#i'm not ready (which is good because we still have like ten years before then)
novathevibe · 3 days
I don't get jealous. After all, I'm Gotham's sweetheart, the only ethical CEO I know, AND the Dark Knight. I don't have TIME to be jealous. Still, as I walk into the cafe that my husband promised to meet me at, an unfamiliar gnawing grows in my stomach. Clark Kent - the love of my life, the man I entrusted my kids to if something happened to me, the one I bottom for - is smiling at someone near the back, whispering with him in a way that feels too flirty for my liking.
I know he's not cheating. Mrs Kent raised him better than that, and he hasn't shown any signs that someone as keen-eyed as me would miss... But what if he is? The man that MY Clark is speaking to is relatively small, has fluffy brown hair, and large round glasses. His entire appearance is rather cutesy, the opposite of me. Does Clark find that attractive? Then, right as I'm about to approach, Clark grabs a napkin, writes something down, and hands it to the twink with a blush.
Did he just give him his number?
The gnawing feeling inside me only grows, but thankfully by the time Clark sees me at our usual table, it's been long enough for me to play it off.
"Good morning, my love." He says with his usual Smallville charm, but along with the usual fluttering heart is a sort of nausea.
"Good morning, handsome."
We eat for a while, then get into the car and return home, the queasy feeling never subsiding. He's cheating. He wouldn't. But what if he is?
As the car pulls up, I open my mouth, but hesitate. What if he's not and me accusing him destroys our relationship? I can talk to him about it tonight...
He 'helps' me out of the car and up the stairs, pausing at the door of Wayne Manor before kissing me deeply and opening the door, eyes locked on mine. "Happy anniversary." He says, gesturing inside.
The entryway is entirely decked out with flowers. Not only roses, but anything with petals. My mouth opens and closes a few times before I look back up a him. "You said you didn't want us to do anything big this year, just have coffee." Which was rather suspicious, now that I think back on it.
"Because you always out do me. This time I could show you just how much I love you." He leads me inside by my hand to the theater room we have family movie nights at, the room decked out in flowers and candles, with a picnic in the middle. "It was a pain to coordinate this with the florist, but before you got to the cafe, I was told that everything was ready."
Any remnants of jealousy turn into guilt. The twink was setting this up. "I..." Tears prick my eyes but I blink them away. I'm Batman for fucks sake... I don't cry. "I saw you with him and I thought that..."
Clark's face immediately morphs into sadness before it's overtaken by a gentle smile. "I would never cheat on you. I have eyes for only you, and if I ever even hug someone for too long, you can use Kryptonite on me."
"And the number on the napkin?"
"In case something went wrong and I had to keep you out of the house even longer." Guiding me to the picnic, he picks up a bottle of wine and gives us both a glass, then presses play. It's...
Us. It's a skillfully crafted montage of all of our moments, both as our civilian and superhero selves. He went through all of this trouble... "I love you. I'm so sorry I thought that. I know you're not that kind of person, and I've never been happier to be wrong."
"To ten years." Clark says, offering his wine glass.
"To ten years." I echo, clinking my own against his.
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bdriggers · 5 months
Seeing Tartarus hit different GAH. It's like you can TRULY visualize Percy and Annabeth falling in for the first time. It's chilling.
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w2soneshots · 20 days
Ibiza -W2S
Words: 1.2k+
Warnings: alcohol consumption.
In which you spend the day on a yacht while your boyfriend and his mates film hide & seek. You deal with his mean drunkenness. Then when you get back to the villa you take care of him.
a/n: this is based off of this request!! I think drunk Harry’s hilarious😭. Don’t forget to reblog! Enjoy this extra lone one💓✨
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y/username: Ibiza 2024!🌴🍹🌺☀️💘
Tagged: @wroetoshaw @behzingagram @faithloisak @taliamar @freyanightingale
wroetoshaw: 🔥🔥
faithloisak: you cutie
taliamar: stunning girl🫶🏼
y/nfanpage21: pahaha the second pic😭
user31096420: another iconic sidemen holiday
user91837410: she's so fit
A few days ago we arrived in Ibiza. It was initially just going to be the boys because they were planning a few sidemen videos. But they decided that there hasn't been a proper holiday with everyone for years since, Ethan and Faith had Olive, Me and Harry got married, as well as Simon and Talia so we cleared our schedules and booked tickets.
We're here for a week and plan on doing as much relaxing as we can but the boys still need to film their videos. Today they're filming a hide and seek on a huge yacht. We're all staying in a massive villa that's really close to the sea line. "Morning." Harry yawned. My sleepy face curved into a content smile. "Good morning." I whispered before kissing his soft lips. Harry wrapped his arms around my torso. "Do we have to get up?" He dug his head into my neck. "Yes Haz. The boats booked for eleven." I replied. He groaned.
Eventually I got him up and we began getting ready. I pulled on a bikini that wouldn't give me offensive tan lines, since I'm planning on laying in the sun all day. Then popped on a cute cover up. Once I'd sorted my hair and covered myself in suncream I headed downstairs where everyone was sat eating breakfast. I said "good morning." then grabbed a plate of fresh fruit along with a smoothie.
After breakfast we all collected the last of our things then just as the taxis pulled up we left. Harry helped Ethan get Olives stuff into the boot while I carried the baby for Faith while she clipped in the car seat. It's only a ten minute drive so we were soon being dropped off at the dock. The day before yesterday we spent a few hours on a smaller boat but today (since they're filming a video) the yacht is massive. The crew also flew in yesterday to film this video so they met us here.
We were told not to grab our things from the taxis because the staff on board would get it for us. When we got onto the yacht we were immediately given drinks and a quick toor. The woman brought us up some stairs. "And these are the tanning loungers." Me and the girls looked at each other with a smile. "This is where I'm going to be spending the rest of the day." Talia joked, but she was being fully serious and I felt exactly the same.
The boys wondered off to film the intro for the video and all four of us girls lay down on a lounger, while Olive slept next to Faith in a little travel cot under one of the large umbrellas. I chatted quietly with Talia, Freya started reading her book and Faith soaked up the sun. We could hear the boys screaming, shouting and laughing as they filmed. Vik was the seeker and wasn't doing the best job which was obvious from what we could see from the top deck, but I'm sure that will make the video even funnier.
Once Harry, Ethan and Josh had been found we caught them peering up at us quite a few times. "You all look like creeps you know!" I shouted. The girls laughed from beside me and the boys faces turned a bright shade of red. "You just look too good in that bikini babe!" Harry shouted back sarcastically. I smirked with a shake of my head. Then returned to tanning.
After almost three hours the boys finally finished filming so we had some lunch. As the day went on we jumped into the sea, played mafia and just sat around enjoying each other's company. Everyone began actually drinking as it started to get later. Accept me, Faith, JJ and Tobi because I had had like one or two but really couldn't be arsed with a hangover, Faith needed to look after Olive and JJ and Tobi don't drink.
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y/username just posted a new story!
I sat next to Harry as he swayed back and forth slightly. "You alright?" I asked. He was clearly very drunk. "What? Oh. Shut up I'm fine." He replied. I raised my eyebrows in disbelief. I looked around the group, all eyes on us. I burst into a fit of laughter. "Alright big man I think it's time you get to bed." I tried to help him stand. "No!" He shouted. I sighed tiredly. "Here. I'll help." Tobi got up from his seat. We decided to all call it a night so left the ship and got taxi's back to the villa.
"Here you go mate." JJ murmured as him and Tobi lay an almost asleep Harry on our bed. "Thanks boys." I smiled as they walked out with a quick "good night." I pulled Harry's clothes off, leaving him in just his boxers. Then I placed a glass of water on his nightstand, along with some paracetamol for his hangover. Thankfully Harry usually isn't physically sick when he has a hangover so there was no need for a bucket. After I took a quick shower I slipped into bed, next to him.
The next morning I got up decently early to make everyone breakfast. Faith was already downstairs since Olive had been awake for quite awhile and she didn't want to wake Ethan up since he was hungover and he woke up early yesterday for Olive. "Good morning you cutie." I greeted Olive in my high pitched baby voice, that seems to just appear whenever I'm around animals or babies. She giggled with the sweetest little smile.
"Morning." Faith also smiled as I sat down next to her on the couch. "So last night Harry seemed to be a little..." "mean." I finished her sentence. "Well yea." She breathed out a laugh. "He's a mean drunk. It really doesn't bother me to be honest. I find it hilarious." I chuckled. "I'm glad, I was a little concerned." "The first time we went out together it was a bit of a shock to the system but over the years I realised that it's just how he reacts to alcohol."
After a good chat with Faith I headed back upstairs to check on Harry. I slowly opened to door to see Harry front down on the bed with his face turned towards the door. I walked towards him and squatted in front of him. "Harry." I whispered as my hand gently stroked his face. He groaned. "Have some paracetamol love." I grabbed the pack from the nightstand. "My head hurts." He slowly opened one of his eyes. I smiled at him "I know. Sit up for me."
He pushed himself up and turned over so he was sitting against the headboard. He took the tablet along with almost the entire glass of water. "Was I mean?" He asked quietly. I laughed "Uhm... I've had much worse." He groaned as he covered his face with his hands. "Sorry." He mumbled. "Don't be. You were completely gone with the fairies." I said sarcastically. He chuckled but then winced, probably from the pounding headache. "Go back to sleep. I'll have breakfast downstairs when you're ready." I quickly pecked his forehead. "You're too good to me." He replied as he returned to his previous position.
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ellieluvr420 · 4 months
Friends? Never. Pt.6 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
Sorry this is a shorter chapter and a lot of speech but I felt like you guys needed to see this because I think it is just too cute
"Leave me alone."
"No Ellie, I need to change your bandages."
"No fuck off I'm sleeping."
"Well you're obviously fucking not. Stop being such a baby."
"Hey I am a wounded hero right now okay? You should be nice to me."
"A hero would not be being this much of a pussy about having their bandages changed."
"Ughhhhhhhh." She groans and throws her head back which is about the best temper tantrum she can throw as a result of the throbbing pains all over her body.
"I'm gonna start with the one on your stomach okay." You explain gently as you lift her top to expose the bandages wrapped around her torso. She had been grazed by a bullet shot by one of her team as they were trying to shoot the clicker that had grabbed hold of her and there was a large bruise painting her back purple and blue from where she had been slammed down onto the floor so hard as she had explained. You had seen all the wounds multiple times now as you've changed her bandages throughout the past night and day but the sight of them still never failed to make you feel nauseous. Your lower lip had wobbled and the familiar lump in your throat had returned when you inspected them for the first time and you still have to push the same feelings down now. "This is gonna sting okay, I'm sorry." You warn her before pouring alcohol over the graze wound. She hissed and writhed a little while calling you multiple names under her breath but you could tell she was forcing herself to stay as still as possible to make it easy for you. "You know the drill." She groans and turns on her uninjured side so that you can rub the ointment Maria had dropped round over the bruise on her back. The small whine she let out as your hand soothed over the bruise made your stomach drop but it also caused a heat to grow between your legs that you huffed at, now was not the time but your body disagreed with you. You take your time wrapping fresh bandages round her and then gently guide her to lay back once again.
"How about we do the other ones in ten minutes?" You sigh at her with a displeased look on your face until she squeezes your arm. "Please, just let me catch my breath okay?"
You had been so focused on making sure the wounds were clean and dressed that you hadn't noticed the blatant pain turning her face grey. "Yeah, of course. Just relax." Ellie had never been weak, so seeing her in such agony made your heart clench for her. You sat at her bedside while she laid staring at the ceiling taking as deep breaths in and out as the pain in her torso would let her. You watched as the colour returned to her face slightly until her bright but tired eyes turned to you as she offered a little nod signalling she was ready to go again.
You focused on her face this time, repeating the same steps of cleaning the cuts with alcohol and rubbing ointment onto the bruises as carefully as possible. You trace your finger over the jagged edges of the large cut over her cheekbone and sigh. "Are you sure you don't want me to stitch this? This is going to be a bad scar." You pout at her a little.
"No I'm good, let's keep the stitches for the life threatening injuries yeah? Besides girls think scars are hot so this will give me game." She smirks and immediately winces at the sudden movement as you roll your eyes.
"Oh do they now?"
"Yeah 100 percent, you can't tell me you're not getting hot looking at me right now." She eyes you knowingly and you scowl.
"I can and I am. I think it would be way hotter if you let me stitch it up because it's still bleeding Ellie it's been almost a full 24 hours since you got it. Can't have you passing out on me from blood loss can we?"
"How about we let me pass out from blood loss and then you stitch me up?" She gives you puppy eyes and you shake your head in disagreement. "Fine, you can stitch me up but you better do a good job."
"Are you kidding I'm a pro." You say as you're already running over to the medical bag Maria had dropped over with the ointment to grab the needle and thread. You walk back over to Ellie as she eyes you with a grumpy expression. "Promise I'll be quick." You offer a small smile but she just looks back up to the ceiling bracing herself for what was coming next.
"Ow, fucker." She mutters as the needles pierces her skin for the last time before you tie off the stitch with a triumphant smile. You let out a shaky breath you hadn't realised you were holding and her eyes snap to yours.
"Were you nervous? You stuck a needle in my face while you were nervous?"
"No I just didn't want to breathe in your face. I had some pickles with my lunch."
"Ew you're so gross but I can literally see your hands shaking right now you liar!" You put away the thread and leave the needle on the side to deal with later as you walk back over to her with a small handheld mirror.
"Fine I was nervous but look how much better that looks hm." She runs a finger over the stitches and hands the mirror back to you.
"Thank you." She forces out under her breath.
"What was that?"
"Oh don't be a dick." You laugh as you sit back down by her bedside.
"Another ten minutes?"
"Yeah, please." She smiles as you both remain quiet letting her gather herself for the wounds you had to tend to on her arms and legs. There was a large gash up her thigh that you had already stitched yesterday and smaller cuts and bruises littering the rest of her legs. Her arms were okay, only minor injuries here and there but there was one cut on the back of her arm that she hadn't let you see yet, she had insisted that it was just easier for her to deal with that one because of the placement and because it was gross and after a heated argument last night you had given in and let her have her way.
She nodded at you once again and you repeated the process on her legs and arms until you got to the bandage covering the mysterious cut. You steadily started reaching to unwrap it until her free hand grabbed your wrist so hard it hurt and her knuckles went white as she pulled your hand away with a scowl on her face.
"Are you actually being serious Ellie? I've tended to all of your wounds and stitched two of them, why won't you just let me see it?"
"I already told you so just mind your fucking business." At her words you stood from your position kneeling over her with a dark look in your eyes.
"Mind my fucking business? Watch your fucking mouth." You spit at her as her face contorts into an expression that was a mixture of guilt and fear. "I've stayed by your bedside since I dragged your ass home. I've fed you, I've treated you, I've done everything for you and you tell me to mind my business. This is my business! This became my business when you didn't come home when you said you would last night and I had a heart attack thinking you were dead."
"You say that like its my fucking fault."
"It's not your fault Ellie but you're being a prick right now. Show me what's under the fucking bandage."
"No." She huffs and looks away from you and back up to the ceiling until you grab her chin and angle her face towards yours that was a picture of rage and awfully close to hers.
"Show. Me. The. Cut. Or I will walk out right now and leave you to deal with all of this yourself." There is nothing on your face that says you aren't being dead serious right now so she sighs and nods defeatedly.
"Okay fine. But I need to tell you something first, can you please sit down." Your tongue pokes at the inside of your cheek as you contemplate for a moment before sitting down on the chair you had spent the past 24 hours perched on. "Please don't freak out."
"I'm not going to, just spit it out."
"Okay." She holds out her tattooed arm to you and your eyebrow raises. "See this scar under here. That is a chemical burn I gave to myself."
"I gave myself the chemical burn to cover what was underneath. When I was 14 I was bitten by a runner before Joel found me and took me in, nothing happened, obviously, because... I'm immune."
Your first instinct is to laugh but the look of pleading and desperation in her eyes tells you she's serious and your face drops. "You're immune?"
"Yeah, I was bitten when I was 14 and like I said, nothing happened okay? So please don't freak out." She holds her arm out to you for you to unwrap the bandage and as you do you gasp quietly at the sight of the bite mark. The skin around it was raised and there were pulses of purple running under the skin as well as small blisters and scabs, the bite mark itself was red and raised and as you go to run a hand over it she slaps it away. "Put gloves on."
"Oh come on, touching it isn't going to infect me."
"I don't care, put them on anyway." You roll your eyes and go back over to the bag to retrieve a pair of gloves that you snap on before racing back to her and taking her arm in your hands gently.
"Does anyone else know?"
"Joel, obviously, Maria and Tommy do too but that's it so you can't tell anyone, please." She looks panicked as if she's expecting you to run out of the house and organise a witch hunt against her but you don't. You stay frozen staring at the bite mark running your fingers over the bumpy surface as gently as possible.
"I'm not going to tell anyone Ellie, don't worry. What have you been doing to it so far?" She's taken back by your calmness but she gulps and presses on.
"Nothing really, it will heal over with time, I've just been cleaning it and rebandaging it."
"Okay." You immediately grab the alcohol and hold it up to her so she knows to brace herself before you pour it over the wound generously then rebandage it and place her arm down softly. Neither of you say anything at first, you just hold eye contact until you clear your throat. "How were you bit the first time?"
She tells the story of her and Riley and you hang onto every word, eventually the conversation moves from her getting bitten to Joel taking her in and their journey across the country. You're so enthralled by her words you don't notice when she stops speaking to just look at your stunned expression. "Are you freaking out?"
"No no I'm fine, it's just... a lot." She chuckles and nods in agreement before grabbing your hand.
"I'm sorry for being a dick, most people would see the bite mark and shoot me without a second thought."
"Yeah well I'm not most people."
"No you're not." A comfortable silence falls over the both of you as your hand remains in hers until she grimaces.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah yeah I'm fine but you've been sitting on that chair for way too long, surely you're in pain."
"I'm good."
"Just come sit on the bed at least."
"No you need to rest."
"I can rest with you sitting on the bed, come on." She clumsily shifts herself over on the bed to make room for you to reluctantly sit next to her, you sit down so softly she feels like she's a bomb that's about to go off and she can't stop the chuckle that leaves her lips watching you tiptoe around her.
"What are you laughing at?"
"Nothing, just that Jesse told me when he came over earlier that you went off at him just before we got back. The image makes me laugh." It wasn't entirely a lie but it wasn't entirely the truth.
"Oh he told you that?" You sound ashamed as you avoid eye contact.
"Yeah he said he was actually really scared you were gonna kill him in that moment. I'm impressed." You smile and she smiles at the sight as you turn to look at her once again.
"He was actually scared? Good. I was going to kill him."
"Because I wanted to kill you and you weren't there so he was the next best thing."
"See there you go again, you do realise I didn't tell the horde to come attack us right?"
"Well I don't know you could've been fucking around and attracted them to you."
"Says the girl that ran off on me the other day for apples."
"Oh whatever." You go to stand but she places a hand around your wrist willing you to stay put.
"Seriously though, what was going on with you yesterday?"
"You said you would come home at five. And you didn't."
"Careful it's actually starting to sound like you care about me."
"Ellie I do fucking care about you. I was seconds away from fleeing to come find you myself. I thought you were dead and I felt like I was dying. You keep joking about it but you don't realise how lucky you are. I just got you back you can't leave me again." Your voice was laced with desperation as it cracked and trembled.
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm fine okay, I'm sorry I scared you."
"Please don't ever do that again."
"I won't." She runs her hand closest to you down your cheek before cupping it gently and pulling you towards her until your lips meet in a slow, passionate kiss that causes butterflies to erupt not just in your stomach but all over your body. She licks at your bottom lip with her tongue which prompts you to open your mouth and let her muscle slip inside. Your body feels like its on fire as you gently hold her face with both hands and deepen the kiss, pushing back against her tongue with yours as they dance with each other. You kiss until you both need to pull away for air and the string of spit that connects your lips sends your heartbeat straight to your core.
"I forgot you said you had eaten pickles for lunch." She scrunches her face in fake disgust as you gasp at her. "I'm kidding, relax... I like pickles." She laughs at the scowl you were wearing as she pulls you back in to kiss again this time running her free hand up your side and squeezing at your waist. Her hand attempts to snake its way under your top but you pull away and tut at her.
"As much as I would love to, you need to rest."
"Oh come on, I'm fine." She goes to sit up but winces and groans as she accepts defeat not daring to look at your smug face. "You're literally giving me blue balls right now."
"You'll live. You also don't have balls."
"Spiritually I do." You scoff at her and roll your eyes before running a hand through her tangled hair until the knots stop you in your tracks.
"We need to brush your hair, it's a mess."
"Don't argue with me, we're doing it." You say sternly enough that she doesn't think to object again, simply turning away from you so you had access to the majority of her hair. You grab her brush that you had to search for on the floor and return to her on the bed. Starting from the bottom you work all the knots out until its soft and tangle-free. "You know it wouldn't get so knotted if you let me braid it." You almost sing out at her.
"If I say no are you going to do it anyway?"
"Yeah probably."
"Fine go on then, whatever." You squeal and go up on your knees to get a better angle, you had underestimated how difficult it would be to do a braid on someone lying down but as you look down at the french braid that barely touched the back of her neck your heart swelled. She rolled onto her back to look at your excited face and she almost isn't slightly annoyed at you for putting a braid in her hair.
You gazed down at Ellie taking in just how cute she looked with her hair pulled back into the braid, the grumpy look on her face only making her look cuter.
"You're so horrible to me."
"Shut up or I won't feed you tonight." She gasps.
"You wouldn't!"
"Try me." A cocky grin appears on your face as you brush a stray hair that had already fallen out of the braid away from her face. You peck her lips sweetly and smile into the kiss, savouring the bubble you had around yourselves before it bursts and brings you back down to Earth.
tags: @emiliabby @readbydayana @radioheadfan699
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hungermakesmonsters · 5 months
Catch Me If You Can
Chapter Fourteen
Plot summary : When your friend interviews for a position at Anvil, you have a chance encounter with Billy Russo. He takes you for coffee and, by the time you’re done, Billy decides he’s anything but done with you.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R 
Chapter Rating : R - very smutty (it gets messy)
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] This chapter contains very vague mentions of Billy's assault by Arthur other than that, it just gets dirty. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : ~5.1k
A/N : This is set over a period of three weeks and I wrote a lot of it over the holidays while drinking wine which is the excuse I'm using for the smut being extra smutty. Also it's Billy's birthday! I know I say this every time, but thanks for reading!
Chapter Fourteen
You woke pressed back against Billy, his arms holding you tight against his chest. He’d been so exhausted the night before that you didn’t want to wake him, but you needed to get ready for work and you were sure he’d be needed at Anvil. Turning in his arms, you placed a hand on his cheek, lightly caressing his face with your thumb until he started to stir. The moment his eyes opened and he realised where he was, his lips pulled into a gentle smile.
“Hey,” he muttered, voice guff and sleepy.
“How did you sleep?” Thumb still tenderly brushing his cheek.
“Better than I have in years,” he answered, but still looked like he needed a few more hours. “What time is it?”
“Seven-thirty; I’ve gotta get up for work,” you yawned. “D’you want waffles?”
Billy didn’t answer. Instead his arms tightened around you, keeping you against him, his eyes shutting. “Five more minutes.”
There was something unbelievably soft about him in that moment, something cute, and you couldn’t deny him. It was strange to think that this was only the third time you’d woken up beside him because, already, you were certain you didn’t want to go back to waking up without him. With a soft sigh, you snuggled closer and closed your eyes, indulging him for  five more minutes.
As promised, you made waffles and a pot of coffee, and enjoyed a little more time with him before you had to leave for work. You didn’t make plans to see him again, but Billy barely managed to make it to midday before texting to ask if he could stay over again that night, bribing you with promises of takeout. And, of course, you said yes. 
It quickly became a regular thing; Billy coming round after work, eating together (sometimes take out, sometimes you’d cook), then you’d sit in front of the TV, enjoying each other's company before curling up in bed together.
You shared so many sweet moments and got to know each other - Billy even tried to explain baseball to you. (You didn’t have the heart to tell him that you still didn’t understand at the end, but you loved listening to him talk.)
“Did you ever play?” You asked, trying to picture a younger Billy in a baseball uniform, all cute rosy cheeks and devious smiles.
“Kinda - we used to play stickball since no one had a real bat,” he explained, “got to play at school though.”
“Yeah? Were you any good?”
“I used to think maybe I’d get a scholarship and go on to play in the majors,” he grinned, but the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, and there was a sadness in his words you didn’t understand.
“Why didn’t you?”
“I, uh - I got hurt.”
“You shoulder?” You guessed, thinking back on all the times you’d seen him twitch and shift, remembering the scar you’d never asked about. Billy winced at your realisation.
“Yeah,” he let out a sigh, “when I was about ten, maybe eleven, there was this guy who used to volunteer at the group home; used to play stickball and hoops with us, we all thought he was so cool...”
He fell silent for a second or two, but it seemed to last a lifetime. Dread coiled in your stomach and, even though you had no idea what he was going to say, you were preparing yourself for the worst.
“When he called me pretty I knew something was wrong. I wasn’t interested in the games he wanted to play,” his gaze drifted away from you, “I swung at him with the stickball bat - got him pretty good a couple of times too. Prick paid me back by breaking my arm and tearing my rotator cuff...”
Before he’d even finished, your arms were around him, holding him tight. Your heart felt like it was shattering but in all that sadness, there was something else; rage. You wanted to hurt the piece of shit who’d dared lay a hand on Billy. You wanted to kill him.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead and holding you just as tight. “I’m fine now.”
You didn’t say anything else about it - you didn’t know what you could say. So, instead, you just spent the rest of the night holding him tight, sad but happy that he’d trusted you enough to tell you.
As the days ticked by, you had more little moments with Billy, slowly getting to know each other, both revealing things you might have otherwise kept to yourself.
While watching a movie together, he noticed your gaze dropping uncomfortably as the lead character started to shed her clothes and your fingers started to pull at your sleeve. He didn’t say anything at first but, a couple of hours later you found his fingers around your wrist, his finger tracing the edge of your sleeve. When you looked up, you found an uncertain look on his face.
“What?” You asked, not sure you wanted an answer.
“I just -” he let out a slow exhale, thinking before continuing, “- I want you to know you never have to hide your scars from me. I know you don’t like people seeing them, but I want you to know that there isn’t a single part of you that I don’t think is perfect.”
“I don’t feel perfect,” but you weren’t prepared to have that conversation just yet, “but, thank you, Billy.”
“Scars don’t make you who you are, sweetheart.” He answered softly, kissing your cheek with a softness you didn’t know he was capable of.
It started to feel like you were getting an intensive crash course in all things Billy Russo and by the end of the second week, you were practically living together; he stayed every night, save the nights Tammy returned to the apartment. He took to taking things slowly better than you thought he would, but there were still some awkward mornings.
About a week in, you woke to find that his hand had slipped into your pyjama bottoms in his sleep, his fingers between your folds, coated in your arousal. His hard cock pressed against your ass. Half-asleep, you squirmed, trying to pull away, only to make the situation worse. His hold on you tightened, hips starting to grind against you from behind. You almost gave in as his fingers started to move.
“Billy,” you grumbled, pulling his hand from between your thighs, leaving you achingly unfulfilled.
He stirred behind you and quickly rolled away, muttering an apology as he left your room, no doubt heading for the bathroom. You tried to call after, to tell him it was okay, but he was gone before you could get the words out.
Fifteen minutes passed before he returned and, rather than getting back into bed, he sat on the edge of the bed, dropping his head into his hands. You gave him a moment before moving, kneeling behind him and wrapping your arms around him, not wanting him to feel bad about it. 
“Come back to bed,” you muttered, pressing your lips to his bad shoulder, and pulling him until he finally relented.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed as you settled beside him again, resting your head on his chest so you could listen to the beating of his heart.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I was dreaming about you,” he confessed, causing your heart to stutter in your chest.
“I’m sorry,” you offered a moment later, “I know taking things slowly can’t be easy for you.”
“It’s not,” your stomach dropped, “but it’s worth it. You’re worth it.” 
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and held you tight, the both of you soon falling asleep again. It happened a few more times over the following days; you’d catch him sneaking out to the bathroom, boxers uncomfortably tented. And, every time it happened, you found yourself reaching for your vibrator the moment that he’d left for the day, your own frustrations slowly getting the better of you.
But it felt like you were getting somewhere, like the thing between you was becoming something real, something that meant something. 
Everything came to a head around Billy’s birthday - which, you hadn’t even realised was his birthday at the time. One day, around the three week mark, he turned up earlier than usual.
“Frank sent me home,” he explained, sounding annoyed as he kicked off his boots and hung up his coat.
“How come?” 
“He’s got this stupid thing about people working on their birthdays,” he sighed, taking himself to the sofa and sitting down while you stood speechless, staring at him in confusion.
“It’s your birthday?” You were mortified - you hadn’t known, you hadn’t prepared. You hadn’t even gotten him so much as a card. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t really celebrate my birthday,” he shrugged, “don’t worry about it.”
It made sense, you supposed, growing up the way he had, birthdays probably hadn’t been a big deal for him like they had been for you. But that didn’t mean that it shouldn’t be a big deal now, that you shouldn’t at least try to do something for him.
You came up with a plan, something silly and small, something you hoped Billy would appreciate. But, in true Tammy fashion, she had to throw a spanner in the works, deciding that she needed the apartment the following night so she could catch up with her friends, meaning she would be inviting people like Michelle around to get drunk. 
Reluctantly, you asked Billy if you could stay at the penthouse. It was the first time you’d been back since the day you’d walked out on him and, despite all the time you’d spent with him since then, it scared you, you felt like you had less control in his space instead of your own. But it was the only option if you wanted to do something for his birthday.
Billy arranged for the doorman, Marvin, to let you into the penthouse before he got home, giving you time to set up your surprise. It was silly, really, just some balloons and a birthday cake to eat after the dinner you were going to cook for him. After setting up - getting all the food in the oven, putting some candles on the table, and tying the balloons to the backs of the chairs - you changed into a dark red dress and put up your hair, pulling it out of your face.
Then came the awkward waiting as the minutes ticked by, flitting between excitement and worry with every passing minute. What if he didn’t like it?
By the time the elevator opened, the whole penthouse smelled like roasted meat and vegetables, and Billy looked - well, he looked tired. And confused.
“What’s going on?” He asked as you moved to meet him, smoothing out your dress before helping him out of his coat.  The confusion on his face deepened when he noticed the balloons.
“I know you said you don’t really celebrate your birthday,” your voice broke and your gaze dropped, anxiety clawing beneath your ribs, “it just - it didn’t seem right not to do anything, and I thought -”
“You did all this for me?”
You looked up to find the sweetest, softest smile on his lips, the sort of smile that was so rare your chest ached at the sight.
“It’s just some food and balloons,” you shrugged.
“It’s perfect,” the smile stayed firmly on his lips as he cleared the distance between you, wrapping you in his arms and kissing you.
Melting against him you completely surrendered to the kiss, to Billy. It had been so long since he’d kissed you like that, with a barely contained want that set your heart racing. You felt his fingers tangle in the fabric of your dress and, when he finally pulled back, you caught that familiar look in his eyes; he was barely holding himself back.
His dark gaze held yours, flickering and sparking with desire as you bit your lip, knowing you should pull away. But you didn’t want to. He wet his lips before leaning slowly, lips so close to yours when -
You almost jumped out of your skin as the alarm on your phone started to sound.
Billy snapped back to the moment too, letting go of your dress and taking an awkward half-step back. But, for a second longer, you held his gaze, heart still pounding, longing for what could have been.
“I should -” you started, awkwardly clearing your throat, shaking your head, “- dinner is almost ready.”
“Right,” he answered, staying exactly where he was, his hand twitching at his side, desperate to reach for you again, “I’ll go get cleaned up.”
“Right,” you forced a breath, lingering a moment more before turning and heading back to the kitchen.
Over dinner you made small talk, asking about his day, listening as he vaguely explained some of the on-going issues with Anvil. Apparently the security issue was still driving Frank crazy and, in turn, he had been stressing Billy out over it.
Once you were done eating (and after you’d sung happy birthday to Billy and made him blow out the candles on his cake) you ended up on the sofa, pressed against Billy’s side with his arm wrapped around you, watching a movie that you quickly lost interest in. After an hour or so, you lifted your head to look at him, finding him staring at you.
“What?” you asked quietly, nervously. 
“You’re amazing,” he muttered softly, pressing his lips to your forehead in such a tender way that it made your heart skip a beat. “Thank you, for all of this.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” you answered, pressing closer, lifting your head, “you deserve it.” 
Without warning, you kissed him, knowing that there was only so much your words could say. You were gentle at first, Billy let you set the pace, let you press closer and closer, let your tongue softly brush against his own while you climbed onto his lap. He let you make all of the first moves, only speeding up when you did, waiting until you put your hands on him before he finally touched you.
One hand tangled in your hair, ruining the updo, while the other found your bare thigh beneath your dress, his touch sparking your arousal and causing a familiar heat between your thighs. You lost yourself to the moment, to him, knowing that this time there was no alarm waiting to disturb you. Your hips began to move, slowly at first but soon turning desperate, soft moans spilling from your lips once you felt the press of his erection against you.
“Billy -” you gasped against his lips, pleading for more, for all the things you couldn’t put into words.
“Are you sure?” He’d only ask once, and once you said yes there would be no going back to the calm safety of the last three weeks. He gave your hair a gentle tug, forcing you to look at him, letting him see the lust and want in your eyes when you finally answered.
“I need you,” you begged, still grinding against the hard outline of his cock, “please.”
He didn’t answer - he didn’t have to. He just kissed you fiercely, possessively, while the hand on your thigh moved upwards.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re soaked,” he all but growled against your lips as his fingers started to touch you through wet lace. You keened, desperate and eager for his touch. “What got you so wet?”
“You, Billy.”
He grinned, rewarding you by slipping his fingers into your panties, running his thick digits through your arousal, coating them in it before, finally, sinking two into you. You cried out, your fingers gripping his shoulders as he started to fuck you with them, reminding you just what you’d been missing out on. And, once he started to work his thumb over your clit, you were a goner.
You’d have been embarrassed about coming so fast if it wasn’t for his shit-eating grin and the fact you needed to get him out of his clothes. But the moment you started to pull at his shirt, he took hold of your wrists, restraining you while he kissed you. 
“Not here, I need you in my bed,” he told you in a low, breathless voice, sounding barely in control of himself.
You lost yourself in the blur that followed; Billy carrying you to the bedroom, pulling off each other’s clothes, and eventually finding yourself thrown back onto his bed, your legs open as he knelt between them. Your gaze dropped to his cock standing thick and hard; it was enough to make your mouth water.
“Not yet,” he told you, reading your mind. Lifting your leg, he started to trail kisses down your thigh, causing you to squirm in anticipation, hips lifting as he sank down. “So fucking wet and needy.”
The only answer you gave was a moan when you felt his tongue start to run through your arousal in long, slow strokes. He lapped at your dripping slit, groaning against you, reacquainting himself with your pussy before turning his attention to your clit. Your whole body shook, fingers threading through his hair and holding him close as he started to devour you. You came against his lips, crying his name and begging him for more.
Trembling, you knew Billy was only just getting started; you’d already come twice but you were longing to know what came next.
He moved up your body, lips and fingers reacquainting himself with every inch of you, until his hips were slotted between your thighs and you felt the familiar nudge of his cock at your entrance. But, instead of filling you, Billy paused.
His hesitation was palpable as he took a slow breath and pressed his forehead to yours, eyes closed tight.
“I don’t think I can be gentle,” he admitted, and your breath caught. 
“Then don’t be,” you whispered, “fuck me, Billy. You won’t break me.” reaching down, you took his cock in hand and started to tease the tip through your wet folds. “I want you to fuck me.”
His fingers gripped your hip and, finally, his cock slowly began to slip inside you. After  weeks of just your vibrator, having Billy inside you again was overwhelming, his impressive size stretching you like it was the first time all over again, and the two orgasms you’d already had left you feeling overstimulated. Squirming beneath him, you drew your thighs to his hips, desperate to take every inch of him. Once he bottomed out, he stilled breathing heavily.
When he didn’t move, you let out a whine and started to rock your hips, so close to coming now he was inside you again.
“Stop,” he gasped, “you’re gonna make me come too quick.”
It broke you to know he was barely holding on, that you could have that effect on him. You bit your lips as you stared up at the beautiful man on top of you, fingers running through his hair before you coaxed him down and into a slow kiss, giving him the time he needed.
When he finally started to move, he took things slowly, giving you both something you hadn’t even realised you needed. You felt every inch, every throb and twitch, you felt just how deep inside you he could reach. Everything was Billy and nothing else existed.
Each slow but purposeful thrust of his cock filled you in a way no one else ever had or would. And, when he lifted himself to kneel between your legs, changing the angle so you could feel the ridge of his shaft rubbing that special spot inside you, you couldn’t hold back.
“Fuck, Billy, I’m so close,” you gasped.
“Come for me, sweetheart,” he told you in a barely contained voice, not asking but telling.
And you did, crying out as your body submitted to him without hesitation, back arching off the bed. The look on his face turned possessive, dominant, and that should have scared you - it should have scared you how easily you’d done what he wanted, how easily you’d given yourself to him. But it didn’t. It felt so good to not overthink, to just let him take control and bring you pleasure. You kept moaning his name, writhing beneath him as he continued to lay claim to you.
“I love how wet you get after coming, just listen,” he all but growled, hips finally picking up the pace. At any other time you would have been mortified by the sounds your body was making as he drove his cock into you but, now, you only wanted more. “Only thing that sounds better is the way you moan when I come inside you.”
You’d missed his filthy mouth, missed the way it made you feel to hear all his dirtiest thoughts while he fucked you.
“I haven’t come since the last time I was inside you,” he confessed in a breathless grunt, still pounding his cock into you in a way that made your eyes roll back in your head. He’d waited four weeks for this, for you. (So he hadn’t been jerking off all those mornings, he’d been waiting it out.)
“Please, Billy -” you begged mindlessly, pleading with him, every fibre of your being needing, wanting. 
“You want me to come, sweetheart?”
“Yes!” His cock hitting just the right spot, causing your legs to tremble and your back to arch.
“You want me to fill your needy little pussy with cum?” He grit out, obviously getting close to breaking point.
“Please -” you continued to beg with a desperation that surprised both of you, walls clenching around him, trying to fight off your own end.
“Say it.” He demanded in a sudden, dominant tone that sent a thrill through your whole body and left you unable and unwilling to deny him. 
“Fill me with cum, Billy” you cried out without hesitation, “please - please -”
You kept begging desperately beneath him until you felt his cock twitch inside you. You cried out as you shattered, your inner walls violently convulsing around him as he continued to fuck you, spilling himself in the deepest parts of you.
Another cry tore from your lips as he hit that sensitive spot inside of you. Overwhelmed and overstimulated, you felt a sudden gush of wetness between your thighs, causing your whole body to quake. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, yes,” Billy groaned, pulling at your leg so he could hit that same spot over and over again, still pounding into your as he emptied himself, his fingers frantically rubbing your clit. You felt another gush before your vision started to blur. It felt like it was never going to end, like he was going to keep you in your moment of pleasure forever. His name was the only word you could form and, when he looked at you, you both knew the truth; you were his in every way.
By the time he was done, you were a trembling, panting mess beneath him. He stayed inside you, the last of his orgasm petering away to nothing, while you struggled to keep your eyes open.
Staring down at you, he groaned at the fucked-out expression on your face.
“You did so good,” he muttered softly, leaning to press his lips to your forehead, his hand tenderly cupping your cheek. “I always wondered what it’d take to fuck your brains out.”
At any other time you would have made a joke, told him that your brains were still exactly where they were meant to be, but you were too exhausted, your body still trembling. All you could do was let out a soft whine and that did something to Billy.
“It’s ok, I’ve got you,” he murmured tenderly, thumb softly caressing your cheek.
Kissing you softly, his tongue swept along the seam of your lips until you opened for him, giving him what he wanted, knowing there was nothing you’d deny him in that moment (or, perhaps, ever again). You moaned into his mouth, letting him kiss you as he softened inside you.
“I’m gonna pull out now, sweetheart,” he told you softly, despite the grin on his lips, “it might be messy, you made me come so hard.”
Another moan stole from your lips, your eyes closing tight as he slipped from your body, trying not to think about the wet mess he’d left between your thighs. When you dared to look, he was standing at the foot of the bed, staring down at you. Despite your embarrassment, you didn’t have the strength to close your legs.
“You look so perfect like this,” he muttered, softly placing a hand on your still-trembling thigh. A spark of thrill ran through you, loving the way he was looking at you, like you were the most perfect thing in the world to him. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m gonna take such good care of you. You just stay right there.”
Your eyes closed as he disappeared into the bathroom, the sound of running water soon following. He soon returned to the bedroom to scoop you off the bed, holding you tight as he carried you into the bathroom and climbed into the tub with you, sitting behind you as he lowered you into the running water.
“Tell me if it gets too hot,” he whispered softly, pulling your hair away from your neck so he could kiss along your shoulder.
Snuggling against him, you felt yourself drifting off as the hot, bubbly water continued to rise around you. His arms wrapped around you possessively, and you’d never been happier than you were in that moment.
“Thank you, Billy,” you murmured, half-asleep.
“What for?”
“For waiting for me.”
He let out a gentle sigh. “You don’t have to thank me for that, sweetheart. You’re worth every second,” pressing his lips to your neck as he spoke. “Anyway, I should be thanking you; this was the best birthday party I’ve ever had.”
You smiled softly, quickly drifting off, not rousing again until you felt Billy gently washing you, soaping your arms and shoulders.
“Did I fall asleep?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, you did.” You didn’t have to see his face to know he was smiling. “You must’ve exhausted yourself; you put on quite a show.”
“I’ve never -” you didn’t even have the words for whatever that in bed had been, but you felt your cheeks start to warm with embarrassment, “- I mean, not like that...”
“Did you like it?” He asked, hands running over the scars on your arms, washing away the bubbles.
Giving a soft hum, you thought about it for a second. “It was intense - everything always feels more intense with you.” Then, awkwardly, after a moment's pause, you dared to ask; “did you like it - me doing... that.”
You weren’t used to candid conversations about sex, not like Billy - before him you’d always been told what you wanted, what you enjoyed, and how you were supposed to feel about it. But, with Billy, he always listened, he always gave you what you wanted, what you liked.
“I like everything you do in bed, sweetheart,” he answered, still sounding like he was smiling, like he was happy. “But, yeah, I really liked it. I’d love to do that to you again.”
Your breath caught just at the thought, allowing yourself to think about how different everything suddenly felt now that you’d taken the time to get to know each other. It meant something now - what, you weren’t sure, but as your head shifted on his chest and you heard his racing heart, you were certain Billy felt it too.
When the water started to cool, Billy pulled the plug before gently lifting you out of the tub and sitting you on the edge. He wrapped a towel around himself before starting to dry you. Every touch was  meticulous but gentle and, for reasons you didn’t entirely understand, you found yourself blinking back tears.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He asked, finally noticing when you tried to wipe your eyes with your hand.
“No one’s ever looked after me like you do,” you sniffled, not sure why you were suddenly overcome with emotion.
He wiped your tears away with the towel before pulling his robe from the back of the door and wrapping you up in it. His arms wrapped around you and he held you tight while you fought back the urge to cry. After everything you’d been through with him, it was impossible not to feel vulnerable.
“I’ll always look after you,” he promised as he lifted you up, “nothing’s ever gonna change that.”
Billy quickly whisked you back into the bedroom and sat you down in the armchair by the window while he stripped the messy bedding and replaced it with fresh linen. Then, before you knew it, you were deposited back in his bed while Billy dimmed the lights and turned on the TV before snuggling up with you.
You watched TV and dozed in his arms for the next couple of hours, until he finally turned off the lights so you could both sleep. You laid facing him, nose to nose, letting out a gentle sigh. when, without warning, he nudged your legs apart and you felt the ridge of his hard cock between your folds again.
With slow movements of his hips he teased himself against you until your arousal started to wet his cock. You mewled softly, too exhausted to do much of anything beyond what your body was already doing of its own accord. His hand soon slipped between you, directing his erection to your slickened slit.
“Billy -” you moaned as you felt his tip start to nudge its way into you, “I don’t think I can...”
He shushed you softly. “It’s okay, sweetheart, I just want to fall asleep inside of you. I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
When you didn’t object further, you felt his cock start to slowly fill you. A soft moan spilled from you but it was quickly swallowed by his lips as he kissed you gently, tenderly. And, once he was buried inside of you, his arms held you tight against his chest.
“Mine,” Billy whispered, pressing one last sweet kiss to your lips.
And you were.
You were completely Billy’s now. You just weren’t sure how to tell him…
END NOTES : I didn't mean for this to get so long but I didn't want to break it up. I liked playing around with them actually learning a bit about each other and functioning like a normal couple for a while. I have a bonus Christmas thing that I wanted to post earlier, but it wouldn't have worked with where the story was, so I'm probably going to be posting that on Sunday - you don't have to read it to keep up with the story though (it's just a bit of smutty xmas fun).
Anyway, as always, thank you so much for reading this, it's really great to see how many of you come by week after week and I really appreciate every single one of you!!
If you want adding/removing from the tag list let me know (I know it's not working for everyone - if it's not working and you don't want to miss a chapter, I post pretty much every friday, though there will be a bonus chapter going up on sunday)
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g-xix · 27 days
🔞Tinder Vid | King Kenny
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Summary: in which Y/n goes to a Sidemen Tinder shoot and finds herself face to face with her ex, Kenny, for the first time in a long time, yet there's no awkward break-up tension - no - instead, just sexual tension... CW's: lingerie, restraints, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, creampie Wordcount: 2.7k
"Hi, I'm Y/n, I'm twenty-six and I'm from Essex."
Ethan cheered as you walked onto the set and stated your London roots, making you giggle before Harry stepped up and said a poem that had your hand slapped over your mouth, eyes wide as the other boys screamed and turned their backs to deep what he just said.
That wasn't going to make it into the video.
A swipe left took Harry to the reject side, as the rest of the boys slowly stepped up and began saying their Tinder video lines which were either met with a swipe right of agreement, or swipe left of OH MY GOD NO!
Stephen was the second last to be swiped right, jumping past with a witty comment which made the boys crack up, before you looked back to the line and met eyes with your ex once more.
He looked good, one year on from the breakup. His black NASA sweater fit nicely, with the sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms, cargos also matching nicely with his white durag and trainers. He raised his head to make eye contact, looking up and down at your form and taking his lower lip between his teeth as a grin lit up on his face.
One year on and you could still tell what he looked like when he got flustered.
"Y/n," He started. You missed the way he said your name. It felt different, and it felt as though it made embers in your heart glow once more at the memory of just a year ago when you were together. You nodded your head in response, urging him to continue as you watched his smile turn into a familiar smirk as he followed up with the most outlandish line nobody could've expected. "Swipe right, unless you want to have hard n rough sex, tonight, ten o'clock at my place."
Well that wasn't what you were expecting.
And clearly none of the other boys were expecting it either, as their jaws dropped open, JJ's hands finding the back of his head as he let out an OH. MY. GOD
It seemed as though your reaction surprised them more though, as you slowly swiped LEFT with your own taunting smirk on your face.
Even Kon was shocked from behind the camera, pressing his hand to his lips as Kenny shrugged and walked to the rejected left side, cocky grin on his face nonetheless. The boys were in a state, not even knowing how to react anymore, because they knew damn well that the both of you were too stubbornly prideful to not back down from a promised commitment. Even if that was the commitment promised.
As you tried to leave the set after a a few quick admin procedures, Kenny and yourself crossed paths once again. His hand found your side almost too easily, slotting between the dip of your hip like second nature, relighting sparks in your stomach like he always would when he touched you.
"You ready for tonight?" He whispered, lips brushing against the top of your head as he spoke, smirk prevalent in his voice as his hand trailed from your hip up your waist.
"Are you sure you are?" You responded, pulling away to look up into his eyes with a cocky grin of your own which lit an almost dangerous glint in his eye.
"Oh you're so cute thinking you have any control."
"You're cute to think that I won't this time."
"I guess we'll see," His hand slowly rolled over your stomach, pulling away and leaving goosebumps where he'd touched.
"S'pose we will." You pushed his chest lightly to push him to get back to the video. You could see the other boys whispering and watching the two of you with great interest- clearly sensing some sexual tension between yourself and Kenny.
As you pulled your mic off and handed it back to Kon, you were just about to leave when Kenny called-
"Hey Y/n!"
You turned back around to face Kenny as the room fell silent to hear what was last.
"Don't forget to wear that set you know I like!"
Of course he'd try embarrass you and get the last word. The silence was broken by a few gasps of shock, and Ethan slapping his palm over his mouth which mirrored a perfect o shape.
"Yeah, as long as you don't forget to change out of your briefs before I get there."
You snickered as he opened and closed his mouth again, stumped like a goldfish as you got the last word and walked out victorious, JJ's shocked laugh following you out, along with Pinero's she's had you there.
Knock knock knock.
You'd considered not wearing the set you knew he was referencing when he tried to embarrass you, but that Victoria Secret's red could never get old.
Clearly Kenny still hadn't fixed the door, as it still let out its infamous creak as he opened it, leaning against the door frame with arms crossed and a smirk on his face. He still wore the same cargos and durag, though his sweater had been discarded, and he instead just wore a white tee which his crossed arms filled out perfectly - muscles tightening the white material and making you already feel things, without having even entered his apartment yet.
Kenny shut the door behind you before his back was slammed into the door before he could even fully turn around- letting out a gasp as your hand wrapped around the neck of his shirt, pulling him down so that his face was level with yours, your breath fanning across his lips and giving him that nostalgic shiver across his spine as he felt your lips press onto his all so familiarly, the same cocoa lip butter coating your lips and his as you kissed as though you had never broken up at all. He lost himself in the way your lips felt against his, so soft and soothing as they moved, intoxicating him with the cocoa taste and feeling of your hands moving against his sides up to his head, finding purchase around the back of his head and pulling him closer if it were even possible.
Fighting his almost overpowering yearning for you, Kenny managed to pull away after a moment, pushing you back so that it was your back that was against the wall instead. And it was then your turn to let out a surprised gasp as you felt the impact of the wall, before Kenny's body closed the gap, pushing flush against yours and sweetening the blow by cupping your face within his hands and raising your jaw to meet his lips, changing the pace and dominating the kiss as he took your bottom lip between his teeth, biting just enough to make you gasp. And he only exploited your open mouth, pushing his tongue into your mouth and ravaging it, roughening the kiss as his hands started running down from your cheeks down to your body.
You pulled back to give yourself a moment to breathe, grinning cockily as Kenny almost looked dazed as he pulled away, eyes fluttering open as though he had woken up from his biggest dreams. "Don't enjoy it too much, I haven't even taken my clothes off yet."
"Please, don't kill my boner by taking off ANY of your clothes-"
"Wow, one whole year and still can't get hard without pills-"
"One whole year and- are you still on the pill?"
"Wanna find out?"
You let out a squeal as saying that was all it took for Kenny to throw you over his shoulder with his infamous bursting laugh, marching the two of you to the bedroom and throwing you onto the bed, climbing on top of you to reconnect your lips.
His hands inched down your body slowly, finding the sash-belt of your trench coat and pulling it apart through the kiss, looking down and separating as his jaw fell slack, eyes widening slightly as he looked down at your bare skin under the trench, clad in the set which he'd referenced- and which now regretted requesting- as he could feel the tent in his boxers tightening at a concerning rate.
Taking advantage of his pause, you expertly flipped him so that he was beneath you instead, his back landing on the mattress as he let out a huff from the impact. Your core was flush against his clothed crotch, and you grinded down- just giving the slightest bit of friction, though it was clearly enough for Kenny, as he rolled his head back and let out a groan at the feeling.
Your finger's made light work of his belt, pulling it off with ease so that you could pull down his cargos and boxers and stroke his length beneath, thumb tracing over his head and collecting the precum which you licked clean from your thumb, watching as Kenny's face contorted at the sight. Kenny was groaning at how nasty yet gorgeous you looked on top of him, needing his release there and then, when his eyes caught sight of the discarded belt and an idea popped into his head.
"Be a dear and hold your hands out,"
Holding your hands out as requested, Kenny slipped the leather around your wrists, tightening and doing the buckle, forming a pair of makeshift handcuffs around your wrists. The leather dug into your skin and locked your wrists together, but you still managed to smirk and make a snarky comment:
"You've gone soft, Ken'," You spoke which made him give you a funny look. "You would've used that belt for much filthier things, just a year ago… guess you're just not able to go as hard anymore-"
He roughly cut off your rambles by rolling you over, your face planting into the mattress with your ass up in the air as your hands were restrained behind your back, leaving you unable to support your front. A gasp came from your throat as Kenny's hand met your cheek harshly, almost definitely leaving a red hand-mark against your arse before you felt his tip trace down your folds, nudging your clit, and making your breathing turn heavier, eyes rolling backwards at the feeling.
There was a short silence where neither of you moved or said anything.
"Are you gonna beg for it, or have you forgotten how this goes?" Kenny taunted, stupid grin evident in his voice which made you roll your eyes even if he couldn't see it.
"No," You responded almost instinctually, grin against your face as you only said it jokingly. You felt Kenny pull away though, and that did panic you a bit, as you whined and rushed- "Joking Ken', I don't mean it, of course I want you."
"That doesn't sound like begging to me…"
"Just fuck me…" He make no move to do anything. "…Please."
His hands moved back to your hips, cock pushing against your aching core before he pushed slowly, making you gasp as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, Kenny slowly pushing in until his hips were flush against yours, bottomed out inside of you. He allowed you a grace period- a moment to adjust to his size- before pulling back not quite as slowly as the first time- and slamming his hips against yours. You let out an ungodly moan from the roughness of his thrust, his cock hitting a spot which only he could, that had your head spinning from the adrenaline flooding through your veins at the nostalgic pleasure you'd so craved ever since the breakup.
As another loud moan left your throat, you remembered the threats you'd heard last year- just moments after the two of you had similar, rough and loud sex, when three prompt knocks brought Kenny to the door- face to face with the landlord who warned him that one more noise complaint would have him evicted.
Apparently the neighbours weren't interested in knowing Kenny's name.
Your face was smudged into the mattress and duvet sheets already, but you bit down onto the duvet before letting out another groan as Kenny thrusted into you, the roughness sending spots into your vision as your whole body jerked from the movement- though your moan was muffled by the duvet in your mouth.
Kenny could hear the small whimpers and hushed moans you let out, trying not to be loud in memory of the strict landlord and complaining neighbours - but it had been too long without hearing those angelic moans you'd give - and Kenny wasn't going to let courtesy of the neighbours get in the way of hearing them again.
A gasp was ripped from you as Kenny's hand attached to the back of your head - wrapping your hair around his hand and using it to pull your head back and away from the duvet - pounding back into you with a thrust that made a raw moan fall from your throat, the arch from your ass all the way to your neck permitting Kenny's cock to hit a new place inside you which had your thighs shaking from the feeling.
"C'mon, you can be as loud as you want," Kenny muttered, finding a pace to fuck you, one hand on your hips being used to move you back and forth simultaneously whilst he thrusted into you, making him kiss the tip of your cervix and damn near cry with how good he felt inside of you.
Your body lurched with practically every rough thrust Kenny gave, rocking your body from not only the force, but also the way that each time he found your g-spot, you could feel a burning in the depths of your stomach which you knew was a building orgasm. And Kenny wasn't far away either - he'd missed the relationship of course - but the feeling of your tight walls around his cock, those sweet moans that each thrust elicited from you, all the talk and bite which always ended with a hard fuck: that was something he'd never be able to replicate with anyone else.
Kenny's thumb followed the slickness off your pussy down to your clit, his lubricated finger tracing tight circles over your sensitive bud and causing your whole body to jolt, the pre-orgasm euphoria building and making every atom of your body excite.
"Holy shit, I'm gonna-"
You weren't even able to finish your sentence before your arms gave out beneath you, your body collapsing against the duveted bed whilst you felt Kenny's thrusts take you to cloud nine, that euphoric brightness washing over your body like a sacrilegious purification. And Kenny kept that bliss channelling through your body as he fucked between your walls, pace staggering as he too felt his own orgasm washing through him, filling you with his cum as you cried out at that delicious feeling of his cock twitching inside you as he deposited everything - a few slowed thrusts carrying him through his orgasm as well as fucking his cum back into you… Even is after he pulled out, white still dripped from your pussy, that beautiful creampie that he'd given you a sight he savoured.
"God I missed you," Kenny breathed, his eyes unable to detach from your pretty you looked with his cum dripping from your hole.
"That's really cute and all but can you get the belt off?"
That snapped Kenny into action, realising that your face and upper body was practically crumpled into the mattress, unable to move since your hands were handcuffed behind your back because of that belt.
As soon as Kenny got the restraints off, letting you flip yourself over onto your back - you wrapped your arms around the back of Kenny's neck, pulling him down to meet your lips in a prolonged chaste kiss - all the sexual tension gone - finally letting that domestic sweetness wash over you at how nice it was to have Kenny back again.
He pulled away after a moment, breaking the kiss but not leaving, just resting his forehead against your own.
"Fuck, Ken', I've missed you too," You sighed in a fulfilled way, your whole heart feeling filled with Kenny.
"Well then if we both miss each other… Why aren't we together?"
"Do you want to get back?"
"If you do…"
"I can't believe we're agreeing to get back together straight after fucking."
"Well then let me take you out - what are you doing tomorrow night?"
"Well, now you're doing something - I'll pick you up at seven."
You couldn't even wipe the grin off of your face at that, instead choosing to wrap your arms back around his neck to give him another big kiss which he of course couldn't refuse either.
I wrote this a lil while ago, idk if you can tell from the way the smut's written(??) either way, haven't done smth for the beta squad girlies in a while so hope that's good!! Wish luck for me, today's Eng Lit GCSE 😭🙏
TAGLIST: @clarkeysbog, @mekselinaurr, @springholland, @xxkatxgracexx, @certainsaturn, @kennysimp101, @ajcs150, @martini4lyfe, @danric03, @zandrax Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
To Have And To Scold
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your best friends are getting married, and who else can they ask to be their best man and maid of honour but you and Joe? It’s just that… you don’t really get along all that well, do you? At least, that’s what you think.
CW / disclaimer: sort of enemies to sort of lovers, slooow burn, language, rpf, fem!reader, smut
Author’s note: part nine! wtf! crazy. Are we ready, girlies? Because it's go time!
Wordcount: 4.1K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten - epilogue
Never before had you ever experienced self-restraint controlled quite this fucking poorly. 
Joe started it. This was definitely all his fault, because he got all close. Told you that he had noticed your blush creeping down your neck as your chest flushed, and when that pulled a whimper from you - a fucking whimper, you were so embarrassing, oh my God - Joe was on you. 
Softly, at first. All tender, like every single touch was one too many. A light brush to your face. A barely there kiss where Joe fit your bottom lip in between his and held it there a second. Fluttering eyelashes that left butterfly kisses over a cheekbone - it all started very carefully and weirdly intimate. Like he was scared to break you.
And then you got all dumb, didn't you? You still had a bunch of angry energy to get out, and Joe could fuck right off being all sweet all of the sudden. You had only been able to take about eight seconds of it before you grabbed hold of Joe by the skull and forcefully pulled him into you.
You were all full of things you needed Joe to get out of you. Joe being all caring about it almost felt a little... mocking.
Here was this guy who, through his actions, made sure that you fully understood that he was just mildly tolerating being around you because of who the two of you were friends with. For years it had been like that. Joe would very rarely even look you in the eye, even acknowledge that you were a part of the group.
And now he was being all sweet, suddenly?
When he had you squirming in the backseat of a taxi?
Blushing from the top of your head down all the way to your toes?
This was when Joe was going to be soft and caring and delicate with you?
After you'd just shouted at each other? In front of Poppy and Mark?
Absolutely not.
Joe could keep all of his considerate actions for all you cared. This wasn't the time for them. It put Joe one step ahead of you, like how the person who stays calm in a fight has the upper hand, and you didn't appreciate it. Only got you angrier.
And then Joe sort of just... went with it.
Let you pull him into you forcefully. Let you claw your hands around his neck. Let you pull him out of the car when you were dropped off at your flat, and let you push him into your home before you slammed the front door behind you.
For a moment, you looked at him in your hallway. His lips all red from making-out, his hair disheveled from your hands messing it all up and the buttons of his shirt about halfway undone because that was how far you'd gotten.
Joe didn't move. Didn't make any moves. Looked a bit like a four-year-old waiting for his mother to pick him up from nursery. Little boy with a little backpack, face a little worried but not willing to show too much for fear of appearing too vulnerable. Big boys didn't cry.
Joe waited to see what you'd do.
Good, you thought. I'm the one in charge here.
You were winning a contest that clearly wasn't even one, but that didn't matter. Because nothing ever was a contest. You were just like that, and fuck, you loved winning.
You took a few running steps and jumped, trusting Joe would catch you, which, he did, with willing arms, and you latched yourself onto his face again. Jesus, you wanted your face on his face forever. It was a shame that Joe didn't like you. You know, not generally. Not as a person, anyway.
For now, you could pretend that he did, though.
With you in his arms, Joe started moving, and took steps in exactly the wrong direction. You didn't stop him until you were stood in your kitchen, and you pulled Joe's head back by his hair.
"Don't judge," you panted into his mouth before kissing him again. "I didn't know I was going to have people over."
Joe had no idea what you were talking about, until he got a chance to let his eyes wander around.
Your place was a right mess. Random shit strewn about, dirty dishes, evidence of takeaways, empty coke zero cans - lots of things just placed down in all the wrong spots that you'd get to later.
"Oh my Go–" Joe's grip on you loosened, and your feet found the floor again.
"I said don't judge,"
You wanted to bite Joe to distract him, so you did. You bit his lip, not harshly, but it was definitely not a friendly nibble. It was enough to leave temporary marks, and you expected Joe to react in some way. To at least maybe sort of chuckle? Or grunt? But he didn't. He just... fully accepted what you were doing and completely went with it.
With an arm behind you, you swiped some empty takeaway boxes into the sink.
You were going to fuck Joe in your dirty kitchen.
Posh, clean, designer-outfit Joe was going to have to fucking deal with your filth and, oh my God, you were definitely winning.
You hopped onto the counter, and Joe helped you a little, pushed you back so there'd be no chance of you slipping back off. You hooked your legs back around him, and then moved his hands away from your hips.
He was fast to move them to your jaw, to cup your face, but you used both your hands to get his away once more.
"So, you don't hate me, huh?" you asked as your fingers continued unbuttoning Joe's shirt, until they abandoned their task and found the button of Joe's trousers.
"N-no, I don't," Joe held both hands up and looked down to see you undress him. "I don't, shit, I don't hate you,"
"Prove it," you challenged, roughly tugging at the fabric to reveal Joe was throbbing inside of his underwear.
"Prove you don't hate me," you panted all breathily and made Joe hiss and groan as you placed a firm palm over him. Rubbed him over his boxer briefs, which were calvin klein's because of course they fucking were, and Joe had to hold onto the counter either side of you, his expression contorting.
"Prove. It." you hissed through your teeth, stilling your hands and now waiting for Joe to take charge. You'd gotten him this far, now he could show you just how much he didn't hate you all by himself.
But he didn't.
"Hmm?" you tried for eye-contact, but Joe's head was tipped down as he was breathing heavily.
He needed a moment, because, what the fuck was happening right now?!
Back in the black cab, where he had sat down and buckled up after climbing over you, Joe had Poppy's words in his ears still.
"She's fine! She's an adult woman with a sex life!"
And she'd said it just after Mark made a comment on you ending up in Joe's bed and unknowingly, she'd opened about nine doors in Joe's mind. Doors that had been closed, locked and bolted shut for ages. It took just one comment from Poppy, drunk or not, for those doors to be blown from their hinges and now, here he was... making out with you in your kitchen. Your hands all over him. Your breath on his face. Your tongue in his mouth. Your fingers unbuttoning trousers, and... Poppy didn't care. Didn't mind at all. Was all casual about it.
"She can decide for herself,"
You could. Did. Were currently doing.
But, Jesus Christ, just... give him a minute!
Joe remained still for too long, and you kind of thought, oh no, maybe you weren't actually winning, but were very quickly spiraling into losing.
So then you squeezed him, too close to the tip, and Joe growled. He shut his eyes and breathed heavily through his nose for just a second as you waited with a smug little smile on your face.
Joe'd eyes flicked up at you, and you saw it.
The change.
"Fuck it," Joe then muttered and pulled you forward by the hips, crashing you into him and the way you had tried to make Joe kiss you was exactly what he was giving you now.
Filthy open-mouthed tongue fucking. Absolutely obscene noises ripped from the both of you, and Joe started pulling on your top, started getting you out of your clothes and yes, this was exactly what you wanted.
It took seconds for you to be manhandled out of enough clothes before you got pulled from the counter and Joe turned you around.
Exactly what you wanted.
You felt Joe's elbow press into your back before his hand found the back of your neck for his fingers to curl around as he pushed you forward, bending you over slightly. Then another arm found its way around your hips and touched you in between your legs and Joe moaned.
Silky soft.
Joe moaned just from the slick feel of you, and you felt his forehead fall against your shoulder.
"Come on," you encouraged, impatiently pushing your ass into him.
With just the bottom two buttons of his shirt still done up, Joe pushed himself in between your thighs slowly.
This was a huge deal, and if he was honest, Joe needed time to process. Time he wasn't granted, because you had no idea, but shit. Just how often had he thought about this? Had he dreamt about this? And how convinced had he been that that's what it would always be: just dreams? You'd been off-limits. Sickeningly out of bounds.
Joe had always been so sure that even getting somewhat close to where he was right this very second would absolutely ruin his friendship with Poppy, which... which felt so silly now.
Joe was such an idiot.
"Joe, if you're not going to fucking prove to me that–"
You were cut off and gasped at the intrusion. Joe pushed himself inside and took his sweet time. Soft stuttered breathing and repressed whimpering came from behind you as he inched his way in, and you felt his hands shake.
If you didn't know better, this felt a lot like a seventeen-year-old trying his best to not blow his load within twenty seconds.
So, when Joe didn't start moving, you did.
Groans fell from Joe's lips as he tipped his head back and tried wrapping his head around where he was right now. What he was doing right now. Who he was doing right now.
Fireworks went off in his brain. All of the shades of all of the colours danced behind his eyelids. Orchestras played the most beautiful symphonies.
Why had he waited so long for this?
Why had he not made a move so much sooner?
Why had you so willingly given in so quick?
Joe knew exactly why he had waited so long for this, knew precisely why he'd not made a move so much sooner, but, a huge factor of that was the fact that he made himself very unlikable around you. Joe had made sure to be awful. Unpleasant. Distant and cold.
Why the fuck were you even on board with any of this?
Joe got into his head, and got stuck there immediately. He thought of all the evenings you'd spent as far apart from one another as possible, opposite ends of the room. Of the awkward almost-fights the two of you had had. Of you almost leaving his house after he had made a misplaced joke. Of you leaving the pub. Of you silently scoffing at him every time you gave him a once-over.
Joe had done everything in his power to make sure you didn't like him.
And sure, this whole wedding thing had maybe changed that a little. You'd become a little friendlier. A bit more than just cordial and polite. Had had a few moments that could be described as things friends would do. Like that moment you had outside the wedding boutique. Or you know, the pulling him into his bed–
Hang on.
Joe was fucking it up.
Joe was fucking everything up.
Joe was fucking everything up royally.
Had you not fucking told him? Warned him? Opened up and showed him a little part of you that he very conveniently seemed to have forgotten about? Had told you about how guys – men – used to take your invitation for friendship for something that it clearly wasn't? How they'd be your friend until they'd reveal ulterior motives?
Joe didn't want to add to the hurt.
Didn't want to prove you right and scar you further.
Couldn't be one of those guys.
He'd seen you cry over it. Had seen why Mark protected you the way he did.
This was meant to be the romantic start of something. Not a one-and-done sort of frustration-fuck that he now clearly saw was what you were treating this as.
He should've fucking listened to Mark.
Meanwhile, you had no clue how Joe's mind was quite literally spiraling out of control.
You noticed Joe got into it, had started thrusting after you had helped him start off, but it only lasted for like... maybe a minute or two. You'd barely picked up a good pace before Joe pulled out and turned you back around to face him.
Joe kissed you again, and you were quick to sling your arms around his neck and get straight back into the nasty open-mouthed making out you were doing before. Joe was a good kisser, and although you rather had him focus attention to... other parts of your body, you kind of loved how into kissing Joe got. And so you allowed yourself to drown in it. Kind of lost yourself in it, a little bit.
Joe didn't stop kissing, but you felt him shift.
Felt him bend down just a little, for just a second, his lips not detaching from your lips throughout any of it.
And then you heard a zipper. And you looked.
Joe was getting himself dressed again, boner neatly tucked away in his underwear, now back inside his trousers.
Um. What the fuck.
"I'm... I'm sorry, but..."
Joe didn't finish that sentence. You did that for him, mentally. But I actually do hate you. Just realised. Whoops.
"What?" your eyebrows knitted together and your eyes fluttered between his, hoping you wouldn't find the answers you'd come up with yourself.
"I don't think... this– this isn't..."
Your arms slowly lowered as Joe stumbled to find the right words.
You looked at him kindly as you cupped his face with both your hands. Whatever Joe was thinking, you knew it to be wrong, and hoped that a little smile from you would help convince him.
Joe shook his head a little as he frowned, looking down at the floor as he remained quiet. Mind racing, and yet once more, not sharing his initial thoughts because Joe never fucking did.
You were totally fine with Joe not being into you. He didn't need to be. He just... needed to get you off, in your kitchen, right now, because Joe was hot and he'd gotten you all riled up.
So, you moved in to kiss him.
But then he moved and turned his head away from you and stepped back.
"No," your voice sounded like you didn't understand what was happening right now.
And yea, that checked out, because you didn't.
"I'm sorry, I– um, I will... yea," Joe took more steps backwards and felt in his pocket for his phone which he found. "I'll see you. Around, I mean."
You were too stunned to speak and just stared at him. Half naked. One boob outside of your bra, the other still tucked away. In your dirty kitchen.
Joe gave you a final, small nod before he turned on his heel and just... left.
Walked right out.
You thought it was a joke, a bad cruel practical joke, until you heard your front door fall shut behind him.
It left you in a bad mood for days. And it was worse, because, who were you going to tell? Not Mark. Definitely not Poppy.
There was no one else to tell. So instead, it festered. The shame and embarrassment of it all rotted inside you and now the wedding was getting close and you still had to talk about your speeches.
No one had ever walked out on you mid-fuck.
You could agree that, had Joe not walked out on you mid-fuck, seeing him again would still be awkward.
But this.
This brought everything to a whole different level. A level you didn't even know existed before he'd stuttered some weird barely-there apology and then just... left you. Drunk and naked and horny.
If he thought your kitchen was too gross to have sex in, he could've just said that. Didn't need to get all weird over it.
It wasn't you who had climbed into a taxi with him.
You'd gone over so many reasons, but came up empty every single time, besides, you know, the simple conclusion.
Joe didn't actually like you.
He didn't want to be your friend and was only being nice because he felt obligated to be so. And, also, he was a huge dick. Had one, too. You hated that you knew that now.
About two and half weeks from the wedding, you assembled the groom and all the groomsmen for their last suit fittings. You'd also fit your dress, but you were doing that by yourself, later. You knew the colour of it matched their suits perfectly; Mark was going to wear a vintage dark plum suit that almost looked brown. Gorgeous. You loved it.
Mark looked so good in it, too.
The groomsmen, and thus you as the best men too, were all in a lighter shade of it, but wore a dark tie to match Mark's suit. You'd wear a lipstick in the same shade because there was not a chance you were going to get some godawful brooch to pin onto a tit. No way.
And, you had insider info on the colour of the bridesmaids dresses - and thus Joe's suit - and they were of a similar shade, a little less brown, but more muted.
It all mixed together in a beautiful palette, because the bouquets the girls - and Joe - were going to be holding, held every single shade of plum, burgundy and wine-coloured flowers. It would be a perfectly balanced picture, all of you together, you were sure of it.
This last fitting was just a formality, really.
Everyone was on time too, which was good. But you were still grumpy, and had been for days.
"What's up?" Mark asked, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror.
"Nothing," you lied. "Work's a bitch right now." More lies. Work was actually totally fine for once.
"Can't be that bad," Mark was being helped into his jacket and looked so fucking dapper. Even without his facial hair trimmed properly into shape, he looked sharp.
"Well, it is."
You saw Mark frown, but pretended you didn't. You hadn't seen Mark a whole lot since the stag do, but every time you had seen each other, your mood had been foul.
"Oh! Mine's missing a button!" Mark's brother shouted and when you rushed over, ready to yell at someone for it, you realised he was holding back his laughter and was very obviously joking.
"Ha, ha, really fucking funny,"
"This one has three arms!"
"I think mine's in the wrong fabric!"
"This one's a dress!"
All of them laughed and tried to get you to laugh along with them. You turned to look back at Mark who was smiling like an idiot. Mark loved his selection of groomsmen, even if you didn't right now.
"You want to get a new set of groomsmen? These ones are broken."
And Mark couldn't help but laugh. Even louder when you didn't as you made your way back over to where he was stood.
"Jesus, come on, cheer up a bit," Mark started. "I'm getting married."
"Yea," you replied and noticed a loose thread sticking up from his shoulder seam. "And weddings are hard work - stand still," you said, your frown deepening as you pulled the loose bit of thread out.
"My God, someone needs a right good shag," you heard Mark's brother from across the room, earning some snickers from the other men.
"Thank you," you shot back sarcastically, but all you could think was, yea you're fucking right I do, but apparently, men had decided they could just leave right as you were about to.
And then, they'd go back to, oh, you didn't know, staring lovingly at their best friend, perhaps.
Because that's what men did.
At least, that's what a man did.
He'd tell you how alike you were, and then he'd stare at her like she put all the stars up in the sky, and then he'd walk out after dipping his dick into you.
What the fuck was wrong with men?
Make it make sense.
You could feel Mark's eyes burn into your back from the mirror. He was studying your reactions closely, and you didn't like it. You used both hands to wipe across Mark's shoulders and avoided eye contact.
"This looks really good, Mark," you said, turning around to look at the full image of him in the mirror, hoping that changing the topic would work.
It didn't.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Mark tried, and you looked him in the eye for just a second and quickly worked to soften your expression. Mark looked worried, and you didn't need him worrying over you so close to the best day of his life.
"Fine, no worries."
Mark didn't buy it though. He had known you forever, and could see something was up. Something unwavering, because you'd been in this mood for a bit now.
"Did we fight?"
"I barely remember anything from my stag do, but, if I said anything to you that I shouldn't have, please tell me,"
"We didn't fight." You assured him with a smile. "You and Poppy fought, but also made up... with a lot of visible tongue."
Mark grinned at that and wished he remembered that part of the night.
"Right in the middle of the bar. T'was gross, but very romantic."
Mark grinned as you faffed with his tie for a second. Made sure it wasn't crooked.
"You did scare away a random bloke who tried to talk to me, though," you said, and you hoped it would bring some comic relief.
"Oh, ugh," Mark winched and groaned at himself. "Is that why Poppy and I argued?"
You frowned in confusion. Shook your head a little to signal you didn't understand what he meant, which in turn, made Mark sigh.
"Pop's been going on about this for ages, and it's so stupid, because she's wrong. I know she's wrong. It's just that... you just... you do stupid shit when you get drunk."
You gasped.
"I do not,"
"If there's one person who does stupid shit when they get drunk, it's you!" you poked a finger into Mark's chest.
"All right," Mark bit back and frowned. "Sure!"
"Who took three belly shots off of that hairy guy who had just asked for your number?" you made your point. "Man was clearly interested in you, and you just went on to suck sambuca right from his navel!"
"Uhh," Mark started, big eyes aimed directly at you. "Who ended up in someone else's bed claiming they just wanted to go for a nap with them?"
Oh shit.
You made big eyes right back.
"Yea. Exactly." Mark had made his point.
You didn't want to get into this. Not right now, and actually, not ever. If Mark was going to ask too many questions, you were going to have to tell him what happened after you left the stag do, and Jesus Christ, you really didn't want to. It was so fucking embarrassing, you really hoped that this time you and Joe did agree and were on the same page about keeping all of that a secret from your friends.
"Pop thinks I don't want you to get with anyone," Mark said, friendlier now. Not as playful as before. "Which is not true. I don't care whose bed you end up in. I just don't want you to do dumb shit. That's all."
For the first time that day, you cracked a little genuine smile.
"Well, I do care. A little bit. Remember Oliver?"
Ugh. You did. Oliver was the worst.
"Fuck off." you punched Mark in the arm, way too hard, and made him yelp before rubbing his arm over his new suit jacket and replying,
"Hey, that's what friends are for."
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @breddiemunson @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @jnnyrd @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsmunson @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @sadbitchfangirl
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writeandsurvive · 7 months
AUTHORS NOTE: like I posted recently, this was supposed to be short at first, but here we are now, cutting it in two parts. I'm not sure I did a good job but I really liked the idea. So I hope I did it justice and you guys will enjoy it! 🫣
SUMMARY: your husband wants to open your marriage and Alden Parker is there for you.
WARNINGS: Fem!reader, marriage, open relationship, nsfw, protected sex, piv, oral, spanking, age gap (30s-50s), fall, injury, concussion, lies, vegetarian!reader, Alden kinda teaching sex, ass man!Alden, toxic!mom, reader being her (real) daddy's little girl
Taking over ~ Alden Parker 1/2
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From the moment your husband of five years asked for an open relationship, you knew it was over. Bigamy was never your thing, you dedicated yourself to one person at the time and you thought it was the same for him. But somehow, after almost ten years of dating and five of marriage, he needed something new, someone else. Of course, he already had a person in mind; his cute coworker who had been eyeing him for a while, she was barely in her twenties, and was everything you were not. Beautiful with prominent curves, tall. The woman who wears high heels and makeup every single day of their lives, no matter what the circumstances. Your work as an NCIS agent didn't allow you to be this girly kind of woman, not that you'd be even with another job. It wasn't you and you thought your husband liked it, or at least, was fine with it. How wrong.
You were not sure why but you agreed to his request. The wedding vows meant something to you; you were ready to make it work, no matter what. To be entirely honest, the idea of divorcing in your mid thirties wasn't appealing at all, especially with the job taking eighth percent of your time. It felt impossible to meet someone new and start all over again. The plan was for you to have kids soon, not your husband fooling around with his hot new coworker.
There was no way you'd tell the team about what was going on. They wouldn't understand, especially Nick and Tim, who love and protect you like their sister. They like your husband very much, he became family too but this wouldn't sit right with them, and you wouldn't blame them. It didn't sit right with you in the first place. So you hid it to everyone for a couple of months. Every night your husband was out with her, you felt betrayed and thought so little of you. Were you a fool for agreeing to this?
But you decided to stop feeling sorry for yourself. After all, it was an open relationship, which meant you could be with someone else too. But who? You had never been the type of person to go out and hook up with the first stranger you found attractive, so going out just to meet someone wasn't an option. Sleeping with someone from work? The only option was the new team member Alden Parker, who you admittedly found very attractive, but this could be a very bad idea. You were still learning to know one another and getting used to the new team dynamic.
You felt desperate and alone.
You thought you hid it well, but you were quite wrong. During a stakeout, where it was just you and Alden in the car, he didn't wait long before asking how you were. "I'm fine, why?"
"I know I've only been here for a few months, and we're still getting to know each other, but I can tell something's wrong with you. You're closed off."
You laughed softly, earning a side eye from Alden. "Surprising that you're the one noticing."
"Maybe I'm paying too much attention-- to the team. So, what's up? You know you can trust me, right?"
You locked eyes with him for a moment, seeing how sincere and sweet he really was. "Yeah, I know. It's just-- embarrassing? Sad? Wrong? I don't know." You sighed, looking around the area because you had a job to do.
"Is this about your marriage?" He asked suddenly, catching you off guard. You looked at him with a puzzled look. "You don't talk much about your husband, even when the guys asked about him. They mentioned not seeing him in a while." You played with your wedding band while looking at it. "I've been married for ten years. Nothing you'll say will surprise me."
"Think so? Did your ex-wife ask for an open relationship?" You didn't really think before talking, and immediately regretted telling Alden about it. Your cheeks turned red, and you avoided his eyes for a very long time afterwards.
"Okay, um. I admit that-- you surprised me, good job." He paused. "Did he ask that suddenly?"
Since you spilled the beans, you might as well tell him everything. You needed to talk to someone, have someone's opinion. So, you gave him a resume of the past two months. How your husband told you about it, his coworker he's been dating, how you had been feeling, your fears.
"Honestly, I don't even understand how he could've asked that. I mean, if I was your husband, I wouldn't want another woman, and I definitely wouldn't want to share you."
You uncontrollably smiled at that despite the tears threatening to fall. "Too bad you're not my husband then." You joked, but Alden didn't laugh. He softly put his hand on top of yours, stopping you from nervously rubbing them together. The simple contact felt very nice, you didn't remember the last time your husband held your hands.
"I don't know your husband, and I want to meet him even less than before, but it does sound like he just wanted to be with this girl, without actually cheating. But mark my word, he'll regret it. I'm pretty sure that the moment you tell him you're seeing someone, he won't like it."
"Yeah, well I don't know if that'll happen, so..." You trailed off, looking down at your joined hands. His thumb was rubbing small circles on your knuckles, and that tiny gesture felt great. All you wanted to do was reach out for a hug from him. You were certain he'd give the best hugs; gentle and tender but tight.
"Why not? I mean, you could get anyone."
"Even you?" You weren't sure what had gotten into you, where this bluntness was coming from but since it was out of your mouth, you turned your face to lock eyes with Alden. He was already looking at you, leaning just slightly. He stayed silent for a moment, his eyes going down to your lips a couple of times.
"Anyone." He repeated softly.
Silence filled the car from a moment, it was just you and Alden speaking through your looks. Eventually, you broke it off by laughing. A soft and nervous laugh, and you immediately buried your face in his shoulder. He chuckled too, unsure of what this meant.
"I'm sorry," you said. "I laugh when I'm nervous. I'm not sure what's happening here, or even what I'm supposed to do."
His cheek was resting on the top of your head. "I didn't mean to make you nervous. I don't want us to be awkward with each other. It's just-- yeah, you can have me if you want."
You slowly lifted your head, just enough to look him in the eyes. He was sincere. After a moment of hesitation, you reached out and pressed your lips against his. Alden immediately melted into the kiss, holding the back of your head to intensify it. Before you knew it, his tongue was inside your mouth, allowing you to taste the coffee he just drank. The kiss lasted a long time and you couldn't remember the last time you'd been kissed like this. He truly wanted you and at this moment, he was all you wanted.
Remembering that you were on a stakeout, you eventually pulled away. Growling, Alden took a second to adjust himself and that was when you noticed the obvious budge in his suit pants. It seemed...big. "Oh wow." You said, uncontrollably.
Alden followed your eyes to his erection, and readjust himself again. "Um, yeah, sorry. I can leave the car--"
"What, no! Absolutely not! It's just-- intriguing? How big are you?"
He laughed - not without a certain pride. "Nothing to be afraid of." He smirked and winked.
"I highly doubt that." You said, still looking at it.
After a split second, you felt Alden's fingers stroking your chin and pressing gently to make you look at him. "Let me take you out to dinner. No pressure, just a nice time between two friends."
"So, not a date?"
"If you want it to be a date, then a date it is."
"Do you want it? I mean, it's not a regular situation and I'd understand if you didn't want to get in the middle of this."
"Your husband is clearly failing in his duties, and I'll be happy to take over, show you how you're supposed to be treated."
"Okay then."
Okay then. You and Alden did your best to take your hands and mouth off of each other during the rest of the stakeout. It was rough, because all you wanted was to climb onto him in the driver seat and discover how he feels. How he would make you feel.
But Alden was the perfect gentleman. After agreeing to have the date once the case is closed, he kept a reasonable distance from you. Too much time with you would prevent him from acting correctly, because he desperately wanted you.
He had since he joined NCIS. But he immediately noticed your wedding band - plus the age difference - so he tried to shut his crush down. However, everyday was a challenge. You were everything he ever dreamed of in a woman, and not just physically. He felt like a teenager around you, which pissed him off sometimes. How could he, a fifty-something years old man, could have a stupid crush on his thirty-something years old coworker? He felt highly inappropriate for months, especially when you stopped talking about your husband and Alden wondered if it could mean something. For a second, he hoped you had split up before being mad at himself for thinking about something like that. Now, the opportunity showed up, and if he had to be the side boyfriend, then he would be.
It was Friday night, the case was finally closed and you were working on reports and paperwork. Alden told McGee and Palmer to go home and be with their kids, when Nick complained about not being able to leave early cause he didn't have kids. "Fine, go home too before I change my mind. You too girls." He added, looking at Jess then you. Nick and Jess were in the elevator before you had time to respond. You stood up and walked over to Alden's desk.
"Good job, boss." You giggled.
"Nick is too predictable, that was easy."
"Now what?" You leaned against his desk, and it took him all his self control to keep his hands to himself.
"You tell me. Is it too late to go on that date?" He stood up from his chair, his body dangerously close to yours.
"I don't think so, but I'm gonna need an hour to go home and get ready."
"Why are you still here?"
Unconsciously, you pecked his lips before leaving. Alden smiled at that little gesture, before rushing out, so he could go home and get ready too.
Good thing your husband wasn't home. He had texted you that he would be out for the night, with her you assumed, not that you really cared anymore. Alden texted you, asking if he could pick you up, and if he should park away from the house. 'I'm home alone, act like you'd do normally.' you answered. So he did just that.
You opened the front door to find Alden Parker all dressed up, holding some flowers. You couldn't control your grin, nor the butterflies in your stomach. "You had time to pick up some flowers for me?" He handed them to you, and leaned over to kiss your cheek, making you blush and feel other things.
"They are actually from my greenhouse. I picked the most beautiful ones, but you are the most beautiful flower."
You giggled nervously while smelling the flowers, before walking towards the kitchen. "Come on in for a sec -- they are so pretty, Alden. Thank you so much." You couldn't remember the last time your husband offered you some flowers.
"Are you sure that's okay? For me to be in?" To be honest, he felt a bit uncomfortable there. It was just a reminder that you weren't completely available. You were married and would never be his entirely.
"We're not doing anything in the house. I'm just putting these in a vase."
To Alden's relief, you were out just a minute later. He held your hand up to his car, opened and closed the door for you. It wasn't much, but those small things melted you. "Where are we going?" You asked, after he started to drive.
"That's a surprise." He smirked.
"Not to be a pain, I don't know if you know, but I'm a vegetarian and it--" you felt his hand on your thigh. His touch was soft and gentle.
"I know, don't worry, okay?"
You obviously didn't have to worry because Alden took you to a vegetarian restaurant. It was fairly new and you hadn't been there yet, so you were excited. Again, he acted like the perfect gentleman, holding doors, keeping his hand in the small of your back, telling you to pay no attention to the prices.
The dinner was amazing, both the food and the chemistry between you and Alden. The conversation flooded easily, you got to really know each other, talking about your families, childhoods, hobbies. At any point did you talk about work, nor your marriage. "I could eat more vegetarian dishes." He admitted, tasting how good the food was.
"That'd definitely be better than your current diet." You teased.
"What's wrong with my diet?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Don't make me say it." You giggled.
"Please do."
"It's the diet of an overworked bachelor, plus pastries. Tons of pastries."
"Overworked bachelor, huh?" He smiled. "And I thought you liked my pastries."
"I do, very much. I just think you should eat healthier."
"Point taken. It's nice to have someone who cares."
You put your hand on top of his, and he welcomed it. "I do care, Alden." He brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles.
"So do I." He answered.
Were you supposed to care in a situation like this?
After the restaurant, Alden asked if you wanted to keep the night going or if you wanted a ride home. There was no way you were going home just yet, so you drove for about fifteen minutes, before pulling over to the Bowlero. Alden laughed when you looked at him with a grin. "I knew you'd like that."
"So much! I'm so gonna kick your ass at every game!" This time Alden didn't have time to circle the car cause you were out before him. You grabbed his hand and rushed him inside.
You started with the arcades. Alden knew you were a competitive person, he heard you arguing with McGee over a game you played together, he even remembered Jimmy saying something about Victoria being upset during a board game because you wouldn't let her win. But Alden would let you win every game possible if it meant you'd smile and do a ridiculous happy dance. He wanted to kiss you every time you mocked him for losing, and also punished you in his very own way.
Then you offered to play pool. Except that pool was Alden's game. He was ridiculously good at it, probably because he spent long hours playing with friends when he was younger. However, he was distracted. Every time you leaned over the table for your turn, showing off your pretty ass in that tight dress, his cock twitched. The things he wanted to do to you in that position. "I thought you were a killer at pool?" You teased, mid-game.
"I'm a bit distracted." He said, positioning himself over the table.
"By my ass?"
Since you were on the other side of the table, you slowly turned around and shook your hips just slightly. "Fuck, sweetheart. You can't do this here. That ass is only for me to enjoy."
You turned around again, laughing. "Looks like those teenage boys enjoyed the view."
Alden immediately turned his face to where you were pointed, ready to give those boys a death glare. But there were no boys, or anyone else. "Not funny." He turned back to you. "Get out of my eyesight, so I can win this."
You circled the table to be behind him. You actually checked out his ass too. After hitting the white ball, and watching two balls going inside the holes, he faced you. "Much better." He smiled, proud of himself.
You got closer, pressing your body against his. "I didn't pin you for an ass man." You whispered.
He cleared his throat. "I'd always considered myself a tits man. But you--" he pressed his forehead against yours, his hand roaming at the small of your back. He wanted to touch your butt, and so did you. "You drive me crazy." He just said.
"Let's finish this game, fast."
To your displeasure, Alden won, even though he did fail a few balls on purpose. On the way back to the car, you kept talking about the game, what you did wrong, even accused him of cheating which made him laugh. "Damn, you don't deserve sex tonight." You finished the rambling, as you reached the car.
"Okan then," he opened the passenger for you but stood in the way. "I'll just drop you off." He had a tiny smirk on his face, but his instinct told him you wanted sex as much as he did, but he was also afraid you just wanted an excuse to go home. "Can I kiss you good night now?"
"Idiot." You said, grabbing his collar into a fist and bringing him into you. His body crashed into yours as he didn't hold his weight back on purpose, so he could catch you. His hands were immediately on your ass, right before his lips were on yours. If that kiss in the car had been something, this was even more. You and Alden were practically making out in the parking lot, not caring that you could be seen. "I wanna see your greenhouse." You whispered, out of breath.
The greenhouse was prettier than you expected. While holding your hand or your waist, Alden showed you some of his plants and flowers, even telling you about the ones he offered you earlier. But your eyes were more focused on him, his face, his lips, than anything else. "You're not listening to me, are you?" He chuckled.
"I'm a bit distracted." You said, reminded his words from earlier.
He gently grabbed your face in his hands and locked eyes with you. "I gotta ask-- are you sure about this?"
"Are you?"
He kissed you as an answer. Then he carried you into his bedroom, and put you down, without ever breaking the kiss. Your lips were probably bruised and swollen by now, not that you cared one bit. He paid attention to your neck, finding that sweet spot, while his hands traveled your body. You were completely melting under his touch. "Have you told how fucking sexy you are?" He asked.
"Then I'm sorry. Cause damnit you are the sexiest woman ever." His hands and mouth were working on your breasts as you were desperately trying to unbutton his shirt. His words did something to your core and to your heart.
"I need to feel your skin, Alden." You whined. He stopped so you could get rid of his shirt and he took the opportunity to strip you off your dress. Seeing you in your matching lace underwear shortcut his brain. There was so much he wanted to do and say, he couldn't decide where to start.
You touched his hairy chest, kissing his pec then his neck. "Alden? You with me?" Growling, he picked you up just enough to lay you down on his bed. He covered your body with his, kissing you roughly.
"I'm right here, sweetheart." He whispered. "Right here with you."
You both agreed to skip the foreplay, and orals, as you just needed to feel each other right away. Alden was already painfully hard, while you had already ruined your panties. So he grabbed a condom from his nightstand, rubbed his length against your slit for a moment before intruding your core. You both moaned at the feeling, even though he wasn't fully in just yet. "I knew it. I was right to be afraid."
Alden got confused for a second before understanding. He completely laid down on you, stroking your hair and softly kissing your lips, chin and cheeks. "Just a couple more inches, baby. I know you can do it. You're my good girl, aren't you?" His praises worked wonders on you.
He gently thrusted without going fully, until you told him he could. When he bottomed out, you screamed out loud, your eyes rolling back inside your skull. Alden didn't hold back his noises either - which got you even wetter - as he stared down at you with pure lust. It took all of his willing power not to pin you down and fucked you hard. "That's it, princess. I told you you could take all of me." He kissed you. "Fuck, your pussy is sucking me in." He nipped your bottom lip. "Can I move, baby? Please?" He sounded desperate.
"Fuck yes, Den. Fuck me." He didn't need more.
It wasn't a long and sweet love making. You were both so worked up and desperate for each other, it didn't take long until you and Alden came undone, shouting each other's names. While his cock softened inside you, he collapsed on you, listening to your heart pounding in your chest, just like his was. Your hand was resting in his hair.
"That was--" he tried to say.
"Yeah." You agreed.
Soon after, Alden left for a minute and came back with a wet cloth and some water. He cleaned you up, while you drank and stared. "I didn't hurt you, right?" He asked, concerned.
"Not at all." You stroked his cheek. "but you're definitely bigger than--" you stopped there. His brows furrowed together and he was speaking again.
"Was he the only one you've ever--"
"Yup." You confessed, looking down at the glass of water which suddenly seemed intriguing.
"Oh, um. I didn't know," he drank from his own glass.
"Would it have changed something?"
"I don't know. Maybe?"
"Well I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It seemed irrelevant." You started to move. "If you want to pretend this didn't happen, then fine with me, I'll--" Alden grabbed your arm before you could pull yourself on your knees and brought you against his chest.
"That makes me your second?"
"One, two... You can count, good job." His hand immediately smacked against your butt cheek. You looked at him in disbelief but with a smile on your face.
"I should teach you how to count the right way." He spanked you again. Your eyes went dark, and he knew you liked it very very much. Perfect.
"How many was that? Four?" You teased and two more spanks hit you. You uncontrollably moaned in his chest, and bit his nipple. He let out a high pitched yelp, making you giggle. He put his glass down on the nightstand, - almost dropping it - before getting on top of you, face down on the mattress. Since the four spanks had been on the same cheek, it was already pink, and it sprung Alden's cock back to life. He gave your other cheek a spank.
"No biting, little brat."
You could feel his cock resting between your ass cheeks and for a moment, you considered giving Alden what you always refused to your husband. This ass, your ass... was Alden's to love, fuck and spank.
"Not even a little?" You asked, innocently and earned another spank. You moaned against, burying your face in the pillow - that smelled wonderfully like Alden.
He grabbed a handful of your flesh, leaned over and bit your ass, before smoothing it with his tongue and lips. "Alden," you whined.
"What is it, princess? Do you want something?"
"Your tongue." You whispered.
He spanked you again but was a bit gentler this time. "Louder. You need to be loud and clear."
"I want you to eat my pussy!" You cried.
"Ask and you shall receive."
He turned you over and did exactly what you wanted.
After you came in his mouth, allowing him to drink every bit of you, Alden was painfully hard and ready to go again. He teased your entrance with the tip but you stopped him. He immediately pulled away, giving you space, afraid he did something wrong. But when he saw you turning around with a mischievous smile on your face, he understood. "My turn."
You knew you gave good blowjobs...to your husband. Then again, he was smaller than Alden's so it was easier for you. As you started to suck on Den's cock, you were desperately hoping he would enjoy it. You didn't want to disappoint him. But you could barely take half of him without choking. Still, from his noises, growls and words, he seemed to love it. "Relax your throat, baby. No rush, no worries. You're doing so good." This man could read you like a fucking open book.
You followed his instructions, took your time and slowly, you were able to take a bit more of his length. "Baby, if you choke on my cock one more time, I'm gonna cum." Since it was exactly what you wanted, you took as much as you could, choked and drank to the very last drop of his release.
As bad as he wanted to fuck you one more time, Alden's cock was unresponsive for the rest of the night. So you simply cuddled in bed, made small talk before quickly drifting away.
For a month, everything was great. Things with Alden were amazing, he was an actual dream. Most of the time, you forgot you were married to someone else, it was all about Alden, Alden, Alden. He was extremely sweet and thoughtful, he cared and wasn't afraid to show it, he treated you like a princess, except sometimes during sex. You always liked sex, but with your husband, it has never been too crazy, not that it was bad either. However, with Alden, you discovered yourself, found out you had some kinks and he was more than happy to oblige them.
The team complimented you several times, saying that you were glowing. Thanking them, you saw Alden smirking behind their backs, knowing he was the reason for that glow. It was crazy that they didn't notice what was going on, or at least, they never said or hint anything.
Your relationship with your husband was practically non-existent. You'd run into each other here and there, talked briefly about stuff but that was it. You obviously told him you were seeing someone, and he didn't ask anything, not even who was the guy, or if you were respecting the rules. It felt like he didn't care anymore, and eventually, you stopped caring too. All your focus apart from work, was on Alden and your relationship with this wonderful man.
It was your husband's birthday, and as a tradition, his family and your parents would come over for dinner to celebrate. You turned down Alden's offer to go on a date, mostly because you felt like you had to be there. The families had no idea what was happening and you couldn't just bail on them.
You were preparing a couple of dishes when your husband came home after meeting with his best friend - he said. He surprised you by hugging you from behind and planted kisses in your neck. You instantly stiffed, and tried to wiggle your way out. "What are you doing?" You asked.
"Kissing my wife. Am I not allowed?"
"You haven't touched me for months. Not even a hug."
"I know." He grabbed your waist and spined you around to face him. "It was my mistake and I'm sorry."
He leaned in to kiss you, but you pulled away before his lips could touch yours. "Wait, what is happening here?"
"Did you seriously pull away from a kiss?"
"You can't just come over to me, after months of ignoring me, and expect kisses, cuddles or whatever."
"I don't remember you trying either. I mean, you've barely been home this past month."
"You know exactly where I was."
"Right, with him. Who is he anyways?"
You let out a dry laugh. "So, now you're asking?"
"I am, and I expect an answer." He folded his arms against his chest.
"Someone from work."
He stayed silent for a second. "Nick?"
"Ew, come on."
"I know for sure it's not Tim, nor Jimmy! Wait-- is it the new guy? What's his name?"
"Parker, yes." There was no point in lying.
"Oh my god," he had a humorless laugh. "I can't believe this. That's why I never met him."
"No, you never met him cause you haven't cared in a long time."
"Says the girl who only cares about her job and her team!"
"If that was the problem from the beginning, you could've just said so and asked for a divorce."
"I don't want a divorce! I love you still." You stayed silent. He was obviously expecting you to say it back, but you couldn't. You didn't know if you still loved him. "You're not saying it back."
"I've got to get ready. The parents will be here soon."
You and your husband basically ignored each other, which wasn't difficult. Between the parents, siblings and kids, you each focused on different persons and nobody questioned it. Dinner was barely getting started when your phone rang. It was Alden, so you picked and listened while he told you there was a crime scene and gave you the address. "sorry for ruining your evening, sweetheart." He said.
"Oh no, don't worry." You were somehow relieved.
You got back to the living area where everyone was. "I'm sorry I've got to leave guys. Duty calls." They seemed disappointed but they knew how your jobs worked. "Gonna get changed." You rushed upstairs.
You had barely taken off your dress that your husband merged inside. "It was him, wasn't it?" He asked, angry.
"He's the team leader, he gets the calls and then calls us, so yes." You put on some pants.
"How do I know it's really about work?"
Onto the shirt. "Our families are here. Do you think I'd give up on them?"
"No, but you'd give up on me. You are."
"Stop." You opened the door, and walked away but your husband stopped you right next to the stairs.
"Don't go, stay here with us, with me."
"It's my work, I have to go."
"Work, yeah right." He was raising his voice. "You just want to see him."
"I said stop it!" You tried to pull away but he wasn't letting go of your arms.
"You're in love with him, aren't you?" He yelled.
"Let go of me!"
You fought him off, and that was all you remembered but it went dark.
Alden knew something was wrong and so did the team when you never showed up at the crime scene. They all tried to call you multiple times for hours until finally someone picked up when Alden called one more time. "Sweetheart, hey, is everyth--"
"I'm sorry, do you call all of your colleagues 'sweetheart'?"
"Hmm." Alden didn't recognize the voice on the other side but it definitely wasn't you. He suspected the woman to be your mother. "Why isn't Y/N answering? Is she okay?"
"She's at the hospital." Alden's heart stopped at this moment. "She fell down the stairs while she was getting ready and hurt her head. I just got back to the house and found her phone."
"Oh my god," his heart was pounding. "Which hospital is she at? She's gonna be okay, right? The injury isn't too bad?" Nick who was hearing the conversation, called out the rest of the team to approach.
"She has a mid concussion, they are keeping her overnight but she's fine."
"Thank god!" Alden exclaimed uncontrollably. "Which hospital? I'll go see her--"
"She's a married woman, so you need to stay away from her."
"Ma'am--" he tried to talk, say something, anything but your mother kept going.
"I don't know exactly what happened, but it honestly doesn't matter. Whatever was going on between you and my daughter, it ends now. As her superior, and a man old enough to be her father, you should be ashamed."
"Ma'am!" He tried again.
"You know what, you should quit. But if you don't, I'll make sure she doesn't come back to NCIS. It'll be for the best anyways, this job takes too much of her. And it's not taking her marriage. So don't come anywhere near her, and have Nick call next time." She hung up.
Completely stunned, Alden had to sit so he opened the car's door and let himself fall onto the seat. The team was staring as he covered his face and rubbed his eyes. "Parker!" McGee brought him back to reality.
"Yeah, um. She fell down the stairs apparently and has a concussion. They are keeping her at the hospital for the night."
"Okay, move Park, I'm driving." Nick said, waiting for Alden to leave the driver's seat vacant.
"I don't know which hospital. Tim, please tell me you got your laptop?"
Luckily, Tim did have his laptop, and they checked every hospital admissions until they found which one you were at. Nick did drive himself and Alden, while the other had to stay behind to finish up on the crime scene. The team leader didn't say a word during the ride, and Nick respected his silence. He's known about Alden's crush on you for months.
After a few hours and multiple exams, the medical team finally put you in a room. The doctor asked you to not sleep for now, even though you were exhausted and in pain. Your dad joined in, and you were relieved to see that he was alone. "You scared the shit out of me, babygirl." He said, gently kissing your temple. "I'm glad you're fine. The doc doesn't want you to fall asleep just yet, so we're gonna talk, okay?"
"Dad, I don't want to talk right now."
"I need to understand what's going on. You know I'm not judging you and I never will, but did you have an affair with that new guy in your team?"
"That's what he told you?" Your dad nodded.
Of course your husband lied, but you told your father the entire truth. From months ago, to the moment right before you fell down the stairs. You told him about Alden, how you were falling with this man, and how you wanted to be with him and just him. You've been a daddy's little girl from day one, and have always been honest with him, he was kinda hurt you didn't confide in him when it all started, but you know he wouldn't react well.
"Where is he?" You asked eventually, speaking of your husband. "I don't want to see him. Please, don't let him in, dad."
"He's probably getting his nose patched up right now. And I warned him, don't worry. I don't want him anywhere near you." You looked at him, puzzled. "Whether you had an affair or not, I don't care. You fell because of him. Did he--push you, honey?" Your father's jaw was clenched, as well as his fists. He was ready to fight some more.
"No, no! He was just holding me back, I was trying to get out of his grip and the stairs were right there."
Your dad relaxed his fists only slightly, but he didn't have time to say anything.
"You fell because of that motherfucker???"
Alden and Nick were standing at the door.
You never saw that look on Alden's face before, never actually heard him talk this way. Nick wasn't looking any better, very much like your dad, he was ready to fight. Smiling shyly, you extended your hand towards the man you loved. Alden took it, while your father stood up from the bed.
"You two!" You called out your dad and Nick. "You're gonna stay in the hallway, but I swear to god if you go rogue, I'll kick both your asses."
"Yes ma'am!" They both answered, before leaving the room.
"You--" you turned your attention back to Alden, who was breathing heavily. "Sit." He did, and you stroked his beard. "I'm okay."
"You fell, you have a concussion, because of him. That's not okay for me."
"Just hold me, love. Stay here and hold me." He did. "And don't let me sleep."
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ilovewriting06 · 4 months
Mischief and Angel- Part 1
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Nothing, nothing but silence which has me groaning, "Mischief, we have school!" He mumbles something that even werewolf hearing can't pick up and I frown as I kneel on the bed beside him, "Stilesss! Pleaseeee, I don't wanna take a shower alone."
I smirk when the response is almost instant, "Hmm, wait, what? Did you say shower?" I raise and eyebrow and peer down at his squinty eyes, "Depends, think you can fuck me in ten minutes so we aren't late for school?"
Stiles in fact did not need ten minutes, he had me writhing and whining in two and cumming in four. He knows my body better than I do and that damn mating bite is so sensitive that he breathes on it and I'm reduced to a whimpering mess. God, I can't wait until his is healed enough that he gets the same pleasure, I'm going to tease the hell out of him.
I smile as he opens the passenger door to his jeep before picking me up and setting me on the ground, "Ready to show off that pretty new ring of yours, Angel?"
I glance down at the sparkling diamond resting on my rings finger before humming happily, "Mhmm, gotta ask the girls about bridesmaids and listen to them argue over who's maid of honor. My money's on Lyds."
He chuckles and kisses my cheek, "You do love your drama don't ya?"
I smile cheekily before giving him a quick kiss, "Alright, ready? If Coach sees the ring the whole school will know we're getting married before it's even lunchtime." He grabs my bag off the floorboard and swings it over his shoulder, "I don't care, I'll scream it from the rooftops. We're living together, buying a house together, and mated to each other, not to mention Dad and Melissa are probably telling everybody they see that their babies are getting married."
I snort and interlace our fingers together as we walk towards the main entrance of the school, "I'm gonna bet the whole hospital knows by now, as well as the police station. I think those two were more excited than we are." Stiles scoffs, "Hell no. Been thinking about that day for years Angel, years."
I squeeze his hand as we walk in the school and whisper, "So, when are we telling the rest of the pack? We should do it first, before the rest of the school finds out." He nods and grabs his phone with his free hand, "I'll message them to meet us in the library after first period since we all have a free second period, the perks of being a senior."
As we walk into the library Scott wrinkles his nose and groans, "Oh God, you two smell!" I scowl at Scott as Stiles looks confused and a little hurt, "What?" I growl at Scott, "We're supposed to dipshit! Goddamn, you act like you and Kira don't constantly reek of sex."
I can feel the light amusement coming through Stiles' bond as Lydia smirks, "Oh, I like this new Y/N, what happened to change your attitude? Did he fuck you that good?"
All the boys make varying degrees of disgusted faces and/or noises but the girls look like they want details. They'll be getting those after school, during lacrosse practice, when I'm not drooling over Stiles' ass.
I give Lydia a look that says I'll tell you later and she nods with a small smirk, "Alright, moving on, what's up with the meeting lovebirds? Decide that you're mated so you're moving or something?"
Stiles and I glance at each other because they technically aren't wrong, they just don't have all the details and we don't get a chance to give them the details before Lydia straightens her posture, "Please tell me you aren't moving."
I lay my bag on a nearby table before tilting my head in a so-so manner, "We are, just not for a little while and we'll be staying in Beacon Hills, maybe Beacon Valley if we find a nice house but that won't be for a few months still." Lydia lets out a small sigh of relief before raising on of her perfectly shaped eyebrows, "Then what's this about?"
I hold up my left hand letting the sun reflect off of the diamond and all the werewolves cower because the girls scream. Even Stiles winces and steps a little closer to me as if they're a threat, new instincts, it'll take a little while before we fully relax around them again. I don't get a chance to say anything because I'm being bombarded by four squealing and excited girls and I can feel the unease flowing through Stiles. I look at him and give him a small smile, "It's alright Mischief, I'm okay."
At my words the girls step away and Kira's eyes widen, "Oh no, did we do something that we weren't supposed to? I forgot that things are different now with the whole mating thing." The girls nod in agreement with her statement which causes me to smile, "No, no, it's okay, we all have a few things to learn, which is another reason for the impromptu meeting."
When we're all scattered around a table in the corner I'm sitting on Stiles' lap running my hand through his hair to help comfort him as he rubs my back. I shift to get a little more comfortable and look around the table, "Okay, there are a few new things that came from the mating process. First things first, if we aren't together we'll be extra irritable unless we're with pack, then we'll just be mopey. Next thing is important, at least for the next week or so, we're on edge around everybody and perceive them as possible threats so when there is sudden movement or loud noises directed at one of us the hackles on the other raises, quite literally. Even with Scott it took the whole weekend before we would leave each other alone with him. Which is ridiculous by the way!"
I give Stiles a look and he sinks back in his seat slightly remembering Sunday morning after family breakfast when Scott and I were doing the dishes together and Stiles lost his mind, that was an interesting conversation with Mom. After like five minutes, and she got over the broken plate, she was in hysterics at the hilarity of the situation. I had been a little peeved at Stiles but less than an hour later him and Scott were playing video games and I got territorial when they reached for the chips at the same time and Scott smacked his hand away, that resulted in a broken vase and a very loud growl. Sunday was definitely a learning curve which resulted in a few things breaking and a very horny Stiles more than once.
I nuzzle Stiles' cheek with a small whine, "'S okay, not mad." Stiles practically melts under me and the girls coo over how cute we are. "Literally so jealous. Why can't I have a mate? I want to snuggle and read his mind?" I glance at Kira and chuckle, "We can't read each other's minds Kira, we can feel each other's emotions though."
She nods and I continue explaining our new lives once everyone has stopped cooing over Stiles and I, "Okay moving on, we got engaged the morning after we got to the cabin, thanks by the way Lyds," She gives a small nod as I continue, "So, now we have to plan the wedding and decide all that jazz but we're also going to start house hunting and see if we find anything that we like, and as of right now I'm living with Stiles at his Dad's house."
I take a breath and Stiles pointedly looks at the wolves, "Speaking of there is now mountain ash lining my window so STAY OUT, or use the damn door, that's kind of what it's there for. We're also changing the doorknob on my room so that it locks so for the love of god, if you decide to come in the front without knocking don't come barreling into my room because you'll break the door down and I can't promise that you won't be scarred for the rest of your life."
They nod in agreement before Erica smirks, "What if I want to barge into your room and see?" I roll my eyes and kick her leg since she's sitting beside Stiles and I, "Don't be such a perv Erica, god you need to get laid. So does Boyd, there, problem solved, Boyd, Erica, you're going on a date tonight." Erica stares at me wide eyed and Boyd raises an eyebrow which has me continuing, "She'll be ready by 6 tonight, take her somewhere nice. And Erica, play nice."
Boyd shrugs and nods while Erica blushes at the prospect of going on a date with her crush and I clasp my hands together, "Alright, girls, I assume you guys agree to be bridesmaids? You can decide who's maid of honor because I love you all equally."
They all perk up and nod as Lydia declares, "I'll be maid of honor." At this Allison scoffs, "No, I am." I smile and lean into Stiles enjoying the show, "Hell no, I've known her longer!"
"Bullshit, I dated her brother!"
"Key word, dated, as in past tense!"
"Oh please, it doesn't change the fact we were like sisters!"
"Ha, right, and the friendship her and I have had for 15 years is of no importance? Hell, I was the one that finally got Stiles to ask her out, and I provided the cabin where they got engaged!"
Allison rolls her eyes and matches Lydia's glare, "Yeah, well I gave her advice on sex."
I raise an eyebrow at this knowing Allison just set herself up for failure and I'm proven right by Lydia, "Uh huh, right. I was the one who bought her, her first box of condoms, I'm the one that gave her tips on how to give good head, and not to mention I bought her a pregnancy test when she was pregnant! Bet you didn't know that!"
At the last part I tense up and hiss, "SHUT UP!" Her eyes widen as she shrinks down into her seat but the damage is already done. I feel Stiles stiffen under me and feel the myriad of emotions course through my veins as he croaks, "What?"
I whine at the sadness and the small amount of anger that I can feel coming from him, "Maybe we should go somewhere else and talk about this." He jerkily nods as he helps me off his lap, "Yeah, clearly we have a few things to talk about."
I bounce my leg up and down in the passenger seat of the jeep as Stiles stares at me expectantly, "What did she mean?"
I squeeze my eyes shut at a loss for words and Stiles whispers, "She said when you were pregnant, not when you thought you were pregnant. Did she...were you?"
I sniffle and nod slowly and whisper softly, "Yeah."
Stiles' hands clench on his lap as he lets out a slow breath, "What happened? Why didn't you tell me?"
I blink back tears thinking back to the emotions I felt in that moment before I make eye contact with him, "I-I was pregnant and I didn't tell you because-because I didn't have a chance to and then it hurt too much to talk about it."
He furrows his eyebrows in confusion before realization crosses his features, "Miscarriage." It wasn't a question but I nodded anyways as I struggle to hold back tears. He leans back in his seat processing before he looks back at me, "How far along were you?"
I twirl the ring on my finger before shrugging, "I-I'm not sure but I think I was close to six weeks when I found out and I wanted to tell you, but I was scared, Stiles, I didn't know what to do. I was scared and I had just turned 16 and we hadn't really discussed kids in detail you know? When I finally realized it wouldn't effect how we feel about each other, I was planning this cute way of telling you but...god this hurts."
I tilt my head back as the tears start to overflow, and choke down a sob, "I was going to tell you on Saturday...I miscarried on Friday."
I take in a shaky breath but when Stiles grabs my hand in comfort and I feel his worry and concern through the bond, the dam breaks. I let the tears flow as I crawl over the seat to straddle Stiles' lap until I was buried in his chest, "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry! I couldn't, it hurt, it still hurts. I-I didn't know how t-to tell you and I didn't even want to remember, so I tried to f-forget about it."
He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close as he murmurs in my hair, "It's okay, it's alright, shh." I shudder with a small sob as he rubs my back, "I'm sorry."
He settles a hand in my hair as he rests his chin on the top of my head, "It's okay, Angel, it's okay. I'm not mad, I'm just hurt you didn't tell me."
The minutes tick by, the silence filled by soft sobs and even softer whispers. When I calm down and pull back I look Stiles in the eye noticing the slight wetness of his own cheeks, "No, Mischief, you're allowed to be mad, you're supposed to be mad. I-I lied to you, I never even told you. Mischief, be mad, be angry, yell or cry or something."
He shakes his head, "No, me being angry and yelling isn't going to do anything except make us both feel worse. Yeah, you lied, and I'm a little annoyed about it, but at the same time I understand why you didn't tell me. I can't even imagine, Jesus, Angel, I'm more upset you went through it alone than you not telling me. You, you were pregnant, with a baby that you wanted, and you find out and then you lose it. Y/N, that's punishment enough, me making you feel bad does nothing for anyone. Plus I can feel the pain you're in right now and it's excruciating, that's why I'm not mad. If it hurts like this after it's been what, a year, I can't even fathom the pain it caused when it happened."
I bury my face in his neck as I tighten my hold on him, "I-I almost told you, at the cabin. After we mated and we were laying in bed and talking about my wolf wanting a baby. I almost told you, it was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't, it's like every time I thought about it, I felt physical pain."
He nods and rubs his knuckles across my jaw before cupping my cheek, "I know, I can feel it, I can feel you. I'm glad I know now but I think it's best if we move on, not forget about it but call it done and dealt with. I know now and that's really the only important thing now and I don't want to keep talking about it if it's going to make you feel like this. And if you want to wait before we have kids that's o-."
"NO! No, I don't want to wait. I mean I want to wait until we've at least graduated but once we're married, I don't really have a reason to not have kids. I want them, I've always wanted to have your children, with your whiskey amber eyes and mole doted skin and your cute little nose. They'll be adorable."
He blushes a deep shade of red as he clears his throat, "Funny, I wanted them to have your hair, and eyes, and skin tone, and humor, and brains."
I raise an eyebrow and snort at his last comment, "Right, it's not like their daddy has a 3.9 gpa and a 10 on the sarcasm scale, which I haven't decided if I want our kids to have or not. Teenage years will be hell."
He rolls his eyes and scoffs, "I don't know what you're talking about, my teenage years are not hell thank you very much. I am a fantastic son."
I lean back and deadpan, "Uh huh, you sure were the perfect son when you would sneak out to fuck your girlfriend that no one knew you had. Oh, oh, not to mention all those nights you spend in the woods fighting something with glowing eyes and razor sharp teeth and proceeded to lie about it. Also the fact that you never leave well enough alone and almost got killed, repeatedly. Did I mention that you started sneaking out at the age of 15 to have sex?"
He blinks a few times and nods, "Okay, you have a point. We should probably pray they're more like you."
I bark out a laugh, "HA, right! Are you forgetting who encouraged you to sneak out to have sex at 15, spends the night in the woods helping you fight something with glowing eyes and razor sharp teeth, and helped you hide the fact that you were dating and boning your best friends sister."
He grabs my hips and lets out a disheartened sigh, "We're screwed."
I nod despite myself because holy hell, our kids are going to be little terrors.
When we get to Econ Coach is digging through papers on the desk mumbling about stupid kids and Greenburg. Stiles takes a seat and I slide in right beside him chuckling as he quickly places a hand on my thigh, because of the constant need to touch.
When Coach finally looks up he perks up when he sees us before loudly speaking, "Stilinski! Y/L/N! Glad to see you two are back and not dead in a ditch somewhere! Where'd you run off to, France or somethin'?"
I snort and mumble 'or somethin' as I squeeze Stiles' hand silently giving him permission, which he takes, "Nah, nice little cabin in the woods, had to romance her to get to agree to marry me. Worked in my favor though."
Everyone's jaws dropped, except for the few members of the pack, before Coach comes over and slaps Stiles on the back, "Good to know you can do one thing right Stilinski! Congratulations, and I ain't comin' to the wedding unless there's alcohol."
I smile up at Coach and shrug, "Sorry Coach, only gonna be 18, no alcohol." Coach grumbles and stalks to the front, "That ain't a wedding, that's a funeral. No alcohol, stupidest thing I ever heard."
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
Another part to the Swap AU in which Baxter is your best friend that grew up across the street, Cove is the friend you met when you were 13 and Derek is the boy who moved in for a summer.
More Swap AU here -- and here -- and here.
You'd been best friends with Baxter for ten years, so you'd seen him in almost every imaginable mood. Happy Baxter, sad Baxter, anxious Baxter, you knew them all.
But giddy Baxter ... that was one of the rarer versions.
It was, however, the version that you got on your prom night.
"Are you ready yet?" you heard him ask excitedly. You had him on speakerphone as you roamed around your room, putting the finishing touches on your look.
"Not yet, hold your horses," you told him.
"I don't have any horses, just my car keys," he answered. "Perhaps we will have horses at our wedding, they can pull the carriage."
You rolled your eyes, and although he couldn't see it, it seemed like he imagined your reaction -- he laughed.
The two of you weren't dating, had never dated or even talked about liking each other in that way, but he liked to tease you like that. He called you "darling" and "sweetheart" regularly, always offered you his arm when you were walking anywhere, talked about your future wedding and the children you'd have.
It was just what he did -- he teased. But you'd had a crush on him for years, and despite these kinds of jokes being a regular occurrence, they still made your heart flutter.
"You're so funny," you told him wryly, taking a last look at yourself in the mirror. "I'm ready."
"On my way!" he said cheerily, ending the call.
You made your way out to the living room, preparing yourself for your moms' reaction, and they didn't disappoint.
"You look so beautiful!" Mom said, gripping your shoulders and pulling back to get a good look. "Baxter isn't going to know what hit him."
"He's seen me practically every day for the past ten years, he'll probably have a pretty good idea," you told her.
She shot a look over to Ma, who giggled. Before she could add in her thoughts, the doorbell rang. She rushed over, pulled the door open, and there he was.
Baxter was smiling -- a full smile, showing his teeth, very different from his trademark smirk. He was wearing a classic black suit, well tailored, and his matching black and white hair was swooped carefully across his forehead.
You were so busy looking at him in awe that you didn't recognize that he was taking you in with the same reverance.
"Pictures!" Ma called out, breaking you out of your shared trance.
Baxter grabbed your hand, pulling it up to put your arm through his as you followed your parents outside. "You look amazing," he said quietly, leaning in so only you could hear.
"Speak for yourself," you replied.
Your moms made the two of you pose for photos out on the poppy hill. Ma had her phone and Mom had the proper camera, and they directed you to a variety of positions and locations across the little field.
"Sorry, I know you want to go," you told him as Mom looked through the photos she'd taken.
"No need to apologize," he said. "Honestly it wasn't so much that I wanted to go as it was that I was eager to start the experience."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that it's the idea of spending this night with you that I find thrilling."
You weren't sure what to say to that, but you felt a blush coming on. Your moms caught it, it seemed, because you heard a few clicks and some laughter.
When that particular torture finally ended, Baxter escorted you back into the house, through the front door, and out to his car. As your parents waved, he opened the door for you, made sure you were safely seated, then closed it before jogging over to the driver's side.
"I'm very excited," he said as he started the car, flashing another bright smile your way.
"Is it the fanciness or the dancing?" you asked, knowing his love for both things.
"It's the fanciness and the dancing. And getting to do all of it with you," he said. "Usually all my dancing happens with a competition partner, not someone as dear to me as you are. And it is rare that you'll indulge me in a bit of formal wear."
There it was again -- "someone as dear to me as you are." A flush made its way to your face again. It was going to be a long night.
When you got to the prom, held in a large room at a nearby hotel that had been decorated extensively by your fellow students, Baxter was practically buzzing with anticipation. He parked, jumped out of the car and raced to the other side to open your door before you had the chance.
He led you inside, and when you opened the doors he actually let out a little gasp. There were little lights hanging everywhere, flowers all over, and a soft, slow song was currently playing as the other attendants who'd already arrived danced in the center of the room.
"Magical," he whispered, barely loud enough for you to hear.
Unable to hold himself back from one of his favorite activities, he grabbed your hand and gently pulled you to the dance floor as well.
"Is this all right?" he asked when you got there. "Did you want to do anything else before?"
"No," you laughed, "I figured this is what we'd spend most of the night doing."
"Excellent," he grinned, then guided one hand up to his shoulder as he held onto the other. He put his free hand on your waist and started leading you in the same sway the others were doing.
"No waltzing?" you asked, half joking and half genuinely surprised he wasn't trying to jump into one of his routines.
"No room. Besides, there's something to be said for something simpler, don't you think?"
The song lasted a bit longer, and by the end of it he'd pulled you closer, close enough that your cheek was resting on his shoulder. When a faster song started, you felt him smile against your hair.
"Do you think your classmates would be opposed to us staying like this?" he asked.
"I'd be opposed," you said, pulling yourself away from him. "I want to see you dance to this."
"It won't be very pretty," he said with a grin.
"I doubt that."
You saw him warm at your words. He grabbed your hands again and started dancing, something so different than the smooth, graceful ballroom style you knew he loved, but something beautiful all the same. He jumped around, shook his shoulders, yanked you back and forth in turns and twists, laughing the whole time.
When you invited Baxter to go to prom with you -- as friends, you'd told him, not willing to risk putting yourself out there enough to ask for an actual date -- you imagined you'd spend most of the night dancing, and you were right.
There was the occasional break to get drinks, and he'd insisted you get your pictures professionally taken against the backdrop that had been set up in the corner, but for the most part, you danced. And it was wonderful.
You stayed even as people started leaving and workers started backing things up. At one point, the rooms regular lights were turned on, but the music kept playing a nice ballad, and Baxter didn't make a move to stop, so neither did you.
"I don't want this night to be over," you heard him say, a touch of sadness in his voice. It was the first time he'd been less than ecstatic the entire night.
Someone shut the music off, and the handful of other students that had stuck around started unsticking themselves from each other and moving towards the exit.
"I don't think we have much of a choice," you told him.
With a sigh, he let go of your waist, but kept your hand in his. This time, he held onto it as you walked back out to his car.
The ride home was odd. He was still excited about the night, that was clear, and he was disappointed it was over, but there was something else going on with him too. Something that made his hands tense on the steering wheel and had his jaw clenched, even as he smiled when you talked about how much fun you'd had.
When you got back to the neighborhood, he parked in his usual spot on the street in front of his house, then once again opened your door for you. He helped you out, then walked with you across the street and up to your front door.
"I had a marvelous time," he told you. "Thank you so much for inviting me, it means the world."
"Who else would I have invited?" you said, laughing at the idea that you'd want to share the night with anyone but him.
"I don't know, I imagine there's a gaggle of boys at that school of yours in line to sweep you off your feet."
If you didn't know better, you'd thought that almost sounded like jealousy. As you were thinking about it, you heard yourself say, "There's no other boy but you."
You bit your lip, nervous at how forward that had sounded. You saw him glance down at your mouth, then take in a breath.
The next thing you knew, he had a hand on your hip, lower than the spot on your waist he'd been holding all night. With his other hand, he he cupped your cheek, brushing his thumb softly against the skin there. You stepped closer to him, and he pulled you closer until you were flush against him.
He was leaning in, and you knew there was nothing else he could be doing except going in for a kiss. You shut your eyes, waiting.
"Hey guys, what are you -- oh no."
Baxter jumped back, and you did the same. The interruption was brief -- your mom had peeked through the door to see why you were both waiting outside, then snapped it shut when she saw what was going on, but the moment was gone.
"I better go inside," you said, beginning to twist your hands nervously. "But thank you, for tonight. For everything."
It took him a moment, but he smiled at you. He reached over across the distance you'd both placed between you and stroked your cheek again.
"Until next time," he said, then left to go into his own house without another word.
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wordsbyrian · 2 years
The Owl and The Lioness - Alessia Russo x Reader
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Summary: Rugby player!R meets Alessia Russo and things go from there.
A/N: This is the fic I made you guys vote on me writing like a week ago. Also does anyone else feel like I'm writing these pretty fast because I have 3 other fics just waiting to be posted and a 4th in progress.
As a rugby player, you can honestly say that you do not spend much time thinking about football.
In all honesty, you can’t say that you’ve spent more than ten minutes thinking about it in the last 10 years, but that’s all about to change today.
Today, you along with the rest of England’s women's national rugby team are at St. George’s Park because apparently, it would look good if the Red Roses were seen supporting the Lionesses and vice versa before your major tournaments.
You’ve never been more uncomfortable than you are right now standing in front of these footballers in your training kit.
The two sets of captains and coaches are currently trying to figure out the best way to go about this faux joint training. They don’t take very long and before you know it, you and your fellow wings Jess, Ellie, and Lydia are standing with their strikers.
“I’m Beth. That’s Bethany, Nikita, and Alessia,” the newly identified Beth says.
“I’m Lydia and that’s Jess, Ellie, and Owl,” Lydia says, smirking as she purposely tries to wind you up by using your nickname.
“It’s Y/N,” you say, barely loud enough to be heard.
“Speak up Owl,” your teammates say at nearly the same time with identical eye rolls.
Taking a deep breath you try again, voice coming out at a normal volume, “My name is Y/N.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Alessia give you a small grin, which you return despite the sound of blood rushing in your ears.
It’s then that the drills start and you find yourself silently showing her the correct way to pass a rugby ball and the correct way to tackle, chuckling softly as she and her three teammates struggle to bring you down.
In turn, she shows you how to do keepy-ups and how to use your laces to add some power to your shots.
The very last activity of the day is a foot race and it involves most of their team taking on the backs from yours.
“You’re all about to learn why we call her the Owl,” you hear Jess shout from somewhere down the line.
There’s a bit of laughter from your team and even a couple of ‘yeah rights’ from the footballers, but you’re not paying attention to any of that. Your eyes are locked onto the pole at the opposite end of the field, your finish for the race.
All you need is for their coach to blow the whistle and the second she does you’re gone.
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see that at least two of the footballers are slightly ahead of you but you’re not worried about that. 
Your only concern is beating your teammates, which you do by a lot. 
Upon turning around you see that most of the runners are still a good 15 meters back.
It doesn’t take very long before your teammates are circling you and ruffling your hair though.
“Way to fly Owl,” your captain shouts, hooking her arm around your shoulders, “Really did us proud little rose.”
“Thought I should show that we’re not all big brutes like you, boss,” you respond quietly, a small grin on your face.
She doesn’t find it as funny as you do though taking the opportunity to put you in a headlock.
You struggle against her for a while, not making any progress towards escaping until the coaches call the two teams back in front of them.
Neither of the coaches says anything important, not in your opinion anyway, and they release the two sides to mingle and get ready to go.
Not one for talking with people, you go to gather your stuff and are slightly surprised when a shadow appears above you.
Looking up, you're surprised to see one of the football players standing above you. You recognize her having seen her talking to Alessia earlier.
“Hey Owl, I’m Ella,” she says, “My idiot friend Alessia over there thinks that you’re cute but is too nervous to ask you for your number, so I’m doing it for her.”
“What,” you say confused, “You’re asking me for my number for your friend?”
Shaking your head, you pull a piece of paper and a pen out of your bag before writing down your number, accompanied by both your name and nickname.
Handing it over, you ask Ella to deliver a message for you, cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“Tell her that I think she’s cute too.”
Over the next few months, you and Alessia spend a considerable amount of time texting and getting to know each other.
When United make their way down to London for games, you take her on dates and show her all of your favorite spots, and the few times your team makes their way to the Manchester area, she does the same.
This of course garners some teasing from your teammates, who have taken to reminding you that most owl species mate for life every time they see you leaving a room to talk to her on the phone.
It’s during one of these phone calls, a facetime to be specific, that her phone gets hijacked by Ella and Mary.
“‘Lo there Owl,” Ella says, accent strong as ever, “I was wondering if you could solve an argument for me.”
“I mean, maybe?”
“Do they call you Owl because you’re fast like a bird or,” Ella’s cut off by Mary snatching the phone away.
“Or because you’re really quiet,” the keeper finishes.
“It’s both,” you answer, “Most owl species can average speeds of 20 mph but they can fly faster in certain situations. The crazy thing is that despite going so fast they make very little noise, virtually silent in fact.
The look on the two players' faces causes you to grin a little because you know exactly why they’re those faces: they’ve never heard you say so many words at once before.
They manage to say as much before Less takes her phone back telling them to  “say bye to Owl.”
You smile a little more as the two others rush off, already arguing about something else.
“What are you doing next month,” she asks when they finally leave the room.
After thinking about it for a moment you answer her, “Season ends this week so probably some recovery work and injury prevention to prepare for the world cup and next season.”
“Do you want to come to some of our matches during the Euros?”
“Do you want me to come to your matches at the Euros,” you ask back, watching as her cheeks flush before she nods, “Well if you want me there, I’ll come.”
A smile breaks out on her face and the two of you continue your conversation. 
Although you can’t seem to get a clear answer from her about what she’ll be doing for the rest of the week, which is weird.
You do your best to not focus on it and by the time your championship game comes around you’ve forgotten all about her squirrelly behavior.
Then when the final whistle blows, you’re too caught up in your exhaustion and excitement to even remember anything that happened before the game started.
When the whistle blows, you drop to the ground not having the energy to celebrate winning the game and becoming a champion.
You aren’t sure how long you lay there before your teammates come and dogpile on top of you screaming about your performance.
You then find yourself being hauled to your feet by your scrumhalf, Jane, who immediately pulls you into a hug that takes you off your feet.
The smiles don’t leave any of your faces as you shake your opponents' hands. They don't leave when you get the medals put around your necks or when you raise the trophy or when you approach the crowd that hasn’t stopped screaming since the first whistle.
It’s then that you notice a head of blonde hair and bright blue eyes that you would recognize anywhere.
Rushing to the crowd, you climb the barrier meant to keep fans off the pitch, ignoring the shouts of security, and sprint to the person you’ve been looking forward to seeing for weeks.
Pulling her into a hug, you speak directly into her ear, “You said that you wouldn’t be able to make it.”
“I lied, you played great today, baby. Three tries, congrats champ.”
Your cheeks heat slightly at her praise, so instead of responding, you press a kiss to the top of her head, content to just stand there holding her.
Eventually, she pushes you away, sending you back to celebrate with your team.
“We’ll be switching places at the end of next month,” you tell her before walking away.
And you’re right because, on the last day of July, you’re standing in a sold-out Wembley watching as your girlfriend (recent development) and her idiot friends jump around singing Sweet Caroline.
She eventually makes her way over to where you're sitting with her family in the crowd, climbing to the barrier to get a hug.
“I’m proud of you,” you say directly in her ear, not caring about the number of cameras on you. In your mind, if she cared she wouldn’t have leapt into your arms the way she did, so you continue with your praise of her performance, “You played amazing all tournament, Less.”
“Thank you.”
She pulls away and you can see the cogs turning in her mind, her eyes repeatedly flickering to your lips before she surges forward to kiss you.
You both end up smiling into it as the cheers of the crowd around you get louder at the sight.
Pulling back, you smile at her some more before sending her back to the field to continue celebrating with her team.
Pulling your phone out you send her a text that you know she won’t see until much later tonight.
It reads: I can see the headlines now, England’s Superb Lioness and Their Speedy Owl, An Unexpected Power Couple?
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w2soneshots · 14 days
Kiss the bride -W2S
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Words: 1.0k+
Warnings: sex references.
In which you and Harry enjoy the best day of your life’s with your closest friends and family.
a/n: hi lovelies! I’m so glad I got this request since I’ve been wanting to do a bog wedding fic!! Harry is such a private person when it comes to his love life so I know that he’d want a very private wedding, so that’s what I wrote🤗. Enjoy🤍🫶🏼 (honeymoon part 2 here)
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Today I'm finally getting married to the love of my life, Harry Lewis. We haven't spoken since last night since we're staying in separate hotels so I'm excited to finally see him. I'm currently getting ready with the girls and he's most likely stressing out while Tobi attempts to calm him down.
My bridesmaids are: Talia, Freya and Faith. I don't have many good friends other than them and I've known Talia for years, I actually introduced her to Simon. They were so excited when I asked them to be my bridesmaids. I did it with a white box that read 'be my bridesmaid?' On the lid containing a cute robe that had their names embroidered on the back, slippers, a face mask and some chocolate. Harry just casually asked Ethan, Calfreezy and his brother, they were also very excited but definitely not as ecstatic as the girls.
Me and Harry didn't want a hug wedding since it's such a hassle and can cause a lot of stress so we are only having our closest friends and family along with Herb because duh. The ceremony starts at one so I have to be ready by twelve. The girls rushed around, getting themselves ready and my made of honour Talia was constantly making sure I was ok.
All three girls cried when I walked out with my dress on. They'd seen it before when we went dress shopping but this was different. "I can't believe you're actually getting married!" Freya tried desperately not to ruin her makeup as tears pricked her eyes. "Girls stop, you're gonna make me cry!" I walked towards them to pull them into a group hug.
"I need to calm down." I took deep breaths. "I have an idea!" Faith leaped from her seat to grab the speaker Talia had brought. Suddenly 'Unwritten' began playing. I smiled and we all held hands in a little circle, singing our hearts out.
"Reaching for something in the distance. So close you can almost taste it. Release your inhibitions. Feel the rain on your skin. No one else can feel it for you. Only you can let it in. No one else, no one else. Can speak the words on your lips. Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten!"
Once my nerves had calmed I looked at my girls. "Ok now I'm ready." They all smiled bright. Talia had a light pink, long, off the shoulder dress on. Freya wore a pastel green dress with her hair up. And Faith wore a stunning silky blue dress with some small matching heels. They all looked beautiful. We picked up our bouquets then made our way outside.
The ceremony was finished within ten minutes. Me and Harry didn't care that much about the actual ceremony. All eyes were on us and Harry absolutely hates being the centre of attention so we shared our vows, said "I do.", kissed then got ready to party.
We went off to take some photos before I got changed into a long, white, tight fitted dress. "You're fucking married!" Talia shook my shoulders. "I know! I can't believe it." I replied, also shaking her.
Once we sat down and had eaten our food the speeches began. Talia started. "Hello!" she stood in front of everyone. "I've known y/n since I can remember. And I've loved her since the day she let me borrow her special purple lipgloss, in primary school." I giggled. "I was so excited for her when she told me she'd met someone. And I'm so happy that he finally asked her to marry him. Since it's been long awaited." She winked at me. "Thank you for giving me the honour of being your best friend, and I promise I'll always be here if you need to complain about Harry's video game screams." Everyone burst out laughing.
Next up was Ethan, Harry's best man. "Good afternoon everyone. For those of you that don't know me, my name's Ethan and after all these years it's nice that Harry has finally admitted that I'm the best man!" Harry raised his brows. Ethan continued. "We all know that Harry's really hot so y/n is a very lucky woman," I choked out a laugh. "To be completely honest I'm really glad Harry found someone a great as y/n, and I wish you all the best!" I smiled then everyone clapped.
Finally the party started. The music played, I danced till my feet hurt and it genuinely felt like the best day of my life. When the music began to slow down everyone found their partners. Me and Harry swayed with my head resting on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around my back. "So, was today as awful as you thought?" I asked quietly. He chuckled. "no, definitely not. You've been here the entire time stealing the attention." He replied. I pulled my head back to look at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Because you look so beautiful." He said like it was blatantly obvious. "Oh. You're to cute." I placed my head back on his shoulder.
The night went on until eventually people began heading back to their hotels. Harry and I walked back to our airbnb with the biggest smiles on our faces. "Wow." I gawked at the beautiful home. Since we stayed in hotels last night this was the first time we were properly seeing it.
"I wonder how many people have done it in that hot tub?" Harry said as we walked outside. I turned with a disgusted look on my face. "Ew." "Maybe we should make it one more?" Harry joked. I lightly slapped him on the chest. "I'm to tired." I lent myself into him. "Me too. Plus we have the whole honeymoon to have mind blowing sex." Harry wrapped his arms around me. I chuckled. I'm the happiest I have ever been.
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bomberqueen17 · 5 months
the saga isn't quite over yet tho
So, the kitchen. Well it still needs painting but also now I have to put everything away. We ate dinner Friday night over at dude's mom's house because all our food was there and also we didn't have chairs in the new kitchen yet.
Yeah. We gotta go find chairs.
First I want to start off with this detail.
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[image description: a close-up of the white tiled wall, where it intersects with the ceiling, one of the cabinets, and the stainless steel vent hood over the stove. The tiles are staggered in a regular pattern, but there is a tiny, maybe half-inch-wide segment of tile next to the cabinet in every other row, which I know Jim had to painstakingly trim off and carefully adhere like that, so that it looks like the pattern goes behind the cabinet.] I pointed those out to Jim and said I loved them, and he smiled and said they were a pain in the ass but there's no other way to do it, and I said I would always always look at them and think about what a pain in the ass they had been to do.
Anyway. Friday evening we brought the cat over and she realized with delight she could not only get to her window but also then traverse the entire expanse of cabinet, daintily picking her way over the stove to go over the sink and stare out that window too. She's not likely to get into stuff and clearly did not enjoy crossing the stove, so I'm not super worried about her actually getting into trouble. We made do, sitting at the counter on a combo of the folding stool and dude's work chair which is adjustable to... not high enough but... well at least it's sort of comfortable.
There is a pile of very long trim pieces that is shoved into the living room and is sort of preventing use of about half the couch, so I didn't have anywhere else to sit all evening, lol. Good thing the chair was comfy, and I didn't totally mind it being too low.
But I was resolved that Saturday we were getting chairs somehow.
Saturday morning we got up and got ready, and discovered that our coffeemaker, a Mr. Coffee in excess of 15 years of age, had developed a fatal issue. Dude's mom only has a little one-cup Keurig and so we brought our machine over, and in the move it developed a crack in the pipe that brings water from the heating element to distribute it over the grounds. This is not really repairable. I had to kind of convert it from a drip to a pour-over, and stood there with the kettle carefully pouring water through the basket. RIP Mr. Coffee, you served us well and long.
Dude opened Wirecutter and looked up drip coffeemakers. He also researched stainless steel cleaners for me, and confirmed our itinerary with me.
We hit the road and got to Target before 9am. We got a bin to fit under the sink for recyclables, we got the last bits of shelf liner I still needed, we got a dish drainer (a nice, new, small one so we could retire the large decaying bamboo one we got also 15 years ago). We got hot glue sticks, randomly, because I need some. And we got the Cuisinart coffee maker that Wirecutter had said was the best drip coffeemaker for most people.
Then we went to Big Lots in case they had counter-height stools. They didn't.
Then we went to a different commercial region ten minutes away. (That's how it works, there are little clusters of shops along various roads and there's different ones in different areas. This other cluster also had a Target but an inferior one.) We went first to a plaza with a Petco, to get the special cat food Chita likes that isn't at the grocery store, and next door to that was a Harbor Freight, that sometimes has good rolling stools, but they did not have anything suitable. Next to *that* was a Raymour & Flanagan furniture store.
Well. When we entered the furniture store, we unwittingly passed through some kind of portal, as it was much larger on the inside than on the outside. We wandered, dazed and lost and slightly overheated; we sat in some chairs and they weren't quite right, those were too hard, these had nail head designs on the backs that dude didn't like, these were a dark wood that matched nothing in our house. The saleslady found us and asked to help, and we tried to show her the first ones we'd looked at, which had been sort of close to what we wanted, but we could not find them and roamed a long time, together with her, finding new rooms full of other furniture, lost and weary. Finally she just searched their website, and found that nothing answered the description we'd given her and that she was sure she'd also seen somewhere around here. She gave us her card, and we stumbled back out into the morning, feeling like we'd sojourned a thousand years in the fairy world.
We went to Homegoods, which I'd been to the week before, and they'd had some stools that I thought sounded a lot like what Dude was describing as his desired seating item. So I led him straight to them. They had a total of six stools in their display. Four of them were of one set. And Dude was like "Oh yeah! Just like that!"
So we pulled one out and sat on it, and it was comfortable enough, and the right height, and functional, so we said probably we should get these. And we went over and got some kitchen storage thingies, some lazy susans and a drawer organizer thing and whatever, but then we came back to these stools and there was an employee there and we asked her if we were supposed to just shove these in our cart or what and she was like oh hang on and got a guy from the back to come take them to the front, and he was like "your name's on 'em so just say those are yours when you check out". Bada-bing. We got two of them, apparently Nautica brand, which I've heard of but don't know anything about. Sure!
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[image description: a view into the trunk of a hatchback (Subaru Forester), showing two gray-upholstered wooden stools crammed in 69-style to the left (in the progress of being crammed in, there's Dude's arm in the middle pushing the second one), and to the right is a Target bag and the box of a coffeemaker and the recycle bin and all the shit we got at Target jumbled into the corner.]
Triumphant, we set out for home, but there was another furniture store on the way home and Dude wondered if we ought to go see, just to see what they had. So we did, we went in and I beelined for the recliners.
See, the thing is, Dude's mom has a recliner in her living room. And it's the throne, where she watches TV. And Chita loves to sit on it, it's where she spent most of the time we were staying there. And I sat in it mostly because that's where the cat wanted to be, but oh wow, it was comfortable. And lo... when I stood up, my hip was in the right place, and there was no pain, unlike when I unfold myself from shrimping on the couch and have to put myself back together every time.
And yeah my general pain levels were way down the whole time we stayed there, even though the mattress is way too hard and ought to have fucked me up pretty good. And...
shit. I'm the kind of middle-aged that needs a recliner.
And they had one, at Ashley, and it was on sale for enough that the delivery fee and taxes still made it come out less than the sticker said. But they can't deliver it until late January. Which is fine because our living room is full of kitchen furniture and I have to finish putting all of it away.
So. New kitchen and also new living room furniture. But I'll worry about that later.
Now we could go home triumphantly and get started putting stuff away.
The chairs are yet another neutral, but it's a coordinating neutral, they kind of match the countertops, with a creamy-white kind of base color flecked in grays. We have made no progress thereby at choosing a color for the kitchen-- I had been prepared to accept a boldly-colored item and have to pick colors around it, but no. We remain classy, tasteful, and neutral, and I'm going to have to do something about it.
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[image description: A bay window with a glossy countertop in front of it, and in front of that are a pair of counter-height stools, with cream-upholstered seats and backs, and wooden legs.]
I think I need a better lamp to go on this windowsill. There's plenty of lighting in the room, but no non-overhead light for this space, and nothing controllable from this end of the room. I'm vaguely considering a tiny chandelier if I can find such a thing, that would be fun.
I also think it would be fun to install some kind of art piece up there in that chunk of wall between the trim and the ceiling, you see that narrow band there? It's like six or eight inches by like. 48 inches. I'll measure it later. A slogan would be funny but I also just had the idea of like, a mini Bayeux tapestry only depicting some other kind of event, not sure what.
I'll put it on the list, LOL.
Anyway-- the really critical things are 1) that it turns out our gray kitchen coordinates beautifully with our gray cat, who is of course the most beautiful, and 2) our gray cat can hop up on these stools and thus is able to avail herself of Attention and Snuggles. (I had worried I'd have to get her a stepstool I'd have to then leave set up, so she could reach this window.)
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[Image description: a gray and white cat is encircled within a man's arms on the kitchen counter, and has the back of her neck pressed against his face, her eyes closed in contentment.] She was rubbing her ear against his nose, which is a thing she for some reason loves to do.
So. All is well. I've been putting things in cabinets and taking them back out, and running everything I possibly can through the dishwasher, and to my astonishment haven't wrecked a thing yet I didn't intend to (I already know from being at my sister's that a certain category of plastic container will mostly melt in there but that's fine if you're just trying to get it clean to recycle it, it's not like it gets onto other things). And Dude realized the dishwasher has an app, so he paired his phone to it.
At Middle-Little sister's prompting, we've named the dishwasher Suds MacKenzie, since it lets you pick a name and that's the funniest one we could think of.
We retrieved our groceries from Dude's mom's house and cooked dinner and set off the smoke alarm so now we've really broken it in.
The stove is *really level*. For the record.
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danggirlronpa · 7 days
This one might be a little controversial, because, at least last I heard, this website's queer community Do Not Like the "changing how you id sexually after trauma is a completely valid way to cope, and for people who id as ace after trauma in particular, it does not speak to any larger issue with the ace community" and "sexual id's can be fluid, and it is okay to have different ids based on where you are in your life" concepts. There's a desire to push back against the age old stereotype of You're Only Queer Because Something "Broke" You, which I do get. But denying that is denying an important aspect of how we use sexuality as self expression.
Which is all to say: I do think that an important part of Mikan's journey to recovery is recognizing herself as ace and sex-repulsed post-despair. Mikan has, unambiguously, been sexually assaulted before high school, and her first """healthy""" relationship was with a manipulator who used her to drive mass murder and biological weaponry. I do think that with all those traumas combined, eventually, Mikan hits a point where sexual activity is just...awful. To engage in, to think about, to remember, to consider for the future.
And as an aspec lesbian (though not for trauma reasons), there is something so incredibly freeing about going. Well Then I Just Won't Do It. I will just set this aside and never touch it again, and not only is that fine, its good! It's good for me to say I am not going to touch this again!! And maybe 10 years down the line she'll take another look and be like yeah I'm pan and was just in an awful headspace, or yeah I've always been ace and I just tried to pretend otherwise to myself to justify my trauma. Or maybe she still won't be ready and lock it away for another ten years! Mikan's sexuality is fluid & transient, and in the immediate aftermath of the Tragedy, she's ace. And Good For Her!
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itsascreambaby96 · 10 months
Hiiii so I’m not to sure about your rules for request so I’m sorry if any of these cross any lines for that? (I have about two request you can choose whichever you like best!)
So the first one is an Eddie x Reader fic based off of the song, “The Sex is good” by Saving Abel, but maybe they do end up together in the end?
And the second one is ALSO an Eddie x reader based off the song, “18 and Life” by Skidrow. Perhaps reader and Eddie were dating or best friends with Bennifits, they get into a fight, Eddie ends the relationship, and shocker they don’t wrap it before they tapped it! So about ten or so years later Eddie runs into reader and his kid (he doesn’t know it’s HIS kid) and is upset she moved on because he still likes her, and yea you decide how it goes🫶
A/N: I went with the second one. I loved the song! Kinda fits Eddie so well. I know kids are not everyones cup of tea but I love this kind of trope. I changed some small parts. I hope you like it😊
Warnings; ANGST! fluff, happy ending. Mentions of pregnancy, mentions of sex, profanities, name calling, not proof read
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
18 and Life
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You knew you were in love with Eddie before you became friends. He didn't know of course. Then one night you two got a little drunk and ended up having sex. The talk the next day was awkward to say the least. You two swore it would never happen again. But a week later it did and suddenly you found yourself in a friends with benefits situation.
It wasn't how you expect things to go. But you told yourself it was enough. Eddie always said he didn't want a relationship. Said he wanted his freedom and stuff. It broke your heart but you understood. And the sex was great. You two worked fantastic together in the bedroom.
You loved snuggling up afterwards, Eddie having his post-sex cigarette.
Eddie found a job after he graduated, he's a mechanic now. And he was good at what he was doing. The pay wasn't the best but it was good enough for him.
He still made some side money with his deals. He didn't do them much anymore just here and there when he needed some extra cash.
Sometimes you asked him if he had any dreams for his future, which he always declined. Joking that this right here was all he needed for now. You hide it from him but it made your heart skip a beat every single time. Hope bubbling up that one day you'd be enough for him. That you are enough for him.
That little bubble was fragile and it was only a matter of time before it would burst.
Your friends told you this was a bad idea, all worried that one of you, mainly you, would get hurt. You waved your hand, denying that this would happen.
Yet here you were now. Eddie had just pulled out of you and laid down next to you, lighting his cigarette. You were ready to snuggle up to him when he pushed you away.
Confused you looked at him. "What's wrong?"
With a deep exhale, Eddie blew out some smoke of the cigarette. "We have to stop this."
You blinked, confused and a weird feeling settling in your stomach.
"Haha very funny." The chuckle sounded worried even to your own ears.
"I'm serious." He got up, his cigarette hanging from his lips as he pulled on his underwear and pants.
Suddenly you were feeling insecure, wrapping the blanket around yourself. The pit in your stomach grew.
"Eddie sit down, come on we can talk about this. If I did something wrong, I-I can change and we can go on like before." You hated how your voice trembled, how desperate you sounded.
"You did nothing wrong. It's just over." He didn't even look at you. No emotion in his voice. Like you meant nothing to him.
"No. At least give me a reason. I deserve as much don't I?"
"I met someone. Is that what you wanna hear?" The harshness with which he spoke made you flinch. He never spoke to you like this.
"You met someone...?" You could feel your heart crack at this. Surely he wasn't serious.
"Yes. And it's getting serious. So we need to stop this." He pulled his shirt over his head.
"You said you weren't looking for a relationship." Yor voice was trembling even more now and you tried to hold in the tears that were welling up in your eyes.
He didn't look at you and his silence confirmed what you already knew deep down.
"... You just didn't want a relationship with me..." You only whispered, and more silence from him followed. Your heart felt like it was wrapped up by a fist that was squeezing so hard it hurt.
"How long have you been seeing this woman?" You gave up holding in your tears, there was no point to safe your dignity now anyways.
"A few weeks." Eddie put on his shoes. The way he treated this whole situation, how he treated you, it made you angry.
"A few weeks?! And you still though Hey why not play a little bit more with her feelings? At least I have warm pussy to stick my dick into before I have a better one?!" Angry and sad tears were streaming down your face and you quickly put on some underwear and a shirt.
"Hey now that's not what I said!" He was getting defensive.
"No but you sure as hell act like this was exactly your thought process!"
"So what if it was? This was only meant to be sex anyways remember?!"
"Fuck you! Get out of my apartment!"
"Gladly!" He took his keys that were on your bedside table and left, slamming the door on his way out.
That's when you broke down. You slide to the floor, louds sobs, that were wracking through your whole body, escaped you. How naive you were to think that Eddie could love you. The whole night you spend crying on your bedroom floor. And most of your next day you stayed in bed.
At one point Steve and Robin came over as they had heard from Eddie what had happened.
Steve was angry but Robin was livid. She threatened to cut off his dick for you, which only earner her a half hearted smile. You were really broken, and it broke their hearts to see you like this. You looked so small and fragile in your bed that day. They tried to comfort you as best as they could. You would be forever grateful for their help
That is why, two months later you were in Robin's bathroom, crying again. And again it was because of Eddie Munson.
A knock on the bathroom door made you flinch.
"It's been 10 minutes. Can you please come out? You are driving us crazy here" It was Robin, Steve probably next to her.
You originally planned a sleepover for tonight but when you were feeling sick all morning for the past week you had bought a pregnancy test, taking with you. You knew you would need the support. And you were right. The two pink lines confirmed your suspicion.
As you opened the door, and Robin and Steve saw your red, puffy and wet face they knew. Steve was the first to hug you, almost crushing your bones.
"I swear I'm gonna chop his dick off for real this time!" This time it did make you laugh a little. Steve guided you to the sofa and you three sat down.
"So what are you planning to do?" Steve's voice was soothing and warm. Like a soft blanket around you.
"I have no idea. I just found a job a town over but I can't just show up there pregnant!" You buried your face in your hands. This was all such a mess.
Robin slowly took your hands away from your face, smiling at you softly. "We are here for you. And if we have to move with you we will."
"Wait what?" But Steve was silened with a look from Robin making you giggle a little.
" What I am trying to say: We are the three musketeers-"
"Since when do have a name?"
"And we will get through this." Robin ignored Steve, making him roll his eyes at her. But he smiled at you.
"She is right. We might not have much but we have each other yeah?"
You were crying again. They were really the best friends you could hope for. You were hugging them close thanking them over and over again.
The movie night was still a success and at the end of it you decided to keep the baby.
You still moved to the next town and took the job. They were kind enough to still keep you even though you were pregnant.
Robin and Steve came over almost every weekend, helping you set up the nursery and taking care of you too.
Then you had your beautiful baby girl. She completely turned your world upside down but in the best way possible. You never thought you could love someone so much. You would do anything for her. You named her Amelia. She was the sweetest little child ever.
She had everyone wrapped around her little finger the moment they met her. Robin and Steve fought over who could hold her first, which made you laugh and your heart swell even more with love. You knew that even without her dad she would be loved so much.
Now 5 years later you were back in Hawkins, visiting Steve and his fiancée, for their engagement party. Your other friends were going to be there too. You were happy to see them again. Some of them you haven't seen since you left.
You were late already because your adorable mini you, told you half way through the car ride, that she forgot the picture she drew for Steve and made you turn around.
Now you were finally there. You congratulated Steve and his fiancée, who you met before and liked so much!
You were getting something to eat from the buffet, keeping an eye out for your little girl.
"I didn't expect to see you here." That smooth voice made you freeze. You haven't heard that voice since that fateful night. You turned around slowly. There he stood in front of you. Eddie didn't look different at all. His eyes still as mesmerizing as you remembered. Still his messy mop of hair and that charming smile still made your knees week.
"Hey." Your voice was breathy.
"Hey." Eddie kept his charming smile.
"You look great. Wow I haven't seen you since.."
"Yeah..." There was an awkward silence. Eddie looked over your figure. You were as beautiful as the day he lost you, which he knew was his own fault and he regretted it every day.
"Listen, we should talk sometime there are-" Before he could finish his sentence someone interrupted him.
"Mommy!" And with a jump Amelia was in your arms talking animatedly about her game she played with her favourite aunty Robin. Eddie's smile froze. The little girl called you mommy. He was to late.
"Sweetie, Mommy was talking to someone. It is rude to interrupt."
"I'm sorry mommy."
"It's ok. Sorry what were you saying Eddie?"
"Never mind. So this is your daughter?" You could tell that his mood dropped. You always knew him better than the back of your hand.
Still you replied. "Yes this is Amelia. Amelia this is Eddie. He's an old... Friend."
Your daughter gave Eddie one of her dazzling smiles. "Hello!" Eddie gave her a soft smile in return but his eyes looked pained. "Hello fair princess." It made her giggle.
"I like him mommy. He thinks I'm a princess."
"Yeah I heard. Why don't you tell Aunt Robin that you are a princess now?" With a soft smile and a kiss to her head you set her down and she ran of yelling for her aunty. When you looked at Eddie his face was whiped off of all emotions.
"So did you bring her father here too?" His tone had a bite to it which made you raise an eyebrow.
"No I didn't." It wasn't a lie. You didn't bring him. Eddie came himself.
"What about you? Still got that girlfriend of yours?" If he wanted to be like this so could you.
"No it... It didn't work out." His eyes looked at the glass of champagne he held, not daring to look at you.
"Are you still working at this car workshop?"
"No. There's this other workshop I work at now. Pays better you know?"
"Sounds great."
"Yeah.." Another awkward silence followed. Amelia called you over.
"Guess duty calls for you."
"This little lady knows how to keep me busy. But it was nice talking to you Eddie." Your smile was genuine, which made Eddie's heart clench. He watched you walk over to your daughter, thinking how this could have been his and not some other guys child if he didn't fuck up. He downed his drink and went to grab another glass. He intended to get wasted tonight, wallowing in self pity. He ended up sleeping in Steve's guest room.
Eddie had a big hangover and definitely needed some aspirin. As he walked down the stairs he saw Steve in the kitchen.
"Hello sleeping beauty."
"Suck my ass Harrington" Eddie was never a morning person, the hangover only adding to his foul mood.
Steve didn't care, he was used to Eddie's moods.
"What made you drink that much? Thought you wanted to stay sober after what happened last time." Steve was sipping his coffee, watching Eddie, who took some medicine against his headache and then poured his own cup of coffee.
"Yeah well when you see the love of your life moving on without you and having a fucking kid with another man we can talk." He took a big gulp of the burning liquid.
Steve furrowed his brows. "Who are you talking about?"
"Seriously?" Eddie gave him a look.
Steve knew you haven't told Eddie that the kid was his.
"He made it abundantly clear that he doesn't want anything to do with me. So he doesn't need to know." That were your words back then. And Steve agreed with you back then. That was before he knew Eddie's feelings for you. Now Steve was deep in thought. Should he tell Eddie that the kid was his? Or that you still thought about Eddie and haven't had a boyfriend since. "Who wants a woman who already had a child, Steve?" That was your reasoning but he knew you were still hung up on Eddie, even after all this time.
"Careful Harrington. If you think too hard your brain might explode cause it's not used to you thinking at all." Eddie teased.
"She doesn't have anybody." That made Eddie perk up.
"She doesn't?" Steve shook his head at this.
"What kind of man leaves his girlfriend behind when she is pregnant?" Eddie got mad at this man, not knowing that it was actually him. Steve inwardly rolled his eyes.
"You should talk to her."
"This isn't a movie Steve. This bullshit doesn't work."
"Just try."
"She probably has no time for me and my bullshit anyways."
"Just try it!"
"Besides she has a child. She has other priorities."
"Oh my god Eddie the kid is yours!" Both Steve's and Eddie's eyes widen.
"What?" Eddie's head was spinning. He had a child. A daughter. With you.
"Shit I wasn't supposed to tell you..."
"The kid is mine?"
Steve rubber his temple and nodded.
"Why the hell didn't she tell me?! I had a right to know!"
"Oh yeah totally after you told her you didn't want a relationship with her. While getting into a relationship with another woman."
"I was young and stupid ok? I've changed now."
Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Fine, last night was an accident. You know I don't drink anymore. Can you just tell me where she is staying?"
With a sigh he told Eddie that you were living a town over now, giving him your address. Eddie has never been so fast in his life, running out of the door and into his van and driving as fast as possible.
When he arrived he sat in his car thinking about all the possibilities how this could go wrong. But when he saw you coming out of the building with your daughter, knowing the little girl was his, he got out of the car and went over to you.
Your eyes grew ten sizes when you saw him.
"Eddie what are you-"
"Please can I just talk?" You could tell he was nervous so you nodded for him to continue. Amelia looked at you two curiously. She liked Eddie, he looked funny and called her a princess.
"I fucked up back then. I didn't realise how in love with you I was when I had you. Only when I lost you I did. I thought I liked this other woman but when I was with her all I could think about was you. I compared her to you every single time. She didn't laugh like you. You know that full belly laugh that you have that is contagious. And her eyes never light up when she saw something she liked. Like when I entered the room your eyes always light up. And her smile never made my knees week, not like yours did. Once I realised what a huge mistake I made I immediately broke up with her and went to see you to apologize but you were gone. And I never got to know where you went. Steve and Robin really made sure of that. And I started drinking because I couldn't live with the fact that I lost the best thing that's ever happened to me because I was a stupid idiot. I'm clean now. And when I saw you yesterday I was so happy and thought maybe I can make things finally right and get a second chance. But then I saw you had a daughter and I saw all my chances go down the drain because clearly you had moved on. And I got so sad and started drinking again. I know that's not the point and not your fault. And now Steve had told me that this child is actually mine, which I know he shouldn't have told me cause he promised you, please don't be mad at him. But it made me have some kind of hope that maybe just maybe not all is lost yet."
You were listening intendly to what he had to say. So many information.
"What I am trying to say is, I am sorry that I have been such an asshole to you back then. And I love you. I always have. I was just tok stupid to realise it. And I am hoping that maybe, there is a tiny chance that you still love me too."
You didn't know what to think yet. This was messing with your head. Your emotions all over the place.
"You know how long I've waited to hear you say this? And now that I do hear them I don't know what to feel."
Eddie's heart sank at your words.
"Eddie it took me years to get over you and now you show up here saying you still love me? What am I supposed to do now? You are messing everything up again..."
"I'm sorry... I just thought... Nevermind. I didn't think. Like so often. I will just get out of your hair." Eddie's voice was strained and there were tears in his eyes. Before he could move you pressed your lips against his though. Eddie's eyes grew wide, the tears streaming down his face now, mixing with your own. You were holding onto him for dear life. Eddie got back to his senses and kissed you back with all he's got. He was never letting go of you again.
The giggle next to you two out of your little bubble, making you part.
"This is not me forgiving you. This is gonna take some time. But I am willing to try if you are."
"I am! I so am!" Eddie gave a teary smile. "Thank you."
You looked at your daughter. "You know how mommy said he is a friend?"
She nodded with big eyes.
"Well he is a special friend. He is actually your daddy." Her eyes got even wider.
"I have a daddy?" You nodded softly and Eddie knelt down to her level.
"Is that ok for you princess?"
She looked at Eddie intensely. Studying his features. Eddie grew a tad worried when she didn't say anything. Then a big smile broke out on her face and she threw herself at Eddie who catched her, crying again.
"I have a daddy! I will keep him forever!" That made you both laugh. Amelia hugged Eddie as close as she could.
"Will you be coming with us to the park?" She put on her best puppy dog eyes and Eddie's heart melted at that.
"I will go with you anywhere you want princess."
Her cheer put a big smile on Eddie's face. And so the three of you went to the park together.
"What's an asshole by the way?"
Your eyes grew wide and Eddie gave you a sheepish smile. The same look Amelia sometimes had when she did something she knew she wasn't supposed to. You shook your head, laughing to yourself.
"You are already a bad influence on her."
You knew this was going to take time but it was going to be all worth it, you were sure of it.
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deannagrey · 6 months
A Mendell Christmas: Part One
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A little Christmas short for the holiday season! This occurs toward the end of Team Players, before Aderyn (spoiler alert for Team Players ending!) reveals she's leaving Mendell. (please excuse any errors, I'm not the best editor lol)
“Naomi?” A soft, rhythmic knock at the door called for my attention. “It’s me.”
I tugged off my headphones and glanced at the clock. I’d been so knee-deep into online Christmas shopping I didn’t realize the time. 
"You ready?" Lincoln was out of breath — undoubtedly from taking the stairs two by two because he couldn’t stand the time it took to climb them. 
I smiled at him. His eyes were bright and full of infectious excitement. He bounced on the balls of his feet like he was ready to take action at a moment’s notice. 
“For what?” I couldn't help but tease.
“Naomi.” His shoulders sagged and his smile tapered off into near non-existence. “They’re all downstairs right now and in the worst mood ever. We have a job to do and you’re going to tell me you forgot?” 
I laughed and got up from my desk to reveal the bottom half of my outfit. Relief smoothed Lincoln’s brow. He chuckled at the spin I did to make my green, tree skirt light up. His bouncing was back. 
“You really thought I forgot?” I tugged off my sweatshirt to reveal the ugliest Christmas t-shirt I could find at the local thrift shop. It had reindeer patches, a multitude of Santa Clauses, and enough colorful candy cane to make one feel cross-eyed.
“You’re just so good at bluffing, Sunshine,” Lincoln said and pulled out two Santa hats from his bag. Both were green and trimmed with gold fabric. My name was embroidered in black thread on one. 
I gasped and stood still as he placed it on my head carefully as if it were a crown.
“There, now you’re all set,” he said. 
“This is so cute! Where did you get it? Wait…do you know how to sew?” 
“No, I wish. I just know people who know people who know how to sew.” He nodded in approval at how the hat looked on me and then, placed his own on. “I got one made for all of us. I wanted it to be perfect. A holiday to remember despite…well, you know.” 
Lincoln had been planning this for weeks. And as his partner in crime (or elf in crime depending on the level of Christmas spirit), I was committed to helping him. 
“It will be perfect,” I promised while adjusting my hat. “They’re going to cheer up and we’re going to make this a time to remember. They’ll be so holly and jolly we’ll probably get sick of them.”
Lincoln laughed. “God, imagine.” 
“Anything is possible this time of year,” I said even though seeing Sam, Henrik, and especially Finn more excited than Lincoln and I would be a sight to behold. 
“Are we all set?” I grabbed my phone, ready to record reactions for the eventual short film Lincoln wanted to put together. He was going to call it “Our First Christmas.” When I asked if they’d spent holidays together before he said, of course. 
“Why first then?” I’d wondered. 
“Because you’re here and now, our family’s bigger. It’s our first Christmas together,” he’d said so casually like it was simple and my inclusion vital. I’d cried that day and Finn almost got into it with Lincoln until he realized it was good tears. 
“Almost set,” Lincoln answered me. “Just one more thing…”
He tossed a garland around my neck. I snorted but didn’t protest. 
“Now you’re perfect!” He grinned. “Remember your cues?” 
I rolled my eyes, good-naturedly. “Of course I remember my cues. I’m a professional.”  
“That’s what I like to hear.” He started out the room and I followed with an equal amount of pep in my step. 
Lincoln had big plans for his Secret Santa event – something of which I didn't originally think needed much of any planning. But in any event Lincoln put together, he committed ten times the necessary energy and focus. And I was lucky enough to also be his second. We wreaked havoc on our household with our combined forces. The guys feigned fear of our events, pretending they hated being roped into the fun. It was a farce they kept up even now as I marched into the living room. 
"Uh oh," Henrik teased from his spot on the couch. He closed the book he was reading, using his index finger as a temporary bookmark. 
Sam was lying on the loveseat with his legs hanging over the edge of the armrest and a glassed gaze on the ceiling. My heart tugged at the small smile he flashed in my direction. He'd been in a dark place after his relationship with Aderyn had been left in a state of limbo. I couldn't get much out of him but Finn relayed some of his fear. Sam was a large chunk of the reason why Lincoln wanted to go so hard this holiday season. The guys didn't usually exchange gifts but retail therapy was something Lincoln thought could cheer everyone up. 
"What's this?" Finn was in the kitchen, loading the last bit of dishes into the dishwasher. He smiled when I twirled once for him to admire the lights on my skirt. I’d been sworn to secrecy about Lincoln’s plans but that didn’t keep me from at least showing my boyfriend the outfit earlier. 
Finn loved a lot of things about my skirt…mainly how it clung to my waist and provided easy access for him to do what he wanted. My cheeks burned when I remembered how long we’d spent in our room this morning. How long he insisted on being underneath me. 
Finn flashed me a knowing smile before finishing up the dishes. 
“Uh…” I cleared my throat, trying to get back on track. 
“The lights,” Lincoln whispered from the staircase. He tried to keep out of view, readying for his big entrance. “If I may have your attention and then, the lights.”
Sam laughed at Lincoln’s obvious coaching. Score. It wasn’t his carefree laugh but it was better than his forlorn staring. 
Henrik was polite enough to pretend like he didn’t hear Lincoln. He made a noise of wonder when I clapped and the lights went out. 
“Since when did we have that?” Sam sat up, completely intrigued. 
“Irrelevant,” Lincoln said and then whispered to me, “Tell them it’s irrelevant.” 
“I installed them last weekend,” Finn explained. 
“You rewired our living room in a weekend?” Sam asked, impressed. 
“It didn’t require rewiring,” Finn said. 
“Nowadays, sound-sensitive lights are pretty common and simple to install,” Henrik added. 
“Irrelevant,” Lincoln repeated, this time it was a plea. 
“Right!” I called in a voice louder than usual. The guys jumped and turned their attention back to me. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is our main event.” 
“What?” Sam glanced at his friends, searching for explanations. There was enough light from the sun setting outside to bleed into the living room and flood the floor with a warm red. The red painted their faces, revealing similar expressions of curiosity. 
“All I know is that she needed sound-sensitive lights.” Finn shrugged and joined Henrik on the couch. “What she needs, I get.” 
“Simple and straightforward,” Henrik said when Sam looked at him in exasperation. “Did you expect he’d be anything else?” 
Sam chuckled and sighed. “No, I guess not.” 
“Gentlemen,” I said and unlocked my phone to start the music. An instrumental version of A Holly Jolly Christmas played. “Tonight is our first annual Mystery Secret Santa.” 
“Mystery Secret Santa?” Sam asked. “That feels repetitive. Isn’t Secret Santa already a mystery?’ 
I frowned. “Okay, are you going to let me finish my introduction or not? We have a dance to get through.” 
“Oh, there’s a dance?” Sam’s face lit up. He pulled out his phone, ready to record. “Say less.” 
Henrik and Finn tried to hold in their laughter, succeeding only when I shot them silencing glares. 
“I would like to present to you this night's host,” I announced with a dramatic gesture of my arm. “Lincoln Hill.” 
Henrik set his book to the side and clapped at his friend’s entrance. His smile grew wider when he saw Lincoln’s dramatic fur-lined, red cape and the oversized carpet bag he toted.
“Good evening,” Lincoln started in a deeper voice than usual. He bowed to our audience. That was my cue to turn on the multi-colored, twinkling Christmas lights I’d lined around the living room’s entrance. 
Henrik’s clapping got louder and Finn joined in. Even Sam looked impressed, whistling at the light show as he directed his camera to them briefly. 
“Taught her that,” Finn said quietly with pride. 
I smiled at him and continued, “Mr. Hill will tell you all how our mystery will unfold.” 
“Okay, Mr. Hill,” Sam teased. “Let’s see what you got for us.” 
“In the two-story house, right off Highbury Lane, lived five very studious university students.” Lincoln walked around the living room as he spoke. With each sentence he said, I lit a candle. Warm light slowly brought life back into the house. 
“We live off of a street,” Finn mumbled. “Right?”
“We do,” Sam assured.
“Ssh.” Henrik patted Finn’s shoulder. “It’s fine.” 
“All of which,” Lincoln continued, choosing to ignore the interruption. “Had a bloody, red secret.” 
“The best kind,” I said. 
“Very,” Lincoln agreed and winked at me. “Each secret was written down and hidden to quell their guilt. Due to sacred law, that secret was to be revealed once a year. And during that time, they were cursed to read a fellow housemate's secret. Once the secret was shared, they would temporarily be free of guilt during the holidays. Free to be merry and bright.”  
“That’s kind of sad when you think about it,” Finn mused. 
“It is.” Henrik hummed in agreement. 
“Okay, guys, it’s not supposed to be sad,” Lincoln quickly abandoned his spooky deep voice for his normal tone. “It’s supposed to be fun lore.” 
“But we’re cursed,” Henrik teased. “How is that fun?” 
“Yeah, since when are curses fun?” Sam wondered. 
“I can’t.” Lincoln turned to me with a groan. “They’re so…them.” 
I laughed and hurried to his side to unzip the carpet bag. “It’s fine. We’ll just move on to the picking.” 
Lincoln sighed, shook out his shoulders, and resumed his narrator's voice. “One sheet for each housemate. One chance to end their guilt by confessing to their murder.” 
“You’re first.” I took the bag and hurried over to Sam. 
“The broody leader with a heart more tender and kind than he lets on,” Lincoln said. 
“Alright, cool it with the titles,” Sam grumbled and dug his hand into the bag. 
“Well?” I asked when he opened the sheet. 
“Um…I can read it aloud?” he asked. 
“Yes, it’s a mere riddle. Something only you and the murderer will connect on,” Lincoln said.
“That makes no sense,” Sam said and shrugged. “But whatever. It says, I murdered in secret. My feet made no sound. I can construct the coffin easily. My hands are skillful enough to handle the ground…What the hell?”
“Next,” I sang and moved to Finn. 
He reached into the bag with one hand and snuck his free hand to the back of my knee. I breathed easily under his warm touch as he read his riddle. 
“I murdered between jokes. Made a sound like no other. I’m an easy catch. Just remember I’m nobody's brother.”
“Can we trade?” Sam asked. “I think I know that one.” 
“No trades!” Lincoln demanded. “The bag has chosen.” 
“Your turn.” I smiled at Henrik and he returned it before retrieving his confession. 
“I murdered in daylight. I was drowning in yellow. My fingers typed fast. I felt nothing but mellow.” Henrik chuckled. “Cute. I like this one.” 
“And you.” I skipped to Lincoln and shook the bag a little. He used a hand to cover his eyes before picking. 
“I murdered with a spoon. Or maybe it was a fork? Whatever it was, it happened under the moon. Whatever it was, I didn’t do it for sport.” Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief. 
“And me,” I claimed the final sheet. “I murdered determined. I did it first. As a leader, I wasn’t afraid. As a person, I don’t fear any curse.” 
I smiled, pleased. 
“Well, there you have it,” Lincoln said. 
“No, I really don’t.” Finn frowned down at his paper. 
“You can get the help of one murderer,” I said. “But only one so choose wisely.” 
Lincoln nodded in agreement. 
“I got you,” Sam said and Finn sighed with relief. Sam whispered a name into his best friend’s ear and the guy lit up. 
“Ah, that makes a lot more sense," Finn said. 
“Are we good then?” Lincoln bounced on his feet again, already geared to start his Christmas shopping. 
“No, not yet,” Sam said and pulled his camera back up. “We’re going to need that dance you two promised us.” 
“Oh right.” I started toward the Bluetooth speaker. Lincoln caught my elbow before I could leave. 
“Nope, they don’t deserve our dance.” Lincoln shook his head. “Not unless they stop laughing and appreciate our efforts.” 
“No one’s laughing,” Sam said while…well, laughing. 
“You're such an asshole,” Lincoln said with a smile. “No dance this time. We will reveal our talents when we know they’ll be appreciated. Right, Naomi?” 
“Right, exactly.” I nodded. Finn caught my eye and something in his gaze told me I could be convinced to do a private show later. 
“That’s all we have for now, folks,” Lincoln announced. “It’s up to you to do the rest. To figure out your fellow murderer and make sure your present is the best.”
“I do love it when he rhymes,” Henrik noted. 
“And I don’t,” Sam joked. “But this is entertaining so I’ll allow it.” 
“Come on,” Lincoln said. “Get off your butts and start looking for gifts. You’ve got twenty days until Christmas Eve. Let’s make every one of them count.” 
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