#i know he has a drivers license but thats not the point
georgespaniel · 1 year
matty gives off the vibes of a man who can't drive
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isekai-crow · 4 months
Mashle Ending Cars
My Beetle is a massively certified mechanic in Japan who is a bit of a motorcycle fanatic. (I cannot emphasize how much I am understating the term FANATIC here.)
So naturally since I know nothing about cars and they're tangentially related to motorcycles, I asked him to tell me the names of all the cars in the ending, and he did well.
Mash - Nissan Fair Lady's Z 2008 model - He was able to get this one immediately and was like, "Anyone who knows their cars would know this immediately."
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Lance - Beetle thought it was a Mazda RX-8 but it might be an import model - We guessed a Ferrari, but a lot of them have different headlight shapes.
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Dot - Jeep Wrangler. Thats it. No numbers for you lmao
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Finn - Morgan Plus 4 (had to google this one because too many similar looking classic cars and this STILL doesn't look exactly right.)
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Rayne - Rolls Royce Phantom III baybee
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I LOVE THAT THE AMES BROS HAVE CLASSIC OLDIE CARS. THEY'RE SO STYLISH. We already know that Finn is the only one in the main group with any sense of style and THIS JUST PROVES IT. I wanna go for a spin with him.
(Also classic cars as SO. FUCKING. EXPENSIVE. to own in Japan. The older your car is the more you pay in taxes. Which I wonder if it means anything here...)
Draco Malfoy Ryoh Grantz- Mercedes-Benz Vision Gran Turismo or one of the other versions. This also took a bit of googling cause he could only pin the Brand Name and not the car itself cause it's too new.
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Carpaccio - Porche Boxster - He picked up on the headlights immediately because we had a low budget Porche at one point, inherited from his brother.
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Margarette Macaron - BMW r100 - This was of course the fastest on he pinned and AHHH MY BELOVED MARGARETTE they're so cool for riding a motorcycle.
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The Mash's dads on a driving date.
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Love that for them. So sweet.
And fucking of course this is a euphamism for magic and MASH IS THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT A DRIVER'S LICENSE SO HE'S PUSHING THE CAR.
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AND THAT CAR IS IN PARK AND/OR HAS THE BREAKS ON because of course it fucking does why am I surprised lmao
This song is a banger too. When I get around to it, I wanna do a break down of the lyrics to this and other OPs and EDs.
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aita for telling my brother that he has to break up with his gf of 3 years
⛸️✈️ (so i can recognize this ask)
tw for obsessive behavior and slight mention of incest (nothing about actual incest just creepy shit that my brothers gf did itll make more sense if you read it)
it sounds bad i know but hear me out
my brother (28M) has been dating this girl (30F) who we will call Kate for about 3 years but recently i (16X) told him to break up with her.
my brother and i have been very close since i was little and he practically raised me. ive seen him try to find love before but never successfully so when he told me he was dating a girl online i was really happy for him. i had my doubts but i just kept it to myself because he was happy and thats all that really matters to me. they had visited before, and when i met kate she was super nice and i really enjoyed hanging out with her too. and then about a year ago they decided to move in together. however kate didnt want to move away from her family so my brother moved across the country to live with her. at this point she was 29, didnt have her drivers license, lived with her mom and worked at walmart. they had agreed that if my brother moved out there kate would get her license, they would find an apartment, and she would try and get a better job. so my brother moved out there to be with her. back then i had hoped they would break up because i didnt want him to move but again i didnt say anything because i just wanted him to be happy. a year later kate has not followed through with any of the things they agreed on. so for the past year my brother has been living with kate, her mom, her moms bf and occasionally her grandparents. kates family is all unemployed (her mom was fired her moms bf is a slacker and her grandparents retired) do the only 2 providing for the whole family are kate and my brother. as i mentioned before kate works at walmart so she doesnt make enough money. so all the financial responsibility falls to my brother who has a well paying job. about a month ago in december my brother called our mom and asked for relationship advice. eventually he said that he wasnt happy in the relationship and decided to have a talk with kate about how she hasnt done anything she promised. she got really emotional but then agreed to start working on things but that didnt last very long, she was back to her old routine in 2 days. after i heard that he was unhappy it all started to click, he never looked happy in any pictures after he moved. but when he came to visit recently i saw him actually happy and smiling. he ended up having a talk with our mom where he just spilled everything. he said that he didnt want to move in the first place but he felt like he had to for kate. after this kate started trying to keep me away from my brother. it was at this point when i told him to break up with her and move back home. the next day he went back across the country and called our mom when he got back. he had said that kate started copying all the things i do but making it kinda sexual. kate had starting being obsessive, checking his phone, not wanting him to talk to friends and family, constantly checking his location and more crazy shit. my mom and i talked about how we were going to try and help my brother because at this point it was getting out of hand and we realized that kate sees me as competition and is trying to keep me away from my brother so he wont want to move back here. i told him that he needs to break up with her and move back here for his sanity and mental health so aita for that?
tldr: kate sees me as competition for her romantic relationship with my brother so she started copying things i do but sexy even though i am a minor and her bfs little sibling so i told him to break up with her and move back home
What are these acronyms?
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strawbs-screaming · 9 months
☆ How The Boxers Drive ☆
made this bc evil (im running out of excuses) this has been rotting in my queue for a while now
Glass Joe
- Really paranoid, i dont blame him cars are really flammable
- will panic if even one scratch gets on his car
- Just really careful with where he parks & when he parks
- if anything suspicious is on his windshield he'll panic because what if its used to mark him for something
-you know how moms go "slow down your gonna crash!!" if you speed up while driving? Yeah thats him
Von Kaiser
- unhinged driver, he'll go 50 kilometers a hour with the most bored expression ever
- put on your seatbelts because he loves to take sudden turns
- you have to hold on for dear life to anything because he doesnt understand what the words "slow down" means
- do not turn on the lights, just dont or he'll literally hiss at you
- driving like hes in a police chase, damn peepaw slow down
Disco Kid
- blasting his ears out + also going ridiculously fast
- you better hope the radio stops after a crash or you'll die to california girls
- doesnt do sudden turns thankfully
- drives even faster at nighttime, disco is really out for blood
- dont even bother honking at him, he cant hear you over his 92827298272 hour playlist
King Hippo
- he cant drive, what are you all on
- no literally, even if he could find a car to fit him, he still wouldnt be able to operate it
- too overwhelming for him anyways
- He gets carsick too easily
Piston Hondo
- actually responsible & obeys traffic laws (LIKE A LOSER!! BOO TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO RUN OVER PEOPLE INSTEAD!!)
- cant listen to music while driving, it just doesnt work for him
- if you honk at him he'll stare into your soul
- actually reading the road signs (LIKE A NERD!! BOO TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO THE LAW SUCKS)
- overall responsible driver
Great Tiger
- another driver from hell
- honks to communicate with people, at some point you'll have to consider ripping off the steering wheel or your ears
- blasting his music, he has damaged hearing because of that
- speed limits are for cowards,he'll gladly go 100 in a 30 zone
- reading road signs but not caring at all
Bear Hugger
- oh no.
- okay driver but wont shut up, bear we get it you shouldnt piss off or piss ON a moose you couldve ended it there
- eating snacks in the backseat makes him do the ultimate dad move™ (the hand thingy dads do when you eat snacks)
- "yeah you can push those to the side make yourself comfortable" as his backseat is filled with maple syrup bottles, a pair of moose antlers and the weirdest shit you can imagine, bear im really sure you dont need a entire ass stop sign
- doesnt speed but takes sudden turns way too often for your stomach to stay in one piece (can we get much higherrr, so highhh)
- also honks to communicate
Don Flamenco
- this fucking menace needs to be stopped
- He sings in the car, Don nobody needs to hear you sing poker face please dont crash
- unintentionally speeding, always 5 km over the speed limit
- holy shit he needs his license taken away
- He texts while driving, how worse can you get??
- you know "get in loser, we're going shopping."? yeah thats him whenever he comes to pick someone up
- Does more singing than driving
Aran Ryan
- wait what
- He actually obeys traffic laws & is okay with speed limits? What a switch
- He knows how to shut up too
- He may be a nuisance but he keeps it off the road because nuh uh no one is dying in a car crash today
- has sobbed in his car multiple times (mostly while driving) thats the most you can get him
- him & his car have been through thick and thin, he has laughed in that car, cried in that car, screamed in that car, sung in that car, he has went through everything with his car, it legally counts as an artifact
Soda Popinski
- license, on the kitchen table, NOW.
- he used to drive when drunk when he was a alcoholic (hence his past name, vodka drunkenski)
- doesnt use any kind of navigation when driving, he uses his gut feelings & they either: work, fail miserably or have you end up in a seperate country and either way its concerning
- has crashed into multiple signs & trees
- speeds when bored
- oh my god this man is a mess
Bald Bull
- calm the fuck down
- same deal as kaiser, unhinged driver with the most bored expression ever while asking you "how was your day?" like dude please slow down
- hes the reason the term road rage exists
- will gladly get out of the car to fight someone
- honking at him is a one way ticket to fucking die - land
- i hope awkward conversations are your thing because he'll try to do a icebreaker and ask stuff
- keep the lights off unless its the night or he'll chuck you out of the car like you're a McDonald's™ napkin
Super Macho Man
- jail.
- hes driving on the sidewalk. DRIVING ON THE SIDE FUCKING WALK.
- drives even if hes tired
-suprisingly brash with his car considering it costs a fortune
- He didnt hit the street lamp, it hit him
- blasting the worst music ever as he goes through a quiet neighborhood at 3 am
Mr Sandman
- oh my god finally a good driver
- hes a law abiding citizen
- hes the only one allowed to drive
- the only thing you can get him on is slamming his car door a little too hard but thats better than going 92827281962629912619916281972729229 in a 30 km zone or stopping halfway through to fight someone
- will not talk, ever.
- hes the first option when the wvba needs to ride somewhere and cant find a driver
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please help, this is urgent - i need to get away from my father, but i have no money. ive become jobless recently, had an interview today, but cant officially be hired until i have my state ID, which i ordered a replacement online today thanks to the help of a tumblr mutual sending me $25 and takes 7-10 days to arrive (at a different address, not my dad's address). he's abusive, he's manipulative and every other negative trait under the sun, he has been so since i was a teenager. there's no reasoning with him, there's no arguing with him, there's no peace with him unless it goes his way. im mentally exhausted being around him, i wouldnt have been with him to begin with if i had another choice. but even if i wanted to stay with him, i couldn't, because he has kicked me out yet again and i quite literally have nowhere to stay, he's also threatening 'legal action' on me, whether or not thats a scare tactic or genuine idk at this point. anyway, i do not have a car or a drivers license currently either. my best option would be a nearby motel room which i can't currently afford on my own and this is where i need help. please please, if you can, id appreciate any don8tions towards this, as well as money for phone bill and food and uber rides as i wait for my replacement ID card in the mail to officially be hired and start the training for the new job.
my pajdpal
no set goal, anything helps, but totaling over $500 or more would be amazing. if you cant help i understand, i know everyone is going through something, but at the very least a reblog to spread this around to someone who could potentially aid me would be great !! my partner is going to help me get the rest of my stuff from his house, but after that, im on my own. (i cant stay at my partners house because of strict culture/beliefs)
screenshots of account balances, the rmv payment + texts between me & my dad under the cut (as an example of how he is the majority of the time like i cant make this up):
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(the blacked out picture is a picture of my jury duty status, pending disqualification that i requested to show my dad that i wasnt simply ignoring it)
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it didnt end there, but at this rate the whole post would be text messages between him & i. this doesnt include all of the things he said over the phone. i mean im no angel here either but ive tried to be nice. ive tried. ive tried to end the convo a billion times on a better note, he kept going, or blew up my phone with calls to fight further. i feel like i have no escape from him and i desperately need one.
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mans joined f1 at 17, the youngest person to drive in f1. i think they changed a rule because of this, he had a racing super licence before an actual license. you could imagine how well being into the spotlight at 17 goes, and growing up in the same environment. so he was reckless, and angry. keyword: was. now he's mellowed out a bit. replies told a lot about him, to add to that, the team he drives for is very invested in him. he's red bull's golden boy, because of which they favor him. search up red bull second driver drama for more context, tldr: teams make cars suiting their faster driver and max is fast af, old teammates got shorter end of stick and were replaced (pierre gasly was replaced in the middle of the 2019 season). some dislike him becaude of thr way the hes being favored. thats the racing side of things, i dont want to get into the personal life. id suggest keeping things that happen on track separate from whatever happens off it, from a fan point of view. it helps with dealing drama, almost loke compartmentalising
Yeah I totally get what you mean. I don't know anything about his personal life, but I cannot help but recognize how much of an impressive driver he is. It's okay to appreciate someone's skill completely!
It also makes sense that he would start out with struggles as such a young guy under such a spotlight; I guess you can't really blame him for struggling at first. It is good he has chilled out and grown as a person for sure, as he has grown older.
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FIRSTLY: this is mostly based off of 2012 with some rise influence.
In this au splinter is absent for most of their early lives due to him believing his kids would be safer without the foot targeting him (i promise there’s a plot to this but for now its gonna be silly). And since theres gonna be a plot thats about it ! Oh also they met april at 11 yrs old I think and Casey just a little bit before the story starts
Casey tries to do their own facial piercings
The piercings almost always get infected
They have to go to donnie for help
April wears her iconic hat to hide her dark roots (shes not a real ginger!!)
Leo is technically the second-oldest they just have a complex
the turtles steal most of their food
April goes to a bouldering gym and can scale buildings
Casey plays roller derby
donnie is the oldest despite the fact that they’re all 15
None of them could cook until the age of 12
They all play dnd passionately
donnie is the oldest because he said he scientifically proved (lied) it and everyone else called dibs on who would be next oldest (raph and Leo agreed to tie)
now take some character blurb thingies that go by age
April: april is 16 and has a driver’s license (could technically be a junior in hs but she’s not), shes very cool and accidentally went ginger at some point then just decided she liked it?? No one knows. They go to a lot LOT of concerts and also rock climbs and she loves women. Also a drummer in a band called smth that i will figure out later. Definitely takes a lot of responsibility for the wellbeing of the turtles due to their situation but like subtly. they for sure got their own issues but chooses to ignore em a lot of the time. Only child (lameee)
Donnie: hes 15 and pretends hes biologically the oldest (he is not they’re all the same age). he made all the blueprints for the lair once it was decided it was too small. hes very good at stealing stuff which is how he gets most of his materials, learned how to hack into ATMS a while ago but thinks it’s morally wrong (only used in desperate measures). Doesn’t mind not being the leader since he knows his claims of being the oldest are total bs but definitely adopted an oldest child mentality. Keeps a lot of problems a secret from his “younger” brothers and mostly talks to april about it. Extremely silly. Main doctor but also very squeamish specifically about bones (not broken bones, just the concept). Purple everything. He has access to every one of his sibling’s internet accounts he just doesn’t tell them about it. Also the main cook, since he would try and read whatever books they could find in dumpsters, especially when they were kids. Shares leo’s space interests less because of a show and more because of science stuff. Didn’t like Casey at first but they got close super fast later on. He is the best thief out of all of them (shhhh).
Casey: also 15, in april’s grade. Knows april from Spanish tutoring despite the fact they’re latine (haha if im violently whiteified my little guys have to be too) very into punk subculture and roller derby and also engineering/mechanics (I’m very excited to show off his vigilante equipment). Constantly does dumb shit for no apparent reason. Very much similar to 2012 casey (says “thats so metal dudes” anytime anything horrifying/dangerous happens). They also have had weird unspoken tension with everyone completely by accident and cant stop falling off of buildings. They have zero fighting skills or training but somehow haven’t died yet. Missing one tooth, top of the mouth next to his right canine (replaced with a glow-in-the-dark plastic one don’t ask them how it stays in).
Leo: 15, self-proclaimed second oldest and leader. (they have a complex probably) they’re only the leader because [HAHAHAHA PLOT AND BACKSTORY] and everyone else just stuck with it. They try very very hard to be silly and goofy but are also constantly anxious, not specifically about their siblings but like in general. Very very hesitant, prefers stealth (and stupid jokes) to direct confrontation. very close with raph since they’re “twins” (all of them are the same age). Intense sci-fi/space obsession, they’ve watched every single episode of their world’s equivalent to Star Trek (and all the movies) and also had a huge nonfiction phase which is still ongoing, fueled by stolen textbooks and endless internet videos . They also write fanfiction (secretly and make fun of other people who do to throw off their siblings it doesn’t work at all). They are so so lame and i love them so much.
Raph: 15, also second oldest, very very overprotective but like low-key about it. Super close with april and leo. Does all the confrontation and has accidentally been confused to be the leader of the team (CONSTANTLY ends up in hostage situations to the point it’s almost funny). ALLERGIC to Feelings he will Die if he has to talk about things so he mostly vents by tearing up his room and then feeling bad abt it. Made donnie help him find leo’s fanfics and then swore him to secrecy forever. Very distrustful, secretly super artsy, weirdly obsessed with messing with ppls hair (probably because he is surrounded by bald ppl). Also secretly a fashion icon, he has a disguise specifically so he can go to the mall with april and look at clothes for fun. He is physically the strongest out of everyone and has a really bad habit of using himself as their meat shield. Accidentally very very silly dude.
Mikey: 15 the Absolute Youngest by request. He is objectively the best fighter but is constantly being sidetracked by his siblings taking hits/taking out enemies for him (look theyre all just Like That). Really really smart when in a crisis, but for some reason not in a low pressure situation. She tries to cook but ultimately prefers baking. He’s also good at building things, so he usually hangs out with donnie in his workshop and made a lot of the lair’s furniture though he somehow can’t build anything from ikea. Also knows about leo’s fanfic career and accepted a bribe of a hubcap chandelier (?) to not tell anyone. Leo never made him a chandelier but at this point she has completely forgotten about it. Is secretly a beta reader for the fics and pretends she doesn’t know leo, except for when he describes very very distinct details of their home as suggestions for a room or something. Will continue to do this until leo either has a nervous breakdown or realizes it’s him. 
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whiskeyswifty · 11 months
I wanna know what you think of Olivia's vampire?? Please and thank you 💖 I'm obsessed with your replies
i'm so sorry to report, dear anon, that olivia has never been and is still not For Me, to say it politely. It's very much music For The Kids, and that's great! Younger generations always need things that are their own, separate from the adults in their life. That's not to say it's lesser than anything else because it's for the kids, not at all! It's just for a demographic I'm not a part of and don't feel any kinship to right now (which is a good thing lmao i'm an adult i shouldn't be in spaces for kids). It's also not to say as an adult, you can't enjoy her music! If you're able to connect with it via the younger version of yourself, that's beautiful and i'm so happy for you that teenage you gets to feel validated. So many of my friends love it for how as a teenager, they would have related to it. I connect to a lot of other younger artists right now for the same reasons and because taste-wise, they're doing things that really click with me, so it's just not a good match, olivia and I. that's all!
A number of factors probably are why i don't enjoy her music writ large. 1. my youth was NOTHING like what she sings about. Like polar opposite teenagers truly and my younger self doesn't connect to or relate to anything she sings about. it's entirely too earnest for me then and now, but thats just my personal thing! not a value judgement. 2. she has the post-lorde whisper/raspy/talk singing voice that makes me SQUEAL with laughter when i hear it. idk your age, or if this is now a dated reference, but it's the bananies & avocadies vine voice lmaoooo sorry! It sounds so silly to me because of that vine (rip) and HE WAS prophetic was he not??? sooooo many gen z girls sing like that and it's borderline unlistenable to me because of my brain worms. 4. at this point, if all of the above are also true, and all you have left is "sad story about a boy happened to me", sorry to say but genuine heartbreak songs about boys from girls are just white noise to me. I've been a full blown lesbian for so long at this point, NEW content about women genuinely, earnestly weeping over men just doesn't connect and i can't sympathize or relate or bring myself to feel any type of way about it. that's just not my world, sorry you're going through all that or sorry that happened to you, it sucks and it's terrible, but i'm not interested in engaging with that content. men, straight ones especially, are ancillary at best in my world. you have to be a legacy artist to move me whilst singing about A Man, someone who snuck in early and earned my favor before i realized i was a lesbian (hence the topic of this blog lol). again, not a value judgement! just my personal taste.
about the song itself, it just sounds like driver's license the sequel to me, which is great and not a knock! it makes sense to me strategy-wise. it worked the first time, so if it ain't broke, use the same release strategy for the next album. seems like she has a decent team behind her who are setting her up for success which is great! there are some solid lines in it, but at my geriatric age (over 30 lmao) i'm extremely sensitive to clunky lyrics. blame the near perfectly threaded and composed early taylor work for that i suppose, although i'm sure there are others at fault. a half-formed idea or a half-committed idea turns me off so quickly, and the mixed metaphors in the chorus (?) of the song really make me itch. "sold me for parts" and then the vampire metaphors about consuming conjure totally different imagery and dynamics and the friction between them i find jarring. both are interesting and i would have loved to have seen the depths of each plumbed creatively! commit to one and explore the ways you can weave that metaphor with reality to really pack a punch! however it sounds like a very sensitive situation that she went through so perhaps clarity in songwriting is not possible for this event in her life. idk much about her but that's what i gleaned at least. (WCS is wayyyyyy better and more fully formed and articulate than dear john, to give you an example)
I totally recognize her prominence and am happy for her and all her success! This is not a hater post, i don't have any ill will towards her. i'm not annoyed by her. I don't think about her, unless asked, tbh. i think she's an amazing figure for younger fans to have in their pop culture life and i wish her all the success and happiness in the world!
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whatagirlwants · 2 years
Here it goes…this will be long 
bare with me the first time i typed everything i accidentally deleted it all. so this might be all over the place there might be typos. my reason for this is no reason just to jot down my thoughts so if you are reading this and offended dont take this personal.
 I think part of me feels the need to make this clear is because i’ve seen people not understand why she’d feel that about Joshua why does she describe him as vicious? where did it all go wrong. i’ve also seen Joshua fans undermine her feelings and bring up his traumas and what he went through to excuse him but what about what she went through? we dont have to compare but dont undermine her feelings and invalidate her. a certain comment struck me and it was a Joshua fan saying “she wouldnt pull an olivia write and release vicious about him and put him through it, she knows what he went through he doesnt deserve it he almost died” like they’re missing the whole point, i think sabrina has waited long enough and she tried to stay by him and it just didnt work, if she describe what he put her through as cruel then just accept it. yes his heart failed it isnt her fault? she tried to be there, how did u think she felt? he pushed her away too and he said it himself in his snippet of a song called Never and Sabrina sings about him pushing her away in Space and Dust which sh posted 2 months after dl was out.
To be honest with you the whole situation is complicated and you might not understand or if you’re biased towards any certain parties in this case joshua you will turn a blind eye and dismiss her feelings like you did vicious. Sabrina has never spoken about him or their relationship or put him on blast, she isn’t making this about her break up with him she’s simply letting the music find its people. What people make of it isn’t her fault, she didnt release vicious because she’s angry and wants revenge i mean its simply what she’s been through at this point she’s had a lot of people tell her how to feel its time we hear her out.
i’m not writing this as an expose i wish all well to Joshua and i know sabrina does too or she wouldn’t have written skinny dipping and imagine a day where it all wouldn’t hurt and she can put this past her. At the end of the day all 3 involved (sabrina, olivia, and joshua) have received hate in different ways.  part of me hates when someone defends sabrina and talks about what she went through and someone would bring up what Joshua went through. i dont like that we always have to bring him up maybe thats me and i hold some resentment of my own? maybe its cause im simply sick of seeing him be brought up and constantly baby-ed by his fans? which i understand. you wouldn’t turn on your favorite celebrity but i think its okay to accept he did Sabrina wrong and the only way to describe what he did to her is unfortunately is cruel. Sabrina herself said that she wouldn’t always feel like that and its just where she is now. 
I want to add im glad this is all over and sabrina doesn’t seem to be where she was last year and that makes me happy.
1. Why does she describe him as Vicious? 
I think in order to know that you must understand the timeline of their breakup and quite literally how he loved her and pretend he didn’t. because i don’t only want to show you the tl i want to be able to provide lyrics as proof and my own interpretation of it all this will be all over the place.
January 8th 2021 Drivers License was released, the whole cast of hsmtmts were filming the show in Salt Lake City and Sabrina was there visiting Joshua. Sabrina was spotted a week after Drivers License in Salt Lake. When Sabrina says in the song because i liked a boy “when everything went down we’d already broken up” is because thats what happened. He broke up with her after DL came out (it’ll make sense if you put it in this perspective, so stay with me). She even sings in the same song “was only trying to hold you close while your heart was failing. you said im too late to be you first love but i’ll always be your favorite” To me, it sounds like he’s breaking up with her although she was only trying to be there for him because she loved him. This all ties up to love me then pretend you didnt crush my heart and wreck my image in the song Vicious. The thing is i dont believe wrote Vicious around the same time she wrote because i liked a boy i think it took her time to understand how she feels and actually reflect on how things went down and how he handled it. 
It’s funny cause Joshua has a song coming out called Used To It and the first verse is about Olivia not caring when his heart failed (due to septic shock) This could imply to thats where his mind was at which makes sense to why Sabrina finds him cruel as well as if you look at the 2nd verse in Vicious she sings “when you’re insecure could be me, could be her you just run to whoever is winning”. Joshua has a song coming out too called Would You Love Me Now? and his fans think its about olivia based on a few lines the song is not out yet.
2. Sabrina stayed. 
i’ve seen this here on Tumblr and someone said the way sabrina describe their relationship was sweet or something like that but i feel like it was sweet at one point but the songs are all about AFTER their breakup in January 2021 and there is nothing sweet about a man who cant make up his mind. Regardless i understand things were out of control and to be honest yes he’s also been through a lot in his personal life but i dont think that should excuse anything. We hear Sabrina sing about Tornado Warnings and if you read my page you know it is about Joshua. Late March 2021 Sabrina and Joshua were at a park during a tornado warning (NOT BACK TOGETHER just to talk most probably). Lets focus on the lyrics, sabrina knows its a bad idea and that LOGICALLY she shouldn’t have him on her mind and she shouldnt be seeing someone who left her. In the song she’s saying she’s convincing her therapist it didnt happen and that she’s over that son of a bitch. 
The 2nd verse to me could be interrupted 2 ways 1. is Sabrina is justifying lying to her therapist in her therapy session “i deserve an hour in a week to focus on my thoughts not so obsessed with yours i cant hear myself speak” and she also is putting herself first and recognise that it is what she should be doing “i deserve my own consideration”. 
The lyrics “i deserve my own consideration” remind me of her song how many things. In this song, sabrina portrays her vulnerable side, she feels worthless in his eyes. although she’s not his priority anymore she constantly thinks of him “theres no hiding in the thought of us i got ways to find you anywhere” . Sabrina is aware once again she shouldnt be considerate of him yet she cant help herself “i consider you im not trying to it doesnt matter whether or not i want to i cant help it”  she also sings i wonder how many things you wanna do you think im in between Sabrina feels like this thing he has to deal with or in-between what he really wants yet she still went to see him during a tornado warning, she still considers his feelings “i feel myself falling further down your priorities and i still make excuses for you constantly” .
The sad part is he left and she touches on this in the second verse she sings “remember when you left once? that never made too much sense to me well it hurt you so bad hurting me you really came to me for sympathy” and in her song Bet Ya Wanna “i bet you hate the way you said goodbye and you still cant even tell me why i hate the way you left me dry but ill keep that between you and i” how did he say goodbye? i mentioned earlier it was around the weeks after drivers license was released in the lyrics she says he left her dry which means leaving someone high and dry which means to leave someone in a difficult situation without any help. and when was that? january 2021 now back to Vicious crush my heart and wreck my image.
Sabrina stayed and thats highlighted in songs like Tornado Warnings, Already Over, Decode and a song she wrote and posted in March 2021 called Space and Dust.
in space and dust sabrina says she’ll always be there “if no ones there to hear u scream you can still reach out your hand to me and im floating there ill always be the brightest star in your galaxy”
3. Theres nothing left here to decode
in decode Sabrina touches on his behavior of how he didn’t stay, confused her, and walked away and eventually choosing to walk away herself. Now that she stopped trying to understand him or the situation and walked away from it all she feels the weight off her shoulders “theres a weight off my shoulders now that i don’t chase you being myself, did that emasculate you? learning from you that i can walk away too”
In an interview sabrina talks about her favorite line which is learning from u i can walk away too and she said walking away wasnt an option to her because she thought walking away is a negative thing you dont walk away from someone you love but then she learned to realize it could be a good option and it is the better option. 
4. In conclusion
i promise im done but i wanted to go into details so this is a long ass post. point is someone can hurt someone and do something wrong regardless of what they’ve been through. sabrina releasing vicious is valid why shouldn’t she sing about him and what he put her through, its insane to me how his fans will vilify her or find her bringing up his heart failure in because i liked a boy yet his own fans bring it up every second to defend his actions. you dont find that weird? we’re all glad he’s okay and he’s made it but she knows him more than you and you might not be able to understand how she feels because regardless your his fans and she’s his ex and someone he pushed completely to the side when in reality she ended up in this mess cause of him cause she even gave him a chance letting him in her world. if sabrina fans dont like him or feel some way about him its justified too.
Dont make sabrina releasing Vicious a negative thing or “bringing” him up for attention when he only writes about OR which he knows will get 10x more attention than singing about SC. Sabrina released Skinny Dipping which is how she wants it to be in the future “water under the bridge”
This is how sabrina described Decode:
“When you finally stop hurting yourself trying to understand why someone didn’t love you the way you thought they did, it all becomes so much more clear” and based on his songs he’s releasing right now that are assumed to be about Olivia, sabrina’s feelings in vicious are valid. 
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qumiiiquinnquin · 10 months
it seems likely that i wont be able to drive and get a drivers license
i went to the dmv today , and they have those eyecharts right there at the windows , for people that come to get a drivers license ((i just needed to get an id today))
while i stood at the window i had to go to , i looked up at one of the eyecharts , just to see if i could see any of the letters on there.
i couldn't. the only letter i could pick out was F , and im not even sure it was F because it could have been a P. thats very bad. that was at the window , with my glasses on , and i could only pick out one letter that i dont know if i saw it right
my dad has been really pushing for me to get a car soon and start driving. i cannot drive if i can only see one letter on the eyecharts at the dmv , and there's really nothing i can do about it if im denied a license due to my eyesight.
i told him about my time at the dmv today and my struggle to read the eyechart , and he and my grandpa both suggested we take me in to my optometrist , but i dont think constantly tweaking my prescription would really help. its also pretty close to the highest a prescription can be. if they did any tweaking to make it better , it'd probably give me a headache and nausea with how powerful the lenses would be. my current ones made me feel sick for a couple days when i wore them but i eventually got used to it , but im afraid to bring my prescription any higher.
my family agrees , so the only options left are really to see the surgeon who had performed both of my eye surgeries when i was little , and to go to another optometrist somewhere who could really help in making a judgment call if i can drive or not
at this point , a surgery for me is more optional. we cant really say if i need one because we dont really know what else they could really do to help , and ive been fine without another surgery so far since my first two surgeries , even though my eyesight has always been bad and caused me problems.
in my two surgeries , the muscles of my eyes were tightened so i did not constantly cross my eyes when i looked straight ahead due to my esotropia , and did limit the shaking of my eyes a little bit , though the nystagmus cannot be as easily treated via surgery as my strabismus.
i personally do not know what else could be done to help my eyesight via surgery. i dont think anything could really be done to help my depth perception issues and my near-sightedness.
so. im probably just not going to be able to drive in my life.
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 6! Of rereading Lore Olympus. Ep 51-60
On these next few parts i really just kept ranting oops. Also I just keep getting busier and forgetting to read more, but I haven't caught up with what I've read yet and that's the only thing keeping me going. Does anyone read these? Last part:
Ep 51
“What about my brother” artemis please its kinda clear at this point
So did hermes question anything or
“ i have no right to be jealous” yeah also theyre just friends dude
“Oh but hermes liked persephone” no hes a gay man argue with the wall(/j)
Why they got eels
I love how tall and slender hecate is seeing as like eventually everyone dissolves into one shape
Yes im over exaggerating what about it
Who are the fire people i love them
Bro imagine dying and like “finally free from this hell where i have to work all the time” only to be put to work when you die
“Everyone should get a fair trial with the king of the underworld” i agree but wouldnt that take forever too like there are so many deaths all the time
I literally get so tired of hades in this episode mfer has such a lack of control in his emotions
like . are you physically unable to have a conversation with her without losing it so you gotta ice her out??
“I cant accept gifts from employees” i mean yeah if they are trying to bribe you its just fuckin food man
Also this part minthe keep it in ur pants ur at work
Ep 52
Wow all women hate persephone bc shes so gorgeous so they treat her bad and like make out with her crush
My point got lost there but you get what i mean like women cant just exist they either are used to compare persephone and show how good she is or uplift her
Im not saying you cant have mean women please do but the way it all comes together just. :/
Persephone is like trying to hard to be nice and friendly and hades just kinda sits there like an idiot smh
Hermes my beloved
I want bakalava now
How would she have a driver's license demeter kept her in the mortal realm you think she would let her get that
Why do they want a car thanatos you have wings my guy
I mean. Did you die hades?
Also smth to ask before hand lmao thats on you
Hecate, agent of chaos, my wife, my everything, my-
Ep 53
I know hecate has reasons to do things but i like to believe she doesnt and she does what she wants
Theres no way minthe sounds happy on the phone when she knows its just hecate
Nah nvm shes probably scared of her
How. how does anything get done at this place
Hades can you. Can you treat her like a friend or even a worker instead of a crush its not that hard youre a big guy
I love the eels
The moment when the artstyle changes randomly and you have to get adjusted to a new one
Hecate is now a different shade of blue what
Fuck you hades putting all your emotions on a 19 y/o
Unfortunately he does treat her like any other of his employees hes just. A shitty boss
“Oh no she thinks im mad at her” yeah dude ur acting like a dick
Sorry this just pisses me off
“Shes like me” she just like me fr
Why is the building confusing what do they gain from that
Its actually so rachel doesnt have to remember the layout
Ep 54
“Is she angry” no shes tired wtf do you think
I know rachel tried so hard on the “please dont grab me” panel girl was sweating
Personally id just leave if i was the reporter but ig he needs smth
Asking for a statement isnt the bad thing its the grabbing and like pressuring yknow
Do they have close ties
I know its supposed to be casual but i wouldnt hold my mothers friend/ business partner. Whatever their lie was, like that
Idk how i would actually im going to be thinking of that
I do like how she has a trigger but im gonna be real i dont think its ever brought up again
Sure you could say she is just good at avoiding it but idk
“I dont always get to do what i want” you literally do unless it doesnt help the story
Rereading has made me see how many things are in place for the story that disappear when not needed
“Man im a lousy tour guide” and a lousy boss :D
I do just want to make sure you guys know how much i hate hades as a boss
Ep 55
Its a lobby. Thats funny ill laugh at that
“That not exactly what we do here” what do you do
I havent read greek mythology in so long
“They may become hysterical” please explain psyche i saw i reply talking about how we didnt see her reactions to phone
They were so right that mustve been fucking bonkers
How do they ease them into it? Do they go through all the years of technological advancements just quickly??
Who is hecate talking to
Let her get the jacket make hades pay the designer to make another one
Also only 3? Like 20 id get but 3? Nah
“Why is she employed here?” you were there yesterday minthe remember she got an introduction
I think hades needs an HR department yknow what
I agree with hecate except no one treats it like a work place
Not even you really lmao
If they are scared of her why would they go bitch to her esp if they know she doesnt care
Small medium cause shes so petite but she has curves bc shes gorgeous and-
Rachel smythe sniped me :/
How did she put that on
Ep 56
Whose the green person in the back poseidon idk
Also glasses again :)
“Stop staring at me with them big ol eyes”
Yes i already made the joke its funny tho
meg/persophone is my otp /j
Seriously its already more healthy than hades gotta be honest
So nice of her to let her borrow it how is she gonna return it. They talked more im sure but its funny to think that she actually doesnt know who meg is
Why does his hair get longer in the mortal realm get up
Omg does he have extensions that would be so funny
“I have to have control” yeah you do its gross
I love persephone fury look tho
Wait why did her hair grow
I get like thats the style in that time or whatever but
“I for one find you terrifying” is such a cute line not gonna lie
Persephone why do you look like youre trying to kiss him
“How can she be doing better than me” because zeus is married
I feel like thats obvious
Blue nymph obviously evil she has to be shes a woman and-
But also i forgot her name. Tha. no uh
Its thetis :)
Ep 57
“My visions arent always correct. But they are most of the time” is such a sloppy line
Omg i forgot that hera was the reporter
Also idk how her visions work but couldnt it have been literally anyone? How does she think shell narrow it down
Persephone you are wearing a skirt thing be careful
Also. dont push off people chest just generally
Her hair got much longer but i can excuse this one bc shes using her powers and they tend to coincide
“I gotta inspect that volcano” yep. Sure is a volcano
“But once they die theyre all in service to the underworld for the rest of the eternity” is there a way to die after death bc that sounds awful
Ok but why do they have to wait how does that earn you money
Like no i get the like immediate ride for a obol or whatever but why 100 years. You lose out on so many laborers for a while that way
I love Styx hand in marriage
Haha why is she bald in the last panel
Ep 58
“Reminds me of a younger me” is supposed be like a red flag but was zeus not chill during his formative years
Why does he get so mad a her vision genuinely
Also like why he get mad about her guessing apollo
I know i know “reputation ruined and so is ours” people change yknow also i do second guess your ability to choose olympians
Spit on him queen
This is one of the spots where i feel like rachel was just pushing to make zeus a bad guy. Not like a dick but actually antagonistic qualities
“I prefer the financial benefits of ongoing unpaid labor” haha so funny /s go fuck yourself
Yeah theyre dead and have nothing else to do but damn
“Why would my mom hide it from me” i mean. Thats fair but youre the one that calls her like hovering so i doubt she wants people trying to sex you
I mean fertility doesnt have to mean sex its more than that also one second
Nvm i googled it i was gonna say hestia was a goddess of fertility but shes the goddess of home a stuff my bad
Arnold reaction meme
Oh why is it dangerous
No i know why lmao
Persephones jaw goes from ) to ] in a matter of seconds
“Just stay away from tower 4 until we get to the” THE WHAT??? THE WHAT
Thats not a joke the sentence ends there
“OH you said yes!’ to you helping her like friends do
Ok but how will he know its her
Ep 59
Yes persephone you communicate clearly!! Be healthy!!
I love the flower nymphs personally i know everyone says we dont see persephone be close with them but its the little things i think
“I literally have no idea why you want to be here” me either hades
Haha flower nymphs are dumb! Village people! Haha racism
No i know thats not what shes saying but the racism of nymphs is overlooked
Me, everytime she was handed something pomegranates: :OOOO ITS THE!! ITS THE THING
No minthe has a right to be upset id be pissed if id have to change someones entire schedule
Not the snapchat filter
Why is his name big spenda thats so funny
Ep 60
As someone who has been jealous before i have to say this isnt healthy
Like duh but so intense for someone you barely know
Hades, watching her in silence: wtf is happening
Im glad she realizes its unhealthy
Ok i know i said they dont ever bring up the “any time any place” question but they do here which reminds me that that deal should no longer exist now that hes her boss
I dont think hooking up is bad esp when they werent in a relationship tbh
Like now she is in a relationship so yeah its bad
I love snarky chat that is the most real thing in this comic
“ we need to do smth about persephone” or yall could do your jobs. Kooky idea i know
She is still flirting with thanatos which is bad
Yknow assuming the boundaries her and hades set was monogamy and no flirting
And yeah hes flirting too thats also bad
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mojaves · 10 months
🚗, 💤 + 🚫 for luci and 🐶 + 🌴 for matty. and 💘 for josie
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🚗 CAR — does your oc have a driver's license? can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars?
he CAN drive and he can be trusted behind the wheel of a large automobile. a little scary at times on account of being taught by seb [most insane driver ever. btw] but at least he can get you out of a car chase [relatively] unscathed. just hold on to your seat. also has some experience with motorbikes, but i wouldn't trust him to get very far on one of those. he can barely manage a regular bike at the best of times.
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
he is a VERY!!! heavy sleeper, to the point where he will sometimes need 3 alarms AND also josie hitting him repeatedly with a pillow to wake him up. barging into his bedroom and yelling at him does absolutely nothing. he is like a cat and she has yet to realise she can just spray him in the face with water and that will save them both SO much time. dont tell her that though. let luci rest.
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
he doesn't smoke and absolutely Hates it as a concept. and WILL tackle seb whenever he sees him smoking. get that thang out of your mouth boy.
he does however enjoy a cold beer and fruity cocktails from time to time, but generally tries to avoid drinking alcohol as often as possible, because his father had. so SO many issues with drinking [which. no one in his family has very fond memories of], and seeing seb fall into depressive spirals and drink nonstop made him realise he doesnt want to experience either of those two extremes at all ever, and if it's already affecting two people in his family, then he'd most likely also be at risk - whether or not thats true, he will never know bc he does not want to test that theory. and i dont blame him.
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🐶 DOG FACE — does your oc have any pets?
OUUHH YES back when he was travelling with a nomad family before getting swept up by biotechnica, he had a great pyrenees called mags. and he loved her more than anything else in the entire world. he got her when he was about 18, and they were pretty much inseperable from day one. ate together, slept together, went on jobs together. there wasnt a single second they were apart. unfortunately when biotechnica came along and essentially captured him, he had to leave her behind with the family, and never saw her again ): he would love to get another dog like her one day,,, when he finally has a place he can call his own.
🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening?
this bitch LOVES plants. ask him about literally any plant and he will go on for a solid 20 minutes about the root system alone. he travelled around a LOT growing up so he's encountered probably every plant the NUSA has to offer at this point. which made him a perfect candidate for watching over the gardens at biotechnica. he did NOT want to work for a corp but,,,, the plants,,,,,..... and he needed the money so he couldnt really say no. but again one day when he has his own place. there will be no room for him there bc it will just be Full of plants. and also dog.
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💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
oh seb and luci 100000% [and luiza to a far lesser extent. dont even worry about it] without seb basically raising them all by himself and teaching them everything he knew about how to just. be kind and help each other, the three of them most definitely would have ended up dead or worse after he left.seb never gave up on them. and she and luci never gave up on each other, and that's what got them through everything. and i am very normal about them.
0 notes
chrysanthemumpink · 1 year
It's easy to talk to him. But I I hold back anyway. Everytime he talks to me, I tell myself not to say everything thats on my mind. That's a terrible way to be but I like the way it makes him squirm.
He said he wanted to return the polaroids I gave him. They were the only polaroids I had of myself and they hung in my room's string lights. He picked them of the lights like he was picking apples out of a tree. I would laugh and tell him to put them back. It was one of our many things.
He text me and said that he "found" them and wanted to send them. I know they never left his wallet. They'd sit in the photo holder when we were good, and in the back with his organized punch cards when we wern't. But who knows, maybe whatever girl he was with found them and asked why he still had pictures of his ex behind his driver's license. This wouldn't be the first time.
He never says he misses me. He just sends me songs on Spotify and gives me updates on his cat. I asked him where he'd want to spend forever. He said he didn't know. I said I wanted to spend forever in the Tennessee mountains. It's where I'd like to buy or build home, but it's a place to settle. I'm not going there "until I finish sinning," I said.
"I like the mountains," he said. "Are you finished yet?"
"Are you?" I asked
"I'm thinking of mountain sins."
There was more to the conversation but I didn't respond to his inevitable horniness. That's his way of testing the waters, and to see if I'm willing to be more.
I think most men are horny without regard to the object of their effection. But Pisces aren't like that. Or maybe this one isnt. Don't get me wrong, he definitely tries to separate his feelings from his dick. But he can't. Which is what made all the other women so hard. Because I know he loved them. That's his problem. He can't not love.
But my friend has a point. Her baby shower is next week and I told her I can't stand this. She said men don't fall in love and choose to settle down. They choose to settle down and fall in love with whatever can give that to them. It can be a partner, a job, anything.
And it makes me think that after spending time with that 23 year old, you realized you are almost 40. That happens when you get a PhD though. We've both been in college for so long. Now that we aren't anymore...it's harder for you to find a woman who will put up with you and harder for me to find a man that I'm actually comfortable with.
It's just that everytime he leaves, I'm a new person when he returns. And he knows that. But this is the first time that he's been the one to change. He's different.
Not a good different. Not a bad different. I can tell that he's decided to quit smoking weed. Probably tobacco too. Some thing is very different but I can't put my finger on it
Oh my God, back to the point. I told him I didn't want to sleep with him or watch 90 day fiance or drop off my vinyl record subscription. All of those things build a relationship that I don't have faith in anymore.
Living in the mountains with him would be my dream. If I could make the wish come true I would. It would make me so happy. But I can't make that wish come true. I've tried too many times already. The first time was nativity, the second time was too. But the third and fourth?! And a 5th time?! I think not.
He has no idea how hard it is to say no to someone you love. He's never had the strength to do it. But I do.
0 notes
leocancertaurus · 2 years
Worth It
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
wc: ~2k
an: i would consider this more of a side shot to best worst decision rather than part 3 but it's fun so enjoy :)
pt. 1 | pt. 2
summary: Melina talks some sense into Natasha.
Yelena wanted to celebrate getting her driver’s license. She always got so excited over the “little things” because she never got to celebrate them growing up. In true Yelena fashion, she threw a small party to celebrate the right way.
It’d been longer than the two of you normally went without seeing each other. Because of this, you were the first person she invited. The happenings of your and Natasha’s divorce had been extremely hard on Yelena. Some days it feels like she’s taking it harder than the children. When she found out, she sobbed into your chest for a half hour at the prospect of not having you in her life anymore. You were the second big sister she never had and when it came to sharing her emotions, she trusted you endlessly.
Tonight, she’d wanted her closest family to be with her to celebrate the fact that she’d learned how to drive! So, you found yourself at her apartment with her, your daughters, Natasha, Melina and Alexei. Yelena and the girls sat on the floor playing Candyland while you got stuck conversing with Alexei.
“So, you would agree that Captain America has noodle arms compared to me?” he flexes his arms trying to trap you into admiring his bicep.
“Y/n! Your children are big fat cheaters!” Yelena interrupts the delusion. You sigh thanking your lucky stars for her saving you.
“Getting beat by children that can’t even read yet? Thats tough, Belova,” Natasha cuts in.
“I CAN read Mama!”, Zara defends. “Auntie Lena’s shirt says, “loser”, the child beams.
“It does not!” Yelena gasps. You throw your head back releasing a boisterous laugh. Your five year old looks at you feeling triumphant. You lean forward offering a high five and she excitedly slaps your hand.
“Natasha, can you come help me in the kitchen please?” Melina’s voice cuts in effectively calming everyone down like only she knew how. Natasha rises off of the plush chair adjacent to the couch you’re on. You get a strong whiff of coconut as she passes. You bite your bottom lip as you steal a good look at her perfect ass. You clench your fists at your sides to keep yourself from jumping out ot grab it.
Natasha enters the kitchen finding Melina standing over the stove. “What can I help with?”
“Do you mind chopping those peppers for me, darling?” Natasha nods and starts cutting and they work in tandem in silence except for the noise from their rowdy family in the living room. Natasha is yanked out of her rhythm by a slap to the back of her head. She immediately places a hand on the throbbing spot.
“Um…. what was that for?” she asks very slowly, furrowing her brow at her mother.
“Sorry. I just needed to get that out.” Melina crosses her arms over her chest.
“Because you’re very stupid and I know I taught you better than that,” Melina blurts out. “So, I needed to make sure that I slapped you at least one good time.”
“Ok, you’re gonna have to give me some context clues here.”
“Those three in there.”
“You mean my divorce” Natasha sighs. She couldn’t go one day without someone reminding her.
“You’re not divorced yet!”
“Well, we’re getting there. Y/n doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore and I don’t blame her. Let’s just call a spade a spade,” he picks the knife up again and continues chopping.
“Since when are you a quitter?”
“Since I was served divorce papers… like real ones.”
“Has legal documentation stopped you from doing anything you didn’t want to do?”
“I mean… no.”
“Well what?” Natasha snaps. She’d hoped to go one night behaving as a normal family. Which was seemingly impossible these days.
“What’s the real reason you’re giving up on your family Natasha?”
Natasha points her finger in her face, “I’m not giving up on my family. I’m simply respecting Y/n’s wishes.”
“Oh Y/n is ready for baby #3 with the looks she’s been giving you!”
“Maybe you’ve mistaken what pure hatred looks like.”
“You’re so dramatic! So, you don’t want your family back?”
“Of course I want my family back.”
“Then why are you so comfortable running?”
Natasha halts her chopping and searches for an answer, “Becuase I don’t deserve them.”
“No, I don’t. Not only am I a monster that is fully capable of screwing those kids up. But, I had the perfect little life on a silver platter and I threw it all away. I had my chance time and time again and I blew it. Whatever this is that I feel, I promise you that I deserve it.”
“What is it that you feel, hm?” Somehow, Melina was the first person to have asked Natasha how she’s feeling.
“Disappointed? Sad? I just miss them, I guess.” Her voice is weak and slightly unsteady. She clears her throat hoping Melina missed it, even though she knows she didn’t.
“You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow harder,” she places her hands on Natasha’s shoulders, gently rubbing them.
“I don’t think–”
“Don’t interrupt me while I’m speaking. My point is that obviously this separation has helped you come to your senses. So, get your family back.”
“I don’t think it’s that easy.
“Why isn’t it? You love them, no?”
“You would kill for them, no?”
“In a heartbeat.”
“Those are really the only two things you need, Natasha. I’m not understanding?”
Natasha turns to face her mother figure. She tilts her head to the side and slightly looks off to the side, trying to put the ill fitting pieces together.
“Just give it a shot,” Melina says gently swatting Natasha’s arm. “And if you hurt my sweet Y/n again. I will feed you to Alexei and you know exactly which one I’m talking about.”
Yelena comes into the kitchen for a glass of water sensing the tension. Her wide smile quickly drops.
“Whoa who died?” Yelena demands.
“Just trying to talk some sense into your big stupid sister here.”
“She’s very stupid, I agree. What’d she do now?” The blonde swipes a chunk of the peppers that Natasha had been chopping, tossing it into her mouth.
“She’s pretty much decided on letting her very beautiful wife and precious children go.” Yelena gasps and slaps Natasha in the back of the head.
“I swear the next person who slaps me is losing a hand,” she aims the point of the large knife in Yelena’s face.
“I’m sorry but, you have easily become my second favorite sister. I never thought I’d see the day.”
You quickly enter the kitchen with a frown on your face. As soon as the three women’s eyes land on you, their expressions soften. “You guys. What have I told you about leaving me alone with Alexei. It’s really hard being the only one that doesn’t have the balls to be honest with him. I just told him that he looks younger than Steve…. Which is obviously a lie and Steve is like 200.”
Yelena and Melina laugh at your rant. Melina pats you on your shoulder, “Honey, can you help Natasha finish dinner, please? I’ll go knock him down a peg just for you,” she kisses the side of your head and waves for Yelena to follow her back into the living room. Yelena gives Natasha a stern glare and swiftly exits.
You approach Natasha asking, “What can I do?”
“Uh, can you stir that?” She points to the simmering pot on the stove.
“Yeah, of course.”
“I’m sorry you got stuck with him. I think we need to ban him from saying the words Captain and America”, Natasha smirks.
“It’s okay. Just don’t let it happen again. I’ve paid my dues for the next decade,” you shake your head.
Nat freezes thinking about the prospect of the next ten years. Would the two of you be back together in that time? How would you kids feel about her for tearing your family apart? Would she have stepped back from the Avengers? Would you be married to someone else? These thoughts combined made Natasha’s grip the edge of the counter so hard that her knuckles turned white. You turn from stirring the stew and lean your back on the edge of the counter that Natasha’s standing at and you immediately notice her demeanor.
“Hey, you ok?” You place a gentle hand on her shoulder making her flinch.
She meets your gaze with tears in her eyes and bounds forward throwing herself into your arms, burying her face in your neck. You freeze at the unexpected embrace but once you feel her shaky breaths you gently wrap one arm around her, not wanting to squeeze too tight and you place your other hand at the back of her head, gently caressing her soft locks. She hasn’t been this close to you in a very long time. You’re not sure who’s heart is racing faster. “Hey, what’s the matter” you speak loud enough for just her to hear.
“I just really needed a hug.”
“That all?” you feel the movement of her shaking her head. “What else do you need baby?”
“I just need to feel you. I need to know that you don’t hate me even though I feel like you should.”
You hum, taking in exactly what she’s getting at and you mull over your next words before verbalizing them, “I could never hate you. Why should I?”
“I broke my promises to you. Including the one when I said I wouldn’t.”
“Yeah you did. I’m angry at you for that but, I don’t hate you. I don’t think I’m meant to hate you.” At that you feel the hot tears, that she’d been intently guarding, finally spill onto your shoulder.
“I deserve for you to.”
“You don’t.”
“I do!”
“Natasha. Stop it. You were my best friend long before you were anything more to me and I’ll love you until the day I die. That love may change. We’ve seen that happen already. I don’t know what our love will become but, it’s definitely not going anywhere,” she squeezes you impossibly tighter. “I need you to get that through your thick skull okay?” You lightly knock on the side of her head, earning a teary chuckle.
“I love you so much Y/n/n. It scares me sometimes.” She raises her head off of you shoulder and she allows you to wipe her tears. She looks down releasing a thoughtful sigh, “I really want our family back. Whether or not I deserve that is debateable, I guess. But, this life isn’t worth living without my girls,” she takes another deep breath, working overtime to control her emotions. “I don’t expect you to have an answer right now or to make any promises but, I just want you to know that at least.”
You rest your forehead against hers and mindlessly caress her back while she’s still in your arms, “Thank you for telling me that. It is a lot to think about. Maybe we should have a more extensive conversation later? Once we’ve properly celebrated Yelena.”
She finally meets your eyes and you reassure her with a soft smile, “God, she really shouldn’t have been given a license,” Natasha groans.
“Absolutely not,” you laugh.
“You two better not burn that food!”, Melina yells from the living room causing the two of you to jump apart, just barely saving dinner.
Whatever happens between you and Natasha next will be incredibly taxing without a doubt but, Natasha would always be worth it. The possibilities were endless when it came to her.
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xialaix · 2 years
@starsnpens i have more playlist hcs for you no pressure
Saiki gets overstimulated by music. Its just a lot with his telepathy so he enjoys music that has very little lyrics or is pretty relaxing. Sabrina Claudio, Brent Faiyaz, Mac Demarco etc. One song rec I have for him is I think I’m Normal - Carter Ace.
Teruhashi is like really good at karaoke canonically so she most listens to songs that she can sing. NA NA NA - Alsa, drivers license - olivia rodrigo, and don’t want to fall in love - jane child to name a few. She once sang Break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored by Ariana grande at a class karaoke and… nobody was in a relationship at PK academy for like two weeks so she sticks to more kid-friendly songs now.
Kaido is like really into that new Belle movie right now. Before this, he was super into the League of Legends songs. K/DA, the arcane songs, True Damage. Imagine dragons is HIS band.
Kuboyasu is so chill. Imagine the music they play at a mechanic shop, thats his comfort music. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana.
Akechi has a lot of good oldies in his Liked songs like Let’s Groove - Earth, Wind and Fire and Dreams - Fleetwood Mac. There is also hyper vaporwave and screamo but thats from his middle school days.
Saiko listens to songs that celebrities he knows personally sing bc he wants to play it in the car or smth and when somebody says they like the artist, he can say ‘really? I just went to brunch with them yesterday’ bc hes an asshole. He has a secret playlist that has Love Taste - Moe Shop on it.
One more song that Aiura listens to is definitely Karma - Sarah Kinsley. Her and Chiyo play Woman - Doja Cat whenever they get the chance.
Yumehara does not like musical music. She noticed Kaido listening to Hamilton and she thinks that Lin Manuel Miranda is overrated. Shes a TWICE stan confirm.
Secretly, Mera has the best taste in music out of everybody. She’s a quarter-time DJ on the weekends. Daytons and Dollaz - Adam the Shinobi, Icy - Logic, Stirfry - Migos.
A little unrelated, I have a big HC that Saiki has to pick a song for Teruhashi to sing during karaoke and he picks telepatia - Kali Uchis. Its kind of ethereal and talks about telepathy but he doesnt know that. He thinks she wont be able to sing it cuz its spanish but shes god favorite and knows the song from tiktok.
I would also like to point out that Teruhashi and Saiko listen to music that they dont enjoy themselves but do it to impress the masses so in terms of what they actually enjoy, I have no idea. Probs marina and the diamonds.
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valdrift · 3 years
my completely accurate list of mdzs characters and if they can drive and what kind of driver they are (everything i say is right bc im smart)
lwj: can’t drive at all. he fucked up once while learning and the mistake haunts him to this day so he refuses to drive and if he does, he’ll cry if the trip is more complex than a straight drive with a 40 mph speed limit. he’s nervous :( gets other ppl to drive him or he just walks everywhere
wwx: can drive and is honestly perfectly average but he has a complex. drives just fine on his own but with other ppl, he’d probably jerk the wheel to freak them out or brake check for funsies. also is godlike at parking but gets rlly close to other cars (without dinging them!) and scares the shit out of his passengers
jc: can drive and is Also perfectly average. thinks he’s a better driver than wwx (debatable). the type of person to go 10 over the limit then gets mad when he gets stuck behind ppl actually following the law. wld also be the person in a drive thru, when the line is slow, who will dramatically put his car in park and go UGH
wn: can drive and is GOOD at it. has never hit a curb in his life, or gotten into an accident, and has rlly good reflexes. only downside is that he gets severe road rage and it can get pretty scary so like ride with at ur own discretion.
wq: the best driver and is the one who taught wn so OBV she’s good. follows the law to the T and somehow always stays exactly at the speed limit even when her passengers try and goad her into speeding. she just turns up the radio and ignores them
jzx: stupid fucking rich boy can’t drive he’s been chauffeured his whole life you think he knows how to even reverse ? bitch.
jyl: can drive and is the best one out of her family. eldest daughter duties had her driving everyone around until her brothers finally got their own licenses. if she accidentally fucks up while driving she’ll be like “oop! anyways” and pretend it didn’t happen
nhs: can drive but pretends he doesn’t so he can mooch free rides off his friends and save gas money. not the best driver but he can get to point a to point b and thats all that matters :)
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