#i need to watch it again where is itttt
dilfl0v3rss · 11 months
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this is really himmmm😩😩😩
the two of you would be in yall own little bubbles for most of the night. you didn’t even come together. you went with your friends while connie came much later, only really here to sell. the two of you were having fun though. you were dancing, drinking, smoking, chatting it up with your friends, it was a really good night. connie was surprisingly alright too, the mean mug he usually carried at these parties nowhere to be found as he rolled up with ony and eren.
he heard the sound of bike back by charly black and equiknoxx begin to play and already knew what you were about to get into. “where you going nigga? ony said as connie got up from his seat on the couch. “this her song. ima be right back don’t worry” he did expect to come back, but the sight of you shaking your beautiful ass made him have to reconsider. “cmere papiiii. lemme show you sum boyyy”
you took connie’s hand and pulled him to the middle of the circle with you before turning around and getting back to work. of course connie handled you well. catching every piece of ass you where throwing without hesitation. everyone was around the two of you, cheering and recoding you and your man get down. “yessss y/nnn! show him wassuppp” your friends yelled as you started throwing it little harder.
when the song was over you followed connie back to the couch, sitting on his lap while he smoked with his friends. you were chilling, looking at the videos everyone posted of you two. connie looked over your shoulder to check on you, a smirk planting itself on his face as he watched you replay the video over and over again. “how ‘bout we go home and you throw that shit on me furreal?” your eyes widened at his words before you turned your face towards him.
connie just stared right back at you, his grills showing between his pink lips as he smirked at you. the smirk spread to your face too, the both of you on the same timing. before you knew it, connie was getting up from him seat after you and walking to the door. “finna get my charger from the car. i’ll be back” everyone nodded their heads, letting the two of you get to the door before ony opened his mouth to ask a question “why the both of ya-” he didn’t even get to finish as you and connie sprinted towards the car, quickly opening your doors and hopping in so you can get home.
“ooouuu we finna fuckkk” you said as connie began to start up the car.
“gon tear that ass upppp”
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ravixen · 4 months
Hi!!! I really love your werewolf au like no joke and I can't get enough of itttt. I wanted to request like a situation where members found out their mate was injured by another pack (for the members: seungcheol, mingyu, hoshi, dino andddd woozi!!) Thank you, ly and your writing lotss and have a great day <33
svt + injured s/o
➔ reaction || werewolf!au
➔ warnings: mentions of violence & injuries || 1.2k words ➔ notes: gen, fluff, comfort ; hi again! if you like this energy, i recommend my reactions for svt + protecting you (y/n is being threatened by another shifter!!), + your werewolf ex (another good one!!), and + smelling like other pack; there's a similar theme of protection. (you can look for them on my masterlist!! sometimes the #werewolfau tag doesn't work.) but i like the specificity of this prompt, even though it's not reeeally werewolf!au. i hope you still like it!
SEUNGCHEOL: oh, they have a death wish. everyone knows that seungcheol will go to the ends of the earth for his people, yet some runt decided to put hands on his partner? he's furious, but to be honest, he's a little mad at you, too. when you get home, you don't even bother hiding your scratched up sleeves. you spit into the sink, blood from your split lip splattering against the basin before being washed away. and then you have the audacity to grin over your shoulder and go, "should've seen the other guy." yes, he's proud of you for fighting back with everything you had, and yes, he knows that you're strong, but you're still a human against a supernatural being. you were lucky that this other pack member was a young one, still growing into his strength. after helping you get cleaned up—your shirt unfortunately goes straight to the bin—he throws on his jacket and tracks down this other guy immediately. and wow, you were not kidding, you did a number on your opponent, who nurses their wounds as yet another pack member watches on. "I don't have anything else to add," he says, shrugging. "looks like you learned your lesson, but just in case, know that if you try this again..." he takes a step closer, hands casually in his pockets, and it's enough to make everyone flinch. "I won't hesitate to return it tenfold."
SOONYOUNG: he has to literally be held down by jihoon and mingyu. he's pissed, but he can't decide if he wants to beat up whoever did this to you or stay by your side the entire time. luckily, you make the choice for him by shooing away his friends. they let go with reluctance but hover in case anything happens. you're an angel, he realizes—you're the one hurt, but he's shaking in anger and you're making sure he's okay. "I'm fine!" you say, reaching out for his hand. he can't take it, though. his hands are fists by his side, and he's sure he's breaking skin with how hard he's clenching them. so instead, you cup his face, thumbs smoothing out the tension between his brows. you're not fine. he can see red marks along your collar, though less red now that jeonghan's applied some ointment, and in a few hours, they'll start blooming into bruises that'll serve as a reminder of his incompetence. he sets his jaw, and you feel the movement beneath your palms. "really, I'm okay, soonyoung. I'm alive." he gives a short huff of a laugh before grumbling, "that's the bare minimum." he leans into your touch like you're absorbing the fire in his veins. "I don't want you to stop going out—they shouldn't feel like they won—but let's brainstorm, okay? weapons? sprays? more silver jewelry?"
JIHOON: "hey, are you and minghao still by the mountains right now?" he blinks in surprise at seungcheol's sudden question. why bother calling for something so simple? he leans his forearms over his bike's handlebars, and a few feet ahead, minghao waits patiently with a granola bar in his mouth. "yeah, you need something? ...uh, we're about ten minutes away from that park. why? ...minghao? sure." he passes the phone off to his friend, wondering why seungcheol is being so vague and cryptic, but it must be important because minghao's expression hardens. "you got it. you want me to tell him now or wait until we get there?" okay, now they're both being suspicious. minghao glances at him out of the corner of his eye before putting the phone on speaker. "minghao's in charge of talking to them, alright? jihoon, you're there for the physical threat." which is strange because he's not a fighter. "make sure hao keeps control." seungcheol hangs up with one last instruction: "give 'em hell, jihoon." he can't make heads nor tails of this, but he doesn't question it when seungcheol's giving out orders so seriously. then his phone dings and his heart drops. it's a picture of you, grimacing as wonwoo bandages up what are clearly scratch marks. give 'em hell? oh, jihoon's about to make them pray to a god they don't believe in.
MINGYU: he does not care about seeking revenge. actually, that's a misleading sentence. he cares about it, but he'd rather delegate that responsibility to the others, fully trusting that they would take care of it better than he would. and judging by seokmin's stormy expression as he left with a few others, mingyu's friends are almost as mad as he is. but now you're waking up from your nap and he doesn't have time to worry about what's happening on the other side of town when your eyes are fluttering open and looking for him. "I'm right here," he reassures you, helping you sit up and drink some water. "does it still hurt?" you shake your head. "not as much as before. it's mostly a dull ache in my shoulder, but I don't want to move it too much." you prod at the area and hiss sharply, and he grasps your hands in his. "maybe...don't try that again." at least you're laughing. he tries to, too, but the sound comes out warbled, like he's holding back tears. he knew that getting you involved in his world would be dangerous, but seeing you injured because of him confirms every fear he ever had. he tightens his grip on your hands. "why don't we change your bandages and watch a movie or something, hm?" anything to take his mind off of it.
CHAN: you properly dressed the wound before you met up with him so that his sensitive nose wouldn't pick up the smell of blood, but he's not an idiot—he can clearly see you favoring your left leg, and of all things, you're on a walking date. he nods at the nearest park bench. "sit down, y/n." you wrinkle your nose at being caught, and before you've even sat down, there's excuses flying out of your mouth. he's not listening; he's focused on rolling down your sock and finding a giant bandage and gauze right above your ankle. he doesn't want to pick it off to look at the damage, but even without x-ray vision, he feels like he knows what this is. "so I'm guessing this isn't a normal injury," he says calmly, not letting his tone betray his assumptions, "because you would've told me about it. did you go to that area that I said was off-limits?" "not exactly, but...yeah. close. I guess close enough." you wince. "it's not that bad!" he rolls your sock back up. "there's been reports of territory pushing there. if they attacked you, that's grounds for retaliation." he finally looks up and cracks a smile. "what's with the sad face? I'm not mad at you. why don't we go home, hm? and you can tell me what happened." he's surprisingly mature about the whole situation, and that unnerves you. good. it's going to be worse for his opponent.
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avidhorrormoviefan · 5 months
wayne mccullough nsfw alphabet!!
i kinda got carried away and just kept adding stuff so haha yeah you’re welcome
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alright before we start this off i just wanna say that wayne was so so very awkward during the beginning of your relationship but now he’s loosened up and so comfortable w you
alright here ya go
characters are 18+!!!
smut under cut
A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
- he loovvvees taking care of you after sex. like he always has water on hand ready to give to you if you want it. he’ll get a cloth of you need it. he also just kisses all over your body telling you how much he loves you over and over
B - Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
- he likes his hands and arms. watching his fingers disappear inside of you over and over again mixed with the sounds that you and your pussy makes drives him up the fucking wall
- he sticks his thumb in your mouth
- when he starts to get tired and his head slumps down into your neck and you see his shoulder n back muscles………
- he loves your whole body, just the fact that he has it all to himself is wild to him
- but he does like your hips and thighs in particular though, like when he eats you out and he can just dig his hands into your skin???
- and also when he can see himself in your stomach phewwwww
- man he’ll just stare at it moving inside of you
- “fuck, is that me?” you look down to where he’s staring, seeing a bulge in your stomach from his dick.
- “yeah-yeah that’s you, wayne…” he does something impulsive and presses his hand flat against it and you moan out unexpectedly.
- “holy fuck…”
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum)
- when you go without a condom (wrap it b4 u tap it) he cums on your stomach or back for “easy cleanup” and totally not bc he loves backshots
- but when you’re sucking him off and he cums and some slips out of the corners of your mouth and down your jaw and throat and seeing that j gets him hard again
D - Dirty secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
- he wants to bend you over a desk or counter don’t ask me how i know
- or doggy??? he wants to see the arch in your back so fuckin bad
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
- he’s only been with you so he doesn’t really have any experience
- you’re his first everything
- it’s kind of self explanatory to him so he knows where everything goes
- he just doesn’t know what to do to add that extra layer of pleasure for you, so he has you touch yourself and puts his hand on top of yours to see what he can do to make you feel sooo good
- and fuck is he good at it
- “like that?” he says innocently as he moves his hands though your folds just right
- “fuck, fuck yeah like that…” you say lulling your head back onto the pillow behind you, moaning out as he does it over and over
F - Favorite position
- anything where he can see your face. he loves when you make faces for him
- he also loves when you make eye contact, it makes it more intimate
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
- he’s rather serious bc it’s such an intimate moment between you two
- buttttt, when you both get real into it yall go hard?? fuuuck he gets into itttt
- “yeah? you like that?”
- he can get goofy though like when he realizes what he’s doing he can laugh a bit maybe
- he can also make fun of your moans, mocking them when he’s more dominant
- “like it so much you’re fuckin droolin, yeah? fuckin whore…”
H - Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
- he’s not that bad just a bush around the base
- and he doesn’t care about your hair at all, like honestly as long as you’re happy and comfortable so is he
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect.)
- oh is he romantic
- sometimes he sets things up w flowers n shit all cheesy but you both love it. it shows he really cares and its so fucking cute
- makes you cum every time is all i gotta say. that’s his main goal, just make you feel good
- there’s nowhere else to put this so i’ll put it here, he puts his hand in the back pocket of your jeans please help me why do i do this to myself
J - Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
- he was never really the type to jerk off a lot but he did enjoy the few times he was alone
- but now that he has you he doesn’t really have to
- but when you’re not with him for long enough he jerks off but it’s never as good as the real thing with you
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
- ok one by one
- blood kink: he loves seeing either one of you bleeding in bed, he loves the taste, the sound when you wince for him, you bet you’re covered in scars that only he can see. OH MY GOD sometimes he cuts his fingers or thumb n sticks them in your mouth, saliva mixed with either of your blood at this point dripping down the sides of your mouth and down his hand
- knife kink: I MEAN COME ON??
- pain kink: goes w the last two but come onnnn. you see how much he gets beaten up for fun you can’t tell me he doesn’t get off on it a bit
- praise + degradation, he wants to be called a good boy what can i say
- choking is a big one, when he’s fucking you missionary and his hand travels from beside your head and onto your throat, he’ll squeeze just enough to feel your pulse
- he can also feel every single sound coming from your throat when he chokes you and he loves it
L - Location (Favorite places to do things)
- fucking anywhere and i mean it. the bed, the floor, the couch, the shower, a bathtub, a car, a fucking alley. anywhere kinda private, he’ll take you wherever
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
- always in the mood, he’s a teenage boy, but when you’re in the mood? just pushes him further
- whenever he gets mad though, you’re in for quite the night ahead of you. fuckin pounding into you like nobody’s business and saying the most outrageous stuff in your ear especially after he gets beaten up bad
N - No (Turn offs, things they refuse to do)
- i mean he’s down to try anything once but maybe not pegging
O - Oral (Preference in receiving or giving, skill, etc)
- he loooovvveeeessss oral like omfg
- he’s so good at it lemme tell you
- he really doesn’t have a preference, whatever yall are in the mood to do he’ll do
- he fucks you w his tongue every fucking time
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
- depends on how he’s feeling but usually he’s somewhere in the middle
- he’s fast and rough when he’s mad or just feeling more in the fucking mood
- he’s slow when he wants to just be with you in the moment
- you love both sides of him
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
- he doesn’t mind a quickie here and there but he loves proper sex
- he loves the foreplay leading up to it and the closeness + aftercare, he’s very sentimental
- but a quickies always good for when you’re on the run and have time
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
- down to try anything once 🤷‍♀️
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
- he can go for a while sometimes three or four if he’s real pent up but usually just one or two
T - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
- nope not really but if you have one he’ll sheepishly ask you how it’s used and you’ll show him and it inevitably turns him on and says “fuck that, i can do it much better,” and fucks you much better
U - Unfair (How much they like to tease)
- he likes to tease you just to see how far you’ll let it go, like only circling ur clit and not going anywhere from there.
- sometimes he’ll go into the bathroom w you when he knows there’s nobody else is in there and he’ll kiss your neck and maybe play w your pussy over your clothes and get you all worked up then stop
- “fucking every time?”
- “yeah.”
- off topic but speaking of bathrooms, once when yall were in the bathroom together and someone knocked he yelled “fuckin occupied” while going down on you. hot as fuck.
V - Volume (How loud are they, what sounds they make)
- he’s actually pretty loud
- he’s more of a moaning and grunting kind of guy but sometimes he’ll whimper when he’s trying to be quiet and it’s so nice bc you can hear how much he wants to be loud but doesn’t want to get caught :(
W - Wild card
- he calls you “ma” sometimes, both in and out of bed
- he doesn’t know where it came from but one day he was like “you want anything from the gas station, ma?” and you never questioned it and it stuck
- in bed he’s like “ma, please enough with the teasin”
- “needja bad, ma, please” all whiny n shit too
- shit like that AUHHHHH
- he’s a talker in bed
- “come on, one more f’me.. i know you can do it, baby”
- whenever you say his name in bed it gets him even more worked up
- “fuck wayne, please…” you don’t even know what your asking for at this point, his dick is so far in you and you’ve came already but he’s making you feel so good you just want more.
- and you KNOW his accent gets so much stronger like cmon
- oh and he follows you around like a fuckin dog, and wherever you need him for absolutely anything, he’s always in a 5 foot radius
X - X-Ray (What's hiding under the clothes)
- he’s a good 6-7 inches and does he use it well
- he’s well toned but not buff, he’s got abs and when he noticed you staring he flexes and you get all flustered and he loves it, smirking and laughing a bit when you turn away
- when you’re fucking, his stomach and arms flex and you can see every indent of his abs and biceps
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
- again he’s a teenage boy so his sex drive is pretty high
- he wants to be with you 24/7 and when he is he always has a hand on you never letting you go
- when you get in the mood you find him in the house and sit next to him, after a bit maybe move your leg on top of his, and this catches his attention from whatever he was doing. still not fully paying attention to you, you sigh and move to straddle his lap, fully taking his attention
- “what’s up” he laughs a bit
- “haven’t seen ya all day. missed ya” you say playing with his hair on the back of his neck
- “oh yeah?” he smirks, putting his hands on your hips, moving them up to your waist and down your thighs
- “yeah..” he slides his hands up to your waistband and hooks two fingers in them
- you tug on his hair, making his head jerk back and a grunt fall from his lips, smirk still plastered across his face.
- “you gonna do somethin about it?”
- and yall fuck right there on the couch
Z - Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
- he’s pretty good about not falling asleep right away, he wants to take care of you first before thinking about himself.
- you fall asleep in his arms after he gets you two cleaned up and he’s right there after you
ty for reading!! this was so much fun to write omgg
i’m probably gonna make a fic out of some of these bc wayne is taking up my every thought help
also happy 2024!
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imagineredwood · 3 months
Hc for sub!Juicy being an absolute needy, clingy mess? Where all he wants to do is eat your pussy and (if you’re comfortable) rim you Like you can’t even sit down without him shoving his face into your cunt. Tyyy
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I am typically...not a dominant person in the slightest so I had to wing this lmao 👀 But the idea was hot and it's Juice so I had to try and deliver. This got longer than a mf. Hope y'all like itttt 💕 If you don't......just lie 🤗
NSFW under the cut duh
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He worships you
Always has
He thinks you're the best thing that's possibly ever happened to him
How you support him
How you love him
How you take care of him
How you defend and look after him
He's completely and utterly devoted to you
He's willing to give you everything and anything that you ask for
He will always physically protect you, of course
But often times he's simply submissive to you
Letting you take the reigns
Tell him what to do
Order him around
It's his favorite thing, feeling like he exists only for you
Sometimes he's bratty
Telling you no or giving you a hard time
Only to end up a whiny, whimpering mess beneath you
Begging you for mercy while you torture his sensitive cock that can't possibly put anything else out than it already has
His tummy a sticky mess
But other times, like today, when he's back from a run that took far longer than he anticipated
There's not a bratty bone in his body
He only exists for your pleasure
It's the only thing that matters
He's clingy and needy, something that is apparent first thing in the morning when it's his tongue that wakes you up
Head hidden under the blanket, hands softly resting on the insides of your thighs to give himself room as he laps at you
That's how the morning starts, which isn't too different than every other morning after he comes home from a run
But when you plot yourself down onto the sofa to watch your favorite show and suddenly he's down on his knees before you not even an hour later, fingers sliding into the waistband of your panties, eyes pleading up at you
"Lift up a little bit, baby. Let me get these off. Please. Please. I need to taste you again."
You realize he's a bit more needy than he's ever really been before
But you oblige, lifting your hips up so he can slide them down and bury his face into you once again
By the time he does it for the third time, a mere 5 hours since you've both woken up, you're actually surprised
Feeling his hands come to grip your hips as you stand at the counter preparing lunch, tugging at your panties again
"Are you serious?"
He chuckles into your neck, lips grazing and kissing at the soft skin
"Can't help it, babe. I just can't get enough of you."
And you tease him, shrugging him off gently.
"No. You've had enough."
His whine reminds you of a puppy, and if you turned around you're sure his eyes would too
"Please? Please, baby. I'll be good, I swear. I'll be so good for you. I'll do it just how you like and I won't stop or tease, I promise. Please. Let me be a good boy for you."
And who could deny him?
So you lean forward and rest your top half on the counter, Juice dropping to his knees instantly behind you as he pulls down your panties for the third time
You hiss as his mouth goes to attack your clit again and he apologizes sincerely into your puffy lips, his voice muffled
"Sorry, know you're sensitive. I'm sorry."
He dials it back, his mouth softer now lest you deny him
Sucking and kissing at your lips and inner thighs
His mouth drifting a bit higher until he's licking gently at your other hole, mouth vibrating against you as he moans
His tongue sliding up and down against both openings, finger digging into your hips to keep you in place against his mouth
Groaning and whimpering in ecstasy as you begin to grind back against his face, giving him everything he needs
General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous   @choochoo284 @xbloodyxangelx @carma-fanficaddict @gillysoldlady
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mariefilms · 10 months
╰───► MORAL CONSCIENCE- e. williams smau.
「tres」 ⇢ love between
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Pairing — streamer! ellie x youtuber!black fem!reader x rockstar! dina
warnings — 18+ MDNI !!!, cussing, smut, fingering, oral (r receiving)
a/n ik ts took like tears to come out but HERE !( btw, this is a week after dina’s party 🧘🏾) this is also not proofread so.. ntm !!
chapter 2 ⇢ chapter 4
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as you locked your phone and got up to let ellie in you felt bad for lying to dina even tho you really didn’t have any obligations to her. it still hadn’t hit you that you and dina were really done and you were fucking around with one of her best friends. but you couldn’t lie, it felt good to be with someone new and not someone who’s fucked you over time and time again.
shaking your head at your slowly declining thoughts you let ellie in and gave her a hug to which she took it upon herself to wrap her arms around your waist and sneakily (not) feel up on your ass and squeeze while pulling you into a heated kiss. you shuddered a moan into her mouth and reciprocated the kiss for a while before breaking it and looking up at her. she smiled and dove back in for more making you smile and let out a soft laugh.
“we’re supposed to be talking, not making out ellie” you smile into her incessant kissing before pulling back from her lips to look into her piercing green eyes. “i know, i know but i couldn’t help it” she kisses you one more time before moving to go sit on your light pink couch. you follow after her and sit facing her with your knees pulled into your chest before speaking, “ um so.. i know we both know how much drama this would cause if dina were to find out. and i think we should like slow down ? i don’t know but i feel like we’re moving very fast especially since i’ve just got of a relationship with dina, who’s you’re literal bestfriend and i feel super shitty right now and i wanna continue pursuing.. this .. thing? we have but-” you stopped yourself at the touch of ellie grabbing your hands to try and help calm you down before you drew in a deep breath and continued on with your rant and exposing how you feel. “but i feel like we should slow down, like no more fucking until we decide if this is something serious and not us just fucking around behind dina’s back” you exhaled deeply once you were finished saying what you needed to say and waited with bated breath to hear ellie’s response
she started nodding her head and said “yea, i agree. we are doing shit very unconventional and i don’t wanna hurt dina nor do i wanna hurt you. i really like you y/n and i want to actually see where this goes even if we are like super sexually compatible” she smirks at you as you groaned at her last statement. “ellie be so for real oh my god!” you laughed at her in embarrassment.
“ellie fuckkk-”
you honestly don’t know how you got in this position. at one point you and ellie were just talking and watching shows on netflix, trying to adhere to your rule of no fucking, but… that’s didn’t last long at all. ellie had (like always) brung some pre-rolls and decided you both should get high. it’s not like the last time y’all did that you both ended up naked under soft silken sheets in a penthouse apartment, but hey! you thought tonight would be different because you set some ground rules until you decided it wasn’t going to fast. you were wrong. as soon as ellie gave you a shotgun kiss it was over.
so now here you were, losing your mind over ellie’s tongue in your pussy. she was so good at sucking your soul and the tongue piercing didn’t help. you’ve already came like two times already and ellie would not let up. she said she’s just trying to make up for causing you so much emotional distress but you called bullshit. you weren’t complaining tho. ellie one of the best you’d ever had, almost better than dina. almost.
“ellie i can’t take itttt” you whined and pushed at her head. she was getting frustrated with how many times you kept trying to run and smacked your thigh before pinning them down by your ears. this girl had you to where you were unable to move and all you could do was take what she gave you. “i told yo ass to stop moving.” she emphasized her words with a harsh thrust of her fingers in your pussy before pistoning them and hitting that spongy spot that made your eyes roll back and your toes curl in pleasure.
all you could do was moan from the immense pleasure you were feeling. you know this whole arrangement was wrong but you couldn’t deny the way ellie made you feel.
“mmm i love this pussy baby” ellie moaned into your clit, still thrusting her slender but long fingers into your pussy. she raised her eyes to look at you. she found your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your mouth agape. your face was contorted in pleasure and she loved the sight of how her ministrations affected you. “you gonna cum baby? feel your pussy clenching all on my fingers” she chuckled at your pathetic state and you whimpered at the rapidly rising feeling of your orgasm approaching. “ellie shittt im close, don’t stop!” you grabbed ellie’s shoulders and digged your nails in at the feeling of her speeding up.
you were out of your mind. ellie was pounding her fingers into you so hard and fast that all that was on your mind was her. you weren’t thinking about dina and what would happen if yours and ellies escapades we’re to be found out. the combination of ellie fucking you with her fingers and making out with your clit pushed you over the edge with a piercing scream. “oh my godddd” ellie groaned into your pussy and pulled out her fingers before licking your cum off of them.
“you taste so good baby” she moaned and bent down to give you a deep kiss. you whimpered into her mouth while reciprocating and wrapping your arms around her neck. she pecked you on the lips one, two times before leaning back and smirking at you smugly. “oh fuck off!” you rolled your eyes and hit her upside the head with your pillow, she laughed in response and gave you another kiss.
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mattsturniolosleftnut · 5 months
hiii! this is my first smut so pls i need feedback 🙏🙏
matt sturniolo x fem reader
in which matt is staying at your house along with your other friends. you both get horny and end up fucking in the bathroom.
a bunch of my friends were at my house for a birthday party i was having.
we were all currently sat on the trampoline. playing truth or dare. me laying on matt, my friend addi, sofia, lilly, aly, and kylie were all sat around the trampoline leaned up against the net.
me and matt had this secret fling going on where we kissed and fucked but nothing official. we both understood we belonged to the other.
addi asked “truth or dare?” “dare.” i answered. “kiss matt!” she laughed.
“no— the fuck?” i shook my head. “do itttt! you’ve literally kissed everyone here BUT him just do it!”
i sat up and looked at matt for an answer. he nodded and so i sighed.
“a peck or like a kiss kiss?” i ask her. “umm a kiss kiss!” she answers giggling.
i sigh again and turn back to matt. i reposition myself so im on my knees in between his legs.
i lean forward and grab onto his thighs for balance while he grabs my waist and my face pulling me closer.
“YESSSS!” everyone clapped and cheered.
i roll my eyes and lay back how i was on matt. everyone was talking about the next persons dare so nobody was paying attention to us.
“move whatever is in your pocket!” i squirm around.
he grips my waist harder “stop fucking moving.” thats when i realize he had a boner.
i hit his leg. “you’re a fucking dumbass. if we have to get up we are fucked!” i whisper yell at him.
everyone is in the room with the tv watching a movie, laying down. everyone chose me and matt to get snacks since we were closer to the door. obviously, we didnt mind being alone.
him and i were making popcorn in the microwave. it took about 5 minutes to make.
i was sitting on the counter by the sink while matt was standing in between my legs.
“soo are we gonna talk about earlier on the trampoline?” i tease. “that kiss? mmhm it was hot as fuck, gorgeous.” he leans down and kisses my thigh.
i was in shorts and a t-shirt, no bra. he was in pajama pants no shirt.
“noo! you know what im talking about!” i grab his chin to make him look up at me. “your boner.”
“letssss not!” he walks to the microwave.
i hopped off the counter and followed him. “mattt!” i say trying to get his attention.
he wasn’t answering so i grabbed onto his bare shoulders and started to shake them. “stop ignoring me!”
he whipped around and grabbed my waist with his left hand and my neck with his right. he backed me all the way up to the counter by the fridge.
he pushed his, second boner of the day, against me. “talk about it again and you’re gonna regret it princess.” he glared.
inside this made me feral and nervous. everything he did made me nervous. but somehow, out of nowhere. a boost of confidence comes out.
“what if i do?” i tilt my head and squint my eyes slightly.
he lets out one singular breathy laugh. and then grabs my thighs and puts me on the counter. “so you think your tough?”
he grabs my jaw and pulls me in aggressively. clashing teeth, and moans filled the kiss.
he trails down to my neck and i tilt my head to the side giving him more access. he bites and sucks at the skin.
he removes an arm from me and moves it up my shirt.
then he squeezes my tit making me moan loud as fuck. “MATT!” i whisper yell at him “shhh” he says against my neck.
“we are gonna get caught!” i say. he pulls off from my neck “shut the fuck up and we wont.” then he pulls my shirt over his head.
so now hes in my shirt… with me bra-less. and he starts sucking on my tit. making me moan against my lip that i was currently biting.
he kitten licks my nipple making me thrust my hips up accidentally. he takes both his hands and holds down my thighs.
i started rubbing his dick through his pants making his mouth drop my tit and groan. he pulls out from underneath my shirt. “did i say you could do that?” “..no sorry baby.” “u can do it now. ask next time, gorgeous.” he says and kisses my jawline.
he starts rubbing me through my shorts making me grab onto his shoulder and he winced so i stopped. “dont worry baby go ahead.” he smiled.
he rubbed hard and slow. “faster, please!” i whisper trying to continue to rub him but it was growing harder since i couldnt focus bc the pleasure.
“ohh god.” i mumble as he starts rubbing faster.
we here someone start to walk towards the kitchen.
“fuck.” matt says and walks to the microwave as i fix my shirt and shorts.
“how long is it gonna take?” madison asks. “popcorn stills got 3 minutes then we are making floats for everyone.” matt informs.
“mmmmmk!” she walks back into the room shutting the door.
he runs back over to me and grabs my phone, opens it. then he opens the sleepover gc texts.
“i js burnt the shit out of my hand so me and matt r gonna be in the bathroom dealing w it. ” he types.
“lets go!” he runs to the bathroom thru the hallway.
“we are gonna finish what we started.” he smirks shutting and locking the door. “on the counter. now.”
i jump on the counter and he kneels in between my legs sliding my shorts down. i lift up a bit to help him out.
he stands up and i use my hands to slide his pants off. he does it once i cant reach anymore. we both have a wet spot in our underwear.
him having a bulge aswell as precum wetting his underwear.
“you see what you do to me?” he asked noticed i was staring. “apologies, baby” “noo dont apologize.” he steps forward. “your gonna feel so good, just wait.”
he kneels down in between my legs again and takes two fingers and rubs where i need him most, making me gasp.
“ohh god” i throw my head back. “thats not gonna work pretty girl. you’re gonna look at me while i touch you. understand?”
“yes sorry” i say looking at him. “thank you princess.” he continues rubbing.
“you gotta take em off- i— cant please!” i thrust my hips up. “since you’ve been good, i can do that.”
he slides my underwear down, i lift again to help him out a bit.
“god your dripping and ive barley done anything.” he smirks looking up at me. “you make me so wet.” “good.”
he takes the same two fingers and runs it through my pussy collecting the wetness.
he shoves the fingers in his mouth moaning at the taste. “god you taste amazing” he grabs my thighs and pulls me closer and starts to kiss and leave hickeys on my thighs. i moan at every touch.
i grab onto his shoulder again. he moves in on my actual pussy. kitten licking my throbbing clit.
“oh my god— fuck!— right there!” i let my head heads fall back and my mouth fall open gasping.
he licks all the way down to his new favorite spot. he dips his tongue in and then licks his lips.
he kisses my clit before taking two fingers and shoving them into me, with no warning at all. making me gasp.
“DING!” my phone screams.
“its the groupchat love, want me to answer?” matt asks as i nod trying to catch my breath. him still keeping the 2 fingers in me moving slowly.
“they asked if everythings okay.” he laughs. “they heard you gasp.”
“just um— uh— say im fine it just— hurts” i say breathlessly.
“okay darling.” he says knowing that makes me soaked. i clench around his fingers making him chuckle.
“okay. lets continue.” he smiles and sets my phone down.
he starts to move faster. he curls his fingers the slightest most perfect way possible.
he goes faster somehow. and im trying my hardest to not scream. digging my nails into his shoulder.
in a one hand motion he gets my shirt off leaving me completely naked. he groans and slows down a second taking a look at me. “how did you get more perfect?”
he grabs my tit and rubs over my nipple and squeezes every so often.
he sighs and pulls his fingers out. putting them in his mouth sucking all of me off.
“hop down, pretty.” he stands up holding out a hand. he grabs my waist and pulls me in for a delicate kiss.
“you’re so goddamn gorgeous. i love you so much.” he smiles. “and i apologize for how your going to feel tomorrow.” he tucks my hair behind my ear.
he grabs my shoulders and turns me around, so now im looking at myself in the mirror.
“ew i look gross right now.” i look down.
he slaps my ass. “AH-“ i gasp. “your perfect. shut the fuck up.” he smiles.
“now— i want you to watch yourself in the mirror while i fuck the brains out of you. okay?”
“mhm.” i nod leaning over the counter giving him more access. “mmm such a good girl for me.” he rubs my waist before sliding his underwear off.
leaving us both completely stripped, he jerks his dick a bit and then rubs it on my pussy.
“i love you.” he says before pushing into me stretching me out. “fuck!” i yell squeezing my eyes shut.
“ah ah ah— i know it hurts but what did i say? you watch. you dont close your eyes”
“uh huh.. sorry handsome”
“you okay now? can i move?” he asks still wanting it to feel good and not to hurt. “please do” he starts to move slowly watching me in the mirror very carefully not wanting it to hurt. when he notices i bite down on my lip he starts to move faster.
“oh— fuck oh fuck oh fuck!” i say with every thrust.
he goes faster making my body start to move with his actions. “shit i think im gonna—“ i say breathlessly.
“wait for me darling.” he says moving faster. “AHH!” i moan out, vision starting to go blurry.
“yes matt— fuck! right there! ohh my god!”
“oh- i think im gonna— fuck! cum with me darling” he says panting.
i feel the knot in my stomach immediately let go and i moan out grabbing the sink for dear life. then i feel his dick twitch and i feel his hot cum release inside me.
he grabs my hips and moves me with his thrusts while we ride out our high. he starts to slow down and i let my head fall down.
“jesus christ.” he mumbles. he pulls out making me wince. sucking in air through my teeth. he takes his finger and collects our cums mixed. i turn around and he shoves his fingers in my mouth.
“mm we taste so good. huh?” “mhm” i moan around his fingers as i suck.
he pulls them out with a pop! noise and grabs a towel and cleans himself, my thighs, and anywhere we got it in the bathroom.
“we made a mess.” i laughed. “worth it though!”
he helps me get dressed and gets himself dressed.
he grabs 2 bandaids. “what are those for?” i ask. “your ‘burn mark’” he does air quotes. “and my shoulder, which is bleeding.” he laughs.
“shit.. i am so sorry baby!” i immediately start to feel bad. “its fine!” he says moving my hair to cover my hickeys. “gotta be sneaky.”
he puts the bandaids on and turns around. “get on my back love” i cling onto him laying my head on the opposite shoulder i made bleed. we walk to the kitchen. he gets out the soda and ice cream and cups.
he also takes the popcorn from out of the microwave and puts it in a bowl before walking back to the room everyone was sleeping in.
“stuff for the floats is out me and her are gonna be in here, make it yourselves!” he lets go of me so i fall back onto the couch.
everyone gets up and goes to the kitchen. “addi make me one!” i say. “fine.”
everyone leaves the room. “you think they heard us?” matt asks rubbing my thigh. “probably, i could give a fuck less though that was amazing.”
“mhm anything for my beautiful girl.” he leans over and kisses my cheek.
@mattslolita @mrssturnioloo
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dashawns-world · 10 months
Been a little bit since my last post! Sorry this one isn’t going to be a very long one either. I’ve been very busy with my new job and personal work, but I did want to talk about three movies I saw recently! And while I won’t spoil anything major, these thoughts may cloud your judgement going into the films, so I recommend avoiding if you wanna go in with an open mind. Anyway, let’s go:
Barbie was such a fun film! It made me laugh out loud way more than it had any right to. Seriously, there’s a joke Will Ferrel nonchalantly says that I can’t get outta my mind. I had tears in my eyes. Not gonna spoil it but if you know, you know. The themes are quite existential, but in a playful enough way that I didn’t leave it thinking “bummer…” If I had to complain about anything, it’s that Barbie was kinda inactive for the final act. To the point where I was asking myself “what is Barbie doing?” Maybe you’d see what I meant if you watched it. (Or disagree) I still had a good time tho.
It’s worth a watch!
This is my favorite TMNT movie now, and my favorite personification of the turtles. The art direction, emotional stuff, comedy, action, and characters were all on point. There’s a moment where Leo has a heart to heart with his bros that didn’t feel as earned as it could’ve (on first viewing) I only bring this up because it’s a thought I had as the scene was going on. Where as everything else in the movie felt organic and original, this scene felt like a tried and true motivational speech beat that these types of movies generally have. If that makes sense? I’d have to watch it again to be sure. And thankfully, I’d gladly watch it again because I had such a good time.
Watch itttt!!
This is a Netflix original and boy was I blown away. I swear, John Boyega is on Leo DiCaprio’s level of changing into a whole new person for his roles. I’m never sure who I’m gonna get. He really killed it. I’m not gonna spoil this movie and honestly if you go in blind it might be better. The directing is really REALLY good, too. There’s a scene that I really loved, where we’re with a character for an extended amount of time in one shot. This is to build tension for a pretty crazy moment afterwards and it was VERY well done. These types of scenes are so cool to me because I’m used to cutting often in animation. But in live action, these scenes are really good for getting inside a character’s head. I really can’t explain without spoiling but if you’ve watched the movie, I thiiiiink you know the scene I’m talking about.
Anyway, the cast, direction, and plot are all top notch. Jamie Foxx is hilarious as always, and Teyonah Parris gets to shine in this film. I loved her character in this compared to Wandavision where her talent was wasted.
I think this movie is perfect for the culture, but if you’re not typically into movies with a majority black cast that deals with African American issues (in a really good way) then you probably won’t be impressed. Your loss, though! I believe that this, alongside movies like The Woman King, The Harder They Fall, and Get Out are examples of movies that have clear parallels to others in their respective genres, but add a twist that I appreciate because of their characters and writing. I used to be stuck with hood movies, but now I get hood mystery movies. I love it, is all I’m saying.
Anyway, I know what the next deep dive is gonna be. I just need to set aside free time to write it up. I’ve been wanting to do a write up about beat em up games. My favorite one, in particular. I want to analyze what I like about it, and what I don’t. Might do more drawing to go alongside it too. Anybody remember Advance Guardian Heroes?? Brace yourselves, lol.
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fakesimp · 2 years
I'd like to request about what will shu do when his s/o gets jealous? Maybe just a little spicy but nothing too much? Thank you so much chia, happy 300 followers!!!
"What is it that I'm even jealous of?" , With Shu Yamino
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Warning !
Slight nsfw ! ; Teasy ! Shu x Jealous ! Reader ; Shu teasing you for getting jealous.
When it's very obvious that he only loves you and you only.
A/n : Haiwo 🍰 anon, Thank you for requesting! I hope you like this tho..
Seems like you really love Shu huh (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
not that I'm complaining- You can literally see how many Shu Yamino writings I did (⁠ ̄▽ ̄⁠;⁠)
You love him, yes, and you know he loves you too. Your beloved Sorcerer, Shu Yamino. But there are times when he just seems to be out of your reach.
Right now he's there, literally right there, in front of his computer streaming a game you just need to poke him and his attention would be on you! But of course as a good s/o you are, you didn't want to disturb him. So you just sit down there looking at him playing, for like. Almost 4 hours by now.
He was streaming valorant, his favorite game. You are on his bed playing with your phone, scrolling through YouTube to see is there anything interesting to watch. And Shu's stream got recommended, wouldn't it be weird if you watch his stream when you're literally behind him?
. . .
You watched his stream in the end.
You clicked on the stream and it seems like he's almost win on the current round, you look over at the chat that's moving so fast, some of them saying where the enemies are, some of them saying becareful, etc.
How cute.
And then you heard 'Last player standing' oh. Shu's the only one left, you look over at Shu, he was a bit tense. And the next second he got killed, he laughed at what happened, "Aww, haha nice tryy!" He said as he stretches his arms. "Let's see.. oh I've been, streaming for quite sometime, oops." He said as he switching the screen to him and chat only.
After some chitter chattering with the chat for around 10-15 minutes, Shu finally decided to bid his goodbye to yaminions. "Bye guyysss" he said and putting up the ending screen,
Or what is it that you're getting jealous of when it comes to this sorcerer? When he literally loved you and give you so much affection?
Did you really get jealous over a game?
Now you starting to question yourself.
What is it that you're jealous of when it comes to Shu Yamino?
You frowned and didn't even realize Shu was calling you until he was in front of you, waving his hand in front of your face.
You blinked once, twice, thrice.
"Hi" he chuckled softly, "what were you thinking of, I called you multiple times but you didn't respond." He said, you went quiet for a moment confused on what to say.
"Nothing." You replied, Shu tilt his head to the side, "Did I do something? Is it about me?" "No, yes, no-, I don't know."
Shu chuckled once again and stared at you with that signature V-shaped smile of his, "You know I love you right?" He asked in a teasing voice. "I-" "Then you don't have to be Jealous of anything you know" He said and smirked proudly.
Oh how red you went when he knows what's going on, even without you saying anything to him. He laughed at your reaction and engulfed you into his arms, "I love you, and you only, what are you even jealous of?" He asked as he drawing shapes on your back. And softly trailing kisses on your neck to your shoulder, your body shivers as he did so.
"I'm yours only," he whispered and kissed your neck, "and you're mine." He continued and then softly nibbling on your earlobe.
You whined softly at his actions, "Shu.." you whispered his name, "So, you want to tell me what you're jealous of, Hm?" He asked as he moved away a little bit.
"Don't know, I don't wanna know." You replied, and just bury your face at the crook of his neck, you felt his body shake a little as he laughed at your reply. "You're so cute when you're jealous." "No, I'm not."
"Stop itttt.."
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Ahem, anywho I hope you like it 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
( 1/5 )
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chalterdh22 · 7 months
Day 31: Poe, Finn and Rey in Aftercare
Lee: Poe Dameron
Ler: Rey and Finn
Summary:  Poe ends up getting injured and Rey and Finn are there to help him.  come to find out, the injury isn’t bad at all, but totally worth discovering it and other things about their friend.
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, so if that’s not your thing, don’t read.  Fluffy, friend humor.
Poe had stumbled back into their ship.  Finn ran off to get some medical supplies and Rey was trying her best to be gentle with him, but that wasn’t her nature really.  “Where did the blade cut you?”  she asked frantically.
“My side,” he gasped, holding a spot on his right side tightly.
“Let me see!” She ripped his hand away and pulled up his under shirt to see this huge gash.  “Poe, really?”
“What?  It hurts so bad!!!”  He grabbed his side again.
“Seriously Poe!  I thought you were dying here!  Stop messing around, it’s barely a scratch!”
“Why does it hurt so bad?” he asked moaning.
“I don’t know.  Maybe you pulled a muscle.” she guessed, kneeling down next to where he was sitting on the floor.  “Here, let me look again to make sure."  He nodded and lifted his shirt back up.
She reached out and lightly touching it making him flinch.  “Sorry, I’m trying to see if there’s a muscle cramping.  I won’t touch it directly then.”  She then took two to massage around the mark and this time he curled up and let out a quick laugh.  “Whoa!  Sorry Poe!  What was that?”
He quickly removed the grin from his face and sat back straight up.  “Nothing,”
“Nothing what?”  Finn came jogging back with arms full of medical supplies.  Rey chuckled looking at him, realizing he wouldn’t need any of that for his tiny scratch.
“Oh, Poe’s just really sensitive today is all.” she said smirking back at him.  “I’m trying to help him with his injury, and he keeps moving away from me!” 
“Come on Poe, let her help!  Is it really that bad?”  Finn asked concerned.  Poe just stared blankly at Rey, like waiting for her to say something.
“No, no.  It’s nothing actually.  I feel much better now!”  He started to stand up when Rey grabbed tightly around his arm.
“Nonsense,” she said, pulling him back to a seated position on the floor.  “I’ll help tend your wounds,” she said condescendingly. 
“Let her help, Poe.  Stop being so stubborn!”  At this point, Rey had the biggest smile on her face, as Poe had a look of fear.  Finn was just standing by watching, not sure what to expect.
Rey finally pulled him forward to her, and then threw him on the ground, pinning one arm above his head with her arm, and a knee pinned his other arm.  He let out a gasp as his back hit the ground.
“Geeze, Rey.  Careful!”  Finn said, looking still concerned over his friend and his wounds.  “We are trying to help him get better, not injury him more!”
“Yeah, Rey!”  Poe said, still trying to sit up.
“Oh, I am helping.  Let’s take a look at this wound again.  Finn, can you get me some gauze and tape please.  Oh, we should put some ointment on it first though.”  Finn gladly gave her all those things as Poe really started struggling under her weight.
“I’m good Rey.  Really!”  Finn put some ointment on her fingers, and she started massaging it all over Poe’s defenseless rip cage, around his tiny mark.
He let out a gasp and a laugh and started to kick, trying to know her off of him.  “Sttttoopppp iittttt, Rrrreeeeeeeyyy~!”  He barely got it out.
“Why are you tickling him?”  Finn asked, confused, but grinning slightly.  Laughter was contagious it seemed.
“I’m not, I’m healing his sore.”  She said sweetly.  “Hand me a piece of gauze please.”  Finn put a piece in her free hand, and she was dabbing it all around the same area.  “It really does feel like there’s a know her, Poe.  Oh, wait, it just shifted down a few inches!”  Then she attached his ribs a few down from his injury.
“SSSSttttopopppp itttt!  Puuuuhleeease!” 
“Stop being such a baby.”  Finn said, now wanting to join in.  He went straight for his hips and squeezed, sending poor Poe’s body off the floor, almost bucking Rey off too.  He was belly laughing so hard, he couldn’t fight anymore, so he tried to curl up the best as he could, against his best friends’ attacks.
“Ok, ok.  I think he’s healed now Rey.”  Finn said, standing up.  She stopped as well, stood up and offered him a hand, which he accepted.
“You guys are the best.”  Poe said sarcastically.
“Yup and don’t you forget it!!!”
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leegemma · 11 months
hiiiii :333 i like your fic so much!! could i ask 5, 20, 22 and 37 for lee!han jisung and ler!lee minho?💔
Thank you for your request, I hope you don't mind, but I decided to make this a part 2 to the fic I posted yesterday, I'll put the link here!
Enjoy :)
5 - "you asked for it..."
20 - "can you... do the thing?"
22 - "your hands are freezing!"
37 - "I didn't hear a 'stop'..."
Han woke up with a familiar feeling. Up until a week ago, Han would probably just go on his phone to try and ignore the feeling, but ever since his 'confession' to Lee know, he knew he could get exactly what he wanted. If only he could gather up the guts to just ask...
Han knew that if he asked the older to tickle him, he will immediately agree. But Han also knew how hard it'll be for him to ask, he assumed that it'll get easier to ask after a couple of times, but he had to start somewhere for that to happen, didn't he?
And so the boy gathered himself up and moved towards Minho's room, knocking on the door. His heart beat getting faster and faster.
"Who is itttt?" A whiny Lee know yelled from inside the room.
Uh-oh, he sounds moody. Han almost chickened out, until he realized moody Lee know brings out brutal Lee know, and how he loved brutal Lee know... "it's me, can I come in?"
"Han? Oh yeah, come in!" The now sweeter voice replied.
Han opened the door to find Lee know sitting down on his bed, his phone in his hand. Han gave him a shy smile and walked farther into the room.
Lee know, noticing you younger's weird vibe, put his phone away and watched carefully as Han climbed onto the bed with him, sitting across from him.
"Hyung I need to ask you something..." Han looked anywhere but in the other's eyes.
"Oh yeah?" Lee know raised his one eyebrow.
"Mhm... I just... I woke up feeling like THAT again." Jisung tried.
"Feeling like... that? What do you want, Hannie?~" Lee know tried his best not to smile. In all honesty, he was starting to understand where this was going, but he wasn't going to give in so easily.
"Can you... do the thing?" Han stuttered, holding himself back from covering his face and never showing it again.
"Jisung~~~" Lee know smirked and tilted his head, trying to get the younger to look at him.
"Hm.." Han shook his head slightly.
"What is 'the thing'?" Minho grinned at his adorable friend.
"You're just teasing! You already know!" Han pouted and crossed his arms, hoping to just get his tickles soon.
"Alright, alright... get over here..." Lee know shook his head with a smile. Han was too cute.
Han scooted over closer to the older, feeling both nervous and exited.
Lee know instructed him to lay down, and then climbed on top of him, holding his wrists in one hand and bringing it down to Han's side. He then lifted Han's shirt up with his one free hand and let his hand rest on his bare tummy.
Han gasped. "Your hands are freezing!"
Lee know rolled his eyes. "You asked for it..."
"Not for this I didn't!" Han whined.
"You didn't, did you? You wanted me to do this-" and with that, Lee know started digging into the smaller boy's mid section. Making sure to tease the boy as much as he could along the way.
"Look how cute your little tummy is!"
"Gahahaha! Hyuhuhung!!!" Han shook his head, finally feeling exactly what he's been wanting to feel since he woke up.
"You're so cute I think I'm gonna die." And just like that, Lee know's tough boy act was gone.
"WHYHY TEAHAHING?!?!" Han fell into hysterics when Minho started switching between spots fast.
"Because you love it so much." Lee know winked at him, switching between Han's left and right armpits and digging in with no mercy, making the younger fall into silent laughter.
Minho smiled but stopped the rough tickling, only drawing shapes on Han's stomach and sides while the joy tried calming down while still giggling from the feeling.
"Youhuhur'e bahad anahand mehean..." Han whispered, smiling big from eye to eye even after lee know stopped the gentle tickling.
"I didn't hear a 'stop'..." Lee know smirked, poking Han on his side, and then petting his arms go and getting off of him.
Han blushed. "Maybe you didn't listen well."
"Or maybe you just didn't want me to stop." Lee know suggested with a shrug. Looking down at the boy who was still laying on his bed tiredly.
Han looked away while blushing deeper.
Lee know chuckled. "Stop being shy about it! I already told you I love tickling you as much as you love being tickled by me. Okay? I promise you I think it's the cutest thing ever."
Han finally locked eyes his the older, letting a smile slowly spread on his face. "Thank you, hyung."
Lee know shook his head fondly and messed Han's hair around. "Absolutely no problem."
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dilfl0v3rss · 11 months
How would piss ony off for him to do this?
ohhh maaa gawdddd😩😩😩
you gotta be doing something ridiculous for him to be fucking you like in the car like that in BROAD DAYLIGHT
“pa i wanna go homeeeee” you groaned as you watching ony roll up his window after selling to another customer. a long sigh left his mouth as he shook his head and put the money in his glovebox. you been sitting in this damn car for hours, watching your man do the same thing over and over again as he played his stupid drill music throughout the vehicle. “mama whas wrong now” he mumbled, giving you a bored expression as he looked you up and down in your pretty outfit. a smirk grew on his face as he thought unholy scenarios about what he’d do to you in the backseat with that skimpy thing on. “y’look sexy baby. give daddy a kiss”
a mean mug quickly grew on your face. this man just completely ignored your complaint and threw his head straight into the gutter. this that shit you be talking about, him not listening when you need him to, but always expecting you to do so when he wants you to. “no nigga i wanna go the fuck home” you said. your words didn’t really bother him that much, besides the cursing. ony was in a good mood today, he made a lot of money and planned to spend it all on you later despite your attitude. “aye aye…be nice” he mumbled, moving his head over the center console to give you a kiss.
once again this man didn’t give you the reaction you wanted, so you pushed your luck. before he got too close you decided that it’d be okay to take your hand and mush it across his cheek. ony seen it coming though so he moved back, but your long stiletto nails still grazed his cheek, making a small scratch appear on his upper cheek. fear quickly ran through your bones as you watched your boyfriend lightly tap the scratch on his face, a small drop of blood sitting on his finger as he picked his head up and looked straight at you. “b-baby i-” “get in the fucking back”
this was the one time in your life where you felt like you deserved what was happening to you. back arched deep into the cousin of his seats as your angry boyfriend fucked you with anger in the backseat. his big hand wrapped around your ankle to keep you from running as he let you cry out many apologies and promises. “daddy m’sorryyyyy” you whined, your arm stretching towards the door to try to pull yourself away from his brutal thrusts. “w-won’t do it again i swearrrr” ony scoffed, fucking you so hard that you couldn’t even keep your arm up. too fucked out to even remember that you were trying to run. “fuck up….puttin y’fuckin hands on me, you crazy or sum?”
his thrusts deepened, making a scream erupt from your throat as you quickly laid your hand on top of his. your hand shook, the repeated tapping of your skin on his making ony look down towards your tore up state. “what? you tappin?” he said, his voice deep and angry as he didn’t stop or slow his trusts. you nodded your head quickly, lifting it from the seat so you can speak. drool and tears fell from your glossy lips as you took deep breaths of air as if you were suffocating. “i know i was wrong daddy, but…..but i really can’t t-take itttt” ony slid his hand up and down your back, keeping his voice soft as he spit his mean words at you. “awww mama…i really don’t give a fuck” he roughly pushed you down, holding the back of your neck as he pushed you down into the cushion.
“you gon take this fucking dick until daddy say you done aight? ion play that shit and ima make sure it don’t happen ever again”
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fandom-hoarder · 1 day
Walker 4x10 live reaction
I'm watching walker now, cracking up again at Liam in the recap: "She went out the window!"
Liam is being total dad rn 👀
"Make sure you're as vague as possible. He's not in the best headspace." Hahh yeah
Omg stella
Meeting joanna ALONE AGAIN jfc
"Your GRANDMOTHER, Sadie."
Fainting in sex ed lol
Luna is funny
He did a bit lol
Sadie having normal grandparents to compare joanna to hahhh good
Ok I'm glad they tracked her phone. WHAT ABOUT HER LAPTOP. SHE LOOKED UP THE ADDRESS
Thank you, goddd
Wow, Luna's friend so dismissive
What a diiiick
I like this one
Lmfao liam gesticulating with the knife
Like my old boss lmfao
Is this a walker thing? Lmfaooooo did you not notice
Geri's "yeah. It is." So true
Lmao go angry chop some wood
Stellaaaaa you had ONE plan lmao
Dean ass behavior
Turn on your PHONE girl
Am i insane? Did they take her phone when i wasn't looking?
Luna don't make excuses for him. Like ok but he's also a dick
They're so cute, god
Oh wow, joanna found out about her through the dna test
That scene was intense. I teared up
I REALLY want abby to kill her lol. I hope she gets to punch her
Ooh Abby knows where to goooo
Goddamn. SIGNAL, SIGNAL!! LMAO i died
That was a great sequence
This family drama was way more satisfying than the davidsons thing in s2
I always knew it'd end this way omfggg
Lolol sadie telling the signal story
The most cordell thing I've ever heard!! Lmao
Stella found itttt
Lmfao jfc
Letterrrrr 👀👀👀👀
Lol it is still stolen property
Omgggg walker ??????
The blender
Omg omggg
I need the next one RIGHT NOW
The trailer for next week: Aauugghh gonna be a hallucination ep... this is basically a djinn ep 👁👄👁 BET
I started gushing to jpop about all the cordell whump I'm about to get and started blushing lmfao
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lurkingteapot · 11 months
Be my favourite  บทกวีของปีแสง Ep. 7
More than a week late, yep. Watching now and then maybe I can watch ep 8 and finally unblock all iterations of the tag, lolsob
we're on the roof again!
Kawi talking about things, trying really hard, and Pisaeng giving him an out, and … aaaah. I kinda wish he hadn’t. I wanted to see where this would’ve gone.
LESS THAN A MONTH thank FUCK he went
รพ as shorthand for โรงพยาบาล hospital makes perfect sense and I super wouldn't have clocked that on my own
… how about you say thanks to Pisaeng too, he's the one who got this started
don't do itttt
okay I really really hope for him that this goes well, shhhhhit
… is this iteration of Max into Kawi? oh please no this does not need to get MORE complicated
he has a poster of his own face up???
… and a LOT of booze out on the counter, that’s. not great.
they really ARE getting into the way alcohol is a problem. Good for them.
annnnd there it is. guess that’s what Pisaeng was coming to tell him, huh.
god, Max has the patience of a saint and Kawi honestly doesn’t deserve him
oh NO he’s gonna crash the wedding, huh
Pear did not want him there, shhhhit
I love how this show uses flashbacks. devastating.
KWANNNN. I do NOT get what she’d want from Not, but I guess the heart wants etc.
Pear is SO done with him
“fixing the future” doesn’t – shouldn’t – mean fixing it just for you, Kawi
Max is right and also like “have you listened to a single word I said”
Pisaeng and Max should get together in one of the universes, they’re both good guys and also they’d look cute together
playing in the sea, oh no ;-;
MENTHOL MAGAZINE I’m crying laughing
what’s with the sound here? please, gmmtv. or is this a dream or something?
This bgm is a GMMTV staple and I know it’s been in at least two other shows I’ve watched, but I can’t place it right now
the echo-y sound is so distracting
“one big thing” oh no
Pisaeng serenading Kawi, help ;_;
the drunk kiss … why does Pisaeng’s face look like it’s something that happens with some regularity
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jjungkooksthighs · 3 months
“You know that’s not the answer you should be giving me, don’t you, whore?” He punishes her with an ear-piercing smack to her already bruised ass, the harshness of it jostling her between his legs. He takes her earlobe between his teeth in the movement to warn, “if you don’t want another handprint on your ass, you better give the correct one.”
Words fail her yet again, the sting of his ministration making her mind numb to all but the pleasurable pain and overwhelming need flaring in her core. “No?” He prods disappointingly, “Have it your way, then, you disrespectful little brat.” He draws his arm back again, but the way her fingers clench around his thighs have him pausing. Concern awakens in him, but he doesn’t let it rouse his demeanor as he watches her brows come together as she tries to piece forth an answer that will please him. Her eyes do not stray from his hardened member. Her head hangs low, but from where he sits before her, he can see everything he needs.
And she can’t stop staring at his cock like it’s a fucking life line as he thrusts his fingers deep into her mouth.
“Yeeeessss,” she croaks around his digits, “waaannttt itttt, alphaaa.”
“Of course you do, you hungry little whore,” he laughs hoarsely, his hand grabbing at one of her tits and groping it as he bites down on her earlobe. “It’s too bad you won’t get it.”
She feels him release the grip he has on her hair, and for a moment, she thinks her answer has him pleased. It's not long before she realizes she's wrong, for his hand finds purchase on her left tit, groping it roughly while simultaneously biting down on her earlobe, breaking the skin. It earns him a loud series of whimpers, squeals, and whines from her, her much smaller frame thrashing about weakly in his hold as he chuckles mirthlessly into her ear, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. His fingers that are in her mouth thrust in yet again, making her gag when they graze the back of her throat once more, her eyes stinging with the fresh set of tears that spring to her eyes. "a-alpha.." she weakly calls out, but, she's cut off by the harsh tug on her already swollen and sensitive nipple. "I-" her voice cracks under his gaze, and she opts to snuff down her words and excuses to whimpers, her eyes trained on his cock once again. So close to it she was that she could almost taste it. Fuck.. Her alpha pulls his fingers out of her mouth again and pushes them back in drawing out yet another whimper, her legs giving out beneath her at the overwhelming senses she's having to endure. It's almost as if he's mocking her, reminding her of what else she could have had in her mouth had it not been for her insolence. "P-please.. a-alpha.."
“Must I repeat everything twice until you hear it? Or is your head so empty that you cannot think of anything beyond getting some cock?” He runs his lips along her jawline, his hand gliding speedily along his member as he adds, “you are so fucking desperate, omega. I can smell it.”
To prove his point, he inhales deeply, the sweet scent of her slick making him harden impossibly more under his fingers. He keeps pushing his fingers there and back between her lips as he taunts, “You want my dick so badly, you whorish creature. You don’t even care if I fill up your cunt anymore, do you?”
Despite the fact that he’s got his fingers down to the fucking knuckle in her mouth, she knows she has to respond. It would upset him if she didn’t. And she doesn’t want that. Not at all.
“N…no, alpha.” Her voice cracks when he twists his fingers, their pads drawn along the roof of her mouth in a come-hither motion. Gods, did that feel similar to the soft walls of her cunt when she was wrapped around him.
The action almost has her squeal out then and there. She knows that motion. It was his signature move when he had his fingers inches deep inside her cunt and ravaged her with them.
The thought has her thighs rubbing together yet again in search of friction, but he doesn’t give her long to simmer in the heat afire in her core. He rolls her nipple between his fingers, not gentle in the way he squeezes it betwixt them as she squirms beneath him.
“You wonder if I’m doing this to tease you, omega.”
It’s not an inquiry. It’s an observation.
“You would be correct. I am fucking with you right now. I know how badly you want to suck my cock.” He retrieves his soddened digits from her mouth to leave it an empty, drooling mess, “I know you want me to feed you some of my cum, and because of that, you will not get it.” She stares dumbly at his spit-soaked hand as he wraps it to his throbbing member before he sits back in his cushioned chair. “You, omega, will watch.”
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gourde · 6 months
Hot takes coming in HOT. Most are hot takes, like actual hot takes.
IDW Sonic is the best iteration of the character sorry. He's not too different from what Sonic has always been at his core and he feels more like a character than anything. Maybe it's just me being a Transformers fan and there are so, so many different versions of the characters. One of the best TF shows is Animated and it took a ton of risks. Doesn't mean it's bad. Still has the main idea at the core.
And while Archie Sonic is mean as hell he is in no way the worst.
The most boring Sonic media in general is Sonic X. It's nothing to me. It's like white bread. If I want to see aliens from another world with a couple human characters I'd just watch Transformers. And it's not just my tastes, it's just. Nothing. Really. X's Sonic is the worst in my opinion.
Also back to Archie people are way too mean to it. STOP BEING MEAN TO ARCHIE I DON'T EVEN LIKE IT BUT I SEE WAY TOO MUCH HATE ABOUT IT IT'S JUST A COMIC SERIES THEY'RE JUST LIKE THAT though there is a ton of misogyny and racism you can easily tear into it about that.
The Sonic racing games are fun and such an obvious idea for a spin-off.
Satam isn't a good show either. I think most people like it just cause of nostalgia.
I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THIS ONE BUT I JUST CAN'T GET BEHIND SALLY. I don't like her. She's just... a character trope I've seen a thousand times before. Crazy male character, dumb male character, smart male character, and then level-headed female character who keeps them all under control. Like seriously? That's just. So common it's everywhere. Also her design sucks. It's bad. She is not a chipmunk at all.
In fact most Sonic characters look NOTHING like the animal they are and it BOTHERS ME
This is a common thought at least in the circles I'm in but so, so many fan ships are just. So boring. No matter what fandom you go to there will always be the token MLM ship where both male characters are all lovey dovey and kissy and smooshy it's not original.
Sonic and Shadow differ so much in personality they would never get together. Ever. I can't see it at all.
SURGE IS UNIRONICALLY THE BEST CHARACTER IN SONIC AND IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE. Female character who hates everything, is evil, used, self destructive, around the age of 14, she would've been the best thing ever if she existed when I was in my early teens. Also she's GREEN and has SHARP TEETH and is allowed to be COOL AND SCARY EVEN THOUGH SHE'S A GIRL LIKE WE NEED MORE CHARACTERS LIKE THIS IN GENERAL IN EVERY MEDIA EVER
And people are SO SO QUICK to redeem her. I love redemption arcs as much as the next person but like. Let her be evil please. No one was clambering for Starline or Mimic or any other evil male character to be redeemed but suddenly peak female character comes in and she NEEDS TO BE SHIPPED WITH AMY STOP ITTTT STOP
AMY COULD NOT CONVINCE SURGE TO BE NORMAL AGAIN. Sonic already tried it. What would Amy do that would be different. Other than falling into the tired, bored trope of "Romance and love fixes broken people!" STOP THAT
Sonic Forces IS as bad as people said when it came out. It's not good. You can have fun with it I don't care but it's not a well made game at all.
Sonic Colours by extension despite being one of my favourites and I certainly have nostalgia for it (Especially the soundtrack) suffers a lot when it enters 2D. It's slow and bad to control. Like Sonic Forces but you can actually stomach it.
The original Sonic games and momentum are overrated as a gameplay mechanic. Games will evolve over time and switch things out. Character will evolve over time. That's okay. If things didn't change, even if you personally don't like it, the series would get stale and stagnate.
SA1 and SA2 are not as good as everyone remembers. Ignoring the jank there's just better 3D platformers out there.
That said SA1's spindash is so fucking fun I love spamming it in the hub world WEEEE WOOSH WOOSH WEEEE!!!
Sonic Heroes is SO broken you CANNOT ignore it for nostalgia sorry it's just. God. It's so infuriating to play. YOU FALL OFF ALL THE TIME
In fact nostalgia and constant shipping brain are kind of my biggest gripe within the Sonic fandom.
Sonamy is the worst ship in Sonic and it's not even a contest. It truly sucks so bad. Neither of them are good for each other. THE AGE GAP.
Sonic Frontiers is truly what we needed. We really, seriously needed Frontiers.
And while I am complaining a lot I think people complain too much about the Sonic games because it isn't what they look for in Sonic. It's such a long running franchise that has changed up many things about it which means there's a ton of people all looking for different things from Sonic. You cannot make a Sonic game that will make the majority happy. That's okay. We probably won't go back to 2D momentum in main line Sonic games (Ignoring classic games). That's also okay.
People just gotta be more chill regarding changes in Sonic in general.
Now that I think about every Sonic show has it's own big problems. None of them are great. Except Sonic Boom but it's indicative of a rather big slump in Sonic that relied on humour instead of sincerity.
But talking about that people ALSO have to realize that Sonic is for kid's first and foremost. It won't do anything insane crazy dark. It'll stay within parameters. It's for kid's. If you want toxic romance or whatever just go watch an adult show. This goes for any fandom really.
And finally, SONIC ISN'T WHITE!!!!!!
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chicago pd 10x10
this is a nice start
poor torres looks so lost
what in the actual hell is this story tho
adam checking up on torres is peak big brother behavior
‘how’re you getting home, man? i drove you’
‘uh, there's a thing called uber’
we love torres for that
adam and dante are now besties
im sorry
but i don't make the rules
adam coaching torres is great
i love it
adam further proving that bob ruzek was a shit father is great
we love bob ruzek slander here
oh yay
a call
can't wait to see how this goes
i don't have a good feeling about this
at all
im scared
irrelevant but adam and dante make a good team
watch it be only for this episode and it never happens again
oh shit
what's happening
oh no
ohhhhh noooooo
these poor people
aw dante being so considerate
he’s so kind
i love him
oh this poor poor woman
its not even five minutes in
and im crying
why can't we ever have a break
oh hailey looks GOOD
god i hate this so much
kim looks *mwah*
jesus christ im just thirsting over all of them
adam and danteeeee
danteee and kevinnnnn
i don't like this guy
this detective is a dick
i do not like him at all
youre worried about solving enough cases to keep your record up
instead of the victims
im in love with you
i wanna stab him
this is fun
i never understand how they can read the license plates from so far away
only thing I can see his blurred blobs
how do they do it
holy fucking shit
oh no
this keeps getting worse and worse
i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it
no no no no no no no no
come on
guess detective dick is atucally useful
holy fucking shit
still a dick
oh no
detective dickwad
i hate you
with everything I got
jump off a fucking cliff
poor dante
guys still a newbie
and dealing with all this bs
dante works so well with all of them
i love it
detective dick is back
i wanna kill you
i also don't believe you
youre dick face
hes getting rid of dante cuz he did something
i know it
oh i wanna see how this goes
dante hurry it up
come on
i don't want detective dick to come back
i don't believe his statement
at all
detective dick threatened him
i know it
dante would be a great detective
i want him to be one
dante looks like hes about punch him
i don't blame him
i love the way Kev says ‘chicago pd’ before slamming the door
shut the fuck up asshole
nobody likes you
i love how everyones looking out for torres
hes the baby of the unit
and everyones taking care of him
you don't understand
this interrogation is interesting
im curious to see where it goes
kev looking at torres
hes concerned for his baby brother
my sweet baby
i love you so much
take care of torres
shut the fuck up man
this is your fault
what're you going to do
adam and torres
i love my babies
what did he find
what's gonna happen
please adam
support him
oh no
come on
chicago pd writers
the fuck are you doing
please don't destroy their potential friendship 
i need this more than you understand
where's this going
thank you adam
‘before WE doing anything at all’
poor larry
dudes just trying to do his job
and then ruzek comes along
i wanna know what happenssss
just play the goddamn video
lets seeeeee
fucking detective dick
i hope you rot in hell
the witnessss
we’re backkkkk
oh this poor guy
detective dick
i will MURDER you
i feel so bad for alex
this guy didn't ask for any of this
oh how's this gonna go
god i don't like either of these options
adam and dante heart to heart
we love to see it
how're they gonna explain this to voight
real smart ruzek
voight humouring them is great
he knows what's happening
and he doesn't want to question it
we love it
oh mY GOD
i lowkey want voight to find out about what's happening
he’ll somehow make this better and worse
we’ll see
oh no
hailey looks great
detective dick is gonna do something stupid, isn't he?
he will
i can feel it
i'll slap him
if detective dick ruins this, ill riot
i will
don't ruin this
torres wait
he might have a better idea
comE ON
oh this actually worked
maybe i don't hate you as much anymore dick
maybe you aren't terrible
i change my min
you are extremely terrible
do something
youre awakening something in me
thaT VOICe
‘this is why i became a cop’
sir please
im not strong enough
voight looks so proud
ruzek and torres
in a bar
oh no
poor dante
im so sorry
i hate detective dick
with every fiber of my being
oh no
‘i just became apart of the blue wall’
oh poor poor dante
adam doing his best
hes so nic
trying to advise dante 
god I miss season one Adam
he was so innocent and carefree
and now look at him
trying to convince the newbie that everything's okay
im not strong enough for the next episode
im really not
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