious forces calling to them.
warnings: mild arguing and panic/breakdowns
word count: 18.4k
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savingthrcw · 2 months
@aamusedly asked for a Lucy starter - warning: spoilers about the finale ahead.
It had taken Lucy a couple of days to feel like talking again: seeing her mother as a feral ghoul, learning that her father was behind that and Shady Sands, leaving Maximus behind, and everything else that Moldaver had told her was simply too much to digest. Everything about her life had been one lie after the other, or at least it felt that way. Still, there was a part of her that refused to believe there was only misery in this world: Norm had nothing to do with her father's choices and was waiting for her in the Vault, Maximus was still breathing, and there had to be hope for a better life now that cold fusion was active.
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She was still quiet, besides a few words here and there to the Ghoul and to a few merchants they met on the road, but what truly snapped her out of her silent sadness was the dog, finally sitting close to her during a break to eat. It was a rather adorable animal when it wasn't consuming cockroaches, one she had only seen in old movies and journals, and she found herself rubbing his back, at first with caution but then more comfortably as the dog seemed all too happy to receive attention. See, hope.
"Did you hear what that merchant said this morning?" she piped up, but her voice sounded off to her own ears; a bit of forced enthusiasm there, in her attempt to stop feeling like she was still being kept underwater. "If all this energy reaches the laboratory, it may be able to clean irradiated water. Clean water should be in everyone's best interest and it's just on our way." People steered away from it because the place was 'infested by cockroaches and other things', the merchant had also said, but they had faced worse, and surely the Ghoul would also agree that drinking more dirty water would harm him as well as her. What she really wanted to ask him was how did he know her father exactly, and what had happened to his family, but Lucy knew she needed to talk a bit more about something else, anything, before she could take whatever awful answer he'd give her.
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andiatas · 5 months
"When we talk about Frederik's popularity, we also have to acknowledge that there have been quite a few mishaps"
Denmark's new regent has several scandals in his backpack.
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Today, Crown Prince Frederik has entered the office he was born to, and from now on, he will have to fill the huge shoes that his mother, Queen Margrethe, is leaving behind.
These are shoes that he is predicted to be able to fill via his slightly more popular profile, who attends Smukfest and organizes the Royal Run.
But the route to where he is today has occasionally been bumpy and has left the country's new king with scratches in the paint.
There have been cases of public backlash in the 55-year-old regent's life.
- When we talk about Frederik's popularity, we also have to acknowledge that there have been quite a few mishaps, says Cecilie Nielsen, history and royal house correspondent at DR Nyheder.
Among other things, she points to the time a 20-year-old Crown Prince Frederik and 19-year-old Prince Joachim, together with two friends, drove Frederik's Peugeot 205 off the road near Cahors in France.
- It was a rather serious accident, so there was a lot of talk about whether the two princes were even allowed to drive together, Cecilie Nielsen tells about the episode, which took place in 1988.
Partner was driving drunk
And four years later, it went sideways again.
- Then there is also a New Year's party in 1992, where his girlfriend, in a drunken state, gets behind the wheel of his car, says Cecilie Nielsen.
The girlfriend at the time was Malou Aamund, who did not have a driver's license. The episode once again caused a media storm about Frederik.
- Taken for drunken driving, read the headline in B.T.
If you continue to botanize in the then crown prince's misfortune on four wheels, many probably remember when he crossed an otherwise closed Great Belt Bridge in 2015.
The IOC case is the worst
However, that is not where you find the case that has brought Frederik into the most headwinds, says royal house commentator Thomas Larsen.
- The biggest storm was the IOC case because he was also up against the political system, which simply believed that he had made a completely wrong decision.
Frederik went directly against the Danish line in the International Olympic Committee in 2016 and voted for Russia to participate in the Olympics despite extensive scandals about state-sponsored doping.
Before then, it had raised criticism that he stood up for the committee.
- In the role as king, he simply cannot get into such conflicts, says Thomas Larsen.
Especially when he no longer has Queen Margrethe as a frontline fighter, says the royal house expert.
- I think he should consider himself happy that he could stand under the protection of a very, very strong queen.
Herlufsholm and Casanova
In addition, the future regents were also on thin ice when the whole case around Herlufsholm was happening. A case which, as you know, ended with Prince Christian changing schools.
- It raised the question: Can the royal children go to a school that is part of a bullying debate when their mother has an anti-bullying campaign, says Cecilie Nielsen, which, of course, also mentions the recent case of Crown Prince Frederik's trip to Madrid, where he was photographed in the company of the Mexican model Genoveva Casanova.
- It was especially big in foreign media, says Cecilie Nielsen.
Translation of an article by Jakob Slyngborg Trolle for DR, published Jan. 14, 2024, at 18:33. The text has also been edited by me for clarity.
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bubblesandpages · 3 months
wait what went down in the mcyt world D:
On the 21rd of February streamer and youtuber Shelby Shubble hosted a stream where she discussed an abusive relationship she'd been in roughly a year prior, with a partner who'd repeatedly hurt her both physically and emotionally. She discussed how she's thankfully been able to heal and gain a better understanding of how she ended up in that situation in the first place (it's a hard watch, but I think she has a lot of good advice on how to catch on when someone is trying to abuse you or otherwise gaslight you about it) but that holding her peace was only holding her abuser's peace, and she was worried about other people being hurt by this person in the future, which is why she decided to talk about it.
(The VOD is no longer up but you can watch it in full here.)
Crucially, Shubble never puts a name to her abuser, but did leave us with enough hints that it wasn't all that difficult to concur she was talking about Wilbur Soot of Minecraft youtube and Lovejoy fame. The timeline of the relationship Shubble was describing, paired with the fact that this partner would bite her regularly, and enough to cause pain and later bruising was something we'd heard other female Minecraft content creators offhandedly mention Wilbur doing in the past. Shubble also talked about the lack of care this person would put into their living space, and how it had gotten to the point where they'd had an ant infestation that they didn't seem all that concerned over, something that coincidentally had also happened to Wilbur at about the same time, and who, similarly, didn't seem to mind the hoard of ants overrunning his living space. The abuser was also implied to have some measure of fame, to disappear for long periods of time, and be British which when put all together were far too many coincidences for it to be anyone other than Wilbur.
Shortly after the initial stream, Zoe the former trumpeter of Wilbur's band Lovejoy, corroborated parts of Shubble's story, further implying that we were correct in out assumptions that Shubble's abuser had been Wilbur, which all culminated in today (28th of February) when Wilbur posted an apology to his Twitter account which confirmed that he actually was the abuser in question.
So yeah, that's about the timeline.
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