#i want you to look at Yura
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Юра Борисов в объективе Славы Новикова, 2020
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jenceno4848 · 4 months
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Screencap redraw of my favorite scene from 100 Epitaphs by the famous Ferry
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rikichie · 2 months
Just don't ask me how that huge plush was thrown there
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Under the cut, things I imagine in YOI pre-canon, with the ways my thoughts tie into canon to explain why I think them. These are personal headcanons and interpretations.
With Viktor, I imagine his family being high achieving, and Viktor having a lot of expectations on him. And he matches then successfully. But this means his parents think he's doing well, even in moments where emotionally he isn't. They look at achievements rather than looking at him. It's not intentional neglect, they just don't have the awareness of mental wellbeing. He has a bed and food and he's doing well in school and skating, so everything must be okay. It's fine when he's fine, it's lonely when he's not. And it's the first environment that teaches him to match himself to what's expected and wanted of him, fulfilling a role rather than just being.
When he's older, he quietly creates distance. Not cutting them off, but not reaching out. They don't mind. They follow news, and they can show off his success.
When he's young, Viktor loves having fans and being known and admired. Af first he doesn't see downsides to it. And then something happens, as simple as "did you see him throwing the flower at Christophe Giacometti? He was flirting, how cute" - and Viktor realizes his fans will draw their own conclusions and won't believe him if he tries to say they're wrong.
So he starts adjusting his approach. Building a persona, and building walls. Charming smiles that get him anything he wants. Practicing the skill of giving people what they expect. Being what they expect. And then flipping it on its head and surprising them.
If you're focusing on matching and subverting expectations, you're not necessarily being yourself. Any personal exploration of identity is hidden and alone. But on the ice, when he's performing, he can be honest. He can be seen. Because they're going to take it as fake. Think of how Minako reacted to Stammi Vicino - Viktor's earnest plea for someone to stay by his side, well, he's too charming for this to tug at the heartstrings. So he can play with stories that he won't share with anyone any other way, and he knows they'll take it as pretend.. The walls he builds don't allow him to be truly close to people. He has good relationships with other skaters, but emotionally keeps them at arm's length. He doesn't notice he's isolating. Chris and he have fun joke-flirting, but when Viktor steps away from the ice Chris doesn't seem to realize he needs this, isn't close enough to know what he's struggling with. He talks like Viktor is taking away the motivation he's entitled to by choosing to coach Yuuri. His rinkmates see him on good and bad days so they know when he struggles, and Yakov is the only person close to knowing him deeply, but even he doesn't take it seriously when Viktor burns out, so that is still limited.
For Yuri, I think his mother was going through a lot to let his grandfather take care of him. He has a lot of responsibility in that setting, and it all starts when he's so young.
I think, with Viktor being present in his life consistently from such a young age, Viktor is one of the people he sees as family. He absolutely looks up to him, just like he absolutely looks up to Yuuri. And I think he resents the emotional distance Viktor maintains.
He's not very attentive to people in general, but he's the one that explains to us how Viktor feels early in the show. When Viktor left to Japan so suddenly, I think Yura felt abandoned beyond just Viktor forgetting to choreograph a program for him. If it was just the program - he did end up getting Agape, he could have just asked for that, but he tried to get Viktor to go back. I feel like he hates that Viktor went to look for a way to get his spark back somewhere else, instead of staying and finding a way out of his slump with his rinkmates. If what Viktor needs is to coach someone, why isn't Yuri good enough? He's a talented skater and he sees himself as continuing Viktor's legacy, but Viktor chose someone else for that role.
And Viktor did choose Yuuri to continue his legacy. Because Yuuri skates so beautifully, because Yuuri has so much love for Viktor's skating, because Yuuri has drive and ambition and pride and skill and he finds joy in skating, and Viktor wants to nurture all of that into the performance Yuuri deserves to show.
And along the way, he learns how to connect with people as himself. His relationships with Yuuri and Yuuri's family open doors for him to better and deeper relationships with Yuri and Chris and anyone else he wants to be close to.
About Yuuri, there's very little I can say because we know so much. So I'll just share a lighthearted headcanon a few friends and I came up with as a story idea and I just adopted.
I don't share the fanon that Phichit got him into pole dancing. In my mind, he either started himself, or it was Chris - unintentionally. I think they're friends, because of how Yuuri reacted to him in the show, like he's used to him. And I like to think Chris kept saying things that made Yuuri feel competitive. Talking about how it's great for core strength, "but it's probably not your thing." Sent pictures of himself performing difficult moves, and got pictures back because Yuuri was trying to match him or do more difficult things than him. And meanwhile Chris thinks they're showing off to each other for fun. It's how Chris knew Yuuri can keep up with him at the banquet.
I still want to write something for that last bit.
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ressonancee · 4 months
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♥ SYNOPSIS: Soonyoung is a man on a mission to get his ex back, even if this means enduring watching her going on dates in a reality TV show - ok maybe he didn't think it through when he thought it was a good idea to go on said tv show. Alternatively; Soonyoung love transit episode. ♥ GENRE: (this is me trying to do) comedy, romance, a little dash of angsty because they are exes and because it is me writting I guess. ♥ TEASER WORD COUNT: 437 words, FIC WORD COUNT: around 25k? I don't know it is getting out of hands ♥ FEATURING: Wen Junhui as Soonyoung's number one enemy, Xu Minghao, Lee Chan, Boo Seungkwan as a cranky panelist, Seo Changbin as a normal panelist, Girls Day Yura just because I love her, Pi Cheolin as a panelist that nobody knows why he has been cast but he makes it work. ♥ PLAYLIST: 1. VINTAGE - NIKI, 2. LAS JORDANS - TINI, 3. CALL ME - RENGGA JONES, 4. STILL INTO YOU - PARAMORE, 5. LOVE LIKE THAT - SAM KIM, 6. TENTA ACREDITAR - ANAVITÓRIA, 7. URS - NIKI ♥ LOVE TRANSIT MASTERLIST
“Do you know you have to think about other options too, right?” The producer asks him. The giant camera is way too close to his face and the producer is sitting just under it - in a little stool that looks utterly uncomfortable. Soonyoung wanted to face her, but she begged three different times to stare right at the camera. He is sitting so still that he can feel the energy accumulating on his body, making him almost quick in his seat.
“I am not interested in that,” Soonyoung answers - staring at the camera and trying to not blink too much even if the lights of the studio hurt his eyes. 
“But the point of this program is that you are open to dating other people and letting her date other people as well,” the producer insisted, and Soonyoung almost laughed. He knows that, for fucking sake he only got his date because he is a master in rock paper scissors and his ex went on a date with fucking Junhui. He knows the point of everything, he just doesn't really care.
“Like I said, I am not interested in that, my goal with this,” He tries to explain, using his hand to point at everything, the set actually looked way better on camera and it was very flimsy in real life, and every time he thinks he will break a fake wall. “Is that we get back together,” he grins confidently, “Sorry pd-nim but we will get back together before this end.” 
He hears the producer groan, he is pretty sure she shouldn’t be groaning and this won’t go to the final cut. He thinks the audio people will handle it, they probably will put a fade in music or whatever, they are professionals. 
“I mean,” Seungkwan starts with his broadcast voice, “does he understand the point of the program?”
“I don’t think he does,” Changbin answered him, “He still has feelings for her doesn’t he? Like he talked about her the whole date,” he said laughing.
“I am sorry,” Seungkwan pipes up again, “PD-nim are you sure that this guy is even trying? Are you guys even doing your job picking guys like this one?” 
“This one is definitely unique, he is not even trying,” Yura laughs, “But I really did like her dynamic with Jun, the date was super cute.”
“Me too, me too,” Pi Cheolin says, a little way too enthusiastic, “But I don’t think Soonyoung will let us see more of them together.” 
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nopanamaman · 6 months
this has probably been asked before but ... what's been the biggest struggle with writing PAFL thus far? how did you handle any blocks/obstacles in your writing process? i've hit a lot of points where i've been unable to fix or connect plot holes, so i'm always interested in how others who are producing their stories handle these problems
That's a good question anon
It's a bit hard to say now, since the story has been solidified a good while ago... But I think the ending was what gave me the most trouble, even when most of the current PAFL story was already laid out.
I've already talked about the first ending being too dismal for my liking. While I know it could've worked and satisfied a good number of people, to me it felt like it justified Yura's initial nihilistic worldview. Also it left a lot of threads hanging in a way I found rather unsatisfying.
What helped me is stealing. I though about what endings made me feel satisfied in the past, what scenes and moments made the journey feel worth it, even if the conclusion wasn't 100% happy.
As a result, I pulled from a lot of different places for inspiration. While I still have some peculiarities to iron out in terms of how I want the final sequence to play out, I'm far happier with what I have now.
So I guess as banal as it is, look to other things. Don't be afraid to copy shit you enjoy - it's about how you mix and match your inspirations. That's how you make the story your own!
When it comes to plotholes, I got two strategies. The classic: gloss over them and patch things up on the fly later on if somebody notices. Sounds bad, but honestly, if the inconsistency isn't absolutely story- and logic-breaking most people won't care.
Actually, most people won't care even if the plothole is severe as long as the story you're telling is engaging and entertaining enough. So don't beat yourself up too hard about it.
That said, if the plothole is genuinely stopping the story from progressing properly or breaks immersion in a major way, it's best to just scrap that whole chunk of the plot and rethink it from the ground up.
I remember reading something like, "If you're writing prose and feel absolutely stuck on a sentence, just go a couple sentences back and rewrite everything from there." You can totally do the same on a more global narrative scale!
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fuedalreesespieces · 6 months
Inuyasha & Demisexuality
i think halfway into writing this i thought about just cramming all my thoughts into a semi-coherent rant due to a combination of a.) lack of access to decent translations of the manga and b.) paranoia about over-analyzing scenes and coming off as delusional (i think by now it's probably too late to thwart that claim) buuut this headcanon in particular is near and dear to me so i want to try and get as in depth as possible.
what is demisexuality?
in simple terms, demisexuality is when an individual doesn't experience primary attraction - that is, the sort of attraction based on immediate observable (often physical) characteristics - and instead only experiences secondary attraction first: the type of attraction that forms after the development of a deep emotional bond.
inuyasha and kikyo
this aforementioned term perfectly describes inuyasha and his relationships with the only women he's ever loved romantically. you could make the claim that his inability to feel primary attraction first stems from his trust issues and not inherent sexual orientation. and to that, i would disagree - he and kikyo develop an emotional bond despite an unspoken lack of trust, which may have improved had naraku not meddled in their lives. still, both find solace in each other's similarities, loneliness, and "outlier" status (though the similarities are in isolation only, if i'm being completely honest) and establish a connection that persists post-revival.
inuyasha eventually did start to feel primary attraction to kikyo during their time together - in the second chapter of the manga, when he compares kagome to her, he states that kikyo "looked pretty."
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[source - viz. i haven't been in this fandom long, but what i've gathered is that there are a lot of mis-translations of this manga, even from viz. since i have yet to buy physical copies of the manga and don't have an account for the site, i'm going to be using fan-scans for the rest of these, which hopefully won't really affect what i'm trying to convey since i'll be looking at character expressions rather than dialogue for most of them.]
i'd also note the order in which he lists those traits: kikyo looked intelligent and pretty. her intelligent appearance is the first part of her he remembers, which i think underscores his priorities in this regard. he values things like intelligence and companionship - facets that come to light when developing secondary attraction towards someone - more than aspects of primary attraction.
inuyasha and kagome
as mentioned before, demisexuals don't feel physical attraction before establishing a tight emotional bond. the most blatant examples i could think of this were any instances in which inuyasha sees kagome nude and his difference in reaction - in particular, during the yura of the hair and togenkyo arcs, which are roughly seventy-three chapters apart. there are two new moons in that time, and from that we can say at least two months have passed.
chapter six: yura of the hair
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kagome's bathing below him, and i'm sorry, but this expression literally screams "zero fucks given." he does not care in the slightest. not a blush. not a spot of red on his cheeks. not a sweatdrop. not a tee-hee. if i were to describe what he's feeling in this moment i would say "extreme ire." when she uses the sit command on him, it's on the assumption that he's "peeking," but kaede understands that it's actually because inuyasha is trying to steal a shard of the shikon jewel.
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"huh?" - he sounds genuinely confused that she reached that conclusion, even though he was quite literally peering over the cliff's edge in what obviously has very perverse connotations. it's almost like he doesn't understand why kagome would think his actions come from a place of sexual attraction because that sort of thing just isn't on his mind at all, and he doesn't get why it would be in the first place.
another extremely blatant example can be see in miroku's introductory chapter: chapter 51, the delinquent priest:
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do i even have to say anything. this scene also further emphasizes my previous point - before, the only reason he was there was to try and steal kagome's jewel shard. if his true intentions had been driven by primary attraction, this would have been an opportune moment to "peep." in his words, however, he just isn't interested. note that he could have said something along the lines of "i wouldn't do something like that" (which, if he was attracted to her in that way from the start, wouldn't have done anyway) but specifically i'm not interested. the primary attraction is not there in the slightest. at least, not until:
chapter eighty two: fateful night in togenkyo
the scene i'm talking about needs no introduction, but for context: kagome's half-freaking out after having woken up in a sake bath. inuyasha breaks down the door to come and rescue her, accidentally seeing her naked in the process. well, i'm sure his reaction won't be that dif-
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...it's only one panel-
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okay, two-
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i think at this point it's fairly obvious that primary attraction has developed. besides the fact that he's spent three panels trying not to look like he's having a quasi allergic reaction, it's been approximately two months since they've met, and by now they've definitely formed the deep emotional bond required for him to begin feeling any primary attraction at all. in fact, the chapter where he tells kagome "there's no replacement for you" - that chapter, where he's vulnerable and honest and opening up to her, strengthening their bond further, (ch. 78, a tender smell) is directly before the togenkyo arc begins, and, thus, just before these scenes occur. these chapters have all been building up secondary attraction, and now that primary attraction is just starting to show up.
several chapters later we have this iconic panel from 173:
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this is such a look of awe, as though he's gazing up at a goddess. jaw dropped, eyes-wide, words trailing off awe. he's entranced. fully head-over-heels in love, feeling both primary and secondary attraction in regards to kagome, and this trend only continues throughout the entirety of the manga.
conclusion + extra thoughts
my belief in this headcanon comes from not just the evidence depicted above, but because i just related a ton reading those scenes. i found myself just nodding along (as someone who's demisexual themselves!) plus, since ace-spectrum representation is so rare, it's nice to see it reflected in a character whose story and relationships i love dearly.
tags: @nightshade-lullaby
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jewishvitya · 2 months
I posted this with my art but I'm putting it on its own.
Things I imagine in YOI pre-canon. These are personal headcanons and interpretations.
With Viktor, I imagine his family being high achieving, and Viktor having a lot of expectations on him. And he matches then successfully. But this means his parents think he's doing well, even in moments where emotionally he isn't. They look at achievements rather than looking at him. It's not intentional neglect, they just don't have the awareness of mental wellbeing. He has a bed and food and he's doing well in school and skating, so everything must be okay. It's fine when he's fine, it's lonely when he's not. And it's the first environment that teaches him to match himself to what's expected and wanted of him, fulfilling a role rather than just being.
When he's older, he quietly creates distance. Not cutting them off, but not reaching out. They don't mind. They follow news, and they can show off his success.
When he's young, Viktor loves having fans and being known and admired. Af first he doesn't see downsides to it. And then something happens, as simple as "did you see him throwing the flower at Christophe Giacometti? He was flirting, how cute" - and Viktor realizes his fans will draw their own conclusions and won't believe him if he tries to say they're wrong.
So he starts adjusting his approach. Building a persona, and building walls. Charming smiles that get him anything he wants. Practicing the skill of giving people what they expect. Being what they expect. And then flipping it on its head and surprising them.
If you're focusing on matching and subverting expectations, you're not necessarily being yourself. Any personal exploration of identity is hidden and alone. But on the ice, when he's performing, he can be honest. He can be seen. Because they're going to take it as fake. Think of how Minako reacted to Stammi Vicino - Viktor's earnest plea for someone to stay by his side, well, he's too charming for this to tug at the heartstrings. So he can play with stories that he won't share with anyone any other way, and he knows they'll take it as pretend.
The walls he builds don't allow him to be truly close to people. He has good relationships with other skaters, but emotionally keeps them at arm's length. He doesn't notice he's isolating. Chris and he have fun joke-flirting, but when Viktor steps away from the ice Chris doesn't seem to realize he needs this, isn't close enough to know what he's struggling with. He talks like Viktor is taking away the motivation he's entitled to by choosing to coach Yuuri. His rinkmates see him on good and bad days so they know when he struggles, and Yakov is the only person close to knowing him deeply, but even he doesn't take it seriously when Viktor burns out, so that is still limited.
For Yuri, I think his mother was going through a lot to let his grandfather take care of him. He has a lot of responsibility in that setting, and it all starts when he's so young.
I think, with Viktor being present in his life consistently from such a young age, Viktor is one of the people he sees as family. He absolutely looks up to him, just like he absolutely looks up to Yuuri. And I think he resents the emotional distance Viktor maintains.
He's not very attentive to people in general, but he's the one that explains to us how Viktor feels early in the show. When Viktor left to Japan so suddenly, I think Yura felt abandoned beyond just Viktor forgetting to choreograph a program for him. If it was just the program - he did end up getting Agape, he could have just asked for that, but he tried to get Viktor to go back. I feel like he hates that Viktor went to look for a way to get his spark back somewhere else, instead of staying and finding a way out of his slump with his rinkmates. If what Viktor needs is to coach someone, why isn't Yuri good enough? He's a talented skater and he sees himself as continuing Viktor's legacy, but Viktor chose someone else for that role.
And Viktor did choose Yuuri to continue his legacy. Because Yuuri skates so beautifully, because Yuuri has so much love for Viktor's skating, because Yuuri has drive and ambition and pride and skill and he finds joy in skating, and Viktor wants to nurture all of that into the performance Yuuri deserves to show.
And along the way, he learns how to connect with people as himself. His relationships with Yuuri and Yuuri's family open doors for him to better and deeper relationships with Yuri and Chris and anyone else he wants to be close to.
About Yuuri, there's very little I can say because we know so much. So I'll just share a lighthearted headcanon a few friends and I came up with as a story idea and I just adopted.
I don't share the fanon that Phichit got him into pole dancing. In my mind, he either started himself, or it was Chris - unintentionally. I think they're friends, because of how Yuuri reacted to him in the show, like he's used to him. And I like to think Chris kept saying things that made Yuuri feel competitive. Talking about how it's great for core strength, "but it's probably not your thing." Sent pictures of himself performing difficult moves, and got pictures back because Yuuri was trying to match him or do more difficult things than him. And meanwhile Chris thinks they're showing off to each other for fun. It's how Chris knew Yuuri can keep up with him at the banquet.
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neoyuno · 2 years
No Biting ♡ J.JH (M)
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Jaehyun is tired after a long week of working on the preparations for his new album and finds comfort on you—literally; or, jaehyun treats your boobs as his personal stress squishies.
Pairing | Idol!Jaehyun ♡ CelebCrush!Reader
Genre | Comedy, Romance, Smut (breast play + him being needy abt it, dirty talk, switch!jaehyun, choking, saliva play? (i still don't know how to label this, but sex too good they drooling...), riding, lots of kissing, praising.)
Word Count | 3.8K
Reading time | 19 mins
Warnings: usage of curse words, explicit descriptions of sex, afab reader. not my best work imo, but i hope y'all like it nonetheless <3 thank you for liking my stuff so far <33 // also, wrote rino in bc i love her sm, I’d also appreciate any type of feedback :’)
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“Okay, that’s it for today, guys. We will continue with the rest of the choreography tomorrow.” The lady in front of them said. “Now, rest up and take care! Love ya!” She blew them all a kiss and left the studio.
All 10 men laid around the room, visibly exhausted as sweat glistened on their blushed skin.
“I can’t wait till this comeback is over… it is so tiring.” Taeyong exhaled and drank from his water bottle.
“Tell me about it, I had a recording session with _____ last night and I kept messing up. I feel so bad for her, we had to be up till 3 am.” Mark replied.
“She’s so sweet about it, though. She deserves a prize for being the best producer ever.” Taeil chuckled and everyone else agreed.
“And the best host too, her food is so good, I don’t miss hotels at all.” Yura added.
Jaehyun couldn’t help but smile at the sweet words his friends said about you. You were indeed the sweetest and he was utterly and crazily in love with you. They have never worked with someone as good and patient as you. Not only do you do a great job with their songs, you always teach them new things—and let them stay at your house whenever they are in town.
“Are you coming with us or will you stay?” Jaehyun opened his eyes at the sound of Johnny’s voice.
“I think ______ is still here, I’ll leave with her.” He replied and the older guy nodded. “She said to make sure to put the code before you go in the house or else the alarm will go crazy.”
“Got it, see you later, man.” Johnny waved him goodbye and left with the rest of the boys.
Jaehyun laid on the floor for a few more minutes, enjoying the cool air coming from the vent right above, before gathering his stuff and making way to the floor above.
He entered the studio to see you sitting down at the mixer, eyeglasses on, and messy hair.
“Hi baby, are you still working?” He asked and kissed your head before grabbing a chair to sit next to you.
“Yes, sweetie. I am having a bit of trouble with this song. I can’t remove this weird rumble from this track, I might need to replace those mics already.” You said and pressed play again on the small clip. “I might need to re-record this.”
“Who’s track is it?” He asked and leaned to look at the monitor, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Yours.” He whined playfully and hugged you tight. 
“I’m tired…” he pouted and you reached back to pet his hair.
“You don’t have to record right now, baby. We can hook you up in the studio at home. It’s just this minute-long track, so don’t worry.”
“Okay~~” you felt his lips touch your neck and his hands moved dangerously close to your underboob. “Soo, can we go home? I want to cuddle…”
“Not yet, love. I still need to work on this song.” You shivered when his fingers softly massaged your breasts. “Jaehyun…”
“Hmm?” He kissed your neck repeatedly.
“Jaehyun, stop that. I am working.”
“But, baby… they are so soft,” he squeezed. “So pretty…” 
“Jaehyun.” You warned again.
“Ugh, please…” he pouted again and turned your chair to face him.
“Dude, what’s up with you today?” You asked, getting a little annoyed at his clinginess when you needed to work—but it secretly made you melt. To be honest, you did need a break but you were too stubborn.
“I miss you.” He cupped your face and kissed you a couple of times.
“Jae, you are staying at my house. We see each other every day.”
“Okay, that’s still not enough.” He pouted and kissed your lips again.
“Not enough? What else could we do?” You giggled and he hummed. 
“Lemme move in with you…”
“Jaehyun, you live in Seoul… I live in California…” you stared at him with an unamused expression.
“So? I’ll move here.” He shrugged.
“Yeah? What about your career?”
“I’ll quit being an idol and become your house-husband.” He smiled cheekily and kissed you again. 
“Will you wait for me at home wearing sexy lingerie?” You joked but he blushed.
“I-uhm, I mean, if you want me to…”
“Hmm, interesting… Good to know…” you pecked his lips and turned back around to face your computer.
“Ugh, pay attention to meeee,” he whined and tried turning you around but you locked your feet on the chair base. “Pleaseeeee…”
“Jaehyun, I’m gonna kick you out and make you wait in the car.”
“Let’s just cuddle for 5 minutes.” He said. “Just 5 minutes, please?”
You sighed and turned around. His cute face always lets him get away with anything he wants, it’s like he bewitches you into saying yes. To be honest, you are just too in love with him to deny him any love—and he needs lots of it. All the time.
“Fine, just 5 minutes, Jeong.” He did a happy dance and dragged you to the sofa.
“You are so warm and cuddly. I love you, my little teddy bear.” He kissed you all over the face and hugged you tight while you groaned jokingly.
“How was today, baby?” You asked after he settled down.
“Tiring, we had some fittings and also dance practice for the video shooting next month.” He said
“You work too hard, love.” You hummed and kissed his lips.
“Can I lay on your chest?” He asked bashfully and you chuckled.
“Of course, beautiful.” He blushed at the petname and settled his face between your boobs, the side of his head laying on one of the plush mounds.
“So soft…” he sighed.
“Are you okay, hun?” You asked while stroking his hair.
“Yeah, I’m just very tired and stressed. I’ve been having a very bad shoulder ache for the past few days too.” 
“Awe, baby, why hadn’t you said anything? I’ll give you a new pillow tonight. Do you want me to give you a massage?” You asked and kissed his head.
“No, angel, it’s okay. But I know something that will help me with my stress.” He smirked cutely at you and you felt his hands lift your shirt up. 
“Jaehyun.” You scolded but he whined. “Ugh, fine… just cause you need it, but just that and nothing more. I have a session tomorrow morning and I can’t have a filthy sofa in my studio.”
Jaehyun moved to hover over your body, kissing your lips before moving back to pull down your shirt. 
“Hmm, so pretty.” He whispered and kissed you again. “You’re so beautiful.”
You looked up at him, his eyes staring down at you. You reached up to pull him by the neck, clashing your lips unto his.
His lips engulfed yours perfectly as you sighed lovingly, making him smile. He absolutely loved hearing your love sighs, they made his heart flutter. Ever since he first kissed you and you sighed, he was hooked—he already was, but he knew he was done for when he heard the pretty sound.
“Let me take this off…” his fingers worked to unclasp your bra from the front, your breasts springing free once the last clasp was undone. 
You watched intently as he licked his lips, before dipping in. His mouth automatically latched to your nipple while his hands pressed your boobs together.
“Mmm…” he hummed against your skin. 
He closed his eyes and his eyebrows knitted up while he sucked on your chest. You couldn’t help but stare at his hollowed cheeks swallowing your nipples. 
“So squishy…” he groaned before poking his tongue to play with your glistening buds. He alternated between teasing one and the other.
His hands squeezed your boobs again before his thumb and index finger moved to pinch your nipples. Twisting and tugging, he got them to be hard and blushed.
You just laid there, staring down at him being mesmerized by your tits. He was absolutely obsessed with your boobs. Whenever he was stressed he would just come to you and start acting all clingy until he eventually ended up under your shirt choking on your boobs. 
A hard tug on your nipple made you snap out of it when you felt a slight pain. Teeth. He had bitten you.
“Jaehyun. No biting.” 
“I’m sorry, angel. I couldn’t help it.” He whispered and kissed the skin he had bit. 
You stared as he poked out his tongue again, licking your areolas in circular motions, before licking your nipples. His strong hands kept kneading your breasts and you couldn’t help but bite your lip.
His mouth suddenly sucked both nipples at the same time when he pressed your tits together, making you gasp a little.
“Are you okay, baby? Did that hurt?” He asked worriedly, the corners of his mouth glistened with his own saliva and you couldn’t help but giggle. “What’s so funny?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“I was just thinking about how shy you were when we first met and look at you right now.” You smirked playfully.
“Look who’s talking. The girl that went from teasing me because I liked her to begging for my dick.” He replied and you scoffed in surprise.
“As if! I don’t beg!” You smacked his arm playfully.
“It’s okay, don’t be shy. We all know you love it.” He argued and hovered your body, his face now leveled to yours. Jaehyun couldn’t help but stop and admire you. Messy hair against, your flushed skin, plus your cute specs resting on the bridge of your nose—it was just such a sight to see.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” You whispered, the fact that you had your whole chest out was long forgotten.
“You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.”
“I don’t look pretty right now.” You said.
“You look gorgeous. You always do.” Your heart skipped a beat when his lips pressed on yours. It was crazy how Jaehyun made you feel. No one had ever made you feel as loved as he did. Sure, you had many people calling you beautiful, praising you, and showing their love for you, but the sparkle in the dimpled guy’s eyes whenever he looked at you made you feel like the most special person on earth.
“Let’s go home.” You whispered against his lips and he nodded.
You both stood up and he gathered your belongings while you turned off all studio equipment. Just as you were about to open the door he yanked you by the arm.
“What happened?” You asked.
“Your… let me put it back on.” He said bashfully as he blushed and reached to clasp your bra on and lift your shirt back up.
“Oh my God… I was about to leave with my tits out?!” You hide your face on his chest. “This is your fault.”
“Okay, I actually take the blame for this. I had forgotten about pulling your shirt back up.” He smiled cutely. “Your boobs are just so nice… I want to see them all the time!”
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“Shh, be quiet.” You whispered as you entered your house, Jaehyun practically clinging to you as he tried to kiss your neck.
“They are all asleep, none of us are light sleepers, so don’t worry…” he replied and locked the front door before removing his shoes and running after you to your room.
Jaehyun closed the door and locked it. He wiggled his eyebrows at you, as you changed into your satin nightdress. He reached to press the small device on the wall, turning on the soundproof system. 
“Really, Jaehyun?” You deadpanned.
“Hey, you get loud sometimes.” He said and removed his shirt, tossing it in the basket by the closet’s entrance.
“And who said we are having sex?” You teased. “Plus, the loud one here is you.”
“Hmm… then why did we come home?” He dropped his sweats and tossed them where his shirt was. You tried your best not to stare at him much—the sight of him in only his black tight underwear and that damn silver chain was absolutely knee-dropping.
“Because you were right. I need a break.” You said and put your glasses back on, ready to read a bit. 
“What are you reading, then?” He asked and grabbed his towel.
“My new mixing console’s manual…” you replied.
“Babe, you need to stop. Watch some t.v or something. You worked all day.” He passed you the remote control for the t.v after pressing the button for it to come down from his hiding place in the ceiling.
“And don’t watch any music-related videos. You can do all that tomorrow.” He kissed your forehead and you groaned.
“Fine.” You huffed and looked for something to watch.
“I’ll be back, I’m just going to take a shower.” He said and saw your pouty face. “Give me a kiss.” He leaned in.
“No.” You huffed again.
“Fine.” He was about to leave to the bathroom when you grabbed his farm.
“Okay, come back! Just one kiss.” You smooched his lips and he smiled widely.
“I love you, my grumpy baby.” He chuckled and left to shower.
Jaehyun came back to see you laughing at a comedy movie you found on Netflix. He couldn’t help but smile at the sound of your laugh. He was deeply and madly in love with you.
You felt the bed dip on his side, making you turn your head for a second.
“You smell good.” You said while staring at the screen.
“Hmm, thanks?” He chuckled and leaned closer to you. 
Jaehyun stared at your bare shoulders and then down to your chest. The satin fabric was thin enough to let him see that your nipples were still hardened from before. You felt his lips press on your shoulder, slowly moving up your neck. 
His hand moved to cup your boobs, massaging them.
“I shall continue where I left off…” he said before pulling the straps of your nightdress down, revealing your breasts.
His mouth quickly attached to your nipples as he laid his head on your lap. Jaehyun’s tongue worked around your nipples and occasionally sucked them in.
You clicked your tongue and shook your head when you looked down at him. He was like a baby, his mouth latched on your left breast and his hand kneaded the other while his eyes were closed.
“What would your fans say if they found out their sweet Jaehyun is obsessed with sucking boobs?” You asked and ran your finger through his hair as he opened his eyes.
“I’m not obsessed with sucking boobs…” he said after pulling on your nipple and lapping it after. “I’m obsessed with sucking your boobs. There’s a difference.”
“What happened to my sweet shy Jaehyun?” You fake cried and he chuckled. “Who is this pervert, huh?”
“Me? A pervert?” He rested on his hand to be at your eye level and feigned offense. “What would your fans think if they knew their sweet ____ was obsessed with my dick?”
“Babe… I write songs about sex. Everybody knows I love dick, they just don’t know who’s.” You rolled your eyes and he laughed before pecking your lips.
“You look so cute with your glasses on…” he smiled and kissed you again.
“Yeah?” He hummed in response and kissed down your neck.
“Aren’t you tired?” You asked as you stroked his hair.
“Yeah… but you look too good…” he bit your collarbone and kissed it after.
“Lay back.” You said and he immediately did as you said. 
Jaehyun laid back on the plush new pillows you had brought out for him. As you straddled his lap, you reached down to completely remove your nightdress, his hands quickly holding your waist and sliding down to your ass.
“How did I get so lucky?” He whispered and you giggled while grinding down on him.
“You were too cute not to fall in love with.” You leaned down to kiss his lips and he grabbed your face to deepen the kiss.
“I love you so much,” Jaehyun said and hissed when you pressed further down on his crotch.
“I love you more.” 
You kissed down his torso until you got the waistband of his underwear, which you removed quickly and tossed to the side before removing your own. Reaching over to the nightstand, you dimmed the lights and turned on the starry ceiling lights. 
The lighting change made his eyes look like they contained the stars and the whole universe—and they really did (for you).
“Do you want to use a condom?” You asked as you leaned down to kiss his neck. “I’m on the pill.”
“I want to feel all of you…” he replied and you smirked. 
The man beneath you shuddered when he felt your hand touch his sensitive erection.  “Why are you always so horny?” You teased and he kissed your lips.
“How can I not, when I have the sexiest woman in the whole world as my girlfriend?” He whispered.
“Oh yeah? I’m the sexiest?” He hummed in agreement. “Mmm, that feels so good.” You moaned when his hand came down to grab his length and teased your entrance with the tip.
You slowly sank onto his cock, the size filling you up deliciously as you both moaned in unison.
“You feel so good, love.” He groaned.
Your knees supported you as you bounced on his lap slowly and your hands rested on his bare chest. Goosebumps arose on your skin as he caressed your body ever so softly.
“Ah! Mmm, Yuno…” he grunted at the sound of his name leaving your lips in that way.
He absolutely loved it when you called him that, given that not everyone calls him that, it makes it even more special. 
“If you get tired, tell me, kitten.” He husked and you felt warm at the mention of that damned petname.
“Stop…” you breathed out sheepishly, which was cut short and into a moan.
“Stop what, kitten?” He smirked and bit his lip for a second before groaning loudly as your center engulfed him tightly.
“Stop calling me that.” His hands grabbed your hips sternly and his hips pushed forward. “Fuck! Jae- ah!” His hips remained thrusting up, your mouth hanging open at the feeling.
“Such a good kitten, aren’t you, baby?” He growled and wiped the small trail of drool falling past your lips. “You look so pretty like that… hmm…”
“Is it that good that it’s got you drool- hng-“ his voice was cut short when your hands were placed on his neck, softly pressing on his throat.
“What was that, sweetheart?” His eyes were closed and his mouth open in a smirk. 
He enjoyed every second of your hands cutting his oxygen, the rush made him even hornier. Plus, he loved feeling your small hands on his neck, it was thick enough for you to need both hands to choke him. 
“S’good…” he choked out as one of your hands left his throat to swipe out a little bit of drool from the corner of his mouth.
“Look who’s drooling now… pussy too good?” You teased.
Jaehyun couldn’t do much but hum and moan when you leaned down to bite his lower lip. His hand moved to grasp at yours that was on his neck, giving you the signal to stop. You removed your hands and he inhaled sharply, in need of oxygen.
“Don’t- fuck!” He whimpered when he felt your walls clench around his shaft. 
“Don’t what, baby?” Your hands took place by each side of his head, making your tits bounce close to his face. “Kitten ate your tongue?”
“Oh, God!” You wiped a bit of sweat on his forehead with your fingers and quickened the pace your hips were snapping to. “Kiss me, please.”
As you leaned down to do so, he took advantage of your hands not having any support, and flipped you over by the waist. His mouth attached to yours still, flicking his tongue on your lips.
“Fuck, Jaehyun!” You screamed against his lips. Your boyfriend’s hips slammed into you rapidly.
“Do you want to get me in trouble again? Huh?” He grunted as you moaned louder—reminding you of the last time you choked him, he had lost his voice and got in trouble.
“As if you don’t like it…” you smirked but a sharp thrust made your smirk fade into a whine.
“You’re right. I don’t like it… I fucking love it.” Jaehyun kissed your jaw and down your neck until he reached his favorite spot—your shoulder blade, where he sunk his teeth to leave a mark. “Shit-“
“Stop biting!” Your fingernails dug on his back and his head fell to your chest, his hands gripping at your tits and mouth sucking your sensitive buds.
“I’m so close, baby…” you cried out after a few seconds.
“I’m close too, kitten. Fuck you feel so good.” He shut his eyes again and bit the skin of your breasts, coming up to kiss you after.
“You’re so beautiful, angel.” He murmured against your cheek, yet in your ears, it sounded like he was far away.
“Mmm, Jae-“ your toes curled up once you wrapped your legs around his torso to feel him deeper.
“Let go, sweetheart.” He rasped and you did as he said with a loud moan.
You felt yourself dissolve into the pleasure he was giving you. A ringing noise filled your ears mixed with the faint sound of Jaehyun’s low moans, while you could feel his cock pulsating inside you as he came.
The weight of his body soon fell upon yours, but it just felt like the warmest hug ever.
“I love you,” he repeated countless times as he kissed all over your skin.
“Don’t move,” you whined. “Just hug me.”
“Of course, pretty.” He circled his arms around your waist and rolled you over to lay on his chest, where you stayed for a couple of minutes, listening to his heartbeat.
“Don’t your shoulders hurt, baby?” You asked, remembering the muscle pain he voiced out earlier.
“Mmm, yeah… but you make me feel better.” He chuckled and kissed your forehead.
“Do you want to take a shower again?” You asked and he only laughed. “I’ll give you a massage if you wash my hair.”
“You don’t need to bargain with me, you know I’d do anything for you for free.” He said and sat up, bringing you up with him. “So… about moving in with you…”
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
my way to you / jeon wonwoo | together
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➝ Wonwoo x Reader
➝ just pure, disgusting fluff // chaebol!au // est relationship // v domestic
➝ notes: literally nothing but fluff. talks about kids??? heheh lots of soft kissing towards the end. my byun baekhyun agenda 🤍 not thoroughly proofread hehehhe
➝ word count: 5.7k~
➝ summary: Wonwoo has always imagined a future with you but is in no rush to talk about it. But, well, the universe decides otherwise and who's he to say no?
➝A/N: hi!!!!!!!!! i've missed this couple and by brain went brrrrrr hope you enjoy🤍 also, today is my last day of working in my office and my feelings all over the place so hopefully posting this would help me relax a bit 😭
series masterlist
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“Princess, you ready?” Wonwoo peeks through the door of your closet, looking at you who’s still staring into the mirror as you try to figure out what to wear. The distressed face that greets him is enough answer already; clearly you’re not ready yet. He huffs in amusement as he steps into the closet, his arm circling around your collarbones as he catches your eyes through the mirror. “What are you so nervous for? We're just meeting my cousin."
You look at him unimpressed, making Wonwoo laugh as he presses himself closer to you, his arm pulling you against his front.
"Alright, I know you're a fan of Byun Baekhyun but I promise he's just another hyung."
"Another hyung to you. He's THE Byun Baekhyun for me. How could you never tell me your cousin is dating him?!"
"Mmm, did I tell you they have a kid together already?" He says much too nonchalantly, his laughter echoing through your closet at the way you're gaping in disbelief.
"Jeon Wonwoo!" You turn around and hit him hard, though, really, with how buff he's getting, you're sure it's barely even a hit to him. "How did you forget to mention this kind of thing! You know how much I love that guy!"
He bites his lip to hold back a teasing grin, opting instead to squish your cheeks together and gives you a quick peck on the lips before you complain even further.
"Princess, to be fair, it is his personal life. And Yura is, like, my second cousin so I don't talk to her that much unless we have a big family gathering." He grins sheepishly; he knows you've always liked the singer, but it really goes past his head until recently because: 1. It's been quite some time since you gushed over him. And 2. He’s actually not that amused with you squealing over some man even if it’s a celebrity.
Now, he’s not jealous, but perhaps it doesn’t help that he actually knows Baekhyun so it annoys him more than if it had been some other celebrity. Plus, Baekhyun is your biggest celebrity crush; as much as you would’ve grinned and squealed a little over the other celebrities that you like (like Jung Haein, for example), it doesn’t really bother Wonwoo because that’s about it.
But Baekhyun?
You actually, shamelessly, squeal and grip his arm so tight that it hurts a little everytime Baekhyun performs on TV. Ironically, you’ve never attended his concert because your schedule is always packed everytime he’s holding one; you’ve even considered going abroad when he’s on tour, but it seems that the universe simply isn’t letting you see the singer because something always comes up.
Which is why you’re in your current predicament–because apparently one of his cousins is getting married and they’re throwing a party exclusively for the youngsters in the family. And when you’ve asked Wonwoo about the dress code and if there’s going to be media around, he has let it slip that, as far as he knows, some of his relatives are dating celebrities so you might want to dress a little more because he knows you like dressing up.
“Oh, really?” you had asked mindlessly, not actually curious, though your stance on the thing quickly changed the moment Wonwoo offhandedly mentioned that Yura would probably come with Baekhyun. You even asked for confirmation a hundred times that, yes, it is that Baekhyun.
“What is even the purpose of stressing over it?” He frowns in mock annoyance, squishing your cheeks harder. “He has a girlfriend and you have me.”
You giggle at the possessive tone, and you reach to circle your arms around his neck. Wonwoo has to lean down a little to let you do this because of his height, but what’s a little discomfort if he gets to enjoy your warmth like this?
“Is that jealousy, Mr. Jeon?”
You know it’s not. Wonwoo isn’t that kind of boyfriend and it’s very attractive, to be quite honest, the way he’s very assured with his presence in your life and the relationship between the two of you. So you know this is just him messing around, indulging you in your little game because he knows you like it when he’s acting a little jealous.
You don’t have to know Wonwoo is actually a little jealous, not because he feels threatened but because of how absorbed you get when you watch the singer to the point of ignoring him most of the time. Perhaps annoyance is a little more fitting than jealousy.
“Just wear something and be done already.” He pretends to be annoyed, though he still drops another kiss to your lips before he reminds you that you need to leave in fifteen minutes. He doesn’t give you any room to complain, already walking out of the closet to see if there’s any important call he needs to make before he turns off his work phone for the day.
It’s something that you’ve both promised to each other: to turn off your work phones when you’re out for non business functions or out on a date with each other. Chan and Seungcheol would know to call your private numbers if there’s anything urgent you’d need to attend during those time.
The rule came to be after a fight between you two just last month, one that ended up with you refusing to talk to Wonwoo for a whole night because he kept on glancing at his phone when you were supposed to be having your date after so long. Apparently, he already promised one of his partners that he’d be on standby to discuss something, forgetting that he had promised to go on a date with you that night.
Usually, you wouldn’t have minded, but it had actually been months since you got to go on a proper date with Wonwoo with the two of you being busy. Your dates had been reduced to nights in his penthouse or quick lunches in the middle of the days. Which was why you had been quite giddy that night, because as much as you’re glad that at least you got to be with him all that time, you had missed going out and spending time with Wonwoo outside. Hence the fight and everything that followed after that.
Wonwoo’s about to stand up and remind you again when you finally step into the living room, wrapped beautifully in a summer dress that stops right above your knees. You’ve finally let down whatever that was on your head when he stepped into the closet earlier, and he just can’t help but marvel at how you look despite having seen you dolled up countless times. Your makeup isn’t as bold as it usually is during night parties, and he notices you’ve opted to go for a softer look except for the dark ruby painting your lips.
Gosh. Those lips.
“How do I loo–” you laugh a little when he smothers your mouth with his, amused at how he didn’t even waste a second to stand up and press his lips against yours; he’s always had a thing for this particular shade, and you may or may not put that on for that exact reason. You hum into the kiss, ravel on the soft way his palms are holding your face while yours stay on his shoulders because you really don’t want to mess up his gelled up hair.
“Does that answer you?” He whispers after pulling away, a little out of breath even though the kiss is nowhere near intense.
Pink colors your cheek at the way he’s looking at you, and you instead choose to tease him about the color your lips have transferred unto his. You move away to get some tissue, but he gives you another short kiss because he can’t help himself and he really doesn’t see why he should hold back.
“‘Kay, you dork. You said we need to leave in fifteen minutes.” You pull away to hide the warmth that has made its way to your entire face, though you really don’t know why you’d do that with Wonwoo of all people. He already knows the telltale of your everything.
“Right. Do you think it’s possible to change your lipstick? I don’t want Baekhyun to see you like this.”
He would never get tired of the sound of your laughter.
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All things considered, Wonwoo is impressed the only thing you’ve done so far after spotting Byun Baekhyun is grip his arm harder.
He hasn’t even seen the hint of you hiding a grin, and he’s about to tease you about holding yourself back when Yura herself makes her way to you with her boyfriend in tow. At this, he almost winces when your fingers actually dig into his skin.
“Hi Jeon.” She grins at him before greeting you too, and you can’t help but notice how beautiful this relative of Wonwoo is. You’ve only met her twice probably, with this being the third time, but you have nothing but good impressions of the girl because she’s nothing like the snobby part of this family. “A bit late to say this, but, about time you two got together.”
You scrunch your nose at this, a comment that you’d never get used to and have heard one too many times after Jeonghan’s parents’ party–which was already six months ago. And you’re still hearing this comment to this day like you’ve just announced your relationship with the Jeons’ youngest heir last week.
“This is Baekhyun, by the way, you might’ve heard of him,” Yura introduces her boyfriend like he’s not literally one of the best selling singers in the country. But you suppose being around rich businessmen has made Yura aware that a lot of people in this circle aren’t always aware of celebrities.
Wonwoo does the honor of introducing you, and you almost burst into a grin when Baekhyun says he’s seen you in business magazines from time to time, and he’s heard about the foundation you’re currently running; that he admires you for doing it and that he’d be happy if he can take part in it in anyway.
At his words, you finally release your lip from the confinement of your teeth and smile widely; being his fan is one thing, being a part of Daisy Foundation and listening to your idol taking genuine interest in the good cause you’re helping is another. After that, conversation flows easily, because you’re no longer standing there as his fangirl, you’re standing in front of him as one of the founders of Daisy Foundation and you inform him on your upcoming activities that he might be interested in.
Roughly, it’s only been about three months since the foundation was established because preparation takes time and you need to hand over your assignments to your successor in the company. Even so, you and Shua are already flooded with donations because of the announcement that spread through after the party. Plus, it helps that you both are used to this, so you’re really just doing your usual stuff on a bigger scale.
“Look at you, talking confidently with your idol.” Wonwoo whispers once Yura leaves, his breath tickling your ears. You smile abashedly at him, more giddy at the prospect that he’s interested in your foundation. He even leaves you his private number, promises to arrange another schedule to talk about it properly because he really wants to be a part of this good cause. 
“I’m just glad he turns out to be an actually kind person,” you say instead, your soft smile and the way you sigh in relief prompts him to smile too. He doesn’t say anything at that, simply kisses your head and steers you to your assigned table because the party is about to officially start.
It’s about an hour later that you spot Baekhyun and Yura again, this time with an adorable little kid that seems to be two or three years old. You send a questioning glance to Wonwoo, one that he answers with a nod because he knows you’re asking if the child in question is their child–one that he mentioned just a few hours ago.
You didn’t get to ask anything more though, because the family has made their way to where you’re both at and you can’t help the soft grin that made its way to your face at the sight of the small child. You’re not the biggest fan of children; you don’t hate them, but you’re really just indifferent. Yes, some of them are cute, but that’s about it.
“This is Sera, our child.” Yura introduces as she carries her daughter and she hides herself in her mom’s neck and, frankly speaking, this is the first time you ever feel like squealing at the sight of a child. “She’s a bit shy, sorry.”
“It’s okay. How old is she?” You smile, trying to get Sera’s attention by tickling her leg.
“Turning three this year. She’s fairly quiet for her age, though.” It’s Baekhyun who answers, and you can almost hear the pout in his voice–perhaps he wishes she was more talkative than she is now.
“Mmm. Lots of the kids that go to our art classes tend to be that way too. We only have three to four kids around her age though, so what do I know?” You shrug with a grin. “Do you like to color, Sera?”
Something that you said grabs her attention, and you hear Yura giggle when Sera whispers something softly as you melt at the interaction. Wonwoo observes the scene in amusement, having never seen you gush over a kid. He listens to the pair ask you about the course kids her age usually take in Shua’s studio, and you happily answer as you flail your hands here and there to explain the program to them.
Sera seems to warm up to you real quick due to this, and Wonwoo really should know better than to let his guard down because his heart almost bursts when he sees Sera extend her arms to you, asking for you to carry her in her silent way. He thought that was it, but something blooms in his chest and he really almost loses it when you grin and take her in your arms, making the girl giggle at the way you’re bouncing her up and down.
Her giggle eventually turns into laughter, her short arms wrapping around you and Wonwoo thinks he can’t take anymore of this when you turn to him with Sera in your arms, looking at him with eyes reflecting all the stars in the sky and grinning bigger than he’s ever seen.
“You like that, baby?” you say in a small voice, making Sera laugh harder at the way you’re tickling her belly.
Wonwoo decides he’s had enough, so he clears his throat and takes Sera from you, carrying her in his arms and lets her smooch his cheek because she’s always liked to do that. It would be much better for his heart to see you play with Sera in his arms than the whole thing he’s witnessed earlier. He’s loved you enough already, there’s really no reason to make his heart swell even more and fill his head with the image of you carrying your own child.
The thought of starting a family with you has always been something that Wonwoo tries not to dwell too much on. It’s much too dangerous. As much as he believes you’re both are it, your relationship is still pretty new and he doesn’t want to entertain those thoughts for now. Plus, he’s never really talked about it with you for the obvious reason of your relationship having only been going on for less than a year, but he knows you’re pretty much indifferent when it comes to them in general.
Huh. Do you want a child?
Back pedal, back pedal.
This is not the time to think about that.
“Maybe we should enroll Sera in your class.” He hears his cousin say, zoning back into the conversation at hand. “She seems to like you a lot. It’s not often that she gets comfortable with someone this fast. Do you teach also or…?”
“Well, not always. But I can tell you when I’d be teaching so Sera can take the class when I’m around,” you offer and tell them that you understand why they might be uncomfortable or more worried if she’s handled by the other teachers though you assure them they’re all good.
After talking some more, the little family decides to go around again to the dessert stall; as Sera has actually just arrived with her babysitter, hence why she wasn’t with them earlier. 
“You really went from not knowing Baekhyun has a child to getting cozy with said child in one day, huh?” Wonwoo nudges you, a little surprised when you simply hug his arm and bury yourself into his shoulder. It’s not often that you’re shy, at least not in front of him, but with the way you’re biting your smile and hiding in his shoulder, it’s clear that you have something in your mind that you don't intend to share with him just yet.
It’s later that night that he finds out by accident. He’s in the bedroom waiting for you, wondering if you forgot you need to wake up early tomorrow because it’s been an hour since you said you’d just call Chaeyoung real quick before you join him for bed. He meant to go down to remind you it’s almost midnight, but he finds himself hovering by the stairs, heart almost stopping at your giddy tone.
“She’s so cute, Chaeng. You know I’m always a little eh with kids, right? But she’s so cute and she hides her face in my neck and stuff? And she kisses Wonwoo too! Gosh, my heart almost goes out of my chest when he holds her–Mmm. What? Not really, no. I’ve… never talked about it yet with Wonwoo, to be honest?”
A pause, and then.
“Mmm. Yeah. Our children, huh?”
You don’t know how Wonwoo barely sleeps that night with you sleeping soundly in his arms, your words followed by your soft laugh replaying in his mind over and over again.
Our children, huh? Never really thought about it before, but it does have a nice ring to it.
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Frankly speaking, Wonwoo has never thought he’d find himself in such a predicament.
You haven’t been replying to his texts all day, but he knows you’re packed today with classes and everything. Seungcheol isn’t replying either, but that assistant of yours might’ve simply run out of batteries because it wouldn’t be the first time.
But when he gets home early for once and hears you before he even sees you, he definitely didn’t expect you to be on the sofa with Sera happily snuggled to your chest. 
Nope. He’s definitely not strong enough for this.
“Hi.” You grin, waving Sera’s arm as the little girl babbles his name.
“Not that I’m complaining but… why is she here?” he asks after his heart starts beating again. It’s an exaggeration, but that’s really how it felt like for a second there.
“She’s in class earlier but something came up with her babysitter who usually waits around, and her parents aren’t able to pick her up til dinner so I offered to take care of her?” Your explanation sounds unsure, and Wonwoo presses his lips together at how adorable you look right now with Sera on your lap.
After what he accidentally overheard almost two weeks ago, this really isn’t helping him with his mission to get rid of the thought. He looks down at Sera, safely snuggled into your chest as her short fingers grip the neckline of your shirt. Your arms are wrapped around her, and he can’t help but think how domestic all of this seems to be.
Fuck. How would it feel to come home to you and his child cuddled together like this?
He shakes his head in hope it’ll shake away the thought, and when you ask if he’s okay, he sends you a tight smile and drops a kiss to your cheek, telling you he’s going to wash up and that you should order in for early dinner even if it's barely 6 in the evening. Sera would be famished otherwise and you did mention her parents would only be able to pick her up somewhere after eight, anyway.
He didn't expect you'd let it go that easily. But somehow, that’s enough to satisfy you, and Wonwoo turns to head upstairs, ears red when he hears your pitched up voice talking to Sera, asking if she wants chicken also.
God knows how much he needs fucking shower to cool down before he explodes.
But, apparently, God decides he’s only allowed to cool down for nothing but a short moment because you’re nuzzling into Sera’s cheek when Wonwoo returns to the living room. He’s starting to believe he’ll just die a happy man by the end of the day. He doesn’t even care if he’s exaggerating at this point; he’s seen you with kids before, but he’s never seen you so whipped with one that he doesn’t know how to react.
Is he even being obvious with his staring?
He doesn’t really care either.
“You ordered already?” He asks to get out of his trance, to announce his presence while he’s at it. He needs you to pull away from the child because he’s too young for a heart attack. 
“Yeah. But they say it might take longer because they’re busier than usual.” You stand up from your seat and take Sera into your arms, walking to where he’s at for reasons that he doesn’t understand.
Perhaps you want to see his soul leaving him up close with how domestic you’re looking right now. God, you’re not fair at all.
“She’s been calling for her Uncle Wonwoo.” You scrunch your nose and hand her to him. You melt at the gentle way he takes her from you, at the way Sera quickly wraps her arms around his neck and giggles when he asks if she’s been good.
If you’re to be completely honest, the thought of having kids never really occurred to you even though you’re completely enamored by the man beside you. You’ve imagined getting married to him (yes, you already have even though it’s only been months since you realized you’re romantically invested in your best friend), but it has never crossed your mind that you might want to have a child with him for the sole reason of you’ve never really been fixated at the idea of being a mother–a parent with how yours treated you.
Well, until that talk with Chaeyoung, that is.
Seeing Wonwoo like this makes your inside buzz with something that you’re not familiar with. It’s not unpleasant though, and you welcome it with every fiber of your being. It makes you a little flustered, but you don’t really mind because how can you if you get to see Wonwoo smile softly at Sera and poke his nose into her cheek to make the little girl laugh.
It’s almost two hours later that the both of you end up sprawled on the sofa, with Sera on your lap and your head leaning on Wonwoo’s shoulder. The three of you are pressed against each other, Sera is falling asleep with her head against your chest and the two of you whisper to each other as not to wake her–whatever’s playing on the TV long forgotten and its faint sound serving as nothing but background noise.
“I’ve never seen you like a kid this much,” he says as he presses a kiss on your temple. His eyes travel to the fingers gripping the material of your shirt, and then to your palm that’s rubbing her back up and down to lull her to sleep.
“Me neither.” You grin up at him before your palm moves from her back to her hair. “But she is so cute though. Do you think I might be biased because she’s Baekkhyun’s child?”
The look Wonwoo gives you would’ve made you snort loudly if not for the little angel on your lap, so you settle for a soft laugh before you caught your lip between your teeth to stop yourself from laughing louder.
“Kidding,” you add when you don’t feel like laughing anymore, and then presses your cheek to his shoulder to tell him how she’s probably the most peaceful child you’ve ever seen so that probably helps. “She’s so excited in class, Won! But she tries so much not to be too messy even though we said it’s okay?”
Wonwoo stays silent as you continue to talk about the kids in your classroom, another episode from today’s open class, and then Shua who is still overwhelmed about the sudden responsibility. He’s always liked it when you do this, just go on and on about your day and what’s memorable because you want to share it with him. It makes him feel like he’s a part of your day even though he’s not physically there to witness them all the time.
When the intercom finally beeps, it’s almost ninein the evening and Sera is soundly asleep against your chest, her arms limply stay on her sides. Wonwoo goes to the door as you stay there, not wanting to wake the girl up. Yura almost squeals when she sees the position you’re in, and you smile sheepishly at Yura as you tell her that the girl has been asleep for about 30 minutes.
“I’m so sorry it took me long,” she apologizes as she tries to take Sera from you. “Baek is actually outside the country and my dinner appointment was in Incheon. The traffic to get here… God. I’m never attending dinner meetings anymore if it’s not in Seoul.”
You shake your head and tell her it’s okay and you had fun; that you’re glad you’re able to help. Yura thanks you both once again, Sera now curled in her arms, and promises that she’d treat you both for dinner some time for this favor. She doesn’t forget to thank you also about the class, mentions that it’s obvious now Sera is comfortable with you like with no others.
After Yura leaves the penthouse, you finish what’s left over your dinner and clean up before you take turns to shower. You’re sitting against the headboard when Wonwoo steps out of the bathroom, scrolling something in your phone–an action that you immediately stop once you see him already fresh in his pajamas, then pats the space next to you like that’s not where Wonwoo is heading to already.
He immediately dives into your neck, startling you a little, his arms wrap around your waist as he maneuvers the both of you so his head is laying on your chest as he listens to your erratic heartbeat. Gosh, it’s embarrassing how things like this still get a reaction out of you.
“Long day?” you ask as your fingers start to comb his hair. It’s something that comforts him, you found out only recently, and you’ve been doing it since when you feel like he’s extra tired or he’s simply there on your lap. “Sorry I didn’t get to text you the whole day.”
“Not really. Just feel like holding you.”
It’s not funny the way your breath gets caught on your throat at the obvious tone he’s using; like it’s just a well known fact you should already be aware of. Something blooms across your chest, and you’re sure Wonwoo is just being kind by not addressing the way your heartbeat picks up at his words.
“When did you get so cheesy.” You pretend to grumble even if you know Wonwoo knew how much you like it when he says things like that out of nowhere.
He chuckles softly, and then lets go of you to sit properly and pulls you into his lap instead. You don’t complain at the sudden change of position–why would you?–and you settle into the crook of his neck, sighing in satisfaction at how comfortable this feels to you. How natural too, like you’re meant to be with him this way no matter what.
“Can I ask you something?” You think you know what he’s going to say and you’re not sure you’re ready for it yet, but you nod anyway and trace his kind with mindless patterns. “What do you think about kids?”
Despite knowing the answer already, you’re still unsure how to answer him directly, too shy to say anything. You don’t want to make him awkward though, so you hum as if pretending to think even though the words are already on the tip of your tongue.
Wonwoo blinks, amused at the way you’re baiting him. He’ll take anything though, and he’s just glad you’re not being weird about it.
He can hear you take a sharp breath at his answer, feel the way your fingers stop moving and the way you press your head deeper into his neck. He’s not in any place to judge though, because he can feel his ears getting hot too at the topic of this conversation. You haven’t even talked about marriage, but you’re already talking about kids though Wonwoo has no one he’d rather talk this with but you.
After all, he doesn’t think he wants to have any kids if it’s not with you.
“I don’t know,” you whisper honestly, and Wonwoo takes your finger in his because you’re fidgeting a little, perhaps nervous from the topic. “I… have never really thought about it until recently but… I’m not against it… I think?”
Wonwoo almost laughs at your unsure tone, finding you adorable for no reason at all. God, he’s even more whipped now that you’re together and it’s not even funny. On the other hand, he feels himself relaxing at your answer; he knows you, and he knows you would’ve said you don’t want kids if you really don’t. So this means that at least you’re considering it–considering having kids with him. It’s not going to happen anytime soon, Wonwoo thinks, but it still makes him happy to know this is how you feel.
“How about you?” you ask back, your voice tiny.
He hums, his fingers that aren’t holding yours find purchase in your hair as he combs through it.
“I don’t mind anything as long as it's with you.” He answers honestly, his tone so genuine that you don’t even have it in you to tease him once again about being cheesy. You even tear up a little, because what did you do to receive a love this big?
You pull away from him to meet his eyes, and he sends you a soft smile that gets you giddy inside that you can’t not return the smile. The two of you spend a few moments just like that, looking at each other with silly smiles on your faces without words. It’s you who break the silence, though your eyes have moved from his eyes, instead focusing on the way your fingers are intertwined together before you say your next words, almost making Wonwoo combust inside.
“I think I don’t mind kids too if it’s with you,” you say shyly, not able to look at Wonwoo in the eyes as you say this. His heart soars beyond limit, but it's not even a second later that it breaks into pieces when you continue your words. “Though… I… I won’t be like my parents, right?”
“Oh, princess,” he whispers sadly, his palm reaching for your cheek to caress your skin. You close your eyes at the feeling, and you lean into his touch because it’s always the source of your comfort. “You won’t, okay? I promise we won’t. You trust me, right, love?”
You open your eyes as you nod, heart melting at his new favorite nickname to call you.
“You know I will call you out if you do something you’re not supposed to and I know you’d do the same for me,” he reminds you, eyes never leaving yours the whole time. “And that’s why we’re good, okay?”
“Okay.” You return his smile, though after a few moments it turns into a giggle and Wonwoo asks what prompts your laughter. “Isn’t it funny? We’re already talking about this when we haven't even talked about marriage yet."
Wonwoo grins at this, no longer caring that his heart is beating to a very erratic rhythm because this talk is too good to be true. He didn’t expect to talk about kids and marriage this soon with you. It’s something that he keeps to himself because he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s rushing you. He’s happy with keeping it to himself too, as he himself definitely isn't in any rush, he’s content having you by his side, happy that you’re both happy together. That’s already more than he could’ve asked.
“Yet?” he teases despite everything. “So you do think about getting married to me.”
You roll your eyes even though you can feel your face getting hot at his words, but you don’t deny anything and simply mumbles that he’s annoying. Thankfully, he doesn’t want to torture you any longer, and he chuckles a little more before pulling you back into his lap, sighs blissfully when you bury yourself into his neck and your lips graze the skin there.
It’s not long until you end up kissing each other; but just like your relationship, there’s no rush there–only your lips against his over and over again. The way he holds you is gentle, almost like he’s afraid you’ll break if he holds you a tad bit tighter, and your fingers don’t root themselves in his hair like they usually would–they’re simply planted on his shoulder and the back of his neck, playing with the tip of his hair.
No one fights for dominance, and you hum in pure delight when Wonwoo retorts to giving you short pecks over and over again, eventually making you laugh at the ticklish feeling against your lips. In the end, you pull him closer by wrapping your arms around his neck, and he returns the gesture by wrapping his around your waist, the content sound that leaves his lips as he’s kissing you sends shivers down your spine.
“I love you, alright?” he whispers tenderly, his lips touching yours everytime they move even the slightest way. “Always remember that.”
You nod, pressing your lips together to hold yourself back from crying. And even though you don’t say it back with your words, Wonwoo knows exactly what you mean when your lips find their way back to his.
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
A/N: aaaaaaaaaah, i've missed them so much!!! idk if you guys still dig them but anyway heh this is for you @justasoftstan and @sunshinein17 🤍 pls do tell me what you think about it! i actually scheduled the post since a few days ago, and the day after i immediately went into a :// state about writing which is very odd. but, frankly, after going into that mode which essentially roots to me doubting my ability to write, i started to even hesitate to post this work. like.. when is a good time? but as always, i hope you enjoy nevertheless
permanent taglist: @kyeomjjigae @stantrash171819 @sebongmochi @luveveryonewoo @thinkinboutwonu @kpopjackie @ursweetener @lavenderautumnx @itsveronicaxxx @shuahoshiscoups @sunshinein17 @leechanniee @twogyuu @hoe4wonwoo @h3h3tm0n @noraehey @seokshook @rubyhoons @02psh
mwty taglist: @dnylwoo @yslshua @najaemin138 @blueixnie @boowanie @pwettytae @aphrodyteeth @jeoonghann @sdoulc @ru-lin @listxn@yngreid @vynnz @lilactangerine @justasoftstan @amymoonl@02psh@lovelywoo@pusangmamon@yoontaedotin @soonchanshua @fanfic24 @nothingbutadeadesceane @nollixtrml @sweetheart-gs@rjsmochii@dowoonwoodealer
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livingformintyoongi1 · 6 months
First Time | Kim Taehyung
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This is a little drabble of the Style series, I wanted to write about this series and this came out lol, I hope you like it. Warnings: Fluff, slight Smut, Actress!Reader, Tae is an idol, but is taking a break from music and entered acting again, mention of "Daytime Star" (Beautiful webtoon). wc: 3.3k
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When Tae offered you to go to his house to practice the dialogues for the later chapters, you didn't hesitate to say yes. He was the man you trusted the most, you adored him; he was sweet, funny, charismatic and very polite. He was exactly what any girl would want in her life. You were completely grateful that he was your co-star in the k-drama "Daytime Star," and even more grateful that he allowed you to practice alongside him.
"Have you read the script for episode 13 yet?" muttered Tae with his eyes fixed on the thick stack of sheets labeled 'Daytime Star | Chapter 13'. 
"Yes!" you smiled as you stood up, with the script tightly clenched in your hands - quite small compared to Tae's - and peeked over to see his, "There's a scene in the kitchen in this one" you looked at your co-worker, friend at this point, and couldn't help but blush at the thought of what you had to do. You didn't think you were strong enough to see Tae shirtless.
He nodded, almost as if it was nothing new. You wondered internally if he had already done something similar with another girl, though that wasn't your problem. "Looks like it," he gave you a tight-lipped smile, leaving the script on the table and resting his full attention on you as he stretched his arms above his head. "I didn't think they'd have any racy scenes, are you sure you can handle that? From what you've told me, you don't have much experience in this area," Tae's cheeks flushed heavily as he watched you shrink in place, looking down at your feet, "I-I didn't mean to offend you."
"No, you're right, I've actually never made a scene like that before" you sighed defeatedly. You hated not being experienced enough to be true to the role you had been given almost by miracle.
"We could talk to the director and ask him to remove that scene and..." said Tae, too quickly for you to interrupt. But you still took his hand, giving him such a soft, sweet smile that he stopped on his own.
"Tae, I really appreciate your concern, but I also don't want to affect the recording. Besides, it's part of my job to accommodate the character, and if Yura needs to make out with Seunghyeon for the advancement of the plot, then I'll have to do it," you couldn't help the blush that grew from your ears to your neck. In your head it sounded better. Much better.
You shrank in place as you felt his lingering gaze on you, had you overstepped your bounds by saying that, or maybe... he didn't want to make that scene?
That idea completely terrified you. You looked at him with fear in your eyes, and before you could apologize in case he's the one who ultimately doesn't want to expose himself that way, his deep voice interrupted you.
"Then let's practice that scene" he muttered, looking around his apartment, as if he was searching for something. "It all starts after Yura makes Seunghyeon a coffee, right?" lightly squeezing your hand, he walked at a slow pace to his kitchen, "I saw a bit of the webtoon, my kitchen looks a bit like it, so we could take advantage of that."
You were dumbfounded. With your mouth wide open in amazement. You'd kissed Tae before, for the show, of course, but to have him kiss you, take off his shirt for you, and lift you up and press you against his kitchen was... too much.
You shook your head, pushing that idea out of your head. You were a professional, and you would take this situation as such. Yeah, you definitely weren't going to think about how bad this would be for your weak heart.
"Okay, so..." he paused for a moment, quickly reading the dialogues before stopping at you, "let's start with the part where Seunghyeon appears from behind Yura and rests his hand against the kitchen, is that okay with you?" he looked up so he could get your approval. You almost got choked up when you saw his eyes. You just nodded quickly, knowing inside that you wouldn't be able to answer him with words.
You took a breath of air, grabbing one of the cups Tae had drying and positioned it in front of you, without letting go of the handle. A few seconds later you felt the warmth of Tae's body behind your back. You ignored the shiver that ran down your back. Your gaze was fixed on the cup, only straying when Tae's hand appeared next to yours, touching the counter with his fingertips.
You closed your eyes, squeezing them shut as you could feel Tae's breath brush against your ear. 
"What about what I said?" he whispered hoarsely, causing your legs to tremble slightly.
You admired his professionalism, and you really needed some of it for the scene.
You turned to look at him, your eyebrows drawn together between your brows, just as the script called for you to do. You couldn't help but think of the difference in height between the two of you. In a firm voice, but without anger or malice, you replied "You're laughing at me, aren't you?".
And for a second you felt your whole body melt at Tae's smitten smile. He was seriously a great actor, you couldn't look at anyone with those eyes so... bright and soft.
You grumbled as you watched his smile grow even bigger at your question. You shook your head and straightened up, turning all your attention back to the cup with coffee -which, right now, was just an empty cup-. "Ugh, you're hopeless, Seunghyeon Kang, you know that?" you muttered with fake anger, and not only because that anger was from a character and not yours, if not because you knew Yura wouldn't say it with malice, not towards the person who loved her the most -after her best friend, of course-.
"What did you call me?" Tae asked mockingly, resting his left hand on the counter, leaving you completely trapped. You were starting to get nervous.
"What?" you turned your whole body towards him, raising your eyebrows, "You want me to call you Seunghyeon Kim instead of...?"
Yeah, you didn't really expect him to kiss you, though it didn't have to surprise you. That kiss was coming out in the scene. You obviously followed the kiss, after all, right now it wasn't you and Taehyung, co-workers, it was Yura and Seunghyeon, a happy acting couple just starting to date.
 You remembered how in the script it appeared that you had to take his shirt and wrinkle it. He wasn't wearing a shirt, but a sleeveless white Celine T-shirt. Unable to hold onto his arms, you brought your hands to his chest, crumpling the fabric near his shoulders. A shiver ran down your back for the second time, but this time, it had every right to appear. Taehyung had moaned against your lips as you felt yourself clinging to his shirt. Your rational side mentally pleaded that he'd only done it for the practice and not for... well, the kiss.
You weren't sure how long you must have been kissing, but you were sure it must not have been that long. You distinctly remembered it appearing as 'a chaste kiss' or something like that, your photographic memory starting to fail for every second that Tae kept moving his sides against yours. You were starting to feel bad for how good you felt.
He pulled away just inches, his dark eyes planted on yours. You swallowed saliva as you watched him run his tongue over his lips. "I need you to open your mouth a little" he murmured.
You tensed all over. You were beginning to question whether this was still part of practice or not. "Y-yes" you whispered, gasping as you felt his hands hold you by your thighs and lift you up to lay you on the counter. This did appear in the script. 
Even with the embarrassment you felt, you parted your lips just slightly, letting out a sigh as Tae approached you at that very moment. Unlike what you thought, his kisses were much more lazy and soft. The way he had pulled you close to him, you thought he would kiss you until you were breathless. Although this wasn't too bad either. 
His right hand went up to linger on the back of your neck, tangling his fingers in your hair at the same time his left hand stopped at your waist and drew little circles on the cream colored vest you were wearing.
With some uncertainty, you brought your hands to the back of his head, drawing him closer to you. Your fingers began to grab small strands and making swirls with them. You sighed as you felt him gasp against your lips as you pulled his hair slightly. This man was going to be the end of you.
"Y/N" he murmured in agitation, resting his forehead against yours. "Can I touch you?"
You choked on your saliva, staring at him with wide eyes. That definitely wasn't in the script. "S-sorry?" your hands began to tremble slightly as you realized what he had said, because he had, in short, said your name.
"Just... you don't need to say yes, it was an impulse and..." As soon as you noticed how he tried to pull away from you, you wrapped your arms around his waist tightly, pulling him to you again.
"No!" you squealed, unsure of what you were doing, "I... I don't have a problem with you doing it" you whispered, unable to look at his face. Suddenly you wanted the earth to swallow you up.
"Oh" Tae smiled brightly, feeling his heart warm with tenderness as he watched you blush and start rambling on about something he hadn't heard. You were talking very softly.
"Honey," he whispered against your forehead, pressing his lips against the skin there. You couldn't see it, but his smitten smile and the slight blush on his cheeks showed he was just as nervous as you were, "if at any point you feel like it's too much, tell me."
You just nodded, closing your eyes tightly as you felt Tae's warm hand rest on your thigh and move up to touch the end of your skirt. His free hand busied itself with gently lifting the vest so he could touch your skin beneath it. He growled softly as he realized you weren't wearing a shirt or anything from the vest.
"You came without a shirt?" he whispered over your shoulder, leaving soft kisses as he moved up your neck and stopped at your ear. 
"I usually wear my vests like that, so I don't get so many clothes dirty" you said between stutters. He barely touched you, they were light, loving touches that you only felt because of his warmth and yet he still left you in that state. It was too embarrassing.
He didn't respond, he seemed to be too busy kissing the skin behind your ear. You removed your hand from Tae's hair and dragged it down to his waist, where his shirt was hidden under his pants. With clumsy and too shy movements - because, even though it wasn't your first time, something about this man made you act 1000 times clumsier than you already were - you pulled his shirt off and slipped your hand inside, enjoying how the touch made his whole body tremble. You didn't know you could have that reaction.
You closed your eyes, letting your hand roam all over his back, caressing every bit of skin your hands could reach.
You weren't sure at what point it happened, but, almost magically, your vest had disappeared and now Tae's lips traveled from your collarbone to your waist, leaving wetter and wetter kisses.
You were thankful he didn't remove your bra, you would be too embarrassed if he saw you completely naked.
"Do you want me to take off my shirt?" he whispered just above where your skirt covered your waist, a little below your belly button. His fully dilated dark eyes stared at you, causing a spasm to make you jump up and down on the counter.
"Y-yes, please" you rested your hands on his shoulders, wondering if you should help him. 
But you didn't need to. He stood up, reminding you how tall he really was. He quickly took off his polo shirt and threw it somewhere in the kitchen. Your mouth went dry almost immediately. He was too beautiful to be real.
His dark, lust-filled gaze deepened as he noticed how you were unable to take your gaze off his body. He approached you at a slow pace, reaching out his hand and taking a lock of your hair so he could kiss it.
"I like your hair" he whispered, letting the lock fall over your bare shoulder. You could only stand still, contemplating every move he made. "And your eyes" he moved closer to your face, resting his lips for a couple of seconds on each of your eyes, "Your nose" you laughed as he kissed the tip of your nose, crinkling it slightly as you pulled away a little, just enough to look into his face, "and definitely your lips" he whispered, taking your chin between his thumb and forefinger and moving closer to you so he could kiss you.
Unlike the slow, gentle kisses he had given you at the beginning, this time Tae seemed to be completely out of control. His lips were devouring you as if you were going to disappear at that very moment. No one had ever kissed you like that. It was all teeth clashing and tongues tangling, a couple of soft moans came from his lips every now and then, and you couldn't help but want to touch him.
"Tae" you gasped as soon as he pulled away from you. You needed to have his attention for a second before he launched himself on your lips, and his face screamed all over the place that he would. 
His lustful gaze faded immediately. Now his dark eyes only reflected concern.
"Did I go too far, do you need me to stop?" he stammered nervously, he tried to turn around to reach for your clothes, but you stopped him with your hand.
"It's not that, in fact, I'm quite enjoying it" you confessed with red cheeks and gaze fixed on his lips. They looked a little more swollen and glossy. "It's just...can I touch you?"
You both stared at each other for a few seconds, until Tae laughed softly and cupped your cheeks, kissing you repeatedly.
"God, you're so cute," he said between kisses, with a big smile. You didn't get the funny, "You can touch anything you want, I'm completely yours" he whispered happily, closing his eyes and resting his nose against yours.
"Anything I want?" you looked at him with your eyes sparkling. That was quite an offer, very tempting.
"Absolutely everything" he nodded, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles, his gaze on yours at all times.
You nodded with pursed lips, "you can go about your business" you whispered, bringing your trembling hands to his chest. You felt too nervous, how were you supposed to act when the man in front of you was so stupidly beautiful?
Tae's kisses were getting messier and messier, as were his caresses all over your body - especially your inner thighs. You tried to do the same with him, but you still felt too shy to do so, so you took to caressing his arms and shoulder blades, burying your nails into his skin when the kisses got too wild. You couldn't even remember how you got here.
His fingers began to play teasingly with the zipper of your skirt, making you groan in frustration. He definitely didn't seem to have any intentions of taking it off, and you seriously wanted, needed, it to be out of the way.
"I need you to hold on to me" he whispered, lightly biting the skin of your collarbone, causing a high pitched moan to leave your lips. "I don't want our first time together to be in my kitchen" he growled, grabbing you by the bottom of your thighs and lifting you up with ease.
"What...?" You were confused and too excited to think hard about what he had just said, "Where are you taking me?"
"To my bed" he smiled, kissing your lips softly, continuing his walk. Luckily, he thought, he didn't need to keep his eyes open to get to his room. He knew the way by heart. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, becoming enraptured at the beautiful face he had. You couldn't contain yourself and brought your fingertips to his cheeks, caressing gently. You wanted this man to be completely yours, far beyond the physical. You wanted to be able to wake up next to him, to laugh next to him, to comfort him when he needed a shoulder to cry on. You wanted him to want you the way you wanted him.
Before you knew it, Tae already had you lying on his dark blue sheets. They were soft and cool, but his scent was permeating them, and you adored that.
He put both arms on either side of your face, his deep gaze still sending shivers down your spine. "We don't have to do this if you don't feel ready yet" he whispered, bringing his hand up to your face and caressing your cheek. You closed your eyes as you felt his touch against your skin. It was so warm and electrifying that you wanted more of him. So much more.
"I'm ready," you murmured, stroking his hair. Standing beneath him, with his arms around your head, the nervousness and shyness no longer seemed to affect you. You brought your hands up to touch the hair at the nape of his neck, fiddling with it as you brought your lips to his chest, where you assumed and hoped his heart was. "I trust you, I know you would never hurt me."
You could see Adam's apple rise and fall at your comment, at the same time as his breathing became increasingly ragged.
"You're going to destroy me one of these days" he joked, leaving a soft kiss on your chest, right in the same place you did with him, "But that's okay, I see no better ending than being destroyed by your hands."
At another time you would have laughed at how corny it sounded, but having him half naked, on top of you, with his hair in disarray and breathing heavily didn't help matters.
"Is it okay if I take your skirt off?" he murmured, running his fingers down your body until he stopped at the zipper of your skirt. 
You lifted your hips, barely brushing against his, "Hell, yeah, I was hoping you'd do it sooner" you chuckled, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Sorry" he smiled broadly. For some reason, you could feel his nervousness, and you loved to think he felt the same way you did.
His fingers caught the zipper of your skirt and greedily pulled it down, pulling them off your legs as soon as he had reached the end. You were still wearing your underwear, but you still felt too exposed... in a good way.
"Are you ready?" he whispered in front of your crotch covered by your panties. Your breath hitched for an instant, but you managed to nod awkwardly. "Good, because I don't think I can contain myself from here on out" he gave you one last mean smile before pulling down your panties and plunging into your intimacy.
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bubblegyu00 · 3 months
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zb1 as boyfriends 💋
a/n: thought i'd do one for jebe too 😋 YURA YURA BABY BABY also this is very rushed....
not proofread !
• jiwoong
boyfriend jiwoong is so " yes love? honey. sweetheart. princess " he's so perfect wtf
this man would be randomly talking and say " i would die for you " and mean that shit from the bottom of his heart
i feel like he's very manly and mature but he can not drink an ounce of alcohol or he's wasted. but when he's drunk he's genuinely the cutest thing ever. will cling onto you and giggle like a little kid but you can't even be mad at him because you love him sm
SUCH a gentleman. i don't even need to elaborate on this.
he's so husband material like i would drop my whole life for him to put a ring on my finger
loves loves loves to spoil you on holidays
" i bought you a present! "
" it's the 4th of july jiwoong... and you're korean. "
• hanbin
please do not even get me started with this man.
boyfriend!hanbin will literally revolve his whole world around you. if you think he adores that hamster plushie... take that times 1000 and that's his adoration for you
if he could take you on his tours he would. it literally tears him apart that he can't see you for that long of a period of time.
whenever he can't see you starts to literally hear your voice. he'll call you to get a flight to wherever he's at because he thinks he's delusional and needs to see you before he goes insane
will be your number one supporter at award shows, but when the camera pans to him he acts like he wasn't just screaming your fanchant
will do all of your chores for you even if you don't ask him to
" what're you doing? "
" sweeping "
" hanbin did you not just see me sweep the whole house? "
" well yeah but like- "
• zhanghao
boyfriend!zhanghao is so RGRBRBRHRHRGRGRH
if anyone of your fans goes to a " your biggest fan " contest, they're all losing because zhanghao is winning immediately
honestly was your biggest fan before you two started dating. he made the biggest foul out of himself when he saw you
like the guy started stuttering, turning red, and sweating profusely. you thought it was cute so you just started teasing him more
he's still a little intimidated by you, but he doesn't stutter, turn red, or sweat profusely. ( unless you start making out, cus then he basically has a stroke )
zhanghao is definitely the second best kisser. idk why it's just something about him.... like his lips also just look so soft ( does it show that i dream about him all the time? )
the amount of stuff he knew about you before you started dating is basically stalker level but it's okay cus you're obsessed too.
you two are the most judgmental people i've ever seen oml. like someone will pass by and you'll look at eachother and give them the most vile look ever made. like if i slipped up in front of you two id probably cry
" ew wtf look it's her "
" omg wasn't she the friend that dumped that one guy for no reason "
" yup "
" gross "
• matthew
boyfriend!matthew is so cute he makes me want to do a backflip into a pool of lava ( nichole wtf )
but anyways he's actually so perfect and sweet and perfect and also sweet with some perfect mixed in
wants to be in your arms 24/7, it literally kills him when he has to leave every morning for work. like he genuinely starts tweaking out
every time he goes to canada to visit his family, he takes you too because his mom and sister ADORE you sm. like whenever you're over his mom cooks a whole feast and will talk your ear off, but it's okay cus you love her
will be texting you with the stupidest smile on his face, it makes the members wanna gag. but he dosent notice cus he's to busy typing words to describe how much he misses you
the boys WILL NOT under any circumstances get too close to you or matthew will talk their ears off
" did you just touch her? "
" i passed her the remote?! "
" you know what gunwook i'm so sick and tired of- "
and then he rants for two hours.
• taerae
boyfriend!taerae is soooo bestie boo, like he is literally your hype man
i also think that taerae is basically a mindreader... like you could be craving something and two seconds later there's taerae at the door with whatever it is you wanted. or if you wanted to call him, he'd call you right before you even turn on your phone to call him
quite literally spams your company's emails to let you do a dance challenge tiktok together. and when i say spam, i mean this man genuinely sent them 5000 slideshows as to why you should do the challenge together
absolutely can not go two sentences without bringing you up. the members could literally be talking about plants and he would make it have to do something with you
sometimes he'll wake up and wonder how in the world he pulled you. like he genuinely thinks he is the chosen one because he thinks your so 😍
he loves when you compliment his singing sm. he literally wants to cry every time you tell him how beautiful his voice is, because he only needs your validation, not anyone else's
he's so obsessed with your scent. like he buys your perfume in bulk, and sprays it on his sheets and pillows
" just bought a hundred bottles of your perfume. "
" yeah and now they're all sold out rae "
" that sucks cus im not sharing. "
• ricky
boyfriend!ricky is claimed by me. no like i genuinely have him moved into my house and everything
he's the #1 kisser. like his make out game is STRONG omfg. he's literally just a natural wtf. like he doesn't even have a lot of experience, he's just so good at kissing it's wild
this man would probably try to buy you the world if you said you wanted it. but the thing about quanrui is that you could ask him for boba or something, and he'd buy you the whole franchise
whenever you're apart, he'll call you when you're about to go to sleep, and he won't even turn off the lights until he hears your soft snores
unpopular opinion—i believe that ricky is honestly really shy when it comes to you. like if you tell him that you love him, he'll get shy and clingy and while hide in the crook of your neck
his favorite thing in the world is when your laying in between his legs with your head on his chest. he'll play with your hair until you fall asleep
that's another thing about ricky; he feels guilty when he falls asleep first, because he hates the fact that you're lying awake basically alone
he's so delusional, he literally will lie in bed and plan out your wedding
" oh and your ring is gonna be soooo pretty baby "
" oh yeah? "
• gyuvin
boyfriend!gyuvin oh god.... yes those are tears you see in my eyes 😰
gyuvin likes to mess around and tease his members, but when it comes to you he's the sweetest, softest thing you've ever met
he gets sososo shy when you compliment his on his appearance at all. no like he genuinely covers his face and gets all smiley
the members always make fun of him because whenever you're around, he turns into this giant clingy simp
he honestly is really good about communication. like he absolutely will not let you go to sleep angry
do not break up with him. if you break up with him i'm pretty sure he'd go genuinely insane. he'd also be one of those stalker exes.....
you haven't seen clingly until you've met kim gyuvin. he literally wants to be physically attached to you at all times
" no come back! "
" gyu we've been cuddling for like six hours straight?!"
• gunwook
oh how i love boyfriend!gunwook....
gunwook is lowkey SUCH a gentleman. like if you two were on a date outside and it was sunny, he'd put a hand over your head to keep your eyes from hurting. or if your shoes were untied, he'd tie them without even thinking.
has you as his lockscreen and smiles every time he checks the time, or opens his phone ( it's a picture of you sleeping )
he buys you soooo many stuffed animals, but they're all teddy bears, and they're all named gunwook #1-#203. yeah... he really loves buying you plushies..
loves going to the arcade with you, cus he think you're so adorable when you're competitive/focused
you genuinely make him soooo happy and he smiles every time he looks at you. he could literally be having the worst day he's ever had, but the minute you walk in he has the biggest smile on his face
please compliment him or he'll cry. like your validation is a top priority, just like taerae. so if he's been working on his choreo extra and you notice, he's literally skipping around like a child
he definitely falls for your traps all the time
" do you think i look good today?? "
" yes of course baby "
" good not great? do you not even love me any more?! "
" WHAT?! "
• yujin
boyfriend!yujin is soooo confusing.
i say this because you minute he's bullying you, and the next he's cuddled up with you on the couch watching a movie
i think that he loves and adores you so much it confuses him sometimes since you two a young, and he dosent know what to do with himself
he's not the best at expressing his feeling and you have to understand that. he sometimes feels really bad when he treats you cold, but he doesn't want to admit it
but when he's in a good mood, he treats you so well. like he honestly treats you like you're royal
he sometimes has to ask his hyungs for advice because he doesn't know how to be a boyfriend. but he really tries that's all that matters
but yet again, when he's in a good mood he's clingy and smiley and won't let you out of his grasp for more than two minutes
" where are you going? :( "
" yujin i have to go pee "
" do you REALLY have to pee? "
" uhm.... yes "
" are you sure? "
" yujin- "
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livealittleoc-cb · 4 months
Small Hearts Month Update!
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♥️: IT’S MY MONTH! I’M SO READY FOR WELL EVERYTHING! *squeals* I can’t wait to see people fall in love *dreamy sigh* I just love well love! 🥰 I’ve decorated but I need need need new decorations! I saw really cute mugs and I think they’ll look so cute in my collection, there’s little Snoopy mugs and heart shaped bowls and plates! Also kitchen towels with hearts on them! EEE I NEED ALL OF IT! ^^ Are you excited for Valentine’s Day?
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💘: Snow, Valentine’s Day AND Mardi Gras being the day before Valentine’s?! This is literally the best month EVER! *squeals* i decorated with roses, it’s slowly coming together 🥰 I can’t believe I almost forgot about Mardi Gras, I’ve been so busy preparing for hearts day. Mama gave me a call though and I’m going over to cel with her! This will be the step dad’s first official Mardi Gras so we’re going all out! …I just hope I don’t get too tired for actual work-. I’ll deal with it when it comes!~ 🥰 Anyways! I need to get my nails done for both holidays and it’s where I’m heading off to! Apollo gave me an early Val’s gift too, a flask and it’s so pretty.~ Please don’t tell Eros I have it…he’ll kill me and Apollo-. *smiles big* Do you have a Valentine? If you don’t I don’t mind pulling some strings and shooting some arrows!~
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❣️: I hate this month-. I want to stay warm in my bed but I can’t because I have a Valentine’s themed Dior perfume shoot. *gorans* I just don’t want to get up, I have double the work this year but I guess I can’t be all that mad. I have the chance to make other people happy on a day they find special. *shrugs* I should get up soon, I have to head to the studio soon. If anyone needs any date ideas or places to go for V Day ask away and I’ll try my best to help.
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤 && 🏴‍☠️🤍] @theinvitation-bot [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥 && 🐿️❣️ && 🐉🩶] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵💍] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💍 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥] @lavienrosecabaretxo [👑🖤] @obsession-cb [🍰🖤] @clubwnderland [💃❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @domxbot @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @thesugaredalchemists @folklore-cb @doom-bc @hearthstone-apothecary @redlight-cb @inferno-cb @darkloversxcb @9ateez-multiau-bot @mxthxbot @mirage-ocs @raiden-oc @jinju-oc @fntsybot @adminhoney @crimson-l @themanor-cb [DM + / -]
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thelonelyarchon · 27 days
007 - first love pt. 2
tw/s: grammatical errors, spelling errors, blocks of text, cursing
note: huge block of text after [name]'s tweet
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EXCUSING yourself from the seats lined up in the front, you ducked as much as you can so you can leave the place quiet without disturbing any further the ones focusing beside you. Yanfei looks at you with a slightly raised eyebrow and you mouth, “Restroom.”
It took a lot of effort to get through the sea of people watching and once you finally got through it, you rushed to the women’s room. Thankfully there was no line as everyone was too preoccupied with the show to go relieve themselves. Chiori’s outfits was captivating, so much so that no one can take their eyes off them.
The theme of “First Love” being tied with spring is a genius marketing strategy, you think. As you make a curved turn right at the corner of the women’s comfort room, you thought loudly, “Who’s going to be the last model?”
You thoughts were interrupted when you collide with a soft, but firm chest of a guest. You let out a soft gasp as you lost your footing. He grabs your arm and steadies you with ease. You were thankful for his help or else you’d be on the floor.
“A-ah! Thank you for-”
“[Name?]” The man said. You looked up only to be met with soft eyes that shined like rubies in the night. Your lips parted ever so slightly. Though you were shocked, nothing compared to the surprise on the gentlemen’s face.
“Yes? I’m [name]. Have we met before?”
“Ah, no. I just know you from somewhere. You’re a student from Sumeru Akademiya, right?”
“Oh! How’d you know? Are you also a student?”
“Yeah. I’m Cyno. Spantamad student. ” he laughs a little. There was a slight tinge of awkwardness there but you brushed it off as nerves rather than something else. His warm laughter fills your ear like honey. You can’t help but smile; glad to hear that someone from the same school as you was invited to the show.
“Nice to meet you, Cyno! Say, are you here with someone?” You asked. He grows silent.
“A-ah you could say that. I’m here to support a friend.” He said meekly.
“Oh! So your friend’s a model?” You smile widely. Maybe that friend of his already walked the runway. He nods.
“How about you?” Cyno asks.
“Oh, I’m with friends. Maybe you’ve met them? They go to the Akademiya, too. Yanfei from Vahumana, Hu Tao from Haravatat, and Dunyarzad from [darshan name] like me.” You smile.
Cyno does a double take at what you said. Your gaze flitted side to side with the peculiar reaction he gave. Have you said something wrong?
“D-dunyarzad? Dunyarzad Homayani?” He stutters.
“Yeah… do you know her?” She asks.
“N-nothing! I just think I’ve heard her name somewhere.” By now, the obvious sign of anxiety was plastered all over Cyno’s face and body language. The way his hand trembles and the way the small beads of sweat began to form on his forehead gave it away for you.
“I see. Well, I shouldn’t keep you waiting,” you notice how his eyes were wandering around. “If you’ll excuse me. I have to use the bathroom. I don’t want to miss any more from the show.”
Cyno looks behind him to see the women’s bathroom sign and he lets out a small sound and laughs. He gestures for you to go in. “Go ahead. It was nice meeting you.”
You hadn’t even replied yet and he’s off sprinting back to the venue. You tilt your head in confusion.
What was that?
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TAGLIST: @makimakimi @yura-4life @matchablossomsss
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extralively · 1 month
School Stories: In the Closet
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Gojo Satoru/Original Female Character Pre-Relationship, Bickering, Teenage Shenanigans, Baby Panda Plays Matchmaker 1,806 words Also posted on AO3 Summary: Yura was just trying to get her chores done at the end of the school day, too bad that a young Panda suddenly decided to take matters into his own hands regarding a certain matter involving her and Gojo...
Hey everyone! I bring you another work in the Satoru/Yura series, and this time I actually plan to make School Stories a series of its own with quick oneshots set during their school days! There'll probably be no plot-related stuff here, mostly just slice of life and early SatoYura shenanigans, because that's fun to revisit every now and then, hehe.
If you just got here and haven't read any of the previous installments of this series, and all you want is some Gojo/OC slice of life shenanigans, then you should be able to read this as standalone! All you need to know is that Yura and Gojo are in the same year, and he was a massive asshole to her at beginning lol. They've since come to a sort of understanding and become friends, but they still bicker a lot.
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“Who put the mop behind everything?” Gojo asked, and Yura only crossed her arms with an impatient sigh.
“Hurry up,” she called, watching the white-haired teenager rummage through the supply closet. It was the end of the school day, and they were supposed to clean up their classroom—Yura and Gojo were on mopping the floor and wiping surfaces duties, while Shoko and Geto were left to take out the trash and tidy everything up. However, Yura couldn’t even get started on her own chores until they were able to fetch all the supplies from this closet, which Gojo was taking forever to do.
“I’m trying,” he called, immediately tossing an empty bucket out of the supply storage, and Yura scowled at him making a mess. “But someone decided to bury all the supplies behind a bunch of junk.”
Yura tapped her foot in irritation, unable to help and hurry things up as the closet was way too cramped for two people.
As Yura was about to shoot another retort, a flash of black and white passed by her peripheral vision, and she turned her head to look. It was Panda, peering at them from behind the corner.
“Panda,” Yura greeted him. “Didn’t know you were stopping by today.”
The small, not-quite-a-panda creature would occasionally visit the school with Yaga, and Yura had long since become acquainted with him. She still wasn’t sure of all the details regarding Panda’s existence—something of a mutated cursed corpse created by Yaga that could function on his own, and that had apparently gotten Yaga into a lot of trouble back in the day—but Yura ended up deciding not to worry too much about it and simply view the small panda as Yaga’s sort-of son. He was pretty cute, as Shoko would repeatedly say as she’d try to squish the small-sized not-a-panda in a hug, and surprisingly smart for what was technically a five year old child.
So it was a little weird when Panda didn’t answer her, only stared. He could talk—and sometimes he would talk a lot—but for some reason he only stared at them with his eyebrows-area furrowed in concentration.
“Panda?” Yura called again, as Gojo still fumbled with all the stuff inside the supply closet.
Without a word, Panda suddenly marched up to them, halting his steps right next to her. And he stared.
“Wakatsuki,” Gojo suddenly called from inside the closet. “Don’t just stand there.”
“We can’t both fit in there,” she replied, tearing her eyes away from the small, furry creature to shoot another scowl in Gojo’s direction. “...Mr. Special Grade that can’t even get a mop out of the closet.”
She heard Gojo huff, disgruntled. She bit back a grin.
“Here,” he suddenly called out, briefly pulling back to hand her a mop. “Here’s that damn mop, now I just need to get the other stuff.”
Yura stepped closer to grab the offered item, and that was when the closet door suddenly swung closed, pushing her into the small, cramped space.
A garbled cry of surprise escaped her mouth as she stumbled forward, her hands scrambling to grasp at anything in front of her. Anything turned out to be a warm, not-that-soft body, her own body immediately colliding against Gojo’s as she fell into him.
“Wakatsuki, what the hell—” he let out, and she felt an arm wrap around her waist to keep her from falling further and, especially, face-first into the closet’s wall. However, something was pulled from the higher shelves with the movement, a pile of (thankfully) not too heavy stuff immediately falling onto them and pushing them closer together.
And in the middle of it all, there was the distinct click of the lock behind them, and what she could only describe as giggling fading away into the distance.
“Panda!” she called, the only possible culprit for quite literally pushing them into this situation. But it was too late, and there was only silence outside. “Shit...”
Yura’s hands tried to find purchase somewhere, anywhere, but the only solid surface she could find was Gojo himself.
And he was too close.
Yura let out a series of expletives as her feet couldn’t find solid ground, too much junk scattered around their legs for her to actually find somewhere to step. “Stop—Stop that,” Gojo said as she kept struggling.
“You stop—” Her fingers tightened on Gojo’s uniform as her efforts only made her slip further, her weight dropping against him. His arm around her was the only thing keeping her from fully falling on top of the scattered junk.
He grunted. “Quit moving—” he said, and she felt his arm suddenly tighten around her. That did make her more secure in place... but that also brought her even closer.
Closer—way too close.
Yura froze.
For a long moment, all she could hear was her breathing in the small, dark space. Well, her breathing, and his. And not just hear, but feel—her chest was pressed against Gojo’s, so she could feel every time it heaved up and down along with hers. And it was like her mind slowly took stock of every single spot their bodies touched—which was almost everywhere. One of his legs was pushed up between hers, hitching higher every time she scrambled for purchase, his arm firm around her waist and keeping her there.
“...Uh...” Gojo let out. His breath puffed over her face.
Was it getting hotter in here, or...?
“...Door,” she suddenly called. It was dark, but she thought she could see his brows furrowing. “Get the door,” she explained.
Gojo was quiet for a moment, and then he suddenly moved. Yura briefly realized his weight had been leaning against the wall as his upper body surged forward, taking her with him—but she supposed this was nothing for him with his ridiculous strength. She was able to find a little bit of purchase on the ground as he straightened them both up, but not enough, and as his arm unwrapped itself from around her to reach for the door, she was forced to hold on to him tighter.
“...It’s locked,” he said, the sound of a jiggling doorknob filling the closet.
She grunted. “Fucking—"
Gojo let out a huff. “Did Panda really lock us in here?”
Yura also let out a huff. “Yep.”
“I’m gonna tell Yaga that his little experiment is turning into quite the little shit,” he grumbled.
And Yura couldn’t help herself. “...Well, you’re one to talk,” she half mumbled.
Gojo huffed again, turning to look down at her face... and then immediately looking away as they were still too close.
Yura let out a breath as she too looked off to the side. “Now what?” she asked. She was pretty sure she had left her phone back in the classroom with her things, but maybe Gojo still had his so they could call someone to get them out of there. If not... “Do we scream for help or something?”
“I mean, I can teleport.”
Ah. Right.
But then she narrowed her eyes. “Don’t you dare teleport away and leave me here all alone.”
She heard him bark out a laugh. “Scared of the dark, Wakatsuki?”
Yura turned her head to him with a scowl, about to retort—and then her nose bumped his chin and she quickly turned away again. “Just get us out of here.”
Yura almost felt relieved at the feeling of Gojo’s teleporting encasing them, the cramped-up space giving way to some actual room to move around. Darkness turned into light, and Yura’s feet finally found their footing, but then she looked to the side and immediately locked eyes with Shoko’s questioning gaze.
...Hold on.
Yura was frozen for a moment, her brain still trying to make sense of the sudden change of scenery. Gojo had teleported them both out of the closet—straight into the classroom they had been using. The one where Shoko and Geto were.
“...Satoru,” she heard Geto’s voice suddenly drawl out, and her eyes shifted to look at him. His lips were tilted up in a sly smile aimed straight at her and Gojo. “You guys been having fun?”
Yura blinked. And her brain suddenly processed the fact that they hadn’t actually moved after teleporting so Gojo still had his arms around her... with their bodies still pressed together.
Something snapped inside of her.
“G-Get off!” she suddenly exclaimed, pushing Gojo away as hard as she could. It seemed to have sent him stumbling backwards, but Yura was too busy to congratulate herself for catching him off guard when her cheeks felt like they were bursting into flames.
“Ow, Wakatsuki, what the hell...” Gojo grumbled.
Yura eventually raised her gaze, meeting Shoko’s eyes again. Unfortunately, Yura did not like the look she found on the other girl’s face.
“You two were supposed to be fetching the supplies,” Shoko said, amusement hiding behind her impassive tone. “Not cozying up together.”
Yura’s cheeks were still burning, and she refused to look in Gojo’s direction. “That’s not—!”
“No!” a different voice suddenly yelled from the doorway. It was the culprit himself—Panda—standing there in shock.“You weren’t supposed to be out so soon!” He paused. “Go back!”
Gojo snapped his head towards the doorway, his eyes shooting glares at the mutated cursed corpse even from behind his glasses. “You pulling pranks now, you little furball?” he gritted out. He took one step towards the young not-panda, who seemed to have sensed what was to come and immediately bolted. “I’ll get ya and teach you a lesson, come back here!”
As Gojo ran off chasing after Panda, the other three students were left alone in the classroom, and Yura tried to get her flushed cheeks back in control. And in the meantime, she refused to make eye contact with neither Shoko nor Geto... who had turned his gaze to her, amused.
“So...” Shoko eventually started. “What just happened?”
Honestly, Yura had no idea.
“You locked them in a closet?” Yaga asked, his face incredulous as he stared at his small creation.
Panda only nodded, eyes big and wide and with seemingly no regrets.
Yaga let out a sigh. “...Why?”
Panda didn’t miss a beat. “They need to kiss.”
Yaga raised an eyebrow high up. “They need to what?” he asked.
“Kiss,” Panda replied. “They gotta kiss.”
Now, where the hell had Panda gotten this idea from, Yaga had no idea.
He sighed, rubbing his face with a hand.
“Masamichi,” Panda called, and Yaga peered down through his fingers. There was more? “You need to try it sometime.”
“Try it? Try what?”
Panda nodded. “Locking them in a closet,” he stated. His small face became thoughtful. “Just have to make sure Satoru can’t teleport...”
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End notes: My personal headcanon is that Panda is an unusually perceptive person, and hey, it's actual canon that he likes to play matchmaker!! So let's say he started early, echoing the thoughts of a lot of commenters in this series saying they wish they could lock Yura and Satoru in a closet to sort things out lmao. Too bad Satoru can teleport...
(Basically I wrote a mention of Panda locking them in a closet in one of the main story's chapters and I felt like I had to actually write out the incident lol)
Anyway, thank you for reading, and let me go back to writing the main story now ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )ᕗ
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ressonancee · 3 months
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♥ SYNOPSIS: Soonyoung is a man on a mission to get his ex back, even if this means enduring watching her going on dates in a reality TV show - ok maybe he didn't think it through when he thought it was a good idea to go on said tv show. Alternatively; Soonyoung love transit episode. 
♥ GENRE: (this is me trying to do) comedy, romance, a little dash of angsty (because they are exes and because it is me writing it I guess);
♥ FEATURING: Wen Junhui as Soonyoung's number one enemy, Xu Minghao, Lee Chan, Boo Seungkwan as a cranky panelist, Seo Changbin as a normal panelist, Girls Day Yura just because I love her, Pi Cheolin as a panelist that nobody knows why he has been cast but he makes it work. 
♥ THEA’S NOTE: Hello hi hi everyone. I’ve been weirdly obsessed with Love transit/Exchange for quite a while. For those who have never watched it, they put 10 people together in a house - 5 couples, and make them go on a date with different people. The funny thing is that you can’t tell people who your ex is. Also after a long debate with myself, I decided to post this as a multichapetered fic. Anyways welcome to part 1, hope you enjoy it. 
♥ If you want to read the rest of this/ be tagged click here ♥
“Do you know you have to think about other options too, right?” The producer asks him. The giant camera is way too close to his face and the producer is sitting just under it - in a little stool that looks utterly uncomfortable. Soonyoung wants to face her, but before this question she told him three different times he needs to stare right at the camera. He is sitting so still that he can feel the energy accumulating on his body, making him almost quick in his seat.
“I am not interested in that,” Soonyoung answers - staring at the camera and trying to not blink too much even if the lights of the studio hurt his eyes. 
“But the point of this program is that you are open to dating other people and let her date other people as well,” the producer insisted, and Soonyoung almost laughed. He knows that, for fucking sakes he only got his date because he is a master in rock paper scissor and his ex went on a date with fucking Junhui. He knows the point of everything, he just doesn't really care.
“Like I said, I am not interested in that, my goal with this,” He tries to explain, using his hand to point at everything, the set actually looked way better on camera and it was very flimsy in real life, and everytime he thinks he will break a fake wall. “Is that we get back together,” he grins confidently, “Sorry pd nim but we will get back together before this end.” 
He hears the producer groan, he is pretty sure she shouldn’t be groaning and this won’t go to the final cut. He thinks the audio people will handle it, they probably will put a fade in music or whatever, they are professionals. 
When the assistant producer says that he can start walking and enter the house, Soonyoung is ready to just run. But he holds himself back, instead of running he just puts down the handle of his suitcase and grips on the strap. Like that, he thinks, it will be faster than strolling around. He starts walking, the weight on his suitcase is heavy on his arms but he is committed to that already, he won’t ask for the assistant guy to re-do his shot, and he won’t change his mind midway either, it is now a matter of pride. Soonyoung is proud - his ex always told him that - he is too proud for his own good. 
He is proud enough to not drop his suitcase when he opens the gate and steps greets him, Soonyoung just groans, because he is proud but not a fool. Ok, maybe he is a fool, again, according to his ex but he likes to think that since they broke up he is a changed man. Eight months is enough time to be reborn into a new man according to Soonyoung experience. He changed his hair, it is way shorter now, and cooler - he likes to think. A few of his friends joked about his short bangs and almost shaved sides but he likes it and he even has a cool slit in his eyebrow. He also changed his clothes, he pays more attention to his clothes now and even his ex would agree with that one - or he hopes so. 
His personality didn’t change that much but Soonyoung likes to think he can see things clearly now - like a fog has come down. He always was good with his goal, he stuck to it, he finished things, he was disciplined and he was focused. But he wasn’t very good with balance. His girlfriend, his ex-girlfriend, always talked about how he had those bursts of hyperfocus, she explained back then how he could dance for hours and hours without feeling his body getting exhausted but he couldn’ focus on a single task if he found anything remotely boring. But he is better now, he worked for long months on how he didn’t need to give up in other aspects of his life to succeed professionally. He learned that he doesn’t need to spend twenty hours per day in his dance studio, he learned to trust other people in that aspect. 
Damn too many steps, Soonyoung thinks when he finally arrives at the door. He looks around and presses the numbers on the digital keypad, the same assistant producer guy told him a few numbers - he actually wrote down in his note app, he knows himself that he will forget in no time. But the numbers are fresh enough in his head and the doors open. Soonyoung looks around the hall and he thinks he is the first one. Well. Cool. Soonyoung drops his suitcase in the hall and takes off his shoes, walking around without a slipper on - he can’t really bother to search for one right now. He starts looking around, cameras are scattered around the house greeting him in every room. 
It is fascinating really, to be a part of the tv show, Soonyoung thinks while he gives the camera in the kitchen a little hand wave. He opens the fridge and it actually has a lot of booze, damn, he is not a good drinker. He goes around the kitchen checking for appliances and almost starts the coffee machine without knowing, he was just pressing random buttons. He hopes the producer teams cut this part. After almost burning his hand with hot water he goes to the living room, one of the walls is completely glass and it makes the sun enter the house, the view of the garden is pretty cool, and there is another staircase outside leading to somewhere. The glass is so clean that when Soonyoung touches it just to see his fingertip smudges it. He exhale thought his mouth, fogging the window and draws with his fingertip a doodle - the same shape of his eyes but with a snout, a little tiger Soonyoung thinks proud of himself, when he turns around another camera is facing him and he just show his work while smiling. 
There is another stair leading to the second floor. Weird obsession to have, Soonyoung thinks, staircases. He jumps two steps at a time. He roams around - the rooms seem nice, 3 upstairs and another living room, no television and thank god no cameras in the bathroom. He gets bored after a while, so he goes down to the main floor and sits on the sofa - politely, his hand on his knees. But that too gets boring really quick so he starts kicking his feets around, he did good, Soonyoung thinks to himself, he really chose a good sock today so he is not too worried he is shoeless walking around, his black socks are amazing.
After what seems like three whole hours the door opens again, he hears the sound of the padlock and his heart jumps against his chest, he almost hop on the sofa, the amount of energy he has in his body is enough to make him vibrate like a cellphone receiving a call. He stretches his neck trying to see who it is before the person enters the living room. He sees the shoes before he can actually see the person and for the size of those damn feet Soonyoung knows it is not his ex. A good looking guy enters the room, getting all shy when he sees Soonyoung. 
“Hello,” the good looking guy greets him and his voice is on the lower side, Soonyoung thinks he looks so cool.
“Hello,” Soonyoung began, “I am Kwon Soonyoung,” he offered first, “your name?” he says when the good looking guy just stares at him.
“Ah, right,” the guy sitting across from Soonyoung began, “I am Jun, Wen Junhui actually, but you can call me Jun.”
“Jun,” Soonyoung mutters, it fits his name, the guy is a little weird Soonyoung thinks but it is okay.
“So, what's your favorite color?” Soonyoung asks him because he is not allowed to ask anything else really. No question about Jun’s ex, he can’t know his age either, and they are prohibited to talk about their jobs, so Soonyoung tries to make small talk in any way he can.
They fall into a weird silence after a few questions. “This is awkward,” Junhui admitted after a bit making Soonyoung laugh. 
After a few minutes another guy arrives, Xu Minghao is his name and Soonyoung is pretty sure he is part of a gothic or emo band. A girl arrives after that, she is cute Soonyoung gives her that but he is not really interested. Then another girl and again a pretty girl because of course. When the fourth guy arrives Soonyoung starts to think that maybe you bailed out and the producer team might be looking for an actress to play his ex, who knows. They are in the middle of asking the blond guy his name and his color, everyone introducing themselves to the new guy when he finally hears the door again. His blood is rushing through his body. When you enter the door a ray of sunshine goes through the window and illuminates all around you, almost like a halo. Soonyoung looks behind him to check if any staff is pointing something at you but nothing. 
“Hi,” you greeted looking at everyone, Soonyoung smiled at you, and damn you are even more beautiful how was that possible.
“Wow,” The blond guy says at his side, Lee Chan, he thinks and that alone makes Soonyoung perk up a little bit, “you are shoeless,” the guy added pointing at your feet. 
“Ah,” You breathed, your voice low. Soonyoung knows you are shy and before he could say anything Junhui guy was already up and walking around, “I couldn’t really find a slipper.” 
“Here,” Junhui gives you a pair of slippers - wait - what about him? Soonyoung thinks but apparently he doesn’t deserve Jun’s attention even though he tried his best to be polite and friendly, and before he knows he is pouting, damn.
When everyone falls silent again, Soonyoung thinks it is his time to shine, “Your name?” he asks politely, trying his best to not make clear that he is still heads over heels over you just with a simple question. 
They go around names again but everything is weirdly muffed when Soonyoung focuses on you. Your hair is different now, longer he thinks. You repeat every name, the girls first then Junhui, Chan, Minghao and Soonyoung. He is the last one and he hates every name that falls off your tongue that is not his own. Soonyoung, you mumbled like everyone else's names, and it hits Soonyoung that it has been months since you called his name, and he misses it. 
“Does anyone know how to cook?” Lee Chan asks, and Soonyoung is sure he will be the youngest one, there is something in him that just screams maknae. 
“I-” Jun starts but when all the eyes turn into him he stutters a little bit and gets shy with all the attention, meanwhile Soonyoung just sharpens his gaze towards the guy, “I can fix something up to dinner.”
“I can help,” you declare, lifting up your hand  like you are back in school or something, you are so cute, Soonyoung almost giggles, “I can do the basics so if you need any help,” you say to Jun and then it dawns on Soonyoung and before he knows he is lying through his teeth;
“I can help too,” Soonyoung volunteers, almost raising his hand like a kid in school, “I am a great cook.”  
Everyone looks at him but he can only focus on the way you look at him - you know he is lying, and for a second he thinks everyones knows it too even though they just met, but he will die on this hill, he can pretend he is putting a salad together for all the people who don’t eat meat even though he is pretty sure everyone's eat meat, but he is thoughtful like that.
“Okay, so you three can go to the market and cook dinner,” says one of the girls that Soonyoung can't remember the name, “we can clean the kitchen and also the guys can help us with all the suitcases, and we sort out the rooms after dinner.” 
“This is weird isn't it?” The Jun guy asks when you finally sit in the backseat, Soonyoung is in front of you and everything does seem incredibly weird.
“What exactly?” You ask and you hear Soonyoung laugh for the first time in a while and you don’t even know what you feel - everything seems weird, the fact that one go pro is right at your face is weird, the fact that you are in the same vehicle as Kwon Soonyoung is weird, the fact that you said yes to this weird ass idea was weird too.
“I mean,” Jun starts again, falling silent when he starts reversing the car to get out of the garage, “everything? I feel like only now everything is real and it is so weird like, what do you I will be living with my ex for a month.”
“Right?” Soonyoung pipes up, “aren’t you guys excited about that?” he asks and before you or Jun can speak up he starts again, “I am super hyped!”
“You are?” Jun asks, astonished, and you can’t blame him. One of the greatest problems in your relationship was the fact that you and Soonyoung worked somehow on different wavelengths. Soonyoung is someone that is difficult to follow, but once you know him you can start figuring out his patterns and way of thinking - he is predictable, he has a routine into his own madness.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” Soonyoung says, looking at Jun and turning his whole body to look at you in the backseat, you just shrug because what else can you do really? Tell him that he is insane was not an option, that alone would make it clear that Soonyoung was your ex. 
“I think the fact that this program entails living with your ex for one,” Jun says dead seriously and it is your time to laugh. You thought you would be the last one in terms of thinking this program is a good idea but apparently this Jun guy is beating you to it. 
Soonyoung keeps talking about how excited he is and how fun it will be, he goes on and on about how this is an one in a lifetime type of opportunity and you know that even if he sounds a bit over the top he is being honest, and that he is - even if you and Jun finds extremely weird - very excited for it. But it is Soonyoung so of course you should’ve seen that coming. 
And after just a few minutes you think that even though he cut his hair, Soonyoung didn’t change that much, when you say you are picking up a basket he is already by your side taking it off your hands, “Let me carry this and you focus on the ingredients,” he says like he has some sort of a plan but deep down you know he won’t let you carry all the weight - you always complain about having wrist pain, tendonitis is a bitch, the fact that Soonyoung still remembers make your heart grow, like a air ballon. 
Back then when you were together every time you were at home he would make you drop your phone, computers were also extremely prohibited to use. If your wrist brace were on he would even attempt to feed you - you always hated that and he always threw a fit about it. 
“Jun,” you call the guy walking ahead of you mindlessly, “Do you have something in mind?” 
“Hmmm,” the guy ponders and you almost laugh at his confused face. He is cute. You give him that but you think that giggling at his face would be too much for one of your first interactions. “Not really,” he says scratching the back of his neck and you can feel the smile forming on your face. 
“We should grill meat,” Soonyoung says proudly, bringing you back to reality, “We could buy meat.”
“I actually can make a side dish with fried vegetables,” you try, looking around to see if you can find anything to put together for dinner.
“Oh nice,” Soonyoung pipes up, giving you two thumbs ups. What a dork, but that was Soonyoung and you were used to it, at him acting like you hung the moon in the sky every time you did something that every other adult human could do. You give him a thumbs up back, and when he smiles get even bigger you think you should just run away from this whole thing.
“Then we could also buy some noodles and put everything together,” Jun says “I have a receipt that I think will work together with your veggies.”
“Great, we can cook together while Soonyoung grill the meat,” you say before you start walking by Jun’s side in a vain attempt to run away from Soonyoung.  
Soonyoung acts like a kicked puppy.the whole trip to the market. Always behind you, sometimes you bump into him when you spin around looking for Jun to know if you should grab or not grab a pack of soft tofu or a pack of broccoli.
When you pick up onions or carrots, Soonyoung acts like it is the smartest thing ever, and your heart grows a little bit bigger - another pump of air. You think about how Soonyoung is still very much the same person he always was; caring and kind. Every time he assures you in a low voice like he is telling someone a secret - you can take both - he says to you when you ponder if you should buy a red or white wine, you don’t even know if other people enjoy wine but Soonyoung knows you do, and before you can think twice he grabs one bottle of each and put in the basket. 
You think that this Soonyoung is the Soonyoung that you missed the most. Of course you missed the loud one, the life of the party, the one who among your friends would make his mission to get people tipsy and happy even though he can’t drink for shit. You miss the one that would make people stand up and sing and dance and every single one of your friends would get so shy while his friend would act like getting up in the middle of a bar or restaurant was not insane behavior. But this Soonyoug, the soft spoken Soonyoung - the one who would always give you assurance when you thought one of your articles was bad, the Soonyoung who always listened to you when you thought you should drop one investigation because your editor didn’t thought the piece was relevant enough, the one who when things were thought was serious and calm to listen to your every word and actually pay attention, you missed him the most, and you missed him the longest because that one vanished before you broke up.
“Stop,” you say in the lowest voice possible, bumping into him so he can give you space.
“What?” He asks - doing the exact opposite of your wishes, he drops his head even closer to you in an attempt to hear you. 
“You are making it so clear that you are my ex,” You blurt out shoving Soonyong lightly, “Stop that it is supposed to be a secret.”
“I am not doing anything,” He deflected with a pout on his mouth, and it was kind of cute and you want to beat yourself up. How can you be down so bad for him? You need to get your mind straight to survive. You need at least a 5 meters distance from him. 
“You are, go follow Jun,” you say, “or grab a snack or two, we are probably going to drink something”
“Ok, I can grab snacks,” Soonyoung beams, his smile back on his face, “I am great at snacks.”
“Sure you are.” You added. 
You look at the camera man holding the camera a few meters away and you exhale. 
Could you survive this? Could you survive 30 days of Soonyoung being back in your life? This was a dumb idea, you think while looking at the ice cream fridge, and of course it was a Sonyoung idea. You should’ve said no. 
“Why are you guys dressed up as powerpuff girls,” Soonyoung hears his ex speak up before he can ever see the other girls. Sometimes he thinks he has tunnel vision - his focus is on you, there is no space left for anyone else. 
When he settles down the plastic bags on the kitchen counter and almost runs towards the living room, still a little bit weird, to have his ex right there and not be able to openly talk to her. The whole trip to the market was a torture - going to the market was something you always did with him when you were together. Soonyoung couldn’t cook to save his life so whenever you two would spend time together in his place you needed a market trip. 
If Soonyoung tried hard enough you made him creamy garlic chicken pasta, his favorite. Even if you said you were already sick of eating it every week. You also made very good eggs for breakfast. Soonyoung misses those moments the most; the routine of waking up with you, he always waited for you to wake up, sometimes while you made a cup of coffee Soonyoung would run to the nearest baker and buy fresh bread.
“What?” The girl in the green tracksuit says making Soonyoung return to earth. She is setting the table and she looks so offended that he thinks she might drop a plate or two.
“Chan,” His ex called the guy that just arrived in the living room, how are you so good with names? How has Chan's name engraved in your brain already? Soonyoung almost forgot his own name today - not his ex's name though, that one he remembers, “look,” you say pointing at each one, a coy smile on her face, “Buttercup, Blossom and Bubbles.”
“Yeah, I can see it,” Chan says laughing way over too enthusiastically it wasn’t even that funny. 
“Who will be the mojo jojo?” Blossom - of course the girl in red, Soonyoung understands it now, asks. 
“I don't know but that leaves me as princess morbucks and I kind of hate it,” you complain, “yellow is so not my color.” 
Soonyoung wants to say that you look great in yellow. That you look good in everything, that you never once looked bad in your life, but he thinks that that alone would be too much and everyone would know you are his ex, so he doesn’t say anything. He bites his own tongue - he really does and it hurts. 
And if the market trip was bad, making dinner was even worse. Everything seemed awkward, you almost didn’t talk with him or Jun, thank god, but everytime you did Jun would giggle and Soonyoung thought about how that was the worst moment of his life - only second for the day of you breaking up. Jun seemed like a very shy and giggly guy, he was indeed charming, and Soonyoung hated that - he was never really a jealous guy but now here he is, freaking out because you are being nice to someone you just met. 
Soonyoung thinks he is one step closer to losing his mind. Thirty days of this? He is definitely walking out of this house completely crazy. And what is even worse? Soonyoung told you three different times how he brought chicken breast, and not even once you talked about how you make a mean chicken pasta, and he has been craving that for months now. He once tried eating in a restaurant but didn’t hit the same spot.
“Can I ask you guys something?” Bubbles asks in a low voice, a cup of beer and soju in her hands. There is still a little bit of food on Soonyoung’s plate, mind you it is his second plate but he is just extremely hungry, new experiences makes him hungry. But almost everyone is finished, just munching on a few bites of meat that Soonyoung grilled - he is proud that he didn’t really burn half of it. 
“Shoot,” Blossoms beams with a smile. 
“Do you guys,” Bubbles starts, she sips on her drink again and he can’t blame her for relying on liquid courage. “Do you guys still have feelings for your ex or that would be weird?”
“I do,” Soonyoung says and you almost get a whiplash, the way that those words leave his mouth is so confident, so sure of his own feelings that make your head spin, “I don’t think it is weird, I mean it depends how it ended, how long was your relationship, how was your relationship,” he finishes with a shrug. 
“Wouldn’t that make everything even worse?” Jun pipes up, he says not looking at anyone in particular, looking a little lost on his own feelings. Soonyoung thinks that is the booze, maybe Jun is a worse drinker than him, maybe Soonyoung wins this round. Take that Wen Junhui, Soonyoung 1, Wen Junhui 0.
“I agree with him,” you say pointing at Jun. What the fuck? Is it a tie now? 
And you do in fact agree with him. Even since you stepped foot in this house and saw Soonyoung for the first time you wished you were completely over him, but apparently your heart didn’t receive the memo. Because here you were, your heart skipping a beat like a teenager everytime Soonyoung even looked at you. 
“Why?” Bubbles ask you, her eyes are so big and so focused that you stutter a bit. She seems truly curious about your opinions and the way your brain was wired, even though she didn’t really seem curious about Jun. 
“I just,” You stop to think a little, Soonyoung eyes are glued on you, and now you are the one who needs liquid courage but your glass is empty, “I will have to help the other girls date my ex right?” You added while looking for another beer, “that alone would be even worse if I still had feelings for my ex right?”
“I agree,” Chan says, “but i think that will be weird even if you don’t have feelings for your ex too like it is something it is weird to share in any type of situation.”
“I am the only one then?” Soonyoung asks laughing, he eats another bite of Junhui's noodles and your veggies, and drinks a gulp of his coke. He is a terrible drinker and he won’t cry on the first night.
“I don’t think you are,” Minghao starts, “but I think there are different levels to it, I am not completely over my ex either but I don’t think we should get back together so like, 70% over?”
“I am a hundred percent,” Buttercup says and you start laughing because she is so blunt, “no guys seriously,” she fusses around, “my ex is great, but I think before we broke up we already knew we were over?” She babbled again while someone pressed a cold glass on your arm. When you look at Jun giving you another glass full of beer. “Like, we are friends now and we are cool but 100% over.”
“But even if you are totally over it, being in the same house doesn't shake you up?” Blossoms asks, “because I was like that and being here and sharing this space is fucking me up.”
“Not in my case, no,” Buttercup answers, “what about you?” she says asking you
“Me?” You want to say you are over, you want to say you no longer have feelings for you ex, and you want to be cool and collected like the others, but the way Soonyoung eyes tingles when he looks at you makes you feel like you are a lonely balloon, some kid is hold you down by a flimsy thread, shaking when the wind blows; “I have no idea what I feel right now, I am all over the place.” You groan before drinking from the glass Jun handed to you.
“Ok, not over your ex then,” Buttercup says and makes the whole group laugh but Soonyoung giggles is the only one that rings in your ear.
“You are not the only one you can chill,” Minghao says to Soonyoung and Soonyoung laughs again.
“Thanks god,” Soonyoung cackled, “Imagine being the only one here who still has feelings, but I still think you guys are the weird ones.”
And it is your time to laugh. The group keeps going around asking questions, sometimes it fades to an awkward silence and Soonyoung is the one who speaks up about something completely random to make the group laugh. You guys can’t really talk about much, you can’t talk about your age, or your jobs, or your ex and how long you dated.
Your relationship with Soonyoung was not exceptional in any way. When you look back, even in the end, it was not out of this world. It was an extremely common relationship. Soonyoung was a great boyfriend but that wasn’t enough, and like every relationship ended badly, of course it did. How could it not? You know you broke up because of circumstances - back then Soonyoung was traveling every week working on a tour, his work hours were always unusual; a rehearsal starting at eight or a stage check at ten. It didn’t help that you, as well, had an insane routine, especially when it was election time. Sometimes you wish you covered fashion for a magazine and not national and international politics for one of the biggest TV channels of the country. 
In the end, you and Soonyoung ended your relationship because you were too similar. Your commitment to work before anything else matched his work ethics. 
You didn’t break up with Soonyoung because he was an asshole, you think that in this situation dealing with a horrible ex boyfriend would be easier; there would be no desire to try again, there would be no heart skipping a beat when Soonyoung says he still feel something for you. 
When you look back at your relationship with Soonyoung you think about how it ended before you broke up, before you two come to terms that it wouldn’t work. It ended when you two were so caught up in your life you couldn’t make space for one another, and that, that alone breaks your heart. You didn’t break up because you fell out of love, you broke up because you were no longer a couple, you two no longer able to take care of each other, no longer having the energy to do so. 
And that - to you sounds even worse. 
“Should we share the rooms?” Minghao’s voice brings you back to reality.
“Rock, paper, scissors and the winner choose first?” Blossom questions.
The second night in the house is somewhat the same as the first one. 
Soonyoung doesn’t cook and neither do you, so you guys spend the night just talking with the other people around the table drinking. You sing a little bit, completely out of tune and your rhythm is so bad that it makes everyone laugh. and god, Soonyoung misses you so much he can feel like a physical pain - an ache in his bones, making him feel heavier than he should. 
Soonyoung is laughing when he hears the doorbell rings, and everyone is startled by it. 
See, the thing is - Soonyoung is not a religious man. He prayed once in a while but as he wasn’t a daily customer he thinks God was very much caught up in other people's problems, those who were more of an habitual client than Soonyoung who prays once in every six months when something goes terribly wrong in his life. But when Minghao lays all the little pics on the table after reading the cue card about the guys choosing the dates Soonyoung knows he is in for a win. If poker was that easy he would be rich.  
He knows very well that the wall with a duck neon sign is your favorite coffee, the place that you two used to go to almost every day. 
“How do we do this?” Soonyoung asks, all the guys look a little fascinated by the pictures while the girls look like they are about to have a heart attack. 
“Do you already have your pick in mind?” Lee Chan questions him astonished. 
“Of course,” Soonyoung says proudly, all eyes are on him, and before he knows he is already bending over the table and sticking his hand out, “Can I just pick or?”
“Which one?” Minghao asks, eyes fixed on Soonyoung’s hand. And the tension is so high and Soonyoung kind of loves it, it reminds him of those few minutes before entering on a stage, “What if someone else wants your picture?”
“The duck one,” Soonyoung remarked plainly because he doesn’t really see a reason to lie, “It is cute”
“Me too,” Junhui says and Soonyoung can feel the muscle of his neck almost snap, the aftermath of a whiplash. He blinks looking at the guy in the eyes and at that moment he wants to kill Junhui, he really wants to - kill his own fucking roomate in a tv show, “Let’s do rock paper scissors”
“I said first though” Soonyoung complained and it is childish but he doesn’t really care. If it is to get his way he will probably be even more childish.
“Yeah but you could pick that one if nobody wanted it,” Junhui nagged, almost matching Soonyoung in the childish level. And Soonyoung hates it, most people didn’t tried to go down on Soonyoung’s level. He is not used to someone going so low.
“Can you guys just do rock paper scissors already? It is stressing me out,” Buttercup says by your side, she is already running her nails. 
“Ok, let’s go,” Soonyoung says calling Junhui onto the battlefield, he is already warming up his wrist, this is a war and he will bring up his heaviest gunnery. 
And Soonyoung isn’t the number one believer, and he doubts God or Jesus or even an angel will listen to him, but yet, he prays for a second or two. And when people say three Soonyoung thinks he hears the angel’s voice singing hallelujah when he sees that Jun threw scissors against his rock.
Soonyoung wins, and he almost screams. Getting up and lifting his hand like it is a gift to beat Junhui on rock papers and scissors, he is almost vibrating - happiness filling his whole body. He looks at his own hand, the neon duck pic between his fingers, his most prized possession. 
“Are you that happy?” You ask him, “that’s kinda suspicious Soonyoung.”
“Yeah,” he says, finally back in reality and sitting down after picking up the picture with the little neon duck in it, “the duck is cute there is nothing suspicious.”
“Wow,” Bubbles says laughing, “he totally chose his ex.” 
“He did, didn't he?” Minghao pipes up, “thank god it will be in secret.”
“Why did you choose the picture with the duck?” Is the first thing the producers after the girl with the slate get off the frame. 
Soonyoung feels more at ease now. He knows how it works - stare at the camera, answer the question with more than a yes or no, and let the people doing the heavy lifting in the editing room. Even though the producer is staring at him with a scowl he is somewhat used to it too, she is always like that. Even back in the interviews prior to the house, she always looked like a step away from a mental breakdown. 
At some point Soonyoung just accepted that being angry and stressed may be part of her nature, some people are worriers, and he is sure that 80% of the time she is not really angry with him, so he just live his life diligently shooting her program without caring too much about it.  
“Oh,” Soonyoung giggles at her bluntness, he really thinks it is funny enough to clap his hand and all that, “I knew it was my ex picture,” he says in a voice full of pride, “thank God I was super lucky, Junhui was like I want that too but-” he lifts his hand, “I really think I was blessed.” 
“But why?” The producer tries again, she crosses her legs and writes something in her notebook, “We know you choose because she is your ex and you knew that it was her picture, but why”
“Ah, I think,” Soonyoung takes a pause to think about it - he really didn’t even think about why, it just felt right. “It is the first date right? So I guess it's just me trying to shoot my shot earlier on and making things clear.” 
“Cut,” The producer says louder, “They are gonna be the first couple,” She says to her assistant, “there is no way we can go around without making it clear they are a couple, the editor rooms are not doing magic or miracles yet.” 
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nopanamaman · 1 year
do you read the fanfic people make? if so, do you have any personal favourites?
Oh man this is gonna be a LONG post
I do read fanfics about my OCs whenever I can! It's always interesting to see different interpretations of your characters. Sometimes they even influence my own perception of them a little bit!
Of course I wouldn't go as far as to say that fanfics have altered any canon story beats, but certain minor character details have definitely been planted in my mind that way. Like I think at this point I'll just accept Arthur's last name as Sokolov because I read it in some fanfic and it stuck lmao
I remember being very impressed with the character writing in Everything Turns Out Fine for Once - I think that was the name? It was a longer work about Sanya and Yura looking for Anya and Dmitry after they escaped. The author got a really nice read on everyone's personalities!
I also recently read a (fairly depressing) Temnova/Olya fic that I enjoyed quite a bit. Just for Today was the name, I believe. The atmosphere of being stuck at a corporate party you don't want to be part of was spot on🥴
There are also a bunch of nice fics in Russian. I read Грань not so long ago and it was a very interesting little exploration of Tsar.
My all-time favourite fic was also a Russian one, and was written by my friend. It was a very poetic exploration of Nadya's relationship with religion, and it had contributed a lot to how I saw that character myself back in the day. Sadly, I don't think it was ever published publicly.
Also I started doing consistent character writing relatively recently - that is, began writing out the events of PAFL in a straightforward novel format a little over a year ago. While it has helped me flesh a ton of things out both character- and storywise, it's also given me a bigger appreciation for fanfic writers that manage to put out huge chapters semi-regularly hahah
It's also very interesting to see how the written canon differs from fan interpretations, sometimes in rather surprising ways. I think if I ever end up releasing that massive slab of text, expectations on how certain characters behave would be somewhat broken
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