#i love cameron the rabbit so much <3
just-michael799 · 3 months
Michael (Furry)
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Guess Who Hid All Homophobes 's 95 Bodies?🙂
CW: Fake Blood
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Also Bonus
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couragehopelovefaith · 10 months
I finally fell down the "Descendants"-rabbit hole (better late than never) and watched all three movies back to back. Here are my first thoughts that came to mind:
Maybe a controversial opinion, but the third one was the best in my eyes and the first one gets the last place, even though it has many wonderful moments too. (That being said, I deeply dislike the very last scene of the third movie, since even for a Disney-movie, everything seemed to be forgiven way too fast and easily.)
2. Say what you want about the movies, but the actors are very talented and dedicated and the songs are absolute bops that will hold up for a very long time.
3. I have never had more conflicted emotions about any protagonist than I have about Mal (I might make a separate post about it later, but others have explained it better than I could, so... :) ).
4. Evie would've been more fitting ruler, in my opinion.
4. My shipper-heart beats into so many directions, but I can't truly root for Ben and Mal. The way their love story began was shady (beautifully expressed) and they both had better connection and chemistry with so many other characters.
5. Ben was done so dirty multiple times, and I feel like he is very underrated.
6. Speaking of chemistry... Harry Hook seems to be Theo Raeken of the "Descendants"-universe - he has chemistry with literally anyone. A huge part of me loves Huma and wanted them to end up together, but the connection and sparks he, Gil and Jay have going on.. ;) I also wanted to know more about the obvious romantic past between Hook and Mal. (Hook seems to be one of my favorite characters in many fandoms, huh.)
7. The fact that they didn't make Malvie canon is a huge crime (nothing against Doug, though, he is a great guy).
8. Uma and Audrey deserved so much better, to be honest.
9. Carlos is such a wholesome and sweet bean, he deserves the world as well. I would love to have him as a friend. What happened to Cameron was so tragic and unfair, and thinking about it while seeing his radiating presence on screen made me constantly tear up.
10. I never would've thought I'd say this in any circumstance, but Hades is hands down the best villain-parent and I truly hoped to see more of him.
All in all, I liked the movies way more than I thought I would and they make me feel really nostalgic. ...Plus, the songs will surely be stuck in my head for the next couple of weeks.
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emilymaxximoff · 1 year
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Hey besties. I know I have not been posting very much or like at all recently and I’m sorry about that. I’m on tumblr like every day for multiple hours but I just haven’t brought myself to write anything. Not that anyone asked or anything but I just have been dealing with shit and so I kinda fell off the face of the earth as far social media is concerned. I’m getting it together again though so, I’m starting to write again. The basic agenda is gonna be finish the Rafe Cameron series in like 2-3 more parts all put out in the next 2 ish weeks. Then in no particular order I am going to write some more Carl Grimes stuff, some more Wanda stuff and probably some MWII Ghost stuff because I fell down a rabbit hole full of that shit and I need to self indulge. I know that people have been like the Rafe series so if you want to be tagged in that comment or message me or if you would like to be added to any tag list of mine please feel free to reach out. Anyway if you made it through that I love you and I hope your day is a good one.
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lesbianlotties · 2 years
Could you maybe recommend some gay af books? I'd love to read some!
Hi anon! first of all thank you for asking bc i love talking about my favorite gay books!! also this is so not going to be a comprehensive list or anything, like idk if these are the best or the most popular but they're the ones i've personally read! also shoutout to @lgbtqreads bc it's where i've personally gotten many recommendations so highly recommended! also this is almost entirely about lesbians because yes
First things first, the first gay book I read, for Carol reasons, was The Price of Salt! which I genuinely and absolutely loved. and it sent me in a path of similar historic-ish kind of path from which I specifically remember Tell it To The Bees (better ending than the movie!!) and Patience and Sarah. and then everything by Sarah Waters (except one book without lesbians that's still good), happy endings not guaranteed, just historial lesbian in wild stories, but they're all great, some of my favorite ever, especially Fingersmith and The Night Watch *chefs kiss*
Then I decided you know what, I want just cheesy, happy, sexy, little romance books! like low stakes, pretty much predictable, but just satisfying if you're in the mood for a romcom. so i went down the rabbit hole of reading every single book by Melissa Brayden (i genuinely recommend the 3 series she's written, or at least the first two, you need this in your life (don't expect a lot of diversity but like it's just fun okay? trust me)). there's also Georgia Beers, which I haven't read as much but still good!! I really liked the books by Lyn Gardner too. also Nina Lacour!
Which lead me to "mostly YA or romance books that I read and loved but don't remember enough to describe in detail but you should totally read": All Out (many lgbt stories), Dating Sarah Cooper, Annie On My Mind, i think everything by Malinda Lo. special shoutout to scifi/fantasy YA that i personally treasure! Labyrinth Lost! The Abyss Surrounds Us (and sequel)!! This Is How You Lose The Time War!! and of course The Locked Tomb series!!! also i promise that One Stop and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo are 1000% worth it!!!
I don't read a lot of non-fiction but I could recommend Tegan and Sara's book also Cameron Esposito's book! don't have anything else in that category though
And because it's a personal favorite of mine, spooky gay books!! obviously start with The Haunting of Hill House, technically it's just subtext but it's worth it. Her Body and Other Parties is an absolute masterpiece, gay and unsettling (also the other book and comic book by Carmen Maria Machado!). a tragic and weird but amazing if you know how to appreciate if its for you, Carmila!!! and I'd totally count My Best Friend's Exorcism as gay because it's just very gay
okay that's it!!
let me know if you'd like to know more about one of them specifically or if you'd like to talk about any of them because I'd absolutely love to!!! <3
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party-lemon · 3 years
This is gonna be another long post so...yeah. Do with that what you will.
A List of My Top Ten Favorite Movies (So Far) And Why (In No Particular Order)
#1: Juno
Released: December 5, 2007
Cast: Elliot Page, Michael Cera, Jason Bateman, Jennifer Garner, J.K. Simmons
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The rest of these aren't in order but this is my favorite movie. I've literally only watched it twice but I absolutely love it. It is so beautifully written, the cast is amazing. Every character is amazing and amazingly written. Juno is the perfect main character and is so likeable. And the soundtrack!? Perfection. Honestly, I just love everything about this movie. Literally everything.
#2: Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood
Released: July 26, 2019
Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Dakota Fanning
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I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, only because it took so long for it to get to the final scene. I don't want to call it boring, but for lack of a better word...it was boring. There were hints about what was going on throughout the entire movie and it builds and builds and builds and then we have this insane final scene. What's even better about it is that it's based on something that happened in real life, it just has two characters thrown in, making it never happen. It's such an interesting movie and waiting for it to sort of get to the point is worth it.
#3: Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Released: June 11, 1986
Cast: Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara, Jennifer Gray, Jeffrey Jones
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A classic. This movie is so quotable and so fun even though the concept is, really, pretty simple. Cameron is one of my favorite movie characters ever. I love Matthew Broderick. Sloane is gorgeous. It's just a really fun movie and one of my go to's for every mood.
#4: Signs
Released: July 29, 2002
Cast: Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, Rory Culkin, Abigail Breslin, Cherry Jones
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This movie is so creepy, mostly because I believe that aliens exist so it isn't like a regular horror/thriller movie because I feel like this is so real. But this movie is so good. The cast, including the kids, is phenomenal. (Yes, unfortunately, even Mel Gibson.) It plays around with so many questions: are aliens real? What if they were? What if signs are real? What if there aren't signs, only coincidences? I'm a fan of M. Night Shyamalan and this is my favorite of his films.
#5: Stranger Than Fiction
Released: November 10, 2006
Cast: Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman
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I literally bawl my eyes out every time I watch this. Oh my gosh. So let's start with the fact that this is a more serious role than Will Ferrell usually does, and I love when actors that often just star in comedies pull a, "Hey, I can do this, too!" Harold is such a compelling character, you're just rooting for him the whole time. Every character's interactions with each other are amazing. It's such a sweet story and I really love it a lot.
#6: This is Where I Leave You
Released: September 19, 2014
Cast: Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, Adam Driver, Corey Stoll, Rose Byrne
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I just watched this recently and I instantly loved it. I talk about casts a lot but this one is absolutely star-studded and it works so well. It tackles the mourning process well and all of the character's interactions are great. I especially love Rose Byrne but I also just really like Rose Byrne in everything I've seen her in.
#7: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Released: December 25, 2013
Cast: Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Sean Penn, Adam Scott, Patton Oswalt
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I was obsessed with this movie in junior high! I watched it all the time and it still holds up. I love the whimsical fantasy it has to it from time to time and Walter's compelling search for the last photo. This movie is ridiculous sometimes and it knows it and it owns it.
#8: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Released: September 21, 2012
Cast: Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, Ezra Miller, Mae Whitman, Paul Rudd
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I read the book and, while the movie isn't completely accurate, it holds up better than most book to movie adaptations. I absolutely love Charlie. Don't get me wrong, Sam is great, Patrick is lovely, but Charlie is amazing, mostly because I relate to him so much in so many ways. The soundtrack to this movie is great, also, and the tunnel scenes are just *chef's kiss* Such a brilliant book and movie.
#9: The Truman Show
Released: June 5, 1998
Cast: Jim Carrey, Laura Linney, Ed Harris, Natascha McElhone
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Another example of a comedian playing a more serious role. Throughout this whole movie, you're just waiting for Truman to find out the truth, for his life to change because the more you watch it, the more you come to love this character. Or, I guess, person. You want the best for him, you want him to break free from this literal cage. It's captivating and angering because this lovable character's entire life is a lie. It's such a brilliant film and I feel like it should get more attention.
#10: Alice in Wonderland
Released: March 5, 2010
Cast: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter
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Where do I start...this movie is so weird. Which is kind of the point and that's why I love it. The main character doesn't even know what's going on sometimes. Once you figure out what's going on, this movie is just really fun. Kind of. I don't know how to describe this movie, I really don't. But I just love it a lot. There's a dragon and castles and weird creatures and talking animals. Everyone does an excellent job, especially Johnny Depp. I would kill for the Mad Hatter. It's such a weird movie and I can't put my finger on why I love it so much, but I do. I also really like Tim Burton.
Honorable Mentions:
Jojo Rabbit
Crazy Stupid Love
Spider-Man: Homecoming
The Shawshank Redemption
Again, if you made it this far, thanks for reading. And, again, 11/10 would recommend all of these, including the honorable mentions.
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extratragic · 4 years
pairing: jj maybank x reader
warning: hints at jj being abused for 0.01 seconds.
word count: 2165
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summary: whenever you get a scar, it appears on your soulmates skin. your soulmate has a lot of scars. 
a/n: i’ve been obsessing over soulmate au’s for a bit so here’s this. lowercase is on purpose cause i did this on my phone. also, i have like 3 topper fics in my drafts soo... should i post them? 
“another one?” rafe asked, rubbing the scar on your eyebrow.
at this point, you probably had over thirty scars on your body. your soulmate was either reckless as hell or loved to do things that hurt him.
“there’s three. that one, one on my stomach, and one on my shoulder,” you sighed.
you and rafe once thought that you were each other’s soulmates. it was when you were fourteen and he was sixteen, but still. rafe had a crush on you, and when he kissed a scar on your shoulder and it didn’t go away, you both knew that the two of you weren’t meant to be. it was wishful thinking for both of you, considering rafe didn’t have the same scars, but it was worth a shot. 
he had a simpler soulmate tie than you, his being the name of his soulmate on his wrist once he turned 18. it would’ve been a lot easier if he figured that out a few years earlier. 
“he better be on his knees healing you,” rafe laughed.
you grinned and punched his shoulder. rafe had been your best friend since you were six years old, and the friendship never wavered, even after the sad truth of not being soulmates.
“we’re gonna miss the ferry if you don’t hurry your ass up,” you told him.
he rolled his eyes, mocking you as he followed you onto the ferry. it was finally summer break and you were going back home to the outer banks after your first year of being at chapel hill. you’d been home plenty of times over the school year, but now you could finally stay for months without worrying about going back so soon. plus, you spent spring break in the bahamas with the cameron’s, so you hadn’t been to an outer banks party in a while. 
“what if it’s a pogue?” he teased you.
“then i hope it’s john b,” you shot back at him.
rafe didn’t have a good relationship with the pogues, and he especially didn’t like that his younger sister dated (and is currently on a break with) one of the most well-known pogues. you had a decent relationship with them. though the only ones that you ever spoke to were pope, john b, jj, and kie. 
“honestly, if i do find him this summer, i just hope that it’s not one of your party friends,” you sighed.
“speaking of parties, there’s one at the boneyard tonight. sarah and john b are apparently getting back together and she wants us there,” he said.
you groaned and looked up at him with a frown. “do we have to?” you asked. sure, you missed obx parties, but it was your first day back home and you wanted to sleep. 
he grinned and pinched your cheek, making you slap his wrist. “ow,” he hissed, watching the skin redden. you grinned proudly and he glared at you. “we’re going,” he stated.
jj maybank was standing at the keg with pope heyward, handing out plastic cups with beer in them to everyone who walked over. rafe was waiting across the beach with topper and kelce so that he wouldn’t feel tempted to fight jj.
your choice. rafe was a lot better at controlling his anger, but you didn’t want to risk anything by bringing him to the boy he used to fight almost weekly. 
“hello, boys. i’ll take two cups, please,” you told them.
“coming right up. how’s chapel hill?” pope asked.
“it’s a constant party with the kook prince. where did you end up going to school?” you asked him.
“SEC. plenty of scholarships,” he grinned.
you grinned, taking one cup from jj’s hand when he held it out. “thanks, jj,” you said.
he nodded in response, keeping his head down. you looked at pope and he shrugged, handing jj another cup. jj quickly filled the cup and handed it to you.
pope looked down at his blonde friend and then looked at you. he noticed how jj’s eyes widened when he saw you coming closer, and he saw the way his eyes focused on the scar on your rib cage. it was the same one that jj had, one of the few scars that his soulmate gave him. he also saw the smaller scar by your bellybutton, one that was still red and healing on his best friends skin.
“crazy scar. what happened?” pope asked, pointing to your rib cage.
you smiled sheepishly and blushed, making pope grin.
“topper was teaching me how to surf a while ago. we were still on the sand but some kid ran past and stepped on my board and i fell onto a rock. no stitches but a lot of blood,” you answered.
pope chuckled and nudged jj who finally looked up at you. he had a soft smile on his face and your sheepish smile turned into a grin.
“i’ll see you guys around,” you said before walking away.
“you see maybank? he has the same eyebrow scar,” rafe asked you.
“i saw him earlier but he kept his head down most of the conversation. besides, jj used to fight with you a lot, maybe he fights with someone else now. eyebrow cuts aren’t that rare,” you said.
“do you even have any oddly placed scars?” he asked.
you pursed your lips, having to really think about it. “i mean, there’s the rib cage one. oh! and there’s the one right above my ass. i think the rest are decently normal.”
rafe smirked and turned you around so he was looking at your back.
you gasped and quickly turned around when he tried pulling the waistband of your shorts back to see the scar.
“i’ll kick your ass if you do that dumb shit again,” you told him.
he only grinned.
“hang on, why were you by jj? i thought you were staying away from him tonight,” you asked. 
“i went to get a refill. nothing happened, mom,” he answered.
“y/n!” sarah screamed before you could respond. 
you and rafe turned towards her voice, eyes widening when you saw her sprinting towards you. rafe stood behind you and put his hand on your back to keep you from falling when his younger sister almost tackled you.
“oh, my sweet y/n. i missed you,” she sighed.
you looked at john b and he grinned, shrugging his shoulders.
sarah was wasted already.
“hey, princess. did you pregame a little hard?” you laughed.
she hummed and nodded, still wrapped around you like a koala. you held onto her, though. after knowing the girl for almost your entire life, you were used to her drunken state and being able to hold her up.
“did you miss me?” she slurred.
“i missed you so much,” you laughed.
sarah cameron has two drunk personalities. she was either extremely affectionate and touchy, or she was annoyed and angry. her high personalities were different, though. apparently she was feeling affectionate tonight.
“how are you and john b?” you asked.
“we’re great! i just needed to be dicked down i guess,” she said.
you laughed loudly and rafe groaned. john b blushed and pulled sarah off of you, letting her wrap her arms around his waist instead.
“i should get her out of here. it was, uh, good to see you guys,” he said, nodding awkwardly.
you and rafe waved to them and they left. you were giggling at the way sarah was trying to kiss john b but he was pushing her face away.
“well, we know that your sister is getting lucky. now we need to get lucky,” you said.
“with each other?” rafe asked.
“nope. i’m gonna search for my soulmate. what scar should i focus on?” you asked.
he looked over your visible skin, which was a lot considering that your outfit consisted of a black bikini top and denim shorts.
“those two,” he pointed to the one one on your rib cage and your newest abdomen one, “and the eyebrow.”
“i’ll text you later if i don’t see you,” you told him.
he nodded and you kissed his cheek before walking away.
almost two hours later, you were sitting around a bonfire with kie, pope, jj, and a few tourons.
kie was flirting with a touron, and doing an amazing job. seriously, her flirting skills were so good that you were sure she could flirt you into bed if she wanted to. sarah had drunkenly told you one night that kie might be bisexual, telling you that kie’s had a few female one-night stands.
power to her.
jj sat beside you, pope on his other side. the three of you were drinking quietly, enjoying the sound of the waves crashing and the heat from the fire.
the party had died down some, enough so someone turned the music down some and you weren’t bumping into someone every second while walking through the crowd.
you shivered when the wind blew harshly, hitting your skin and causing goosebumps to appear.
“shit. hey, jj, do you have a hoodie or something that i can wear? i think rafe took the car and my clothes are in there,” you asked. rafe texted you about an hour ago that he was leaving with a touron. since he didn’t bring you his keys, he probably took the car. 
the blonde nodded and stood up, not saying a word as he motioned for you to follow him.
you stood up and wiped the back of your shorts before following jj. he led the two of you to john b’s van and slapped his hand on the back door.
“if you rabbits are in here, i’ll kill you!” he yelled.
you laughed softly and he opened the door, sighing happily when he saw that no one was inside.
“is it a common occurrence to find sarah and john b in here?” you asked.
jj grimaced and nodded. “we catch them all the time. it’s really gross. i’ve learned to hide my things underneath the seat, but i don’t think pope or kie have caught on,” he told you.
another laugh fell from your lips and jj grinned at the sound. he could listen to you laugh all day, especially if he was the one making you laugh.
he pulled out a grey hoodie and handed it to you before taking his t-shirt off.
your eyes focused on the jagged scar on his rib cage, but they widened when you saw the scar beside his bellybutton.
“jj...” you trailed off, almost dropping the hoodie in your hands.
he looked over at you and followed your gaze, seeing that it was focused on the two bigger scars on his abdomen.
“you okay?” he asked nervously.
he hated his scars. well, he hated most of his scars because he only had them because of his dad. he didn’t want to get his hopes up earlier when he saw the scar on your rib cage and he still wasn’t going to get his hopes up.
“jj, come on. i know you’ve seen my scars. we have the same fucking ones,” you said.
you were scared. finding your soulmate was always a scary thought for you. there wasn’t really a reason why other than your anxiety about if they didn’t want to be your soulmate.
he sighed and sat down on the floor of the van, looking at the ground.
“maybe... maybe not the exact same,” he said.
did he not want to be your soulmate?
“wh... what? are you serious? what the fuck are you doing to get a scar right here, maybank?” you asked, grabbing his hand and putting it on your newest scar.
you were pissed. there was no way that you were letting this boy go without a fight.
his fingers gently traced over the straight line, then moved up to the jagged one that you gave the both of you. he smiled softly and looked up at you.
“i’m scared,” he said quietly.
“yeah, me too,” you agreed.
he grinned and you sat beside him, throwing your legs over his and leaning against the back of the passenger seat. you gently took jj’s wrist in your hand, lifting his arm closer to you. there was a burn scar on the side of his wrist, the exact spot where your hair straightener scar was.
“can i...” you trailed off.
jj nodded and you softly kissed the scar, then pulled your lips from his skin to watch. when the scar slowly faded until it was gone, you slapped the blonde’s arm.
“hey! what was that for?” he exclaimed.
“jj, i’ve given you ten scars max! i can’t even count how many i have because of you!” i snapped.
he grinned, grabbing your cheeks in his hands. “one less,” he said, kissing your eyebrow.
you hummed and leaned closer to him. “you got a lot to make up for, maybank,” you said.
“glad to kiss them all away,” he said.
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fbdo-ohyeaaaaah · 2 years
first off, your tumblr is dah bomb - please know that you're carrying the ferris fandom on your back. the thought you put into your posts is incredible <3 I'd love to see an in depth sloane analysis post, especially considering how much of a fan favourite she is despite her little known background / childhood / future goals. do you have any hc's towards her home life and where you could see her post fbdo? or hc's for her in general? possibly including her zodiac, love language and fears - just desperate for any form of peterson content. would also be interesting to see someone explore the possible neurodivergency presented in the film, i don't know if this is me projecting but all three seem possibly nd and i love that!
thank you!!! thats very sweet of you to say and as always it gets to me when i see people enjoying my blog. honestly at this point im not trying to curate a fandom im just trying to have fun with this movie lol, but its nice you think that. oh and im so happy youre a sloane fan and do want people to delve deeper with her character, and i should be doing more of that too, but for now i can link you with a few posts on my blog i think you'll enjoy! mostly from my friend zoe who was like so passionate about the movie and sloane's character and making fbdo headcanons, she was an absolute talent at that seriously i love her posts to death (if ur wondering where you can find them theyre at her old blog @fbdo1986 , she's cooled down on making stuff for the movie recently but i know it still holds a special place in her heart. she currently runs a great 60/70s centered blog at @petecochrans)
a post full of great sloane headcanons
a great post centered on sloane and cameron's disability headcanons
couple of sloane headcanons from a love ask game
a few sloane headcanons from when i participated in that same love ask game
also if you want more canonical sloane content the perfect place to get it from is the original draft of the fbdo screenplay, which im sure were filmed because apparently the original cut of the movie is two and a half hours long so hopefully by some miracle that cut will someday be released. but for now youve got the script, which has SO many good sloane parts in it building up her character, that i wish at least some of was kept in the final product. honestly the script is a mixed bag for me, cause it has some unecessary and awkward bits im glad were cut out, but then there are bits that i really enjoyed that develop sloane's and even ferris' characters more, but on the other hand cameron's character is developed less than in the final movie, and the trio doesnt seem as tight-knit in the script depsite the additional dialogue. then there were a few moments that were needlessly innappropriate and crude (and problematic cause as much as i dont like using that word for how much its been saturated in its use recently its like. accurate here, and reflects some of the movie's problems.) . someday i'll delve into my opinion of it in an essay/post thing but i dont have time or energy for that right now lol, so if you want read the script for yourself and see what you think.
as for the neurodivergency, ive been tempted to talk about it even though im not sure if im neurodivergent, but while ive been suspecting for a while i am i dont think im enough of an authority to talk about it (especially if im not diagnosed). i have seen a stray post here and there of nds headcanoning sloane and cameron as autistic, and ferris as having adhd, which from what i know fits pretty well. you could even say fer has a makeshift stim toy, the rabbit's foot he keeps in his pocket. it's shown he's rubbing it when he's at the bottom of the taxi and nervous about his dad seeing him (he even hands it to cameron for comfort), he's swinging it on its chain when talking to sloane and cameron after the parade while waiting for the car, and again he's shown rubbing it when he's saying goodbye to sloane toward the end.
anyway thank you so much for the ask, hope the answer is satisying enough :)
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hpoelzig · 4 years
Danny Elfman: Concert Music
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I first became aware of Danny Elfman in 1985 when I went to see PEE-WEE’S BIG ADVENTURE. While I had seen Pee-wee Herman perform his delightfully odd standup on TV, I was excited to see what he’d do with a full-length feature, and I was not disappointed. The tale of a boy and his bike was supported by music that amazed me. Scoring comedy is very difficult, and here was a composer, with clear roots in Bernard Herrmann, knocking it out of the ballpark with the perfect quirky musical accompaniment for Pee-wee’s epic cross-country quest. I next noted Elfman’s work in 1989, deftly underpinning Tim Burton’s sweeping BATMAN, wherein a driving, leitmotiv-driven score perfectly captured The Dark Knight, his nemesis, The Joker, and the milieu of Gotham itself. And thus began my love of this very skilled and prolific composer’s works. I began looking for his name as composer when movies were released, for I knew there’d at least be a fine score, even if the film wasn’t otherwise fully up to snuff, likely with a soundtrack album to enjoy by itself. The many soundtrack CDs in my library composed by Elfman are often in rotation. They have provided me with hours of fulfilling listening.
To my surprised delight, in 2006 I discovered Serenada Schizophrana, commissioned by the American Composer’s Orchestra and written in 2004—Elfman’s first exploration of writing a concert piece for orchestra. It is a quirky suite of six movements and lasts about 42 minutes. In the program notes he presents quite clearly that his influences include Bernard Herrmann, Nino Rota, Dimitri Tiomkin, Max Steiner, Erich Korngold, Sergei Prokofiev, Igor Stravinsky, Béla Bartók, Dmitri Shostakovich, Carl Orff, Kurt Weill, Duke Ellington, Harry Partch and Philip Glass. Much like Herrmann often did, the large orchestra (including voices) is used both selectively and deftly amongst the movements for coloristic purposes. The entire ensemble does not continually play, but various instruments are called-out to match the mood for each separate movement. There’s an almost Lewis Carroll sensibility in the progression of ideas—whimsical, perky, but at times ominous and even threatening. A unique beginning!
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In 2008, Elfman was commissioned to write a ballet score for Twyla Tharp: “Rabbit and Rogue.” Once again, in six movements there’s a wide range of styles and colors to be found, of particular interest is the Gamelan sensibility which evokes the earlier works of Colin McPhee, and there are even ragtime piano passages! This piece is about 46 minutes in length and certainly the aficionados of his film scores will find familiar riffs and textures, but these flow in an ongoing stream of propulsive ideas that clearly could provide the impetus for dancing.
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2017 was the year in which Elfman’s Violin Concerto “Eleven Eleven” was composed and premiered. Violinist Sandy Cameron brought her technical expertise to the composer so he could craft a piece that was both playable and challenging for the soloist—as is expected of a fine concerto. The title is derived from the fact that the piece is 1,111 measures long, and that corresponds to the fact that the composer’s surname means the “11th man” in German. It is a hefty work of four movements that lasts over 50 minutes, and, that Elfman listened to many violin concerti but was primarily drawn to those by Prokofiev and Shostakovich, is heard quite clearly by a knowledgable listener. The orchestra is huge and there’s even a cadenza in the second movement for violin and percussion. It does not end with an upbeat finale, as is often the case with traditional concerti, but comes to a massive climax and then retreats to the dark, pensive mood of the opening. 
In his liner notes to the recording of this concerto, Elfman explains that his compositional goal is to create a fusion between 20th-century “post-Romanticism” with the rhythms and harmonies of late 20th-century classical works. He has stated that he loves a challenge and feels that writing concert music that follows his continually evolving and gear-shifting musical “stream of consciousness” is liberating, and a way to bring the worlds of listeners to concert and film music together. His concert scores clearly bear his film scores’ musical characteristics, but he works to bring a complexity and structure to these efforts that can satisfy those who enjoy the great masters of classical music. That’s a hell of a challenge, but Elfman is evolving quite well to meet this concept and crafting some potent tonal music that goes from the intimate to the opulent.
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I also note some Mahlerian influences, but that could have come in via both Shostakovich and Korngold, who were both deeply studied in Mahler’s works. There are even some aspects of Leonard Bernstein, in the jazzy flavor and rapidly shifting meters and uneven beats in measures, as well as some characteristics of the richly scored works of Respighi, particularly his manic “Feste Romane.” Ultimately, Elfman has distilled these many influences into a style that, in its almost schizophrenic progression, immediately is recognizable as his own, and that is a hallmark of a great composer.
The Piano Quintet, premiered in 2018, is a more intensely intimate work in which once again the shade of Herrmann hovers over the typical blend of Elfman’s circus of rapidly shifting ideas. There was also a Percussion Quartet premiered in 2019, which I’ve not yet heard. Via BMI in March of 2019, Elfman announced his upcoming roster of concert works:
“I have accepted a symphonic commission for the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain for next summer’s Proms festival in London 2020. Should be wild! One hundred and sixty-five extremely talented young musicians, all on stage together. I’ve also accepted a concerto for percussion and orchestra written for Colin Currie who’s an amazing British percussionist, to be played with the London Philharmonic Orchestra in London, spring of 2021. I’m also hoping to finalize plans for a cello concerto that I’m super excited about, but it’s not finalized yet. I’m also working on a “semi-secret” personal project that involves a chamber orchestra and my own voice.”
So, there is much to look forward to for the concert hall from this remarkable composer, who’s progress reversed the course of one of his influencers—Erich Korngold (1897-1957). Korngold began as a child prodigy, writing concert music and operas and eventually, after escaping the Nazis and settling in Hollywood, he became one of the most influential masters of film scoring. His concertos for violin and cello as well as his powerful Symphony have been both recorded and played in concert halls with increasing frequency as time passes. 
I have hopes that Elfman might try his hand at a symphony at some point, though a concerto for orchestra might more likely suite his temperament—rather like Bartók’s masterful effort from 1943 which in five movements has a similar gamut of moods and colors as one now finds in Elfman’s efforts. Its timing of close to 40 minutes is also in the realm of Elfman’s current compositions. But, I could also see him writing something along the lines of Mahler’s Symphony No. 3. That six movement symphony is a vast canvas using a huge orchestra and vocal soloists to depict an evolutionary progression from insensate Nature through the evolution of plants and animals to the arrival of human consciousness and both the sorrows and ecstasies inherent in our species. The movements vary wildly in mood and in orchestration, and the work lasts roughly 105 minutes, being one of the longest symphonies in the standard repertoire. I suspect, if Elfman could find the right subject matter to inspire his thinking, that he too might create something along those lines in scope and scale. Whatever he is moved to create, I’ll be eager to hear all that he produces, for he is certainly a master musician who works very hard to compose pieces that will challenge, thrill, and, in so many ways, deeply move his listeners. I’m certain his film and concert scores will be cherished for many years to come.
—Peter H. Gilmore 
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all-mirrors · 4 years
i was tagged by @gloria-gloom to shuffle my playlist and list 20 songs that come up, and then tag 10 people. thank you so much!! <3
1. jubilee street - nick cave & the bad seeds 2. texas sun - khruangbin & leon bridges 3. kyoto - phoebe bridgers 4. fade into you - mazzy star 5. atmosphere - joy division 6. chateau lobby #4 - father john misty 7. born to run - bruce springsteen 8. i dare you - the regrettes 9. what it is - angel olsen 10. everyday - weyes blood 11. last night i dreamt that somebody loved me - the smiths 12. divorce - alex cameron 13. everytime the sun goes down - sharon van etten 14. anyways - arctic monkeys 15. pink rabbits - the national 16. betty - taylor swift (yeah i know, let me live, please) 17. two slow dancers - mitski 18. paper bag - fionna apple 19. no - fontaines d.c. 20. umorna - ekatarina velika
oh god, why does this playlist feel like such a self-drag?? :/ anyway, i tag @exorcisur, @forgotten-footsteps, @betterlookoutbelow, @morganlepelican, @khaleesiis, @schmerzlich, @gloomy-afternoon, @cinderella-tek
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harmonytre · 3 years
Comic Plans
Current Projects:
Prismtale (Mondays): An Undertale AU involving NPCs and multiverse travelling. Multi-chapter comic and ongoing.
Mistbreak (Tuesdays): A Steven Universe AU with about 5 pages left of the comic. Then it will become an ask/drabble/design blog.
Flicker of a Neon Soul (Wednesdays): An Undertale AU where monsters have colored soul traits and humans have white soul traits. 10+ chaptered comic with many plans and plot.
Taffy and Steven (Thursdays): A Steven Universe where Steven and his gem are split into different people and Taffy is a wholesome boyo. One page left of the comic, then will become an ask/edit blog with occasional comics.
Future Fandom Projects:
Pokemon Nuzlocke Comics: Multiple regions and an overarching plot. I need to finish playing and writing the first arc before starting the comic. (long term)
Who I Am: A Pokemon comic where James from Team Rocket is a were-pokemon. I need to rewrite it first. About 7 to 8 chapters. (medium length)
Other Undertale AUs: Certain AUs will be revealed in Prismtale and turn into side blogs, and others will be one time comics. (varies)
Future Original Projects:
(One of these I want to make extremely interactive. Like the audience makes choices for the characters.)
Phantulfurs: A comic about teens with powers to see creatures no one else can. I’ve rewritten the first chapter multiple times, but I need to really write it out before starting the comic. About ten arcs. (long term)
Skryculars: A sequel to the above story. (medium length)
The Journeyers: A multi-book series with my cousin. About ten books. Involves animals, powers, and romance. Won’t give information beyond that. (long term)
Unnamed Animated Series: Still need to design the two main characters, but they’ll travel through many worlds from my dream world. (long term youtube series)
Unnamed Wings Story: Decided many many characters for a high school story with wings. Lots of diversity and LGBTQ. Problem is I don’t like writing high school stories and have no plot. ;^; (medium? short?)
Unnamed Long Term Comic: A story about a space girl with wings, a nonbinary person that can shapeshift and communicate with animals, twins with water and plant powers, and an angsty wholesome skeleton bean. No plot yet. (long term)
Short Term (below the cut, any catch your interest?)
(keep in mind many of these I wrote the descriptions for years ago or based off of dreams.)
“Orphan Dog” and “Martha’s Pack” An orphan finds out she can talk to dogs and realizes they are the key to finding her missing parents. (Wrote when I was 8, rewrote partially when I was 13. So very cheezy. Would be even cheezier if I didn’t rewrite it, but still drew quality serious art XD.)
“The Agency” A girl named Jill has secrets. Major secrets. For one, she can turn into any animal at will including extinct, Fantasy, or hybrids. Don’t forget that she can also turn invisible and do telepathy. (Not to mention she runs an entire secret animal spy community…) When her best friend and spy ally, Izabella the opossum, goes missing, she must find what it means to be a true friend and showing that it’s what’s inside that counts. (Actually liked this one too. Even if it’s also cheezy.)
1. “Moos” A boy is adopted by cows and is granted the power to understand animals and turn into a cow.
2. “Moos: Vile Meat” Hoover is back and he must defeat the evil Haystack, a human entrapping calfs in little domes for eternity.
3. “Moos: Cold Cuts” Hoover finds a new ally, one who creates...snow?
4. “Moos: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey” Haystack is back and Hoover and his friends must defeat him before he turns all pigs into stone. (Cheezy series?)
“Extraordinaries” Emma, her friend, Millie, her brother, Clark, and her dog, Charlie, have to travel to a faraway land to save Emma’s mother, who has been poisoned. Along the way Emma and the team must find how to deal with their newfound powers of Imagination. (This one was also pretty good! A story from Nanowrimo a few years ago.)
“The Hummingbird Did It” A hummingbird turns a lazy boy into a dog. The boy must venture across country to find the cure. (Was kinda boring and just me having fun with google maps lol.)
“Sunshine and Rainbows” A girl is taken to another world by rainbow dust and must find her way back to Earth. (Can’t actually remember this one.)
“Nature’s Lifeforce” A boy and girl are given the power to turn into any woodland creature and talk to trees. (Also can’t remember, but sounds cool.)
“Ravens” A girl named Hannah, a boy named Billy, a boy named Cameron, a girl named Lyla, and a boy named Clark, among other students, have their wishes come true. This creates a problem as Cameron becomes a dog, Lyla becomes a cat and Hannah and Billy become ravens. They fix the problem for everyone except Hannah and Billy, but embark on an adventure to find the scientist who can help them. (Based on a dream, I think.)
“Dragon wings” Hiccup and Toothless accidentally sit down someplace weird. They switch bodies and Toothless claims to have heard someone press a button. (ASDFGHJKL WHAT?! HTTYD short story)
“Melody Dreambubble” A weird new pony arrives in Ponyville. Twilight is curious to find that she has no Cutie Mark, was raised by wolves, and bears mysterious powers. (My Little Pony, kinda self insert, short story)
“Eyes of Gold/The Tower” A Fan Fiction based on The Ever Afters series and two stories rolled into one. Rory finds that her two best friends have been poisoned by a new dragon species/As Rory is about to enter a tower to save Chase a random girl shows up out of nowhere and has a weird habit of annoying Adelaide. (Was my first ever self insert? And based on a book series unlike the rest? Cool! Oh I even wrote ten whole pages! Neat. Featuring a girl chasing a dragon with a bedpan!)
“Roadkill” A man purposely runs over a deer on a freeway. The deer’s best friend curses the man, later to regret it because he has to undo the curse himself. (Lol, this was interesting.)
“Melissa and Steven Started a Food Fight” A completely random book that takes the characters through an adventure of explosions, unicorns, and talking squirrels. (Used a random prompt generator. Very random. And funny.)
“Before it’s Gone” A snooty teen crashes in her car and finds a surprise when she wakes up. (Oh yeah, another old story. She turned into a dog and none of the other dogs believed her.)
“The Unicorn Killer” A short story about poachers and Julia. (Yep. Short story.)
1. “Feathers of Gold” A logical young bird griffin, Gabriel, wants to find a way to stop to war between bird and lion in his land, Genetica.
2. “Scales of Emerald” A shy young dragon, Emmie, tries to keep her land, Reptilia, from destruction.
3. “Hair of Crystal” A brave young unicorn, Crystal, tries to find a way to join together the leaders of the land of Equinsta.
4. “Flames of Ruby” A vain young phoenix, Flaxter, tries to capture the eyes of girls. Taken place in the land of Flamia.
5. “Gems Unite” Gabriel, Emmie, Crystal, and Flaxter find out they are The Gems, the only ones who can save their world, Animagicia, from the beings, called Humurns, that are trying to destroy it. They must come together and find who they truly are. (Might have fun with this series. I’ve always loved mythical animals.)
“The Distance from Sam” An 8 year-old St. Bernard named Barry, a 3 year-old Golden Retriever named Mick, and a 1 year-old Sheltie named Sandy set off to return to their owner Sam, after being kidnapped and sent across country. (Kinda like Homeward Bound. Came in mind when I saw these three dogs alone by a street, no humans around.)
“The Skilled” Andy and Ashley(both fifteen) and their eight year-old siblings, twins Alex and Alexa, gain powers from the sewers. All: understand animals and fly, Andy: talk to toys, Ashley: speak to plants, Alex and Alexa: psychic powers. “I used to think my toys would come to life when I was gone. I guess I was right.”-Andy. Based on a dream. (Too many “A” names, oof. Also, toy Story much?)
“The Moon’s Eye” A teenage girl named April gets trapped under a snow drift and wakes up to be a wolf. A nearby wolf pack needs her aid and calls her The Mooneye, a changeling. (Cool. Cool.)
“Unusual Forces of Omnipotence” A woman and her horse are supposedly crushed by a U.F.O. When Tanaya wakes up she finds out she has super strong senses and can run as fast as her horse. Pluto the alien knows he’s going to be in trouble if his planet finds out he crash landed and accidentally gave a human the powers of her horse. He tries to fix it. Told from Tanaya, Sunray (the horse), and Pluto’s point of view. Based on a dream. (Sounds interesting! Title came from before I knew UFO was an acronym lol.)
“The Lawn” Unknown to humans, a yard full of statues come alive at night. There is an elk, two bears, four buffalo, a wolf, an eagle, three horses, a small boy, a moose, a bighorn sheep, and a rabbit. (Based on a real lawn I’d see on the way to school.)
“Dragon Eyes” Max has an ordinary life, until his family, him, and his three friends, Alice, Peter, and Samuel, are transported to another world. His parents are then kidnapped and they have to fight against an evil Mother Nature. Based on a dream. (Interesting. The dream was freaky.)
“Sweet Treat” Emily’s dad works at a candy factory, and one day she visits him and realizes his work is not all it seems… Based on a dream. (What? I don’t remember what was different about his work???)
“The Flight of the Supernatural” Randy thinks he is mostly a normal kid. Sure, he and his dad live inside a mountain, and sure, some flying species of human killed his mother, that doesn’t mean he can’t live normal life homeschooling and watching TV. But unfortunately, Randy’s life turns around when he finds out he can fly. Is his father telling the truth? Did his own species kill his mother? Based on a dream. (Actually REALLY loved this story.)
“Whispering Willow” A girl named Willow helps 20 wolf cubs escape a pet store and then is recruited by a zoo. Pretty soon all of the animals know her as Whisper. Based on a dream. (Cool. another animal whisperer.)
“The Invasion of Our Minds” Little black aliens invade Earth and only one person can stop them: Julia. Based on a dream. (Oh RIGHT! Yeah I remember that.)
“The Marble Island(Possibly a short story?)” Julia goes on a trip to a new marble island only to find the owner turns people into stone figurines. Based on a dream. (Links to the previous story, I think.)
“Have some candy!” Violet, an expert on strange occurrences, needs to help a group of people who mysteriously turned into animals after attempting to grab candy bars from a bin in a local store. Based on a dream. (More animal transformation.)
“The Guide to Mythical Creatures I Made Up” A guide to everything from the Mystic Melody to the Gollan. (I don’t remember either of their designs! :P )
“Trying to Get Back to Mom” Michael and Annabelle meet new friends, while they frantically try to reunite with their mother. (Don’t remember.)
“Surprise of the Future” Pearl travels to the future and has to fight her now-evil brother in his stone mansion. (Not Pearl from SU. Based on a dream.)
“All for You” A man has to overcome many obstacles, such as mermaids, yellow smoke wolves, and magic maps, to save the world and his girl. (Oh yeah, this was a cool one. Based on a song, but I can’t remember which one.)
“The Stranger at the Door” Keith and Amber have lived with their grandmother for many years, but now they live alone and nobody knows. Then a strange girl arrives at the door. She claims they will have to leave town within 2 hours or risk being stuck in a quarantine zone. There will be traffic jams and other hindrances, so it's best to leave right now without taking anything with you. Unsure about everything, including this strange girl, the teenage boy disagrees to the proposal, if all this turns out to be true, this choice will seem foolish. His younger sister does agree. But what if this strange girl can't be trusted. Or what if all this is an elaborate trap. How could an ordinary teenage girl and boy end up in a situation like this. Time to find out. (Oh, a quarantine story? How long ago was this? 2017 I think.)
“The Beginning of the Hybrid Brothers” A backstory that shines a light on how Ralph the Rat-Man and Dr. Discord came to be evil. (YES, MY TWO VILLAINS NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT BUT ARE STILL DEAR TO MY HEART HNNNNNNNG.)
“Unnamed but same as the blank” A girl named, _____, lives in a family of nine. She and her mother are the only ones who aren’t “Morhumals”, or people who can turn into one animal. After the twins mess-up and send a “Morhumals” hunter after them, it is up to ___ and her sister, ____ to rescue them.
“Song of the Siren” ____ is back after her fourteenth birthday. She finally has received her animal and must follow her family to the mythed Siren hideout.
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So......I saw a bunch of reblogs of Jenna Coleman in period clothing on my dash & immediately thought @fictionxlover is at it again but then I looked properly at the post & was shocked it’s you lmao
Lol. I feel like I should explain.
So I recently got a month’s free trial of Britbox over here, and while the catalogue is lacking the stuff I wanted to watch (that’s on US Britbox), I got it regardless to watch some stuff on it and it recommended me ITV’s 2012 miniseries of Titanic, which I haven’t watched since it originally aired back in 2012.
Now all I ever really remembered from the series apart from the Titanic sinking becuase its the Titanic, was that the miniseries had a high budget, high production, Julian Fellowes of Downton Abbey fame and high expectations which it didn’t live up to ratings and critically wise. But also all I ever remembered all these years was Jenna and Glen’s storyline as Annie and Paolo.
Like this was back when Jenna was Jenna-Louise Coleman and the only thing I had seen her in was her short stint as a student in Waterloo Road, I think that was in 2009? 2010?
So anyway, for the nostalgia for Annie and Paolo and how much I loved them in a short time, and also cause I watched a Laurence Fishburne documentary about the behind the scenes of the Titanic (which made me mad at people).
And I decided that when I was gonna watch this I wasn’t gonna get attached because I know what happens to Annie and Paolo (especially Paolo) and I’m like, I’m older now. I’m not gonna cry.
So 14 year old me only cried once, and that was when Spoiler! A lifeboat picks up Paolo and by the time it goes back to the other lifeboats where Annie is, she realises he’s dead and is like “We we’re gonna get married. I hope he knew that. I hope he knew I loved him”.
2021 me was getting chills in episodes 1 and 2, emotional in episode 3, which had most of the Annie/Paolo scenes so it was just the knowledge. And episode 4, I was a wreck. And this time I was crying over different storylines.
So three times I broke down in the episode.
1) When The Irish dad from Steerage manages to find his little girl (she jumped off a lifeboat onto the ship and left her mother and siblings because she’s afraid of the water and the lifeboat splitting) and he tries to open the gate to go up the stairs because he found her by a stairwell, but he can’t. So he’s like here’s what we are going to do. We are gonna sit here and hug and she’s like what about the water, and he’s like don’t worry about the water.
It was just that moment he realised that he can’t get his daughter out. Cause with him being a man, he probably thought there was a good chance he wouldn’t make it but wanted to make sure his fam did. But the realisation his daughter can’t be saved...I mean I don’t know why he couldn’t get out the way he came from but it was still sad.
2) Barnes/Watson. So they are the servants of a first class family. And Barnes has this affection for Watson, it’s like a playground pull her pigtails kind of affection. And it’s how made sure to find her and save her then gave her and letter of his appreciation. And we don’t see his body, the last we see of him is when the Titanic starts sinking and a lot we’re trying to hold on the collapsible that they wasn’t about to turn in time. But we never see him again but we get Watson reading his letter on the lifeboat where it’s revealed to contain his Will which had been witnessed by two passengers and he’s pretty much given everything to her (not much) and that there’s a small cottage for her father to live in and all he asks is that she thinks of him sometimes.
3) Then as you can guess, anytime Paolo appears and then when Annie finds Paolo and it’s too late. Also his brother Mario survives and I loved the brief relationship we see of the Sandrini brothers but Mario didn’t have a subplot, not like Paolo.
I would watch a spin-off around Annie and Paolo where a Londoner and Italian immigrate to America in the early 20th century, trying to make it big and start a new life. They were both such innocent characters, Paolo with his big dreams, wanting a better life while Annie doesn’t have dreams and is content with what she has and makes the best of a situation.
The miniseries as a whole, isn’t the best telling of the Titanic. There are too many characters and subplots going on and it’s all brief. Plus because it’s a Fellowes piece you have Class issue. Like the problem was the First Class stuff was the weakest stuff and that opened the series. The lowest class stuff (The workers, officers, the Irish family and servants of first class) was more interesting.
Also it was how Fellowes decided to tell the story. So the first three episodes tell the same days (From boarding the ship to hitting the iceberg) but from different perspectives, so the first episode focuses on the First class, the second episode is more Second Class (and a bit of steerage) then the third episode is more Steerage.
So because of this method of storytelling to try and be fresh, it kind of doesn’t work because everything is rushed. Because everyone only gets one episode with significant develop and it takes across 4-5 days and it just feels rushed whereas it could have been paced more across the 4 episodes. Like I would have liked more Annie/Paolo. And they don’t feel rushed even though they meet and Paolo proposes cause you feel like he’s an innocent, naive character, like he feels like he knows she is right for him and doesn’t want to waste time. Then Barnes/Watson they have that backstory and is more what’s between the lines with them. But then you have this romance storyline between the fictional Georgiana and the real life Harry Widener and it falls flat and feels rushed as they are sharing love declarations so quickly. While the subplot with the Steerage Irish wife being so cold to this man in Steerage then later on it’s revealed that it’s because she and him have an attraction and feelings and kiss, it feels very left field and I felt zero chemistry. Plus he turns out to be a cop killer on Wanted posters.
Like for that kind of storytelling with only 4 episodes, there are too many characters to follow. Like it would have probably been better to tell the story with every episode covering a day on the Titanic.
I will say this it did feel a bit more real rewatching that I do watching the James Cameron film in recent times. Cause the 1997 film is kinda lost in the epic romance of Jack and Kate and a lot of fictional characters. But the miniseries, I think the romance and drama is more subdued, the only one that felt a bit off for me was the serial killer and wife of an Irish fam falling in love/being attracted to each other. Like the scenes were they try to get passengers off the titanic and the political power plays, the mistakes made by the Titanic crew in dealing with the disaster as well as preparing for its maiden voyage, and the moment the ship starts to go down the water starts hitting the deck, it felt a bit more realistic and less spectacle than the Cameron film.
And I haven’t rewatched Titanic the film recently but I liked how they addressed the actions of some of the real life people like Ismay jumping on a lifeboat last minute to save himself. Molly Brown and the women taking charge of a lifeboat and turning back for more survivors, Lightoller getting passengers on the boat and trying to get women and children first, and also the mistakes made with the first boat not being full. Him being afraid boats might split. Then when the ship sank the men holding on and climbing on top the overturned collapsible. Jack Thayer and this other guy agreeing to jump and swim to a boat as soon as it starts to sink. And then the Duff-Gordon’s (I believe that’s there name) deciding not to go back to look for more survivors and bribing the sailor and all the people on their half-empty lifeboat with £5 each if they don’t go back. The only one I wasn’t big on was Harry Widener’s rushed romance with a fictional character.
Anyway I’ve gone off. I mentioned to Autymn that I started rewatching it and I think she’s never seen it or heard of it despite claiming to be a period hoe and a Jenna stan. I think after episode 2 I was telling her a bit more about my nostalgia for Annie and Paolo or Desdrini as I’m coining it now (It’s either that or Pannie or Sandmond), and how I know it’s not gonna end well. Then by episode 3 I was recapping why was going on cause she lost it at the serial killer cop killer reveal with one of the characters, and then I was wondering if their was gifs, clips or pics on Tumblr because I wanted to explain how cute they were and how pure Paolo was and how he was too innocent to die. And off I went into the rabbit hole sending them to her and also reblogging it.
Now I’ve gone down that rabbit hole, while it’s great to see Jenna thriving in British TV dramas in more leading roles now and not supporting. I can’t watch anything of Glen’s cause most of his stuff is Italian and not on Netflix etc and a lot of his TV roles are more recurring or guest roles. Not much leading etc. Who knows, maybe if the show was a bigger success, more opportunities might have come out of it.
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just-michael799 · 3 months
Furry Michael Is Dwarf😰
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aethuviel · 4 years
Real life Na’vi tribe, the Blue Moon Tribe, and realistic goals of going off-grid
In late 2009, James Cameron’s “Avatar” film came, and with it, the Avatar-related forums. There were Avatar forums, Tree of Souls, and Learn Na’vi.
While the film made an impression on me in terms of its world-building and aesthetic beauty, it did not challenge my view on lifestyle or give me ideas on how to live in the future.
But for some, it did. It was in August of 2010 that I (then nineteen years old) was reading around on the aforementioned Avatar boards, where there was a very(!) lengthy (I believe 50+ pages by the time I found it?) thread regarding the idea of making your own “Na’vi-style” tribe, as a lifestyle.
I read the first few pages and thought “Ha! Fun idea, but I could NEVER-” I kept reading. It took me two whole days to read the entire thing. I went from “maybe I could do it during the summers during the seasonal idea they are discussing, but I couldn’t live forever without my books-” to “I WANT TO DO THIS”.
At nineteen, I was at a standstill in life and had no idea where to go from there. All I knew before this was that I wanted to live in the countryside, but I had no idea and no help on how to make this a reality.
This was something completely new to me, that seemed extremely appealing. I had actually watched Into the Wild just a few months prior, but had no inspiration from it (maybe because it was Alaska, then completely unappealing to me, and the poor guy did starve to death).
By the time I found them, the thread had been broken off into its completely separate, non-Avatar-related forum. They were very clear that while Avatar forums is where they met and were inspired, the project was a serious thing and had nothing to do with “larping” or trying to live literally like Na’vi. The forum was called “the Revolutionists”, better name pending.
The oldest member, who also had the server to the new forum and was one of the most active members, was 37 at the time. The youngest was only 15, and I’d say the average age was around 21. We numbered around 15-20 committed members.
The knowledge was great among some of the members, talking about permaculture, water and waste systems, et cetera. A chat room was set up, and while we had some structured meet-ups in there, there was almost always someone there.
I was extremely inspired, but knew nothing, so I mostly stayed silent, read and listened. Over the next year, I consumed everything I could find regarding “tribal living” or “going back to the wild”. Even then, in 2011, the internet was a much smaller place than today, and it was very hard to find decent resources.
Eventually, in a live chat, the name “Blue Moon Tribe” was decided on for the group. “BMT” had a lot of ideas, some of which I’ll list to give an easy overview...
Permaculture, not pure hunter-gatherer, as it is not feasible today
Hunting for meat, as raising meat animals was never considered
Animals like dogs and horses would be allowed
Funding/permission for the project by allowing researchers to study us as a “social experiment”, as surely this has not been attempted before?
Firearms vs just archery were lightly debated, but as far as I remember, never settled on
Hanggliders and other means of flying were discussed quite a bit, inspired by the Na’vi “Ikran”, but put into reality by perhaps being used to survey forest for the government (essentially as another means of being permitted “stewardship” of a piece of land rather than buying it)
Permanent life, including children and birth control were discussed at some length
We would live in a firm spot, with some sort of permanent structures
An enormous piece of land would be required, due to having to live largely off of hunting - we actually never calculated this very well (how much meat/person/year, how many animals per acre, etc.), but estimated it at 1000+ acres for a reasonable size tribe of ~20 people. This was one of the two ultimate death blows of the project.
Where in the world would it be? Members lived everywhere from the US and UK to Sweden, Germany, Chile, the Philippines, and more countries. Visa requirements for anyone moving would be daunting. I really tried researching this, but it never went anywhere, and it was the second death blow to the project. Never a set location. (In hindsight, it would be best to just aim on the US and be done with it. Or two locations, one American and one European.)
I went from being a very quiet student in the beginning, to becoming one of the leaders in “keeping it going”, when things seemed difficult, by keeping writing new threads, and trying to solve our most pressing problems - money (for buying land) and where to move.
I researched almost every country imaginable, made in-depth charts of my research, and felt most like some of the more well-off Latin American countries would fit us best, like Panama, Argentina or Mexico. A problem with tropical countries is that they often ban hunting. Spain could also be a good fit.
Note that while I researched most of the world (including southern Africa and all of southeast Asia), I excluded most of Europe, as after growing up in northern Sweden with winters easily going below -20C, I thought I loved the heat. :D (Oh I learned after visiting Tbilisi in July...)
My focus wasn’t all selfish, of course, and growing seasons were much better in warmer climates. Mostly, we(!) focused on the subtropics.
But the years passed, and nothing happened. Not even the real life meeting we had discussed.
There was another group, meanwhile, that had been inspired from the same Avatar source, but had remained on its forum, Learn Na’vi - we called this the “real life Na’vi tribe”, with no official name. I was active on this forum as well, mostly to help, as I saw myself joining this project in real life unlikely, but if they succeeded first, maybe I would.
Overall, this other project was far less organized, with more “casuals” coming for a week and then leaving (both projects had this problem early on, in 2010), less structure and dare I say, less maturity. Some mature voices pitched in, but they mostly had no personal interest at all, they simply wanted help people keep their feet on the ground.
In the beginning, some really outlandish ideas were suggested, and it had a far greater focus on NA’VI RE-ENACTMENT, even though this faded in favor of... reality. Obviously no one is going to spend their entire life living like fictional aliens from a movie.
Reducing the project to a simple summer camp was discussed, as well as the idea of separating it - not in locations, but having two parallel projects in the same location. One would be the “true” tribal life, and then an ecovillage nearby for a “softer” approach. I urged them to go for the ecovillage, period,  but it was ditched altogether instead.
This group seemed less happy with having animals, even horses (though I joked to myself, “Hey, even the Na’vi have horses?”), but the focus was still on a huge plot of land for hunting.
After a few years of doing even more poorly than BMT, the entire forum category on the Learn Na’vi forum was locked, due to inactivity. The project had officially failed.
For BMT meanwhile, members kept falling away. Someone realized he didn’t want to leave his country and have to speak English for the rest of his life. Someone else found a career they wanted to focus on. Someone else joined the army. Life happened, we were mostly 18-24 year olds, and did not have as much foundation in our idea as we thought.
When I “left” in early 2015, there were maybe 3-4 of us left in a different chatroom, as our entire forum had been taken down by hackers, and it was never reinstated. (Oh how I grieve this, as while the project is dead, there were droves of great information on it. The original thread on Avatar forums that birthed the project is also gone, as the entire forum is down.)
I was clear that I didn’t leave the plans to have an off-grid lifestyle, only Blue Moon Tribe, as it was obviously dead, despite my best efforts to keep it going. (Not to give myself too much credit, I was never a “leader” of the project or by any means the most knowledgeable, but I did take upon myself the role of inspiration and keeping people’s spirits focused.)
I met some of the other members on Tree of Souls later, where there was a thread with people asking what happened with these projects. It all basically ran off in the sand, as we say in my language.
It’s been almost six years since I left, why talk about it now? Because I keep thinking about it. What happened, why it died, and what we could have done instead.
First off, I would not join this project today.
This project taught me that off-grid life was a thing, and not just a dream, but a feasible lifestyle. I had never heard of it before finding the then still unnamed Blue Moon Tribe.
I am still very actively working on my off-grid future, but it is a very different lifestyle from the one these groups planned.
During 2015, when I went complete lone wolf and planned it only for myself, I downsized and downsized until I (reluctantly) realized a few acres is all you need. Most hunters (and I still do plan on hunting) don’t own their own acreage. You can hunt for food without owning the hunting land.
While I was completely fine with hunting, I felt extremely squeamish with killing animals I raised myself. After watching enough YouTube videos, I got rid of this fear and decided to have chickens and rabbits as well. I was focusing on Spain, or perhaps Ireland or Croatia, as my off-grid destination.
Later that same year, I met my husband, a man who had dreamed of living in Alaska or the Russian far east since early childhood, and we made our plans for the future together. Our first few weeks meeting in real life were spent staying up late at night, talking for hours and hours, mainly about off-grid life.
During the years before it failed, in 2013 specifically, I found the then phenomenal (it has really gone downhill in recent seasons) TV series “Ben Fogle’s New Lives in the Wild”. So many different people who have found their “wild life”, in so many different locations and ways, from so many different backgrounds and outlooks. It is a gold mine, and I would have drooled over it even more if it existed back in 2011. It would have helped our project tremendously.
During 2011-2012, I also looked up ecovillages. Mostly just for research, to see what they were doing, but also, possibly, to join. (The existence of hundreds upon hundreds of ecovillages made our project members realize BMT’s idea was not that unique and that the “let researchers study us”-idea may not be so feasible...)
I found that, out of ~200 ecovillages I looked up around the Americas and southern Europe, at least half were vegetarian or vegan in their rules, and while the other half permitted meat-eating, not one hunted or raised meat. I found one project in Hawaii (only a single family, no one else yet) that had chickens for eggs and cows for milk, but that’s it. Lots of woo-ey spiritual retreats and that kind of thing, not a lot of long-term living.
Something I learned from New Lives in the Wild, is that while many do this alone or with their family, only a handful of these projects were “communes”, and they were mainly made up of hippie-like, transient young people coming and going. Same with my ecovillage research, I did not find a single true village with families creating a permanent existence.
So, on to my criticism of projects like these, and why they are doomed to fail without much better foundations and goals:
Unstructured/unrealistic goals, as it was the death blow of both projects. We had no real calculations on how much land we would need, for what, and how much money would be needed.
No set location from the get-go. Again, we should have just said “US”, picked a state (as there are tons of resources on this), and let that be that. At least half of the members were American.
Creating a community meant to last is hard. One kind piece of advice I saw on the Real-life Na’vi tribe was that “you won’t be able to make it work without a common spirituality”, and I, as the then diehard atheist, dismissed it straight away, but she was right. Without common cultural/racial/spiritual roots, or a spiritual common goal (”converts”, not as easy as people who have been raised in it, but better than nothing), communities like this will break up. It is just human nature. Without strong foundations in culture and spirituality, there is no “social glue” to keep you together through the decades.
As a side to the same point, most people simply can’t live in these artificial communities long-term. I know now I couldn’t, and I realized that in 2015. I am much too introverted and non-conformist to live in a “group”. We could be neighbors, but anything more than that would feel too “suffocating” for me, and conflicts would be inevitable. I’m also sure some of these members would today be on polar opposites of the political conflict, and so would be unlikely to even get along.
I believe the Blue Moon Tribe could have survived with better resources and better planning, but the major pitfall for its long-term survival (people living together for decades to come) would be its lack of “social glue”.
One of the unofficial “leaders” and the oldest member of the project, left because, as she said, she felt more attached to her homeland the older she got, and could not imagine leaving. She was ten years older then than I am today, and I feel the same way, now in my late twenties.
In my early twenties, I longed for “exotic” and “far away”. I wanted tropics or subtropics in a far away land. Cob houses.
In my late twenties, I long for rustic log cabins in the boreal habitat, as close to home as possible. I have seriously considered Chile, but aside from immigration problems, being so far away on the southern hemisphere with no boreal fauna bothered me as well. I think this is a natural progression through early adulthood.
Years ago, I thought rural Scandinavia was so boring.
Now, I watch videos of those who live this lifestyle in their ancestral village in Sweden, and weep with envy. I can never do that, not just because of the harsh winters, but because I can’t stay in Sweden for legal reasons. (A very important law that has no chance of change in the coming decades, and which makes it impossible for me to stay.)
I now live in Norway, and will probably stay here. My husband and I are currently gathering money - about halfway to our goal so far (we have only been able to actively save money for a year, so this will only take another year or two) - to buy a plot of land, perhaps inland, near the Swedish border - and live our lives there, in the woods, the way we want.
All our dreams won’t be realized, as some dreams are simply meant to stay that way, and the world is no longer free - but it will be as close to paradise as we can make it.
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krissysnow · 4 years
My thoughts on Christmas Detour
It’s that time of year again, the time I look forward to every year…Hallmark movie time!  It only comes twice a year, once for Christmas in July and then again in October-December.  Four months to wet my appetite for over the top holiday decorations, unlikely romance and twenty versions of Pride and Prejudice but then disappears like a mirage in the dessert as soon as January hits.  Why do I love them so much?  Maybe it’s the wholesomeness in a troubled duplicitous world, the reminder of a joyous time when hope and rebirth can begin in the new year, or maybe it’s because I have the same taste in movies as an 80 year old woman surrounded by her cats sipping Darjeeling tea.  But I think what I really love is that they are so deliciously wrought with ridiculousness that breaking them apart adds to the joy and allows me to pretend I don’t enjoy them as much as I do and that I am a sane person and not some hopeless romantic.
So, on my very first post I am going to delve into one of my favorite Hallmark classics, that yes, does reside on my DVR and that is Christmas Detour.  There are many staple Hallmark actresses and becoming the grand dame of them all is Candace Cameron Bure.  She hasn’t aged since her last days as DJ Tanner and her generic approach to play every role the same invites us into each Hallmark movie because she is so familiar and we fall instantly into the new plot like putting on those Christmas pajamas we only take out once a year.  In this movie she plays Paige Summerlind, a writer for a wedding magazine. Which is at least a welcome departure from the usual careers of our Hallmark heroines as party planners and interior designers.  How she makes enough money to not only afford a place in LA but then also offers to buy a bridal magazine for a future bride perusing the magazine rack at the airport is beyond me but I’ll buy into it since weddings are a billion dollar industry.
We immediately get the sense of Paige’s high maintenance and lack of travel knowledge when she tries to bring her vision board on the plane as she books her seat.  What is a vision board? This is equivalent to the bulletin board you had in college that took up half your wall behind your desk.  However, instead of pictures of boy bands, ads for wine coolers, dated mottos and an occasional post-it of a due date from the previous semester, her vision board is filled with frilly ideas for her upcoming nuptials.  Cakes, dresses, flowers, and maybe a tiny picture of her betrothed.  Which brings us to a view of her fiancé, Jack Collins.  We first see Jack at his parents house in what may appear to be some snooty Hampton vacation home with his uppity mother Susan and her husband Neil.  Susan is more interested in her next martini than she is with her stodgy husband.  I adore the actress that plays Susan (Barbara Niven) since she is also featured in many Hallmark movies as the quirky but lovely towns woman.  This is such a departure that I love to see her snark and smirk and booze it up in this holiday flick.  But despite the boozy mom and dad that looks like he’s walking around in overly starched undergarments Jack at first glimpse seems like a devoted fiancé.  As time goes on we realize that Jack has as much personality as a salty olive floating in his mother’s afternoon martini.  That probably the sharpest thing on him is his chiseled chin.
Meanwhile, at the airport and ready to take off for parts of unnamed downstate NY we are introduced to Dylan, an airport bartender that clearly didn’t get picked up for pilot season in LA and was forced to shovel salty snacks and pour weakened drinks for weary travelers.  He’s on his way home to see his family after a hiatus.  He drags his heels like an 8 year old going to church to board the flight and we are intrigued to find out why he would not want to visit a Hallmark haven like we have come to expect.  Next up is Frank and Maxine, a 40 something couple that have been married for twenty years that have grown to have a clear distaste for each other. Hold up Hallmark, say it isn’t so, you expect us to believe a Hallmark couple has grown apart and share a life less than bliss?  Have you taken a momentary lapse into the Lifetime channel?
As luck would have it, Paige and Dylan are seated together and begin the Hallmark push pull relationship of hard to get.  We need to stick with the Hallmark formula of first encounters and wrong impressions and mixed messages ultimately resulting in whirlwind romances making the Bachelor reality show look like a long relationship.  After trading barbs Paige puts on her ear phones to no doubt dream of her picket fence life with Chiseled Chin.  Unexpectedly, a snow storm on the eastern seaboard in December (shocking) forces an emergency landing in the magical land of…Buffalo.
Now, if you’ve been to western NY, Buffalo really isn’t your Hallmark destination, and being from upstate NY myself my half frost bit ears perked up.  Incidentally, Candace’s sister-in-law is from Buffalo.  I know this because there was a flurry of rumor spreading through the mall I worked at in the 90’s that Candace, her brother Kurt and his girlfriend were walking through on their way to visit the girlfriend’s (now wife) family. Alas, they never visited the Limited store I worked at, they probably had enough stirrup leggings to last a lifetime.  But here we are, in cold Buffalo, waiting for the weather to clear up for the planes to take off again.  First of all, airports in western NY rarely close and snow doesn’t last an hour, it lasts longer than a Hallmark movie season.  
Paige frantically calls Chiseled Chin to tell her of her bad luck and ever the devoted fiancé, Chiseled mentions that perhaps she should’ve checked the radar before leaving. Perhaps the rocket scientist could’ve looked out the window at his place to maybe warn her they were up to their cummerbunds in snow?  Nevertheless, he warns her that she better make it in time because she would miss meeting his parents who were leaving for an extended cruise the day after Christmas. They were old fashioned after all and needed to lay eyes on their future daughter in law before the wedding in the spring.  That’s some lengthy cruise that they never make landfall before May to rejoin their chiseled son and his bride.  How is it that they work to maintain this lavish lifestyle?  Some Bernie Madoff pyramid scheme? Just what kind of family is our Paige marrying into?  Our heroine is crushed and begins to lose hope as the bitter married couple try to cheer her up.
Dylan rents the only SUV left in western NY (he’s so resourceful that Dylan) and offers to drive them all to their down state destination.  It’s here we begin to see a glimpse into the lives of Frank and Maxine that have been married for 20 years.  Hallmark tries to pass off this 20 year marriage as if it’s 50 years and the stuff of legends.  Considering an average courtship and engagement only lasts 3 weeks in Hallmark time I guess it is an eternity.  But for crying out loud, I have underwear older than dear Frank and Maxine’s marriage. We also find out that Frank and Maxine are on their way to visit their newly married daughter and husband for Christmas in what is going to become a new tradition.  It’s clear Maxine is not liking venturing into the snow and cold and out of her LA comfort zone and is as resentful of her travels as she is of Frank. This is where I become confused at Hallmark’s settling on their being married 20 years.  Why not 25 or 30?  I’m a stickler for numbers and timing so this is where Hallmark got sloppy. Are we to believe that Frank and Maxine lived in sin with an illegitimate child before they were married, or that their daughter was married at 19 and landed in a gorgeous Long Island million dollar home as some famed rich youtuber or marrying someone older?  Perhaps nailing her professor from Sarah Lawrence? I for one am still reeling from the shock of this reality.
As roads sometimes do in NY in winter, they iced up and became too much for the SUV as Dylan swerved to avoid hitting a rabbit Paige thought she saw and they crashed.  Not an end up in the hospital type of crash, but a we’re conveniently stranded for the night kind of fender bender. I can’t tell you the times I drove in NY blizzards and wished that damn rabbit hadn’t jumped out right in front of me.  Those NY rabbits sure love a blizzard and boy are they easy to see in snow.  Looks like we’re sidelined again from getting to Chiseled Chin and Maxine and Frank’s daughter’s youtube mansion.  But as luck would have it there is a quaint Christmas town somewhere between Buffalo and Albany!  If this town exists in upstate NY it’s as imaginary as that rabbit. Our foursome have no choice but to hunker down in a Christmas Inn and stroll the quaint imaginary rabbit town.  As they dine on stale rolls and wander the town that doesn’t seem to realize there is a blizzard going on, Dylan informs Paige he is reluctant to return home because his brother is with his once fiancé.  First an illegitimate daughter and now a sibling tryst, what is Hallmark coming to? I hope there’s a music montage soon to lead us out of this sordidness.
After having to oblige by the sacrosanct rule of kissing underneath the mistletoe in a Christmas movie, Paige is starting to have feelings for our salty snack bartender and less for Chiseled Chin.  She needs to get out of Christmas town before she encounters any more ill placed mistletoe. Dylan, disappointed, drives Frank and Maxine to their daughter’s youtube love nest she shares with her 65 year old Sarah Lawrence professor.  Maxine gifts Dylan not only with a picture of he and Paige but an address where she will be having dinner.  Once out of the car Frank takes a stand and demands Maxine either get on board with a Hallmark marriage or skirt on over to Lifetime or worse yet, TBS.  Maxine appreciating Frank’s boldness agrees and takes the luggage up to whatever hell awaits in the youtube illegitimate daughter’s love nest.
Meanwhile, Paige finally meets her boozy starchy future inlaws.  Boozy immediately insults her off the rack dress that in reality probably set the costume department back a half a Hallmark store.  Boozy and Starchy have plans for the wedding that Paige is not digging.  She clearly has her dream wedding as depicted on her vision board.  She should roll it out with the martinis and see if it flies. Where is that vision board?  Chiseled can’t understand Paige’s reluctance to go along with the Hampton wedding plan and is beginning to wonder if he picked the right woman to share his Hampton beach life.  He asks her to make sure she is prompt as she is to change into yet another cocktail dress to go to dinner at the club.  Why does she need to change out of one four thousand dollar dress for another?  Is half a Hallmark store frock not good enough?
Dylan finally makes his way to his hometown and goes to the door of his house where he is greeted by his mother.  A woman probably only three years older than the actor portraying Dylan.  Are they against employing older actresses or does Hallmark just have a really good botox plan?  Everyone always looks the same age.  Before coming to the door we are treated with a treasure trove of Hallmark products strategically placed, all getting their own close up.  If only I could have the item numbers displayed as well, my house could look like Rudolph took a crap of merriment in my house! But alas, this movie was made in 2015 so it I’ll have to be on the lookout on Ebay. Looks like casting goofed again when we are introduced to Dylan’s brother and fiancé.  Dylan’s brother is about half his height and a few inches shorter than the fiancé the brothers fought over.  And she’s no Lacey Chabert either, they could’ve found a more beguiling actress or at least put her in flats.  Dylan asks mini to join him to get things out of the car.  Dylan offered his congratulations as the brother finds the forgotten vision board.  After seeing the vision board and the not so desirable fiancé, Dylan knows what he has to do.
At the club Paige helps herself to a hot roll and notes how fresh it was unlike the stale roll Dylan had the previous night.  Ugh, how uncouth, she touched the roll.  Where is the waiter to place it on her plate with gold tongs only fit for such wonderous pastry? This Paige is trash.  Boozy offers to have her dress made by none other than famous wedding savant David Tutera. But Paige has no idea who he is. Wow, Paige is looking ditsy too.  She works in the wedding industry but knows nothing about David Tutera? I guess his show didn’t appear on Hallmark so we’ll forgive her. Maybe she blew some neurons trying to squeeze into her second cocktail dress.  Boozy warns her about picking a dress that doesn’t make her look too busty.  Paige looks down as if to see her bosom overflowing in her second cocktail dress. Now Candace is pretty fit and I’d like to have that rocking bod but busty has never been synonymous with DJ Tanner.  Oh thank goodness, here comes Dylan to make an awkward moment even worse by dragging that dumb ass vision board with him.  Paige seeing the picture of them together on the hideous vision board makes her realize it wasn’t the wedding she was after it was the happily ever after.  Seeing she couldn’t make that happen with Chiseled Chin she hands back the ring and goes after Dylan, leaving Boozy, Chiseled and Starchy to gawk at that eye sore of a vision board.  Classy.
Dylan and Paige arrive at his mother’s house.  Hopefully, Paige was able to pick up her luggage at the mansion to avoid any awkward moments.  I’m sure the help lowered their music and stopped their celebrating while Boozy was out of the house to hand Paige her Walmart luggage.  Our last scene has our couple entering the house that Christmas threw up in to meet the cougar mom, mini and his dowdy fiancé to settle in for a Hallmark tradition.  I’m glad they had those two days to really get to know each other, probably a day longer than Frank and Maxine had and they made it twenty years.
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bowlegsandbiceps · 4 years
Top 10 Favourite Characters
I was tagged by @not-a-natural-born-idjit and then flailed because they’re one of my absolute fave writers! (Seriously go to AO3 and read everything right now) 
Rules: list your favorite character from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people
1. Castiel | Supernatural I know I flail a lot about Dean and I love Dean’s face but Castiel is my #1. He’s fierce and brave and impatient and selfless. I don’t know how a being that’s been around for millenia can be innocent but he is. I like how messy he is, and he can be such an effective antagonist without being the big bad. Any friction he has with The Winchesters is from disagreeing on the right course of action and as viewers we can decide who to side with because both are inherently good. It’s their decisions that cause problems and that is a much more compelling narrative than “this thing is just evil.” I ship him with Dean (duh) but also Sam occasionally and I’d honestly love to see some Cas/Rowena action.
2. Hannibal Lecter | NBC Hannibal/Hannibal-verse Long before NBC decided to grace us with the absolute masterpiece that is Hannibal, I have loved this character. I think I was 14 or 15 when I fell down the Thomas Harris rabbit hole and I’ve yet to find a more perfectly crafted psychopath. He’s so refined that you really can believe that no one would suspect him of being the Chesapeake Ripper. His crimes are heinous and many without feeling sensationalized. Harris was originally a crime reporter which I think gave him the ability to ground Hannibal in reality. I really liked how the TV show fleshed out the main points that in the books Clarice Starling and Will Graham continually have to remind people of which is that he does these things to amuse himself. It was really amazing to watch him set up the dominos and then stand back to let everyone else knock them all down. I ship him with Clarice or Alaina mainly but I LOVE me some murder!husbands. It’s the slowest of burns and I will bask in those flames forever.
3. Malcolm Bright | Prodigal Son First of all Tom Payne okay. Second of all, poor, sweet damaged Malcolm. I really like that he has that rich kid air about him but it’s super subtle. He’s obviously very damaged by his father (Martin Whitley is a good example of one of those over the top “legendary” killer characters, though Michael Sheen’s performance REALLY goes a long way to making that believable) and the show doesn’t make his mental illness the forefront of his character. Malcolm works and visits his family and occasionally dates very similarly to any other main character but he’s doing all these things with severe PTSD, anxiety and depression. He’s always portrayed as upbeat and determined to push through any handicaps his mental health issues might cause. There are also times when he can’t and those are shown not by concerned family and friends banding together to throw him in a treatment center but it’s usually him, white-knuckling through it or attempting to work it out on his own which is another extremely realistic portrayal of how people deal with trauma and depression. I ship him with OFC because he and Dani have ZERO chemistry (I’m sorry Brightwell people). I like the IDEA of him and Edrissa but no one is writing it and I can’t even really get MY head around how to write it so I feel this serious urge to PUT HIM WITH SOMEBODY but there’s not been anyone on the show I’ve seen him have real chemistry with yet. 
4. Tyrion Lannister | Game of Thrones I love Tyrion so much. I love him so much I named my cat after him. I loved him so much that I lived in CONSTANT. FEAR. that GRRM was going to kill him off at any moment. I like that despite everyone always thinking the worst of him he still does his best and not even with any intention of proving anyone wrong. He plays into their expectations with the booze and women but deep down he’s got a drive to be fair and especially kind to anyone who’s on the receiving end of pain and humiliation that are undeserved. He’s also fierce and clever enough to deliver crushing judgement and justice when deserved whether its through setting the wheels in motion or wielding the crossbow himself. I ship him with Sansa, shut up I know I just love the idea of them growing to love each other despite the rocky start.
5. Hermione Granger | Harry Potter HP was my first real brush with fandom. Like I’d been a Justin Timberlake fangirl since I was 12 and despite his level of fame the fandom was very small. When I started the series at 17 the breadth of content available was staggering. You could literally find ANY combination of ships you could fathom and it all ran the gamut from fluffy to downright depraved. I also find it interesting that while I like Hermione as a character in the books/movies she is far from my favorite character but she’s literally the only character I stan in the fanfic world of HP. I mainly shipped Hermione with Draco or Snape (forgive me I know it was a simpler time where we ignored everything problematic with certain kinks and narratives) and sometimes Harry. She’s such a strong female character that no matter who you pair her with the dynamic is going to be different and complex. 
6. Peeta Mellark | The Hunger Games While I relate to Katniss on a very personal level, the boy with the bread absolutely fuels my little fangirl heart. The pining from a young age. The complete disregard for his own safety or survival in the games. Selfless and just good to the core, his subsequent torture by the Capitol and Katniss’ carelessness with his feelings is like taking blow after blow. And when they strip his loyalty to Katniss and his district away it’s even more tragic because he was just this sweet kid who had a crush. UGH feels. I ship him with Katniss. I just really can’t see him with anyone else.
7. Alexander Hamilton | Hamilton THIS was one where i just identify SO. HARD. with Hamilton. While I definitely didn’t endure a childhood like his, I did end up transitioning from a blue collar upbringing to a white collar career and experience the same chip on my shoulder and drive to prove myself. And I too write like I am running out of time. I ship him with his wife or maybe Angelica a little.
8. Persephone | Greek Mythology Not sure if there’s a “fandom” for this persay but Tumblr went through a phase in the early 10s where there was a ton of meta about Persephone and how her narrative as a damsel stolen by Hades didn’t do her justice. The flipped the script and made her Queen of Hell, powerful enough to sway the God of Death and terrifying enough to keep him in line unlike all the other Gods that were sticking their dick in anyone and anything. It’s such an empowering narrative, a girl taken from everything she’s ever known seizes the opportunity to become a force to be reckoned with. I love it.
9. Gregory House | House M.D. I was going to say Sherlock here but I never really went hard for Sherlock either the movies or the BBC show. I loved the show but really more for the canon and meta which is only half the fandom life. With House, I just love that he is so unapologetically hateful to anyone he deems stupid. But he’s also earnest and good too with a heavy dollop of man pain... you know... my favorite *cough*Dean Winchester*cough* I ship him pretty exclusively with Cameron beacuse I really like the dynamic. Her hero worship/white knight complex his emotional constipation but fondness of her optimism and ideals. Great dynamic.
10. Edward Cullen | Twilight This is my favorite Trash Monkey character in my favorite trash monkey series. The books are horribly written, the movies are better but not by much. But goddammit something about his level of obsessive fuckery speaks to my girl lizard brain and I am just rooting for this sparkly idiot and his clumsy human jar of mayonnaise. I ship him and Bella because apparently the universe didn’t find the fact that he’s my favorite character in this series humiliating enough.
Tagging (please don’t feel obligated to participate if you don’t want to): @navajolovesdestiel @chevrolangels @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @castielific @rauko-is-a-free-elf @astral-almighty @only4myfandoms @ charlie-bradburi @notfunnydean @blowthatpieceofjunk
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goldenavenger02 · 4 years
What you should watch while staying at home part 2! AKA the Disney+ list based off the U.S selection.
Lab Rats (TV show)
Rating: TV-Y7
Summary: A scrawny 14-year-old, having discovered his inventor stepdad has three bionic, super-powered teens living cloistered in a secret lab beneath their home, brings them out into the world.
Seasons: all four seasons and the spin-off are on Disney+, except for part 2 of Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med because that is a Mighty Med episode and Mighty Med is not on Disney+ at the time of this post.
Why you should watch it: Lab Rats was the reason I started writing fanfiction (if you're brave and like first person fics, my profile on fanfiction.net under the name Brentinator is full of cringe worthy fics) and it's probably the reason that I like action/adventure so much. It's super funny, it's very dramatic and it has good messages about family and teamwork.
Kickin' It (TV show)
Rating: TV-Y7
Summary: A once-in-a-generation young karate fighter named Jack joins the Wasabi warriors.
Seasons: 1-4 on Disney+
Why you should watch it: it's a comedy about teenagers in a karate dojo. Yeah, it's Disney so it is cringy, but it makes for some good laughs. Leo Howard is a little cutie, there's an episode with Billy Unger (Lab Rats) and Kelli Berglund (Lab Rats). There's some whump in a bit of it, and Jason Earles (Miley's brother in Hannah Montana) is the sensei. It's great.
Austin and Ally (TV show)
Rating: TV-Y7
Summary: Following the lives of Austin, an aspiring confident musician, Ally, a quiet talented songwriter and their two friends.
Seasons: 1-4 on Disney+, part two of the New Year's special is season 2, episode six of Jessie.
Why should you watch it: this was the first Disney Channel show I watched. Ross Lynch was my first celebrity crush, the first soundtrack was my first CD, and Trish gave me some representation as a plus sized woman/teen. It's pretty cringe, but the songs are all amazing and some of jokes are knee slappers.
Good Luck Charlie (TV show)
Rating: TV-Y7
Summary: The Duncan family are adjusting to the surprise birth of their fourth child, Charlie. When parents Amy and Bob return to work they put their latest addition in the care of her three older siblings.
Seasons: all seasons and the movie in between seasons 2 and 3 on Disney+, the second part of the Christmas episode in season 4 is in season 3 of Jessie.
Why should watch it: it's just a good comedy about a family with a lot of kids.
Brave (movie)
Rating: PG
Summary: Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida (Kelly Macdonald) defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse.
Why should you watch it: this movie holds a very special place in my heart. I watched this movie with my grandpa the Christmas before he died, and it's a memory I hold very close. It's also the best Disney princess with red hair, fight me. And my Merdia Halloween costume where I carried around my dad's bow and arrows can't be beat.
Chicken Little (movie)
Rating: G
Summary: After ruining his reputation with the town, a courageous chicken must come to the rescue of his fellow citizens when aliens start an invasion.
Why should you watch it: a lot of people say this is Disney's worst animated movie. But this is a very nostalgic movie for me, and some of the jokes can't be beat. Also, aliens.
Bad Hair Day (movie)
Rating: TV-G
Summary: A buddy comedy about a high school tech-whiz whose prom day abruptly shifts into a wild ride across town, thanks to a down-on-her-luck cop and a jewel thief.
Why should you watch it: it's Ally from Austin and Ally and the mom from Good Luck Charlie trying to protect a missing necklace, and the two of them grow a motner-daughter type relationship during it.
Descendants 2 (movie)
Rating: TV-G
Summary: Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay try to adjust to life in Auradon, but Mal becomes overwhelmed with pressure and returns to her roots.
Why should you watch it: I love the Descendants franchise, but the second movie has the best songs, the best acting and the best villains. I'm obsessed with China Anne McClain and she's a great villain. But watch the first movie. After all, it has Dove Cameron, Booboo Stewart, Sofia Carson and the late Cameron Boyce with some of their best acting being displayed.
High School Musical 2 (movie)
Rating: TV-G
Summary: School's out for summer and the East High Wildcats are ready to make it the time of their lives after landing jobs in a wealthy country club owned by Sharpay and Ryan's family.
Why you should watch it: I'm not a huge HSM fan, but I love Sharpay and Ryan, and I love the movie that's on their turf. It also has my favorite HSM song in it, which is Bet On It. Probably watch the first movie first though.
Geek Charming (movie)
Rating: TV-G
Summary: To win a school popularity contest, a high school diva permits a film club classmate to record her popular life, but the film starts documenting her decline instead.
Why you should watch it: this is possibly my favorite DCOM, and Sarah Hyland is so good at her job, it's insane. It's overshadowed by what happened between the leads afterwards, however.
How to Build a Better Boy (movie)
Rating: TV-G
Summary: Teenage tech whizzes unwittingly use military software to program a robotic boyfriend.
Why you should watch it: probably why I like it so much is because it has China Anne McClain and Kelli Berglund, and it's a cool concept. Also has Noah Centerpiece if you like him as well.
Teen Beach Movie (movie)
Rating: not rated
Summary: Two surfing lovers, whose doomed relationship is nearing to a close, find themselves swept into a a dimension traversing wave that sends them into a beach movie musical in the 60's.
Why you should watch it: it's not a great plot, but the acting is pretty good and the songs are so amazing. Also, Ross Lynch. Not a huge fan of the sequel, but you should still check it out if you like the first one.
The Emperor's New Groove (movie)
Rating: G
Summary: Emperor Kuzco is turned into a llama by his ex-administrator Yzma, and must now regain his throne with the help of Pacha, the gentle llama herder.
Why should you watch it: this is the movie I grew up on. I knew all the quotes, I knew all the jokes, and one time I barged into my sister's youth group shouting "boom bam, baby!" It's so good and so funny.
Finding Nemo (movie)
Rating: G
Summary: After his son is captured in the Great Barrier Reef and taken to Sydney, a timid clownfish sets out on a journey to bring him home.
Why should you watch it: my other childhood movie. Also knew the quotes, and the jokes, and I spoke whale in church when I was very young. There may also be a Finding Nemo Irondad AU from me in the future.
Holes (movie)
Rating: PG
Summary: A wrongfully convicted boy is sent to a brutal desert detention camp where he joins the job of digging holes for some mysterious reason.
Why should you watch it: to this day this is the most accurate book to movie adaptation I've ever seen. Also, Madame Zeroni.
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers (movie)
Rating: G
Summary: Mickey, Donald and Goofy are the French three Musketeers.
Why you should watch it: well, it's what the summary says. The Mickey Mouse gang as the musketeers. And it has la pit in it. "No, not la pit!"
Pocahontas (movie)
Rating: G
Summary: An English soldier and the daughter of an Algonquin chief share a romance when English colonists invade seventeenth century Virginia.
Why should you watch it: is it historically accurate, no. But does it have one of the sweetest romances in the history of Disney, I would like to think so. And Pocahontas is just one of my favorite Disney princesses, even if she's not technically a princess.
Rating: PG
Summary: The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is.
Why should you watch it: a carefree princess, a attractive and hilarious thief and the cutest little chameleon ever! The animation is gorgeous, the songs are amazing and Mother Gothel is such a good villain.
Pooh's Heffalump Movie (movie)
Rating: G
Summary: A Heffalump is heard trumpeting in the hundred acre woods. Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, and Piglet are scared and rush to Rabbit's house for advice. Roo joins them and they all agree that Heffalumps are nearby after finding a huge footprint. They decide to set out on an expedition to catch the Heffalump. Roo is not allowed to come along because he is too little.
Why should you watch it: I watched a lot of Winnie the Pooh movies when I was little, because Winnie the Pooh is my mom's favorite Disney franchise, but this one is my favorite. It's so soft, and it has a good lesson that even if you're different, that doesn't mean you're evil or scary.
Read it and Weep (movie)
Rating: TV-G
Summary: A shy and retiring high school student develops a peculiar alter ego that changes her life forever.
Why should you watch it: it's about a writer in high school! This is one of my favorite Disney movies ever, and I highly recommend it to everyone.
Sky High (movie)
Rating: PG
Summary: Set in an era where superheroes are commonly known and accepted, young William Stronghold, the son of the Commander and Jetstream, tries to find a balance between being a normal teenager and an extraordinary being.
Why should you watch it: clearly, I like movies and shows about superheroes (I mean, I write for Marvel). This movie is about William, who hasn't gotten his powers yet, and has been lying to his parents that he has before he goes to superhero high school. The ending is weird, but I love this movie.
Tagging some people so it gets spread around: @marvelous-writer @clover-roseee @canary-warrior @blondsak @breanadaveport-mendel @seek-rest @willelbyers
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