#i love him but i'm ok with him being dead but i'm also ok if they pull a Star Wars and bring him back
Ok, I just caught up on last week's episode yesterday, after a busy week with both a guest and some mild food poisoning, so I am going to take my time and enjoy today's episode, because I deserve this dammit!
Lol, I was thinking sleeping together was a bold choice in a room full of people, and how they must not care if anyone knows...
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Guess Peem lucked out to wake up first. Silly boy.
Haha, Peem is such a little doof, and I relate. I make faces like that when I'm alone too.
Kluen, sweetie, I don't think you're evil, but you do need to learn to pick up on vibes.
God I love Phuwin's physical comedic acting.
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Ok, Kluen does get points for communication.
And Peem, dude, you're just leading Kluen on by pretending you don't like Phum. Give the guy a break.
Arg, nevermind, Kluen backed out of being clear too! These boys!
My heart, these little moments when Fang's sheer delight in Tan slips through.
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Also adoring Fang being happy about his brother's crush.
Gaaaah, the chemistry between these two.
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I love that they are explicitly making fun of the jealous boyfriend trope here.
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If I have time, I really want to do a write-up of all the ways this show is gently making fun of or subverting so many traditional BL tropes, all while utilizing the most traditional of BL formats (ie university).
Poor Q, they really need to stop jerking him around. He's trying to do what Toey said!
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Ok, I still think this plan was unnecessary, but it may be worth it for this shot alone.
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Q really must be in love, because I'm not sure I would be that immediately forgiving.
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Phum & Peem are the couple I desperately need to make out, these two are the ones where Q just smiling at Toey makes me all happy.
Ok, good, Q is mad, just at his friends. Makes sense to me!
Phum, nooooo. Bringing up the slave contract was the exact wrong way to handle this!
Oh, but the way this show takes every relationship bump and directly spins it into a friendship support moment is just golden.
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Beer once again being the episode's secret MVP.
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Can we please have a Papang cameo where he shows up to date Beer? Our boy needs some smooches.
Totally normal about this hand placement.
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Omg, and Chain lifting him in the water, I'm dead, just dead.
Coming out of a My Engineer rewatch, where the jealousy was just at an absolutely insane degree, can we take a moment to appreciate the evolution of the seme in these stories?
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This is so healthy and mature, I adore it!!!
Oh god, though, the way Phum was surprised his apology was just accepted... this says a lot about his past experiences. Do we think it's his dad who's unforgiving?
Haha, Peem, "don't know" if you like him my ass.
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Omg, Phum's smile, Peem's slip has given him life.
Haha, and then the roses!
And the painting! Oh, this is just perfect.
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italeteller · 2 days
Thoughts on Undead Unluck 208
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I love horny women
ngl tho I'm kinda sad Rip's got abs this loop, I'd hoped he'd have a more regular-guy kinda body now that he's more doctor than fighter. Also I'm gonna be annoying and wonder if Tella could actually play the guitar or not with Untell. But also also... damn, look at all that beefcake buffet. Tozuka really knows how to keep the fanbase well fed
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Sean's mom's likely dead like his dad, so he knows what Fuuko feels like wanting to see her mom again
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Eyy they gave Julia a Union uniform, that's nice
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Neat little detail, Sean has the mind to keep one eye open even when being splashed with water so as to not trigger Unseen with civilians around, you know he's been training his reactions
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I guess this is implying Fuuko gets her looks from her dad? Seeing them side by side her eyes are rounder than her mom's, and her hairstyle looks similar to her dad's, though with her mom's color
Also it's really damn funny that Fuuko's dad is completely used to the disaster of a human being that is his future wife. The man loves his cringefail girl. Though also, it's weird that Fuuko doesn't seem to have realized that the guy is indeed her dad. Maybe she had more of a relationship with her mom?
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I love that the Union can just call Fuuko's ass out and she remains eternally oblivious to her shonen MC behaviors
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The fact that Unluck gets explicitly mentioned twice makes me think there's some negation fuckery afoot. I know everything we've seen so far makes it look like no two people can have the same negation at the same time, but still. Maybe it'll be a red herring, but I have to wonder
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Ok, the big thing of the chapter. I have no idea what is going on, by all means it doesn't make sense, but Tozuka specifically brought up how this shouldn't be happening only to make it happen, so I believe he's got a plan, and the man plans good, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I also wanna point out that this is the very first loop someone other than Juiz is the looper, so this is literally the first time this scenario is happening in this world
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Baby Fuuko in her panpanda onesie is the cutest fucking thing I've seen all week
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Ok so Billy and Tella are indeed part of the Tatiana rescue mission (no Nico in sight tho, which is weird). I was so fixated on Gina being part of the idol mission I didn't even think she'd be a big asset as the only other russian on the team. And Chikara also makes sense, a quick activation of Unmove might be able to freeze Tatiana's Untouchable before it can blow her parents to dust. I hope that's the only reason he's there, and Tozuka isn't planning to resume the nonsense ship this loop too
Rip and Latla are on Bunny duty, no surprises there (though again, no Ichico, which is weird) and Shen and Mui are training literally under Feng. Sad day for Mei fans though, she seems to have been demoted to tea girl and isn't even training anymore. Guess my hopes of her being the Mui of this loop are dashed
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Hoo boy. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I desperately wanna see the whole Union play musical band. On the other hand, Tozuka has done a big group arc three times: on the 11 minutes fight, the Unmove arc and the Sick, and he only pulled it off on the 11 minutes fight. I'd much rather have only Gina, Mui, Latla (and Leila! Twin idols shtick!), Yusai and Haruka get solid focus than have a big group where a few people get most of the screentime and everybody else gets three panels like the Unmove and Sick arcs
Idk what Tozuka has in store for Kururu, but I don't see how she's gonna outshine all of this
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rox-of-iu · 1 year
ayoo guess who finally sat down and caught up with cultivate B)
is me. so you know what that means.
spoiler warning for cultivate ch 30-37
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there was actually.... more things i wanted to draw but I already did so many I had to physically restrain myself hfsjkkdh anyway yes can you tell i love this fic very much
yet once again. cultivate by the wonderful @neonghostcat
#liushen#cultivate#cultivate: slow life on a monster infested mountain#mu qingfang#tagging him as well since theres lot of focus on him lol#and shen jiu as well u have to excuse me I love them they're meow meows#there was gonna be more sj content also but he ended up being cut in the end#wait- hdfdfhkj probably shouldnt talk about cutting something and SJ in the same sentence lmao jhfksdhfk ok bad joke sorry#anyway aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa absolutely deceased with all that has been revealed and covered in the past few chapter#actually dead wonderful powerful talented incredible showstopping never seen before#my most favourite part of cultive is its mysteries without a shadow of a doubt they're so intriguing and the reveal is ALWAYS sooo satisfyi#so the chain reaction of so many answers of the big ones tm? chefs kiss MWA#speaking of mysteries i never mentioned it before because I didn't know how to incorporate it without it being awkward but#for the longest time one particular piece of info has been rotting in my brain#and it was the off-hand comment on of the aqueduct by LQG#it is SO SILLY but THATS the one that has been just spinning in my brain FROM THEN ON ALL THE TIME it is indeed not the actually much coole#checkovs guns that have been setup nooo it was THIS hjkjsdfhksd I HAD TO KNOW where that was going AND NOW I KNOW I CAN REST EASY jsdhfkd#so yeah absolutely wonderful chapters indeed beautiful powerful#also some of you may noticed that time and time again I keep switching up the seniority between bai zhan and qian cao#and i have to formally apologize for that it is in fact not out of lack of attention to the text I'm just shdjkas#if im not mistaken qian caos position is not set in stone in canon so its free for grabs to put it in any of the free spots on the list#so i should respect neonghostcats (beloved i am so sorry) list in this case but i physically couldn't bring myself to write mqf as shidi#HSAJHS im sorry i am so biased and from doctors family i cannot put him in my head in peak seniority so low I'm sry i am legally not allowe#so lets just pretend i wrote it correctly ok sadhkas eyes closed xD#OOF th etags got long this time but im just SOOOO EXCITED WITH THIS FIC AND GOT FEELINGS OK BYE#anyway neonghostcat godspeed recovery buddy!!#also i hope using neonghostcat isnt like....calling u by your full name hdkfh but no idea to which parts i should shorten it either so hah
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leemarkies · 4 months
alight tbb s3 is tonight so here's my wish list
✅ omega is force sensitive
✅ hunter character development
new side to wrecker
✅ hunter actually hugs omega
✅ crosshair refers to omega by her name instead of "kid" or "the kid"
✅(?) hemlock gets brutally torn apart
✅(?) hunter goes feral and is the one brutally tearing hemlock apart
✅ emerie redemption arc but she dies
cid bites the dust
wolffe name-drops plo koon
✅ hunter's hair DOESN'T get cut
✅ no more batchers die
✅ omega doesn't become hardened
✅ gonky
✅ either tech is dead dead or he's ok and saved. i don't want a winter soldier tech
✅ the kaminoans bite the dust
another jedi cameo (i'm not picky but for god's sake not grogu)
boba fett
cadet!bad batch flashback
✅ hunter wearing something other than his armor
wrecker poncho comeback
it's called echo base bc echo loved the location <3 not for any other reason pls and thx
undercover rex
✅(?) another ep focused on the senate politics. bring back chuchi or some new senator
❌ we get to see crosshair's reaction to the news about tech
✅(?) hunter and crosshair hug it out and apologize and stop being dramatic
✅ howzer and his fade
✅ lots of found family themes
hunter having to team up with cad bane bc that would be fucking hilarious
✅ no vader. pls.
✅✅ happy ending or new beginning
at least one (1) peaceful and fluffy episode
someone says "i love you" pls GOD
rogue one tie-in with "mark omega"
✅echo does something batshit insane
✅(?) mid-season time jump (+new character models)
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uselessnbee · 2 years
oh and while i'm still on my rewatching bullshit
in season 2 episode 8 when they realise that the mind flayer spies through Will and Mike tells them that they need to put him to sleep
Will starts yelling and screaming that he's lying and to let him go
you can see Mike putting his hands over his ears so he doesn't have to hear Will screaming
my heart broke when i noticed
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twpsyn-who · 1 month
Soulmate AU in which when you touch your soulmate you swap bodies. It needs to be skin on skin contact and is instant. The only way to get back in the previous body is to touch again, otherwise you're stuck like that.
No matter the body all psychological and physical damage stays with you. That means if you get hurt then swap bodies, you will still feel it despite no longer having the wounds. This is only the case of existing wounds prior to swapping ; if new wounds happen to the hurt body after the swap you won't feel them, but the person in the body when it happens will. A very complicated way of saying that you can't get away from pain by swapping bodies with your soulmate as it will follow you.
There's no known consequences to not changing bodies back once swapped, though some might get sick for a few days after swapping back if they waited a long period of time to change back (say over a month, even longer depending on individual)
Now this but, you know... JeanMarco. And of course they find out during their time in the 104th Training Corps, because there's no way their skin didn't touch at least once in +3 years of training and being as close as they are. It isn't until break when they're able to visit home that they learn what it truly means ; up until that point they used it to swap chores (is the only reason why Jean didn't try to kill Eren during their shared chores- because it was actually Marco all along). At that point they knew each other perfectly.
Of course the whole situation was a little bit awkward for both of them when returning. They probably would end up avoiding each other for a bit because teenager boys and stuff, all until someone finally got the guts to mention the tension and ask them what's wrong- which forces them to talk and stuff. Doesn't matter, this is not what I want to talk about.
But the beautiful battle of Trost and what if, hypothetical speaking of course, they touch skin after Jean gets another ODM? And they're so used with each other by now, they don't even notice until the mission is nearly done anyway. And I don't know man, the idea of Jean dying while in Marco's body? Marco (in Jean's body) saying "I need to find Marco" once the mission is a success and research for his soulmate, just for him to not find him?? Not find him until 3 days later when some of them are assigned cleaning duty in Trost and he finds his own fucking body bitten in half???
The realization that it should've been Marco who died that day, but didn't because he was in Jean's body. The realization that not only his soulmate is dead, but he's stuck living his life. He's stuck living the life Jean can't because he died in Marco's place.
SEEING YOUR DEAD SOULMATE EVERYDAY WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Poor Marco would most likely avoy any reflective surface for a very long time, unable to see Jean's face looking at him.
The guilt of lying to everyone, because how does one even begin to explain what's going on? Him lying to Jean's mother to protect her from the harsh truth of the reality- that her son actually died and the one in front of her was a fake.
And the sad truth is that no one would notice because they've been doing it for months already. They knew how to act like each other to perfection. Even if Marco slipped at some point no one would question it because they got many traits from each other already.
#Ok Armin might notice at some point. But I think somewhere later in the series#And only because of something extremely trivial like idk man Jean thanking Eren for something like#You heard of twins switching lifes now I present to you soulmates doing the exact thing but there's no turning back from it#Don't we all love the swapping bodies trope?#Marco crying when he learns of how Jean truly died because //he only got killed because they thought he was Marco//#With the amount the angst thrown at him Marco might as well just stay dead#anyway#aot#jean kirstein#jeanmarco#aot jean#marco bodt#marco bott#aot marco#jean kirschstein#soulmate au#JeanMarco Soulmates AU#Because there's a weirdly big lack of this trope for them and they deserve more#Hey hey. Is just a little scenario. There's 100% a lot of fluff going on during their training days#Lots of shenanigans too while learning to be comfortable in each other's body and stuff. And The Talk man#Everyone remembers that week in which Jean and Marco avoided each other like the worst week of their life#And some watched loved ones get eaten by titans man like it was THAT bad#Shadis was this 🤏🏻 close to starting an intervention because he wasn't paid enough to put up with whatever was going on#Oh nvm Ymir probably knew but that girl knew a lot of shit and said nothing so it doesn't matter. What's another secret added to the pile?#She could tell right away#Ymir takes one look at you and can tell immediately if you're gay or not. That girl got the gift#Marco living a life Jean would be proud of <3#Also Marco seeing the same exact illusion like Jean saw in canon and being like 'I'm right. Jean was born to be a great leader. I must#follow that path' then joining the Survey Corps because it felt right to do#The amount of times Marco has to stop himself from acting as Titan bait is ridiculous
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titansarmy · 1 year
and if i say canon adjacent, ivy inspired jasonxnico fic. i can’t stop you putting roots in my dreamland.
#I WISH TO KNOW THE FATAL FLAW THAT MAKES LONG TO BE MAGINIFICENTLY CURSED is SOOOOO jason coded tbh#anyways. look away if you're immediately put away by the infidelity trope bc i will brush over it#i'm thinking. jason is dead and nico one day just NEEDS to talk/see jason for whatever reason#and he goes to the underworld looking for him and he finds him#and he doesn't propose taking him out because jason wouldn't want that#but they talk#and then nico leaves and then he comes back and then it becomes like a thing#and they start getting closer and closer and the line between the living and the dead is already so blurred for nico but now with jason in#the mix they're basically invisible#and jason is also in a position where he's like?? nico is NOT spending his days with the LIVING because of ME! but then he doesn't want him#to go. eternally sscrficial jason grace letting himself be selfish for once but being in constant struggle because of this#and nico is also like. i want him back i can take him back but i won't do that i respects choices.#and anyways along all of this they're slowly falling in love/realising there was something there that went unaddressed#and there's this lingering sadness surrounding it because if they had just had time maybe maybe MAYBE they would have realised#OHHH its angsty#and i said it borders the infidelity trope because will is just there. 🕴#and technically nico is happy with will. he's ok. but he can't stop jason putting roots in his dreamland.#and because if i would write this (i won't) i would make jasonico as maybe at least crossing into emotional affair territory :)#idk what the conclusion would be? who you think is more insane? would jason accept going back or would nico need to force himself to let go?#bc by not doing so he's also keeping jason from rebirth and/or moving on. which not fair either.#tbh i think  the main arc should be jason wanting to live. HE goes to hades to APPEAL for his release. nico is just the support. also a bit#of nepotism i guess take hades' son to appeal to hades :)#THERE'S SO MANY TYPOS HERE OMFG and nothing makes sense#let me get my thoughts straight and i'll type it nicely jesus fucking christ
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cluescorner · 1 month
There's no feeling stranger than knowing that something is bad but liking it anyways. Not in a 'it's so bad it's good' way. Because that implies that it has become good. I'm talking like this thing is just kinda bad in the normal ways things are bad, but i like it anyways.
#honestly I'm talking about Batgirls rn#because like...it has its moments but I wouldn't call it good. it even has some of my own personal pet peeves#specifically the overabundance of narration boxes that aren't from a character and rather the author is speaking to us.#if I wanted an overabundance Authors Notes I would read fucking early 2000s fanfics#and Babsgirl existing but I've made peace with the fact that we'll only get an Oracle story in a Black Label or similar thing at this point#I love the art and it has among my favorite designs for both Spoiler and Black Bat#don't get me STARTED on the covers holy fuck. the 90s rewind in particular lives in my head rent free because ajlkdfjdsalk;fjdlsa;kf#it also has both moments of REALLY FUCKING BAD characterization and REALLY FUCKING GOOD characterization#Cass being like 'ok but do we HAVE to save Seer?' horrible! demonstrates an egregious misunderstanding of her. what the hell?#Steph being abnormally good at solving the Riddler's puzzles and knowing basically every cipher because of Arthur? then getting incredibly#upset at even the MENTION of him to the point that she gets fucking stabbed by the RIDDLER of all people?#wow thanks for actually addressing a very interesting part of Steph's character that is often left by the wayside. good job.#issue 14 is amazing and it makes me want to implode every time I read it. like I actually recommend it without any caveats attached#it is straight up good. it's the high-point of Batgirls and it's not even close imo.#and wow! there is almost no dialogue and NO NARRATION BOXES??#it's almost like the whole appeal of comics is telling incredible stories through art or something. and that when you have good art#and good art direction you should just fucking let it speak for itself or something#and that maybe using what words you DO have to let your CHARACTERS speak in a way they normally wouldn't is a good idea#even if the in universe reason is that Steph is basically leaving this note as a 'I am either dead or close to it' type of thing#like holy fuck how did they do that?? AND SO LATE IN THE GAME THAT NOBODY FUCKING TALKS ABOUT IT??#and obviously there is a conversation to be had about 'was Batgirls queerbaiting' but honestly since it was cancelled IDK#I could see a universe where given time it could have made a natural shift to a love story between Steph and Cass#I'm not upset about it but I get why other people might be. there are some panels that like...come on.#and as always I am most fascinated by missed potential. because Batgirls showed that it COULD be good with Issue 14#and arguably other of the better issues. the art was incredible and as the issues went on it felt like the kinks were getting ironed out#plus getting a series focused on 3 of my favorite characters was a dream come true for me. ESPECIALLY because we rarely get good#stuff for Cass and Steph.
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u3pxx · 6 months
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my comic for @aabadendingzine which is out for free over here.
extra stuff/commentary under the cut | like what i do? support me on ko-fi 💙
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helloooo how's it going? i really hope you enjoyed the comic <3 it's rare for me to draw such wholesome things, i know [bats eyelashes]
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DFGHDJKF ok i know, it's evil, the entire zine is evil you should go read it!!!!!!! but also, i remember coming up with this prompt and the image of mikeko trying to wake a dead apollo up evoked such a visceral reaction in me that i audibly went "NOOOOOO" when i thought it up LOL
the fourth page is the first page i ever thumbnailed bc i knew EXACTLY how i wanted this thing to end!
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i think my favorite page of this comic is the 2nd page (the 4th page being my second favorite bc what can i say, i'm evil wheezes) i just really enjoyed drawing the montage of apollo going about his life and kristoph just. being there. always watching him.
i keep thinking about how spark brushel mentioned feeling like he was being watched those past 7 years. i imagined apollo would get a taste of that once he starts trying to find out the truth behind what happened in his first case.
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and as for my favorite panel, I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE!! it's just fun shoving every important element alluding to the case 7 years ago to the moment when zak died!
and it's not very obvious but an element i really like about this one is zak still on the chair he died on. it's just his torso visible and i would've loved to make it more obvious that he's there but oh well.
i had to take a break from reading the zine when i went out to finish it bc my chest started to physically hurt bc ohhhhh lordy, it just hurt. it just hurt a lot! (please do read the trigger warnings before reading the thing bc this zine deals with a lot of heavy stuff!)
i like to joke about how i'm evil and enjoy evil things such as angst no comfort which. well, it's kind of true LMAO so i'm thrilled that i was able to be a part of this zine and cook up something completely terrible <3
here's the link for it again, go read it!
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strangestcase · 7 months
tomblr discourse in the monster high universe must be something else.
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💝​ lalalala Follow
What would I do without cherry smoothies... probably die again 💔​
🟥​ b3lfrypr3pz-deactivated09182022
Of freaking course the frilly daywalker is a vegan 😒​ bet you do witchcraft too you dirty hippie
💝​ lalalala Follow
🟥​ b3lfrypr3pz-deactivated09182022
WTF is that lol
🟥​ b3lfrypr3pz-deactivated09182022
i t burns. wh at did you do to me .
💝​ lalalala Follow
17k notes
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🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
Ok but Dead Fast: Night of the Living (2002) has no business being considered the worst Dead Fast movie when the MCU (Murder Cinematic Universe) not only retconned his origin story to make him a virus zombie rather than a curse zombie (which throws off his entire arc about being something more than his deeds!) AND made him be allied with B.L.I.G.H.T. of all organizations because Like say what you will about NOTL and the forced heterosexual romantic plot but at least 1) it gets what makes Dead Fast a hero and 2) GIVES HIS LOVE INTEREST A PERSONALITY AND SOMETHING TO DO
🕷️ 8legscomix Follow
Also they made the villain Dr. Igorable's motivations so laughable like..... so his wife got turned into a zombie and he wants to cure her? Ok? Did she ask for it? She doesn't even have any groaning lines. Im not even a zombie but that was offensive as hell. Like in the original comics he wants to straight up undo all forms of zombism forever
🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
NO FR LIKE....... so suddenly the eugenics obsessed human is tragic because being a zombie must be such a tragedy you guyyyysssss -_- and wanting to get rid of an entire monster type is ok. I swear that movie has turned monster attitudes towards zombies back into the 80s
⚠️ mentalhealth-hazard Follow
I am not sure if I'm overstepping here but, furthermore, the addition of Pendulum to the movie was unnecesary. Stereotyping shapeshifters as untrustworthy and traitorous is something of a past era. Either leave the character behind, or change it entirely.
🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
Jackson I love you and I love your takes. but you type like a Victorian in his deathbed ;-;
⚠️ mentalhealth-hazard Follow
The MCU is so dreadful, it's irrevocably turned me into one.
#It has also substracted years off my lives.
23 notes
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🌊​ lacriatura Follow
^ aquarium!
#lagoona's originals #ocean #sealife #ah-! so refreshing <- aesth tag
26k notes
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🔥 666firepit666 Follow
Not to vague anyone but some of you have to shut the freak up about the ocean. You don't see me making little dioramas of the Malebolge because I'm not a little cringelet like you lmao
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🌊​ lacriatura Follow
If you don't freaking love the ocean don't follow the ocean tag. Yes that goes for @666firepit666, square up and fight me if you're so brave Heath!!!!
#lagoona's originals #personal #more skulls for my skull collection!!!
10 notes
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🌙​ wolf-in-chic-clothing Follow
Day 1 no toxic doomed yuri
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🌙​ wolf-in-chic-clothing Follow
#stop reblogging this
80k notes
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🔩​ stitchez Follow
Got a new arm! Can't wait to try it out!
🐯 ninelives Follow
try it out how 🤨​
🔩​ stitchez Follow
Building a wretched creature out of corpses, of course!
🔩​ stitchez Follow
OH that was a double entendre! You should be ashamed of yourself!
🔩​ stitchez Follow
I would never use my arms for violent purposes!
54 notes
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🔥 666firepit666 Follow
Lagoona dragged me into the pool and now my hair is out 😡​
🌙​ wolf-in-chic-clothing Follow
Skull issue.
🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
skull issue
👻​ ghostlygossip01 Follow
Skull issue. Take the L
💝​ lalalala Follow
Skull issue ^-^
🐯 ninelives Follow
skull issue lmao
🔩​ stitchez Follow
Skull issue! I dont know what that means but I'm sure it relates to your experience!
🎸​ innerdemon Follow
🔥 666firepit666 Follow
Your own cousin 🥲​
🎸​ innerdemon Follow
105 notes
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💎​ scarab-g1rl Follow
Alright, who stole my sinister amulet?
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buckttommy · 29 days
god. god. but like. so eddie is dating this woman, right. she's shannon's mirror. shannon is every way that matters. she's got that rasp to her voice, that scrunch to her nose. she is, for all intents and purposes, the best parts of his wife minus the memories together. and so, it's like. he's with her, he's living this fantasy, this delusion, as ryan called it. and. it really is the most selfish thing eddie has done, which is incredible because eddie is a deeply unselfish person, not because of nobility but because he is violently self-sacrificial in a way that verges on self-harm. but we won't go there right now. so he's dating this woman—this fake shannon—and is just like. he's happy. for the first time in years, he's genuinely happy and he's tasting just a little bit of what his life could have been like if...
but then it's like. eddie. eddie. you don't know what you are to this woman. are you her second chance? did her fiance die? is she trying to find love again after tragedy? is she a cancer survivor? are you her new lease on life? is she from a different city? did she have a bad breakup? did her mom die? did her pet run away? did she lose a job? just. it's like. he's inserting himself into this woman's life and all he's thinking about is him him him. she's like my shannon, she's like my wife, i need to do this for me. and it's like ok... great. so you're entering this woman's life for your own selfish gain and you have no idea how badly, how deeply this will hurt her. eddie diaz, you may very well be Just Some Guy to her but you may very well also be The Guy to her. YOU JUST DON'T KNOW
and so. i'm thinking and i'm like. so she finds out. she finds out he's not single, finds out he lied to her from the jump, and she's hurt. and. i don't think eddie's thought that far. because right now, right, right now he's just seeing, and tasting, and feeling the joy and euphoria inherent to being in shannon's orbit. but baby boy. when you hurt her. when you see the tears well up in her eyes and hear that voice crack. when you see her brows draw together and her face tighten when she's pissed, and sudeenly you are twenty-something and stupid breaking your wife's heart for the goddamn millionth time all over again. what then. what then eddie? it's like. you cannot have the joy of "shannon" as some cosmic second chance without having the grief of her too. and it's grief either way. it's grief whether "shannon" is alive and he gets to live this fantasy up until he breaks her heart again, and it's grief if she's dead and she stays dead and life doesn't give him anymore second chances, like. it's all grief. it's all sad.
and he's gotta pick his poison. he has to. this is a path he must walk, but damn if he isn't picking the poison that's going to hurt him the most. i mean jesus. he should have just stuck to pining for a damn ghost. my god eddie. my god.
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avelera · 2 months
Re-watched Captain America: Winter Soldier and First Avenger (in that order lol) and hey guys
Remember that time Steve woke up in New York City 70 years later and panicked, thinking he was in HYDRA hands and haha, actually it turns out, he kind of was??
Also remember that bit where he found out in the most deadpan way possible (thanks Nick) that everyone he had ever known and loved was dead or aged to to the point of death in the blink of an eye, and no one ever actually like, gave him a moment's sympathy for the fact his entire world ended in a split-second of self-sacrifice that ended up just being one battle in a war that never ended?
Remember when he found out that the only person left who loved him, Peggy, only occasionally remembered him in moments of lucidity haha and then it turned out that the only other person who still lived and who loved him, Bucky, also only remembered him in moment's of lucidity?? Good times, good fucking times, I'm an emotional wreck about it
And one last thing, because I will never ever fucking ever let this grudge go, remember that time Tony fucking Stark who I mostly love but in the context of Steve Rogers specifically I want to tear him to shreds, decided to have beef with a literal traumatized 20-something year old war veteran whose entire world just dissolved into nothing in the 70 years he was on ice, and Tony fucking Stark decided to pick a fight with this guy and rag on him 24/7, despite being in his 40s himself and completely comfortable, stable, and with insane levels of wealth and privilege, because his fucking dad who has been dead for decades apparently loved this guy more, something that would have bewildered Steve who like, barely knew Howard outside of work, and that Steve had fucking nothing to do with Howard's neglect of his son because it all happened while he was unconscious?
Don't even get me started on Civil War, we will be here all day in how these supposedly equal sides weren't even slightly equal in morality or logic at all, but I will die on the hill of Tony fucking Stark was being a Grade A fucking asshole for his stupid man-child fight he picked with Steve Rogers when you actually objectively view Steve's life story as a human being instead of a symbol that he was literally forced to be
Whew. Ok. I'm ok now.
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giamee · 11 months
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ཐི♡ཋྀ featuring -> luocha, blade, dan heng, jing yuan, gepard landau, welt yang
ཐི♡ཋྀ contains -> soulmate!au, no warnings just fluff (?) and maybe a bit suggestive for welt. ALSO LUOCHA'S IS SO ANGSTY AND FOR WHAT IDK IM SORRY
ཐི♡ཋྀ gia's notes -> ok so you know that soulmate au thing where the moles on ur body are where ur lover in a past life kissed you the most? yeah. i opened star rail for the first time in like 2 weeks today cos i rage quit after getting silver wolf while trying to build pity for luocha and then i did the story quest thingy and brainrot happened. sorry for being gone for so long. have this <3 (ppl who requested stuff two months ago i see you i hear you i'm just a slow writer)
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☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ LUOCHA has a particularly noticeable mole on the right side of his neck. with his high collar and serious expression, that remains another guarded secret of his that is privy to only his own searching eyes, a secret that raises colour in his cheeks at the insinuation of its placement.
having spent more time around the dead than the living these past few months, love and human connection is not exactly an occurence that can happen naturally within his profession.
and for the most part, that's alright.
yet there are some lonely nights where luocha finds his gloved fingertips grazing the dark spot on his neck, wishing that he could be graced with the same tenderness in this life that he had received in his previous one. if he closed his eyes and concentrated hard enough, he could almost feel the ghostly brush of a pair of lips against his cool skin, the feathery sensation sending a soft shiver down his spine, accompanied by the distant giggle of a past lover in his ear before it slips his grasp and he rolls onto his side in frustration.
that damned spot might as well be placed directly over his heart, considering the amount of influence it held over him.
he could only hope that his dreams tonight would reunite him with the figure that haunts his conscious mind too now, and continue his fruitless search to find them once again in his waking realm.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ BLADE has moles on his chest and back littered amidst the scars that mar his porcelain skin. always a skeptic, the man has never been one to believe in the fanciful stories of soulmates destined to be, sneering in the face of such notions as fate, preferring to keep his head resolutely on his shoulders and feet planted on the ground.
and in some sense, he's right.
because when he met you, in this current life, you joined him in his rejection of a perfect other half. and then, slowly but surely, you had wormed your way into his heart, and his insistence on not having any such thing as a soulmate seems like such a flimsy rebuttal to the way you gaze at him in adoration, fingers trailing in your lips' wake as they brush over each individual mark on his chest.
he tries not to shiver when he feels your warm lips descend upon the skin of his back, your fingers tracing the faded marks that depict his life story with a silent promise that you'll be there for him, and to count every mark on his skin with tender care.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ DAN HENG often finds himself staring in wonder at the moles which litter his arms. starting from his wrists, there is a dusting of them that creeps all the way up to his shoulders, placed upon his skin with such deliberate care that it's almost a foreign concept to him.
in the later hours of the night, he allows himself to muse over the possibility of a soulmate, a lover in a past life destined to find him again, trying to solve the mystery of their identity by peering at his arms as if their face is etched into them.
and when he meets you, he feels breathless all over again as your hands interlink with his own, clasping them so fervently that lightning practically runs up his spine as your lips reunite with his skin, once again staking their claim as you make your way from his wrists to the rest of his body.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ JING YUAN bears his mark with pride, the distinct spot residing comfortly underneath his eye, attracting his attention to it every time he paises to study his reflection.
he wouldn't call himself a vain man, so he appraises that one mole before continuing on with his day, but it's not until you have his face cupped in your palms, and your eyes study his features with an intensity he had not felt until now, that you mention that he has two other moles on his face, albeit fainter.
and you make a point of reaffirming their existence at every chance you get, with you and jing yuan's morning routine involving your lips brushing against the faint mole on the apple of his cheek and bridge of his nose before landing a last one underneath his eye.
those only serve as a mere guidline, though, as you do not hesitate to pepper the rest of his unblemished face with kisses as your symbol of affection.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ GEPARD does not know what to think of the moles that litter his collarbones. they're rather prominent, and if he lets himself think about them for too long, he'll start blushing.
even the thought of someone kissing him there makes his brain short circuit, so the sensation is definitely one that he will have to get used to with you.
the slightly sadistic part of you revels in the way his blushing face hides itself behind his hands when you kiss him on those marks, a muffled boyish giggle escaping his lips at the ticklish sensation of your lashes brushing against his skin when you lay your head against his chest.
you decide to place a few additional marks for his next life when you kiss the backs of his hands, until your lover relents and reveals his face to you once more, letting you place a final tender kiss to his lips.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ WELT finds the little triangle of moles on his hipbone more humorous than anything. there's a certain intimacy to their placement that surpasses the more innocent and easily visible marks a person may have been granted by their soulmate, and he fonds himself wondering what kind of person his soulmate is for there to be the most frequent place they kiss.
and it's a pleasant surprise, really, as to how right it feels when you see those marks yourself and giggle, continuing their tradition by dropping a kiss to each in quick succession before grinning up at him with a smile so endearing that welt finds himself desperately committing the scene to memory.
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 IF YOU LIKED THIS, TRY: bound 2 fall in love!
honkai star rail masterlist ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
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babybinko · 10 months
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Made a TON of Venture Bros. genderbends :D
Bonus + some of my thoughts on all the designs under the cut:
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This is from a conversation I had with a friend about how Dermott and Hank would behave in this AU (its exactly the same as normal)
Ok now some thoughts on my design process
Hank: I think I drew Hank's face actually perfect, I made her so cute. I also feel like there's a common trope with genderbends where athletic characters get short hair so I gave her long hair and gave Dean short hair. I actually think the longer hair fits her perfectly. ALSO I LOVE HER BOOTS.
Dean: I gave goth Dean more Accessories than normal because normal goth dean had no fucking swag (it was besties idea to make her pants ripped). Even before I started drawing college Dean I knew I was giving her those legwarmers you can pry them from my cold dead hands. Same with the legwarmers I knew the first dean design needed a Jean skirt its just the vibes.
Dermott: The millisecond I even thought about doing Dermott I KNEW she would be 2012 grunge girl aesthetic. Gigantic shoplifting energy. Love her.
Rusty: I wanted her to look like a mean mom and I believe I accomplished that goal. Absolutely had to add the glasses strap. Very Jamie Lee Curtis.
Brock: I drew the one with the hair down first and my friends preferred the one with the hair up so I just did both. I wonder if she was a cheerleader in college and killed another girl on her cheer squad by throwing her too far/dropping them.
21: I drew 21 then I realized I had just drawn myself with bangs. Also I drew her with a blunt because there's an episode where 21 has a joint in his mouth the whole episode the other henchmen are standing in stupid poses in the background and its maybe one of my favorite bits in the entire show its so stupid.
24: 24 took several attempts to get the hair right I kept drawing it short and curly and my friend told me to give her Elaine from Seinfeld hair which I think ended up working really well.
Monarch: One of my favorites I did. I feel like this one you can definitely tell how Bayonetta completely re-arranged my brain chemicals as teenager. I love the hip cutouts, I made a tummy cutout to kind of mimic how Dr.GF's monarch costume is kinda skimpy. It's also hard to tell because of the cowl but I tried to give her like a finger waves hairstyle.
Dr.Gf: I tried a bunch of different hats but my friends liked the brimless hat the most and completely doomed him into looking like a Bellhop (more than he already did). Its giving Tyler the Creator at the 2020 Grammys. I still think he's cute though :)
Billy: I really didnt want to just draw her in a suit because thats boring. The show always gives me 60s vibes despite being set in modern day (I'm sure its on purpose) and I definitely channeled that with Billy. It took a couple tries to find a balance between fitting her body but still looking adult but I think I got it in the end.
Pete: YAYYYY PETE YAAAAYY!!! ^_^ Shes so Ava Max Coded. I also gave her giant buckles on her shoes to match his stupid ass one two buckle my shoes ass shoes.
Triana: Very much looks like putting emo boy in the Pinterest search bar. I made her thigh highs into his sleeves and I gave him square bangs like her.
Dr. Orpheus: NEEDED to make her a hot milf and I did. Its a little hard to see but her shirt has lace over the open part. I love the hair Jewerly at the bottom of her braid. :)
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anastasiabowe · 1 month
I hope this isn't too much, but, can you write about JJK (Nanamin Toji and Choso) men and how they have a plus size girlfriend, and can you make it nsfw? It's ok if you can't! Happy Belated valentines day!💖💖
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𝙏𝙤𝙤 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙈𝙚 - JJK men with plus size reader!
note: I loved writing this so much, this is one of my favorite requests! Also I'm making my way through requests for real this time💀
𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨:
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♡ 𝙉𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞 - The Admirer
Not another day goes by without Nanami being infatuated with you. Nanami always stops dead in his tracks when he sees you every morning dragging your feet into the kitchen, lazily smiling at him as you wiped the sleep from your eyes. He always puts whatever he was doing or eating down so he can get up and help wake you up with kisses and coffee breath.
Nanami never found anything wrong with you whenever you looked unhappy at yourself. He usually asks you what's the matter and gets shocked every time you mumble out "I'm fat." It hurts him every time you say that, knowing saying it seals it deeper into your head, making it a reality. Nanami never knew what to say when you say that but the usual "you're not fat, you're beautiful!" Which he too knows is getting old. Nanami knew nothing he said would completely erase the idea from your head since he himself is quite fit and muscular. But, he does know one way as to which helps you temporarily forget.
"Not there, Ngh! I'm sensitive there!" You squeal when he is laying on you, softly sucking on your tits. You guys didn't have much time, but he knew how to get you going fast.
"just relax baby, you know this feels good." His deep voice rung in your ears as he slowly brought his hand down to your cunt slipping it under your dress. "You're so beautiful Y/n, especially like this. You make me insane for you, absolutely psycho." He groans as he felt how wet you were. Your lips were red and wet from you biting on them. Everything felt so good, and there was nothing you wanted more than to be like this.
Nanami took his time, even though you guys had a dinner to attend, he had to slowly bring you to your high so it could crash down in the ultimate euphoric finish. He knew you were close by the increase of you squirming and pushing his shoulder with your hand so he could give your boobs a break.
"Uh uh, move your hands." He lowly commanded as his fingers inserted into you. You let out a moan gripping the back of Nanamin's head pushing him deeper into your chest.
"I-im cumming! Don't stop Kento, please don't stop!" You begged as he sped everything up. His tongue flicked your reddened nipples and his thumb circled your clit at the same time as his fingers fucked you finally pushing you over into a coma.
You let out a choked moan and Nanami chuckled as he helped you ride out your orgasm, taking his fingers from your cunt and and licked/sucked them clean.
"So fucking beautiful, fuck, it hurts just to look at you so cute and perfect for me. Too perfect for me."
♡ 𝙏𝙤𝙟𝙞 - The Fondler
Always touching you somewhere. You used to think that maybe he genuinely didn't realize how touchy he was, but you soon realized that he knows what he's doing. You guys could be simply watching a movie on a 4 seat couch, and out of those 4 seats, only 2 were taken. He would be either pulling you as close as you could into him, if he'd be laying on you.
He seemed like the type to hate clingy girls but he's the clingy one in the relationship! I mean everywhere you go, he's maybe 3 inches away, body touching yours, and hands gripping somewhere, and what I mean by somewhere, it's ass, tits, or thighs. You guys would be in Walmart and he'd have his hand in your back pant pocket, every once and a while squeezing your ass cheek. You guys could be driving home, his hand obviously on your thighs, or you could be simply reading a book in bed, and he'd be laying over you, one hand on your tits and the other holding his phone as he scrolled or watched something.
"Fucking love this ass, but you already know that though." Toji chuckled as his hips and your ass collided every 2 seconds. He loved how your ass rippled when you both made contact. He loved how he could grip you hips and squeeze the flesh on them, giving him the perfect handles to fuck you into oblivion. He knows that no matter how much he loves you and your body you will always find some reason to fucking hate yourself.
All through this fuck session, he keeps finding more things that you had said throughout the day about how much you hated your tummy, hated how wide you looked, hated your thighs and how they rubbed against each other, how much you hated how your feet hurt all the damn time. He never hated any of those, he never hated you, he never disliked any part of you, actually, how could he? You were so fine in so many different ways that even he himself gets surprised by, but he shouldn't because you are ethereal.
"Can't. Fucking. Get. Enough. Of. You." Toji said breathlessly as he now had you in the mating press. His hard chest against your soft tits felt so amazing in a weird way to him. Having your cute face so close, and your thighs wrapped around him had him cumming faster than usual.
"Sh-shit baby, I'm gonna cu-" he groaned loudly as he finished inside of you. You giggled, shocked he came this quick, but also turned on by how hot he was.
He didn't realize how much you turned him on until he really started thinking about it. Shit, now he's gonna have to work on not cumming so fast just thinking about you.
♡ 𝘾𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙤 - The Overachiever
Choso always felt like he had something to prove with you, but definitely not in a bad way. He genuinely thinks you are way out of his league. Anything you complained about, he'd be there to do it better and more efficiently. If your feet hurt, he'd give you a whole massage AND he'd wash your feet. If you didn't like how the food tasted from a fast food restaurant, he'd go back and order a new meal telling them exactly what to do and how to do it better. He wanted to praise you, wanted to be there at your every need and desire. And when I mean every need and desire, I mean every need and desire.
Choso would do everything in his power to let you know how much he loved you. If you complained about anything you didn't like about yourself, that'd be everything he worshiped until you thought differently.
So when you complained about how your tummy couldn't fit into your jeans, he'd fuck you and fondle and praise how much he loved your tummy, "Fuck, I fucking love your tummy so fucking much, love it so much I wanna see it full with my baby, fuck imagine having my baby, oh that'd be so fucking hot." Even though you knew what he was doing and how it might be corny sometimes, it still made you love yourself so much more.
On that matter, if you weighed yourself and complained how you gained a few pounds, he will strictly fuck you by either carrying you or having you sit on his face, his favorite was the latter.
"Cho baby, I can't!" You whispered as he tried to tug you down on his face.
"Yes you can, and you will. Sit on my fucking face." His usual soft and cute demeanor was shifted into a dominant commanding demeanor. You only held yourself up by the help of the headboard, not even trying to lower yourself, afraid you might hurt him.
"Chooo, I don't wanna hurt you, please can we do something else?" You cried out. You did deep down wanted to sit on his face and have him ruin you, but it'd be so embarrassing if he'd tap your leg because he felt like you were crushing him. Choso only sighed and forcefully pulled you down catching you off gaurd. His arms locked around the base of your thighs, securing you onto his face. He even pushed his face up into your cunt to get deeper. You let out a moan as you felt him instantly sucking on your clit.
"F-fuck Cho, feels so good!" He chuckled sending vibrations straight to your core. His fingers dug into your thighs as his eyes rolled back. Your hand found its way to Choso's dick, you leaned back a little and started pumping his rock hard dick. You began to feel confident that he was okay, and you could finally relax, which Choso was so happy you did. You tasted so amazing, and he felt so amazing tasting yummy, and you touching him. Soon Choso came, and you right after. Your body shook as he continued to hold you down on his face, overstimulating you both.
Choso finally released his grip, letting you get off of his face and lay beside him. He had a cute smile on his face and looked so out of it. You laughed and he looked over at you. "We need to do this more often."
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fangirl-dot-com · 6 months
Lewis Hamilton and George Russel - I'm with a Knight and Slenderman, No One Can Touch Me
It’s part 4 time! This was so fun to write and I laughed so hard at some parts. I feel like George is a really underrated driver. He’s funny and a good person (even though he looks like Woody from Toy Story). And the girlfriend effect has hit him hard. His hair is so beautiful and I need to know what he does with his bangs. 
And then Sir Lewis – good Lord, he needs to go back to that one hairstyle from that one interview that made everyone fall for him 
Specially dedicated to @treehouse-mouse <3
Like always, comments, questions, concerns, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated! Love you all &lt;;3 
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“Shit,” you muttered as you looked around the now empty paddock. You knew that taking a nap after your media duties had been done was a bad idea. You had played nap roulette with yourself and were now paying the consequences. You shouldn’t have said “oh, I won’t set an alarm. Someone will come get me. I might nap for ten minutes or it might be 3 hours. Who knows!” 
Well, now you knew. It was three hours. 
You looked around for your backpack that you had come with. But as your eyes danced around the garage, it was nowhere to be found. You sighed as you at least remembered your phone. But alas, the world hated you for being a woman: your phone was dead. 
“Ok, there’s no reason to panic. Let’s head to the parking lot and see if someone is still here,” you whispered to yourself. Walking carefully, you exited the dark paddock. The parking lot was no different. 
Dark, cold, and empty. 
“Great. Just great.” You decided to sit on a curb and wait. Maybe by now, Christian or Max would know that you are missing, and will come back to get you. 
Or maybe they were mad at you. Yes, you were on the podium. As a rookie. At your first race. 
But you made a mistake that costed the team a 1-2 finish. Maybe you didn’t deserve to be looked for. 
Before your thoughts could spiral more, two bright headlights blinded you. You raised a hand to try to cover at least some of your face. The two front doors of the car swung open. Your heart started to race. 
It was just you out here and they might be kidnappers. 
“Please I have no money on me. Don’t beat me up or kidnap me. Trust, you do not want to sell me or anything like that,” you spoke out, trying to hinder their unknown wants for you. Your fear slowly melted away at a familiar grandpa laugh and bean-pole build of the two figures. 
“Lewis! George!” You stood up quickly. 
“What are you doing out here?” George peered down. Your neck was bent to even look up at him. 
“Um. I might have been left behind because I was taking a nap. And my phone is also dead.” You sheepishly grinned at the two. 
Lewis sighed before bringing out his phone. “I don’t have Christian’s number, but Toto does. Let me give him a call.” 
Your head cocked. “Do you not have Max’s number?” George let out a laugh. 
“Kid. Think of Abu Dhabi 2021.” Your eyes widened. 
Lewis waved you off and walked a bit aways to hear Toto. George just kind of stared at you as you stared at him. 
“Are you ok?” 
“Of course I’m ok. I’m with a knight,” you pointed at Lewis, “and Slenderman. No one can touch me.” You crossed your arms before giggling. George just gawked at your boldness. You took this time to look at the nice Mercedes in front of you. “Is this the new model?” 
George nodded. “Yeah, Lewis just got it. He won’t let me drive it though.” A pout formed on his lips. 
“I get what you mean. Max won’t let me drive his Ferrari.” 
“Why would you want to drive that junk?” 
Your head tilted. “I don’t know. I like my Porsches better though.” It was George’s time to raise an eye brow. “I haven’t gotten them yet. But they’ll be ready soon. I had to ship one to London and the other to Monaco.” 
You looked at Lewis, who was still on the phone. You had an idea. 
A very bad one, but an idea none-the-less. 
“You wanna go somewhere?” You pointed at the still running car. Lewis should have taken the keys. 
“Where would we go?” George was already grinning like the Cheshire cat. 
“There’s a burger king a couple of miles away.” 
George was already climbing into the driver’s side. “Let’s get going!”
Back with Lewis, he was still on the phone. For some reason, Toto would still not give him Christian’s number. 
“Please Toto, I am with two children,” he pinched his brow, “and I’m tired and I’d like to get back to the hotel. So please send me Max’s or Christian’s number.” He wasn’t aware of his car that was now filled with said two children making their getaway. He hung up once he got Max’s number. 
His phone rang for a few seconds before Max’s voice sounded over the background noise of a party. 
“Who is this?” 
“It’s Lewis. You left your kid here.” He heard Max curse on the other side. 
“I thought Vito was getting her, but Vito is right at the bar. Can you send me your location so I can pick her up?” 
Lewis waved a hand, even though Max couldn’t see it. “No worries, I can just drop her off. I’m with George and we’ll driver her over. I have my-” Lewis stopped.
“Lewis? Are you there?” 
Lewis’ eyes scanned the now empty parking lot. He groaned. “They took my car!” 
Max laughed for a bit before he realized that Lewis wasn’t playing. “Send my your location, I’m already out the door. We’ll find them.” 
By the time Max got to Lewis, you and George were already having the time of your lives. 
You pointed out the window. “Look Georgie. Traffic cones. Have you ever put one on your head?” 
When George denied that he had, you gasped and told him to pull over. You and him climbed out of the low car and walked over to the traffic cones. By now, your phone was a bit charged, courtesy of the charger in the vehicle. And it was blowing up. 
But you didn’t see it or care. 
You picked up one of the cones and put it on your head. Your giggle resonated through it. 
“Y/n, smile!” You heard George say. You smiled, even though it wouldn’t be seen under the orange hat. 
George told you that he was going to set up the camera to take a picture of the two of you. 
“Let’s put our heads together.” The two cones whacked against the other. George had to bend over so that they would be close.
You laughed as your hair was staticky due to the cone. George’s hair was the same, which made you laugh even harder. “Send that to me, I’m going to post in on the gram.” 
The only notification you looked at was the one from George with the picture. Quicky uploading it, you knew you were about to create even more chaos. 
The two of you decided to sit on the curb for a bit. Your thoughts from earlier quickly sprang into your head, due to the silence between you two. 
“George?” you questioned, looking ahead. He was currently scrolling through his phone, but he made a noise to let you know that he was listening. 
“What was it like having a teammate that you know you’ll never amount to? Not saying that you won’t amount to Lewis at some point, but,” you trailed off, not knowing how to continue. 
The click of his phone let you know that George was now focused on the conversation. 
“I get what you mean. It’s very overwhelming. You get put up with world champions, and people are already expecting you to beat records and perform as well as they do.” George sighed as he reflected on his first year with Mercedes. How the people would taunt that he wasn’t good enough to be Lewis’s teammate and that he should just be second fiddle to him. Suddenly, he noticed a hand had been placed on his shoulder. Tears also wetted his face. 
When had he started crying? 
You continued to rub his shoulder until his tears stopped. 
You tried to console him. “Well, we can be second-fiddle buddies together?” you offered, hoping he would laugh. And he did. 
The two of you decided to sit on the curb for a few more minutes. But at this point, you knew that Lewis along with Max were probably on their way to get you. You pulled yourself up, then held out a hand to George, who took it without second thought.  
Before you knew it, the two of you were back in the car, just chilling. 
“Look what Max and Lewis are saying.” You showed him the screen and laughed. It really was fun to mess with old men. 
“Are we still going to burger king?” 
You nodded your head. “If Lewis can be a knight, I need a crown to be the king.” 
“Don’t you mean queen?” he asked as he started the car back up again. 
“Nope.” You popped the P and that was a good enough answer. George pulled away from the side of the street and made his way to the Burger King. The two of you were thankful that it was mostly empty, except for the employees. The two of you ordered more than enough food for two people. You justified it as giving the workers more money. 
Your companion went along with it. 
“Order number 69,” the tired lady called out. George and you shared a look before the two of you collapsing on the ground, dying with laughter and probably exhaustion. You were still giggling as you took the food from the lady. You muttered a thank you before you and George took a table near the back. 
“Did you get your slushie?” you questioned, holding your cup. 
“I didn’t know they had slushies!” 
You took George’s hand and let him over to the machine. The amount of slushies that you slurped down would never be recorded. As you drank one of your last ones, you suddenly remembered an important detail. 
You looked over at the tired lady who took your order. “Do you have the crowns?”  
Max was still constantly trying to reach you, with one hand on the steering wheel and his phone in the other. 
“Come on kid. Pick up,” he pleaded and cursed when the call went to voicemail for the umpteenth time that night. 
Lewis was texting all the drivers in the group chat, asking if they’d seen the two of you. They came up short. 
“This is ridiculous,” Max seethed. “How could you have let them do this?” 
Lewis shot him a glare. “How could you leave her at the paddock after dark?” he bit back. 
“Like I said, Vito was supposed to take her back to the hotel. She’s not allowed in the clubs.” 
“Then Christian should find some way for everyone to party. The kid got a podium her first race as a rookie, and she was left behind.” 
Max banged his head on the steering wheel as they stopped at a red light. Lewis was correct. He wondered if you felt forgotten. Knowing you, you probably did. And it was mostly his fault. He’d talk to Christian about alternatives until you turned legal age.
“I’ll talk to Christian about that. What were you and George doing back at the paddock anyway?” 
Lewis grimaced. “I forgot a file back at our garage. George seemed antsy and restless so I invited him. Never doing that again.” 
Max smirked, “Kids. Am I right?”  
“Look!” Lewis pointed at a familiar car in the parking lot of an empty Burger King. Max pulled in on two wheels. As they walked up, their eyes landed on two people, crowns on their heads, hands flailing. 
Max pushed the door open and stopped towards the figures. His hands landed aggressively on the table. “Do you two know how much trouble you’re in.” 
He heard laughing from behind him. 
“Max. That’s not them,” Lewis whispered. 
Max’s head jerked and saw the scared faces of two employees. He heard more laughing and whipped his head around, eyes finally falling on you and George, whose phone was out recording. You looked as if you were about to explode with laughter. 
“I’m sorry about that.” He turned around and stomped towards your table. “Let’s try this again.” 
His palms hit the correct table this time. “Do the two of you know how much trouble you are in?” He looked into your eyes before glancing at George. 
You stared up at the seething Dutchman. You pulled out a french fry.  
“Lewis, I got you an impossible whopper.” George held out the wrapped food. 
Max sighed, anger waning by the minute. There was no fighting with the two of you. The two adult-figures sat down and started to eat. Max munched on a fry as Lewis started to eat the burger. 
You and George continued to talk about your so-called adventures. 
“And then George ran a red light.” 
Lewis choked as George winced. Lewis’s head jerked toward George, eyes squinting. 
“You’re paying for that.” George only shrugged, he had enough money anyway. 
Max just stared in silence, mulling over the exhausting night. You could sense that he was still cooling off, and you were scared of what he might say in the car. 
The food was quickly finished and the four of you were headed out the door. It seemed as though yours and George’s energy levels were quickly tanking as the two of you barely said a goodbye. The hug and faux tears though were enough for Lewis and Max to roll their eyes. 
You watched as George and Lewis left in the Mercedes. You gulped as you got into the passenger side of Max’s rental vehicle. You winced at the proximity. 
You mind quickly went back to your dad. How he’d hit the side of your face if you did anything that was “out of line.” Or he’d pinch your thigh until it bruised. Those were the easiest to hide. When your face was a little too red and purple, your helmet stayed on for the entire race day. 
Your eyes welled with tears at the thought of Max turning out to be like him. You didn’t think he would, but you were out of line tonight. 
No fun. No sneaking out. No stealing (borrowing) cars. 
You were sinking into yourself, and Max could sense that. 
He turned to look at you. What he said next was shocking. 
“I’m sorry kid.” 
Your eyes bulged. “Why are you sorry? If anything, I should be on my knees begging for your forgiveness.” 
Max just stared at you before slowly putting his hand near your head. 
This was it. He was going to hit you and you’d have to live through everything again. You couldn’t tell Christian that his golden-child would do such a thing. And no one would ever believe you. 
You jerked back as your eyes closed tight. Your body tensed, waiting for the repercussion to your actions. Your breaths got a little bit faster and shorter.   
But it never came. 
All that was, was a gentle placed hand on the top of your head. 
Comforting. Loving. Cherishing. 
Max wanted to cry as he saw how your body prepared for something horrible. Something nasty. 
“Kleintje,” Max breathed out. 
Your tears began to make their escape down the hills of your cheeks. You could only repeat and whisper I’m sorry, over and over again. Max couldn’t do anything but wait for you to calm down and maybe tell him what was racing through your head. 
Your breathing evened out as you felt there was nothing coming. Soon you were embarrassed for thinking that Max, one of the only people to seem to care about you, would do such a thing. Yet, your mind always went back to your patterns.
People who should care, didn’t. Hands that were made for comforting, didn’t. Encouragements didn’t exist…for you. 
Maybe you were the problem. 
But, maybe you weren’t. You’d allow some comfort, just this once. 
Max cooed as you leaned into his hand. He knew you were tired. A long day of racing and a long night of adventures would really do that to you.  
He didn’t expect you to explain to so quickly. But you knew how to surprise someone. 
“My dad and mom, weren’t the nicest. They wanted a boy, got me instead.” You harshly exhaled. “They put me in karting because if they had had a boy, they would have done the same. I was just a placeholder.”
Max listened, wanting to hear what you said. 
“It started off small. A push here, a hit to the helmet there. I really didn’t think anything of it. Until I was about 7 and I crashed my kart on the last lap. I was going to win too, but I over compensated and hit the wall. All I remember after that race was my dad grabbing my wrist and yanking me to the car. I hit my head on the dash, I think. Or he was the one to push my head in.” You shrugged at the nasty memory, as if it didn’t matter. 
Max on the other hand, was getting angrier. Yes, his dad did similar things, but he was a boy. He could stand up for himself. And he had his mom and sister. 
You had no one. 
“The next morning, I woke up and there was this giant bruise on my face and smaller ones littered my arms. I thought that was the end of it, except it continued. I was able to hide it pretty well. My race suit pretty much covered everything. I also didn’t have many friends, or, I just didn’t have friends. So there, wasn’t a need to worry. They stopped after I made it to the end of F4, because I was winning and there were more cameras. The moment I made it to F3 in 2019, they disowned me.” 
He did the math. You would have been 16 at the time. Still a kid, but smaller. His heart broke for you. 
“Kid, look at me.” 
You turned your head and made eye contact. Your brows furrowed when you saw tears in his eyes. 
He wasn’t supposed to cry. Why was he crying? 
“I’m crying because no one should ever have to go through something like that.” Oh, you must have said that out loud.
You shrugged once again, “I probably deserved it.” 
“No, geitje, no one deserves that. Ever. You didn’t.” You could only nod along. Your eyes were getting tired by the minute. Max could tell so he started the car. He only had one more thing to say. (translation : kid) 
“My dad did similar things. But I had people to help me. And I know your dad isn’t around, but Y/n,” he said your name, trying to emphasize that he was serious. “I am here for you. Christian is here for you. Mitch is here and so is Vito. We love you. I’m not a good teammate, and you can see that I’ve gone through more teammates than anyone else has in the amount of time I’ve been here. I’m the only constant. But I think that we will actually work out. Best duo right?” 
For the first time since Burger King, where you and him were still parked, he saw your eyes light up. 
You nodded, “Best duo.” 
Max finally took that as a sign that you’d be ok for the night. He carefully back the car out and started on the road toward the hotel. 
“Do you think Christian will let me come to the club next race.” 
Max let out a sarcastic laugh. “Definitely not.” 
Your giggles filled the small space. Max’s heart swelled at making you laugh. 
You’d be all right. He’d make sure of it. 
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AN: oh my gosh that got REAL depressing – I apologize. But, Max needed to know a bit more about your lore if he’s going to be able to fend off any unwanted visitors (FORESHADOWING). Anyway, I will see you all at the next chapter! Muah! Much love <3 – author :D 
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