#idk if I’ll do more this was probably just gonna be a trilogy but these are really fun and easy so
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part 3?
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just-call-mefr1es · 7 months
okay, so I’m just gonna worl dump very quickly (this post is longer then the hunger games trilogy). So since my Ocs, you know them right? Of course you do/n’t, well, three thirds of them are immortal, but since the type of immortal I gave them is uhh pretty complicated, I’ve made a separate post about that, sooooo here it is! hopefully you can understand, I’m not trying to be professional or whatever here, btw. My writing’s gonna be horrendous.
So, first of all, when you die, and you have this kind of immortality, you well, die, first. You spend a bit of time as a ghost until you’re put to rest/properly left the world, and you do that rather via burial, and the other things that I can’t think of right now, but you get it. So after your bady gets put to rest, you get a brand new body™️, but your mindset/mind stays, so like, just a new body ig (I have not fully thought this over please forgive me). Also, may I note that the more times that you die and shit, you start forgetting a but more bout your life from before you were aware of your immortality so yay, fun‼️
Might I add that your body slightly or drastically changes each time you get a new one? Like, say originally, your eyes were blue, or you had freckles. Your new body could have brown eyes now and no freckles. The possibilities are truly endless. Ypu could have a single freckle removed from your face to your whole ass face structure changing.
Okay, so now ✨wounds✨ So, once you die, so your wounds (if you died via them) disappear or do they stay? Well, as I discussed in my previous paragraph, it depends, really. Since there is a 30% chance that your entir face/bone structure will change, your wounds’ll probably stay on, including past wounds.
I’m pretty sure I talked a bit about your mind space™️ when you immortalize (I’ll make actual words for this I promis-) but whatever. So, at first, if you just died for the first time in yoru newly immortal life, your memory is great👍 good job, Mary. But, if you keep dying, over and over and over again, your head isn’t going to save &reload the same way it did pre-immortalization. as I said, your memory is going to take some damage, little by little at a time.
OKAY NOW AGES SINCE THIS IS A ROLLARCOSASTER. so, when you firstly die and get introduced to your new immortality for the first time, EVER, that’s going to be your checkpoint. By that, I mean that each time you die after your first time, you practically reset back into the age you were when you first died (which, mind you, could be any time). That means, if you first died when you were five, uh oh! You gotta restart there next time you die, brother. Oh, what was that? You died first when you were seventy four? Guess you gotta start back there. So yeah, practilly age you were when you first died for the first time is your checkpoint age for the next times you died.
So, I know this isn’t as long as I thought it would be, but that’s a good thing. It’s getting late and I wanna sleep. If you have any questions/suggestions abt this, please send in the mailbox, and not any messaging platforms (that includes here). This is just so that if someone with the same question as you wants me to answer it, but is too shy to actually ask, and you sent it in the mailbox, then boom. Question answered. The person could just look there and now they don’t have to worry.
yeah, so as I said, this immortality thing is still in the process. I might change up a couple things, I might not, who knows? I also need vocabulary ideas cause idk if just calling it ‘immortalities’ and ‘immortalization’ are good terms but whatever⁉️
Have a great night and Halloween yall!
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jeanmoreaux · 1 year
can I ask you for some book recs? especially any german books you loved and would want to reread at any point in time? trying to get back into reading, but i really want to read more books in german 💘
oh i have to admit i haven’t read a ton of german literature in years, so my pool of recommendation to draw from is pretty small… but i can tell you what i have enjoyed (no guarantee it’s gonna be something you’ll like as well). but it’s the best i can do. ((this ask reminds me that i really should get more familiar with contemporary german lit))
let’s start of with slightly unserious ya lit recs: first, die edelstein trilogie (kerstin gier) is it silly and deeply rooted in the time it was published? sure. is it also some mindless entertainment that’s deeply funny to me personally? for sure. it has its flaws and lands on an overall 4 star rating in my system, but it’s just something light and breezy you can read without investing too much brain power. second, and an aged ya pick, is die rote zora (kurt held). don’t remember much except that i liked it.
so let’s move on to some classic lit. i really enjoyed heinrich kleists short stories. they’re just so… out there. occasionally so dramatic for literally no reason. although being a part of german (classic) romantic literature i think the language is pretty accessible. my absolute favourite classic is jugend ohne gott (ödön von horvath), which is a pre-wwii novel kind of examining the early social dynamics during the rise of fascism, especially with a focus of passive collaborators.
my favourite german novel, like, in a general sense, is probably das parfüm (patrick süsskind). very weird. so, so weird. but so good as well?!??! like idk if you like stories that are completely out there, this might be for you as well.
other than that i can’t think of any recs right now BUT i have had vom ende der einsamkeit (benedict wells) on my tbr for ages and i only read and hear great things about it. from what i have gathered it’s primarily about sibling dynamics and grief, but i could be wrong. might read it soon now, so i can tell you if it’s truly worth it or not 😅
this is a very very short list and i am so sorry if nothing of this tickels your fancy. but if i end up reading more german lit i’ll definitely include the books in my month
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galacticlamps · 1 year
tagged by @amyp0nd (thanks!)
Tea, coffee, or soda? Definitely tea! I’ll drink coffee if I need caffeine & there’s no tea available, but soda I don’t drink at all, except as an ingredient in some cocktails (and even then, it needs to be a really worth it cocktail tbh)
Dogs or cats? Cats!
Can you play an instrument?  alas, no
What’s your sun sign? that’s the main one right? if so then capricorn
First song lyrics that came into your head?  i have trained myself, going shelf by shelf, and i know every item in the stoooore, every tube, jar, box, bottle, carton, and container, where they are, what they cost, what they’re foooooor
for first-class clerking and conscientious working, Mr Maraczek why not tryyyyyy meeee
(Don’t ask me how She Loves Me got inside my brain today lol I couldn’t tell ya)
Do you have any tattoos? nope. I’m kinda interested in the concept but idk if I’d ever go through with it - it’s hard to imagine reaching a point in my life where that doesn’t feel like more money & effort than it’s worth, but who knows
Favorite place you’ve travelled? hmm I don’t have a go-to answer for this, but I think I’m gonna say Ireland’s Ring of Kerry
What’s the last movie you watched? song of the sea! I watched that & secret of kells on back-to-back nights a couple (? what is time) weeks ago but have not yet finished the trilogy, whoops
What languages do you speak? saying anything other than English feels like exaggerating. I kind of drift in & out of being decent with Spanish (I learned it for years, and there are definitely periods when I engage with it a lot - when I’m around a lot of people speaking it, or when I’ll be working through a book of Spanish poems or short stories, or listening to a lot of music in Spanish - but that’s not a constant thing for me & I’m definitely not fluent). And the language I work on the most these days is Irish, but on top of not being fluent in that either, I also have even less occasion to speak that outside of literal lessons
Do you have any hobbies? uhh I write fanfic, I draw a little, I play D&D. There’s lots of things I try to actively learn about, but idk if consuming material on certain subjects is really a hobby of its own or not so I’ll just say I read a lot in general. I also don’t have one particular Craft hobby type thing but I do take on a lot of like, single-use projects? Like whether it’s making or altering or refurbishing something I seem to always have something like that going on, but it’s nothing as consistent as being like ‘oh I knit,’ you know?
You can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? I’m sure this is majorly cliche but the Doctor! I can’t even bring myself to be picky about which one (ok I guess I’d be a little bummed if out of all of them it was Four, but hey I’m only human). I’m not angling to squeeze an adventure out of it either, but a) I’m assuming you could potentially spend that hour, even just chatting, almost anywhere/when, and b) there aren’t many characters I think you could fall into cahoots with quickly enough for an hour to actually turn out a really interesting hang out/convo. But I feel like with the Doctor there’s always a chance you can get to know them as well in an hour as you might in a lifetime (which is probably not great news for how much most of them let people in over the course of a lifetime, but hey at least it’s good for this question). Even if there’s other characters I’d rather be like, actively friends with, for this I feel like you wouldn’t wanna pick someone you couldn’t expect to be fairly at ease with within an hour, and I think the Doctor’s a good candidate for that, being able to bond with people quickly is kinda baked into their lifestyle
Compliment yourself: I’m good at fixing things (since I’m watching glue set rn & hoping it goes well this is as much an affirmation as a compliment lol)
and I’ll tag @uighean @queen-boudicca @terryfphanatics @there-are-no-gods-here //anyone else that wants to!
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partnersatfazbear · 1 year
Thinking about Midnight Motorist again?
Ah, John’s post got me thinking... https://twitter.com/JohnAndrewYT/status/1625039396251508739?s=20&t=dnyVnduqcUVp3RS7aa22HA
He is gonna do a video soon, so please go watch it. His theories are like my last thread keeping me interested in the franchise’s discussion honestly--because he presents new takes or new evidence to support old takes.
My wife @katvara has always been adamant that Orange Guy / Mustard Man is Henry... and I’m starting to be on board with that theory.
The game does indeed take place “later that night” after Charlie’s murder. However, I always wondered where the flying fuck was Henry when his daughter was left “alone” at the pizzeria to die? Sure, the Security Puppet was watching the children, the staff was probably not giving two shits but supposed to be watching the children...
But if we play as Henry, perhaps something upset him. Maybe his wife was thinking of leaving him? (Or perhaps, any friendship with William was starting to unravel). So, he goes to get drunk, cuz why not? Drives home.
We see maybe a very annoyed Mrs. Emily. The girl’s room is empty because Charlotte is at the pizzeria. God damn I’m rusty getting FNAF 4 confused with MM. I’m tired, yall. Don’t write theories past midnight! [A lot of people suspect this is the same house in FNAF 4 but never bring up the girl’s room anyway... Heck, if the paralells are to be believed in FF books, Elizabeth got sent away / ran away from home...] But STILL, I think it would be interesting to consider. (Yeah, I know this seems odd; why wouldn’t anyone be asking about her? But I’ll pose this stretch nonetheless. You COULD argue Henry just found out she was murdered a few hours prior--this explains how the other child (who I’m positing as Sammy) is “having a bad night” and the wife seems nonchalant because she’s in shock.
Sammy probably loved to run off to the restaraunt as much as any kid whose dad worked at the pizzeria would. This would explain why the child wants to go (as one thing with BV is that he is scared of the animatronics always bothered me; he has no reason to want to run off, except from an abusive father).
Yeah, we have to use Novel Trilogy lore, I’m sorry. And yeah, it differs from the book a bit, even.
But whose to say William, with either the Glitchtrap suit (the rain and the Springlocks still bothers me) lead Sammy away? Sammy would be familiar with Spring Bonnie (or Glitchtrap--I’m adamant this is an old suit William made as a prototype at one point) and probably go pretty willingly.
Anyway, my point is... In the novels, the wife takes Sammy and leaves (presumably). But in the games, maybe she didn’t get the chance. Maybe William killed Sammy, too. I can see people not harping on Henry for bringing him up later in 6 if this was the case--perhaps they weren’t as close for some reason. There really isn’t that good of an explanation except that Charlotte was murdered first and therefore hurt a little more. Can you imagine finding out your daughter died, probably getting grilled in a police station for hours, only to go home and have to face your family that was already falling apart? :o (And I believe I said in my original post how I couldn’t believe Henry would be... well, as angry as Mustard Man, but... Well, he is far from the saint we all make him out to be! I didn’t really realize that, then... Also, someone who grew up with an alcoholic father and has seen their best friend’s life fucked up by an alcoholic stepfather... yeah, they can be nasty people when they drink.)
Lastly, I think it makes Henry’s appearance in FNAF 6 more striking as it would be foreshadowed here.
View my original thoughts on MM I’ve completely forgotten about, here:
IDK, I can see how there’s a lot of stretches in this theory, but I still think it could work. Thoughts?
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confringo- · 2 years
Talking to Myself
Things I want to do 
Finish Hex: Haunted Pound
Write that Merril/Julian fic called Oral Intensity that I’ve been wanting to write for months now.
Write that Welcome to Night Vale!Widomauk fic in Night Vale format 
Write that Ashton/Orym Punk/Ballet fic that someone mentioned on twitter that one time just because. I don’t even know what the plot is going to be. 
Write a Drawfee fic for Luce and Rowan because I wanna play out what a corruption arc would look like BUT WILL ANYONE READ IT DO I REALLY HAVE THE ENERGY FOR A MULTICHAPTER, SUPER INVOLVED FIC??? 
Write a stupid lil Empires SMP fic about how Hermes was born through Joel and Sausage. 
I sincerely want to do 30 days of Sebasthan because I love them so much even though no one will read it lmao
That one Juliark fic that involves body shots. 
Read the Simon Snow trilogy because I have all the books now yeehaw
Finish up Wyfmite season 3. 
Start a new podcast for the manuscript I worked on in my Master’s. 
Catch up on podcasts that I haven’t listened to in months! 
Things I have to do:
Finish reading the three books I haven’t finished reading for the last idk TWO YEARS. 
I still need to query agents for my book. I’m still daring to do 20 more agents in the first couple of weeks of October. 
Write a synopsis for said book
Edit the manuscript. Like, even though not much will change, it’ll be much better if I’ll be able to send the story how I envision it. There’s just this one aspect of it that I want to move to the end and I think I know which scenes i have to edit to make that work. But I still really need to make sure everything’s grammatically correct EVEN THOUGH FUCKIN WHITE PEOPLE SAY SHOULD OF ALL THE TIME  god help me 
Exercise a little bit more. Nothing too intense but I do want to start using the treadmill more often. I’m doing pretty okay with the push ups so I hope i can keep up. 
I’m honestly most afraid of the query thing. I’m so sure that I’m going to be rejected by everyone I’ve queried so far. And while there are still many more agents I can query, will I be mentally alright if, by December, I’ll have that many rejections??? My self-doubt is already on an all-time high. Like, as much as I want to make plans, I just KNOW that the day I get more than one rejection, I’ll be out of commission. I’m so afraid of the state I’ll be in once the rejections start pouring in because I’m already so fragile. I don’t want to promise anything to anyone, especially myself. As much as I want to do so many things, December is a huge ????? Right now. 
Like, okay. Most the agents say 8 weeks to hear back from them (or Not Hear Back from them.) The longest time frame I got was 10-12 weeks. So. Theoretically.  I should be getting responses between October 17 - November 18 for the first wave of queries I sent. November 7 - December 16 for the second wave. 
Maybe I should stop at the second wave. 40 agents this year should be enough, right? Could I squeeze in ten more? Make it an even fifty?? That would be kinda crazy. Alright. If I think about it, if I’m going to be in a shit mood the whole of November and December, I might as well push it. I think I can squeeze in another 10. Can I? Can I really??? 
After sitting here for a couple of minutes to mull it over, I don’t think I can. Not if I want to accomplish something I like. So I’m gonna cut it there. 20 more agents in October, no more. I’m gonna spend the rest of the year taking care of myself because I just know I’m gonna have to. 
I’ll probably be able to write Oral Intensity in a week. It’ll be short, sweet, and smutty. Then I did promise that one twitter person I’d write that Asrym one so I’ll see what I can do for that. The rest...They can wait. I don’t have to write all of them this year. Though I might write a few more things just to remind myself why I write and why I love writing. 
I don’t know when I’ll be able to do edits. I should do it at the soonest time but the second I thought about it, I felt a spike of anxiety. This is gonna be tough to calm but I’ll see what I can do. It won’t be so bad. The hard part is over. Writing the damn thing is over. All I have to do is move some pieces around and make sure everything’s grammatical. It’s not that bad. It’s not that bad. 
I think I’m insisting that these things should happen during October. In that short span before October 17. Joey, don’t do that. None of these have to happen during that time. In fact, the one that should happen is the editing. And Hex. Alright. Let’s try this again. 
This week, September 20 to 25: Finish querying the last six agents. 
September 26 to October 2: Finish writing Hex and write your story’s synopsis.
Those are the only weeks you should care about now. I have this problem where I think too far ahead and get overwhelmed and shit like that. Hence, this post. I need to write it all down before I go crazy. I’m going to focus on just a WEEK ahead. That’s as far as I should go for planning ahead. We’ll figure out how we’re feeling then. For right now. Those are the things I should be worrying about. If I have time for more, if I have the emotional energy for more, then wonderful. Let’s stick with these okay? I believe in you.  
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adrianicsea · 2 years
I’m curious, do you have any hopes/predictions for Saw X?
so like. my knowledge of the series doesn’t extend very far past the original 7-film cycle? i’m very familiar with the events of all of those, even if i haven’t seen them. i know... a bit.... about jigsaw 2017, and i actually don’t know much of anything about spiral! which i’m trying to keep that way so i’ll have SOMETHING i can watch and be surprised. all of that to say that i’m not super sure what to expect from saw X!
i guess it depends on where on the timeline it falls? if it’s going to be a spiral sequel then i don’t have anything to say about it because well, i don’t know anything about spiral!! but i HAVE seen rumors that it’s gonna take place between 2 and 3 and like... i’ll be honest i would rather them do just about anything than that. it’s not a matter of not wanting to see more of that setting and those characters, the amanda trilogy is everything to me, but like. the original timeline is already SO fucking bloated and convoluted bc they kept doubling back to add more. and the trilogy wrapped everything up so well! we don’t need to go back and complicate things! not least of which bc the cast is all so much older now, and i’m not confident that they would be handled well or even asked back. (<- guy who is bitter that cary’s said he’s willing to come back and play lawrence but LG probably won’t ask him back bc he looks “too old” or some stupid shit like that)
honestly, my IDEAL saw X would be like... something that picks up the loose threads that never got picked up from the original cycle. what became of daniel matthews? what are alison and diana up to these days? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO CORBETT DENLON???? it would be fun to see what those characters are doing! and i think it could also be fun to do like.... idk i know 6 and 7 already kind of did the “battle for john’s legacy” plot between hoffman and jill, but i think it would be fun if X had lawrence emerging from the shadows to go head-to-head with logan. i know we all hate logan and think he’s boring but the thing is, logan’s backstory gives lawrence a TON! of reason to hate him!!!! a movie where lawrence starts out trying to just bump off the new jigsaw copycat, only to find out about his shared past with logan and get inspired to hunt him down for more personal reasons..... it would be so good. and since it would be a proper sequel and NOT timeline fucky bullshit, there wouldn’t be any issue w cary looking older!
ANYWAYS yeah idk. i’m cautiously optimistic but i also feel like it’s just gonna end up being trash whatever it is. my desire to see lawrence and amanda again vs my fear that they’ll undergo character assassination if they DO come back
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casp1an-sea · 24 days
Star Wars ask game, answer all, or else 👁️👁️
i rebloged two Star Wars ask games, so I don’t know which one you meant. So I will answer all the questions for one of them here and then make a separate post with all my answers for the other one. :)
Buckle in this is a lot
Qui-Gon Jinn: love or hate? Discuss.
Mixed feelings. I find him to be an interesting character but the way he handles things in phantom menace does not sit write with me. I say it better in this post. 
2. Pick a Padme outfit to be your signature look.
Her yellow dress from Naboo in attack of the clones. 
3. What are midichlorians? Wrong answers only please.
The powerhouse of the cell 
4. Do you prefer the prequel, original, or sequel trilogy, and why?
Originals are objectively my favorite because the plot is well written and I’m REALLY ATTACHED TO THE CHARACTERS. But I watch the prequels more frequently. They’re easier to watch for fun bc they’re so funny lmao and they’re great. I am not a sequels fans I’ve only rewatched them once and I’ll only ever do it again because I’m obsessed with Hux/Kylux for no reason. Rey is my least favorite character in all of Star Wars. I Will say though Rise of skywalker was the first Star Wars movie I watched in theaters and it was cool to watch (still don’t like the movie but cool to watch)
5. Say you’re in the business of collecting Jedi lightsabers as trophies. Whose would you need to complete your collection, and what would you do with it once complete?
Honestly don’t rly know how to answer this question 
6. What is your favorite Star Wars meme?
Oh there are literally so many so I’ll put my favorite one of the ones I have made myself 
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I call him Ki-Adi-Munter
It’s gonna be mayday is close second 
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7. Dumbest Star Wars moment?
I have 2
and also this
8. If you could ask George Lucas one question, what would it be?
9. Who shot first: Han or Greedo?
Is this even a question? It was Han. 
10. If you could pull a George Lucas and sneak into Disney plus and edit any Star Wars scene, what changes would you make?  
Delete Rey from existence 
11. Who would you want as your Jedi master? (Why)
Plo Koon, Luke Skywalker, Or Coran Horn. They’re just nice guys. And Coran is my favorite Jedi so
12. What lightsaber form would you master?
My main OC/Self insert has a single bladed green saber and a cured inquisitors saber so whatever form that would be.
13. What is your earliest Star Wars memory?
Being mad at it for replacing animation studios at Disney. I was like in 5th grade lol was bitter at Star Wars for years clean, and I hated it even though I knew nothing about it and often mistook it with meet the Robinsons don’t ask me how.
14. BESIDES THE ROTS NOVELIZATION What is your favorite Star Wars book?m
Courtship of Princess Leia 
15. Fuck marry kill: Ben Solo, Syril Karn, Moff Gideon
Fuck Ben Solo (Except I’m Hux), Marry Syril My guy, Kill Moff Gideon because who gives a shit about him? Not me. 
16. Fuck marry kill: Asaj Ventress, Dedra Meero, Elia Kane
Fuck and marry Ventress. Leave Dedra alone because she has to keep living for season two of Andor. KILL ELIA KANE!!!!!!! 
18. What is your favorite piece of Star Wars merchandise that you own?
Uhh idk I like a lot of things, a lightsaber, credits I unsuccessfully bribe cast members with at Disney, all my Funkos most notedly: Tech, Han in Carbonite, and Han and Leia I Love you I know scene, oh and an Ewok cereal box.  
20. Please describe in as much detail as possible the signature scent of Ewan McGregor and/or Obi-Wan. (Are they different? Probably)
Uhm idk man sea otters?
21. What’s an embarrassing Star Wars related fact about you?
No comment 
@sunshinechildskywalker I’m gonna answer all of yours in a separate post
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A Long Overdue Update
since I literally just came back to my account after idk 4 years and it’s actually refreshing to be back, I missed it. I read through my old drafts, changed my bio, etc so guess I’ll give you guys all the updates.
I’m not a teenager anymore, the last time I was on this account I was 17 and a high school senior...now I’m 20 (though I turn 21 in abt a week so let’s round up ig) and I’ll be done with uni in a week!
I don’t write anymore, though I did read one of my old drafts and it made me realize that I used to be able to write really well actually so who knows maybe that will change.
I don’t read nearly as much anymore either, I’ve recently gotten back into it but I read nowhere near as much as I used to and I don’t enjoy the same kinds of books that I used to. I’ve recently finished (and loved) the main Selection trilogy? (idk if it counts as a trilogy bc the author gave us two more books that feature the 2 main character but the best way to describe it is a spin off ig bc they aren’t the focus anymore) and right now I’m reading Game of Thrones because I need more content with those characters that I’ve missed since the show ended.
I don’t watch half the things I used to watch, in part because I grew out of them or they ended, so Voltron, Jane the Virgin, Steven Universe, KOTLC, PJO, She-Ra all that stuff, you probably wont see here very often since I don’t really watch/read them anymore, YJ is a special case though, I might get into that another day but don’t expect me to post much if at all on that (plus didn’t it just get cancelled again?) KOTLC is also a special case, I’ll read it only when a new book comes out because at this point I just need to know how this all ends, but I doubt I’ll be active in the fandom.
If you were wondering what I do now, I’m into GoT, AWAE (though those shows are finished so) HotD, Arcane, Euphoria, Bridgerton, Attack on Titan, Spy x Family, Sanditon, however I’m not really “in” the fandom for any of these, and probably more that I just don’t remember, but feel free to give me recs bc I’ll still watch them and maybe give a hot take abt it occasionally lol
Finally, I’m not sure what I gonna do with this account to be quite honest. I’m not deleting it but I don’t think I’ll have a clear theme. I think the best way to describe my plan is like a coming of age sort/lifestyle sort of blog. I’ve grown up now, and to a degree, I’m just now finding myself, in part due to the fact that we were in a pandemic for like 2 years and because of a lot of other stuff. But I hope you’ll join me for the ride, and all the funny stuff in between, just think of this as a place where I document my joys and experiences, the cool stuff, the mundane stuff, and even the quirky stuff in between.
I know that my account wasn’t big before I practically abandoned it but feel free to ask me anything regardless or if you were here way before or if your new lol.
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thissithhappens · 1 year
I mean cmon, what are the odds that i made that playlist public again and you made that story post for me on the same day? or maybe i orchestrated e x a c t l y what i wanted? i did make it public to fuck with you; you explicitly made the post for me. at least you had the guts to make it known to me. Always loved that about you, until it became too much. a little surprised you kept my number too, idk why I always am when dudes do that! Especially when I kept their number too lmao. the whole point is that we be subliminally messaging each other on a stage with so many audiences, i’m with my love and you’re probably with a recyclable. I bet you have the same mindset he did….. “she’s not cammi”. And you’re damn right she’s not!!! Nobody ever will be. My silence is the loudest you’ll ever hear in your life. I’m a ball of fiery celestial energy that cannot be stopped. you nearly begged me not to go and couldn’t even refute when I told you that you don’t know how to be with someone grown. you never had been until me.
cmon now. you cant let me go either, we had a substantive connection and not just in some ten-second fling kinda way. i’m a hard one to move on from when you genuinely catch the feels. i got attached to you for sure, and i’d still love to be your friend again. not to hang on to you or lead you on or keep you as an option. solely just to maintain the vibes, the bond, the fun, just without the physical aspects. could we even do that? i know it’d be pretty different from what we’ve known. and it’s not like me and you and him and your girl could all hang out….. holy fuck that’d be weird. Even the 3 of us hanging out would be funky because the two of you would NOT like each other. He’d look at me crazy like “this is the motherfucker you were with before i came back?” just the same way you used to look at me crazy and say “that’s the kind of dude you’re into?!” my relationships with each of you deeply affected me, AND reflect my own duality. unfortunately you bring out a few more aspects i’m not sure i like to see, whereas the growth potential with him is huge. what we’ve built, even just in these last 3 weeks, is irreplaceable. he always was; he was the first.
you and i still should’ve waited if we were ever going to do anything about us. god we had fun though. i miss your smile. i miss you telling me the backstory of artists and songs you’re really into. i miss oversharing about our sex life with your friends for the sake of making stupid jokes. i miss screaming along to emo and taylor swift songs. i need an emo friend in my life. but i don’t need to kindle the flame of any lingering hopes you may have. i’m not leaving him, not unless it gets bad again. In which case I’m leaving the SECOND a request for changed behavior isn’t honored. i keep thinking of my coworker saying “he’s never gonna leave her” and she might’ve been right. i don’t think you ever would’ve— i think you would’ve rather run yourself into the ground unhappy than left me on your own. you’re really good at maintaining distance, though. solid 2 weeks since we broke up??? it’s cute that you’ll never be able to go thru my home state again and not think of me. I’ll never look at the hangover movies again without thinking of you and watching the trilogy backwards.
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less-than-three-3 · 2 years
lots of thoughts on ff7 remake (base game + intermission)
I played this a while ago and I’m just copying and pasting a writeup I had- I promise as I get through games it’ll be fully original content lol
obviously spoilers I should start with that I do overall like the game, but I don't like love it and I don't really think it's a best of all time or anything, maybe when the whole trilogy comes out it'll end up like that but for now it's just pretty good. Speaking of the trilogy, I'll just address that first - I don't really think this game is badly paced... storywise at least. It's badly paced in other ways but let's put a pin in that. I think that yeah it's a 30 hour game that covers like barely the first disk of the original ff7 but like I think this argument is pretty disingenuous and misses a lot of huge differences just between generations. Being fully 3D, fully voice acted, and more in-depth (for better or worse) just generally makes the scale much larger and theatrical and that's a good thing for immersion and experience, but having to run around in a fully 3D space as opposed to a 2.5D space means you're spending a lot of time just running around and you're spending a lot of time doing those theatrical things and it just builds up. Overall the story I felt was fairly engaging, at least once it got going, and I can't in good faith say that the story was badly paced, it is about as well paced as the original ff7 just in a much grander medium that deserves more attention to detail (rightfully). So I liked the story, right? Well... I do but I also wished a lot of the characters didn't suck. Ok honestly in the last like 30% of the game the character writing did get a lot lot better but that does not mean I liked the characters and dialogue for the other 70%. Jessie literally has no character she is the biggest offender (doesnt mean her death wasn't sad lol until pizza time). Aerith is sort of annoying and feels stiffly written but at least has decent rapport with Tifa. Aerith just suddenly talking about how sephiroth is gonna fuck up the world and stuff is like a weird sudden exposition dump at the end of the game. I get that Cloud is supposed to be edgy boy merc guy who's been hardened by war but like.... the bit only works for so long. Wedge is like the thin line between annoying and "a character I liked", his arc is neat and despite everything the plot ghosts killed him (?). Tifa is the most normal girl in the main cast and she has a good internal conflict and isn't endlessly horny for Cloud so she's fine. Barret and Biggs are fucking chads I love them, I was genuinely devastated at Biggs' death scene and popped off when he was alive (which is bullshit but hey plot ghosts or whatever). Barret I feel like people probably find annoying but I love his conviction, call it one-note but dude stands by his message and loves his daughter, absolute king shit. I hate the triangle with Tifa/Aerith/Jessie. I imagine it's why a lot of people like this game (they won't admit it) but like no it doesn't work stop lmao. Keep it to persona I should mention that I do kinda like the plot ghosts like yeah they are pretty much just plot armor but you know no one's gonna die until the funny spoiler moment anyways lmao and even then with the events at the end of this game who knows maybe the funny spoiler moment won't happen. I think it is cool that you don't know what will happen in this remake of perhaps the most spoiled game in history. It reminds me of like the ticktockers from DQXI (even though I hated the time travel of that game). Besides characters the writing at least in the first half just feels so off sometimes, like I genuinely don't understand sometimes if people thought this is how people talk. Obviously funny "you owe me a pizza" which... honestly I think it was the voice actor's delivery and really odd sound mixing. But also just a few back and forths between various main characters throughout the "exposition" just felt sorta stunted but idk it definitely got better over time. On the other hand there's a lot of parts that I did find funny like people do shit on the "Mayor." part of the game but I thought that shit was hilarious. Big shoutouts to the cameos of Cait Sith, the timing of which felt like a complete shitpost, and zack crisis core, who felt like a DC cameo. Not a Marvel cameo, but like you know the cameos from BvS foreshadowing the justice league or whatever lmao. More of that shitpost energy and less of the serious shit please. Though I guess they do want people to take it seriously so idk Music I have to admit is incredible. Nobuo Uematsu is a pretty good composer. Same with visuals.  Gameplay I did genuinely enjoy the combat. It has good mashy energy but it didn't overstay its welcome or get tedious like I felt Tales of Arise did. Materia management and skill trees were fun to manage even if ultimately I do not really think it mattered much lmao. But my GOD the start of this game is slow, not story-wise but LITERALLY slow. There are so many sections where you just hold forwards and WALK SLOWLY and talk to people and then watch cutscenes and you do not fight many things in the early game between reactor missions and then the battles early game are piss easy too (for more or less tutorial purposes I get it). I just want to beat people up, can you tell me the exposition while I beat people up thanks Which is where I go back to that pin about pacing- I really don't think the story or world was introduced at a slow pace, even by jrpg standards. But when you account for the amount of "downtime" it is so much time that I just feel bored. Like I don't think things really pick up action-wise until like 10 hours in and in a 30 hour game I think that is just literally inexcusable. Why does crawling/shimmying take so long why am I not allowed to run all the time why does the game force me to walk to follow this npc i just want to run around please let me run my god Not being able to like click through dialogue also kinda sucks, I get why they didn't want to let you because they paid good money for voice over but like Tales did it and like yeah the cutscenes sounded stilted when you "mash" through dialogue but like I am reading the text at double the pace that they say it I could save so much time lmao idk. With the main game I can see the hype but I think it really needs the next 2 installments to really be considered a modern classic. I am genuinely intrigued by it though and I'm looking forward to where the story goes.
all that said intermission is way better lmao yuffie is fun and fun to play as, there’s a ton of goofy shit and the serious parts still hit hard. granted the world has been built from main story but still a banger compared to main game you get to play clash royale!! CLASH ROYALE!!!  the fact that literally all the hold forward to parkour stuff is actually not slow and makes you feel sorta cool is just a cherry on top lol
if intermission is a sign of the direction of the next games I’m all on board. 
petition to just replace cloud with yuffie going forwards 
and let sephiroth kill aerith still
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ohbluesky · 3 years
Le Rivage des Survivants / The Wicked String Spoilers
hi yes so I’ve got this thing
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SO here’s some spoilers from it for ppl who are too excited to wait until December and for ppl who are not excited and don’t wanna buy that book but still want to know the content without having to sell your soul to the Devil fghvgh
I’m not gonna post the entire text but I’ll try to translate some stuff that I think are interesting ? Also I’ve reblogged a post with a few translations and summaries of the first 2 chapters and I’m going to continue where I left off on this post so make sure to read that reblog first!
I might reblog this post with updates since I won’t do this in one go so make sure to check the notes
Anyway Spoilers under the cut 👇
Part One: Seventy Three Years Later
First thing to note is that The Wicked String is confirmed as the title in english, I wasn’t sure considering it’s. hum. yeah
The story seems to switch between 3 POVs in the same order for now which is Alexandra first, then Minho 2.0 and Isaac. So after Isaac and his friends discover the boat we switch back to Alexandra and. I mean it’s very confusing. It seems that there’s a society which is centered around a religion/fanaticism about the Maze, and like, there are very pious people who roam the Maze ?? Like a pilgrimage ? It sounds like they live around the Maze itself and the Glade is being mentionned a few times as some kind of sacred place that only Alexandra, Mikhail and third person can enter (note that she actually enters said place to find Mikhail who fled there after brutally murdering some ppl and she can enter via a technology that recognizes fingerprints dfghvhvh idk it feels funny considering the whole setting feels super mystical) (also this is all so WIERD because I haven’t read The Death Cure in a while but I’m almost sure that the mazes where destroyed along with the Wicked compound ????? or did i hallucinate that)
Minho 2.0 is.. very intriguing ? There isn’t mush infos about him besides the fact that he basically got ripped from his identity and he spends his life protecting the “most important human society left” and he’s not really allowed anything like having human contact and thoughts on his own etc. I kinda want to see him interact with Isaac that would interesting. Clashing personalities. (also his chapters are actually written quite Differently from Isaac and even Alexandra, which is probably why he intrigues me so much, he seems to be better written than the others and to be more in tune with the OG trilogy, but that’s just my opinion)
We switch back to Isaac and learn a few things: 
- the boat is called “Taille-Labyrinthe” (I think it’s taille as in ‘cutting through’ like ‘Cutting Through Maze’ or something. Because otherwise it would be taille as in ‘Size’ so ‘Maze-Sized’ which.... Why Not but I’d wait for the english version to get a proper translation)(also the boat is BIG like Cargo Big) 
- the boat’s name is reminiscent of Thomas apparently:
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That word had a very strong meaning on the island. It refered to its most famous inhabitant, Thomas, who died more than twenty years ago. We told all kind of stories about him and the Maze from which he escaped with his friends. The Gladers. WICKED. Ava Paige. The Flare. There were so many stories that it was impossible that they were all true. However, even after a few decades, there was stil one thing that never changed in the way that these stories were told. Thomas was always described as the Maze Runner.
- it means that Thomas was a little over 70 AT MOST when he died. He most likely died younger :’( bruh
- I also think Isaac isn’t Thomas’ descendant considering how he’s talking about him ? And I’m almost sure he’s Sonya’s descendant though, so hopefully no Thomas/Sonya happening DFGVBHJHJKNK (yep sorry. i was actually worried about that so. im relieved ok)
- I love that their first thought about who it might be on the boat was “Oh a bunch of pilgrims who think of Thomas as a God and came to have a religious experience” that’s me actually Mood (on a serious note, it’s interesting to note that they’re somehow aware of the religious power the Gladers hold, even outside of the island ?(considering they don’t seem to be aware of the societies in the outside world, unless i’m mistaken) I mean they DO seem to see the Gladers as somewhat legendary, but not like. on a religious level, which is wierd to me)(anyway)
- The woman on the boat is a black woman who came on a mission to find Newt’s and Sonya’s descendants because after Wicked’s downfall they somehow managed to save some data and they had some very spectacular genes ??? That are indispensable for the cure (THROWING A THEORY HERE BUT I FEEL LIKE... THIS BLACK WOMAN IS KEISHA’S DAUGHTER ??? but it’s not said how old she is so fghbhjbhj) The woman told them that she had to drug and kill off the other passengers of the boat because they wanted to give up their mission and she refused. (She said that it was proof how important that mission was but hhhmmm Please)
Back to Alxandra and yeah, from my understanding they just kinda live in a highly religious city set around the Maze/Wicked compound and Alexandra is going through the ruins deeper until she reaches the Glade and finds Mikhail praying in front of the box. He tells her that He is coming back and that while they promised to not open the box and retreive its content until they’re ready they have to do it like. Now. Also Alexandra is part of a triumvirate that governs everyone else alongside Mikhail and Nicholas, who seems to be above them in hierarchy. They’re called the Head of God.
Minho 2.0 is huh. very much struggling with his identity (or lack thereof) he’s basically anxious about the fact that he’s chosen himself a name and kinda feel like bonding with other people (which is something that is completely forbidden in his society and could be punished by death). He’s not able to sleep so he takes a walk to get some fresh air until he hears someone screaming. He stumbles in all the pipes/corridors of the fortress and sees a kid getting hit to death by an old man. He saves the kid and asks for his name, Kit. Kit asks for his name back and it sends him spiraling fghjbghj Minho 2.0 flees and leaves Kit there.
After saving the woman from the water Isaac and his friends went back to their village, four days passed and the council of the island finally decided what to do with her. As they decided to announce it pubicly, and Isaac settles on a seat with his friends, Sadina reveals to him that she is, in fact, Sonya’s grand daughter (!!!!!!)(so either Isaac is Sadina’s secret brother or cousin or he’s actually a nobody which. Is Fine With Me actually)
Also here’s an excerpt about Newt and Sonya because why not
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Isaac thought about the stranger abord the boat. A rescue party came from the village not long after she told them the reason she came here (to find two old Gladers’ descendants, Newt’s and Sonya’s.) Isaac was surprised that she described them as brother and sister - he’d never read that from the tales of these two people. But the woman seemed very sure of herself. The Medjacks took her to the infirmary and he never saw her again. These two names were taking over his thoughts ever since.
Newt. Sonya.
We learned about Newt’s story at primary school. His journal was a compulsory reading for all children able to read. He was almost a mythical character, and if he had descendants, that would be news for everyone on the island. Sonya was less mysterious but almost as legendary. She was among the survivors who first arrived on the island along with Thomas and the others seventy three years ago. She died a few years ago leaving a few children and grand children behind.
 Anyway after Sadina drops the news Mrs Cowan (who is Sadina’s mother) announces that she can’t just lie to the entire island and she doesn’t think that going to the outside world is a priority and storms off. Sadina follows her (so Isaac and his friends also follow) until they come to a stop on a private part of the beach. Mrs Cowan tells them that it was a trick, and with the help of the mysterious woman (Kletter) with whom she talked to during the 4 days she was there and whom she now trusted, she drogued everyone in the island to make them sleep (the drug Kletter used to kill her shipmates ?? hello ????), and make them believe that Mrs Cowan, Sadina and a few others were taken hostage by Kletter (so they can go back to the island without anyone turning against them)(they come back to the village and see that indeed, literally everyone is asleep)
They all go aboard Kletter’s boat (so to sum up there’s Sadina, Trish, Isaac, Miyoko, Dominic, (Isaac’s friends) Carson, Lacey and another kid from the opposite side of the Island, Mrs Cowan, two other people from the council and a couple other I think AND!!! Granpa Frypan who joins them last minute yepyep)
That’s it for the first part of the book ✌ there are four parts as a whole fghvbhj
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sensesdialed-aa · 3 years
okay so i have a LOT of random thoughts and things to comment on about this trailer and instead of splitting it into a bunch of annoying posts i’m just throwing it all into one, sO UH here you go, my observations and feelings:
alright i’m gonna put some of the actual feelings first bc that’s a little more relevant so
I AM VERY EXCITED... this looks so fun and really interesting, i’m ESPECIALLY looking directly at how they handle peter’s identity issue,, i’m so glad they are NOT glossing over it at all, it seems like it’ll really dive deep into both his issues trying to live two lives and how he’s grown
I’M?? NOT OPPOSED TO HOW THEY’RE TYING THE MULTIVERSE IN, i like how peter’s arc leads directly into it instead of it just being a separate plot
i do have.. mixed feelings on the fact that the villains are from other universes though. on one hand it’s really cool to see, but on the other i am disappointed that mcu peter Isn’t allowed his own versions of these villains? like i’d be okay if it was one, maybe two, but we know three at the LEAST already all from separate universes, and.. idk? i would’ve liked to see mcu osborns? i want to see peter’s own little spider-man world IN the mcu, i want to see him have his own set group grow, i’ll figure out how to handle this when the movie’s out though
the fact that the movie feels so big also makes me nervous,, i WISH the mcu would realize that every movie does not need to have insane connections and they Can take some time to focus on a smaller part of the universe? what i’m hoping for is a generally peter FOCUSED movie with the presence of others ( similar to ragnarok tbh? ), i’m also not looking forward to how people are going to use this to call peter strange jr or claim he isn’t capable on his own, bc NO mcu project is going to allow just one hero anymore and it’s stupid to give peter so much more shit for it than anyone else
OVERALL i am generally hopeful and excited, i just don’t want them to rely too much on nostalgia or fanservice and REALLY give him a good closer for his trilogy
now for random observations/comments, this is just my freaking out bullshit that i had to get down somewhere if anyone wants to read it SDHDSJK
PETER AND MJ ON THE ROOF??? that was so cute please,, i’ve wanted a rooftop scene for them forever i am already fed, also i always love their dialogue... the humor between them is so good, it feels like mj’s trying to get him to laugh too? help me... also confirming that there’s a TON of bullshit rumors and fake news out there Beyond just the video which you’d assume but :(( he sounds so tired when he mentions staying up there... wtf 
although, peter why the fuck are you laying on a textbook that’s so uncomfortable what is wrong with you-
MJ COVERING HIS FACE WHEN THEY SWING AWAY.. like bestie that’s not gonna do anything BUT IT MADE ME SOFT ANYWAYS?
the interrogation we see for him.. seeing him cuffed to the table shattered me thank you, BUT what i’m getting from that is i?? GUESS he WAS arrested or some variation of that, goes through interrogation/a lot of legal trouble, but it SEEMS like there’s gonna be a pretty long gap between that and an actual trial/resolution, so he’s probably bailed out and for the time being he CAN exist in public without being? hunted down? it’s still a huge fucking deal but he doesn’t have to RUN/can go to school you know 
the crowd when he’s walking into school.. people yelling at him and taking photos... he can’t go ANYWHERE without stuff like that anymore i’m miserable he’s just baby 
the shot of may and peter sitting on the couch.. with the sirens outside.. they have takeout on the table what the fuck leave them alone SAVE THEM 
“this is hurting a lot of people” you BET he feels so much damn guilt over this, he’s so worried about hurting the people he loves and this just makes it so much worse, the fact that they all have to be interrogated? peter’s miserable thanks
the initial scene with stephen where he tries to call him sir sent me that’s it SDHJSD,, i do love how stephen seems to have a soft spot for him though, like going through with the spell, peter’s true power is making other adult heroes soft for him SDSDHJ
THE FACT THAT THE SPELL FUCKS UP BECAUSE HE’S TALKING THOUGH... like come on he was just asking for the three (3) people he has to remember him and that’s enough to break reality itself? i’m in the peter did nothing wrong club sorry SDGHJSD ,,, peter himself however,, yeah this one’s not gonna do wonders for the raging guilt complex is it
the train continues to haunt him i guess DSHJDS at least he’s standing on it good job,,, please give me a “you know this didn’t really go that well last time!” comment or something that’s so funny pl-
strange doing the weird funky thing where peter is punched out of his body,, nice visual metaphor with having the suit and him separate but also damn what he do SDJKSD
GREEN GOBLIN!!! THE BOMBS AND THE LAUGH!! FUCK!!!! DOC OCK!! AHHHH!!! thinking that doc ock shows up on peter’s court date or something bc of the suit,, if so i will lose my fucking mind considering i predicted it through a joke and i will bring up the proof if that happens ... HELLO PETER... OH BOY!!
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zaptap · 3 years
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ive made a few of these bingo sheets and theyre fun so i decided to make one not just for e3 but also JUST for splatoon 3 (not just for e3 but for like the whole lifetime of the game). also heres my updated list of characters id like to see in smash, ordered generally by which id like more and/or think are the most realistic
since min min got in i took out helix, and since i couldnt decide whether to add in waluigi or madeline i added another row (realistically i dont think any indies are getting in but i threw some in anyway). also i was like “oh yeah maybe theyd put in a gen viii pokemon” so i threw in hatterene since thats one of my favorites.
also as for waluigi (and shovel knight for that matter) i think it would be nice to see an assist trophy get in just to break that rule. also i remember being super surprised he wasnt in brawl (back then i thought he and wario were equally important) and even though that was based on a wrong impression ive still felt like he should be in there ever since
notes about the bingos under the cut
really is about time for those n64 games, especially now that mario is dead so theyre free to release sm64 on it. game boy games would be nice sometime too
would also make sense to include banjo-kazooie in that, nintendos had a good relationship with microsoft lately and the total absence of anything banjo-kazooie on the switch is odd since it’s a dlc character (every other one has a game on switch they can use for cross-marketing, even if joker’s took a while) and i think the best explanation for that would be that theyre holding off for the nso n64 app (this is easiest from a technical standpoint because all they have to do is make a deal to use the roms)
when are they putting octolings in mk8d
xenoblade chronicles x is one of the only wii u games left that they could port (aside from ones that wouldnt make much sense like splatoon and ssb4) so i guess that might as well happen sometime. also monolith soft might be doing something else besides helping with splatoon 3
im not ready for metroid prime 4 (im over halfway through mp2 and therefore the trilogy as a whole) but it’s been a while, they might show it and it could even come out this year
hal apparently recently hinted at a new kirby game or something
the upgraded switch is obviously going to be called the Nintendo Switch ͥ  since they already did the ds lite so theyre clearly naming everything in the family after the ds family, theres absolutely no flaw in this logic. idk if theyre showing it, but unlike 2019 they didnt say they werent showing new hardware (just that they were showing software, which could be taken as denying rumors, but they sometimes specify when certain things arent being shown)
metroid prime trilogy also might come this year. would make sense to release it before mp4 since not everyone is going to buy a wii u to get it (and at this point that doesnt get nintendo any money since they stopped making them)
where is detective pikachu 2. i hope it has the blue pikachu from that first tease they gave us in like 2014 (2013? that was a loooong time ago idk)
they said this was MOSTLY 2021 so i am absolutely getting my hopes up for splatoon 2
the two sinnoh games could likely be there
would be super cool if oddity came to switch. and almost as ironic as megalovania getting into smash
we havent seen the botw sequel for a couple years so we’re kind of due for an update on that
it’s ace attorney’s 20th anniversary this year so maybe theyre doing something. theyre already porting those games though so idk. maybe he’s getting in smash
whats with that watermelon mario render
i held off on watching a playthrough for ndrv3 on the off chance it came to switch and i could play a dangan ronpa game for real for once but it’s now been 4 years and we just passed the 10th anniversary of the series (albeit during a pandemic when i wouldnt expect them to have done anything) so it would be cool to see the series come to switch. i think if it still doesnt after this though i’ll just watch the playthrough, 4 years is long enough. amazed ive avoided spoilers this long, i still know next to nothing about the game
im about done with acnh but im still waiting on those splatoon items. and i ran out of storage in february so i need more of that too
nintendo did stuff for zelda’s 30th anniversary so i doubt theyre forgetting the 35th. maybe wwhd/tphd ports, idk
been a couple years since fire emblem, intelligent systems is probably up to something besides planning yet another paper mario spinoff
miyamoto forgot pikmin 4 in the oven 6 years ago and it got burnt to a crisp and thats why it hasnt come out yet because he had to start over
and splatoon
the inklings scared daft punk into quitting so now that theres no competition in the robot musician scene they should have a daft punk style group
i waited and waited and neither of my top two splatoon stages (flounder and d’alfonsino) came back in splatoon 2 so i hope just because splatoon 3 isnt in inkopolis doesnt mean they still wont return
would be sick as hell if there was a real hide and seek mode instead of just sticking to your own rules in private battles. havent played that since 2015 but it was super fun
show us the effects of the chaos world
i wanted mc craig to have a song in octo expansion and they didnt deliver. heres another chance
splatnet 3 baby
cant wait for nogami to do a funny 3 pose
abxy came back for splatoon 2.... am i gonna be that lucky again...?
salmon run doesnt make sense if youre friends with a smallfry but they could either change the story context (you just fight “evil” salmonids?) or replace it with an equally fun co-op mode
amiibo!!! i think i said this before but they should label them by weapons if these cephalopods dont have genders, would make more sense (the gendered ones had different weapons anyway)
returning characters!!!! would like to see everyone have a role of some kind
maybe #GearForAll wasnt successful in getting the emperor/spy/mecha gear, but perhaps theyll at least consider not making that stuff exclusive this time around
squid girl gear should be back. and they should call it a dress instead of a tunic because its a dress. and theres no gender now anyway
as ive said before... TRIPLIES!! you hold one in each hand and another in your mouth. and you can spin around like the tasmanian devil
remove splatfest tee annoyances: you should have a prompt at the end of a splatfest to pay to scrub your tee (to make sure you get the chunks) also it should be on a neutral brand so you dont end up with an overabundance of ink resistance up (or whatever else)
better online and cloud saves would certainly justify having a second splatoon game on the same console, as much as im loving that it exists
hopefully theres a global testfire again
sooner or later the workers will rise up and kill mr grizz
remember in splatoon 1 where if you had squid beatz (via the amiibo) you could “play” it in the lobby and change the music? then you were stuck listening to only bubble bath in splatoon 2? why did they take that option away they should bring it back
looking at those apartment buildings in the trailer i think it would be cool if you had your own room and could decorate it
an octavio redemption arc would be fun to see. in the manga he stole the zapfish because the octarians had an energy crisis, and in the end they worked out a deal to share the electricity
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alexcabotgf · 3 years
tag 9 people to learn more about their interests
TAGGED BY: @punishebe (thank u sm angel 🤍 🤍 🤍)
fave genre? rock of all kinds (classic/pop/indie/alt/punk etc)
fave artist? bands: fleetwood mac, the gits, counting crows, the 1975; solo artists: stevie nicks, joan jett, phoebe bridgers, halsey, lana del rey
fave song? you missed my heart by phoebe bridgers
song currently stuck in your head? male fantasy by billie eilish but also that our god is an awesome god gospel for whatever reason
5 fave lyrics? i have so many faves so these are gonna be the first ones i can think of off the top of my head
it hurts me to be angry / kills me to be kind — bob (cousin o) by the gits
you couldn’t have / stuck your tongue down the throat of somebody / who loves you more — moon song by phoebe bridgers
and she wonders is this real / or does she just want to be queen — the highwayman by stevie nicks
rulers make bad lovers / you better put your kingdom up for sale — gold dust woman by fleetwood mac
so you pull down the shades and you shut off the lights / because somehow we mixed up 'goodbye’ and ‘goodnight’ — possibility days by counting crows
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on (i don’t drive but if i did definitely with radio on)
fav book genre? mystery/thrillers but boy have they been disappointing me lately
fav writer? not to sound uneducated but i don’t think i have one. i haven’t read enough books from one singular author to consider them my favorite, the closest one would be gillian flynn since i’ve read and liked all of her books but idk
fav book? once again i don’t think i have an all time favorite standalone book, but the two favorites of 2020 for me were sleepers by lorenzo carcaterra and white oleander by janet fitch
fav book series? the millennium trilogy by stieg larsson
comfort book? probably something i used to read as a kid like the sisterhood of the traveling pants series
perfect book to read on a rainy day? either a hard hitting contemporary or a thriller
fave characters? i don’t have many favorite book characters but an all time fave would be miss lisbeth from millennium trilogy
5 quotes from your fave books that you know by heart? here are some that have stuck with me (even tho i haven’t read some of the books they’re from,,,,anyway)
for you, a thousand times over — the kite runner by khaled hosseini (leech rally haven’t even read this book but i think about this quote at least once a week)
for the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. they may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change //  what woman here is so enamoured of her own oppression that she cannot see her heel print upon another woman’s face? — the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house by audre lorde
always learn poems by heart. they have to become the marrow in your bones. like fluoride in the water, they’ll make your soul impervious to the world’s soft decay — white oleander by janet fitch
i’ll take care of you / it’s rotten work / not to me. not if it’s you — anne carson’s an oresteia ofc! a classic!! that i haven’t yet read lmao
a painful truth, and yet we must endure // he’ll have my hatred anywhere he goes — oedipus at colonus and oedipus rex respectively, transl. by david mulroy
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS (depends on the genre) | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fave tv/movie genre? drama, horror, thriller
fave movie? a few years ago i would’ve said girl interrupted but i’m not sure if it'd hold up at this point so i’ll have to go with my all time favorite franchise which is scream <3
comfort movie? anything that i have fond memories of watching (e.g american honey, empire records) or anything i used to watch as a kid (e.g lotr)
fave tv show? prison break. those bald men running around just make me feel a certain type of way
most rewatched tv show? probably house md but desperate housewives is a close second
5 fave characters? 
gale weathers — scream
michael scofield — prison break
lisbeth salander — millennium trilogy i know i’ve already used her for fave book character but noomi rapace’s portrayal is chef’s kiss
tauriel  — the hobbit 
and of course i have to include my wife, the loml alex cabot  — svu
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging (i usually binge older shows but prefer when only 1 episode is released per week) | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once
TAGGING: @joanna-lannister @xavierdalon @retrodame @henry-cavill @hannahhunti @moonlight  @sonosions @anyataylorjoy @simmonsjemma @anistonjen + everyone else who’s interested in doing this!
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annikathewitch · 3 years
Idk, I’m bored, thought I’d make one of those posts ppl pin at the top of their blogs
Hello! This is the main blog of the paluimbel system. We're a median, monoconscious, mixed-origins plural system of uhhh... too many people for individual introductions to make much sense. The name Fencer works for all of us, and we generally don't care that much about pronouns, but would prefer if you use they/it when referring to our system as a whole.
Feel free to ask us as many questions as you want about systemhood/plurality! We like sharing our experiences.
What is a plural system?
(EDIT: I've just had like 15 new people follow me for the tumblr poll conlang thing, so I thought I'd put links related to that somewhere easy to access. Masterpost/Intro is here.
Currently Active Polls: On hiatus for a bit due to exam season T-T)
My current hyperfixation is hermitcraft but also pokemon. Linguistics and conlanging are basically permanent special interests but we don't always post about them.
Tumblr media
Oh and here’s this, just to be safe, because I’ve seen too many posts accidentally come true. Not putting any more DNIs, because I don’t wanna spend ages trying to list every possible group of shitty people. If I don’t like what you’re doing, I’ll just block you.
Some fics I’ve written under the cut, just in case you’re interested.
The Adventure of the Sphinx’s Riddle
Complete. ACD Johnlock, pre-relationship, mutual pining. It’s basically a Percy Jackson au, set in the same time period as canon Holmes. Most of the fic is Holmes figuring out that he’s a demigod.
The Adventure of the Buried River
Complete. The sequel to The Adventure of the Sphinx’s Riddle. I plan to write a third part and turn it into a trilogy, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
‘Till All That Remains is the Arms of the Angels
Complete. Eternal Duo enemies to queer platonic partners slowburn for the teen titans au. Each chapter is probably gonna be really short, just a scene or two. It’s kinda inspired by that one episode of Good Omens that’s mostly just a bunch of scenes of Aziraphale and Crowley throughout history, showing the development of their relationship. I put any necessary context in the author’s notes, so you don’t really need to know anything about the ttau for this to make sense.
TTAU Season 1
Technically a series, not an individual fic. It’s kinda an intro to the above mentioned teen titans au, set up like episodes of a tv show. Currently Includes:
Pilot- There’s a breakout at Essempei City Prison and the Titans (Sam, Ponk, Bad, Puffy, and Ant) must work with the Syndicate (Techno, Niki, and Phil) to prevent all of the city’s most dangerous prisoners from getting out.
Who Am I That I Should Get to Hold You?
Incomplete. Flower Husbands angst with a happy ending. It’s another TTAU fic, but like with ‘Till All That Remains is the Arms of the Angels, you shouldn’t need any background knowledge on the ttau to understand the fic. Basically, 3rd life happened in the ttau, but it was a simulation and everyone got returned to their bodies safe and sound after they died. Everyone except Jimmy and Scott, who, because of a glitch in the simulation, ended up actually dying. Scott’s scientist coworkers managed to upload his consciousness to a computer before his body died; Jimmy wasn’t so lucky. So now Jimmy’s dead, and Scott’s basically immortal. This should be the end, right? Wrong. There is always hope, they just have to find it.
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