#i mean not his literal dad that guy sucks and isn't even in the game but I mean his father figure in all other senses
earl-grey-love · 25 days
Taking a bit of a romance break and it seems I've landed on Dia to be the platonic I'm focused on instead 🥰
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
If there's one thing i don't like about this fandom it's how much they make the kids more meaner? Villainizing? Than they actually are. Don't get me wrong, they have done a lot of bad but like these characters are FRIENDS. They do genuinely care about eachother in the end they aren't cold hearted and revel in other's suffering, they aren't Caliborn or Vriska afterall. I think they read the comic wrong, the kids were willing to sacrifice their own lives for eachother, a prime example of this was Daves conversation with doomed Rose. I blame the spaceship meteor part of the story for ruining the characters. Like everyone acted so ooc? Why were Jade and Davesprite giving John such a hard time about his dad die dying? Both of them literally had to watch their guardians die in front of them, you'd think they'd be the most sympathetic here? Or how Dave and Karkat, characters who will go through lengths to protect their friends just fucking stand there as everyone else tears themselves or eachother apart? Karkat is an ass yes but this was the same guy who was crying his heart out when he saw Solluxs dead body when in game or how he told Aradia bot that he would've tried to get her back to life if it weren't for other circumstances. Why was everyone being so uncaring at this part? It didn't feel right. The alpha kids got it the WORST, from bad writing to fandom treatment. I remember back in the day seeing stuff where Dirk was just down right mean to Jane "hahaha sucks to be you Jake is mine fat bitch". There was even a little bit of this aggressiveness in House of Dirk, now i do find that story fun but the small part where he calls Jane "xenophobic", bothered me. Like he would NOT say that to her. Have you seen how he speaks to her? "If you ever need help, Jane. If you're ever in any trouble at all. Let me know. Just say the word." Same guy who built a robot to protect her life and pretty much wrote an entire book for her, i think Dirk cares about Jane guys. This fandom and comic is so mean to Jane, as funny as i thought it was that Caliborn called her a fat fucking pig and cow, she really just became a punching box at that point. They'll shit on her because she's a woman getting in the way of the gay men. The ONLY thing people get from her as a character is that she's fat, because Caliborn said so along with a bunch of other things. Jake, poor Jake, gets sexualized by everyone he knows and had to burn his Grandmothers body right in front of him. But according to fans HE'S the asshole here because he cant communicate properly. Gee i wonder why. Roxy gets put on a fucking pedestal by the comic and fans, super extra special treatment. Ignore how she sexually harasses Dirk or almost killed Jane, no she's incapable of doing wrong, isn't that right Calliope? Yes, Roxy should be the new leader AND kill the Condescension yes. Now i never finished reading the epilogues because why would i? I'm probably missing a lot if we're taking them into consideration but not taking it into consideration because my point still stands because thats how the fandom treated them even before those came out. And even when talking about the base comic i still see those attitudes.
These characters DO have their personal problems but when people talk about they insert angst where it doesn't exist for favor of projection and i hate how common its become.
If people claim it is just cynicism that comes with growing up, there's clearly a difference between being cynicism, nihilism, and being a straight up asshole. If people say it is Dave and Karkat's depression is the reason why they stand around doing nothing as Rose becomes alcoholic and Terezi gets abused by Gamzee, it's sure strange they got over their depression right as VRISKA comes in to solve everything and those two bastards act like nothing had happened. Everything by Act 6 and Post Retcon just made all the characters worse. They have become an empty shell of who they used to be. The bleak outlook has become a theme for current Homestuck. It's been like this for Epilogues and Homestuck^2 too. I don't know if James Roach and HICU can really save the franchise and get out of all the characters having this negative light. Andrew Hussie and WhatPumpkin has shoved this jaded feeling right in the audience's faces that it's become the norm to expect the worse. Readers expect characters being assholes and more depression, they will receive it because Hussie and WhatPumpkin made it so.
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Art The Clown Platonic HCs GN Reader (sorry it's so short :( )
TWs:Yandere, Art being Art, infantizing, coddling, fucked up behavior (I'm extremely sorry for this if you're following me and see THIS shit as my first Art The Clown post)
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Look at me dead in the eyes and tell me this man wouldn't be at the very least borderline yandere for you
And that's if he's at least a tad bit sane (which he really really REALLY isn't but we still love him anyway 🙃)
I mean mans is out here killing and torturing victims in the most brutal ways (that one scene in Terrifier 2 shiver me timbers 🥶)
So when it comes to you I can't help but think his messed up ways would carry on over to being a caregiver or parental figure
And you know he'd probably take on the role of taking care of you just for some sick amusement
And by sick amusement I mean cooking you dead rats for breakfast, getting you pet spiders (all of which you release back into the wild because they're poisonous and untamed), and teaching you how to juggle
As you can tell one is not exactly like the others
Eventually, he'll introduce you to pale girl and she'll take on the role of your older sister
Think of this like one big game of house
Lets you have your own home and space sure but there's a room specifically dedicated to infantizing you because you're just too precious
I mean you literally have this giant ass crib to lay in whenever he decides to drop on by and play house alongside the pale girl
And trust me when I say you WILL play house lest you be on the recieving end of the punishments
One such punishment includes you taking a big bite from a rotten heart filled to the brim with maggots provided with courtesy by pale girl
Don't worry about actually getting hurt though he could never 💗
Same goes for his very funny companion
The three of you will draw together (ignore that they're literally sticking their fingers into a guy's brain to get the color red to add to their crude childish drawing), play games together, and overall just have a ball (what do you mean you want them to leave you alone?)
You once witnessed them setting up jack-o-lanterns made from decapitated heads
You shut that down real quick and concinced them to throw it out with the threat of not being friends anymore
It's really the only leverage you have in this child-parent relationship
Now onto labels
I think Art would like to be called any variation of Mom just because he fits the role also it's absolutely hilarious to him and who are you to deny him his daily dose of laughs?
Speaking of laughs you might wanna move that roadkill from out of your actual bed before it starts to rot...(you duly note how it's dressed in a baby's onesie alongside a binky placed- no- shoved into its gaping mouth)
But also I think he'd like to be called any variation of Dad just as much, reading the newspaper absolutely losing it over how funny the woman who got decapitated due to a work accident is
He expect something respectively on Father's Day and Mother's Day
Pale girl even creates a holiday called Big Sister's Day
So be sure to get them something
Even if it's shittly made they'll both cherish it forever (with Art being dramatic acting all flattered that you made something for little ole him)
Did you have parents before? Well not anymore and Art made sure you watched the whole process as he tortured the ones that took you away from him (you really didn't ask for him to be introduced into your life)
I bet you this mf would get you this dirty ass pacifier and fully expect you to suck on it (you're able to throughly clean it after a LOT of convincing since Mama/Papa Art knows best naturally)
Will play patty cake with you (once again ignore his blood stained hands)
Probably walks around naked when his costume is being cleaned (Pale girl doesn't mind so why do YOU his precious little bby mind?)
Will begrudgingly wear a towel around his waist after- again- a lot of convincing on your part
At the end of the day will tuck you into bed and may even destroy your actual bed so you're forced to sleep inside the adult sized crib
Wants to and deserves to be praised for all his creative kills
Might even get a phone to take pictures just to show you his work (you hesitantly compliment him remembering what happened last time you showed disgust)
Last time he locked you in your room for 24 hours and only after begging to be let out (and some begging on pale girl's part) you were let out)
Absolutely loves when his precious bby praises him, he feels like an accomplished parent
Stinky stinky little man you have to lightly coerce him to shower of which he will do (you even once convinced pale girl to take a bath when you realized she was covered in mysterious substances by calling her big sister)
Most likely does not get memes AT ALL
Heaven forbid if you somehow get a romantic partner
They won't last the week with your big sister and Mama/Papa around
Also expect to have to clean up their messes a whole bunch
They aren't very responsible now are they?
Once again I am very sorry and I am very much going to hell for this 🥲
Btw I will be writing a part 2 of how the three kf you met most likely but bare with me it may take a while since my interests are always jumping. Anyway Art is what people and I consider bbg.
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silver-ace-of-spades · 6 months
The dads, the Whole Bunch of Bastards, Bowser Jr, and the Dark Fun Gang have one collective brain cell.
Waiter at a restaurant: Kids under 10 eat free.
Ludwig: Good thing my little brother Lancer here just turned 9!
Lancer: I'm 11, actua– mmmph!
(Ludwig puts a hand over Lancer's mouth)
Lancer: (muffled angry noises)
Bowser: Ludwig, stop.
(Ludwig puts his hand away and wipes it on his napkin with a disgusted look on his face. Lancer growls at Ludwig)
[either a tweet or a tumbl]
Iggy: I watched Ludwig, the "smartest" one in the group, tell me it would be "so efficient" to spray the fan with air freshener. He did, then proceeded to cough his lungs out when it blew back at him.
Susie: Mood.
(Morton eats one of two chocolate bars that he and Susie were sharing)
Morton, angry: You took my only food! Now I'm gonna starve!
Ludwig: I'm asexual and aromantic.
Lancer: What does that mean?
Roy: It means he's attracted to the letter A.
Ludwig: No it doesn't!
Lancer: A a a a a a a a a a a!
Roy: Stop it, Lancer, you're exciting him!
Bowser Jr: Teach me how to do a good evil laugh!
Lancer: Are you kidding? Yours is perfect!
Bowser Jr: Well, Susie said I sound like a baby Santa Claus.
Roy: I live in Spain but the S is silent.
Wendy: I live in Spain but the A is silent.
(Wendy spins in her shell)
Susie: I live in Spain but the P and A are silent.
[based on a tumbl]
(Lancer is eating wasabi peas. He coughs from the spice and frantically sips some water after each one)
Lancer, after each pea: Wow, that one was HOT!
Ludwig, after the fifth pea: I am literally this close to killing you.
[follow-up to previous]
Morton: You either die a SpongeBob...
(Lancer eats wasabi peas and announces that each one was HOT!)
Morton: or you live long enough to see yourself become a Squidward.
(Ludwig barely resists the urge to strangle Lancer)
Larry: Wow, that was surprisingly insightful for a Patrick.
Morton: ...Shut up.
Lemmy: "15-year-olds when I was 10, 15, and 20" memes are so funny because I'm 15 and look 5.
Lancer: You're older than Susie?!
Lemmy: Isn't Susie 16?
Lancer: (facepalms) You're right... 16 is bigger than 15...
Susie: Hey, I'm lesbian.
Morton: I thought you were Hometownian.
[based on a tweet]
Roy: So I work as a cashier, so I get a lot of weird shit from angry Christians, but this one made me audibly wheeze.
(Roy shows a paper to Susie)
Susie: "Satan also uses education" and a human man calling a gorilla "Daddy"
(Susie begins to laugh, which makes Roy laugh again)
Iggy: So excited for season three!
Susie: What show?
Iggy: Please respect my privacy, Susie.
Susie: You fucking dumbass, you brought it up!
[ tumblr ]
Lemmy: r/vexillology; Flag of Japan but with this perfect water stain on my towel.
Susie: "Oh shit, I pissed the bed, better post this for karma."
Lemmy: I didn't pee on it!
[based on a tumbl]
Susie: I showed my dad Tumblr and he told me to "teach the lesbians on [my] phone how to pirate."
Bowser: Tell them not to click on any of the ads with pretty women.
Lancer: Now you see me... now you don't! Ha!
(Lancer tosses a smoke bomb to the ground in an attempt to disappear. He coughs from the smoke and forgets to escape)
Larry: Wow, haha, that sucked.
Lancer: Thanks. I took inspiration from your terrible cooking skills.
Larry: Fuck you.
Queen: Larry May I Play Smash Bros With You
Larry: Sure.
Larry, to himself: It's nice having a gamer mom.
(Queen destroys him)
Larry: Even if she decimates me in every game.
Kamek: Toil, worms!
Rouxls: Excellent! You're makething great progress!
Kamek: With what?
Rouxls: Thine training to becometh the new Duke of Puzzles!
Kamek: Um, I'm a magic guy, not a puzzle guy. And your puzzles suck.
Rouxls: I–
Kamek: And saying "toil, worms" doesn't increase my puzzle skills.
Lancer and Susie: You did WHAT?!
Bowser: Kidnapped a princess. Why?
Susie: Don't make this harder than it has to be, Dad. Let her go.
(Bowser sighs and looks into the distance)
Bowser: I don't agree with your ideals, but you're free to be who you want. If you want to be my enemy, so be it. You will be grounded, though.
[legendary post]
Iggy: Putting sour candy strips into energy drink and calling it battery acid spaghetti. Will update later.
Iggy: Don't do this.
Susie: Don't tell me what to do!
Susie: Don't do this.
Iggy: I want you to throw that substance at me.
Lancer: What?! Isn't that dangerous?
Iggy: I've got safety goggles on, it'll be fine. There was no harm done to the Goombas, so I think I will be okay.
(Lancer throws a bucket of mysterious substance on Iggy, who immediately cries out in pain)
[follow-up to previous]
Rouxls, deadpan: Iggy, did thou get Lancer to throweth acid at you?
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hextechmaturgy · 11 months
7 and 8 :-)
7. Weapon of choice?
Hmmm depends on the game I guess........ I avoid P2 combat as much as I can. Never helped Stakh with those worms, didn't even bother to defend my dad's house from robbers LMAO they can keep that shit. I just find combat to be a huge waste of time, and I'm not good at video games so the chances of me dying during it are high, and dying in P2 sucks. This is another reason why I prefer P1! The combat is just as wonky but it's not taking itself too seriously. Most of the guns in the game are fun, I'm a big fan of the shotgun , but I think my weapon of choice is a knife. 🔪 Can easily find new ones if you keep killing muggers, and trying to melee in this game is just glorious. You can practice being good with a knife for hours and you still won't be any good with it, and that's fine because this is all make believe <333 I also get a kick out of stabbing people thinking of it as a character choice. Doctors using a cutting tool to kill instead of healing etc etc, this shit writes itself.
8. Best side character? (You can only choose 1!!!!)
Who could've seen this one coming, she's about to say Bad Grief!! P1 and P2 Grief are two miserable little rat men that won't leave my house for very different reasons. It's my understanding that P2 Grief never really had much to his name, besides his friends. Probably grew up poor in the streets, mischievous to a fault but always good deep down. He wanted to not be miserable all his life, and in his universe this goal demands some selfishness. He gains notoriety in the streets, gains people's respect at last and some modicum of financial stability, but in so doing he loses all his friends, who now see him as one of the bad guys. And you can't blame them for thinking that, he's literally hanging out in shady warehouses selling knives, but we know he never partakes, he even warns his men not to kill and possibly requests Andrey's help to put the ones who disobey in line. Is it worth "being someone" if the price you pay is crushing loneliness? <- Grief arguing with his own reflection. And then P1 Grief is a whole other can of worms, he's SO fucking funny for a start, everything he says needs to go into a quote book. He's the opposite of his P2 counterpart, playing the part of the innocent fool just trying to get by, when he's actually the mastermind of the underworld. That is already a really fun character concept, but then you get to the Changeling route and a whole new side of this character is revealed. You sit there going, huh. You've known you were a toy this whole time too? P1 Grief is much older, he's been around the violence and the misery and hopelessness of this game he can never escape from, playing the role of the big bad wolf. I reckon he figured: hey, if I'm doomed to be a bad guy all my life, I might as well be best bad guy I can. Let it be fun for me too. Doesn't mean he doesn't want to change, he's absolutely devastated that even Clara may not forgive him, and if the holy girl can't do it, he's doomed doomed. I've mentioned before that P2 Grief could grow into P1 Grief in a way, after what Aglaya puts him through. Nothing matters, so why should I care that cutting is wrong; the blood on my hands isn't real. EVERYONE needs to play the changeling route !!!!!!
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i literally just woke up to see the ask and yeah sure go ahead! please put it under a readmore though its like 1.3k words long iirc
awesome, here they are then!
[submission: Davesprite]
Sorry I didn't mean to caps lock but this is the Dirk Strider guy again and I feel awful for not immediately thinking about my boY DAVESPRITE!! MY GUY DAVESPRITE oh my god you don't know anything about homestuck but imagine being a thirteen year old boy who knows to some deeper capacity that your older brother is abusing and neglecting you but all you can do is try and play it off because your only three other friends have problems too, right? Everyone deals with shit from their guardian. John gets into fights with his dad over cake every other day. Rose always has some mental throwdown with her alcoholic mother whenever they pass by each other. Jade lives on a fucking island with only her literal Dog for a guardian and no one else with her because her grandpa was dead and she was the one who had to stuff her grandpa's corpse to taxidermize him.
So his problem isn't even 'that big of a problem.' Never mind that his brother literally throws him off the stairs every other day, or that he beats him down with a literal fucking sword and when he isn't beating his weak ass down, he's subject to psychological torment with all the puppets and cameras he has all around the apartment you live in. Because his brother has some fucked up interest in Saw and he's like hahaha okay it'd be so fucking hilarious if we put the thirteen year old (and younger, since who knows how long he's been doing this) in basically psychological and physiological torment. Never mind that he has to hoard food in his closet because his fridge is filled with just swords and his brother barely gives him money to get food somewhere else. That he's practically always starving but it's alright since even his friends are going through shit. He doesn't have the right to complain.
I'm not downplaying that the others also didn't have a shit time, but the fact that he repressed it so bad that, at first, he couldn't even fathom that he was living it badly? It sucked.
I mean, it's okay, right? Things will get better? He has three of his online best friends. They're going to play a game together, but, ah fuck he accidentally spilled some apple juice on that. Not only a waste of food, but he'll have to try and get his bro's copy of the game. He has to literally duel him in hand to hand combat and the only reason he gets an edge into his brother beating his ass down is because he sliced up that stupid puppet (the one who he didn't know at the time, held a fraction of an alternate version of his brother's soul). He thinks that maybe, no definitely, that his bro loved that puppet more than he ever could.
But that's okay. Now he's playing the game and its all chill. He merges a crow he killed on accident with a game construct meant to guide him and now he just has a literal bird with a sword through its gut who just caws at him periodically. This sprite thing is supposed to guide him but it's just being a general fucking nuisance.
But then suddenly its not okay. These assholes who were trolling you who knows how long ago are Really kicking up the trolling now.
But it's okay. He can vibe with that. He can vibe with that, and it's alright. He'll just have to go with the flow. The girl trolling him is actually pretty cool and is his friend now. Sick. This is amazing, actually. We stay silly. But then suddenly everything gets worse. Never mind the several versions of his own corpse he has to throw away, not wanting his friends to see it. Never mind that he doesn't want to see his corpse. Never mind that he shook when he held his own dead body to dispose of it out the window of his apartment.
John is dead. He never hears from Jade. He never hears from the trolls again.
He can fix this. He has to fix this. There has to be some way to fix this. Rose, we have to fix this, we can't leave them dead.
They try to look for a way for four months.
They don't.
John is Dead. Jade is Dead. The trolls are all fucking assholes because he just knows his 'friend' was the one who led him to his death.
But that's okay. He can manipulate time. He can just go back… but what about Rose? His Rose that was the only other person left in this timeline?
She tells him to go and stop John and Jade from dying. He tells her to go to sleep, hoping that she'll remember this in her dreams.
Dave has to leave. And he does.
But at this point, he's not Dave anymore. There can't be two versions of the same guy in the same timeline. So he has to think of a way to try and- oh, who am I kidding. He merges himself with the game construct of a bird with a sword in its chest so not only does he constantly have a sword in his chest, but he's not the 'real Dave' anymore.
He talks to John. He tries and dissuades him in his typical 'nonchalant' fashion. He can't fail. But he can't let John see his weakness.
He almost fails. But a breath of relief when John remembers to trust his friends.
But he's not Dave anymore. He's Davesprite, the guide. Davesprite the game construct.
With how much I've written, you think I'm done, huh? Nope.
Nobody counts him as a real person anymore. He's just a game construct meant to help people. He's a guide. An NPC. He's just some bird guy who slowly but surely gets more and more depressed about his situation. But it's okay. He can help. He can help his bro kill this villain who was messing up everyone's chances at winning.
It's mortifying to see the man he found invincible to be killed, even with an NPC's help. He can't bury him. He leaves. He knows he doesn't have a chance but he has no idea if he is still mortal or not. So he does what he does best- Leave.
He finds Jade. But it's not Jade. It's Jadesprite. She tells him her woes and they… bond. They went through similar things and it feels like it'll be okay. Until Jadesprite gets replaced by the Actual Jade, and she smiles knowingly at him, telling him that she still remembers before she does some badass shit that he'd never thought her possible but it's so cool.
And they're dating. You'd think this is happy and good, but he can't. Not for a while, at least. He starts feeling worse and worse and worse because John keeps separating him too much from Dave when he's still Dave. Jade… Jade is too good for him, and she deserves way better so he pushes and pushes and pushes in hopes he annoys them, finally, and it works. He breaks up with her and maybe it was a fucking lowblow to weaponize John's dead dad against him but it works. They hate him now. Davesprite.
Three long years. He spent a good portion of that alone. He doesn't really find a use for himself so he stays there while everyone fights the big fight. He's not relevant anymore, so why should he help?
Shit happens. Everyone is dead. They move to another timeline where he hears Jade spent three years alone because he and John died there. He doesn't care that he died, but he feels worse knowing Jade spent so much of that alone.
He can't meet her. He doesn't deserve it.
[submission: Davepetasprite^2]
It's that guy again. You wonder why Davesprite's infodump was so. Unsatisfactory at the end? Well. Here is the conclusion of it. But let me give you some pretext.
And also not to search Davepeta up if you are sensitive to flashing lights I am Begging you. I love them so much but holy shit my eyes hurt constantly.
So yadda yadda we put Davesprite's whole thing here but what if we added more? What if they were more tragic?
Story in: Nepeta. I won't go too into detail because she's green but she's a part of Davepeta so we have to at least go by the basics.
She's a middle class troll who enjoys roleplaying and art. She lives in basically complete isolation because her house got bombed and now she lives in the wilderness. She enjoys it here, but she's so lonely. Her romantic partner is a bit too controlling, but she knows it's because he worries about her. She just wishes it was a bit less because she wants to have fun and shes capable, but he's a higher class guy and she knows he can't quite help it. He does listen to her, but sometimes the compromise could be a bit better. But it's okay. It's alright.
She has a crush on someone named Karkat. She's a little weird about it but she's 13. She can be a little weird about it. She wants to play the game with him and their friends, and she does. They win. They win, but they don't and now they have to live in hiding. She talks to a few of the humans, maybe roleplayed with Dave a bit and talked with someone's sprite? A cat?, but doesn't do much.
Basically everyone dies. Only she and her partner are alive that are immediately reachable but her partner decides to try and stop who is killing them. He doesn't, because he dies. She gets mad and… dies.
Her life could've been so much more fulfilling, but she was too busy playing the role of someone people like or could like. She could've been more if she let herself Be more rather than just following. She could've been happier. But she's dead now.
Except she's not because she becomes a sprite and then things are weird because that cat sprite she was talking to earlier? But now also Rose? Rosecatsprite? Or something like that is trying to court her. She's confused about this because she's never really talked to Rose and the cat was… a cat! But she tries and humors her just a little bit for now…
until Davesprite comes in. Unbeknownst to her, she can still merge with another sprite.
So Davepetasprite becomes so much more. They're so sick of just taking the sideline and they want to be a more active player in this. They don't feel so useless anymore because they're now the amalgamation of the best parts of Dave and Nepeta and they're not just some dead person to themselves anymore. They're an entirely new being so bent on becoming happier and less lonely and they want to thrive and they will. In my heart, they will thrive.
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foolondahill17 · 6 months
Cesar is a good-looking guy – both he and Jesse are – but Cesar has the thick dark hair, crow’s feet, piercing eyes thing Dean usually goes for. Something about him feels rough like Benny. Strong.
If it was fifteen years ago, Dean would have flirted with him. Don’t eat where you shit is a common adage, and, as a rule of thumb, Dean stayed clear of hunters in case word ever got back to Dad. But Dean can’t say he’s always been good at following rules. That’s how he and Lee started hooking up. He had a raging crush on Dad’s old army pall, Deacon, for the month he spent with him when he was a teenager. He even tried kissing Caleb once when he was very drunk and very lonely, but Caleb put a stop to that real quick.
I’m twice your age, kid, he’d growled, even though Dean had been holding his own on hunts since he was seventeen. But Caleb never told Dad, so he was a decent guy in more ways than one.
Except Dean strangely has no desire to flirt with Cesar, now. It’s not just the idea that the other man might reject his advances – or worse. But it’s also that Cas is working this case with them, and Dean doesn’t really want to hook up with someone with Cas literally in the room next door.
"So, how'd you and Jesse start hunting together, anyway?" Dean makes conversation, winding Baby through the backroads, tires crunching against old snow and slush.
Cesar huffs a laugh as if recalling an amusing memory, "Chupacabra. Wasn't pretty."
Dean laughs, too. "Nasty suckers. My dad, brother, and I went after one back in '95. Hell of a thing. Picking chicken feathers out of my hair for weeks afterward."
Dean feels Cesar's eyes heavy on him from the passenger seat. "You were young, then, when you got into this?"
"It was a...family business of a kind," Dean shrugs. "My dad taught me and my brother everything we knew."
"Jesse was young, too," Cesar replies, voice somber. "Me - I was already an adult, and I grew up in a household already well-acquainted with the supernatural world. But to be introduced to it as a child, I can't imagine."
"Never really knew much else," Dean says, trying to keep his voice casual. Talking about his childhood with strangers isn't exactly his idea of a good time.
“Your brother and father, are they…?”
Dean’s all-too aware what Cesar is asking.
“Dad died on the job…Jesus, ten years ago, now. My brother’s still in the game. Doesn’t, well, doesn’t take as many cases anymore. It’s complicated.”
“He doesn’t mind that you found a new partner?” Cesar asks with a swift smile.
Dean matches his smile. He likes talking about Cas. “Nah. I trust Cas with my life. Sam does, too.” Dean’d like to talk about Cas more, but he finds himself weirdly bashful. He switches gears, “You and Jesse always hunt together, then?”
Cesar laughs like Dean’s missing out on some joke, “It’d be difficult for us if we didn’t. We’re married.” He pulls a ring out from a chain around his neck. "Too risky in this line of business to wear them. Don't know if you've ever seen a degloved finger?" He shudders.
“What – oh,” Dean stammers. Jesus, is he glad he didn’t flirt with the dude.
"We're careful who we tell," Cesar says with a significant look, like he’s waiting for Dean to lash out. Dean’s been there. He’s taken more than his fair share of punches because he said the wrong thing to the wrong guy at a bar.
"No - yeah - of course,” he rushes to say. “You don't need to, ah, worry. I - one of my best friends is a lesbian. It's, ah, cool." Before he adds something stupid, something like: I also sometimes like sucking cock, he makes himself ask, "So, what's that like? Settling down with another hunter?"
Cesar laughs, relief evident in his voice. “It’s frustrating. Terrifying more often than not. You’ve got twice as many reasons to worry about getting everyone out safely. Jesse’ll send me into cardiac arrest one of these days – the stunts that boy pulls.”
“I know what you mean,” Dean laughs, too, despite the scratchy feeling in his throat, like he’s having an allergic reaction. “Cas drives me crazy sometimes. He doesn’t always, ah, understand what he’s heading into.”
“You and Cas seem close,” Cesar says slowly. “But you’re not…?”
Funny, Dean and Cas have been mistaken as a couple before. Diner waitresses or hotel managers. But it feels different. It feels like Dean’s wearing it like a neon sign around his neck to be perceived like this by Cesar, an actual, living, breathing homosexual man with a husband.
Is it that fucking obvious? Dean wants to ask in his sudden, near-panic. And he and Cas have talked about it. Almost talked about it. Alluded to something, but Dean can’t afford to think about it in more depth. He and Cas –
They can’t. They just can’t. It’s too complicated. Dean won’t risk ruining the good thing they’ve already fought so hard to get.
“No,” Dean says. “Cas doesn’t exactly work like that.”
“But you maybe wish he did?” Cesar guesses.
It’s bold. Doesn’t matter that he’s right, it still ticks Dean off. Or maybe it ticks Dean off because he’s right.
“So, Jesse,” Dean says pointedly. “He’s obviously got skin in the game. Why’s this case so important?”
“Jesse’s seen these things before,” Cesar moves with the change in subject as if he didn’t even notice it. Dean’s part annoyed and part grateful for his charity.
“Twenty-seven years ago?” Dean infers. “And you said he got into hunting when he was a kid?”
“It isn’t my story to tell,” Cesar says. “But suffice to say, Jesse won’t back down from this hunt. If we fail to put it to rest this time….” He trails off darkly.
“Yeah, well, there’s four of us now,” Dean reassures him. “We’ll smoke these sons of bitches.”
“It’ll eat him alive if we don’t,” Cesar says, and Dean feels the real weight behind his words. Cesar loves Jesse – really loves him. Dean wonders if people have ever been able to feel Dean’s love for someone else, just by listening to his voice.
Another chapter of this nonsense just dropped
I didn't even make you wait 3 months this time.
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I have never felt so conflicted over a movie in my life.
Okay, to give some perspective, there are two sides of me at play here:
1. Film/show critical
2. FNAF Fan
Disclaimer: when I refer to the books, I am referring to Fazbear Fright's and Tales of the Pizzaplex. When I refer to the trilogy, I mean The Silver Eyes, The Twisted Ones, and The Fourth Closet.
I'll be honest. Looking at it from my own critical standpoint, the FNAF movie was not very good. The story was very convoluted, and yes, I am aware that I'm complaining about the convoluted plot of a movie based on the convoluted plot video game. But the thing is, I am an enjoyed of both the games AND the books. And if there's anything to be said about the books, convoluted is one of the first things that comes to mind, so the issues I have are purely about the movie. My main and overall glaring issue was the reveal of William being Vanessa's dad. There was little to no build up to that, and I felt the more reasonable decision was to make her related to one of the missing kids, and perhaps having her see them being lured away. It would serve as a nice parallel to Mike, and her mindset of "letting it go" could still be present as an opposition to Mike's clinging onto the past.
Besides that, another problem I have is the lack of William Afton.
He's in the movie for maybe like 20 minutes? Possibly less. Which wouldn't be too bad if he left a lasting impact and his scenes were sprinkled throughout the movie, rather than condensed in the beginning and end. Seeing Afton in the first trailer got me so hyped I most literally could not function properly, to the point I was stuttering. But to see him not really be in the movie is such a let down. And the scenes he was in, besides the parts at the end, he was not really threatening, just sort of an awkward guy. And this sucks even more because Matthew Lillard did an utterly incredible job being threatening in those parts, and I would've loved to see that more.
Besides that, another character I take issue with is Golden Freddy. We see the five kids in the woods. But Golden Freddy is in this movie for maybe 2-3 minutes, max. Which is annoying, because he was shown far more in the trailers and promotional material. I personally would've like more Golden Freddy, more Willy A, and perhaps to see these two being enemies.
Ending off my negative criticism, the horror. I was not very impressed by the horror of this film. You see, I wasn't one of the people adamantly opposing the film being PG-13, in fact, the people who were so heavily against it annoyed me very much leading up to the film's release. The way I saw it, FNAF was never really a series about the guts and gore. Yes, there were moments that were grotesque, but never in detail (well, besides the descriptions in the books; I'll get to that later.) I expected this film not to scare me, but instead, to disturb me. I cannot count the amount of times the FNAF series has managed to disturb me. Things like the blueprints of Funtime Freddy in FNAF:SL, the ending of Help Wanted where you simulate getting stuffed into a Freddy suit, even down to the jumpscare sounds in the first game, FNAF does an incredible job of disturbing and or otherwise unsettling me, and this isn't even touching upon the anxiety of playing the games, especially FNAF 4, or the absolutely brutal situations in the books. I would honestly argue that the books provide more horror than the movie did. The only times I felt truly disturbed during this movie was when William Afton came in with the Springbonnie suit, and the opening credits with Springbonnie leading the kids away. There were other times that momentarily scared me, yes, but none made me feel a deep rooted discomfort. FNAF can provide a type of horror without guts and gore, but I just feel it didn't transfer well into the movie.
Some things I did enjoy though; the drawings. The whole movie feels center around a theme of drawings, and I may be biased due to being an artist, but I honestly loved it. Drawing being a big part of the story, Abby's character, and the eventual solution felt very smooth.
The practical effects. I have absolutely no complaints. The animatronics looked incredible, and I loved every moment they were on screen.
The integration of the FNAF fandom. This leads me into my FNAF fan section, but before doing that, I would like to acknowledge something.
I came into the movie with high expectations without realizing it. The 9 minute teaser got me way too excited, so being let down in these aspects only hurt more. But the main thing I want to cover is my own bias towards the story of the games.
A few paragraphs ago, I suggested more scenes of William and Golden Freddy/Cassidy being enemies. This is because it's something in the games I adore, and would love to see expanded upon. But looking through my critiques and organizing my thoughts made me realize:
I'm not upset that the movie is convoluted, I'm upset at how it's convoluted.
The books, including the trilogy, are convoluted, yes, but they all have connections to and follow the main story, even just a little bit. The movie has the same premise as the first game with details form the first three, haunted animatronics and springlock suits and what not, but it's an entirely different situation with characters who share little to nothing but names to their in-game characters. This is just one of the theories I've come up with for why I don't like the direction of the movie as much as I could.
Now it's time for the FNAF fan in me to shine.
I'll be honest, I teared up multiple times during this movie simply from nostalgia. After the opening credits, the dream theory book, the MatPat Cameo, the ending credits when it started playing the OG FNAF 1 TLT song - it was all so much and if genuinely touched me. This movie is like the Super Mario Bros. movie in this regard; it's a love letter to the fans. Despite the things I didn't like, I could feel the love for this franchise flowing from the screen. Despite all the things that push me away from this film, I can't help but care for it on a deep level. I feel like crying while typing this. I know the amount of passion and love that went into this and it makes my gripes feel all the more unserious. I'm happy we've just finally gotten this movie, a movie that cares about the fans of this series. This movie doesn't try so hard to be what it isn't, and is just plain, relatively unserious fun rather than a complex masterpiece. I'm feeling tired now and want to finish this up before I sleep.
So, yeah. Those were my thoughts on the movie. Will definitely be watching it again to try and catch more details, and maybe change my opinion on it. For now, that'll be all. Might come back and add more or edit this.
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peachiipark · 2 years
Hi 😊 could you maybe create some main four headcanons of what type of person they would be in a group chat? I think that'd be funny of how much chaos they would get into together 😂
super duper late, im sorry!! this is such a great idea tho like id sell my SOUL to be a bug on the wall reading this conversation
talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it-
my bad guys..
i like to imagine that he doesn't know how to text- like he KNOWS how to do it but his conversation game is absolutely suck-ish.
the manga states that he doesn't know much about pop culture so i like to think that he takes some phrases VERY literally.
"Do you have somewhere to be?"
perfect grammar most of the time with the exception of not adding a period on occasion
slow typer. types with one finger.
never initiates conversations, he has to actually find one there if you want to see him
will never use emojis.
if im being honest.. bro would just like your message.. im making him look better than he actually is .. he'd just read it
although hxh is in a modern setting, ill be using a domestic (?) au so his entire clan isn't kurta puffs
very bad cocoa puffs joke. im sorry.
"have u heard about what happened to deez"
"Was that supposed to be funny?"
mans got the most flamboyant last name.. might have to take it for myself if you feel me 😈
I'm so sorry.
in my defense it [was] one am and i get funky after 12
leorio is such a blast to text
he may use 😂🤣 but he's still adorable and the nice ppl who use it ARE FUNNY OKAY
he deffo makes dad jokes over text
i imagine he gets much more mature over text when kurapika appears in the chat 💀
he's the type to put down his phone and have a breakdown if he gets a spelling mistake.
leorio would answer pretty speedy even if he's at work. i feel like he's really reliable and even if he missed your text, he'll be there in a few minutes.
if killua has a million fans, then i am one of them. if killua has ten fans, then i am one of them. if killua has only one fan then that is me. if killua has no fans, then that means i am no longer on earth. if the world is against killua, then i am against the world.
what a dramatic intro
killua would be so hilarious everyone can argue with the wall
he'd use grammar on occasion but i just headcanon him as a lowercase texter (this isn't speculation he just told me guys i i swear /j)
he's still a bitch tho
"hey kil i forgrot the hw could u send?"
he STAYS correcting grammar for the sole purpose of being a little white haired asshole and i completely support his evil ways
Deez nuts.
if he doesn't answer your messages just text him on discord. trust me.
random fact: did you guys know that GON is MYYYY son? yeah, i didn't think so.
i feel like since he's so clueless about so many things it would be so easy to mess with him 😭
"i didn't know you were australian, y/n!"
his signature like emoji like the ones on insta would be a sunflower
he's so kind i think every other message out end in a :)
"are you mad"
accompany on: to the masterlist!
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snowsheba · 2 years
oh my god finished aveyond 3-2: gates of night. thoughts below cut
mel i think it's very funny to kill a frog and then fish 71 moneys out of it. mel got paid 100 for the original job for gyendal and was like omg that's so much!!! now she kills a monster and makes 5k+ out of it. have you considered a different line of work queen
i liked that she had more lines this time. i do not like that most of them were arguing with lydia. however, i do like that most of her responses to lydia are either ignoring her or rebuking her when she's doing her classist thing.
stella again: stella is perfect. however, this game struggles with foreshadowing and i laughed really hard after seeing the introductory animation. her sad little see-saw as she fell........
i know this is a failing on the writers more than her but i do think it's rather telling that she compliments female characters on their appearance and male characters on their personality (exception of te'ijal, who is so Gender that i don't include her honestly).
edward man, fuck this guy. i mean not really. he's like. he's ok. he's a 5 out of 10. exceedingly average. astoundingly decent. wildly fine.
i am trying VERY hard to like him but so far he's either been the mouthpiece for the exposition or an explanation, which gets boring fast. his personality extends to "dislikes status quo but not enough to change it," which tracks for a prince. wish he was less boring. also wish he was less "let me tell you what to do and how to do it" even if he's right. (especially if he's right.)
te'ijal's entire personality and BEING are based around being a "fuck it we ball" vampire. there's gonna be a lot of angst in 3-3 isn't there.
galahad this man is stupid as all hell. it must feel good to be human again after starving forever, though! i'm happy for him. even if in this game he was mostly following along.
lydia what a BITCH (fond). i know she does some wack shit later on but so far she is hitting all the right buttons for me. i love characters who are just unapologetically assholes, and i was like "yeah that tracks" when i talked to her dad and he parroted back the classist stuff lydia's said before. honestly she might be my fave character so far.
also i get to buy her lots of dresses which is surprisingly fun!! kind of wish i could get stella new clothes.
ulf totally thought this guy was a mage before i played this game!!!! he is not!!!! i also did not use him to fight at all, so he was just tagging along, i guess. doesn't help he has basically 0 lines.
hercules is this where hercules the aveyond character gets his start? when i first encountered him in av4 i was like who's this dude. now i see that he is exactly the same? wild shit bro.
compared to 3-1 it's uhhh. it's moving fast scoob. i really thought it'd take longer to get these fucking keys but nope! nope!!!
also the entire orc kingdom is. how do you say. Problematique™? or at least the weirdly broken "translations" was bizarre. why are they saying shit like "i strong you weak" when mel presumably understands orcish. you know what i'm saying.
also i get weird about bulkiness/size/strength being directly related to intelligence. just in general having npcs call the orcs brutes and savages and then characterizing orcs as strong and dumb has troubling connotations for me as an american. also the fact they have slave pens kind of major sucks! but anyway. neither here nor there.
literally """rented""" a keep for 10k. why do they say rent instead of purchase? you never pay rent again. also if mel is rolling in it you can bet she'd keep her dinky apartment to plot thievery and also make out with stella.
ok anyway, again, main complaint is lack of guidance. the oil is in the elven castle in a random locked chest? to distract the guard you need a music box, which requires you to have explored chateau whatever-the-fuck or remember there's a toymaker there?? to get the first key you need to find the candy but there's no indication said candy has anything to do with the key at all???
listen. i'm all for environmental storytelling and paying attention. but this is exactly why i think av3 sold so poorly: it is needlessly convoluted. at the VERY least the journal could have more guidance than "find hal." WHO IS HAL. WHERE IS HE. (he's the elf who gets stuck in the waterways.) i don't remember av1 being this confusing and av2 is extremely linear by comparison, so maybe i'm just bitching about nothing, but i am BITCHING NONETHELESS!!!!
oh also i think it's extremely funny that you have two magic users in your party and Only Two. one of them can't even do damage. #LetStellaCommitArson
as always, a banger. aveyond has been and always will be my top favorite game series of all fucking time and despite my whining this one is no exception. onward!
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kozutenshi · 3 years
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"neh, tooru." he tilted his head to the side, looking at your figure arranging the pillows in your small makeshift house.
"i'll definitely marry you when we're older."
he chuckled at your sudden outburst, not coping with what you said. "what do you even mean by that?"
"well, marriage.. isn't that what happens when two people want to stay together in each other's side forever?" your unsure and confused expression made him laugh harder. the pout on your lips made him stop, patting your cheek with a soft smile on his face.
"well then, i guess i'm gonna have to get a ring ready."
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— "bahay-bahayan" in Filipino!
— a game played my two or more wherein the kids would act like a real family doing what a family does normally. literally in simple terms, playing house.
— used to play this with my cousin, two other friends, and my childhood friend. yes, my childhood friend was the dad and i was the mom.
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sometimes, you wonder which events made things turn out to be how they currently were.
seasons change, and your years of stay in this world had been growing. the amount of times you told a lie or two, the amount of times you cried, laughed, burst out of anger; collectively, this was what our life was.
oikawa thinks the same way too.
the young man sat on the park bench, looking out to the beach of brazil. he should be in argentina right now, practicing the sport he loves, but ever since he got the mail, it was as if a part of him felt too empty to function. his team gave him a week off, and he found himself going back to brazil reminiscing.
he thumbed the gold letterings, almost wishing the letter came with your scent instead of the roses that made the contents painfully obvious.
of course he had opened it, the seal already broken enough to know that he had opened it several times. taking a deep breath, he held his tears back.
how did it come to this?
on the other side of the world, you waited for his answer, the man you stuck with since children. it had been days since the mail was reportedly received. you were nervous, gulping down a lump on your throat to his lack of response. warm arms wrapped you from behind, kissing your temple. "hasn't he replied yet?"
his hand took yours, playing with the ring he gave you and drawing slow therapeutic circles on your skin. you smiled sadly at your fiancee, before shaking your head and melting into his arms. "nope. aren't you supposed to be at work?" he chuckled sheepishly before picking up his things and kissing you tenderly. "yeah. i'm off now. i'm sure he's just preoccupied so don't stress yourself over his response, yeah?" you nodded, sending him off with a loving smile which he returned.
as the door closed, your eyes went back to the laptop screen, begrudgingly thinking of your work before sitting down and continuing it. you didn't know what time it was when you finished, but it was probably an hour or two already when the doorbell rang.
lazily, you stood up and opened the door to find oikawa standing at your doorstep. "yo, n/n-chan." your eyes showed your shock and your body froze, before you relaxed and chuckled. "yikes, i'm hallucinating," you muttered under your breath before closing the door in his face.
"you know.. i'm flattered that you think of me that much that i can be a hallucination.. but for real, i'm 100% human, no alien stuff here."
the "I can't believe you're here" face you had made him chuckle, opening his arms for you to fall into. your scent was familiar, your warmth, your smile, until you dissolved into sobs. frantically, he moved away from you and wiped the tears off tenderly with shaky hands. "what? why are you crying?!"
"tooru! why weren't responding to me?" he chuckled nervously, knowing full well that telling the real reason will complicate things. "i wasn't sure what to answer just yet so i decided to discuss the matter with my coaches first. sorry, n/n-chan. now, can you stop crying, princess?"
it was painful to lie to you, but if it is for what's better, then he'd do it. "don't call me that." you urge yourself to move away and invite him into your apartment shared with your fiance. his eyes scanned the loft, noting the things that mirrored your personality on every shelf, every wall.
"how long have you been here in japan?"
"this is my third day. i'll go back tomorrow."
"ah, i see. then shall we spend the day together?"
"yeah. i did meet the three guys yesterday. it's your turn."
you placed the bowl of chips in front of him, urging to eat while he raised his eyebrows in question. "why didn't you invite me?"
"better question. why are you eating chips this early?" you shrugged, shoving a piece or two into your mouth. "it's not that early. it's like, almost noon."
he rolled his eyes and started eating. the silence stretched on but it was comforting. his eyes raked on your figure, how you were still the same, but different. as if a part of you stayed, the other changed.
"oh yeah. i have to go to that volleyball thing to help takeru with his plays. wanna come with?"
"takeru, as in my nephew?"
"yeah, who else?"
"there are tons of takeru's in this country, y'know."
you shrugged. "well you have no choice. you're coming with. say cheese to the camera. i'll tell my fiancee about you suddenly being here." raising your phone, you snapped a photo to your fiance, telling him you'll spend the day with tooru which he agreed with a "take care" message.
oikawa watched your lips curve to a smile, the same one he fell in love with, only to realize it wasn't for him. was he hurt? no.
numb. that's what he was.
the two of you passed by your previous school, onto the training grounds reminiscing stories after stories. with a pouting takeru, the three of you watched the smaller children train, a fond smile on your face. a small little girl stumbled to you with tears. "mama?"
oikawa saw how petrified you looked for a second before you sat down and tried to ease her. he then recalled how the two of you used to play, hand in hand, eyes to eyes. he sat beside you, patting the head of the child lightly which she seemed to like.
you watched how he calmed her with no words, and how she went from crying to laughing in minutes. a fond smile was on your face when the mother came over and took the child.
"you two look good together. thank you so much for taking care of her."
"thank you but we aren't-"
"thank you. it was no problem ma'am!"
he waved a hand to the child who smiled at him and waved back. his smile was a genuine warm one, his eyes holding adoration, before they shifted to you. "what are you staring at, n/n-chan?"
you shook your head. "i just wondered where you got your skills in calming down a child until i remember takeru."
"I didn't learn it from taking care of him, y'know." confused, you looked at him, his eyes looking somewhere far. "i learned it from you." he stood up, stretching and looked down on your sitting figure.
"c'mon n/n-chan. before they remember who i am-"
"excuse me. you're oikawa tooru, right?"
a highschool girl shyly stood with her group of friends, their phones clutched to their chests. somehow this reminded you of the days when he was innocently playing volleyball with iwaizumi, until a bunch of girls came from the vending machines, clutching boxes of milk in different flavors, some holding milk bread in their hands. you deadpanned when you realize they were holding out their phones for you to take their picture.
"tooru. you better treat me food after this, okay?" he knew your look. the one that made him gulp and feel threatened. "yes, of course, n/n-chan."
and so he did, and before you know it, it was getting dark. the two of you were in the apartment, the credits rolling just like every other times the two of you bonded.
"today was fun."
it's always fun with you. "sure was."
now, unlike before, the silence was deafening. "have you ever wondered.. how things would've worked out if you did something different in the past?"
your question caught him off guard and he tensed up before he suck into the couch. "not really." a lie.
"it might weigh down on me too much if i did."
your chuckle came sad, a hint of pain under it. "i see." now the atmosphere was too quiet. the movie has rolled its credits, the TV flashing a selection of movies again.
painful. it was painfully obvious that something is wrong and you couldn't help but want to cry.
"do you.. remember-"
"will you come?"
your voice was unsure, shaky, loud, when you looked at him with tears in your eyes. "you will, right?" his heart cracked. he knew this would happen already. he flashed a soft smile before taking you in his arms.
"of course i will. it's the wedding of my favorite n/n-chan after all. besides, you know i.."
he pressed a kiss to your forehead, his thumb wiping your tears gently. there was something lonely about his movements, the way he caressed you, as if saying 'this is the last time', or maybe a temporary goodbye. he held you closer, his warmth enveloping you.
"i will always be there."
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TRAVELLERS: @doodleniella @kenmakodzu @lyzzklm @mfcassandra @oikaw-ugh @seijohlogy @thesecondapplepienation
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Ocean Eyes - Part 10
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A/N- Another update??? What is going on??! hope you all enjoy this part 💕 Please like/share/reblog.
Within days of being back home from our weekend at Chris's the lockdown was announced and I spent a day packing up some of mine and Masons belongings that we might need while staying with Chris. While i was feeling very nervous about having to spend this time with Chris, Mason was over the moon! He was so excited that we had to go stay with Chris and Dodger.
Chris arrived early with Scott and they loaded our things into Chris's car.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Scott said happily.
"Are you staying at Chris's too?"
"I am!"
"Oh god that means you're gonna be trying to get me drunk!"
"Well duh!" He laughed shrugging like it should have been a given.
"God help me you two are gonna be trouble" Chris said shaking his head as he helped Mason into his carseat.
"You knew what you were getting yourself into".
While Chris and Scott started bickering i turned and saw Brian coming out of his house, he stood and watched us and then started to walk towards us.
"Oh shit.... quick lets go, Brians coming over!"
"This guy!" Chris said through gritted teeth shaking his head and looking a little pissed off.
"Morning neighbour!" Brian called out, i turned and gave a quick wave.
"You and Mason leaving?"
"Yep, we're gonna ride this out with family" i nodded and felt Chris wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him.
"Come on sweetheart we should go"
"Yeah sure, take care Brian"
"Wait, you look so familiar...." Brian suddenly said looking more closely at Chris "where have i seen you before?"
"I just have one of those faces, i get that a lot" Chris shrugged casually opening my door for me.
"Yeah maybe..... hey Y/N, i was thinking after this lockdown is over maybe you and i can get dinner...."
Was he serious right now??
"Dude really??!....." Chris snapped looking at Brian shaking his head.
Chris closed my door and stood towering over Brian as they exchanged words i could no longer hear. Chris was soon strutting round to the driver side of the car while Brian stood there looking pissed. I turned to look at Chris as he got into the car, he was fuming. He started the car and pulled away onto the road, his grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles went white.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked him quietly.
"I will be knowing you and Mason are away from that creep"
"What did you say to him?"
"We'll talk about it later, i don't want Mace to hear"
"Okay, but can you please try and calm down....."
"Im Fine"
"Tell your face that, plus you're kinda white knuckling the steering wheel there....."
"Sorry.... sorry. Im fine really...." he loosened his grip and gave me a tight lipped smile.
"Always so protective" Scott chuckled from the back seat earning him a glare in the rear view mirror.
"Scott i swear to god...."
"Come on boys behave, this lockdown hasn't even started yet and you're bickering"
"You sure you don't wanna go stay with Ma....." Chris muttered at Scott making us all laugh.
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The first week of lockdown quickly passed, there was no news on when the lockdown would let up so we were all just enjoying our time together.....It was just like old times. I called my mom and Hannah everyday just to check in and have some female conversation but other than that it was just me and the Evan's boys in our little quarantine bubble.
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Chris walked in sporting a new haircut..... the buzzcut was back!
"Wow...... you've shaved your hair...."
"Yeah" he run his hand over his head blushing a little "fancied a change, its been a long time since i can just cut my hair when i want"
"Right, Marvel owned it before"
"You know i'm right" i shrugged "i always did like the buzzcut look though"
"Yeah i remember....." he smirked.
"Morning family!" Scott said loudly walking into the kitchen "What happened to your hair??"
"Fancied a change, plus now i haven't gotta worry about my hair everyday"
"You know that actually sounds kinda smart..... have you seen my bed head??"
"Kinda hard to miss Scotty" i snickered behind my hand looking at his hair that was sticking up left, right and centre.
"Maybe i should do it too"
"And me!" Mason said smiling big at us "i want hair like dads too!"
"Oh my god Chris what have you started..."
"No its fine, its only hair. It'll grow back right.... i guess now is as good a time as any for a haircut".
After breakfast Chris took Mason for his hair cut while i showered and dressed for the day. The next time i saw them all three were sporting buzzcuts and i had to admit it was very cute!
"Let me get a photo of you three, this is just too cute to pass up" i smiled grabbing my phone. I snapped a few photo's and forwarded them to Chris and Scott before setting one as my lock screen and slipping my phone back into my pocket.
"Oh my god i love this.... i'm gonna get this blown up and framed on my wall" Chris smiled looking at the photo.
"Let me get one of you three" Scott jumped up and pulled me towards the sofa where Chris and Mason still sat.
"Oh.... we dont have to do that....."
"Come on, it'll be nice to have at least one photo of the three of us" Chris said looking up at me with those damn ocean eyes of his that always made me week.
"Okay, sure" i nodded taking the seat next to Mason.
"Move in a bit closer....." Scott said trying to get us all in frame, we both leaned in closer to Mason and smiled while Scott took the photo.
"Oh i'm good..... this is great you guys" Scott said before both our phones were receiving photo's from Scott. I couldn't help the smile on my face when i saw how lovely the photo had come out.
"Okay you did good, i love this"
"This ones going up too by the way" Chris looked at me with a huge smile.
"You don't have to do that...."
"You kidding me? I want to"
"Fair enough, its your house. I just don't think your girlfriend will appreciate it much".
"Okay..... who wants lunch??" Scott asked loudly interrupting, it had suddenly got a bit awkward at the mention of Lindsey so i just got up quickly and followed Scott into the kitchen.
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Once Mason was in bed for the night the alcohol came out. We watched some old movie (that Chris found hilarious) played some card games which somehow led to childish drinking games and before we knew it we were all pretty wasted!
"Right you guys i'm going to bed, i physically can not drink anymore" Scott said getting to his feet and stumbling making Chris and I laugh.
"Dude you're such a lightweight" Chris rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Shut up. Goodnight.... love you both"
"Night Scotty, love you" i smiled up at him from where i was laying on sofa.
"Night bro, love ya".
Chris and I sat in silence for a few minutes, just the sounds on the TV playing in the background.
"You want another beer?" He asked getting up from the armchair he had been occupying all night.
"Sure, i'll have one more before bed".
While Chris went to grab the beers i sat and reached for my phone to make sure i hadn't missed any messages from my mom or Hannah. There was a photo from Hannah that made me laugh just as Chris walked back in with the beers.
"Hannah just sent me this photo..." i said to him turning my phone to show him a photo of Lucas who now had a buzzcut.
"Haha! Oh god i really started something didn't i?" He laughed looking a bit guilty.
"I sent her a photo of Mason's new haircut earlier, she said Lucas wouldn't shut up about wanting the same.... looks like he got his way"
"You gotta admit it looks cute though?"
"Yeah okay i'll give you that. Mason is like your little mini me, even more so than usual"
"He’s just missing the beard"
"I think we've still got some time until that happens" i laughed "you definitely have strong genes Evans.....that boy literally inherited none of my looks"
"No but he's got your attitude and sass"
"Im kidding.... mostly"
"Ass" i muttered shaking my head at him before taking a mouthful of my beer.
"He might look like me but his personality is all you sweetheart... he's an amazing kid"
"Yeah he is, id be lost without him"
"I kinda love having you both here" Chris added avoiding eye contact with me.
"Its been nice, just remember its not permanent...."
"I know, i know" he nodded quickly "you know when i came in and saw you laughing at your phone, my first thought was that it might've been Derek.... i hate that guy and i don't even know him" he scoffed "how sad is that?"
"I know, its none of my business who you date or whatever"
"You're right it is none of your business. But just for the record, there's nothing going on with Derek, we were gonna go for dinner before this lockdown stuff but i haven't spoken to him since"
"Can i ask you something?" I turned to face him, he looked up and nodded finally looking at me.
"Why isn't Lindsey here?"
"Why isn't Lindsey staying with you? I mean you guys are obviously serious if you came looking for that divorce but she isn't here....."
Chris looked away again coughing to clear his throat.... was he nervous??
"Lindsey isn't here because i ended it"
"What?... when?"
"When i found out i had a son. When i saw you again and realised anything i thought i felt for her was a lie"
"Are you fucking with me right now?"
"No. Im just being honest. Y/N, i know i fucked up when i ended things with us.... it was the biggest mistake of my life and i regret it everyday.... but i never stopped loving you. Not for one god damn second...."
I suddenly felt very sober, my heart pounding in my chest.
“You’re just saying this because you’ve had too much to drink...” i muttered shaking my head.
“You’re probably right, doesn’t mean its not true. Ive just been keeping it to myself” Chris suddenly got up and came to sit next me taking hold of my hand “i know my timings sucks but i just needed you to know..... and i just need to know if there is any chance at all that you’d give me another chance.....”
“Chris i really don’t think now is a good time to talk about this.... we’ve both had too much to drink..... if you’re serious about this i think we need to have this conversation sober”
“But you’re willing to have that conversation?”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow” i nodded pulling my hand free and standing up “i’m gonna go to bed.... goodnight”.
I had to put some distance between us before i did something id regret in the morning.
It was safe to say i wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
@jakiki94 @torntaltos @buchanansebba
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
Author's note: This is a continuation of Wacky Drabbles #5 no prompt just dinner conversation...
Just Desserts
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Drake and Kate emerge from the laundry room a few minutes later. Wearing his damp bluejeans, Drake feels uncomfortable but at least he's dressed. Kate takes his hand and tugs, when he hesitates she whispers to him. “I promise to make it up to you later, now come on let's get this dinner over with.”
Drake whispers back with a grin, “I hope you're talking about dessert.”
Kate winks at him, “Yes, and I don’t mean apple pie.”
As they walk into the kitchen, Lorraine glances up from the plate she's loading up with pasta for herself. “What's that about pie? Not until you eat dinner first. You know the rules.”
Kate grins up at Drake and rolls her eyes. “You heard the Lady, no dessert until you've finished dinner.”
Drake winks back at her as he grabs his plate. “Well then it's a good thing I'm hungry.”
Stepping in behind Kate in line at the counter, Drake purposely stands a little too close. Kate sucks in a breath as she feels her body react involuntarily to his breath on the back of her neck. She's glad her blouse has long sleeves to hide the goosebumps rising on her skin. Glancing over her shoulder at him, she throws a little shade to tease him.
“Back it up buddy, besides you still smell like goose.”
Drake takes a step back raising his eyebrows, trading her shade for snark. “Ouch. Fine next time I'll just let the honking goose ruin everyone's evening.”
Carol laughs, “No..no. Believe me I'm very grateful for your help with shutting him up.”
After scooping spaghetti and meatballs onto his plate, Drake grins as he sits down across the table from Kate. “See? My partner in Clem's rescue appreciates me, goose smell or not.”
Lorraine shakes her head, “Ok everyone let's all behave and enjoy our dinner.”
Kate quirks an eyebrow at Drake from across the table, he smirks back at her as she puts salad into her bowl. Let the games begin.
They all eat in silence for a few minutes and then Lorraine speaks up, “Oh Carol, didn't you bring wine home to go with dinner?”
When Carol gets up from the table to retrieve the two bottles of wine from the counter, Drake and Kate exchange a look across the table.
They've held onto their secret long enough. Kate drops a hint, “I suppose we do have something to celebrate. Drake isn't much of a wine drinker, but he's welcome to have a glass for me.”
Everyone turns to look at Lorraine when she drops her fork, “Katherine, since when do you not drink wi-…Oh my goodness, you're not serious?”
Kate nods, her eyes shining with happiness. “We are.”
Carol opens the bottle of white wine with a pop of the cork. “So you've already been to the Doctor?”
Lorraine holds out her wine glass for Carol to fill. Drake holds his out as well as he answers. “No, but we have an appointment scheduled for when we go back to Valtoria.”
“Valtoria? I thought your country was called Cordonia.” Lorraine says looking over to Drake.
“Oh it is. Valtoria is the name of our Duchy.” Kate answers for him.
Lorraine twirls spaghetti around her fork. “I still can't believe my little Kath- ..Kate is a Duchess. You've come a long way from the girl I knew, making mud pies in the backyard, all pigtails and missing her front teeth.”
Carol chuckles from the other end of the table, “And I can't believe Lorraine is going to be a grandmother.”
Lorraine frowns at Carol, “Oh hush you, not that I doubt that Kate's pregnant, but I choose to live in denial until I see baby pictures. I'm too young to be a grandmother.”
Drake spears a meatball with his fork, “That's what my Mom said wh- ..”
Lorraine interrupts him, “Hold on a minute. You told his Mother first?”
“I thought you were in denial Mom. No we haven't told her yet. His sister surprised her with a little boy of her own.” Kate chuckles.
Drake, who has his mouthful, nods in agreement. Pointing his fork at Kate.
“Ok well, as long as you told me about your baby first, that's all that matters.” Lorraine says, picking up her wine glass.
Carol turns the conversation off of babies for a moment, “So Kate, where did you first meet your dashing Duke?”
Glancing across the table at her husband, Kate wonders which part to answer first. The Duke part or the Drake part.
Drake answers for her, “Actually we met in New York city, at my best friend's bachelor party. We walked into Kate's bar, and after that all matter of chaos happened.”
Kate nearly chokes on her spaghetti. “If you mean me returning to Cordonia with you guys, well you can blame Maxwell for that.”
Drake picks up his wine glass, giving Kate a wink before bringing it to his lips. “Neither I nor Cordonia were ready for the likes of Kate.”
“I literally came in like a wrecking ball.” Kate laughs. “Breaking and stealing hearts as I went.”
Chasing the pasta around her plate, Lorraine nods. “I believe it. Kate's a firecracker when she wants to be.”
“As for the Duke part, I met him at the altar. He married a Duchess to gain his title.” Kate says.
Carol raises her eyebrows, “And how did you become a Duchess?”
“By turning down a King's proposal.” Drake answers, “He kind of gave her the Duchy as a consolation prize.”
“So you could have been Queen?” Lorraine asks incredulously.
Kate looks across the table at Drake, “I didn't want to be Queen, because I was in love with someone else.”
“Sucks to be him, but it was definitely a win win for me.” Drake says, looking up from his plate to give Kate a smoldering glance, his eyes dark.
Kate feels the heat rush to her cheeks and to her core simultaneously, ok now I'm ready for dessert. Sitting back in her chair, Kate pretends to stifle a yawn behind her napkin. “I'm so sorry. I guess I'm still on Cordonian time.”
Drake looks back down with a smirk lifting the corner of his mouth. Picking up his glass of wine he tips it back and finishes it. Laying his utensils across his plate, he looks over to Lorraine with a satisfied smile. “Thank-you for dinner it was quite delicious. I miss sitting down with family like this. Between our weeks in Texas with my Mom on her ranch and this night with your hospitality we've been spoiled during our time in the U.S.”
“You spent weeks in Texas? And you give me a day?” Lorraine asks, her tone harsh.
Kate tips her head back and closes her eyes, wishing she had a glass of wine of her own right about now. When was she going to stop questioning everything we’ve done as if we were hiding things from her. She's so darn hung up on everyone's business. No wonder I couldn't wait to get out on my own after Dad left.
Drake can't help but notice Kate's frustration with her Mom's defensive nature. He glances at Carol, who just rolls her eyes at him. Time to shut down this dinner and move on. Folding his arms across his chest he turns back toward Lorraine with a stern frown.
“Yes, we were in Texas for my sister's wedding. Between the bachelor and bachelorette parties, the cattle sale and the wedding planning it took longer than we expected. Things weren't exactly under our control. This time around Kate and I were chosen to attend an Environmental Summit in Seattle as diplomats representing our country, and it was only a three day trip. We chose to spend our last day with you because Kate wanted to catch you up on the significant changes in her life. We're sorry we couldn't invite you to our wedding, Lorraine. Our engagement only lasted a month and with assassins threatening us from all sides it wasn't exactly a stress free time. We were lucky to survive the whole thing, so get off your fucking high horse and give us a break.”
Lorraine goes pale, eyes wide in shock at being put in her place. Carol raises her eyebrows, sucking in a breath. She speaks up, attempting to cut the sudden tension in the room.
“Alrighty then, shall we have pie?”
After everyone gets up from the table, bringing their dishes to the counter, Lorraine gently pulls Kate aside into the hallway.
With her eyes cast low she whispers. “I'm sorry Katherine. Please forgive me.”
Pulling her Mom into a hug, Kate whispers back. “I forgive you. I'm sorry for excluding you from such a big chapter of my life. I won't do it again.”
“I'm going to be a grandmother. I really am proud of you, you know that right?” Lorraine whispers, her eyes wet with happy tears.
Stepping back, Kate wipes tears of her own, nodding. “I know.”
“Please tell Drake I'm sorry. Since your father left I…” her face falls, unable to finish her sentence, she looks down at the floor.
“It's ok Mom, I understand.” Kate reaches out and rubs her arms, giving her a smile of encouragement. “Now come on let's get some pie before Drake and Carol eat it all.”
Lorraine chuckles, wiping her eyes again. “Just give me a moment to compose myself, Ok? I’ll meet you in the kitchen in a few minutes.”
Kate pulls her Mom into another hug, and then lets her go. “Ok.”
Lorraine turns down the hall and disappears into the powder room, and Kate sucks in a deep breath and returns to the kitchen.
Drake looks up from helping Carol load the dishwasher when Kate comes back in the room. Kate walks over and steps into his arms. Drake mumbles into her hair by her ear. “I..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break your Mom.”
Kate steps back, slapping him on the arm. “Ow! I said I was sorry.” Drake rubs at his arm. “Don't forget that Bertrand shot me during the bachelor party.”
Carol laughs as she closes the dishwasher. “Oh my goodness you two are something else.”
Kate slips her arms around Drake's waist, he wraps his arms around her again and kisses her on top of the head. Kate chuckles as she closes her eyes and rests her cheek against his shoulder. “Oh you have no idea.”
Lorraine quietly steps into the kitchen, she clears her throat to get everyone's attention. “Um, it's getting late. So why don't we change for bed and then we'll take pie into the living room and relax a little before we retire for the night.”
Kate and Drake exchange a glance. “We don't have a change of clothes, our luggage is back in Seattle.” Kate replies.
“I’m sure we can find some sort of sleepwear for you Kate, but for Drake probably not.” Lorraine says apologetically.
Drake shrugs, “I don't usually wear pyjamas anyway.”
“You'll want your clothes laundered for tomorrow though, because you know, Clem.” Kate says.
“If you'd like, we could do the same for your clothes too Kate if you’d like.” Carol offers.
Kate looks down at her clothes, her blouse was dry clean only, but her skirt and undergarments were certainly washable. “Ok, I'll get my clothes washed too.”
Lorraine claps her hands, “Oh splendid! Alright then. I'll let you two have the master bedroom for the night. Drake you know where the laundry room is, Kate come with me and we'll find you something comfy to lounge in.”
Drake's mouth drops open as Kate, Lorraine and Carol leave him alone and go get changed for bed.
Continues here
Wacky Drabblers: @jessiembruno @brightpinkpeppercorn @jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @bobasheebaby @burnsoslow @emceesynonymroll @bbrandy2002
@qween-corgis @jlpplays1
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iscabird · 2 years
i finished the main story of Tales of Arise last night and i have unsorted thoughts (with as few spoilers as possible)
i never got the hang of the battle system, if i'm being honest. i was overwhelmed just looking up guides on Arise's combat. and unfortunately, i don't have the brainpower to read enemy telegraphs, so i'm unable to consistently take advantage of the new dodge mechanic. i might've been ok if it was closer to Berseria, or even Symphonia/Vesperia. those I could at least handle.
i kept suffering a soft-lock nearly every time i finished a battle, bc sometimes the game couldn't properly shift out of the battle map, leaving the party in a dark void. sometimes the reticle would glitch and set itself in the centre of the battle map, meaning i couldn't hit jack-all for however long it took for the reticle to remember that there were still enemies on the field. this also disabled the Boost Attacks.
it feels like the game really likes hearing itself speak. a lot of dialogue feels drawn-out, to the point where i'm burnt out just from watching the skits. which is unfortunate, because...
...the voicework in the dub is probably the game's strongest asset, I feel. I can think of only one part where the casting choice is a little odd, but i can excuse it bc there's a good in-universe reason for it. there's not a single Kamoana to be heard. it's bliss.
the story was ok, it just wasn't groundbreaking. I noticed it took a few cues from Symphonia, but that's not a bad thing. how many Final Fantasy titles are there, again?
they kill off the Cool Dad Guy in the second town, to facilitate his son's character arc. i understand why they did it, it just sucks.
the font used for the subtitles and text looks really clunky. i wish there was a dark shadow behind the subtitles to make them easier to read. not to mention, half of the text is spelling and grammar mistakes, even in the final dungeon! at least it's consistent...?
i don't remember any of the background music. when i was going through the final dungeon, i filled the monotony by imagining [this track] instead. (also not the first time i've done this--i put Tom Cardy on loop when I was playing Monster Hunter Stories 2, just to alleviate the tedium of playing Monster Hunter Stories 2)
Arise might be the first Tales Of game i've played where i actually liked the Designated Attack Mage, in terms of both character and gameplay. I think it helps that Rinwell has an adorable little owlet friend.
speaking of Rinwell, she's not allowed to strike down the Lord that killed her family, but everyone else gets to have their own vengeance? ok..........................
i like that Kisara is the Sexy Lady Character, but in a subtle, elegant way. she's tall, her armor looks cool, and she's such a mature personality. i want her to carry me in her strong, muscular arms
some of the cutscenes felt awkward, in ways that are hard to really describe? i think the thing that sticks out most in my mind is that when the game introduces Dohalim, it felt far too early for the game to start throwing out flashbacks to his past, in the middle of a dinner scene? i dunno, maybe it's just me.
I like Dohalim, though. he has an interesting dynamic with the party. sometimes to his detriment bc it takes him a while to grow some common tact.
I like Shionne and Alphen, too. but I think I liked Alphen best when he had the full mask on (i know. i know. i have a type.)
I liked Vholran, and i loved his va's performance. the weird thing about him is that his 3d model's face looks cartoonish to me, but that vibe isn't there when he's literally in a 2d animated cutscene? art is wild.
the first boss is named Balseph Erwolsey Teldilys. i am not even kidding. an npc late in the game mentioned him again and i broke for ten minutes just laughing.
addendum 1/?: i almost forgot about the shitty AI settings. Previous Tales Of titles gave you fine, granular control over how the CPU-controlled party acts in battle, like how aggressively they should fight and how much distance they should keep from enemies. Arise, however, gives you fine, granular control over how often the CPU uses items or healing skills, and that's it. so Rinwell, Shionne, and Dohalim, all mid-to-long-range fighters, will think it wise to cast spells within hands range of the enemy. there IS an option to set the party to "keep distance from the enemy," but it stops them attacking. its purpose is to give the party breathing room to heal.
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