#i realize now i forgot to post this so have it now
Up Until You | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Summary: In which Tommy Shelby realizes that he might just have someone he wants to live for.
Warnings: smoking, slight season 2 spoilers
Word Count: 3698
A/N: boy does it feel good to post a story again! I hope there won’t be as big a gap between this and my next one … I promise I’m getting these requests written! Anon, I hope this is as angsty as you were hoping….the prompt you sent is bolded. Enjoy! :)
A/N 2: I almost forgot! I wanted to give a shoutout to the lovely Mars @toms-cherry-trees for helping me so much in the planning process of this fic…I don’t think it would have gotten finished if it weren’t for you!
Comment/Message Me if you’d like to be tagged!
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(Y/N) sent Ada Shelby a look that asked 'where is he?' the second the latter opened the door. Ada answered with a head nod to the left, which conveyed the answer of 'he's in there'. A glance over the Shelby woman's shoulder confirmed it - Tommy was sitting at the table in the front room. His back was to the door, so he hadn't noticed that she arrived...yet.
She sent Ada an appreciative smile before she quietly walked into the room, hoping that Tommy wouldn't hear her footsteps. He seemed to be too engrossed in his writing for that to happen though. She stood there for a few moments, carefully peering over his shoulder as he finished the sentence he was writing.
He paused then, and it gave (Y/N) the ability to read the sentence he'd just written:
In the event of my own death, I want the following facts to be known...
Reading those words made her mind go blank. "You're actually going through with it?" she asked without thinking.
The sudden sound of someone's voice made Tommy quickly turn in his chair. He was already on edge with the day's events taking up his mind, so this unexpected visitor had caught him completely off guard. It took a few moments for it to register that (Y/N) was standing in front of him. When it did, he cursed under his breath before letting out a huff.
"When'd you get here, eh?" he asked, his eyebrows raised as he placed his hands on his thighs.
"Just now. I couldn't find you at home. The guys hadn't left for the derby though, so I figured you'd be here," she explained her reasoning. "You don't have to go through with this, Tommy," she then circled back, not letting him switch topics.
"I have to," his response cut right to the point. He didn't have time to get into a discussion about it.
"What about the other options you've shared with me? The options that don't include you having to come face to face with this man in order to get the job done," she reminded him of the talks they've had in the past, hoping that doing so would get him to change his mind.
"There's no time for those other options, (Y/N). The derby's today. The plan's been laid out," he wasn't biting.
Silence hung in the air as they stared at each other. (Y/N) was hoping that he'd change his mind. She waited on bated breath, waiting for him to announce that to her. But he stayed silent.
She couldn't wait any longer. "So that's it then?" she asked, incredulousness present in her voice. The fact that he wasn't even trying to entertain a conversation about this was breaking her heart. "You're just going to write your note and practically seal your death with it? And what'll that mean for me?" she was unable to stop herself from getting choked up as she uttered her final question. She didn't want to think about her life without him, but it was staring her dead in the face at the moment.
"The note's just precautionary, love," he attempted to assure her. Her expression didn't change, her brow was now furrowed and it was noticeable that she was biting on her bottom lip; most likely to stop her tears. Tommy finally stood then, coming face to face with her in hopes that his proximity would wash some of her worry away. "I'll be fine," he added in a low voice, blindly searching for her hands so that he could hold them.
"You can't promise that," she responded, her voice coming out as a shaky whisper. It was taking everything she had not to burst out into tears in this moment. She'd always associated his closeness with safety...whenever Tommy was close, (Y/N) knew she could never get hurt. But now his closeness was making her hurt even more.
"It'll be fine," he repeated, squeezing her hands.
"It's really been decided?" she still couldn't accept it.
"It has," he nodded.
(Y/N) sighed at his confirmation. Her gaze dropped to the floor as she pulled her hands from his grasp. She then wrapped her arms tightly around her frame as she turned and took a few steps towards the windows.
"(Y/N)." Her name left Tommy's lips as a breath. He knew he was fighting a losing battle here. "Come on, love. Look at me," he gently coaxed her. She stood still. "It'll be fine," he tried once more to assure her.
That set her off. She whipped around within a second of hearing his statement. There was now a fire burning in her watery eyes. "Do not say those three words again," she snapped at him, "do not continue to try and reassure me with things that you cannot guarantee will happen. You know how dangerous this plan is, Thomas. Please don't try and act like It isn't. You wouldn't be sat here writing a note for someone to find in the event of your death if you didn't think that there was a possibility of it happening," she spoke her mind, letting her emotions go free as all of the pent up worry flowed out.
"(Y/N)," he spoke her name again, in a different tone this time. He didn't need this lecture. Not right now. "This is what needs to be done," he continued in a low voice, staying stoic in hopes that it would alleviate the situation quicker.
But (Y/N) no longer cared about what he did or didn't need at that moment, and if anything, his statement just made her even more upset.
"It doesn't need to be done like this," she insisted, "you don't need to sign your life away for a contract...for a man who doesn't give a single care about the stakes that have been raised here so long as he isn't the one carrying out the deed. Any other person would be trying to find a way to take themselves out of the equation but you've decided to put yourself in the driver's seat."
(Y/N) felt like she was talking in circles. Hell, she probably was, but she was doing so in hopes that something would be set off inside of him. She wanted him to realize that there was still time to think up another plan; one that didn't include him being placed in harm's way.
"What is it that you want from all of this?" he asked her, his brows furrowed together.
"You, Tommy!" she exclaimed, her frustration shining clear through her words. "I want you to fight! I want you to realize that things don't need to play out this way; that you can still put another plan into play!" she paused, taking a deep breath as she swiped at the tears that had escaped her eyes. "I want you to come home when all of this is finished," her voice was level again as she spoke the final sentence. Her eyes were locked onto his, hoping that he'd realize how much this was affecting her.
Their eyes stayed locked and a few moments passed before Tommy looked down at the ground. He exhaled a sigh as he brought his hand up to the back of his neck. "It's already done," he said, his voice void of any tone.
"Then I guess I'm done," the words left (Y/N)'s mouth before she could stop them. She didn't take them back though. She was tired of fighting in a one-sided fight. It was so obvious that Tommy had his mind made up. Nothing was going to change it at this point. But yet she still held onto that sliver of hope. She hoped that her showing up today and speaking her piece would get him to change his mind.
"(Y/N)..." Tommy looked up again as her name fell from his lips, shock now present in his expression.
"I can't be here a moment longer. I can't stand in front of a man who is acting as if he's already dead. I need to leave."
Her words were spoken softly, but Tommy heard them loud and clear. He said nothing as she moved to the archway, expecting her to leave without another word. To his surprise, she turned around just before she was about to exit the room.
"I didn't believe that love existed until you came along, Tommy. But you showed me how wrong I was for thinking that way; for thinking that I'd never experience something like that. And now you've just decided not only your future, but mine as well. I can't stay here and watch it play out. I'm not sure if I'll be home when you return. I just..." (Y/N) stopped speaking as the words got caught in her throat. She let out a shaky breath, tears welling up in her eyes once more.
All words escaped her at that moment, and she shook her head instead, deciding that finishing her declaration would be a lost cause anyway. She couldn't even bear to look at him again, too afraid that she'd actually break down. So instead she turned and made her way to the door of the home, opening it and leaving without looking back.
The sun was now shining down on her. It was an absolutely lovely day in London, but yet she was having one of the worst in her life. She decided to go for a walk, revisiting the streets that still felt like home even though she'd made the move to Birmingham several months ago.
(Y/N) knew Ada Shelby before she knew Tommy. She'd met her when Ada had moved into the next door apartment with her adorable son, Karl. The two women quickly became friends, spending a lot of time together right up until the day Ada had been found and hurt for being a Shelby.
Contact stopped briefly as Ada had moved out of the apartment, but things continued like nothing had even happened when Ada sent (Y/N) a letter that contained her new address. The two frequently spent time together in the front room of the lovely new home, sipping tea and talking about the day's events in front of the fire.
Ada's house was where (Y/N) first met Tommy. Surprise riddled their first encounter. Ada had stepped away to tend to Karl when Tommy came knocking on the door. (Y/N), being the friend that she was, didn't hesitate in opening it. The sight she was greeted with took her breath away. Thankfully Ada had returned from Karl's room, or who knows how long the two would have been standing in the doorway, staring at each other. She even joked about the fact that they couldn't seem to keep their eyes off of each other. Of course it didn't help that Tommy had forgotten what it was he was even there for for the first few minutes of his visit.
That wasn't the last time (Y/N) saw Tommy. The two became very close very quickly. It was like they had known each other forever; like there was this pull present between them that neither could ignore. Things also got serious pretty quickly. So serious that (Y/N) was packing up her things and leaving her London apartment for Small Heath after only six months of knowing Tommy.
Some might think it was crazy; that things were moving much too fast. But (Y/N) had never felt so sure of doing something in her life.
Which made what was happening now hurt so much more. But she needed to keep walking. She'd done the right thing.
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Tommy placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it with a match before taking a deep drag from it and exhaling slowly. The sealed letter sat on the table in front of him. He stared at it for a few moments before pressing the thumb and index fingers of his free hand against his eyelids, hoping it would alleviate some of the pressure he'd been feeling.
"I made you up some tea," Ada's voice broke through the silence, and the sound of glass being set on the table he was working at made Tommy lift his head again.
He nodded as a thank you before bringing the cigarette back up to his lips again. He then stamped it out in the ashtray while exhaling the smoke slowly.
"I heard everything that was said, you know," she said then, moving over to one of the chairs so that she could sit. "What were you thinking, Tommy?" she asked with raised eyebrows, her eyes zeroed in on her brother.
Tommy sighed, rolling his eyes as he looked off to the far wall. He didn't need anymore of this right now.
"She was my friend first. She was the only person who cared about me when I moved here. She helped me through a lot. I'm not going to let you ruin her for your stupid ambitions," Ada had no problem speaking her mind and letting him know how wrong he was for responding to (Y/N) the way he did.
Tommy pulled the timepiece from his pocket and checked it before letting out a sigh and returning it back to its place. "I need to leave," he told Ada before lifting the cup and downing the beverage in one go. In hindsight he was thankful that it wasn’t scorching hot. "Thanks for the tea," he said to her as he set the empty cup back down.
Nothing more was said as Tommy stood from the chair he was sitting on. He looked to Ada as he pulled the jacket he'd been wearing back on over his shoulders. She was glaring at him, hoping that he'd have something - anything - more to add to the conversation.
It became apparent that he didn't when he started for the archway. So Ada left him with one last statement: "please don't let her go, Tommy. We all need her." There was a quiet desperation now present in her eyes, one Tommy wasn't sure what to say in response to.
So he nodded and turned to exit the home, heading right to the car he parked a few streets down.
Truthfully what he wanted to do right now was head back to Birmingham and stop (Y/N) from leaving, to tell her that she was more important than any plan he could ever put into place. He knew she was justified in saying everything that she had.
But it was too late to do that now. Tommy knew that there'd be men searching for him by the end of the day if he stepped away from the plan this late into it. At least now he had some sort of control over the outcome of his life. And he was going to try like hell to stay alive...because now he had someone to stay alive for.
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The house on Watery Lane was quiet when Tommy stepped into it later that evening. The fire in the main room was still lit, but he couldn't quite remember if they'd put enough wood on to keep it going prior to leaving that morning. So judging (Y/N)'s presence based on that could have surely given false hope.
He took his overcoat off and hung it on one of the hooks by the door. The suit jacket followed after, and he draped that over one of the chairs in the sitting room as he walked through it.
No one was downstairs, but he hadn't expected anyone to be at this time of night.
He quietly walked up the steps and down the hall to the bedroom that he and (Y/N) shared. He paused at the closed door, taking a moment both to steady himself; to regroup from the day's events, and to prepare himself for the possibility that he may be opening the door to an empty room.
After inhaling and exhaling deeply, he turned the knob and opened the door. The first thing he noticed was the lit candle on the bedside table. Seeing it made all of his worries dissipate. (Y/N) had a habit of lighting them and then falling asleep.
Looking slightly to the right, he found the woman that hadn't left his mind since she left him in Ada's sitting room. She was laying on her side, facing the wall, telling him that she was sleeping.
Slowly, quietly he began ridding himself of his outer layers. It wasn't until he moved over to the dresser that he noticed the bags sitting on the floor. They were packed. It was easy to see that, even in the candlelight. He looked back to (Y/N) then, putting the pieces together in his mind. She was going to leave...but something made her stay.
Now only wearing his undergarments, he made his way over to the bed. Hesitation overcame him again. Should he lay with her? Should he go back downstairs? She was in her spot, tucked up against the wall so that enough room was present for him on the small bed they shared.
A few moments passed before he made his decision, lifting the covers and slowly slipping underneath them. He laid on his back for a short time before turning onto his side so that he was facing her sleeping frame. Another bout of hesitation filled him, but he didn't let it stick for too long as he gently draped his arm over her midsection.
That was when (Y/N) let out the shaky breath she'd been holding in from the moment she heard the door open. She was awake the entire time.
"Are you still awake, love?" Tommy asked in a whisper.
"Yes," she breathed out, her voice wavering.
"You've been crying," he pointed out, able to read her like an open book.
"I didn't know if I'd see you again," she answered him, choking up as she spoke.
"I'm here," he assured her, his arm wrapping tighter around her body.
(Y/N) didn't say anything in response. Instead tears fell from her eyes as she held her breath, trying not to make it noticeable that she was crying. But Tommy was able to feel how her body was shaking.
"Turn and look at me," he said quietly, a soft demand that took her a few moments to comply with. Her tear-stained face became visible in the candlelight when she did, and seeing it broke Tommy's heart. "C'mere," he breathed, allowing her to move even closer to him so that he could engulf her in his embrace.
"No one knew where you were, Tommy," she whispered once she was finally able to get words out again. "I thought..." she paused, not even wanting to say what she was thinking, "I thought the worst."
"I'm sorry you had to think that way, darlin'," he murmured, stroking the back of her head slowly. He held her close until her body stopped shaking, giving her the time she needed. He didn't speak until she lifted her head from the crook of his neck. "Better?" he asked in a whisper, peering down to see that her eyes were still closed.
"Slightly," she breathed out a response. "I'm relieved that you're home. Is..." she paused, seeming like she was looking for the words to say next, "is it finished?"
"It's finished," he answered in a definitive tone, nodding his head as best he could.
(Y/N) let out a shaky breath upon hearing his response, feeling as if the rest of the weight had lifted from her chest. She slowly opened her eyes and looked right into his. "I was going to leave," she started, watching Tommy's brows furrow together in the candlelight, "but I realized that this is part of the life I chose with you. That this is the type of work you carry out, and that I can either fight you on it or support you the best that I could. I also realized that my desire to be with you is so much greater than the worry that your work creates." Her eyes didn't stray from his as she spoke. Watching his hardened blue irises soften as he took in her words was enough to fill her heart to the brim with love.
Tommy took a moment to soak in her words. He moved his hand from behind her head so that he could gently trace the line of her jaw with his thumb. Taking in a deep breath, he knew what he had to do. Searching her eyes for a few seconds longer, he thought of the words he wanted to say.
"I thought I could lose everything and be totally fine with it," he began, clearing his throat in hopes that she wouldn't notice the fact that his voice was breaking. She noticed. "But then you came along...and now I see how wrong I was."
"Tommy," she breathed, taken back by his admission.
"I had nothing to live for up until you, (Y/N)," he admitted, not holding anything back now, "and I promise you now that things will change... that there’ll be no more of these plans. I don't want to have the possibility of an outcome that doesn't include you in it."
(Y/N)'s mind was swirling. It had been a rollercoaster of a day, she still couldn't quite believe the change of events that had happened. But she was so very thankful that things had ended up with Tommy by her side again.
"I love you, Tommy," she whispered, a smile tugging the corners of her lips upwards.
"I love you, (Y/N)," he repeated the phrase, his expression mirroring hers as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers in a passionate kiss.
Now that he had her again, he knew that he could never let her go. What he'd told Michael earlier in the evening would soon be true: he was going to ask (Y/N) to marry him.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21
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arcanesea · 2 days
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PAIRING: yoon jeonghan x reader GENRE: fluff WC: 399 WARNINGS: none
It's unfair how Jeonghan has such beautiful hair that you can't help but run your hands on the delicate locks every second of the day.
Like tonight, he just came back from work, eyes heavy as he finds you resting comfortably on the couch. Without words, his body gravitates towards you. Head falls to your lap as he lets out a big sigh.
"I'm resigning tomorrow," he stated. You chuckled softly, attention shifted completely to Jeonghan. Your finger cards gently through the tangled locks, earning a hum from the owner. "Maybe the day after tomorrow, if you keep doing this."
He stayed there for a couple of minutes, relieving any stress he had from work. Your fingers graced over his scalp every now and then, releasing the pent-up tension. He loves it, loves how you’re doing it so effortlessly. Loves how it comforts him after a headache-inducing day. Loves how it's you.
In contrast to Jeonghan's hair which never seems to stay short, yours has never reached below your shoulder. You like it short, neat, and easier to style. And you're lucky that your genes aren't as exaggerated as his in terms of growing hair.
"Can I do your hair after bath?" you ask when Jeonghan sits up a few minutes later. It was the most genuine request you had ever asked from him, and he would be lying if he said he was not excited. So he nodded sincerely, eyes glimmering with love.
If he's eager, he tries his best to not show it. But he took an impossibly quick shower, surprising you who's in the process of picking up some stuff. He walks in front of you, sitting on the floor with his back pressed to the couch. You took your place on the couch, gaining a better view of his crown.
Your hands do their work delicately, comfortable silence fills the room as Jeonghan slowly falls asleep. Braiding hair never feels as rewarding, but it’s him and you just love the look of it. Admiring your own work, you realize Jeonghan's head lulled forward. A smile planted on your lips as his breath became even. You stood up from the couch, softly fixing his position.
"I love you" You press a soft kiss to his cheek, earning a soft hum from him before resting your head on his shoulder. You can use a little shut-eye now.
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a/n. i posted this last night while having a massive headache that I forgot to format this properly ((soz.))
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pinkdaisies9285 · 3 days
Shiny Rings and Forgotten Means
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Bob x Reader
Summary: Waking up next your handsome boss wasn't on your list of things to do on a Las Vegas business trip. Waking up with a shiny, new ring wasn't either.
Warnings: Fluff, Vegas Wedding trope, CEO!au, kinda of Implied Smut
Word Count: 983
Author's Note: Here's my story for @bobgasm 's Au Writing Challenge! I almost forgot to post it so, I hope you enjoy it!
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Waking up next to your boss wasn’t on your bucket list, especially when you don’t remember the night before. Everything was very blurry and only spurts of memories came back. Trying to remember more, made your headache even worse. The pulse behind your eyes was making itself very present. Reaching the nightstand quietly, you see a little glimmer reflecting off your hand. Looking closer, you see a stunning ring nestled on your ring finger. Forgetting about trying to find your phone, you completely focus on the piece of metal encompassing your finger. How did you get there? Why is it there? More importantly, who did you marry? The groan behind you gave you a queue of who this mystery husband was. Turning around, all thoughts flew out of your mind. The man who married you was none other than Robert Floyd, your boss.
The man in question had rolled over to lay on his back which allowed the sunlight from the windows of the room to wake him up. Squinting his eyes open, his vision focused on you. His eyes widened along with yours. Both of you seemed stunned by the situation at hand.
“May I ask why you’re in my bed, Dove?” he asked with a raspy voice.
Dove, the nickname he gave after working for him for a year. It came from you one morning humming a random melody while getting work done. When he heard your little melody, he jokingly called you a morning dove. So it spurred the nickname Dove, which is what he only calls you now.
“That I do not know Mr. Floyd, but could you explain this?” you replied holding up your left hand to show the glittering ring. You wanted answers to why you had what looked like a wedding band on your hand.
Robert grabbed your hand looking down at the pretty diamond ring with surprise and confusion. What made you more anxious was when you spotted a ring sitting on his left ring finger. He seemed to realize that as well when he had cradled your left hand in both of his.
“Dove, did we do something last night?” he questioned slowly. Looking up at you, he realized that you were trying not to throw up. You looked nauseous and panicked. This was true for the most part.
While you had always had a small crush on the handsome young CEO, you knew the boundaries of a personal assistant. Don’t flirt with him and don’t try to date him. These two mental rules you had been set in place very early in your career with Robert. Yet, by the time you had been working for him, you were completely enamored. He was kind, willing to work with you, and gave you a nickname that made you flustered still to this day. Now if you were connecting the dots correctly, you were married to him? Married to the man who haunted your dreams with fleeting touches and soft words. Married to the man who has been your boss for almost six years.
“I have zero idea, Mr. Floyd. All I know is that we had secured the deal with Mr. Robinson and decided to celebrate. After that, I can’t remember anything else,” you replied. Quickly getting up, you decided to see if anything in the room would give you more hints.
Scanning the area, you see a piece of paper sitting at the desk. It was hidden under a quickly thrown notebook. You inch closer to it, hoping it would be the key to your and your boss’s answers. The document had an official-looking seal on the bottom right corner and in the middle had both your signatures. In a pretty cursive said Certificate of Marriage with the officiant’s signature underneath it. You truly had done it somehow, you married your boss without any memory of how you did it.
Robert had made his way over to where you had been standing frozen looking at the pretty piece of paper. Looking over at what you were staring at, he found the answer to all the questions running around his head. He was married to you. He married you, his gorgeous assistant. The one that haunts his dreams all the time. His assistant whom he told himself he would never fall for. He didn’t know if this was a divine stroke of luck or a sick cruel joke. How would things go now made him feel unsure
Should he immediately call his lawyer to file divorce papers? Or does he continue to float in this hoax of a marriage? His heart is yearning for the latter but his mind wants to immediately make sure you’re comfortable with what’s happening first before his feelings. So, he decides to break the tension stewing in the air for ten minutes.
“What would you like to do, Dove?” he softly asked. He didn’t want to scare you away with the prospect that he liked this.
You turned and looked at him for the first time since waking up. What do you do? Tell him that you’re okay with how things have panned out? Tell him you would divorce him as soon as he said he didn’t want this because you wanted him to be happy? You felt sick to your stomach like you just got off a roller coaster after eating a whole funnel cake. God, what do you do? Your brain and heart were at war with this decision. Live in this fantasy or break your heart by doing the right thing.
“I don’t know, Bobby,” you mumbled. Widening your eyes, you realized what you called him, Bobby. Looking over at him, you saw that he was smirking.
“Well, I do Dove,” he replied.
“What’s that?” you asked tilting your head to the side.
“Start our Honeymoon,” Bobby said still smirking.
You definitely were in for a ride.
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Divider Credit: @cafekitsune
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rosie-writings · 1 day
Something In the Way You Lay
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Summary: Vessel agrees to do an interview making you panic, but you realize it’s not an interview but an announcement, a tribute.
Warnings: Vessel x Reader smut, Oral sex, Unprotected sex, overall heart wrenching fluff…
Words: 5.3k
No Y/N Use
Title is from ‘Jericho’ by Sleep Token
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When Vessel was asked to do that interview, a part of me froze to the floor in shock that he agreed.
It was backstage after a show, and I was in the middle of the chaos between celebrating, post show rituals, and crew clean up. It was always get to venue, work with venue, go to the next venue that I forgot to catch my breath in between. IV was the one who told me when Vessel spoke to their manager and a manager from the venue who brought a man who worked at the radio station around the corner. It sounded crazy and on a whim, but there was no other way I would expect any of them to accept an interview.
“I’m sorry, what now?” Was the only way I could reply to IV’s foreign words. He huffed a laugh as the facemask and jacket hit the sofa behind him. He brushed a hand through dripping sweaty hair.
”You heard me, so hurry and get shit together.” He tried to walk past me but I stood in front of him.
”An interview? You guys are taking an interview right now?”
”Yeah,” he said. “Just Vessel and II actually, but this morning Vessel got a message from the radio statio sponsoring the venue, and we were asked to do two acoustic songs and maybe an interview in between and he said yes after sending an outline of what we are willing to talk about.”
”Jesus Christ,” I gasped and his arm moved past me.
”So let’s hurry because showers and packing are a must.” My eyes darted around the room. Backstage crew already started the dirty work of cleaning his dressing room so I spun on my heel to apologize to the venue’s backstage crew.
”Oh my god!” I gasped as I rounded the corner and collided into someone. “I’m so sorry.”
”You’re so good,” he laughed.
“I was actually looking for you,” I said and he paused. He was the backstage crew team leader.
”What’s up?”
”The band just now accepted an interview at the radio station and they are busting their ass trying to get over there. I’m really sorry but I gotta get their shit and take care of them. I usually clean the venue and help your team but I just fucking can’t—“
”No prob, I totally understand.”
“Okay good,” I sighed as I continued on past him. My heart pounded in my throat. “Thanks so much.” He waved me on as he collected his team.
Of course the first room I broke into was Vessel’s.
There he was back to the door with another crew member with him. He spun around hastily with his eyes wide and wandering. They softened as they landed on me.
”What?” I simply asked as I closed the door and walked up to him.
”Yes,” he quickly said. “It’s fine.”
”Are you sure it’s fine? Ivy talked about an outline, did you actually—“
”Yes,” he repeated as he whirled around and grabbed a paper from the desk. The fluorescent bulbs around it etched our shadows into the white walls on the other side of us. “Here. Make whatever changes you think are necessary. I already sent it to them, but we can give them a new physical—”
”Vessel,” I said quietly and he stopped. He looked at the crew member and they started for the door. I took a deep breath.
Alone now, he took a step closer.
”I’m really sorry we’ve been moving so fast I hardly have seen you.”
”That-That’s fine, we can talk about that later. Right now I’m wondering what the hell you’re thinking about saying in that—“
My voice died in my throat when he held my face with both of his hands.
”For such a pretty face it sure is twisted up with stress and anger a lot. Maybe chill out for a moment.”
I sighed impatiently before he kissed me. Maybe it numbed the ringing thoughts that pestered my mind, but it took my whine for him to pull away. I pushed him off me.
”No really though, what are you going to say?”
”You really think we have done anything not calculated? I didn’t mean to leave you out of this, I had known about the station’s interest, and we had already decided we’d do an acoustic like three or four days ago. Hey now, I know I’m sorry don’t be upset,” he soothed me as my eyebrows rose and cold air filled my lungs. “It was kind of spur of the moment, but at the same time we’ve been considering it for a while, honestly ever since this album dropped.”
”Why didn’t you say anything?”
”To be fair, it’s only one interview where we put harsh parameters the host must follow.”
”Maybe,” I sighed. “I’d like to be more in the loop of things.”
”I know,” he sighed this time. “And I’m sorry about that. We keep being pulled in different directions with work.” I held him tightly as his arms came around me.
“How the hell did you shower so fast?” He burst out laughing and pushed me away. “I just realized you already washed the paint off.”
”Yeah, I knew we were in a rush so I went straight to the showers. We gotta go now though,” he said as he turned back around and got his things in order.
”Ves?” A voice on the other side of the door grabbed our attention followed by a couple knocks.
”Yeah?” He asked and the door slowly opened.
”Oh hey,” III greeted me when his eyes landed on mine first. “Crew’s good to go.”
”Shit, already?” He asked. A few crew members rushed in from III’s side.
”Yeah so let’s go. The car’s out back and Ivy’s already waiting.”
”Alright,” he sighed. He yanked on a black hoodie, grabbed his sunglasses, a black face mask, and shoved paperwork, his laptop, and personal belongings back into his backpack before he followed me out of the room.
”Ves,” I whispered as I allowed more space between us and III.
”What?” He asked as his hands met my waist so he wouldn’t run into me.
”I could just go back to the hotel room, I don’t have to—“
”No, you’re coming.”
”Okay,” I simply said. I was not the one to argue with Vessel in the middle of a rushed group of people trying to get from one venue to another.
As we emerged from the backstage, another SUV pulled up and I looked to my right to see the first already leaving. Vessel and I got in just as II rushed through the backstage door as well. He hopped in the passenger front seat.
”The interview is literally only ten minutes,” Vessel started I watched as he looked up from his phone. “We don’t have time for much more if we want to sleep.”
”What will you even say in ten minutes?” II looked at me with a smirk that skipped my heart. What did they have planned? “Ves, what’s—“
”Did you not read the paper I showed you?” I shook my head.
”Uh no, I had an entire sixteen seconds to look at it before we hauled ass out of there.” II burst out laughing.
”It’s all planned. It’s just a message we’re sending out.”
A message.
I didn’t push them for anymore.
When should I ever have doubted them? Vessel gave me a dark all knowing look, and I wondered if this was all part of their show, why did they need me? More so, why did Vessel need me?
This was all his story anyway.
In the radio station, II led Vessel into the recording room with a guitar in hand, and I was surprised that II was the one playing and not IV or at least Vessel. But when I peered through the glass door, I watched the way their eyes met, and I remembered once again how this all started in the first place.
The last thing I anticipated was Vessel and II whipping out Jericho acoustic in the middle of an on air radio station at 11:45pm but here we were.
“Until I wake I dine on old encounters, you taste like new flesh.”
As Vessel sang, my eyes were totally transfixed just as they always were when that man opened his mouth. It wasn’t often that I got to watch II play guitar for him; he used to before they pulled an entire band together.
“Something in the way you lay, enough to make the dead switch graves.”
A round of chills itched my skin as I watched Vessel’s body move with his voice. What the hell were they doing and why the hell did they start with this song? This was old, before Vessel and I were together old, and that says a lot.
I knew what this song meant to him, and I knew its place in his story. It was the start of something different and new after he put to rest his life before.
And when II started fingerpicking the melody of Euclid, I almost wanted to cry. It was a beginning, it was an end. Or was Euclid an end? Maybe it was a corridor?
“Just run it back, give me five whole minutes I am thick tar on the inside burning…”
I couldn’t get over his voice, the way he moved as he sang. The deepest part of himself was exposed if only for a moment, and I was proud that the world got to see that of him. I got the rest.
“Call me when you have the time I just need to leave this part of me behind. Do you remember me?”
I concealed a gasp as I thought about it. The transformation—the ascension and inability to move on after learning a deeper knowledge—he can’t go back but if he wants to move on he has to recognize that it changed him. Now he asks if he’s still recognizable through this change.
“For me it’s still the autumn leaves, these ancient canopies, that we used to lay beneath…”
He’s known by her because of the setting they are in, wherever they are. I wrestled with the idea of this being him versus himself or if he had actually moved away, but it sounded to me that he was the only one who had changed because she had always been the same and she had always been there for him at the same time, every time.
“By now the night belongs to you, this bough has broken through. I must be someone new…”
What was the interview about? Why would Vessel crank these two songs out back to back before uttering a word?
“In turning divine, we tangle endlessly. Like lovers entwined I know for the last time. You will not be mine so give me the night…”
My lips parted in anticipation when II put down the guitar and the host and crew clapped. But Vessel grabbed the mic and brought it closer to his facemask as the host spoke.
With a fullness in his chest, Vessel completely interrupted the host’s first question.
“Light is what brought me closer to death. It’s not death itself that swallows whole, but the light that comes from it. Darkness is soothing after being burned, and when I allowed it to finally cover me, it made me new. I faced this light until it scoured me thoroughly, and I wasn’t sure I could ever feel whole again but I fought and fought through this anger and it promised something on the other end. I had known a kind of peace until this chemical found me, and I had never seen light again after I fought it. But it took me out of all I knew; a naive place that tortured me none the wiser. Now, through ascending into this darkness, I found a different peace, one that I was sure no one thought was possible.
“Though I found that there is a god who has made peace known, and even though I have stood face to face with her inside of myself, I have found that there’s still something beyond. Something inside of the looming dark that follows us even when we don’t know. It’s not the antithesis of who this god is, however, I have found that it not only lives not as an opposite, but a mirror of who this god could be. A shadow that this god created, and she has called it good.”
When Vessel pushed the microphone away, chills cascaded down my arms, and when they both stood up, I held my breath so my stomach could settle.
I didn’t wait to hear what the stunned radio host had to say as Vessel and II left the recording room, and I didn’t ask them what was going on when they passed me and b-lined for the backdoor from where we came. When we hopped into the SUV again, it sounded like Vessel took a breath.
And I was certain that it was the recycled air I once had because the tension in my chest nearly suffocated me.
”That was good, man,” II’s light cherry voice said as he reached a hand back.
”Thanks, man,” Vessel said casually and clapped his hand once. My throat burned and I laughed to break my tension.
”Jesus Christ.”
The closing of the hotel door was what welcomed the ringing back into my ears. Vessel passed me and dropped his bag to the floor. I slowly did the same as him. His voice in the interview and that light in his eyes; he was all consuming when those words flow through him. I watched as he pulled the facemask and glasses off, and I wasn’t able to think about anything else other than that interview.
Never in a lifetime would I assume Vessel would agree to an interview live on air, but there we were but four minutes post show.
“Hey,” he breathed. “Are you okay?”
”I think I’m very tired.” He nodded.
”Me too.”
“The next album will be so badass, won’t it?” And he broke a wide smile.
”If you let it be.” Of course I nodded, and he walked towards me.
”Won’t you show it to me already?” My voice was almost a whine as his hands traveled up my sides.
“You’ve looked in the mirror thousands of times already,” he sighed as he kissed my face and dropped his lips down my neck. I hummed as I tipped my head to the side to give him room.
“You’re an idiot.” I gasped when his teeth stung my skin. “But no really,” I gasped before a frustrated sound punched from me. He fully ignored me and devoured my skin leaving cool trails of chills in his wave. “I need to know. I need to hear it; it’s not fair that I don't get to hear it before the world—oh god.” He lifted me up by the backs of my thighs and laid me down on the bed.
”Vessel,” I whined his name but he didn’t give me an answer. He tried to distract me with his mouth, his hands, his body but of course it didn’t work. “At least tell me something.”
”Did you listen to what I said in the interview?” The knot in my throat bobbed and I nodded quickly.
”How can I ever not listen to what you have to say?” He sighed as that familiar endearing gaze looked down at me. He pushed the hair from my face.
”The entire point of the albums is how I learned to trust myself and find peace in myself after not being able to, you do know that right?” I nodded again. “And so if you listened to what I said at that interview—“
”You have a weird way of doing interviews.” He broke a smile but continued on.
”Then I wanted to ask you if you know what your name meant?” My heart skipped.
I knew what it meant, but when did he take the time to find out? Of course he did; at this point I had to assume that this man knew everything intricate because there was no detail he missed.
”What does it mean?” His voice playfully rose. I swallowed hard as his mouth etched down my throat again. I had to slam my eyes closed because the room dizzied around us. My hand found his hair as he pulled my shirt up and gave my stomach the same attention.
”It means,” I choked when his eyes flashed up at me evilly; his fingers traced the underside of the top of my pants. “It means belonging to the dark.”
“That’s right.” The sweet smoothness of his voice hit my skin and another wave of chills flooded the area locally. The zip of my pants. “So if you put two and two together…” A flush heated my face and I covered my eyes with the back of my arm. I couldn’t hold back a moan when my pants came off of me and pulled my underwear down with them.
“You’re insane,” I hummed. It was the only semblance of a sentence I could muster. He broke a laugh and held my hip with one hand; his thumb pushed into my skin and stroked the area that would probably soon be flushed red with irritation and friction. “Oh shit—“ My nails dug into his scalp when he sucked harsh bruises in between my thighs. He was so close but so far and everywhere all at once except the exact place I needed most. “You're just so-so obsessed with me, aren't you?”
”You know I’m obsessed with everything and everyone I love, and you I love the most.”
“Then hurry, why do you always keep me waiting.”
”Because I’m just really not kind and love to watch you beg for me and need me the way I need you.” Heat encapsulated my heart, and I pulled on him until he followed my touch and crawled eye level to me.
”I don’t think there’s a moment where I don’t need you.”
”Maybe I just enjoy watching you show it like this.”
”Maybe it just taps your ego when I’m begging for you.” His head tossed side to side in contemplation as a smirk drew on his dark lips.
”Maybe, maybe not—“ I pulled him into a kiss before he could waste anymore time and words. This time he moaned into my mouth when I pulled on his hair and touched down the front of his clothes.
When my hand reached the top of his sweatpants, he pushed his hips into it and I smiled through the kiss.
”And now you’re teasing me for wanting you back?” He gasped as he caught his breath. “You can’t blame me, it’s been a couple weeks now.”
“And whose fault is that?” He shook his head and dropped the playful demeanor.
When he shoved me into the pillows until I sank no more, I knew we were done with the teasing and prodding. Especially when he was the one who haphazardly pulled at his pants until they were on the floor. I was the one who snaked my hands up the front of his hoodie and remembered every inch of his skin before I, too, yanked an article of clothing off.
He moaned as it came up and over his head; he sat to his knees as I rose up and chased his skin down.
”Baby,” he hummed when I kissed his skin, staring at his chest and slowly making my way down. “Oh fuck—“ I startled him when I immediately wrapped my hand around him and stroked him slowly. I didn’t waste time, like I said, and I knew he assumed I wanted revenge in teasing but I couldn’t. He brushed his hand through my hair to keep it from my face, and his breathing became so heavy that his body moved in time with it.
When my kisses were so low that his heat fogged my breath and I felt the pacing of my hand on his length against my chin, he subconsciously pushed me lower.
”There’s no need to be so mean,” he sighed breathlessly.
And so I smiled up at him like he smiled at me from below.
He shook his head and blinked furiously.
“Now,” he demanded as his fingers gouged my scalp. With a gasp, I opened my mouth and took everything from him that I could. His moans alone were worth the teasing.
I moaned out of my nose once, partly because of the weight of him on my tongue and partly because I couldn’t breathe when he shoved that deep into me, and my eyes watered as he thrusted his hips harsher than he probably needed to.
”Good—fuck, you’re doing so well for me, always make me feel so good.”
I did. I always made him feel otherworldly, no wonder why he was so obsessed with me. I would be obsessed with myself too.
I moaned around him as he tapped the back of my throat and I pressed my tongue harder against the underside of him. He gasped and lurched forward only to be stung by my nails in his hips.
”Sorry,” he whispered ever so quietly. I came off of him with a gasp and stroked him quickly until uncontrollable moans punched out of him.
“Don’t suffocate me.” A small smile pulled at the corner of his lips.
”Don’t worry,” he laughed. “You take my breath away too.” I slapped his thigh as I took him down again. Another string of moans and explicit words fell from his mouth, and I repeated every movement that I knew pulled more and more of those sweet sounds from him. My hand now pumped him where I couldn’t comfortably reach, and his face twisted and his head rolled back with pleasure when I tightened around him. His hips rhythmically moved in and out, and I knew it built under his skin. I knew he climbed and climbed and I knew where he was going.
”Stop,” he breathed. “I’m filling you with my come somewhere else.” I gasped when he roughly pulled me off of him.
And when he was free, he acted so fast I didn’t have the time to think.
My head pinned to the pillows and my thighs pushed back until they couldn’t anymore. His mouth was on mine as if he needed to taste himself on my tongue, and I pulled and scratched him until I was sure he was permanently under my nails.
I didn’t stop him and I didn’t try to sit up and defy his unspoken orders when he kissed and bit down my body. He yelled anked the rest of my clothes off in the process, and I tried to catch my breath, but the fire under his mouth intensified and consumed me whole. How could I even take a breath when all his energy was spent on lavishing my body like this?
”Ves—“ He didn’t stop, no, not when I tried to call for him. Not when I tugged on his hair again; I knew it could bring him to his knees so of course it egged him on. ”Oh my god—“ A similar trail of expletives left my throat the moment his tongue met me. He pressed my thighs back and didn’t allow me a second to close them. His moans were all I needed to hear, and I tossed my head back.
Obscene noises of his tongue and fingers working the mess in between my legs mixed with my moans, and somewhere in the thick of it he also hummed at the taste of me. I felt the bed move once and twice and I wished it was me he grinded into instead of the mattress.
”Ves please, it’s enough.”
”Not enough for me,” he spat and dove back down. Tears welled in my burning eyes the moment his tongue replaced his fingers inside of me. His thumb now swirled against me and he didn’t slow the relentless movements even as I whined and begged.
“How many times do I have to tell you; I need you inside of me, now,” I seethed. He came up for air.
”You’ll tell me every single time I want you to and every time you say it I need to hear it again.”
”It just sounds like I’m in control here.” He scoffed and shook his head.
“You’re silly, who cares?” I didn’t, and certainly not when he looked at me like I gave him breath.
”Stop,” I whined. “I’m past ready. I want you.”
“I always want you,” he sighed in response, and when he crawled over me and sank down to kiss me, he slid into me in one startling motion. I whined against him, and immediately my palms found his back. It was so fast that I didn’t have time to catch my breath. He finally gave me what I asked for, but I didn’t expect him to so easily.
He was just as tired as I was.
”Oh god,” he sighed as he held my face, his thumb hooked under my jaw. “You always feel so fucking good for me, you’re mine. My bed, my home.” I groaned as he picked up the pace and rolled his hips with mine firmly.
”Ves,” I sighed and I pushed his hair back. He lifted himself high so he could catch his breath, and I couldn't pull my eyes from the way his closed tightly. His lips parted in pleasure and moans fell from them. His arm hooked under my waist and he yanked me down on him just as he fucked his hips forward. “Shit!” I gasped and that was when he opened his eyes and looked down with a smile.
”Yeah like that?” He teased. “You know I know what you like, you know I know how to make you feel good.”
”I know,” I whined. So I also rolled my hips towards him in time with his movements, and I squeezed around him just as he pushed as deep as he could.
”Fuck—“ he gasped, and he caught himself with his hand next to my head on the pillows. “If you keep doing that, you better be alright with me filling your pussy full because I can’t stop.” I choked a gasp from his cutthroat sentiment, and I only pulled him deeper and deeper.
”Can’t believe you would even question if I would be okay with that or not,” I spat and he grabbed me by the hair.
“Oh yeah? You would be okay being stuffed full of my come all the time, wouldn’t you?”
“If you don’t fuck me properly I might die.”
”Always the dramatics with you,” he sighed dramatically before he raised to his knees and yanked my hips over his thighs. I gasped and threw my hands to the bed behind me to keep me from falling back on my upper back.
”As if you’re not equally dramatic.” The only response he had for me was the punishing thrusts of his hips, and I bit my lip until I tasted blood so that the band member who shared walls with us didn’t have to hear me. “Oh my fucking god, this is just practice. When we get home I expect you to try to make neighbors hear you.”
”Fuck,” I cried when I opened my mouth. He grabbed my hips and fucked them down on him harder with a smile on his face. “The nearest house is a three minute walk away.” He laughed and nodded his head.
”Yeah, that’s how hard I’ll go on you.”
”I’m so close,” I finally broke. His smile fell and he watched my hand as he dipped in between us and swirled against me.
”I know,” he whispered. He kissed me but I couldn’t even kiss back; the pleasure decimated any kind of chance I had at tasting him. My teeth held onto his lip and he allowed me to have a tiny hold on him.
”Baby,” he gasped in warning. I opened my eyes and watched as his were hazy and filled with intensity. “I’m going to.” I nodded quickly.
”Fill me,” I whined, and neither of us could get out another word. He wrapped his arms around my waist so I wouldn’t fall, and my hand found the back of his neck to bring him closer. At the sound of my name on his lips, my eyes snapped shut. Pleasure showered over me, and I couldn’t breathe or stop for anything. I couldn’t do anything except let it swallow me and possess me completely.
His fingers left bruises on my side, on my hip, and he slowed his movements. Even as overstimulation caught up to me, I allowed him to still ride his pleasure out. I held onto him still and finally was able to kiss him. He hardly kissed back, too blissed out and out of his body still, but I didn’t care and I kissed him, down his face and neck, and tangled my fingers in his hair again. He hummed and tipped back into the touch.
“God, you keep ruining me,” he moaned. I laughed.
”You did this to yourself.” He smiled and finally opened his eyes. I pushed his hair back and took initiative to fully sit on him. This time his hands found the bed behind him and he held himself up as I straddled him. I couldn't take my gaze from his eyes as the haze mixed with contentment and fatigue. I could drown in them all day for eternity.
“You are just so cruel to me and for what?” I laughed evilly when I didn’t get away with my intentions; of course he clocked me. “I can feel it all over me already.”
”It’s not my fault I just wanted to see you and hold you.”
”Yeah, right,” he scoffed. I kissed him breathless, and this time my hand hooked under his jaw. He moaned into me and his hand came up my back.
And when we were breathless and flushed again, I pulled away from him.
”Don’t you—okay,” he sighed in defeat. I laughed as I got off of him; our mess poured from me and onto him to deal with.
I laughed as I grabbed a towel from the bathroom. When I walked back, he was in the same position with dark eyes tracing my entire body.
”Maybe I should force you to clean it up without the towel,” he said. I sat in between his legs and he looked down at me.
”Then what would I use?” I anticipated his reply as I lowered myself further and further down.
”It seems like you already know—“ He cut himself off with a gasp when my tongue met his skin. I licked up our fluids and he thrusted his hips up again in reflex. But I held him down, and when I was done, I straddled him again.
I didn’t expect him to follow through with it, but there he was succumbing to my thumb that pulled his bottom lip down. Then the fluids poured from my mouth into his. His chest heaved once or twice and his eyes widened with an overwhelmed darkness, but I didn’t care. I held him steady there and kissed him when I couldn’t wait anymore. I should have been revolted by the taste of ourselves shared between us, but I couldn’t be when it was tempered by the sweetness of his moans.
”That’s going to fucking kill me,” he gasped when I pulled away, and it was true; his face flushed pink. I smiled and held it still.
”And you’ll be fine because you want it to.”
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foulphantomllama · 1 hour
My Secret Desire | AESPA Winter x Male Reader
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I decided to post the new chapter today because I was supposed to post something else today. But as you can guess, I did not liked it enough to post it. So enjoy the new chapter!
4. The Package
She send me a pair of her underwear. With a little note on them saying “Make good use of them until i come back and get them.” And she drew a little emoji winking at the end.
But she wasn’t coming over. Neither to school nor my house. She was barely texting me. And when she does, she only makes me horny and disappear completely. I asked about her to one of her friends but they were in it too. I all got for a response was to wait. So I waited. After nearly a week and a half later, my door was knocking. It was her. I looked at the peekhole. I opened the door. She went straight in. Saying nothing. She took off her shoes and jumped to my bed. Getting ready to take a nap. I closed the door and started watching her. After a moment of silence I wanted to check on her. She was sleeping. She literally was gone for nearly two weeks and now she is back sleeping in my room.
But no. This was my time to act. I couldn’t just let her win every time. I sit beside her and woke her up. “What?” she asked me. Her attitude was making me angry. This attitude of her was the main reason I hate her as much as I love her. “What do you mean “What?”!” “You come into my house, crying. You’re not saying a single word. We fuck, you disappear for nearly two weeks. Than you sending me your panties. And after a few days later you appear on my doorstep and pretending none of this happened?” She looked at me. Holding her laugh. “Yes.” She said. Then burst into laughing.
I hold her arms. I mean, I hold them pretty tight. Her laugh was disappearing quickly. She realized that I’m really angry now. But she was not holding back either. “Come on big boy, what do you have in mind?”
I knew her intention. She wants sex again. But no. She needs to know that she does not always get what she wants from me. We fuck when I want to fuck. She grabbed my cock. But my cock was not hard this time. Because I was furious. “Come on, stop resisting. I know you want me.” She was thigtening her grab as she talks to me. I pushed her to the bed. “Okay, now we’re talking.” She said. But the following event was not someting that she would expect. I dressed up, took the keys and locked her inside my apartment. She has no other option to wait for me. My apartment was pretty high up so she couldn’t use the balcony to run away. But also, I had zero worries that she wants to escape. I was confident that she will wait for me. No matter how long I took to come back to my apartment.
I grabbed some ramen from my favourite store. It was just around the corner of my apartment. Then I rented a film from one of the stores that is not far from my apartment. Then I go to my apartment. Opened the door. There she was. Sitting on the toilet without closing the toilets door. “You should at least close the door.” I said to her. She rolled her eyes and answered. “You should be grateful that I did not pissed on to your carpet. You dick.” She was acting just like I imagined she would. “I am hungry. You did get something to eat, right?” I showed her the ramen I bought. “You’re the best boyfriend in the world.” Then she added. “Probably.” I asked her while I put the ramens on the kitchen counter. “What do you mean boyfriend?” She got up and came towards me. “Duh, dude you fucked me and cum into my throat. And I fucking swallowed it. What do you think we are? Study buddies?”
“So, you loved me from the beggining.” I asked. “Both.” She answered. “I fucking love you so much and I hate you so fucking much.” She also said. I can take that. “I love you because you’re the most precious person ever. I hate you because you’re too precious to be real. That you will gone to your own country an forgot about me.”
Her words hurt me a lot. But not in a bad way. I was hurt because I did not see it before. She was never bullying me. She just wanted my attention. Because she was thinking that I will leave her because she was not clever enough. What a bad way to think about yourself. And this was the exact reason I hated her to my guts. She was so hard to get along with. She was meaning the world to me. Yet, whenever I tried to show her this, she accused me by being delusional. Saying she is not enough for me or so. I may be too harsh to say I hated her just for this, trust me this kind of toxicity can kill. But my love for her was always getting the spotlight. It was the same for her too.
“I am so sorry If I ever hurt you with my words. I was never a bully. I just wanted your attention. And you weren’t giving me.” She hit me with your little fist as she talks. I hugged her. “No, I won’t be going anywhere. Not now at least.” She showed me her middle finger. And then she realized the film I rented. She took the dvd and started inspecting it. “I heard that this one is so shit.” She said. “It is pure shit.” I answered. Her response was hilarious, and expected. “Then why the fuck you rented this?” It turns out that this was just the way she communicates. Not exactly helping her with the social life but, kind of makes her hot and cute. Or I was just obsessed with her.
I prepared the ramen and we started eating. “Put the film on.” She said. I put the film on. In under ten minutes our meals were finished. She paused the film and said “Okay let’s agree on something.” I said go on. “If i get bored in the next ten minutes, we fuck. If I don’t we don’t fuck.” I was confused a little. “Why do I get punished for choosing I film that you probably like?” I asked. “Haha. That is how I work, honey.”
She watched that entire film. I can realize that she wasn’t really liked it. But she did it because she wanted to annoy me. But I wanted her. So I started to kiss her neck. “No hickeys.” She said. “My mother will fucking kill me.” Of course I was going to give her a hickey. “If you’re going to give me a hickey just do it on a place my mother wouldn’t be able to see.” She said. I took of her tshirt. I left a hickey on her left shoulder. “Your mother wouldn’t see that, I think.” I said. She mimics me. Then laughs. “You ruined the ending.” She said. “Come on! It was already shit how I could possibly ruined the ending.” I answered. She nodded.
“I’m just going to give you a blowjob, and get the hell out of here. I’m already late. I was gone to buy some rice. My mother still waiting me to bring rice.” She said. “I have an unopened package of rice. You can take it on your way out.” She gave me a thumbs up. Then took off my pyjamas. She was on her knees. She licked my cock over my underwear. Then she took of my underwear. Took my cock inside her mouth. Her mouth was so warm. And I already knew that she is very skilled when it comes to sucking cock. But she was too shy to make eye contact. I did not pushed her to her limits just yet. I just let her give me head peacefully, in her own terms. “Are you going to swallow it again?” I asked. She took it off from her mouth to answer me. “Well, i want to but you bought me a gigantic ramen. I don’t want to throw up the first meal you bought me.” She started sucking it again. I asked her to look into my eyes. She started to look up. She was looking so good with my cock in her mouth. I mean, she was probably the cutest girl I’ve ever seen. And she was my girlfriend.
“I’m going to swallow it.” She said. “Do not pull it out when you’re about to cum.” I pulled my cock out. “What makes you change your mind.” I asked her. “You forgot to buy me beverage. Can I please finish it and go???” “Okay, okay sorry.” I answered. “All yours.” She got faster and faster. Then I came into her mouth. First she showed me her mouth full of my cum. Then she swallowed it and showed me her empty mouth. I pull her closer to me and kissed her lips. “You just kissed your own cum.” She laughed. “But off your mouth.” I answered. “But it makes you gay.” She answered. I looked at her face laughing. “Okay, I’m going. Give me the rice.” I give her the rice I bought the other day. “Hey, mom! I just blowed my boyfriend and he give me a packet of rice.” She was laughing out loud while saying that. “At least you keep the money.” I said.  “You’re so very right sir. Goodbye.” She saluted me and went out the door. I followed her. “No kiss goodbye?” She came closer, I was taller than her. She signalizes me to bow down. I did. She put her middle finger into my mouth. “Here’s your kiss.”
God I love her.
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trans-spidey · 10 months
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art from @madampomfreys-payrise's hannibal au i did!!
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seventh-district · 1 month
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 3 - Random Screenshot Edition
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 5] [Pt. 6]
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reineydraws · 1 month
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watched dead boy detectives and spent so much of it picturing young mihawk in charles's outfit so i made it happen and threw in an edwin!shanks bc ofc i did :')
if u like teen supernatural shows and ghosts and stuff, or worlds created by neil gaiman, i encourage u to check out the show! it's in the same 'verse as the sandman.
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ihavesomejays · 3 months
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was testing out gouache brushes and somehow ended up drawing the mice piss duo again. kind of ooc ratio but anything for the brainworms man. also this is probably the most "rendered" thing i've done in quite a while and will probably remain so for quite a while. who knows? i might even start drawing BACKGROUNDS soon??? LMAO
closeups + process under keep reading
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karamazovanon · 9 months
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rip rodya you would've loved american psycho
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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mattodore · 9 months
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spinning them around
#ts4#simblr#ts4 edit#matthias evanoff#theodore doe#echthroi#a burning house to live in#river dipping#the dof messing with theo’s beautiful face 😔#anyway i think i’m gonna go read this 140k fic and then i'll be coming back later to read kmik heh 😋#oh ALSO ! realized it’s theo’s birthday this month so... i'm gonna be busy these next few days :)#i have to make theo as a child and fix his teen sim and then make poses and try to figure out how exactly#i’m going to execute this idea that i have for his birthday edit#with matthias’s birthday edit(s) it took me like a week to do iirc? and i was still late posting it 😭#like his birthday is 04/11 and i think i didn’t post it until 04/16 or something????#a trial…. fr so difficult#with theo’s i’m planning on messing around with transparency stuff i think#or maybe like… a gallery wall effect? idk i should really start working on it now tho rather than waiting until it’s nearly the day of#which is what i did with matthias bc i forgot his birthday 😭#but theo’s is 09/28 like i would never forget it ☝️#but yeah……… they rlly need an emoji of a guy laying dead on the ground so i can use it#like that’s how i’m feeling thinking abt the whole process of this#unlike with matthias’s edit theo’s is meant to just be one long image#but with three scenes within it kind of?#and him at every age#so like it’s a thing idk#i can picture this edit so clearly in my mind like it comes to me very easily#but yk how it is. ideas beyond my skill level or whatever
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nightseeye · 15 days
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Ive been struck w a ton of Captain 3 thoughts lately so! Here he is!!! My legally dead nonbinary prettyboy who doesn't! Have a name yet!!!
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fireyartccoon · 8 days
random merfolk drawings I managed to scavenge from my sketchbooks while it’s (barely) still MerMay
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The first two are from one of my favorite movies ‘Lu over the wall’, the one on the left was drawn without a reference, the other vice-versa, the rest are mostly from my Sonic prime AU, No place to be exact, and the last two are just random OCs, have a lovely day
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milkweedman · 9 months
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Whittled a spindle from a birch stick I found at a park earlier. First time getting to work with birch--it's really nice although I think this piece was a little old and had dried slightly too much for whittling, as it chipped a lot. But it spins in the palm well and I'm pretty happy with how it looks. Obviously the spalting is really nice although largely that's not something I have a hand in, other than trying to preserve it rather than cut it away. Every random stick I pick up to whittle has its own thing going on that I have to figure out how to work with if I can to make into a spindle. This one was hard, that's why I'm happy with it even though it's quite a strange and crooked spindle.
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The reason I'm holding it in these angles is because it can't rest at these angles, it would roll or fall. This is often the case with my spindles because they are whittled, not lathed. Lathed spindles are uniform on all sides, whereas whittled spindles can be totally different shapes from each angle. So, the cross section of this one is an oval instead of a circle. It also twists at the midsection. I'm fairly certain I got the tip and point aligned, which is what's absolutely key. It will never spin balanced if they aren't aligned, the rest of it is of varying importance as far as I can tell xD. I've been spinning a little on it--it only tolerates very fine yarn (not something I have noticed with my other spindles) but spins incredibly fast and isn't particularly wobbly. I'll try to remember to update whether it becomes unstable with a significant cop on it--if so, that would make this more of a decorative piece. That's okay though, random sticks are free and I enjoy whittling, so occasionally making a spindle that I think is beautiful but not very functional isn't a problem.
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The holes in it are from fire ants. Or at least, fire ants were living in them. I'm glad I didn't leave this in the car very long, they don't seem to have started leaving the stick before I disturbed them with my knife and then started knocking them out. I feel kind of bad for relocating them like that. I usually knock stuff out before I leave with it, I guess these ones were very deep, or I forgot.
Anyway, I hardly ever name my spindles but this one is the Crooked Steeple of The Fire Ants
Steeple for short.
Here is what it looked like initially, and much earlier in the day:
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