#i swear i haven't even played these fate games
ryuarl · 1 month
I forgor I have a tumblr uh, I'm still alive I think, have this for the time being
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xcherricutie · 1 month
๋࣭ ⭑⚝ shit sandwich ᯓ★
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⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
[Shadow the Hedgehog × Reader]
[Word Count - 2k]
[Summary - Forced to become a villain, you think your life is completely over, but a certain hedgehog shows you otherwise]
[Tags: Swearing. Idk if you could tell by the title but there's a lot of swearing. Shadow drops an F NUKE. Reader is written as a female human, but you can read however you like, it's never mentioned. Pretty platonic, mostly just the reader and Shadow bonding over their misery]
[Notes: I'm gonna be honest, Shadow is super OOC in this, I was kinda just having fun. I was listening to Loser, Baby from Hazbin Hotel while looking for oneshot ideas, and this came to me. I haven't written Shadow, or even played any games featuring him aside from SA2 in a while, so he might act a little silly goofy. I also wrote this in one night and it's 2 am so y'know]
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You had a life once, hopes and dreams that you aspired for. You didn’t ever let life get you down, always looking on the positive side. And you felt like you were actually doing pretty good in life. You had your own home, friends and family. You felt like you were at the top of the world. You didn’t think anything could take you down, turn your world upside down. 
And then he appeared. Just plucked you up from the streets as you were walking home one day. Told you no one would miss you, that he was doing you a favor. In one fell swoop, your whole life had been ripped from your grasp, and you lost everything, at the hands of the mad scientist, Doctor Eggman. 
He had promised you a better life, said you were the first in a series of experiments to create artificial life. He had stripped away your humanity, turned you into a monster for his own use. He turned you against your own friends and family and forced you to attack your hometown as a “starting point”. You were his very first biotechnical android, trapped by the code he put in you, turning you into just another villain for his archenemy to take down. Your doom had already been sealed the moment he took you that fateful day, and the only thing you could do was watch. 
You let out a pained cry as your back hit the wall of a dark alleyway. As you slid to the ground, your bleary vision landed on the silhouette stretching before your feet, the moonlight casting the shadow of your foe. You tilted your head up, ignoring the pain that shot through your back and neck, your eyes immediately drawing to the bright red pools glaring down at you. You knew you were dead the moment you had become an android, but it was just your luck that you were up against the morally grey side of the hedgehog counterparts. Shadow the Hedgehog, once someone who had worked alongside the Doctor, now someone who went around destroying everything related to the Doctor, regardless of innocence. Not that you were innocent anymore, you knew you had to accept your fate, but Shadow didn’t make it any easier. 
You didn’t even bother trying to speak on your behalf. You were fully capable of it, you had freedom on that part. The only thing in your life you couldn’t control was the strong urge to destroy everything in your path. You couldn’t resist it; it was in your own coding to destroy without regard. So there was no point in trying to prove your own innocence. 
You couldn’t even fight anymore, Shadow had made certain of that. With your eye blackened and swollen, your bones ached and begged for you to stay down. Every twitch of your muscles made them throb, leaving you to lay on the ground, waiting for what you could only hope to be a swift end. But it seemed your luck wouldn’t allow that, as the sound of his approaching footsteps stopped just before you. 
You forced your head to lift just enough to see what the holdup was, brows furrowed in confusion as you looked up to see his face. The moonlight shone down through the cloudy sky, his body blocking the light from you, surrounding you in his cold silhouette. But through the darkness, you could see his bright red eyes, and the confusion in them. 
You almost didn’t catch his singular word of question. Blinking, you looked up at him with wide eyes, your mind disoriented and foggy. You had even begun to wonder if you had imagined it, until you heard his gruff voice speak up, much more annoyed this time. 
“Why are you doing this? You look like just a regular person, you don’t have any business with the Doctor,” Shadow spoke, bending slightly at the hips, staring into your eyes. You could only look up at him in shock, astounded that he would even take the time to ask you such a question. From everything you had heard about Shadow, he wasn’t one to ask questions. He was more the type to act first, ask questions later, or so you had assumed. What was so different now? 
“Don’t make me ask again.” Shadow’s eyes squinted, his patience quickly thinning. You swallowed thickly, taking in a quick, shaky breath. You had your opportunity to explain yourself, so why? Why were you hesitating? 
You had nothing to return to. Even if you somehow got out of the situation you were in, you had nothing left. Your friends and family were gone, running away from you. Your home was gone, your whole life was gone. This was all you had left, all you were. The villain you had been forced to become had consumed you and became your entire identity. 
You didn’t even realize your cheeks were soaked with tears until you choked on a sob, squeezing your eyes shut as you turned your head away in shame. You didn’t have any right to shed tears, you were a horrible person, weren’t you? Even if you were forced, even if you tried to resist, you had still done bad things. You still had to accept your responsibilities and let go of the hope that you could go back to your old life. 
Shadow’s eyes widened as he watched you turn away, raising a shaky hand to your face, trying to wipe away your tears. He couldn’t wrap his mind around you, around why you were like this. You showed up without warning some time back, going around city to city just destroying with reckless abandon. Or so that was how it had seemed at the time, but with the way you were breaking down in front of him now, he had his doubts that you enjoyed it or even wanted it. 
“You don’t want to, do you?” 
Your hands slowed to a stop as you looked up at Shadow, your tears streaming freely now. Hesitantly, you shook your head, unable to open your mouth. You were surprised he had even deduced that much, but then again, Shadow had been defying your expectations since the second you met him. 
Shadow sucked in a deep breath as he stood up straight, before looking down at you with what you thought was an almost sympathetic look. Your eyes widened as a hand was suddenly stretched outward to you, your gaze snapping between the hand and Shadow’s eyes. You only took the hand when you noticed Shadow’s growing impatience, his eye twitching with irritation. 
“What did he do to you?” Shadow asked, pulling you up and onto your feet, leading you out onto the sidewalk. You rubbed your arm nervously, tempted to just make a run for it, knowing you were stuck like this no matter what. The look Shadow gave you told you it was a bad idea to even think about trying, making you exhale in enervation. 
“Turned me into an android,” You muttered, avoiding Shadow’s gaze. You closed your eyes, as if to try and block out the world, your voice barely above a whisper. “I can’t control it. Sometimes, it’s just an accident. Sometimes, he forcefully directs me towards places he wants gone. I was just a normal person before he took me away from my home. I can’t go back even if I wanted to, he made me destroy everything I cared about.” 
You didn’t open your eyes to see his reaction. You didn’t care to see it; you didn’t want to see the pity in his eyes. You didn’t want your enemy pitying you, unable to help you. What could he do? Besides destroying you, there was nothing Shadow could do to help you, as far as you were aware. 
“Your whole existence seems fuckin’ hopeless,” Shadow muttered, making your eyes snap wide open as you looked down at him, completely dumbfounded. You didn’t think you’d ever heard anything quite as rude as the words that had just come from his mouth. You could feel yourself bristle as your fists clenched, nearly splitting at the seams with anger when Shadow’s voice dragged you from your violence-filled thoughts. “You think your life is wrecked, huh?” 
Your eye twitched with anger, rolling your eyes heavily as you slumped down onto the edge of the sidewalk, your muscles aching too much to care about fighting him. Just as you sat down though, you felt Shadow’s presence just behind you, an almost evil smirk pulling at his lips as he bent down to your level. 
“Well, let me just say, you’re correct,” 
“Wait, what?” You looked back at Shadow with wide eyes, your gaze lifting from his shoes as he backed up, up to the small smirk on his face as you met his stare. 
“You’re a loser, a fucked up whiny bitch,” Shadow’s grin grew almost sadistically as he noticed you flare up with anger, your fists clenched as you tried to get up, your tired muscles keeping you down. However, just as you had begun to turn away and ignore him, you heard his voice drop to a mumble. “You’re a loser, just like me.” 
Slightly surprised, you tried to shrug it off as you hugged yourself, giving Shadow the middle finger as you faced away from him. “Thanks, asshole.” 
Shadow rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help the smile that graced his lips, an odd feeling blooming within him. He didn’t think he’d ever relate to anyone’s situation, let alone sympathize, but he supposed there was a first time for everything. 
“There was a time I thought no one could relate to me, but letting walls down can sometimes set you straight,” Shadow stood beside you, shooting you a small smile, as if to comfort you. But the glint of sadism hadn’t quite faded as his canines flashed. “We’re all living in the same shit sandwich.” 
You looked up at Shadow in shock, before an almost airy feeling washed over you, a giggle escaping your lips. And just like that, you had completely forgotten why you were mad in the first place, returning the smile as Shadow sat beside you. 
As the silence filled the air once more, your gaze was turned onto the full moon in the sky, basking in its cool blue hues of light. You sighed deeply, eyes drifting shut as you hung your head down. “I’m trapped and it gets worse with every hour.” 
Shadow stared down at your small, miserable form, before his eyes jumped to something in the distance, avoiding you as he spoke. “You’re a loser...” 
Shadow watched you bristle in the corner of his eye, making him smile as he continued. “But just maybe, if we eat shit together, things will end up differently.” 
And just as soon as he had angered you, Shadow had somehow stunned you into silence, your eyes staring into his. Your silence dragged on for an awkward moment, as if waiting for him to say some new obscenity to anger you, but it never came. You rolled your eyes, scoffing as you smiled. 
“You know, you make a pretty shitty friend,” You said, your words making Shadow chuckle softly. 
“So I’ve heard. But I mean it,” The smile on Shadow’s face faded as he turned to you, looking you directly in the eye. “I can find you the help you deserve. You shouldn’t have to be forced into a life of servitude for that man, and I’ll make sure you can get back a better life.” 
Shadow stood up, holding a hand out to you. But this time, you didn’t hesitate or think about it, placing your hand in his own, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Once again, Shadow had defied your expectations, pleasantly surprising you with his odd offer of something akin to a friendship. 
Perhaps it wasn’t meant to be like this in the beginning. You had never intended for your life to go this direction, but maybe it didn’t have to be so bad now. You had finally found the positive side, and had something to look forward to again, alongside your new friend, Shadow the Hedgehog.
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woodsfae · 2 months
Babylon 5 S03E16 War Without End: Part One previous episode - table of contents
From the preview image that Tubi chose for the episode I see that Sinclair's back?? My old friend!! As well as our first glimpse at Minbar outside the Grey Council chambers, I believe! It's beautiful: very sculpted in a sort of sci-fi Rivendell way which fits the Minbari's space elf vibe. 
Entil'Zha is being presented with a sacred box, which has waited for over 900 years..in which there is a letter for Jeffrey David Sinclair! Dun dun dun. Prophecy is real, Babylon 5 is a high fantasy as much as it is sci-fi. 
Another prophecy, this one of the sci-fi variety: Babylon 5 gets a transmission of Ivanova calling for help, saying "they're killing us." 
This show gives me so many fanfic ideas and I haven't looked to see if anyone else has done them yet, because I'm avoiding spoilers. So I really don't go looking for info on B5 or interact with fandom works much. But this episode reminds me that I keep toying with the idea of an AU where Sinclair never leaves at the end of s01 and the whole plot plays out with him. I miss him, he got into my heart so fast and I had no inkling he was leaving the show till well after I was attached. 
It's nice to see Sinclair has had Minbari friends in his time running/recruiting/training the Rangers from Minbar. 
Partner just asked me what my predictions were for Sinclair and then when I went on a ramble just stared at me and told me to write it down. So here: my prediction of Sinclair's fate. In a separate post, because it's a bit too much of a tangent.
I've paused for long enough for only being six minutes into, so we're going to move on now, but if you wanna hear meta thoughts on what I think might happen with other characters end games, I could ramble about it.
Ivanova: this recording is fake. my analysis is based on logic: I didn't do it, ergo it is fake. Garibaldi, living for some sci-fi shenanigans: what if it's time travel.
They have Garibaldi positioned poorly before a dark path in the backdrop and it looks like he has one, huge pouf of hair sticking out one side of his head, lol.
Sinclair's back on Babylon 5! Zack Allen is in plainclothes, so perhaps all staff have the option? Or Zack wasn't invited to their special senior staff matching uniforms? 
Delenn being a drama queen. It's one of the qualities they hire for on the Grey Council. 
Lennier: "It must be done or the dream will die, and countless others will die."
o m in o u s
Eight days since the last Vorlon attack, per Marcus. 
Sinclair looks so good in Sci-Fi Rivendell clothes. Eeeek, I missed him, I love it. 
Oh it's Zak? Zap? Zathras? Yes! Zathras! Wow, I wasn't sre he'd be back, let alone that he'd be in shenanigans with DraalPlanet, OR that DraalPlanet would be doing something with time travel! 
And Sheridan! Is also wearing Minbari fashion! Some very snazzy robes over his uniform. 
Ivanova's message from the future is so grim. The captain is dead. "They" are coming in all over the place. External cams: Shadows. The Shadows have weapons lock. Explosions. Seems pretty straightforward and I bet it'll play out exactly like that with no twists. :P /hah
As Sheridan is doubtlessly about to find out, it's always going to be a normal evening when you are asked to swear you trust someone with your life before events can commence. 
Delenn has a powerpoint presentation about the Shadows. And a battle where the shadows were driven from their home, Zha'Dum. But the Minbari were losing at the time. Until Babylon 4 appeared! Delenn says without Babylon 4, they would have lost the war. 
Even while Babylon 4 was in construction, the Shadows attacked to destroy it. And the White Star was there! Delenn says they must go through the temporal rift that Draal is widening, protect B4, steal B4, and send B4 around in time. End Presentation! Everyone agrees with her flawless logic. And because she brought receipts in the form of video archival footage from DraalPlanet's surveillance system: Epsilon 3. 
That I didn't see coming, either. But like Garibaldi, I am so on board for the sci-fi hijinks. 
Oh, Delenn's plan goes farther! She and Sheridan will take B4 on the entire time travel trip and personally fight in the historical fight against the Shadows. Ten thousand years ago, right??? Damn, Sheridan and Delenn are going to stride through time and strike titanic, decisive blows in a war that felled entire species of sci-fi space gods!! That's so fucking epic. 
Ivanova is floating the idea that she was calling for help from an alternate timeline. But Garibaldi thinks it's the timeline they're planning now, where they take B4. 
I'm sure that SInclair's quippy references to Sheridan are super funny, but sadly I do not get the references. 
Zathras is here again. I...don't get Zathras. He's ehh funny. But extremely plot useful! Sinclair is meeting Zathras for the second time, but for Zathras it's the first time. But Zathras is well-informed, because he's very super honored to meet Sinclair and Sheridan, but also that's on the list of things Draal told him not to mention. 
Ahh, this Sinclair has already lived through the destruction of Babylon 5! He's already experiencing the world nonlinearly and is trying to do differently on this loop - damn! Or he's having visions from an alternate timeline but at some point you gotta agreee those are almost the sme thing, structurally, experientially, and thematically.
Time travel requires the use of devices that act as anchors. Zathras is handing them out and they're all being clipped visibly on a belt or sash, thus guaranteeing that someone will lose theirs. Sinclair? 
Aww, Sinclair sees Delenn and Sheridan holding hands and smiled. That makes me wistful for the Sinclair/Delenn endgame that exists in my personal, unwritten AU. 
Garibaldi is due an arc of making good, upstanding decisions and not doing police brutality so it hits extra hard when he blows up with Babylon 5. Or he makes it two more seasons, idk. I wouldn't mind if they lost a few characters and he was one of them.
Especially not if we could swap him for Talia back. I can't decide if I think she (or her personality that got overwritten) will be back or not. 
The White Star has been ugraded with Vorlon skin, so it deflects attacks better, which Sheridan affects to be unimpressed by.
Garibaldi guesses "Hello, old friend," as the password which Sinclair used to lock a goodbye/sorry video Sinclair left for him. Which makes me softer for Garibaldi. That's what I think of when I think of Sinclair, too! 
Oooo, Sheridan's time stabilizer got hit and now he's unstuck in time. Space is big. Hope he lands on something with an atmosphere. Delenn can pick him up later, I'm sure.
Sheridan always automatically turns to Delenn for backup, but Sinclair automatically turns to Ivanova, and I love that. 
Sheridan just time traveled to the future where Londo is the Emperor of Centaur! And it's "just in time to die."
Are they currently losing a war in the future? Perhaps Centaur is now a holdout in the war for existence against the Shadows in an alternate future and Sheridan will be meant to save the future as well as the past? 
So funny how taken aback Delenn is that Sinclair speaks Minbari now. He lived there! Marcus, who was being trained as a Ranger there learned Minbari as what he implied was a necessity. But Delenn is so surprised. Their heart to heart is so sweet. *shipping intensifies*
Back to the future! Sheridan and Londo seems like he's blaming other people for his own support of the Shadows' agenda coming back to bite Londo and Centaur in the ass. "Ohhh if only you'd joined me in collaborating I wouldn't have had to face any consequences!" He'll get everything he ever thought he wanted and learned that being Emperor lost him everything he'd ever cared loved.
That's a pretty good hook and a cliffhanger. And a ton of interesting information was revealed! It's too late for Part Two tonight but I pinky-promise I will watch it tomorrow. I wrote up some predictions after I did a Sinclair one and an other-characters one before I watched...
War Without End: Part Two
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archiveikemen · 11 months
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 25 (Blind Love)
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Several seasons had passed with the scenery around me changing colours. Nothing changed about me, I was still spending time in the world of darkness as a fairytale writer.
Of course, Liam had always been by my side, smelling like vanilla.
There were days when I missed where I originally was before meeting Crown, but I never once regretted my decision to stay.
Even after you've made your choice, there will never be a definitive answer to what’s right or wrong.
There would surely be people who would point their fingers at me, criticising me for making the “wrong” choice.
But it doesn't matter to me.
This is what I want for myself.
In the basement surrounded by the smell of herbs, Roger read through my report.
Roger: This information is quite valuable. Well done, young lady.
Kate: I’m humbled.
Recently, I’ve been writing about not only Liam’s, but everyone’s curses.
It was said that people born with curses were destined to face a tragic death.
I knew that there was no way to change fate, but that doesn't mean we should just sit back and accept it without resistance.
(If there’s anything I can do, I’ll do it. Even if it’s something small.)
Roger: Come to think of it, Liam has been having less frequent episodes lately, hasn't he?
Kate: Yes, they’ve become significantly less frequent. Liam is still periodically satisfying his curiosity, but now he’s more careful when doing so.
Roger smiled in satisfaction, his facial expression seeming rather sadistic.
Roger: It’s not very good for a former doctor to make guesses based solely on speculation, but…
Roger: … Liam’s episodes may be caused by his strong survival instincts.
Kate: Survival instincts?
Roger: He engages in potentially life-threatening activities to feel alive.
Roger: It sounds rather contradictory, but it’s important for humans to feel alive.
Roger: Therefore, you should stay by his side, young lady.
Roger: Because right now, to Liam, you are the one who's making him feel alive.
Kate: … I’ll always be with him.
Roger: Well, if ever he gets tired of you, I’ll take care of you. You’re my favourite, you know?
Roger ruffled my hair with his large hand like he were petting a dog.
Kate: Wah…!
Roger: Haha, your hair’s all messed up now.
Standing behind the door to the basement, Liam could hear the conversation between Kate and Roger.
Liam: “You’re my favourite, you know?”
Liam frowned when he heard those words, feeling uneasy.
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Liam: What if Roger takes Kate away from me? What should I do…
Liam: N-No, no. It’s a horrible thing to doubt Kate. … I’ll trust her and wait. … I’ll do my best.
Liam felt the strong urge to run downstairs and swear his unwavering allegiance to Kate, but he resisted it and sat down on a step of the stairs.
He looked like a pet cat waiting for his owner.
Liam: … Ahh, it’s raining.
The rain was a sign of an episode's onset. It always felt ice cold, but today it felt as gentle as the rain in springtime.
He heard the voice of his “other self” in his heart.
Hey, Liam. I haven't had many chances to appear lately, huh?
(... Yeah. It’s because I’ve been focusing on moving forward to tomorrow with Kate.)
Hm? Ahaha, you’re so selfish.
(Yeah. I’m sorry for always running away. But from now on, I won’t run away anymore. I want to live.)
Living is something that’s difficult for you. You know, there’s no telling what could happen to you tomorrow, right?
(... I know.)
(But even so… I still want to try my best. I’m good at that.)
… I’ll be watching you.
I’ll pay you a visit when you’re at the brink of death again. See you.
When Liam opened his eyes, the rain in his heart stopped…
Instead, he heard the sound of Kate’s footsteps as she came up from the basement.
The clicking sounds of the typewriter keys echoed through my quiet room.
The things I had witnessed and the stories I had written with these fingers were sometimes inhumane and unforgivable.
My fear and sorrow never faded away, sometimes I even felt scared of what tomorrow would bring me.
(But I want to keep moving towards it no matter what.)
(And I’ll reach my hand out to the man I love, because that’s what “I love you” means to me.)
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Liam: … Kate?
Kate: Liam, you’re back. Good job on your rehearsals.
Liam: Thanks. Oh, I saw that the door was left ajar, so I came in without knocking—
Kate: I thought it was about time you came back, so I left it open on purpose.
Kate: So I can see your face as soon as you’re back, you know?
Liam: That’s an adorable reason. … I wanted to see you as soon as possible too.
I couldn't help but be captivated by Liam’s smile, gestures, and even every one of his beautiful eyelashes.
(... It’s like he’s always getting more and more attractive.)
Liam’s radiance knew no bounds, it was always captivating the hearts of everyone who looked at him.
It feels a little embarrassing when someone this attractive looks at me so passionately.
Liam: Kate, can you close your eyes?
Kate: Fufu, okay.
Even though my eyes were closed, I already knew what Liam was up to.
Liam: OK. You can open your eyes now.
A strong fragrance tickled my nose, and a pink modern rose was placed in my hand.
Kate: Wow, it’s beautiful… . Thank you, Liam.
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Liam: Mm, you’re welcome.
Liam often bought me modern roses on ordinary days like this.
(Now that I think of it, I’ve never asked him about the reason.)
Kate: Why do you always buy me modern roses? This flower isn’t easy to obtain.
I recalled Victor once telling me that this type of rose was a rare breed made through hybridization.
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Liam: Hmm— I wonder why?
(Ah, I know that look. He has this facial expression whenever he’s trying to hide something.)
I gently placed the rose on my desk and reached my hand to his side…
Kate: Take this!
I tickled him relentlessly.
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Liam: Hey, s-stop…
When I chased Liam around the room as he tried to escape, we tumbled onto the bed and messed up the sheets.
Liam: Aha, AHAHA! Okay, I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you honestly…!
Liam: Hah… Kate… you really show no mercy.
Kate: Fufu, sorry. But I really do want to know the reason.
Liam laughed while laying on the bed.
Liam: Back when I was trying to buy you flowers for the first time, the florist told me about flower language.
Liam: She said that modern roses symbolise “gratitude”.
Kate: … Gratitude.
Liam: Mm, that's right. I’m grateful to have met you, for being able to spend time with you by your side, and to you for forgiving me for always sticking to you.
Liam: … Haha, it’ll be daylight by the time I’m done if I keep going, so let’s leave it as that…
Liam: Kate, I’m always grateful for everything about you.
Liam: Thank you for existing, Kate.
Those words, spoken so casually and without hesitation, carried the weight of the loneliness he had been putting up with all this time.
(Ever since Liam was born, no one has thanked him for existing.)
(Moreover, his life was always being trampled on by others and that hurt him.)
(And yet…)
– Flashback Start –
Liam: Your heart belongs to you, and only you. I hope that you’ll let me help you stay just the way you are.
(He was the protector of my heart.)
Liam: Everyone wants a shining star, and if it pleases them and means something to them…
Liam: I want to be that star. I don’t care if I’m just a fake.
(He struggled while trying to please everyone.)
Liam: Therefore, you’ll be alright, Kate. I hope you’ll always be someone who believes in tomorrow.
– Flashback End –
While continuing to live between life and death, Liam had a beautiful heart that cherished others.
Why does it have to be so difficult for him to live with a kind heart?
But still, even though there was nothing I could do to change that, I wanted to continue staying by Liam’s side and expressing my love for him.
Kate: … I should be the one thanking you.
His slightly tousled hair smelled like sweet vanilla today too.
Kate: Hey, Liam.
Kate: Thank you for being born. I’m very glad that I met you.
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Liam: …
Liam: Ah…
Liam: … My heart beating so fast right now, I can feel it hammering against my chest.
Liam: Right now… I… I feel so alive.
Liam pulled me into his arms, as if he wanted me to listen to his heart beating.
His heart had a regular rhythm like it was taking care of a tiny animal.
Liam: Let me kiss you after you display that flower. Once I start touching you, I won’t be able to stop.
Liam: And… I want more than just a kiss. I want lots of kisses.
As our flushed skin and bodies came together, we laid down together on the sheets.
Kate: Look outside, Liam! Isn’t that Betelgeuse?
Liam: Yeah, you’re right. Amazing, it's like it’s shouting at you to look at it.
The Betelgeuse shining brightly in the night sky reminded me of Liam.
They were both dazzling, beautiful, and made people want to reach their hands out towards them.
Liam: Did you know, Kate?
Liam: Betelgeuse is red because it’ll eventually explode and die.
Kate: Explode…?
Liam: Yup. It turns red as it burns brighter and brighter… and I heard from somewhere that its lifespan also gets shorter.
(... The end of the shiny red star in the sky.)
Liam: As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat… I wonder what will be the cause of my death.
Liam was clearly referring to his inevitable tragic demise due to his curse.
But that was definitely not all he was referring to.
Having experienced a close call with death once, Liam understood how painfully fragile human life could be.
The longer someone lived, the more prevalent death felt to them.
(That would certainly be the same for me. Everyone’s life would come to an end someday.)
Liam: … You know, Kate. If I can choose how I die—
Liam lifted my body up in his arms—.
He then guided my hands to wrap them around his neck.
Through the contact with his skin, I could feel the steady beating of his heart that was a sign of life.
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Liam: Please, if I can choose how I die… I want my life to end in your hands.
Kate: In my hands?
Liam: … Yes. I want to be put to sleep forever by your hands.
Liam: Only then, for the first time, I’ll feel glad to have been born.
I could tell from the look in his rose-coloured eyes that he was neither joking nor speaking figuratively, it was his genuine wish.
It sounded depressing for him to ask to be killed. But, to me, that was him wishing for himself to keep on living.
What Liam was trying to tell me was that he wanted me to stay with him and watch over him until the day fate puts an end to him.
(And so, I…)
I gently tightened my grip on his neck, just enough for him to still breathe.
Kate: … Okay. I’ll be the one to end your life with my own hands.
Kate: Therefore, please remain by my side until the very end.
Kate: Keep on reaching out to me, who will be waiting for you in your tomorrows.
Liam: … Of course. You are the only one I’ll look at.
Just like any other day in your life, the world is unkind to you today.
In this neverending nightmare, I will continue to beg for your life.
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tumblezwei · 4 months
Hold on I'm about to go crazy again
during the warp jump to Penacony, scenes from the quest flash briefly on screen. We're first shown Acheron after our first encounter with her
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then the moment right before Firefly's death where she turns to look at Trailblazer
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a chessboard for some reason, the first image rattling around along with the turbulence of the Express
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Stelle...looking at something? Outside of the Express? The angle looks like she's on the left side of the couch, near where the memokeeper for MoC stands. Or maybe on the other side. Either way this isn't a shot of her sitting on the couch like she is during the warp jump.
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after that is Robin from after we crash land in the Golden Hour
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then Acheron again from the same scene but played in reverse, interrupted by TV static.
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I think the most base level theory we can craft with this involved Acheron and her multiple red dialogue options. Something about time loops, or multiple iterations of the same story happening at once. Personally, I don't have enough ammo in my arsenal to argue one way or another, but some things here interest me.
The first is the chessboard. I don't remember this being shown in the story quest at all, and as far as I know there isn't a chessboard on the Express. I mean, even if there is that doesn't mean anything to me atm. What does is the positions of the pieces.
We first get a close up shot of the black rook, and then a wider shot showing the state of the game board. My average knowledge of chess just tells me this looks like a stalemate. Both opponents have the same pieces left on the board, protecting their kings in the exact same way. There's potentially a trap being set up by the black rook to capture the white rook, and the white king has moves outside of its shield of pawns.
Since we haven't seen the chessboard or that shot of Stelle in the quest, my guess is that they're from future events we have yet to see. But I also think the order in which these shots appear mean something, or else why would they be included? Maybe we can view Firefly as the black pawn and the Trailblazer as the white rook. An intentional sacrifice to draw someone into a trap. After all, Sam and Firefly were working together until he abandoned her for some unknown reason, and then attacked us after we spent time finding Firefly's traces.
But using that interpretation would put us as the Trailblazer on the white side, with the king moving out of position. And I'll admit right here I don't know what that would mean. Unseen allies, maybe? Or an implication that we're entering into dangerous territory at a disadvantage? I Dunno.
Moving on I'm interested in the last sequence with Acheron. The TV static can quickly be connected to the pile of TVs we see in the primal dreamscape where we fight Something Unto Death. And the scene being played backwards brings to mind a tape being rewound. I swear to god I saw some text saying something like "you're not watching the TV, the TV is watching you" but I can't fucking remember where I saw it. So take that bit with a massive grain of salt until I can recall where I read it from, but I'm keeping it in mind.
I also think this sequence being bookended by our first encounter with Acheron is important. Is it evidence for some sort of time loop? Who knows.
Also also, that shot of Firefly is similar to the shot we get of Robin. Centered in their chests (where Firefly was pierced, and Robin has her wound) and obscuring their faces. This could have just been foreshadowing their shared fates as victims of Something Unto Death. But maybe, if my chess interpretation holds any water, could be foreshadowing Robin and Aventurine acting in similar roles as Firefly and Sam, i.e., bait for the Trailblazer.
anyways, I'm going nuts.
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poptart-productions · 2 years
Vegas Lights!
[3000+] words
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pairing// kiribaku x black fem! reader (ft. platonic bakusquad!)
content// swearing, friends to lovers, confession, (slight) momentary angst, fluff, first kiss
[things get a little complicated when mina decides to rope you into her game of cupid]
[a/n] kiribaku brainrot.
˗ˏˋ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ´ˎ˗
the excited voices of sero and kaminari filled your ears as you finally—after two hours of mina's begging—hopped on the 'bakusquad bitch club' discord call
"hey guys. . ." your sleep-ridden eyes lazily glanced around at the pixelated images of your friends.
mina's image held an annoyed expression, brows furrowed, "took you long enough!" she yells, the picture lagging behind the sound some
still tired, you reply,"i will leave right now, don't play"
the look on her face changed, as she appeared to back off a bit. "i don't know why you're so mad at her, bakugou's late too" sero yawns, stretching himself over his chair
jiro snorts, "he's probably asleep"
"right!" kaminari adds, "him and that early ass bed time"
"why'd you call us here anyway? we have school in the morning" even through the screen, sero's yawn reached you—infecting you as you spoke
"because!" the alien girl's eyes drift away from the camera for a moment, a wide smile on her face
waking up a tad, you cross your arms, "i'm not liking that look"
"me either" jiro toys with her choker, looking at—presumably, you
suddenly feeling rejuvenated, you look around again to find kirishima blankly staring at his monitor.
somehow you completely missed the redhead whilst doing your headcount
"you okay, red?" you ask, a teasing tone in your voice, "huh? yeah—yeah, sorry!"
he laughs, tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear. the entire call went painfully silent after this, glancing around at anywhere but their cameras
clearing his throat, sero gets out his phone and begins typing away,
"bro we're right here, who are you texting?" kaminari complains
"oh? who's candace?" the blonde raises a brow
you sigh, knowing what's about to come next; you or your friends not making any attempt to stop it
"can these nuts fit in your mouth?!" now cackling, sero launches himself off his gaming chair and onto his bed, leaving it spinning in his absence
gnawing at his bottom lip, kaminari avoids virtual eye contact, "good one, dude"
"bro holding back tears right now" you join sero in his fit of laughter
"oh look, bakugou's here!" kaminari exclaims, getting the attention of everyone on the call
sure enough, there's the crimson-eyed boy—pale skin and all—being weirdly lax
"you're being uncharacteristically cool right now, kaachan" you point out, simply wanting an excuse to tease him a little
"i'm always cool, you loser!"
"sure, katsudon. . ."
he only huffs, even at the use of that nickname; it was certainly a development you were not expecting
"alright, spill" you glance down at the image of mina, still smiling widely
"i had a great idea!"
you begin shaking your head, already prepared to decline whatever she was proposing
"it's been a rough week, so i was thinking we should get out of the dorm—"
[. . .]
you remember saying 'no', yet here you are getting ready to sneak out of the dorms
admittedly, you were kind of impressed at how persuasive mina can be—hell, even bakugou resigned to his fate
well, maybe you shouldn't complain too much; you always end up having fun on these excursions
you just wish she was better about planning them in advance
that's all i ask, lord
speak of the devil, you thought as a light knock fluttered against your door
"[n/n]"the voice on the other side wasn't mina, surprisingly; it's kirishima
"can we talk for a sec?"
he had this hint of urgency in his tone that you couldn't help but get concerned about
is he angry with you? is it something i said?
come to think of it, you two haven't spoken much today
cautiously, you make your way over to the door, taking a moment before opening it.
shrinking behind the shield, you looked up at the redhead—he had this unreadable expression on his face.
"actually, can we talk inside?" he asked, avoiding eye contact 
you blinked, "sure," before allowing him inside your room.
he sits on the bed; he's performed this action hundreds of times before but this time. . .
the vibes are just off.
you hesitantly join him, looking down at your knees as you fidgeted with your hands
he takes a shaky breath, before looking down at you "[y/n]. . ."
brace yourself,
"do i make you uncomfortable?"
"what? no—kiri, where'd you get that from?"
you were incredulous; where did you ever give him that indication—never, from your knowledge.
"i don't know, it's just. . .i was talking to mina and she said i'm too touchy with you"
it's true, kiri was the touchiest of your friends despite being a guy
he had no shame in asking to hold yours or bakugou’s hands—cuddling when it was cold was on the table, too
with a hum, you place your hand on top of his, and he continues "you and bakugou are the most important people in my life. . .i don't know what i'd do if i was hurting you or making feel uncomfortable"
kirishima really is the most genuine guy you know; how'd he—or bakugou decide they wanted to be friends with me?
"well you don't" intertwining your fingers with his; you stay like this for a moment before his shoulders begin to shake with laughter
wanting to humor him, you smirk, "what's so funny?"
"just thinking about something bakugou said earlier—it's an inside joke"
you can't help but feel childishly upset by that
suddenly, kirishima turns to look at you again, a clear and determined look in his eyes
"i think i really—. . ." he cuts himself off, faltering under your gaze
"what. . .what is it. . .?"
"i. . .really want to keep being friends—even after we graduate"
your tense shoulders relaxed ever so slightly, and you smiled.
"well," he pats your thigh, "mina's waiting on us" he stands to leave and you follow in silence
as you stared at his back, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more he wanted to say
he's your best friend, he'll come to you eventually
here's hoping, anyway
[. . .]
even though the vibes prior were wack, the drive to wherever mina was taking you was pretty much the same as usual
sero and kaminari telling a stupid story and everyone brawling over who gets the aux cord
still, you couldn't help but notice that bakugou was a little different today.
"alright, [n/n]!" mina yells as soon as her chosen song ended, "your turn"
you smirk as you're handed the magical music cord, knowing exactly what to play
'vegas lights'
a song that you forced kirishima and bakugou to listen on repeat whenever you got the chance
during study sessions, at lunch, at the dorms—literally no place was safe
kirshima liked it from the start but bakugou—as always, pretended to hate it
you would catch him mumbling the lyrics though
and so, it became
your song; all three of you
as soon as the drums kicked in, bakugou perked up; he knew exactly what you were doing, shooting a look at you
you turned to him and kirishima, hoping you could all sing together but instead, they were turned towards each other, signing amongst themselves but not with you.
swallowing the lump in your throat, you soon gave into dancing in your seat with mina, whose off-key singing was quick to cheer you up
after the song ended though, it's like you fell back down to earth; it pained you to look over at your best friends
just. . .the way they look at each other
you're once again not given any time to marinate in your feelings as a robotic voice breaks you away from your thoughts
"you have reached your destination"
curious, all of you look out the window to see where the girl had taken you this time
the place—presumably a restaurant was emitting fluorescent lights of all colors, bathing you and your friends in purples and blues
"wendy's rockin' eats. . .?" you read the sign, looking at mina as you finished
"yeah! it's a 60's style diner! it's open all night and there's rooftop seats!"
"sweet" jiro opened the door, and all of you followed her out
the smell of fryer grease welcomed you as you entered.
"welcome! feel free to seat yourself!"
"can we sit on the roof?" mina asks
"sure!" the hostess beams
"alright!" mina squeals, grabbing a few menus and rushing toward the stairs
"this place is pretty cool, huh?" kirishima turns to you, to which you nod, "yeah. . ."
you all quietly say yourselves down at one of the tables, almost entirely silent
that is until people started to look at the menu, "people used to eat like shit in the 60's, damn. . ." sero exhales, eyes widening with every word
mina nods, "right, like: a donut sandwich—though i won't lie, that sounds good" she admits, leaning in as she reads
"i think i'll just get a milkshake" you close the menu,
"ooh! can i share with you?!"
the boy looks at you, starry-eyed; you can't say no to that face, "alright, red"
you look up at bakugou, genuinely beginning to worry about how out of it he's being,  "you alright, kaachan?"
"what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" he gives you what appears to be a typical 'bakugou reaction', before going right back to being silent
what on earth is he thinking about?
before you could ask him that, sero who had just been (suspiciously) whispering to mina, turned to you "[y/n], why don't you go order for us"
sucking your teeth, you glare playfully at him,"but blm, right?"
"it's not because—okay fine, i'll go with you"
the ink-haired boy begrudgingly lifts himself out of his seat, gesturing for you to follow him. chuckling, you do just that, bounding down the stairs as sero had just challenged you to a race.
you won, obviously.
the two of you awkwardly approached one of the waitresses and placed your orders.
for some reason—perhaps out of laziness, the two of you decided to stay on the lower floor while waiting for your food
you absentmindedly made your way to over to a booth, sitting down with a blank expression
"you okay?" your eyes widened—you forgot you existed for a moment
"huh? yeah of course, it's just. . ."
you stop yourself, glancing up at the look of anticipation on sero's face
it's just sero, what are you hiding from him?
sighing, you allow yourself to be honest for once, "kirishima and bakugou. . .i think. . ."
". . .they have feelings for each other. . . ? and, i'm. . ."
the boy doesn't let you finish, staring at you with a raised brow; biting your lip, you force out a laugh
"i wouldn't call it that"
"do you prefer envious, then?"
"very funny, but it's not like that—really!" you realize you got a little too defensive, toning it down a bit, "i just. . .i guess i'm just worried that if the two of them were in a romantic relationship. . ."
". . .we wouldn't be friends anymore"
so much for honest.
perhaps you should cut yourself some slack? the friendship you had with the two was far more important to you than any wishful thinking you've been doing for the past two years
but, you couldn't help but feel queasy at the thought of those two dating each other—they'd be perfect, and that's the problem
sero snorts, "see, i understand where you're coming from but it’s not like they're just gonna drop you" the boy leaned in as he spoke, "kirishima never stops talking about you, and you're the only one blasty's actually nice to"
you couldn't help but smile at his words, but eventually that smile faded; you glanced away, lips pressed together
chuckling, the boy continues, "or maybe you're worried you won't be able to be friends with them and not the other way around, huh?"
". . .i stand by my previous statement: you're jealous"
"i am not!" you brought your open palm down on the table
at that very moment, the disrupting ding of a bell cut the conversation short, "order up"
good, you don’t have to defend yourself anymore
"end of story." you huff, not waiting for a response before getting up.
the walk back to your table was dead silent; that is, until you got around halfway up the stairs and noticed that sero was eyeing you
"why are you looking at me like that? i said we're done talking about it!"
"because you're so bad at this"
he had this suspicious smirk on his face, and no matter how much you tried to avoid his gaze, his eyes were eating away at you
and you broke.
"alright! i have feelings for both of them. . .it's. . .always been like this. . ." you admit, scratching the back of your neck
sero hums, eyes lingering on you as he turned to leave; you really didn't like that look on his face
the two of you made it to the roof, but you couldn't help but notice that two people were missing from the seating arrangement
"where'd they run off to?" you ask, not even bothering to hide the whiny tone in your voice
"oh yeah, they had to talk about something important" kaminari says, absentmindedly reaching for his burger
you sighed, ripping the paper casing off your straw and sticking it into the glass
not even the sickeningly sweet shake could lift your mood, if anything it made it insultingly worse
you stopped drinking, leaning back in your chair.
"are you okay, [n/n]?" you look up to find all your friends staring at you worriedly
"it's nothing" you shake your head, and they seem to back off
that is until sero opens his mouth.
"[n/n] has the hots for kirishima and bakugou"
"you son of a bitch!" you shot out of your seat, threatening to jump across the table and attack him
"oh my gosh! we should go tell them!" mina also gets out of her seat, before herding you off in the direction you assume the two went
"no! mina! let me go—"
mina stopped abruptly, and you turned to look ahead
kirishima and bakugou were standing there,
holding hands—yes, they do it all the time but it's different now
it hurts this time.
"[y/n], we have something we want to tell you"
eijirou's eyes bore into you, confident and clear; he's made up his mind
"i knew it!" mina screams, pointing an almost accusatory finger at the pair; jiro got up, only to cover the girl's mouth
you gnawed at your bottom lip, "yeah, me too. . ."
just as you feared; you were going to lose your best friends
you could feel the tears welling up, stinging your eyes; your throat burned.
"we should probably leave you three alone"
"yeah" jiro and sero agree
kaminari, on the other hand. . . "what? but i wanna see this. . . !"
he whines while mina lets out a muffled protest; all of that is in vain, however as they're both dragged out of sight and earshot.
you turn back to the two "that's what you were trying to tell me earlier, huh? that you think you really like bakugou?"
"wait —listen, [y/n]—!"
"i mean—come on kirishima—even when you were alone with me he was still on your mind"
"[y/n], it's not like that it's just—"
"you don't have to defend yourself kirishima; you feel the way you feel, and. . ."
"i'm not upset with you i just. . ."
". . .the truth is. . ."
for a split second you consider just saying it; just telling them the truth, but you don’t—you push your feelings away once again
"i'm being selfish, that's all"
"selfish?" the redhead inquired
"you're both my best friends! and i was worried that if you guys were in a relationship. . ."
why can’t you just be honest?
"you'd forget about me. . ."
you finally dared to make eye contact; they were standing there, seemingly shocked into silence.
sighing, you wiped your eyes with your sleeve, "just. . ." you turn on your heel, "forget i said anything. . . !"
you start to leave, but a very pissed bakugou calls out to you, "if you would stop whining for a fucking second, [l/n]. . . !"
he’s seriously insulting you right now?
he grips your arm, "you'd let us finish!" he forces you to stop walking
kirishima sighs, "this is my fault, i should have just told you earlier like i'd planned"
like telling me earlier would make a difference
"i. . .have feelings for you"
your heart stopped beating for a moment, and your throat dried up
"w-what. . .?"
"me too, or whatever" bakugou admits
"and we also have feelings for each other" kirishima continues
you were bewildered, staring at the two with wide eyes; a worried kirishima backs away from you
"is that weird? you're creeped out, aren't you?"
"no. . .no i feel the same way, i just—"
. . .feel really stupid now if i'm being honest
"you do?!" eijirou's eyes lit up,
"you don’t know how happy that makes me!" suddenly, you're enveloped in his warmth; he's hugging you
effortlessly, kirishima lifts you up, and swiftly,
he kissed you
heat spread from your lips like wildfire, making your vision hazy
"oh—shit, i'm so sorry!"
"it's okay,"
you plant another kiss on his lips, exchanging loving words as you pull away, "i liked it"
if there's one thing katsuki bakugou hates, it's being left out
"hey!" he barked
he shifts his attention to you, "c'mere. . ."
his voice was low and alluring, and before you knew it you were in his arms, sharing a passionate kiss
katsuki's kiss was longer and certainly less sweet than eijirou's
he pulled away with a smirk, before turning to eijirou "you too, shitty hair. . ."
"oh! yeah, sure!"
watching your best friends lock lips felt wrong, almost like you should turn away but fuck was it attractive
as the two broke away, you stammer out, "so. . .does this make us. . . ?"
"goddamn!" before you could finish your question, kaminari's voice was all you could hear
"wait but i thought the plan was for kirishima to ask [y/n]. . . ?" he turned to mina, who was coming out of her hiding spot
suddenly the events of the entire night began to make sense
"so all of them are together?"
"i guess so, yeah. . .?"
jiro and sero too?
they were all eavesdropping the whole time?
"lucky~" kaminari whines
"hot damn, i'm better than i thought!" mina literally and figuratively pats herself on the back
leave it up to mina to play cupid; although, her meddling worked in your favor for once
you seriously owe her one
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vonlipvig · 10 months
If you don't mind my asking, You play a lot of games right??, which are your favs, you'd rec to everybody and everyone, I'm on the hunt for some games to play and you have good taste so I thought I'd ask
You think I have good taste? Why, gorsh...😳
Jokes aside, I do play video games quite regularly! I don't think I'm the biggest gamer (I have a shitty laptop, so it's not like I'm playing newly-released AAA games), but I do have some that I'm very fond of, so here are some of my faves, some well known ones, some hidden gems:
Ace Attorney - The game I played when I was 13 and completely changed the trajectory of my life. Visual novel-like game were you play a defense lawyer and make your way through court to prove your client's innocence. A CLASSIC, the characters are amazing, the stories are fantastic, and god the MUSIC. Game of All Time for me (The Ace Attorney trilogy is where I'd start, but there are many more in the series, The Great Ace Attorney being a prequel duology that can be played individually and is also incredible).
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Zero Escape - A trilogy of games about...hm. Well, it's like a bunch of people get kidnapped and put into these locked rooms, and they have to escape. It gets WAY crazier than that, but if you like puzzles, escape rooms, and insane twists, you'll definitely like these.
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Not For Broadcast - A hilarious and dark FMV simulation game where you are tasked with editing a news broadcast, censoring swear words, picking the best shots, and basically manipulating what ends up on TV. This game is a MASTERPIECE, I cannot stress that enough. It is wonderfully acted, the characters are so memorable, the plot can get real dark...it's one of my most cherished gaming experiences, and I could not reccommend it enough.
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Suzerain - A text-based, decision making, political simulator where you take the role of Anton Rayne, Sordland's newest president. Save the country from recession, rewrite the country's old constitution, or hell, maybe start a war! This game is delightful, and if you're daunted by the extensiveness of most sim games, don't be, because this is super intuitive and easy to get the hang of. The worldbuilding is fascinating, and the characters are lovable and fun!
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Her Story - An unconventional one, but so fascinating. It's another FMV game, where you're presented with a police database full of interview videos from an old case. They're not in any particular order, though, it's up to you to make sense from it! A bit of a haunting game (it's not a horror game, don't worry), I totally reccommend experiencing it.
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Return of the Obra Dinn - Jesus, another masterpiece. It's a first-person mystery game where you play as an insurance inspector exploring an old ship that has reappeared with nobody alive onboard. It's your task to discover the fate of all its crewmembers. I cannot tell you how incredible this game is, it's a big logic puzzle with an amzing atmosphere and an unforgettable experience.
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Papers, Please - I feel like everybody has played PP already, but if you haven't, oh boy go get it! Made by the same guy that made Obra Dinn, you play here as a border checkpoint immigration officer, checking people's passports and documents to see who gets to enter the glorious country of Arstotzka. One of indie games' best, truly. If you can get it on a touch screen, even better.
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The Case of the Golden Idol - If you enjoyed Return of the Obra Dinn, then you have to play Golden Idol as well. Kind of a detective-y, puzzle-y game where you search for clues on different scenes, which you then use to solve the mystery of what really happened. Hard to explain, but a joy to play through and solve!
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The Darkside Detective - A fun as hell point-and-click detective game where you join Detective McQueen and Officer Dooley on some spooky, supernatural mysteries. Hilarious, filled with witty references and jokes, and with a dynamic duo that will make you fall in love with them (and their silly, blank faces). It's got a sequel, too!
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We. The Revolution - This game sent me on a rabbit hole about the French Revolution, and it was so fun. You play here as a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal during--you guessed it--the French Revolution. Make decisions about the cases that are brought before you, immerse yourself in the history of France (and talk to many of the key figures!), and hell, maybe even give it your own spin! Super fun, and has a gorgeously unique arstyle.
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I think that's good for now, hopefully you'll find something here that's to your taste! Happy gaming!
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lilyware · 8 months
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(ignore the eyebrow clipping, it only happens in character creation lol)
i never actually showed pictures of my bg3 character!!! her name is ghilanna silverhand, and she's a grave domain cleric of kelemvor. she owns a mortuary in baldur's gate where she specializes in funeral services and embalming. she has a medical background as well so investigators will also use her services to determine the cause of death of people that met an untimely end. she gets grabbed by the mind flayer's when she has to travel outside baldur's gate for church-related things.
hair mod
more under the cut since this got pretty long
she's extremely dedicated to her work and hardly ever leaves her home (she lives on the upper floor of her mortuary), so outside of her work/usual routine of comforting the dying and the mourning, she doesn't really have a lot of social skills lol. people making small talk, bothering her during her work, or trying to get close to her are usually met with cold rebuttals and the strengthening of the titanium-grade walls she's built around herself. when out of her element (aka anywhere outside of her mortuary) she's antisocial, kinda awkward, kinda looks like a corpse due to lack of sunlight and her being skin and bones. she even forgets to eat sometimes if she's super absorbed in what she's doing. the only reason she hasn't perished is her assistant, who i haven't really fleshed out yet so i don't have much on them yet.
on the surface, she's sarcastic, mean, and unfeeling (the camp sometimes jokingly calls her the ice queen). but her tendency to take the more logical, tactical approach to things is counteracted by what's hidden beneath those mile-thick walls she's built up around herself. she does care, she just doesn't really know how to or how to express that. all she knows is herself, her faith, and her work, and she hasn't needed anything else. why would she want anything else?
by the end of act 3 she slowly warms up and realizes just how much she values actually having friends and how much she actually cares, and she's fiercely, fiercely protective of them all.
she romances astarion (i swear i'm not a bandwagoner i just thought 2 sassy goths together was funny and played this game before seeing the tumblr fanbase lol) which is extremely turmoiling for her at first as a cleric of kelemvor. i like to imagine withers being the one to tell her that her god won't forsake her for not killing astarion, and that she has a greater purpose than that. (something something, "even the lord of the dead can't untangle the threads of fate"). ghilanna hardly sees the sun anyway when she's absorbed in her work so it's not like they're apart for long when he gets his sun sensitivity back. i also like to imagine that with her medical and anti-undead background, that post-game she studies to try to find a proper cure to vampirism.
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saulwexler · 1 year
if jimmy mcgill were a girl in 2023 what would HIS favorite taylor album be
LOVER!!! You can't spell “James morgan mcgill" without “me” ;)
THINK ABOUT IT! he’s handful, baby, he’s a magnetic force of a man, he went psycho on the phone, when you jumped in first, he went in too because even though he likes shiny things, he’d marry you with paper rings and swear to be overdramatic and true, to wait for you to be waiting below, to fight the whole town for you, and remember how he said “I'd die for you”? And screamed for whatever it's worth "I love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
This is their place, It's you and me that's their whole world, they make the rules, and it was a lawless land, back when they were card sharks, playing games, drawing up the plans, they might just get away with it. but they saw the scoreboard, they were crazy to think that this could work, because he never thinks before he jumps, devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes, and luck of the draw only draws the unlucky. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
years ago, they were just inside, lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh, barefoot in the kitchen, memorizing the creaks in the floor, sacred new beginnings that became a religion, even if it's a false god I know heaven's a thing I go there when you touch me they say the road gets hard and you get lost when you're led by blind faith. the altar is my lips my hips, my body, my love, trying to find a part of me that you didn't touch. He gave too much but it wasn't enough, chemistry 'til it blows up, she gave up on him like he was a bad drug. what once was theirs is no one's now because who could stay?
He wants to be defined by the things that he loves but his love was as cruel as the cities he lived in 'cause cruelty wins in the movies and trouble's gonna follow where he goes and there are so many lines that he’s crossed unforgiven, he ran with the wolves, he wounded the good and he trusted the wicked. all of his enemies started out friends and and all of his heroes died all alone.
Everyone looked worse in the light in the glow of the vending machine. They can see right through him so he became the butt of the joke and he saw the high fives between the bad guys and they got out some popcorn as soon as his rep starting going down while they whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl” and so, grinning like a devil, just to seal his fate he cut off his nose just to spite his face. 
He dressed kill his time he. He wakes in the night, paces like a ghost, he never leaves well enough alone, their songs, their films, flashbacks waking him up now he's searching for signs in a haunted club and storming out of every single room in this town, drunk in the back of the car. That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend<3
TLDR: I haven't thought about it that much
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your-divine-ribs · 2 months
I’m With the Band Part 10
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Words: 1.4k (a short and smutty update)
I don’t know if anyone’s even reading this story on here but here ya go, got a few more chapters to post and then Sam’s getting thrown into the mix!
I’m With the Band Masterlist Main Masterlist
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I only have precisely ten seconds to weigh up whether or not this is actually a good idea, as Van needs little encouragement. He's already moving forward at my invitation, one hand curling around my waist and the other reaching up to cup my face, tilting it up towards his. I move backwards until we're both in the toilet cubicle, my bum pressed up against the sink.
"You're fucking gorgeous, ya know that?" He says quietly as he looms ever closer. "Been dying to get you on your own since I saw you in the pub the other day."
I consider pushing him away, knowing this will drive him crazy, but who am I kidding? Resisting won't just be torturous for him. He's intoxicating and he knows it, and as he pushes his hips into mine, pressing me back into the cold, unrelenting ceramic, I can feel my body responding.
"What are you waiting for then?" I purr, darting the tip of my tongue out to run over my plump bottom lip, looking up at him seductively.
The atmosphere is electric but suddenly Van pulls away, and I'm confused for a second until I realise that he's only stepping back to shut the toilet door, quickly sliding the lock across, securing us both inside. Then he's back, bending down slightly to curl his fingers around my thighs, lifting me up in one swift motion so I'm now sitting, perched on the edge of the sink, legs splayed wide whilst he's pressed into the space in between them. He certainly doesn't waste his time.
"I'm not gonna fuck you in here," I state plainly, feeling his hands on my thighs, slowly sliding the fabric of my dress upwards, exposing me right up to my hips.
"Who said anything about fucking?" He replies, a sly smile on his lips which are edging ever closer to mine. He’s so close now that I can feel the warmth of his breath on my face. "Only got ten minutes anyway until the doors open..."
"What..." I start but my words are cut off abruptly as his lips collide with mine, punching the breath right from my lungs.
His kiss is hungry and deep from the start, his tongue sliding hungrily against mine, feverishly invading my mouth. Any thoughts of resistance spin away in a fog of lust, his lips sealing my fate as I grab his hips and pull his body even closer, pushing mine against his simultaneously.
He pulls away slightly, breathing deeply, his forehead pressed against mine. "Are ya sure you don't fancy me darlin', 'cause you seem pretty keen?"
Even when he's seducing me he still manages to be fucking annoying, but his teasing only adds to my attraction. And two can play at that game.
"You're still a dick," I confirm. "I kiss lots of guys. Don't think you're anything special."
"Well, we'll see about that shall we?" He replies, one of his hands straying to my inner thigh, gently caressing a teasing trail to the edge of my underwear.
My heart's thudding in my rib cage and my cheeks feel flushed. I try to maintain some composure as a lone fingertip slides lightly over the silky fabric of my panties, but my body betrays me as a shudder of pleasure shoots through me. Van's just watching me, that little smug smile playing on his lips suggesting that he knows damn well that I'm teetering on the edge of control.
"Want me to show you how good I am with my hands then?" He smirks self-assuredly.
My body's screaming YES but I still don't want to give him the satisfaction. I've been with so many guys who spout off about what amazing lovers they are, but the reality is they haven't got a fucking clue. I swear that some of them wouldn't even be able to find a clitoris with a detailed map and sat-nav co-ordinates.
I roll my eyes at him. "Thought you said you only had ten minutes? I don't think you're that much of an expert!"
He shakes his head slowly, still grinning. "I only need five darlin', trust me!"
"Just shut up and kiss me!" I say, leaning in again, attaching my lips to his and he responds with a passion that makes me light-headed.
I feel his fingers move to caress me over the silk of my panties and I can't deny how good it feels, my hips twitching, needing more. As if reading my mind... or more likely my body... he hooks a finger around the edge of the material, quickly moving it aside. When his fingertips connect with my bare skin I moan loudly into his mouth, which causes him to kiss me even harder.
Fuck... he wasn't lying... he is good at this. He begins to rub small circles over my clit, starting off gently but gradually building up the pressure. When my legs start trembling I think even his five minute guarantee might be generous.
"Van..." I groan as his lips leave mine and start to kiss a trail down my neck. I feel him slip a finger inside me, hitting a spot which has my hips pressing forward, desperate for more.
"Mmm Bella... you like that, yeah?" He whispers into my neck, his lips finding the sensitive spot that makes me shiver.
My whole body's on fire now and I'm past caring whether I'm stoking Van's ego by showing my very obvious pleasure. He's a fucking magician, I'm sure of it, and I'm just about to experience the grand finale.
"Feels... so... good..." I moan, my voice coming out in little gasps, ready to explode at any minute...
And then he stops.
"What the hell are you doing?" I exclaim, watching on as he steps back to lean against the door, leaving me exposed and aching for my release.
I hurriedly pull my dress back down over my hips, hopping down from the sink as he looks me right in the eye with a smug kind of challenge on his face. "I'll finish you off later if you ask nicely... and admit that you like me."
What the fuck? This can't be happening. Not to me.
"You're joking right?" I utter in complete shock, my hands balling into fists. I want to swing at him and knock that self-satisfied grin right off his cocky smirking face.
Luckily for him, there's a knock on the door and Larry's voice sounds out. "Van, they've opened the doors mate. What ya doing in there? You've been ages... and have you seen our Bells?"
"Don't you dare!" I hiss at Van as his smile turns even more mischievous, putting a finger over my lips to demonstrate that he should keep quiet.
"I'll be right out!" He calls. "And I'm sure Bella's around here somewhere... knowing her she's probably up to no good!"
I just glare at Van, shaking my head. My mind's already working overtime, trying to come up with a plan to get one over on him, but right now I don't even want to see his smug face.
He opens his mouth to speak but I don't give him chance. I shunt him out of the way, swinging the door open and bursting out into the corridor, only to be met by Larry with a shocked look on his face. This is all I need. I didn't think he'd actually hang around waiting for Van.
I storm past Larry, making my way back into the venue and I hear him shout out. "Fucking 'ell you pair, you've not been shagging in there have you?"
This stops me in my tracks and I whirl around, indignant, hands on my hips, glowering at Van whilst I answer my cousin.
"You're kidding aren't you? I wouldn't shag Van if he was the last man on earth!"
And then I'm barrelling back into the venue, taking up my spot at the barrier, sulkily sipping on my pint, still fuming.
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wordsandrobots · 6 months
For the writer asks: 7, 27, 40! Thank you!
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
The same joy I get from any creative act: that of seeing something come into existence.
There's something incredible about taking an idea, fleshing it out and giving it a presence in the world. Be it writing, drawing, baking, building, whatever -- it's just wonderfully satisfying. I tend to do a lot of stuff in my head before I go to the keyboard (planning, scripting, feeling out the words) so it's always exciting to get to the point of actually doing. Because then it's there, on the page, more than just an image in my head.
And that's magic.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
When I was starting on my Iron-Blooded Orphans fan-fic spree (is it still a spree at this point?), I decided I needed a new villain, on account of the previous lower-level villains in the show meeting various ignoble fates and also because no one really filled the niche I was creating. I wanted someone who appeared nice, reasonable and even sympathetic on the surface (that is, showed sympathy to others) but who, not very deeply underneath, only ultimately cared about seeing their work completed.
(I explain this straight-up two chapters into them appearing in the story; it's not remotely a spoiler as I never intended to portray them *as* what they appeared to be on the surface.)
Additionally, I drew on ideas around assimilation and integration as a key part of their deal. They deliberately cultivated an 'acceptable' persona in the face of institutional elitism to get the power required to achieve their goals. There's a whole mass of reasons that plays on my mind generally (short version: I'm English) but I thought that, in context of this show, it would be an interesting thing to explore.
And you'd think they'd stress me out because I decided to make them non-binary and emphasise how deliberately appearing exactly androgynous was part a deeply performative and manipulative personality, as a means of stressing the way hierarchical organisations both allow space for people to game the system by playing into the signifiers of 'properness' and enforce those signifiers as the barrier to entry, and oh gods and muses I hope I haven't accidentally dropped into bad tropes about queer people, they can be bastards too, argh, argh, doubt, doubt, look they're not the only NB in my story, their gender isn't why they're like this I swear!
Except then I decided to write an entire fic from their point of view.
Writing close third person for a character whose view of the world is extremely cynical and selfish while also trying to convey to the reader that it is wrong is, when you do it for 10,000 words straight, rather exhausting! It's not just that they're a nasty piece of work. I *like* writing villains, especially the horrible ones; it's fun to show why the villainy makes sense from the other side. But *this* villain and this specific brand of 'I am always right, my goal is all that matters, anyone who disagrees is an idiot' was actively taxing to write.
Maybe it was the length, maybe it was the ways it struck closer to home in the middle of the giant robot fiction, maybe it was simply that their brand of betrayal and self-aggrandisement is ultimately kind of miserable. All I can say is, by the time I finished Of Obsessions and Erotemes, I was kind of burnt out. Constructing their headspace took a toll like nobody else I've ever written.
I'd do it all over again, obviously.
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
Argh, no, poetry, my one weakness!!!
OK, one of my weaknesses!!!
But in seriousness, me and poetry are ships in the night. I have known some lovely poets and been awed by their ability with words, but I've never really sought it out, so what I do know is mostly thunderingly obvious snatches of my ambient culture.
However, and though I suspect it's not entirely in the spirit of the question, for a poem about which I can say, this matters to me, Sassoon's The General sits somewhere near the heart of the great swell of anger I feel whenever we get to Poppy Fanaticism Season over here in Blighty. The fecklessness and callousness of our leaders during World War One has a through-line to the present that my own writing is likely always going to be in conversation with.
"Good-morning, good-morning!" the General said When we met him last week on our way to the line Now the soldiers he smiled at are most of 'em dead, And we're cursing his staff for incompetent swine. “He's a cheery old card,” grunted Harry to Jack As they slogged up to Arras with rifle and pack. But he did for them both by his plan of attack.
The General [Siegfried Sassoon]
For an ask game
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forsakenasylum · 4 months
Unburying my blog just to be an elitist gatekeeper without anyone knowing
You know, I swear I've tried to, but I just cannot understand the appeal of what I like to call... second-hand media consumption.
Like, you're a huge fan of this manga or game or movie that you've... never even read or played or watched. But you've watched a half-hour summary on youtube and that's enough for you to join communities and discussions regarding that thing that you haven't consumed nor have any desire to do so.
I usually see this very often with Touhou and Fate. And, like... I get it. At some degree, I blame the franchise itself in those cases. Those are amongst the most inaccessible franchises for newcomers I've ever seen, and the fact everything is just spread out in several different media (games, anime, manga, novels, encyclopediae, music albums with stories) makes it incredibly hard to keep up with everything.
I honestly don't blame people who don't want or don't feel the desire to keep up with this kind of shit if it feels more like a chore than anything else. I myself spent more than a decade before I FINALLY decided to take a dip into Touhou, for example.
But I never called myself a Touhou fan before I actually started getting into it.
... I know, I know. This is starting to sound really gatekeepish. I'm not saying someone must know everything about a piece of work in order to be a fan of it. I'm also not saying being a fan should be a chore. I'm also not saying I'm more of a fan than people who have never even touched the source material itself.
... okay, maybe I am saying the last part.
What I'm trying to say is... I fail to see where is the fun in this kind of second-hand media consumption.
I'm not against the existence of video summaries or lore videos, quite the opposite! I'm a big fan of those myself and often watch them about the things I enjoy! Or even of things I haven't known yet, if I like the summary or analysis, of course it makes me want to check the thing itself! I think these kinds of videos have a fundamental aspect of bringing people into things they wouldn't check themselves otherwise, and that's a great thing!
That's why I'm so jarred that so many people treat this kind of stuff as a replacement for the real thing?!
How can you watch someone talking about a manga for half an hour, decide it's your favorite manga ever, join a discord server about that manga and engage in discussions and theories and stuff about that manga... without ever, ever reading the manga itself?!
How is that remotely fun?!
I don't know, man. Obviously, I can't stop anyone from consuming media like that. If you only ever watch youtube essays of stuff and consider yourself a big fan, power for you, fella. Do what makes you happy.
But your concept of fun is like, diametrically opposite to mine.
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sharlmbracta · 5 months
notes from 2021/10/17
Do not question why or how I had these in my possesion… What's important is that you remember/keep in mind(solemnly) where you once were and who had trusted you (the most.) this gave me too much pain in all ways every day when I thought to have made it to the end I find myself sitting on the short end of the schtick, laughing they say i have to be the . but what if i don't want to? the chosen…. es…, sarcifices…. but what about the ? not a say. i don't want to die like that. I didn't want to die like that. what makes a person 'evil', what makes a person 'good'? as long as my SOUL remains, my thread lives ON. sometimes, I just wonder… if this l fate has decreed it. the extent of how much I know that I don't know, and how much I do know.. .. it… stopped… to scare me, at some point .. . trust me-I am very much aware of this impact and the -atrocious- consequences that will haunt me through; plagued by my own play of dysphoria… I see I was plotted a game over from the start then, hm. how devastating. so, what's your proposal for me to do with it now? as if I haven't been reminded my eventual doom for decades of years, daily- becoming a very real monster under the beds with a drag and a drug since childhood, wHY I have awoke-FiNALLY awoke to address this mutincanny will always be such a -mystery- to me. do I dare swEAR- until then, I have lived, just, to survive. Now, I will survive, to live. you will never, truly, break me from here point on. COME AT ME! no you can't. you can't let go of me that easily -- it IS, in fact, your NATURE- OUR nature- as what you've made of this rodent- to CONSUME. besides. it's been. too long. for you to let go of me..now. this morbid mortal play- for fuck's sake- YES i SWEAR- YOU'RE COMING DOWN WiTH ME. it was. the stench of burnt skin on acid and smoke rescence of ash. the diabolical carnal. this sentient sentiment has grown on me to become intolerable . .. child, do you remember? do you understand? .. . no, it's better that you not. it's better that you not… . eleven years from now. you will not remember. you will not understand. and the fate that you oppose will be as a stranger. for your gruesome triumph, you will not even understand that all of this should never have been your duty. i am sorry, child, for there is nothing i can do, for you should not have have to play this act all alone, but you will be all that's left. child. for your sake, (and ironically, for mine as well ) i desperately wish you would succeed in cutting my thread. may you be victorious.
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magicalgirlagency · 8 months
So I found there’s quite a bit of similarity between the Incubators’ plan to counteract entropy in PMMM and Argent Energy in Doom. Hear me out, I swear it makes sense. The Argent Energy process is way more ‘direct’, and also brutal (this IS Doom we’re talking about), but the core similarities remain: both processes utilize the souls of unwilling/unaware humans and subject them to literal soul-rending despair to extract energy, the true nature of the energy source is kept secret from the public, and both are defended in-universe as a necessary evil for the greater good (even though Argent Energy production ends up causing a Hell invasion of earth and literal millions of deaths). Except the Doom Slayer ends up destroying the Argent Energy well anyway because nobody deserves to suffer at the hands of demons.
Anyway, tl;dr we need a Magical Girl version of the Doom Slayer. Or a Doom/Magical Girl crossover. Either way, there will be sparkly chainsaws and glory kills performed on Kyubey.
Funfact: I have done a WBMR file for Doomguy back in 2020, way before the The Ancient Gods Parts I & II DLCs were confirmed. And needless to say, Doom Eternal is the evidence that if you add anything else more to a story that sustains itself perfectly on its own, it'll just ruin what was already great.
Not to spoil what happens in TAG Part II for those who haven't seen/played it, but let's just say that I have done well in saving Doomguy from a sad fate.
And one last thing: This game should have won The Game Awards of 2020 and not The Last of Us: Part II. If not Doom Eternal, then Animal Crossing: New Horizons should have won instead.
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fayesdiary · 2 years
Top 5 characters from Shadows of Valentia!
Sure! Since you haven't played Echoes I'm gonna be a bit more vague than usual!
Rudolf) I don't know what's going on anymore. I hate this man. I ironically love this man. He's one of the characters I think about most. He genuinely inspired a lot of my most interesting discussions about this game. He's a shitty character, a shittier ruler and the shittiest parent. I made an April Fools where I pretended to stan him. Dunking on him brings me joy.
5) Python. This man, I swear. Ever since I started working he's been the biggest mood. Why bother putting effort into something that barely matters to you for someone who only cares about how much you can make them earn, after all? He even criticized the monarchy straight to Clive's face! This man is as "lazy" as he is clever, and he's in the Deliverance just so he can support his boyfriend and see him achieve his dream of becoming a knight.
Also he supports aro rights in a series that can get very obsessed with romance, seriously this man is based
4) Sonya! This is a woman who knows she's hot shit and relishes it, she never stops being confident, has a personal beef with the main antagonist, and despite very much being a self-interested mercenary with her own agenda, it turns out said agenda is to help women who met her same fate as her sisters. It's a wonderful example of giving a character an engaging personality and just enough information to get you interested, while still keeping an air of mystery around it, which is why I'll always choose her over Deen.
3) Clive! Honestly, if Echoes wasn't a remake, I think he would have made a wonderful protagonist. I adore how the game makes painfully clear in both the main story and his DLC supports that while he does mean well and wants to improve the life of the common people, he knows next to nothing about the problems they actually face, and he's still unconciously valuing the nobles as superior to commoners and that's something he has to work on if he wants to make any meaningful change.
He's one of the best written characters of Fire Emblem, honestly.
2) Celica! I've talked so much about her, she's one of my favorite characters of the entire series, honestly, while I wish she didn't get shafted near the end of the game she's still so good!
1) Faye! I mean come on, this blog is themed after her! She's definitely not the most popular or the best written by far, but at the same time there's so much about her that I dig. I love that her obsession with Alm has both a reasonable explanation and is treated as genuinely unhealthy for once (she's the one character in the entire series that has one of her stats drop if she's supporting Alm and is next to him, specifically her Avoid), I love how despite this she's still overjoyed to see Celica, and I have a soft spot for socially awkward characters because honestly, same.
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escapesvolo · 2 years
Tim's supposed to be with you now. But no. Oh Yes. He's here now, with beers, and more fucking wounds. Sigh... you're gonna kill him.
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Drake's supposed to meet you before early rise when the night it happened.
When he didn't come, you're sure as hell fucking pissed off.
It's 4 am, and you can't turn your head off. The last time you allowed yourself some gravity for a few hours of naps, your eyes barely snapped when you heard someone knock outside from your windows. No doubt, it was Tim open-the-Jackson-door-now Drake.
You swear you're gonna kill him the next second if he hadn't pulled up the beers he bought.
With him being part of the vigilantes, you both haven't really been on the same well term since. No, starting from the moment he's aggressively obsessed with the Batman thing, you have rarely seen each other.
He knows you can't stop him. No one can ever stop the Drakes from getting something.
A good example: toddler Timothy Drake has been entirely alone since he could talk, with the Drakes running around the world for some archaeological digs. Results? Well, not bad yet not good relationship, basic "I don't care about you" attitude without domestic violence, and let's pretend each other never exist. For this, it's enough for Timothy Jackson Drake to be Red Robin.
But he also mistook something. Since you can't stop him, you can make him regret it. All you need is a ticket to get involved in it, and it would be too late to prevent it when he realized it.
Two can play a game. It's funny that you don't mind it, given how you used to push anything with the label 'trouble' on it.
It's also immensely amusing, given how angry and intense he got when he found out.
You cleared yourself out with a snap. There's no reason to reminisce the past when it's another story to tell. At another time.
Grabbing your scarf around you, you let out a big sigh aggressively as you pull up the window as Red Robin scoop in, and… SMASH! There goes another day where you'll need to get a new vase.
Making sure you locked up the window, Tim stripped off his uniform, eyes not even looking you while you're away a few distance, constantly checking him out. He gulps, a bit tense under your eyes, more than ever.
"…I swear," The way your wrist hardens enough to pale, makes it easier to see the veins underneath. "If there's a law that could legally charge heroes for illegally hiring underage, I would make it up to the headline next week."
Chill down… "Don't you dare to try chill me down. Now, you better stay naked so I can treat your fucking upper wounds!"
"Also, no beers for you today."
Blue eyes widened as if belittled by what you had just said. Still, before anything could slip past his lips, Tim fell silent as he met your disapproving gaze, knowing that anger meant a storm brewing just a short distance ahead, even more, terrifying than Batman's level of rage.
No, if his memories have taught him any better, it is that you, his very dear caring old friend, are more terrifying than Batman when you are in the throes of anger.
Perhaps surrendering to his fate, or maybe it's your look of resignation, Drake sits down toward the edge of the couch and removes the top half of Red Robin's uniform. You rested your chin against one of the knees cradled in your hand and stilled, waiting for him.
Once he's done undressing, Tim pulls over the mask, covering only his eyes.
And you're dragged into his arms next.
You breathed, knowing well that today was going longer than usual. You inhale when the scent of rain and the bittersweet coffee with cinnamon spice hits you; it's good to have a towel beforehand. Not even surprised anymore since a long time ago.
Tim could feel the fluffing of the towel thrown before him as you began to scrabble throughout the whole damp wetness of his hair. "I… I couldn't save them." He turned his head, looking more miserable than usual, when the candlelights quickly caught the sharpness of his cheekbones and jawline, given how skinny he looked. "Three kids, V. Three kids under… under…"
"Shh." Fuck. You scream your inner thoughts. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Never mind if your clothes are now drained with his blood. Who cares that you once paid over $100 to get these looks. To please some asshole who fired you. "It's okay. It's okay. I'm here, okay? I'm here."
It would be nice if you could take care of his wounds. The pressure of blood keeps going down and down. "Drake. Listen. I need to deal with your wound." Damn it. He wouldn't, and he just wouldn't. You force yourself to calm down.
It's all my fault. I should've been better. I know this far more than anyone else. No. I failed it. I fucking blew it off--
"Tim." He halts. He looks up at you, his eyes void.
"Keep still," You snapped, pressing the bandage on his wound. "If not, I gonna throw you off the balcony."
Ah. You're there. You're still there. At least… at least…
There's still someone familiar by his side.
You're always there for him.
@batfam-horror-au told me it might be unclear, so, do remember that You is Volo, Tim's best friend, often goes by just V.
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