#i mean it's not really mine to call my achievement but it feels so incredibly special to be a part of something like that
posletsvet · 2 months
Being eighteen was great, can't wait to see what being nineteen will show!!
#no but truly#18th was the best year of my life so far#despite the insane levels of stress and torturous academic workload that going through the finals was#i started talking to people after years of proper communication with only my sister#for a brief while I was even brave enough to share my thoughts with the world#it was delightful#i made friends on my own which is something I've never been able to do before#i met you guys#my dearly beloved mutuals!!!! <33#i made art and started feeling something about it again#i created so much I didn't even think I was capable of something like that#me and my friends created entire worlds in our minds#as well as loads of characters which i love dearly!!#i mean it's not really mine to call my achievement but it feels so incredibly special to be a part of something like that#i reignited genuine interest inside of myself towards life and even picked up a couple of new special interests#i read and watched so many great stories#oh yeah I finished school so good riddance to that part of my life hehe#i enrolled into one of the best universities in the country which still feels insanely unreal#took a gap year#me and my sister travelled on our own and were able to finally meet our internet friends which is the flaking best thing in the world#worked two jobs with an occasional third one to save up a bit#i'll be moving out of my home city this year which scares the shit out of me but is still so so amazing#there were and still are tragedies around me that split my heart in half with fury and despair#and I feel unfairly privileged to be granted so much joy in my own life#so yeah it's been one hell of a year#sorry for getting so insufferably emotional but I love all this so unbelievably much#i love you all folks :')
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gibblegabber · 3 months
i wrote most of this a month ago but might as well spill my personal nonsense regarding kick on his 14TH ANNIVERSARY WHHHHHHHH
nothing interesting it’s truly like a diary entry
i’ve been keeping to myself while i wind down from another hyperfixation with KB:SD, because it has to come to an end, because there’s very few people left in my life who were there in the fandom while it aired, because i get so fucking depressed when i think about it.
how do i describe this. Kick reminds me that i’m alive. he ALSO reminds me that i’m a failure. he’s the reason i finished art school and also (part of) the reason i stopped pursuing art as a career. the show’s run was the best time of my life and at the same time i was dealing with an overwhelming amount of trauma.
and i packed ALL of that into this silly 6.5/10 rated cartoon. why??? because it just happened to be THERE when I was going thru some shit?? sometimes i think “this could have been any cartoon, the timing is what mattered” and other times i’m like no…the adventures we had in mellowbrook were genuinely incredible and if it were any other fandom, i wouldn’t have met the same amazing people!!! do you know how thankful i am to have Kachiimi and Misha in my life still??? REALLY FUCKING THANKFUL. i don’t deserve them in the least!! they’ve known me at my worst and happened to also SEE me at my worst in person and they’re still my friends and i love them very much, i hope they know that.
and if anyone’s still following me that knew me during the KB years, or was friends with me during that time… 1.) i’m sorry. i was crazy LMAO and 2.) just know you made the whole experience so so awesome :) i appreciated so much that the fandom was a tight knit group of people, no drama, just a great place to be when my life was falling apart around me.
yea if i psychoanalyzed this whole thing i wouldn’t like the answer. but. it doesn’t change how much Kick means to me, and how much he’ll always mean to me!!
it had always been a bucket list thing of mine to be the number 1 fan of something at some point. ever since i was like nine years old i was like “man that’d be cool if it happened”. never in a million years would i have guessed that it would be this. but in a weird way Kick was exactly who i needed at that time. someone whose failures were just his fuel for success. someone who didn’t let his shortcomings stop him from achieving his goals. someone who kept going even if the world was against him. looking back it’s really no surprise that i got so attached.
obviously i’m far from the number 1 fan position now. who knows if i ever really was; i only knew a fraction of the fandom that called me the “queen of the KB fandom”, and Sandro had called me the number 1 fan at one point so i just took it all to heart. i would argue that Aisha took that position when school and jobs and life started consuming my life more than fandom did. or well, all of this is a moot point when you consider Jackie who is definitely 100% his number 1 fan LOL. but wow, what a time. we were so lucky to interact with the crew as much as we did.
it doesn’t seem like much but it really made me feel like i could do anything. if Kick had gotten a third season you KNOW i would’ve stopped at NOTHING to be on the team in some way shape or form. i would’ve flown out to LA in an instant and not looked back. despite everything. i would’ve done it.
kinda sucks considering uhhhh THINGS that got revealed about the director years later, so in the same vein i’m very happy that Kick did not get a season 3. but when the show ended something in me died, or i came to terms with something, idk what it was. something like: i knew i’d never feel the same way about a cartoon again so i didn’t bother trying. i stopped drawing almost entirely for 10 years.
aaaand it’s true. over a decade and i never came close to the level of obsession i had with Kick, and never really wanted to either. THEN i got slapped in the face with IZ and well…let that be a long and cheesy post for march 30th or something. :P and as much fun as it’s been and continues to be, it’s a DIFFERENT sort of experience from KB. it can’t compare. maybe in 10 years i’ll look back on IZ friends and fandom times and reminisce fondly on them too.
KB:SD is stuck where it was. if that makes any sense. there’s a lot in the show that i don’t think modern day fandom would take kindly to. there’s a lot of crack shipping and shenanigans we got up to back then that isn’t okay now. (god… okay i don’t miss that part LOL. i cringe painfully at a lot of it, but i DO miss when people understood the fucking difference between fiction and reality. it was a different time for sure.) it just is what it is.
and that’s okay. i’m gonna let it go, again, and i’ll be back on and off. it hurts. it hurts every time this happens but that’s okay because Kick taught us to live till it hurts. :) 🤘🏼✨
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pretty-prince-lulu · 8 months
I I mister beaned it pretty hard tonight, internet and I feel the need to inflict the experience upon the world at large
be me (honestly I could fucken end it here) walking down the hallway toward the domain of the porcelain throne when out of the corner of my eye I see it
it has been years, actual years now, since I have done true battle yet my nemesis stands before me- rather, scuttles above me, on the ceiling, taunting me with his plumpness a cockroach. my first true enemy in life, really this being the first house I have ever lived in without nests in the foundations or a frame consisting 80% of wood rot meant that I had sadly grown fat on my own complacency and taking peace for granted but I am Ready. I can face this foe
old reliable is at the ready. a 15 year old can of pea-beu! it's an Australian brand of bug spray. 'Hit 'em with the ol' Pea-Beu!' croons the ad! it's pronounced 'pee bow', which is still hilarious to me I psshk him with great noble bearing by which I mean 'from around a corner and at as great a distance as I could physically achieve' and wait for him to drop I wait I wait did I actually get him or I must have? that or he's just ambling down of his own volition either way
KATCHONK the can is placed atop him! he is CONTAINED! now all I must do is wait! so I wait and I wait surely he'sNOPE JESUS MARY MOTHER OF SHIT antennae and legs swing at me from under the can with incredible malice and singular will the can goes back down. and I wait
and at this point I remember! there is one thing that I have never seen pea-beu do that is- fuck, what's the word I'll have it around here somewhere oh yes WORK legs still scrabble in effort to escape I am less and less convinced that he has peed his last bow and more convinced that the next bow to be peed shall be mine
fuck FUCK okay well raising the can is out of the fucking question he's seen me now, he knows my scent and is very clearly out for revenge (probably in the form of running up my leg until I pee my bow) there's a technique I use all the time to rescue crickets from the bathroom though! and this is more of a Special Military Operation (tm) than a rescue but desperate times call for desperate measures and lateral moves so I do it I grab the nearest piece of paper and sliiiide it under the can if I can contain the creature I can have it airlifted to a location that is not my hallway
but I've just made a critical error its on paper now and paper, when confronted with 6 legs of undeniable fury, makes a sound and that sound does something magical that magical thing being compelling our hapless protagonist 30 years backward in time
she's addicted to reading! that's what her parents tell her teachers! we just can't get her to put the books down at night and sleep! ha ha ha! and she does love her books, that little girl but something more sinister is at play when the lights go out is when they awaken by the tens and by the hundreds skinny little barbed legs and long hairlike antennae but they can tell when you're still awake, you know that's when they run around in circles beneath the wallpaper and under the posters that's when they climb over the bedhead and wait sitting in the palm of your hand until you realise that's when you think the breeze is shifting the hair at your temple but the wind is prickly this evening and your eyelashes are only beyond their reach if little blue eyes stay open until dawn but no depth of story can drown out the sound of legs and wings caressing paper
SNAP BACK TO REALITY whoops there goes gravity right bug. can. paper big regretti… mom's spaghetti eminem can't help me now oh god oh no the noise has drawn attention player 3 and player 4 have entered the game
my cats precious fat idiots no hunting instincts between them, frankly the kitten has never hunted anything in his life and the last time the big boy encountered an Animal (tm) it resulted in him screaming, actually s c r e a m i n g and I had to pick him up and rescue him from the VERY scary cricket that had cornered him (the assailant was released outside) but they are interested in THE NOISE and the mystery and if they knock over this fucken can I know it's game over for me I'm still in full on vietnam flashback mode fortunate son is on full blast in my head I cannot handle a prison break
I drive them away the only way I can think of by using the only thing that's as scary to them as a cricket a psshk from a can of compressed keyboard-cleaning air nyoom disaster averted, or at least that specific flavour of disaster of course, the problem remains I cannot pick up the fucking paper. please understand. it's all that stands between me and my nightmares fortunate son is still playing but by now it's on kazoo I deepen my hole of shame a little further and attempt to s l i d e a plastic lid beneath the paper.
now I have it in my hands, a teetering, tenuous tower of can, beast, tupperware lid and a phone bill with a destination to decide what? empty it in a bin? so he can swing over the edge of the paper like lara fucking croft and hoik himself into my open mouth? or run up my sleeve into my hair? as has happened before? no thank you, you little shit, you probably submliminally suggested that yourself didn't you b u g but I can't just. squish it that also risks CONTAINMENT BREACH letting it onto the floor risks my cats eating it (and potentially peeing their bow in 12-19 business years I guess) and so, I compromise
I run outside out the front door. at this point I feel like it is important to note my outfit I am wearing a whole-body lamb costume that I have been using as pyjamas they are very wooly and floor length and have a little silk ribbony bow at the neck, as-yet unpeed
and god knows what the neighbours must think seeing this shrieking lamb kool-aid man out of her house shedding phone bills and pesticide containers and frisbee a tupperware lid across the road like it is made of fire before doing the Universal Dance of Absolute Crawling Horror, complete with arm-flailing and knee-to-chest high-steppy in circles
anyway I lived and I've been told off for sadly humming 'fortunate son' to myself 7 times. some folks are born made to wear the flag :')
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always-coffee · 4 months
An abundance of joy
It has been a very good writing year for me, as of this moment. I am incredibly grateful. And a bit gobsmacked, honestly.
Being a writer of any sort means a lot of rejection. That kind of thing never makes it into the public realm, for me. I howl in private, to my friends, which is how it should be. Certain things aren’t for public view, and I know how to keep a secret better than most.
That said, I firmly believe that joy is to be shared always. Readily and with abandon, because it’s uplifting. When my friends do cool things, I am elated. When my friends make amazing art, I am delighted. When my friends are their brilliant selves, it is a privilege to witness this.
This month, so far, I have achieved several things. And I am still reeling a bit, because we’re barely two weeks into the year.
Yesterday, I found out that a second poem of mine has been nominated for the Rhysling Award. It’s one that appeared in The Deadlands, and it’s called “Five of Cups Considers Forgiveness.” I don’t often talk about why I write certain poems, because it’s generally irrelevant. If a poem makes someone feel something, I’ve done it right. But this one, I wrote in an effort to understand, and I wanted it to feel like a lighthouse in the dark, at the end. Because we have all, at one point, mourned the living. But that feeling isn’t final. There’s still so much beauty in the world. Grief doesn’t get the last word.
I also recently sold a poem to Uncanny magazine, which you’ll get to read sometime this year. It’s called “The High Priestess Writes a Love Letter to The Magician.” (Are you sensing a tarot theme? Good. You’ve been paying attention. I won’t talk about why I wrote it, but a part of it is a letter love/thank you to the power of words and how the save and help us save ourselves. I’m beyond excited for y’all to read it.
(I also have a poem from Uncanny up for the Rhysling Award, which you can read here, too. It’s called “Knight of Wands, Six of Swords.”)
To round this out, at the beginning of this month, Uncanny published yet another poem of mine. “Six of Swords Becomes The Emperor” is free to read, right now. This one, not unlike The Deadlands poem, is one of strength, even when things seem dark. It’s a reminder that there is power in hope, that we’ve never really helpless. It’s a call, too, to let the past go—it holds no power over you, in this moment.
**clears throat** I feel very lucky. Truly. I have been writing poetry since I was ten. I’m 41. I’ve worked hard and learned with every poem I’ve written, regardless of whether or not it’s been published. The trick is writing well is to write more and to read more. I have an analytical eye now that 23-year-old me did not. I’ve been enjoying playing with form lately to see how it affects rhythm. I look forward to getting even better with every piece.
But at the heart of it all, I am beyond honored. And if you have read my work and liked it, thank you. If you have read more work and shared it, thank you. If you have done a happy dance with me when I’ve had good news, thank you.
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
Nesta being nasty in ACoTaR
A Court of Thorns and Roses- Chapter 30
There’s some of this crap in my posts about Feyre’s whole family, but I think Nesta’s “reasoning” here deserves some special attention. I’m not sure, what the author wanted to achieve in this chapter, but I have a feeling Nesta gets more space after Feyre’s return to “explain” her incredibly shitty behaviour and gain some sympathy. Well, mission NOT accomplished.
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Nesta aka The master of saying things that might’ve sounded nice in the most unpleasant way.
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Your beast’s... sounds like Nesta’s assuming Feyre was in charge of her own kidnapping. Like she had her family brainwashed on purpose.
Where was that iron will, when Nesta should’ve shown some self-restraint not to bully Feyre?
This had to be both terrifying and confusing experience. For any other character I’d feel incredibly bad... It’s much harder to summon sympathy for someone, who haven’t shown us a single reason to deserve it, as a person. 
I wonder if we’ll have the “Glamour not working” explained at some point.
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“You went after me.” ... Feyre, honey... From what she just told you, it sounds more like she was concerned with unnaturalness of your disappearance, not your absence. It doesn’t mean she loves you somewhere deep inside.
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Nope. That’s NOT what she said.
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Never spent a day in the forest? And whose fault it is? Did it change Nesta? Did she realize she might need to learn, or did she just accept the riches their family suddenly possessed? What does she do, when she can’t stand the sycophants? Does she distance herself from the people she despises? Or does she keep living at the edge of their society, close enought to enjoy the privilages? What do we call this kind of person? Hypocrite?
Oh, that’s alright then. Everything forgiven. She was dealing with some stuff. That’s enough to make weaker’s lives living hell. Understandable.
Where’s the proof of Nesta caring? So far it looks like Feyre’s wishful thinking. Jumping to conclusions that would make her loved.
Would it fucking kill her to be fucking POLITE for once?!
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This would be much more impactful if it came from someone, who tried to do something. Even if they’d failed.
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That’s a logic of contemporary spoiled teenager AND one of the best excuses of an abuser: I knew you could handle it. (So I wasn’t really hurting you. It made you stronger, didn’t it?)
I wanted to see if... and you did. Why not to do something when it became obvious the “father” won’t act?
“I couldn’t do it, and I was angry at you for being able to.”? More like “I didn’t wanna do it, and enjoyed the sliver of power I had to make someone else’s life even more miserable than mine.”. 
If Nesta’s so self-aware, why didn’t she change her behaviour towards Feyre? As someone with “iron will” so strong not even Fae High Lord could glamour her, she should be able to control herself enough not to take out her anger on her youngest sibling and the only person, who does anything for their survival. Being strong-willed with fiery tamper, doesn’t mean zero self-control. Nesta understands she’s horrible, but chooses not to better herself. Why aim to be half-decent person after all?!
Juvenile mind of the eldest sister:
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This part fits well with the rest of Nesta’s characterisation. He let her die. isn’t adult’s thought, it’s a grudge of a hurt child, mantra repeated over and over to give sense to death of a loved one.
Nesta’s reasoning here got stuck on ten y/o’s logic. Father was rich merchant- he had ships to send for the cure (There had to be some!). Nevermind we’ve earlier learnt his family was in debts for generations. He could’ve send for help into lands of magic, because begging humans would soften fairies’ hearts enough to save their mother. What about the stories about Fae hunting humans for sport?! They surely wouldn’t refuse to help in this case!
The thing is, this happened half her life’s ago, yet she’s rigidly clinging to her child self’s notions. It could be interesting to watch a character outgrow such ideas, but the Nesta we’ve been introduced seems way too happy to stay the way she is.
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starzatmidnightt · 1 year
the beast that craves from within
In a fit of despair she sat and with a humph grabbed her laptop to begin typing. Red lines popped up aggressively under the letters; In her fit of rage, neither her fingers nor keyboard could keep up with her mind. 
She knew she had lost the battle. This age-old thing that still, even as she stabbed the keyboard with the tips of her fingers, lingered on. But it was a battle she was willing to lose. Lose, that sense of defeat. Why must it feel that way?
She had learned to utilize her stubbornness and argumentative nature to trick this beast inside of her. 
So with every ounce, every droplet of courage she could muster up, she used it to fuel her forward. 
That's how I imagined myself now, sitting at a dining room table that is not mine, listening to music on speakers that are not my own, enjoying the warmth from the sun in a house that I definitely do not pay a mortgage on. A free-loader, one might say. And I am in fact ashamed to admit it because whoever is really proud to be broke, unemployed, and living in your sister's old roommate's house. This is my reality, unfortunately.
And before you say anything, yes I know it's fine to have setbacks and I'm still so young, have patience! 
I guess that isn't exactly an option for me. I feel like having patience and being kind is what got me into this mess in the first place. At square one, starting over with nothing, from the bottom. What a waste of time, I think, what a waste of everyone's time. I'm such an incredible piece of wasted space and time. 
What a joke. 
I sleep all day, and my body hurts all the time - I have to leave work early because I feel sick. I indulge - I stay out late. I don't eat all day. I drink. I kiss him. And also him. And then I take them home. 
I cry - I don't sleep, I sit on the floor and stare at the ceiling. I type the text and then erase it. I stand outside barefoot and let my hands feel the raindrops. I smoke a cigarette. I drink some more. I don't finish a song. I skip it. I play it again. I forget to brush my teeth. I stare at the photo. I miss them. I should call her. I press the green icon. I hear their voice. I hang up. 
It's easy. And tempting. To fall into this dwindling cycle. You put your toe in, and you get used to the temperature, so you get in a little more. Hot baths are wonderful and fun when the water is just right and there are bubbles and candles and a nice book and maybe some chocolate and rose petals. But the longer you linger, the colder the water gets, the more shriveled you become, and the stiffer your bones get. 
Why wait and get to that point? 
Life is never going to be easy for us. Life will be hard, but you’ll prevail. Because our existence and ease in this world ebbs and flows; like good posture, you must find the discipline to sit up straight - the more you do it the less you have to think about it. 
Trick the beast inside of you. Sometimes it's okay to have to find a way before a will. Give yourself the security that only you can provide for yourself. 
Sit and think. Sit and ponder. 
Wake up. Make coffee. Make tea. Open the window. Step outside. Feel the sun on your eyelids, feel the heat warming your skin, feel the cool concrete bringing you back, feel the magnetic pull to the earth. Make breakfast, and eat the veggies you don't like. Listen to the album all the way through and don't skip a song even if it's not your favorite. Moisturize your skin. Floss your teeth. Go to sleep with the sun and wake up with it. Read that book and dust the shelf you've been meaning to. Make the cookies for your friends. Go get the job. Help your grandparents in their garden. Make the phone call. Text them back. 
Give yourself the ability and room to breathe. Reward yourself with kind words and hydration and good food. Be proud of your achievements and look forward to your success. The only way you will ever grow is if you water yourself. You must tend to your garden, you are the only one who knows those roots.
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January 9, 2023
First day back after the winter break! Here’s how things have been going:
First class of the day was somewhat overwhelming, but I got to sit next to Kayla, which was fun. We shared a lot of ‘wtf is going on’ looks.
My next class.. didn’t happen. There was no prof when I checked online, and no prof there when I got there. I met a ton of other students who were just as confused as I was… so weird. Last term it took about.. 1.5 to 2 weeks before aural skills started up due to placement tests. I also heard a rumour of there being a staffing issue, so its possible that there’s no prof at all! I… I love it here ;-;
Once I left, I ran into Ethan, so we went out for coffee. It was nice to see him again after like.. 3 weeks? He was just as bubbly as ever, although seemed quite tired. Apparently he’s volunteering at a youth orchestra, which is super nice. He was talking about how he wishes it was summer, and that we can explore the city once it warms up. I fully agreed, it would be fun.
Now I’m basically waiting for my private instrument lesson. I know Leo’s is before mine, and I found a place to write near our lesson room… which is kinda creepy, but I do want to say hello, if only briefly. It’s either that or I sit in my car by myself, in the dark of the parkade… yeah, I’ll take sitting in the nicely lit, pleasantly busy hallway where I can people watch and perhaps poetry write.
Leo and I have been getting quite close over the last term, and over the winter break we were calling each other almost every night. It was amazing. I could talk to him for hours. I DID talk to him for hours! He’s such an intelligent person (to his own detriment at times- he tends to think himself into a hole). Although I must admit, his lack of enthusiasm for academics is disappointing, I try to remind myself his problem is not with learning but with institution we study at (and with systematic learning in general). There is a slight irony in my fascination with him despite my desires to become a secondary school teacher. He has jokingly stated I’ll “destroy the system from the inside”. I don’t know how much of that I’ll achieve, but I’ll certainly change what needs to be changed in order to best suit the needs of my students.
Currently on my listening list is Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in Bb Major. It’s one of the many concertos we’re performing in the CO.
And during my ramblings, Leo and Daniel (our private instructor) have both come in… late. Just… lovely.. Meaning my lesson will be late. Meaning I’ll be late to my next class. Awesome… Count on the men to make me late as per usual.
It’s nice to see Leo again, and not just hear his voice (although I do love his voice). He’s just as cute as I remember him. His hair is incredibly fluffy today and I want nothing more than to run my hands through it. Although that’s not very… platonic of me. Instead I will awkwardly sit outside of the room, listen and wait. Nothing better to do anyways. Well, I guess it’s time to write something?
I wasn’t able to really.. write anything but this post, but I’m posting the best of my poetry so that it’s somewhere at least. Maybe one of these days I’ll show them to Leo? I don’t know. I feel scared. But listening to him play through the closed door is… comforting. It feels like we live together and I’m listening to him through the wall. It’s pleasant. And lord knows I need pleasant.
Until next time!
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extremesalsaing · 1 year
Two for the year: Music 2022
So we back in the mine, etc. etc. I don't listen to a ton of new music in a given year! A lot of my favorite music I heard this year came out within the last 3-5 years, with shouts out to bands like Charly Bliss, Orchards and Snail Mail for taking my tastes in a very certain direction this year. I also want to shout out my friends in Music League, a great program where you can assemble a list of themed song rounds for everyone to submit a song for. I've been in three leagues this year, and have been introduced to some great artists I didn't know about - and learned more about some friends' music tastes to boot!
All that said, I do have two new 2022 albums that stand out above the rest. One is a new find in a genre I've gotten more immersed in over the last couple years. The other is maybe one of the best albums by a band I've loved for a long time.
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stop.drop.rewind - Heavy Love
All credit goes to my friend Marn Lastname Moonshot, @charaznablescanontoyota, for this one - she found these guys early in the year and gave them a shout-out on ARGonauts. I entered the year listening to a lot of prog rock, and their fuckery with time signatures was an easy hook. Me? A mark? It's more likely than you think.
The self-titled Heavy Love delivers on those promises, but is really just the start of an EP that achieves a beautiful balance between elements of good prog. One is, of course, the mathematically-dense instrumentation, on how to turn guitars into symphonic instruments. In good prog, instruments talk to each other the way two friends do when they haven't seen each other in years and have a million things to catch up on.
Another element is vocal parts that don't get lost in all of the noise. This is an issue I even have with incredible bands like Thank You Scientist, where so much is happening with every instrument at all times that it can be hard to really focus on what the singer is doing. Here, complicated instrumentation is evenly spaced out, with restraint in the right places, and becomes the backdrop for stories, thoughts and emotions that are given more room to breathe than a lot of prog gives.
If the 13-or-something time signatures of the opening track don't hook you, Smokestack Shrieking is my other favorite, and I think a good example of the field-and-thunderbolt relationship between a lot of the album's emptier spaces and more frenzied ones. If you like what you hear, this isn't even my favorite album of theirs - that would go to Element & Aftermath so listen to that one next. Support them on Bandcamp!
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The Wonder Years - The Hum Goes On Forever
I think I just really liked sad stuff! This is no secret if you know me. I definitely have a higher capacity for getting a lot out of a really sad story than some people I know. If you know The Wonder Years, it may not surprise you to know that I'm a fan, especially of their work that is the most haunted by worry, regret, loss or fear. What can I say, other than that I think Dan Campbell is really good at writing that kind of stuff.
There's a call-and-response between The Hum Goes On Forever and their previous album, Sister Cities, I think. The latter is about distance, based largely around the band's experiences touring internationally - from an opening track about a lonely night in Kyoto, to a death-defying airplane ride through a storm. There's a lot in it about how it feels to be so far from your family and loved ones.
The Hum Goes On Forever now comes as an album almost entirely about what those connections really mean, and where they come from. Campbell is a dad now, and lets us know it fast, with Wyatt's Song painting a picture of a man who loves his kids, and is scared to death of anything happening to them. Through the record, you see him feel versions of the same dynamic with everyone in his life, family and friends alike.
The Wonder Years is midwest emo punk at heart, and will always excel at loud, energetic tracks that scream complicated emotions in just as many words as it takes. Oldest Daughter is maybe the place where the band's DNA from earlier album shines brightest - and not just through the return of a familiar name from The Greatest Generation. All of that said, though, the special thing to me about The Hum Goes On Forever is in its quieter and more emotional tracks, which I think are some of the most tender and beautiful that the band has ever produced. That's a high bar from a group with so many songs that make me tear up.
My favorite song on this album is Laura & the Beehive, where Campbell recalls an early memory where he, "2 or 3 at the time," is protected by someone (I presume a parent) throwing their body over his own after he steps on a beehive. He then contrasts this act of selflessness to himself writing songs for everyone he cares about, to tell them he loves them. All in one, Campbell gives you a roadmap, connecting this one event that he barely remembers to every song he has ever written - from long before the start of The Wonder Years, Campbell has known that we all Have To Care For Each Other, no matter what.
I don't know. I teared up writing that. It's a really fucking good album. Pick it up on vinyl, if you want.
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crazybigredlove · 2 years
19th August 2013
Dear Pete, 
I am an idiot. It's true. Yesterday while I was recovering from Big Red apparently forgetting that I had in fact already ended whatever this was, I sent out an SOS to Andrew, Jamie, Holly, and pretty much everyone else I have ever met, with the exception of your parents and mine for obvious reasons. 
Oh, and except you as you decided that a phone was completely unnecessary while travelling the world. You are a jerk. 
The only thing is that as soon as I'd sent it realised I didn't actually want to talk to anyone. You're a psychologist, you don't need me to explain why to you. Returning all their concerned text messages and calls became a bother of Pooh Bear proportions so I turned the phone off, ate half a pizza, and then headed out with Christopher. I was also selfish enough to continue ignoring my phone for most of today. 
Unfortunately I'm not feeling any more spritely today. Expecting that once the hangover ended I'd feel better turned out to be wishful thinking of the most naive variety. This feeling isn't a hangover. This is lost mojo. 
Turning the phone back on a few hours ago has forced me to accept that hiding under the covers all day yesterday achieved nothing. Those messages still need responses but I'm refusing to acknowledge them because I have nothing to say and I'm stuck in this incredibly immature headspace. No amount of telling me I was foolish or calling him a jerk will change anything so why bother. 
That doesn't mean that I spent today wallowing though. Let's face it, I'm happiest when I'm drowning in self-loathing and I get to tell someone about it. Having no one I wanted to whinge to about my current predicament meant that I had no other options than to get up and embrace the glory of a new day. 
Do you have any idea how much easier it is to get motivated to train if you don't have to rush off to work afterwards? The hangover was also considerably less intense than expected so really there was no excuse. All that raw enthusiasm was perfectly balanced by the temperature being somewhere that felt about twenty degrees below freezing, but was probably closer to a few degrees above zero. Any unbridled excitement takes a significant hit once you start freezing to death. Pushed through it like the workhorse that I am though. 
Joined Dylan for training and if he noticed my morose and self- absorbed state of misery he didn't mention it. Not directly anyway. 
"How you been, Liv?" He greeted me with a big smile that even the world’s most cold-hearted person would've felt a need to return. I was also feeling other things but thankfully I've sworn off men for a period so there was no point indulging myself with flirting. 
"Oh you know, just offering my heart up for true love only to have it stomped into the dirt right before my eyes. Luckily I'm a trooper and I plan to survive this latest attack from the universe on my troubled heart." 
Eyes dancing with laughter he winked at me. "Sounds awful. Glad you pulled through." "Well it's my fans that kept me going through my darkest moments." 
"Oh you're a superstar?" "Obviously. Look at how cute I am." "Obviously. Come on, let's go lift heavy shit." 
It's refreshing when you say something like that to someone and they don't indulge you. You're automatically forced to just drag yourself out of the steaming vat of self-pity you're flailing about in. 
After building up a sweat - mostly from watching him train with his shirt off - I had to question what we were doing. "Dylan, how come you train with me?" Placing the barbell down, he wiped his brow with a towel and looked over as his forehead creased. "How do you mean?" "There's a little gap between your abilities and mine. Jimmy's here. I'm sure he doesn't mind putting up with my rookie moves given that it's his job." 
"Nah, I don't mind. I like helping people. Besides, we're friends." He smiled and reached down for the bar once more. 
Would you look at that, Pete! I'm making friends. At my age! 
Speaking of friends, Andrew appeared on the doorstep in the afternoon carrying potted orchids. Apparently he thought giving me things that I will most likely accidentally kill out of neglect and poor memory is the way to cheer me up. Your brother brings more ice-cream with him each time he walks through our door, but again, not sure that making me fat and even less desirable to men is the solution we're looking for here. I'm sure Jamie will drop around at some point. I hope she brings chocolate. Or James and Dave Franco. 
Also, I really hope Christopher is home, otherwise Jamie will be left standing on the doorstep as I am refusing to move from my cocoon tonight unless driven by hunger or a need to use the bathroom. 
During his visit Andrew tried once again to salvage the window box pot plant things. Bless him and his inability to accept defeat. How can a man who gave up on love so long ago have such blind faith in my non-existent ability to preserve life of the green variety? If he directed that faith and optimism to a real cause, one with hope and potential, he'd be an unstoppable force! 
Gotta go. There is no ice-cream left in this tub and I'm 97% certain that Christopher said he stocked the freezer. On a quest to eat till the physical pain of eating at least three kilograms of dairy products conquers all other feelings. Or until Prince Harry, I mean Charming, finds his way to my doorstep. 
PS. I'd sign it with kisses but then maybe I'm faking them and will want to take them back at a later date. He's a jerk. 
PPS. The dog needs to pee but I am still incapable of moving from the couch. Refusing to let this be my problem. 
PPPS. If Buffy had perhaps peed on the new orchid, would that help it or hurt it to grow? Oh never mind. I'll find out in the next day or so I suppose. 
PPPS. Ice cream. 
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hinescvzholdt · 2 years
Employing Blog Marketing Online
Blog marketing online is definitely a huge factor. Almost every major site online will be based as being a blog site, or posseses a lively and engaging blog page attached to this. So why not you? Why aren't you applying a blog since part of your own overall internet marketing strategy? This is a pivotal question, since there many people that are using a new blog SOLELY as their primary method to make cash online. So employing blog internet marketing is a thing that is totally vital to your achievement. Now some individuals view blogs since tools that simply the entertainment market and professional many chefs use to interact with fans and followers. But that's not necessarily true. You can easily use blogs for any kind of reasons, and many of these reasons will be what I'm planning to talk regarding today. Never ignore the energy that some sort of blog has to increase sales, boost loyal and engagement, in addition to to build your current brand. Here's a single simple reason of which people elect to carry out blog internet marketing: 1) Creating a professional blog is SIMPLER when compared to a website Carry out you know HTML CODE? CSS? Javascript? PHP? All of these kinds of things are code languages used by simply web-developers to generate websites. With blogs, you can circumvent these with easy "themes" that appear complete and prepared to go. For example , the most popular blogging platform called WordPress has designs that you can customize, and help to make it look like you paid someone $100's of dollars to be able to do. With styles, you simply add it to your current WordPress dashboard, and even edit it as you see fit. You will find lots of free in addition to paid ones away there. However you can quickly download more for free from within your WordPress handle panel. With all the alternative of themes, making a blog is easier than in the past. No more do you have to struggle to study coding or having to pay people high fees to be able to get a website done. And an individual don't even have in order to deal with website building software either. Here's another explanation people implement blog marketing online: 2) It's great regarding monetization "Monetization" simply means how you're going to create money with your website, site, product, and so forth On a weblog, there are a great number of ways of which you can monetize it. Click for more might host Google AdSense ads on the blog, you may market affiliate products (or your own products) on your blog, you could promote your own affiliate program on your blog, you can easily create t-shirts and even make them regarding sale on your current blog, and an individual can even charge people to promote in your blog. It can really that simple.
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Mainly because I offer services and products, my favorite approach to make money with our blog is simply by promoting my affiliate marketing program on generally there. This way I can encourage users who are looking to earn cash to see my advice within my blog posts - and feel confident that my personal consulting services are even better than typically the knowledge that My partner and i dispense on my personal blog. They move, and become a joint venture partner of mine, and am get free advertising for my asking services. You can easily do the exact same also if you sell a product or perhaps service - or even - you can earn some sort of totally different course and promote internet marketer items. You may sign up for a CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT program (cost per action), and help to make money whenever somebody clicks over a link or banner about your blog. The options are endless, plus the entire world is your's whenever it comes to be able to blog internet marketing. This another reason people use blogs: 3) Video blogs Movie blogs are incredibly well-known. These are the kinds of sites that major enjoyment companies and actually small-time chefs use to get well-liked. If you're a chef, instead involving writing about the recipe or making something, simply make a video and add it to the blog, so individuals can see you in fact making it. It is going to further help an individual to build the bond along with your subscribers and frequent website visitors. If you're a new viewer of a cooking video, wouldn't you rather observe how many ingredients and the percentage of the elements to use instead associated with reading about it? Intended for some people, these people just enjoy observing food being prepared. And really should the day ever come with regard to them to produce the same exact recipe for themselves, they will want to understand the exact dimensions and amounts to put into a pot before they elope and entirely make a disaster associated with the dish. Video clip blogs are quite popular. But there is another reason why an individual should do blog page marketing online. 4) Content syndication It can a very important factor to create a blog post, but really totally another factor to write a blog post in addition to have it shared and distributed close to the internet. Additionally, writing articles plus uploading them upon a custom site in a organized style is difficult. When you upload content upon a regular web site, you have to be able to worry about LINK structure, how this fits on the particular page, how it fits around advertising or Google AdSense content, how in order to draft a minor amount of it, and etc. It can always be a hassle. Using a blog, all of this is taken cared regarding for you. Wonderful link structure is definitely created and maintained, you can edit your blog content easily, you might design your blog post easily around adverts, photos, and also other links on your site, and more. As well as, you possibly can make it quick for individuals to ligue your content very easily - and sign up to your blog instructions with just a single simple click. Doing blog marketing online certainly has it is benefits. A blog can be a powerful tool if it comes in order to boosting your sales and profits. Hopefully you now don't view websites as a 1-dimensional tool. It's absolutely multi-dimensional, and how vast you develop it is centered solely on your current creativity and advertising ingenuity. Also, always be sure to realize that blogs are some sort of great way to build your brand and presence within a market. As time passes, your blog can become an "authority site" in your niche. People know all about you and you, plus you could perhaps be contacted intended for partnerships, interviews, or even even deals along with top leaders in your niche. Almost all of this can easily happen when you do weblog marketing online, therefore start doing this today.
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elegyofthemoon · 2 years
Levi, Vanessa and Fred! Those were all so cool, and tangential comment but it's so interesting the way the names are written too. It seems like the post has many many years 😂
omg i'm so sorry i got to this late aslkdfj I knew it was in here but completely forgot about it but THANK YOU and yeah ! these were from aaaages ago lolol I think I was going through my old blog in chronological order from the oldest ask post and it was back in 2018 or something alksjdh
Also these get incredibly personal so fair warning on that front ! so I'll just put it under a readmore
Levi Baskerville | Something you tried to achieve.
So saying "tried" makes it sound like I ought to talk about something I tried to aim for but failed, so sure, let's talk about that !
I think the first few things that came to me were several voice acting projects I did a loooong while ago? I think it was that I wanted to get into some of these big passionate projects and either the project got cancelled or I got rejected. It happens ! But I did really want to go for this one fandub project for a little game called "Alice Mare" (it's....once again an Alice in Wonderland based game LKASJDF), but nothing really came out of it. I think I shrugged it off mostly because I was 14/15 at the time I was trying it out lol By that point my voice acting wasn't the best anyhow (not to say mine currently is lol I still have room to improve)
Vanessa Nightray | Something that you fear losing.
...Friends lol Like I never thought about how much friends mean a lot to me till fairly recently?? And I had a whole self reflection about like how half of the things I talk about is just instances with my friends (with the other half just being about things I'm into ofc lol), and well! Friends just mean a lot to me when you make a lot fond memories with each other and get to know the person well. It's sad from time to time to lose them, but eh, things happen and life changes.
Fred Nightray | How you wish to die.
Let me share with you one of the weirdly comforting dreams I've once had a long while ago. I'd say weirdly comforting because I get into a complex about how it makes me feel so free but how the freedom is only found in death.
This was when I was about 16 or 17 years old and I was deep into my Walking Dead phase. So because of that, I frequently dream a lot about zombies. So this particular dream, I think I was with a group of people before we had gotten attack by zombies, and I winded up getting bitten. The people around me didn't know what to do, so I just told them to leave me be because I didn't want anyone to struggle with the choice.
So, I get left on my own as everyone else fled, and I found myself wandering around a field of wheat until I found a clearing where I could see the evening sky. At that point, I was bleeding out a lot and fatigued, and I decided to lay down there, watching the sky grow dark with each passing minute. Eventually I fell asleep and died peacefully there.
Long winded story! But honestly, that sort of feeling is nice to think about. I could have said dying in my sleep, but really, I think I just want to die where the last view I get to see is something beautiful and something I've loved. And to know that I'm free when I die. In that dream, I spent all my life running from doom, so to finally be able to rest like this, even in death, it was so peaceful that I couldn't help but be happy in death.
But like I said: I have such a terrible complex with this dream because me personally when I first encountered that dream, I found myself more distressed when I woke up because my biggest fear is death. That realization is also what saved me back in 2018 when I was having really bad suicidal ideation. So I didn't want to believe in the peace that comes with death if it meant that I would give up before I could ever achieve dreams or find happiness in this life. And maybe after I achieve those dreams and find happiness in this life, I could allow myself to die in peace.
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star-anise · 3 years
The thing about the mortifying ordeal of being known is that humans have an incredibly deep need to be known, which is actually, generally, a pleasant experience.
"They never really saw me." "He never heard what I was saying." "I guess she never really knew me." These are phrases we use to describe encounters, relationships, that are deeply flawed in some fundamental way.
We need to be known. Surviving childhood, for our species, requires years and years of adults understanding our basic needs and meeting them every single day. So our brains incentivize connectedness; they generally reward us for successful attempts to communicate and connect with people. For most people, being known, understood, accepted, and cared about (being loved) is among the most pleasurable experiences they have ever known.
I've spent years now turning over this concept in my head, what I call the "Little Match Girl phenomenon". I haven't Officially Studied it, but I can describe it from personal experience and what I've heard from people who have it:
It's when people with social anxiety see others being happy, warm, affectionate, and friendly, and we deeply yearn to reach out and connect with them—but we simultaneously feel frozen, unable to reach out, in emotional pain, not knowing how to break that stasis. The name is from a Hans Christian Andersen story, about a beggar girl who freezes to death in the snow while imagining a warm room full of food and kind people.
What recently made things click for me was reading Alexandra Stein's book Terror Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems. I'm neither going to sum up her book not Attachment Theory in this post, but jump over those to the bits that were new to me: Stein, a social psychologist, points out that 1) Attachment styles can be malleable, and most especially, secure attachment early in life can be rewritten into disorganized attachment in a sufficiently chaotic and engulfing relationship, especially if ties to all other attachment relationships are cut; and 2) You can have a relationship attachment to a group and not just individuals.
Here's what signifies a disorganized relationship: When the source of love and acceptance is also the source of pain and fear. When these two responses are so unpredictable in when and why they occur that the person can't formulate any coherent strategy to self-soothe or use the relationship to help them feel okay—so in extreme situations, the only possible response is to freeze up and dissociate, mentally removing themselves from this state of fright without solution.
Mine is not the only valid experience or background here, but I think there are some people I'm pretty similar to when I say: think this encapsulates a lot of my relationship to my entire peer group for most of my childhood. I could never predict or control whether I was accepted or rejected; I had no idea how to be likeable or when my friendships would end. I could cobble together some basic strategies sometimes—be a people pleaser in this situation, ignore everyone and read a book in another—but they were pretty rigid and limited. People saying "Just be yourself and they'll like you" was bewildering (who is "myself"??) and demonstrably false.
So basically, I hypothesize that for some of us there's been so much pain around the mortifying ordeal of being known, because the experience of being overlooked or misperceived has been so painful, that we have fundamentally shifted to view socialization in general through the lens of a disorganized attachment.
(For the audience at home: That's trauma, folks)
This thought helps me because attachment styles are, at their bases, strategies; they're a series of behaviours that achieve a preferred result, that then turn into habits, that then solidify into personality traits. This means they can be deconstructed and re-organized along more useful lines.
Because something has already gone wrong if the thought of being known is so mortifying that you would rather give up love than risk it.
And maybe it's just me, but "learn new strategies to make social situations less unpredictable and scary" is a lot less daunting than "figure out who I Really Am, and conveniently make sure my True Self is someone people would like."
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Graveyard Siblings (5)
[Masterlink] (PART 1) (PART 4)
Mari and Cass sometimes switch their suits as they have the same body type. Cass would sometimes go out in full Hellbat gear and give the appearance that Hellbat is out more often than she actually is.
So Orphan/Black Bat also sometimes uses guns.
This also helps with concealing secret identities. Maria was rescued by Hellbat from Joker’s Henchmen. (Vicki Vale was getting sus of the new Wayne and Hellbat.)
Unfortunately since Hellbat rarely comes out and she had already made all of her appearance for the month and it wasn’t a busy weekend, the public had come to the conclusion that Hellbat has a crush on the newest Wayne.
Basically everyone thought that Mari has a crush on herself. Which led to some teasing and escalated to Mari announcing that Jason had a crush on Red Hood on live TV.
It didn’t help that a video of Red Hood and Jason re-enacting Romeo and Juliet with Jason on his apartment balcony and Red Hood on the roof was posted on the internet a few days later. (Thank you, Trixx and Tim’s awesome video editing skills)
Sadly, it was taken down 24 hours later. (Tim and the others have multiple copies of it, on the cloud or hardware, hidden around in the manor and their respective safehouses in the US.)
Some people kidnapped Jason to hopefully gain leverage over the Red Hood and to their dismay and nightmares for years to come, Hellbat came instead.
One lucky and incredibly brave reporter asked why she was there instead of her brother.
Mari being a little shit, “Red Hood may be a tough and scary guy but when it comes to his feelings, my brother is a chicken.”
Pictures of Jason tackling Hellbat somehow never made it into any papers.
The criminal underworld hasn’t taken a hint and Jason has been kidnapped a few more times.
Other times Jason was kidnapped:
Robin: Red Hood made a fool of himself in front of Todd recently and he doesn’t dare to show his face.
Spoiler: He was taking too damn long checking his hair even though I told him that no one was going to see it under his helmet and he was so offended that he is currently sulking in the bathroom.
Red Robin: Red Hood can’t think straight when he is around Jason. I mean have you seen the dude.
Arsenal*during a rare visit to Gotham*: Red Hood owes me one now.
Dick finally ends it by going out as Red Hood and rescuing Jason. Gotham is happy that Redson (Red Hood x Jason) ship has finally sailed.
Kate, Babs, Cass, Steph and Mari were out on Mari’s first girls’ night since her move to the manor.
This is set a little after she came back from Paris with Jason.
They watched rom-com movies, did hair and nails, gossip about the superhero community and bitch and vent to each other.
Marinette off-handedly mentioned the crazy shits she had done during her stint as Ladybug. It started with asking about the T-rex in the Batcave and she mentions jumping into the mouth of a live one before.
Everyone in the room was shocked and after a few more questions, it was obvious that she was very reckless and self-sacrificing. Yep, she was going to fit into this crazy family just fine.
And Holy Shit. There is so much trauma packed into this kid. She needs lots of therapy.
Babs finally decided that they all needed to get out and have some fun. All in their respective suits and they went out.
Joined by Harley, Ivy and Selina.
Plagg came along because I want Plagg to meet Selina.
It was a chaotic night and it was a miracle that Bruce didn’t find out about what the girls did.
Batman and Red Hood were on patrol together when Selina jumped in front of them.
“Hello, Boys”
“What do you want, Catwoman?”
“I want to meet my new prodigy, Kitty Noire.”
Cue Marinette jumping down from her hiding spot, transformed with the Black Cat Miraculous. “Hiya.”
Red Hood carries her like a potato sack and points his gun at the other two.
“Nope, she’s my sister and I called dibs. I adopted her. She’s off limits.”
“Legally, she’s mine.” Batman coughed out.
“I did it first. Emotionally. She’s my emotional support sister. You have plenty kids already, B and Selina, get your own.”
“Hey, I am still here and can hear you.”- Maria
Alya was worried for Lila. She had been acting weirdly for the past month.
She looked very out of sorts. Her clothes weren’t in order and her hair was in disarray. She had bags under her eyes and her eyes looked wild. Lila didn’t look like herself at all.
She jumped at any sound and flinched at really sudden movements.
Alya tried to find out what was wrong with Lila and received vague answers.
One time Lila said that Marinette is to blame.
Alya reaches the somewhat right conclusion that Marinette was haunting Lila and hurting her because Lila used to come to school with bruises and claims that Marinette did it.
Alya goes to Marinette’s grave to desecrate it. (Yeah, go anger the ghost that is haunting someone.)
Unfortunately, the moment she tries to do something, the sky turns dark, clouds appear and the wind begins whipping. A Lightning strike near her and there was a cloaked figure beside her with a scythe.
All Alya saw from the figure was the blood-red lips in a very sharp grin and glowing blue eyes, raising the scythe high before she ran away. The scythe swiped the air where her head once was.
Alya didn’t get far before she tripped and blacked out.
When she woke up, she found herself in the hospital with no idea how she got there.
She was told that somebody found her with a concussion in the park and took her to the hospital.
The next one on Mari’s hit list was Natalie.
She wasn’t as involved in the whole thing like Lila, Adrien or Gabriel but she still did it anyways.
Her punishment is a little mild compared to the others and was more of a warning to Gabriel.
Natalie woke up in the middle of the night to see a not-so-dead Ladybug sitting on her vanity chair with the moonlight from the windows illuminating her body and her neck. Her suit was torn exactly like the day of that battle with blood dripping down her arms and from her open wounds. The shadows kept her face hidden but glowing blue eyes stared at her.
Natalie was scared at first. But she regained her normal cool composure.
“I assume you are here to extract your revenge for aiding in your unfortunate demise. But before you kill me, I regret my part in my entire thing and I apologize for everything I have done against you even though I knew it was wrong.”
“At least you show remorse over what you have done. Visiting my grave when even my parents didn’t and leaving flowers. I love those purple hyacinths by the way. Did you know that they mean sorry in the language of the flowers?”
“Why are you stalling my death? Just kill me already.”
“Madam Sancouer. You just played a minor role in my downfall compared to what Adrien and Lila Rossi did to me. And you showed more guilt over your actions than they ever did and Adrien claimed to have loved me. And like I have told the Bats, Death is too swift of a punishment.”
“Who are the bats?”
“None of your concern. You should be more concerned about yourself.”
“Lila sees the ghosts of her past and they haunt her. Adrien is in a living nightmare and has no control over his actions and is despised by everyone. What are you going to do to me?”
“Well, since you show some guilt over your actions, let me tell you a little secret. I am not dead. Not really. I mean I did die. But there was a spell in the grimoire that revived me. It took a few days to work.”
Marinette changed to her normal form. It was a little jarring to see an older Marinette Dupain-Cheng sitting on her vanity chair like it was a throne. The Ladybug suit and the wounds were gone. She looked a little familiar.
“Why are you telling me this? What was the point?” Natalie faltered as she wondered why the girl looked familiar. Marinette moved closer and her face was fully illuminated by the moonlight.
“I intend to take everything by which I mean everything from Gabriel Agreste for what he did.”
“M. Agreste just wanted his wife back. You just gave him your Miraculous, you would still have everything.”
“What difference would it make? Sure I had friends and family before but they turned out to be disappointing. I might have become a famous designer like I dreamed of and can't achieve because I died. Besides, he never said about wanting his wife to come back in his tedious monologues. For all we knew back then, he wanted them for world domination. He showed that he would end the world for them. For kwamis’ sake, he nearly started World War III, just for a pair of earring and a ring. He was willing to kill me to have her back. No wait, he did that too. If he actually read the translated grimoire or asked the Guardian or at least someone with magic for help instead or maybe used his head and made some who can heal as his champion using the Butterfly, we wouldn’t even be in this mess. Face it, Mme Sancour, your boss is a power-hungry and very controlling maniac who is also thankfully an idiot.”
“But- he- he just-. You are just a child, what do you know? M. Agreste knew what he was doing.”
“A child who had a normal life up until he tried to ruin it with his idiotic schemes and hiring Lila to do it. A child who had to fight a war on her own.”
“I am sorry you had to go through that but I doubt you and your little revenge rampage is going to solve anything.”
Ghostly Chains wrapped around Natalie’s body, squeezing tight like it was squeezing the life out of her.
“I was all for sparing you, you know. If you had actually listened to my side of the story, you would have spared from my ‘little revenge rampage’. This is going to be a little painful. Sorry about that.” In a tone that was definitely not sorry.
Pain coursed through Natalie’s body. Her skin crawled and itched as pitch back feathers grew out of it. Her bones turned to dust and reformed.
Where Natalie Sancour once was, there was a raven.
An omen of death and destruction for one Gabriel Agreste.
Marinette leaned down towards the raven. Natalie tried to peck her eye out but Marinette held the beak in a firm grip.
“Ah. ah ah. Luckily for you this is temporary. Mostly. Every night, you will assume this shape and each night the longer you will stay in this form. Slowly counting down the days until Gabriel’s downfall. Since you love helping him so much, you are going to help him know how long he has to live. The night you are a raven from sunset to sunrise, that sunrise starts the day Gabriel Agreste will be utterly destroyed.”
She released the beak and headed towards the window.
"Send him my regards."
With that, she was gone.
(Part 6)
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Did Taco actually care about Microphone?
Let’s discuss.
At first it appears Taco doesn’t really seem to care about Microphone at all. She’s treating her as a pawn and nothing more. She doesn’t value Mic’s input, she gets easily upset with her, and clearly doesn’t trust her to do things on her own.
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Now in all fairness- Taco has no reason to trust Microphone at this point. She’s been spying on the show for a while now, and found interest in Microphone because she saw a bit of her season one self in her. But the difference between the two of them, in Taco’s opinion, is that Microphone is incapable. She needs to be controlled or reigned in.
But Microphone changes Taco’s opinion of her quite quickly.
Microphone achieves something that Taco cannot do. Subtle emotional manipulation. She uses the right words in the right way to change the way Balloon thinks and acts to her advantage. Something Taco says she didn’t even know was possible.
This of course leads to Balloon messing up the challenge. And Taco is immediately very impressed.
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It’s at This Point that I believe Taco and Microphone go from being a mastermind and a pawn, to genuine partners.
This is where we see a drastic shift in Taco’s behavior towards Microphone. Starting of course with the temporary paralyzer. Microphone somehow managed to convince Taco to return the paralyzer to its rightful owner, and Taco (while clearly not happy about it) actually listens. She allows Microphone to return it without question, which is certainly interesting considering her previous closed off behavior.
Her body language also seems a lot more comfortable in this scene. Shes laid back. Relaxed. As is Microphone.
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After everything goes down in the lab, Microphone freaks out at the loss of Lightbulb and TestTube. Instead of yelling at her to snap out of it, as we would expect the often short-tempered Taco to do, she attempts to cheer her up. She compliments her work, plays with the machines in the lab, tries to joke around with her. This is where we begin to see a softer, more dork-y side to Taco that we hadn’t been shown before.
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Microphone seems to notice this shift in behavior as she also shows genuine concern for Taco after she reached for the portal. This is a subject Microphone will continue to bring up until their mine cart ride with Knife in episode 13.
By episode 13 the two of them seem to have grown incredibly close. They joke around with each other often and though they still fight sometimes, the fights are not one-sided. No one is on a higher pedestal than the other anymore.
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They seem to value each other as partners. And they both show genuine concern for each other when they’re hurt. (Microphone gasps and calls out Taco’s name when she’s hit by the gemory, and Taco gasps when Mic is hit by TestTube’s dart.)
When the subject of Taco’s reliability comes into question, Microphone shows no sign of mistrust. I’ve gone into further analysis on the implications of Taco, Mic and Knife’s mine cart ride (which you can find as the post right under this one on my blog) but long story short, Microphone shows great trust in Taco.
And Taco seems to value that. She’s surprised when Microphone implies that Taco hasn’t been completely honest with her. Which leads to something we’ve never seen Taco do in the past. Apologize.
While begrudgingly, Taco promises to Microphone that she’ll be more open and honest with her in the future. And it’s a promise that she does keep, as she seems to discuss plans and motivations a lot more freely with Microphone after this point. This apology clearly means a lot to Microphone, though her reaction is quickly interrupted by Knife.
It seems the two of them have a strong bond at this point. They’re both smart, cunning, manipulative. Taco is able to control things from the background while Microphone doesn’t struggle to control the people around her inside the game. Together they work as a perfect pair of antagonists.
That is until Taco’s final mistake.
As great as they work together, Taco and Microphone have different limits.
As MePad says so brilliantly:
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While Microphone seems to have no issue manipulating and emotionally hurting people, it’s physically injury where she draws the line. This is a line that Taco often attempts to cross, though Microphone has been able to mostly prevent this due to the fact that most of the physical work in game falls on her.
But when Taco kills TestTube and stuns Fan (despite the fact that she technically never promised Mic that she wouldn’t. Saying that promising was “not necessary”) Microphone still feels betrayed.
Which of course leads to the iconic split up scene
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Microphone never really felt like she had a voice. She was being pushed to her limits in ways she wasn’t ready for. This wasn’t something Taco was aware of because Microphone never really showed it.
When Microphone leaves, Taco is devastated. Though we’re unsure how badly she’s been effected, her facial expressions are enough to tell us she’s clearly very hurt by Microphone leaving.
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So I’d say at the end of the day, yes. Taco did care about Microphone and valued her as a partner. It seems she had no intention of hurting her. Their relationship evolved in quite an interesting way and I’m excited to see how Taco’s character develops after this post.
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hlizr50 · 3 years
Terms of Endearment
I'm obsessed with Nesryn and Sartaq. And I am not ashamed.
Read on AO3
It had started innocently enough.
When Sartaq had slid his hands around her middle and drew her back into his chest their first night alone after the great victory, planting a kiss to that sensitive bend where her shoulder met her neck. He had seemed to breathe her in.
“My darling,” he’d sighed.
Nesryn had been taken aback, unaccustomed to pet names from him. Perhaps it was because they had fallen in love in the midst of war – not the time or place for terms of endearment.
But as soon as that final battle was over, it was as if Sartaq made it his mission to shower her with affection, praise, and every endearment he could possibly think of.
“My darling,” he had breathed into her neck that first night. It had been surprising, but not unwelcome. Nesryn was not accustomed to intimacy such as this, but she couldn’t deny the feeling of warmth that it sparked in her. Sartaq, so unlike any man she had ever known, made her feel precious and adored. Even when they were both covered in blood and gore.
“Good morning, sweet angel,” he murmured when she awoke in their shared cabin as they sailed back to the southern continent. She huffed out a laugh at him, but he only grinned back and tucked her messy morning hair behind her ear.
“I’m sure there is nothing angelic about me right now.” With a grumble she tucked herself into his chest, allowing her to feel his rich chuckle rumble through her. How fortunate for them that they had this opportunity to just be. That they had survived.
“You couldn’t be more wrong,” he answered. “Angel.”
Nesryn just shook her head and drifted back to sleep in the arms of her prince.
As wonderful and loving as Sartaq had been, she had still physically cringed when he called her ‘sweetheart’. So much so that he had pulled back from the embrace he’d so tenderly wrapped her in, instead grabbing her by the shoulders and finding her eyes.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured. “It’s nothing. Really.”
“Nesryn Faliq, it is obviously not nothing.” The prince reached up a hand to cup her cheek, and she closed her eyes with a sigh and leaned into that strong, comforting anchor. “Don’t hide from me, love. Please.”
She pulled his hand away, grasping it in both of hers. She loved his hands, the strength in them. They had seen battles for his homeland, for the world, and were still gentle against her flesh in those in-between moments when he made sure to remind her how loved she was.
“In Rifthold,” she began with a deep breath. “As a woman trying to make her way up the ranks, I found myself at odds with many a condescending man. Men who felt that a woman didn’t belong in the guard. Men who felt that a woman shouldn’t speak her mind. Men who felt entitled to my affections. And nearly all of them, being creatures of minimal creativity and intellect, would call me ‘sweetheart’ when they spoke to me as if I were nothing more than the dirt beneath their feet.”
Sartaq’s free hand fell at the small of her back and pulled her against him, lips falling against her temple.
“True men recognize and respect strength, regardless of whether it is a man or woman who possesses it. They were fools.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I will remember not to call you sweetheart. But know that you are my love, always, Nesryn Faliq.”
“And you are mine.”
“There you are, my beautiful morning dove.”
Nesryn turned, rolling her eyes, to find Sartaq striding toward her. He always wore that easy grin that toed the line between confident and arrogant. She hated how handsome that arrogant smirk looked on his tanned face.
“Good morning, your highness,” she answered haughtily. The prince only laughed.
“So formal, my lovely spring flower.” He was close enough for her to swat at him.
“You are insufferable,” she scowled, but her eyes had glittered with mirth.
“Insufferably in love with a stunning warrior goddess.” The prince grabbed her by the hips and leaned in for a kiss, but she turned her lips away from him. He didn’t let that stop him, though, and he simply peppered her cheek instead. Nesryn couldn’t contain her laughter.
Nesryn hadn’t thought that anything could be more exhausting than her time fighting in the war for Terrasen.
And yet, after a day of wedding planning with Duva and Hasar, she ached down to her bones from pacing. Her eyelids drooped dangerously as she stumbled into the suite she shared with Sartaq. She hadn’t made it two steps in when she was scooped into the prince’s arms.
“Empress of my heart, you look exhausted,” he whispered into her hair. Nesryn groaned.
“I’m too tired to even object to your ridiculous pet names tonight,” she grumbled. His chuckle rumbled through her, warming her aching nerves. She was not cut out for planning a royal wedding. How would she ever be empress?
A worry she would have to put off for another day. She did not have the strength.
“I shall have to take advantage, then, of your helplessness.” Sartaq carried her to their enormous bed. “Windseeker, song of my soul.”
“Sartaaaaaaq. If I didn’t love you so much I would hate you,” she muttered as he set her down, laying her shoulders and head on a veritable mountain of pillows. Instead of circling to the other side, the prince lifted a knee and placed it near her thigh on the mattress and climbed so she was caged between his arms and legs.
“You could never hate me, my beautiful cherub,” he chuckled as she grimaced. Sartaq leaned down and pecked the tip of her nose before rolling onto her other side. A strong hand wound around her stomach and pulled her back against a hard chest.
“I’m beginning to think maybe you just don’t remember my name, and you mean to overwhelm me with affectionate trickery.” Her eyes were already closed, the sensation of his lips against the shell of her ear making her shiver with delight. Damn him.
“Nesryn Faliq. Nieth’s arrow. Former captain of the Adarlanian king’s guard. Princess of the rukhin. Queen of my heart. My future empress –“ he grunted as Nesryn elbowed him in the ribs, but he only held her closer, whispering in her ear. “There will never be enough beautiful words to describe you. But I have never backed down from a challenge.”
They were to be married the next day. As was customary, Nesryn and Sartaq would spend the night apart. They stood in the middle of their sitting room, her head resting on his chest and his arms holding her against him.
“I shall miss you tonight, light of my soul,” he murmured, raising a hand to slide fingers over her hair.
“Could you not just call me by my name, for once?” The words ground together like stone. She didn’t mean to sound so callous.
“Does it truly bother you, Nesryn? All this time, have you truly hated the way I speak to you?” Sartaq’s voice was nearly as quiet as that day he had first told her that he loved her. That day when they both thought they would never have a chance to see what their future could be. Nesryn took an unsteady breath against him.
“Of course not, Sartaq. Every word that you utter is beautiful. It warms me down to my core. It’s just…” Her voice trailed off. The prince gently unwrapped his arms and pulled back so he could see her face. His warm eyes gave her strength, and his strong weathered hands wrapped around her much smaller ones. “Sartaq… I’m no princess. I’ve spent most of my life avoiding praise for my accomplishments or appearances. They were all expectations, and I knew that – as a woman – if those expectations were not exceeded, even if the margins were slim and the odds impossible, I would be cast out. Left with nothing. I have been a warrior. Royal archer, member of the royal guard, and captain of it. I know nothing of flattering, fancy words or poetic declarations of love.”
Nesryn lifted their joined hands and pulled them against her chest, lowering her gaze to them. “Everything you say makes me feel incredible, precious, adored. Never in my life did I think I could find a future like this, a love so astounding. What bothers me is that I do not possess those skills or gifts, and I fear I cannot give the same feelings to you that you give to me.”
The silence between them… she hated it. Sartaq was always so self-assured and knew exactly what to say, but all she could hear was the sound of their breaths softly escaping. Anxiety rippled through her when he pulled his hands away, but they landed on her cheeks.
“Nesryn Faliq. My warrior’s heart,” he murmured, tilting her face up. She lifted her eyes, lips parting at the heat she saw glimmering in his dark gaze. “I fell in love with you just as you are. I fell in love with Nesryn Faliq, Captain of the Royal Guard. I have no expectations of flowery love poems or lengthy declarations of devotion. I have no need of those things. The only thing I have need of is you. Call me by my name. Call me by my title. Call me an arrogant bastard, if you feel so inclined. So long as you do it with that smile upon your face, with that love sparkling in your eyes, then I will be the most blessed man in all the world.”
Nesryn lifted her hands, fingers tracing up the strong line of his jaw. Her lips tilted up as a slow smile spread across her face. “I can do that.”
“And I call you such outlandish things, pour my heart out to you, precisely because of what you just said. You have spent your life conquering challenge after challenge. And while your skills and achievements are considerable, the world around you was not prepared to grant you the adoration you deserve for it. I strive to make you feel incredible, precious, adored, because that is what you have always deserved.” Sartaq dipped his chin, brushing his lips tenderly over hers. Resting his forehead against hers, their hands cupping each other’s cheeks, he murmured, “And I would be lying if I said I didn’t quite revel in making you blush and rendering you frustrated and speechless.”
One of Nesryn’s hands found his braid and tugged on it, a blush painting her face. But she smiled serenely, beaming at the man who would be her husband in a number of hours.
“I love you, my prince,” she whispered.
“And I love you, Windseeker,” he answered. He kissed her again, not nearly as softly but just as brief. “Tonight, I will sleep with empty arms, and then never again. For the rest of our days.” Sartaq finally pulled away, knowing rest was needed. He backed away, his gaze never wavering from hers. When he reached the doorway he leaned on it casually, crossing his arms.
“Imagine the pet names I will come up with once I can call you ‘wife’.”
Nesryn groaned and rolled her eyes, waving him off as she turned toward their bedroom. “Arrogant bastard,” she grumbled.
The prince’s rich, throaty laugh echoed through the sitting room as she slammed the door.
I have not tagged people here, since my tag list requests have come from my ACOTAR fic posts. If you would like to be tagged in any work I post, or if you have preferences as to fandom, please reach out!!
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
voice lines!!!
ok !!! here are nell’s voice lines (a lot are utc bc this got long)
▶ Hello - Pleasure to meet you! I’m Nell and I’m a reporter for the Teyvat Times. I heard you have a story for me? Are you willing to share? C’mon, please?
▶ Chat: Sidekick - Want to join me? I’ve always wanted a little sidekick on my adventures! All the cool heroes and stuff always have one! Granted, I don’t really have a secret identity that requires one...
▶ Chat: Truth - The world will reveal its secrets to those who are willing to find them. As for everyone else, well… they’ll just read the newest expose I post in the Teyvat Times!
▶ Chat: Leads - We can’t sniff out a new lead and answers if we’re just standing around. Just… give me a second to fix my Kamera.
▶ When It Rains - Rain or shine, the news must carry on! Just… Can you hold the umbrella while I take pictures? If the lens gets wet, it blurs the photographs.
▶ When Thunder Strikes - Haha, spooky! Hopefully we don’t get electrocuted… that would be rather inconvenient.
▶ When It Snows - It doesn’t often snow back in Fontaine, but I always enjoyed when the rivers would freeze over as a kid. I just wonder what happens to the fish. Do they freeze too?
▶ When the Sun Is Out - Beautiful weather makes the job easier! I’m usually stuck inside interviewing people all day, so I’ll gladly take this moment to soak up some sun… maybe even close my eyes for a few minutes… sit under a tree… sleep… *yawn* Oh? Was I dozing off? I can’t doze off now! There’s a festival today downtown. I should report on that instead!
▶ Good Morning - Rise and shine, darling! Evil lurks in the night and while you and I might not vanquish it, we can at least report on the aftermath! Oh..? I’m a bit too eager to find out what atrocities happened in the night..? Hm. Maybe...
▶ Good Night - Night time already? If you really insist, I suppose I can wind down. But, uh, wake me up if you hear any weird noises! If it’s any bugs though, you’re on your own.
▶ About Nell: Persistence - Growing up, my mother always told me that persistence is key to achieving your dreams! Therefore, if someone says “no” to an interview, you can ask them approximately 11.852 more times on average before they start threatening you with a restraining order! Never give up… except when the law requires it!
▶ About Nell: Reporting - Some say reporters are opportunistic fiends who only seek to further their own careers and line their pockets with Mora. Me? Do I lie? Well… my name isn’t actually Nell, it’s Eleonora… so I guess I lie sometimes, but I promise to only tell the truth and help others in my reporting! I swear!
▶ About Us: Interview - Wow, you can fight really well! Wait… you’re the Outlander? The one who defeated Tartaglia? The one who stopped Stormterror? The one who helped the Qixing fight against Osial? Oh my archons, Nell, contain your excitement! Sorry, sorry, I was getting carried away… could I interview you? Pretty please?
▶ About Us: Compatibility - Ah, you’re so cool, Traveler! With you, drama always seems to follow. I think that makes us a great pair! So, what do you want me to report on next..? Your missing sibling..? Oh. Of course! Who doesn’t love a good reunion story? I’ll gladly help!
▶ About the Vision - I bet you probably weren’t expecting me to have a Vision! Well… neither was I. A lot of people tend to have powerful reasons as to why they have their Visions and why they use them but I kinda just found mine in the way I find any other new story… by accident. Nonetheless, a great reporter uses every tool at their disposal and if a Vision was granted to me, then I’ll be sure to wield it with pride!
▶ Something to Share: Lineage - My family name is not one of great prestige, nor are my family members anything worth writing home about. I believe that the life of someone should not be dictated by who they are related to, but rather how they choose to make a name for themselves. People who hide behind the prestige of their names are often cowards and yet they often have the best sources for my news. You win some, you lose some, I guess.
▶ Something to Share: Fontaine - Want to know a secret? Don’t tell anyone this, okay? I’m not a very strong swimmer. I’m kind of scared of water, despite my Vision!
▶ Interesting Things - I break my Kamera a lot, but mechanics are expensive. If you ever break yours, I can probably fix it for you! You won’t have to pay me for anything. Just... please don’t charge me if I accidentally break it even further, haha.
▶ About Albedo - Albedo? Haha… He’s rather cute. Plus, he always listens when I talk to him! ... I think. I can never tell if I’m actually holding his attention or not… But, he thinks reporters are dumb, therefore he is dumb. I don’t care how many alchemic achievements he finds. Someone who cannot understand how important news is is someone that I cannot respect.
▶ About Amber - Outrider Amber is lovely! She’s one of the few people in the town who actually listens to all I have to say. It’s amazing, really. Everyone loves her, even standoffish Eula! If you ever need help from the Knights, Amber is probably your best bet!
▶ About Rosaria - Y’know, at first, I wasn’t quite sure if Sister Rosaria liked me. Now? … Well, I’m still not very certain. I’m nervous to talk about her. She seems like the type to have a weird sixth sense for this type of thing. She does save me when I get into trouble, though! For a while I thought she was the Darknight Hero, but I realized that Rosaria is… Ah, forget it! Let’s just say I owe her one.
▶ About Diluc: Darknight Hero - The Darknight Hero is one of the most interesting stories I’ve covered in a long time! It’s taken me down a long path of getting to know people, especially Master Diluc of Dawn Winery. Kaeya was helpful enough to point him out as a potential source on the topic. No, Diluc isn’t the Darknight Hero, silly. He just knows a guy who knows a guy, that’s all.
▶ About Diluc: Comradery -At first, I could have sworn Diluc hated me! But apparently, he’s just like that with everyone. Now, I’d say we’re pretty good friends… I think? I’m never quite sure where I stand with him. He’s both open yet awkward around me at the same time… But, he ultimately has been helpful with some of my reporting. If it was up to me, I’d say we’re the best of friends! Please don’t tell him I said that though, he’d probably say I’ve had too much to drink and cut me off for the night.
▶ About Diluc: Love - Love? Why are you asking me about Diluc and love? Gods, both you and Kaeya are insufferable about this. Wait, what? You think Diluc has a crush on me? There’s no possible way a guy like him would give me a second glance! You and Kaeya are awful about this… stop teasing me. Diluc is the type to have whole newspapers dedicated to him and me..? Well, I’m just a reporter, that’s all. Oh? You’re asking if I like him? Well, um… that’s classified information!
▶ About Lisa - Lisa makes me wish I ran a gossip column instead! Conversation with her is never dull and somehow she knows everything about everyone. Afternoon tea consists of tea in more ways than one!
▶ About Jean - The Acting Grand Master of Mondstadt is far more gracious to me than most political figures are. However, I can’t help but feel as if I’m intruding whenever I speak to her. She’s sweet, but she just seems like she has a lot on her plate and even I don’t want to add any more to that.
▶ About Keqing - The Yuheng is a very respectable figure, but if she’s at any Qixing press conference, you’re almost guaranteed to get no exciting news. She brushes off any pressing questions by saying they’re “off topic” and “irrelevant”. It’s frustrating, especially when she uses it to evade the things that really matter!
▶ About Xiao - Hey! That’s that dude that lives in Wangshu Inn! Well, I suppose he’s not a dude but rather an immortal adeptus. He’s hellbent on avoiding me. He hates my guts. I just want to interview him about his thousands of years of life! It’ll only take a few days! Why does he keep teleporting away from me? Ugh. Immortals are so haughty.
▶ About Kaeya: Trust - Oh? Captain Kaeya? He’s rather funny and is my closest drinking buddy in Mondstadt. However, don’t try to get any info out of him. He’s full of shi- haha, pardon me, I mean… Um… Kaeya likes to lie. He won’t even tell me the truth in truth or dare! You picked truth, buddy, now fess up! Sorry… I like him, I swear I do! But I guess I shouldn’t expect the truth when I ask him why he has an eyepatch. After all, even I don’t have a wild enough imagination to truly believe he was raised by pirates… although I could cross-reference this with Beidou and see if she has any information...
▶ About Venti - The bard that’s always in Dil- Master Diluc’s tavern? He’s a bit strange and, while his songs are informative, music of that style is a bit noisy and overwhelming to me. However, I do find it incredibly interesting that he looks exactly like the Barbatos statue in front of the cathedral, yet nobody discusses it. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?
▶ About Nell: I - I’m a reporter first and human second! Or… am I a human first and reporter second? I can’t remember what the boss said sounded less creepy… Well, at least I know I’m a reporter and a human!
▶ About Nell: II - Freedom of the press ensures that people always have a voice. Being a reporter can be dangerous, especially if you’re assigned to tempestuous regions like Inazuma, but it’s a job I take pride in. Information must be spread to all so the public can make informed decisions.
▶ About Nell: III - Home? Home is wherever my job takes me! Sometimes its Mondstadt, sometimes its Liyue, sometimes its Snezhnaya… oh. Fontaine? Even though that’s where the Teyvat Times headquarters are and it’s where I grew up, I wouldn’t necessarily call it home. At one point, I would have, but… things change. If I have to settle down anywhere, I would choose the wintry tundra of Snezhnaya before I even think about living in Fontaine again.
▶ About Nell: IV - Growing up, everyone always said I was a free spirit. I’m kind of like the seelies you see around Mondstadt… Yes, I wander, but ultimately I always return to the same path. Am I guarding a treasure? Haha, maybe… if you consider knowledge to be a treasure, that is. Ah, this doesn’t make very much sense, does it? I’ve never been the type to be good at poetry. I’m better off sticking to just facts.
▶ About Nell: V - My end goal..? I’m not quite sure what it is yet. I prefer to live in the moment and inspire others to achieve their dreams. News stories might not always be happy, but interconnectedness with the world allows people to discover what their true calling is. The feeling of the Kamera and notepad in my hands are comfortable enough. If I can help others understand this hectic world, then that’s good enough for me! I’m having a blast doing it, too.
▶ Nell’s Hobbies - Oh, would you like to look at my favorite articles? I have a book filled with articles and photographs of my own creation, including my very first headline article! Isn’t that exciting? It wasn’t too long ago, yet somehow it feels like it's been decades since then.
▶ Nell’s Troubles - I ran out of film again. You wouldn’t happen to have any on you, would you? Otherwise, I’ll have to go see if the gift shop has any in stock...
▶ Favorite Food - I really like spinach salads! It makes me feel like I’m a wild animal foraging for a nice summery meal. What? That’s weird? Sometimes it’s fun to imagine things, no matter how absurd they are.
▶ Least Favorite Food - Soup! I want to eat my food, not drink my food. If I wanted to drink my calories, I would just chug beer all the time like those drunkards who live in the taverns!
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