#ian curnow
mychameleondays · 4 months
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Talk Talk: It’s My Life
top: EMI 32 239-6, 1984 (Club Edition)
2nd: Parlophone 0190295792619, 2017
3rd: Parlophone 0190295195328, 2020 (coloured vinyl)
Originally released: February 1984
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hawkinslibrary · 1 year
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The Vanishing of Will Byers Soundtrack
01. Can’t Seem to Make You Mine | The Seeds 02. She Has Funny Cars | Jefferson Airplane  03. I Shall Not Care | Pearls Before Swine 04. Jenny May | Trader Horne 05. Every Little Bit | Ian Curnow & Jackie James  06. White Rabbit | Jefferson Airplane 07. Africa | Toto
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kudosmyhero · 6 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW) Micro: Villains #5: Karai
Read Date: April 10, 2023 Cover Date: August 2013 ● Writer: Erik Burnham ● Art: Cory Smith ● Colors: Ian Herring ● Letterer: Shawn Lee ● Editor: Bobby Curnow ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● looks like only two of the five students we can easily see were able to "steel themselves against surprise." ● "What were you before you felt this way?" / "Younger." - oof, felt that one ● Karai is an autodidact. she is … really growing on me as a character
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● harsh Leo is harsh ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: The issue begins at the Foot Clan's genin training facility in Westchester County, New York. The head teacher Toshiro is leading a group in a training session, teaching them the importance of moving in unison. Karai appears and intentionally surprises the group, seeing which students are startled and which are not. She seeks council from Toshiro. Karai tells Toshiro she is unsure of what direction to proceed in; she struggles to accept her new place in the clan (under Leonardo, now a chūnin). She knows she cannot hope to challenge her grandfather Oroku Saki for control of the clan and win, nor can she leave the clan for without it she feels she is nothing.
She tells Toshiro how in her youth her father Oroku Yori told her stories of the Foot Clan's glory and told her to draw strength from the, but saw that it was apparent that he himself did not, having turned the clan into a legion of lawyers and accountants. On one occasion, she saw one of her father's advising subordinates, Nakamura, speak to him with disrespect, and how he brushed it off with the promise of monetary gain. Caught eavesdropping by her mother, she is sent to he library to occupy herself. It is then that she found the Ashi no Himitsu, the book containing all the history and secrets of the Foot Clan. She studied it in secret, learning everything she could. For years she lived a double life: the prim, proper upper class girl her mother wanted her to be by day, and the ninja her father never was by night. One night, Oroku Saki appeared before her in a dream. He compliments her form, good for one with no formal instruction. Saki admires that she does not fear him. Karai says she has nothing to fear from a dream. Saki slashes her across the hand and asks if one feels pain in a dream. She says he is a ghost then, but still shows no fear. She says she plans on bringing the Foot Clan out of the mire her father dragged it into. Saki tells her that they will do it together. He may be dead, but he tells her that she can bring him back to life.
Karai spent the next few years building the clan's resources, recruiting capable bodies to her cause and eliminating those who were responsible for dragging the clan down. Eventually, Karai hunted down Nakamura, the man who she'd witnessed disrespect her father, and killed him. Without him to aid in the running of the clan, her father eventually died of stress.
She laments to Toshiro that after rebuilding the Foot Clan and resurrecting its jōnin, he chose another as his second-in-command. If she has nothing to offer but her past accomplishments, she wonders, what use is she? At that point Leonardo arrives and derides her for coming to whine to an old man, for not having the strength to deal with things on her own. Leonardo says that he was sent to evaluate the effectiveness of the training facility, and he has deemed it nearly worthless. Karai tells him that Toshiro is an excellent teacher but he has not been given enough time to train the new recruits. Leonardo tells Karai that her opinion is worthless, and her only worth to him is in how fast she can do what he tells her to. Leonardo continues provoking her, taunting her with her poor ability to lead. Karai attacks him and Leonardo is pleased, eager to put her in her place. During their fight, Karai realizes that Leonardo's movements are slower, less sure. She knows she could finish him once and for all if she chose to. Karai feigns defeat and Leonardo leaves. Toshiro asks why Karai stayed her hand. She explains that if she had killed him, her grandfather would kill her for disobedience. She knows she must change Oroku Saki's mind about Leonardo first. She vows to have her revenge, and makes the decision to look to the future rather than the past.
Two days later, Karai has gathered potential recruits (two of whom are Bebop and Rocksteady) at Shorai Research & Development, one of the Foot Clan's facilities. She tells them they have all been chosen for their understanding that power is what makes one last in this world. She tells them that there is one final test before making the decision on who will be chosen for the procedure. They will fight until the last two standing.
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Fan Art: Leo and Karai by ice-mei
Accompanying Podcast: ● Shellheads - episode 46
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twin-scars · 1 year
-Edit updated to add songs I missed throughout the seasons.
Sleepless nights make me over-analyze. I've been going through the music in some of my favorite scenes (mostly those that pertain to Jonathan and Nancy, whether collectively or individually, with a bit of Stancy thrown in because, well, why not).
I started in Season One. (All the themes themselves are pretty self-explanatory and don’t need interpretation, but I’ll mention them anyway. Plus it gives you an idea how much better seasons one and two are in comparison to three and four.)
Nancy is studying in her room. This is right after she fights with Karen about not being able to 'study at Barb's'. Every Little Bit (Jackie James & Ian Curnow) I believe the time is right / Have to tell ya I'm hear over heels in love / Too afraid to let you in Pushed you away, now it's gone far enough / I never felt this way before / Don't wanna wait one second more 'Cause every little bit of my heart is true / This is where I belong
Very much a song appropriate for Nancy crushing over Steve. A lot of the music in season one gives depth to the characters and relationships. I think that gets kind of lost in later seasons...But anyway, Nancy is developing a lot of feelings for Steve. True, she's changing herself to fit in with him and his friends, but she genuinely likes him and wants his approval.
When Steve is helping Nancy study Africa (Toto) It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you / There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa / Gonna take some time to do the things we never had / Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you
The song is literally about a guy talking about how much he loves Africa, but the lyrics are romantic, and it fits how Steve and Nancy feel about each other.
In episode two, Jonathan is driving to see Lonnie. This is the song right before Should I Stay Or Should I Go comes on, and it's such a Jonathan song. Go Nowhere (Raegan Youth) You're a gonowhere! / And you don't care! / You're a gonowhere! You're not even there! Living your life on the conveyor belt / No time to think so your brain just melts No destination you're lost inside
Like...good grief, he really thinks he's stuck in life. It's so depressing.
And while Jonathan is parking to see Lonnie Dark Stars (Mark Glass) I can't understand the lyrics for the life of me, but it's heavy with the synths and edgy, which seems right for Jonathan's confrontation with Lonnie. I'm Taking Off (Shield Your Eyes) -- (Space Knife) Drifting through space / all I feel is cold / all I want is the power of the night / and you to hold / and I was wrong to let you go / and now we'll never know Jonathan is confronting Lonnie about Will. Jonathan no doubt blames himself for Will's disappearance (hence the 'I was wrong to let you go') (Fun fact: this band isn’t from the 80s, the song came out in 2013, and the band is based in Atlanta.)
Later on at Steve's party while they're all throwing themselves in the pool (except for Barb) I Melt With You (Modern English) Moving forwards, using all my breath / Making love to you was never second best / I saw the world thrashing all around your face / Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace / I'll stop the world and melt with you You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time / There's nothing you and I won't do / I'll stop the world and melt with you
Fun and flirty, kind of romantic, but not too heavy. Just another fun song that fits Steve and Nancy. Their feelings for each other are still new-ish and the attraction is high. It's cute and light.
This Isn't You (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) is played multiple times throughout the series. I think in season one I heard it while Nancy and Jonathan were at the police station. But it seems to be Steve and Nancy's theme, because most of their scenes have this song or some variation of it. It's sad, because Nancy (in the beginning) changed for Steve. So much so Barb said it to her several times, afraid that Nancy would leave their friendship. But even when Nancy and Steve start embracing who they are, they're just not compatible. Nancy is always holding back from Steve.
She probably loved him at one point, but since losing Barb her focus in life changes, as do her feelings.
Waiting for a Girl Like You (Foreigner) I've been waiting for a girl like you / To come into my life / I've been waiting for a girl like you (waiting for a girl) / A love that will survive / I've been waiting for someone new (I've been waiting) / To make me feel alive / Yeah, waiting for a girl like you (waiting for a girl) / To come into my life Nancy is sleeping with Steve for the first time. Even this early on we can tell that Steve adores Nancy and knows she's different from any other girl he's dated. Carol and Tommy even make fun of him and say he's in love with her. But it's sad, though, because Nancy is changing who she is in order to fit in with Steve and his friends. Steve knows that's she still different though--her speaking to Jonathan in the hallway is testament to that. Photos in the Woods (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) Jonathan’s theme. He’s (obviously) taking photos in the woods. It’s heard in a later episode when Jonathan and Nancy are in the dark room trying to figure out what the demogorgon is, and Jonathan gives Nancy an apology. Later on it’s followed by Something in the House (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) which is while Nancy and Jonathan are in the woods, and then it’s Tendril (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) when Nancy gets stuck in the Upside Down. The track is literally twenty-six seconds lol. When Jonathan rescues Nancy, it’s No Weapons (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) because, obviously, Nancy was defenseless in the Upside Down. Sunglasses at Night (Corey Hart) While, she's deceiving me / It cuts my security / Has she got control of me? / I turn to her and say / don't switch the blade on the guy in shades, oh no / don't masquerade with the guy in shades, oh no / I can't believe it / 'Cause you've got it made with the guy in shades, oh no
It fits Steve’s mood when he’s driving to Nancy’s house to check on her: Also foreshadowing a bit, as Nancy masquerades how she really feels after they get back together at the end of the season. Hmmmm. Tribulations (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) is beautiful. It’s melancholy, lowkey anxious, but also really sweet, which is the mood between Jonathan and Nancy when they’re in bed together. When they wake up, The Upside Down (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) is during their discussion on how to help Barb and Will. When they escape out Nancy’s window, I See The Future (Andrew Pinching) is blasting on her stereo. The beat is really good and I wish they played more of it as we see Nancy and Jonathan shopping for bear traps but instead we have The Bargain Store (Dolly Parton) Why you take for instance this old broken heart / If you will just replace the missing part / You would be surprised to find how good it really is / Take it and you never will be sorry that you did / The bargain store is open, come inside You can easily afford the price / Love is all you need to purchase all the merchandise / And I can guarantee you'll be completely satisfied WOW. Jancy song, especially on Jonathan’s end. But of course it all comes crashing down with
Speak of the Devil (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) because Nancy is being slut shamed and Jonathan is being harassed which leads to them fighting and starts Exit (Tangerine Dream) which is so emotionally packed I think of Jonathan fighting every time.
At the police station This Isn’t You is there, again. I guess because this is Steve and Nancy’s theme is why it’s played? I don’t know. 
And just like Exit (Tangerine Dream), Run Away (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) has the same emotionally charged vibe. Steve is choosing Nancy over his friends.
They Found Us and Spiked Bat (both by Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) is while Jonathan and Nancy are preparing to fight the demogorgon. Jonathan and Nancy have quite a lot of little themes in this season. Something in the House is played again when our monster hunting trio are trying to slay.
At the end of the season, we hear This Isn’t You again while Nancy is giving Jonathan his present. Once more it’s subtlety reminding us that being with Steve isn’t who she needs to be with. Season Two:
Which we get more of a feeling for when Steve and Nancy are talking in his car. Talking in Your Sleep (The Romantics) plays in the background: You tell me that you want me / You tell me that you need me / You tell me that you love me / And I know that I'm right / 'Cause I hear it in the night
Perhaps Nancy started talking in her sleep. Besides nightmares about Barb and the Upside Down, it's possible she dreams about Jonathan. But I think it's more like how Steve feels about Nancy. She's the love of his life and she does tell him she loves him when he says it.
The music that's associated with Steve and Nancy are romantic, but feel so fairy-tale like. The sentiments are sweet, but there's not much substance to them. They're cliches and that's what Nancy has called Steve.
In the hallway when Nancy is walking to her locker, First Kiss (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) is heard, and that's Mike and Eleven's theme. Why play First Kiss for Steve and Nancy? Nancy is looking at Jonathan walking away, so perhaps it's in reference to Jonathan, who is the one she really wants to kiss. This is not to be confused with A Kiss, which is Steve and Nancy in season one.
Nancy and Steve, and Nancy herself, seem to have sad songs attached to them. When Nancy visits Barb’s parents for dinner, Eulogy (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) is such heartbreaking song. Nancy misses Barb terribly, which is why later on in the library A Familiar Face (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) is heard. but when she runs to Steve for comfort... This Isn’t You is repeated yet again when Steve says they should just act like stupid teenagers. I get the feeling that Steve and Nancy aren’t supposed to be together. How many times is this theme played? As Jonathan drives Will to the Wheelers, it’s Blackout (Swing Set) Blackout, blackout - blackout tonight / Oh, oh - and the city hides Watch out, watch out - watch out tonight / Oh, oh - lock your heart inside /  And you're lonely tonight / and you need someone - someone to hold on Foreshadowing that Nancy is going to get black out drunk and she’ll need Jonathan to hold onto, because we know Steve is going to ditch her. Although I hate that Girls On Film by Duran Duran plays when Jonathan shows up to the Halloween party. We don't need a reminder of Jonathan taking an inappropriate photo of Nancy (which he did apologize for, by the way, and never does it again). When Jonathan takes her home it’s the beautiful, gorgeous theme Outside The Realm (Big Giant Circles). It fits so much within this scene--Nancy’s need for Jonathan’s support, her grief and depression about Barb swallowing her whole. It’s sad all the way around. The Ghost In You (The Psychedelic Furs) A race is on I'm on your side / And hearing you my engines die / I'm in a mood for you / For running away / Stars come down in you / And love, you can't give it away / Inside you the time moves Nancy and Jonathan are talking about her relationship with Steve and Jonathan confirms he is the one that took her home. The conversation expands and they discuss how nothing in their world will ever be the same. Nancy gets the genius idea to take out the government. The whole song is very much Jancy and how Jonathan is ride or die for Nancy. How I Feel About You - Jumpstreet No lyrics for this, but one listen will definitely will have you thinking Jancy. This is the scene where Mrs. Wheeler stops Jancy to say hello to Jonathan. When Nancy calls Barb’s mother, Spiked Bat is present.
Fresh Blood (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) is when Nancy and Jonathan are driving away from the lab to get to Murray’s.
When Jancy is together, the pattern of the songs are more deeply romantic, focusing more on love than cliché promises. At the motel, trying to rent a room, Try My Love (Carroll Lloyd) plays: After everyone get you down / I know I must be a fool/But here I am standing around Begging you to try my love / Try my love / And I know we can make it, yeah You may think what I'm saying isn't true / If you believe in me, you can bet your life / I believe in you Oh like I need you / Oh I want you
The attraction between them is pretty undeniable. Just like Steve and Nancy's theme is This Isn't You, Jonathan and Nancy's is Scars (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein). (And later on, The First Lie). It doesn't have quite as much of a sad undertone like This Isn't You, but both are heavy with emotion.
On the way to Murray's, Jonathan plays Can I Do What I Want (Shock Therapy): My hands do the work they know so well / My mind hides the feelings deep inside / A feeling that there is another way / Thinking maybe there is something I can't hide / Doing what I can, can I do what I want, what I want?
A good song for taking down the man, but it also kind of hints at Jonathan and Nancy burying their feelings yet again. Of course Murray offers his advice: There Is Frost On The Moon (Artie Shaw and His Orchestra & Helen Forest) There's frost on the moon and snow on the ground / But with you around / There's Spring in my heart. / Don't need my racoon / 'Cause everything's fine, As long as you're mine / There's Spring in my heart.
Awwwwww, these two so belong together.
The night they spent together at the motel sucked since Nancy was mad at him. At least at this point, though, they both know their attraction was mutual. They spend time with Murray making sure the lab burns to the ground and he pushes them together, and when it's time to sleep, the tension ramps up.
You Better Go Now (Billie Holiday) You'd better go now / Because I like you much, too much / You have a way with you / You'd better go now Because I like you very much
Leads into...
The First Lie (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) which is Jancy's main theme. It's the music that plays when they kiss for the first time. It's more hopeful and upbeat. Scars in comparison is much more dark and emotional, but it’s played more often.
Next morning is breakfast at Murray's Blue Bayou (Roy Orbison) Oh that boy of mine / By my side / The silver moon / And the evening tide / Oh some sweet day / Gonna take away This hurting inside / Well I'll never be blue / My dreams come true / On Blue Bayou
This is such a Jancy song. Oribson said himself it's about 'loneliness that precedes happiness' and that fits Jancy perfectly.
And at the end of the season we have the Snow Ball.
Twist of Fate (Olivia Newton-John) A higher voice has called the tune / Two hearts that lost the beat will now resume / The gift of life extension by divine intervention / It's gotta be a strange twist of fate / Telling me that heaven can wait / Telling me to get it right this time / Life doesn't mean a thing without the love you bring / Love is what we've found the second time around / Don't understand what's going on / Woke up this morning, all the hurt was gone / This is a new beginning / I'm back in the land of the living
I think it's kind of referencing all the couples, but it fits Jancy the best. Both Nancy and Jonathan have been depressed and grieving. Jonathan's way of life will never be the same, because Will's isn't the same. Nancy lost Barb. And during the year they were apart, they had feelings for each other but kept them buried. Season Three
Jancy's theme changes to We Don't Understand Each Other (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein). We all know about Jancy's fight. Interestingly enough, this song doesn't get played again, as far as I know.
Later, when Jonathan is developing photos for Nancy at the Hawkins Post dark room,
All Your Reasons Why (Smart Remark) These times and words are wearing thin / To stop and think of how you've been in life / To draw up one conclusion in your mind / And make it right, for all your reasons why / And you hurt me when you cry
Pretty appropriate for the scene afterwards. We know Jonathan hates seeing Nancy upset, and knows she wants to be right more than anything.
Six Facts (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) Jonathan and Nancy are getting yelled at by Tom. Pretty easy to see what this song means. Poor Jancy. And later on when Jancy is investigating Tom's house there's Heather's (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein). This one is self-explanatory too.
In Our Hideaway (Valentino) Elevator music, literally. Jancy make up. But why pick such a specific song titled 'In Our Hideaway'?
You're A Fighter (Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein) is when Jancy is saying good-bye. It's safe to say that both of them are fighters--not just of monsters, but of their relationship. They don't break up, choosing to go the 'traumatic' route and stay together.
Season Four (there’s not much here at all)
Journalistic Instinct (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) I don't know if this is another Jancy theme or a Nancy one. Maybe it's a bit of both. Jancy are great detectives.
Palm Tree Delight (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) Clearly Argyle & Jonathan's theme
Scars (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) plays while Jonathan is staring at the picture of him and Nancy on the fridge.
This Isn't You (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) in a later episode, maybe in the one after (?), where Nancy is pulling spiders out of Steve's hair. If this couple is endgame, or has even a possibility of a future together, why not create a different theme? Instead we have the depressing This Isn't You again, which reminds us that Steve and Nancy aren't compatible. Yet...
Does That Make Us Friends? (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) I assume is Nancy and Robin's theme. Nancy is explaining what her relationship with Jonathan is really like. She's venting her frustrations to Robin. For a theme, this song sounds so bizarre. I don't know, it just sounds off to me? Maybe not off, but it's like a mixture of sounds that shouldn't go together but they do. And it's dark and emotional.
Later on, Scars plays again right before Steve jumps into the lake to find watergate. I imagine Nancy is thinking of Jonathan, wishing he were there with her and Steve. You can't blame her--they all kicked ass in season one against the demogorgon. But it confuses me because...
She Wants Me To Find Her (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stine) is during the scene where Eddie is telling Steve to pursue Nancy. This song was way back in season two, with Eleven pursuing Kali in episode 7 ('The Lost Sister') We know El finds Kali, but ultimately leaves her. Interesting choice, unless they're trying to subtlety show that Steve and Nancy will eventually have a doomed relationship (because El left Kali, which leads me to think Nancy would leave Steve again if they were to get back together).
What I love in season four, is when Nancy is being tormented by Vecna, the theme is called Soteria (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein). Soteria is a greek goddess that ensures safety and gets people out of harm's way. Basically salvation and protection from harm is her thing. BUT BUT BUT it's also the name of the device in Henry/01's neck. Useful for nullifying his abilities. Essentially, Brenner named the device after the greek goddess of salvation and deliverance. Clever! The song works for Vecna and Nancy--Nancy because Vecna releases her, and we learn about Vecna's past.
We know that after this, Nancy is determined more than ever to destroy Henry/Vecna/One, but Steve is thinking of something else.
Fire and Rain (James Taylor) Been walking my mind to an easy time / My back turned towards the sun / Lord knows, when the cold wind blows It'll turn your head around / Well, there's hours of time on the telephone line / To talk about things to come Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground / Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain / I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end / I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend But I always thought that I'd see you, baby / One more time again, now
It's on the radio as Steve is making his famous speech. The song itself is depressing, as James Taylor explained it discussed s*icde, drug addiction, and staying in a mental hospital. Not exactly an uplifting song. But it seems to imply Steve wants one last chance with Nancy. She doesn't look thrilled, which leads to the theme
A Proper Thump (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein). Steve credits Nancy for helping him change, but in reality, I think it was more Jonathan's punches that got through.
When the Cali Crew return to Hawkins there's the return of Eight Fifteen (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) which gives off a happy miraculous vibe. We heard it back in season two when El returns from staying with Kali.
The last interaction between Jonathan and Nancy is them repairing Hopper's cabin. Tammy (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein) goes well here. It was back in season three when Robin was confessing to Steve she really liked Tammy, and revealing to him she's gay. It's a heavy conversation with a confession, the kind of conversation Jonathan and Nancy (mainly Jonathan) is trying to avoid.
Okay I'm done now lol
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share-the-damn-bed · 1 year
Hi! Sorry to bother you but I'm making a second volume (basically another playlist) to my jancy themed playlists and I was wondering if you knew anything of Nancy's music tastes! This time I've managed to include a lot of jonathans (his is documented in the year book) but not of nancys! Thank you either way if you have no clue like me LOL!
Thank you for reaching out! Based on the canon, we know a few things about Nancy's musical tastes. Nancy has had 3 posters in her room related to musical artists:
Blondie (seasons 1 & 2)
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Prince's Purple Rain poster (season 4)
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...and Jonathan's poster of french poet Arthur Rimbaud made up as Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie) (season 4).
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Additionally, in the canon we hear her listening to her own music a few times:
Every Little Bit Jackie by James & Ian Curnow (season 1)
Africa by Toto (season 1)
Diamonds and Emeralds by The Interior Castle (season 4)
Girls on Film by Duran Duran (season 4)
I also think we can take Robin's artist suggestions to Eddie in episode 408 as insight into Nancy's musical tastes since we saw Robin go through Nancy's tapes in her room:
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David Bowie
The Beatles
In short, the canon suggests that Nancy's main musical genre is ✨pop✨ and probably anything popular on the radio.
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myhughniverse · 6 months
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Phil Harding Music - via social media - "35 years ago, peaking in the UK singles chart. The first of 11 Kylie singles Ian Curnow & I worked on at PWL between 1988-92." I'm back from my travels now so any book orders for Christmas presents will get fulfilled quickly" 🙂🙏🎄"
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rainingmusic · 3 years
Talk Talk -I don't believe in you 
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nofatclips · 5 years
It’s Alright by East 17 - Directors: Chris Clunn, Lawrence Watson
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akamatthewmurdock · 7 years
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Songs I like in Chapter One and Two.
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iherring · 5 years
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Ghost Tree TPB Release!
Hello all, today marks the day you can get a hold of Ghost Tree in one full collection and read the entire series in an uninterrupted book!  Simon & I did a bit of extra art to break up each chapter to add as much as we could to this collection.  If you missed any of the separate issues or prefer to have something on your shelf with a spine, really hope you pick this one up.
If you already have, or followed us with the original release, thank you for reading! 
It was great working with Bobby, Simon, Becka, and IDW on this over a long period and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.
Written by Bobby Curnow, Art by Simon Gane, Colours by Me & Becka Kinzie!
Some reviews...
"If you’re looking to think and open to change, Ghost Tree is for you.   Good luck finding another book that has the same special reflective magic that this creative team has managed to bring to life." -adventuresinpoortaste.com
"Ghost Tree has the look and feel of a great Neil Gaiman story. It resonates in a way that few books do, reaching both the inner child and the jaded adult." -HorrorDNA.com
"Ghost Tree is thoughtful and magical. The characters grow and surprise us. I think, by the end, everyone is a bit wiser, although not necessarily happier. I love a story that can make me feel something, and this one has a lot of feels." -majorspoilers.com
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theblackestofsuns · 5 years
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“I Just Can’t Any More”
Ghost Tree #4 (July 2019)
Bobby Curnow, Simon Gane, Ian Herring and Becka Kinzie
IDW Publications
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eurovisionsongaday · 5 years
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kudosmyhero · 11 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Micro-Series #6 Casey Jones
Read Date: January 04, 2023 Cover Date: July 2012 ● Writer: Mike Costa ◦ Ben Epstein ● Art: Mike Henderson ● Colorist: Ian Herring ● Letterer: Shawn Lee ● Editor: Bobby Curnow ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Elias Koteas as Casey Jones was one of my first crushes. Just sayin'. ● I'm not sure if the Casey/Raph friendship goes back to the Mirage series (I'll get there eventually--slowly playing catch-up in reading), but I live for it in the IDW series! ● I wonder how Casey and Raph get in contact with each other. Do the Turtles have cell phones? ● I understand the sentiment of Casey's mom want him to take care of his dad when she's gone, but would she have wanted that burden for her son if she knew that the drinking wouldn't stop? He's not just drinking to cope with losing her. He becomes an abusive alcoholic. It's not fair to burden Casey with him. (Guilt and a sense of responsibility chained me to an alcoholic mother for too long, too. I wish I'd gotten away. So yeah, I'm projecting. …doesn't make it less true, though.)
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● "Promise me you'll let him feel strong." - argh, that's even worse advice!
Synopsis: Casey and Raphael are trading barbs while taking down some street thugs who have stolen a woman's purse. Casey tells Raphael about the time he scored two goals in eight minutes in a hockey game, tying up the game and allowing his team to win in overtime. The two knock out all the criminals and return the purse, then climb a fire escape to get away from the scene.
Back at home, Casey thinks about when he was nine years old and his dad Arnold took him to a frozen lake to practice hockey goalkeeping, and getting hot chocolate afterwards. Later on, Casey and Arnie are woken up by a man named Blake knocking on the door. Blake walks in, accompanied by two large, intimidating men in suits and asks Arnie how his boy is. He thens gets down to the real reason he's here: the money Arnie owes him. Arnold frantically looks through a dresser and retrieves a golden necklace with a charm in the shape of a hockey stick with some jewels embedded in it. Arnold says it should cover his tab, but Blake tells him it won't be enough. Blake gives Arnold forty-eight hours to come up with the rest of the money.
In a flashback scene, we see Casey visiting his mother in the hospital, in the advanced stages of cancer. Casey has just come from the hockey game where he scored two goals and lead his team to victory in overtime. Casey's mother is holding the golden necklace with the hockey stick charm.
In the present, Casey knows its up to him to do something about his father's gambling debts. Arnold sits on the couch, drunk, angry that the team he bet on is losing. Casey grabs his stuff and heads out to meet up with Raph. Raph is curious as to what Casey is planning, as they had already went on patrol one night that week. Casey tells him they're just keeping an eye on some guys who need eyes kept on them. Casey and Raph (wearing a heavy coat and hood) enter a bar called the Skara Brae. Inside, Blake is taking bets from suckers he knows won't be able to pay him off. Casey sees the golden necklace in Blake's hand.
In another flashback scene, Casey expresses frustration with his father, calling him a stupid drunk. Casey's mother gets angry at Casey, and tells him that his father isn't as strong as he is, and that's his way of coping with losing her. She makes Casey promise to take care of him when she's gone.
Blake leads the man who just lost a bet outside with his two large friends. The two men are about to start beating the guy who lost the bet when Raph and Casey interrupt. They knock out the two muscle man and Casey tells Blake that Arnold is off-limits from now on, then he knocks him out too.
Casey arrives home from retrieving the necklace and Arnold wakes up, having fallen asleep on the couch. Casey says he's going to bed and Arnold takes it as disrespect, prompting him to beat Casey. As Casey is pummeled by his father, he thinks back to his promise he made to his mother, his promise to take care of his father and let him feel strong. Severely injured, Casey stumbles to the antiques shop the Turtles are currently living in. They ask how he got injured and if he's okay; he tells them he's fine, he's the strong one.
The story continues directly from this scene in Sins of the Fathers, part 1.
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Fan Art: Casey Jones by Kenpudiosaki
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graphicpolicy · 5 years
Ghost Tree Explores Love and Loss
Ghost Tree Explores Love and Loss #comics
In April 2019, IDW Publishing will debut the first chapter of Ghost Tree, a four-issue miniseries that takes readers on a journey from the dark forests of Japan to the ethereal realm beyond. Written by Bobby Curnow, Ghost Tree is illustrated by Simon Gane and colored by Ian Herring.
In Ghost Tree, a young man named Brandt returns to his ancestral home in Japan, seeking a refuge from his…
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Graphic Novels to Enjoy with your Library Card: Hoopla Edition!
Oddball by Sarah Andersen
The newest Sarah's Scribbles collection from New York Times bestselling author Sarah Andersen
The fourth book in the enormously popular graphic novel series, the latest collection of Sarah's Scribbles comics explores the evils of procrastination, the trials of the creative process, the cuteness of kittens, and the beauty of not caring about your appearance as much as you did when you were younger. When it comes to humorous illustrations of the awkwardness and hilarity of millennial life, Sarah's Scribbles is without peer
Sheets by Brenna Thummler
Marjorie Glatt feels like a ghost. A practical thirteen year old in charge of the family laundry business, her daily routine features unforgiving customers, unbearable P.E. classes, and the fastidious Mr. Saubertuck who is committed to destroying everything she’s worked for.
Wendell is a ghost. A boy who lost his life much too young, his daily routine features ineffective death therapy, a sheet-dependent identity, and a dangerous need to seek purpose in the forbidden human world.
When their worlds collide, Marjorie is confronted by unexplainable disasters as Wendell transforms Glatt’s Laundry into his midnight playground, appearing as a mere sheet during the day. While Wendell attempts to create a new afterlife for himself, he unknowingly sabotages the life that Marjorie is struggling to maintain.
Ghost Tree by Bobby Curnow, Simon Gane (Illustrator), Ian Herring (Colorist), Becka Kinzie (Colorist), Chris Mowry (Letterer)
A touching graphic novel about love, loss, and how the past never truly stays dead.
Seeking a refuge from an unhappy life, Brandt returns to his ancestral home in Japan to find a haunted tree and the departed souls that are drawn to it, including his Grandfather. Getting more involved with the tree's inhabitants he attempts to heal some of history's wounds but will he be able to find any measure of peace for himself when someone special from his past returns?
Cat's Cafe: A Comics Collection by Matt Tarpley
Serving up more than just coffee and tea, Cat’s Café  provides its cast of adorable characters a gentle, supportive space and a hefty serving of the warm and floofies.
Welcome to Cat’s Café, a neighborhood coffee shop where all are welcome! Based on the popular webcomic, Cat’s Café introduces readers to the adorable denizens of this world. There's Penguin, who has a bit of a coffee problem; Rabbit, whose anxiety sometimes overwhelms him; Axolotl, whose confidence inspires his friends; the always-supportive Cat, who provides hot drinks made with love and a supportive ear for anyone's troubles; and many, many more. With a sensitive take on real issues and a gentle, positive outlook, Cat’s Café is about the power of acceptance, friendship, and love ... and delicious cups of coffee.
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thecomicsnexus · 4 years
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The Turtles feel like Rat King is about to strike, and take a long detour by facing his siblings, while Rat King ambiguously makes a very small plan.
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This was probably the series lowest point. The Pantheon is pretty much, the biggest development on this side of issue 50, but it hasn’t been used much. In this story we get to explore at least one character that was recently introduced, but at the expense of ignoring the big rat king in the room.
This was “Kingdom of Rats”. But we only know there is a rat problem in the city, and that is pretty much the big menace off panel. Not much time is dedicated to that, in fact, the turtles do not interact with the rats at all.
There is more about the climax of that story in the spoilers section.
Then we have three more stories that fall into this period. issue #85 is about Leatherhead, now hiding in Earth and apparently seeing the ghost of Krang.
The other two stories are “macro-series”. A variation of the micro-series, but for double-sized stories. The first issue is of Donatello and Harold playing with the Metalhead technology, only to attract Metalhead. The other story is about Michelangelo trying to spare the orphans from “Kingdom of Rats” from a future in the clan. In the end, to be honest, while he thinks he was successful... I would say the kids are pretty much in the same place.
The art for the main book is very good for the Rat King story. But Brahm Revel is still hit or miss for me. It’s certainly not as bad as the previous arc, but when paired with a different colorist (macro-series) it just looks incomplete.
I think, in general, at this point in time, there were at least five TMNT series coming out at least monthly. With the main book, Universe, Macro-series, Bebop&Rocksteady, Batman crossovers, Urban Legends... I think IDW editorial was losing focus on the main book. So I am kind of glad that Universe ended around this time.
Spoilers after the break...
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It was a nice touch to have those teasers, though.
But going back to the plot. The way the Rat King story was resolved felt a little cheap. This is the second time in a row that the climax doesn’t seem to resolve the conflicts. There are a few more stories to read before continuing with the main series... and it is a bit annoying. The main series should maintain the quality in order to “afford” the spin-offs. The next big story will most likely lead to City at War, so I expect things to start recovering from this bad batch.
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