#i mean idk if im that into them myself but i see the appeal
ilovemylaptop · 10 months
surprised there arent that many people being into glasses (or bottles and so on) considering they're literally meant to be held in your hand and kissed over and over
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officialspec · 3 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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first off i hate this ask and i think youre a freak. in any other world i wouldve blocked you for this but unfortunately for both of us i actually like this type of philosophy. dont send this shit to anyone else though
i dont think its right to compare human sexuality to the same thing in animals, to get that out of the way. im sure until a certain point it comes from the same biological impulses, but human beings have way more complicated social structures and reasons for coupling that just do not exist in other animals. our social behaviours are what make us unique in the animal kingdom and that definitely extends to gender and sexuality. so theres that
people love to tout 'gender is a social construct' around like its a criticism in and of itself, which i think betrays a misunderstanding about social constructs in general. theyre the foundations we build language on to better understand each other, and affected by a whole host of cultural and historical factors. just because theyre subjective and complicated doesnt mean they arent real. in terms of the effect they have on peoples lives they may be the most real thing that exists
for example, 'kindness' is a social construct. the definition and ways it is enacted differ greatly across personal and cultural lines. but no one would ever suggest a world where kindness doesnt exist or loses meaning, because its an essential part of the way we interact with each other (in the same way i dont really see a world where gender entirely ceases to exist, mainly just one where people have more fun with it. im not a psychic though so who knows)
similarly, sexuality in humans is another social construct. i think the driving biological forces behind it are very real, but the labels people attach to those impulses are subjective attempts to express their inner world to the people around them if that makes sense. and those same biological impulses are ALSO subject to social ideas of gender, because those ideas are established at birth and reinforced over a persons entire lifetime
to use myself as an example, im a gay trans man. ive identified as other things in the past, because i was trying to pick apart feelings i had and express them to others in an attempt to find community. my identity might change as i get older and experience new things, or it might not. i identify as gay because im not attracted to the social concept of women, and someone i would otherwise be attracted to might lose all appeal after i find out they fall under that concept (this has happened before w transfems pre and post coming out lol)
of course, the real REAL answer to this is that trying to give queer identities rigid and objective definitions is a fools errand, and also lame as fuck. someone might identify as gay and be more attracted to general masculinity than men as a social category, maybe they fool around with a couple of butch women without considering themself any less gay. two otherwise identical people might be a butch lesbian and a gay trans man without either of those identities coming into conflict. they might even be the same person at different times of the week
the labels people choose to use are communication tools, not objective signifiers. if you dont understand them, they probably arent talking to you
social constructs are everything. we as humans have the unique ability to interpret our own messy desires and impulses into words that other people can use to form an idea of someone else in their mind. its how we build connections, and of course it isnt perfect because trying to squeeze someones entire personal history and the centuries of context that defined it into a handful of syllables is going to leave some room for error. but its all we have, yknow? so we keep trying. and i think thats much more human than any imposed objective 'truth' could ever be
tldr we live in a society dipshit. get with it
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royal-they · 2 years
I feel like a lot of people don’t realize how important it is for people to see ships like lumity and huntlow coming from a brand like disney that’s known for having ships that really is known to enforce a lot of beauty standards on to kids. 
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lumity is definitely not “on brand” with disney but i feel like so much of the appeal in it comes from that fact. luz doesn’t fit disneys standards for an attractive girl at all. (she is very pretty tho don’t get me wrong) whereas amity is definitely seen by a lot of fans to be very attractive and i think that makes the ship even more powerful. luz doesn’t fall for amity first, amity falls for luz. 
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i don’t think i can even explain how much this meant to me as a poc. like omg the hot gay witch that everyone thinks is super hot falls for the dorky brown girl??? that alone makes me love the ship 1000x more. its amazing that kids get to grow up with a ship like that that really flips tropes and cliches and is still so fun and cute to watch. it really teaches young bisexuals and pocs that; hey! you can totally find a super loving healthy relationship where the other person respects you :) ive mentioned in the past that i used to feel really self conscious of my lips but luz helped my overcome that. it’s a small but very important thing to me. i also used to always be worried about how partners would take me being bi, again luz was so helpful in overcoming that fear. 
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huntlow is another ship that i feel is incredibly important for reasons similar to lumity. a lot of people are probably going to hate me for saying that lmao but idk i still think it’s very likely to become canon. again like lumity the character the fandom finds to be the most attractive falls first
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some people say that willow fell first but I feel like given the fact that hunters been the only one who blushes a lot more people are gonna go “oh hunter likes willow” rather than “willow likes hunter” (i mean i think willow likes hunter but it’s not as obvious so im not gonna talk about that aspect of this ship and it’s not relevant to the point im trying to get across.) 
a lot of people have also said that huntlow parallels lumity in how lot in how their interactions are written and i really agree with that. hunter has from the minute his face was revealed always been seen as attractive by the fandom. i feel like people only really started saying the same about willow when hunter started showing signs of having a crush on her. 
willow like luz isn’t the conventionally attractive disney princess type. she’s larger, east asian, and more quiet. still through hunters perspective we’re able to see these aspects of her along with how she can still be confident and an incredibly powerful witch. 
just like with lumity the show allows people to stop and be like huh luz is actually really pretty and super cute or huh willow is actually really gorgeous and talented. we’re able to see these characters from the perspective of the people who are in love with them. 
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at first amity and hunter both don’t really understand why willow and luz are the way they are. hunter and amity have been raised with the perspective of having to be better than everyone all the time so when they meet luz and willow - two very powerful witches - they dont understand why they’re approaching things with the perspective they have. but slowly they’re able to see a different side of them which in turn allows the viewer to also understand luz and willow more. 
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we see hunter and amity have this moment of realization; huh it’s actually okay to let people see a more friendly side of myself that’s more open with people and that doesn’t take anything away from how powerful i have the capability of being. 
I think that just the fact alone that luz is able bring out the best side of amity and the fact that willow is able to bring out the best side of hunter is really cute and admirable. these two standoffish teens with self hatred issues are just are suddenly super soft around these two super sweet cute girls. idk i just really like these two ships. 
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quartztwst · 9 days
Tbh Quartz ya know what needs to happen in twst?
1. The mc being able to date a twst NRC/RSA boi(minus Ortho and the dwarves that is)
Tbh I wouldn't want to date them in the game bc it'll probably make the writing icky.... HELEP sorry IM REALLY SORRY 😭😭
It's just that I'm more into the actual story than them being romancable bc... like it would be strange....
I mean yeah fanservice and flirting is ok idc BUT DATING THEM??
Idk mann... I don't wanna see Azul having a mental breakdown and then 2 seconds later he's like "i love you"
Also hearing Azul say "I love you" is kinda gross HELPE MAYBE ITS JUST ME
"Omg I was bullied into altering my appearance to not become a target again which gave me trauma and affects my self image and how I perceive myself but everything changed when I met you, mc...." ummmmm what
Idk I find it weird since the story isn't written in a way to somehow romance the boys and I'm not saying they can't be written that way. It's just not the narrative and unimportant.
I've played Obey Me and I also felt like some of the writing needed to he worked on but then I realized it was a dating game 😭😭 some parts of the writing are left a mystery because of the romance
And it's really better off to make hcs of the boys being in love bc it's more fun that way.
Idk like imagine book 6 where they had to split up to go to the underworld and Azul says, "no!! I need to protect mc!! They're... mine...." like it's kinda... cornyyyyyy
I'm not against people making fan games where you date the boys though, it's just that it doesn't fit right into the canon story when all the boys' focus is not the mc. They have their own lives and goals and that's what makes them so appealing rather than them saying "mc.. I live... only for you..."
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splatoon-edits · 9 months
I'm of the assumption that you're a Shiver fan do you wanna explain some HCs or reasons you like her?👂👂 I'm interested (I like her too 😋)
oh boy. do you even know what you've done? I am going to talk about this blue creature SO MUCH!!!!! (no but fr thank you for enabling me to talk about one of my fav characters!!!)
I'm just gonna be rambling with no general direction, so i apologize if this gets a smidge confusing..... Everything else will be under a read more since i don't want this post to make it hard to scroll through my blog if it gets too long.
so.. Splat 3 was my first game in the series. I knew about the other splatoon games obviously, and i was eagerly awaiting splatoon 3 since by the time i got a switch it would have been a waste to buy splat 2. So i went into splatoon 3 with very minimal knowledge of the characters/setting.
But when i saw Shiver in the Deep Cut announcement trailer??? It was love at first sight. Blue is my favorite color and the swag Shiver has is off the charts. Plus the hype around a potentially nonbinary character?? And imma be honest, i'm a sucker for smug characters. Especially the ones who are secretly failures. It's just one of my fav tropes.
So in short: Shiver was a character who had a lot of appeal for me in the beginning. But slowly over time as i came to learn more about her and the rest of Deep Cut, i came to appreciate them even more in new ways. Shiver is smug, sarcastic, and can come off as mean or over the top. But she is also silly, quirky, and has a lot of love in her heart for others. She cares about Frye, Bug Man, and all of Splatsville. She says silly things that don't make sense. She likes puns. She takes the time to listen to Sheldon's rambles. She is so much more than what you see on the surface. And it can be so easy to see her teasing her bandmates and assume she is mean or cold hearted. But she genuinely is such a fun character!!!!
Her grace, her gnc swag, her cringefail aura, everything about her makes her an amazing character.
And now, for some headcanons in no particular order:
I kinda see Shivers gender as "whatever is funniest/best in the moment. Commit to the bit of genders. But if i had to pick one thing to headcanon them as it would be pangender or maybe genderfluid. Uses all pronouns plus some shark themed neos like bite/biteself and fin/finself and anything else like that. Im gonna be mostly sticking to she/her and they/them for this post just cuz i think that's what people will be most used to. But really any gender hc for Shiver is correct in my head. MTF? Correct. Nonbinary? Correct. FTM? Correct. Genderfluid? Correct/ Bigender? Correct. Anything and anything goes an i love seeing everyone's takes on it!
I'm gonna go ahead and say trans woman Shiver has a special place in my heart. I just feel like i never see anyone hc this but i also feel like it works?? Idk... The same can be said for genderfluid Shiver. I myself am genderfluid so i rlly like that hc!
Mayhaps has a touch of the tism. (me too) I just feel like she doesn't read social cues well. Can mask really well but doesn't do it around Frye and Big Man for the most part. I think all of Deep Cut is autistic tbh. With Frye having ADHD as well. (ME TOO)
I'm caught between the headcanons of "secretly rlly strong cuz of archery" and "lowkey weak cuz it would be funny to contrast w Frye being strong". But i lean more on the side of both of them being strong. Just Frye having more obvious muscles. But if you look at Shiver she def if strong. And graceful. Like a predator built for ambush or stalking. She moves with purpose. Ya know what i mean? Like she seems very graceful and delicate at first but that is NOT the case.
I gotta be careful or this will turn into general Deep Cut hcs cuz i wanna talk about Big Man and Frye as well lol
Loses her temper easily. Can be petty when things don't go her way.
Master Mega is very special to them. She spent a lot of time with him when she was younger and her parents were busy.
Shiver whistles a lot as a stim/just for fun.
Big Man and Frye are the best hype men ever for Shiver. There are certain points in the game where she says absolute nonsense but those two are right there to back her up. They also don't understand what he's saying, but they are gonna act as if it's the smartest thing ever. Shiver thinks she is the coolest thing ever and those two only enable her. (dw. every once in a while they knock her down a peg by returning her teasing)
Shiver is the type of person to spend 30 minutes making her food look pretty before she serves it. It has to look good or else.
Is a decent cook. Frye likes to steal bits of food from whatever she is working on so Shiver will playfully smack her with her fan and shoo her out of the kitchen.
Is very proud of her singing. She worked very hard to get it as perfect as it is.
Probably used to have a violent streak in middle school, would bite people. Has since learned to control her anger better.
Very confident. Isn't afraid of things like public speaking.
Gets annoyed easily when overstimulated. Sometimes snaps at people when the environment is too noisy/bright or if she is tired. Tries to apologizes afterwards.
Speaking of apologies, she is the type of person to do something nice for you or get you food/a present for you rather tha admit she is wrong. Is embarrassed easily and instead prefers wordless apologies.
Is flustered easily. One of the ways to easily make her lose her cool is to do anything remotely flirty or to bring up something embarrassing she did in the past.
I could probably ramble more but it's LATE and i should head to bed. Thank you so much for the ask!!!! I had a fun time talking about my favorite blue goofball. <3
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jennilah · 3 months
jenna gone got high and started rambling about nothing again
the amount of times ive drawn something that i thought i would be appealing or even only make sense to an audience of me and maybe 2 other people, only for it to get blown out of the water with response is shockingly often
like hoffman and strahm from the Saw franchise getting high together, yeah
but also my nonsense comics about Michael Myers from specifically the Thorn trilogy, the RZ remake, and the Green sequel hanging out like weird brothers
or every time I draw a weird AU like slashers as fish. or mini characters that live in the pockets of either someone else or the normal versions of themselves
any self indulgent crossover ive ever made like Jason hanging out with Godzilla and Mothra
and i do it for every fandom. if anyone remembers my old spn comics and AUs, some of those were off the wall cryptic and nonsensical. to the likes of which i havent come close to recreating
many of these get hundreds to thousands of notes/likes/whatever on various websites. so many people just see my nonsense and let me take their hand, no questions asked
thats it i just think its funny
jk im not done that reminds me,. the results of my dumb little poll came in where i asked what people sort of ideally want from me and im kind of surprised
i think i rambled this already but deleted it bc it felt too dumb but actually i dont think its dumb. i think its really interesting and relieving that people actually want my sketches and doodles and dumb things.
& yea i enjoy occasionally making a fully rendered piece but i mean. its not easy, and im never totally happy with the end result most of the time. but if im only posting sketches and doodles and sketchy doodly comics i feel bad like i feel like im just holding people over until the next piece where i actually put in effort.
but it turns out people are totally ok with stuff that i dont kick my own ass trying to polish. people arent settling for it, people voted- they want it.
and i dont know where this attitude against myself came from because i was never unhappy seeing sketches from artists i like
maybe its the part inside of me, which im pretty sure is inside every artist who has ever experienced self doubt, which makes me feel like i should be putting my best effort into everything. like, if i could only just muster up the courage to fully render some of these comics I do, then they would be even better...
but i wouldnt have as much fun. thats too much work, i get overwhelmed
so, they stay sketches. with varying degrees of refinement and shading.
so idk im glad ppl like them
anyway rambling done i think ive made my non-points
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stardustdiiving · 8 months
From the ship ask! What's a pairing most people seem to like in Genshin that you don't?
(ship asks prompt)
MAN OKAY I honestly could answer this with a good third of popular Genshin ships…but none of these are really solid dislikes, it’s just me feeling specific about how I like to see it executed & finding the way the fandom handles it is either unsatisfying, or generates an environment that kinda stresses me out NJDNCNC
To narrow it down to one I feel matches the question best I think I’m gonna go with Kokomi/Sara. It’s not really an active dislike or anything I promise I’m genuinely chilling. *insane person voice* but see I am just very stressed out with the in universe geo-politics happening in the background of this Genshin impact ship
I MEAN THAT IN A VERY SILLY WAY. but also I do have a genuine elaboration on what i mean which is like…how do I say this.
I really like Watasumi Island and find their existence + circumstances as a nation really interesting, especially regarding their dynamic with the Shogunate—it’s like the one part of inazuman politics that really catches my interest. But see the way I took the way the Shogunate + Watasumi dynamic was being written was specifically that Watasumi is/was suffering from colonization/imperialism at the hands of the Shogunate. I don’t see them as equal enemies on opposing sides of a conflict I’m just kind of like. Oh my god the Shogunate tries to control their primary food sources + military and after the war u see like, Gorou helping smuggle medicine and food supplies to treat their wounded war veterans bc the Shogunate is imposing high taxes on them they can’t afford to pay. The Raiden Shogun slaughtered their deity who was kind of backed into a corner on trying to secure vital resources for his people and to this day his corpse is just sitting on her territory getting ravaged and mined for weapons !! That’s crazy! I like thinking Abt that!
While I think Inazuma suffered from the writers dropping the ball with a lot of things I am generally happy this dynamic is explored/acknowledged repeatedly and Watasumi at least to me doesn’t feel like it’s constantly written in a really meanspirited and shitty way you know. Like, in the medicine supply smuggling thing i mentioned — that’s a route in Heizhou’s hangout that ends in a conclusion that something may have severely hurt the vitality of Watasumi’s land and it’s ability to provide, but that doesn’t mean they won’t survive or all hope is lost, because theres people within Watasumi who care and embody that hope and vitality within themselves and are working hard to build stability and provide for everyone. Like idk that’s really cool and I genuinely found it a really nice narrative that really makes me root for Watasumi
But then we get to Sara & Kokomi and ppl just do not talk about this dynamic between both nations at all from what I see, despite it being really relevant to the characters and in theory the appeal of the ship? And I jusurjfucn I guess it confuses me a lot bc I remember, most recently for example on the TCG event, I was so confused seeing everyone post about their interactions for days about how it was cute they were engaging in card matches together and Sara wanted to be friends…and then I played the event myself and we get this scene where Kokomi is standing off starring out at sea alone, and she talks about how she doesn’t like how she can’t see Watasumi from here, and how that was especially agonizing to experience during the war, and then gets caught up in her memories of the war and talks about how a lot of her people are still recovering from the trauma of it, and how she’s participating in this event bc she’s anxious about wanting to build good relations between the Shogunate and Watasumi so her nation doesn’t suffer more in the future AND IM JUST…MAN
Like I do think I can see Sara & Kokomi being friends, Sara’s character feels like it’s the concept of “individual with genuinely good morals working in an oppressive system doesnt stop the damage the system causes” kind of deal BUT IDK…I get fandom experiences can very anecdotal and I’m sure there are shippers who handle this aspect of the ship but when at large it just feels like it’s filed down to a vague enemies to lovers + contrasting aesthetic girlfriends ship I guess it def leans more towards being one I’m not really into. I think it doesn’t help it strikes the specific fandom pet peeve I have where I sometimes feel ppl water down a lot of wlw ships down to just being surface level cute and I am a lesbian who likes very nuanced and complicated character dynamic exploration so I’m personally just like. Yeah idk I guess this seems rlly widely accepted fanon wise but I don’t rlly click with it at all djjcnfj while I could be interested in this dynamic being explored, just if I were doing my own take on it ik adding romantic tones wouldnt feel super necessary to make it feel more interesting to me personally yk x__x
I just feel very excitable about a lot of genshin things and Watasumi vs Shogunate related things hits that mark of interest for me…definitely not implying the shippers r doing something wrong by making silly lighthearted posts and being less interested in types of analysis I enjoy but I guess that’s the most popular ship I feel the least interested in I can think of?
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sillyandquiteawkward · 8 months
Idk if this is something you did intentionally, but the fact both Ignatius and Octavia wear dark colors while Bailey wears lighter has plagued my mind since I saw this one image https://www.tumblr.com/sillyandquiteawkward/720332520178237440/legacy?source=share
And now i mentally have this really. Stupid headcanon to be honest. But basically- Octavia wears dark colors both on the outer and inner layers of her clothes, so that shows she's not ashamed of her nature and proudly wears it on her sleeve (what nature you ask? Man idk im just delivering the messages god sends me) ; Meanwhile Bailey wears Light on the exterior and Dark on the interior, showing that although he may present himself as well meaning, he's still kind of a bitch about it. And Iggy does the opposite- Dark on the outside, Light on the inside. Sure he may look smug and even be a little bit of a bastard but its all a façade he puts up, something superficial that doesn't actually reflect on who he really is
Or maybe I smoked a liiiittle too much weed that day and seeing colors made my Artist Brain insane. Probably this
OUHG YOUR BRAIN. (reposting linked image for reference)
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i do specifically remember as i was drawing this image being like yes. bayley is wearing a white jacket and its so Different than the others. i feel like i did also have the thought pass me of the same thing, bc i did make the deliberate choice to color oct's shirt in, rather than leave it "white" like iggys shirt. i also wanted bayley to be the only one really looking into the camera but thats another topic hehe.
i think i often find myself switching around the color of octs shirt, is it white, is it blue, is it purple, is it like a yellow. maybe we can also still extend this to oct, that she finds herself torn of what her inner colors really are, but that dark exterior shell of hers remains the same.
i think its funny, bayleys always been someone to me very concerned about his appeal to others, specifically why he most often sports his lab coat. screaming to other people look at me and trust me bc i am a doctor ! and iggy covers himself up as much as he physically can as if to disappear behind them. the man is wearing two extra layers, he wears his bangs in his face (tho we arent talking about hair here)
clothes are a very fun way to see into people and [shaking you] i think ill incorporate this all into my work more deliberately now.
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trickstarbrave · 7 months
i saw some people bitching on tiktok about art/commission prices again and i feel like ranting
idk why someone got it in their heads all artists are upper class rich folk trying to scam you out of something that isn't hard at all for us to make. art takes time and energy--time and energy we could literally spend doing ANYTHING else. we could be spending time with our loved ones, working a regular job with reliable pay and better benefits, or even just making art WE want to see. most of us are working class or poor.
"but you could charge less and get more customers" who the hell wants to work more for less pay. genuinely. would you rather work 90 hours for 10 bucks an hour or 40 hours for 35 bucks an hour? like get real. past a certain point of popularity you will be literally unable to keep up with commissions bc you cannot physically make them fast enough and stay healthy so higher prices mean you can dedicate more time to people who want it more
"well your art isnt even GOOD" if someone's art isnt your taste or technically worth it to you then dont buy it. to really get good at commissions you do have to build an audience and if they havent then they'll figure out they need to improve or network/promote more. you bitching about it isnt helping them figure it out any faster, and you bitching to artists who DO reliably get commissions at that price makes you look like a whiny brat
"but you COULD charge less and still survive. that means youre scamming people" listen i know you are used to be catered to by large corporations who can use literal slave labor to make things dirt fucking cheap but ethical labor costs more. we are not large corporations with big art machines shitting out subpar garbage you can buy off the rack. you are asking for handmade, customized things from someone in a place with a higher cost of living. we cannot and will not bend over backwards to appeal to the lowest common denominator. see above: we have better things to be doing with our time and this shit costs time and labor to produce. if you dont want a handmade custom art piece or dress or jewelry consider buying from shein then you cheapskate and get out of this market.
because, see above: we have better things to be doing. you are the one asking me to spend my free time making you something because you want it supposedly. i could instead be making things i like. i have the luxury too where if i dont wanna do something i dont have to. i dont have to pick up extra work for you. other artists can find other customers that arent you. if YOU want something you should make it worth the artists wild. no i dont wanna do a full custom painting for you for 40 dollars. i would barely get out of bed for 40 dollars. if i told you to clean my whole house for 10 dollars and deep clean it you would probably tell me im insane and you're not gonna do all that work for 10 god damn dollars. 10 dollars wont even pay for the cleaning supplies.
i dont take commissions anymore specifically bc i kept getting burnt out. i felt i had to make it cheaper to get more when in reality all it did was make more work with little reward. i didnt feel happy making art anymore. it became a chore, and i didnt wanna make anything for myself after i spent hours and hours making other stuff for other ppl. im lucky enough now to have a corporate job with more free time so i can get paid enough to survive and still make art. if i ever decided to again i would probably price it rly high bc tbh. if you want me to make you a custom piece i dont rly wanna draw you had better make it worth the soul crushing work that is turning a passion of mine into a profit.
and lastily with the "you could charge less and still survive" artists deserve to not only survive but thrive. artists deserve free time to make what they enjoy and have other hobbies. artists deserve to not have to work overtime to have stuff in savings. you do too in fact as a non-artist, but attacking artists for wanting that and trying to make it a reality that they get paid not just a survival wage but a FAIR wage is not actually helping anyone.
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goremet-chef · 1 year
just found someone who makes monster hunter lego builds do NOT speak to me im. this. GRGRGRG
anyways heres some gifs i have of monsters cuz im in love with this series forever and always (super long ramble SFJKS ive been writing this for hours)
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odogaron + ebony odo is like.... you dont understand. thats me i kin so many monsters from MH its insane like.. thats literally me nothing reflects me better LOOK AT THEM. rathalos, odogaron, nargacuga like any red scary thing i resonate with deep in my soul its insane
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this one is one of my headmates favorites. shrieking legi really came thru when he was having a bad time and i love this for him. ITS JUST LIKE... so many of the monsters resonate with us on such personal levels, that its hard to even explain. i am selfish, and i do view monster hunter as my game (got that autism special) like these are my creatures they were made for me
REAL TALK THO, these two were genuinely actually made for me look at this shit
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unknown (black flying wyvern) and valstrax my beloveds. fucking god tier
the fact that i already resonate with the rathalos so hard, and it turns out theres a black and red edgier cool version of it/????like are you insane when i discovered this thing i was. SO UNWELL IN MY CHANNEL ON DISCORD i literally rambled about it for AN HOUR STRAIGHT. then when i found out about valstrax i rambled about that one for an hour too SKFJS like wow they are so cool. autism is real
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also have this one, xeno'jiiva is so. MHW was my first MH game (say what you will) and god damn. im gonna be real idk if id be so into it if it wasnt for MHW, cuz like.... the main appeal of the entire game series to me is the monsters themselves. like im. when i first started i was TOO SCARED TO FIGHT THE GREAT JAGRAS (yknow. the first large monster you fight 😭😭 like the 3rd quest. insane) because ive never been into fighting games and having something large PURSUE ME didnt sound pleasant
crazy that i went from being too scared to play it again to LITERALLY playing for 72 hours almost STRAIGHT with minimal pee and sleep breaks, and giving myself carpal fucking tunnel cuz i was just. obsessed. AUTISM IS REAL
went from couldnt stand 10 minutes of it to 400 hours in game SKFJSD
and i would do it again bitch!!!
so what im SAYING. alright. is that im not a fighter in games (well NOW i am, but before i super wasnt) but what drew me in was how i could just.. watch. how i could see all the big scary monsters sleep and eat and walk around and fight eachother. how i could get their tracks, listen to their sounds, ETC. like it was so. IT WAS THRILLING and ive never been more in love
like for context my first special interest is fnaf and i wouldnt be anything like myself if i never got into fnaf like life changing shit. but i gotta say, i mean. ive played the fnaf games and i love the story and EVERYTHING this is not a diss on my first home!!!! but i played MHW to the point of exhaustion, to where i needed to have an arm brace and even then despite the HORRIBLE PAIN in my wrist, i still kept playing
i played so much i literally managed to rub the s and w letters of my siblings keyboard KSJFSF like it was for real. i miss that, like a lot. i dont play as much anymore because i mean. i have it on my laptop. my laptop is a gaming laptop and it can run!! but its better for my
yknow i dont think i have an actual reason and im literally about to cry thinking about it SKFSFJ the good computer with the good graphics and running is my siblings and id need permission, yknow how it is. PLUS im a bit stuck? i need an urugaan ruby for my barioth mission lmao but ill get there
monster hunter world is so beautiful. the environments are fucking stunning, the visual upgrade for the monsters was INSANE and just watching them be animals? it brings me so much joy KSJSJSJ
one of my favorites is the rotten vale, which is funny cuz i remember the first time i ever went there i was so. PARANOID. i use sound with pretty much everything i play since my eyes might not track everything thats happening, so hearing the ambience for the vale freaked me out so much, i stayedat the camp for SO LONG and good thing too cuz the radobaan makes its way down that path and i was shook SKFJSF
also the big fucking dalamadur skeleton in the vale is so. UGHHHH
i love horror and rot and decay!!! its frightening its unsettling but even still the vale is such a necessary part of the ecosystem!!! like wow monsters come there to DIE? are youINSANE
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(dalamadur is like one of the biggest monsters for reference. the whole upper part of the vale is made of its skeleton cuz its a big snake its so UGHHH)
also the???? STOMACH ACID POOL?
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they were cooking bro,,,,, such a gorgeous and unsettling environment goddd
like GOD i cant think of anything better, the story for MHW is so good man. the tracker said "its an ecological marvel" and i took that personally (i repeat that so much about random shit its not even funny how long ive been doing that for)
or how like... any of the docile monsters (tobi kadachi, banbaro, kulu ya ku, ETC) i genuinely if i go on expedition, and i see theres a docile monster in one of the locales, ill go there and just follow them around the ENTIRE TIME SFKSFS
heres SEVERAL pics of me with banbaros at different times KSJFS
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that isnt even all of them with JUST banbaro 💀💀💀 its my favorite activity
and sometimes i get hit with the banbaro / nightshade paolumu / coral pukei combo!!!! thats a triple docile whammy!!!!! thriving
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also heres a cute viper tobi shot :] love viper tobi
also also i cant believe i never said anything yet but VAAL HAZAK??? my actual liege look at this mf
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MY LORD!!! vaal is so fucking cool man. and the KICKER??? DOCILE
whenever i do this quest i do just follow it around for a while (which. ive had to do this quest A LOT cuz i thought i get vitality crystals from it (yknow cuz i got some from it) so i have probably 100% killed more vaal hazak than any of the other elder dragons SKFJSF
vaal hazak is so cool cuz its covered in rotten meat and uses the effluvium (corpse gas) as its like. life source. it pulls excess effluvium from the vale into itself and expels it when theres not enough, so its keeping the ecosystem tame its so cool UGHH
also one of its moves it plays dead its so fucked up itll fall over like you've knocked it over and then just lay there but you hear its inhale and it looks up and BLASTS YOU with its effluvia gas beam (WHICH. THAT THING HURTS!!!!!! for real the effluvium attack is so. plus it also halves yr health? like if vaal hits you with that shit itll give you miasma or whatever and it HALFS YR HEALTH BAR and you gotta eat a nulberry to negate it
im not one for switching shit around in my like item bar tho (MAINLY cuz most the time ive played MHW was with my siblings mouse and its scroll bare was broken so swapping items was hard) so i just put on like 3 effluvia resistance gems and it cant give me miasma. problem solved SKFSJF
i did get so tired of fighting it cuz yknw its a hard fight its an elder dragon, but i will say like the MUSIC? thats one of the things like. when we fought megan in the forest, they gave us battle music and THAT is why i kicked ass and abandoned all my fear, monster hunter instincts kicked in and i tanked alright like it was NOTHING, battle music just hits different
vaal hazak theme is so fucking good!!!! "keeper of hades" ARE YOU INSANE? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND????? i cant believe this shit!!!!!!!!
monster hunter stop being the coolest franchise ever challenge KSFJSF
i did do vaal hazak fight with no music before cuz i was trying to see and. THE MUSIC DOES SO MUCH? literally there was like no adrenaline without the music it was just. :| oh. im in the vale. thats the dragon. hes gonna breath attack. okay LIKE IT WAS SO LACK LUSTER IT WAS INSANE
i never realized how much the music did for fights but its so.. vital bro like it gets you in the fighting mood it compliments the monster and the area its !!!GRAAAAHHHH
monster hunter soundtrack is literally so fucking good. BANGERS back to back literally every song is so fucking cracked its epic
dont even get me STARTED on "proof of a hero" that song makes me stim so fucking hard man it makes me feel so fucking good. my sibling made his ringtone for me that song and AUGHHH crying sobbing
like yeah this is proof that im a hero!!! literally makes me feel so proud and FOR WHATTTT
idk im such a firm believer in the importance of sound design, sound design is EVERYTHINGGG and MH does such a good job with that shit, the monster roars and environmental ambience, audio cues to what attack is gonna happen, the music its all. perfect 10/10 godtier shit
anyways this is my monster hunter ramble, it most likely will happen again. love this game with all my heart
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unlikely-bloom · 1 year
Honestly the constant discourse about Kyman, as someone who ships it, is kinda making me want to distance myself from what used to be my OTP. People speaking ill of Kyman shippers is working on me and starting to make me worry that I'm doing something wrong by shipping it. I shouldn't care about what ppl on the internet think and I usually don't but constantly being told that I'm "supporting" something thats "abusive" or problematic is getting to me. Like dammit, I didn't even know about the discourse when I got into Kyman; I got into it by watching the show itself and it was my first SP ship but honestly if I knew that people gave a shit about it in the SP fandom I probably wouldn't have bothered. It'll always have a place in my heart but I'm getting tired of this shit 😔 Im extra emotional rn so Im not being rational here and you dont have to publish this. I know fandom shouldn't have that affect on me I'll get over it after Style vs. Kyman fight 2192943290 blows over. Idk if you're comfortable with vents sorry if I crossed a boundary here.
Oh, anon. It never used to be like this.
Fandom discourse these days is insane. Unhinged, even. The idea that anyone is more morally correct than someone else for what they ship and enjoy in fiction is absolutely ludicrous. Especially within the context of shipping fucking South Park characters.
The hard truth is that every fandom is like this now. You don't have shipping wars just arguing over what makes more sense 'in canon', but moving on to an ever-changing line of what is and isn't 'morally acceptable.' As if that's ever something the majority of people would ever agree on. (Hint: it's not!)
But there is a certain irony to see people arguing this for South Park of all things, as if we aren't all equally degenerate for enjoying such a 'problematic' show in the first place. Like... seriously. Be so serious, people. It's South Park. Everything is exaggerated for comedic effect-- including character's personalities, their actions and their relationships to one another. It's never going to be a character driven show no matter how much this fandom sometimes wishes it was. We're going to have characters who don't give a fuck about each other, literally wishing death or plotting to kill each other in one episode and then they're just going to be chilling playing video games in the next episode like nothing happened. It's episodic. That's part of the appeal. It's why it's such a sandbox.
Even if you didn't ship Kyman, their dynamic is impossible to ignore, try as some might. They say they hate each other, yet they keep hanging out. Both parties are there of their own volition. They both enjoy each other's company, and no amount of write-up's anyone can post on tumblr dot com is going to change that canon fact. They're friends.
Also-- they are just plain fun to watch, fucking hilarious and a huge appeal of the show! If someone else who watches the show doesn't like them, that's their problem. Them not liking an aspect of the show isn't going to make that part of the show any less valid and/or canon. And guess what? You're supposed to like their dynamic. It's supposed to be entertaining and captivating. How you interpret it is up to you, but there is 100% nothing wrong with watching an episode of South Park and enjoying Eric and Kyle's dynamic-- that is what you're supposed to do. So don't feel bad about it. The show is made for people to enjoy, after all. Also, it's important to keep in mind that just because you can find a dynamic appealing doesn't mean you endorse everything about it. That's such a wild and new-age fandom take. Fiction is an escape-- a safe space to explore unrealistic relationships and unrealistic characters. You're allowed to like fucked up things in fiction. You're allowed to like stuff in fiction you'd find repulsive or abhorrent in real life.
I think I can speak for a good chunk of the fandom when I say, I'd fucking hate Eric Cartman in real life. Hell, I'd probably hate Kyle, too. I have a lot of favourite characters from different fandoms I'd probably hate in real life. They're fun because they're fictional and it's different from real life. If I wanted to read about stuff that happens in real life, I wouldn't be here.
In the end, anon, fandom is supposed to be fun. To me it's just fun to take these silly little egg construction paper kids, draw 'em as anime characters, and give 'em some angst. It's fun! There's so much to do with them! They're soooo dynamic!
But if you're not having fun-- if you're stressing-- there's nothing wrong with taking a step back for your own mental well-being. I'm not about to tell you your feelings are invalid, because I know how any internet discourse, no matter how trivial or silly it may seem, can still stress you out. If you're constantly being told you're morally corrupt or problematic, it can take a toll on you-- even if you know you're not. The truth is you're never going to agree with everyone on the internet, and people will weaponize something as trivial as a South Park ship to make them feel better about their ship while also making you feel worse about your ship.
Anyways, when it comes to stepping back, I think there's a few ways you could go about this;
You could disengage with the social part of the fandom-- focus on the show itself, maybe just hunker down with some fanfics.
If you'd like to remain active on social medias, I think it wouldn't hurt to start blocking liberally. Anyone who has anything along the lines of 'Kymans DNI' in their profile, just block right away. You don't want to see their opinion, anyways. You're never going to convince them otherwise.
If you have a few close friends, I recommend sticking close in a small private discord server where you can discuss your headcanons and gossip in private. It's much more liberating than trying to get involved in any of the insane discourse that plagues both here and Twitter.
Anyways, anon, do what's right for you. Kyman shippers will always be here to welcome you back! They can say what they want-- we have too much canon fodder for us to ever go away!!
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the1975attheirverybest · 10 months
Hi!! Just want to share a hard time i've gone through this last month and I think only another the 1975 fan can understand (maybe).
I have to explain that I'm really really into music since as a little child, been through my emo fase and all hahaha. So I'm always that friend that people see as kind of a reference about music, you know? And the thing I like the most is going to shows. It always seemed to me the most wonderful experiece. I have severe FOMO when I can't go to a show of some artist I like.
I had to give this context cause I became a 1975 fan after the whole TS thing on tiktok. It felt very weird that I didnt listen to them before, because they are the kind of artist I tend to like.
The fact that I didn't know them before this made me feel so bad, like I was some kind of fraud? How could I miss this?? And so I found out they had come to my country several times, actuallly they came here this year!! And it gets worse! They played at Lollapalooza in my country several times and on days I was there and I didn't know them, so I didn't watch their show.
It made me so, so sad and anxious, I had to talk tô my psychiayrist about this hahaha I know It sounds soo silly but the FOMO is so real to me. Plus I was on vacation, so I didn't have much to do and my days were basicly listening to them, watching interviews and being here on Tumblr talking to you and another fan accounts.
My husband is the only one I can talk to about this but since he isn't into music he doesn't understand me haha. And I am ashamed to talk to my friends about it and they say something like "you just heard about this band, how can you feel like this?".
Sorry about the long text, I just wanted to get this out of my chest and I wonder If anyone been through something similar, so I don't feel like a crazy 12yo even though I'm 30yo hahaha.
no no no I can TOOOTTTAAALLLYYY understand. and as bad as you feel, its completely normal. But i have 3 things( maybe 4, idk, lets see where i go with this) to tell you:
When I first found the band my first reaction was THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD. immediately followed by "im so sad I missed two album drops with this band. all that time i felt weird and out of place and like i had no way of expressing myself, this shit has been under my nose all along and i missed it???" I was so upset. Cuz, like you, I love music. And im not afraid of mixing it up either. Like I listen to Hank Williams, Bob Dylan, Beyonce, The Beatles, Miley Cyrus, Talking Heads, AM, 1975, you name it. and im pretty snobby about it. like its "my thing" that keeps me sane. AND my academic specialties being philosophy and literature, its basically the crossover of my dreams, this band.
When I first got into them, I kept asking around to see if any of my friends had already been fans. Nope. Then I remembered Matty's "we're the biggest band that you've never heard of." which is sooo true. they have such a strong following, but it's mostly fans. no casual listeners who sort of know them and know his but couldn't name the drummer or couldn't name an album. you know what I mean? they're a very specific case.
MATTY TIMOTHY HEALY. THEEEE MATTY HEALY! who's knowledge of music rivals my own didn't know The Mountain Goats existed until Feb. 2023. that SHOCKED ME TO MY VERY CORE. They're very much up his alley too like how come????? these things happen! the 1975 are your mountain goats. and thats okay!
Rob Sheffield (terrific music journalist who writes for rolling stone) once said "the music will find you when the time is right" like sometimes if you force yourself to sit down and really listen to Leonard Cohen, you might just be like "meh. i dont see the appeal. not for me," But one random day, years later, after you've gone through some experiences or expanded your musical palette or whatever, you might encounter him again, totally accidentally, and it'll allllll make sense. It'll find you when you need it. The 1975 found you at the right time. And now you have them in your life. if you'd been forced to listen to them years ago maybe you would've been like "nope. not for me," and then kept that impression of them so that any time you encountered them you'd have brush it off like "ooh yeah. tried them. not that great. no thanks." so its better that you waited.
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stormyoceans · 11 months
i feel the same way about our dating sim omg everyone loved it it's literally everyone's favorite and i didn't really feel it that much? maybe i just didn't connect with the characters or maybe it wasn't the right time for me to watch it idk same with t8s (please don't kill me), i can acknowledge it's an amazing bl but it hit too close to home for me to enjoy it (and the fandom didn't really help either) so yeah i guess a lot of different and contradictory opinions... tbh bls just don't hit the same lately and i don't even know why :c i wanted to ask what was a bl that wasn't hyped enough or just didn't receive a lot of love that you absolutely adored? is there anything like that?
i actually feel the same about the eighth sense, so don’t worry, anon, you’re safe with me!!! i mean don’t get me wrong, it’s objectively a very good show, that can’t be denied, however i personally don’t find it as exceptional as a lot of people do. i did like our dating sim tbh, but again, i wouldn't say it's one of my all-time favorites: it's a nice show, one that i can see myself rewatching when i need something light and comforting, but it didn't make me go crazy
i think that's actually how i could describe a lot of the BLs that aired in this first half of 2023: nice, but not compelling enough. they all just felt like they were missing something, that something i can't quite describe but that makes me want to sacrifice my whole life and heart and sanity to a show, so these days, when i find myself wondering if i no longer enjoy BLs like i used to, i ask myself: have i lost excitement for the entire genre, or the ones that have been airing in the past months just didn't appeal to my taste (which, admittedly, is very particular)? and every time i do that i always find myself leaning towards this second option. sometimes things just don't resonate with us and that's okay!!!! we may need to be patient, but eventually im sure we'll find a new show that's gonna have us in a chokehold!!! the second half of 2023 already looks way more promising imho!!!
as for your question, not to be insufferable but THAT'S LITERALLY VICE VERSA!!!!!! the show is criminally underrated and most people don't really care about it, meanwhile im sitting here almost nine months later still unable to move on and about to get involuntarily committed any time i just as much think about it. the other one that immediately comes to mind is enchanté. i know it's not a perfect show and that it has its flaws, however i've always been surprised about its lack of popularity, especially since it's one of the best childhood friends to lovers stories i've ever seen and there are a lot of moments that have me giggling twirling my hair kicking my feet every time i rewatch them. i guess i could also add triage to this list, which is one of my absolute favorite BLs but i feel like a lot of people don't really know about it or looked it up only for the tanbunn cameo (which, understandable, but also it's such a fantastic show!!!! TIME LOOPS!!!!! MYSTERY!!!!! HOSPITAL SETTING!!!!! TIME LOOPS!!!!!!!)
i can't really think of any other show that didn't get a lot of love but that i like a lot right now, but im sure there are more ;;;;;;;
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pinkspiraling · 2 years
tw suicide
really long depressing rant
i feel like im in such a strange place now like i still want to die and no part of me can believe in a better future but i know i can’t off myself. i know i will suffer forever, it just seems like a fact now but it’s like ??? ok what do u do about that. i was so suicidal a couple weeks ago and now not so much bc i know that i genuinely can’t kms like my bsf would be so so ruined, it would hurt her too much i just can’t do that to her. so now i’m like ok…can’t kms…so??? now i do what? i wish i had any desire to go out and try, get a new job, date, make friends blah blah blah but none of that is appealing cause it never feels right. idk how to describe it but even when i’m with friends that i know really love me, it is so hard to actually feel loved or content. it makes me sad and it makes me feel like a bad person, like they should be good enough and they ARE good enough, it’s just my fucking rotting brain can’t find joy in anything anymore and i’m so pessimistic and angry all the time. my bsf is the most supportive person ever and when i’m with her it is so easy, like last time i wasn’t in the mood to hangout but then when i got there it was like it didn’t require any effort or energy to be with her so i wasn’t even bothered and we had a great time it’s so easy and good SO WHY TF DO I STILL WANNA DIE. CANT THAT BE ENOUGH FOR ME. can’t i see i have good things and appreciate them wtf is wrong with me i’m so frustrated with myself. she is the one thing that makes life good but even then everything else is still SO dark and heavy idk how to do this idk how to change. im the problem, it’s me and my dumb brain, i love being alone and yet i hate it bc im so mean to myself all the time but i can’t find reasons to be nice to myself. i could come up with nice shit to say about myself but at the end of the day i still don’t want to face life, i don’t want to figure things out and participate in fucking…idk adulthood, society, blah blah blah. why does everything hurt so badly all the time. i can’t believe i ever expected to have things figured out by now, i genuinely always thought i’d get older and be happier and i’ve never been so unhappy in my life. i’m more lost than i was when i was 17 or 19, at least then i could be like aw i’m young i’ve got time now it’s like bitch no u don’t, u have to survive and function and make money and i just can’t do it. there’s not enough to make up for it. there’s just not enough light :/ and it will never get better, i know that as a fact, and so here i am with no clue what to do when u know the rest of ur life will be this hard and miserable and there will never be enough light to make up for all of it. ew i’m talking for too long, but it hurts and idk where to put my heart or my brain anymore cause i don’t want either one inside me anymore they both hurt too much my brain doesn’t believe in anything and my heart just WANTS everything
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petscrub · 1 year
idk a personal rant about my stupid brain
the issue with my own art, and my experience with making art, is that it doesnt feel like its coming from a very authentic place. and i honestly dont know how to change that, as someone with identity issues, comparison problems, low sense of self/esteem, lack of willpower/consistency... i go in circles trying to figure my “style” my “passion” etc... i think growing up on the internet, specifically things like instagram being the worst, my motivation for art started stemming from the idea of posting and sharing it somewhere, from seeing others and thinking, i have to make my own and catch up, from receiving validation, etc. there are definitely times where i make art for myself and anyone who would happen to enjoy it, and i do enjoy the process, but i think most of the time the intention gets so clouded by outside ideas and factors like “appearing” a certain way, gaining a following or audience... im really tired of it. i think its a toxic cycle and motivator and it has stopped me from being consistent and determined in areas that mean the most to me, i go back and forth on things because i see others doing something and i lack the ability to simply appreciate instead of having to pick it up and do it myself. it can be a wonderful thing to experiment in a bunch of different things/mediums, and it does feel nice that i have some talent in a variety of things, but im so exhausted of feeling mediocre and amateur in areas that i wish i could excel at because im truly passionate about them. and ive been doing art for most of my life, and still, the disconnect from myself and my own work is so heavy. i keep narrowing down things that i like, not to necessarily limit myself, but rather to improve in other areas that are more meaningful to me. its also incredibly hard, at this point, to figure out what things i am truly passionate about vs things that ive developed a false passion for based on others/appeal/comparison/wrong intentions. i used to make posts like this all the time but got tired of saying the same thing over and over again, and now i am still in this spot, even when i figure that ive discovered something, that ive decided to really follow through, it still eludes me eventually. lately ive been easier on myself especially the past year, it didnt get bad again until like.. 2 weeks ago. i have been trying to set weekly/daily goals because yes i am passionate in a lot of things but i try to tell myself that its fine, and things can still be accomplished even if it feels entirely overwhelming. so yeah... idk just needed to get this out. i will stick to the goal thing and hope it helps. i just need to quit overthinking/ruminating on all this and actually DO things because thats the only way forward and i forget that a lot.
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mourntheantagonist · 2 years
I don't ship Billy and Eddie, believe me I've tried!I think its cute but its not my thing. I think its cool people do but when i see I skip it lol.
Billy and Steve are soul mates
Also im dating the loml but they don't like Billy. They never have, ive tried SO hard to tell them everything he could be and is! But they are sadly a anti Billy and genuinely I HATE it. Billy deserves so much love and support and they ONLY care about how Billy treated Lucas.
It wasnt the greatest but its how Neil treated people and thats all Billy saw and of course when you are a child you take some awful traits from your parents.
But they will always see Billy as a racist who treats children bad. And it honestly pisses me off lmfao..... Idk just thought i would share lmfao
oh anon you are so so valid!
and just know, I’m not switching up on you! this is a harringrove blog first and foremost. I will never stop posting about these two little dumpster fires, and tbh, I don’t necessarily ship eddie and billy either, romantically anyway.
I do think it’s fun sometimes to explore the possibilities in fiction, and that’s why I made that post, because I thought it could be interesting, but I don’t necessarily ship it.
I’m that way with a lot of things! like I’ve written a tomgrove fic before, and I don’t ship them at all. It was just a fun dynamic to explore. right now I’m writing a billy/steve/nancy threesome fic, just to explore my own curiosity with that. just to have a little fun by myself y’know?
but yeah, totally valid in skipping past it. I know I do with certain ships. literally have the tags blocked on a few of them because I just…can’t. lol.
billy and steve are indeed soulmates. as erica sinclair would say “it’s just the facts!”
and also, on the point about the person you’re dating, I’m in a similar boat. I’ve had friends tell me they don’t like him, and while I wouldn’t necessarily call them an anti, they definitely do not understand the appeal. I have it worse with my brother though, who constantly wants to start arguments with me and acting like he’s taking some moral high ground by calling billy an irredeemable asshole. like no. just shut up. I hate when people can’t see what I see, and I know it’s hard, but I just avoid talking about it at all costs if they aren’t willing to listen. I like to remind myself that the fact that I empathize billy is a good thing, not a bad thing. seeing the good in people and seeing their potential and understanding their hurt is a good thing. recognizing that even bad people don’t deserve abuse and don’t deserve to die is a good thing. It means you have a good heart, and we need more people like that in this world.
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