#i said to kae that even if i got 1 note on a post i will still be a ksoo stan and i will still make content for him
do-kyngsoo · 4 years
that post you wrote is so accurate??? it also applies to all forms of content creation on here tbh. some members always get more traction from the fandom than the rest, which is usually fine, but being almost completely forgotten to the point where there's literally no care whatsoever given to these boys is just..... 🙃 like i am not even trying to be dramatic i write fics. xiusoo are my top two in exo. last year was a difficult year. but now people have just stopped giving a fuck and 🤕 idk man
i don't know if i'm glad to know if someone feels the same as me or if i'm sad for the both of us 😂 i think it's been known forever that there are definitely more popular members and that reflects but i don't mind as long as i can see love for the others too but since they enlisted idk it just dropped
in general since solos and stuff a lot of fans have revealved themselves as solo stans and with xiusoo enlisted i guess it makes sense that they wouldn't care but with a lot of what ive seen especially since a lot of xiusoo stans have become inactive i think people think they can use them as a stepping stone to boost their faves especially with when the other members were covering their parts in song, like i said to the other anon the a lot of the comments i saw were not nice and then even when they were enlisting and they released station songs i saw people talking about minseoks song for a few days and then nothing and then people didn't even want to support ksoo, another ksoo mutual of mine showed me tweets of bbh stans urging people to ignore thats okay and focus on city lights which wasn't even dropping for another week and a half at the time and their reason was "ksoo would be enlisting so why doss it matter how his song does" like is it really that hard to support everyone? i'm glad the korean gp saw the worth in his song and gave it the love it deserved
omg youre a xiusoo stan? how are you coping anon?! 😭😭😭 i hope you don't lose your motivation to write for the both of them, i don't see as many fics about the two of them and i find myself going back to read old ones so i'm sure any xiusoo stans still on here (like me) appreciate your hard work, i keep making ksoo content for the people who will hopefully appreciate seeing that there is still regular content for him and just a reminder that he's still there 😂
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page150 · 3 years
The Potion 🔮🧪Ruby Martinez x Reader
Request: None 
Pronouns: They/Them 
Word Count: 1633
Warnings: None :) 
Ruby frowned as, from across the classroom,  he watched Monse laugh loudly at your misfortune. The only thing worse than Monse’s humor was that it happened to include you. It wasn’t your fault that everything that you were having to read aloud happened to be a bit inappropriate. Ruby watched you read a line in the directions and gasp, causing Monse to laugh even harder. Your cheeks turn red as you tried to explain that you needed to add 10 grams of butt-ring to the f-hole of the bottle. 
“They're so cute when they blush.” Ruby thought, resting his head on his hand. He closed his eyes and imagined telling you a compliment that would make you blush even harder. With a sigh he dived more into his imagination, before his lab partner interrupted his thoughts.
“If you don’t focus on this potion I am never speaking to you again Ruby!” yelled Jamal, “Look at all this!” He waved his hands over the mess they had created on the table. It was covered in bottles, feathers, and stained notes. Sitting in a large pot in the middle of the table was supposed to be the potion they had spent weeks learning. 
“This is the last chance for me to get my grade up in Potions 1. If I don’t pass, my dad is going to make me study all week after watching me ‘play’ football. So unless y/n is going to finish this, stop looking at them!”
“Why don’t you finish it then?” Ruby argued, “I wrote the notes, the least you can do is follow them.”
“Because I have a sprained wrist!” said Jamal, pointing at the fake cast.
 Ruby groaned and placed the goggles over his eyes. He pushed Jamal out of the way and began to add in the rest of the ingredients. Slowly he poured the lake water and juice of liptenberries together. Then he added the mixture to the dry ingredients that Jamal had already prepared. 
The last step was to say the activation words and then the mixture should form into a type of drink. Ruby lifted up a page of his notes and began to read the words. 
“Rubat tey aviant day should not kae in does-” Ruby started. He looked over and saw your and Monse’s potion spilling over. Seemingly about to burn your arm as it was close to the edge of the pot. 
“Y/N your potion!” yelled Ruby. 
You turn around quickly and back away from the pot. Monse works on turning off the stove while you add some more lake water to the potion. Luckily it goes down. 
Ruby, satisfied with saving you, looks down at his and Jamal’s potion and smiles. He sees that it looks and smells exactly like what it was supposed too. Jamal reaches up and with the wrist that had the cast on, gives him a high five. 
Jamal packages up some of the potion to give to the teacher. Ruby looks up and feels his hands start to get clammy as you and Monse get near his table. 
“Thanks for the heads up, Ruby.” You said sitting down at one of the open chairs at the table. 
“Yeah, I didn’t add enough lake water but y/n knew what to do.” said Monse wrapping an arm around you. 
“You’re welcome y/n,” Ruby stuttered. Looking into your eyes with the sweat from the googles around them was incredibly distracting. “Do you guys uh want to try the potion?” 
Monse laughed, “Well I know you did it right... Jamal, not so much?” 
“What!” said Jamal. “When I find Honeycraft’s hidden spell book you’ll all know how intelligent I am. Thank you so very much”. 
“How many times do I have to tell you Honeycraft didn’t have a spell book?” 
“She did and it’s more important than any potion we’ll make in this class.” 
You and Ruby laughed at Jamal and Monse’s bickering. “I trust you Ruby,” You answered, “pour me a glass. If everything goes well I should be able to speak different languages!”
Ruby nodded and shakily poured a small glass of the potion. He handed it to you and with a smile you drank all of it. It was supposed to taste faintly of seaweed but instead it tasted like strawberries. 
“It tastes like strawberries?” You questioned. 
With that Jamal and Monse stopped bickering and turned to you. 
“Strawberries?” said Ruby. 
“Did you make this correctly?” You asked, you felt a headache start and your heart started beating fast. You rested your head in your hands and tried to calm the pain. 
“Y/n, Y/n? Are you okay?” Ruby asked. Monse gave you a hug and Jamal went to find the teacher. 
“Ruby what did you do?” Monse yelled. 
Ruby felt like he had been slapped. He was hurting the person he cared about the most. He racked through his brain and then realized his mistake. 
“I-I,” Ruby stuttered, “I didn’t end the activation correctly. It was supposed to be ‘Rubat tey aviant day should not kae in does lae tae’ but instead of ‘lae tae’ I said y/n”. 
“Why would you say her name?” Monse yelled. 
“You guys were going to get burned! I had to warn you.” 
You picked your hands up from the table and suddenly started to blush. 
“Y/n? Y/n? Are you okay? Why are your cheeks warm? Jamal’s getting the teacher.” Monse rambled. 
You felt a smile dance on your lips. 
“Wow Ruby, have you always been so handsome, it’s like you're glowing.” You giggled. 
You had been at the infirmary for a few hours and luckily it looked like you would be fine. The only problem was that apparently Ruby’s language potion got turned into a love potion because of how he said the activation words and now you had to wait 7 hours until it wore off.
 Technically it was the teacher’s fault for not supervising no one was in big trouble. Even though this was unplanned Ruby was positive that this was the best day ever. He happily walked down the halls holding your hand in his. With Jamal, Monse, and now Caesar walking behind, Ruby finally felt like he was the king. He decided that this was the perfect time to go on one of the many dates that he had planned. 
“I’m a little worried for him,” Caesar whispered, “He knows y/n isn’t going to be like this forever, right? I want the best for Ruby, but the only reason they are like this is because of the potion.” 
“Yeah,” Jamal whispered back, “but you see the way he looks at them. Even if Ruby hadn’t said their name during the activation he probably would have knocked over the potion running to open the door for them if they had gone to the bathroom. He knows his boundaries, lets just let him have this.” 
For once, Monse agreed and the group headed out of the school building. The rest of the day was spent at Ruby’s dorm room. While Jamal, Caesar, and Monse observed, you and Ruby watched movies. He gave you food and loads of compliments. You kissed his cheek and laughed at his jokes, no matter how corny they were.
 The group spent the rest of the day there and soon it got dark. 
After eating the wings Caesar ordered everyone fell asleep in random sections of the room. Luckily Ruby’s roommate wasn’t there.
Jamal fell asleep in the tub, and Monse and Caesar laid together in Ruby’s bed. You laid next to Ruby in front of the TV. A random show was on and Ruby played with your fingers. He looked over at you, seemingly asleep. 
“The potion should have worn off by now.” Ruby softly spoke, “ Is it bad that I wish it would last a little longer? I know you don’t really feel this way, but spending all this time with you has been so amazing. I want to be with you y/n. I want to hold your hand and kiss your cheek. I want to have study dates. I want to cast spells with you. I want you so bad it’s torture.” 
The whole room felt silent and heavy. He pulled the blanket that was covering you so that it rested under your chin. He had thought of giving you this blanket for your birthday. 
“If you wanted to be with me, why didn’t you tell me? I really like you Ruby.” You whispered, rubbing your eyes and letting out a small yawn. Ruby looked at you puzzled. 
“You don’t mean that.” Ruby sighed, “Any moment now, the potion will wear off. I’m really sorry y/n.”
“It wore off already dum dum,” You replied.
“What! When?” 
“Like two hours ago, when the wings came. I didn’t really know what was happening, but when I came you started holding my hand so I just played along.” 
“So you just let me act weird to you? How embarrassing…” 
You laughed and squeezed his hand. 
“And miss the chance to cuddle with the Ruben Martinez, I could never.” You joked. 
Ruby laughed too and took the opportunity to put his arm around your shoulders. 
“So what are we, are we dating?” Ruby asked.
“Do you want to date?”
“Only if you want to date me.” 
“So, you do want to date me?”
“Ruby, how many of your potions will I have to take for you to believe me. I want to date you.” 
Ruby smiled and lifted your chin with his finger. 
“Well, Snow White, can you forgive me for poisoning you with an apology kiss?” 
You giggled and started to lean in, “That’s fine by me.”
Authors Note: This is my first story and I hoped yall enjoyed it! I hope I can improve on my next one which should be out soon. Some playlists will be posted soon and remember requests are open! I hope you have a wonderful day ~ k 
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boughtwithaprice · 3 years
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I Kissed His Books Goodbye
Kae Salonzo Perez- Dilla
April 30, 2021
It was in 2019 when one of my favorite Christian authors shocked the Christian world by announcing his separation from his wife. It was Joshua Harris, the famous author and pastor who wrote, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and "Boy Meets Girl" which sold millions of copies since their publication in the 90s and made him like a Christian celebrity. I was totally heartbroken when this news popped on my IG feed. A year before this devastating news, I came across Joshua Harris on Facebook and YouTube where I learned about his recent project at that time which is also the reasn why he resurfaced. He was on some documentary film of some sort where he reevaluated his very own books mentioned earlier. I have also watched his TED Ed segment where he apologized for the lives destroyed by his book. He said that he was too young when he wrote his famous books. I was puzzled at that time which led me to do more research a.k.a stalking. I am a good stalker, you know. Kidding aside! So, from there, I started stalking the Harris couple on their social media accounts. I will not forget feeling that something was already off from their relationship since they are both absent from each other's daily activities. I do not know if that is just normal with other people but to me, it isn’t. Also, it struck me that Shannon and the Harris daughters "appear" to be highly modern and very much "in the trend" kind of way when it comes to their clothes, music, and social media posts. Given that they are in the limelight of conservative believers, this is a diversion. I was not a diehard fan of Joshua Harris and so I do not really know what happened to him after writing his books, after getting married to the girl of his prayers, and after pastoring a mega church for 17 years. However, I suddenly recalled an information he disclosed in one of his books. It was about Shannon whose inches close to starting her music career but then converted to her newfound faith and so this dream career of hers was aborted. This, I strongly recalled when I found lots of her IG post informing the world that she is about to release her music albums -which her songs don’t have the slightest expression of her love for God. For a preacher’s wife, for a Christian woman, so to speak, her recent project gave me another major what-in-the-world-is-happening moment. These findings surprised me! That's why I'm not really taken aback when Joshua Harris announced that he and his wife, Shannon, are eventually divorcing. Perhaps something bigger is afoot since then.
 I know I am very late to make a fuss about Joshua Harris and his chosen path today, but I just want to express my thoughts since I kept seeing him lately. I was instantly reminded that I followed him on IG! And now I think about unfollowing him so I would be free from another stress. So, following his separation from his wife in 2019, more of his announcements on the social media just got more terrible as time pass by. He then denounced his Christian faith and joined an LGBTQ parade publicly. What worst could happen now? He has been posting his personal criticism on “Christianity" and against people "in the faith" with the notion of man's freedom being suppressed by God's will.  He makes obedience to God appear so vexing and that it’s the very thing that stifle man from enjoying earthly pleasures. He just twisted the truth about ‘love the sinner but hate the sin’. God is angry at the wicked every day and so we were all once hated by God until he shows us His grace (Psalms 7: 11). But tolerating a sinner could never equate to any form of love. Unless man sees himself as a sinner, he will never repent and seek God. Harris has numerous posts about this particular topic! As I see it, one could assume that it is his way of answering back to the spiteful comments he keeps on receiving from the Christian group. He’s making the believers look like a group of unbelievable people for hurting him with God’s truths. The truth will surely hurt him.
 There is no denying of the fact that Joshua Harris is still a hot issue among Christians today.  Every time Christians talk about relationships, Joshua and his books are brought into place. Before the declaration of his newfound path away from Christ, his books were said to be the "Bible" of Christian romance. Decades ago, Joshua and his books were often referred to when Christians tend to look for godly relationships to pattern theirs. I personally and seriously took note of the contents of his books since I was in a relationship when I read them back then. Just like the other Harris loyalists, I would always mention his name and the things I have learned from his books when giving advice to my friends both in and out of the church during girl talks. It's such a shame that I have to evaluate my old self and admit that I have passed onto others the words of Harris more than God's.  This, I humbly ask forgiveness from the Lord. And so, fast forward to the present time, look at how events have turned now. No one knows what really happened between Joshua and Shannon, but I'm pretty sure that whatever hit their relationship is a reflection of their individual relationship with God which have finally come in fruition in time. The book of Jeremiah says in chapter 7 verse 24, But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward. Whilst spending years and years of their life in the ministry, I could not help but wonder, was God really there "in" them? Frankly, although no man is in the position, it’s hard not to question their salvation thinking about what happened to them.
 Joshua Harris have said in an interview that he excommunicated himself from his church because he failed to follow the standards required by the scriptures. In his words, he sounded like he was the victim more than the traitor. To add, one of his videos on YouTube showed live reactions from the offended readers of his books. I personally think that was a clear picture answering the question of why he ended up retracting his beliefs in public. He responded to those people in oppose to what Christians should be doing when being persecuted. He wanted to please them so bad to the point where he just decided to abandon his post, leave his God or god and follow them as if that was the best decision to reach out to them. His mindset is just so disappointing. At some point, did he blame God for earning his haters? Is that why he went after people he doesn’t personally know and has no relationship with God? Was he supposed to reevaluate through the Bible or through people’s lenses? How many were Christians in that pool of readers? It was just necessary to apologize for the wrong points that resulted to misguided readers, but why leave the faith? It’s true that it takes lots of courage to face the music but I don’t see the part where leaving your faith is a new definition of bravery.
 When a Christian is found to be challenged, he ought to thrive. What happened to standing fast in the faith written in 1 Corinthians 16:13? But instead, Joshua Harris allowed the enemy to overpower him. He heard the wrong side. Well, to start with, he's probably not a genuine Christian. We don't want to judge him but again, we have been warned in Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;  A Youtuber also commented that a Christian should never find his life in the Lord burdensome. Sadly, Harris has put down his cross, got tired and stopped following the Savior. A believer's walk with Christ was never promised to go through an easy road but we will always find ourselves consistently rejoicing in His grace despite the way.  Otherwise, those who are just pretending to understand the gospel will soon be revealed and will simply walk away because they were not meant to be in the fold of Christ in the first place.
 Just recently, not only Harris have denounced his faith in Christ. There were others. Although this is not new anymore because there were others even before Harris’s time, but in this age of social media, issues like this have great impact in the Christian society perceived in various wavelength. And this case has left Christiandom a question-- what do we do with the learnings gained from such persons? It is fitting to know where the line should be drawn when reading Christian books. The Lord has commanded us to daily seek Him in prayer and in the scriptures. Even the prophets enquired and searched diligently (1 Peter 1: 10). Hence, to check if the materials we read carry God’s truth in them, they must be aligned to what the Bible says. God’s words should affirm the ideas being offered to us by other books whether they appear new or not. I believe that the things I learned from Joshua’s books really helped me assess my former relationship and double check if it indeed glorifies the Lord. But I do not give credit to the author because most of the concepts of the godly dating he presented were extracted from the Bible and were inspired by the people around him that were ‘in Christ’, and Lord willing, still walking with Him until now. Joshua Harris have miserably left his once professed faith and no wonder when ‘his followers’ do the same too. The Lord only revealed the impending danger of following leaders and prominent individuals with such devotion that should only belong to God. We should be vigilant and be fully aware of where and with whom do we pour our faith into. 2 Peter 3:17, KJV: "Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness."
 The books written by Joshua Harris have heavily influenced his Christian readers. However, more than those pages that illuminated his beliefs before, what would really speak for himself is the life he chose to live today. I have kissed dating goodbye long time ago, not because of his books, but because God has been gracious to me and provided me a godly man to marry. I won’t recommend Joshua’s books but I will be keeping them. If people see them on my shelf one day, I know significant lessons could be drawn from them --more than courtship and dating, but particularly about a Christian’s walk with Christ.  
  We are in the end times and we are witnessing the falling away of man as said in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. But by God’s grace, His true children will persevere until His glorious return. The sad story of Joshua Harris just proved that our God is a perfect God who is solely worthy of receiving man’s adoration and trust. Not that He needs any of it, but it’s just crystal clear that no one else does. And that no earthly relationship should we model ours after except that of Christ and His love for the church which we could learn nowhere else but from the scriptures.
 Isaiah 40:25-31 
To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One. 
Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth. 
Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the LORD, and my judgment is passed over from my God? 
Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 
He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 
Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. 
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prorevenge · 5 years
We didn't help but hOW DARE YOU REMOVE US?!
I'm in 11th grade and boy, oh boy, I thought my classmates from the previous school years were stupid but God, my classmates this year takes the cake.
We have Research ( something like thesis writing ) as a subject this year. Our teacher grouped our class into three groups. Mine ended up being the unluckiest. I was stuck with the 5 most entitled shit heads in the class. They were known for not doing shit in group activities yet when you try to remove them from the group they'd start shit.
And that's exactly what happened.
They basically did nothing the entire time my co-leader and I begged them to help. It was annoying and we decided to kick them out of the group if they don't help anything in Chapter 3.
Surprise, surprise! They didn't do shit. I kept messaging the group chat asking them to help or else but were they scared? Threatened? Nope! They just left me on read, every. Single. Time. My co-leader and I then did the most logical thing; we removed them from the group.
By the way, we kept reminding them that if they don't help out in any of the chapters, they'll get removed.
Last Saturday (Mar. 16), my co-leader and I revised our paper and we asked the select group members ( who actually did shit ) to send their dedication. On Sunday, my co-leader asked those who haven't sent in their dedication to send it since it was supposed to be passed the following day. This alerted one of the five shit heads.
Let's call him Jack.
Jack: What about me?
Co-leader (CL from now on): ask Gayle.
Me: Those who were mentioned gets to send in their dedications.
This alerted another shit head ( let's call her Mimi ).
Mimi: What about me?
I repeated what I said.
Jack: So we don't have to do anything?
Me [ in the most passive aggressive way ever ]: Hmm, I don't know. You might have to do another Research Paper?
Jack and Mari (another shit head): Why?
I then proceeded to explain that they didn't help one bit even if it was as easy as sending one link.
I was enraged that night and I was ranting which alerted another shit head who oh my god is the worst, most entitled piece of shit out of the five of them. Let's call her Kae.
Kae was livid when she found out she & her precious group of friends got kicked out for not doing anything. She began ranting about how she doesn't deserve to be disrespected like this and how she deserves to get an instant reply. The other three shit heads were hyping her and saying all these inappropriate things (i.e., how they loved to grind in a bar just to earn money).
Kae: I can't believe it! You guys just left me on read!
Me [ again, passive aggressively ]: [[ cough ]] you guys also left me on read when i ask you to do something [[ cough ]] i'm sorry, my throat's itchy.
Kae: WOW! How could you say that? You only notice a select few ( I don't. I've said it over & over again that if anyone has any questions, i'll happily answer it).
Me: uhmm... Remember the sub groups chats from a month ago?
Mimi: Gayle, you said that you'll handle everything and we'd just pay.
Me: I never said that. I said that you'd have to pay if you didn't get to help out.
After that it was all chaos. I was ready to kill a bitch or maybe 5. The shit heads kept saying over and over and over about how "you could've approached us," "you could've said something," and a bunch of other shit. I was shaking due to the rage I was feeling. I've done everything to make them help. I begged, asked, and they didn't comply. I started replying to them in all caps, saying on how they're removed and that there was no way of them being ever included in the group again.
Mimi then said something about family.
Mimi: I thought we were family? I thought we were supposed to help each other out.
CL: It isn't our fault if you weren't active. We aren't always family.
Me: Stop it with your family bullshit cause we never treated nor saw you as family.
I removed the from the group chat, thinking it was all over. God, was I wrong. My co-leader informed me that they were mentioning me in the class group chat. They were causing an uproar. They kept saying shit like, "it's finally time to see their true personalities," or about how bad of a leader I am or about how much they paid for our research paper ( they paid 13 pesos, which isn't much honestly), and they even compared me to our class president.
Now, in our class, I'm a respectable student being both the top 1 and the class vice president. I'm a nice leader and I definitely do my part but I'm no push over. Unlike our class president who is a giant push over and that's why they said she was the better leader cause they can abuse her kindness. ( The class president and I are very good friends so no one took the comparison to an offence ).
There was a riot in the group chat and my emotionally inept classmates just kept adding fuel to the fire. It was ridiculous and immature. My co-leader and I kept quiet and decided to let them feast on their stupidity. It was 12:07 AM when they finally shut up and I decided to get some sleep too.
Here's where the fun begins. I woke up at 5:30AM in a cold sweat. I had a plan and I was absolutely ready to go through with it. Those shit heads were "exposing" me with screenshots ( because I replied to them in a passive aggressive way ) then two can play at that game. I've got all the necessary shit to expose them too. I still have the sub group chats from Chapters 1 & 3 and the entire group chat for our Research.
I borrowed my grand dad's phone, opened my Messenger account and began taking screenshots. I posted them all on MyDay for everyone to see. I added a few passive aggressive notes on the pics.
The screenshots proved that they didn't help nor gave one single reply. But my petty ass wasn't done there just yet, nope. I planned on making a portfolio with all the screenshots plus an essay. I gathered all my money because the screenshots were a hundred plus.
I told my co-leader about this. She thought it was over the top but our other group members told me they were on board.
When I got to school that day, my classmates were either asking for details or saying good luck. It just pumped me up to go through with the plan even more. CL and I went to the nearest computer shop to print the screenshots. Once CL & I entered the room, we were both shocked.
The 5 shit heads were there. They actually went to school. That was a fucking miracle to be honest. I rolled my eyes as I hid the printed screenshots from their view. They left the room but not before making a few comments about me. Those comments only fueled the fire.
Once they actually left, I began sorting the screenshots out. The class president noticed & asked about it. I told her my plan and she cheered me on. Another classmate asked when the fight was gonna start. I laughed and told him that this was the way I was gonna bring them down by ruining their reputation in the faculty room.
Nobody likes the 5 shit heads. They always started shit and a few of my classmates have confronted them but it wasn't successful due to lack of necessary evidence. I was ready to be the one that took them down.
While I sorted out the screenshots, the shit heads came back. Before they could see what I was doing, I quickly hid it all. They stayed in the room for 10 minutes or so, loudly talking about the incident the night before or how Class President was the better leader. I rolled my eyes at them again. After they said their comments, they left the room with their bags. They only went to school to talk shit about me and CL.
After I finished sorting the screenshots and finished writing the essay, it was all set. The only thing missing was the Research Paper itself. My friend and I went back to the computer shop to print the Paper. On the way there, we crossed paths with the shit heads and they said something about grades or something, I'm not sure.
Once the paper was printed, we set off. We reached the faculty room. We saw our teacher and signaled him over. I handed our Research Paper plus the portfolio. We didn't say anything and our teacher flipped through the pages. He was silent then he went back to his desk.
Mission Accomplished.
But the story doesn't end there. Tuesday ( Mar. 19), our adviser confronted us.
Adviser ( A from now on): What's this about?
Kae: Gayle removed us from the group without us knowing.
Me: Well, you guys --
Kae: She was rude to us and I was asking nicely.
Me: [ towards our other classmate ] Ren! Let me borrow your phone.
He gave me his phone and I logged in my Messenger account.
Me: [[ handing the phone to A ]] here's the group chat Ma'am.
A: [[ takes the phone ]] okay! Everyone take the exams while I read!
And we did. After the exam, she asked us ( the shit heads + the rest of the group) to come over and talk. We came over and she said a little something that made me smirk.
A: Call Sir John!
The shit heads looked unfazed. They were tight with our adviser. They were thinking that she'd side with them but nope, she never sided with them when it came to arguments like this.
Kae was staring daggers at me while our classmates called our Research adviser. The other 4 were smirking and laughing amongst themselves. CL was rolling her eyes and the rest of the group were doing other things. I was neutral. I had no expression on my face.
After 5 minutes or so, Sir John ( SJ from now on ) came into the room. He had his class record and a familiar purple sliding folder with him. He brought the portfolio. SJ sat down on one of the chairs and the meeting resumed.
A: Start talking.
Kae: Well, it happened Sunday night. Jack messaged me on Facebook telling me we got removed from the Research group. I messaged our group chat and no one was answering --
Me: We're sorry we didn't get to reply early.
Jack: But you were online.
( Anyone who uses FB on mobile would know that you don't actually have to be on the app 24/7 to be online, you just have to be connected to a data/internet connection. I was on YT when they messaged.)
Mimi: We were mentioning you.
Me: I'm sorry but mentions don't work for me as I don't have Messenger installed on my phone. ( i have a Samsung Galaxy V btw )
Kae: That isn't the point. You were online yet you weren't responding. Shows how much of a bad leader you are.
I. Was. Baffled. I knew these shit heads were entitled but god damn, their level is wow.
Mari: You left us on read.
A: [[ slams her palm on the desk ]] enough!! Move on to the actual problem.
Kae: Gayle removed us from the group without our permission.
Me: I have a valid reason. You didn't help out.
Mimi: But you told us we only have to pay and you'd handle the rest.
Me: What else was I suppose to say? You'd only ask what you can do when it was time for passing? Plus, I only said you'd have to pay if you didn't help out.
Kae: Where tf did you say that?
Me: The group chat you love to leave on read.
They were accusing me of lying but luckily SJ stepped in.
SJ: [[ handing A the portfolio ]] Here's all the evidence you need, Ma'am.
A: [[ takes the portfolio and starts reading through it ]]
A read through Exhibit B which contained the conversation where I was asking for links regarding classroom discussion yet none of the shit heads could send any.
A: Why couldn't any of you send just one link? One link and it would've been fine!
A was mad. The shit heads were speechless for a second then began spewing out bull shit excuses like, "We don't have internet," "The internet cafe's too far," and, "I don't have any money."
I rolled my eyes. These shit heads could afford to drink at a bar-esque place every single day but couldn't afford to take 5 minutes out of their time to send a link.
Weird flex but okay.
A read through a few more pages. She was now on Exhibit C, D, and E which were all the sub groups where I was messaging and messaging and messaging for at least one of them shit heads to help.
A: Kae! Mimi! Why didn't any of you reply?
Kae: We thought we weren't needed.
Mimi: They just told us to pay.
SJ: They were messaging and kept asking for help.
A decided to stir the topic away from payment for a while.
A: Gayle, did you tell them when the deadline was?
Me: Yes, it's in th--
Kae: SHE NEVER DID! She never cared about us! She's always focusing on CL. CL this & CL that.
Me: I did and you left me on read and she's my co leader, what tf were you expecting? Plus you would've known when the deadline was if any of you just attended Sir John's classes for once.
Mimi: We do!
Bold of her to lie inbfront of SJ's face.
SJ: You don't. I have my class records and almost all of you are either Late or Absent most of the time.
Kae: We're late? What can we do about that?
Mari: Yes! What can we do about that?
Me: I don't know. Maybe make an effort to actually go to class early.
Joy: Classes start too early.
Our class start at 10 fucking 30.
SJ: Classes start at 10:30. You have enough time to be on time for classes.
The shit heads were silent. They had no come back now. It was silent till Mimi opened her fucking mouth.
Mimi: It's still unfair that we paid and now we aren't included.
Joy: I know right?!
A: Did you even help out?
SH ( shit heads ): No.
SJ: What do you even think Research is?! Do you pay for it?!
It was silent again and I was so glad I was wearing a face mask because I was smirking so wide that time.
Jack: [[ chuckles ]] Class President's group is still much better. Her group members don't have to pay and don't have to do anything to get included in the Paper.
A: Are you her group mates? No, so disregard her and the other group.
SJ: You are her [[ gestures to me ]] group mates so you are under her authority.
A: How much did you even pay?
Me: 13 pesos. Total.
SJ: [[ stares at the shit heads with an eyebrow raised ]]
A: [[ asking the SH ]] did you pay for Chapter 1?
SH: Yes!
A: [[ to me ]] Did you include them?
Me: Yes.
A: [[ to SH ]] How about for Chapter 2?
SH: Yes!
A: [[ to me ]] Did you include them?
Me: Yes.
A: [[ to SH ]] Did you pay for Chapter 3?
SH: ... No...
A: [[ to me ]] Did you include them?
Me: No.
A: See! They included you when you paid! What are you getting mad about?
Kae: It's still unfair that we aren't included anymore.
Mimi: wE PAID!
A: Not everything can be done through money. Now, don't depend on your group leader to do everything.
SJ: You now have to do your own Research paper. To be passed tomorrow.
Jack: Fine! Class President said she's gonna help us anyway.
SJ: No, she won't. I'll tell her to not help you as there will be consequences if I ever found she helped you or you asked for help.
Mimi: But sir! We don't know what to do.
SJ: What a shame. You should've attended my classes then. By the way, I've done what you asked me to do.
SJ got up from his seat with the class record and portfolio in hand and left.
The shit heads were speechless and I was amused. I knew exactly what Sir John meant, he made the entire faculty read the portfolio so now the teachers now what shenanigans these shits were up to.
I was happy that day. We won the case, the shit heads have to do their own paper.
Kae was glaring at me whenever she saw me that day and some say she's still glaring until now.
I celebrated by treating myself to McDonald's.
(source) story by (/u/AGryffindork)
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thedoortoyesterday · 4 years
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Over time, there have probably been more songs referring to news and newspapers than you might at first think. For instance, you doubtless remember STAYIN' ALIVE by The Bee Gees but you may not immediately recall that its lyric contained a reference to The New York Times! 
There were also songs about magazines such as THE COVER OF THE ROLLING STONE by Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show in '72 and CENTERFOLD by The J. Geils Band in '81; going even further back, The Four Lads charted with a song in ‘59 called THE GIRL ON PAGE 44 that referred to the Sears, Roebuck & Co. mail order catalog. 
However, I'm focusing in this blog on newspapers and the printed word. Rap artists such as Public Enemy (in their song  A LETTER TO THE NEW YORK POST) and hip-hop artists like T-Pain (in his composition SOUNDS BAD) have made news references, but the following is a selective list of just a few of the many rock, pop and country songs of yesteryear which fit the category. 
Certain relevant lyric lines are included in italics.
(Don Owens) 
by Porter Wagoner
Pro: Chet Atkins 
(RCA: 1962) US #10 Country 
"In tomorrow's newspaper you'll read about me" 
(Tom Paxton) 
by Tom Paxton
Pro: Paul Rothchild
(Elektra: 1964)  "How do I know? I read it in the Daily News"  
From Tom Paxton's second album containing his topically-inspired folk songs.
(John Lennon/Paul McCartney) 
by The Beatles
Pro: George Martin 
(Capitol: 1967) 
From their glorious "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" album."I read the news today, oh boy" (In addition, LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS refers to "Newspaper taxis appear on the shore" and THE BALLAD OF JOHN AND YOKO contains the line "The newspapers said") 
(Ray Davies) 
by The Kinks
Pro: Ray Davies 
(Reprise: 1972) 
from 'The Kink Kronikles" double-album.
"Did you see his name in the local paper" 
(Bill Payne/Fran Payne) 
by Little Feat
Pro: Lowell George 
(Warner Bros: 1980)
"Front page right through to back page" 
(Earl Beal/Raymond Edwards/William Horton/Richard Lewis) 
by The Silhouettes
Pro: Kae Williams 
(Ember: 1958) US #1 R&B, #1 Pop. 
A definitive doo-wop classic.
 "After breakfast ev'ry day/She throws the want ads right my way" 
(Roy Brown) 
by Roy Brown w/Bob Ogden & His Orchestra
(DeLuxe: 1947) US #13 R&B in '48  
"I heard the news There's good rockin' tonight" 
This is the original of Roy Brown's classic song which was memorably covered 
by Wynonie Harris in '48 and Elvis Presley in ’54.
(Albert Hamilton/Richard Morris/Charles Hatcher) 
by Edwin Starr
Pro: Al Kent & Richard Morris 
(Ric-Tic: 1966) US #84 Pop, UK #39
(John Fogerty) 
by John Fogerty
Pro: John Fogerty 
(Warner Bros: 1986)
(Reggie Calloway/Vincent Calloway/Melvin Gentry/Belinda Lipscomb/
Bobby Lovelace/Bill Simmons) 
by Midnight Star
Pro: Reggie Calloway & Midnight Star 
(Solar: 1986) US #3 R&B, #69 Pop, UK #16. 
 'Extra, extra, read all about it' 
(Jennifer Kimball/Thomas Kimmel) 
by Johnny Cash & Waylon Jennings 
(Columbia: 1986)
 "That old newspaper headline" 
(A.P. Carter) 
by Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs & The Foggy Mountain Boys
 (Columbia: 1951)
“I sell the morning paper sir” 
Written by A.P. Carter, founder of The Carter Family
Song was a #5 country hit in ’59 by Mac Wiseman.
(Charlie Black/Rory Bourke/Tommy Rocco) 
by Anne Murray
Pro: Jim Ed Norman (Capitol: 1983) 
US #1 Country, #74 Pop. 
"Not much to print today/Can't find nothin' bad to say" 
(Jonathan King) 
by Hedgehoppers Anonymous
Pro: Jonathan King (Parrot: 1965) 
UK #5 in '65, US #48 Pop in '66.
(Bruce Foxton) 
by The Jam
Pro: Vic Smith & Chris Parry 
(Polydor: 1978) UK #27.  
News Of The World is a British weekly paper. 
(Tiny Bradshaw/Jesse Kennedy) 
by Tiny Bradshaw/Vocal by Little Tiny Kennedy 
(King: 1952) 
(Neil Tennant/Chris Lowe) 
by Dusty Springfield
Pro: Pet Shop Boys 
(UK Parlophone: 1989) UK #16.  
From the soundtrack of the film "Scandal" (Miramax: 1989) about the Profumo political scandal in Britain. "Mandy's in the papers 'cause she tried to go to Spain", referring to Mandy Rice-Davis. 
(Bobbie Gentry) 
by Bobbie Gentry
Pro: Kelly Gordon & Bobby Paris 
(Capitol: 1967) 
US #1 Pop, #17 Country, #7 AC, UK #13. 
"I got some news this mornin' from Choctaw Ridge" 
(Paul Simon) 
by Simon & Garfunkel
Pro: Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel & Roy Halee 
(Columbia: 1968) 
From their album "Bookends". 
"A newspaper blown through the grass"
(Chuck Berry) 
by Chuck Berry & His Combo
Pro: Leonard Chess 
(Chess: 1956) 
US #2 R&B, #29 Pop. 
"Roll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the news" 
(Joe Jackson) 
by Joe Jackson
Pro: David Kershenbaum 
(A&M: 1979) 
From Joe Jackson's debut chart album "Look Sharp!"  
(Loudon Wainwright III) 
by Loudon Wainwright III 
from the 1998 compilation "BBC Sessions" 
containing his earlier BBC performances.
(Elton John/Bernie Taupin) 
by Elton John
Pro: Gus Dudgeon 
(Rocket: 1985) 
"I spy headlines, newsprint tells lies" 
(John D. Loudermilk) 
by Mark Dinning 
(MGM: 1961) US #81 Pop 
 (see note on Mark Dinning below*)
(Norman Johnson/Greg Perry/Barney Perkins) 
by The Honey Cone
Pro: Greg Perry (Hot Wax: 1971) 
US #1 R&B, #1 Pop.  
Darlene Love’s sister Edna Wright was lead singer of this girl group trio who recorded for Hot Wax, the label owned by ex-Motown songwriters Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier and Eddie Holland. 
(James Nyx/Marvin Gaye) 
by Marvin Gaye 
(Tamla: 1971)
 From Marvin's landmark album "What's Going On". 
"Are things really gettin' better, like the newspaper said?"  
(Mick Jagger/Keith Richard) 
by The Rolling Stones
Pro: Andrew Loog Oldham 
(London: 1967) From their LP "Between The Buttons" 
*Mark Dinning was the brother of three sisters (Jean, Lou and Ginger) who formed the vocal trio The Dinning Sisters; they clocked up best-selling records in the late 40's including BUTTONS AND BOWS on Capitol in '48.  Jean co-wrote TEEN ANGEL which was Mark Dinning's major hit single on MGM that topped Billboard's Hot 100 in February 1960. The Dinning Sisters' accompanist and arranger was songwriter and pianist Don Robertson who had his own Top 10 success on Capitol in '56 with his composition  THE HAPPY WHISTLER. Don married Lou and they recorded several singles together.  
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thejpfdude-blog · 7 years
Fall 2016 Shows Rankings and Write-Ups
1. Nobunaga no Shinobi (7/10):
Before I start with the write-ups, let me start by saying that I think this season is the weakest season of the year. When the number one show is a fringe 7-8/10 and I look at most of the shows with a tinge of disappointment, then it ends up being that way. Having said that, this is my “Underrated Short of the Season”, and basically became my AOTS. Basically this show is a historical short about a girl shinobi (an assassin like person dude?) working for Oda Nobunaga, and shenanigans ensue. The character designs are very much cutesie, but that’s the type of stuff I like, so I feel it’s fine. The best aspect of the show is it’s humor: even though it’s only 4 minutes, it’s able to make me laugh every episode with its fast paced call-and-response humor. At times it goes really fast, but that’s usually the case with these short shorts.
Now the negatives. With a historical short, there’ll obviously be historical references, most of which went over my head. However, that’s not a huge problem as prior knowledge of the subject isn’t required to enjoy the content anyway: they explain all of the things that are happening, so it’s not confusing if you’re out of the loop. Overall this show earns a high 7/10, low 8/10: would recommend.
2. Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan (7/10):
Now I loved Saiki as much as the next guy, and it’s a really good show. It’s clever and funny in its execution: I never know what direction it’s going to go and it almost always ends up making me laugh. It’s characters are great too: Saiki is your standard snarky protagonist with all of the superpowers, and the countless side characters help to create wacky situations for each episode. The only problem I had (and I feel like I’m the only one with this problem) is that the second half of the show was way less funnier for me. Maybe it was the new characters they introduced, maybe it was that they switched to a weekly format instead of the 5-minute short every weekday, but something about this season’s version of Saiki fell a bit short for me. If the first half of the show was a 9/10 for me, the second half is probably a 6-7/10. Overall a fun short that I would recommend to all, especially since it’s so underwatched for how good it is.
P.S.: The good news is that this show is getting a second season in the future, which means more Saiki! I’m excited that this show is getting a second season, but like all shows I’m cautiously optimistic.
3. Haikyuu!! S3 (7/10):
Yep, I have this show rated this “low” (low depends on how much you like this show). Now, a 7/10 for me is still a good show, just that it has a few flaws here and there. And the flaw for this show starts with the opponent of the match, Shiratorizawa. They were not what everyone on the show hyped them up to be: the all-powerful team to me felt really underwhelming. The main man Ushijima didn’t feel as intimidating to me as characters like Oikawa or even the tall dude from Dateko when Karasuno first faced them. He had his moments, but looking back he was just there most of the time to me. Everybody else on the team was fine as well, but there’s that one spiky-haired dude who I hated, and that was Tendo. He reminded me a lot of Betelguese from Re:Zero, and that’s not a good thing. He felt really out of place in a show about high school sports, and though I understand he was supposed to be a sort of enemy to rally against, I just felt uncomfortable watching scenes with him in it.
Another problem I had with this show was the formatting: the season was entirely based on one match, which did get a bit tiring after a while. They did the best they could with it by spacing out the match with flashback scenes, but like Shokugeki’s second season with the Autumn Tournament, there weren’t really any fun slice-of-life moments this season, which made the show kinda drag on a bit.
Other than that, this season was the classic Haikyuu we all know and love. There were some great episodes, like episode 4 and the last episode, especially with the final rally. The rise of Tsukishima was a bright point, and made me love him when I originally hated his character during the first season. Overall a solid 7/10, and excited for the next season of this show (whenever it may arrive).
After this point, I was too lazy to put my notes into full sentences, so because I want to put this out ASAP, here they are in full rough-draft mode.
4. Flip Flappers (7/10):
- Didn’t know what I was watching the first 5 or so episodes: not good or bad, just a thing
- Episode 6 was one of the best episodes of anime I’ve seen in a while
- Nice that the symbolism isn’t the only thing needed to understand the show: if you don’t want it, then that’s okay
- Animation very on point: great during action scenes
- Sometimes episodes could be hit or miss depending on whether you like what they’re parodying (Mad Max and mecha parodies weren’t really my thing); still though, fun to watch
- Whole arc with Mimi was a bit boring compared to previous episodes
- An interesting experience, decent show
5. Hibike! Euphonium 2 (6/10):
- Not as good as first season, and I think the multiple arc thing was the main reason
- Show felt very detached the first few episodes, especially with main conflict/source of drama coming from secondary characters
- Got better later through the season
- Yuri undertones are still not my thing, decide already KyoAni whether there is or isn’t going to be romance (doesn’t even have to be main ship)
6. Yuri!!! on Ice (6/10):
- Overall decent show
- Didn’t really care for the coupling of Yuri and Victor, and not because gay couple
- There were some fanservice-y moments that I didn’t enjoy (Swiss dude)
- Animation-wise was lacking other than first episode, but can’t really blame them as ice-skating hard as hell to animate
- Ending was a bit eh, everything felt a bit rushed
- Was a bit stale in the middle/end with the format of short performances one episode and free skate the next
7. To Be Hero (6/10):
- A decently done short
- Funny toilet humor, and scenes that were pretty emotional as well; did a nice job of blending both types of scenes
- Plot-wise was a bit confusing for finale until Reddit post mentioned what it was
- Actually pretty good animation during the action scenes
8. Watashi ga Motete Dousunda (6/10):
- Great comedy during the first few episodes, fell apart when they introduced Nishima (can’t blame them for that though, would get stale otherwise)
- Actually hated Kae’s character design, and the others as well
- The whole brother thing was a bit weird
- Still had some stupidly cliche stuff like the boob grab and the fall on the heroine stuff that harem anime usually have
- Ending was something I didn’t really mind, nobody was going to get chosen anyway
- Overall it was okay
9. Sengoku Choujuu Giga (5/10):
- Getting “second season”, should be interesting
- Some episodes completely flew over my head (like the singing one), but overall is a decently done short
- Comedy is very much improvised, but I enjoy it
- Animation very average
- Historical references once again sail over my head, only this time it is somewhat important to the show. Still entertaining nevertheless
10. Stella no Mahou (4/10):
- Good first half, horrible second half
- When it was just Honda and the three, it was mildly entertaining CGDCT
- Then they introduce new character to the club, and I HATE her
- My pet peeve of not believing someone when telling truth: annoys me so much
- Not to mention some questionable scenes, like Tamaki strip or the whole baby-making thing
- Overall a meh show
11. Nyanbo! (4/10):
- A two cour short that isn’t finished
- Yes, it’s made for kids, but still pretty bad
- Animation style is actually really nice, only good part of show along with opening song
- Female characters only exist to love the MC
- Other characters fit cliches to a T
- Somewhat dreading the second half of the show
12. Kiitarou Shounen no Youkai Enikki (3/10):
- Pretty dang cliche short
- Characters so bad, the only reason this show is bad to me
- Had some moments, but JPP hand joke (can count them on a mangled hand)
13. Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! (2/10):
- Kept the lewd of the first season but left out all of the nice heartwarming moments with main couple
- Painful to watch, with every girl being either tsundere or airheaded, and Ui just looking on
- Went the harem route, which went about as well as you would expect
- Seriously though, only remember half an episode when main couple were doing romantic things; pretty bad
- Somewhat understandable as apparently manga at this time was going through changes (different magazine, guidelines, etc.), but still seems like they could skip to good part...
- Bad sequel to an okay show.
And that’s all for this week! Thanks for reading: sorry about the crude notes for most of them: I wanted to put this out as soon as possible. Overall, a pretty meh season, but had its moments.
Well anyway, thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in the next post which looks to either be the new TWiA post or the 2016 Awards post! See you then!
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