#i love these boys very dearly
crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Hello, there! I hope you're having a good day :Dc If it's no trouble, can I request Red Son, Nezha, SWK and Macaque meeting their s/o's family for the first time?? But here's the twist; s/o's family is really fracking wholesome, and their family never judges them once! Like,, they don't care about their god/demon/villain status - and: they didn't get nervous when Red Son or Macaque appears, nor did they immediately worship SWK or Nezha bc of the legends, they just treat them like they were any normal person, casually talking to them about their hobbies over dinner, and even once affectionately calling them their own "son"/"child". Basically, s/o's family really approves of them because they make their child happy, and doesn't judge them for who they are! :Dc These fellas gets a second family and they honestly deserve it-
THEY DO DESERVE IT YOU ARE CORRECT anyways here's some headcanons/scenarios since y'know stories are. difficult
Redson, Nezha, SWK, and Macaque Meeting their S/O's very supportive parents for the first time! Headcanons!(ROMANTIC)(GN)
Redson - so confused at first. He’s formal, prepared to justify everything about themselves to s/o’s parents. Probably was expecting them to be like his parents, but then they treat her not only nicely but also like a person and not some nasty creature?? What??? They may think they’re being tricked, but no, the s/o’s parents gush about their kid and then compliment Redson about his skills and how they’ve heard so much about them!! Dinner goes super well, and they send Redson home with the leftovers because “she needs some more meat on those bones!!” You talk to Redson after you two leave and ask them what he thought; Red bursts out crying /pos
Nezha - He goes in thinking he’ll have to explain everything about his past, surely s/o’s parents have heard about the terrifying Nezha? But to his delight they don't care about all that. They want their kid to be happy, and oh my what a strong young man you are! We’ve heard all about how sweet and protective you are!! He’s absolutely flabbergasted. He probably brought along some kind of food to offer them, and they literally love him so much! S/o has to reassure him he doesn’t have to be so stiff. The parents appreciate him for keeping their child safe and give him their blessing to keep dating and maybe even marry s/o if the two do end up wanting to marry(cue embarrassment from both Nezha and s/o)
SWK - listen. This man has worked so hard for his reputation as a good guy. But he’s got some stuff in his past he’s not proud of nor does he care for. So he’s going in fully prepared to be insulted, berated, overall just not treated right. But……the parents don't mention anything about his past. They don’t ask, they don’t press him about it. They compliment him, how nice he is, how he dresses well. They don’t nag him when he stims after s/o said something funny. They have something with peaches in it for dessert that he practically cries over. He’s so perplexed over the whole situation but honestly it’s in the best way possible. Very excited to see s/o’s parents again.
Macaque - there’s no way s/o’s parents would like him. C’mon, he’s a demon, he’s hurt people, he’s got this big scar over his eye…but they love him. They like his stories, how cool and calm he is, and the jokes he makes. He’s never felt so accepted before except for when he’s with s/o. Definitely thinks it’s a prank or a cruel joke, but it’s not, and he DEFINITELY cries about it. He would love to see them again. Thinks about how kind they were to him every day because it makes him happy that not only does he have s/o in his life, he’s also got their parents to support him as well. 10/10.
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I love how you drew foxy, he so scruckly looking <3
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Here’s some more Foxys I’ve drawn!!
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toshidou · 11 months
ok but chubby chaser könig!!!!!!
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you ask, i deliver~
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈 ⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
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König doesn't realise he's been staring, not that he could help it even if he was aware. He can vaguely hear one of the people he came with playfully nudge him, just about picks out the words "chubby chaser", not that he knows entirely what that means. He just has a type, feels his heart rate quicken, his pupils engulfing cerulean until all that remains is black when he takes in plush skin, soft rounded cheeks, and stretch marks.
He wouldn't dare come up to you, all too aware of the intimidation that comes from a man as large as him approaching lone women in a bar, and the last impression he ever wants to give a beautiful stranger like you is one of fear or disdain. Yet to his surprise, it's you who approaches him first.
Chubby chaser König is quick to obsess, not so much as hesitating before he falls head over heels for you, begging at your feet like a smitten puppy dog, tongue out, hands curled in front of his stupidly large chest. He'd be at your beck and call, practically worshipping the ground you walk on, showing you off like a dog who sniffed out the perfect bone. He presents you proudly to his colleagues, chest puffed out, chin held high as his fingers dip into the fat on either side of your waist, your confidence bolstered by his obvious pride.
He loves whatever you wear, doesn't care if you walk out of the house in sweats and a hoodie, or the skimpiest dress known to man, he thinks you look perfect regardless. And if you do decide to wear the latter, he's more than happy to scare the shit out of any man who dares leer your way, much to your delight (because there's nothing hotter than a pissed off 6'10 Austrian man beating the shit out of a snivelling pervert).
And although none of that aggression will ever be aimed at you, that doesn't mean you can't take advantage of it in the club toilets as he fucks you against cracked tiles, your dress bunched around your waist where your legs have come to wrap around his torso. His grip on the soft skin of your hips would feel delightful, the subtle sting of pain mixed with euphoric pleasure as his cock drags against the tight walls of your cunt; no amount of foreplay is ever able to prepare you for the ungodly stretch around his girth. He'd hold you up without breaking a sweat, perfecting the balance of taking and giving as he pushes you to your second orgasm with practiced ease.
"Made for me, liebling, all of you was made just for me, I know it," He'd pant against the crown of your head, eyes rolled back into his skull as your cunt throbs around him like a heartbeat, "I never want anyone but you, and this sweet, pretty cunt of yours."
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Breakfast burgers!
(As always click for better quality)
I’d like to think that Damian is visiting after his Robin shift and they’re getting in some supersons hang out time before school
My emergency commissions are still open with everything 10% off the final price!
Version without lighting effects (+coloured lines) and zoomed in version under cut;
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squash1 · 1 year
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gansey being the only one to remember the old ronan. gansey searching for the old ronan. gansey remembering what ronan used to smell like, remembering the smell of ronan’s childhood. gansey remembering what the barns meant to ronan. gansey remembering, thinking about, caring for ronan.
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im-okay-mj · 9 months
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I still haven’t gotten Karlach, I’m sorry 😭 I only just figured out how to get Halsin
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moeblob · 11 months
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I think Gepard would also probably like to pick him up by the scruff like a kitten (and throw him in jail) !
Thank you for the compliment @durasposts ;w; I have been enjoying doodling Sampo so I am glad he's been appreciated!
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Here they are together!!!!! RGB trio
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necrolexic0n · 1 year
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while it isn’t my favorite au, it certainly holds a special place in my heart
so, for nostalgia purposes, here are my boys in the Christmas Party AU!
oak, willow, piper, and jam are going to have a GREAT time! (this is a lie, they will have a bizarre time.)
christmas party au belongs to @loverofpiggies
the 4 boys pictured r mine! oak and willow (the sans and papyrus respectively) are from my au Post Mortem, piper and jam (the papyrus and sans respectively) are from my other au Berrytale!
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hayaku14 · 1 month
To celebrate, here's one of my favorite Shinichi dialogues
I love him so much, he's such a good boi 😭
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vislove-vislife · 3 months
Will forever thank Creepy Nuts for making such a banger and whoever decided to make it an anime opening for convincing me to watch MASHLE anyway here’s some headcanons
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moonflowerus · 10 months
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Happy birthday, Yeo Hwanwoong!
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akai-anna · 6 months
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me, affectionately: you lil nerd
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desperatecheesecubes · 8 months
Listen I’m all for more trans and otherwise gender divergent characters in dc comics but Kon didn’t want people to call him Superboy because he viewed himself as SuperMAN. He wanted agency and control over his own life through the means of emancipation from the authorities attempting to control him and his growth was learning to both allow himself to be a kid and to mature mentally.
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tokenducks · 9 months
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I’m so normal about her
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hamburgrr · 4 months
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Well I know what Doc is doing to try and win over Peepaw. (Putting him in the water torture cell and going “So I know you love magic tricks…”)
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It’s ok he probably had fun holding his breath for as long as possible to fuck with Doc before either hitting the glass or zipping to the nearest sword……. And then having to find someone to cut him out of the pillory thing he’s got on his legs lMAO
I’d say he’d just be a dork about magic enough to get out without mystic but you can’t get out of this one without other people to pull the pins out for you so bros stuck
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