#i'm just obsessed with the little flower thingies
briteboy · 1 year
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pairing: Rafe x fem!Reader
Summary: you have a nail appointment and ask Rafe if he wants to go with.
A/n: random fucking idea
Enjoy this really fucking stupid story I randomly thought of <333
Dividers by @saradika
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You knew you wanted to get your nails done but you didn't know what color to get. This debate started when you were invited to your friends wedding a week before your summer vacation started. Two completely different occasions, and considering you had less than a week until the wedding you had to choose fast. It didn't help that the wedding dress-code was 'minimalistic and old-fashioned' so you couldn't choose a super bold color.
You were annoyed at everything when your boyfriend Rafe walked in.
"Hey baby what're you doing?" He said whole plopping down on the bed in your shared room.
"Looking at subtle but summer-y colors for my nai-" you stopped yourself mid-sentence and just look at him with mischief in your eyes.
"Hmmm" He hummed contemplating whether or not to say anything about your face. He decided on the latter. "What does that face mean, gorgeous?" He said after a bit of complete silence.
"Wanna go with me and pick out the color?" You say eagerly knowing damn well he won't turn down a chance to hang out with his best girl.
"Yes. What time is the appointment?" He asks simply.
"The appointment starts at 2:00 buy we can get there a bit early so you can see all of the colors we'll. And if you want you can choose the style and design." You say in not-so-chill tone.
"I will choose a nice sage green for the color and maybe coffin shape and them little flowers for design." He says feigning excitement.
You stare at him, mouth agape, trying to figure out where he learned all of this knowledge.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asks curiously.
"How did you know that? Also what color will the flowers be?" You ask incredibly confused.
"Mmm the flowers will be baby blue with little yellow middle thingys and Baby, I've been waiting for you to ask me for so long that I have learned all there is to know about nails. Also I have designs in my mind for every occasion so I'm REALLY prepared." He says as if you're not staring at him in pure disbelief.
"You blow my mind everyday with the amount of knowledge you can fit into that head with the size of that ego." You snap jokingly. Would he really believe it if you were serious?
"Wow, Baby, you're so nice to me." He says sarcastically while pulling you in for a sweet kiss, probably the sweetest kiss you've experienced with him.
"Okay, we have to leave in about...Forty-five minutes so be ready by then and I'll close out my pinterest and get dressed." You said pulling away from him reluctantly.
"Okay, Princess." He says giving you a quick peck on the cheek before walking to your closet and getting the two of you matching outfits in a beautiful muted orange color.
"Ooh, cute outfit, my love." You say happily grabbing it and walking to the bathroom that is attached to your room.
When you walked out you swear you can feel all of the air being sucked out of the room because of the incredible gasp you hear your adorable boyfriend take. "Beautiful, absolutely beautiful, have I told yiu today that I love you?" He says dumbfounded almost.
"I don't think you have. Do you love me?" You say trying to fuck with him.
"You have no clue how much I love you, Darling." He says quietly, almost silently.
At the nail salon you picked out the colors for your nails and sat down. You picked, as stated before, a sage green, a baby blue and a yellow that could be seen from a mile away.
The whole time the lady wah painting you nails Rafe wasn't even paying attention, he was staring at you as if you were the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth. And to him you were.
He was lovesick and at this point him being utterly obsessed with you made Topper and Kelse annoyed constantly.
After you were done you walked out to his truck and he opened the door for you and you climbed into the comfortable seat whole Rafe scurried to the drivers side and climbed into the truck the exact same way as you.
"Lemme see, Baby." He says making grabbing hands toward your hands.
"Okay, okay. Be patient, Rafey." You mumbled whole basically throwing your hands at him.
"Oh my Goodness, Baby, they look amazing!" He cheered in excitement.
"It was all you, Handsome." You said reassuringly.
And you both lives happily ever after-ish
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Thank you for reading this hope you enjoyed as much as I enjoyed writing it.
If there are any typos I'm so sorry I was writing this half asleep and reread it and was like "Okay then!" And now I'm posting it
Also, sorry if it seemed rushed
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
could u maybe write smth about what being with fae!hobie is like?
Fae! Hobie HCs
I made it into a hc thingy, I hope that's okay, hope you like it! Thank you for requesting! 🫶
Pairing: Fae! Hobie Brown x gn! Reader
Fae! Hobie doesn't trust anyone easily but when it comes to you he's full on willing to tell you everything.
He'll be courting you when he's absolutely sure about you and that you won't cause any harm to his abode/home.
Get ready to receive so many handmade gifts from him, like a lot. It would start off with tiny trinkets that fit on the palm of your hand. Then as time goes on you start receiving huge bundles of flowers on your doorstep that you're certain aren't in season.
Once you actually start a relationship with him, always be ready because fae! Hobie will be at your place the moment you get home. If he can't visit you that day then he'll leave your favourite flower on the table with some bread and pie that is still suspiciously warm.
You don't eat it of course, knowing that you'll truly be his after consuming it.
He lives little notes full of adoration too with cookies (why won't you just eat his little gifts 😞)
He's still Hobie of course, so he'd still tease the crap out of you. He'd make your apartment full of flower petals, engulfing you in its flowery scent. Fae! Hobie would also conjure vines on the floor so you would trip and fall in his arms.
Also I'm imagining Fae! Hobie with technology, like you'd teach him how the stereo works one time and you come home the next day to him jamming to all your music.
Of course there's a learning curve to it but after watching you use all the electronics in your house, he got it eventually. But he still prefers nature and his abode, technology is just his guilty pleasure.
Hugs!!! He's fantastic at hugging you, like you'd be cuddling in bed and it's hot? Fae! Hobie's got you, he'd regulate his body temperature so that he's your personal ice pack or heating pad when needed.
He's magic, he keeps telling you every time you get surprised by his abilities.
Sometimes he'd just lay down on you to feel your heart beating and to just bask in your warmth.
If you decide to visit his abode, he's absolutely thrilled to have you as his guest. He won't say it to your face of course, like if you ask him if you can visit, he'd shrug and say “alright” but inside he's already planning how to make you comfortable in his abode and what food to put out. (Why won't you eat it though 😞)
He would love to accompany you outside of your home and outside his abode but he tells you other humans aren't ready for him. (He just doesn't want to be perceived by anyone else but you. Also the cars and the smoke they emit scares him)
Flowers! There won't be a lack of it in your presence. Whether it's in your hair, clipped to your clothes or inside a vase, there's plenty of it courtesy of Fae! Hobie.
You're in the city and Fae! Hobie misses you dearly? He'll send a raven with a note and a flower in its beak just for you.
You like having silver jewelry because it looks good on you? Forget about it because it hurts Fae! Hobie and he would most certainly not let a simple jewelry prevent him from touching you even though it burns his skin. So you take the initiative to sell all your silver.
Kisses! He doesn't like kissing you outside of your home, saying that the plants and fauna in his abode are always watching so he prefers to smooch you in your place.
The kisses are all so sweet too, the feeling of it still lingers on your skin and lips hours after he kisses you.
Fae! Hobie isn't obsessed per se, he's just protective of you. After seeing cruelty committed by other humans for centuries, who could ever blame him when he gives you a protective charm?
If only you would eat his food then you'll forever be under his protection.
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mxpotter · 1 year
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Alright I know the man just came out to Overwatch but-
(Also, give me some requests! I would love to write some more for not just him but other characters and actors and whatnot.)
Well first things first the man is fruity I'm not debating that
And also Sym probably knew way before he did
*Lifeweaver feeling his heart beat faster when his crush is around*
*Symmetra being the #numberonewingwoman she is gave in a lil nudge to where his crush was
(Also in my opinion sym is bisexual and/or queer 😌)
Lifeweaver paints in his free time, he would definitely set up painting and tea dates with his partner
Symmetra and Lifeweaver would definitely paint together to relax or to just do with him to just talk about how things are going
Lifeweaver paints but he never shows it to anyone not even Sym
He would definitely whisper some Thai songs and little loving whispers to his partner(he would probably say the dumbest thing to his partner in Thai but in a loving way and his love would be swooning over it till he giggles and runs away leaving there partner to chase after him)
I feel like he is the type to worry heavily about anything and everything
In college before he dropped out I feel like he would just stress which is why sym introduced him to painting and most likely mediation
So if he worried about his partner, the man would be scared shitless-
If he hadn't heard a text, call or anything else that would notify him that there fine
He would go insane
When you would walk through the door, he would pull you in(much like one of his abilities in OW) and hug you so tight that you can't breathe
He's a very tight hugger and he loves to find flowers to give to his partner
Also, he's hella blushy any kiss or compliment from him or his partner would make I'm redder than a tomato and frozen in his tracks
Morning kisses and cuddles are a thing
Has to stay in for like 5 more hours even if he already woke up late or had something I'm important at Bio-light to do
He would do little harmless pranks on sym and his partner
He loves to show you off and a bit protective as well
He would also love to use his levitating rose platform thingy(...great job.) to look at the stars but he wouldn't be giving the stars much of a look but glancing more at his partner. (When they catch him he would either be so swoon that he wouldn't notice till you said something to wake him his adorning trance or he would panic and pretend he wasn't looking)
All in all this man is a lover not a fighter
But he would definitely fight when it comes to his bestie and partner
Some Extra Headcanons( ;3 )
He also totally ships Junkrat and Roadhog-
Totally a chaotic person (and would love to make tiktoks if that was a thing in overwatch)
He also gets shy a lot
I can see him in like normal everyday clothing when he's not fighting
He definitely prefers comfort over style
Man's would also be like Sigma barefoot 24/7 (like put them dogs away! They're barking-!)
He would love to craft up some roses for you but they break easily(like in the game) I feel like he would make them break faster just so he can see your face light up when he makes you another one
You brought up the idea of making flower crowns and he is obsessed with that idea
CEO of saying "the audacity"
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Yeaa I think that's all the headcanons I have I'm sorry for this whole thing being rushed I just wanted to write something for him most of them I thought of while painting. I'm sorry I've been gone I'm sure most haven't noticed but I really want to write more so give me some ideas! Please. And thankies.
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xieyaohuan · 1 year
Homelander's penthouse: the obsessive analysis nobody asked for, part 2
Continued from part 1. I would have preferred to have all of this in one post, but tumblr limited me to 30 images, so that was that.
In the last post, we got through the first 20 individually labelled items in Homelander's place and placed some of them into a bigger picture. I have a couple more items I want to cover before offering a map of the place:
21. The table where Homelander has the lovely seafood lunch with Deep (#justicefortimothy) - his ugly couch was moved out or aside temporarily to make it fit
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22. The Sisyphos ATLAS statue 🎉🎉🎉 (thank you @deliciouskeys!), my beloved! The fact that Homelander has this in his place fills me with joy, and I don't even know why, but it 100% fits with how he sees himself I guess, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulder.
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23. The flower bouquets - maybe his birthday flowers? Or maybe just decoration he had people put up for the meal with Deep to make things a little more fucked up, who knows.
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24. The torso on the wall, aka "OMG this thing!!!"
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25. The eagle thingy (thingies, there's more than one)
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26. Ugly brown chair (miniature version of his ugly brown couch)
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27. The world globe, see here for example:
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There's a bunch more stuff (additional statues in the entrance area; paintings, etc.) that I'm not going to label because 1. I'm lazy and 2. @deliciouskeys already made a pretty exhaustive list of the paintings.
Let's look at some of this stuff in context again. Here's the view with the couch:
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And here's the main space of his penthouse with the couch removed for the seafood lunch:
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Before I move on to the last part and make an actual sketch of the layout of his place (please forgive me in advance for my amateurism lol), I want to submit one more piece of evidence that Homelander indeed has an open plane, zero privacy bed "room":
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Okay, now we get to the fun part where I reconstruct the whole layout -- but not to scale because I am incompetent when it comes to these things and will not be able to fix that on this fine Saturday afternoon:
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15 and 19 are a different color because they are temporary (while Stormfront was there). 21 and 23 are also a different color because they were moved in for the lunch with Deep. Everything else is more or less permanent even if it gets moved around occasionally.
And that's it. That's the post.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Like. I’ve never watched or read The Hunch Back of Notredame or however it’s spelled, but I just. From what I’ve just heard??? I don’t like him. Sure he can have “positive” traits, but it’s what he uses them for. Again, this is just from what I’ve heard about him since I’ve never seen or read the original or Disney adaptation myself.
I suppose you could say he’s determined or self assured? But he uses those to further his negative traits. While those traits by themselves can be seen as good, it’s what he uses them for that makes them bad. Does that make sense?
Also, sorry if this is bothering you, but did you get my looooong ask with, uh, spoilers I guess, flower language and Mrs Rosehearts? I dunno if tumblr was being weird and ate it, but it didn’t show that little “submitted!” Bar thingy after so I wasn’t sure >.< I’m on mobile
- SpadeHearts Anon
If you ever get a chance to watch it, I recommend. But Hunchback is notorious for being known as Disneys darkest animated film. Because it has themes of bigotry, doing evil in Gods name, Lust, etc. But the crash course about Frollo is he's a powerful judge in Paris, he's trying to drive out all the Romani people out of the city at any cost. (They say gypsy in the movie, but as far as I'm aware that's actually a slur. So if anyone more knowledgeable than I is reading, feel free to correct me.) That's how he came to have our protag Quasimodo as a ward, his parents were trying to sneak into the city when he was a baby. Years later we meet another young Romani woman named Esmeralda, who Frollo sees performing at a festival, and Frollo becomes obsessive about her. The gist of his song Hellfire is him singing about his lust for her. "She will be mine or she will burn." So the whole movie is Frollo trying to hunt down this minority group so he can prey on this young woman.
So you could say Frollo is someone who is very driven, if you wanted to put it nicely. And you’re right, ambition, drive, passion, etc, are not inherently bad traits its what one does with them. It’s just that Frollo uses those traits to commit heinous acts. So Rollo (I think that’s the new characters name) could have those traits and not be a complete prick, or he start out as an antagonist and by the end of the event sees some development. We won’t know until it’s out.
(Also don’t worry about your ask. It didn’t get lost, I’m just slow to answer a lot of the time. I have no excuse other then I am easily distracted. I literally got distracted typing this. “I should put on the movie!” Now here we are hours later. I’m sorry.^^”)
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riverrunscold · 2 years
8, 22, and 46 for question thingy?
8. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Yes! Absolutely! I have more that can't stay in my bed because I kick them off of it in my sleep and then feel bad. But the ones I do have on my bed that I cuddle with are two squishmallows, one big fox and one small cheetah. Fox is named Tod after the fox in Fox and the Hound and the cheetah one is named Craven because it has a yellow belly which means coward and craven is a synonym for coward that sounds badass as a name. My other two are both Pokemon, Alolan Raichu and Bulbasaur respectively. Raichu is named Cheese and wears a little flower headband I put on him. And Bulbasaur is named Frog because he looks like one :)
22. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone do in public?
I think it'd probably be when I was younger and saw a man wearing super shiny short shorts. Looking back on it, it wasn't that weird but as a kid I thought the shorts shorts were an odd choice even though it was summer and hot as hell so they made sense. He rocked them too I'm sure.
46. Do you have any tattoos or want to get one?
Oh no, you've done it now. You've opened the floodgates.
Absolutely! Several tattoos that I want to get are forever circulating in the back of my mind. I currently only have one that's a flower growing, symbolizing me growing as a person. It's pretty simple but I like it. I want to get more complex tattoos though, maybe not super big but definitely more complex. I want to get something Monster High related tattooed on me just because that franchise was so important to me as a kid and still is. Probably something from Balto because that was also something I was obsessed with. I'd definitely get a Fox and the Hound tattoo, a tattoo of Tod and Copper being cute.
My most wanted one right now is a replication of Jesse's tattoo from Breaking Bad on my wrist, right where his is.
I also want to get a Harley tattoo but not one of those sexualized one's. Probably just her from Bird's of Prey looking cool.
I want a tattoo of that Bojack Horseman line 'Why, I have half a mind' because not only is it devastating but it's also weirdly beautiful.
I want to get a pride tattoo for sure. One of the ideas I had for it was getting a Raichu holding a pride flag on my ankle or something.
A smiley face on one of my middle fingers or both. Maybe a jaw tattoo that says something like Harley's rotten tattoo but another word or something?
Maybe a heart tattoo under my eye? Who knows! I have so many ideas, too many probably.
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strohller27 · 1 month
2, 12, 18, 24, 38, and 39
Look, a questionnaire ask meme thingie! It's been a while since I've seen one of these in the wild 2: Show us a picture of your handwriting?
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Here's me being pedantic in my literature notes for Discourse Analysis LOL
12: What's some good advice you want to share? You know what, I hate this advice, but I really wish I could say this to my past self: "Sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is also the hardest. It can be scary to jump off that ledge not knowing whether or not someone's going to be there to catch you. And sometimes, there really is no one there to catch you. I hate it as much as anyone else, but the things you learn from the fall will serve you later, I promise. It is a huge confidence boost to be able to brush yourself off after the fall, look around and go, I LIVED, BITCH. Because yeah. You DID. And that means you can keep going. And no matter how hard it seems, if gravity still works, if there's still oxygen in the air, if the birds are still chirping, you can keep going. You can improve your life little by little. And as long as you're still kicking, you can still keep reaching for that goal. So be unkillable. Be that one cockroach asshole who keeps coming back. In great attempts, it is glorious even to fail. The fall cannot kill you in a way that matters." Okay but on a more serious note, some other advice I needed to hear recently is: "Don't waste your life trying to live it all at once. Things will happen when they happen. So fill now with things that make you happy just as much as you fill it with things that are meant to move the plot forwards. Take some time to take that little hike. Go smell that weird looking flower. Eat that doughnut. Put in that application. Stare at that beautiful cloud burst. Drink a pot of tea. Save up a little for that car you want. Burn that candle you've been saving. Take that trip you've always been meaning to take. Ask that one friend if they want to go get some coffee later. Life is just as much in the little moments as it is in the big ones. Let them all happen."
18: Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens? You know, with how vast space is, and some of the strange experiences I've had, I 10000% believe that there actually *are* more things in Heaven and Earth. I want to believe, man. Je veux y croir.
24: What's one thing you're proud of yourself for? I'm proud of myself for finally finishing my exams, getting through this ridiculous Master's Degree, and applying for citizenship so much has been happening alongside that tho that I'm about to keel over for real I can't wait until May is over LOL :')
38: Fave song at the moment?
*lights a lighter* :')
39: Youtuber you've been obsessed with and why? Okay LOL this one's gonna date me a bit but anyway In early college my favourite youtuber was Brett from Viral Video Film School. Here's my favourite video of his called Jerk Animals:
This is the one I used to watch the most, and I still often watch this video to cheer myself up, because. I don't know. Brett just has a comedic timing that I like. The lines "I'll be up here demolishing your property value" and "NO SON OF MINE IS GONNA WEAR A PEOPLE HAT" were Peak Comedy^TM to 20-year-old me LOL and please ignore the fact that this video was posted 13 years ago, kay thx.
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spectrobes-imagines · 4 years
I'm incredibly happy ti have found your blog just as my obsession for this cryptid of a series reignited. How do you think our favorite duo of space paleontologist would react to find living spectrobes in the wild? (up to you to decide if they are wild or abandoned).
Thank you so much 💛💛 I'm really happy to hear I'm helping to reignite your interest!! I'm sorry answering your ask(s) takes so long. I'm a busy person
I think the two - as any person would be - would be extremely surprised and confused. Here's a short story with the premise ^v^
Kaio had been a stressful adventure. While there was a heavy pressure resting on both Rallen and his newly assigned battle partner Jeena, there was no way to build a strong team of spectrobes in a rush. Raising them - which included the act of re-awakening them - needed care, and the quality of care you can give to another being dwindles as soon as time constraints are involved. This knowledge, though, doesn't get rid of the time constraints. It's just a fact that exists, and sucks.
Rallen ran on sleep deprivation. Most of his actions were just instinct by now, seeing how his active mind was too foggy. It meant that he was sloppy here and there, but not with the daily tasks. The daily tasks he was good at. Where his suboptimal state of mind became visible was when he was somewhere he was unfamiliar with. He occasionally got lost on the foreign planets. While he wasn't aware of it, the unfamiliar environments made him pay less attention to his spectrobe companions. He lost a freshly awakened one on Wyterra early along on the adventure without even realizing.
One day, he had awakened five Hananomi. By the end of the day, he had forgotten it was five, and the four flower bulbs flying around in the incubator room had looked like the correct number, which he hadn't questioned since.
As the krawl attacks grew more frequent, Rallen and Jeena had been called to help a village on Wyterra far away from Radese's. The fight wasn't too hard, but calming down the villagers posed a bit of a challenge. The officers talked to a lot of worried faces.
Rallen was in the middle of a conversation with an old woman when a small girl ran towards him, carrying something tightly clutched to her chest. "You!" The girl called out as she came to a halt in from of him.
Rallen blinked in confusion, then pointed a finger at his face. "Me?"
"You were so cool!" She stated bluntly. "You kicked those uglies' butts!"
"Uh." Rallen scratched the back of his head, unsure if that was a compliment to feel flattered by. Before he could decide on a reply, the girl continued.
She raised the thing she had been carrying away from her chest and towards Rallen's face. "Your thingies looked almost as cute as Peachy! If Peachy was bigger, I could kick monster butt too."
Now Rallen was really confused. That was a Hananomi the girl was holding. "Wha-? Wh-?" He turned around from side to side to look for his partner. "Jeena?! Jeena, you need to have a look at this."
As the old woman he had just been talking to before pointed him into the right direction to find his pink-haired partner, the Hananomi flew up to take a pleasant seat on the little girl's head.
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