#i'm so sorry LMAO
just--a--vessel · 2 months
He/him pronoun bracelet broke, call that fragile masculinity
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darkshrimpemotions · 4 months
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meownotgood · 10 days
btw. once you start touching yourself in front of aki. pressing your fingers inside yourself while he watches with his hand around his cock. he tries to draw things out, he stops touching when he's close after only a few moments, and he takes his hand away completely. but he still manages to cum, finishing all over his stomach, mumbling a quiet swear to himself, while his shaking hand jerks his cock and tries to work through the remaining threads of dwindling pleasure
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carpediemma · 20 days
So... this is just my life now, here is another awesome Dead Boy Detectives edit out there in the either.
since I apparently am on a mission to spread by hyperfixation
Made by @thisgameissonintendo
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gofflesworld · 10 months
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@spaciebabie's anthro springtrap bunny has been living in my head rent free y'all ◕_◕ The urge to pet him is fhfdslkglhgksdhgz
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lol oops
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Kalim Angst
Apologies, it gets Rough, tw: gore?, SH/hemomania (the urge to drink your own blood upon sight), feelings of euphoria, childhood trauma/poison/drug/kidnapping, strained relationship with Jamil/Jamil is villainized more (not sorry) /lh, scabs, picking scabs, etc. ..... hahaha...aha..haha...this is really not a happy post, PLEASE scroll if you don't want to read.
It was never supposed to come to this. But by Seven did it feel good. The initial pain had subsided and as Kalim raised his arm to his lips, he closed his eyes a little, the imaginary sound of Jamil's voice chiding him.
You're gonna get an infection if you do that. You need to stop Kalim. You could die if you do that, stop it! A giddy little giggle spilled from him as he licked more blood up from his forearm. If only. Jamil could pretend to care all he wanted, but even in his denial, Kalim knew that the boy he saw as his closest friend would only be crying crocodile tears at his funeral, forced to be there by obligation.
Not that it mattered. Most of the people Kalim saw as family didn't see him that way back- they would also attend his funeral out of a sense of obligation, or duty. He was competition, he was a target, he was a nuisance, he was in the impediment in other people's pursuit for success and happiness-namely his aunts and uncles. Despite the attempted kidnappings, the drugging, the poisons- he chose to keep a positive outlook on life. A positive outlook- yeah...that's how other people saw it...how he made them see him. While it was true he didn't want to live in constant fear and suspicion of the people around him, it didn't mean he was happy. It was easier not to feel anything, and just slap on a happy face. With all his younger siblings, it wasn't like he didn't do it all the time anyways. They didn't need to know what their parents were doing to him, and he was glad it was him dealing with the backlash rather than any of them. None of them would think to do what he'd learn to do anyways. He could feel he dizziness kicking in, but reached for the small dagger he had brought with him and sliced two more small incisions each on his arms, kicking his feet a little and licking up the rivulets of blood eagerly. How ironic was it that the dagger had been a birthday gift from his father meant to be used to defend himself? Instead he was using it to cut himself open, the pain barely recognizable at this point. He'd been doing this so often it was always just the first cut that hurt now. The first time he hadn't done it to himself. It was after one of the kidnapping attempts. Honestly he didn't remember much of it. He was sitting in his room, but he could hear his father yelling outside of his room, a tone he had never heard from him before. He was disoriented still trying to process that he was in his room rather than...where had he been taken? It didn't really matter. The point was he was in his room...and he was alone... He hugged himself a little, gasping softly in surprise as his fingers brushed over a rough feeling patch of skin near his elbow. He turned his arm curiously to find a scab forming on his arm, though at the time he didn't know what it was called. All of his "boo-boos" were always magicked away- he could only assume this had been missed by accident. Thinking back, it would have been funny if it was left there on purpose. As if the person who had intended to hurt him was in kahoots with the doctor, taunting Kalim with a realm of possibilities and ideas with exposure to....with the reminder of pain.
Because he'd never had one before, he didn't know any better, itching at the scab until it came off, making him squirm in disgust as it laid half peeled off his arm. Given that the adults still seemed tense, he didn't want to call for help. Instead he screwed his eyes shut and gave it a small tug, whimpering a bit as the scab popped off his skin and he could feel wetness on his arm. He studied the scab in confusion for a moment before setting it aside on a tissue and trying to look at his arm, where the wetness was, to no avail. He tried to touch it again, eyes widening slightly as his fingers held just the smallest bit of blood on them. The red liquid was fascinating, and without thinking he brought his fingers to his lips. Though it was only a few drops, it scratched an itch in his mind that he didn't know needed relief.
And from there it had been a slippery slope. He hid injuries from the nurses, he found ways to heal himself if he ever went too far, he started using other tools to reopen or widen or deepen his wounds just to fill his mouth with the coppery taste of his own blood, making his mind go fuzzy and happy like it was now.
Kalim laid back against the roof of the dorm, panting softly and letting his arms fall to his sides, his chin and arms glistening with blood under the full moons illumination. He could feel himself on the verge of passing out, reaching blindly for his pen as he breathlessly healed himself before the pain would make itself obvious, letting himself come down slowly from his happy state of mind as he licked the blood clean off of himself, small giggles slowly turning drowsy.
As the dizziness began to ease, he forced himself to sit up. He needed to get back to his room to clean up any mess that would indicate what he had been doing before Jamil would come in the morning to wake him up. He took a few shaky breaths as tears finally started to well up in his eyes. Even with the blood, with the one thing that made him feel sane, nothing compared to the amount of guilt and loneliness that came from remembering the way Jamil looked at him when he overblotted. From the things he said. Kalim looked down at his arms again, and then to the dagger within arms reach, his fingers moving faster than his mind as his vision went blurry from tears. He wasn't ready to go to sleep yet. Just a little more, just a little more he whispered under his breath as he plunged the knife deeper than before, something between laughter and a wail leaving him as mania took over and the crimson stain of his blood cascading down his arm and painting his mouth red as he chased his feeling of euphoria.
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kevin-sedai · 8 months
Messenger: What did you call your friend?
Fitz: Everyone at King Shrewd's court just called him Fool.
Messenger: What did you call him?
Fitz: Da- Beloved.
Messenger: What were you going to say?
Fitz: Nothing, I said I called him Beloved.
Bee: No, you didn't.
Fitz: *beet red* Yes, I did!
Messenger: It sounded like you were going to say something else.
Bee: It sounded like you were about to say Daddy
Fitz: *very quickly* No.
Bee: *takes out her dream journal* Then why did I dream of you yelling "Daddy"?
Fitz: I don't know.
Messenger: It's not a big deal if you did, I just have to know you're the right person for the message.
Fitz: Fine. I called him Daddy. Once. By El and Eda, you telepathically suck someone silly once, and all of a sudden, you're lovers.
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countdown-to-the-end · 9 months
g'day, mate💥💥💥💥💥💥 (british pipe bomb in your mailbox)
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why is my wife mailing me pipe bombs (for legal reasons this is a Joke)
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sadthixx · 6 months
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kaito is a baby rat
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writer-of-passion · 7 months
The urge to make another tianami fic is looming over me bad, yall! The ideas are brewing!
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violent138 · 2 months
Shhh ignore them I literally have my notifs on for you so that I can see your gabillion posts in case some don’t show up on my dashboard.
While this is incredibly nice and I'm more touched than I can express without becoming a puddle, it has come to my attention that I still don't know what's a joke/sarcasm versus a legitimate annoyed comment 💀🤡
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likedovesinthewindd · 8 months
hobie x (fem)reader who is either his or another universe's version of venom/eddie brock (alien symbiote and all) :33 tyyyyyyy ❤️❤️
would you believe me if I said I've never watched the movie?😭 I know what it's about, but I've just never got to watching it so I'd just be writing shit.
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gourdkeeper · 11 months
"Princess" (Reader x sub!Jamie)
This idea was fed to my smooth little brain by a friend on discord and it resulted in this;
Word count: 3113
Content warnings: mirror sex, non prenetrative sex, masturbation, feminisation, dominant and submissive undertones, praise kink, jamie opens up to reader, reader calls jamie feminine gendered names (not in a humiliating way), hair pulling, jamie is a bit ooc because he's anxious and stressed out at first, fully self indulgent im sorry lmao
18+ after cut
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This training session didn't quite go as planned. In fact there has been no fighting at all and surprisingly, no drinking either.
It all came up kind of funny.
Jamie was talking to you earlier and you were just completely lost in thought, staring at him with a look of adoration.
"Yo? You even listening?" His hands at his hips while leaning towards you.
You snap out of it and hold his hands and pull them towards you, "I know what I want you to teach me today!"
"Huh? What?"
"What?!" He whips his head back, "Why?"
"You always got the most perfect eye makeup on, I want you to do it to me and teach me!" You're giddy, you know it's a silly request but you've asked for worse before.
"That's not a fight move, you know that right? 'Sides, I'm your master and I'm the one saying what gets taught."
You pout at him while still holding his hands tight.
"Ugh. Fine." He rolls his eyes, "Not sure how this'll help with anything but fine..."
"Maybe I just want to have fun with you today!" You quip back innocently.
Jamie can't help but roll his eyes again but this time he has a smile on his face.
He unlocks the door to his apartment and leads you to his room.
"Hop on the bed, I'll be right there."
"On the bed?" You cock an eyebrow up at him.
"Just do it or I ain't teaching you anything yeah?"
You oblige, you lay at the top of his big cushy bed and wait for him, wondering why anyone would do their makeup in bed.
You've never even really been in his bedroom much before, you've only screwed around on the couch and on the small home gym. It's a pretty room, fitting for him. Big soft bed, large full body mirror and stylish wall decorations.
Before you know it he's coming through the doorway holding a small bag.
"Alright I got my stuff right here just sit up and stay still so I can do this without poking your eye out."
He sits next to you and guides your head around as needed.
"Close your eyes..." He's speaking just above a whisper, he's so cute when he's focused.
He draws a line over one lid and tells you to open your eyes again so that he can finish connecting it smoothly. "Perfect." He mutters.
It feels good to be prettied up by Jamie, it makes you feel special and loved even if you had to convince him to do it at first.
He's finishing the second eye and tells you to come look in the mirror.
He did the same style of eyeliner he usually dons himself. A thin elegant red line hugging a traditional cat eye winged liner.
"It's so pretty!" You hop and kiss him on the cheek "Thank you!"
His happiness is visible too, he looks proud of his work and starts telling you how to make sure it's angled right and how to get both eyes to look symmetrical.
"Can I try it on you?" You interrupt him.
"What do you mean?"
"I want to do your makeup too!"
He looks down at you for a few seconds, silent and wary.
He holds your hand and brings you back towards the bed.
"I hope you know I wouldn't let *anyone* else do this but you." He sighs and takes a small wipe from his bag to remove his existing eyeliner so that you can practice freely.
You feel giddy, you don't know why, but the thought of putting makeup on such a pretty guy is making you excited with a hint of anxiety welling up in your stomach. He's good at it, he does this daily so if you fuck it up it'll feel like crap and look way too jarring but you want to do it so badly. Hell if it turns out bad you'll have something to laugh about together sometime.
Jamie's finished cleaning his face and is now sat down in bed, you're on your knees sorting thru the bag trying to find the liner.
He lays back down on the bed waiting, looking almost anxious and slowly stretches his hand towards you, "Looking for this?" It's the eyeliner you've been searching for, "I didn't put it away yet."
You take it from his hand and crawl over him, each legs hugging the side of his torso while you remove the cap from the little pen and lean forward.
"Are you ok Jamie?" You've noticed that he's been noticeably quieter than usual.
"I'm fine, just, get this over with..." There seemed to be a slight hint of embarrassment in his voice and eyes.
"Hey now..." You fondle his cheek while looking him in the eye, "Since when are you shy about anything, you don't need to feel embarrassed around me ok?"
He returns you a small smile and nods gently.
"Close your eyes handsome." He obliges and you begin lining his eye lid carefully. "...Open" allowing you to angle the wing at the end. *Almost* as good as when he does it.
"Now the other side..." You hold his face firmly... It feels warm... Is he? Blushing? You try not to mind it too much and begin working on the other eye. Once it's done you ask him to open his eyes and hand him a little mirror that was inside the bag.
"How did I do?" You tilt your head sideways waiting for an answer.
He's definitely blushing.
"Really good! As expected from my disciple.." There is that nervous shy smile again. "...Are you done now?"
"Jamie why are you blushing and trying to hurry me up?"
He's taken by surprise. "Am not! Just the drink that's all-"
"You haven't drank anything in at least two hours."
You can see his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallows trying to come up with a clever reply. You back up a little bit to give him space and- Why is there something poking up your backside and why did he just twitch.
You glance backwards and it's clear as day. He's hard. You look back at him and he's averting his eyes, clearly embarrassed over it.
"What did I tell you about being embarrassed around me, c'mon Jamie it's ok..." You try to make him calm down as you gently rub your fingers along his cheeks. "I'm... Excited too, I mean, hard not to when you always look so damn delicious you know?"
You cause him to laugh nervously. "You're on top of me that's all, I can't help it."
"I've been on top of you plenty of times..." You raise your eyebrow at him, you know the hard on is being caused by something else considering how he's acting. "...Do you like me treating you gently like this? Pampering you?“
There he is, averting his eyes again, "Maybe..."
"I can... Continue if you want me to?"
There's a look of uncertainty before he agrees to it.
You grab the little makeup bag to see what else you should try. There's blush, eyeshadows, highlighters and even lipsticks and lipgloss, you've never seen him wear any of it, you wonder why he has it at all. You pull out a little lipgloss that has a red tint to it, it should match his eyeliner nicely.
"Jamie how come you have so much makeup, so much of it almost running out even but you only ever wear eyeliner?"
"I... To practice...?" He's hiding something. "Never know when I'll have to do my disciples' makeup amirite?" Finishing with a nervous laugh. There's that cock twitching on your ass again.
You raise your eyebrow at him. "You sure it's only that?"
"I guess-"
"Can I put it on you?" You enquire, leaning forward while purposely rubbing your butt on him to make him squirm.
He's flushing red again while nodding, biting his lip. Was it out of anxiety or arousal? You wondered.
You kept softly petting his face to make him relax before holding it still to get started.
"Open that pretty mouth."
The sight of Jamie being stuck underneath you, lips parted, blushing cheeks and getting prettied up by you is making you want to act up. Why does he have to be so beautiful and captivating regardless if he's bursting with enough confidence to fill the entire room or if he just got shy and became a flustered little mess because you found out something new and decided to poke your nose in the matter.
You've finished applying the gloss to his lips. He looks even more kissable than usual. His small soft lips look even softer, made them look fuller too...
You point the same mirror at him again asking if he likes it.
He nods, you could just gobble him up.
"Should I continue?" You ask, hoping he'll let you, "Might not be as good at it as you though..."
"No one's as good as the great Jamie Siu... But you... You come pretty damn close." He's smilling, not even a smirk or a smug grin like how he usually does when he talks, he looks, vulnerable? It's odd, you've been on top of him plenty. You've dominated this man, pulled his hair and had him beg for you while grinding on his face and there wasn't ever a hint of shyness, until now that is.
You decide to slowly rut your hips against his strained cock, not even aknowledging it, you want to work him up and see what this is all about.
He's biting his lip. You're looking thru the makeup and grab some eyeshadow, you'll just fix up the liner afterwards no big deal. He doesn't stop you as you pretty him up further. You can see sweat forming in his forehead and his lips are pursed.
"I need to tell you something..." You stop for a few seconds to look at him better and nudge him to go on. "I- I uh have that much makeup because," he swallows drily and fidgets around with his fingers, "sometimes I just. Like being a bit more... Feminine." You fully stop and lean back to properly face him, you can tell this is a heavy topic for him and you don't want to hurt him in any way.
Your hand moves to his cheek and pets it. "Jamie that's ok, you think I would judge you?" You give him a soft reassuring smile.
"It's not like. It wasn't even sexual. I just like being pretty sometimes. But now you're doing this to me and I just, I just can't- I didn't expect any of this." He looks very divided, almost pained to share something so intimate and like he could cry.
You rush to hug him and calm him down. "Do you want me to stop this? I understand if you do."
He shakes his head lightly. "I'd like to continue... just, I'm happy to share this with you."
God. You love him so much you could burst. "You're sure right?"
He nods and says a shaky but certain "yes". You've never seen him so nervous before. It's kind of cute.
You're finishing applying the eyeshadow on one eye and ask him, "Why do you like being more feminine sometimes? You don't need to tell me if you don't want to baby." His member twitched again at the end of the sentece and you take mental note of what did it.
"I... Don't fully know," he has his eyes closed, one because it'd be too difficult to speak about it facing you and two to let you finish doing the job, "I've had a tough time with beauty standards before and with always wanting my hair to be kept long and... Been teased about it before. So I just, kept most of it hidden."
It hurts to hear that he's been made to feel inferior before over how he likes to look and it makes you wish you could break the kneecaps of whoever did it. You can't help but reassure him multiple times tell him that you love him for who he is, feminine or not.
"You don't think it's weird? At all?" He's a bit perplexed.
"I think it's normal." You lean forward to whisper in his ear with a mischiveous smile curling at your lips, "And I also find it hot."
"Y-you do?" He looks small underneath you, flustered beyond belief, he definitely doesn't need any blush applied to him.
"Mhmmm..." You take his face on your hand again and hold it in place to let you do his other eye now. "I sure do..." You start grinding onto his crotch again, more obviously this time and you see his brain slowly leave as he struggles to put words together. He looks happy and relieved ontop of being clearly aroused.
"You're so pretty Jamie." That is no lie, he is the most beautiful person you've ever seen and you feel insanely lucky to have him all for yourself. The real him.
You're just about finished with doing his makeup and you lean down to whisper in his ear again, with a plan to make him lose his mind. You want to do him so bad. "You're such...a pretty girl."
His only reaction was to moan and tremble. His eyes were wide looking at you in disbelief, he's so fucking turned on. It's like you've presented him with a brand new revelation. His breath is shaky he can't even speak up.
"Aren't you?“ you tilt your head playfully at him, hoping he'd respond even more positively.
"...! Y-yes!"
"You really are... My pretty girl..." You put the makeup back in the bag now that you're done and give him your full attention. You straddle him tighter and grind down harder. His cock is leaving a stain through his underwear *and* pants. That's a first. "...Jamie..." You moan once more into his ear, "do you want me to take care of you?~" you tease.
"Please!“ the lack of hesitation makes you happy and proud. You love how excited he always is to be touched by you.
"I'll think about it" you joke, "But first," you lift yourself up and hold his hand, pulling him to you, "Come here baby..."
He follows after you and you motion him to sit at the edge of the bed and once he does, you point your finger towards to full lenght mirror of his. "Look at how beautiful you are... You're so pretty, aren't you?" You ask quietly as you fill his neck with kisses from behind.
He's moaning and whimpering softly in response.
You undo the tie on his hair, letting his silky hair cascade down his back and shoulders.
You wrap your hands around him and start removing his shirt and feeling him up at the same time. His face turns around enough to meet yours and starts kissing you sloppily. You can taste his lipgloss, it makes you go insane with desire.
"Watch out pretty girl, we don't want to mess up that pretty face of yours now..." His legs are shut tight, trying to contain how hard and wet he is. "But we do want to make a mess elsewhere...don't we?“ Your hand snakes downwards slipping under his waist band and gripping a thigh and pulling outward, he takes the hint and spreads them.
"Look at the mess you've done already... You're so wet for me baby..." You know he would come undone at the slightest graze of your hand right now, you want to extend this *just* a bit further. He just looks so insanely hot, everything about this is perfect. "What do you want me to do to you? Princess?“ You kiss his cheek from behind, embracing him like this is so good, it makes you feel powerful.
"I- I want you to touch me...please..." His breath is ragged, his words slurred, his eyelids heavy, his chest heaving up and down at the same pace as his cock.
"Is that so? Well then..." You take his twitching member in your hand, wrapping it tight. "I want you to look at yourself when I make you come, yeah?" He nods fast, "I want you to see me mess up this pretty little thing..." You sound a bit mean but that only riles him up further.
You start pumping your first up and down, he's getting sweatier and not a single coherent sentence exits his mouth. He can't keep it shut either. A plethora of "ahs", hisses, whines, whimpers and breathy "please's" are all that he can muster. His body is limp and leaning fully on you, you worry that you might've broken him for a second until he springs back up, forearms supporting his torso, tensed up as he furrows his brows and pulls his knees together.
"Ah- I- I'm gonna-" he's hiccuping and quaking, you know he'll come hard, "I'm going to- c-c-".
You pull his hair forcing his head up so he can look at his reflection straight on and growl in his ear repeatedly to push him towards the edge, "Do it. Come for me. Be a good girl and come for me, I can't wait to taste you. Come on."
The sight of himself coupled with your dirty mantra is enough to give him the final push.
He can't help but shut his eyes tightly with tears forming at the corners when his cock finally gives in and spurts all over his torso. Some inevitability getting on his pants. You continue pumping him until he's been drained dry of energy. "Good girl." You kiss his neck softly. "You're so good for me Jamie..."
You let him lay back down on the bed with you and kiss him slow and passionately holding his head softly. Once you've broken away from the kiss you make sure he's feeling ok.
He nods and smiles. He looks so relieved and happy and sweet. It makes your heart flutter.
"Was it too much? I'll never do it again if you don't want me to." You're a bit scared you went too far and too fast.
He lets out a short laugh while holding tight onto you. "I'd feel awfully depressed if you never did it again. I loved it. I love you."
"I'll make sure to do it often then~" you tease at him. "Let's get you cleaned up for now yeah?"
Your brain is still in a rush, thinking of ideas for next time. You can't wait to make him feel as pretty and cared for as possible.
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nametakensff · 1 year
Hairspray Mishap (s/tranger t/hings, e/ddie)
E/ddie has an unfortunate reaction to hairspray.
Totally SFW - just a quick fic based on a stray shower thought before it left me haha
As always, please don't reblog to non-kink blogs!
G/areth comforts E/ddie through an allergic reaction after a hairspray incident
Hairspray allergies, spray, mess, friends looking out for friends
It had all happened so quickly. Gareth had been stood chatting with Eddie while the dungeon master rifled through his locker for his D&D folder. Eddie had leaned back, file in hand, and turned to Gareth ready to go when Kimberley Walker had blasted the pair of them with a huge cloud of hairspray. She and her friends would regularly gather around her locker and crowd her mirror to reapply makeup and cosmetics, pointedly ignoring Eddie and giving him a wide berth. It had seemingly been completely accidental on her part as she secured her teased hair into place, but it wouldn’t have surprised Gareth one bit that she would do the same thing on purpose if it tickled her fancy.
They both sputtered at the offending aerosol, Eddie taking the brunt of it as they leapt back. Kimberley and her girls all at once seemed to notice their presence, looking them once over before bursting into shrill peals of laughter.
“Sorry, freak!” Kim spat as she closed her locker, and the gaggle of laughing girls made their way down the corridor.
“Assholes…” Gareth muttered under his breath. Kimberley was as spoilt as they came. They’d played together sometimes as kids when they were really little, but now she pretended Gareth was invisible. Had done so even when they were paired together in chemistry, leaving him to finish their shoddy project as she filed her nails in silence, then had the gall to get annoyed at him when his efforts had earned them a B-. There was really nothing to be done with people like that, and Gareth had learned to tune them out. For the most part.
He coughed into his fist, wincing as the spray he’d inhaled travelled down his sinuses and into the back of his throat, the chemical taste of it nauseating as it settled on his tongue. Turning to Eddie, he started to rant.
“Can you believe that fuckin’ – uh, dude…?”
It took Gareth a moment to realise that the look of intense, watery-eyed confusion was actually the expression of a man very desperately in need of a sneeze. He felt his heart drop as Eddie pitched forward, pinching his nose shut at the last moment against a ticklish, half supressed “Ing’kTT!!”
“Aww, man. Hold on a second,” He started, slamming Eddie’s locker shut and dragging him by the wrist to a nearby classroom he knew was empty from experience (he needed somewhere to smoke that wasn’t the boy’s bathroom). Eddie went without complaint, though Gareth was sure this was more to do with the fact that he was otherwise paralysed by an oncoming sneezing fit than any real cooperation. He went easily, allowing Gareth to sit him down at an empty desk and locking the classroom door behind them. His breath hitched, sinuses prickling as the hairspray continued to torture his ticklish nostrils.
“It’s ok, man.” Gareth said, gingerly placing a hand on Eddie’s back, contracting with shuddering breaths under his palm. “Nobody’s around here at this time, they can’t hear you.” He reassured him.
Given permission to let go, a sudden flurry of desperate sneezes exploded out of the older man.
“hh-heh-! ENGXT’chiew! AhDDT’Shieww!! hdDDt’chiew!! Engxt’shiewww!!”
Gareth stroked his back absentmindedly, wincing in sympathy as the sneezes seemed to tumble out one right after the other, giving Eddie very little time to snatch in needy breaths between each release. The dungeon master had a hand half started up to his face, but far enough away that it was pretty useless. He was sneezing more at it than into it. Eddie took in his largest gasp yet.
“EEHHDT’tchiiewww!! Fuck me...”
“Bless you!”
He heard Eddie grunt in acknowledgement before another gasp of air plummeted him right back into his fit. It seemed like it would take a few minutes to calm this one down. Gareth sighed, patting his friend on the back.
Eddie had always had terrible allergies, and a much more sensitive nose than anyone Gareth knew. He remembered the first time he’d seen Eddie have a bad reaction to pollen while they played at the park years ago. Gareth had run crying over to his mother, convinced his friend was going to die. It had all worked out fine, of course; his mom had driven Eddie back to their house and fixed him up with some antihistamines before Wayne had been able to come and pick him up.
That had been the first time he had ever seen anyone have a genuine allergy attack – his dad had mild hayfever but nothing to write home about. He thanked Satan that he didn’t suffer from any allergies himself. Even if whatever flu was going round managed to kick his ass every year, he’d take a miserable couple of weeks in Winter over allergies in Spring, Summer and Autumn like Eddie. The older man was extremely diligent, taking his medication almost religiously and had mastered holding back his violent reactions in public about 90% of the time. Gareth knew it was a source of embarrassment for him, as good-natured as he was about most things. Gareth supposed he should take some pride in the fact that Eddie only really allowed himself to let loose when he was around him.
Speaking of which, Eddie was looking a little worse for wear. Tendrils of snot were starting to hang threateningly from his flaring, pink nostrils. Seeing this, Gareth started to root around in his backpack for tissues, even knowing full well he was going to come up short. Eddie gasped.
That had done it. Gareth grimaced as ropes of snot shot down to the floor, several rogue droplets coating both his and Eddie’s sneakers in a glittering display.
“Gross, dude.”
“Mm’sorryyyyY’ISSH’ue!! Fuck, man, I’m sorry.”
Gareth could see that Eddie was blushing behind the wild curls that otherwise concealed his face. He felt bad for the guy, he really did. He sighed again. Knowing under any other circumstances Eddie would kick his ass but not particularly caring at this point, he yanked his friend’s own black bandana from where it hung a proud fashion statement out of his back pocket and held it out for him.
“Here, man. You need to blow your nose.”
Eddie snatched it from him in a panic, bringing it up to his nose a second too late to cover a spraying “hh’Ehggxt’shieww!!” Wanting to spare his friend any more embarrassment, Gareth subtly wiped the hand that had been baptised with that most recent sneeze on his jean-clad thigh.
After Eddie had cleared his sinuses in a series of extremely wet, gurgling blows, the sneezing seemed to at last wind down. Gareth regarded the older metalhead. Apart from a blush spreading across his face and a slight pink flush around his nostrils, he didn’t look nearly as ruined as, say, a bona fide hayfever attack would leave him. They should be able to head over to the drama room and set up for Hellfire in a matter of minutes.
“Ingk’tiew!! Ugh…”
Gareth smirked. That had been a particularly sweet little sneeze. It amused him to no end that his boisterous, often tyrannical older friend sometimes sneezed almost like the girliest of girls, but he held himself back from making any comment. Eddie was starting to regain some of his composure and wouldn’t tolerate any further bruising of his ego.
“Fucking christ on a motherfucking bike. Snff!” He wiped roughly at his nose with his bandana, smiling as Gareth laughed at his blasphemous outburst.
“You hanging on in there, dude?”
“Just about. Remind me to bring a fuckin’ gas mask to school from now on.” Eddie rolled his eyes. It was January, and all the plants in Hawkins were nice and dead, any mould and dust otherwise harmless under the mounds of snow that plagued their little town. He hadn’t been expecting an allergy attack to hit him out of the blue, but he was now considering bringing some antihistamines to leave in his locker, just in case.
“That shit really got you bad, huh? If that happens again in the future I’m seriously considering putting you down.”
They both laughed at the absurdity of it all.
“Honestly, Gar’, I’d probably fucking welcome it. That shit sucked. I can still taste it…” He pulled a face as if he’d bitten into a lemon. Gareth could relate. The cloying chemicals were still lingering in the back of his throat.
Gareth glanced at the clock at the front of the classroom. They had a couple of minutes to get going and set up for the latest campaign – the others would be making their way over shortly. The corridors would be blessedly empty by now as everyone else had made their way over to the gymnasium for a basketball game. (Man, even the fact that he had to waste space in his mind knowing about it pissed him off. Eddie was right – balls in laundry baskets, indeed.) He rose to his feet and slung his backpack over his shoulder.
“Come on, man, let’s get going.”
Eddie started to stand himself but was forced back down into his seat with a sudden fit of smaller sneezes.
“Hig’tchu! Hixxt! Igk’tieww-ahh….’scuse me.”
The older man shook his head as if that would finally disperse the residual tickle, curls bouncing. It  reminded Gareth of a small dog. He couldn’t help it – the girly sneezes, the way he’d dramatically flopped back into his chair under the force (force from what?! Those tiny things??) – it was all too funny. He tried to suppress his laughter but it just came out sounding awkward and choked. Shit.
Eddie pounced, pulling him into a headlock and driving a merciless noogie into his scalp. Gareth flailed, used to the roughhousing but caught off guard nonetheless.
“Oh my god, stop! This is how you repay me, for saving your ass back there?!” He heard Eddie snickering.
“Saving my ass, huh? Couldn’t have valiantly stepped in front of the accursed afront, taken the blow for me, oh noble one?!” Eddie’s voice had taken on a dramatic lilt, signalling his shift into D&D mode prematurely. He was fired up – bad for Gareth right now, great for everyone once the campaign started.
“Ok, Ok, I give, I give!”
Eddie released him, finally, clapping a hand to his back as he righted himself. He cast an irritated glare at the older man as he attempted to ruffle his hair back into place, receiving a shit-eating grin in return.
“You’re so cute when you’re angry, Gare-bear!”
Gareth rolled his eyes. This was Eddie. Made him want to tear his hair out at the best of times, but he loved the guy anyway. Bickering like a couple of kids, they made their way through the school to get started on Hellfire, brief excursion all but forgotten.
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phantasoba · 1 year
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Doodles from art class today
We were drawing animals (which I can't draw for shit) and I, being bmc trash, drew these
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Picrew 215621
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Pikachu Man.
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