#i would love to answer questions and go feral about this in the future!
imtrashraccoon · 1 month
here’s a drabble idea!
Nightmare sans x dog monster! reader
so the premise is that the dear reader is a dog like doggo, greater dog, lesser dog, etc
and if we want to get REAL specific the dog breed reader is a konoki dog!
Hi! Thank you for submitting this idea!
I was shocked how quickly I managed to think of something for this prompt. I hope you don't mind that I made it a fantasy and soulmate au. I actually haven't written this sort of thing before and I am still buzzing with ideas.
I never heard of a Konoki dog before this and they look super cute! I haven't written this type of character before so I hope you like them. I certainly have fallen in love with them! (I affectionately call them Koko in my notes!)
By the way, I renamed Nightmare (and a few others!) for this to make him a more unique character. There's a note at the bottom for the meanings of their names too.
The Dark Fortress
Nightmare x Kokoni!Dog Monster Reader
Fantasy & Soulmate AU
Word Count: 6, 219
You woke up to the sound of rain softly pattering on your tent. The light was rather dim so you estimated the sun wasn't up just yet. Still, it couldn't hurt to get up and do some quick exercises before your day properly started.
The rain made the air smell good - slightly earthy with a hint of the harsher scent of ozone. The only bad thing was that you didn't like having wet fur, especially when on a mission, since it stuck to your armour and meant your weapon was harder to hang onto.
The scent in the air reminded you of a reoccurring dream that you'd been having your whole life. While the circumstances were different each time, there was always a distinctive smell present. It was earthy and sweet with aromatic undertones similar to liquorice or fennel. It was also slightly spicy or maybe salty was a better description? This smell seemed to belong to someone but you'd never been able to see what they looked like.
Not everyone believed in the concept of soulmates but you couldn't find any other explanation for why you kept dreaming about this one smell. There were instances where a few dogs had been plagued by a particular smell and then ended up finding their soulmate, but this was always in real life and never only in a dream.
With a sigh, you meticulously fastened the straps and buckles that held your armour together. While many of your fellow soldiers preferred full plate, you liked the mobility that light armour provided. This combined with your smaller size and slight frame made you the perfect scout or assassin for the Royal Guard.
You didn't have time this morning to contemplate the possibility of meeting your soulmate. You had a duty to perform and any distractions could put the lives of both you and your comrades in danger.
Your mission was to investigate the dark fortress that had appeared overnight a few months ago in the neighboring Kingdom of Shiftingtails. The kingdom's forces had apparently been completely overrun and destroyed in a matter of days. Word on the conditions inside the country had been scarce but the handful of refugees that had made it out all told harrowing tales of their escape.
Whatever magic that had created the fortress was dangerous. It corrupted the land, killing both plants and animals alike, so that nothing could survive. It was said that it could kill people as well but no one knew exactly how. There were also accounts of the dark horde and their master but no one could decide on what they looked like.
Some claimed that an army of the dead suddenly came to life and raided their homes. Others claimed there were only three skeletons responsible for the destruction. Yet there were other accounts of a single skeleton covered in the dark fortress' corruption with black tendrils. No one wanted to talk about this one any more than they had to though.
You hadn't known what to make of the accounts at first, but the deeper you and your comrades pressed into enemy territory, the more truth they seemed to hold. Thankfully, the Royal Scientist had found a way to counteract the majority of the corruption's effects, so as long as the protective coating on your armour remained intact, you would be safe.
It didn't ease your anxiety though and you knew that your comrades were also suffering from restlessness. It had been days since you had even been in combat, even longer since killing anything, and you just wanted to get this over with.
You weren't particularly bloodthirsty but even you had to admit that you secretly enjoyed the rush that came whenever a person died by your hand. It wasn't something that you went out of your way to do, even though being a soldier often put you in those situations. Everyone knew that while sometimes unavoidable, gaining EXP and especially LV, was a slippery slope to insanity. And so during basic training, it was stressed that it was preferable to incapacitate your foes and only kill as a last resort.
You emerged from your tent and stretched your limbs. It seemed like a few of your fellow soldiers were already up and about, which meant another day of marching was upon you. At least you were within sight of the dark fortress now. It wouldn't be long before you would be able to hear the satisfying sound of your meteor hammer crushing bones and inhale the scent of fresh blood again.
~ ~ /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ ~ ~
Breaching the gate had been difficult but not impossible.
There had been a small horde of tall black skeletons but against the heavily armoured likes of your fellow guardsmen, they were soon cut down. While the skeletons had also been heavily armoured and wielded greataxes, a well placed blow was pretty much all it took to fell them. Even you managed to take one down, although its body didn't turn to dust and simply faded away, and you didn't even get any EXP from it.
That was strange but not unusual if they were merely summons and not actual monsters. Still, whoever summoned them must have an immense mana pool, especially if they were also the one who'd created the dark fortress in the first place.
The moment you and your fellow soldiers entered the courtyard, you were suddenly set upon by three assailants. They were fast, and with how easily they could dodge attacks or appear behind you, must have some form of instant teleportation ability.
You were forced to fight back to back with Sir Draco, which meant your ranged attacks were less effective since you had to be mindful of your meteor hammer's arc. Your own mana was limited so you were forced to fend off blows with your trusty dagger, which you normally only used for finishing off your enemies.
The three skeletons looked similar, like they could be cousins, but at the same time they were quite different from each other. They were on a whole other level from the dark hordes earlier and you were starting to worry that this could soon turn hairy.
Greater and Lesser Dog were currently taking on a giant of skeleton who had half his skull caved in, a blood red eyelight in his left socket, and wielded a massive, wicked-looking greataxe. He wore a suit of mismatched armour of various materials and styles that had been pieced together seemingly at random. It looked to be mostly plate and hide armour though.
Captain Undyne and Sir Bunbun were holding off a wiry skeleton, who had what looked like corruption pouring out of his eye sockets, a crimson glowing target floating above his chest, and wielded nothing but a cruel dagger as well as his own magic against them. He wore a form-fitting suit of black leather armour that was reminiscent of what the former Shiftingtails Kingdom's scouts used to wear.
You and Sir Draco were focusing on a shorter skeleton who was constantly switching between bone attacks and trying to stab both of you with a well-polished shortsword. He had red eyelights but the left one also had a ring of blue and he wore a red cuirass with a hood and dusty chainmail over top.
"Fall back!" You heard Captain Undyne shout. "We can't let them separate us!"
You and your comrades began shifting towards the gate in an attempt to keep them from attacking your flanks. Although, you'd only taken a few steps when your nose caught a particularly familiar scent. It was sharp, earthy and yet sweet at the same time - the exact scent from your dreams. But where was it coming from?
You noticed a flicker of red out of the corner of your eye and just managed to dodge yet another strike from the hooded skeleton. He scowled and you bared your teeth in response before he darted out of your reach again. He smelled like smoke and death so it certainly wasn't him.
"Come on, pup. If we don't move now, they'll cut us off from the others," Sir Draco rumbled as he blocked another volley of bone bullets with his shield.
You sniffed the air intently, barely hearing what he'd said. That scent...they were here somewhere... Your soulmate was here!
Without really thinking, you darted off in the direction that you were certain the scent was coming from, disregarding the fact that you were also running away from your comrades. You just managed to dodge a bone bullet the hooded skeleton summoned, although it did graze your side. You could hear Undyne shouting at you to return but you didn't listen and kept running. It seemed like no one was actually chasing after you but you could still hear the clash of weapons at the gate, so maybe your comrades had kept them occupied?
The scent was coming from further inside the fortress and only grew stronger the further you ventured, until you managed to slip into a dark building and close the door behind you.
Your paws were great at muffling your footsteps and thanks to your nose, you knew that you were close to the source of the scent. You stepped cautiously around furniture and through passageways until you entered the largest library you'd ever seen.
There was light here, from various lanterns and candles peppered throughout the room, which you were grateful for since you couldn't really see in the dark, although you couldn't help but feel uneasy. You slipped between bookshelves and your ears twitched as you strained to hear the slightest sound. Other than the clinking of the length of chain in your paws and that of your own armour, everything seemed quiet.
Too quiet.
The scent was everywhere and you were starting to have a hard time pinpointing which direction to keep moving in. The fur on the back of your neck suddenly stood on end and you quickly turned, only to come face to face with another skeleton.
He was covered in corruption and four tendrils undulated restlessly behind his back. He wore no armour but underneath the black ooze he seemed to be wearing fancy clothing. He had a gold circlet on his skull and a single cyan eyelight in his left eye socket, as his right was covered by the ooze.
You had barely registered his appearance when he lashed out with his tentacles, slamming you against a nearby bookshelf. You let out a yelp from the impact and heard your meteor hammer clatter to the ground as you lost your grip on the chain.
"Who let a mutt into my home?" the skeleton hissed.
You squirmed but your attempts to escape only caused his tendrils to coil tighter around your body, until it was difficult to breathe.
He drew closer until you were only a few inches apart and narrowed his good eye socket at you. "Are you even a soldier?"
Your eyes widened as it occurred to you that the smell that had haunted you for years was from him. He was your soulmate. Him...the one who'd overthrown an entire country singlehandedly was your one and only.
You pawed at the tendrils around your body. "You're... You're the one..." you managed to gasp.
His smile widened and he let out an amused chuckle. "I'm what? I assure you that whatever you're about to say, I've heard it all before." He let out a sigh and loosened the grasp his tentacles had on you ever so slightly. "But I suppose I can humour you a little bit..."
You couldn't help but cough the moment you could breath properly again. After taking in several lungfuls of air, you looked up at him before trying to explain.
"You're the one I've been dreaming about all my life. My soulmate..."
He stared at you for what felt like an eternity but in reality was probably only a minute. He raised his bonebrows slightly but otherwise showed no further reaction to this revelation.
"Well... That's actually a new one." He chuckled and stepped back a bit but noticeably didn't let go of you. "My apologies, it seems I underestimated you slightly. You're amusing at the very least..."
You huffed and crossed your arms. "I'm serious! I've been looking for so long and now I've actually found you."
He rolled his eyelight before giving you an odd look. "I don't believe you. I don't have a soulmate," he muttered.
"Of course you do! I wouldn't have sought you out if we weren't meant to be together!"
"It's not possible, alright?"
His tendrils suddenly constricted once more, although your ability to breath wasn't as impeded this time. You couldn't possibly break out of his hold now and you were all but forced to stay still.
"I mean it," he growled. "Now, I'm going to ask you some questions and you're going to tell me the truth, understand?"
"Yeah, okay. Just, not so tight please?"
He pointedly ignored your request as if you hadn't said anything at all. "Why are you actually here?"
"My comrades and I were ordered to investigate this place and if possible, take down the source of the corruption. Although, it seems that's you, isn't it?"
"Yes, I am. My name is Lord Donovan, the new ruler of this land." There was a twinge of pride in his voice and he puffed out his ribcage slightly. "Where are your comrades?"
You didn't like how ominous his tone sounded but there was no reason to lie to him. "They're probably still fighting your men at the gate, at least they were before I caught your scent and sought you out."
He gave you an incredulous look. "You broke rank on the off chance that I was your so called soulmate? What a foolish thing to do, almost as foolish as coming here in the first place."
You wrinkled your nose and let out a frustrated huff. "You are my soulmate!" you growled. "How many times do I have to tell you that before it gets through your thick skull?!"
He abruptly yanked you closer until your foreheads were nearly touching, but so that he was leering down at you. "Listen well, mutt. I am not your soulmate. I am an entity of pure hatred and spite. I am incapable of love or any remotely positive feeling for that matter."
"S-surely there's a way to find out?" you whimpered.
He sighed and ran his hand over his face. "Yes, there is a divination ritual that can be performed, but such a thing takes time, something you don't have right now."
You squirmed in his grip. "I don't need some fancy ritual to prove that you're wrong. If you just, let me go for a moment, I'll show you."
He eyed you warily before taking a glance around the library. "Fine, but don't try anything. I would prefer if you didn't ruin any of these tomes with your useless dust."
You gave him a curt nod, although the casual threat wasn't lost on you. "Same goes for you."
He released his tendrils, dropping you unceremoniously to the ground but you managed to land your feet. After straightening your armour and retrieving the weapon you'd dropped earlier, you turned back to him again.
Lord Donovan stood with arms crossed and a critical expression on his face. "I'm surprised that you would risk turning your back on an enemy," he commented.
You chuckled, "Well, you just said that you didn't want to ruin these books."
He narrowed his eye socket. "I could've lied..."
You snorted but chose not to needle him further. Instead, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes before pressing a paw against your chestplate.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm baring my soul to you. What does it look like?" you retorted.
You could feel him judging you but he made no move to interrupt. "You're a fool," he finally stated.
You ignored him and drew your soul out, letting the upside down white heart float lazily in your palm. It wasn't perfect like it had once been but the faint cracks spoke of the many battles you'd survived to get to this point. You could even see your stats, which was only further proof of your strength and the deeds you'd committed for it.
When you met his gaze again, you noticed that he looked a bit uncomfortable. His permanent grin had fallen and he was doing his best not to look at your soul directly. He actually reminded you a little of a bashful child at the moment.
"How does this," he vaguely gestured at you, "actually prove anything?"
You had to grit your teeth to keep from laughing at him. Had he never been taught how these things worked? Even an eight year old could understand the significance of baring your soul to your fated.
"The frequency of our souls are the same and that means we are soulmates," you responded.
He scoffed at that. "I'm not showing you my soul."
"Come on... If you'll just do this one thing, you'll know that I'm right!"
He frowned and shook his skull.
"Please, I'm not trying to trick you..." When he made no move to respond, you sighed and held out your paws. "I understand that you don't trust me; I probably wouldn't either if I was in your position. You can hold my hands if you want, I promise I won't hurt you."
He eyed them for a moment. "Fine...but on one condition..."
You nodded vigorously, "Of course!"
"If you really want to see my soul, then I can't have you leave, at least not alive... Are you actually willing to give up everything, including your friends and family, on something as improbable as being soulmates?"
"With all due respect, I am a soldier. I live each day as if it were my last, as does my family. When I was ordered to come here, I did so knowing that I likely wouldn't return and if this is the price I must pay to find my soulmate, then I am willing."
He seemed to consider your words for a moment before meeting your eyes again. His cyan eyelight flickered for a moment before a new look crossed his face. It almost seemed like one of respect but you couldn't entirely be sure.
"Very well then, if you're certain you won't live to regret it."
He hesitated for a moment but when you didn't pull away, he stepped closer and coiled two of his tendrils around your wrists. His grip was firm but surprisingly gentle and he lifted your paws over your head, so there was no way for you to attack him. In this position, your height discrepancy was much more obvious and you felt rather small next to him.
You felt completely exposed like this, even though you were still wearing your armour. Having your soul floating freely with no way to shield it from anyone else's eyes was honestly a little terrifying. He could strike you down in an instant and there wouldn't be anything you could do about it.
Lord Donovan brought his hand to his ribcage, mimicking the gesture you had made earlier. He focused for a second before pulling his own soul from his body. It wasn't shaped anything like you'd expected, instead it was more oblong than heart-shaped, much like the cross section of an apple. It was jet black with a cyan flare around the edges and seemed like it too was coated in corruption like the rest of his body.
You couldn't help but find his soul oddly beautiful but you kept your comments to yourself for a moment. Instead, you watched him calmly for what he'd do next.
He seemed to be contemplating something before gingerly bringing his soul closer to your own. You were thankful that he didn't let them touch, instead holding it a few inches away.
You waited with baited breath.
At first, your souls simply floated there, slowly thrumming with latent mana.
Suddenly you felt an intense pulse pass through your soul.
It was unlike anything you'd ever felt before, although slightly similar to the high that you'd experienced a few times when your LV increased, except way better. There was a rush of power but also a strong euphoric feeling that made all your uneasiness ebb away.
Donovan seemed utterly stunned. His cyan eyelight had shrunk down at least two sizes and he stood stock still like a statue.
"You felt that?" you whispered, although you couldn't keep yourself from grinning like a maniac.
He seemed completely at a loss for words and it took him a moment to even register that you'd asked a question at all. "I... Yes...I felt that..."
"Do you believe me now?"
"You were right about the frequency being the same..." He finally tore his gaze away from your souls and gave you an intense look. "You can't leave me."
You chuckled and tried to move your arms, only to remember that he still had you restrained. "A deal's a deal. I saw your soul and we're soulmates now; seems fair to me."
"Indeed..." he murmured, before guiding his soul back into his ribcage. You noticed that he hesitated to do the same for you.
You chuckled softly at his apparent awkwardness. "I can do it myself if you'd rather not, you'll just have to let me go first."
"No, it's fine..." He took great care not to graze your soul with his claws as he returned it to it's proper place in your chest. His movements were rather stiff though, almost like he was handling fine china and was afraid of smashing it.
His hand lingered for a moment, as if he was debating if he should actually touch you or not, before pulling away. "Forgive me...but this is a lot to take in at the moment. I never thought-" He cut himself off and changed the subject. "I never even asked for your name..."
You smiled and told him your name as his tendrils around your arms loosened, allowing you to lower them back to your sides, but not actually letting go just yet. The tips wound softly through your fingers like they were curious or maybe they just wanted to hold you like a lover might.
"I suppose there is still the matter of your former comrades." He looked off in the direction you thought the gate was in before asking a question. "How would you prefer I deal with them?"
You felt your heartbeat quicken. "I'd prefer they leave with their lives, but knowing Captain Undyne, she wouldn't give up until every one of her men got out safely."
"That poses a problem," he hummed and tapped his mandible thoughtfully. "As my own won't quit until they eliminate all resistance."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Maybe I could talk to my comrades and convince them to leave?"
"No." His expression darkened and he turned back to you. "They won't leave if they see that you're alive."
"So what do we do?"
He thought for a moment before turning to leave the library, tugging you along with his tentacles. "I have an idea, come with me."
You let out a small yip as you nearly stumbled over your own hind feet while trying to follow him. He spared you a glance over his shoulder but kept quickly moving through the dark passageways. He did mercifully let go of one of your arms so you would have a bit more balance though.
He led you into a room that, from the shelves of tonics and the racks of drying herbs, reminded you of an apothecary. The various herbs and ingredients all melded together into a slightly musty smell that you weren't fond of.
Donovan pulled a specific vial down from the shelf and brought it over to the work bench. You walked over and leaned against it to see what he was doing. After adding a few ingredients and swirling it together, he turned back to you.
"I need you to trust me..." He trailed off and glanced away before muttering, "Not that I've done anything to deserve your trust so far..."
You gave him a gentle smile and stepped closer to put your paw on his arm. He inadvertently jumped at the contact but didn't pull away.
"Of course I trust you. Whatever your plan is, I'll go along with it."
His bonebrows furrowed and he lightly stroked the fur on the side of your face with his claws. "Can I have your dagger?"
"I'm surprised you even noticed I had one," you chuckled as you drew the blade from its sheath and held it out to him.
He hummed and took it from your grasp. "I think you'll find that there isn't much that escapes my attention." He eyed the sharp edge for a moment before glancing back at you. "How attached are you to this?"
You frowned slightly. Your dagger wasn't too special to the naked eye but it had served you well ever since you'd been gifted it after your first successful mission. Even though it wasn't your primary weapon, any of your comrades would recognize it as yours if they saw it.
"It's just a dagger," you answered. "It's a small sacrifice to be with you forever."
He watched you for a moment before nodding. "Very well. This will hurt, but I'm only going to do what's necessary for you to be free of them."
You felt his tendrils coil around your body, cradling and holding you in place. He caressed your face and seemed to study your eyes for a second longer. You took a steadying breath and nodded.
And then he ran you through with the dagger.
You should've found something to bite down on before agreeing to this but your scream of pain was cut off when he abruptly yanked you into a kiss. It was a rough kiss and, if he wasn't holding you in place, you might've fallen over from the forcefulness.
He pulled away quickly and pressed the vial to your lips. It had a harsh taste but you managed to get it down without choking. Almost immediately, you felt an odd warmth flood your body and your eyelids began to grow heavy.
Lord Donovan laid you down on a bed that hadn't been in the room and you wondered if he'd brought you somewhere else. You knew he'd just inflicted what would normally be a mortal wound but somehow your body wasn't falling to pieces. If it weren't for the pain and sudden exhaustion, you probably could've run a mile. Whatever was in that tonic was obviously far stronger than any healing potion you'd ever been able to afford.
Your gaze met his own and when you held eye contact, he seemed relieved. He still held your dagger but it was thoroughly coated in what you instinctively knew was your own dust so that not even the handle was spared. He then took it in two of his tendrils and snapped the blade in half, as if it were nothing but a twig and not hardened steel.
Your shocked expression must've been concerning as he frowned and moved closer to you again. He combed his claws through the fur between your ears in a comforting manner.
"I'm sorry, but this needs to be as convincing as possible if they are to leave and not return in some foolhardy attempt to rescue you."
You swallowed thickly and managed to nod.
"Rest now, I will deal with them myself. You have my word that they won't be unnecessarily harmed."
You were out before he even left the room.
~ ~ /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ ~ ~
You awoke to the sound of several unknown voices. There was a loud voice that spoke the most and the fastest, a softer and more raspy voice that occasionally answered the first's questions, and then there was a third much deeper voice who only spoke in clipped one word answers. They immediately fell quiet as soon as they realized that you were awake.
When you risked cracking open your eyes, you came face to face with one of the skeletons from earlier, specifically the one that had corruption leaking from his eye sockets. His skull took up most of your field of view but you could just barely make out the other two skeletons near the doorway.
"well well, look who's finally awake~" he teased.
You narrowed your eyes at him. "I suppose so. Now can you back up a bit?"
He smirked but mercifully stepped away from the bed so you could sit up. Your armour had been removed at some point although you were still wearing your tunic. You would likely need new gear after Donovan stabbed you anyways, but you didn't like being in the same room as three very dangerous people while unprotected.
There was still some pain but you seemed perfectly fine otherwise. Maybe later you'd have to check where the wound had been to see how it had healed. You could feel that a bandage had been wrapped around your abdomen but that was all that seemed to have happened.
"so, word is you and the boss are thick as thieves all of the sudden..."
You glanced up at him sharply. There was no point in denying it but should you really tell them why he'd spared your life?
He chuckled and glanced over at the other two, who seemed like they could care less. "we've just been dying to meet you, haven't we?"
The large skeleton huffed and the hooded one merely rolled his eyelights.
He didn't seem phased by their lackluster enthusiasm and soon turned back to you again. "you got a name then, cutie?" he asked way too sweetly.
You raised your head and squared your shoulders before introducing yourself.
"aw, it suits you!" He grinned, although it was a tad too wide. "i suppose introductions are in order then..."
"the big guy goes by maul," he said and pointed him out to you. He bent down to whisper in your ear, "he doesn't talk much, but between you and me, it's rumoured that he used to be the headsman during the coup in the horrur kingdom."
You believed it. The way you'd seen him swing that greataxe was proof enough of his strength. You were curious how he got the head wound if he was just the executor, but you weren't about to ask.
Maul's single red eyelight observed you coolly before he nodded slightly. At least he didn't seem like he wanted to tear you apart right away.
"mr. broody goes by reven." He directed your attention to the skeleton in question before repeating what he'd done earlier. "pretty sure he still wears his old paladin armour, despite breaking his oath after his brother got dusted. he's the one responsible for the crimson stabbings, didn't you know?"
You pulled the sheets slightly closer and swallowed nervously. You remembered how afraid everyone had been during that time and how at a loss your superiors had been. The murders had gone on for years before just stopping without any conclusion being reached.
Reven narrowed his eye sockets suspiciously but he seemed to like the effect that his supposed reputation had on you.
"it's actually kinda impressive you held him off for as long as you did back there~"
Reven scowled at his loud mouthed compatriot's words and crossed his arms. You certainly didn't feel proud of yourself and if it wasn't for Sir Draco, you knew he would've overwhelmed you quickly.
Trying to distract yourself, you turned to the last unnamed skeleton in the room, who was still a bit to close for your comfort. "And who are you?" you asked.
"You can call me Dirk, or anything else you feel partial to~" He practically beamed at the revelation that you were even remotely interested in his backstory. "I used to run with some brigands and we made a decent killing for a while. Although, I was always meant for something more than that boring life so I killed them instead."
You didn't know what you had been expecting but how flippant he was about committing murder was more than a little unsettling. You really shouldn't have been so surprised though.
"Your armour doesn't belong to you, does it?" you asked carefully.
"oh yeah." He grinned before adding, "i stabbed a guy for it!"
You ran a hand down your face and sighed. "Of course, why did I think you would've done anything otherwise?"
In an effort to change the subject, you glanced at the others and asked a different question. "What happened to...my companions?"
Neither Maul nor Reven seemed interested in answering although the latter suppressed a small chuckle.
Dirk pulled a face and shook his skull. "they ran like cowards," he muttered.
You frowned. "That doesn't sound quite right. Are you sure?"
"well... the fish lady got pretty mad when the boss revealed that you were 'dead'..." He made finger quotes and chuckled. "she actually tried to fight him but he taught her a lesson real quick."
Reven chuckled as well. "she had to be hauled away by the rest of them..." he muttered under his breath.
You felt your heart drop. Donovan had promised that he wouldn't kill them, but you still couldn't help feeling concerned. What if she succumbed to her injuries before getting to safety?
You glanced over at Dirk and immediately noticed that his permanent grin had fallen slightly.
"how do we know that you didn't just trick the boss into thinking you two are... what's it called?" he paused for emphasis before continuing, "soulmates, or some other dumb crap?"
He took a step closer to the bed and you inadvertently tried to back away from him. Seeing movement out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that the other two had seemed to take interest as well. Maul stayed by the door, although his grin widened in an unsettling way and he crossed his arms. Reven narrowed his eye sockets and took a few steps closer.
"Of course not! I wouldn't-"
Your protest was cut off when Donovan suddenly materialized on your other side. The boys paused and turned to look at him, although at first he said nothing and shot each of them a look of displeasure. Without saying a word, he wrapped your body up in a few of his tendrils and pulled you closer to him.
"If any of you so much as look at my soulmate wrong, I will not hesitate to strip your souls from your miserable bodies and torment you for eternity," he growled quietly.
You felt a shiver run down your spine but his threat seemed to have an effect on the boys. Maul glanced away and Reven seemed to visibly deflate. Dirk seemed to grow uncomfortable but outwardly didn't appear intimidated.
Donovan eyed each of them for several long seconds before he turned to you and seemed to visibly relax. He gave you what was supposed to be a comforting smile but it still looked a little scary on him.
"I didn't go for a killing blow but holding back is a little difficult for me. She'll probably just lose an eye if treated properly," he stated. His tone came across as pretty ominous but you did feel some relief that he'd at least attempted to keep his word.
"Thank you, I appreciate that you still tried."
~ ~ /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ ~ ~
Later, once you were properly healed, Dirk approached you in the common area while you were attempting to salvage what you could from your old armour. You inadvertently tensed up but he flashed you a smile that was probably supposed to look friendly.
"so, i've been thinking," he started to say.
You raised an eyebrow. "That's worrying," you responded with an awkward laugh.
Across the room, you heard Reven snicker but he didn't bother trying to join in.
Dirk's smile grew wider. "heh... anyways, each of us has a place on the team. maul is the muscle, reven is good with both melee and ranged fighting, and i'm the assassin but i dabble in ranged attacks too. so, what do you do?"
You took a moment to think it over. You wanted to get along with them and if proving yourself a competent teammate would help, you were determined to do your best.
"Well, I'm generally a forward scout but I'm more than capable of holding my own in melee combat."
Dirk nodded, "fun! i guess we'll have to eventually come up with a nickname for you." He held out his hand and tilted his skull all the while smirking at you. "welcome to the dark fortress."
You grasped his hand and smiled. Maybe you'd like being here a lot more than you originally thought.
A meteor hammer is kind of like a flail. It is a weapon with one or two weights attached to a length of chain. It may be impractical, but I had a distinct mental picture of MC swinging it around that I loved.
Donovan is an Irish name and means dark warrior.
Maul is actually named after the weapon of the same name (although the verb is kinda fitting too!).
Reven is short for revenant and a nod to one of the coolest characters in Star Wars (Darth Revan).
Dirk is named for a type of dagger.
Did you catch what kingdom was taken over by Donovan and his gang? I had a hard time coming up with one that made sense so Storyshift it was. In this world, each AU is its own kingdom, meaning pretty much every major AU can and probably does exist somewhere or somehow.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Niragi Headcanons
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Warnings: 18+, Heavy BDSM, Edging, Overstimulation, Aftercare, Ownership Kink, Marking, Biting, Petnames, Consensual Dub-Con, Consensual Abuse of Physical Strength, Knife Play, Mentions of Blood, Spit Kink, Cum Play, Rough Sex, Dominant Niragi, Submissive Reader, Profanity, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You’, etc.
A/N: If you don't like this kind of content, please don't flag it ! It really hurts us authors and our engagement ! Instead, please consider blocking my account or changing your account viewing preferences so you aren't exposed to unwanted/NSFW content in the future :-). Here is a wonderful post which details how you can do just that <3
You’re his. Simple as.
And he makes sure to remind you - and anyone who crosses your path - on a near-daily basis.
Whenever he sees fit, he’ll just corner you and pin you down, telling you to “Calm down, Angel – you’re makin’ me hard,” – his way of warning you that whatever he has planned for you will only worsen the more you struggle.
And his bulge against your back is a very visceral promise of that.
Loves forcing your hands beside or above your head; it reminds you both of how much stronger than you he is – how weak and dependent you are compared to him.
How he owns you.
Bites your throat and shoulders, sucking marks, crafting you a necklace of bruises fashioned by him – his own branded jewels of love.
He’ll make sure they’re visible, too.
He needs to ward off other people from you by leaving his mark, his signature.
If he thinks you’re being bratty or uncooperative, he’ll go to any lengths to break you down until you submit to him entirely.
“You’re not making this any easier for yourself, Love,” he says. “Just tell me why you’re being so infuriating and I won’t bleed you this time.”
Massively into knife play.
Loves hearing you squeak and moan whenever he holds a knife to your throat or drags the blunted edge up your thighs, pressing it to your throbbing, aching core and cutting your underwear open, ravaging you.
He’s so rough when he’s in this kind of mood.
Will pound you until you bleed. Or give out and admit your feelings to him. Either will suffice; yet Niragi knows which he can draw from you first.
And his stamina and endurance are no joke.
He will outlast you in every faculty.
That’s the territory that comes with being a trained killer.
And he will remind you of that constantly.
“How does it feel–” he rasps, pants, as he pounds you from behind, the bed jutting with each thrust, “–to know you’re being fucked by a killer,”
The question is always rhetorical. He just revels in the feeling of you clenching around him when he recalls just how easily he could end you right here, right now.
But he doesn’t. And he never would.
He loves you far, far too much.
But that doesn’t stop him from being straight-up disrespectful.
Orders you to open your mouth, only for him to spit into it whenever he knows or suspects you’re being untruthful.
Also loves covering you in his cum.
His favourite thing is to cum inside you and watch it ooze from whichever holes he’s chosen to abuse that day, but something about covering you in it makes him feral.
Edges you constantly.
Uses your release as a bartering chip.
“Tell me why you’re being such a brat and I’ll let you cum.”
It’s a trap. Your honesty is punished, too.
Once he tears a satisfactory answer from you, he’ll let you - make you - cum.
And as your orgasm is still rolling through you, he’ll keep going. And going. And going.
At first you could assume it’s his bid to fulfill his own needs, but even after he finishes inside you and he simply doesn’t relent, realisation dawns on you.
Your insides are aching, pleading for a moment’s respite. But Niragi doesn’t stop, battering your hole and keeping it stretched over his bulging cock.
There comes a point where you’re banging your fists against his chest, begging him to stop because you’re so sensitive and it hurts, but he ignores you.
“If I were to let up that easily, I wouldn’t get to have any fun. Quite unfair after I let you cum, isn’t it?”
Looks into your eyes as he does it, too.
Will tie you up if he finds your cries and flails to be too bothersome.
Binds you to the bedposts so there’s nothing you can do but watch and feel as he slams into you at such a harsh, killing rhythm that has you thinking whatever’s leaking out of you right now is blood.
Very much into BDSM.
Will use his strength to bend you into whatever shape your body will allow and bind your limbs together, making it entirely impossible for you to break free as he has his way with you.
“You’re mine,” he’d say, grinding the shape of his cock into your walls; and all the while you’re moaning, crying, tears streaming down your face as euphoria tightens in your centre. “Nobody else can have you - please you - the way I can.”
Big fan of punishment, btw.
There are times where he puts you in a cage and just cums on you, making you stay there until his semen is crusting on your skin, makeshift scales on the creature he has reduced you to.
Also gets a kick out of spanking you, either with a belt or his hand.
When he’s feeling particularly cruel, he makes you count them until you reach the limit he has set for you.
And Heaven forbid you lose count, or you both start all over again.
Niragi likes to make sure that every time you try to sit down, you remember him – what he did to you.
When all is said and done, even when you’re used and stuffed and Niragi is milked dry, he is always up for more.
If you insist you can “go another round,” he’ll push you back down onto the bed.
“Oh, is that so, Sweetheart?” he says, looking down at you with mischief. “I might just break you if we go again.”
He’s joking, ofc.
When you're actually spent for the night, he just collapses next to you and looks upon you as if you are god, eyes dark and round.
Though he'd attribute that longing look in his eye to you being too emotional or clutching at straws - simply projecting that which you wanted to see.
Though, he will admit (only to himself), that it does feel nice to be so seen on occasion, but only by you.
Secretly loves to snuggle. All the time.
And he holds you as you’re drifting off to sleep, keeping you flush against his chest, wondering how he got so lucky to have met you.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-) Masterlist
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my-name-is-apollo · 5 months
Wanna share some newly found Admetus x Apollo crumbs!! because I just love them and they never fail to make me go feral every time I read something about them!!
This time it's from a latin poem "Alcestis Barcinonensis", and as the name suggests it narrates the story of Alcestis. But it also has Admetus and Apollo having a conversation with each other - which I've never seen before in any of the texts, so this poem has stirred my feels (again).
It starts with Admetus calling upon Apollo to answer his questions about his future:
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"If I worshipped you ever; if I ever offered you support when you came to me as a terrified servant after the gods' charge against you"
Just...Imagine being Admetus. You worship a god ardently, and that god turns up at your door step as your servant (a terrified servant) and you get to shelter him, accept him. Support him at his lowest. And this god falls in love with you and is serving you in a way that feels like he is worshipping you. ("I am myself godly, and in Admetus, son of Pheres, I found a godly man." - Apollo in Euripides' Alcestis) It is dishonorable for the god but he doesn't care, he is ready to go to any extent to keep you happy.
A commentary on this poem points out how Admetus' addresses Apollo in this way with an intent of binding the god to himself:
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I'm kinda loving how this characterises Admetus as being selfish, or at least insensitive with his request to Apollo. Yes he knows Apollo is no longer his slave, but he knows very well he can still bind Apollo to him and he doesn't hesitate to take advantage of it.
Apollo doesn't have to oblige, because he has already served Admetus exceptionally well during his years of servitude. Even afterwards, he has done enough favours for Admetus - helped him get a wife, saved him from Artemis' wrath. But of course, he still comes to do him yet another favour. It's very fitting that their story is used as an example for servitium amoris (slavery of love) by other poets like Ovid and Tibullus. Despite being free, in his heart he's still a slave to Ademtus' love. Maybe that's why Apollo lets himself get easily bound when Admetus requests for it. He probably knows that this is not entirely fair, but he still answers it because perhaps everything he has done so far is still not enough for him (or perhaps yielding to Admetus' requests has become a fond habit of his)
Back to the poem, this is Apollo's answer to Admetus:
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"I grieve for you, but I must tell you the truth. Death is pressing upon you."
Apollo says he is already grieving for Admetus. He must have known that for a while huh. For how long has he been mourning Admetus in secret? :')
He not only answers the questions, but also goes beyond by letting Admetus know how to escape death - something Admetus hadn't asked for (but that probably would have been Admetus' next request). It seems like Apollo is just as desperate to save Admetus as Admetus is to save himself, and maybe he was waiting for the day Admetus would selfishly ask this of him.
Admetus has to find someone to die in his place, so that he can live longer. Given how in Ovid's poem Apollo wishes to renounce his godhood so that he could die with Hyacinthus, I don't think it would be a stretch to imagine that if it was possible, Apollo would have given his years (at least some of his years) to Admetus. Instead, Apollo tells him to ask his parents, wife and children. Where both his parents refuse, Alcestis gladly agrees to die in her husband's place.
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Alcestis agrees to die, first and foremost because it will bring her glory. She will be praised and remembered for being a pious wife. And she will not have to live the life of a widow. That doesn't make her sacrifice any less noble or selfless at all...
But the thing is, while both Apollo and Alcestis go out of their way to save Admetus, Alcestis' act of saving her husband brings her glory and honor, but Apollo's part in saving Admetus only brings him dishonor and scorn from other gods. But that doesn't stop Apollo from still trying to do something for Admetus, to save him in whatever way possible. In Alcestis, Apollo even tries to save Alcestis by negotiating with Thanatos. All for the sake of Admetus.
Like just how much can a god love a mortal?
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the-cookie-of-doom · 1 month
Five things Porsche learns about Kim lets gooooo
This actually started as a prompt from @shubaka forever ago (before we were friends 🥺) and I decided to torture myself by turning it into a 5+1 fic! But then I stalled out bc I didn't know what to add for the other parts klasjdhgf. It's actually still floating somewhere around here in my writing tag!
In it, Porsche is trying to befriend Kim, and Kim is horribly resistant to it. Porsche steals Chay's phone since Kim won't answer him, only for Kim to hang up as soon as he speaks, it's a whole thing. Basically Kim being forced to bond with his future brother in law <3
The first thing Porsche learns about Kim is that he's a squirrely little bastard. He weasels his phone number out of Chay - after finding out that Kinn didn't have it saved in his own phone, which will be a conversation for later - but Kim doesn't any answer any of the flurry of phone calls and texts that Porsche hurls his own way. Apparently, according to Porchay, Kim has memorized all the numbers of everyone important enough to be worth his time, and doesn't bother with anyone else.
What if someone has to borrow a phone? Porsche had asked. Sucks to be them, Chay replied, with a silly smile that might mean he's kidding, or it might mean he knows exactly how ridiculous Kim is being, but still somehow likes him anyway. Porsche would prefer the former but he's almost certain it's the latter, and he's trying to figure out exactly why Chay would like him so much. Because as far as Porsche can tell? Kim is more akin to a feral cat than anything else. Keeps his distance, sullenly watches Porsche anytime they happen to be in the same room, looking away only to scan for the nearest exit - which he takes at the earliest opportunity - and Porsche is certain Kim has actually hissed at him once. Probably not. Since Kim won't answer unknown numbers, Porsche is forced to stoop to his level. Kinn's phone is of course out of the question, which only leaves one other person, at least only one Porsche can easily access, guaranteed to have it. He's holding a struggling Porchay in a headlock while the phone dials. It only rings once. "Hello, love," Kim greets, his voice warm and syrupy and so, so fond that Porsche has to gag, just to see the way his brother flushes. "I'm sorry, Kim!" Porchay shouts. He's still struggling, digging his hands into Porsche's sides. "I tried to stop him!" "Porsche." And there it is, that flat tone Porsche is used to. "Hi, Kim, how's it going?" he asks casually. "Goodbye. "Wait, wait, wait!" It's no use. The line is already dead. Porsche releases his brother with a groan, and doesn't fight it when Chay snatches back his phone. "Why does he have to be so difficult?" "Kim doesn't like being cornered, hia," Chay scolds him. "If you just talked to him like a normal person-" "He won't let me! He keeps running!" "You're intimidating!" Porsche doesn't believe that for a second. If Kinn wasn't intimated by him, no way his feral, murderous little brother was. "Maybe you're coming on too strong? He probably think you're gonna kill him for, y'know..." "No, I don't know." Porsche side-eyes Chay, who's no longer making eye contact. "Do I need to kill him?" "No!" "Should I want to?" "Hia, No!" Chay throws his hands up. "See! This is why he won't talk to you! You're embarrassing." "Good. Also, I don't care. I want to talk to him, and unless he wants me to lock you in your room and forbit you from seeing each other for the rest of your life, he better cooperate." Chay lets out a sigh like the weight of all the world is bearing down on him. "I'll talk to him," he mumbles, sullen. 
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diavolosbaby · 2 years
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Kpop MC getting shipped with Diavolo by their fans
-----------------------------------------------Cheers could be heard as you walked up on stage. You were waving and blowing kisses to your shrieking fans. As you sat down, you prepared to answer all the questions they had for you. This was a q&a after all.
One after another you answered flawlessly, like a perfect kpop idol should. Responses that would make your fans crave more, make them love you more, you know, keep your reputation. 
One particular question threw you off guard, though.
“Are you and Lord Diavolo dating?” 
You pause for a moment before shielding your eyes. That was what you were taught to do when a question regarding your love life came up, to be cutesy and innocent. But this was no act, it was real. You were embarrassed as you thought more on how to answer the question.
Excited shrieks could be heard when you finally answered. 
“That would be nice wouldn’t it! But no we are not. Not yet anyway!”
The crowd went feral. The idea of their beloved idol getting into a relationship with the future king of hell? It was exciting! 
Something happened you didn’t expect, though. Diavolo walked on stage. This was planned.
As he came over to you and hugged you and even placed a kiss on your head, you felt as if you were going to faint. The fans chanted a mix of you and Diavolo’s name. They were loving this. 
You were frozen in time, all you could do was smile and laugh and nod your head. Another fan asked Diavolo a question when he sat down and got situated, it seemed as though your manager had gone behind your back with this one. 
“What do you think about MC?”
“Well, I love them with the entirety of my heart. Just as much as I love my kingdom. Whether that love is romantic or not is a mystery to you all! Keep guessing!”
Again, the shrieks of excitement got louder and louder. At that response you couldn’t help but lock eyes with Diavolo and smile. 
Your manager motioned for you from the sidelines, you said your goodbyes and gave all of your fans a farewell.
“Perfect. That was perfect MC! Fans will soak this up!”
You smiled and nodded, feeling a bit lightheaded. Diavolo was behind you and he seemed to be having a grand time. 
You knew he watched all of your performances through a Live feed. You appreciated him for it. You thought it was cute. But appearing at one of your performances? Let alone on stage with you?
He leaned in close and asked if people truly thought you two were dating. 
You were kind of scared of his thoughts on this. What if he didn’t like the thought of that? Or are those kinds of rumors bad for his reputation? Oh god. You only thought about you instead of how Diavolo would be affected by this. 
“Oh Diavolo I’m so sorry I should have thought more about my response. Rumors of the future king and some kpop idol being together can’t be good for politics..”
Diavolo let out a hearty laugh while crossing his arms. He truly thought it was hilarious how you were taking this so serious.
“I love the idea!”
You were puzzled and he could tell. 
“I mean, how exciting is that! Us being together! And the way you made it sound like you were interested in me! Well now I have to play the game too! Oh oh I'll have to make it believable! This will be a ball!”
You couldn’t help but smile. He was sweet. 
“I have something that will really get them talking! Let’s match! Follow me, I must have something for you!”
“There are already edits being made! I’ve saved every one I can find! Isn’t this amazing MC? Oh, another ship account has followed me!” You could hear his exclamations of excitement fading away the farther he got. Wanting to get to his castle so he could give you his jacket or something.
He was so silly. Silly enough to not be able to tell that you weren’t putting on an act for your reputation. Silly enough to not realize your feelings for him.
I hope you enjoyed this @imsleepybibi , sorry it took so long!
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bookishjules · 9 months
things about the sizzy proposal that just make sense (read: make me absolutely feral):
the fact that they have only been solidly together for like two (2) years at this point, and yet because of the trials that they went through just to be together, it was enough to prove (i'm looking at izzy here especially) that this love was something worth fighting the rest of their lives for. just let that sink in.. clace and malec have each been together for around 5 years at this point. yeah, sizzy got together in tmi, but they didn't dtr til the end, and then immediately afterward they were pulled apart and slammed back together and spent time disentangling themselves before they finally got together again almost 2.5 years after edom (!!), only for grief to come barreling out of left field. basically, what i'm saying is.. they didn't have the chance to grow and develop over the years the way their friends did. and the fact that simon asked izzy to marry him, and the fact that she said YES, in spite of that??? just shows how solid and true and deserving their love is
they way simon proposed on the brooklyn bridge--the first bridge built to cross the east river between brooklyn and manhattan. i've always seen the two boroughs as very representative of the two different worlds at play in tmi (i.e. simon's mundane life and izzy's shadowhunter one), and the beauty of sizzy, is that they are like quintessential examples of the lives each belongs to at the beginning of the series. and as they get to know each other and grow together and begin to care more and more about the other's world, it creates this metaphorical bridge that stands as a perfect acknowledgement of two people meeting each other in the middle. AND AND AND the bk bridge was the first bridge between the two. and sizzy was technically the first to get engaged of the three couples in tmi that spanned the east river. AND AND AND when you think of malec being centered in greenpoint and clace on the upper east side it's like.. idk it just feels so right for this question to be asked and answered between the two. (i feel like this point alone could go on forever so i will move on)
they were literally fighting demons when simon impulsively asks her to marry him. like 'fuck it there's no one else for me i need you in my life forever and there's no use waiting to see what could happen between now and the future because the future isn't guaranteed and clearly we could die at any moment i mean how many times have we been surrounded by demons and shadowhunter lives are so short and you are everything to me. please marry me. please stay with me for as long as we have.' [insert op fainting]. and it just shows that what izzy values and finds important, the purpose of her life, is exactly what simon loves about her. and this has always been clear. everything izzy is. everything she lives and breathes for.. simon wants to breathe that air too just because it means something to isabelle. it's like him telling her her rune and battle scars are beautiful and a part of her he would never change. like he doesn't want anything from her except for her to be isabelle.
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thatoneluckybee · 6 months
This should be more coherent than last weeks where I lost my mind since this episode feels more like a lead-up to the drama rather than the drama itself. Which is exciting!
It’s 6:48 A.M. and they’re heading to school…. y’all I keep forgetting it’s been less than 48 hours since Tyler got kebabed. It’s been well over a year real-time so it’s so easy to forget these kids literally get NO break.
They all look so exhausted :(
Rest In Pieces Logan’s Glasses. He looks terrifying without them, but glad he has contacts. Makes me wonder, will they be broken or intact in the Phantom World? I think they’ll be intact since (if I remember correctly been a few weeks since I’ve reread) once they interact with an object in Phantom World, the Real World stops affecting it. Like the jeep. Also, are we gonna get contacts Logan from now on, will he get a new style of glasses, or will he just replace the lenses in a few episodes? (Also that hurt as a Glasses User who does not wear them as often as she technically needs to I don’t like them sensory eueuhhj. They must be SO expensive)
Ryan following them again… go away sir.
I can’t tell if Mike was glancing back because he notices Ryan’s car following them or if he was just checking on the Graveyard Gang… but I wouldn’t put it past him to notice they’re being trailed. He’s very observant.
Okay little screaming moment… HDJKWHBJKHJIHJWI THAT PANEL KILLED ME (Everyone looks so DONE and ANGRY and EXHAUSTED and the collective “No.” was GREAT. And then we have Ben looking like a troubled cat that’s just… disappointed. It’s cracking me up)
Logan likes french toast and Taylor likes egg and sausage biscuits, noted.
They all looked SO COOL telling those losers off. It hurts so much to see how resilient they’ve gotten, honestly. At the start of the series they would’ve been scared or crying, now they’re just mildly irked. They’ve witnessed horrors. (Also boy RUN Ben is about to go FERAL on you)
Logan is scaring me. If they are turning into phantoms, he’s turning fast. It seems triggered by negative emotions…. that could be why Logan and Taylor seem the most affected right now?
Ashlyn is breaking my heart but I’m still so proud of her. Sucks HOW she’s learned to open up but seeing her now compared to the beginning is insane. Purposely avoiding ANY human contact and relationships to dead-seriously asking Logan to stay with her. I love how much she’s grown. And her hand was shaking… she’s getting good at being more vulnerable too!
I WAS FEHWJFRIHIGUJ I NEEEEEED THE MR THOMAS LORE NOW. HOW DOES HE KNOW? Okay actually I have a few possible theories:
He is a part of or has encountered the crane organization. I still can’t still if the origami on his desk was symbolism, foreshadowing, or both.
He’s got eye bags. Could be natural (like mine) or… could Mr. Thomas also be in the Phantom World? Or he was when he was younger? If so, he would be REALLY valuable as an asset for our group. If he was when he was a high schooler as well but escaped that could help too. Now I’m just ITCHING for lore
AUGH I love Red’s pacing but it’s so annoying at the same time. I can TELL we as a collective are staring to figure things out (and as a collective I mean everyone on Tumblr and the Webtoon comments) but we literally just don’t have enough information to fill in the blank spaces without wild guessing. And we have SOME answers but we don’t know what questions they answer yet. Does get me SUPER pumped for the future of the series though!
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yellowvixen · 7 months
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Logo by @bunnymajo, thank you!!
Better late than never, here's a Q&A for @sonic-oc-showdown
✨ How did you come up with the OC’s name?
I wanted to use a word that meant ice that wasn't extremely obvious, and Rime ended up being perfect! To be specific it means hoar frost.
🌼 How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Same age as Blaze! She was created ~100 years ago, but like Shadow she was frozen and didn't age until she got woken up.
🌺 Do they have any love interest(s)?
She's aro, so no romantic love interest. That said, she and Blaze do definitely end up in a relationship :3
🍕 What is their favorite food?
Surprisingly, anything spicy!
🎹 Do they have any hobbies?
Ice skating! Rime can create her own ice and propell herself pretty easily, but outside of fighting she's discovered she loves the elegance of truly dancing on ice, and challenges herself to learn difficult jumps. She also likes going for long morning walks, especially on a crisp winter morning when the ground is still covered in frost.
❤️ What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Most of their memories as a child with their brother, although a lot of them are bittersweet to look back on now.
✂️ What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Seeing her brother die before being frozen.
🧊 Is their current design the first one?
Yup! Some of their fur colour has changed ever so slightly (her muzzle and ear/chest fluff are now pure white rather than the same off white as the rest of her fur) but that's it.
🍀 What originally inspired the OC?
@transgendershadowthehedgehog made a post about how Blaze should have an aro cryomancer rival, and I ran with the idea.
🌂 What genre do they belong in?
@mari-madas gave me the idea that the Sol dimension is centered more around fantasy in contrast with Sonic's dimension being more sci fi. Not a hard and fast rule as they both have magic and tech, but it's about the Aesthetic™. So, fantasy!
💚 What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Aromantic nonbinary lesbian! Or as she would describe herself, girlthing.
🙌 How many sibling does your OC have?
Just the one, her adopted brother, Gertrude's grandson! Possibly also a Sol version of Biolizard, but I haven't come up with anything for that idea yet
🍎 What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Like Shadow, Rime was made rather than born, so technically doesn't have parents. But her creator, the witch Gertrude, was basically a mother to her... In a way.
Rime was always perfectly happy with Gertrude and never really thinks anything was wrong with how they grew up. But anyone else might think differently, as Rime was treated more like an animal than a person. Not with (much) malice, Gertrude just assumed that Rime didn't have the intelligence of a regular mobian. This allowed Rime to grow up pretty feral, which she considers a good thing! She won't look too deeply into it. She DOESN'T have mommy issues, promise (lying).
✏️ How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Definitely more since this showndown, which I'm glad of! I want to draw her more in the future too, she simply hasn't been around long enough for me to have made a lot of art for her.
💎 Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
I mean... gestures to Shadow "dying" at the end of sa2. A similar thing happens to Rime, so while she does die, it's not permanent.
💀 Does your OC have any phobias?
Large open areas, especially at night. Being in space is particularly awful for her (not that she'd show it)
🍩 Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Blaze ;)
Feel free to ask more questions about her!! Brainstorming how to answer them is pretty much how I've created her lore so far lmao
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dilucsflame33 · 2 years
Donnie's Birthday Special! (Pt. 2) 🔥
Hello, everyone, and welcome back to part 2! Lovelies, I hope you like spice because it definitely have some heat! Like I said earlier, if you wanna be tagged, tell me and I will add you to future updates. Here's your Donatello's Mocha Cocktail!
🔞Warning🔞: NSFW 18+ Only!
Master & sub dynamic, pet play, collar & leash, slight breeding kink and feral Donnie.
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Aurora handed Donnie his next gift from Tabitha and Raph, but the southerner stopped her. Both of them are confused. "It's for later." Was all she said as she laid back against Raph. Donnie was confused but soon brushed it off.
He'll think about it later.
"All right! I think the last gift is from my wife?" Donnie smiled. Whenever he referred to Aurora, it would be 'my wife' or any other romantic nickname. If he really wanna get into it, he would speak in a different language and that definitely rubbed some buttons.
Aurora handed her husband his gift. "I hope you like it, my love."
"Anything you get me, I will love." Donnie says as he tore open the purple paper. His eyes widened as he looked back at her. "Honey, was this the reason why you didn't want me to build one?"
The red-head soon laughed as she watched him get excited over a type of machinery. "And it's the new model. It even comes with extra blades."
"Mon chéri," Donnie says as he kisses her forehead. "Is it possible to have a crush on you?"
Aurora hid her blushing face against his bicep. No matter how many times Donnie would flirt with her, she would always be flustered at his antics. Just a simple touch from him sends shivers down her spine, and he wasn't even trying to seduce her.
Whenever he's working with his hands, his biceps flex when he has to move certain equipment. Donnie would stick his tongue out whenever he's thinking or super focused.
Oh, how she wants him.
To answer his question: yes. If it's him, if it's Donatello, she will continue to fall for him.
"Death do us part, my darling. Forever and always."
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"Goodnight, guys!" Donnie says as he and Aurora waltz out the elevator, heading to their apartment suite. It was now the middle of the night and everyone was calling it a night. Well, mainly Splinter.
"This old rat is ready for bed." He claims. In turn, no one complained. The guys have an important mission the next night and they have to be prepared.
Aurora unlocked the apartment door and they walked in. "Did you enjoy your birthday, my love?" She asked as she locked the door.
"Oh, yes! I really enjoyed myself!" He says as they headed towards their bedroom. Without him knowing, she bit her lip out of anticipation. She has felt it before, but the waiting game was killing her. It's almost like he knew what she was feeling and continued to torture her!
Bloody hell, she just wants to jump his bones already!
Was that too much to ask?
"Now, let's see what my hothead-of-a-brother got me." The purple clad turtle says as he moved some tissue paper aside, took a peak, then closed it with wide open eyes. "No, he did not."
With that said, Aurora was curious as to what in the world Raph did this time. Donnie was having millions of thoughts going haywired. He remembers him and the other brothers hanging out, then the topic of intimacy came along and it went downhill from there. The red clad turtle always tease Donnie non-stop about his sex life. Donnie, being the utter romantic, wants to keep the intimate moments only between him and Aurora. But what Raph said struck a chord in Donnie's overworking brain.
"Women love dominant men. You have to take control, bro! They dig for that stuff! Give her the stare and walk slowly towards her, she's all yours for the takin'!"
But would Aurora enjoy something like that?
They never really discussed anything like that before. Plus, it's a lot safer if they discuss it anyways. It should be fine.
If he has courage to say something.
"What's in the bag?" Aurora says as she went to look inside, but he took it away before she could. "What's going on?"
"I-It's nothing, really, my darling rose. Just my brother wants to tease me, like usual." Whenever Donnie refers to her as 'darling rose', she knew he was beyond flustered.
Aurora raised a brow as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Donatello Moretti," He tensed as he used his name with her last name. "If you do not tell me what's going on I will walk out of this apartment, head down to Raphael's place, and I will confront him until he tells me everything."
He should have remembered a long time ago not to tick off red-heads, but it's worse when they used to live in London and flew all the way to New York City. But, man, does he love this woman.
"Raph was teasing me that I'm not dominant enough and I was overthinking, like usual, that I wasn't satisfying you like how I was supposed to. So," he drawled as he slowly reached in and pulled out a book, "he got me this book. I mean, I could easily look up anything on my own but I like to have more resources."
Donnie continued to explain himself but Aurora wasn't having it. She stared at the book and she's contemplating if she should be angry, or be blessed. Not the teasing though, she's definitely mad at that. But the book title intrigued her.
The Heart of Dominance.
She took the book out of his hand and soon looked through the pages, shocking Donnie to the core. His thoughts going a million miles a minute, he watched Aurora read. Page to page, then she closed it.
"I have a surprise for you." Was all she said. Aurora gently rubbed his arms as she raised his hand, placing a kiss to his knuckles. "I want you to take a shower, take a breather, and we'll discuss this further. If you don't want to, that's fine. But I do want to try something that has been on my mind, only if you want to try."
Donnie swallowed his saliva and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I can do that."
Aurora got up on her tippy-toes, but Donnie leaned down the rest of the way as she kissed his cheek. "You always satisfy me, my love. Don't take Raph's words seriously. You do what is right for you and me. He's not in this marriage and you are the only one that can touch me that way. Nobody else but you."
With those words, the man thought he was floating. He satisfies her! Aurora knew her words meant a lot to him as she smiled once again. "Get in the shower, my handsome genius. I'll be waiting."
And Donnie knows she does not like to wait.
With that being said, he kissed her passionately. The moan that left her almost made him not want to leave her. But he must. His lovely wife has another surprise for him and he has to be patient.
He pulled away from her with a smirk as he headed towards the shared bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Aurora swore he knew what he was doing!
She was literally screaming in head as she heard the shower turn on. Donnie doesn't take long showers, so she needs to hurry. Quickly heading towards the closet once again, she sighed as she found the white box. She pulled the top open and she bit her lip.
Donnie will break if he sees her in this.
Having the thought in her head, she quickly got to work.
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Aurora sighs as she looks at herself in the full body mirror that was across from the bed. She has a purple lace mesh garter bustier set with thigh highs, also with a lacy skirt. On the bottoms of her feet as cat paws, add in the purple cat ears that's placed on her head.
She placed a leather collar on her neck that has a jingling bell and on the bed was a leash that comes with it.
What brought her towards this idea was she wanted to have a real cat. Donnie snickered and said, "Why would I need a real kitten when I have you?"
My, oh, my. . .
She was gone.
That scenario lived rent free in her mind for weeks, and she's going to live it one way or another.
When she heard the shower turn off, she went on the bed and posed. On her knees, spread and have her arms out. She made her palms look like "paws" and it made her bust pressed together.
Donnie turned off the light as he wrapped a towel around his waist, completely oblivious to the sight before him. "All right, my love, what's my-" His sentence stopped as looked up, mouth wide and hazel eyes trailing her attire. It's like the man stopped breathing!
With a wicked grin, she slowly licked her lips as she slowly crawled off the bed. "Happy birthday, master. I hope you like the outfit."
Oh, how her voice was smooth as silk when she spoke. It took every ounce of his being to not walk towards her, rip those lacy garments and just take her right then. But he didn't. He wants her to beg for it. Yearn for it.
His chuckle was deep, deeper than she ever heard from him. It made her heart race as he watched her continue her way towards him, hips swaying as she did so. Her small palms made patterns on his chest, then slowly reached his biceps.
Aurora gasped as she felt her hair being tugged, and she can't help but to moan. Her brown eyes looked at hazel and she could see the fire burning within them. His pupils dilated as he leaned closer to her ear.
"Did I give you permission to touch me?"
"No, mast-"
Her hair was tugged again, but with more warning.
"And did I give you permission to speak?" She shook her head. "Looks like I need to teach my pet a lesson, hm?"
With that, he pulled away from her and left her breathless. Aurora could feel her knees getting weak with anticipation and arousal as she slowly turned around to face him. He sat on the bed, his legs spread, leaving nothing to the imagination.
It was a command and she dared not to disobey, even if she wanted to.
She got down on her knees and sat. His smirk of approval was all she received, until his finger made a 'come hither' motion.
His words are short and to the point, but it got the job done. She crawled towards him, almost eagerly and he 'tsked' at her urgency. "Already eager to have me, aren't you, my pet." He says as he took hold of the leash, latched it on the ring and tugged her forward. He heard her gasp of surprise and it drove him mad. Their lips barely touch, breathes mingling with each other. The anticipation was driving them both on.
"Tell me, my pet," Donnie says as he traced her bottom lip with his thumb. "What do you want from me?" When she didn't reply, he smirked. "Good girl, you may speak."
"M-Master, please! It's been so long since I felt you inside me. I need you!" Aurora whimpered out as he chuckled, making her squeeze her thighs together.
"Is that so?"
With that, he slid his thumb inside her mouth as she moaned around it and soon made her gag. "Suck it like you would with my dick. If you do well, you get a reward."
Oh, how she sucked it. It's not his cock, but Donnie swore he felt her mouth on him. His cock twitched as he watched his lovely wife suck his thumb like it was.
Her cheeks hollowed out, sucking noises were heard, and he could smell her arousal through her lacy panties.
"Stop." He ordered and she did so with much restraint. Donnie chuckled at the realization. "Are you seriously getting off with just sucking on my thumb?"
Aurora whimpered as she looked up at him. Her eyes told him everything he needed to know. "Oh, my pet. You're thirsty, aren't you?" When she nodded, he smirked as he slid the towel off from his waist.
Her eyes went towards her prize as she watched him take himself in his hand and stroked it, earning him a deep groan. "Gosh, Aurora, what have you done to me?" He calls her name as their eyes meet. The thumb she sucked on gave him some lubricant, mixed with pre from the tip, and wet noises were heard in his palm.
Her whimpering broke him as he reached for her and claimed her lips to his. Tongues, moans and growls were the only sounds in the room as Donnie picked her up and placed her on the bed.
Aurora never saw her husband so feral. Kisses, licks and bite marks are scattered across her neck as he quickly takes off her lingerie set.
Her head was thrown back as he went in between her thighs and completely devoured her. He drank from her like a man in a dessert with no water. Aurora was his only water source, and he's gonna drink every last drop.
"D-Donnie, please!" She begged as she reached for the sheets below her, grinding her hips on his face. His tongue explored her wet canal, then soon went to her clit. His finger entered her with ease and she screamed as he hit the one spot she craved to be touched.
"Come for me, my pet." He growled as he sucked on her clit and she came hard. He drank from her until there was nothing left. Aurora could feel her legs shaking, but whimpered as her legs spread even more.
His hazel eyes took in her pleasure-drunken form, putting the memory in his mind. He will forever remember this day.
"You did so well, my pet." He says with love and care as he kisses her lips once again. Aurora could taste herself on his lips and tongue as they passionately kissed.
He pulled away from her to retrieve the lube from the bedside drawer. No matter how many times they have sex, she will never get used to his size. No matter how many times Donnie prepped her.
Donnie added lube to his cock and the extra towards her entrance. She's already wet, but he added more to make sure. "Ready?"
She nodded as he swirled his tip on her clit, teasing her, then they both moaned as he slowly eased inside of her. Goodness, she's so tight, Donnie thought as he let her get used to his size but he didn't wait long before she moved her hips.
"Don't hold back on me, Donatello!"
She doesn't have to tell him twice as he pulled out then slammed back in, making the woman moan out to the heavens. Skin slapping, moans and groans littered the room. Both lost in the waves of ecstasy as Aurora held on to him for dear life as Donnie let his animal instincts take hold of him, the woman had her eyes rolled to the back of her head when he just pounded into her.
His hands were on her hips in a tight grip that would leave bruises in the morning as sweat glistened on them both as they screwed each other.
"Tell me who gives you this much pleasure." He growled.
"You, master, only you can!" Aurora wailed as he hit every spot inside of her dead on. "Bloody hell, you better not stop!"
"Wasn't planning on it."
They continued until they both came hard together. Donnie growled deep in his throat as his essence flowed into her womb and exited out of her. He never gets tired of seeing such a sight.
When he pulled away, Aurora groaned as she felt so empty without him inside her. She moaned once again as his finger entered her, like he wanted his essence to stay inside.
"Happy birthday." Her voice was hoarse from all the screaming, and all he could give her was a devilish smirk.
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@turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82
Here's my Master List!
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I am so curious about what your thoughts are concerning what happens after the reader, Logan and Victor break out in the feral experiment au 👀
do you think Victor eventually gets to the point where he shares a leadership/second in command sort of relationship with his brother and they get to be a little messed up family unit that will destroy anyone who comes by
Does Victor sort of treat the reader and Logan with the same protective streak that totally isn't related to them being so mistreated within the au. He doesn't ever let go of control of being a leader in fear of 'going soft' and having it be possible that Logan + reader would be captured again
🩷🩷🍀🦦 thank you for giving me so many ideas to think about when it comes to platonic xmen yans🙏
That's a really good question! May I call you Lucky Otter Anon? But this is a good question-
I can see this going either way, but it depends. If Logan starts to reconnect with Victor, and eventually stops trying to run, and even helps keep Reader with the two of them, then i can see Victor giving up most control over him and trying to be a team rather than the sole leader of their f*cked-up little family. If Logan keeps fighting him, or refusing any drugs or medical attention given to him, keeps trying to run, and actually attempts to take Reader with him, then Victor will decide to keep full control. He might loosen his hold in the future, but he wants Logan and Reader to feel better, yet wants them reliant on him while they heal. He wants a family, he wants to reconcile, but he won't get anywhere if his brother is too stubborn or if anything happens to him or Reader. So the best he can do is take care of them (forcefully, if he has to), and hope they start seeing him as trustworthy, or as their brother/dad/uncle...
(Woooooo! Someone finally asked about that AU! Thank you thank you thank you! I love answering questions for all of you!)
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kalorphic · 2 years
Can i ask for ROs reaction to MC being used? Like domestical things like someone keeps making MC do their job or getting coffee. And just in case u didnt get the amount of support u need, i think ur amazing: ur characters are all well written, ur twine story format is eye-catching, your gentle way with answering questions is appreciated and your complexion is beautiful ♡♡♡
I know this ask is old, but thank you so much for your compliments, lovely 🥹🤍 I can’t claim credit for the UI though, that’s all on the incredible @/outoftheblue-if !!
K: would have been informed by their minions in your department about this person. Luckily they’re at HQ, so they can get to you quickly. Fury sparks in their chest when they see you happily getting your user colleague a coffee. K practically prowls across the room, minions frantically throwing themselves out of the way, and makes eye contact with the bastard, who goes so pale, they might as well be dead. Good, thinks K, nobody messes with what’s mine. “You know who I am?” A nod. “You know who they are to me?” Another nod. K grins, all teeth. “Then you must be one stupid bastard.”
A: frowns at the sight before them. You’re giving a person a slightly strained smile as they dump another pile of folders, clearly their own work, on your desk. A is about to go over there and politely ask that the person do their own work in future, when said person snaps their fingers in your face and laughs as you flinch. It makes A’s hackles rise, and they’re by your side in seconds, shoving the folders back into the person’s hands with too bright eyes, a vicious smile, and enough force to make them stumble a few steps back. “Try that again, and I promise that you’ll regret it.”
Reese: feels their hands clench into fists as the anger wraps it’s way around them like an old friend. They’re usually so good at controlling their temper, but watching this person take advantage of you really ticks Reese off. Fortunately for your colleague, you catch sight of them and smile, allowing Reese to take a deep breath and force the tension from their body, returning the smile. Ahh, how whipped they were. Now calmer, Reese makes their way over to your user, and leans right down next to their ear. You don’t hear what Reese says, but the person goes an off green colour, frantically nodding their head. Your partner then turns back to you with a bright grin and a request to join them for lunch.
Luisa: raises her eyebrow at you running around for your lazy sack of shit colleague. She always knew that your good-nature would end up getting you into trouble, but lucky for you, your girlfriend wasn’t in a particularly forgiving mood today. She makes her way over to the person who thought they could use you, and grabs the back of their shirt, yanking them up to their feet and letting her smirk grow just shy of feral at the high-pitched squeal they let out. How pathetic, she thinks. “I think it’s time for the little piggy to do their own work, no?”
Cody: has had enough, they’ve born witness to this person taking advantage of your kindness stupidity too many times. They hoped that you would eventually tell them to back off, but it’s day six and you’re still acting like their servant. The next time it happens, Cody spins around on their chair, sneers at your user, and says very loudly: “are you so utterly incapable of doing your work that you have to fob it off onto other people? You might as well just quit at this point and save yourself from further embarrassment.” The person flushes red, and Cody laughs and then adds, much quieter: “apart from MC, I’m the best this place has got, keep pissing me off and I’ll ruin you.”
Noah: let’s their instincts take over when they see you being taken advantage of. It makes their blood boil. Noah comes up behind your colleague, completely silent, and leans down into their space, making the person jump. They start to snap something before they realise just who has snuck up on them. Noah grins at the fear in their eyes and the useless attempts to speak. “How sweet, such a scared little mouse.” Noah can’t help but laugh as the person whimpers. “You’re not even worth my time, so you’re certainly not worth MC’s. However, I’m in a good mood, so I’ll give you a piece of advice…if you want to live a long life, you’ll do your own work from now on.”
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Dominant! Ghost Headcanons
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Warnings: 18+, Heavy BDSM, Edging, Overstimulation, Aftercare, Ownership Kink, Marking, Biting, Petnames, Consensual Dub-Con, Consensual Abuse of Physical Strength, Knife Play, Mentions of Blood, Spit Kink, Cum Play, Rough Sex, Dominant Ghost, Submissive Reader, Profanity, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You’, etc.
A/N: This is a repost of an original post of mine which got flagged. If you don't like this kind of content, please don't flag it ! It really hurts us authors and our engagement ! Instead, please consider changing your account viewing preferences so you aren't exposed to unwanted/NSFW content in the future :-). Here is a wonderful post which details how you can do just that <3
You’re his. Simple as.
And he makes sure to remind you - and anyone who crosses your path - on a near-daily basis.
Whenever he sees fit, he’ll just corner you and pin you down, telling you to “Calm down, Pipsqueak – you’re makin’ me hard,” – his way of warning you that whatever he has planned for you will only worsen the more you struggle.
And his bulge against your back is a very visceral promise of that.
Loves forcing your hands beside or above your head; it reminds you both of how much stronger than you he is – how weak and dependent you are compared to him.
How he owns you.
Bites your throat and shoulders, sucking marks, crafting you a necklace of bruises fashioned by him – his own branded jewels of love.
He’ll make sure they’re visible, too.
He needs to ward off other people from you by leaving his mark, his signature.
If he thinks you’re being bratty or uncooperative, he’ll go to any lengths to break you down until you submit to him entirely.
“You’re not making this any easier for yourself, Love,” he says. “Just tell me why you’re being so infuriating and I won’t bleed you this time.”
Massively into knife play.
Loves hearing you squeak and moan whenever he holds a knife to your throat or drags the blunted edge up your thighs, pressing it to your throbbing, aching core and cutting your underwear open, ravaging you.
He’s so rough when he’s in this kind of mood.
Will pound you until you bleed. Or give out and admit your feelings to him. Either will suffice; Ghost is a patient man.
And his stamina and endurance are no joke.
He will outlast you in every faculty.
That’s the territory that comes with being a trained murderer.
And he will remind you of that constantly.
“How does it feel–” he rasps, pants, as he pounds you from behind, the bed jutting with each thrust, “–to know you’re being fucked by a killer,”
The question is always rhetorical. He just revels in the feeling of you clenching around him when he recalls just how easily he could end you right here, right now.
But he doesn’t. And he never would.
He loves you far, far too much.
But that doesn’t stop him from being straight-up disrespectful.
Orders you to open your mouth, only for him to spit into it whenever he knows or suspects you’re being untruthful.
Also loves covering you in his cum.
His favourite thing is to cum inside you and watch it ooze from whichever holes he’s chosen to abuse that day, but something about covering you in it makes him feral.
Edges you constantly.
Uses your release as a bartering chip.
“Tell me why you’re being such a brat and I’ll let you cum.”
It’s a trap. Your honesty is punished, too.
Once he tears a satisfactory answer from you, he’ll let you - make you - cum.
And as your orgasm is still rolling through you, he’ll keep going. And going. And going.
At first you could assume it’s his bid to fulfil his own needs, but even after he finishes inside you and he simply doesn’t relent, realisation dawns on you.
Your insides are aching, pleading for a moment’s respite. But Ghost doesn’t stop, battering your hole and keeping it stretched over his bulging cock.
There comes a point where you’re banging your fists against his chest, begging him to stop because you’re so sensitive and it hurts, but he ignores you.
“If I were to let up that easily, I wouldn’t get to have any fun. Quite unfair after I let you cum, isn’t it?”
Looks into your eyes as he does it, too.
Will tie you up if he finds your cries and flails to be too bothersome.
Binds you to the bedposts so there’s nothing you can do but watch and feel as he slams into you at such a harsh, killing rhythm that has you thinking whatever’s leaking out of you right now is blood.
Very much into BDSM.
Will use his strength to bend you into whatever shape your body will allow and bind your limbs together, making it entirely impossible for you to break free as he has his way with you.
“You’re mine,” he’d say, grinding the shape of his cock into your walls; and all the while you’re moaning, crying, tears streaming down your face as euphoria tightens in your centre. “Nobody else can have you - please you - the way I can.”
Big fan of punishment, btw.
There are times where he puts you in a cage and just cums on you, making you stay there until his semen is crusting on your skin, makeshift scales on the creature Simon has reduced you to.
Also gets a kick out of spanking you, either with a belt or his hand.
When he’s feeling particularly cruel, he makes you count them until you reach the limit he has set for you.
And Heaven forbid you lose count, or you both start all over again.
Ghost likes to make sure that every time you try to sit down, you remember him – what he did to you.
When all is said and done, however, when you’re used and stuffed and Ghost is milked dry, he is the king of aftercare.
Will make sure all your needs are seen to, regardless of how oddly specific they are.
Simon will not let you move a muscle, even if you insist you can “go another round,” he’ll push you back down onto the bed.
“Oh no, you’re staying put, Sweetheart.” he says, looking down at you with all the fondness of one who has discovered love for the first time. “I’m scared you’ll break if we go again.”
He’s joking, ofc.
Secretly loves to snuggle. All the time.
And he holds you as you’re drifting off to sleep, keeping you flush against his chest, wondering how he got so lucky to have met you.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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astrum-aetherium · 10 months
I love your blog so much,I go absolutely feral for your Henry content it’s *chefs kiss*.
I know you’ve already done something similar but like it keeps eating at my brain,just like a Academic Rivals type thing with Henry and it’s constant like one uping and he gets so annoyed with it one day he has to ‘do something about it’ *wink wink*
Maybe idk? I’m not too good at writing lol but I love your page and it’s safe to say I’m probably gonna be in your asks a lot,
hello, ev! lovely to see you joining my solar system. i sure hope to see more of you in the future. thank you for your utter kindness, my dear, and thank you for taking the time to submit a request. <3
however, i am not quite sure what you mean with this contradicting submission; you are quite right in saying that i have already done this before, wherefore your request of the very same thing without any specification or alteration is confusing. i do not mean to be rude with this, but merely intend to express my bewilderment: if wholly aware of the existence of an elaboration on a topic you're fond of, why request the very same thing?
what i can only assume you mean by this is slight variation thereof, which i can, of course, provide; for the next time you do grace my inbox, however, i kindly request of you to be a little more specific, as a request of "i know this has been done before, but do it again" does come across as quite puzzling. this is reiterated with the utmost consideration, of course. all love.
before i elaborate further, here's a selection of my previous academic rival!henry posts that may be interesting to you as well as other users fond of the trope: one / two / three / four
challenging academic rival!henry would be far too indulgent and rewarding in the long run; of course, at first it would have to build, with the tension being strung and pulled at ever so slightly each time you would as much as answer a question of julian's that henry was convinced only he was able to elaborate on. furthermore, it would continue building with the unassuming aid of julian praising your translation methods more and more, at times even more profoundly than henry's, which he, of course, would take bittered notice of. it would come to a rampant boil with heated arguments on seemingly small and meaningless topics just for the sake of agitating the other party, and culminate with the severing of the strung-out tension cord and the consecutive eruption of pent-up passion and longing. by the end of it, you'd be littered in marks; lustfully bitten into (we know he may be prone to doing so due to the possibility of him having bitten charles during the bacchanal...); breathless and motionless, all ability to continue living normally fucked out of you. and yet, upon recharging and regathering your energy, you'd restart the cycle — challenge, tease, get ruined.
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dangerously-human · 7 months
I was tagged by @alyss-mainwarning for a song shuffle game (I always enjoy these!). Putting in a separate post instead of reblogging because I'm old-fashioned, and I think it's just easier to navigate.
rules: shuffle your “on repeat” playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
I think we're probably not surprised at this point that it's pretty much all stuff off Ghostbustin' With the Buds, right?
Fairlies - Grian Chatten: Contribution from @womaninwinter's sickos playlist and it's a great THB sound from LW's self-denial POV, especially "Do you miss the days before hope knocked on your door? But you went and fell in love, and into love you fell, and it made you feel unwell, oh well" (Ah. Ow.)
House a Habit - We Are the Guests: I can't remember whose playlist I got this off of, but wow, VERY Lucy leaving vibes, especially the way the narration goes back and forth between the man and woman singing in the second verse. But seriously, this is just painfully on the nose, with lines like "I don't know if I should stay or should I go, he told me this house would always be our home… Everyone tells me to just stay the same, but it's not like that, no it's not like that, oh, tell me someone's out there listening to me 'cause I wanna know that like I wanna know you, oh, stay with me… Everyone tells me you're fine, don't be in love, let's make this house a habit… Oh please don't imagine a life without me, at least not yet, this house is a habit and it's lovely to live in it… This head is a hospital, someone please tend to it" (!!!)
Waking Up - We the Kingdom: I've talked about this one before multiple times, the victorious declaration of returning from the Other Side ("I am alive in the land of the living") as well as something that captures my own healing after the depression years.
Summerland - half•alive: Captures the temporary elation of the warmer months in a way I think vibes well with how Lucy describes that season for the Portland Row trio, the way it's the cycle of it all that even makes it meaningful, and the hope of it all in the ups and downs! "Whatever ain't golden now will only come back around." I'm particularly attached to this for the unseen summer between TCS and TEG. (Also this has been stuck in my head for at least the last week.)
Hot Tea - half•alive: Freaking cute Locklyle vibes! Especially fitting considering all the waxing eloquent about the comforts of good hot tea in these books. "Hold you in my hands like hot tea, knowing I'm safe 'cause you want me," the adopted feral cat energy, it's perfect.
Tip Toes - half•alive: Okay well, I guess this answers the question of what artist is most represented in my L&Co playlist. 😆 (They're actually in second place for that distinction, it's just that I'm also new to their music and so least likely to skip.) This song is SO Lockwood coded, especially the way his desire to make his family name immortal can blur the lines into pride, even the misplaced sacrificial nature and the way he needs to frequently reassess his priorities as a leader. "I'm on my tiptoes, trying to see past my ego, reaching for something more than this feeling of being important, leaving my hear behind is bleeding, but still my pride is screaming, my future will listen to me, will I always know this divide, living most of this war inside, take the ghost of me with the tide to die and release my heart to come alive" - like!!!
Dancing in the Minefields - Andrew Peterson: Used very recently for fanfic title purposes (That's What the Promise Is For), this one just screams Locklyle, married young and facing life's challenges together and helping each other remember the light in the world when the dark closes in. Literally could quote the entire thing for them and struggled not to when I posted the fic, so to choose something I didn't put there, can we just all shriek about that third verse/bridge, especially "So there's nothing left to fear, so I'll walk with you in the shadowlands till the shadows disappear, 'cause he promised not to leave us and his promises are true, so in the face of all this chaos, baby I can dance with you," together?
still feel - half•alive: At any given time having exclamation point variety thoughts about these lyrics, especially as applied to Lockwood, or Kipps, or tbh just broadly across this series. "To realize the hand of life is reaching out, to rid me of my pride I call allegiance to myself… Oh I am not a slave, can't be contained, so pick me from the dark and pull me from the grave, 'cause I still feel alive, when it's hopeless, I start to notice, oh, and I still feel alive" I AM FEELING THINGS!!
Out of the Dark - Tritonal, EMME: I've had this one on repeat while driving a lot lately, it's a great sound, and also a very fun Locklyle song post-THB. Obviously "I know you're scared of diving deep, afraid of what's just out of reach… Sometimes the weight's too much to carry, when it gets heavy, feels like everything's falling apart, so unsteady, you'll be the light to get out of the dark" is delightful imagery for our beloved burdened ghostbusting duo, but also the dual meaning of "There's an end in sight, just hold on tight, you'll make it to the other side" is chef's kiss, they're going to make it to their hash-it-out conversation on the Other Side in TCS and also make it to the other side of the dark in terms of emotional context and setting. Obsessed.
Twenty Something - Nightly: I've already said a few times this is my best inspiration for writing introspective angst lately, used for a Fringe WIP in addition to being on repeat for the writing of Living With the Ghost of You, especially the Lockwood POV chapter. The lyrics are only right at a slant but the vibe is perfect.
I just did one of these so I'm not going to tag anyone this round, but if you happen across this and want to join in, please do say I tagged you!
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afreakingdork · 8 months
Miss Dork I've been a fan of your work since Crush Too Much & I'm reading Weak Spot religiously when it updates. Thanks so much for your hard work! Your love for the purple turtle is strong 💜🐢👍
I am now attempting to write my own Future Donnie x Reader. As you've inspired me a whole ton!
I know he's written differently in WS due to his backstory but you've written him closer to 'canon" in previous works.
Any tips on how to keep his character quirks from the show but write him a bit older/mature?
Thank you!
Ah thank you so much for sticking around!!! It warms my heart to know you enjoy both! I do love that purple turtle so very very much.
Ack! Thank you also for saying I've inspired you!! You get it writing your own! I'm so proud of you!
Tips, hm.... 🤔 I don't know how other people feel about it, but I consider Weak Spot to be more of a canon divergence fic that follows along canon with only minor tweaks affecting the overall outcome. Distilling it down to it's simplest points the changes are: Donnie was not found by Splinter after the lab explosion, Donnie arrives on the surface around the same time 'Mutant Mayhem' occurs for the other boys, the other boys don't meet him until 'Bug Busters,' then pretty much everything else happens in that timeline with the new set up.
That doesn't answer your question though!
Honestly, I just take experience from how me and my friends have grown. We're still the exact same people, we've only grown or as I like to think about it 'refined.' Taking me for example, I was a feral child. I was suspended in kindergarten for smashing a car window. I never saw a day of recess because I was in constant detention until 4-5th grade. Now that sounds terrible, but allow me to explain why. I smashed the car window attempting to entertain my friends. I came from a very poor elementary school where we had very little usable equipment, no funds for replacement, and bigger kids got first dibs. I would lead these created games for my friends as a way to make up for it because I hate for anyone to be bored.
Now you may not know me well because of the barrier of the internet and what I choose to show, but when you distill it down, that PERFECTLY sums me up as a person. I will bend over backwards to my own demise to be the cartoon character that entertains the ones I love. I still do that. I have never stopped because doing that makes me happy. I love making others happy.
So apply that to the boys, let's take Raph for example. Raph in the series is a teenager like the rest of them. He's not perfect; he's got low intelligence, but high wisdom and he's stressed himself out caring for his brothers. Now bad future changes the factors, so let's just say they continue along a good future for the sake of this discussion. How do those factors look as you grow? Eventually, and we see this at the end of the show/movie, he's beginning to learn to let go and trust that his brothers can take care of themselves. Where does that leave him? Logics sake says he's probably going to want to find himself outside of those parameters. What does he find? He could find that he misses being a caretaker and that is why you see many people in the fandom putting him in a caring role in the future (Casey's father figure, ect). He could also suffer as many oldest children do that were forced to take care of their siblings and become detached and seemingly uncaring. It's not that he doesn't care for others, but it will stunt him in future relationships because he's removed himself so far from having to care for others, to live for himself, that he'll be seen as selfish. On and on! We could keep coming up with scenarios.
I think what's most important when aging a character when you have no reference, is you get in your head why. If you're following canon, think about the story you're telling and how character would get from point A to point B. How do you see the characters in the future? Do you want Raph to run a flower shop? Then say he shifted and realized he liked caring for things, but it was too exhausting to deal with sentient beings. There's something calm and reassuring about how much hard work you can put into plants. They truly are a product of how much effort you put in! It's clean results with little worries other than things outside your control. He's also Raph though so I imagine he also stresses tf out when he sees signs of aphids or the like. Cue to him nearly destroying his own shop to eradicate some itty bitty bugs.
Whoops, but yeah.
tldr; You're always you. Even in the future. It just so happens that life shapes you. How did life shape who you want to write?
I hope any of that helped!
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14 from the writers ask post
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
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it's The Future Left Behind.
I love all of my fics, and I would be absolutely honoured if any of them got turned into any kind of visual-thing, but I do think that the internal monologue and Leo's POV in Full Lair and The Steps To Becoming The Oldest Twin are the two most important things about these storylines, both of which would be almost impossible to recreate on screen, while TFLB has a little bit more freedom in that sense due to the amount of action going on, so... yeah <3
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