#i missed drawing in general tbh
thatcakelovingwitch · 6 months
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getting lost in your eyes
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vnixxir · 2 years
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full res. & art process on patreon
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sketchy-tour · 3 months
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Wanted to try my hand at a more sort of story book look! Been a minute since I made a piece like this!!!!
Oh I love these three so so much. Dandy sticks out so much compared to the primary colored pair hehe
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diamondsheep · 3 months
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Zorooo ⚔✨!!!
this is a redraw of this fanart that i made in 2022
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sloubs · 3 months
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mechagender · 2 years
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i think he deserves a puppy as a treat
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martisno · 2 years
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i saw funny cat images and said “them”
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melverie · 1 month
Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh today I've been constantly experiencing the urge to un-private today-in-the-devildom & start writing for it again
#i'm gonna ramble in the tags but#i've been talking with starr (if you're reading this--hi starr!! <3) about the blog today and sharing some of the entries#and it just made me miss it so much#+ the conversation actually made me realize some other reasons why i didn't enjoy the blog in general anymore#like i genuinely love the blog and i genuinely loved writing for it & that conversation reminded me of that#but also there were so many reasons that ultimately pushed me to more or less abandon the blog & then later private it too#so i'm kind of at a loss here#tbh i think i'm mostly just scared to pick the blog up again only for it to end exactly like last time i picked it back up#i've actually always wanted for the blog to be a source of inspiration y'know?#like the things mentioned in the entries are kinda just small ideas right#i was hoping that people would read these & feel inspired to write or draw something of their own based on my entries#that was actually what made me start the blog in the first place. the hope that i could inspire others that way#aaahhhhhh.... maybe it's on me since i could have more openly communicated that idea......#i did get to meet one wonderful person who wrote a few fics based on my entries tho!! (hi ali <3)#but yeah..there's that#also the way engagement just dropped significantly after a while#like i know i was gone for a good while & that a lot of people left the fandom and all that#but still getting maybe one reblog if i'm lucky really feels like a punch to the gut#ESPECIALLY considering that i was close to 900 followers on there#do you guys know that feeling when you proudly show someone you care about something you did only to get a disinterested answer?#yeah...#that's essentially how it feels like to me#and well as you might know the feeling of “why should i keep writing if apparently no one cares” eventually won... haha.....#but aaaahhhhh i'm still clinging onto the hope & what ifs here#that conversation with starr really just made me forget about everything that frustrated me about the blog & left me with this#longing feeling to start again lol#hey if you've made it this far into the tags let me just ask--would you care if i picked the blog back up?#would you also *show* that you care?#i'm actually quite curious (you could almost call me george lol)#anyway maybe we'll see each other on today-in-the-devildom again in the future.. who knows
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
you know its time to go to bed when the sad thoughts start rolling in
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toestalucia · 10 days
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sinestrosmind · 3 months
Thank You for Saving Me
Summary: Fireclaw has thanked Sinestro many times for saving him. Now, it's Sinestro's turn to thank Fireclaw.
Warnings: Sinestro cries lmao
Characters: Topaz Fireclaw, Thaal Sinestro
Wordcount: 1,319
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     The sun was low in the sky, stars beginning to appear as night fell upon New Korugar's capital, and upon the surrounding forests. Deep within one of these forests, the leader of the Sinestro Corps and the second in command walked peacefully side by side.
     The leader had many names by many others, harsh and most untrue in his eyes; tyrant, dictator, fear mongerer, traitor- name it, and he's been called it. In contrast, his corps called him their leader, their founder, and, his most preferred by them, Sinestro. To the rest of the corps, he was just that. He was just Sinestro. But, to the Levanixian walking beside him, a soft purr rumbling in his chest, he was far more.
     The feline beside him called him many things too, and his favorite was whatever he chose to use at the time. Love, dear, babe, Thaal, even some more intimate names of which Sinestro cared not to share with anyone outside his and the Levanixian's shared personal quarters.
     There's one, though, that Sinestro has noticed used rarely, only in times of darkness for the cat beside him. "Savior."
     Sinestro didn't mind the name, he thought it fitting. After all, he did save Fireclaw. Gave him a new life, a new home, a new purpose. He did save him from his previous, cruel life. But whenever Fireclaw used the name, it always worried him. It was always used in times of darkness, of dispair, when the cat was battling a foe that Sinestro could not aid him with.
     Today seemed to be one of those days, as despite Fireclaw's purring, Sinestro could see that he was lost in thought. His eyes heavy and dark, filled with sadness. This is why Sinestro had proposed going for a walk, to clear his love's head, to spend quality time together and continue to heal past wounds.
     "Thaal?" Sinestro hears Fireclaw's quiet voice, laced with sadness. The Korugarian wraps an arm around Fireclaw's shoulders, gently pulling the Levanixian close to him. "Yes, Topaz?" Sinestro replies, gentle and loving and worried.
     Fireclaw let himself be tucked under Sinestro's arm, welcoming the embrace and the warmth. "Thank you for saving me..." The Levanixian whispers, and he feels Sinestro's hold on him protectively tighten as tears begin to fall. "I don't know where I'd be right now if you didn't..."
     "Anything for you, my dear," Sinestro reassures, and Fireclaw closes his eyes and leans into the Korugarian, tension visibly leaving his shoulders as he relaxed and let Sinestro guide him along. Let Sinestro lead him away from his troubles.
     These walks continued, as they had before, whenever one or the other was feeling down for any reason they would take a walk deep into a New Korugarian forest together. Sometimes, Fireclaw would again thank Sinestro for saving him, or for being his savior, for the umpteenth time. And, again Sinestro would find some way immediately after, by accident or on purpose, to get Fireclaw to relax. For that tension to leave Fireclaw's body, and sometimes, eventually, for the Levanixian to fall asleep as they sat beneath a tree, or in a clearing under the vast night sky.
     Other times, Fireclaw comforts Sinestro, leads the Korugarian away from his troubles as he does for him. Holds him close and hears him out, lets the Korugarian ramble on about whatever's bothering him at the time. Sometimes, Sinestro would thank Fireclaw for even loving him, for being there for him, for trusting him, putting his faith in him.
     Though this time, tonight, as the sun set on New Korugar and gave way to the stars above, it wasn't Sinestro that found Fireclaw sad and alone, fighting enemies who cannot be seen nor touched. It was Fireclaw who found Sinestro, sitting near the outskirts of the new city, staring at the ground, lost in thought.
     "Sinestro! There you are!" Fireclaw called as he slowed from a lazy lope to a trot, and then stopped beside the Korugarian. "I was worried about you," he said, bumping his head against Sinestro's shoulder in a greeting before giving the Korugarian a kiss on the cheek. "What's on your mind?" Fireclaw felt no need to point out the obvious with a "you look sad," instead jumping right to the point. And it seemed Sinestro had little need, or want, for words at the moment, as he wrapped his arms around Fireclaw and pulled the Levanixian onto  his lap, burying his face into thick orange fur.
     In turn, Fireclaw wrapped his arms around Sinestro, holding his love close to him. "Thaal, sweetheart," Sinestro hears the cat say, gentle, worried, caring, full of love. And that's all it takes for a sob to cause Sinestro's form to shake. He clings to the Levanixian in his arms, fingers digging into fiery fur as if his life depended on it. And right now, if Sinestro were honest, he felt as though his life did depend on keeping Fireclaw as close to him as possible.
     As another sob racks the Korugarian's body, Fireclaw gently comforts him. Rubbing his back, littering kisses all over his head, and whispering gentle words to try to soothe him. It's a while before Sinestro's crying eases to something he can breathe through, something he could manage to speak through. All the while, though, Fireclaw continues to try to ease Sinestro's pain the best he can.
     Shivers take hold of Sinestro, Fireclaw can feel them travel through his form. And, as Sinestro finally lifts his head from Fireclaw's neck, as Sinestro finally looks at Fireclaw, Fireclaw sees how exhausted Sinestro is. He see how tired his eyes appear, alongside how irritated they are. He sees how flushed Sinestro's face is. And, when Sinestro speaks, the exhaustion is thick in his voice.
     "I love you." Sinestro tells Fireclaw after a moment of staring into the Levanixian's loving, worried, forgiving eyes, his voice heavy and weak with exhaustion and hoarse from crying. "I love you." He says again, as he buries his face again in Fireclaw's fur. And Fireclaw begins to shower Sinestro in gentle kisses again, whispering an "I love you too" to him.
     It's a little bit before Sinestro speaks again, when the tremors mostly have died down, when he's mostly relaxed and allowing exhaustion to begin to take hold of him. "You thank me for saving you," Sinestro starts, and Fireclaw listens closely. "Call me your savior... But you don't realize," Sinestro lifts his head to look into Fireclaw's eyes, relaxing once their gazes met. "That you saved me, too." Sinestro again buries his face in Fireclaw's fur, getting comfortable once again as he rambles off whatever comes to his mind.
     "I thought I'd never love again. Thought I'd never be loved again." Sinestro mutters, tightening his hold on Fireclaw. "I thought I'd never feel complete again. Never have a family again..." Sinestro continues to ramble on, muffled by Fireclaw's fur.
     The two sat where they were, Sinestro kept his face buried in Fireclaw's fur, and Fireclaw kept his arms around Sinestro, rubbing his back and whispering gentle words to Sinestro to comfort him. Sinestro continues to ramble on, eventually devolving to muttering words of praise and terms of endearment. "My savior." Sinestro had started, barely a whisper. "I love you."
     And Fireclaw remained by his side, remained in his arms, remained holding him close, continued to reassure him, to comfort him. Until exhaustion took hold, and Sinestro's breathing leveled, his voice falling quiet.
     When Fireclaw was sure Sinestro was soundly asleep, he carefully untangled himself from Sinestro's arms and then picked the sleeping Korugarian up, taking him to their bedroom where he'd be safer. Where he'd be comfortable and warm. Where, when he wakes in the morning, Fireclaw will be curled up by his side, arms around him, head on his chest, exactly how things should be. Exactly how he wants things to be.
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wellhalesbells · 11 months
15 Questions, 15 (or whatever) Tags
I was tagged by @kikiroo​ - thank you!!  *heart hug!*
1. Were you named after anybody?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Um, I cannot stress enough that I cry at the drop of a hat in fictional situations (pretty much never in real life) so it was either Ted Lasso or reading The Celebrants by Steven Rowley, or it could’ve been The Emperor’s Bone Palace by Hailey Turner - I just finished that.  I can’t remember if I did or not, but I was so stressed out, I probably did, things went poorly for a bit there and I was a wreck.
3. Do you have kids?
I do not and have no plans to.  I’ve never wavered on that, I’ve always been very ‘who knows, could change,’ about it but so far: nah.  And I feel like if I had ever wavered, my sister having two pandemic babies and me being her entire village (I am the only relative who lives in the same state.  And the people who are best at babies do not live in the same country.) has nudged me more firmly towards: that’s really not for you, broh.  I love them to death but I am so glad I get breaks where I just get to be a selfish monster for seventy-two hours straight.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played soccer for maybe a few weeks in middle school and then I was like: this is just running, and running is so much worse than sitting, was everyone aware of that?  I’ll be on the bench if you need me. *throws up a peace sign*  Though I did just tell my sister that I would absolutely fucking kill at basketball against K-1st graders and I stand by that.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Sense of humor.  Honestly, I don’t know if it’s an ace thing or not, but I can’t even describe people beyond: heightish and hairish until you interest me as a person, which is usually because you make me laugh.  It’s kind of embarrassing sometimes because I really do not notice, and sometimes I’ll be asked to describe someone I’ve been in the vicinity of for, like, two months and I’m like: I genuinely cannot tell you a single thing about this person, I’m so sorry.  I just don’t track details.  That’s why I try really hard with names.  I can’t tell you what they look like in any detail (do they wear glasses? Have freckles? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), but I can tell you their name.  And sometimes that can feel like a superpower tbqh, because you know who people come to find out the new person’s name: moi.
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Oh scary movies, hands down.  They’re my favoritest things.  I regularly have them on as background noise.
9. Any special talents?
If I do have them, they’re a secret even to me.  I like to have that Kathleen Madigan mindset about it: “What if we’re all prodigies, but it’s just at something we’ve never tried yet? ... What if I sat down at a pottery wheel and made a cup and people were like: Holy Christ, lady, that is the most phenomenal cup ever made.”  It could happen!
10. Where were you born?
St. Pete, Florida.
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, tending to an imaginary beluga whale that lives in my nephew’s bathtub, creating to do lists over and over again that I have no intention of ever completing, and playing Pokemon Go.  There’s a girl at my work and we were the two nerds who were really into it, we would get together, do the fests and the raids and community days and such.  We have now converted half our workplace into either reactivating their accounts or creating them and there are now at least two more people who are just as - if not more - into it than we are.  (Like, they had to make a Pokemon Go policy because of us spreading it like a virus, lololol.)
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a doggo that I accidentally made obsessed with me and super introverted.  You know how they say owners start to resemble their dogs?  Nope.  I broke her and now we like to stay in, are wary of strangers, and essentially try to occupy the same space at all times - I blame COVID, honestly, we were both way more normal before that.  Or she was, anyway.  The good news is I can let her off leash ‘cause she’s going precisely zero places without me.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
English in high school, Evolutionary Psychology in college.
15. Dream job?
I hate to say it but: I do not dream of labor.  Anything I’m passionate about doing, I would immediately tarnish by needing it to now be the source of my livelihood.  It would lose all its joy because I would put immense pressure on it.
Though if I could somehow make bank through sleeping? Yeah, that.
I don’t know who to tag because I feel like I’ve seen everyone do this on my dash so: um, whoever hasn’t done it yet and wants to - consider this me tagging you!
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
My Christmas wish is to finish all my pertinent wips 🙏
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bones-n-bookles · 11 months
There's a Kit shaped impression on my chest, and a Torch shaped slot in my life
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red-eft · 2 years
fhdskfjlf i think i’m officially done with digital art.. my tablet doesn’t work well enough to use consistently and at this point i’m happier not drawing with it
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rubberduckyrye · 2 months
Google how do you draw faster without losing quality--
#Giving myself the bad feels because I want to draw more often and stuff but#my art takes me so long and takes so much energy ;~;#I wish it didn't...#I miss being able to draw nearly every day#I wish I could draw fast#aaaa#My brain was made for words not for art#I think like that's kind of the trade off#I think in words and most people think in images and pictures apparently#I have to actively TRY to get a picture in my head and tbh it often is only very brief#Compsition was really hard for me before I started using my 3D models#then I could tweak the poses until it felt right and THEN I could draw#But posing is also like#kinda hard???#it's tedious I think#I might look up how to make different hand poses and stuff just so that's not like#something I have to fuss with every time#like if I make a hand pose and save it then I can reuse it#that kind of idea#Hands are always really annoying and hard to pose so that would probably be for the best#at least it'll speed up posing#I might also make some generic poses like walking and running#just bases to work from to make more unique poses for art pieces#Anyway long story short#I'm a slow artist because I'm a fast writer#that might just be something I need to live with#And I need to find ways to short cut the process for art so it's not nearly as miserable to draw for me#I've been kind of tempted to try out making 3D models of all the characters I want to or like to draw#And use special methods to just use that to make line art for drawing because boy can I NOT be fucked to do line art#I've been kind of wanting to get more into 3D stuff lately too so idk
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