#i☆Ris the Movie Full Energy!!
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i☆Ris and SoLaMi Dressing exchange costumes in collaboration image for i☆Ris the Movie Full Energy!! x PriPara
PV featuring scenes from the movie.
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genkinahito · 19 days
Missing, The Women in the Lakes, Gobangiri, Happiness, i☆Ris the Movie Full Energy!!, Japanese Film Trailers
Welcome to the first of three trailer posts this week Come back Thursday and Friday for the next two parts Well, I have started Fire Emblem: Awakening and after the first couple of missions,  I have shelved it in favour of watching films. I’ll get back around to playing it soon enough since I want to move on to games with Akira Toriyama’s involvement and influences and also step into Persona 1…
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animemakeblog · 6 months
“i☆Ris the Movie: Full Energy!!” The Teaser Promo, Summer 2024 Premiere
The primary cast of iRis's 11th Anniversary Live performance event was unveiled, along with a teaser trailer for the anime film iRis the Movie: Full Energy!!. Summer 2024 is when the film is supposed to premiere in theatres.
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selfrinsert · 7 months
hihihi hello i just rewatched the book of life after many years and im so full of energy rn 😭 😭 😭 😭 just!!! hhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! the everything!!!!!
my childhood obsession with la muerte and xibalba returned also,,i forgot how much i liked them and it came back full force JFSHKGSGHJ i saw red x black and said they're my favorite even when i was small,,,,,
also also seeing joaquin onscreen was so fucking funny i was always thinking "oh shit it's ris's guy!!!!!" and then when he started yelling his name whenever he fought i was like "ahhh yeah that Is ris's guy" hwwdhkgdgkgsgjddgbfjhfgh <3
WAAAAH TBOL is one of my favorite movies ever and it makes me SO HAPPY to see other people love it too!!! I honestly really miss being batshit insane over this movie like I was last year 😭 I really need to rewatch it too!!
La Muerte and Xibalba THE couple of all time the opening scene where they place their bets is soooo good it’s one of my favorite parts of the movie
AND OMGGG “that’s Ris’ guy!!” YEAH….HE’S MY GUY <3 that makes me so happy that you thought of me when you saw him hehehe
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otajo · 13 days
i☆Ris10周年リアル×ファンタジー×ライブ劇場アニメ『i☆Ris the Movie – Full Energy!! -』ファンの声を再現!メンバーの細かい設定も!? 推しポイント語る
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tumnikkeimatome · 17 days
劇場版アニメ『i☆Ris the Movie – Full Energy!! -』がついに公開:12周年を迎えた声優アイドルユニットにふさわしいアニメとCGライブが融合した作品に
10周年を記念して製作決定したアニメ:2年の時を経て公開へ 声優アイドルユニットi☆Ris(アイリス)が主演する劇場版アニメ『i☆Ris the Movie – Full Energy!!…
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pletnet · 5 months
El grupo de idols de actrices de doblaje i☆Ris consigue una película de anime en 2024
i☆Ris the Movie -Full Energy!!! – marca el décimo aniversario del grupo El concierto “i☆Ris 10th Anniversary Live~a Live~” anunció que el grupo de idols está inspirando una película de anime. Full Energy!!! se estrenará en 2024. Al igual que el concierto, la película forma parte de la celebración del décimo aniversario del grupo. Las entradas anticipadas para la película están disponibles…
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teragames · 11 months
Revelan información de la película del grupo de actrices de voz i☆Ris.
Revelan los diseños de la película de anime del grupo idol de actrices de voz i☆Ris (@iris_official_).
El canal oficial de YouTube de la unidad de idols y actrices de voz i☆Ris ha comenzado a transmitir un vídeo de 60 segundos para revelar imágenes de personajes de su próxima película de anime I☆Ris the Movie -Full Energy!!-. El clip también se proyectó por primera vez en su concierto en vivo, que se llevó a cabo en el TOKYO DOME CITY HALL el 24 de junio, el último show de su gira nacional “i☆Ris…
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Napoli, presentati i progetti dell’associazione di cinefili Arci Movie
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Napoli, presentati i progetti dell’associazione di cinefili Arci Movie.   Progetti, eventi e opportunità animeranno il 2023 di Arci Movie, storica associazione che opera a Napoli sin dal 1990 seguendo la passione per il cinema. Il nuovo anno, ricco di idee e propositi, è stato presentato nel corso di Ri-Party, evento ospitato nel quartiere Ponticelli che ha visto insieme i protagonisti della realtà associativa che rinnova il proprio impegno a favore del territorio con nuove sfide. Dopo tre anni di restrizioni, pause, rallentamenti e sforzi di resistenza, Arci Movie è pronta a ripartire mettendo in campo tutte le proprie energie per coinvolgere giovani, studenti, famiglie e altre realtà nelle iniziative presentate nel corso della serata ospitata nel Centro di cultura e animazione “Giorgio Mancini” di Ponticelli, che ha visto insieme duecento persone tra fondatori, operatori, soci e sostenitori di Arci Movie che, in tanti anni di attività, hanno lavorato per promuovere cultura e solidarietà attraverso rassegne, eventi, incontri di cinema d’autore e così via. Arci Movie riparte animando gli storici luoghi attraverso le rassegne aperte a persone di ogni età. È stato Roberto D’Avascio, presidente di Arci Movie, a presentare al pubblico la tessera 2023 del cineforum che ora può godere di spazi rinnovati e più confortevoli nel cinema Pierrot di Ponticelli. Intanto si lavora alla prossima edizione di AstraDoc, che animerà la sala di via Mezzocannone con una selezione di interessanti documentari portando in sala autori, registi e attori. Il cinema sarà, ancora per un anno, l’assoluto protagonista dell’azione di Arci Movie così come raccontato in “30 anni di cinema a Ponticelli”, film prodotto da Arci Movie e Parallelo 41 con la regia di Isabella Mari che, dopo aver girato in diverse sale italiane, approderà a Zurigo accolto da un pubblico internazionale. Il nuovo anno porta anche altre novità per l’associazione che ha la propria sede a Ponticelli, quartiere nella zona Est di Napoli. La struttura di Arci Movie, infatti, cambia per accogliere le figure di Presidente Onorario – assegnando il riconoscimento a Vincenzo Mauriello, già presidente e coordinatore del cineforum – e quella di Direttrice, con un nuovo ruolo per Maria Teresa Panariello, già coordinatrice dell’area progettazione e delle risorse umane. Per notizie e aggiornamenti su progetti e iniziative visitare il sito www.arcimovie.it e i social Facebook (www.facebook.com/arcimovie1990) e Instagram (www.instagram.com/arcimovie).  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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trend-rocket · 2 years
【ラブライブ!】久保田未夢、劇場アニメ化 1:(たまごやき) 2022/11/07(月) 23:01:34.18 ID:DxPM5fje https://iris.dive2ent.com/news/detail.php?id=1103805   2:(たまごやき) 2022/11/07(月) 23:02:01.10 ID:DxPM5fje デビュー10周年を迎えた「i☆Ris」が、10周年ライブ・ベストアルバムの発売に終わらず、さらなる取り組みとして、2024年に劇場版アニメ化される事が『i☆Ris 10th Anniversary Live~a Live~』の会場にて解禁されました! 映画のタイトルは『i☆Ris the Movie – Full Energy!!…
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elianaroselight · 2 years
This will be a long post, as a heads up.
@winterpower98 Since you said you were interested in hearing this. 😁 Also, a fair bit of this is geared towards the Cursed AU and the Flower Fruit Kings/Shadowpeach Family in particular.
This train of thought got started with a song called 'Bridge of Light'. The original is by Pink and was in the movie 'Happy Feet Two', but the version I was listening to was a vocal rendition by a theater group. The song is about even when you lose everything, as long as you have love, you have light which will be your bridge in tough times. Beautiful song. Highly recommend listening to it.
Also, I think about the symbolism surrounding the Sun and the Moon a lot due to a story I am creating and as such, my brain asked the question: "What is a Bridge of Light? Can it be connected to symbolism surrounding the cosmos?" And the answer hit me over the back of my head. Then I decided to see if this Bridge of Light could be applied to Monkey Kid.
Let's go through the family to see, shall we?
Macaque - He is the Moon. Once again, simple and understandable.
Sun Wukong - He is the Sun. Pretty simple and with no need to explain.
MK - Okay, hear me out on this one. When it comes to being the Monkie Kid, the Monkey King's successor, he is a Star. But! When it comes to being MK, the son of Wukong and Macaque, he isn't a star. He is the Sunset. Guardian of the Sun. Why? Well..
Mei - She is the Sunrise. Defender of the Moon. When it comes to the Sunset and Sunrise, I like to think of a sword and shield.
The Sun comes out to rule over the day and reaches the peak of power around midday before it begins to dwindle in it's power. At the end of the day, it has weakened significantly and needs time to regenerate its energy, but it also at risk of being overpowered by the Moon.
So why is MK the Sunset and Mei the Sunrise? Well, outside of the colors they tend to wear, they each have a close bond to one particular monkie dad a bit more than with the other. Mei was Macaque's daughter before becoming Wukong's and MK was Wukong's son before becoming Macaque's. They are the protectors of that Celestial body in a metaphorical sense.
The sun and moon balance each other in the cosmos, the Yin and Yang. They aren't allowed to overpower the other. As such, a guard/champion is each placed at the times of day where it is possible for one to be overpowered.
The Sunset protects the weakened Sun and makes way for the Moon, who is at full strength to come rule the night. The Sunrise does the same but opposite - protecting the weakened Moon and making way for the rise of the rejuvenated Sun.
So. Moving on to:
Cherry - Ri Shi. The Solar Eclipse. When the Moon covers the light of the Sun and all we can see in the sky is a ring of flames. She is quiet, but fiesty and dramatic (theatrical?) much like a Solar Eclipse. We know it is happening when it happens. It is hard to miss. And like how the Sun is covered up by the Moon, she hides her weaknesses and fear behind her anger and distrust/paranoia.
Apple - Yue Shi. The Lunar Eclipse. When the Earth blocks the Sun from the Moon. He is the one who usually speaks. Where Cherry only speaks every so often/rarely (like a Solar Eclipse), Apple will speak up often and with confidence in the same way the Moon is a constant. He is okay being in the background and less obvious akin to the Lunar Eclipse.
Nezha - He is a rainbow. Just as he has been adopted by only Wukong, a true natural born in the wild rainbow only shows during the day. While I don't know much about him from the show yet, (as I haven't seen S3 yet), I have a hunch he will be dramatic/eccentric and a somewhat colorful person and if that doesn't sound like a rainbow, I don't what does.
Yin and Jin - Here we have finally come to the Stars of the family. They have only been taken in by Macaque, just as the Stars are only really seen at night. Afar, they are but twinkling and dancing lights. Up close, they are completely different. The Chaos Twins are the same way-powerful in their own right, but prefer to be himbos himbros. Plus, the stars (for me at least) with twinkle between a golden color to a more blueish silver color.
And finally:
Zan - She is the one who answers the question I posed above. The Bridge of Light. The Aurora Borealis. Strategically chaotic, bright and beautiful to see in the night sky. The Bridge between the Sun and Moon. Zan has quite literally done this on many levels when it comes to Macaque and Wukong.
She was there when Wukong and Macaque finally talked and began officially courting due to Mac 'kidnapping' her to lure Wukong out since the king is impossible to kidnap as is common in the Demon Courting Customs. (If I remember correctly at least). She was the Bridge for them to be able to reach each other and become a couple.
Zan has also helped the Eclipse Twins integrate into the family. Inviting them to come do stuff or hang out, getting them used to being around other monkeys and around the dads. She likely was involved with the twins being able to befriend Bai He. She gave them love and comfort at times and in ways that others couldn't reach. She was the bridge to unite them with the family.
Zan is also the bridge in another BIG way. And it is due to being the reincarnation of the beloved Marshal Ma. Ma in the past brought the group together which lead to Ba and Beng getting married, Macaque finding a home, a family and eventually a mate. The one who advised Wukong in his duties as a king and did all she could to love and support her found family.
In recent times? Because of the situation surrounding her birth and being orphaned, she was brought into Wukong and Macaque's lives. She becomes close with Macaque in particular and has worked to help him in all she can. Zan being close allows the two ancient monkies to learn of her connection to Ma. This leads to the reunion of the original group, the Flower Fruit Monkies with Ma there in spirit. A family torn apart and reunited. This also leads to a reunion for the BlueHollys family.
Zan is the past and the present coming together in unison which will spear head the future. The uniting of the Old Flower Fruit group and the New Flower Fruit group. She is friends with all of them, (as I suspect she will worm her way into Nehza's heart as well).
Without her, Wukong and Macaque wouldn't have gone to see the generals. Ba and Beng would have likely never been reunited with their daughter while Bai He would have no sense of where she belongs. The Eclipse Twins would have had a EXTREMELY harder time connecting with their new family.
Zan is a bridge made with orderly chaos, love and light.
She is the Aurora Borealis.
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sadandpoutyandfrench · 2 months
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New i☆Ris profiles for 25th single. The outfits are based on those featured in the group's animated movie i☆Ris the Movie - Full Energy!! -
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animemakeblog · 4 months
“i☆Ris the Movie: Full Energy!!” The Theme Song, First Trailer
The official website of the anime film iRis the Movie: Full Energy!! unveiled a first trailer along with, as well as the theme song. On May 17, the anime is set to debut in Japanese theatres.
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 27
"So it's safe now?" I asked into the phone, a little less enthusiastic as I would have been four years ago. Four. Years. In those four years, I had moved out of Castle McLeod, gotten my own little cottage on the mainland, and Nicholas has been taking Gaelic classes to prepare him for school next year. But it seemed that they were unnecessary now.  
"Yeah, now it's finally safe." Scott said, nervously. 
"Scott, have you looked at a calendar?" 
“A lot of stuff has happened!” 
“I’m well aware of that. Including stuff I should have been there for.” Nothing like hearing your best friend was possessed by a Nogitsune. I sighed, happy at least that I could come home. I had the paperwork done for months, it took almost four years to get the paperwork for Nicholas’ citizenship. It’s almost as if the United States was making it harder and harder for people to enter the country. 
“Alright, I’ll pick up Michael from work and get Nicholas in the car.” 
“You’re bringing Michael?” 
“Yeah, I have to. He’s my bodyguard.” 
“Derek’s not gonna like that.”
“Yeah well, I wouldn’t know that would I?” I snapped. Derek had become a touchy subject in the house. Considering that I hadn’t heard from him in three years. 
“Okay, okay, but Derek said-”
“I don’t care what Derek said. I don’t.” I put on a smile when I saw Nicholas walk in, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hung up before he could continue. I slid my phone in my back pocket and grinned down at my son. 
“Guess what, sweetie.” 
“Wha?” He asked, his green eyes wide. His long, dark hair in his eyes. He picked up an accent from living here, mostly from Lachlan who had become his favorite person. 
Bending down, I swept the hair away from his eyes, “We’re gonna move to America. We get to see mama’s family.” 
“Really?!” He started bouncing up and down. 
“Yeah!” I picked him up in my arms and held him close, “Uncle Stiles and Grandpa Noah and Uncle Scott.” I paused, trying to figure out how to add his other family in without him asking questions, “All of them.” 
“Yay!” He cheered. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, I carried him into his room and started to pack his bag. 
"Hey, darlin'." Michael sat down in the passenger seat of my rental car, pressing a kiss to my cheek before looking back, "Sin mo bhalach! (There’s my boy)." I really wasn’t a fan of these but he was trying to keep up appearances for the locals that we were just a little family.
"Bidh thu a ’sabaid ris na droch ghillean, Mikey?(You fight the bad guys?)" Nicholas was almost fluent in Scottish Gaelic. Sometimes, he spoke words that I didn’t even know yet. 
"I sure did, bud!" He smiled and then looked back at me, "You wouldn't believe what we went through today. Rouge teenage werewolf pack, no alpha. Major power struggle. We put them in detainment and we're looking into a pack that'll take them in." 
"Yeah sounds... Fun." He was in his maroon uniform that Lachlan created for all Lunar Circle bodyguards; it looked like a cross between the Green Berets and navy camo.  On his breast pocket was a bronze and gold wolf-print medal. 
"What's wrong, darlin?" He asked. I looked behind and pressed the screen icon on the touch screen on the dash. 
"Hey, honey.” I looked back at Nicholas in the rearview mirror, “Why don't you watch a movie? Yeah?" He nodded with a grin, putting on his blue earmuffs with built in sound protection and happily started watching whatever movie I had put in the DVD player, Strange Magic I think.
“What is it?" 
"Well, first: you don’t have to call me darlin when we’re alone.” I glanced at him and then the road, Two, Scott called. It's safe to go back home." I looked back at Nicholas in the mirror, he looked so peaceful. Just humming along to whatever was playing.
"And I want to see Uncle Noah and Stiles." 
Michael stared out the window, "And Derek too, I'm assuming.” He said grimly, “(Y/N), I thought you were over him. I thought we were finally moving on with our lives. Are you playing with my emotions-"
"Do you think this is a game? I love my life here, but I need to see my family. I want him to know his family outside of a computer screen. And if that means he sees Derek, then he will." 
"Alright, alright, fine. Let's go back. I gotta pack-" 
"Oh, already did that. Clothes packed, Lachlan’s having the rest shipped on his freighter.”
He chuckled, "Figured. You're always prepared." Michael smiled, looking back at Nicholas who was halfway asleep, struggling not to drop his sippy cup.
"What are we going to do about Derek?" He asked. 
Sighing, my shoulders slumped, "I don't know, Mikey. I really don't."
Lachlan met us at the airport to see us off. Well, more to see Nicholas off. Since he was born, Lachlan had gone above and beyond for the little boy. From boat rides, to swimming in Loch Ness, to whatever toy his little heart desired. The Praetor spoiled him for sure. 
“He’s got everything?” Lachlan asked nervously, “All his clothes? Does he have puppy dog because you know he can’t sleep without it-” 
“Lachlan, relax.” I held onto his shoulders, “Nicholas has everything he needs.” 
“I’m just nervous.” Lachlan said, looking over as Nicholas slept on Michael’s lap, “I don’t know what we’ll do without him.” 
“You mean you don’t know what you’ll do?” I lightly punched his shoulder. 
He sighed, “I just... You two are family to me. The family that I never got to have.” He looked back at me, “Maybe I should come with you. I’ve never been to America before. Plus, our ground team of security has already been dispatched to Beacon Hills.” 
“We’ll be safe. It’s finally safe back there.” I smiled. Lachlan sighed loudly, combing his hair back from his face when the overhead voice called for us to board our flight. 
“Okay.” He mumbled, walking over to sleeping Nicholas and taking him into his arms. 
“I’ll see you soon, kiddo.” He kissed the top of his head. Nicholas mumbled something in his sleep, tightening his grip on his wolf plush - puppy dog.
"There she is!" Uncle Noah walked out of the house, arms wide. I squealed, running up the driveway and into his arms. He squeezed me tight, swaying us from side to side. Uncle Noah smelled like home, something that I had missed for so long. He sniffled a little, pulling away to look down at me.
"Awh sweetheart..." He held my cheeks, wiping away happy tears.
"Happy tears, happy tears." I hiccupped, looking back at Michael who got a sleepy Nicholas out of his car seat.
"Stiles off being an FBI man?" I chuckled.
"You bet, but he's gonna be home soon."
Once Nicholas rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, they opened wide when he saw Uncle Noah.
"Grandpa!" He ran up, replacing me in Uncle Noah's arms.
"Look how big you are!" He said through a grin, "Oh I have waited for so long to hug on you." He startled tickling the little boy, causing a fit of giggles.
 "Let's get you guys inside, I bet you're starving." He led us inside, Nicholas talking his ear off.
Dinner was good, but anything would be good since we had been eating Scottish cuisine for the last four years. Not that I didn't like the food there, it's just that nothing beat the tastes of home.
After dinner, Nicholas had crashed in the middle of the living room floor. Even after a cross-continental flight, he had enough energy to stay up way past his bedtime back home to talk and place with all the toys that Grandpa had bought him. Oddly enough, it was around that he would go to bed time-wise. Lachlan said that werewolves had an internal clock and always knew when to wake up and when to sleep. Yeah, tell that to all the sleepless nights in the first few months of his life.
Michael patted my hand and stood up, going into the living room and oh so carefully picked up the sleeping boy and took him upstairs to my old room. Leaving Uncle Noah and I with our coffee. 
"Still nothing from Derek, huh?"
"Nada. Nicholas has never really asked."
"Does he think Michael's his dad?" He said over a sip from his mug.
"Oh absolutely not. As far as he knows, his dad is off having great adventures. That's what he's come up with."
"I thought you said Derek was going to be a part of his life."
"He was." I sipped my now cold coffee, "He tried for a while. He used to video call us for a couple months."
"There's daddy." I held the four month old in front of the camera as soon as Derek's face filled the screen. Nicholas made a cooing noise and reached for the screen with little grabby hands. Derek grinned brightly, the special twinkle in his eye that made my soul want to melt. 
"There's my boy." His eyes searched the screen, "He still has so much hair." 
I nodded, "Yeap. All thanks to you, Sasquatch." I sat the baby boy on my lap and kissed the top of his head. My attention was brought back to Derek where he was just staring at us with so much love and adoration that I wanted nothing more than to fly back to Beacon Hills.
"Did you get my package?" He asked, referring to the large box full of toys, clothes, pictures and random items that he was completely spoiling our child with.
"If you mean all the toys, yeah, we got it." I smiled, "He's in love with that little wolf plush. He can't sleep without it." As if on cue, Nicholas started whining until he was given the toy which was beside us on the bed. When I gave it he promptly started gumming on the ear.
"Yeah, I thought he might." He leaned on his hand and watched him, "Cora said that it was cliché but I don't care." Then he sat up like he had thought of something. 
"What about your gift?" He leaned in towards the screen.
I shook my head and smiled, "I'm wearing it, aren't I?" I tugged at the hem of the shirt I was wearing. It was one of his black t-shirts, one that hadn't been torn or soiled with blood. It smelled just like him and I had been wearing it at night to sleep.
"Has he started showing any signs?" 
I looked down at my baby, "Not that I can think of. But he's only a couple months old. Lachlan said that if he hasn't shown signs now, he may have the dormant gene. Since I was a werewolf when he was conceived he should more than likely be one. But no dice, he sleeps all night during the full moon. Or, that's what Michael tells me." He scoffed. 
"I guess Michael's the expert now." 
 "Derek, we're not doing this again."  Michael was a touchy subject.
"You know what?" He said, "I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow." The video call ended.
"And that's the last time I heard from him." I got up and poured my cold coffee in the sink and started rinsing out the mug.
"That doesn't sound like Derek." He looked back at me, "But... It will be nice having people in the house again. With Stiles being gone all the time. Nicholas is great." He grinned, "A little rambunctious, but he's pretty great." 
"You're telling me." I leaned against the counter after I turned off the sink, "His first word was momma. After that he started getting better and better. Talking all the time. He's almost fluent in Gaelic." I added, "Lachlan basically started a preschool program for the other kids after he was born. And while he's at preschool, I am leading their research team on the negative effects of the Wolf Eclipse spell and the intergenerational trauma that comes from it."
"Well look at that, my little girl, head of the research team." He stood up and walked to the sink, rinsing his cup and leaving it there.
"Just no big deal." I smirked.
"So when is Derek coming?" He asked, leaning against the counter.
I inhaled through my teeth and shrugged, "He doesn't know we're here. I've been trying to figure out how to talk to him since we got on the plane."
 "Oh..." Uncle Noah grimaced, "Cause ya see, Stiles is working with Derek on something. And Derek's been staying here."  
My eyes widened in shock, and my head whipped around just in time for the door to open. Stiles stood in the doorway, dressed in a collared shirt, tie, black slacks and dress shoes. I had not seen him this dressed up in a decade. But my focus was on the werewolf standing behind him, staring right back at me. He hadn't changed a bit, not that I expected him to look so different. But I hadn't heard from him in so long that he almost felt like a different person. Not even our connection could travel that far so seeing him now was strange. The connection we had was back again, my heart felt full after feeling half empty for so long. I was back where we started four years ago, the familiar strangers.
"God dammit." I whispered to myself before smiling awkwardly, "Uh... Surprise?"
"(Y/N)... Hey..." Stiles said in his Stiles fashion of being incredibly awkward. He rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes darting from me to Derek. 
 Derek had not taken his eyes off of me, just kept on staring on in confusion. It was like he couldn't fathom that I was actually standing in the kitchen. 
"Where is he?" He asked softly. 
“I-...” I had come up with some many things to say to him. I had even written them down. But they went poof out of my memory. 
"Where is he?" His eyes changed color, but his eyes weren't alpha red, no. They were beta yellow again. He had lost his alpha status... But how. And how come they weren’t blue anymore? Obviously, Scott and Stiles had missed a few details. His eyes scanned the room and locked on Nicholas’ dinosaur sippy cup that he left on the table. That was all he needed before he started for the stairs. I blocked his path to the stairs, flashing my red eyes at him to show dominance. He couldn’t go past me, I was the alpha here. 
Or, at least, that’s what I thought. When it came to his child, Derek Hale would stop at nothing to get to him. I would admire that if he wasn’t trying to get around me to get upstairs. He grabbed me by the arms, throwing me back towards the living room, storming up the stairs. I scrambled to follow, Stiles and Uncle Noah behind me, calling for him to stop. 
When I made it up the stairs, I found him staring into the open doorway of my bedroom. He had an expression I couldn’t read, but his emotions came flooding out in anger and betrayal. Since he was distracted, I grabbed him by the back of his neck and threw him to the ground. He pulled me with him, flipping us so that he was on top, roaring down at me. 
“Why did you keep him from me?!”
“You kept him from yourself!” I roared back. 
“Mommy!” We both looked towards the doorway where Nicholas stood. He was wearing little footie pajamas, clutching onto his wolf. He was trembling at what he was witnessing. 
Derek growled, sitting up quickly. I grabbed his arm, trying to get up. He had caught me so off guard that I was scrambling to keep up. He glared back, shoving me into the wall and walking towards the door. Nicholas screamed, running back into the room. 
“YOU’RE SCARING HIM!” I screamed, reaching out. In his rage, I don’t think he realized what he was doing. 
Then there was a pop and Derek fell on his back, a tranquillizer dart in his neck. I looked up, seeing Michael with the gun in one hand and crying Nicholas in the other. I stood up quickly, taking Nicholas in my arms, holding him close. 
“It’s okay, baby. Mommy’s here. Everything’s alright.” I tried to sound reassuring, but it was hard too when I was looking down at my child’s father on the floor. 
"It took a while but Nicholas went down. I was with him until he fell asleep." I slumped down on the couch next to Stiles. Stiles wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. I missed moments like this. 
“I should have killed him.” Michael grumbled, pacing in front of us. Derek was tied up and sat against the wall. He was still passed out, he would be for a while. In the meantime, we need to figure out what we were going to do with him. 
“Alright, cool it, dude.” Stiles narrowed his eyes up at him. He said that he still didn’t like Michael. Truth is, I didn’t either. A lot of things were still unclear, even now. 
“We all just need to calm down and figure out what we’re doing.” Uncle Noah said, leaning forward in his recliner chair. 
“Look, we just need to let him wake up and...” I sighed and leaned my head on Stiles’ shoulder, “I just need to talk to him, figure out what happened.” 
Uncle Noah looked between Michael and I, “He told us that he-” 
“It doesn’t matter what he told you.” Michael snapped. I looked up at him, narrowing my eyes. 
“Watch your tone.” I said sternly. Michael sighed, sitting on the couch beside me, putting a hand on my knee. Stiles and I stared at his hand. I grabbed his hand and put it on his own knee. 
"What?" He asked in an exasperated way.
"Please, we can't do that right now." It wasn't the answer he wanted to hear. But I don't really care about that. All I know is that we need to talk to Derek in a controlled environment. Which, unfortunately, was the last place I wanted to be. 
"We need to bring him to the bunker in the Hale House.” Michael said.
I winced, "Do we have to? It's just..." I thought back to the day where I thought Derek and I were going to die. I thought our last moments together would be pain and ache from seeing each other die.
“(Y/N), he just traumatized Nicholas. I don't give a shit if he has PTSD. He's not under the protection of the Lunar Circle, his safety and well-being is not my priority." He stood and walked to Derek, ready to grab him. 
“Wait a minute.” Michael stopped at my voice, his eyes darting from me to the sheriff, “Uncle Noah.” I turned towards him, “What did Derek say?” 
“That doesn’t matter.” Michael said quickly. 
“She isn't talking to you.” Stiles said, standing up and moving between Michael and I. I looked at Uncle Noah. 
“What did he say?” I asked calmly. 
Uncle Noah sat back in his recliner, “Well...” He rolled his shoulders back, “Derek said that he was frustrated that he couldn’t get ahold of you. And when he tried to go through Michael, he said not to call because you didn’t want to talk to him.” I smiled to myself, clicking my tongue. I turned to Michael, my smile falling and my eyes burning red.
“Did I?” I chuckled, “I had no idea.” I stood up and stalked forward, shoving Michael, “You kept him from calling us, didn’t you?” 
Michael raised his hands in surrender, “You just seemed so angry with him after that call, I thought-” 
“No, you didn’t think.” I interrupted, “You selfish son of a bitch.” 
“I am doing what’s best for Nicholas.” He shot back. 
“Whoa whoa.” Uncle Noah got between the two of us, “Put the claws away.” Stiles pulled me away from the situation, leading me outside. He brought me to the backyard, the cool night air felt nice against the hot anger I felt. 
“Thanks for taking me out of there.” I smiled, “I probably would have killed him.” 
“Trust me, the thought crossed my mind.” Stiles shoved his hands in his pockets, “I mean,” He shrugged, “It wouldn’t be so horrible if ended up in a ditch somewhere. He’s a murderer on the run for four years, I feel like it would be fine.” 
I laughed, pulling him close into a tight hug, “I missed you.” 
He smiled, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, “I missed you too.” 
The next morning, Stiles, Scott, and I met outside the Hale House cellar. Michael was already there, having taken Derek down already to ‘secure’ him. 
“Well, if it isn’t Scott McCall.” I said, spotting the alpha. The computer screen didn’t do him justice. He had grown so much in four years. He had a new energy about him, he wasn’t a curly haired boy anymore. 
“(Y/N).” He grinned, pulling me into a quick hug, “I was gonna visit yesterday to surprise you but Stiles said it was a bad idea.” 
“Very bad idea.” I looked towards the entrance of the cellar. Going back in there was going to bring up memories, I could almost feel the phantom pains from the acid on my legs.  
“You okay?” Stiles asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. 
“I got this.” I smiled back at both of them, “I got my boys with me.” 
Walking through the tunnels to the cellar was more than enough to give me nightmares for a long time. But Michael was right about one thing: we needed to tell Derek what was going on in a controlled environment. 
By the time we got down to the main area, Michael was putting the handcuffs on Derek, leaving him chained to the wall surrounded by mountain ash. 
“You brought back up, huh?” Michael asked, shoving the bottle of mountain ash in his pocket. 
“I brought my friends. Derek will feel more comfortable around people he trusts. I would be one of them, no thanks to you.” I looked back at Derek, "He'll be awake soon?" 
Michael only nodded. 
"Will he be okay? This won't hurt him, right?" He turned to me and glared. 
"You're still in love with this asshole, aren't you?" He growled, "After everything he's done to you? After everything we," He motioned between us, "Have been through? After I have spent four years of our lives taking care of our child? You still care about this sack of garbage." Scott and Stiles stepped forward, I stretched my arms out to keep them from moving.
I narrowed my eyes at him, “Michael-” 
"No, you're going to listen to me!" He shouted, "I can't believe you. You went through all his shit and you still love him? You still love that stupid son of a bitch. You see this?" He motioned to Derek, "You see this asshole? Who scared the shit out of our baby? You didn't see what I saw. He was screaming and crying out for me, begging me to save you, begging his father to save you from the bad man. Even he can tell who loves him, who his real father is!" 
“The.." We all looked at Derek, who was just starting to wake up, "The hell do you mean," He began to growl, beginning to shift, "His father?" Derek stood up, a little wobbly at first but he stood strong. He had also shifted form. “Nicholas is my son! My flesh and blood! My family! You kept him from me, you kept both of them from me!" He roared and stood, pulling at the chains. 
"You left them behind because of all your jealousy. I took care of him! I've protected him from everything, and for the rest of my life, I will protect him from you!" Michael pointed, barking his words harshly. 
Suddenly, Derek broke his chains, "I'll kill you!" He pushed against the mountain ash barrier. Scott rushed forward to keep Derek at bay while Stiles started a shouting match with Michael. All of this shouting began to overload my senses. I hadn’t felt like this since the spell broke all those years ago. I had to do something, and I had to do it now.
"ENOUGH!" I roared, making the walls shake and thankfully bringing their attention to me, "No more talking, I'm talking now." They all shut up and looked up at me. 
“Michael, I’m not even going to get started with you since this whole situation is your goddamn fault.” I rubbed at my temples, “The only reason that I am even still entertaining you being here is because of my son. Mine. Not yours.” I looked at Derek, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that Michael had cut off our communication.” 
“So he told you?” Derek continued to glare at Michael. 
“No, I had to figure it out for myself.” I walked towards the barrier, my heart beat rising, “You deserved to be a part of his life from the beginning. I should have fought more.” I took a deep breath, “I should have fought for us.” 
“It’s not your fault.” He said softly. Stiles walked towards us, breaking the barrier with his shoe. 
The force of Derek’s arms wrapping around me nearly knocked me over. His strong arms held me tightly against his chest. I could feel his heart pumping against his chest. One arm was wrapped around my wait, his other hand cradling the back of my head like I would break. I wrapped my arms around him with the same force, if not more. He was so warm, I could almost feel his heat melting away the sadness I had felt for four years. Honestly, I wanted the whole world to fall away at that moment, it felt like I was falling in love with him all over again starting from the time we were teenagers. 
The game was in its final minutes, we were behind by two points. One shot from the three point line and they would win. After the toss up, the opposing team got the ball, leading to our hoop. Derek's teammate quickly weaved through the other players, intercepting the ball and passing it to Derek. I stood up with the rest of the crowd, my whole body tensing up as the clock ticked down. He shot the ball.
Watching Derek play basketball was almost as nerve wracking as being on the lacrosse field. It took everything in me not to make call outs to him. I was bouncing my feet instead of my usual finger twiddling since my arm had been torn up yesterday. Laura had to practically hold me in my seat from her spot besides me. It was a training incident that had gone wrong. Derek had his claws out while I had our training shield. I had gotten distracted and Derek scratched me by accident. My parents were pissed. 
The ball rolled around the rim and then fell through the basket.
I cheered, raising my arms in the air, ignoring the pain from my cuts. The team surrounded him, jumping up and down in excitement. Derek looked up at the stands, pointing towards, realistically both of us but I felt like it was right at me. My heart fluttered a bit and I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt. My cheeks burned hot. 
“You blushing, (Y/N/N)?” Laura smirked, looking down at me. 
“What?” My eyes widened, “No.” I started rubbing my cheeks in circles, but Laura stopped me by grabbing my hands and carefully putting them to my sides. Which was helpful since it was starting to hurt my arm.
“Chill out.” She smiled, nodding her head towards the exit, “Let’s go see the big winner.” I nodded, focusing more on hiding my blush than walking so Laura helped me off the bleachers and outside. 
Read part 28 here!
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dadsbongos · 3 years
The Mighty Boys
Movie/Game/Show: My Hero Academia Dynamic: Inko Midoriya/Izuku Midoriya/Reader (All Platonic) Warnings: character death (not bnha spoilers), i tried a little experiment thing but ehhh who knows :) Summary: Sundays are for family. ~~~
Sunday mornings were times where the Midoriya children were awoken by streams of golden sunlight pouring in through thin curtains and splashing on their faces. Izuku would always arise first, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and padding across the hall to his older brother’s bed. He’d climb onto the bigger bed and lazily shake his brother until the boy couldn’t ignore Izuku anymore. (Y/n) would sit up and tease Izuku about his bedhead. Then, together, the two boys would dash into the hall and ignore the fact that all their noise would absolutely have woken their mother by now. Inko would lay awake, but remain still, with closed eyes to truly sell the appearance of being asleep as her sons crept into her room. They were both so loud as they jumped onto their mother’s bed. So loud, it would mysteriously “wake” the woman, who would wrap an arm around each of her boys and pull them into her sides in the bed. They would giggle and squirm in feeble attempts to get out of the bed before admitting defeat and being content to lay in their mother’s arms. Slowly, but surely, Izuku and (Y/n) would fall back asleep in their mother’s warm, loving arms.
Eventually, Sunday mornings would start with Inko knocking on her eldest son’s door and calling through for him to wake up and get ready for school with a small Izuku following closely after her. The three would sit at the table and eat breakfast together - careful to avoid the subject of Father, lest (Y/n) go on a tirade about how he should be home and not overseas - until Inko would stand and take their plates. She’d press a kiss to her eldest son’s forehead, hand him his bookbag, and send him off to school with a smile. Izuku would be waving and loudly calling out his own goodbyes to his big brother from the dining table.
As the boys grew and Izuku finally found himself in full swing of attending U.A, Sundays were spent with Inko and (Y/n) - mostly Inko - cleaning the house in anticipation of their weekly visit. Barely after nine in the morning, Izuku would stroll into the home and give and receive hugs of missed love. (Y/n) would tease the younger boy over their old hero name choices, namely the Sibling Duo Heroes: Mighty Boys, while welcoming him home. Inko and (Y/n) would talk about how much they missed Izuku. How proud they are of him. How much they loved him and loved rewatching his performance at the Sports Festival on the T.V. How much they can’t wait to see him crowned as number one hero.
Both boys would go on with their lives and careers but Sundays would always be spent at Mom’s house. At Inko’s dining table with stuffed bellies from her cooking and hearts warm with the fondness of returning home after a long week. Ears full of stories from the past week and bodies begging for rest in the comfort of their old rooms. But those days of the boys’ bedrooms have passed and now they serve as a guest and storage room. Those rooms are Inko’s, not Izuku’s and not (Y/n)’s - because they’ve grown too big to stay in their mother’s arms like they used to. The most they can have now is the nostalgia of stepping through the front door and getting the most loving hug of their lives each Sunday morning.
As time turned on and the years grew and Inko found herself with difficulty breathing and aching joints, Sundays were spent in the hospital. Izuku and (Y/n) sitting around a bed in a sterile, white-centric room with the occasional nurse passing in and out. Sometimes the boys had to be silent, truly silent, for Inko to sleep, actually sleep, peacefully. Sometimes the boys would fill the quiet with stories about their careers, about dates, about friends, about pets, about random dogs they saw in the park that they thought Mom would like. Sometimes the boys would cry, leaving the hospital at the very end of visiting hours with blotched faces and bloodshot, puffy eyes. Izuku would drive home to avoid civilians and journalists and paparazzi alike recognizing him as he broke down over the deterioration of his mother. (Y/n) would sit in his car outside the hospital and weep over his mother’s decaying health until he felt it was safe to drive without the fear of tears clouding his vision. Inko would lay in bed just as she had been when her boys walked in, and she’d stay and she’d wait. Wait until next Sunday when she’d be able to see her boys walk in smiling together again, and wait to watch them leave with tears budding in their eyes.
For a day. For a single Sunday, (Y/n) drove to his little brother’s house first thing in the morning and barely found the stability in his legs to crash into a hug with the man as he hiccuped out the words they’d both been dreading for months. Izuku would feel his chest cave and his heart wrinkle up and his spirit itself die inside of him. They’d cry together. They’d scream and they’d mourn and they’d call out to the universe that they hated it for taking Mom from them. Mom didn’t deserve it. Mom should’ve had so much more time. And Mom was an angel on Earth and the universe just tossed her out like an old doll and it would regret it. They’d sob until their throats hurt and their heads ached. The brothers barely found the energy to kick themselves to eat or drink for the rest of the day; too worried that they wouldn’t be able to keep anything down with how sick they felt on that Sunday.
For a long while, Sundays were awkward and short. Two boys sitting at their mother’s grave with no words of substance to exchange and no idea how to move on from this point. Inko would always guide them through the process of grief when a loved one died and now that the loved one was her, they had nobody to turn to. “I miss Mom,” Izuku would choke out, feeling like a little boy lost in a large store without Inko to hold his hand through the fear. (Y/n) would nod stiffly, swallowing down the lump in his throat and speak through quivering lips in order to be the strong big brother that he always promised to Inko he’d be, “Me too. I miss her, too.”
The world, against all their wishes, still spun - but Sundays stopped. (Y/n) couldn’t pull himself out of bed long enough to even get dressed let alone drive down to his brother’s house. Izuku was quick to throw himself into work as deeply as possible to just forget the nagging feeling of guilt in letting his older brother pull away. Both boys knew that Inko would be disappointed, but neither of the boys could manage the will listen to their mother when she wasn’t there to say anything. No more golden sunlight to wake them, no knocking at their bedroom doors, no nice homemade breakfasts - only the reminder that Mom was gone for good. Only the pain of knowing they would never get to hear her last words, only hoping she hadn’t asked, “Where are my boys?” as she slipped into eternal slumber.
Then, though still early in his life, Izuku had a son. A giggly, smiley, happy little bundle of sunshine of a boy. And Sundays were revived. (Y/n) would visit every week to see his new nephew and see that his little brother was handling well. (Y/n) would babysit when his brother was busy with work. (Y/n) was an uncle now, and it revived the part of him that wished to take care of someone the way his mom did for him and Izuku. To show someone an unconditional love and a place to call home. He knew it was Izuku’s son and not his, but being Uncle (Y/n) was good enough for him while the baby would grin up at his slowly rebuilding heart.
Sundays continued passing and although neither of the boys had their mother's arms to lay their heads in, they still had each other to lean upon. They had taken on the spirit and the kindness of Inko and churned it into a love they could show the newest Midoriya. Give the newest Midoriya a soft place to rest as he grew with the praise and attention and love that Inko had once given Izuku and (Y/n). The care Inko had given to her little heroes; the sibling duo was passed onto that boy, Midoriya, Inejiro.
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lonewolfshayu · 2 years
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I watched the first episode of Finding Carter today. A rewatch, actually. Took me several days, but I got it done today.
Years ago, when I was a teenager, I was a fan of Finding Carter. But my memory is so fuzzy now. I pretty much remember nothing from those days. I don't even know if I ever seen an episode of season 2. I don't even know how much of season 1 I watched. But I know some spoilers of Finding Carter. And I vaguely know some other things, but kinda not really.
Anyway, I watched the first episode of FC. Here are my thoughts. And here are my thoughts about FC in general, which never got a season 3.
These points aren't in "chronological" order.
1 The last non-Finding Carter thing I watched that has Kathryn Prescott in it is the movie Polaroid. I watched that in full. I only seen some glimpses of Kathryn in Skins. On YouTube. I didn't like Polaroid that much, but I think Prescott is a great actress. She seems so cool. Finding Carter was the first exposure I had to her.
2 I really like the little brother. I don't even remember his name, but he reminds me of myself a little bit. He was a premature baby and is intelligent. Just like me. That much is clear from the first episode. Also, I have a vague memory of my teen days and seeing Carter's little brother hug her when she is in the hospital bed. I loved their relationship. I get the feeling Carter loves her little brother more than she loves her sister. I'm not complaining.
3 I don't even remember Taylor. LMAO. Completely forgot she existed. Before I did some research on Finding Carter years after being a fan of the show, I didn't know Taylor existed. I simply forgot. I see the way she acts in the first episode, and I really see her as this petty, spiteful person. Being jealous of her own twin sister at the party. Seriously? And trying to make her hair more noticeable to Gabe. Girl, chill tf out. He's not into you. It reminds me of incel guys trying to impress a girl who just doesn't want them, and never will. Taylor, you are a femcel I will never be fond of.
4 I vaguely remember the grandfather and him hugging Carter. I love that scene. Especially now that I appreciate grandparent-grandchild bonds a lot more now than I did in the past. Carter really loves her grandpa, and that's just sweet. She even calls him pop-pop. Hugs him too. She doesn't hug any of her other family.
5 As of right now, I love Carter's relationship with her "fake mom". Spoiler alert: Carter is her actual biological daughter. Because Lori's egg or something like that. Lol. Either way, I wish Carter and Lori would stay together. Look, I know Lori kidnapped her, but I really love their bond. Lori is so loving. It's also realistic how Carter loves her and helps her escape. Wholesome too, in such a twisted way. Stockholm syndrome. I'm just now realizing that's what Carter has.
6 That last line about Carter's "real mom" being her true abductor. Wow. Amazing scene. Absolutely golden.
7 "Stop saying she goes by" I'm paraphrasing because I doubt that was the exact line, but that was really funny. Carter is a funny girl. Her insults to her real family was hilarious.
8 Carter backing away when she found out her real parents were going to see her. Haha. Pretty funny too. It was pretty cool to hear her real mom call her Linden.
9 Carter gets a job the very next day after seeing the manager? You go, girl.
10 So, the real mom's detective boyfriend stalks Carter on a road trip for two hours straight? Weird. How would she not know she was being followed that entire time? And I wouldn't even have the energy to follow someone for that long, then do that drive back to my city. Sounds exhausting.
11 I expected more hugs. You would think that the real mom would hug her daughter who was missing for over a decade. If that was me, that's what I would do. Not even the grandma hugged Carter. IDK the only decent person in this family right now is the grandpa. I like the little brother, but he isn't that highly regarded by me right now.
12 That was badass how Lori just moves directly past the police at the end.
13 I really don't like Taylor. Based on the things fans say about her online, I don't believe that opinion will change.
14 From what else I heard, the dad is a bad character too. He sure does seem like it. He seems really aloof and distant, but it's like he's going a halfway decent job at hiding it. But it's still too obvious. Dad is weird.
15 I really want to know how Lori managed to avoid being arrested while Carter was in the police station.
16 Lol at the car scene. After the party. Taylor was sleep in the back the whole time. I like Carter and Gabe together.
17 Carter is really close to the people you would think she would be less close to. She loves her grandpa more than her real parents. She clearly likes the brother she didn't know she had.
18 This is a pretty good show. It deserved more seasons. I wish I could remember all the parts I seen that came after the first episode.
19 I was under the impression that Carter was staying in the same town she got kidnapped from, during her kidnapping. It makes sense that Lori moved away with her. That explains why Carter's real family never seen her in public when she was still young. Would have been an awkward situation haha.
20 It's crazy to me how someone could forget they were kidnapped. Even a toddler. How does that work? One day Carter woke up as a kid and completely believed Lori was her true mom? Forgot everything else about her life and past?
21 By the end of the first episode of Finding Carter, I only like Carter, her little bro, her grandpa, and Lori. Maybe Gabe as well. Everyone else just isn't interesting.
22 This show never should have been cancelled.
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