#i think i still have my sheet music from middle school
I accidentally bought a violin,,, I guess I'm gonna learn the violin now
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undead-supernova · 2 months
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It's My Body and It Hates You / Masterlist
plot: memories are resurfacing. you thought that you were getting better. he wasn't haunting you now that you are with eddie. but, fuck, healing is just not that linear.
pairing: boyfriend!Eddie x afab!reader
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important notes: this is about healing from previous sexual assault. this is as self-serving as it gets!!! and it can be HIGHLY TRIGGERING for other victims! but i thought maybe if someone else has gone through this before too, they could find comfort in it.
hate that I have to add this but please be respectful of my experiences. I have cowered away from posting this for months, but I think I should be allowed the right to shine a light on these issues and what intimacy looks like post-trauma.
wc: 3.4k
song reference: Everybody Loves You by Charlotte Lawrence (which has helped with my healing so so much over the last few years)
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It starts the moment you wake up.
The remembering.
It’s his cerulean eyes you think about first, nearly glossed over with the glare of the morning light. The way it used to, at least. It made everything inside you soften; made everything slow down.
Back in the early days. Back when it didn’t fill you with melancholy. Back when you thought being in love meant to be in constant fear.
Way before you ever met someone like Eddie. Way before you knew that good men existed.
You look over to find Eddie gone already, having promised to help set up for a parade at the local middle school Nancy works at. He’s been teaching some of her students how to play guitar, even going so far as to buy them some cables and help update the sheet music they stashed in a closet.
Eddie’s good like that.
Generous. Observant. Selfless.
And it’s awful, but you wish he’d stayed home. Because something in you is starting to fall apart and it’s not pretty. It’s not palatable like they show on TV.
No, it’s something much more visceral.
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It’s been almost four years since it started, since you fell into a not-so-serious relationship with some guy that turned into something sinister.
All of the running around and the secrets kept from your friend group that (not so surprisingly) doesn’t exist anymore. The ones who were so sure you were just obsessed with him. The ones who still talked to him after.
You were supposed to only have sex. That was it.
But, of course, what’s a little sex without his longing glances and soft embrace and sleeping over and early morning kisses? Sweet nothings, cuddles and hand holding?
But, no. He swore it to be friendship, just something casual. Even when he told you three separate times throughout your time together that he wanted something more. But it was fleeting, backtracking a day or two later to say he just wasn’t ready for a relationship. Ghosted you for two weeks, maybe a month at the most. Come back with a few sexts and suddenly you were fucking again. 
No strings, he’d say. We can’t be in a relationship.
So you stayed that way. Kept everything inside the best you could. Stood in the mirror with your lips sewn shut, tears trickling down your cheeks as if every teardrop was another regret. Smiled as much as you could, waiting for him to look away before you allowed yourself to let it falter.
And then there was the sex. That’s all anyone cared about in relationships, right? Not the person, just the body. Just the sexual object, a mere paperweight for the other to use.
The sex hurt from the beginning, his fingers never fitting right. His mouth always just a little bit too rough. But, fuck, it just always seemed to hurt. So you never truly finished, always faking it and finishing in the shower afterwards.
But you loved him. You loved the way he held you afterwards, the way his back shone in the morning light whenever he slept over. The fun little bickering back and forth whenever he was coming down from the dopamine rush. Ordering in and laughing at each other when stealing fries became a full-on wrestling match.
And at some point. 
You stopped receiving. 
He’d try to arouse you, but ultimately it was always to please him. He was always too tired afterwards anyways. And though you wanted to stop, you just…did it anyways. You would sit there, reminding yourself that it would stop once you got him off. 
When it ends, it’ll be okay. He’ll stay. He’ll finally tell you he loves you. Just hold on. Just keep doing that and he’ll finish and then you’ll be fine. Just a few more minutes. Just do this. Just do that. 
Just, just, just… 
It’s fine.
Until it didn’t feel fine. Until he berated you one day, saying that the two of you couldn’t have sex every day and that your “friendship” was getting out of hand. That you wanted too much from him even though he was the one who initiated. 
Because, like with your emotions, you’d learned that if you attempted to initiate sex, the answer was no.
And so he yelled. And yelled. And yelled. Until you were sitting on the couch watching one of his lame TV shows and his hand ghosted over to your thigh. Stroked it. Gave you that look. Leaned in. Kissed you. Wrapped his fingers around your jaw and brought you back in unexpectedly.
This happened more times than you like to admit.
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When he finally decided to commit, it lasted a month.
And, god, was it was a shitty month.
He introduced you to his mother who really didn’t care enough to ask you any questions about yourself and even made it a point to say that you and her son were very different—almost too different. When you told your friends, they weren’t happy for you. They were confused, even. He never talked about you, so how were you now suddenly dating? 
He never wanted to go on dates, never gave you anything special that he hadn’t stolen. Only called you beautiful between the sheets and told you he loved you in whispers. Even told you that telling him you miss him was manipulation, guilt tripping him into feeling bad for being gone.
So you stopped saying it. Stopped thinking about it. Started telling yourself to be grateful that he was still there.
When he dumped you that final time, on April 1st of all days, you’d laughed hysterically. It was the moment you realized that this was all he’d ever be. All he’d ever do. You saw all the patterns and the seduction and the manipulation and the fucking fucking and knew that this was a vicious cycle that would never end unless you were the one to cut the cord. 
And, well, you’d already snapped.
You thought that everything had been consensual. That you’d wanted it. Even though you didn’t, not one bit. You just wanted him to stay.
But it couldn’t have been rape. No, not at all.
But, like, you didn’t want it and you most definitely felt taken advantage of every single time and he definitely touched you whenever he wanted you to fuck him and get your arousal to distract you and the word coercion definitely sat in your mouth all funny and…
It had to be consensual. 
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For two years, you thought you’d never go near romance again.
When you met Eddie, a friend of a friend, you were so confused by how gentle he was. Always having a smile for you, always telling your friend that he enjoyed your presence. He gave you little presents, like stickers and rocks from conventions and comic book stores. A few amethysts after you told him they were your favorite. Learned your coffee order and your favorite foods.
If you were hanging out, you were playing video games or board games with his friends or laughing or giggling or swapping embarrassing secrets or, or or...
His friends would leak in every now and then, filling up cups and hosting potlucks galore. Steve, Robin, and Nancy made sure to affirm your solidified place in their lives while Gareth, Grant, and Jeff made sure you were a key member in campaigns. 
And Eddie was always there at the end of those nights, washing your dishes and collecting trash just so you could catch some sleep.
It was such a stark contrast from the friend group you’d been in before.
And, fuck, you’d never felt so free.
A few months into your friendship, Eddie made it clear that he had feelings for you. Asked if you were feeling the same way and that he’d fuck off if you told him to. When you laughed and said you kind of liked him back, he asked you out on a proper date, something you hadn’t had before. 
He did that whole thing with the flowers and the tie and the car door and the restaurant door and the chair and the laughter and the nice champagne and the walking you up to your apartment. 
His arms were behind his back, keeping a safe distance. Under the dim flickering light of the hallway, his dark irises met yours. You searched them for any sign of danger.
But they were gentle. Kind. 
And you stood there, waiting for him to kiss you or try to come in.
But he didn’t.
He’d said, “Could we do this again?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
He turned to walk back down the stairs. But you touched his shoulder. 
“Wait, you’re not going to try to come in?”
Eddie merely smiled at you, tugging at the stray hairs leaving his bun. “Oh, uh. That’s not how I want to do things.”
He shook his head, still smiling. “Really. Sorry to disappoint—”
“No!” you exclaimed, maybe a little too loud. “No, I just. Um, no one’s ever— Anyways, it’s not important. I’m sorry. I’d love to go on a second date.”
You sat in bed that night, trying to ward away the nightmares creeping up. Feeling locked in place, feeling scared. Felt it in your arms. Your spine. Your cracked chest.
Feeling terrified that Eddie was just lying. 
Feeling doubtful that this would ever be more than some hookup.
And yet, it became anything but that.
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On your sixth date, you finally told him about your ex, trying to explain why you were the way you were. Why you flinched at any casual touch and why the idea of being intimate was scary for you. Why you’d been so hesitant with Eddie in the first place. 
You rambled on and on, from the way you couldn’t even masturbate half of the time to avoiding porn because you flashed back to those moments. The ones where everything always had to hurt. The ones where you had to make yourself into a sex doll just to be seen. Just to have worth that ultimately meant nothing.
It was like your body was stuck, like it was empty and full of cobwebs. It was just the strangest sensation, like your body knew something you didn’t.
“It’s silly, I know,” you’d said. “I don’t know why it’s all still so scary for me. It’s not even a big deal.”
Eddie whispered your name then, hesitantly reaching his fingers out to skim yours. “And you have no idea why you feel this way?” he asked, an eyebrow lifting.
Yours furrowed. Softly, you asked, “What are you trying to say?”
“I think…” Eddie took a deep breath, closing his eyes momentarily before gazing at you again. “Um, I think he raped you.”
He watched your eyes widen then.
And as the waves of grief washed through you that night, Eddie held onto you. His strong arms anchored you to the life you had now, the one you were living in spite of this horror. 
But it didn’t mean any of this made sense. What had you done to deserve this? Where was your fault?
But, fuck, how could you have even known?
And why would that be your fault anyways?
“You don’t need to see this,” you’d sobbed, shaking your head. “I-I—”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence, heaving another sob before his arms tightened around you.
“You’re not alone,” he whispered, kissing your temple. “I’m here, okay?”
“I’m here.”
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You cried the first time he made you cum. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he’d cooed. “It’s okay. You’re safe with me, I promise. Let it out.”
You nodded then, taking your tired arms and wrapping them around his neck. Pulled him closer, closer than you’d been with anyone. Hugged him tight. Kept him inside you. Tried to remind yourself that he wasn’t going to walk away. He was here with you. He was present. 
​​Not too long after that, you’d been under him again, breathlessly thanking him.
Eddie had stilled inside you, leaning back to look into your glassy eyes. 
“What for?” he’d asked.
“For being so sweet to me,” you responded, sniffling. “For letting me feel good.”
“Sweetheart, I—” Eddie got choked up on the words, getting teary-eyed himself. “You never have to thank me for making sure you feel good, alright?” You nodded. “I want you to feel good. Always.”
Nodding again, you asked, “Would you…keep going? Please?”
He smiled then, wiping the sides of his eyes. “Yeah,” he breathed. “Anything you want.”
“Thank you,” you’d said, taking his hand in yours. “Thank you.”
After that, Eddie approached things a bit differently.
Even when he was fucking the shit out of you, which you didn’t even know could actually feel good, he was so gentle. Kissed your face after you came two, three times before praising you.
“You did so good, baby. So, so good.”
“So proud of you.”
“You’re so beautiful. I bet you knew that already, though. Absolutely perfect.”
It started to stitch back together something inside you that you didn’t know could be mended.
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Somehow, within the last six months, you stopped being able to have sex.
It came out of nowhere—all the flashbacks and panic attacks. The moments of arousal that seem to wash away seconds after it’s felt. Hell, even the thought of masturbation has started to make you sad again.
Your body recoils from that kind of intimacy now, even Eddie’s touch being clouded with the memory of Him. And you’re working on it. You are. Sometimes you have therapy twice a week just to talk about it and undo whatever it is that’s starting to worm its way into your every day life.
Despite it all, you still try doing little things with him so that you can enjoy yourselves, like getting off while lying next to each other. It always ends in giddy laughter and gentle cuddling. Soft kisses and the promise for another round later.
But recently you can’t help but feel like you’re something that weighs him down, keeps him from experiencing true pleasure. That you’re just a tattered and torn tapestry that holds no image anymore.
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By the time Eddie gets home that night, you’re on your third glass of wine, silently crying in your shared living room. It’s not the best sight, your white t-shirt gone after you’d spilled the drink while trying to sit down. You’re naked, chest stained with the scarlet liquid from shaky fingers. 
Eddie immediately throws the keys on the counter and rushes over to you. 
“Hey, what happened? What’s going on?” He gently runs his fingers through your hair. “What’s going on, sweetheart?”
You shake your head. “He’s back. In my head. I can’t get him out, Eddie. I can’t get him out.”
“Hey, come here. It’s going to be—”
He tries to wrap his arms around you, but it’s seconds before you’re pushing him away from you. You can’t feel Eddie tonight. No. You only feel Him. That monster, that unforgivable personification of hell.
“Stop! Stop!” you plead. “There’s so much pain. Just so much. I can’t keep doing this. It’s so painful.”
There’s nothing but those cobwebs inside you with little insects scurrying about. Maggots squirming in and out of your flesh. The hands, His hands that disemboweled you from the start, are still clawing at your ribcage. After all, He left you for dead, disgusting and discarded. Poisoned. Tained.
You’re suffering. 
And you don’t suffer beautifully. You’re not draped in silk sheets and clutching your pearls as your trauma washes over you in delicate, smudged mascara tears. No, your naked body shivers with the cold air and sticky spilled wine and your nails are crooked from the biting and the picking. Your eyes are sore and there’s something worse clawing at your throat.
“Baby, hey…” Eddie trails, lightly stroking your arm. “It’s okay. Just breathe for me, okay?”
“No, I’m so fucking done!” you scream, slamming your glass on the coffee table, watching as it cracks. “I can’t fucking believe this stupid thing happened to me and now I can’t do shit during sex and I’m just broken. I’m just fucking broken. And it’s all his fault!”
You choke on a sob, collapsing back onto the carpet. “It’s all his fault,” you whisper, overcome with sorrow.
“Hey, hey. Come here,” Eddie whispers, tentatively pulling you back into his arms. 
“I want this to be over with.” Your voice comes out exasperated. Exhausted. Like even the thought of having to keep going through this is about to do you in. “I just want it to be over.”
“I know.”
“It’s so gross. It’s so gross! I feel so fucking tainted and like I’m full of toxic waste. Like goo, you know? Just fucking oozing with the stuff.”
Eddie simply nods, holding you tighter to his chest. “Did you, like, get triggered? Last time, you said it was that detergent at the store.”
You shake your head. “No, it’s like I woke up being assaulted or something. It’s absolute bullshit. I thought I was done with this. I thought it was over. I thought I’d been to therapy enough that it was letting me get back to having sex and being normal.”
“Ah, come on, sweetheart,” he cooed. “There’s no such thing as being normal, especially after something like that. You know that.” You let out a huff, one of your stubborn ones that leaves a small smile on Eddie’s lips. “Besides, you’re the only one punishing yourself for not being able to have sex right now.”
Sniffling, you look up to meet his eyes. “You’re not mad at me?”
His eyebrows furrow, shaking his head as he continues to smile at you. “Why would I be mad at you, hm? I don’t want to have sex if you’re not feeling it.”
“Oh,” you say simply. “Okay. Yeah.”
Arms tightening, he states, “That’s how it should always be.”
You nod. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“And we have our things we do,” he adds, fiddling with your fingers. “You know, getting off at the same time.”
“You don’t think it’s weird?” you ask.
“Not to get, like, vulgar right now, but I think it’s hot.” That gets a laugh out of you. “I’m really into it ‘cause you’re super into it.”
“I like it,” you agree, the haze starting to dissipate from your vision. “It makes me feel safe and I just…it’s nice.”
“Then we can keep doing that until you’re ready to do anything else, alright?” 
You nod, still trying to clear the fog.
“I know what I signed up for, sweetheart,” he says, giving you a quick squeeze. “I knew it wasn’t going to be easy for you, no matter how much I wish it was.”
“I’m gonna get through this,” you say with a nod. “I know I can do this. I just need some time to figure out how to change what’s happening inside me.”
“See? That’s my girl,” he whispers, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “My strong, beautiful, brave girl.”
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“How were the kids?”
It’s dark in your bed, the covers seemingly comfier than they’ve ever been. Eddie has you curled into his arms, hiding you away from the assailants and the monsters of the world. There’s no Him here. For now, you’re resting in the arms of solace. 
“Absolutely terrible,” he says, causing you to chuckle. “But I think they had fun. Nance is good at the teaching thing, bossing the kids around, you know?”
“Would you keep talking to me?” you ask. “I want to hear more about your day.”
Eddie trails on, stroking your hair. He tells you about the tiny parade the classes had and how the mini float they made stopped moving halfway through. Steve came just in time to see it break down and they worked together to get it back up and running again. 
He says you would’ve had fun.
Says it’s okay that you weren’t okay enough to come.
Says it’s okay that you’re struggling with this.
“You’re doing your best,” he whispers as your eyes start to get too difficult to open. “And I love you so much. I’m right here with you.”
Love doesn’t come easily after sexual assault. When there’s no one left to trust and the idea of sex is appealing but the follow through fills you with intense anxiety, the thought of a relationship is…tough. It’s easy until it’s hard and it’s hard until it’s easy. It’s like every day comes with something new, whether it be good or bad.
Eddie’s the exception that you never saw coming. And you’re so fucking glad you were able to see the day where you got to meet him. Fall in love with him. Stay with him.
And he tells you one last truth before you fall asleep.
“You aren’t broken, even if you feel like it. Just a little bent, baby. That’s all.”
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shout out to @strangergraphics for her dividers...and a big thanks to her for encouraging me to share this when I was giving up.
if you are going through anything like this, know that you're not alone. it's a scary experience and people don't really talk about the way the body is just as affected by trauma as the brain is. healing is not linear and you will get through this.
stay strong.
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niki-phoria · 1 year
Hii sweetie, may i request TXT reactions to u crying in the middle of the night because you're having negative thoughts about your future, or bc u had a bad dream? that's happening to me rn so maybe that can comfort me a bit, i hope you're happy and healthy :)
⋆。°✩ txt reaction - comforting their s/o
includes: mix between nightmare comfort and general worrying about the future, these are all around the same length, some are sadder than others, i'm in love with kai
a/n: thank you for requesting !! this idea is cute, i hope you like it :)) and i hope you stay happy and healthy too <33
gn reader (no pronouns used)
requests open !! read my rules first
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⋆。°✩ soobin
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word count 292
you jump at the sudden feeling of a gentle hand against your shoulder. it’s warm and comforting, though it startles you all the same. “sorry,” soobin murmurs, moving to sit down beside you. “you’ve been working for a while. are you doing okay?” 
“yeah, yeah,” you roll your shoulders back in a poor attempt to readjust your posture. suddenly the pain of sitting hunched over your computer screen and multiple textbooks hits you all at once in the form of a severe ache in your shoulder blades. “i’m fine.” 
soobin remains silent, reaching over to press a hand against your shoulder. he gently rubs against the muscles of your shoulder. “you’re not fine. you’re tense and you’ve been sitting here for hours.” you let out a small sigh, slowly relaxing at his touch. “come here. let me take care of you.” 
soobin wraps an arm around your waist, guiding you to your bed. he coaxes you to lay down on the sheets as he moves to lean over your back. his hands are gentle as he gently presses his palms against your back. your eyes flutter closed at the feeling of the tension slowly releasing from your body. 
“what are you so stressed about?” he murmurs. 
you groan. “school, work, the future… all of it. i mean, what if i’m doing all of this work for nothing? i spend hours studying and it might all be for nothing. i just… i’m worried.” 
soobin leans down to press a kiss against your cheek. “you’re gonna be okay. it’s all gonna be okay,” he rubs a hand against your back. “you’re smart, and funny, and gorgeous,” you chuckle at the ticklish feeling of another kiss against your neck. “and it’s all gonna be okay.”
⋆。°✩ yeonjun
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word count 220
a gentle knock against the studio door catches yeonjun’s attention despite the music that’s been blaring for the past hour. he sighs, running a hand through his sweaty hair as he leans down to switch it off before swinging the door open. “y/n?” your eyes are rimmed red as he cocks his head at you in confusion. “is everything okay?” 
“i…” you pause, taking a shaky breath. your gaze falls from his eyes to the floor before you continue. “i’m scared. about the future. i still need to finish school and find a job and an apartment but it’s all happening so fast and-”
“baby,” yeonjun rests his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to look up at him. “it’s okay. it’s all gonna be okay. i promise.” 
you force a deep breath to calm yourself down as yeonjun reaches over to brush a hand against your cheek. he tilts your chin up before slowly leaning in to press a sweet kiss against your lips. you can almost feel your nerves disappearing when he pulls away, leaning his forehead against yours. “you promise?” 
he chuckles a little, pressing another kiss against your lips. “i promise.” 
“i think i need more convincing,” you murmur. 
“i can help with that,” yeonjun chuckles, pulling you in for another and another and another.
⋆。°✩ beomgyu
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word count 256
you gasp, jolting your body upwards in a panic. beomgyu stirs next to you as sleepily shifting a little closer to you. tears sting at your eyes and your hands shake as you pull your knees up to your chest. everything feels like it’s too much as you bury your head into your hands. 
“y/n,” beomgyu’s touch is gentle as he reaches over to gently touch your arm. “hey,” he whispers, coaxing your face out of your hands. panic continues to build, spreading through your chest and pressing down on your lungs until it feels like you can’t breathe. “breathe, honey,” he whispers. beomgyu’s eyebrows furrow slightly as he shifts to sit in front of you. he takes a deeply exaggerated breath, demonstrating what should be a simple movement that you’ve done your whole life. 
you gasp your way through a few unsteady breaths until the air begins flowing through your lungs at a regular pace once again. “thank you,” you whisper. beomgyu brings a hand up to cup your cheek, gently brushing his fingers against the skin. 
he pulls you into a hug, letting you cling to him. his warmth alone is nearly enough to comfort you. “do you want to talk about it?” 
“not right now,” you murmur. “i just wanna sleep.” 
“okay.” beomgyu coaxes you to lay down with him so you’re laying against his chest. he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead as you let the sound of his heartbeat lull you back into a now peaceful sleep.
⋆。°✩ taehyun
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word count 319
taehyun is quiet as he creeps through your apartment, careful not to make too much noise that could potentially wake you up. to his surprise, the light from your bedroom is on and the familiar noise of your typing can barely be heard over the familiar melody of their most recent comeback song. “y/n?” 
you jump a little at the sudden noise before smiling. “tae,” you sit up out of bed, moving to wrap your arms around him. “when did you get home?” 
“just now. what are you still doing up? it’s late.” 
“i was studying. my exams are coming up soon and i need to pass them. you know how important this is for my future.”
“i know,” taehyun says, bringing a hand up to tilt your chin away from your still-opened computer screen to look back towards him. “but it’s late. and you need to sleep.”
you sigh as he reaches over, closing your computer for you. he moves it aside to set it on your desk before gently pushing you to sit down on your bed. he pulls your blankets back, patting the side next to him with a small smile. you shake your head but oblige to the silent request as taehyun reaches over to pull you into his arms. “this isn’t gonna stop me from worrying.” 
“maybe not,” he whispers, tightening his grip a little. “but it will make you feel better to get some rest and cuddle with your boyfriend.” you chuckle as taehyun leans over to press a kiss against your cheek, and then your nose, and then right underneath your jawline. he pulls back with a small smile before you pull him down into a proper kiss.
“fine. let’s cuddle.” taehyun reaches over, turning the light off before fully laying down. you make yourself comfortable against his chest as you let his heartbeat slowly lull you to sleep.
⋆。°✩ huening kai
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word count 283
“y/n?” kai’s voice is groggy over the phone. you can hear the blankets rustling as he moves to sit up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “is everything okay?” 
“i…” you pause, suddenly embarrassed about the reason for your call. “i had a nightmare.” 
“oh, baby,” he whispers. “i’ll be right there.” 
“kai-” your protests are cut off when he hangs up from the call. you sigh, deciding to wait for him in your living room instead. you wrap a blanket around your shoulders and grab one of the plushies kai had gifted you as you make yourself comfortable on the couch. 
soft knocking against your door breaks you out of your sleepy haze. you keep your blanket wrapped around your shoulders as you stand up to open the door for kai. he’s wearing an oversized hoodie and an old pair of sweatpants. 
“baby,” kai whispers, pulling you into a hug. you sigh, relaxing against his chest. he presses a kiss against your forehead before slowly pulling back to look into your eyes. “do you want to talk about it?” you shake your head, leaning further into his touch. “okay.” 
kai wraps his arm around your waist, gently coaxing you back to your couch. he reaches over, handing you the penguin plush once again. he chuckles as you press the plush in between your bodies before nuzzling yourself against his chest. “i love you kai.” the words are muffled against his shirt though neither of you mind. 
“i love you too.” he murmurs, leaning down to press another kiss against your forehead. he waits until your breathing evens out and you fall into a restful sleep before finally falling asleep himself. “goodnight.”
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spence-whore · 7 days
Movie Night
Spencer Agnew x Reader
Request: what request are you the most excited to write? also what would spencer be like during a movie night? I’m just curious
A/N a couple of things before we get to this imagine! One, I’m not sure if you wanted this as an imagine but I thought this would be cute as one, so I’m writing it. Secondly, I’ve been really excited to write all of these tbh. I feel like the ones I have been really excited about though are the ones being inspired by certain songs. I have gotten a few requests for song based ones and it’s just been exciting because it’s been music I love and even some I have never heard of before. So, it’s been a challenge trying to think of my own way to interpret it to Spencer and an imagine! Last thing, this is pretty short but i hope it’s still good.
You and Spencer have known each other since you were in middle school. You were childhood best friends, which eventually turned into high school sweethearts. You moved with Spencer to California, which led to you getting a job with mythical and him working for Smosh. It was like the best of both worlds. The two of you don’t get a lot of time together compared to what you used to get. So, the two of you do movie nights every Wednesday night. You cook some type of food and get a bunch of snacks and sweets. You pile it all together on the living room table. While you’re doing this, Spencer makes a pillow fort on the couch and gets everything set up. Sometimes he will come into the kitchen to attempt to annoy you but he just gets roped into helping you fix something.
Tonight was movie night and the two of you decided on the classic, Napoleon Dynamite, for tonight.
“Spencahhhh” You shout in a fake Italian accent from the kitchen, “Can you come here for a second, my love?”
“If you’re just gonna pull me in here to make me help you make some sticky dessert again, I will actually cry.” Spencer says walking into the kitchen and laughing. “Listen, you remember what happened last time. I had to shower before we got to even start the movie.”
“Oh, whine about it why don’t you.” You say sarcastically, shooting Spencer a glare. “It wasn’t my fault anyways. I was literally just icing cupcakes and you thought it would be funny to smear icing on my face. So, I simply got you back. It was your fault. I just got lonely and didn’t want to be in here alone.”
“Y/N, I was literally like a few steps from you.” Spencer says laughing really loudly. “But hi, I’m sorry I left you all alone. I will stay in here. I’m finished up in there anyways.”
“I’m just putting these cookies on this sheet. Once the pizza is out, I’m going to stick them in there.” You explained, nodding your head towards the oven. “We can just start the movie and eat the pizza til the cookies are done then I’ll grab them.”
The two of you seriously like to go all out with unhealthy foods this night since you try to eat decently healthy every other day of the week. As you finished putting the last of the cookie dough on the sheet, the oven went off and Spencer stood up to grab it for you.
“Please remember to grab the oven mitt this time. We really don’t need a rerun of you burning the shit out of your hand then having to cancel movie night.” You quickly said with a smile on your face.
“Good lord, you’re never going to let that down, are you?” Spencer muttered while sliding on an oven mitt to grab the two small pizzas. “Are you sure you’re always up to doing all of this cooking and baking? I feel like today is really the only free day we get together. We could just always order food from somewheres and go pick up snacks and desserts from the store.” He rambles while walking over to the table to place the pizzas on it.
You shrug your shoulders, keeping your back to Spencer while you walk over to the oven and pop the cookies in. “I always just feel better knowing that everything is home made. I ate fast food so much as a young adult in college.” You turned around to face him. “I made a promise to myself that whenever I got out of college, no matter what, I would make the time to cook something to eat for myself; even if it is something small. Plus, I always like incorporating things you like or haven’t tried yet in the mix. I always like surprising you. You always praise it, so it gives me that drive to want to do it more.”
Spencer just stared at you with a love struck look on his face then walked up to you and yanked you into a hug. “I wasn’t complaining about it and I hope you know that. I mean god, I’m beyond thankful for a partner that loves to cook like this. If we’re being honest? I would probably live off of fast food all throughout the week if it wasn’t for you.” He whispered into your hair then kissed the top of your head.
You just laughed really loudly into his chest, “I’m going to be honest with you, that’s another one of the reasons I do it. Fast food makes anyone feel icky and weak. I like knowing that you can get a good meal and actually feel good throughout the day. I guess it’s like my love language.”
Spencer pulled back from the hug and placed his hands on both sides of your face for a minute just looking at you. “I love you so much and I hope you never forget that.” He gave you a quick peck then nodded towards the kitchen table. “I’ll grab the plates if you cut the pizzas?”
You nodded then grab his face really quickly before he could walk away to give him another kiss. “I love you too goofy ass.”
You walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a pizza cutter while Spencer grabbed two plates and walked over to place them on the table while you were cutting the pizzas.
“Oh wait,” You said just remembering. “You’re gonna love me even more. I went and bought more Mountain Dew Kickstarts because I realized you were almost out. I also bought two single ones, one of you and one for me, tonight.” You say with a soft smile on your face.
Spencer aggressively kissed you on the cheek then walked over to the fridge to grab the drinks. “You ready to watch the absolute masterpiece that is Napoleon Dynamite?”
“Spencer, this is like the seventh time we have watched this movie this year and it is May. You would think at this point, I would be tired of it. I’m so excited to watch it.”
Spencer chuckled at you and shook his head, “You’re a dork. I’m taking these drinks into the living room now. Do you need help carrying anything?” He asked turning to look at you.
“Nope, I got it all here bub. Just grab my phone because I set on a timer on it for the cookies.”
You carried the two plates into the living room and could’ve just cried walking in there. Spencer always goes all out with the pillow forts. It looked so big and so comfortable. He always had laid out so many different candies and popcorn in two huge bowls on the living room table. You placed the two plates of pizza on the table and realized he had also went and bought you new flowers to put in your vase, to replace the ones that were starting to wilt.
Spencer looks at you with the most serious look on his face then in Napoleon’s voice says, “Gosh, can we start the movie already?”
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kangshxrtie · 1 month
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2. next morning
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the moment you wake up, you realize three fundamental things at the exact same time.
one, your head fucking hurts. two, there is no sunlight in this room which is good but you don't have blackout curtains whcih means you're not in your room. and three, you're entangled in another body.
you hear the sheets rustling and before you could even pretend to go back to sleep, yuna was sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
she looks down at you a small smile taking over her face at the realization of what you two did last night and the fact that you were still there.
"good morning" you greet, talking for the first time that morning.
"it is a good morning indeed" yuna returns the greeting with a small chuckle.
you were about to respond but your phone went off signaling a notification making you get out of bed to search for it. luckily it was being blown up so you easily found it on the floor, halfway out of your pocket.
you picked it up looking at all the messages and missed phone calls, all from your roommates.
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"your friends?" yuna asked as she pushed her hair out of her face.
"yeah. i forgot to tell them i was leaving with you last night so they're all worried" you said.
you quickly texted them all back letting them know you were fine and just spent the night at a friend's house because you were too drunk to make it back.
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yuna stands up stretching and you look away trying to ignore her naked form. she puts on some clothes before passing you yours.
once you get them you put them on in a hurry ready to rush off to your first class.
as you were putting on your shirt, yuna asked if you had a class to which you proceeded to nod at.
"you should take some of my clothes then" yuna offered, "don't want you going in there smelling like alcohol. everybody will know what you did last night"
you stop putting on your shirt to look at yuna hesitantly. she looks unfazed as she pushes you towards the bathroom, "you should also take a shower first. i'll get you a towel and some clothes"
you don't have time to respond as she closes the door.
once you're down showering where there was a towel and clothes waiting for you, just as promised. you hurry and dry off before putting the clothes on and speeding out of the bathroom.
you go back to the bedroom where your phone was waiting and pick it up before getting ready to leave.
"thanks yuna. i appreciate it. i'll wash and return your clothes later!" you yell to her as you walk out of the door.
once you close the door you run into chaeryeong, yuna's roommate who is also a friend she's had since middle school.
"y/n?" she questions looking confused as she looks back and forth between you and the door you just came out of. which happened to be hers.
"ohh hey" you greet awkwardly.
"are those yuna's clothes?" she gestures to the clothes you were wearing.
"listen, don't think about it too much. sorry, i would talk more but i have a class i need to be at right now" you apologized before speed walking down the hallway.
you opened the door to the class, ignoring all the stares you received walking straight to the seat next to yizhou.
"and where have you been?" yizhou asks once you sit down.
"i told you, i stayed at a friends house for the night" you responded.
"which friend? i didn't know you knew that many people outside of us" yizhou looks at you determined to find out more information, "and whose clothes are those. i've never seen you wear anything like this before"
you don't respond, looking at the projector at the front of the room. taking mental notes of what was being shown.
"you don't even have your laptop so you can't even fake taking notes. just tell me"
"i'm taking them mentally"
"did you hook up with someone" you continue to ignore her, "with who? do i know them?"
you groan wanting to block her out with some music at least but you don't even have your airpods on you.
knowing she won't let up you decide to go the vague route and say, "you know them"
yizhou looks like she's about to give up on the questions as she turns away towards her laptop but quickly turns back, "just a hint. did they go to our school?"
"they were at the party last night" you answer.
yizhou huffs as she rolls her eyes. "i'll find out. somebody had to see you leaving last night"
"you have fun doing that"
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masterlist | next
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zeroaddzero · 10 months
Top 10 Horniest Bruce Springsteen songs, ranked
Yes there are more horny Bruce songs. Too many horny songs for one list. I don’t know if his game was good because he knew how to write horny songs, or if his game inspired him to write horny songs. Eiter way, we’ve been blessed musically with a lot of horny songs. Here’s the horny songs I managed to fit into a (very biased) list:
1.  I'm On Fire
THE horny Bruce song. A fever fantasy of a wet dream smushed into one moaning, sweaty mess. Before I was a fan, this (coupled with the below performance) was the song that made me go "OH. I get it now."
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At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet And a freight train running through the middle of my head Only you can cool my desire
2.  Pink Cadillac
About as subtle as Lady Gaga’s “Disco Stick.” Even better paired with the BITUSA tour intro (said intro got noticeably more sexual after Bruce got married in 1985).
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They say Eve tempted Adam with an apple But man I an’t goin for that I know it was her pink Cadillac
3. Fire
Originally written for Elvis, the bass line alone for this #problematic 70s “don't play coy with me” number will make you reconsider feminism for 5 minutes. The 1986 performance is downright NSFW.
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You had a hold on me right from the start A grip so tight I couldn't tear it apart
4. The Fever
Bruce is king of the “lying in bed thinking of how horny this person makes me” genre, and this is one of his finest examples. At almost 8 minutes, it’s the tantric equivalent to the more concentrated "I’m on Fire". Anybody noticing a “burning” theme here?
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Well now the day grows longer The love just grows stronger, baby And the fever gets so bad at night I got the fever for the girl
5. Because The Night
Bruce never finished the lyrics, and this song arguably belongs to Patti Smith now. Bruce has even said as much. However, I am biased and enjoy this banger too much to let technicalities get in the way of horny. On the list it goes.
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Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to lust Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to us
6. Red Headed Woman
I'm Going Down may seem raunchy until you realise it's about a bad breakup. For the other thing, we have this entry. Folks, this song is literally about eating pussy. Bruce even introduced it as such during his Ghost of Tom Joad tour. I’ve yet to recover from the whiplash of hearing him say the word “cunnilingus” while performing at his old Catholic high school.
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Well listen up stud Your life's been wasted 'Til you've been down on your knees and tasted A red headed woman
7. She's The One
Speculated to have been written about the violinist who played on the album Born To Run, this tune shows our boy is down baaad. Best paired with the excellent "Mona" intro, which is included in the Houston '78 live performance below.
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With her killer graces and her secret places That no boy can fill with her hands on her hips Oh and that smile on her lips Because she knows that it kills me
8. Part Man, Part Monkey
My Tunnel of Love tour knowledge is woefully lacking despite the tour being his most explicit, and the accompanying album being in my top 3. In the eyes of the public, Bruce was still with his first wife when this video was shot in 1988. Only the band knew he was recently separated, so imagine watching a presumably married man on stage eye-fucking his backup singer. The gossip mill must have been insane after each show.
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Well the night is dark, the moon is full The flowers of romance exert their pull We talk awhile, my fingers slip I'm hard and crackling like a whip
9. Crush On You
Another genre this Jersey dude excels at is “horny to the point of funny.” Bruce himself has called it "the worst song we ever put on a record" but hey, what does he know.
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For one kiss, darling I swear everything I would give 'Cause she's a walking talking reason to live
10. Cover Me
I just realised this is only one of four songs on this list included on an official Springsteen album(if you don't count the outtake compilations.) The video contains the studio audio, but I'm not passing on an excuse to plug more Paris '85 concert footage!
Spotify LINK
Now promise me baby you won't let them find us Hold me in your arms, let's let our love blind us Cover me, shut the door and cover me I'm looking for a lover who will come on in and cover me
Honourable mentions (song/album):
Rosalita / The Wild, The Innocent & The E Street Shuffle Candy's Room / Darkness on the Edge of Town Ramrod / The River Cindy / The River (outtakes) Ain’t got you / Tunnel of Love The Fuse / The Rising
Let me know if you think I missed any! I won't change the list, but more horny song discourse is always good.
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sojourners-melancholy · 8 months
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ASPEN PARK (my @apt502-if mc)
they/she (nb) / 25 / 5’8 / musician / lesbian
appearance: thin, straight black hair that barely falls past their shoulders / olive skin with a warm undertone / dark, coffee brown eyes / mole near the corner of their right eye / wears round, wire framed glasses
ROs: L and Cal (maybe A too)
tidbits about aspen below !
got a side gig as a church pianist to keep up with living expenses despite being an atheist (money is money, y’know?). the church has 5am morning services every week, and because they can never seem to sleep at a reasonable time, they end up staying up all night and then sleep in until the afternoon. said sleeping schedule may or may not be the culprit of the soft, late night/early morning cooking ruckus that the other 502 roommates hear oftentimes. but hey—at least being up for the sunrise is nice.
falls asleep at the piano more often than not. their poor, a-little-too-well-made bed seems almost a little lonely at times. hopefully that’ll change soon (wink wink nudge nudge). the thought of selling their mattress for rent money has definitely crossed their mind at least once though.
has a messy room—it’s littered to the floor with music books and binders and stray sheets. (somehow the bed is still untouched in the middle of all this. don’t ask why.) every single one of those is solely just music they’ve played or written (and of course they brought all of it to nyc; she “might need it one day”). they all have varying levels of notes scrawled on them, but each one has a couple dates written on them—one for when they started learning/composing them, and the others for when they were performed.
classically trained as a concert pianist while they were still in school, but ended up picking up some jazz near the end to find more music-related work. doesn’t regret switching majors over to music from architecture midway through college (this is ignoring the student loans though).
personality falls more on the quiet side; can seem pretty cold at first, but it’s actually just them being awkward. the quiet demeanor stills stays as they get comfortable, although then it has more mild/gentle undertones—kind of like a bear.
deadpans a lot, which can be a bit confusing with her monotone voice at first (sometimes it’s intentional!) but you get used it. they used hate it when people (rainn) would get the two mixed up and tried to make their voice more emotive-sounding, but eventually learned to stop caring and even started playing into it (“what do you mean you still can’t tell?” “shut up! i know you meant to do that!”).
definitely has that slowburn type charm; the one where you don’t think much about (maybe even find a bit boring) but find yourself choosing to hang out with more and more as time goes on and bam! one random day, you unexpectedly make them laugh. it’s a real, genuine laugh—the one where they’re going on until they can’t breathe and their cheeks are hurting from laughing so hard. and it’s at that moment, when you’re laughing with them, where it feels like when the first ray of sunshine hits you after a long, overcast day and you get all warm and fuzzy and—shit.
you’re in love.
but hey, the sun’s finally out; maybe it’s about time you go outside and enjoy it too. you don’t know how long it’s going to be until it hides again, but maybe—just maybe—you won’t be so scared of it going away this time. because, rainn or shine, the sun will rise again. and i think it’ll be nice if you’re there for it.
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bad-art-with-style · 29 days
Decided to finally draw up an emo band for League of legends, roles for each character are:
Talon (originally the drummer but becomes the lead singer when front man quits, didn’t want to join bc he got bullied for being emo in middle school, is now here after being “lovingly encouraged” to join by his friend briar).
heavy Gerard way/early my Chemical romance inspiration for him, learned to play guitar because he thought it was cool but switched to drums because it annoyed his sisters more. Is still an emo kid and fully embarrasses it as time goes on. Weapon is a drumstick he grips the same way you would a straw when pretending to be the wolverine. Could also just have it attached to a bracelet or doe thing idk.
Hwei (front man but later leaves the band after being lured away, probably joins again later on)
inspired by lead singer of paramour, he gets two outfits shown bc I love the second one but I think the first is a bit more in brand for the vibe of the group. Is definitely going to be monochrome but have bits of his usual color pallet show up either in the threads and paint or as like a pattern or something. Weapon is probably going to be a mic and paint can just be a punch of music noted or sheet music.
Varus (bass player/ back up guitarist, becomes lead guitarist after Hwei leaves. Did some solo stuff and traveled between a few other groups before being approached to join by Hweii)
deisgn inspired by Andy black from black veil brides (Basically stole his look) and Ronnie from Falling in reverse. Was an ex military dude who fell into music after service, is in his late twenties while the others are in their early twenties so he gives off big older brother energy. Is in a poly relationship with Valmsr and Kai who basically adopt the other members of the band and are down to kill anyone who tries to hurt them. Don’t ask how I’m going to turn his guitar into a bow, it’ll some how happen.
Briar (pianist for a different emo band but is friends with Talon and low key forced him to join bc she knew he was still and emo kid at heart)
is a member of a trio that includes Rell and Jinx ( their designs will be posted as soon as I figure out the fuck I’m going to do with Rell’s armor), she plays keyboard and meet talon either in college and found out about his “emo phase” or was a friend of his in middle school so was their when it happened, either way when she heard about a band looking for a drummer she hoped on board to sign talon up. Is also besties with Alune from heart steel and is the calm one out of the two.
Her pilary is the piano btw, has a lot of spikes and shit, didn’t get around to designing it. Might show up later. Design is just based off goth girls from the 2000s.
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melanieph321 · 5 months
Pedri x Black Reader - Our Secret Part 1/10
I realized when I read it through that is giving High School Musical 😅😅🤣
Hopefully I can put my own twist on it.
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The story of Marcella and Pedri. As students of the most prestigious high schools in the country, the two are very focused on developimg their indvidual talents. Marcella has music whilst Pedri has football, however, worlds collide when Pedri's secret is revealed, he has diabetes.
How are you considered talented in a school where everyone was talented? Marcella asked herself this question everyday.
Estudios Filántropos. I mean the proof was in the pudding. She attended one of the most prestigious high schools in the country. A school made by the nation's philanthropists, for the nation's future philanthropists. An evil circle to begin with.
"Watch out!"
Marcella questioned her many talents, which predominantly involved musicial instruments, as they did not help her avoid the jungle that others referred to as: the school parking lot.
"Ouch." She groaned, as a football bounced off the top her head then slapped away the pile of sheet music in her hands.
"Forgive me." The boy said, as he rushed to help her collect the papers that were still falling from the sky.
"Thanks alot Gavi." Marcella groaned. "It's not like I worked all night on those."
"All night?" The boy frowned. He was her known classmate, mostly know for being annoying, but also known for being a very talented football player. "This doesn't even look finished." He said, tilting his head to the side.
"What do you know?" She hissed and snatched back the papers that he had collected. He was right though. You didn't need talent to see that Marcella was carrying unfinished work. Work that would stay unfinished if the teachers at her school didn't stop asking for perfection from their students.
"Pablo! Haven't I tought you better ways to hit on a woman than actually hitting her?"
A shadow was casted over the ground which Marcella and Gavi were collecting the remains of her homework. She stood on all fours, tilting her head up only to be met with the most taunting smile.
"I wasn't hitting on her, you know that Pedri." Gavi chuckled getting up from the ground, ditching Marcella for his friend.
"No? What were you doing then, helping her hand out flyers?"
She snorted at his arrogance.
"Something like that." Gavi said. "I think it's those papers you play music from."
"It's called sheet music, dumbo." Marcella muttered from below. Most of the sheets were gone with the wind anyway and would probably stay gone. Gavi's friend knelt down beside her. "Need a hand?"
"No." She mumbled, throwing one appalling glance at his outstretched hand.
"Come on Marcella, everyone needs a hand."
She paused. "How do you know my name?" The boy was a senior, know as Pedri Gonzalez, the captain of the football team. He was also known to have many wannabes', like Pablo Gavira, idolizing every breath he took, wanting to be just like him.
"Marcella, no?" Her name rolled of his tounge with ease. Unlike when Gavi said her name with that juvenile squeal that haunted his pubescent voice. Pedri's voice was steady, like a man's. "You're the singer, no?"
How did he know?
"You sang the national athem during the school cup final last year, didn't you?"
"Um, yeah. That was me." It wasn't the performance of her life. However, Marcella was honored that her music teacher had picked her to sing the national athem and not her classmates.
"Yeah, I remember." Gavi snorted. "Your voice cracked in the end, didn't it Marcy?"
"Don't call me that!" She shot up from the ground with unknown help from Pedri who let go of her hand as she marched up to Gavi. Marcella had known him since kindergarten, he was also her neighbor, a pain in the ass at that too.
"Little Marcy, always so clumsy." Gavi said, teasing her in that way that he knew many kids did in middle school. Back then Marcella was known for being clumsy because of the many instruments that she had to carry to and from school. A time  before she got accepted to Estudios Filántropos, that would eventually house all of the instruments that she needed.
"Marcy, Marcy, clumsy little Marcy."
"Gavi, if you don't shut your mouth right now......"
"Oooh, a threat." He taunted, to his friends amusement. Pedri seemed to enjoy the torment that he put Marcella through. That is, until a large Range Rover pulled up to the carpool lane. The door opened and a red bottom heel stepped out of the vehicle.
"Pedri don't just stand there, help me down." A determined voice said, to which Pedri immediately responded by walking over to the car. Another high heel stepped down from the vehicle, revealing the body of a housewife in the making. Although Rosie was more than gifted in mathematics, her true talent had to do with how she got every guy on campus to cater to her every need, despite already having rich parents that did just that. "Ugh, it's such an awful day." She complained, and moved to put on the sun glasses that sat on top of her black haired head.
"What are you talking about? The sun is shining." Gavi said, squinting his eyes at the light.
Rosie and Pedri approach, their hands intertwined. "Yes, but I hate the sun." She said.
"Who hates the sun?" Gavi chuckled.
"Someone who's dad owns a taning bed empire, duh."
Marcella chuckled at that, as she found it funny. A mistake, since it drew unwanted attention back to her.
"It's Marcella." Pedri coughed. They were boyfriend and girlfriend, following rumors that the two hooked up last summer. Every guy on the football team wanted to hook up with Rosie, it only made sense that she settle for the captain.
"Right, Marcella. You sang the national athem last year, at the cup final, no?" She looked to Pedri for reassurance. He nodded. "It was so good. You were so good." She smiled. A spiteful smile that Marcella imagined a snake would have if they turned human. "Not many people would have gone on singing after their voice cracked. You're honestly so brave for that."
"Ros." Pedri sighed. Gavi on the other hand slapped a hand against his mouth to hold his laughter.
Marcella crumbled before them.
"What's so funny?" Rosie said, looking genuinely confused. "It was a really good recovery, we almost didn't notice that her voice cracked, didn't we baby?"
"I noticed." Gavi laughed.
Marcella rolled her eyes at him, ready for the sun to burn out and extinguished everything man has come to know as life.
"I'm sorry." Pedri said.
Marcella collected the last of her things, ready to continue towards the school building. "Whatever, I'm late for class." She, muttered and hustled away as not to be late. It was indeed another day at Estudios Filántropos. When would things ever change?
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boba-beom · 1 year
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for the mini blurb,,,!!
bestfriend!bg x gn!reader ❥ warning(s): beomgyu flirting (cliche hehe), reader receiving a lot of compliments, both have crushes on each other without knowing, a lot of skinship, a little guitar terms here and there, not proofread ❥ genre: fluff, drabble ❥ wc: 927
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friday nights were usually for you to get under the sheets of your duvet and ambient lighting from putting on your favourite sitcom on netflix as well as your fairy lights. however, beomgyu had called you to come over to his place since he's been wanting to hang out with you for some time now.
you wouldn't turn down the invite if that meant you could change up your friday night plans, but that also meant you get to hear beomgyu play his guitar for the meantime.
now you're in his room sitting on his bed as you're cuddling his ryan plush toy while he's on the sofa across you playing you a few songs and a riff he came up with on his electric guitar.
you're so fascinated by the way his fingers move along the neck of the guitar, changing the chords to produce such beautiful rhythms, and the other hand skilled with his fingers plucking specific strings.
"hey gyu, how long did you say you've been playing the guitar for?" you tilt your head to the side and he looks across over at you with a gentle smile crawling up his lips.
"I think it was around middle school. my dad taught me the basics and then I continued to teach myself. I played a few times in a band for school, but now I just like to write my own songs." he replied, almost reminiscing the good times.
you let out a long hum in response to his answer, intrigued by the thought that he's still playing the guitar after all these years.
"why'd you ask?" he places his instrument in its stand and pats the space beside him, beckoning you sit closer. and you do.
"no reason," you say, shrugging your shoulders as you sit cross legged.
"want me to teach you the easy chords? I know you don't play instruments but I have a feeling you could catch on pretty quickly." he picks up his guitar to place it onto your lap, gently lifting your hands to position them accordingly.
"I mean, I've always wanted to try but I don't think music is my strong suit."
"anything works if you put your mind to it, yn." he sits back beside you, enveloping one arm around you and placing his fingers over yours and moving them to the first easy chord. his other hand is unknowingly resting on your waist, and you were comfortable with that.
being within such close proximity is part of your norm when it comes to you and beomgyu. you always greet each other with hugs; when you're out and about you sometimes link your arm with his, and he lets you borrow his hoodies, even his favourite ones.
your friendship has been at a comfortable level for the both of you, but your crush on him hasn't hindered. you're okay with staying friends if that means you won't ruin this friendship and won't lose him.
"if you place your fingers like this," he starts, adjusting the placement of your fingers. "you almost create a cascading effect and that's the c chord." he simply explains. his voice was soft by your ear, and you'd be lying if you said that didn't give you goosebumps.
what you don't know is that it's taking everything in him to not lean his chin on your shoulder as he looks over to help you.
"so the next chord is an f. you can add your pinky to this place here," he says as he taps on your pinky and the position it should move to. you strum after you successfully play the chord clearly. "there's another way, it's a bar chord though. do you want to try?"
you nod your head in tiny movements, and beomgyu finally rests his chin on your shoulder as he carefully explains the difficult variation of the chord. his face is so close to yours, both your cheeks are almost pressed against each other.
you're so fixed on listening to his instructions and relaxed in his hold, you naturally end up tilting your head so your temple taps his. the both of you don't move your heads, just taking in this small gesture.
"you managed to play this version of the f chord too, you're a natural." he compliments you.
"I mean, I learnt from the best." you chuckle when he denies it, softly nudging your head as you continue going back and forth with the kudos.
"hmm," he hums, as he looks over at his digital clock at his desk.
"what're you thinking about now?"
"I just realised how late it is. you want to stay over or do you want me to drop you home?" he picks up his guitar, having both your fingers brushing against each other, and he puts it away again.
"I mean, I'm already here, and it is really late. but is that really okay with you?" you look up at him with your head tilted and brows closely knitted together.
"I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't." he had a point. "come on, I know this is extremely late for you on a friday night. and don't worry, I'll put a pillow between us if you want." he sends you a playful wink as he searches for another one of his hoodies for you to borrow, knowing just how much you love wearing them.
"thank you, gyu. I had fun this evening. I'm so lucky to have you." your smile meets the back of his head, not knowing if he heard the last part.
but he did. and if only you could see the soft smile on his lips because of you.
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© boba-beom ; all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way or platform.
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madebyteenagefury · 6 months
have you made the house md ocs yet?
so, about that!
short answer: yes! yea i have :D
longer answer: yeaaa i did but.. making oc is always tough for me because i never seem to get attached enough to them to keep pushing through and developing them. being the only fan in a fandom where YOU have to create the source material is not really my jam haha. i have much more fun engaging with other peoples oc’s and characters from existing media.
but for you, i’ll commit to making a proper sheet for him. for now, here’s a little (very bare bones) overview of my guy!
introducing Max! he’s 33 (at the time of season one, based on my hopefully correct math of everyone else’s ages.) and an elementary teacher! he exists in the same universe as @privatehousesanatomy ‘s oc kadee. he lives in the same apartment building as her and house, which is how they become friends at first! he does graphic design on the side and while his family helped put him through school for his bachelors in elementary education he’s hoping putting himself through for a masters in graphic design. he comes from an asian background (his family is from the middle east, they immigrated in the late 70’s) and he is bilingual (i love any excuse to use my family’s language in my fandoms, an oc you can project on is the perfect way lol) he loves listening to classical music while he draws, his favorite things to draw are still life and portraits. he is an only child. a little physical description of him; he’s got chase ish length thick black wavy hair (difference between their haircuts is that max’s bangs are longer so they go down to his chin) which he usually pins back, dark brown eyes, an oval face, he’s about 5’10
here are some VERY early, on the fly sketches of him (both when i was in artblock AND i lost my sketchbook for a hot minute hence the lined paper😭double whammy)
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the one on the left, those marks around max’s eye are where i erased glasses many times. originally he was going to have glasses but it’s not been set in stone, idk if i’ll keep them (yes that is wilson, i heavily referenced a @/noahdea.art drawing and ran with it, second one was just me messing around fully pulled out my ass that’s why it looks a lil jank but wtvr)
so yeah that’s kinda all i have of him! thanks for sending in that ask @former-lurker it pushed me to flesh him out just a little more. y’all pls feel free to ask me more about him and just lmk what you think!! this was actually super fun and helps/encourages me to delve into him and his world a bit more each time and who knows maybe this one will finally stick.
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emewyn · 7 months
I was a band nerd in middle and high school. I was never super dilligent about practicing or good at sightreading, and to be honest I hated playing solo. But playing in the middle of a large ensemble was honestly a euphoric experience that engaged all of my senses so perfectly. I saw the instructions on the sheet music and the director conducting, heard the sound of the different instruments surrounding me rising, falling, and harmonizing with and against each other, felt the vibration of my bass clarinet in my mouth and fingertips shift as I moved through different pitches and volumes, and felt the vibration of my tapping foot and the rest of the ensemble through the floor. Most importantly, I utilized both conscious and unconscious processing to take in all that information at once, synthesize it, and immediately let that guide my playing in a constant feedback loop. Embouchure reflexively tightens to hit a higher note, and I can feel from the vibration in my mouth how close I am to squeaking, even if I can't hear myself over everyone else. The conductor's hand raises to bring all the players with him in a crescendo that makes the whole room shake while still maintaining that careful balance of volume and pitch between the different instruments. The tubas and I take turns breathing and playing a single note at a time in a perfectly timed polka beat between us that will form the base for the higher instruments' melody. Listening to music, even in surround sound or at a concert, is nothing compared to the mental state of being part of the music.
Looking back, i think this was an ADHD and/or autism thing, of hitting that rare perfect sweet spot of sensory stimulation and hyperfocus. Playing in a large ensemble engaged my chronically understimulated brain at exactly the right level. But now I'm an adult, and I don't have the access or skill to play music in large groups anymore. I always considered myself a fan of music, but I don't actually listen to it very much on my own. Pre-recorded music often just feels like sounds AT me instead of WITH me, if that makes sense. Sometimes I can enjoy a particularly good jam in certain contexts, but most of the time listening to music feels flat, underwhelming, and even irritating.
Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone have any tips for ways that I can enjoy listening to music without feeling understimulated, or recommendations for music that does manage to hit that sweet spot?
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axvwriter · 2 months
Hello!! I saw you reblogged the oc ask game, so I'd like to ask 🎵🕑💢💔🧭💡 about Bobo, please! If that's too many, then just the ones you want to do!
🎵 What would your OCs favorite song(s) be?
🕑 What time does your OC generally wake up at?
💢 What's one thing that's sure to piss off your OC?
💔 Have they ever experienced heartbreak?
🧭How easily can they find their way? Do they get lost easily?
💡 What's an idea that they once had that made others go "That's not gonna work," but it still worked?
Thank you!
🎵What would Bobo's favorite song be?
I'd say it's the first song she heard from Baentu, which I give a little snippet in Baentu's ref. Gosh I still need to set something up before I feel like I can share Baentu. Which so far is mostly resting on me actually designing the man-eating beasts in the Mycelind Kingdom but I just haven't yet. (I think it's mostly because finding the refs I want takes longer now as I have to consider if what I'm looking at it ai-generated or not.)
I only have a few words of the song as I'm not musically-inclined. My idea being behind it that it's a heartbreak song but Baentu's aludes to it not really being one, just a bit of poking fun at love songs, break up songs, and such as Baentu's aroace. Don't know if I can actually get that idea across if I ever do attempt to write the lyrics. Which would be all I'd be able to do, I can only roughly read sheet music. I'm thinking it would be in the rock/metal genre with some screamo elements. (Keep in mind my grasp of music genres is kind of weak.)
Actually these two songs are what inspired/caused me to base what type of music Bobo likes. Sun Killer by Spiritbox and Promise by Voyager. (text links are to youtube videos)
🕑 What time does Bobo generally wake up at?
I actually still haven't figured out her schedule- I want to be wild and say 4 am but really I should plan out what her schedule usually looks like so I can have an actual answer.
Okay I penned up a rough idea of what her schedule could be and I hope it's not realistic and that I can fine-tune it because I have it suggesting to me that Bobo does wake up at 4am and goes to bed around 11pm. Which would be roughly 5 hours of sleep... which again we pulling into the fantasy/videogame logics as how can someone survive years of so little sleep? Adults are supposed to get at least 8 hours of sleep (unless they have lucky genetics) and anyone younger tends to need more sleep than that.
I know she's going to have several different schedules for different days too as I didn't cover international affairs, working out, fight practice, time to visit Baentu, and such. Actually I should try figuring out what all the government official positions would be and that might help me better fine-tune her schedules. I know I have ideas for their being councils to handle certain parts of the government.
Twst Bobo should take advantage of her situation and let herself get more sleep but she doesn't want to struggle with fixing her schedule if she ever does get back home. Plus she can use all the free time for studying (like geez Grim and MC must have terrible grades as surely it's like them skipping middle school and going straight to high school) and for getting to try things she never had time for before. Like woodcarving, painting, and with some outside encouragement, video games.
So uh, tldr: Bobo has a habit of waking up at 4 am.
💢 What's one thing that's sure to piss off Bobo?
Poking fun of the people from her kingdom. Trying to suggest that her kingdom isn't made up of humans or that they're all freaks. Along with just not taking the threats her kingdom faces all that seriously. Calling her a child, immature, someone incapable of running a kingdom. Also just disrespecting boundaries, whether that be her own or the others' around her. She's also a sore loser.
For example, Twst Bobo will snap if someone won't stop trying to touch her face. Most likely this type of provocation will cause her to physically lash out, whether that just be slapping a hand away or trying to squeeze someone's fingers with the idea to break them before snapping out of it. I know already that when it comes to VDC, Bobo cries out of anger that NRC loses. She's quite loyal so despite thinking the song Vil commissioned is generic and lame, that's her team! Bobo then holds a grudge against Neige, but I can't see her actually lashing out at him as he's depicted as so nice. So she'd probably just come off as grumpy in Neige's presence.
Basically Bobo has a temper that can flare up when it comes to pitting herself and those she cares about against something/someone else. Otherwise she tends to be able to keep it under control. If her temper breaks, she's usually able to reclaim control over herself rather quick. Usually she attempts to deal with her anger when she works out. Sometimes she gets way too invested in competitions and losing will upset her greatly.
💔 Have they ever experienced heartbreak?
Well I do have it planned than in her adult years that she'll probably have a few failed relationships, so I would think that counts? So she never really experienced any in her childhood. The closest she got in childhood was having a little kid crush on a rock-metal idol. Which of course didn't progress further than that. Though I suppose that just covers romantic heartbreak. I've usually only heard heartbreak when speaking of romantic feelings.
She was definitely heartbroken when her parents suddenly died when she was just eight-years-old. I think I have heard heartbreak being used in terms of familial bonds. Bobo had nightmares for quite a while when they died and actually couldn't sleep without a couple of plushies too. I haven't decided if the plushies are bats or goats. Eventually she did stop having nightmares but it took a little longer for her to no longer need the plushies to be able to fall asleep.
🧭 How easily can they find their way? Do they get lost easily?
That's a bit of a tough one to answer. Bobo does like to explore when she can, but she's grown up with tech that she's never had to worry about not having a signal. Tech that's set up to alert guards to her last location if it were to die or something were to go wrong. It's hard to say she can get lost when her kingdom's version of a phone/tablet can easily guide her back.
I do want to say she won't get lost all that easily as she has a rather great memory. So she takes notes of certain landmarks to give her a vague idea of the path she's taking and thus can backtrack if needed. Though if she were to fall somewhere with no easy way back up, then Bobo could possibly get lost. Especially easier for her to get lost if everything looks the same. With her eyesight, landmarks are usually certain glowing mushrooms and/or something that stands out in color.
💡 What's an idea that they once had that made others go "That's not gonna work," but it still worked?
I have several ideas and points for what Bobo's life may be like, mostly her childhood, but I haven't thought out too many specific stories. So I don't know if she's ever had a crazy plan that worked out. I feel like characters that are able to pull off wild stunts are usually ones that think outside of the box and/or not considered someone who thinks rationally/reasonably.
I'd like to think Bobo is quite reasonable. Even if she were to give an idea that causes others to doubt, she'd likely explain it until others can see what she sees. Also she likes to have others understand any of her plans so they can help correct any bits or give better ideas if they have them. If it is a wild idea that others may doubt, she might not even give others a chance to hear what the idea is.
Like the only one I can think of that counts would be the alt-route I wrote for Twst's Phantom Bride event. Bobo wasn't confident her idea would work, but she was certain that at the very least it could buy them all more time.
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ransprang · 6 months
thank you to anon for requesting on our ko-fi again <3
if anyone wants a fanfic this is our ko-fi
Adam Taurus x fem! reader: Childhood friends to Lovers
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“There’s a stupid expression on your face.” 
You sighed, ignoring both the question and the gorgeous man asking said question, resolutely. A large finger poked at your cheek roughly, “What’s wrong with you,” Adam asked again. 
Adam and you were relaxing on a park bench, the sun was shining bright in the sky, illuminating Adam’s features, as though there was a halo surrounding him. Unable to resist, you let another despondent sigh fall from your lips. Ever since you had discovered your feelings for your best friend since middle school, nothing had gone your way. You had tried so hard to deny the existence of those feelings, and failing that, tried to pretend it was just strong feelings of friendship. But you couldn’t will away how your heart raced at every light brush of his skin, or how your eyes lingered on his, unwilling to part with their object of desire. Eventually you had accepted it and decided to confess, but even then the words would just not come out properly. 
It was madness. First you had asked the neighbourhood baker for advice who had been unsurprised to hear of your feelings but muttered sagely, “Sweet words sound best coming on sweet things.” And so you had hatched your first plot, to write your confession on a cake but the rain that day had other plans. Next, you had asked your hairdresser who recommended serenading a lover with a song was the way to go, but even if you had some musical talent, you really couldn’t help things if the speaker caught fire right before your performance. The old lady across the street had recommended writing a love letter, but unfortunately the postman must have had a vendetta against you since it never arrived. Finally you asked your friend, who recommended getting wasted, a plan you adored all the way until you were heaving your guts out while Adam stroked your hair sympathetically. 
The universe was just determined to ruin your confessions. You glanced up irritably at Adam, who just cocked his handsome head to the side in mild concern. 
“Nothing is wrong with me, I'm fine. I just love-” 
The loud honking of a goose drowned out the rest of your sentence. You hadn’t even known there were geese at this park.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you,” Adam asked.
You grit your teeth and stomped away, vehemently cursing all the geese in the world.
Adam stared as you left, baffled but content for now to leave you to your demons.
You were laying in bed, dejected, thinking over your failed confession attempts when suddenly your phone lit up. Your eyes gleamed in delight as you saw who it was from. 
one eyed bestie: netflix? i’m bored and you look depressed. 
“stfu, i’m coming over,” you typed out and sent off your reply. 
Throwing on a hoodie, you ran to his door and knocked, still dressed in your pyjamas. “Honey, I’m hooome~” you called out as Adam opened the door. 
“Sorry I’m not in the habit of letting homeless people in,” he retorted, letting you in with an amused smile. 
As you stepped in and realised the entire living room had been converted into an elaborate pillow fort. The living room, which usually has a simple sofa and a TV in front of it, was now transformed into a cosy haven. Bed sheets spread from the sofa to the walls, the lights were tastefully dimmed as the sheets draped in the front like a door. Inside was a duvet, lined with multiple pillows, there was a laptop set up inside placed inside as the warm light enveloped you two. 
Your heart swelled and you felt your face heat up. “You did this for me?” 
Adam rolled his eyes fondly, “No, I just like decorating my entire house like a pillow fort. Go get cozy, I’ll bring some snacks.” He smiled with pride looking at your shocked expression.
You snuggled into the duvet, sitting opposite the TV screen and pulled a couple of pillows onto your lap. Adam had gone into all this effort just to cheer you up. Feeling giddy at the thought, you buried your blushing face into the pillow. How were you meant to control your feelings if the man acted like that?
Adam decided to walk back into the fort right at that moment, giving you a slightly judgmental look as he put down a small table in front of you with pocky sticks in a cup and some other snacks you liked. You grabbed a piece to munch on while Adam’s fingers made use of the remote controller. He opened up Netflix. Chewing your pocky, “Which movi-” before you could even finish, your eyes widened and a gasp left your lips. Adam put on a movie you’ve been trying to get him to watch for ages now. He smiled at your reaction, “Just be glad I’m being extra nice today. This isn’t gonna happen ever again.” 
You cooed at him teasingly, “Yea yea you say that now. I know you’re gonna watch it 10 more times in secret.” Rolling his eyes again, Adam scoffed and turned his attention to the movie. 
As you lay in the comforting cocoon of your warm blanket, a gentle heaviness settled over your limbs as you both watched the movie. You instinctively drew closer to Adam, who was radiating heat. You rested your head against his sturdy shoulder, sensing a subtle tension in him, which was quickly replaced by a serene calm as he nestled his auburn head atop yours.
Despite the drowsiness, you made a feeble attempt to keep your eyes open. But it had been a long week with a whole lot of plotting and attempted confessions, and so your eyelids fluttered closed. In the quiet moments before sleep claimed you, your thoughts your thoughts gravitate back to Adam. Your affection for him flooded your mind, and you couldn't help but dwell on how sweet he was to you. Even if it was only for tonight, and even if he didn’t even know of your romantic feelings for him, he had made you feel special, adored and cared for. Ensconced within the warmth of those feelings you slept better than you had in weeks.
When your eyes opened next, it was already morning. Painfully bright sunlight made you wince as you awoke. Blinking a few times, you groggily looked around. Unsure of how, but you had ended up sleeping on a pillow on the floor, with Adam nowhere to be found. You slowly propped yourself up, yawning. 
Where is he, you wondered. You got up and out of the pillow fort, stretching and groaning. You saw the doorknob of the flat turn and you were rewarded with the sight of a flushed and sweaty Adam donned in a black muscle tank and gray sweats as he returned from his run. He looked at you and hesitated and.. became more red?
Still too sleepy to notice anything was amiss, you ran your eyes over his physique appreciatively. He coughed pointedly, breaking you out of your trance, “Oh damn you’re awake, and I just found the perfect place to bury your dead body on my run” Adam teased.
“Very funny” you deadpanned. “I was even considering making you breakfast after you were so nice to me yesterday.”
“I’ve changed my mind now though, you can starve,” you declared before flipping him off and heading back to your house to begin plotting your next confession.
After the sleepover and a couple more failed confession attempts involving an ‘I love Adam’ t-shirt being mysteriously stolen from your wardrobe, you noticed Adam had been acting.. a bit strangely. He could barely look at you before turning bright red, and he jumped every time your fingers brushed against each other. Unsure of what you did to put him so on edge, you knew you needed to fix it. You laid down on your bed kicking your feet, pulling up Adam’s chat. you: hey loser. wanna go camping like that time when we were 12 and we both peed in the forest for the first time?
You stared at the screen as little bubbles instantaneously appeared. one eyed bestie: sounds good, but i won’t save you if a bear attacks us in the middle of the night 
You giggled and started preparing for the little getaway.
The camp was set on a hill near your neighbourhood, lamps shining against the evening mist settling on the leaves. You were making the beds in both your tents as Adam worked the firewood, setting them alight, till they glowed bright. You turned away from the tent and witnessed the sky behind was twilight purple, the trees black and Adam was shining with the fires light. He smiled, proud of his work, Adam’s smile was so beautiful, pink lips, lightly glistened wet. Lines formed by his eyes, his imperfections were so perfect. 
You bit your lip at the beauty standing before you, as Adam turned around to see you looking at him. He blushed as he met your gaze, almost tripping over the log beside him. It set the side of his shoe on fire as he stomped it repeatedly to put it out. He looked back at you noticing you were still in awe. He sighed in relief. 
“Are you planning to help or should I do everything?” you teased as you sat back and relaxed on the bed you had just made. “Am I your little worker?” He chuckled, adding, “Fine what do you want me to do?” you got up “Watching all the hard work with the firewood has made me very thirsty, could you fetch me a beer?”  
Adam cracked upon a couple of cold ones and sat next to you on the bedroll. You both clinked your bottles as Adam and silently looked up at the sky. 
The stars had begun appearing, you felt a yearning in your heart as you took another sip of your bottle. You were so far away from the stars, just a tiny speck but oddly, you felt the same distance from Adam who was right next to you. If only he knew how much you loved him, you felt your eyes tear up. Or maybe it was the alcohol, you could feel the heat rise up along with the confidence. Perhaps this time you won’t hurl out your insides.
“ADAM!” you yelled, breaking the silence. He turned towards you, wide eyed, “WHAT?!”. You closed your eyes tightly “Adam I love you!” You opened your eyes, big drops of tears forming, “I have loved you for so long”. Adam calmly used his hand to wipe your tears “Took you long enough. I know.” You were visibly shocked “What? What do you mean?” Adam chuckled “You told me in your sleep, in the pillow fort.” He had a sheepish smile as he leaned in to give you a kiss. He pulled away and whispered “I love you too” as he gave you another kiss. He could feel your smile against his lips. 
Adams' kisses got increasingly aggressive as he pushed you back onto the tent floor, your hands gripping his shoulder maybe to try and tame the man losing his control. You moaned into his mouth as Adam pulled away “Now that I know your feelings, let me show you mine.” You just wanted to melt into Adam’s arms, you couldn’t even believe this was happening to you. 
Your hands still on his shoulders, nails digging through his t-shirt, as if you were begging him to just eat you up. Adam’s keen blue eye peered into your eyes, as he noticed you were desperate to have him. “Look at you, I want you to beg for me,” he said in a low groan and a slight smirk. You gritted your teeth, you wanted to stand your ground. After all you had been through so much to say I love you, but you needed Adam. “Please fuck me” you said, shocked at your own words and conviction. “Good girl,” Adam grunted as he sat up straight, removing his t-shirt bearing his pale toned chest. 
The muscles and lines defined by the moonlight, you could see his v line go down the top of his jeans. You could now see the imprint of his hardened penis throbbing against his pants. Adam unzipped and pulled down his jeans as his member sprung out. His dick was long and hard, tip was pink with a vein extending down. You could see it pulsate, waiting to be rubbed. You extended your hand to hold it just as Adam caught your hand, “You really think you can do as you like?” He was losing his composure as he took in a hitched breath, “Tonight I’ll be in charge.” He pinned your hands above you as he used his knee to part your legs. Adam used his hips to position his cock by your entrance. He first moved to rub your clit and slid his cock through your folds, teasing you, spreading your wetness, watching you whimper. You could barely manage to whisper “Please, please put it in.” 
Adam finally brought his cock at your entrance again and thrusted forward, inserting his tip inside, as he released a sigh. The relief of his penis tip finally buried in your soft warm walls, he thrusted fast and quick finally putting his whole length inside of you. You tightly wrapped your legs around him as you rolled your head back simply feeling him inside, just then Adam groaned, “You didn’t say I love you sooner, now be a good girl and take my punishment,” he said thrusting, with a smirk. 
He held you by the waist and flipped you to be on top as he laid down. You moaned “Oh Adam,” as you could feel his cock inside your body, you straddled him as you began moving your hips back and forth. His tip was hitting your sensitive g spot, the base of penis was rubbing again and again on your clit. You could feel yourself get closer as you began moving up and down, smacking your ass against his hips. He saw your breasts bounce, cupping them in his hands he squeezed teasing your nipples with his thumbs. 
Adam noticed you get closer as your moans got louder and louder in the quiet forest, he firmly held your hips as he started thrusting from below, you felt a surge of pleasure spread across your folds, as you felt a warm sensation rise from your pussy up to your abdomen. You orgasmed, releasing a loud moan and you bent forward on to Adam’s chest. “You’re not done just yet, not till I’m finished.” 
He wrapped a strong arm around your back flipping you below again. He got on top, still inside you he began pounding. He used his hands to hold your legs open as he got faster and faster, you could see Adam’s stomach contract, his v line contort, he was about to release his cum inside you. Adam moaned, as beads of sweat rolled off his face, he pumped you a final few times as he loosened his grip on your legs, squirting out his white cum inside. You felt a sense of satisfaction, as he collapsed on top of you.
“I love you so much,” Adam whispered to you, nestling his face in the crook of your neck. Your eyes twinkled as the stars shone brightly above, you were in shock and awe at what had just happened, as if the stars above had finally listened and made your dreams come true. “I love you too,” you replied, and this time you managed to say the words successfully.
your childhood,
admins sar, sav & san
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beansnsoup · 2 years
okey so I had this idea in my head about the reader being a super good drummer and she secretly plays some Metallica song, thinking no ones there but Eddie hears her after a Hellfire meeting so he secretly listens to her and then she gets scared because she noticed him and he comforts her and then they kinda play together and eddie absolutely falls in love with her and yeah idk something like that :)
This is so cute!!
Meant to be
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: You're left at school late, so you make your way to the music room where the bands instruments are, and someone hears your talent, making him fall for you, hard.
Warnings: Shouldn't be any, fluff
☆ Not my GIF
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You left the office, your mom had called saying she was working late, which meant you were stuck at school until she was off. Your friends had already left, the ones you trusted to take you home that is, and they'd probably be busy.
You wandered the halls, it was getting cold outside, so waiting outside or walking home was a no go. You're incredibly bored, you keep walking until you make your way to the music room. You weren't in band, but in middle school a friend that moved away two years ago taught you how to play drums.
You were reasonably good, a bit rusty, but good. The band kids stored their instruments in the music room, they had cooler ones in there too, like guitars and a big drum set. It was surprisingly unlocked, the teacher that was often in this classroom preferred to keep it locked in case students would sneak in to ruin instruments and sheet music.
You didn't blame her, there were some really messed up people at this school that'd do that. You walk into the room, taking it all in, you never came in here since you didn't have this class, this was one of the classes you had to sign up for, your mom wanted you to but it was too much for your nerves.
The drum set was in the corner, you sit down at the small stool, "Where the hell are the sticks?" You ask out loud, you find them sitting on the desk, next to the chalk. The teacher must've confiscated them or something.
You sit back down, trying to remember a song you learned on the drums, you eventually come to Metallica song, you forgot the name if your being honest, your old friend just really like the band so when he taught you the drums he taught you Metallica songs.
You start the beat, quietly though, scared there could be people still in the building, even though you were pretty good at playing drums you were still self conscious about playing infront of people. Coming to the conclusion that everyone's left, since you saw the Hellfire Club walk out a bit ago and the teachers in this building have gone there's nobody around.
The beat grows louder, you're better than you remember yourself being, you're also surprised that you remember how the song goes, lyrics are faintly going through your head as you are playing.
You're so caught up with the song you're "performing" you don't here the door open. A boy stands there in the doorway watching you, you get the sense someone is staring at you so you look up. You suddenly can't feel your face, Eddie "The Freak" Munson was watching you play.
"Nice band, I didn't know you could play." He says, walking over to you. You put the drumsticks down, your eyes going to the floor, "I learned how to play in middle school, it's not a big deal." You tell him, trying not to look him in the eye.
"Why are you even here?" He asks you, reaching a distance where he close but not uncomfortably close. "I could be asking you the same thing." You tell him, attitude in your tone, you wanted to leave this situation immediately.
He puts his arms up in defense, "If you must know, I was putting everything away from tonight's campaign." He informs, your fidgeting with the rips in your jeans, "My mom's working late so she couldn't pick me up, so I'm here waiting for her." You tell him, still looking down.
"I could give you a ride." He says, you finally look up at him, "Really?" You ask him, he shrugs, "Yeah, it's no big deal." This makes you smile, "Then yes, please take me home, I do not want to be here, in this moment, any longer." You admit, getting up from the small stool.
"Why not?" He chuckles, following you out of the music room, "Are you embarrassed?" He asked, jogging to catch up with you fast pace towards the exit. "A little, yes." You say, he looks at you, "Okay, a lot." You admit.
He's guiding you to his van now, "Hey, it's not bad really." He says, stepping into the driver's seat, you snort when you get into the passengers side. "I'm telling the truth, you're really good." His cheeks are a light pink now, he's falling for you, without trying.
You smile sheepishly at his compliment, all you can get out then is the directions to your house. On the way there your making small conversation with eachother.
When you reach you home and open the door Eddie stops you, you turn you head to look at him. "Do you maybe wanna hang out some time?" He asks you, you freeze, then look him in the eye.
"Yeah that'd be nice." You respond before leaving the van. Both of you go to bed giddy that night.
This idea was so sweet!!
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stephanie-black-swan · 3 months
Hello to you, who will read these few lines 🙂 I don't think Taylor Swift will read my message here, but rather to a member of her team? Anyway hello!
I am writing this somewhat special message today to ask a question. I know my post will be just one of 1000, but maybe someone will read it anyway.
I am Stephanie, and I live in France. I have my ticket for the Eras Tour. For me it will be in LYON at the GROUPAMA STADIUM N2 on June 3, 2024. I have a VIP FOSSE OR LEFT ticket with early access.
Here, we do not have postal or email addresses that we can use to contact our favorite international artists (or their teams). So I am trying my luck on this address, hoping that someone is interested in what I write here. And even better, that someone reads my message to the end.
I am 28 years old. Apparently, I am an adult. I think? In any case, I never stopped writing and dreaming. If this makes me a child, if this is the price to pay, I accept it! Maybe I have a slight Peter Pan syndrome.
Despite everything, I am a fairly introverted and reasonable person. I am very rational, I like to analyze everything, and I hate being noticed. As a result, I have never been a “fan” as people tend to say. I have never gone after an autograph or a photo with a public figure. Besides, most of the time, I don't care if a person is famous or not. I myself would absolutely hate being famous. I also never claim that you can truly know a public figure solely through their image and the marketing around them. Above all, stars are not Gods, just people like the rest of us. They also have their fears, their joys, and their demons. But all this rationality does not, sometimes, prevent us from admiring a person. Not because she is famous, but because she shakes our emotions and our thoughts through her art.
Since childhood, I have been very socially awkward. I was teased and harassed most of my schooling. For what? Oh, just because I was already 5' 11" tall at the very beginning of middle school, and I often sat in my corner scribbling poems and stories on my sheets of paper. I was listening to music in my ears non-stop, and I was in my own world. And besides, I haven't changed that much. Maybe it's also because I have autism, that's what the psychiatrist told me haha. Words and music have, are and always will be my only escape in this sometimes brutal and dark world. I still write, whenever my emotions need to be expressed. Because I never express them as well as with words. After my father died of cancer when I was 18, words and music were kind of the only thing in the world I still had. And that's what kept me going.
You now see very well where I was going with this: yes, during this period, I discovered and listened to the music of Taylor Alison Swift. So obviously not only that, I've listened to thousands of different artists, and there are a lot of them that I love. But no other artist has touched me like Taylor Swift has. Apparently people say she's a witch? No, she is a magician with words. The poetic magician of the 21st century.
I read everywhere that at a concert, people were chosen to interact with her during the song "22", and others to meet her before and/or after the concert. But also that these people were often chosen based on their super stylish outfit, their screams, their dedication on the internet. But I have neither the time nor the energy to create "fan pages" on social networks (besides I don't particularly like social networks), I don't have the means nor the desire to spending fortunes on merchandising or "cosplay" clothing to attend the concert, and above all I don't have the "thing" to scream and move in all directions. As I said, I am not a fan per se, and Taylor is a human being. Besides, I don't care about autographs, even photos. I don't want visibility on the internet, that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want any gifts. I don't need all these things.
But that doesn't stop me from dreaming of one day having the opportunity to shake the hand of an inspiring artist. Look her in the eyes and simply say “thank you, for your music, for your words, for everything”. Yes, I dream of that. And I admit, in my life I am often saddened by the fact that I never had luck. Please note: I am not complaining. I have a wonderful mom who I am very close with, I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love with all my heart, and they are the most precious things in the world. But regarding the little extra thing, the bonus, the little dream moment: I always watched others have it. I know for a fact that many others are like me, and that I am not a special person compared to others. And most of the time I don't care if they get lucky and I don't, I don't need it. But for this time, just for this, I would really like to have a joker and be able to say "hey, this time I'm the lucky one today!". But no matter what, this Joker would never happen alone. Luck provokes itself, it decides. This is why I sent this message, to try to induce luck. For the rest... Fingers crossed!
For the person reading these lines (IF someone read this), and if they have made it this far: thank you from the bottom of my heart, and have a wonderful day :)
@taylornation @taylorswift
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