#ias result
hoegender · 3 months
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why do we always seem to end up going in circles?
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studyiqeducation · 2 years
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syekick-powers · 3 months
i think probably the most surreal thing about hatsune miku specifically becoming kind of mainstream is that her fame is detached from her roots. i.e. a lot of people who are only hearing about miku via cultural osmosis don't actually know WHAT she is. i see people make a lot of comments about what miku is without ever actually being correct. "she's a robot" "she's a persona" "she's a hologram" for fucks sake she is a synthesizer. she is an app, a program. she is not AI. the voice samples used to make her voice were given with consent and you actually have to plug in the words and melody manually instead of just typing in a prompt and generating something. and one of the side effects of this particular semi-mainstream status is that miku kind of eats up all the popularity that could be going to other vocalsynths. like unless you've been in the vocaloid/vocalsynth community for a while, the likelihood that you're familiar with literally any other vocalsynth aside from MAYBE gumi is like astronomically low. and even if a vocaloid song with other vocalsynths manages to get popular in this landscape, it most likely gets covered by utaites/youtaites and other adjacent singers like vtubers over and over until the original version of the song gets completely buried. and it's just a tiny bit exhausting.
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give-a-rating · 3 months
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crazy-fruit · 2 days
One year of work only to get a mediocre grade.
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eorzeashan · 11 months
also ik they retconned the ending of IA where joining with Jadus results in a division entirely controlled by him and a bunch of evil cronies but you can pry the characterization potential of him removing himself from the war and all conflict entirely from my cold dead hands
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silentreigns · 11 months
Everyone say goodbye to de Vries because he's definitely getting swapped during the summer break
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bansurclasses · 2 years
Bala Fort / बाला किला - अलवर, Rajasthan,  Bansur Classes
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cursed-linkedin · 2 months
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ims4maths · 1 year
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Heartiest Congratulations to our successful students in CSE 2022  
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Plutus IAS coaching institution in Delhi which is rank one is coaching centre in Delhi has seen very good result of the UPSC 2022 Plutus IAS coaching Delhi Results Plutus IAS coaching Centre is rank one ias coaching institution in Delhi with very good facilities and very good faculties in India for UPSC civil services examination preparation. See- best ias coaching in Delhi Plutus IAS results…
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sarkaariresult · 1 year
UPSC Civil Services IAS Final Result
UPSC Civil Services IAS Final Result has recently released , So If you want to check it or know complete details about this exam and many others . Now you can SEE HERE
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sirjitendrayadav · 1 year
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buysomecheese · 1 year
Anyone understand the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. How do I do this by hand I'm a tad confused.
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AITA for turning someone in for academic dishonesty?
I’m an American IB diploma candidate, and this ask does center around that, so sorry if we all just sound unbearably seventeen-years-old.
If you don’t know what the IB diploma is, think of it as if you had to write a bunch of essays and take a bunch of classes and do a bunch of service hours and then take AP tests on all those classes and add the AP scores together, and if they add up to a certain number, you get a special diploma that looks good to colleges.
Only eight people in the entire grade (we’re seniors and our exams are happening so we’re at the very end) are left in the IB diploma program right now because we made it this far and are all hoping our exam scores and essays. The program isn’t super popular at our school so we tend to have to mostly prepare ourselves for exams and such, so we’re all very proud of ourselves for getting this far and hoping that when our scores come out we get the diploma.
In short, we’ve done TONS of work. TONS OF WORK. And we haven’t received the amount of support that some IB schools are able to give. And suddenly, one of the IB diploma candidates admits in the group chat, “yeah, chatgpt wrote all of my IB essays.” If you know stuff about IB, she explicitly admitted to cheating on her Extended Essay, TOK Essay, TOK exhibition, Chemistry HL IA, History HL IA, Literature HL Essay, and Art HL Comparative Study.
That’s hours and hours and hours and hours of work that the rest of the diplomats candidates did that she’s just flippantly admitting she let an AI do for her.
but…….it also wasn’t really any of my business. So I wasn’t sure whether I should tell or not—especially since I’m the known goody-two-shoes of the group and I didn’t want to be viewed as a tattletale.
I asked two of the diploma candidates I’m friends with what they thought. One of them said “don’t be a snitch,” and the other said she wasn’t sure and kinda felt like I should talk. So… split response.
I was leaning towards “don’t be a snitch,” but eventually I just felt really indignant that this girl and I might receive the same end result for doing wildly different amounts of work. And I had evidence that she cheated—she admitted it herself. So I went to the school’s IB coordinator and I talked. I showed the screenshot. I essentially betrayed one of the candidates in a very tight knit group of students who are all breaking our backs to get this diploma with little to no IB-specific support from our teachers (our classes are all co-seated with non-IB-test-takers, who take up most of the class, which is an entirely different issue), but now it turns out one of us wasn’t even doing the work the whole time…
So I did it and it went to the administration and they’re “deciding how to proceed.”
Reason I’m worried I’m TA: she trusted us with that information and I told on her
Reason I think I might not be TA: it feels unfair that we should have the same shot at getting the IB diploma when the nights I stayed up crafting the perfect extended essay were the same nights she asked chatgpt to write her an essay and then moved on with her life and somehow did it well enough to not get caught.
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rainyflowerclodclam · 2 years
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