#i'd say. mine as well
shitty-miraak · 10 months
Where are you? 🥺
Btw miraak, a lot has happened this year! Life is going better :D i wonder if you would cheer up for your cultists (or last dragonborn!)
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So Much happened this year on my end too honesly. So Much. I'm glad life is going better for you ! I can only hope it keeps doing so !
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petricorah · 1 year
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something something i will follow you into the dark (comic wip)
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ashes-in-a-jar · 1 month
My ace experience with media is like my coffee/tea experience as a non hot beverage drinker because a post apocalyptic protagonist would say "oh goddd I miss coffee" and everyone in the room would agree with them and become depressed and I would be like gee this coffee thing sounds unbelievably toxic in the way it rewires people's needs good thing I've never met her
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kyouka-supremacy · 5 months
Okay about Beast sskk; because I realized I've got a very definite picture of what the Beast post-canon is like that is only in my mind and I never actually put down, so here we go. Very needed content warning of sickeningly fluff and Beast sskk being disgustingly in love with each other, I suppose.
After Dazai killed himself, Atsushi is reasonably tormented, and can't sleep at night. Roaming across Yokohama late at night, he always ends up at Akutagawa's– instinctively, unconsciously, to an extent even unwillingly. He doesn't choose to, it's more about countless nights unable to sleep spent wandering with no destination and still always finding himself in front of Akutagawa's place for some reason. Akutagawa somehow always knowing when it's going to happen so that he can face him before Atsushi has time to hesitate and run away. How they don't really need words or explanations most of the time, how for Atsushi knowing that there's another person who understands is enough, and everything he needs. How before Atsushi realizes it (and thus keeping him from trying and prevent it), Akutagawa's house has become the only place where he can fall asleep.
That's how they start living together before even being together. They might not even have an actual “getting together” moment, you know? The development of their relationship is so natural and spontaneous, it was meant to end that way from the beginning. Besides, Beast sskk don't really need words between them, so... I suppose an actual confession, albeit nice, would be almost superfluous.
Soon enough they move together to a small apartment near the ada (I'm assuming Atsushi has still enough money saved from his old job). Against popular belief, with time it kind of crystallized in me the idea that Atsushi wouldn't join the ada? His life to that point has constantly been doused by violence and pain and death, he deserves a long break to cope with all the trauma; throwing him right back to another environment where he's constantly pushed to fight and use his ability would not do any good to his mental health; especially when he's got such a conflictual and hating relationship with Byakko, even worse than it is in canon. I wasn't kidding about the house husband thing. Beast Atsushi stays home and chills down and is safe and away from all major sources of stress and triggering environments. Slowly, with time, he goes out more often, gradually relearns what normality is supposed to be like, and bit by bit all his traumatic experiences get more distant, and the nightmares more rare. Akutagawa follows up with his ada job– obviously! There's a whole deal in the end about how important it is for him to keep doing his job and trying to be good. I do believe the ada is the right place for Akutagawa. He returns home to Atsushi who always welcomes him with warmth and joy, and they cuddle a lot.
But I also believe that there would be times when Atsushi is required to go back to action and fight– he's not a member of the ada and he doesn't work for them, but it's obvious that when the ada is in danger and Yokohama is facing serious threats, the guild and the rats and ultimately the doa, the times will call for his intervention. He usually comes to help or rescue Akutagawa, a trump card of sorts. And it's endearing, how Akutagawa is always the one, even among the ada, most contrary on getting Atsushi involved, how he wants to protect him and keep him away, how more than anything he wants him to be safe. As for Atsushi, I really like the concept of this man who retired from action, that spends most of his time at home or chatting with the seniors in the neighborhood, who joins the fight only when the situation is most desperate and reveals himself to be the most powerful and destructive beast to have ever walked on earth. He reluctantly fights, and together with Akutagawa they end up saving the day for everyone, because as Dazai himself said nothing can stop the both of them together.
On the other hand, when the world isn't ending Atsushi solves that very specific role of crime drama protagonist's husband who's very supportive of their partner and listens to them ramble at home about their cases. He often offers useful insights on how criminal organizations work.
Atsushi didn't replace his collar after it broke. They're barely visible under his turtleneck, but he has now wrapped bandages in its place: to hide his scars, to keep the memory of Dazai with him everywhere he goes, to remember what he's lost but also what he's gained.
Ah, and when it comes to the fight against Fukuchi, Atsushi is the one to die for Akutagawa, of course.
Headcanons that directly contradict something stated above but that I still like:
Sskk get together after six months– it's got an ironic taste to it, the timestamp their canon counterparts set to kill each other now being the time they declared their love to each other. It's so soon, but also is it really? They immediately clicked the moment they met each other, and they were always destined to be. At that point, there's no one in the world they need more than they need each other.
In case of Atsushi still wearing the collar for some time after the canon events: sskk had their first kiss when Atsushi took the collar off for the first time. Ever since Dazai died, Atsushi is haunted and unstable; he's throughout scared of taking off the collar, terrified by the idea of hurting someone unintentionally, now that Dazai can't be there to controll him (both through his ability and by the general power he used to have over Atsushi's psyche). Akutagawa sees how much Atsushi is physically hurting, and insists on him taking the collar off; they fight over it for months (verbally, for the most part, except for a couple of times when the fights become physical– but without abilities), before Akutagawa finally manages to convince Atsushi to take it off for a few hours. When they're alone, because after months of being persuaded, Atsushi can trust Akutagawa to be able to defend himself; and also something about “you would never hurt me”. Thing is, when Atsushi finally takes it off, he quickly spirals into a HUGE panic attack, not able to trust himself not to harm the people he cares about; and the only person around is Akutagawa, and he cares about him deeply. The tiger is taking over, and Akutagawa is panicking, and he's desperately looking for a way to quickly ground Atsushi so he just. Kisses him. Which effectively works in the way it immediately distracts Atsushi, as well as causes him to zone out for several minutes. Akutagawa immediately apologizes, and then panics again when Atsushi doesn't answer for a while. It's kinda cute. After that, Atsushi gradually learns to take his collar off more and more often; this time, he can really trust that, if Akutagawa is with him, everything is going to be okay.
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stpansy · 1 month
saint ive seen several ppl say “side effect” is peterick coded. why??
oh man well. um. ok. first of all, the title comes from a line in station to station, which is one of patrick's favorite bowie songs (this is also the 2004 interview where pete says if he had to marry a dude it would be patrick lol, it's a good one, you should watch it).
if i'm being so honest side effect is one of those songs that is very difficult for me to listen to without feeling like i'm being hit by a bus. it's so achingly naked in its honesty. it is also one of fob's songs that i feel is most obviously about being queer. the repeated refrain of "but i'm coming out" and the way it switches to "think of all the places where you've been lost and found... out," are just. genuinely haunting to me. particularly that pause in the final line, and the way patrick's voice sounds so raw over just the acoustic guitar. i talk all the time about fob having certain songs that really just cut to the core in such a specific way if you're queer, and this is one of them. the whole thing is brimming with that feeling of realization and terror that what you are inside will completely alter the way you're viewed forever in the negative.
but this song is also about a relationship. it's about two people. "why can you read me like no one else?" this person already understands the speaker the way nobody else does. they are the only person in the world who does, even set apart from "my friends." but if "they" find out it will "make them so jealous... make them hate us." jealous of what these two have and hating them because of it at the same time. it's not either or, it's both, people will be jealous of them and hate them for what they find out, and it's not a possibility it's a certainty--so "i hide behind these words" and "think of all the places where you've been lost and found... out / in between my sheets in between rights and wrongs."
as for why ppl see this as a p2 song, well, there's a lot there. a lot of it is pretty self-explanatory. a lot of it is born out of the way they talk to/about each other. i think specifically of this pete quote (from 2020 by the way, but a motif that's been echoed through their whole friendship).
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this is already too long so i'm going to leave it here before i get too crazy lmao.
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my favorite ship 🥰
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r0semultiverse · 1 month
Rose & Kanaya as Castiel & Dean Winchester from Supernatural sprites
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rosemary but it's destiel
Feel free to use these for whatever you want or for edits, just credit me for these outfit designs &/or sprites! It took a lot of hours to come up with these! 💜
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chainsawprophecy · 18 days
defending kipperlily copperkettle online isn't enough. i need a gun.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Jason's characterization towards Roy is actually insane because if i was best friends with a single dilf who's goofy and horny as shit but also respects women and every other minority and extends his fatherly traits to all kids in need rather than just his bio one which includes taking direct action against at least one ped0phile,i wouldn't be whining about how stupid and annoying he is for existing as himself,i'd be treating his daughter as my own and sucking his dick every chance i got both in the slang sense and the literal sense
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magmacavern · 1 year
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Hero and Partner Week, Day 7: Free Day!
For the last day of Hero and Partner Week, I've decided to draw a few surprise gift pieces for some of the PMD artists that I always enjoy seeing on my dash!
First up are Piper and Clementine, and they belong to @aimer-arts. Their dynamic is just too cute, and I couldn't resist drawing them. I hope you like it, Aimer!
My reference/inspo image can be found here. I highly recommend googling "cat kiss photos" if you never have before, because some of the results are too cute for words.
Also, fun fact, I had a massive case of the hiccups while lining this piece. So, uh, sorry for any unusually squiggly lines LMAO.
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spooky-activity · 1 year
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Going insane over this Makoann fic because I’m gay with big feelings sometimes
+bonus I always forget how awful it is to be Makoto in the first bit of the game. Girl can’t catch a break. EVERYONE be bullying her
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nicosraf · 3 months
okay wait… how big are the angels then?? i always imagined them human size but are they ? not? are the archangels bigger than the other angels? are they beefier or just taller? what’s their bone density like (because they’re able to fly—or does their power of flight come from their divinity)? are they more fragile because of their bone density or are they stronger because they’re angels? i have never been so curious about angel proportions in my life
this is stated pretty directly in A&M but all the angels tall! Not excessively though
I imagine them to be about 6.5 feet (....?) so they're not huge but they tower a lot next to ancient humans in particular. Archangels are the same size as other angels, though Uriel is especially tall, I think, at maybe.... 7.4 feet? Michael is probably nearly 7 feet; Michael, though, is Very beefy so he's quite wide. (And in my last post, it's a combination of being wide and wearing bulky armor that gets him stuck)
I imagine it's mostly divinity that makes them fly, but I do think their bones and organs are sort of weird in general. In a way, less complicated; they're missing some organs that humans have. I don't think they have kidneys, for example, and I think they have a tiny liver. I think their stomachs are larger (and tougher; they can digest absolutely anything). I think their big/small intestines work differently and are also smaller. I imagine their bones are much, much, thinner but stronger because.... well, divinity.
thank you for the ask :>
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remythologise · 6 months
bestie… what’s the 600k incomplete merlin fic please drop the title
SO glad you asked and also I misspoke. It is actually 871k. THE HANDS OF A HUNDRED WINTERS by FOURLEGGEDFISH. It is in four parts and you both can and should read it despite being incomplete, I have only read 3/4 parts because I am loathe to part with the reading experience of writing this good. This is both my favourite Merlin fic I've ever read and potentially my favourite longfic I've ever read (though hard to assess when it's incomplete and I haven't read it all as yet). It's AMAZING to me that the author has managed to sustain and even increase my interest over this many words, a feat managed by no other fanfiction I've read longer than 400k words ever (and I read a lot of those!). Don't get me wrong it's not perfect, and I do have minor scruples with some things*! I also don't think it's for everyone, my dear friend didn't like it and found it too dark for her personal tastes. But for ME? SPECIFICALLY FOR ME? To quote something I said to my friends 'wells for boys, lads, wells for fucking boys.' I also think it's so immaculately beautifully written that even if it's not your personal cup of tea you should read it anyway. ALSO the sheer dazzling breadth of research that went into this fic is REMARKABLE. I am not joking when I say this author has achieved everything I want to achieve as a writer in this fic. In many ways this is Ur Merlin Fic. The Once and Future Fic. To Me!
*I have minor scruples with almost every fic I've ever read and frankly remarkable how few scruples occur with a fic on this size. There are also scruples I had with things like tone, characterisation or even sex scenes that were then resolved with plot explanations that made sense a mere half a million words later in a quite satisfying way. This fic is a masterpiece in how it threads things like that through and pays them off very handsomely. I know how much blood sweat and tears goes into creating fanfic and I am overwhelmed by the skill, love and zillions of hours that must have gone into crafting this. Nothing but respect for such an incredible piece of art.
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pacificgasandelectric · 6 months
Current Events in Silm fandom rlly reinforce my feeling that, despite claiming an ethos of acceptance/tolerance of anything that doesn't hurt ppl, a lot of ppl in the section of Silm fandom I frequent do follow a set of socially-agreed-upon mores about what concepts are "not acceptable" to discuss or propose (or the ways in which certain topics must be discussed to be acceptable), that you all seem to have agreed on despite the things those mores restrict not being harmful to anyone.
And when someone does say smth that violates those mores, the response is disproportionate to the amount of harm done (which is typically none, imo). I know it's tempting to say "but we just want people to be comfortable and safe", but treating ppl badly for the sin of sharing thoughts you dislike is NOT the same as preventing people from doing things that are harmful. The former is much more of a harmful behavior than the sharing of the thoughts that sets it off. Fannish etiquette, people: you shouldn’t act like someone’s meta makes them morally suspect just because you disagree with it; save the “this is morally bad” for things that are ACTUALLY harmful. We're all stuck on this website together & if you want to have any sort of community, you need to ACT like you're in a community, and that means letting other people say things you dislike. Block them if you need to! I block people all the time because i know it's better for me AND for them if we can both blog in peace.
I am not particularly comfortable with the young-queer-on-tumblr silm fandom rn due to this tendency to rebuke things that are uncomfortable rather than harmful. Maybe that's fine with you. But if your goal is to make all fans feel comfortable and accepted, you need to actually do that. If your goal is to make people who share your unwritten rules comfortable in your space, you need to admit that, and write those rules down, and curate your space so it follows them.
Edited 8:10am PST to clarify the specifics of the behavior I find concerning.
#mine#if there had been Actual Harm done i'd feel differently#but when ppl are this worked up over 'what if [female character] was Also a bad person in a way that's reprehensible to our current morals'#and start going ‘hm this person is morally suspect for their Taste In Fiction’ im like. yikes! and you do this in the War Crimes Fandom?!#and like listen i Get that esp in this fandom there's a high incidence of like. ppl who are genuinely bigoted and stuff#and it can be stressful to see stuff that reminds you of that bigotry and the way those ppl use the work to justify their own worldview#but that STILL doesn't give anyone the right to police stuff that Isn't Bigoted. that's just not how this works.#and then in terms of 'well it's not policing it's just disagreeing' i have to say. that's where Etiquette comes in and i'm frankly#unhappy & annoyed that so many ppl in my age group seem to care more about being Right than being comfortable to share a fannish space with#but again whatever maybe they don't want me in their space. that's fine! i don't want to be in your space if it doesn't want me.#but i wish they'd fucking ADMIT THAT instead of going 'ooooh we accept everyone' and then turning around#and censuring ppl whose ideas they find icky. you can't have it both ways is all i'm saying. pick one and actually do it. for all our sakes#haha i might regret this tomorrow but i'm sooooo sleep-deprived and so annoyed#sorry to my non-silm followers it's just that i'm right and i should say it
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sysig · 1 month
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Oh he is So baby (Patreon)
#Doodles#Helix#SCII#Max Vyer#Teen Max ;; *gently holds*#Like I didn't love him already his teen phase was This Cute??? Stoppp#I am once again relating way too hard to Max lol - it looks? like he's wearing dark eyeliner to me#There's no way he actually has eye bags that dark as a 16 year old right am I just protecting my feelings towards wanting him to be okay :'D#He started drinking before he was 21 but when did he start some of the harder stuff - was him getting on the roof a teen or drug thing#Worried about you Max#Well anyway I choose to believe it's eyeliner lol <3 Which is extremely cute <3#There's something so double-funny to me about having drawn him all cutesy as a baby y'know - cherubic! Adorable blond baby!#And then his emo/grunge/punk phase as a teen but he keeps his blond hair because of his vanity hehehehe I love him!!! So much!!#He's so adorable <3#Anyway yeah I had a dark eyeliner phase as a teen also lol except mine was Classique Fandom Cringe™ ♥#I'd draw the YGO Eye of Ra with my eye acting as the main part of the eye lol teens are goofy like that#Very measured of him to just darken his lower lid really ♪#The collar and the cuffs too I just jdksfladf I can't think of it as anything but extremely cute lol I'm so endeared <3 <3#He's such a brat I love him so much#I talked about how his parents would've still been awful even if he had A Diagnosis but honestly he probably would've been too <3#Not a get-out-of-jail-free card Max!#I - a Max apologist - say lol
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liquidkonata · 1 year
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