#i wonder how much she looked like gideon in her 20s.....
notedchampagne · 7 months
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wakey wakey
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Thoughts on "The Convert"
Spoilers below the cut
Well, that was...different. I'll admit, it was probably the first time I was actually a bit disappointed by an episode of The Mandalorian. It wasn't that Dr. Pershing's story was badly written (though it could have been pared down), but I just didn't care to spend so much time setting up the next plot element when we were right in the middle of resolving the first one. I would have been okay with him getting his own bottle episode, rather than sandwiching it in between Din and Bo's moments. It was very jarring as a viewer, but I suppose that was the intent of the writers in the first place. Din and Cara had both commented that they didn't have much faith in the New Republic and now we see why. There is still a massive disconnect between the citizens of the core worlds and the Outer Rim, and it doesn't really matter who's in power, there always will be.
Concerning Pershing's plotline - I would be interested to know what he was working on specifically with Grogu and how it ties into Palatine's comeback. Between this episode and The Bad Batch, there is a LOT of focus on the Empire's cloning experiments, but I feel like we just keep scratching the surface without ever getting any real answers. But I'll be patient. This chapter seemed to be focusing on the fact that the Rebels defeated the Empire and established the New Republic, and it took all of 5-10 years for it become nearly as corrupt as the Empire. Okay, that's an exaggeration. The people on Coruscant looked happy and free (which is different from the mood in the capital planet in Andor). But there's a lot to be desired with this new government. No wonder Leia didn't last long as a Senator again, she'd have no patience for the BS. I liked how they casually mentioned in this episode how they had so many resources tied up in mothballing their fleet. And now you know how The First Order rose up less than 30 years later (if you didn't read the books).
I believe the "convert" is actually Pershing, not Bo-Katan. He genuinely wanted to help the people of the New Republic. It could also be referring to Elia Kane, but she wasn't really a convert, she was just making it look like she was so she could feed information back to Gideon or the Emperor, or whoever she is actually working for, because it clearly isn't the New Republic. I wonder if we'll ever see Pershing again after he got mind flayed (Count Rugen: NOT TO 50!). And yes, sweetie, it *was* a trap, baited with Star Wars Biscoff cookies. I can't believe that worked. Honestly, after he hijacked 40 minutes of this episode, they better be setting up a continuation of this story.
Which leads me to...the 20 minutes of this episode featuring people I actually care about.
First question: *who* sent those TIE interceptors? Is Moff Gideon pulling strings from prison? Or is this someone else? Bo said that was a lot of ships for an Imperial warlord and I'm inclined to agree. Gideon didn't seem to have anywhere near that kind of firepower. My guess is this is Thrawn. Why would Thrawn bomb Bo's castle on Kalevala, you ask? I assume that Sabine and Ashoka are putting pressure on him, and he's trying to draw them out by targeting someone with strong ties to both of them. Ahsoka has been all over the galaxy hunting for Thrawn, but Bo knew exactly where to send Din to go find her. Which means they are still in contact. Sabine gave her the Darksaber and endorsed her as Mand'alor, pledging allegiance to her. Assuming she's still with Ahsoka looking for Ezra, she also has maintained ties. Thrawn won't like being hunted, he'll want to meet them on his terms when he's ready. If those were his ships, I'd say he's ready.
I recently re-watched the Rebels episodes with Bo-Katan just to refresh myself on the tone and dialogue of those scenes. In summary, After Sabine found the Darksaber in Maul's lair and trainied herself to use it, she entrusted it to her mother to help mend their broken family, who in turn gave it to Gar Saxon as a bribe to keep her family safe. Gar claimed the Darksaber as his own, and interestingly enough, had no issues wielding it immediately. But Ezra gave Sabine his lightsaber and she defeated Saxon, earning the Darksaber by creed, which her mother and others from Clan Wren witnessed. In 4.1 and 4.2, we see Sabine wielding the saber to save her father from the Empire, and Bo-Katan gives aide at Ursa Wren's request. Sabine immediately offers the Darksaber to Bo-Katan, but she refuses, saying she had her chance to lead and failed, referring to immediately after the Siege of Mandalore when the Republic made her regent. When the Empire. took over, she refused to bend the knee and was betrayed by the Saxon clan. "I am not my sister," she told Sabine, the pain of that loss brought the surface by the weapon that murdered her. Obviously, Bo's feelings for her sister had changed drastically. Later, when Sabine is torturing Tiber Saxon, Bo stops her and says "this is not our way". After that battle, Sabine once more asks Bo-Katan to take the Darksaber, and though she is reluctant, she accepts it with the support of clans Kryze, Rook, Eldar, Vizsla, and Wren and the Protectors. Contrary to the Armorer's very skewed narrative, Bo did not take the Darksaber because she believed it was her family's right to rule. She took it, because the most powerful clans on Mandalore were begging her to lead them against the Empire. They had already gathered to follow her before she even accepted the Darksaber. It was a symbol, nothing more. It was her actions and her steadfast devotion to her people that earned their loyalty, not the heirloom of House Vizsla.
History recap concluded, my next question is this: Did the Children of the Watch refuse to join Bo-Katan and the other clans in their fight against Empire because she didn't win the Darksaber in ritual combat with Sabine...or simply because they had another reason not to like her? The Darksaber was passed down through the Vizsla family line for years. Pre Vizsla didn't kill Tor Vizsla for it. It doesn't have to be won to change owners. That particular tradition only applied if the current Mand'alor was wielding it. When we see Bo and Din approaching the covert, Paz comes out to meet them. He's immediately surly toward Din (big surprise) and he doesn't believe him when he says he bathed in the waters. When Bo-Katan says she witnessed it, he replies with "Who are you, Nite Owl?" Are we really to believe he knows who the Nite Owls are but he can't recognize their leader? He knew damn well who she was. If Paz is closely related to Pre (and I believe he is, given the writer's choice to have Favreau voice him), might he be harboring lingering feelings of jealousy or resentment of Pre's former right hand woman? The Armorer certainly knew her on sight. We know she had no love for Bo when last she spoke to Din. And yet, she welcomed her with open arms.
Hence, question three: What does The Way actually mean to the Covert? Heretofore, I had assumed that the Mandalorians from Din's tribe were deeply religious and held a deep-seated faith in their doctrines. But even when Bo flat out tells them she does not follow The Way (not to be confused with the Mandalorian creed, which Bo-Katan has sworn herself to), The Armorer only cares about two things: which are actually one thing...the helmet.
Did you baptize yourself in the Living Waters to redeem yourself for not wearing the helmet? Yes? Okay. Have you removed your helmet since? No? Okay, you're in.
That's it. It doesn't matter if Bo-Katan actually follows The Way or has any faith in whatever else it teaches...the one (1) factor that determines if you are in or out is whether you cover your face at all times. Does anyone else find that incredibly odd? The Armorer never even asked Din why or for whom he removed his helmet when he admitted that he had done so. The circumstances and the who are apparently irrelevant. If you follow The Way, you can't even remove your helmet before your own clanmate, your own family. Ever.
I really hope that in the next episode, Bo-Katan starts asking these important questions. When it was known that Din removed his helmet, he was ostracized and shunned. No one touched him. No one acknowledged him. The Armorer didn't even thank him for saving them all from that giant croc - she just told him he wasn't welcome. But as soon as he was ritually cleansed of that most dire of infractions, everyone reaffirming him and welcoming him with physical touch and kind gestures. The contrasting behavior gave me whiplash. But seeing them touch Din and Bo's shoulders and being so welcoming is so psychologically powerful, it almost had me second guessing my reservations about the Covert. But then I had to remind myself, wait...real family doesn't shun their own loved ones for giving into the very basic human need to see and be seen by someone you love. The mandate to always keep their face covered is pure psychological abuse. It reminded me of that recent episode of The Bad Batch, "The Retrieval", when the corrupt mine owner had all those kids convinced he was being good to them, when really he was manipulating them with food and praise.
Question four: Did Bo-Katan just join a cult? This one we can answer, and it's most definitely not. It may not matter to the Armorer what Bo believes, but it matters to us. She is not a follower of the way, but so long as keeping her helmet on provides her with food, shelter, and some much needed companionship, she will cooperate...at least until it gets to be too much for her. I suspect she'll find ways around the rules before too long. But what of the Mythosaur? Does she now believe the legend? Right now, Bo-Katan isn't even sure she actually saw the Mythosaur. Katee's interview confirmed as much, addressing the concerns of fans that she was hiding it for nefarious purposes. Honestly, I thought it was obvious that she was uncertain - that's why she asked Din twice. She is second-guessing what she saw, and who wouldn't? I mentioned this in another post, but imagine if you were snorkeling at night and dove down in murky waters and thought you saw a plesiosaur...a creature thought to be extinct for millennia. Would you be telling everyone right away or would you second guess yourself? She was in a very dark place mentally, she had just visited her ruined home planet for the first time in years, she was remembering her dead father, and she had just read the plaque talking about how legend told that the mines were once the lair of the Mythosaur...she probably figured that all these things together might have triggered a hallucination. She doesn't know what to believe. And this sets her up for some amazing character development over the rest of the season.
There was a lot to unpack in this episode, and I am so very excited for whatever comes next.
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paradoxcase · 9 months
Chapter 20 of Harrow the Ninth
The Nook app has returned to gaslighting me: I flipped forward to Chapter 21 from Chapter 20, then flipped forward to the end of Chapter 21 and was greeted with Chapter 20 again. It took some flipping back and forth for it to return to normal. I don't know why it's so difficult to make something that fundamentally just renders HTML files
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I see the hidden narrator is getting uppity again. You know, there's actually a bunch of stuff in the early parts of this book that seems kind of self-deprecating, or self-conscious, the narrative saying that Harrow is not good enough, or looks funny carrying the sword on her back and so forth, and when I read those I though, that makes sense, Harrow is a perfectionist and has reasons to be self-conscious about her appearance because her role for a lot of her life relied on her projecting a certain appearance to maintain the fiction that her parents were still alive and all that, but I wonder how much of that is actually the hidden narrator criticizing her instead
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"On the reg" does not sound like something Harrow would actually say, that sounds a lot more like something Gideon would say. I did discount Gideon being the narrator a while back because of the lack of jokes and also the narrator generally not talking about necromancy like it was dumb and didn't matter, and the narrator being concerned about Harrow's negative feelings about flesh magicians, but now I dunno
I'm curious how she brought this up to him specifically, since obviously if she calls him "Ortus the First" John is just going to go "who's that?" unless he's figured out what she's done, which I think is unlikely
What authority does John not consider himself to have the power to gainsay? A.L.? She was described previously as a bodyguard, which seems like the kind of person who would ask Gideon the First to make a pact to protect John, at any rate
Why does Gideon the First think that Harrow is a danger to John? Because of something about the sword?
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So, we finally find out what happened to Anastasia. So, the Mithraeum must have been built before she attempted to become a Lyctor, if there was a place on it reserved for her, at least. I wonder what "she'd seen some pathways that simply didn't exist" means - did she think there might be another way to do it other than the way all the other Lyctors did it? Was that way a more horrific, or less horrific way than the correct way?
I gather this is what Mayonnaise Uncle maybe was referring to back in Gideon the Ninth - I guess Anastasia was supposed to end her life by walling herself up with the Body inside the Tomb, and instead founded a new House of goths on Pluto with a somewhat oddball version of the necromancy religion
It's interesting that John thinks Harrow might be familiar with the Body, since supposedly no one has ever opened the Tomb. Even if he knew the full truth somehow, I think he would then know that Harrow is way more familiar with the Body than the Tomb at this point, anyway. Or maybe he just knows, or suspects that she went in there once but doesn't know about all the other stuff she experienced, which is, after all, mostly in her head
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I can't work out if this constitutes a confession of "yes I did open the Tomb" or not
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So this seems to be from a Poe poem about how the woman that some dude loved died because she was unfairly murdered by angels who were jealous of their love and then he worshiped her like a god, which sounds like a like, just incredibly well-adjusted take on that
But the initials of Annabel Lee are A.L., and this is supposed to be in answer to Harrow's question about who is buried in the Tomb. Does this poem accurately represent John's feelings about A.L., and is A.L. the person buried in the Tomb? This doesn't seem to match up, because the person buried in the Tomb is supposed to be John's ancient enemy, and also he described her as a monster. Or maybe he thinks the person in the Tomb killed A.L., and that's why she's his enemy and also a monster? Or maybe he just has a really weird relationship with her
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little-de-vil · 1 year
Look, I know I’m a day late and I don’t really contribute much, but 🥳Happy 10th Anniversary to Hannibal🥳. If it weren’t for this silly little romcom of a show I wouldn’t have met one of my greatest friends, @xxgothchatonxx.
I got into the show for very superficial reasons, at first it was because of Gillian Anderson and how she fit into this world and her relationship with Hannibal. But very quickly, I realized how much bigger this show is. I like to joke that it’s a comedy most of the time, and it is, but it is just truly teeming with romance. It is a desire, a need, a want for acknowledgment, and for understanding without being questioned too harshly. I like to argue that each season does completely different things, even the A and B are very different from each other, but they all hold those sort of through lines very consistently. season one is not only our starting point in terms of our introduction to the world that we’re in, and the characters, but it is the beginning of a friendship that shifts into a betrayal that then morphs into what it was ultimately in the beginning, way in the back of everyone’s head, as a romance. Season two, my favorite season, is the betrayal and then the acceptance. There is so much betrayal, but it’s not like that gets swept under the rug once will gets out, he is very slowly returning to his own world of normal, with the addition of Hannibal by his side less as a guiding light and more of a companion (as indifferent is that relationship may seem to either side). Season three, arguably the most superficial of the seasons, is beautiful and gaudy, and definitely feels more of a distraction, especially the first two episodes. Not to say that it isn’t leading the plot forward, but Hannibal just went through a really bad break up and he is recuperating with wine, men who look like his ex, and being rash (and also pushing police officers out of windows that have a 20 year vendetta against you, bowls out). The first half of the season is pretty, a little bit slow, but as it goes on continues to draw our two leads closer together into being complete full characters (biting cheeks off and everything that that entails)! The second half of the season is bad ass. Hannibal won’t ever let go over the break up, sitting in a sexy glass cell, thinking he’s the shit with his little haircut and books and desserts with blood and chocolate. and I love sexy glass cell Hannibal, and it was fun to watch him squirm a little bit after he was caught, but to see him and his true form at the end with a man he loves killing the dragon that he helped create, it was beautiful! Will was in peace, there was a true normalcy, and there was a family, and there was no want, let alone need, to return to his old world. The dragon forces him back, back to the world he wanted nothing to do it from the very beginning, and back to the man who was his guide, but who almost killed him, twice. Power dynamics change, outfits get switched around, color schemes evolve, in the end we have a dead dragon and a cliff.
This feels stupid. I just re-told the entire fucking series, and I don’t even know why. I think I’m just a little out of it. I don’t know if I wanna go back in, and I haven’t even touched on my silly little characters that mean absolutely nothing to everyone, and mean everything to me. I’m sure I’ll be back to those two at some point, but for now I will just like every post I see, and I apologize for the spam.
Also, shout out to Eddie Izzard‘s Abel Gideon specifically! What a wonder she is!
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ceapa-mica · 1 year
GEHAT'IK BE ALIIT | Chapter 20
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{cross-posted on ao3} {masterlist}
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Original Female Character
Warnings: so much angst, slightly suggestive at one point
Words: 4461
Summary: Elora and Din are looking for potential allies on Mandalore, in the hope that they will help them battle Moff Gideon and his Imperial remnants on Nevarro and Ristea.
a/n: Happy Holidays everybody! This lovely chapter full of angst is my present for you this year.
Enjoy! x
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Elora had buried herself under several blankets on Din's cot. She had shut the door to the compartment because she couldn't bear the thought of Din or Grogu hearing her cry. The durasteel door was thick but couldn't hide every sound. Elora had left them in the cockpit claiming she was hungry. Din had pretended that he didn't see the tears welling in her eyes. At first all he wanted was to give her some space, but after almost two hours and no sign of her he left the cockpit with a resigned sigh and entered the cargo hold, the cold empty room void of his cyare suggested she buried herself inside the little sleeping nook they shared. He hesitated for a moment before he knocked on the durasteel door. It went silent for a moment before the door slid open where he found her curled up, hands pressed against her eyes as she quickly wiped away her tears.
"Do you need me for something? The kid? To repair some wiring?" she asked with a slight tremble in her voice.
Din sighed and shuffled into the cramped space and pulled her into his arms, helmeted face resting against the crook of her neck.
"We will make those Imperials regret what they did and anything they plan to do."
Din's voice had taken on a dark tone and a moment of silence fell between them. It was quiet enough Elora could hear his breath inside his helmet. They simply enjoyed holding onto each other. Neither of them were alone in this situation, and the bond between them had strengthened significantly. 
Din smiled when Elora's sobs subsided and her eyes eventually fell shut. He gently stroked her back and didn't realize as he, too, fell asleep.
He woke up to Elora whining in her sleep. Her eyeballs moved frantically behind her closed lids while she struggled against his embrace.
"Cyare…Hey!" He carefully laid her down, concern lacing his voice as he rested his hands against her shoulders and began to shake her firmly "Wake up…!" 
Her eyes snapped open, raw fear flooding them so much that they almost spilled over, it made him want to hold her even closer. She didn't look well rested as she should have, quite the opposite actually. Din's gloved hand brushed her cheek soothingly and she leaned into his touch.
"It was just a nightmare, cyare."
"Was it? I- I was underground. It was dark and there was a pile of Mandalorian helmets… some were damaged, some were intact…but somehow I knew their owners were dead."
Din tensed at her words. He didn't understand how the Force worked, but what Elora told him worried him.
Underground? My covert is underground… Let's hope this is not a vision that shows what has already happened.
A part of him wanted to change the Crest's course to Nevarro instead of Mandalore, but he knew they needed support and a damn good plan to help his covert and the Ristea system.
In the cockpit Grogu sensed Elora had a bad night of sleep and he reached out with his pudgy little hand to her. She knelt in front of his  seat and let him touch her face.
He cooed and the look in his eyes showed a kind of wisdom no baby could have. Yet there he was, and Elora felt like he understood what was going on. She sat down and let the child crawl into her lap. That intense moment was over. He drooled on the little silver sphere again and Elora wondered if he loved that ball so much because it was silver and shiny, just like Din's armor.
They never would have thought that they would return so quickly after their last departure. A bunch of children watched the Razor Crest land and ran into town to tell everybody.
They were welcomed by old friends as they walked down the hatch.
Atina's starship was parked right next to the Crest and the Pantoran was the first to greet them. By the looks of it she and her father were currently loading her ship with supply crates for the planned travels.
"I didn't think you would be back so soon." Her gaze went to the open hatch. "No luck?"
"These people just got us into trouble. We took care of them. But that's not why we're back. We really need help."
Elora explained what happened and about an hour later almost half the town had gathered in Kal Skirata's house where Din showed them the distress holo transmission they had received.
"I don't see why we should get involved. We don't know any of these people." Kal Skirata huffed and crossed his arms. "They threaten to kill Mandalorians because they want the jetii. I know jetii make sacrifices when it comes to protecting others. My question to you is, why are you still here, Elora Jihiiga? A true jetii wouldn't come begging for help."
Ruusaan stepped forward. "Whether or not these Mandalorians are from the same faction doesn't matter. The ultimatum they give you carries the signature of someone every true Mandalorian regards their enemy. His name is Moff Gideon, and he was the one leading the Great Purge."
Din sighed. "The Empire came to this world several years ago. They destroyed entire cities and killed millions, just to steal our beskar." he explained. "So this Moff Gideon was in charge back then, but that doesn't explain why he's after Elora and the child."
Atina cleared her throat and stepped forward. "I've dealt with Imperials back in the day. The Empire was and still is full of power hungry narcissists, and whatever they want with the Jedi, it can't be good."
"They were experimenting on the kid when we saved him." Din muttered.
"We clones were created to fight a war for the Republic. They were experimenting on us, just as they did when they tried to find children of clones for their genetic material." Fox spoke and then chuckled. "Until my daughter came along and freed them all. My guess is they want to create another army. One that has something that the clone army didn't have."
"They want to create clones like me?!" Glitch asked. "But learning to use the Force takes years!"
"Growing up, anything I touched with the Force was destroyed. It didn't do anything other than cause destruction for so many years. What if this is what they want? I'm strong, I can cause groundquakes and hold back a large flood wave for several minutes. An army with the same powers could destroy the Galaxy as we know it! And they don't hesitate to kill the Mandalorians first, because they know if several Mandalorian factions would put their differences aside and join forces, they could beat them. You guys are a threat to them."
Several seconds of silence followed until Ruusaan nodded. "You're right, Elora. Mandalorians and Jedi may have had their differences, but we have a common enemy who wants to see both Mandalorians and Jedi dead. Since Moff Gideon is involved I will send an urgent message to several clans. We have barely three days left to come up with a plan and strategies. If anyone here is against joining our friends to fight our common enemy, nobody will force you to join us. Now let's go, there's a lot of work to do!"
Most people cheered, except for Kal Skirata who rubbed the bridge of his nose and went to talk to his daughter.
Meanwhile Atina assured Elora that she would postpone her travels and join them.
"There's nothing I'd rather do than kick some Imperial ass."
"What about your travels? You've waited so long to travel the stars with your father…"
"So a day or two longer won't matter. You did so much for us by traveling to Ustrion. You risked your lives, so it's only fair we do the same for you."
"The Empire doesn't know that in threatening us they have smacked a hornet's nest. Are you sure you wanna help us?"
"You guys are my friends. Nothing in this Galaxy could keep me from helping you!"
Elora sensed Bardan Jusik's calm presence in the Force moments before he put a hand on her shoulder.
"Elora, I need to talk to you."
Din nodded. "Go with Bardan, we'll be waiting here."
She joined the Mandalorian and former Jedi Master on a walk through the woods. The lush greenery of this part of the planet was vibrating with the Force. There was so much life, many of it hidden in the trees and underground in the form of small creatures.
"Many years ago Mandalore supposedly was covered in forests like these. Countless battles turned it into the barren wasteland we know it as. Mandalorian clans are about to unite against the Empire for the first time since the Night of a Thousand Tears. You and the Mandalorian are the reason Mandalorian factions are putting their differences aside. It gives me hope that one day, this world might turn again into what it once was, what everyone thinks is completely lost."
Elora shrugged. "Mando and I are just traveling the Galaxy. We never asked to get involved in this."
Bardan stopped on a forest clearing near the town.
"I brought you here to show you that, while the Force, especially when you use it, can be quite destructive, it gives us a deep connection to the very essence of life. It can take and it can give life. I sense a lot of guilt and doubt in you, child. Don't forget that you're not the one threatening innocents. You have every right to be who you are. I want to teach you something, a lesson you should never forget.
He took a small object out of his satchel bag and showed it to her.
"This looks like a seed."
"A nadu seed to be exact, but that's not important. What I'm gonna do is focus the life force of our surroundings and the life force inside my body on this little seed."
He closed his eyes and Elora sensed the Force flowing through him, how he absorbed it from the nature around them. At first nothing happened, until the nadu seed on his palm trembled and split open, a green sprout worming its way out of the seed and towards the sunlight.
Elora gaped at the sprout getting bigger and developing leaves. What would take weeks happened in the matter of seconds.
"Can we do that with people too?" Elora asked in astonishment.
"Not as far as I know, and even if it was possible, it wouldn't be something done by force users of the light side."
He took another nadu seed from his satchel. This one he put in her palm, earning an unsure look from Elora.
"Your feelings can strongly influence your force using. Focus on what you feel. The Force is like a breath. Everything that surrounds us, the entire Galaxy is held together by the Force, both light and dark. Feel the life in this seed, connect it to the life in your body and the life surrounding you."
Bardan had a calm voice which put her at ease. "Let go of your feelings, Elora. Just be one with the Force."
Her breath calmed until it was in sync with the energy she felt surrounding her. She connected the little piece of life on her palm with the forest. She felt the energy flow through her body, into her arm and her palm in which the seed was lying.
When she opened her eyes the seed had cracked open, leaves were forming, searching for the nearest ray of sunlight.
Out of surprise Elora stopped focusing and the sprout fell out of her hand.
"Woah! Did you see that?!"
Bardan smiled warmly and patted her back in encouragement.
"It took me several hours to teach Glitch that. Elora, using the force can cause destruction, but it can also help life itself. Look what you've just done. That's what the Jedi were always supposed to be. The reason I left the Jedi order was because it felt like they forgot about their place in the Galaxy. The Order served the Galactic Senate and no longer the Galaxy itself. Contrary to the Sith, who brought the Force out of balance using the dark side of the Force as a weapon, the Jedi were to maintain said balance, so that the Galaxy is imbalanced in the Force, the same way this forest is."
Elora picked the sprout back up and touched the small green leaves.
"There were a few Jedi who broke with the Order's traditions, yet they never completely fell to the dark side. They used both the dark and the light side of the Force. They knew and respected that the Force is one thing. It's both light and dark at the same time. It depends on how we use it and how this will affect the Galaxy as a whole. The Grey Jedi as they were called understood that. Contrary to the rest of the Order, they never lost sight of everything that mattered. Some of them even refused to fight in this war and the Jedi council branded them as traitors when they were doing the only right thing."
Elora looked up where little birds were flying from branch to branch in the treetops and the sun was sending down warm rays of light that engulfed her freckled face.
"You're gaining control over your abilities, and I know you will guard this balance just like the Grey Jedi did back in the day. You are the embodiment of hope for this Galaxy, Elora. The Empire wants the Galaxy to drown in hopelessness, but they have never dealt with someone like you. Force sensitives have access to the very thing that holds this Galaxy together. The Force is with you, let it flow through you, and you'll never be alone, not in the face of adversaries or in the darkest of times. You bring hope and the promise of unity with you wherever you go. Share that light you carry inside you with everything and everyone. I'm sure this will lead you to the right path."
Elora's lips trembled and tears had gathered in her eyes as she had listened to Bardan's words. She pulled him into a warm hug and wiped her tears away.
"I grew up thinking I was a monster, because I used to destroy everything."
"Your path is a thin line between light and dark. You will learn and gain experience along the way. Leave the past behind and focus on what's lying right in front of you."
"And the little family you found in the Mandalorian and the little boy."
"I should return to them. They're probably wondering where I am."
Bardan nodded. "May the Force be with you, Elora Jihiiga."
"Thank you for showing me this ability. I will forgive myself for the things gone wrong in the past and move on."
"I have no doubt you can do that."
Elora jogged down the forest trail that led back to Kyrimorut. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and let a wave of the Force pass through her body. As she breathed out she let out the pent up Force and it hit the surrounding trees and bushes like an invisible wave. She didn't turn around, so she didn't see the bushes that her force wave hit were developing buds that turned into beautiful little white blossoms.
Elora noticed several starships had landed near the Skirata residence as she returned from her lesson.
As she opened the door all eyes and T visors went to her. This place was packed with armored people now. She noticed they belonged to different clans. The majority of the newcomers wore blue armor, and almost everybody but Din removed their helmets.
"Good, you're back!" Ruusaan welcomed her.
"This is the Jedi you talked about?" a red haired Mandalorian woman in blue armor asked.
"Yes, Bo-Katan Kryze, this is Elora Jihiiga."
"It's always nice to meet new allies." Elora held out her hand in greeting, but Bo-Katan just looked her once over and nodded in acknowledgement, before returning her focus to the holoterminal.
"What do you think?" Din approached her and rested a hand on the small of her back.
"They all want to help us?!"
"Ruusaan is still trying to convince them. The good news is, Bo-Katan Kryze agreed to help us. She speaks in the name of her clan."
Elora let his words sink in for a second. "So the blue armored Mandos help us?"
Din nodded and pushed a strand of hair out of her face.
"Okay, to those of you choosing to sit this battle out, feel free to leave. To the rest, we will need several teams on both Ristea and Nevarro."
"Moff Gideon craves power. I don't see him on Nevarro but rather inside the walls of a palace of a world he's trying to take over." Bo-Katan said with a lot of suppressed aggression in her voice. "I want to be the one who kills him. So I will separate my clan into two teams. One will help the Mandalorians on Nevarro, the rest join me on Ristea."
Ruusaan cleared her throat. "Fine, we will need decent pilots on Nevarro. Atina, what about you?"
"Uh I've flown in a squadron before."
"I know, that's why I trust you to be the leader of this squadron. And we will need a team on the ground. Clan Kryze, Clan Ordo, and Clan Eldar. Anyone else?"
"L-lead?!" Atina stuttered in disbelief.
"You'll be a natural leader, ad'ika. It's in your blood." Fox encouraged her and pulled her into a brief hug.
Din showed where his covert was located and where to gather before the attack since he knew Nevarro better than anybody in the room.
"We need a team to infiltrate the palace of Ristea. Unfortunately we don't know how many forces we're dealing with."
"I will gladly shoot Imperial ass into oblivion. I'll join you." Ghizma spoke up.
"I will go too!" Kad raised his hand.
"Oh? Hey if my vod joins you, then I'll go too!" Connor spoke and playfully punched his half-brother's bicep.
"I trust you, Kad, to lead the ground squad then." Ruusaan said.
"What about you?" Elora asked her.
"I'll have to coordinate the battle from here. I'll be with you via comms."
"We need more starfighters. Does anyone know where to get some?" Atina asked.
"There are several hangars on Concordia. I can send you the codes and coordinates." Bo-Katan offered.
This house quickly turned too small for so many. So many started comming their contacts now, organizing weapons and artillery. Others walked out and scattered throughout the village. 
Elora and Din stood on the balcony and stared at the reflection of sunlight on the lake. He had noticed the dark circles under her eyes hours ago.
"You know none of what happens is your fault, right?"
Elora scoffed. "Of course not, the Imps are definitely not threatening innocent people because they want to capture me this way!"
"You're not the one threatening those people - they are! You have done nothing but be yourself, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that."
Din turned to face her and caressed her cheek with his gloved hand. "Mandalorians are uniting to help us fight the Imperials. Elora, this hasn't happened since the Night of a Thousand Tears, do you know how much that means for each one of us?" Elora looked up at the dark of Din's visor and cocked her head. "Let me tell you, it means a lot."
Their foreheads touched gently and Din sighed, wishing the beskar wouldn't separate them in any way.
Arfour nudged Elora's leg and they looked at the droid who carried Grogu who held up his arms, asking to be picked up.
"What are we gonna do with you, little one?" Elora sighed and stroked his long ears, causing Grogu to let out an affectionate coo.
"We shouldn't take him to Ristea. In case our plan goes awry I don't want him near the Imps."
"I agree, he would be safer on a spaceship than with us."
Din and Elora looked at each other and made a silent agreement to ask Atina if she would be willing to take Grogu and Arfour on her ship. An excellent pilot like Atina was hard to get hold of, and that was a skill they trusted would keep the child safe.
They spent the night on the Razor Crest since they had offered their hut to some of their newfound allies.
Atina had agreed to take Grogu and Arfour the next day. It felt strange for Elora. She had fought people before, but a battle that happened on two planets simultaneously was new, and it scared her. Nervous as she was, sleep just wouldn't come, and Din felt obligated to stay awake as long until she would be fast asleep.
"You're so tense, mesh'la." he said while kneading the tissue of her bare shoulders. Since she had turned her back towards him he had his helmet removed and his lips traced along her neck, kissing all the spots he knew she was most sensitive. As much as he wanted to do more, he felt Elora was too nervous and just not in the mood for anything else. So he massaged her back while his lips left hickeys on her neck. Grogu was long asleep and they enjoyed the tender moments they shared.
Elora woke up in the middle of the night and tried to sneak out of the small compartment that contained Din's cot. She tiptoed out of the Crest and breathed in the cool night air.
Kyrimorut didn't sleep due to the preparations for the upcoming battle.
She had forgotten her Jawa robe on board the Crest and rubbed her arms, the cool breeze causing goosebumps on her bare arms.
Eventually she approached the lake and the small landing stage where she sat down and threw some pebbles she had picked up at the lakeshore into the water, trying to hit the reflections of the moons.
"You're worried." she suddenly heard Ben's voice speaking.
"Was already wondering when you would show up with all your wisdom…" Elora looked around, but the old Jedi's force ghost was nowhere to be seen.
He chuckled. "Whatever happens tomorrow, I want you to know that I am very proud of how you handle the situation. Instead of facing them alone you bring people together."
"Well…we wouldn't stand a chance if we went on our own. None of this would have happened had I never left my tribe."
She sensed a warm feeling settle on her shoulder as if her force ghost friend was putting his hand there.
"You don't know that. The Ristea system has many resources to offer. During the clone wars this system was one of the first ones Trade Federation occupied, and afterwards the Empire took all of the planet's resources, leaving the citizens starving. These people went through so much already. You are doing everything in your power to do what's right, Elora. If anyone can help them, it's you."
"I will do my best. In case you don't know already, my friend Bardan taught me about transferring life force. So does that technically enable me to snuff out someone's life or resurrect the dead?"
"Manipulating the force like that is dangerous. There's a great difference between letting a plant grow from a seed or resurrecting a sentient being. The force gives and takes life, only a fool or a Sith lord would manipulate this balance. Mind my words, Elora, this goes way to the dark side of the force. Even manipulating simple plants can drain one's energy. Channeling life force through you is tiring and can even lead to a sudden death if done too often."
"Bardan didn't mention that much."
"He and I trust that you will use this type of manipulation with care and only if absolutely necessary."
"I promise! Thank you for your guidance, Ben."
"You look exhausted . Are you having nightmares again?" Elora bit her lip and looked down at the water's surface.
"Some of those nightmares feel so real. I saw a pile of Mandalorian helmets in some kind of cave,I could smell the carbon scoring and the volcanic ashes. I'm wondering if this will really happen, has it already happened or is my mind just playing tricks on me?"
"Force visions are often subjective. They may show you what could happen, but the future is unpredictable. With each decision we make the future changes. The Force will guide you, Elora. Like I said, the Force gives and takes life. Loss is, especially in your position, inevitable. You will need to learn to deal with the grief loss causes."
"When you're feeling grief, anger, or any strong negative emotion really, feel it, embrace it and accept that in this moment you feel this way. It's like the pebble in your hand, Elora. Look at it, acknowledge it, and then…"
"Let go of it?"
Elora tossed the pebble into the water and rose to her feet and slowly walked back to the Razor Crest. Talking to Ben always made her feel better and gave her the confidence she needed.
"When you feel troubled by strong emotions, meditate, breathe, and clear your mind of said emotions."
"Ben? Will you stay close to me tomorrow?"
"I'm one with the Force. I will be wherever you go."
Elora used Ben's advice, sorting all the negative thoughts and emotions in her head. As she lied down, Din rolled over into her warmth instinctively and wrapped an arm around her waist with a sleepy unintelligible murmur. She began to focus on her breathing. With each breath she took, she pulled a negative thought or fear she had to the front of her inner eye, acknowledged it, and as she breathed out, let it go. This method seemed to be working just fine. Less and less negative thoughts kept her awake, her eyelids became heavier with each passing second, and after ten minutes of doing so she drifted off into a dreamless sleep, head resting on Din's chest engulfed by his musky scent. In the last few minutes before falling asleep she had come to the conclusion that she would do whatever it takes to stop the Imperial remnants from ruining the lives of millions, even sacrificing herself should the situation arise. Instead of fear and guilt, calmness had taken their place. She was no longer afraid of dying.
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a/n: The entire Double Battle arc will be several chapters long, so you can look forward to that. I'm trying to update the fic more frequently, but I can't promise anything, only that I have planned so much for Dinlora and that this story is not gonna end very soon. ;)
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eternallysimping · 2 years
judging you based on the elden ring character you simp for part 2:
tap here for part 1
‌a kindred soul with elite taste, i trust you with my life
‌your main criteria for your man is that he has to be big and tall and will treat you right - a wholesome gentle giant if you may
‌you definitely have a size kink and prone to think figures of authority and by that i mean generals, especially the most charismatic ones, are sexy
‌before i continue with her i just want to know: how does it feel like to be winning in life?
‌cause like?? you get to marry her?? that is literally the best you can ever hope for as an ending in this goddamn game-
‌you absolutely love cunning magical girls
‌i'm super sure you had a major crush on gwen from ben 10 growing up or maybe sunny instead
‌tanith move aside sister, someone might be taking your place
‌you are a monsterfucker and i'm convinced you checked out naga x reader tag in tumblr at least once or a handful of times in your life
‌you're the level of freaky similar to a bard in a dnd campaign that will fuck a 20+ ft dragon
‌i firmly believe your type is the 3 Bs: bad, bloody, and bitchy
‌you're most likely to be involved in a blood cult in real life
‌i think you enjoy some bloodplay and have a knife kink, with a side of degradation for good measure
‌throwing it out there i can sense you might have the hots for loki from marvel
‌you have a big "i can be his greatest source of comfort" energy which is, good for you for having so much love to give
‌you have such a type with misunderstood guys and it's a major bonus if they're big
‌from this alone i am convinced that beauty and the beast might be one of your favorite movies growing up
you have a thing for selfless oldest brother, and he's more or less likely the favorite of his parents too - the golden child
you are were definitely a dick grayson simp i'm calling it now (dc may or may not have accidentally made him the blueprint for the hot and favorite oldest brother that people end up crushing so hard on)
i feel i can trust you - i can totally see the appeal of this one
i have never seen anyone openly simp for this one so if you do then i have to say: i'm sorry you're part of the minority, chief - the very, very, very, very small minority; it must be a tough and lonely path to walk on
i don't really have any opinions or thoughts about godefroy simps except that you're probably alone in that simping area so congrats?? you have him all for yourself?? so enjoy i guess??
‌i see a few people that want this man and i just want to know one thing: why?
‌if you have a thing for this guy i fully believe you had the hots for four arms (from Ben 10, the beefy red alien with you guessed it four arms) and with his more than extra set of limbs he's basically a walking wet dream for you-
‌i'm very, to say the least, conflicted about this
i see a couple of art with aged-up looking miquella and a post somewhere that they look young/adult young so you're good on that part
but if you go with child-version of miquella with impure thoughts then i want you far away from me and get some much needed help or jail time, could be both
however personality wise i totally see you going for the smart and cunning type that has a soft spot for their family
‌your type are the warrior women that can simply obliterate your spine without breaking a sweat and i both respect and fear for your life for it
‌wonder woman was definitely your crush growing up or she still is, i support your taste
but if you're the malenia simp that justifies her actions by strongly bringing down radahn then i'm sorry but you're toxic
so i'm a biiiiit tempted to make a part 3 but i feel it's so lacking (part 2 is a total of nine characters so i feel it would be good to have part 3 contain ten or so).
so far, i only have blaidd, finlay, loretta, gideon, and varre in mind
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fruitoftheweek · 3 years
Little Cherry Book:
Chapter 4:Showered in Sin
Chapter 1 Here / Chapter 2 Here / Chapter 3 Here
Hey guys! I'm sorry that it has taken so long for me to update this. I had an idea of what I was going to write but I had a super hectic week so I wasn't able to write this till now. In order to make up for it, I have given you a treat. A 6,502 word chapter. It kinda beat my ass but I had so much fun writing it. It's sweet, it's spicy, it's all the goodness you guys deserve. I was listening to Duvet by Boa while writing this and I think you should too for two reasons. One, it helps set the mood, but also oh my fucking god it's such a good song. Also, Boa is just a fucking great band. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and message me if you would like to be added to the tag list! Love you guys
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Pairing: Spencer Reid X reader
Chapter Plot: After a game of drunk never have I ever after a long case, Morgan locks Spencer out of their shared room. Shenanigans ensue and you and Spencer share a couple of firsts.
Series TW: 18+, smut, degradation, piercing, choking, knife play, mommy/daddy kinks, spanking, exhibitionism, Will update as time goes on
Chapter TW: smut, slight mommy kink, having body piercings, choking, slight blood kink (not really, it's just hard to explain), Shared masturbation (male and female receiving), pleading, multiple orgasms, cumming in pants, shower sexiness, aftercare
Word Count: 6,502
Your deep cherry lipstick painted the white seal of the wine bottle you held in your hand as you laughed at something Elle said. Spencer couldn't help but let a small smile pass his lips as he took in your form, hot from the day's work, small strands of your hair sticking to your forehead, a dewy glow illuminating your rosy cheeks.
After a long week, they had found Carl Arnold before he had been able to kill the Dunken family and even coerced a confession out of him. With spirits running high, Elle had suggested some much-needed relaxation before taking off the next day. Since you were rooming alone, you volunteered to host in your room. Morgan had arrived at your hotel room with two bottles of some sort of liquor, one clear and one amber, JJ trailing in toe with your bottle of red wine you had asked for. You pulled out your little corkscrew with the face of an old man on it, knowing she hated his weird little face. You brought it with you on trips, just in case the occasion arose.
And it did arise as Elle suggested a drinking game. Hotch had retired early after calling Hailey to get an update on his very pregnant wife, while Gideon preferred the solitude of a good book late at night. The rest of you sat on the floor surrounded by drinks and snacks. With the supervision gone, it almost felt like a high school party with no parents. You all had all settled on a classic, never have I ever. "We haven't played this in a long time because we already know so much about each other, but it's fun when we have a newbie around," Morgan said giving you a cheeky smile and bumping your shoulder. Already pliable after the couple of drinks you had while Elle explained the game, you nodded before tipping your lips to the cusp of Spencer's ear. "I'll try not to make it too hard for you, pretty boy," you said. The small puffs of air that left your mouth made Spencer's hair stand on end and his feet curl.
He knew you were teasing him that night and he loved it. He decided to keep his knees tucked to his chest for the rest of the night as to not expose the predicament in his pants. He watched the way you lightly sucked on the wine bottle as you tipped it back, a thin river of cabernet leaking from the corner of your lips and trailing down your neck. Spencer wanted nothing more than to lean over and lap it off of you just to see how you would react, but he knew it was the drinks talking. Despite your earlier comment, it was quite obvious that you were targeting him as his head started to spin gently.
"Never have I ever had sex with someone much older than me," Garcia said through her video feed with a cheeky smirk. Derek had insisted on including her even though she wasn't physically present. She sat bundled up in a comfy blanket in her office with a mug of some sort of alcoholic beverage. "HEY! No targeting! Plus, I told you that in confidence at ladies night. How much is much older?" You said, swaying your bottle towards the computer set up on the floor."You know how much older I mean sweetheart." Garcia said with a giggle as you groaned and took a sip."How much older is much older?" Morgan said with a cocked eyebrow, somewhere between impressed and surprised." I was a college student, experimenting with my professor. Not like an old man, but he was 20 years older than me. Definitely not my style anymore though." You said with a grimace remembering him.
Spencer had learned a lot about your sex life during that game, but some part inside of him smirked, knowing that the rest of the team would never know you as he knew you, not unless they too had read your journal. It was the only thing keeping his head clear of the idea of you with anyone else. Not that you were with him in any capacity, but the idea still made him feel something in his stomach. Not the sweet butterflies that came with your smile, but something more like idiotic hornets dangerously bumping against the walls of his stomach.
Spencer hadn't even noticed the uproar of everyone else around the circle at your comment and the second revelation that Morgan had drunk too. He was too busy watching how you had shyly tucked your hair behind your ear, finally letting it down out of your clips for once. You were wearing your pajamas, just a tank top, slouchy sweater, and flannel pajama pants, but somehow you looked more radiant than ever. He had come back down to earth after hearing someone call his name."Y-Yes?" He sputtered out, realizing you had been trying to get his attention."It's Morgan's turn, pay attention." You said, gently smacking your hand down on his thigh.
If he was riled up before, he was unbelievably undone at the slight sting from where your palm had just been. Light enough that it wasn't noticeable, but hard enough that it erupted a Shockwave through his body, centered on the location of the contact. He bit back the whimper threatening to escape his lips as he turned towards Morgan, trying desperately to not watch you from the corner of his eye.
"Never have I been a virgin at 24," Morgan said, beaming in his direction. Spencer took a big gulp from his glass of whiskey."You always do that one, I don't know why you think it's so funny, you're just trying to get me to drink" he said abashedly. He looked over at you, nervous for your reaction, but you seemed unfazed. "Hey, that's a wonderful gift to have, there's something so special about virgins. Maybe it's the idea that everything is new, but I like it. I love virgins." You said, taking a sip from your bottle, gently swaying. You had given up on never have I ever and just decided to drink whenever you felt like it. Maybe it was because you were tipsy, maybe it was the warm flush that decorated Spencer's cheeks, maybe it was the way he was looking at you with sultry, half-lidded eyes. You couldn't tell, but something made you want to find an excuse for you two to be alone.
"Geese, we seemed to have caught a succubus tonight." Morgan quipped."A suck-you-what now?" You said, cocking an eyebrow at him. " A succubus, it's a demon or supernatural entity in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. According to religious traditions, repeated sexual activity with a succubus can cause poor physical or mental health, even death. In modern representations, a succubus is often depicted as a beautiful seductress or enchantress, rather than as demonic or frightening." Spencer shot out. "Wow, even when you're drunk, your big brain keeps chuggin' along," you said, sloppily ruffling his hair "A beautiful seductress or enchantress, huh?" That time it came out low, inaudible to the others, but it pierced Spencer like a knife."Do you think that's accurate bout me?" you asked, staring up into his eyes, closer than you have been before. Spencer let a cartoonish gulping noise escape his lips as he held back his urge to lean into your touch.
"Ah, it's my turn," you said, leaning back into your spot in the circle and sadly, away from Spencer." Never have I ever done something naughty at our work," you said, looking straight at Spencer "I'll know if you're lying, I can sniff out a liar from a mile away," your cocky smirk leaking out of your mouth. Everyone except you and JJ took a shot."Wow, really you guys? Even you Spence? " JJ said in disbelief, looking around the circle."Never have I ever, my ass" Spencer mumbled under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear, looking over at you, thinking about your pantieless escapades.
"Look at that, Doctor Reid, you need another drink, let me go fix you one," You said as you grabbed his glass in one hand, leaning and gripping hard into his shoulder with the other. It wasn't seen by the others, but between that and the fiery look in your eyes, it sent an obvious message,' keep your mouth shut or I'll shut it for you.' You used him as leverage to get up, nearly pushing him over as you gracefully stumbled to the hotel fridge. He knew what you meant, but he didn't care, your grip on him went straight into his imagination as he envisioned what that grip would feel like in other places. He kind of wanted to push his luck, just so he could see what he had in store.
And push it he did as you handed him the glass, reminding him that it was indeed his turn to play never have I ever. "Never have I ever slept with my professor," He said, obviously targeting you with a glint of mischief in his eyes."Oh yeah, well never have I ever been a virgin at 24." You said, swaying as you sat down."Morgan already said that, dummy. Never have I ever worn stupid dark red lipstick" He retorted, equally as drunk as you. At this point everyone else had zoned you two out and were focused on other things, refreshing their drinks, counting the ceiling tiles, humming a sloppy rendition of My My Miss American Pie, or in Penelope's case, all three."Yeah, well never have I ever been a complete and utter mommas boy!" You continued, the statement turning Spencer beet red. You watched him clench and unclench his hands, you had obviously struck a nerve. Just as you were about to apologize, he cut you off. "Never have I ever had nipple piercings!" He shouted, pointing at your chest, now drawing attention to the obvious balls framing your nipples that you had once been covered by your long-forgotten sweater.
As he said it, it felt like the world went in slow motion. You could see the instant regret on his face as you dropped your bottle in surprise. It had landed on Spencers discarded whiskey glass and both shattered, wine and whiskey mixing with glass to create a slurry on the ground between them. "Fuck! You Guys!" Morgan said, "You got it all over my clothes." "Me too," Echoed Elle as they both stood up in their soaked clothes. "I think that calls it a night." JJ said, closing the laptop on the image of an already sleeping Garcia." Bye you guys, sleep well," you called after them as you and Spencer rushed around looking for towels to clean up the alcohol with.
"Ow! Son of a bitch!" Spencer cried as you dropped the last of the glass in the garbage can. As you rounded the corner, you saw Spencer pulling a rather large shard of glass that you must have missed out of his thumb, blood pooling at the tip. Without thinking, you crouched down and sucked his thumb into your mouth." A-ah! What... What are you doing!?" Spencer asked breathlessly, looking down at you with a deep hunger in his eyes. You pop off his thumb and squeeze it at the base, slowing the blood flow."Shut up," You said," This helps slow the bleeding. The sucking applies pressure. My mom used to do this for me... And no, do not psychoanalyze that." You said, wrapping your mouth around his finger, sucking to provide some pressure to slow the blood flow. You could taste the iron in your mouth, but you didn't mind, knowing you were helping your friend.
You were helping alright, helping in more ways than you would ever understand. "Yeah, like I'm the only one here with mommy issues," he said distractedly, too busy surveying your lips wrapped around him. You slapped your hand down on his thigh once more, eliciting a small whimper from him. He couldn't help it, you were a sight of beauty, you always were, but looking down on you right then, Spencer wanted to bottle that moment forever. The tops of your breasts peeking out from the top of your tank top, your eyes filled with a hazy glow, looking up at him to make sure he was ok, and your cheeks hollowing out around his thumb as you delicately sucked on his wound. It was as close as Spencer had ever gotten to anything sexual. He could feel your tongue swirling around the cut, lapping up the last couple drops of blood. He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if it was another appendage and not his thumb. You sucked on his thumb one last time, harder than you had previously, and before he even knew what he was doing, his hips bucked up, rubbing his hard cock against his pajama pants, finally relieving his mounting orgasm.
You let go of his finger with a pop as your tongue trailed off of the underside of his thumb. Spencer looked anywhere but you, as a wet patch formed through his thin underwear and pajama pants. He hurried to cover it with his sweater, shooting up from his seated position."Um, Um, I'm g-gonna go shower and go to bed." He said, hurriedly scurrying over to where he had left his room key." Sorry partner, I saw Morgan accidentally grab both of your keys on the way out. He's probably asleep by now." You said languidly, leaning back to take in the sight of the soft boy in front of you. Totally flushed with heat, small beads of sweat peppering his forehead, his hands twiddling suspiciously into his sweater in an attempt to conceal crotch, trying and failing miserably to hide his rapidly cooling cum.
He whined a little, lighting a fire in you. He looked so thoroughly fucked out, and all you had done was suck his finger. You knew that you just had to play with him some more. "You know, you can use my shower, doctor." You said, and he let out a small sigh of relief, heading towards the bathroom. "There is one condition, though," You smirked coyly as he halted his motions, his body facing away from you. It was almost as if he was ready to run away at any moment. You walked over to him, slowly, taking your time to tease him. The silence hung heavy in the air as you looked up into his eyes questioningly, waiting for him to ask. "Wh-what is the condition." He said, unable to return your gaze, hands fisted in the hem of his sweater, pulling it down even further. You smirked, dipping your hands up and under his sweater, nearly brushing his spent cock before gently placing them on his bare stomach, just above his waistband. He sucked in a tight breath as you gently swirled your fingers in the short hair that lead from his belly button down to happier places." Before I ask, do you know about the color scale?" you said, fingers smoothing out over his little stomach." Um, k-kinda?" He said, heat flushing his cheeks."Green means good keep going, yellow means slow down, and red means stop right now, ok?" You said, looking up at him as he nods."Come on pretty boy, I need verbal confirmation. I need to know that you understand, got it." You said with a little pinch to his tummy. "Y-Yes, I understand!" He blurted out, standing stiff as a board." Good boy. Now, for my condition. You can shower if you show me what you're hiding." You said, leaning close enough that if Spencer breathed, your chests would meet each other. "What color, Spencer?" you said, languidly drawing lines up and down his torso with your nails."G-Green, Very green." He sputtered out, finally meeting your eyes."That's what I like to hear, sweet boy." You said before your fingers danced below his waistline, now somewhat crusty from his cum."W-wait!" He says, just as you were about to take him in your hand. You instantly stopped and looked up at him gently."We can stop here baby, it's not a problem." You said, beginning to remove your hand from his pants. He grabbed your hand through his pants, stopping your movement."It-It's not that. I don't want to stop, I just want... well..." He said and looked down shyly. "What do you want baby, anything," You smiled up at him. "Um, I haven't had my first kiss yet and I kinda... Well... I kinda..." He said, shuffling his feet, face beet red. Your eyebrows shot up quickly in surprise before letting out a gentle smile."Do you want a kiss, pretty boy?" You said, gently brushing the hair out of his face. He nodded, and you grabbed his chin, bringing him close. "Use your words, pretty boy. What do you want?" You whispered, breath gently ghosting Spencer's lips as he took you in up close. He could see every little pore and dimple of your skin and every color hidden in the depth of your eyes and he knew he needed to have you.
He shakily leaned forward, lips gently meeting yours, so light that if you hadn't seen his actions, you wouldn't have even known if you had touched. You moved your hand down to his throat, giving a light squeeze."Come on genius, use your words," you said as he whimpered. "Please, can I kiss you, please, please?" He begged, leaning into your touch, pleading for you to squeeze again. His efforts shoot straight to your heart. You indulged him in a kiss, not as spicy as the situation would permit, more of a sweet heat. He came in too hot and heavy at first, but you kissed him languidly, gently stroking his cheek to get him in the rhythm. His arms were straight out at his sides, hands clenched as if he was willing every muscle in his body to not touch you.
You let out a small laugh as you melted into his kiss, soft, puffy lips dancing across yours. "You know you can touch me," You said, pulling back, smiling at the smear of your lipstick, now staining his lips, and the endearing puppy dog eyes he was giving you. "Where can I touch you?" He whispered out as if he were telling a secret. "Wherever you want, baby. Wherever your heart desires." You replied, bringing your arms up to wrap loosely around his neck, pulling your bodies closer. He was as stiff as a board as his hands flitted around trying to find a good place to land. He finally settled on weaving his arms around your waist and up to cradle your neck, gently carding his fingers through the hair that fell at the nape of your neck. There was something so sweet in the way he cradled your body with feather-light touches as if you would disappear like smoke if he lingered too long. You reveled in the feeling of you two pressed together, slightly uncomfortable at the stiff material of his pajama pants on your stomach.
"Hey sweetheart," You said, pulling away as he chased after your lips, "I'm feeling kinda sweaty from the day, would you like to join me in the shower? What color?" "G-green, yes please." He said, tentatively pressing a kiss to your collarbone, exposed as the strap of your tank top had fallen down. You unwound from him, taking his hand delicately in your own, instantly missing the warmth his body provided.
You lead him into the bathroom, carefully stepping over the wine-soaked towels discarded on the floor before shutting the door and turning to face him. "I don't want to take this too fast for you because I know it's all very new so always tell me how you are feeling and if everything is ok. I want this to be good for you baby, ok?" You said, squeezing his hand that was still intertwined with yours. "Ok, th-thank you," He said shyly.
"Now, what do you want to do first? You're probably pretty uncomfortable in those pants, do you want me to take them off you?" You said, hooking one of your fingers into his waistband, pulling on in slightly creating a much-needed separation between his sticky cock and his uncomfortable pants."Y-Yes please" He said as you turned on the shower, allowing it to warm up in preparation for cleaning him off before turning back to him. You gently grabbed the hem of his sweater and pulled it over his head, leaving him shirtless in front of you.
Lean muscles were hidden under a layer of peachy soft skin highlighting the gentle trail of dark curly hair leading from his belly button down past his pants. His arms curled around himself as he watched your eyes carefully, ready for some sort of judgment. "I know I'm not really that s-strong or anything but I can work on it-" You cut him off with a gentle kiss right above his belly button, startling him. You looked up sweetly into his eyes and gave him a soft smile, saying "You are so beautiful, Spencer. Morgan calls you pretty boy, but he truly has no idea. I would have you no other way than you are right now."
You gently peppered his chest with feather-light kisses, making him blush. He finally understood why people liked hickeys because as you trailed down his chest, the little wine red lipstick you had left on your lips left marks trailing down his chest. Some part of him wished they were permanent, showing off to all that could see, and they would know exactly who he belonged to. You dipped your hand into his waistband, asking, "What color?" "Green, very green," he choked out as your breath ghosted across his abdomen. You looked so beautiful, kneeled on the floor in front of him, taking care of him so gently and treating him so sweetly that he could feel his cock begin to harden again.
You looked up into his eyes as you pulled his pants down. He let out a soft sigh of relief as he was uncaged from his unfortunate trouser situation. His cock flipped down out of his pants, nearly smacking you in the forehead as you looked up at it in awe. Even though it was only semi-hard, it was bigger than any you had ever seen before. Spencer looked down at you shyly "it's not that much, I-I know but I've been researching techniques to make up for it in order to give sufficient pleasure for you- I mean for whatever partners I may have, not that I am saying that I won't please you, I dream of pleasuring you! ... I'm digging myself a hole aren't I."He rambled, rubbing the back of his neck worriedly. "Spencer, you are huge. Way more than I have ever had before. See?" You said, standing up, gently lifting his cock in your hand, measuring it against your stomach.
Maybe Spencer hadn't noticed because it was proportionate to his body and his big hands, but being held in your petite hands and measured against your stomach, he finally did see how much he would fill you up. The tip of his dick just barely reached past the gems that decorated your belly button piercing. "W-Woah." He said growing harder at the thought of pushing so deep into you. He looked up to your face, which was preoccupied with looking down at how far he would reach up in you.
Tearing your eyes away from him and up to his own, you flushed, knowing that he had caught you staring. "What would you like me to do next?" You spoke softly. Despite being the only two in the room, you two both talked in hushed tones, worrying that anything more than that would burst the delicate bubble you two had created. "Can we match?" He said, and you instantly understood him, despite the odd vernacular. You began to slip off your shirt, but he stopped you with an arm on your shoulder. "C-Can I do it?" He said shyly. "Of course, pretty baby," you barely get out before he drifted his hands under your tank.
He slowly lifted your top over your head as he took in the soft smooth feeling of your skin against his, goosebumps pricking up wherever his fingers trailed. You stood in front of him, shirtless as he took in your form. He had imagined what your breasts would look like. Nipples always hard due to your piercings, what your jewelry would look like, but nothing could prepare him for the glimmering moonstone gems that adorned your nipples and navel. Everything matched exactly, including the delicate necklace you wore around your neck.
The only thing he liked more than the perfection of your body was the features that made you, you. Some might call them imperfections, but to Spencer, all he could see in you was beauty. The gentle bruises on your skin from tangles with unsubs, the soft stretch marks that adorned your hips like little valleys and winding rivers, the slight blemishes, and hairs. He loved it because you were the embodiment of the confidence he wished for in himself. While he was always nervous about his body and how others perceived him, you loved yourself for exactly who you were, and you loved him for exactly who he was.
He pulled down your pants, gently following the twist and turn of the stretch marks as they winded down your hips, making sure to kneel down to pull them all the way off of you as you delicately stepped out, gently grabbing onto his hair to keep your balance as you swayed. He moaned softly at the gentle tug of your fingers while he stared up at you in awe. You took his hand in yours, coaxing him to stand.
You both stood there, taking in each other's forms for a moment, hands still connected as if by a thread at the pinky before you spoke. "We shouldn't waste water. Let me clean you off, sweetheart." He nodded before following after you into the gentle spray of the shower, steam now filling the room. He marveled at the way that the water droplets cascaded down your body, gently running down your curves. "Come here," you said, pulling him into a gentle embrace under the hot water.
Your two bodies pressed gently together, and Spencer couldn't help but think that you were molded for each other. Not in the way that a sculptor may stick two unmatched pieces of clay together with slip, more like one rock that had been split by the earth finally returning together. Something about your touch felt like home as you gently cradled him under the water.
He was so enthralled in your being that he didn't notice you gently scrubbing him with a washcloth until the scent of your body wash permeated the air. You gently scrubbed his back, washing off the sweat of the day and replacing it with you. He melted into you as your hands reached up, lathering his hair with shampoo. He wasn't sure if it was because he realized you should probably be getting washed too or because he desperately wanted to ride his hands along the planes of your body, but he decided to lather up his hands and wash you as well. "You are such a good boy. Thank you for cleaning me up" You said, resting your head gently on his chest, softly swirling the soap around his back, now finished scrubbing all you could from that angle, waiting to turn him around.
He moved carefully, avoiding your butt, still too nervous to touch. "Make sure you get everything, sweet boy. I like to be clean when I go to bed." You said, gently grabbing his hand and pulling it down to cup your butt. He inhales a sharp breath as he indulged in a gentle squeeze, continuing to wash you. He washed your back but his hands would occasionally drift down to your ass, growing more confident as he unknowingly rocked into you slightly with every squeeze, letting out soft keening noises.
You peeled yourself off of him as he rutted into the air, whining at the loss of friction. "Slow down, naughty boy. Bad boys don't get to touch. Are you a bad boy?" you asked as you placed a finger on the tip of his cock, swirling it in the precum pooling there despite the water's efforts to wash it off. "No, no! I'm a good boy! You're just so pretty, and you feel so good, and you smell so nice, and I wanna touch you, and I want you to touch me, please." He blurted out, looking at you with hungry eyes, begging for more friction. "Where do you want to touch me baby?" you asked as his eyes raked over your body, taking in all of his options. "I want to touch your boobies and your- your-" "My what? You can say it, naughty boy." You cut him off in his stammering. "Your pussy, I want to touch your pussy." He said, the hot water spreading the blush from his cheeks down his chest, tingeing his cock with a pretty pink hue. "What naughty words from such a pretty boy. You can touch-" he cut you off, lunging towards your body before you grabbed him by the throat, squeezing experimentally. Not too hard, not too soft. He moaned, and you felt the vibrations traveling up your hands."Let me finish what I was saying. Naughty boys don't get to touch. They get spanked." You said as he mewled." What I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted was that you can touch, AFTER I wash you and after you finish washing me. Only after, you got it?" you said, squeezing a little tighter. "Y-yes." he croaked out. "Good boy," you replied.
You washed out the shampoo in his hair, replacing it with conditioner as he did the same for you. You squirted more soap onto your washcloth, preparing to test him. You took the washcloth in your hand, slowly working over his legs, arms, and chest, teasingly brushing over his overspent cock before returning to cleaning him. He washed you thoroughly, taking care to wash your legs before making sure your stomach and belly button piercing were thoroughly cleaned. Finally, he reached up to wash the leftover makeup off of your face. He touched you like a porcelain doll, worried that you would crack under even the slightest pressure, making you giggle. He flinched, thinking he hurt you, but you grabbed his face in your hands, delivering him a kiss that covered his face in soap.
You both stood there, laughing for a second, relishing the moment before you let out a shy smile. "You can touch my chest now, but make sure you clean my piercings carefully." He looked down at your chest, and now that he'd been given permission, he didn't really know what to do. You could see the puzzled look on his face so you grabbed one of his soapy hands in yours and brought it to your breast. He squeezed experimentally, and you let out a gentle moan. You had been keeping in your arousal to draw out his teasing, but you couldn't hold yourself back as you felt his large hands grasp around your chest and roll your nipple in his fingers.
There was a sweet dichotomy in the harshness of his grasp on your boob, coupled with the gentle twist of your nipple. It was as if he was worried to hurt your piercings, so he made up for it in his grasp. You brought the washcloth down to his cock, hard against his stomach, and began to work him. He whined at the harsh material. "I need to clean you up, baby. You still have a cummy cock. If you beg hard enough when I'm done, I will touch you." You said into his ear as he rested his head on your shoulder.
He was overstimulated, and you could tell, so you decided you wouldn't take as long as you wanted to tease him. But you would still draw it out for your own pleasure. He was bucking and mewling into you as you roughly got him off. It shot you straight to your core, the heat from the shower mixed with his grasp on you, physically and visually, had you closer than you wanted, and deep down you just wanted him to touch you.
When you deemed him clean enough you let the rag drop to the floor. "Beg" you moaned out. "Please, please touch me, I want your hand on me, that's all I want." He whined, bucking into the air. You took pity on him, grasping him with your soap-covered hand. He hissed as your soft touch replaced the rough rag and you could tell he was close. "Touch me, Spencer." You said and his hand shot to your core. His tentative moves giving way to a natural confidence. As he slipped a hand between your folds he could feel you dripping with desire. "O-Oh my god," was all he could stammer out before sinking two of his fingers into your depths, thumb circling your clit. You knew his fingers were long, and you had even fantasized about this exact moment, but nothing could prepare you for his actual length. He had said he did research but that was proven by how quickly he found your g spot and clit. You doubled over in pleasure as his fingers thoroughly fucked you out.
"Spencer, I'm so close, baby. Be a good boy and make me cum." You said, slumping against his shoulder, rubbing yourself against his hand. "Mommy, I'm cumming." He said, looking into your eyes as his body shuttered. His words ricochetted around in your brain, sending you over the edge as you cum all down his hand. You bit into his shoulder to muffle your scream, just as he matched you, cumming down your hand.
You came down from your high as Spencer nearly collapsed onto you. You took extra care in making sure he was all clean before helping him out of the shower and into a towel. He leaned against you the whole time as you got him ready for bed. You forced him to brush his teeth before dragging him to bed.
He sat at the edge, eyes bleary with sleep, taking in the events of the day. You sat behind him, gently toweling off his hair before brushing it and putting lotion on his body. He leaned into your touch, appreciating being cared for, feeling as if everything had been a dream. "C-Can I sleep here? I mean Morgan locked me out and I don't have pants and-" You cut him off with a gentle kiss."Of course, sweetheart, do you want to cuddle? It's ok if you don't or if you want this to be a one-time thing, it's all up to you, baby." You said, gently sweeping his hair out of his face as he looked up with eyes the size of dinner plates. "We can do this more than once? You'll let me? For real?" He asked. "Only if you want to sweetheart. This is all about you." You said, giving him a small smile tinged with a slight sadness. "That's not very fair, I want it to be about you too. What do you want?"
The question knocked you off guard. You're not used to people asking what you want. Usually, people just take and give none in return. The fact that Spencer Reid, your adorable virgin coworker was asking you what you wanted with such a sincere look, caused tears to prick into your eyes. "No one has asked me that in a long time," you smiled, "I would love to do this, and more again with you Spencer. Whenever you want." He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down so you were lying next to each other on the bed. "Whenever we want" He corrected, cuddling into you.
You surveyed the bite make you left on his shoulder, running your hand over it. "Sorry for marking you up, I didn't mean to hurt you." You said softly as he blushed. "I-I was actually wondering... well... could you maybe give me a hickey? I like that you marked me." He said. You obliged him, giving him long kisses and sucks, gradually working up your force until a large purple bruise had formed on his collar bone. He was gently moaning the whole time, but you didn't want to work him up again as he had already cum twice that night and you didn't think he could handle more. He looked down at it as you pulled away, and you could see a question lingering on his mind.
"What's up?" you asked, smoothing his hair with your hand. "You said you hadn't been asked what you want in a long time, and I was wondering, well... who gave you your piercings?" he asked tentatively and you laughed." You have been reading my book too much, how many chapters have you read?" You said and he looked up at you surprised."You knew? and... well... only 3 chapters. I didn't want to pry into your private life." He said. "You just pried enough to know I want to get pierced by someone?" You asked raising an eyebrow. Before he could get an excuse out, you cut him off. "Well for a genius, you obviously didn't read it that carefully. I said I WOULD like to be pierced during sex, meaning I have not before. These are just standard piercings from a piercing shop, not a big deal, I just like the way they look." You said and he let out a sigh of relief. "Why? d'you get jealous?" you questioned him. He looked down and nodded shyly.
"I can be a lot of firsts for you but if you play your cards right, you can be a lot of firsts for me too. You already gave me a first tonight. You called me mommy. No one's done that before but it was really hot. I liked it a lot." You said matter of factly. "But that is a conversation for another day. It is 2 am and we need to be on a flight at 7:30, so let's get some sleep." You said, turning off the lights and cuddling up close to him. In a matter of seconds, you both were asleep, tangled into each other's arms, both of you feeling, for once, safe and sound.
Chapter 1 Here / Chapter 2 Here / Chapter 3 Here
Well wasn't that a doozy. I had so much fun writing that and I think it paid off for sure. Shoot me a message if you want to be added to my beloved tag list, speaking of which.
@spencer-reids-slut @ya-triedit @reidstoychest @flipperpenguins @thatsonezesty13 @jbbarnes-loki @big-galaxy-chaos
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alltooreid · 3 years
I Think He Knows
Y/N has a huge crush on Spencer Reid, so huge she embarrasses herself every time she tries to talk to him. She is convinced he is aware to all her pathetic attempts at flirting and just chooses to ignore it, but turns out Spencer may be a little more clueless than she thought.
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A/N: Hope yall enjoy this cute fluffy fic! I’ve been having a rough couple of days so writing a fun fluff like this was really comforting :) yes it is inspired by the t swift song, but you don’t need to know the song to read and enjoy! also my requests are open so let me know what you want to see! (also sorry if this is kind of short, but i’ve been super busy and wanted to put something out :)))
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Type: a cute pining fluff fic
Word Count: 2.3K
Content Warnings: mentions of alcohol, otherwise none.
“He got that boyish look that I like in a man I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans It's like I'm seventeen, nobody understands No one understands”
“He has to know Penelope, I’m not exactly subtle.”
You and Penelope spent the majority of your lunch breaks in her office, discussing anything and everything. Recently however, the point of contention had been a certain young genius. One who you had a huge crush on.
“Spencer Reid may be a genius, and one of the best profilers I have ever seen but he most certainly does not know,” she said, as she drizzled more dressing on her salad.
“He has to, it feels like everyone knows. . . Do you think everyone knows?”
She shrugged, “They might, I know my Chocolate Thunder hasn’t picked up on it yet.”
“You haven’t told him? It’s already been a week since I’ve told you! How did you keep it a secret for so long?”
“You asked me very nicely not to tell anyone! Plus this one seems really important to you. I don’t want to go around telling people and for Reid to hear it in office gossip.”
You smiled, “Well you Penelope Garcia are the best, best friend ever.”
“You know it, now I know you desperately want to repay me for my services, and you can by giving me those exact ranch packets you have in your bag,” she said.
“They’re all yours, now let’s discuss something other than my pathetic schoolgirl crush. Like how stupid Kevin’s sweater was today.”
“Kevin? The other internal affairs technical analyst? Yeah what the heck was he wearing?”
“You know, I’m tired of having to carry the weight of the brains, looks and fashion sense out of the two of us,” you said. “Though, that is a good way to gather attention . . . I wonder if Spencer would actually hold a conversation with me if I wore something as ugly as that.”
She laughed, “You know I think that might send you backwards.”
You stabbed your lettuce, “At this point I’ll try anything.”
Before Penelope could respond, someone interrupted your lunch, your only other friend on the BAU team, Emily Prentiss.
“Oh hi Y/N! How are you!”
“I’m good Emily, what kind of gross things are you here to deliver today?” you and Emily joined the FBI at around the same time, and found comfort in the fact that you were both total try-hards. Emily was going to eat lunch with you and your fast friend Penelope, at least on days when she was in the office for lunch, but you and her both agreed that she should eat lunch with the team so that they can get used to having her around.
“Just some paperwork, no cases yet, knock on wood. Also I just wanted to say hello! What are you guys eating?” she asked, pulling up a chair.
“Some salads from that takeout veggie place PG is always talking about. I told you I was going vegetarian right?” “You did not! That’s great Y/N! We need to talk more, like we used to when we first started here,” she sighed, then perked up, “We should have girls night! Remember how fun it was that night at the bar? With Brad the real FBI agent?”
“Yes! We should! You know, Gideon’s replacement comes tomorrow, we should celebrate!” Garcia said.
“You know, I don’t know if the best way to celebrate a new agent is by drinking without them, but I’m down. We’ll toast our girls night to agent Rossi. Someone ask JJ if she’s busy.”
JJ was not busy, but when you and Emily asked, Morgan overheard.
“So am I not invited to the party?”
“Well it was supposed to be girls night . . . but I think PG would throw a fit if I turned down her 2nd favorite person in this building, so I guess you can come,” you teased. “You should come too Spencer!”
“I don’t know, that’s not really my thing . . “
“Oh come on! I know I would love to see you there,” you then realized that you were embarrassing yourself being so forward. “And I’m sure everyone else would too!”
“Alright, I’ll come, but I’m not drinking.” he said firmly. 
Before you could respond, Penelope magically appeared. “Good, you can be completely sober when Y/N gets wasted and embarrasses herself,” she said.
“PENELOPE! I’m not the light weight here! you’ll see Spencer, she’s actually awful. Two shots in and she’ll be on the floor,” this was apparently the wrong thing to say, because Spencer grimaced. “But it’ll be so much fun! You have to be there! You already said yes!”
“I just don’t know if seeing all of my coworkers get drunk while I watch is my idea of a fun evening. . .”
“Trust me! I’ll even stay sober with you, so we can judge them together. It’ll be a blast.”
“Ok, I’ll be there . . . but for now I need more coffee,” he pulled his chair out and walked towards the office kitchen. You silently cheered, forgetting how people were still standing around you.
“Well,” you awkwardly laughed, “um, I guess I better be getting back to my neck of the woods. I’m not a hot shot profiler like the rest of you guys . . . so see you all later!” You tried to escape before anyone interrogated you about your conversation with Spencer. However, a certain profiler followed quickly behind you. 
“So. . . you and pretty boy huh?”
“Shut it Morgan.”
{⋅. ♪ .⋅}
You stayed true to your word that night, Spencer stuck to water and you enjoyed a diet soda. The bartender, who you had grown fairly used to seeing on your many nights out, was shocked to hear you didn’t want any alcohol in it. 
It’s probably a good thing that you didn’t drink, you already embarrassed yourself enough in front of Spencer fully sober.
“So Spencer, you know that new bookstore you said you were going to go to after work a couple weeks ago?”
“New bookstore . . .? Oh yeah! What about it?”
“Well after I heard you talking about it I decided to check it out . . . It’s really nice there! I go like every other night now! We should totally go together sometime.” Luckily, you were sober enough to keep a secret: the fact you were only going so much in the hopes of running into him.
“Oh really? If I’m being honest I wasn’t super impressed with their selection, it was mostly contemporary fiction. And all in English . . . Not really my thing,” when he saw the way your face dropped he quickly changed his tone, “but it’s great if that’s your thing!”
This. Is. Humiliating. The amount of times you had gone and bought books from the bookstore, you were there almost every night hoping to run into him after work and start a conversation. You felt stupid, of course he wouldn’t want to go on a book store date with you. If Spencer Reid didn’t like you so much that he wouldn’t even go to a bookstore with you, there’s no chance at a relationship.
“Oh haha, yeah you’re right it’s totally lame. . .”
“Didn’t you just say you went there all the time?”
“No! When did I say that? You must be drinking Dr. Reid,” you said, quickly hopping off your bar stool, and running towards Morgan and Garcia, not turning around to see how confused Spencer was, but only being able to imagine him as relieved. Relieved he didn’t have to make conversation with you anymore.
“I’m blowing this PG, he totally hates me.”
Morgan laughed, “Y/N, you’re acting silly, this isn’t high school, we aren’t seventeen, stop dancing around it and just go ask him out.”
“Morgan, he doesn’t want to go to a bookstore with me, no way he’s agreeing to a date.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, maybe he’s just not in the mood to go?”
“You go ask him then, 20 bucks he says yes.”
“You’re on Y/N/N.”
7 minutes later Morgan returned and without a word pulled a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet and deposited it into your hand. “Sorry, Y/N.”
Penelope then piped up, “I’m telling you Y/N, he just doesn’t know. That boy is clueless.”
You scoffed, “I think he knows Penelope. I’ve made it pretty clear.”
“Have you told him?”
You were thrown off, “Um, no but-”
“Well then you haven’t made it clear enough, have you sugar?”
You almost said something, but you couldn’t really think of a good rebuttal for the argument. So instead, you downed Penelope’s half dranken frozen margarita, and headed back over to Spencer.
“Hey!” he said as you made your way back over, “I was wondering where you went, after you left Derek came over and asked to go to that bookstore with me, isn’t that extraordinary. . .”
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” you blurted out.
You sighed, “I’ve had a crush on you since like, forever, and I keep planning all these ways to ask you subtly but it’s just not working so I’m asking now. Do you want to go on a date with me?”
“You like me? I didn’t know that . . .”
“You’re joking.”
“No, I’m not, I thought you were just being nice. You’re nice to everyone and I didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
You smirked, “Get your hopes up? Does that mean you’re obsessed with me too Dr. Reid?”
He laughed in response, “Yeah, you could definitely say that.”
You dug through your purse and pulled out your keys, “Ok, then let’s get out of here.”
He paled, “And do what?”
“We’re going on our first date.”
He smiled, and you both got up off your bar stools and headed out the door, ignoring Morgan’s snide remarks as you passed. 
{⋅. ♪ .⋅}
You couldn’t help but smile as you drove. Every couple of seconds you couldn’t help but look over at Spencer, getting lost in his brownish hazel eyes, which looked indigo in the night. He would smile, the kind of smile people write silly little romance songs about and spend verses to describe, and tell you to pay attention to the road before you run off of it. You would laugh, tell him to calm down. Although originally you had an idea of where you were going, now you just wanted to drive in circles, to bask in this memory. 
“So where are we going?” he asked.
“Think about it Doctor Reid . . .” you replied, teasing him in the way you’ve imagined since you met him. 
You pulled up to that little bookstore on 16th avenue, the one you couldn’t stop going to out of the sheer chance Spencer might be there, the one that was obviously closed this late at night, but was too perfect not to spend your first date at. 
“Although this is beautifully symbolic, it’s almost 2 in the morning, this place closes at 8. We’re 5 hours, 49 minutes and 17 seconds late.”
You smiled and pulled out your ring of keys, “You know, when I spent hours a night hanging around here after work, hoping that you would happen to come shop for books and see me here too, the woman who owns this store got pretty curious. So I told her why I was here, and after she got done laughing at me she offered me a key, so that if I ever had the guts to ask you out, I could take you here no matter what.” You turned the key and swung the door open, gesturing him inside and locking the door behind you, “but we have to keep the lights off, so no one comes by and tries to get in.”
You and Spencer sit in the non-fiction section, and enjoy the silence for a few seconds before you have an idea, “Read me something Reid.”
He reached up, pulling a book off of the shelf without looking, “Are you sure, A Brief History of 1491: Life in America Before Columbus, is first date material?”
“Although that book is anything but brief, anything you read to me will sound stunning coming from your pretty mouth.”
So he begins to read, attempting to slow down to a reasonable pace but still going abnormally fast. You didn’t care though, more than you listened to the history of the late fifteenth century you watched Spencer’s hands. They’re really nice hands.
His right followed the words as he read aloud and his left helped hold the book. He wiggled the fingers on his left hand unconsciously as he spoke, getting into the words of the book. 
After about 25 pages he glanced over at you, and you could almost hear the gears turning in his head. After a second he went back to the page, and continued reading. You didn’t think anything of it until a couple minutes later, when his hand made its way to your left thigh.
He held it and you leaned into him, and you both stayed like that until you fell asleep hours later, with his head resting on top of yours. 
At 8:30 Mrs. Betts, the owner of the bookstore, found you and Spencer, arms around each other, the book thrown aside. She smiled, glad to know you had taken her up on her offer. She went to go wake you up but glanced at her watch. She didn’t have to officially open until 10. 
She could definitely spare a couple of minutes. 
“I want you, bless my soul I ain't gotta tell him I think he knows”
- Thank you for reading! Please reblog and let me know what you think :))
ATR’s tiny taglist: @reidingmelodies​
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vanillann · 3 years
unsolved (spencer reid x reader)
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a/n: i was watching buzzfeed unsolved when i came up with this idea so enjoy. also i know it’s not exactly right but i didn’t feel like going back and watching the ep so.
warning: swearing, talk of cases, and sexual innuendos
word count: 3.3k
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“Hi, Welcome to Buzzfeed Unsolved! We’re your host Ryan and Shane.”
I sat in a spin by chair between the two, my legs crisscrossed as I spun as fast as I could with Shane picking at arm.
“This is (Y/N)-“ when I heard my name I dramatically grabbed Ryan’s arm chair, smiling at the camera “a good friend of ours.”
“I had never spoken to either of them before today,” I spoke directly into the camera, the widest smile on my face when Shane gasped.
“She exposed us!” He pointed an accusing finger at me, Ryan slowly reaching out and grabbing his hand.
“We need her for this case,” Ryan spoke mysteriously, as if he was in a mob of some sort.
“Yeah why is that?” I rested my elbow on the chair, placing my chin in my open hand as I looked between the two.
I would normally be shoved in the corner of my desk trying to avoid another weird product video. I didn’t want to wear another weight blanket that made me almost fall to the floor.
“We are doing a case today and from the gossip around the office, you’d be pretty familiar with it,” Ryan said nothing more as he held a picture up to the camera.
I looked to the viewfinder, my eyes going wide as I recognized the mugshot immediately.
“That’s the Reaper!” I pointed at the picture, grabbing Ryan’s wrist so I could get a better look.
“Is that your boyfriend or something?” Shane added, looking over my shoulder at the picture in my hand.
“No, the BAU worked in this case!”
I didn’t know my intense knowledge of BAU cases would make it around the office, but I suppose when you have a printed article of you standing with Agent Gideon and Hotchner word moves fast.
“You actually know a lot about BAU cases from what I hear,” Ryan almost smirked at me and I was close to attacking him.
“Yeah-“ I turned to the camera, thinking I should explain myself before people thought I was crazy “so when I was young my mother had a stalker.”
The room suddenly went from light and breezy to scary and stuffy, something I hated.
“Anyways, when my mother died he disappeared into thin air. I then got an internship here at Buzzfeed and suddenly I was being mailed pictures of myself.”
I felt Shane give a knee a quick squeeze, which made me smile but I said nothing about it.
“It is really bad, I’m not going into detail, that the FBI got involved. Gideon was my savior that day, Hotchner too. Since then I’ve kept up with their cases and Gideon still sends me letters even after he left,” I finished my story, smiling down at the case file Ryan held between his fingers.
“Enough sad story, let’s talk about murder!” I clapped my hand, Shane laughing at my excitement.
“Okay, before we get started with this video I would like to clarify this isn’t a normal unsolved case. While the case was pinned to a murderer, the real unsolved piece is what happened to him,” Ryan got into character, slowly opening the folder and reading off the first words.
“On June 5th, 1996, Tom Shaunessy was called to investigate a murder in Boston. It was a couple, laided into their chair with multiple gun shots to their head and torso-“
“Wait, in the car in Boston?” Shane asked.
“That’s what I just read,” Ryan replied.
I smiled to myself, already knowing the editing that would take place with the black screen and the blue and yellow words floating across.
“Isn't Boston super busy?”
“It has like 700 thousand people,” I spoke up, wondering what color my words would be in.
“How do you just know that?” Ryan looked over his shoulder at me, his eyebrows raised.
“If you saw the article I was currently writing you would understand,” I shrugged, moving in the chair so I could get a better look at the case file.
Ryan coughed, looking back down at the file to continue.
“When another set of murders came in, this time an older couple, Shaunessy, panicked as he found the first victim, Harry Goodwill, watching at the scene.”
“That was his signature,” I held a hand up like a child in class, smiling as I already knew what came next.
“Bingo!” Ryan pointed to me, smiling at my excitement.
“When this happened again, this time alone woman, Shaunessy called in the BAU-“
“You mean the love of (Y/N) life,” Shane cut in, smiling when I hit his shoulder.
“If you saw a picture of them you’d be in love too,” I shrugged, not thinking much about my words.
“Agent Aaron Hotchner joined the team and worked closely on this case with Shaunessy.”
“So this man just texted the FBI,” Shane started laughing before he could get his words out.
“I’m pretty sure there are rules,” Ryan looked over at Shane, looking at me when we tried to understand why he was laughing.
“I’m sorry, death shouldn’t be this funny,” Shane took a breath, making a hand motion for Ryan to continue. I started laughing at that, keeping it low so Ryan could continue.
“After 18 murders, there were no leads. The only consistent thing was he mostly killed couples and he left an item from his last victim at the crime scene. The BAU conducted that he was most likely killing the couple because of his own failed marriage or possibly one close to him.”
“So he started killing because he hated to love? I bet he hates Valentine’s Day,” Shane shrugged, his smile breaking across his face when I spoke up.
“Nah, he seems more like a Halloween type guy,” I shrugged, laughing when Ryan hit his elbow on the table.
“Okay okay, back to the good stuff,” I pointed at the file, laughing when Ryan rolled his eyes.
“Now victims 19 and 20 is where the story starts to twist. Amanda Bertram and George Foyet-“ I shivered at the name “we attacked by the Reaper.”
“Did you say attacked?”
“Yes, while Amanda Bertram was killed in the struggle Foyet manages to survive with serious injuries.”
“So this dude just accidentally forgets to kill him?” Shane almost yelled, reaching for the file to read himself but Ryan moved it back.
“He saw the ghost of Valentine and just ran,” I played on the joke earlier, which made the two laugh.
“The heart-shaped boxes of chocolate really made him shit himself,” Ryan barely got the words out, his laugh slowly turning into a cough.
“We shouldn’t joke about a murderer when we don’t know his whereabouts,” I laughed along.
“Wait, you’re telling me they lost him!”
“Yep,” I popped the “p”, smiling when Shane looked to Ryan who only shrugged,
“You’ll have to wait and see.” Was all he said before he continued the case.
“After this no new leads were found, it was later discovered that The Boston Reaper sent Shaunessy a note that if the investigation was shut now he would stop killing,” Ryan read the words off.
“I bet he ended the letter with “xoxo from your worst nightmare” with a lipstick stain,” I spoke without thinking, covering my mouth when I realized what I said.
“Oh he’d definitely come at you now,” Shane pointed at me, wiggling his eyebrows in the process.
“No way! The BAU will save me,” I shrugged, smiling as I imagined the team busting in the door at the last minute like they always did.
“Oh yeah the one dude, what’s his name,” Ryan started snapping his fingers as he thought over his words “Sp-“
“Spencer Reid!” I practically yelled the name, my smile only growing large at the mention of the handsome Doctor from the BAU team. While he didn’t work my case, I heard a little about him and he called my house phone trying to reach Hotch.
To say I was infatuated would be a small understatement.
“Him?” Ryan pointed at him, smiling wider at me.
“Who is this Reid boy and what are his intentions?” Shane folded his arms on the table like a father, looking between Ryan and I.
“I hope it's dirty,” I blurted out, covering my mouth again as I looked at the camera.
“Cut that out,” I started laughing when I heard Shane wheezing beside me.
“No we’re keeping that, that was quality content,” Ryan was laughing, pushing my chair slightly as I slowly joined in.
“I’m so grateful he works a busy job and will never see this,” I started coughing, which made Shane pat my back.
“Please take the obsession back to murder, please and thank you,” I nodded to the case file once everyone has calmed down.
“Okay okay, the cast went cold after that. No new murders ever appeared and the BAU left the case.”
“Spencer went to (Y/N)’s house,” Shane commented quickly.
“Until 2009 when a murder took place right outside of Boston, a couple killed on a hill. While this seemed like nothing at first, an eye was painted on the side of the door and glasses were found on the victim’s face. The glasses belong to Foyet,” Ryan read in his special voice.
“So the dude got bored and was like “Fuck my promise”?” Shane looked between both of us.
“Let him finish,” I patted Shane shoulder, looking at the file again.
“It was later announced to the public that Shaunessy was dead,” Ryan read, looking at Shane with raised eyebrows.
“Ohh, you should have led with that!”
Ryan rolled his eyes, going back to the file in front of him.
“Hotchner took up the case with his BAU team-”
“Spencer had to leave (Y/N)’s house early to get there in time,' ' Shane pushed my shoulder, my finger slowly starting to play with the little ring on my finger.
“I wish,” I spoke up, smiling at Shane when he shook his head.
“The team quickly gathered all the information possible, slowly putting the eye signature on the car with the sign off on the letter.”
“He didn’t sign it xoxo?” Shane asked, I shook my head sadly.
“Sorry to get your hopes up,” I spoke gravely, my mask cracking when Shane started smiling.
“I was readying for him to sign A like that show!”
I started laughing, my hand covering my mouth as Ryan tried to explain the show he was talking about.
“Why do they have to be pretty liars, am I pretty when I lie?”
“No,” I said the words so seriously I was shocked with myself. We all three started laughing suddenly.
I hadn’t been at Buzzfeed long, I had only made a few friends and I pretty much got dragged into the video when they needed a test dummy. This was my first video that didn’t make me want to rip my eyes out, I actually was having a great time with Ryan and Shane with the jokes and all.
“Okay,” Ryan coughed, finally reading the file again,” Many tried to brush it off as a copycat but Agent Hotchner refused to drop the case.”
“That’s my bestie,” I smiled, remembering the photo I had with him when the local news decided to take pictures of us standing outside the station. The photo was awkward and I doubt he even remembered my case but I didn’t really care.
“Then a few hours later an older couple, Arthur and Diane Lanessa, were found stabbed and shot. When the earlier victim, Nina Hale, was found on Diane's wrist, people started to worry.”
“Wait I thought he left the one dude glasses, who is still weird to me,” Shane spoke up again.
“That’s what I’m saying! He had his glasses yet he’s a copycat? Cops can be so stupid,” I rambled, still pissed about that to this day.
“The BAU split up to find Foyet, who went into hiding after his attack, to get more details. Agent Hotchner and Agent David Rossi found him staying in a house in Boston.”
“Why would you stay in Boston?” Ryan was the one to speak this time, his nose scrunched up as he thought it over.
“Right, like yes I almost died here let me stay,” Shane mocked Foyet, which made me laugh.
“Later that night The Reaper boarded a busy bus and killed the occupants of it. Many had theories on why he changed his MO but nobody will confirm or deny.”
“I think he was made at Hotch,” I spoke up. I had thought about this alot.
“Why do you think that?”
“He didn’t quite like Shaunessy, I don’t blame Shaunessy, but still. He stuck around even when he could have walked away,” I crossed my arms, slightly proud of my theory.
“You think he gave the same deal?”
“You don’t?” I looked at Ryan, his arms shrugging before he went back to the case.
“There was a cryptic message left on the side the bus along with the Reaper eye,”
“Cryptic message? Is this real?”
“Unfortunately,” I nodded, looking back to Ryan as he spoke.
“The BAU managed to decipher the code into a line of Foyet addresses-”
“Spender did it!”
“And how would you know?” Shane looked to me, raising his eyebrow at me with a little smirk.
“Because he had an eidetic memory and has an IQ of 187,” I spoke proudly, as if I actually knew the person I was talking about. Okay maybe I searched them on the internet one too many times.
“How do you know that?” Ryan asked, laughing at me now.
“Google,” I shrugged, laughing when Shane looked up from his hands.
“What does he even look like?” I held up my finger, fishing my phone out of my back pocket. I quickly unlocked it, placing my thumb print and moving on, and tapped the searched bar. I quickly typed in his name, thankful it didn’t pop up in purple because I couldn’t handle that much teasing.
“Here,” I placed the phone on the table, laughing when Shane moved closer.
“He has a Wikipedia,” Shane looked over his shoulder at Ryan and I, speaking like a kid on Christmas.
“You both have Wikipedia,” I shrugged, not seeing the appeal of the whole life on display.
“You don’t,” Shane pointed out. I jokily pouted, acting all sad as I looked up to the ceiling.
“We can make you one,” Ryan patted my shoulder laughing when I smiled.
“Can we say I’m married to Doctor Spencer Reid?”
Both nodded at the same time, my hand going over my hand and I laugh at their telekinesis response.
“Okay finished this case so (Y/N) and I can stalk Mr. Reid,” Shane patted Ryan shoulder and I lightly smiled to myself.
He seemed like nothing but I finally made some friends, I mean friends I could talk to outside of work.
“Once they arrived at Foyet house they found gallons of blood pulled from the back of the house.”
“So they killed him?”
“Just wait,” I held my finger up, smiling when Shane deflated slightly.
“Multiple police were attacked, even Derek Morgan with the BAU. The specific are not out to the public but a nurse claimed that The Reaper stole Morgan credentials,” Ryan read off the paper, smiling when Shane gasped.
“That’s insane, this case is insane!”
I laughed along with Ryan, all of ours eye scanning over the paper now and we waited for the next bit of information.
“After looking over past cases filed, the BAU were confused on why The Reaper would kill Foyet. Their tech analysis did research to induce that Foyet had multiple aliases, claimed he had them to feel safe from The Reaper, actually had multiple assault charges, and his parents were killed when he was six.”
“Oh my, he killed them didn’t he!” Ryan and I both nodded, Shane’s hands flying up to his hair as he looked between us.
“It was him the whole time! No way!”
“That’s what I said,'' I looked into the camera for the first time in awhile, it felt nice and easy with them. The video was coming easy unlike trying to do awkward yoga poses with strangers.
“They managed to trace everything back to Foyet, concluding he was The Reaper. After more research, Foyet’s phone was tracked to Roy Colson's house. A journalist would recently wrote an article on The Reaper.``
“This feels like a Scooby-Doo mission at this point,” Shane sounded out of breath, looking to the camera with wide eyes.
“We got some work to do now!” I jokily sang the theme song, making the two laugh lightly before moving on to the end of the case.
“The local police arrest Foyet at the house, Colson thankful survived. Foyet was taken to prison immediately after arrest.”
“I thought they lost him?”
“If you don’t let him finish,” I joked, Shane laughed as we finally let Ryan finish.
“Foyet was found in his cell later throwing up blood and convulsions. As being rushed to the hospital, the ambulance was ambushed and Foyet escaped. No more information has been released on the whereabouts of Foyet.”
“They really lost him!”
Shane was in shock at the discovery, my hand covering my mouth quickly before I answered.
“I bet he’s working for the FBI, they hire people when they’re too dangerous.” I tried my best to be serious about the theory but I knew my smile was peaking thought.
“He’s probably the BAU’s personal hitman!”
I laughed with Ryan, my chair had slowly moved closer to his as I kept leaning to see the case file.
“Where do you think Foyet it?”Ryan spoke into the camera, talking to the people that would watch this in a few weeks.
“I think (Y/N) should call her smarty-pants husband and ask,” Shane spit out his last joke before the video ended.
“Yeah, Doctor Spencer Reid please call me with information about the case.” I pointed into the camera like Uncle Sam and winked dramatically.
“He doesn’t have your number,” Ryan reminded me. I let my finger fall, thinking over my words before I pointed back at the camera.
“Email my business email,” I nodded. Shane and Ryan both hit my shoulder. both hands going to my arm to cover them.
“Say bye to our favorite guest ever,” Ryan waved in my face.
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I laughed as the video played on my laptop, laughing when my voice was replaced with light green words floating on the screen. I scrolled down lightly, reading a bunch of comments. I smiled when most were asking if I would ever be on another Unsolved.
My phone went off beside me, my hand reaching for it as I paused the video and moved to my email. I was waiting for an email about an article I was writing and I couldn’t stop hitting refresh.
Shane: i’ve seen two ship edits of (y/n) and spencer reid on my instagram already
Ryan: i saw an edit of shane fall out a chair
I laughed at the messages, the group chat the three of us had formed titled “The Reapers Bitches” never stopped as we had grown a close bond.
I heard the little ding from my laptop, also most screaming when I slammed the refresh button and screamed when I saw an email with a little unread dot beside it.
I didn’t think twice, pushing the email and reading over it quickly.
Hello, this is Doctor Spencer Reid with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I recently saw a video of you mentioning me and my team about a case we worked on a few years back. While I legally can’t share any details with you in this case, I would be open to speaking with others. Please email me back!
I was going to scream, maybe cry, maybe both at this point. I read the email two or three more times, trying to comprehend what I just read.
He did see, shit he did see it. I heard my phone going off beside me, my hand picking it up and typing without reading what they were saying before.
Me: Spencer Fucking Reid just emailed me
I let my phone fall to my lap, reading the email one more time.
“Thank you Buzzfeed Unsolved,” I whispered under my breath.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Intro to Criminal Minds: Why They Did It
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Criminal Minds x Mindhunter AU
Spencer Reid x Peggy Carr (OC) Part 2: The Case
Summary: Spencer is teaching a 7-week seminar on the most interesting criminal cases, explaining their actions to understand why they took place. Only, not everyone in the audience is a student.
warnings: strangers to lovers, mutual pining, slow burn! flirting, fluff, eventual smut, idiots in love, OC is Wendy Carr and Jason Gideon's biological daughter. mentions of rape and murder (typical canon violence)
word count: 2.2K
He’s not expecting her to roll out a full map after the waitress clears the food from their table. They’ve been in the booth for barely 20 minutes. Having mindless conversations about their day and small get to know each other questions while they ate.
“So, I brought all this to my dad,” she explained, dropping 33 files on the table as well as 2 spiral notebooks and a handful of pens. “He thinks I have a case, but he’s refusing to look at the evidence because he’s still triggered by it, which I get, but he said you’d be the best at helping me because I really just need a geo-profile consult.”
“How is he doing?”
She’s been waiting for him to ask but she still didn’t know how to answer, no matter how much time she had to prep, “uh, he’s good. He talks about you every time I see him, how often do you talk?”
“We haven’t talked since he almost died, 6 years ago now… yes, it was in 2015,” Spencer says it like it’s nothing serious.
“Oh,” she’s confused about it all. Her father talks about him more than anyone else, always remembering a case or a conversation that he just had to tell her about.
Spencer was his buddy in her eyes. “Here I was thinking he liked you more than me like you’re his favourite kid.”
“I’m not his kid,” his eyes widen at the insinuation that they’re somehow siblings in any sense.
It makes her laugh, she knows he’s interested in her a small amount. She was hoping he would, she’s heard so many wonderful things about him and she remembers just how cute he was back in 2005. Now he’s a man and a mighty fine one at that…
“I take it you’re an only child?” He changes the subject, “you can’t handle the idea of your father having relationships with people your age when you hardly know him?”
“How about you tell me who you think I am and I’ll tell you where you went wrong?” She challenges him rather than answering, she knows he’s good but she wants to see it in action.
Spencer raised his brow, “if I get it right, you’re paying for lunch.”
He opens her notebook and takes a look at her notes, flipping through the pages reading the words just as fast as her father said he could. It was incomprehensible, but he didn’t read far… he keeps going back to her drawings, studying the pressure and how her mind worked.
“Your mom travelled a lot when you were a kid, and you always went with her. I’m thinking you have a few degrees, at least 3…” he pauses to watch her microexpressions, trailing her skin with his eyes as he looks for anything out of the ordinary. “There’s a doctorate in there but you hate being called Dr. Carr because that’s your mother’s name and it reminds you too much of people asking about her instead of how you’re doing.”
It cuts deep, but he hits the nail on the head and she just blinks. The simplest microexpression that shows him he got it right, his smile is awkward and he’s sorry for it.
“You were homeschooled so you don’t trust people very easily. You have issues with your father that you can’t place because you still don’t think you know him well enough to really have an opinion, and you’re jealous of me because you wish you knew how he brags about you when you’re not around, but he doesn’t talk about you because you told him not to.”
“I specifically told him I wanted to be left out of his life to stay safe, so it’s really my fault that he can’t brag about me. But I still wish someone would,” she admits with a soft smile. “And I think it’s not really jealousy. I’m not jealous of how he brags about his time with you. If anything, I really admire you now.”
He blushes a little, “alright, your turn.”
“You’ve never had a girlfriend before have you?” She calls him out right away. “You can’t take a compliment seriously because no one has loved you deep enough yet for you to believe them. I already know about your parents, I know that you’re scared of forgetting and that’s why you won't stop learning. I think you probably have a bucket list, you’re desperate for something exciting to happen and that’s why you like me already.”
He blinks right back, “touché.”
“I’ll still buy your lunch,” she smiled, and he smiled right back. “And I do have 3 degrees.”
“I do too.”
“I know,” she reminded him. “You’ve been working on that 4th one for the last 16 years.”
“I haven’t had the time.”
She shakes her head as she laughs, teasing him as if she’s better than him because she knows he finds her interesting already, “I had my Ph.D. by 17, as well 2 masters by the time I was 21.”
“3 Ph.D.’s by 22,” he bragged right back.
It had suddenly become a staring contest, “when exactly did your dad walk out on you?”
“I was 10.” Spencer answers. “When was the last time your mom said she was proud of you?”
“Oh, we're going that far, I see,” she laughed, hurt just a little that he dug that deep, “what happened to yours recently?”
“I’m really sorry, I knew about the schizophrenia already because of the fisher king case, that one is the one that still has my dad all fucked up,” she can’t help but rant as she apologizes, placing her hands on his in the centre of the table and he interlocks their fingers like they’ve known each other for years.
“Boston?” He asks her, changing the topic back to getting to know each other without letting go of her hands.
She nods, “Vegas?”
“You knew that already,” he catches her.
“Maybe so,” she blushes at the embarrassment of him picking up on her crush.
“How’d he describe me at chess?” There’s a cockiness behind it that she admires, smiling in response she just shakes her head.
“I don’t play chess, but he says that other than Agent Prentiss, you’re the only person who has come close to beating him.”
“Prentiss?” He looks almost offended at the fact he didn’t know that story.
“You were asleep on the jet, it was right after the trip to Azkaban,” she reminds him.
“Azkaban?” He repeats. “You mean Guantanamo?”
She’s only slightly embarrassed by the slip-up, blushing a deep red as she presses her lips together and squeezes his hand. “My mom calls it Azkaban, she hates it. If it wasn’t for the BAU, she would have never joined the bureau or the government in any way, she’s against the criminal justice system too, so…”
“She’s a woman of science and empathy, I’ve never met her, but I’ve read all her work.”
“So have I,” she’s full of butterflies for some reason as she thinks about him knowing everything that she does, she’s suddenly excited at the prospect of future conversations with him like this isn’t a one-time thing.
He’s still holding her hands over the map, both of them leaning in slightly as they kept talking, it felt overly intimate for a discussion of a case— and they haven’t even started yet.
She takes her hands out of his grip and flattens them over the map, “so I found a pattern, I was asked to look into the rape and murder of a friends sister, and now I’ve found 32 matching cases all over America going in alphabetical order by state, 2 a year since 2005.”
“Are you serious?”
She nods softly, “I’m a private investigator. I hated the academy and simply being in the BAU almost killed both of my parents so I’m not really fond of it, but I need help.”
“How did VICAP not pick this up?” Spencer’s still caught up on the fact this has been happening during his entire career and he had no way of helping. It was very clear by the look on his face.
“Because they’re college-age women getting raped in their dorms, 1 in each state, and men don’t care enough to dig a little deeper when it’s just a little girl who was probably asking for it anyway, right?”
He looks furious, but with her… not at her.
Not like most men, that’s actually exactly what any other guy would have said to her. ‘Not most men,’ they only said that if they were offended; when they knew that they were the exact type of man she was referring to.
He started opening case files then, flipping through everything as she watched carefully, “he always does it the exact same way. It’s every March and November between the 6th and 12th, he’s gotten to the O’s, which means the next hit should be in Oklahoma in exactly 2 months' time.”
“Has there been evidence?” Spencer asks, avoiding eye contact as he both listens and absorbs.
“1 footprint and some random fingerprints at the first few, other than that it’s like he was never there,” she sighs. “This is where I need your help; I’m unsure if he’s attacking randomly or if it’s planned ahead of time, so I brought the map to see if you can make any connection.”
“Alright,” he closes the folder and hands them to her so he can get a better look at everything. “I’m going to need the exact address of each one.”
“I have 32 mini maps,” she says, opening her book bag and handing him yet another folder.
“I’ve noticed they’re in every capital, and it’s always on the east side of the city,” she adds as he spreads them out on the table.
He takes his phone out of his pocket and turns on the flash, turning it face down and holding the sheets of paper over it, “If you look at them over each other, there might be a pattern. We should call my friend Penelope, she’ll be able to digitally do this and find something.”
“Okay,” Peggy nods along, “I really need to know within the week because I’m moving to Oklahoma.”
“What?” He looks overly worried.
“He’s interested in college-age brunettes,” she points at herself. “I’m going to rent an apartment with a sliding door in the kill zone, and I’m going to wait it out. I’ll make sure everyone knows I live alone, I won't make friends, I’ll keep the windows open when I go to the store, I’ll make myself a victim.”
“No, we can get the bureau to send in a team, you don’t need to be in harm's way,” he protests, “I won’t help if I know you’re throwing yourself in the middle of all this. I refuse.”
There’s an underlying panic that she doesn’t quite understand. He’s almost shaking as he thinks about her playing the victim, they stare back and forth at each other softly, eyes flickering over the other’s expression as he also reads her.
“Fine,” she agrees, finally. “But if you’re getting the team involved, I want to be able to have some say in the investigation. I don’t want to be kicked out for just being a PI.”
“On one condition,” Spencer smirks. “You have to teach the BTK seminar with me.”
“Deal,” she smiled. “But I have some conditions too.”
He was going to regret that.
“We can’t sleep together until we catch the guy— don’t look at me like that!” she catches the way his jaw drops and his eyes glisten.
He’s in complete shock, trying to say words and failing miserably as she stares at him knowingly. “I only said that because I need rules for myself too. We can’t care more about each other than the victims. Solve the case with me and then I’ll have a crush on you, okay?”
“Okay,” he finally finds the words to agree. “Was it that obvious?”
“We held hands for 5 minutes, I’ve thought you were cute since you were 23 and that seminar was a; 'my horse is bigger than your horse' flirting match,” she calls it all out, “I’m just as into you as you are into me already, if not more so because I know way too much about you thanks to my dad and uncle Rossi.”
“Dave knew about you too?” He’s more upset than she expected.
She nods, “yeah, so that I’d be taken care of if anything happened to my dad.”
He is a little upset and she can’t figure out why from what she knows already, “why?”
“You’re so interesting, you and I could have been friends for the last 15 years and things could have been so interesting but you were a secret,” he whispers.
“I was right wasn’t I?”
He nods again, “Gideon doesn’t know about Maeve, but I had a girlfriend who died in front of me before I could tell her I loved her and it broke me.”
Everything makes sense now. The stares, the stuttering, the defensiveness at the idea of her being in harm's way after only knowing her for a few hours. He was desperately looking for someone like himself to prove that he wasn’t going to be alone forever, and he wanted that to be found in her.
“Solve the case with me, then you can learn what it’s like to love someone who loves you back.”
@g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @ssavanessa22 @spookyspence @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
With the idea of Hotch being gay and marrying a supportive Hailey, what if they're both gay? She likes girls, he likes guys, neither of them are comfortable/safe with the idea of being out, so they agree to marry each other, maybe even specifically plan on having Jack later because they both do want kids. And so one day Hotch is stressing about having a crush on Spencer, and he's not out to most of the team or anything, and Hailey gets a crush on someone, and they just blurt it out, and soon agree to start the divorce so they can see where it goes now that they're at stable points in their lives.
It's probably a long discussion with the team after that, that he does put off a bit because he doesn't know how to explain it?
(Though maybe one member had found out earlier, maybe Morgan? Just imagine Spencer ranting a bit about his crush on Hotch to him, and Morgan has to act like he doesn't know that Hotch is definitely gay, and almost definitely into him. )
Oooooh okay, I like this.
I've seen a lot of fics that have referenced Jessica (Haley's sister) being a lesbian (and I LOVE that HC too). But what if Haley was actually a lesbian? She and Aaron met in high school and bonded over the fact that as teens in the 80's, they couldn't be out. They did that fun switch-a-roo thing, where Aaron "dates" Haley's girlfriend, and Haley "dates" Aaron's boyfriend, so their parents are none the wiser.
But then Aaron's father catches him with a boy... and sends him away to that all-boys school (which, if you think about it, sounds like a bad plan for a gay child lmao). When Aaron comes home, it's Haley who suggests that they get married to placate their parents (because again, they were gay in the 80's/90's and it was def a dangerous time for people to be out back then). They're best friends anyways, and is marriage really that hard when you're living with your best friend?
And as life goes on, Aaron rising up in his career, it's almost kind of... forgotten? That they're gay? It's become buried, deep down inside of both of them. They had to pretend to be the perfect couple, and soon it became routine. You don't go through this routine of lying to yourself every day for 20 years without forgetting yourself, you know? It's Haley who, once they've had Jack, takes a look in the mirror and wonders, "What are we doing to ourselves?"
Because yes, they're happy! In a sense. They're still close, they still *love* each other- just not like that. And Aaron is dedicating himself to his job more and more every year, slowly losing himself the same way she watched Gideon lose himself. And maybe Haley meets a woman... who makes her happy in a way she has never felt, can't describe.
So, ultimately, she asks for a divorce. They can't keep going down this path of pretending, because it's killing them both inside. Aaron is pulling away because he's been hiding who he is for so long he's becoming a shell of a person. Haley can't stand seeing him like this. She sits him down, grabbing his hand, and tells him that she'll always love him--as much as a lesbian can love a man. "You're my best friend. I want to see you happy."
The problem is... Aaron doesn't know how to be himself. He doesn't know who he is outside of a devoted FBI agent, outside of being an absent father and husband. He doesn't know where to start on his journey of self-discovery-- he's 38 years old (in my headcanon) when he and Haley divorce. For the last 20 years of his life he's been someone he's not; how do you learn to tear down those walls that you've built up for so long? How do you remove the mask that's been in place for twenty years?
(whoops this got away from me and I didn't even get to the team finding out part lmao)
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absurdthirst · 4 years
My birthday is coming up in a couple of days and was wondering if you could write a little something about Din trying to help you celebrate? Like you don’t think he’s even going to remember it so you just play it off like a normal day but he tries to do a little something special for you? Thanks 😘😘
***HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope you have a great one!
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Y/N didn’t figure birthdays were a big deal. Reasoning that a man whose entire life was shrouded in secrecy and kept his face hidden from the entire galaxy wouldn’t play importance on something like the day she was born. Hell, his name wasn’t known until Moff Gideon had announced it to the others.
So when her day had arrived, she quietly just anticipated spending the day like any other. It started like normal, getting up and making sure that the womp rat stayed out of trouble. At least, didn’t get ahold of the controls and shaken them out of hyperspace.
With the child fed, it was onto getting herself fed and cleaned up. Making sure that there was a portion of food for Mando to take into the cockpit to enjoy.
She tried to give him enough time to take a breather with his helmet off. So she busied herself with cleaning and organizing the cargo hold. She had already cleaned the sleeping quarters, throwing the blankets and extra clothes into the cleaning machine.
The vibrations of the Crest told her that they were landing. Mando hadn’t mentioned the next planet they were searching for the child’s people on, but she knew they also needed to resupply. Hopefully there would be some work that could be picked for credits.
The silent Beskar covered man made his way down the ladder after the engines had powered down. He stood in front of the door, adjusting the vambraces and his gloves as she walked up.
“I’ll be back in an hour.” He stated shortly, bypassing the weapons locker and only keeping the blaster that was normally tucked in the holster on his hip.
Y/N nodded, the child propped up on her hip as the ramp lowered. She watched as he walked confidently out onto the sunny skies of Naboo.
The child was down for his nap. Weird little creature, he loved to sleep for hours at a time before awakening to cause more mischief. Apparently his kind needed to sleep on average 17 to 20 hours a day.
She was sitting up in the cockpit, reading from the data pad that staved off hours of boredom in hyperspace and while waiting for Mando while he was on a job. The ground proximity alarm beeped, alerting her that someone was approaching the ship from where they were parked. While she was certain it was Mando, she still slipped down the ladder with one hand gripping the blaster that was her constant companion.
She stopped dead at the base of the ladder. Her boss was back, holding….packages. Brightly covered boxes that could be considered gifts. He didn’t speak, just tilted his visor towards her, waiting.
“Need some help put them away, Mando?” She asked, holstering the blaster and stepping forward.
“Open them.”
Her grin was wide as she reached him. “Yeah?”
He nodded once and thrust them in her hands. Shifting awkwardly from foot to foot in a rare display of nerves for the normally confident man.
She couldn’t deny the giddiness that fissured inside her, trembling slightly in excitement. Opening the paper packages she smiled at how thoughtful the Mandalorian was. The holster that she had strapped to her thigh was one of his, ill fitted to her much smaller non-armored covered thigh. The package contained a beautifully tooled leather holster to replace the one she used.
“Oh, it’s wonderful.” She breathed, lifting it up and running her fingers over the stitches.
“And this.” Mando motioned to the smaller package.
Opening the small paper package she gasped at the necklace that was laying in the tissue paper. The silver necklace was delicate looking, but sturdy. But the pendant on the chain brought tears to her eyes.
It was the symbol of the mudhorn. The same one that was on his pauldron. The symbol of his clan.
“You are a part of our clan. The kid and me.” His gruff tone was hoarse, as if he were struggling to get the words out. “I-I just wanted to show you that.”
She couldn’t speak, choking up as he took the necklace and came around her. She moved her hair as he gently clasped it around her neck.
“Happy Birthday, Y/N.”
It certainly was. It was the best birthday she had ever had. Her hand fingered the pendant as she turned around, her smile lighting up the entire ship as she looked at the t-visor of the leader of her clans helmet.
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 6x14 Page 23
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Okay what episode do we have today?
Ah okay, a Regina centric. That’s cool.
Is that the same guard Snow stripped naked in 1x16? Whaaaat?! Just looked it up and it totally is! Awesome call back! I’m going to name him Jim.
Oh my God, she killed Jim!!
Wait, so this has to be after Heart of Darkness.
The terrified look on that woman’s face when Regina strokes her chin, looks at her longingly and tells her she loves her. Omg Regina was in love with this woman all along! It was never about Daniel. It was about Christina! I’m naming her Christina. 
They are my otp now.
How did Tinker Bell get out of neverland? Pan decides when people leave, and I doubt he’d let her leave just to pay a visit with the Evil Queen. But then and again maybe it was all part of his big plan.
Oh. Pixie dust doesn’t dictate who your true love is. It just shows you possibilities. That’s not what you said before, Tinker Bell!
Regina, we all know you spared her because she’s your ex-girlfriend.
Actually, this visit from Tinker Bell is odd because she doesn’t seem angry at all like when she, like, wanted to kill Regina in 3x03. How did she go from, “okay. I lost my wings because of you but it’s all cool. I just want my otp together.” to “I’m gonna f***ing drug you with pixie dust and rip your heart out!”?
Also, this is the Evil Queen I like to see. So cold, terrifying and breaking on the inside. I’m not a fan of the humorous one in 6x02. I wish Split Queen was more like this as well. Ah different writers and director. Interesting.
Split Queen: “…not some burlap-loving peasant who sleeps on dirt.” Wish Robin: “Excuse me, I sleep on hay.” Important distinction!
Snow’s so excited about the wedding, bless her.
Lol Zelena just drags Emma’s hand to look at her ring. My girl loves shiny things! And how could I forget, her otp is getting married! She is in heaven right now!
I love Emma just casually talking to Zelena like they’re gal pals at a sleepover. More of this please! 
I can see what sqers say about this scene. Regina really does look hurt by the notion of Emma getting married. There is no heterosexual reason for her to react like this unless she’s in love with Hook. I think this is the only time they hug. Man, I feel so bad for sqers because upon this rewatch I can really see where they are coming from with that interpretation. It’s definitely there. And then they hug because Emma’s getting married to someone else. I would be so upset if that was my otp. What am I talking about, I watched 10 seasons of Smallville as a hardcore Chloe x Clark shipper. I think this exact scenario played out and it freaking hurts! 
In other news, I am so in love with Snow. Have I mentioned that? I feel like I haven’t mentioned it in a while and it needs to be said. 
I’m also in love with David, in case you forgot. I want to join their marriage. Can I join their marriage? I’m joining their marriage. Emma, I’m your mummy now. Don’t think about the age difference too much. 
I’ve eaten a lot of chocolate already today. Can you tell? I feel so alive! I want to share my social security number and be freeee!! I am trying to block out my anxiety about having to move house again next friday. Yep, that’s right, 4th place in two years. I think I will write all of these high on chocolate.
What would happen if you cut your hair with those sheers? Or your garden bush? No, that is not a euphemism, you dirty bastards (affectionate). 
I haven’t had a haircut in 10 years. Holy cow! That’s why my afro is so big, it’s full of secrets. 
Nemo is your dad now, Hook. Even though I’m pretty sure he’s a lot younger than you. 
He called him “My boy.” hehe.
I remember when I thought Hook and Rumple had the same mother. That would have been quite the twist.
I thought that vase of flowers was a giant cauliflower. Did you know broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, brussels sprouts and turnips are all related? I wonder what thanksgivings are like when they all get together. Probably not fun for them. 
See what I did there xD? 
Emma: “This is my fault. I’m the one who convinced you to bring him here. It’s on me.” Regina: “Emma, you don’t have anything to make up for. You were just trying to help.” Omg, this compared to when she told Emma she’d ruined her life because Emma saved Marian. The development. I really appreciate this change because I nearly lost it with Regina when that was her attitude. 
Screw it, I’m making bean enchiladas. Brb. I’ll save you some!
I’m back! They’re in the oven. Anyone wants the recipe hmu! They’re veggie! 
You just know Split Queen and Wish Robin have a sexy dungeon in their castle. They just do.
Enchanted ropes would have been useful in so many situations.
The enchiladas are ready! Repeat after me, Becky: “I will remember oven gloves this time, I will remember oven gloves this time.”
Robin is so into Split Queen. He wants her to live with him and everything, even though they just met. 
I don’t think that arrow would have taken her to Robin since it takes her to the thing she loves most. She can’t love someone she’s never met. We all know it would shoot Christina right in the ass. That’s true love biatches! Evil Peasant 5ever!
Oh snap! Emma found Hook looking at himself killing her grandfather??! I completely forgot about this!
Why does she say, “That’s David’s father”? Why doesn’t she say, “That’s my grandfather,” or “That’s my dad’s dad”? She hasn’t called her dad ‘David’ in years. It’s like she’s trying to separate herself from the victim as much as possible.
She’s not even a little bit upset he killed her dad’s dad? That that event caused her father so much pain? She’s just infuriated that he tried to burn his memory. I mean, yes, she should be angry about that but where’s the empathy for her dad at least? I didn’t know any of my grandfathers well but if I found out I was engaged to someone who did that I would be angry for my grandparent, angry for my parent and angry for myself. I’m just speechless that that’s all she cares about. It seems so out of character. But then and again Regina had her other grandad killed. 
And now he’s gonna leave because he rightfully got told off. Can’t say I’d offer the same thing but she said, “until you’re ready” not “you’ll never be ready”, dude. 
I think he’s just scared David will punch him in the face at this point. It’s the only explanation for doing the exact opposite thing Emma asked of him.
“Captain Hook is always welcome on the Nautilus.” More like welcome on the naughty list after that stunt.
She doesn’t want a man, Henry Sr. She just confessed her deep, passionate, sexual love for Christina like 20 minutes ago, remember? Sometimes I wonder why I bother. It’s not even subtext, dude. Get it together, man.
Why don’t they fight themselves with magic?
Her dad is so heartbroken the person Regina hates most is herself. 
That is really sad that the person she hates most his herself. I can relate.
Yes! Launch those apples at yourself! 
My conversations with myself be like-
Oh boy. This is too reminiscent of conversations with myself. Yes, I sword fight myself wearing a fancy black, cleavage-revealing dress in my head all the time. Only joking, I wear trilby hats. 
Oh okay. Now they’re tying each other up. I see what this is really about. I still haven’t bleached the “we do like it rough, don’t we Regina?” line from my mind. 
I suppose she did take back some of her own darkness. But I was hoping she would just merge herself back together. That would have been a really predictable outcome, but I just would have preferred it. 
This scene is so weird lol, but it helped me tremendously. I used to hate myself so, so much. You don’t even understand. It was like a violent hatred for myself for not fitting in and for every single little mistake I’d ever made. Then with a lot of self- healing and the help of this episode I began my journey into loving myself. I wrote on a sticky note “Love yourself. If the Evil Queen can do it, so can you.” and stuck it to my wall. Nothing I’ve done is comparable to what the Evil Queen has done and if she can learn to love herself, why can’t everyone else. Anyone who’s struggling with self-hatred, please take this episode to heart. You are worthy of love, most importantly from yourself. Any time you find yourself hating yourself just try to remember this scene and that the flipping Evil Queen of all people recognised the importance of self-love and didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought. She damn well gave herself a chance. I’ve heard a good technique is looking in the mirror and telling yourself what you love about you. Even if you’re not feeling it at first, you could get into the habit of it and your brain will start to accept those words as true. Because they are true.
Aww she sees the Charmings as her family. 
Regina: “it did give me hope when I needed it most, and that is just as important.” Oh my God, preach the word Regina! Regina is preaching with fire today! 
It’s like she’s having a therapy session with herself. I need to do that. I really do. Then I need to get actual therapy lol xD. But baby steps! 
Okay. A loophole as to how he can change Split Queen’s story. You know what, at this point I’ve learnt just to go with it.
Can Snow and Zelena be best friends? Please. It’s literally all I want in life. And to join Snowing’s marriage. I’m not asking for much. I’ll talk about it in self-therapy.
Henry’s got Gideon’s haircut now. He wants to be cool like his uncle.
I want to look at myself with the love and adoration Regina looks at herself with. We should all get to that point where we look like we’re about to intensely make out with ourselves when we look in the mirror. 
I know what they were doing with page 23. I just wish Split Queen had changed her outfit so it could have been exactly like the page illustration. But I don’t think it was meant to predict the future. It was just one of Isaac’s fanfictions, wasn’t it? Hmm. I think it was a mystery to him as well if I can remember correctly.
It’s nice that oq shippers got their ship in the end in one form.
Snow is just constantly high up to her eyeballs on hope, bless her. 
Emma needs a dog. She seems like such a dog person.
Also, that enchilada was yumilicious, if I do say so myself.
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mayraki · 4 years
The Trained Assassin.
Spencer Reid series. Part 3.
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Not my gif! Credits to the owner.
Summary: Life’s not easy when you found out that instead of being trained to be a spy for the CIA, you are being trained to be an assassin, a killer. The people you wanted to stop, they were making you one. That’s when you joined the BAU to become someone new, you didn’t want to be someone’s toy. You wanted your past to be arrased, that’s all. But it’s not easy to hide a past like that.
I just wanted to say thank you for all the love the last part got, I am so grateful for every like, reblog and comment you guys gave me! Thank you so much and I hope you guys are staying safe 💞
After the last case, you all went back the BAU and had the weekend off. But you didn’t enjoy it as much as you wanted.
All you could think was the look on your team when you took all those men alone.
“You saved five women, you saved five women” you said to yourself over and over again.
You did want to go back to the office Monday morning, but you didn’t want to get all those questions you were trying to avoid all those months on the BAU.
When you got to your desk, you couldn’t see anyone of the team around. That was strange.
You went to the meeting room... empty.
Where is everybody?
Since they were not in Hotch’s office or the kitchen, there was only one place left; Garcia’s office.
You walked fast to the room and once you could see the inside, you noticed that everyone, including Hotch and Gideon, was watching a video on Garcia’s computer. But you couldn’t see what it was.
When you got close enough that you could hear the noise, you heard a scream and you reconoced it immediately. It was the man you stabbed a couple of days ago. They were watching the camera footage from the workshop.
Damn it, Garcia. How did you find it?
“Fuck...” Emily said.
“I know...” Spencer let his left hand go over his face like he was trying to process what he just watched.
“Well, know we know who’s the most badass of the group. She’s like a 20/10” Garcia said.
“Did you all enjoy the movie?” You said for the fist time since you came into the room.
The whole team turned to you and all the eyes were on you.
“Sorry, y/n” Garcia said when she turned the video off.
You gave her a half smile and nodded “it’s ok. Do we have a meeting?”
“No, not yet” Gideon said and seconds after you got your response, you stormed out of the room.
“Y/n!” You heard Hotch yelled your name but you didn’t stop. You wanted to be alone and try to calm your anger down.
It’s not that you were angry at them, you were angry at yourself because you let all of this stuff get to you. You were used to things not bother you, you were trained like that. But for some reason all of this matter to you more than anything else you’ve worked with before. The team. Their opinion mattered to you.
“Y/n, they insisted that they wanted to see the video, it’s not...” Hotch said once he got to your side but you cut him off.
“Hotch, it’s ok, really. It’s not normal that a girl can take six men by herself. It’s normal that they have questions”
Hotch grabbed gently your arm and pulled you aside, making sure no one could hear him talk.
“I understand that is your decision if you want to tell them or not, but if you want them to trust and now after that video, treat you normally or like everyone else, your going to have to tell them.”
“Hotch, I don’t know” you said letting out a little sigh.
“I know that you are afraid that...”
“Don’t profile me, Hotch” I said looking at him in the eyes.
“I’m not, I’m just understanding what a friend is going through and I want to help her” your face relaxed once you heard the word ‘friend’ came out of Hotch’s mouth. He never called you a friend. “They are not going to treat you like a killer”
And he touched the wound that it was inside your brain. Since you joined the CIA, everyone treated you differently. Treated you like you were not important, or like a machine they could turn on when it was necessary. Never like an equal, never like someone smart, but some trained killer.
“They are not. I promise you that. Everyone has their past here”
“I know that.”
“We learned that what we were is not important. What is important is what we are right now. Believe me, they know that better than anyone in the CIA”
“Y/n, we are going to meet up at a bar tonight. Would you like to join us?” Emily asked you while you were reading an old case trying to get your paper work done.
You looked up at her and noticed her coat on her hand and her purse in her left shoulder, deducing she was just about to leave work.
“Sure” you gave her a half smile.
“Sweet. I’ll text you the details. See you tonight”
“See you” she started to walk towards the lift and you went back to your paper work.
You looked at the clock on your desk and noticed that two hours passed since everyone left work to go to their homes. You checked at your phone and read the text that Emily sent you an hour ago. If you wanted to get to the bar in time, you had to leave now.
“Are you going to the bar?” Spencer asked behind you and you turned around to see him.
“Spencer? I thought everyone went home” you said and started to pack up your things.
“Well, sometimes I stay late because I start to read a book and then time flys, and suddenly it’s 8 and... everything is dark.” He smiled and looked around.
“Is the book that good? It made you forget everything around you and time went flying. That is the meaning of a good book” you hanged your bag on your left shoulder after you put on your black jacket.
“That is a really cool jacket.” He said “it makes you look like a real... badass”
You let out a little laugh “you think?”
Oh, that’s one of the things that pretty boy Spencer was thinking right now. The way that jacket went around your arms making them look better than ever. He couldn’t help but look at the tight shirt you were wearing when you reached to grab an envelope that you had on your desk. The intrigue about who’s letter that was appeared on his head, was it a boyfriend? A family member? But who writes letters now a day?
“Are you going to the bar tonight?” You asked him once you started to walk towards the lift followed by Spencer.
“I don’t think so... are you?” He didn’t had plans on going since the next day was a work day, but he wanted to know if you were going. Something made him feel like if you were going, he’ll be delighted to go with you.
“Yeah, I think it would be good if I get out a little, you know. I didn’t do anything since I started the BAU” the lift came to your floor and both of you stepped inside.
“I think you’re right. Me neither. I’m going” he said faster than he ever said a sentence before. He cleared his throat and added “working on a job like this makes you forget to live a little” he bit his lower lip trying to hide the embarrassment he felt after talking like that.
“Oh, really? Great!” You felt a little more energetic about the fact that Spencer was going and when you noticed your recent feeling your heart did two beats faster than normal.
“Would you like to go with me? I drove here with my car, and if we want to get in time, we have to go now” Spencer asked hoping you would say yes.
“Yeah, sure” you said giving him a little smile.
“Would you like a beer?” Spencer asked you once you stepped inside the club and you nodded.
“I’m going to look for the rest of the team, I’ll save you a seat” he nodded in gratitude and went on separate ways.
“Hi beautiful lady!” Gracia greeted you once you made it to their table.
“Hi everyone!”
“Wait, you came straight from work?” Emily asked when she noticed that you had the same clothes.
“Yeah, Spencer and I got caught on some work. We came here together straight from the office” you said sitting down next to Emily and a free chair for Spencer.
“Wait,” Morgan said “you came here with Reid?”
“Yeah,” you nodded like it was nothing “He’s getting us some beers. Why?”
But before anyone could say anything, Spencer sat down next to you giving you the beer that he offered you to buy for you.
“How much?” You asked.
“Oh no, my treat” he said taking a sip of his beer.
“No, Spencer..”
“I won’t argue” he said with a smile on his face being more dominant than you’ve ever heard him be. And you kinda liked that.
“Ok, let’s play a game.” Garcia said.
“A game? What are we? Fifteen?” JJ said jokingly.
“C’mon! It’s going to be fun! It’s never have I ever”
“Oh, yes, that is a very mature game” Emily said laughing.
“They way we play it, yes, it is very mature” Garcia said with a smile. “The rules are simple, anyone says something, and if you did it, you drink. Ok, I’ll go first and I’ll go easy. Never have I ever kissed a stranger”
Everyone gave a sip of their drinks and Garcia applauded. “Excellent! We can going in a round so everyone can ask something. JJ, your turn”
“Does it have to be dirty or...”
“Yes, dirty JJ, it’s Wednesday night and we are at a club. We just got out of a serial killer case. It has to be” Garcia said.
“That doesn’t make any sense, but ok, never have I ever... had sex in a car”
Everyone drank but all the looks were in Spencer’s face. You joined at the team with the staring but couldn’t understand the meaning.
“You?” Morgan asked “having sex in a car?”
Yes, it was noticible that Spencer was the kind to be innocent, but I’ve learned over the couple of years, that the innocents are always the worst.
“Yeah, at least 90% of the population had sex on a car. C’mon!”
You laughed at his weird fact and Spencer looked and you while giving you a wink. You took it by surprise and wondered where this Spencer was all along.
“Never have I ever...” Emily said trying to think for something to say “Oh. I got it! Never have I ever screamed during sex”
Everyone looked at her with suprise but Garcia had a little smile on her face. “I like that!”
“What kind of sex are you having?” JJ asked. “And where can I get some?”
You laughed and watched Emily take a sip.
“You lucky woman” you said.
“Good in bed, but such an asshole” she said.
“Uh, those are the worst ones” Garcia said. “Next!” And she locked eyes with you.
“Oh, ok, never have I ever... slept with a stranger” Morgan drank.
“You nasty boy” Garcia said jokingly and Morgan laughed.
“Yeah, after working on a job where you investigate a lot of murderers and men being crazy, I don’t trust that easily anymore” JJ said.
“I have one” Spencer said “Never have I ever played strip poker”
Everyone drank and you felt the effects of the alcohol starting to affect your body.
“You played strip poker?” Morgan asked to Spencer “but you’re so good, tell me you played all the cards wrong so you could get a little bit of action”
Spencer let out a little laugh “Yeah, it was easier than I expected”
“My turn. Never have I ever took a nude” Morgan said and he took a sip.
“Really?” Garcia said “someone remaind me to hack his phone tomorrow”
Everyone laughed and Emily and JJ drank.
“What, really?” Morgan asked me.
“Nope, never” he sounded more shooked about the fact that you never took a nude than the boy next to me, who didn’t took a sip either.
“Never. You have to trust me in this one” you said.
“Oh, Yeah,” he said jokingly “she says trust, the girls who took down six men alone with no gun, something that requires a special set of skills and we have no idea where she got them...” there was fun on his voice, like he was joking and no trying to be serious at all. But the words hit you like a rock.
Hotch was right. They were never going to trust you.
“I’ll be right back” you said and stood up, walking towards the outside door.
You stood there with your arms around your body when the cold air caught your skin. The words Morgan said were going around your head on and on. It’s not like you knew everything about everyone’s past, but no one comes in and has the skills with no explanation. You had to be honest with yourself, if it was he other way around, you wouldn’t trust them either. The question appeared on your head; if you told them? Wouldn’t it be better?
“Are you ok?” Spencer asked when he got next to you.
“Yeah, it’s just... he’s right” you didn’t know how the words came out like it was nothing. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was something about Spencer that made you feel like you could talk to him and tell him all you life, you didn’t know, and you were a little bit afraid of that feeling, but you didn’t want it to go away either.
“You don’t own us any explanation y/n” Spencer said and noticed that you were feeling a little bit cold, so he got close to you. You didn’t moved away because deep down you felt grateful that he did that.
“It’s not about owning anything, it’s about...” you couldn’t think of a way of explaining it.
“About what?”
You took a second to find the correct words.
“I feel like, if the team doesn’t trust me, I won’t be able to trust them too” you said finally and Spencer put his hand on your shoulder.
“We do trust you. You have to give it time”
You looked at him in the eyes, with the deep look that you always used when you were in a interrogation. You wanted him to tell you the truth, and that was not it.
“And you’re going to tell me that you’ve never felt a little curios about it?” You got closer to him and felt his sweater touched your hands while they were around your chest. “Spencer, if I want this to work, i have to talk about it”
He took a second to respond, without breaking eye contact with you. “It seems like you need to talk about it, y/n”
You unintentionally looked at his lips and noticed that they were relaxed, but his body said otherwise. His fingers were tense, touching each other like they were trying to stay worm, his breathing was heavy and you went up to his eyes.
You two noticed the tension. Spencer felt like all he wanted to do was to hug you and cure everything that was bothering you. He wanted to keep talking to you all night long. They wey that your lips tensed when he said that last sentence made him look down at them. They were a beautiful shade of pink. He couldn’t notice much detail in them because it was dark, but he did noticed one thing, he wanted to taste them. He wanted to kiss you.
Both of you wanted the same thing, but couldn’t find the courage to do it. The time that you were there felt like ages, making each other feel comfortable. But in reality, just a couple of seconds passed.
“Guys” JJ said “I got a call, we have to be on the office as fast as we can”
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caribbean-ace · 3 years
Thoughts after Supergirl 6x07 (buckle up, this is long):
1. Finally we’re moving forward to look Kara.
2. The recap pretty much sums up what has happened the entire mid season.
3. Will papa El be safe? I don’t want him to die
4. My Kara :( don’t touch my child.
5. Lena and Kelly are back yay😍
6. Which means the team is complete and now they’re going to find Kara *dances*
7. Science!Lena is everything to me😍 also, go off Kelly you’re a queen
8. We love a supportive girlfriend.
9. Lena upgraded her outfit, that’s because they’re finding Kara lol
10. I’m assuming Guardian’s debut will be for next mid season.
11. Oh boy the phantom escaped, this isn’t good
13. Shit just hit the fan. Oh boy this is really bad… Alex was being reckless but she just misses her sister
14. Don’t hurt my baby Alex
15. Lmao Nia is me admiring Lena. Lena is me admiring Nia. Girl freaking power😍 bonding timeeeee
16. “I miss my mom everyday too” 😭😭😭 as if i wasn’t crying alreadyyyy
17. Don’t hurt my baby Lenaaaa
18. What the fuck is happening! What the fuck happened to Brainy :(
19. Oh no, Lena reliving her trauma while they’re in danger this just went to 0 to welp we’re fuck
20. Brainy and Kelly bonding, this is nice! Give me more of it please
21. This is stressful, don’t hurt my children :( Kelly you go queen this is the birth of Guardian😍
22. So Kara wasn’t wrong when she said that all of them could get kill trying to help her.
23. Again, Nia is the freaking MVP of this episode.
24. So everyone is in the brick of death in this episode.
25. The Tower needs a system like Gideon, just saying.
26. Go papa spaceeee
27. When i said i missed the angst i didn’t mean it like this. Christ i’ve been on the edge of my seat the entire time
28. Are they going to dwell on Kara’s extensive trauma? If not, this is going to feel bland.
29. YEEEEES THE REUNION fucking finally😭
30. So no hugging the rest of the team?
31. Aaaaand i thought she was dead tho…
So overall it was a wild ride this episode, we’re half way there, i’m wondering how they’re going to wrap up the Lex story, since you know he got to walk away from all the things he did. Still don’t know how William fits in all of this, his character should’ve never been introduced (imo). All supercorp aside, if they’re going to force some shitty relationship let them be single instead. I hope they address the trauma Kara suffered while being in the PZ. There’s a whole lot more to say but this post is already freaking long so, we’ll leave it like this. Any thoughts or comments are welcome and please remember to always be respectful!
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I Can Barely Breathe
An Angsty as fuck fic for Fabian Prewett and Amethyst Black. Amethyst is my OC. She is Sirius’ twin and the only girl marauder. Her animagus is an arctic fox called Zerry. This is a war time fic where they are all 20. It is set a little after Gideon dies, toward the end of the war. Fabian breaks up with Meth because he doesn’t want her to hurt in case he dies too and he refuses to listen to any sort of reason. There is major heartbreak.
Warning: angst, sad, swearing, heartbreak, canon divergence, happy ending
A/N: first of all, I am so sorry. If you had formed any kind of attachment to Amethyst, you would hate me for this. Sorry? In my defense, my last fic was fluffy and I think that makes up for whatever I’m going to do now. I did get a little carried away so this is a little longer than my typical one-shots and well oops. Sirius does not go to Azkaban and Fabian does not die in this for the sake of my sanity.
Nobody likes a war or the destruction it brings. The Wizarding War against death eaters was taking the lives of many young witches and wizards. Just last week, the Order had lost a few of its members. Amethyst had lost her friends, and Fabian had lost his brother. It had been a tough few days for everyone. However, the war had not slowed down for any of them. The missions had not stopped despite the harsh circumstances. Amethyst sat at her desk at the Headquarters of the Order, finishing up her latest mission report. Her dark hair was tied in a messy bun. Once done, she filed it away and gathered all her belongings. The small watch on her wrist, a graduation gift from her wonderful boyfriend, told her it was a little before midnight.
“Hey, Marls?” Amethyst called, letting her hair free of its ties.
“Yes, luv?” Marlene Mckinnon had been a dear friend of Meth since they were both eleven. She had grown into a brave and beautiful young woman.
“I’m going to head home. If you need anything, let me know, alright?”
“I’ll be fine. Enjoy your night off.” Marlene then winked at her causing Amethyst to chuckle. She really admired Marlene for her ability to joke at a time like this. The two girls said their goodbyes and Amethyst left Marlene to finish her patrolling shift for the night.
Amethyst Apparated outside the apartment she shared with her boyfriend of the last four years, Fabian Prewett. She slid her key into the brown wooden door and pushed it open. She put all her stuff on the chair in the corner and tossed her jacket on the bed.
“I’m out here.” Fabian’s voice came from the balcony. Amethyst poured them some hot tea and joined her boyfriend outside. She put their glasses on the railing and slid her arm through Fabian’s.
“Couldn’t sleep?” She asked. Fabian shook his head. Amethyst slowly ran her hand through his hair and then kept her head on his shoulder. “Want to talk about it?”
Fabian let out a long sigh. “Meth, what are we doing?”
“We’re fighting a war is what we’re doing.”
“No, I mean, what are we doing?” Amethyst frowned slightly.
“What are you talking about? Is this about Gideon?”
“No. Actually, yes. That’s exactly what this is about.” Amethyst cupped her boyfriend’s face in her hands. Her grey eyes peered into his blue ones.
“Talk to me, sweetheart.” Fabian looked at her and let of a breath Amethyst hadn’t realized he was holding.
“It could’ve been me. I was there, on that mission. I could have been hit. I-I could have died.”
“But you didn't, Fab!”
“Not this time!” Fabian’s voice rose in volume. “I see the fear in your eyes when I don’t come back on time. I know how terrified you were when you heard about Gideon. I know how much it scares you that I could just not come back one day. I can’t keep doing that to you.”
“What...What are you saying?” Amethyst inquired, even though she already had an idea of what’s coming.
“You know what I’m saying, Meth. Don’t make me say it.” Amethyst dropped her hands from Fabian’s face and took a step back. 
“You’re breaking up with me.”
“No! What do you think this will achieve, Fabian? You think breaking up with me will make me hate you? I loved you before we even got together. Why would that change now?”
“I am so sorry.” Fabian’s voice was heavy.
“Would you not care? If I...If I died tomorrow, would you not care anymore?”
“Of course, I would. You know I would.”
“Then why the fuck are my feelings any different?!” Amethyst yelled, tears now streaming down her face. Fabian could do nothing but look at her with an apologetic expression on his face. Meth then spoke again, her voice down to nothing but a broken whisper, “That’s how you want to do it then?”
“It’s the only way I know how.” Amethyst stepped closer to Fabian and put her hands on his shoulders.
“Kiss me,” She whispered, against his mouth. “If I do die tomorrow, I want that to be the last thing you did to me.”
Fabian snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He then leaned down and kissed her as though he never had before. Just for one second, Amethyst forgot what was going on.
“I love you, Fabian Prewett.” Meth whispered through her tears as they broke apart.
“I love you, too.” Amethyst shot him a small smile as she headed back inside, grabbed her jacket, and headed out the door.
Once she had walked out that door, however, Amethyst realised that she had no idea what to do next or where to go. The only place that came to mind was her brother’s, Sirius’, place. Sirius had been by her side her whole life. He had always sheltered her from their parents. So she closed her eyes and she Apparated.
As Amethyst stood outside their front door, she noticed the lights inside were off. However, despite her better judgement, she knocked on their door. She just didn’t want to be alone at the moment. After a few seconds, she saw the light switch on inside and heard footsteps coming toward the door.
“Who is it?” She heard a sleepy voice she recognized and Remus Lupin’s, Sirius’ long term boyfriend and one of Amethyst’s best friends.
“It’s Meth. Amethyst.”
There was a short pause before Remus continued, “What did you say when I first told you about liking your brother?”
“I said, ‘About damn time.’ And then I dog piled you.” Amethyst’s voice was heavy, laced with emotion. She heard the locks click and the door swung open. Remus looked at her tear-stained face and immediately pulled her into the apartment.
“Amethyst! What’s wrong?” He asked her as he sat her down on the sofa.
The dark-haired girl shook her head. “Can I just stay here for tonight?”
“Did Fabian do something? SIRIUS! GET IN HERE!”
It didn’t take too long for Amethyst’s twin brother to walk out of the bedroom he shared with Remus.
“Meth? What’s wrong?! It’s 1 AM.”
Amethyst told him about Fabian, tears streaming down her stormy grey eyes as her brother wrapped his arms around her.
It had been a few months since Fabian had broken up with Amethyst. It had gotten a little easier for her to run into him during the meetings of the Order. Not easy, no, but easier. She had moved in with her brother and Remus, both of whom were currently on a mission with Lily and James and a few other members of the order. That left Meth alone to babysit the Potters’ one-year-old son, Harry. She slowly lifted the baby from the bassinet Lily had dropped off and propped him up on her lap.
“It’s just you and me, kid.” Harry’s arms reached out to grab the glasses off her face. She laughed. “Can you say ‘Meth’, Harry? Hm?”
Baby Harry Potter looked at her with his big green eyes. Then, with all the power in his little body, he said, “Meh.”
“Close enough.”
“Please don’t teach my son how to say ‘Meth’.” Amethyst turned around and saw her redhead friend standing in the doorway. James, Remus and Sirius were with her too.
“You’re back early. How did the hunt go?” Meth asked, handing Harry to his mother.
“Still no news on Peter.” Remus prompted. Peter Pettigrew was a friend of theirs from Hogwarts. He had joined the Order with them but had been missing for quite some time.
“I hope he’s alright.” James said, clearly worried for their friend. Lily reached out and took her husband’s hand in her own, attempting to comfort him. Amethyst smiled at her friends, and the little boy with the bright eyes. She knew that whatever happens, she could always count on them to be there for her.
December, 1981
The war was over. Losing James and Lily was one of the hardest things Amethyst had ever dealt with. However, Sirius, Remus and and baby Harry Potter were always there for her. As she was for them. The last two months had been tough, but their life was slowly getting back to normal. Amethyst was at Hogsmeade, doing a grocery run for the house. She had picked up some chocolate for Harry (and Remus). Her last stop, of course, was Rosemerta’s.
“Hey, darling. Two fire whiskeys and a butterbeer, please.” She said to the woman behind the counter as she dug her pockets for galleons.
“Amethyst?” She heard a voice behind her. She turned around to a tall, ginger boy staring at her with his blue eyes.
“Fabian, uh, hi.”
“You...you look good.” He flashed her a smile, the kind that once made her heart flutter. Hell, it still did. She nodded and there was a silence between them. “Amethyst, I’m really sorry.”
“For what?”
“For what happened to James and Lily. And for what I did. I should have been there for you.”
“Fab, that was six months ago.” Amethyst turned to grab her drinks off of the counter, trying not to meet Fabian’s eye.
“I’ve fucking missed you, Meth. Everyday for the last six months. Letting you go was the stupidest decision I ever made.” He said, once they had left Rosmerta’s tavern.
“Fab…” Amethyst noticed he was standing a lot closer to her than he was a few moments ago. Suddenly, Amethyst was 15 again and all her feelings came rushing back to her. Before she had the chance to question her decision, she stood on her toes and kissed Fabian. She had almost forgotten how good that felt. His arms instinctively went to her waist and hers went around his neck. As they broke away, Amethyst buried her face into his neck while her hands still rested on his shoulders. They stayed like that, with his arms still around her hips, for a few moments until Fabian spoke again.
“Would you like to grab a drink with me on Friday?” She looked at him and laughed. Genuine laughter, the kind she hadn’t felt in a very long time.
“I’d love to.”
Taglist: @addisonsintern @quickbright @beanieyogurt @just--another--bean @dreamerthinker @stevie-rin-hargreeves @tolkienlockian
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