#i kind of feel like part of it is just like...zodiac signs when a lot of it is just based on confirmation bias
saturnianautist · 1 year
♠️Astro notes pt. 111♠️
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Disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer these are just my opinions based on my own experiences.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ⋄
♠️Taurus’s complain a lot when they are angry or upset. Underdeveloped ones will do it to a degree where they will be upset about one thing and start back to back nitpicking different things that they usually wouldn’t and start blaming others or just anyone and anything but themselves. They can really struggle taking accountability.
♠️ Aries mars in a relationship literally can’t keep their hands off of you, big physical touch people. They also really like doing active things together or going out to do something. Something that involves moving around.
♠️Virgos can be really into personality quizzes and stuff like that. They get fascinated with why people are the way they are especially themselves and understanding there own brain. They also just like collecting information as well.
♠️In tropical astrology you can start to act more like your moon sign as you grow up.As you get older and start improving your self love and confidence, you can start giving your inner child what it originally wanted and express your inner authentic self more(Moon=inner child, inner emotions/thoughts, what feels like home, what feels comfortable, the parts of ourselves we hide from others due to childhood wounds).
♠️Imo Leo women get the most authentically kind zodiac for me. They have such big hearts and I’ve seen so many Situations where they are too generous to a fault. It’s sometimes even to the point where they are sacrificing something from themselves just to make the other person happy. They often have to learn which people actually deserve this side of them otherwise they end up getting hurt a lot.
♠️Ironically, with the notes above, I’ve seen them hurt the most by cancers (also Capricorns are an honorable mention as well but cancers are more tied to emotions so they hit where it hurts more than the caps lmao.) This might have to do with them being ruled by the sun and moon. The sun is bright and full of energy (just like leos), it shines that light onto the moon (leos hyping them up and spreading love and constantly giving their energy to them). The moon reflects the light back whenever shined upon (cancers at first will mirror what energy the Leo’s are giving). Cancers can only do this for so long though, eventually they aren’t able to keep up with it anymore and they show their actually energy which for Leo’s comes out of nowhere and they feel switched up on and betrayed. It takes both a very matured cancer and Leo to be in a healthy relationship/friendship successfully.
♠️Having a 8th house stellium is exhausting y’all but as you get older it will get easier. Not in the way that the things that we are prone to running into stop but in the way that we realize our power more and we won’t feel as exhausted anymore because we know better ways to approach the situations. (If you have one ikyk what I’m talking about and there’s so much so I didn’t explain specifically, lmk if you guys want a post on 8th house stelliums. Might even make a series on stelliums).
♠️Pluto and Chiron in the 4th house can have a lot of their trauma wounds caused by their family members (checking your aspects to those can tell you more details).
♠️Having a lot of Aries degrees in a chart can mean your hair is red or has reddish undertones, or maybe you like to dye your hair that color. For example I have five Aries degrees in my chart and I have red hair. Your other placements can possibly tell you what shade. I also have five Aquarius degrees (traditionally ruled by saturn) and a cap rising and I have a dark auburn shade (saturn rules black or the absence of light)
♠️Every time I meet a Gemini I can always recognize them by there natural smirk. Even when they aren’t trying to smile they have this slight smirk because they smile with their eyes. They always look like a little kid thats up to something lmao. Think of Naomi Campbell or Tom holland.
Thanks for reading till the end! <33
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chezzabellesworld · 3 months
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Your moon sign 🌟✨💫and your relationship with your mother, and how your mother was, or how they were inspired🧚🏽‍♂️💘🌹🥀
Aries 🌑 moon ♈️🐏💪🤗
So you are an Aries moon, you may have had a mum who is very business orientated, very brave and cardinal . She got through a lot of situations on her own for being headstrong, a leader, a pioneer in the area , a fighter and just a strong force at a young age you may have felt very responsible for your mother, physically or mentally, it’s not always the case, but I’ve seen this a lot with Aries moons where they have a grudge against their mother, or Aries placements in general. They are quite independent people that aren’t always family orientated unless it comes to their own family they create.  I’ve noticed in some cases. Also that Aries moons can become of pies and also quite aggressive and fuck you stay away from me, resting bitch, tape face, kind of energy,your mum might of had similar childhood, Aries is the first sign of zodiac so represents you the new things that come in spring, how things can be created. The first person to do something you may on an emotional level want somebody who was action orientated but also has a need for passion and be able to live life in the fast lane, but also be able to quickly change that too. You don’t hold grudges for too long, but like I said,try not come across too angry ,as it might push people away .
So you these ladies have a fierce role ,although some super girly and feminine nine,they definitely have a edge,also with these ladies ,here there is drug use and also alleged drug use SELENA , WHITNEY ,ANGELINA AND KENDRA ,FROM YOUNG AGE AND OF COURSE RRULES YOUTH .
If siblings the responsibility for them may be a lot this is because the parent may feel the other children in the family need more attention than this child. They can trust this child to get on with things. They can trust this child to be really grown up, but maybe you didn’t want to feel grown-up from such age maybe wanted to pay with your dolls for longer anyone with strong Aries placements may feel this strong sense of growing up from a young age, and it shouldn’t always be like that for children. They should be able to enjoy their childhood without feeling less, even if it’s just a feeling they got from the parent.
Taurus 🌙 moon ♉️🐂🍔💷
Having a tourist moon and your relationship with your mother, could be very revolved around money. Your mum may have worked very hard the home
worked hard for herself, she could’ve been really a workaholic. She could’ve been very stubborn. It was either her way or the highway,, she could’ve been very stable, you could of felt this was a way to feel secured, money from a early aged was etched onto you , your mum might be a hermit and rather unusual to social standards, on the darker end of the spectrum, there may be disputes and problems with environment and area because of Taurus walling that part of life they may have had really nice cooked delicious meals would be a big part of their childhood and growing up would be around the dinner table, expressions of luxury with a love language which grew into the adult hood because it takes a lot for a Taurus to change who they are if they ever do she could’ve been very self-indulgent leaving you to fend for yourself, you prioritise stability and commitment . you may be very fertile and your body. You’d be very regular with your periods and your body feminine movements. With anything, there’s a dark end and light end of the astrology spectrum, so on the dark end of a Taurus moon with their mother, there may be issues with getting into a conversation that doesn’t revolve around shallow issues such as money, houses finances, but on the other end, it can lead to you inheriting property , being set up with money for when you’re older . which we don’t always talk about in culture, but is very important to your life
I’ve noticed with Taurus means that they can take on the whole world and feel like nothing else is somebody’s problems problems and but sometimes it doesn’t really show who you are on a deeper level let people come in to that side of you they’re all gonna be the same ,.
Celebrity examples of Taurus moon,
Halle Berry , Christina Aguilera, Cameron Diaz, Zendaya, Demi Lovato, Meryl Streep, Lindsay Lohan, karrine Steffens, Method Man,  Nicole Scherzinger, Keira Knightley.
Taurus I don’t know enough  is aware the moon is at home. This is because of the feeling of security comforts and why the man feels relaxed unable to also get things done for the moon and that’s good. It’s good for fertility about . It’s an eye sign so it’s giving that purity of fertility makes things fresh, clean fertilised and a good tendency to grow on a spiritual and metaphorical metaphorical level out of all the Earth signs. It is the most fertile and the most earthy. It starts the season of spring able to share a good side emotionally without being too emotional if there’s such a thing.
There could all so be issues with food ,and /or body issues images looks,weight and social standards , this could be bulimia , anorexia and binge eating it and obesity.remember to love ❤️ who you are .
Being a Gemini moon, I feel like you grew up with a mother who was very like dynamic you grew up in a very social household, with jokes and banter constantly and that’s how you communicated, you probably grew up in a household with lots of studies where you had to work hard at studies, or have a plan to get educated You are probably known in the area well as well and neighbours came in and out of the house parties and meeting new people were part of the agenda on your childhood with your mothers, especially your mother probably used her social side to to be a good mother and show you love by talking to you and putting as much into you and educating you about the world with words, which I myself am quite jealous of. There’s nothing you can never know too much knowledge and that was probably in the motto in your house. You never know too much on camera, herself. Gemini moon, you probably feel emotionally communication is key to your relationship and if there’s a lack of communication, this feels dead to you and you don’t know how to deal with it that’s not always the case, sometimes you need quiet time, sometimes quite good. You don’t need to always feel something it has to be going on in the way of social, some people don’t work like that some people are social animals and you need to be aware of that., This doesn’t mean these people don’t love you it just means that they have probably a different kind of love language.
Your mother probably grind it into that. This was the right way to be though and things were very fickle and there was lots of laughter and lots of fun. Also, which was good for your heart so it can’t be a bad thing side of this, they could have been a lack of communication, especially in certain degrees of the sign. You could’ve felt emotionally and cut off from the communication styles, your mother could’ve been too busy with work and socialising to pay much attention to you so in astrology you wanna look of each end of the spectrum and if you’ve got the dark side end of it then that’s what’s gonna play up and if you feel more of the lights sided end of it, that’s what may show up in your chart and depending on what house it’s in it will amplify that so let’s say you have a Gemini moon in the fourth house, they may be a strange relationship with the mother, and it may emphasise on the mother a bit too much whether it be good bad or abnormal or whatever . Gemini moon is Roseanne bar, ? And based around her family and her neighbourhood, there’s a Gemini man showing up and it was a good creative outlet for the writing. It’s a mercury road sign along with Virgo .
 celebrities with their moon and Gemini
Roseanne Barr, Bridget Bardot, Jennifer, Lawrence, Khloé, Kardashian, Alyssa Milano, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tina Turner, Heidi Klum, Rachel McAdams Kylie Minogue, Mila,jocavich , Jessica beil, and Aubrey plaza to name a few from what I’ve observed of Gemini means I feel like they are quite secure to themselves socially. They do feel like everything is a joke maybe sometime and don’t take life too seriously but that comes with the Sagittarius mutable Gemini spectrum system, sign energy they’re all quite jokesters think of Heidi Clement her parties for Halloween and how she puts everything into them and how that’s the social thing that everybody comes to like I said, Tina Turner , who is like a very sociable, singer and the stories about often like always not told to be true and told that she was good, give as good as she gets, Aubrey Plaza and her awkward funny sarky humour that peoples find awkward and funny at the same time with Jennifer Lawrence he’s an energy. I don’t jail with too well but maybe that’s cause I’m a Scorpio I mean there’s something with Geminis that can come across is a bit fake and a bit sometimes a bit mean sometimes a bit cold and sometimes a bit over the top like they’re the ones in control I like Khloé Kardashian .
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alyjojo · 1 year
PAC - Your True Soulmate 😍
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There is a LOT to unpack in this reading, we have 7 Piles to hopefully have a broad spectrum of different layers and personalities. I’m not personally a fan of small pile PACs like 3, it’s harder for me to resonate to when it’s so general, WHY make it easier? Go big or go home! Bahaha. I haven’t started yet, so by the end I’m sure I’ll regret this 😁 I’ve got color cards, charms, my new Creativity Oracle which I am just in love with, the whole shebang to get as many details as possible. Not everything will apply to any one person, so just take what resonates for you and leave the rest for whoever they’re for 🙏
Pile 1: Raindrops 🌧
4 Wands - Knight of Wands - Page of Coins
Regarding: 5 Pentacles
Dreaming Way: Dog rev & Ring
Oracles: Partnership, Push & Flash
Possible Signs: Taurus 💯, heavy fire 🔥 Capricorn/Aquarius with The World, Saturn & Star, Gemini with The Lovers, twice
Zodiac Message: North Node in Taurus
- Have faith in your beliefs by making the right connections.
- Do not worry about the costs of the idea in question.
- Now is the time to use the most direct way and get your ideas going.
Bat 🦇 on Flash
Rocking Horse 🐴 on 5 Pentacles
Saturn 🪐 on The World
Diamond 💎 on Salmon Chairs
Key 🔑 on 4 Wands
Color Card: Salmon Chairs 🌷
“Come sit in my chair and feel my love”.
People, places and events are being drawn to you beyond your wildest imagination. Aim higher, for you will draw even greater experiences into your life. It is time to step up to the next level. All “things” are energy and will be drawn to you when you allow your energy to grow. The Salmon Chairs is being brought to you as a gift, to raise your faith and self esteem. It is a gentle and profound change in the way one relates to themselves, and the world. We create the life we feel we deserve. Often we feel we must do something to prepare, yet Salmon Chairs says “Stay in the light of truth, meditate, and relax - if you drink in the light and allow spiritual wealth, you will be surrounded by material wealth.” This is about subtle action, and receiving is an action. You are being told to sit still and receive the bounty that is coming to you. Salmon Chairs can also signify a love relationship in the wings, it’s your choice to receive it. It may also be a present relationship that’s moving to the next level, both spiritually and physically.
This person has very heavy Taurus energy in this reading. Even Salmon Chairs describes the energy of an Empress, which also applies to Taurus, and the North Node described here. This person will have been through some trauma or traumatizing experiences by the time you meet them. With all of the Knight and Page energy, you could meet them young, or they experienced a lot of pain while young, there’s definitely some level of trauma in this person. I kind of expected that sort of personality to come out when I chose the rainy picture, and you also may be able to relate to this person in that way. There is some level of abandonment and loss with them, they may have lost a parent, a friend, a child…can be literal or they can’t access them somehow or they may have abandoned their own child, maybe put one up for adoption or has gone through abortion due to xyz reasons. It happened to them or they did it themselves not fully aware, either can apply here. This can also just describe childhood trauma, but the rocking horse here points out a child specifically. It’s possible they’re taking care of an older child that’s lost a job, or they’re living with a child for that reason. Struggles are where they are when you meet them or a big part of who & where they are & have been.
It’s possible this person is divorced or separated from someone when you meet them. With Dog 🐶 being rev next to Ring 💍 it shows a lack of loyalty, not being able to be trusted or to trust someone else. Someone was not faithful, possibly them. They probably married very young, if married at all, rushed into it, and back out. It’s also possible they’ve done this to you, 2 Cups comes out with The Lovers, and The Star is here, there is definitely a Twin Flame dynamic with this person for someone. If so, they may have lost your trust in the past and it’s valid, but yes they are your soulmate and yes they’re coming back around. With North Node being Taurus, South Node would be Scorpio, whether that actually applies or not, it shows that while young there was more of a death & transformation dynamic to this person, disloyalty, lies, leaving things behind and avoiding the long term, future planning, or solid & stable connections. The path they’re heading towards is Taurus, stability, family, security, the home, long-term. It’s been a long process of maturing/healing for them, or will be.
These are lessons this person has to learn. With Bat 🦇 on Flash, they’ll be tapping into their intuition and may not be able to explain how they know something, but they’ll know. You may move very quickly with this person, moving in together very soon, possibly even getting engaged quickly as well. The Key being on 4 Wands can be a home, it’s like once this person knows what they want, there’s NO stopping them. Diamond 💎 on Salmon Chairs shows them as receiving bounty, money, being very successful, which is something new to them and there could be traumas relating to that too, that are healing over time. They have regrets about the past, whether they did things or had things happen to them, they aren’t totally healed when you come in but they’re heading in the right direction. There is something here about them holding back where their dreams are concerned, you could be helping them “push” towards that too, or you inspire them to take action.
Pile 2: Sunset 🌅
Ace of Pentacles rev - 4 Wands - Ace of Cups
Regarding: The World
Dreaming Way: Clover & Mountain
Oracles: Accomplishment, Secrets & Recycle
Possible Signs: Sagittarius 💯 Pisces, Capricorn & Scorpio
Zodiac Message:
Sun - Sagittarius - 9th House
- The creation of insights to understand spiritual values.
- The gaining of respect for or from the wisdom of long-range thinking or travel.
- Things brought to life or light resulting from the understanding of what is to be shared.
Starfish ⭐️ on Wheel of Fortune rev
Sword 🗡 on Ace of Pentacles rev
Axe 🪓 on 7 Cups
Card Guard ❤️ on Knight of Wands
Sagittarius ♐️ on Sagittarius 💯
Rose 🌹 on Recycle
Color Card: Charmaine Chartreuse 🗣
“I never met a person I didn’t like.”
Charmaine Chartreuse suggests you begin finding the good in others. So much is lost when we do not appreciate those around us, for we lose the wonderful gifts of who they are. Appreciating differences will enrich your present situation. This can be a warning that you’ll lose a valued relationship if you do not appreciate what you have. Thinking the best of another person is more powerful than putting them down. Do not attempt to choose sides. Getting others to agree with you that someone else is wrong will also backfire, you may find yourself alone if you are not thoughtful. Wasting energy focusing on something you shouldn’t is also denoted here. Gossip is an indication you’re not focusing on your own life. What we think may not be the truth of the matter. Be aware now of how you speak of another, for the things you say will come back to you at this time. “Doing your own thing” may leave you lonely, and an aloof attitude may lead others to believe you don’t like them, when that isn’t true. If you’re feeling cut-off, consider that others may be waiting for you, and take a cue from Charmaine, being kind is called for from you, even if others are behaving in an inappropriate way.
This person is so clearly Sagittarius in energy that I’m kinda shocked to be honest. I knew that just with the tarot, three Sag cards, then came the zodiac message of the SUN in Sag and in Sag’s natural ruling house no less, and to top it all off, a Sag charm just in case anyone was confused 🤣 OK THEN. A major Sag placement 💯 There are other signs here, definitely more subtle, but this person *embodies* Sag energy in some way. I did notice Pisces here, slightly, but especially in this recycle card, the imagery is a Bird in the Sky and a Fish in the Sea, and I immediately thought of one of my favorite movies of all time, Ever After 🥰, and the line “A bird may love a fish sir, but where would they live?” It could be you that has Pisces placements, for some of you anyway. If not those specific signs, then the dynamic of one person initially doesn’t put many boundaries or standards in the first place, and the other person doesn’t know how to respect them even if there were, makes light of them or turns it into a joke. Initially.
This person pisses you off. You’ve wasted a lot of time on them, or you feel like you have. If they’ve tried to get at you before, you could feel they have, because forget it. In typical (not all) Sagittarian fashion, this is a typical (not all) “fkboy/girl” personality. They’re definitely a wanderer, they’ve traveled around a lot with whatever it is they do, maybe with their family. They could be foreign to you, a different skin color, nationality, speak a different language, something about them could be in stark contrast to whatever you are, which is something Sagittarius and the 9th rules. Culture! Long distances. Foreign contacts. If they’re not a Sag they could just be different. There is a feeling of freedom with this person, they won’t be tied down, no one has managed to…until you, and it won’t be easy. Or hasn’t been. One way you’ll know who this is, you’ve had to let them go before, or you did because you simply weren’t interested in all this.
Eight of Cups rev shows them making a return to your life, could be because they’ve lost a job, a home, an opportunity of some kind that’s out of their control (or destined). Wheel of Fortune rev can show bad luck, but they’ve got Clover here showing that’s not a regular thing and may be a destined/karmic event of some kind. Probably to get to you! Whatever *your* energy is, you don’t take this person at all seriously, they’re like a thorn in your side and you don’t trust them as far as you could throw them. Justifiably. But the passion is LIT 🔥 and the emotions are there, you want this person to BE trustworthy. This whole reading shows it takes effort, they’re a bit of a “project” emotionally and love is not really their forte, but they are your soulmate. They may have never even really been in love before you, or at least not in any similar sort of way. Love as a whole is not their first language.
Axe on 7 Cups is cutting off all of these other options they may have, ex’s that are “friends” or former flirty options, FWB’s, that sort of thing. The cute little Card Soldier on Knight of Wands is you having to be like absolutely not, you’re setting boundaries, and you’re not about to let this person near you period on some player bs. It turns them on, they like your boundaries, they aren’t threatened by your standards, it’s like a challenge to them & they know you’re right. Which is appealing, no? This person is going to change for you, or grow up more like. Maybe not the first time you interact with them, with there being an energy of “coming back”, but whenever they do, they’re ready for you to set your terms so they can follow along. It seems like they will only want you.
With Clover & Mountain this person could be pretty earthy and practical along with all of their natural luck, they are very clever at getting over or through issues that seem insurmountable, nothing seems to get them down or knock them out for too long, they’re a “winner” type of personality. Accomplishment reinforces that message, they could have several. Secrets feels more like past things they don’t want to talk about, not necessarily secrets *from* you. They’re just not interested in past stuff, they let it go so you should too, to them. Rose 🌹 on Recycle is them having made mistakes, broken hearts, losing and winning and learning their lessons. Starfish ⭐️ shows regeneration on a situation or relationship gone sour, it will get better. GREEN dominates the reading visually, it’s a color of grounding & practicality, and there are many plants being shown which all show growth. They’ve made mistakes, they’re learning or have learned, and will be ready for you when the right time comes.
Pile 3: Classic 🤓
Page of Cups - 8 Cups - 8 Swords
Regarding: Justice
Dreaming Way: Fish & Mountain
Oracles: Timing, Reflection, Time
Possible Signs: Virgo, Cancer & Pisces likely, Leo & Capricorn possibly
Zodiac Message:
Jupiter - Cancer - 9th House
- Learn or teach your feelings as if it or they came from God.
- Be positive about attitudes from the past about the philosophies and laws involved.
- Grow and expand, use your intuition and do it in a big way.
Dead Tree 🍂 on Demon Red Rainbow
Peace ☮️ on Justice
Stallion 🐎 on Mountain
Peridot 💚 on The High Priestess
Color Card: Demon Red Rainbow 👹
“The greatest adversary is the one living inside of me.”
If the Demon Red Rainbow speaks to you, it is an indication that you are starting to (or will) forge ahead on the path you have chosen. You are correct in thinking that this path is important. Demon Red Rainbow denotes miraculous changes which lay ahead but not without your dogged determination. If you are facing a hill that appears insurmountable, this card reminds us that most true adversaries are the ones inside of us. Life always turns for the better when we face our demons.
You are not to abandon your focus no matter what comes up. The direct route may be the best way to the other side of your fear. There is a crucial lesson here for us all. Know that Spirit always provides an ally when we face the Demon Red Rainbow. It will be clear to you who they are. You need not face anything alone. Spirit has chosen a very powerful lesson for you so that you may teach others what you have learned. A gift of this kind is never given without our ability to use it.
I was afraid of this one coming out, and with the classic image too ha, surprise! We follow no preconceived stereotype here, this person is the mess, at least out of the three done so far. And any of you dealing with them are a saint. Or maybe a Cancer, that’s the only sign that might put up with it 🤦‍♀️ No offense, it’s saintly in its’ sacrifice. For some of you, this person is locked up, in jail, for who knows how long? You might. For others, this person is a train wreck you’ve had to separate yourself from. Demon Red Rainbow comes out to show they are their own worst enemy, and the “dead” tree charm shows that so long as they’re standing in their own way, there can’t and won’t be any growth in this person. Mountain and Horse shows them as a wild personality, one that can’t be tamed or restrained, and they create their own Mountains, dig their own holes, which they later fall into and need help escaping. Presumably, from you. Similarly, the Fish next to this Mountain shows an addictive personality or someone who doesn’t know when to stop, they’re excessive with everything they do, however that applies to them.
The thing that will change this person, eventually, is probably spiritual in nature, but I don’t think you’ll have anything to do with this. And while this IS your soulmate, that’s what this reading is, this is the kind of personality that myself and literally any other tarot reader would tell you to just keep moving away from. There are other soulmates. Your personality and vibe is heavily that of a “fixer”, and these signs could even be your signs more than theirs. It honestly feels like a reading that is more “I see you & you are heard” but this person is a lot to deal with…
You cannot miss anything that is for you. Right now you are not speaking to that person and Justice is here showing it’s the right thing. They may have asked you to wait for them, or you’ve done this to them, and there is no energy of that happening. There is no progress, no movement, it’s very difficult and may last a very long time. Again for someone there’s an energy of actual prison time being done and if that’s the case, you’re not expected to wait. They did the crime, they serve the time, go live your life 🙏 ALL of their oracles are about time. And more time, and more time. The longer the two of you spend apart, the more they have to look at themselves in the mirror, reflect, and realize where they went wrong, how they need to change, all of the could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve energies that you need them to see.
They’re conflicted because there’s no communication. You’re conflicted over this same reason. Neither of you wants to be alone, but neither of you can grow how you need to without this separation. There is definitely a pull here, but the love is only a Page, it’s not the whole thing that you deserve. In time, they will heal, and change, and calm down. Mature. Grow up. In time they may be perfect for you, and this could definitely be a Twin Flame 🔥 sort of connection for those waiting around on the runner to stop running. Peace ☮️ on Justice is “someday”. 5 Wands with Justice is right now. When it comes to Twins I’m a fan of saying don’t wait, they’re a waste of time. It’s a cute dream, and a big maybe, but you’ve only got one life, many possible soulmates, and there’s always the chance of meeting someone brand new ❤️ As much as this person matches your heart & energy, only you match theirs too, it’s their loss. If you’ve picked another pile, please pay close attention to that one as well, from this point forward I’m calling this the “stagnant Twin pile”. Whoever you had in mind, whoever you know fits the bill. It’s a maybe, someday, if you still want it. IF. Yes they will change. With time. Time. Time. More time. Good grief. Lot of time. But so will you. How it stands right now, it’s like loving a wolf that means to bite your face off. You have to worry about you 💯 I hate that there’s a dud for an option, but some must need to see it, or it wouldn’t have come out.
Pile 4: Doorway 🚪
The High Priestess - Page of Wands - 9 Cups
Regarding: 4 Swords
Dreaming Way: Dog, Clouds, Snake
Oracles: Flash, Wish Granted, Truth
Possible Signs: Leo 💯 Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn, possibly Pisces with 9 Cups and all of this moon energy, the dreamy vibe is strong
Zodiac Message:
Jupiter - Leo - 5th House
- Learn or teach leadership with the trust of a child.
- Be positive about the creativeness of fun, romance, and making art.
- Grow and expand, do what you want to, and do it dramatically.
Fractal Moon 🌙 on Electric Blue Moon
Angel 😇 on Page of Wands
Leaf 🍁 on Truth
Pearl of Wisdom 🦪 on Ace of Swords
Sailboat ⛵️ on 6 Swords
Color Card: Electric Blue Moon 🌚:
“If I don’t take care of it, it’ll never happen.”
It is not time to force an issue. If something feels important to you, you may be jumping the gun. If you are impatient, you may block something wonderful from coming to you. Now is not the time for a rushed decision, even if you think you’ve given something “plenty” of time, give it more. You have made your needs known to Spirit, now leave it alone. If you try to force a situation, you may bind yourself to something you could come to know as a hinderance. Allow right action to happen in its own time.
Though Leo is the most obvious here, even with the oracles, it’s definitely muddied with water energy. Both 💯 The Moon is as magnified as The Sun. Actually more so, The Sun is reversed. This could be literally Leo with heavy 8th/12th House placements, especially The Sun, one that doesn’t “shine” so brightly because they’re very daydreamy and kind of lost in another plane, or very spiritual. Or have heavy watery placements. It may not be Leo at all and that sign is being shown as The Sun, this is this person’s identity & who they are. Leo shows up with the 5th House, it’s natural ruling house, showing this person as FUN, artistic, very creative, working with children possibly, regardless of sign. They’re not dumb, nor misguided, and they don’t need someone looking down on them. Who they’re meant to be IS a dreamer, a teacher, a spiritualist, possibly an artist, someone in the more creative fields. With Dog, Clouds, and Snake in that order, who they are is a very loyal, giving, loving, friend, a ride or die kind of person, they don’t see the dangers in other people, the “snakes”, and in this way their head is in the clouds. That’s where the Pisces energy is stemming from strongly, whether they actually have that or not, they are an idealist above anything else, but they’re not lost to reality either and with Ace of Swords are actually quite intelligent. Just not suspicious? They’ll protect someone else before themselves 💯 And because of that, are often taken advantage of, and it does not and will not change them.
This person has big dreams they don’t act on, and amazing abilities of manifestation that they don’t use. Not yet. They have many options and they know it, but they’re more of an indecisive type and aren’t in any rush with Temperance. This is a “create the vision in your head” sort of person, and while Page & Knight of Wands are both here, they do take action, it’s not until their vision is complete. Definitely an artist/creative mentality. With 4 Swords & The High Priestess, either you don’t yet know this person or you do but you don’t really talk to them. With 5th House being highlighted and a lot of this younger energy, 9 Cups, it’s possible this is a single parent or someone that has children already. Or that’s their job, maybe something they definitely want. 10 Pentacles being reversed here shows they are not a conservative sort of person, they don’t want traditional…anything. Marriage. Jobs. Life. It’s not their cup of tea 🍵 They could have already been there done that, and are divorced, or come from divorced parents that make them not interested.
That doesn’t mean they’re opposed to love, they’re just not someone that’s locked in a box and expected to stay there, they like to move around and explore their endless options. Again, a dreamer. They’re very excitable, probably love to travel, and their dreams are more important to them than any “relationship” though that isn’t to be mean at all, I get no “mean” vibes from this person, they would probably encourage everyone to do the same. You want to go to Europe? Go! They have an encouraging & supportive energy, a hype person, a loyal friend 💖 The only thing that holds them back is a lack of confidence, and putting in the work necessary to achieve whatever their dream is. I don’t get they’re afraid of work or don’t work, I think their dreams change before they get there, and they switch tracks a lot. Or talk themselves out of things. It could be other people around them put them down or talk them out of things too, which is difficult for a loyal person like this, they may be losing opportunities or sitting on them due to negative people with no creative vision telling them they “can’t” when they absolutely can. The Boat on 6 Swords can show travel as part of their dreams or this may be how you know/meet them, they may travel or move unexpectedly, more than once even with 2 Pentacles, they don’t tend to stay put, and again 10 Pentacles is rev, they’re not the type to even want to. There’s always more to see & do.
The Fractal Moon on Electric Blue Moon shows something is in motion where their dreams are concerned, maybe meeting you is part of that, but there are a lot of options and details involved in what they’re doing, many layers, as also shown by 7 Cups. They’re waiting for something, patiently. Leaf on Truth and Pearl of Wisdom on Ace of Swords are very similar, they can dream a dream and get lost in the practicalities or reality of taking action, that may be where they’re stuck right now, but both of these charms are encouraging, they’re getting somewhere with what they’re doing. Growing & learning 💯 Flash and Wish Granted are also very encouraging, they will be inspired or get their answers, and though things may seem like they take TIME, once it’s moving it’s like lightning. Stop. Stop. Wait. BANG, and they’re there, they’ve done it, and no one was even paying attention. That’s a Uranian/Aquarian quality which is here lightly, which would support a Leo rising, or Uranus may be a strong placement, or conjunct something strong in your own chart. They will surprise you.
Pile 5: Hands 🙌🏽
5 Cups - The Emperor - The Empress
Regarding: The Hierophant
Dreaming Way: Coffin, Bear, Scythe
Oracles: Innovation, Obstacles, Details
Possible Signs: Aries & Scorpio 💯 Leo, Libra, Virgo, Taurus & Pisces
Zodiac Message:
Mercury - Aries - 10th House
- The awareness of energies to meet the challenges of your destiny.
- Many thoughts about or from your desires regarding where you’re going.
- Many words resulting from the honesty and strengths of your career.
Angel 😇 on Bahana Beige
Black Cross ✝️ on The Hierophant
Sword 🗡 The Emperor
Virgo ♍️ on The Empress
Starfish ⭐️ on 10th House
White Heart 🤍 on Knight of Cups
Axe 🪓 on The Hermit
Color Card: Bahana Beige 🎨
“I quietly listen, allowing you to color your own palate.”
If you are drawn to Bahana Beige, it is time to take an impartial look at your situation and drop the excuses. Your answers will come when you remain still. Take no action at this time. The action of Bahana Beige is to listen. Now is the time to consider the other side, because there may be some valuable insights in another point of view. This technique can help produce great strides in communication in your relationships. When we are fixed on a position (or opinion), we are not in the neutral space of Bahana Beige.
This is an opportunity to see who you are in a relationship. Ask yourself, “How does my present attitude or position serve me?” When you answer this question, you will begin to gain more insight into choosing what is for the highest good in any situation. Another way to position a question is in thinking from the other person’s point of view. Is there another way to see this situation? What do you see now?
This is a very difficult personality, but definitely worthwhile. They are very serious, intense even, in their seriousness, and STUBBORN. This by far is the broadest spectrum of signs and personalities, but Mars dominates, they are clearly the hardest workers, the strictly disciplined, the action takers 💯 This is a person who is either divorced when you meet them, married but on their way to divorce, or they’ve had pain in their life due to parental figures, possible divorce in that sense as well. The Emperor is highlighted in their own personality, and as someone demanding, dominating & commanding that’s *over* them in some way and has since been cut off. Probably a father figure. For some this is a job, not parents, and a boss that’s unfairly and suddenly cut them off or out. This person knows struggle and the need to stand up to some dominating person, whether at home or in career, and in some sense they also wear a mask of intimidating & dominating traits. A job is being highlighted as having some level of regeneration to it, with Starfish ⭐️ on 10th House, they could be shifting careers or someone that does this more than once, some of you could meet them at work, but career has been a struggle in its own way no matter what these Emperor/Empress energies are otherwise. Previous failures have left a bitter taste in their mouth.
But that is not who they are inside. They are disappointed by the hand life has dealt them, and they feel a sense of competition everywhere they go, again heavy Mars energy here. They’ve lost a few of those “competitions” and may have a large ego that kinda kicks them in the butt if they’re not careful. They tend to shift blame outward and skirt any accountability, even within reason. The most difficult thing about this person is the negativity in their perception. They do not compromise. Their way or the highway. Black Cross on The Hierophant, they’re probably an atheist, and could have very negative views on any number of things. Certain companies, marriage as a whole, spirituality, specific ways of doing things that are not in line with *their* beliefs…even if that is simply “how to cut an onion”, and it’s wrong but good luck telling them that. They will willingly DIE on a pretty stupid hill, even if they’re wrong. Fixed energy 💯 A lot of needless arguments accompany this person and it just depends on your own personality & story what those are. Part of them genuinely likes to fight. Good luck with that 😆🤦‍♀️
Underneath this person’s “tough” exterior is a big emotional baby, to put it bluntly. Not very “mature”, with ick emotions that accompany very negative beliefs and perceptions, they tend to overdramatize and their emotions spill out like a flood when they’re upset. But, as anger, not sadness. Again…Mars. This can really be any sign with heavy Mars energy tbh, that’s what I’m getting here. The positive side to that is when they’re sad, happy, angry, upset, they can’t hide it so there’s no question as to where others stand with them. 100% not a fake person, they don’t just slap on a smile because someone says so or expects one, no.
They’ve lost many people in their lives and are pretty closed off and Hermit-like in nature. They’ve experienced disappointments in all areas of life, work, love, family, friends, you name it & they’ve probably experienced it. Their perceptions of things are so negative because of this, and that’s something perhaps you will help to change. Bahana Beige shows Spirit working in their favor the most when they try to remain impartial. It’s like not even expecting a total change, just be open, that’s all that’s asked of them & they’re blessed. They get way too caught up in obstacles and details, their negative thinking tends to mess up their plans, not anything being actually “against them”. They envision roadblocks where there are none, and have very little if any faith. There is a lot of past pain in this person, and they’re also very nostalgic about happy times, friends, possibly ex lovers, childhood memories, they may romanticize how things were vs seeing the reality of the situations or how things have changed, maybe they just miss the old days in some way. It’s a process, but they may talk about these things at random, and those things are often on their mind. At heart, this person is deeply romantic and would like the fairy tale to exist how it should, it just hasn’t yet and they’re bitter. Their intentions are noble and pure, and they’ve got a heart of gold for the right person. Healing is a top priority for them. Or it needs to be.
Deep down, this person wants marriage, children, the perfect picture of how things “should be”, even down to the 1950’s style cards I’m using for this pile, that matches up perfectly. They see a picket fence and wonder why they don’t have the right person to fit this image. I don’t get a sense of illusions too much though, they just want their soulmate, but may be a bit of a perfectionist about ideals, they could need a dose of realism in that sense. It’s not 1950 so…within reason. For some, they may be very difficult to see as long term because they assume everything will end up like the past, so they push it away, and you’ll have to fight back in that sense, because you’re different. Once they find that right person for them, they’re very conservative, truthful, loving, romantic even, this is someone that expects to be courted or will court you “the right way”, very passionate and eager for love, they aren’t a game player and if/when they do love you this is one that lasts forever 🙏
Pile 6: Maze
6 Wands - Knight of Pentacles - 4 Wands
Regarding: Ace of Cups
Dreaming Way: Fox & Tree
Oracles: Intuition, Distractions, Success
Possible Signs: Aries, Gemini & Pisces, possible Taurus with Venus, 2nd House & Hierophant, but I’m definitely getting its more the behavior than actual signs with this one
Zodiac Message:
Venus - Aries - 2nd House
- Cherish your willpower patiently.
- Enjoy what you think you know about what you want.
- Charm, art, and beauty are the way to do it your own way and get what you need.
Red Moon 🌙& Bad & Boujee 😈 on Gold Coins
Child 👦🏻 on 10 Cups
Black Clover 🍀 on Distractions
Rose 🌹 on 6 Wands
Bunny 🐰 on 4 Wands
Bicycle 🚲 on Aries
Dolphins 🐬 on 6 Swords
Telephone ☎️ on Page of Wands
Color Card: Gold Coins 💰
“I only seek to give you what you ask for.”
Gold Coins gently asks you to look at your relationship with money. Money doesn’t care where it goes. It naturally goes toward appreciation and gratitude. What we do with our own abundance makes the difference. Are you blaming something on money? Are you running from it? Be wary of using your financial situation as an excuse to avoid doing something you love to do. Are you questioning a relationship or career that is hitting a rocky time? It may be time to look for the good in it. Remember there are two sides to every coin. What you desire may currently be manifesting. Great riches are waiting for you to use them. You can ask the universe for riches or poverty, the universe doesn’t care, only you can change your inner experience. “Things” only hold value when we think they do. If there were no money, it didn’t exist, what else would you do? What else would you focus on?
Two things are possible with this person. One, they may be already married or otherwise involved when you meet them. Possibly have children. Two, if they’re not, then they definitely want a marriage & children. This is almost a wolf in sheep’s clothing, especially with Fox here, and it’s not so much in a mean, conniving sort of way, unless they had a whole other family before you…possible. They may play this role to someone else, for you. But for most it’s in a financial way. They are very romantic, clever, charming, madly in love with sweeping someone off of their feet, and they do put in a lot of effort to keep their relationships happy, passionate, and stable. But when it comes to money, this person is almost dangerous in how reckless they can be. Venus is in detriment in Aries, and being 2nd House is telling as well. It’s not a soft & loving kind of placement, it’s notorious for independence and selfishness, in this case when it comes to personal finances and the things they own. Like a home, which is highlighted with 4 Wands here.
Gold Coins highlights the relationship with money, this is a major downfall to this person. Red Moon and the Bad & Boujee bottle, along with the Black Clover 🍀 on Distractions all show stupid impulses, “standards”, possible major issues with money. This could be a gambling problem, definitely a spending problem whether it’s shoes, cars, hair products, I don’t know the what except that it’s excessive and can cause major problems in their life. Probably already has. Fox with Tree can show them being financially bamboozled by a clever salesman type, or they could be that to YOU, putting their health at risk even, or things like insurance, 401k, long term stability that they don’t consider due to the need for convenience, impatience, or satisfaction right NOW. It is only money they are this way with. That I can see. Having Fox here, they will not be open and up front about these issues but will skirt them at every opportunity. Taking accountability means change, which they don’t intend to do.
Knight of Pentacles does show them to be a hardworking person. Not rich, not poor, they earn everything they have. They could be a sucker for a quick scheme, and if that’s the case it’s literally never worked out for them, so idk what the temptation even is there. For a very slight few, it’s possible the ex was this way and took them for everything they had, or they lost everything in a separation. If so, even kids. There’s a possibility of their children living far away from them as well and only really communicating by telephone. They’re the type to not pay child support, cash under the table, scheme scheme scheme. Only take that if it resonates, it’s for those leaving a family, and for that story that’s exactly what they’ll do…but you get the repercussions of all that. If you do not yet know this person, they’re definitely not the type to initiate, you’ll have to show interest, Phone on Page of Wands shows them waiting not initiating, they’re not the type for it. Or the connection starts as messages, not in person.
If not a family then this person may have once lived or traveled somewhere by the sea, with Dolphins on 6 Swords, and they keep in contacts with the friends from wherever they once were, or maybe go back and visit every so often. Could be where the money goes, in part. Distractions has the Black Clover on it and feels more like destructive hobbies that cost a lot of money, keeps them from getting ahead, and blocks success that’s available for them and ready for the taking. If you two have children together, they are a very loving parent. While present. If they have kids far away, they just don’t have them and can’t see a way out of that situation. This is a person that has overcome many difficulties and continues growing, they’re not forever stuck, but they do take a very long time. Or their job is one that isn’t the greatest, but it’s reliable, and saving up for something significant takes a very long time, even longer because there’s always some nonsense or excuse as to why money is missing. They’re responsible with your heart, not so much your wallet. There is a part of them that comes out as a Fox, they manipulate when they feel there is no other way…and they are selfish when it comes to doing what they want and how…just be mindful of that 🙏
I don’t get the best or worst vibes from this person, they just need someone that’s on top of everything to flat out be like “no” when it’s necessary, them leading the troops probably isn’t the wisest idea. But they are supportive, very loving, loyal in love at least so far as I can tell. Money is the issue. Some of them just come with money issues, child support, debt, bad credit, things like that. And they have the potential for success, plenty of money, they just also have the potential to blow it all in one day too. They like fancy things, and love to spend spend spend. It’s part of the deal with them. They could have a gifts love language. You must be the sort of person that’s on top of things to attract someone like this. Or you’ll need to be, they’re a clever one.
Pile 7: New Life 🌱
Page of Cups - The Star - 9 Wands rev & 8 Wands
Regarding: Knight of Cups
Dreaming Way: Book, Tree, Mountain
Oracles: Nurture, Collaboration, Dream
Possible Signs: Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius & Aquarius, possibly Scorpio with Death & Topaz
Zodiac Message:
Uranus - Taurus - 7th House
- An unusual example of resources to maintain balance.
- A different way of looking at the practicality of cooperation.
- An unexpected change resulting from the productivity of your partner.
Taurus ♉️ on Topaz
Dancer 💃 on Collaboration
Moulin Rouge 💋 and Bad & Boujee 😈 on Knight of Wands
Cupid 💘 on Temperance
Color Card: Topaz 💛
“If I seek peace, I must embrace my fears.”
Topaz speaks: “To be enlightened is to realize that to gain peace, fear in the heart must be faced.” If Topaz has come to you, he is telling you that it is time to stop talking about what you intend on doing. You must just do it. Things happen for us when we take action, which is the only way to break through what is holding us back. The change that is called for here is surrender, which is an action in itself. No great tasks were ever achieved easily. Remember we do a lot to avoid what we feel will hurt us; you must understand that the pain will recede if you face your fears, allowing you to walk through to the other side. Topaz whispers “Pray for guidance and you will be assisted.” Do not despair, for if Topaz has come to you, relief awaits. By facing your fears, peace and enlightenment will be your reward. That is the gift. All you need to do is ask.
This is a very loving person, romantic, soft, dreamy, emotional, and very partnership oriented, they could be the sort of person that has only ever worked within partnerships, whether that’s love, friendships, family, they’re a “group-minded” and close-knit kind of person with 7th House highlighted. They could have a dominant 7th, possibly with the Sun or Moon there. Taurus also is a very domestic and family oriented sign, whether it actually applies to their chart or not, they are your family person. Nurture shows a picture of a Native woman with a baby on her back, Collaboration shows a pair of people, 10 Cups and 10 Pentacles are here showing groups of very close knit people make them happiest. The group is everything, family is everything, and they are a nurturing & giving type of personality, regardless of gender. Possibly a parent already, if so it’s a defining factor in who they are, or that’s definitely something they want later on.
This person has been through some difficult times in regards to some level of toxicity whether at work or in their family. Could be both. Moulin Rouge and Bad & Boujee show those being along a sexual or provocative nature, there’s been Death & major transformations in themselves regarding this, and it could be any number of things, some very traumatizing. Hugs to them. They may not have been an angel at one time, either playing the field, working in toxic/sensual types of conditions, possible addictions, but have learned and sacrificed for the family, children, there is an energy of sacrifice here which would match all of the Pisces energy coming through, whether it literally applies to signs or not. This may be someone else entirely in their environment or past that had to go. Death is attached to all of these things, it’s in the past.
This person has a lot of healing to do, but they’re happy to do it, a more optimistic and happy personality for sure even with the struggles they’ve been through. They are mature in their energy with Temperance, and The Sun outshines any Moon confusion they may have once had, this is someone aware of their manifestations, where they’ve been, what they want, and where they’re going. All with a very happy energy with this Sun, and a romantic & dreamy outlook on life in general with Knight of Cups. Cupid on Temperance shows them as mature, patient, and very accepting or tolerant of the differences in people, they don’t seem to mind yours if you don’t mind theirs. A very peaceful energy, and not one to rush into things, which if Taurus applies, they rush for no one ever 😆
Taurus being on Topaz could show a person with both Taurus and Scorpio qualities, or possible oppositions like this in their chart that equal a balance in this person’s personality. They’re more patient, fluid, go with the flow, and less stubborn. They may have been hurt in the past, love wise, and you could surprise them because they weren’t looking when you found them, or they didn’t know what they wanted until they found you. It’s a very sweet energy with them.
With Book, Tree, and Mountain, they could be a book worm or an avid learner of all of the things, and what’s highlighted is health obstacles they may have had to face, however that may apply. Self help books, meditations, yoga, anger management or any number of peaceful mind/body tactics may be something they’re into. Tree also pertains to the environment, this could be a very environmentally conscious person, a vegan or vegetarian, a compost creating gardener type, something along those lines. Mountain describes obstacles they’ve faced or are currently dealing with, some may have a long term illness of some kind or some sort of routine to deal with a particular ailment of theirs, like physical therapy, or holistic medicine for example. That won’t apply everywhere, or in any specific way for the collective, just take it how it resonates for you.
Dancer 💃 is on Collaboration, that could be some way you know them, they like to dance or you do this together, maybe take classes, or they have. It’s highlighted with their creativity in a very fun way, and this person seems most focused on the fun of situations, especially in groups of people. The more the merrier!
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makingspiritualityreal · 11 months
Are certain Nakshatras Doomed in a given World Age?
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Recently I've been researching the less popular but more analytical Vedic School of Thought that superimposes Nakshatras with Tropical Placements. That means that if you cast your chart this way, your Nakshatras will stay the same, but your signs will go back to the positions of your Tropical chart. I respect that idea although I don't fully feel convinced of it yet because I respect the Astrologers that use it (Ernst Wilhelm, Vic di Cara) and because there is some scientific reasoning behind it, given that the Earth's orbit is irregular and tilts over the years, thus changing the calculations, which they call precession of the equinoxes. I admit the mathematical part of it is not my strong suit, I'm a psychic medium that just loves to use Astrology to share her impressions, but I'm not a brilliant mathematician and I'm an even worse physicist, largely due to lack of proper opportunities for a good teacher that would be needed to compensate for my more abstract way of thinking.
If you want to find out your own sign placements based on your Nakshatras just follow a table like HERE but there are many other of the same sort online on other websites too.
The issue with the degrees of the signs moving at certain historical periods of time is that not all Nakshatra signs and rulerships are compatible with the newly changed Astrological sign values. That creates problems in perceptions of certain Nakshatras in Mass Consciousness in our time. However, if we assume the degrees of Nakshatras as mobile...some Nakshatras are going to struggle at any given time, except for the time when Nakshatras are temporarily perfectly aligned with their traditional degrees (which last happened briefly 1500 years ago and won't happen for millennia to come according to THIS link resource). So due to the precession of the equinoxes, the degrees of Nakshatras are always mobile...which can cause interesting shifts, such as the New Astrological Year starting in a completely different than traditional Nakshatra, so not Ashwini. Right now for example, according to tropical calculations we are entering the Aries season in the Nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada, making this Nakshatra the initiator of reach solar cycle for years to come...until the Nakshatra degree changes again in a couple of hundreds of years, and the Aries sign will be ruled by Purva Bhadrapada instead.
Astrologers preaching this School of Thought educate not associating Nakshatras to any specific cycles or zodiac signs, viewing them as seperate entities dependent on the Moon's mythology more than the whole chart or movements of the Sun over the horizon...but I just can't get behind that concept, given that...well, the Nakshatras are still determined by SOME kind of calculations. The Nakshatras are not exempt from the unwavering rhythm of nature. I wrote a lot of posts with elemental associations to the Nakshatra and their planetary rulership (which btw doesn't change even if you go by tropical degrees) because Nakshatras are living entities...and they enter our lives through our charts as a portal...but still based on these new and improved calculations. I can get behind the numbers changing as the planet itself evolves, given the pressure of the chaos of Nature, but it simply cannot be separated from the signs of the planets, as both influence them. Sure, you can study it independently, but the final result is still going to be a planet influenced by both its sign and house AND the ruling Nakshatra.
That creates an interesting result, that in given world ages, certain Nakshatras will struggle to begin with, while others will struggle more in certain padas, making their Divine Energies harder to exist at a given time frame. If I started moving the Nakshatras around in different time periods, we could be sitting here forever discussing all sorts of hypotheticals, so for the purpose of usefulness to this generation, let's stick to the way things are now, and will be for at least the next 100 years, since the changes in degrees are slow (but still, sign calculations already moved almost a whole degree just since I was born and I'm not that old yet lol). Again, to understand my writing consult the table in the link above.
An example Nakshatra that came to my mind, that is perceived really negatively in this world and age is Rohini. Why? Because to have that Nakshatra in your chart, you need to have a given planet in the sign of Gemini. Considered that Rohini is Moon ruled, and Mercury views Moon as its enemy according to planetary friendship tables, Rohini essentially doesn't like being in the Mercury ruled sign of Gemini. Traditionally, Rohini is positioned in the Venus ruled grounded Taurus, which is already problematic to begin with, since Venus views Moon as its enemy too...but the Moon is still exalted in Taurus. The Moon is grounded and settled by Venus, as it has no enemies. The Moon is scattered, curious, but two faced and unstable in Gemini. Now what do we get when we put Rohini, an emotional, impressionable Nakshatra ruled by the Moon, away from Venus and into Mercury? An attention seeking person, that uses duplicity and manipulation to fulfil its need for intimacy. Historically, the Venusian element provided stability of skill and material resources, grounding the Nakshatra energy. Nowadays, Rohini can display more fickleness than form. And it is not even their fault...but the fault of when they were born. In the past, being born in Rohini probably provided one with serious material stability and good family pedigree, which Venus assures, making her a worthwhile wife, or as they say traditionally, the favourite wife, despite her whimsical nature. To understand more about the dark Nature of Rohini in our times, I encourage you to watch this video by @thehiddenoctave, where the theme of manipulation and mind games is explored in depth.
Another interesting example to explore is Shravana Nakshatra, which moves its Rashi from Capricorn to Aquarius. That preserves the Saturnian theme, but adds the energy of Rahu to the mix. Notice the stories that surround Shravana natives. First of all, they get media attention very easily. A lot of actors/actresses with these placements are idolised. Then a lot of them are also viewed as toxic, unstable or taboo breaking (Rahu, but also the Outcaste nature of the Nakshatra). But the media attention so many of them get nowadays...the scrutiny of the tabloids? That's Rahu and Aquarius at its finest. The rise and fall. The highs and lows. My guess is, historically this Nakshatra was more private due to Capricorn's restrictive nature, but has gained more exposure with Rahu...which has also sadly added a lot of trauma to its natives.
Certain Nakshatras are doing better, and still have at least some portion of them in their traditional signs, temporarily letting them off the hook. But that raises an interesting question. What will happen to a phenomenon such as Sun's exaltation, once the vernal equinox moves on to the Nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada in a couple of hundred years?
Sun traditionally exalts in Ashwini Nakshatra...but that has to happen in the sign of Aries. What will happen when the precession of the equinoxes moves Ashwini completely into the sign of Taurus...where the Sun is uncomfortable, due to Sun and Venus being enemies? The potential for an individual to have a fully working, exalted Sun will be eliminated for that particular time in human history.
And isn't that what we are going towards? Sun rules our independence and individuality...yet we are more and more dependent on technology, connections, societal conditioning, in order to have any freedom at all. More and more finances are required for a person to have any mobility or opportunity in the world. In a couple of hundred years, when the Aquarian astrological dominance intensifies, independence or individuality that goes with an exalted Sun will no longer rely on the power of Spirit, that Aries represents, but be completely dominated by the luck of being born in a stable financial family environment, which Taurus represents. So those who have the power to express themselves are those, who can afford it because they have a stable enough backing. Since Ashwini is partially already in Taurus, we can already see it happening in the world, slowly and gradually.
I understand traditional Vedic Astrologers sticking to perfect symmetrical calculations from 1500 years ago. I understand their love for this perfection scheme. I understand the exploration of the cyclical nature of Nakshatras. I do it myself. But I think that this is nevertheless an interesting concept to explore, that takes Astrology to a whole new level, accounting for very real societal changes gradually taking place in front of our eyes. It shows that Nakshatras behave differently in different timeframes, responding to the world we live in. And doesn't that add a very real and practical dimension to Astrology, its omnipresent influence on Earth as a living being, regardless of the phases its going through?
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
I don’t know if this is CPN but i am interested in all the astrology stuff when it comes to zz and wyb. so I understand if some people are not into that. During the roadshow, one of the people who attended is this 陶白白Sensei blogger ( with 18 million followers ) who posts about astrology. they describe for example what a certain zodiac sign is like and so on on their blog. they were invited to the event and was even asked to speak because WYB opened about how leo(s) like being praised. This person then described what a leo is ( intense people who will do what they set their mind to and sometimes even forget to eat or sleep. they don’t care if people laugh about them ) and people noticed how yibo was nodding along.
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he agrees and seems like he knows how on point the description is for him and other leo(s). the blogger seems to think so too because of what he shared on his account.
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now here comes the CPN part. Back in 9/16/2021, this blogger posted a reading about leo and libra and lots of the comments are about zz and wyb.
“Today I will talk about the pair of Leo and Libra.The short time it takes for the Leo-Libra pair to fall in love, and the heat. The sweetness of love will really far exceed everyone's imagination.”
the funny thing is his response to the people’s comments:
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What's going on, every time I write this series, there will be comments. Isn't this the XX and XXX? Mysterious, after all Is it xxx and xxx??? It makes me want to knock.
( knock meaning, wants to know more about this cp for themselves. XX = XZ XXX = WYB )
So here’s some excerpts from that article. Actually, this post is just an excuse to feed my leo x libra compatibility agenda too 😂😂😂
This is pretty long but i love it. Lol. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Basically, as long as you look each other in the eye, even if you have only known each other for a week, as long as the Leo takes the initiative to express good feelings, Libra will give a response, as long as there is a response to make the Leo’s confidence increase, he will work harder to create romance.
Libra likes this feeling of being surrounded by love too much, and they will not think about the past, do not think about the future, and choose to be together when the emotional atmosphere is up.
Therefore, if you can be together quickly within a month or two of being together, if you almost feel more than a few months, that is really almost meaningful, and you will quickly calm down and feel inappropriate after being together.
To put it bluntly, as long as love makes both of them unable to recover their senses, their relationship will quickly heat up and enter a long period of love.
That is, as long as one party feels that it is not what they want, the relationship will always be stuck in that place without results.
Back to what I just said, enter the long period of love.
Why is it a long love period?
The most suitable point of Libra is actually complementarity, in intimate relationships, the lion is a person with a strong desire to express, and Libra is a person with a strong ability to appease.
The lion can find its own dependence on the other party in the process of expression, and Libra can find a sense of participation in the relationship from the time it confides in the opposite direction.
These two are people who hate hypocritical socialization, and the usual group of fox friends have long had enough, but they are too bored to participate in those time-wasting activities.
Now that someone who knows that he loves himself has appeared, he is willing to go home and call the other party for 3 hours, and he is not willing to go out and waste time and energy.
This kind of love will change the lifestyle of two people, and it will really directly become the most important part of the life of two people, and even the spiritual pillar.
To put it bluntly, lions have always been such people, but many people cannot meet the lion's longing and dependence on love, resulting in the lion himself being disappointed and does not want to rely too much on feelings.
But Libra is different, Libra really likes the feeling of having a person dependent on himself, he will not be bored or slack at all. He will answer calls as late as possible, how boring things he is willing to share, and how meaningless quarrels he will answer.
In fact, it is precisely because Libra is always righteous, he will pay special attention to the words spoken by the lion, even if the lion is guilty of deliberately looking for a sense of existence, Libra will patiently play with him.
What is this called?
In Internet parlance, this makes me understand your cute love, you understand my weirdness.
Some friends may start crying when they look at it, "It was true at the beginning, but then he changed, and the relationship between the two people deteriorated, and they couldn't go back." ”
Indeed, this is also the biggest contradiction between the feelings of these two people.
The problem now is that both of them have too much hope for this relationship and too strong a vision for the future.
In fact, these two people are very contradictory, the lion is fierce, Libra is more fierce than the lion, they often get unhappy because of a sentence that does not coincide, sulking.
But the vast majority of contradictions do not break out because they are bowing their heads for love to make way for love, not for each other.
Many times, they are angry and do not say, they are afraid of affecting their feelings, and this fear must be because two people have had an earth-shattering quarrel, so that both people are afraid of this scene again.
The key to the problem is here, these two people must really quarrel for no reason, such as today I called you you perfunctory me, tomorrow I sent you a message you did not reply in time, the day after tomorrow I asked you out to eat you said you have something, the day after tomorrow I lie down very bored you go out to play.
As long as one party is out of balance, he will suddenly burst out after chewing for a few days, and then attack the other party.
The lion is a man who cannot speak, and Libra is a man who says he will fight back.
Therefore, no matter who is looking for whose trouble, it will definitely break out into a "war".
As long as one of the two people has an unbalanced mentality, this "war" will break out regularly.
It is never because of what happened, but because of grievances.Passive people are wronged, and active people are even more wronged.
Once tired of the quarrel, the two people began to recover and think about why this relationship became like this, whether the two people are compatible, and whether there is a future, and the spiritual belief brought by the relationship will also collapse.
As I said earlier, when these two people are in love, they will leave their lives behind and start a new relationship life, when they try to return to their previous life and find that it will be easier and happier.
This relationship may never go back.
Because they have given too much in their relationship, when they start to care about who is right and who is wrong, and who pays more and who pays less, they will feel that both of them are emotional "victims".
They will feel that neither of them did anything wrong, it's the fault of their relationship, they are inappropriate people and shouldn't be together...
To be honest, I can only analyze these, and I can't help anyone.
When these two people fall in love, they will protect their exclusive feelings to the utmost, and they will not listen to outsiders at all...
The biggest problem is that they imagine their relationship too beautifully, and the blow of reality will make them suspect that their relationship has deteriorated.
Normal mind is very important, don't focus on how to keep two people from quarreling, this will only make both of them feel more wronged when there is a real quarrel.
The key to success is that after the quarrel is over, whether you can make three chapters calmly, and when you find that there is a gap between two people, whether you can go out for a walk and relax, then sit down and communicate calmly, and ease the grievances in each other's hearts.
Don't think that feelings should be sacred, so avoid talking about impurities in feelings! ! !
Only by cleaning out the impurities will the relationship last and then sublimate.
Persistence and belief are very important, and maintenance and communication are more important.
MY GOD. If this piece does not describe what we have seen and speculated about ZZ and WYB then I don’t know. It’s so clear why BXGs responded to it and how “accurate” it is. 😌😌😌
CPFs are thinking about this guy who attended the show and saw WYB, did he think about that article years ago? How people reacted to the Leo x Libra pair and he got interested with ZZ and WYB?
This also reminds me of the 95% compatibility reading.
Anyway, these boys and their love is truly favored by the Universe and even if there are obstacles, I believe they will stay together <3
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littlemoonastrology · 5 months
All About: CAPRICORN ♑︎ - The Zodiac Signs
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This post will cover all the basic information needed to understand Capricorn, the tenth Zodiac Sign!
Take a look at my other posts to see information on: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius!
What's next? Aquarius! Keep a look out!
If you feel like this post has helped you feel free to Follow, Like Reblog or Repost (as long as I'm credited!).
My Big 3 Astrology Readings are open! If you'd like to purchase one or support me, head on over to my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/littlemoonastrology . <3 Thank you!!
Capricorn ♑︎
Date (Only applies to Sun Signs): December 22 - January 19
Symbol: ♑︎ - The Sea Goat
Associated House: Tenth
Associated Degrees: 10°, 22°
Associated Energy: Feminine
Planetary Ruler(s): ♄ Saturn (Modern and Traditional)
Element: Earth
Modality: Cardinal
Keywords: Visionary, Ambitious, Skilled, Self-Motivated, Competitive, Reliable
This Zodiac Sign is determined, visionary and make great decisions which only allow for more progress in life - not just practically but emotionally too. Capricorn is reliable and steady, a great friend to go to when you need an honest opinion. Whilst this placement may tend to come across as biased sometimes or judgemental it's because they tend to hold high standards for themselves and the people around them. However, this doesn't mean they do this to bring others down, they do this to help aid others and give them some kind of direction in life. A Capricorn already intuitively knows who they are and their goals, often thriving in competitive subjects and can become highly skilled in multiple different topics (although this doesn't mean they are organised at all). They may like to keep their environment clean as well as their mindset, easily being able to say goodbye to toxic situations.
In fact, someone with a Capricorn placement may come across as lazy when this isn't the case. As hardworking as this sign can be, they may also procrastinate a lot and have trouble starting projects if they are not in the right mindset which can end up becoming some form of baggage. It's important for this placement to come out of their comfort zone (especially when they don't feel like it) and motivate themselves to get things done they don't want to (rather than staying in bed scrolling through social media all day. I see you.).
However, sometimes tasks may become too overwhelming for Capricorn - maybe even their emotions can become too much for them or they become really anxious over something. This can cause someone with this placement to act out of character - maybe acting out in anger or coming off as erratic (although this is only usually once triggered if they have been sitting and seething for a long time). In some cases maybe they look for ways to escape, whether that be through material things, people, ideas or work. If this problem keeps getting bigger, Capricorn may even become somewhat idealistic - relying on fantasies, emotions and possibly digital media to help them get through life which may result in them pushing others away and forming somewhat delusional or fantastical beliefs. It's at this point, Capricorn needs some kind of structure to help them come back to reality. Philosophy may help with this (or further certain unhealthy beliefs).
When Capricorn feels capable, skilled, respected and validated in an aspect of their life they may have a tendency to engage in it an unhealthy amount. This can lead them to avoiding other parts of their life (such as getting engrossed with work and forgetting to maintain friendships) or maybe put a lot of effort into an unhealthy relationship. It's important for someone of this placement to stay grounded, stable and work on projects/relationships which are healthy for them. Much like Cancer, pay attention to the amount of effort you're putting in and the rewards you receive.
Zodiac Sign
Each of the Zodiac Signs are a constellation. The Zodiac Sign shows how a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is being represented and expressed. Once a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House falls into a Zodiac Sign, it adopts the energy of it.
For example: if Mercury falls into the constellation Sagittarius, Mercury adopts Sagittarian traits. If the 6th House falls into the constellation Aquarius, the 6th House adopts Aquarian traits.
Associated House
The Houses in Astrology are dependent on the time and location of birth in a Natal Chart and there are 12 different ones. Each of these 12 Houses are then assigned to a Zodiac Sign and 1 or 2 Planetary Rulers. The Houses in Astrology show you what area of life the energy of the Zodiac and Planets/Asteroids/Fixed Points is appointed to and helps provide depth into the chart.
For example: Capricorn's Associated House is the 10th House.
Associated Degrees
When a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House falls into a Zodiac Sign constellation, it will be appointed a Degree. This Degree shows how far along the Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is in a Zodiac Sign. Each Degree is also associated with a Zodiac Sign, meaning when this Degree comes up it can nuance the way the Zodiac Sign of a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is being represented.
For example: Mars is 6° in the Zodiac Cancer, 6° represents Virgo - therefore the Cancer Mars also takes on Virgo traits. The 2nd House is 23° in the Zodiac Scorpio, 23° represents Aquarius - therefore the 2nd House in Scorpio takes on Aquarian traits.
Planetary Ruler(s)
This phrase refers to the Planet(s) that rule a Zodiac Sign. When a Planet falls into the Zodiac Sign it has rulership over, the energy of both the Planet and the Zodiac Sign is amplified.
For example: Pisces' Planetary Ruler is Neptune.
Modern / Traditional
These words are associated with two kinds of Astrology: Modern Astrology and Traditional Astrology. Traditional Astrology refers to Astrology that was practiced before the 19th century, whilst Modern Astrology refers to Astrology that is practiced now. Some people choose to practice Traditional Astrology, some people choose to practice Modern Astrology, whilst some others might practice both types or combine them together.
Each Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree is associated with an Element and this covers certain traits which are unique to the Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree they correspond to.
These Elements are: Fire, Air, Water and Earth.
Much like an Element, each Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree is associated with a Modality. The Modality describes what the focus of a placement is and how the energy is expressed.
There are 3 different Modalities: Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed.
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astrognossienne · 9 months
notes on cancer women
Cancer women don’t run down men. We MAKE them come to us with our lunar pull and when they’re with us we treat them better (sexually and otherwise) than almost any other woman in the zodiac. We’re the first water sign and as such, our pussies stay wet and we know how to get dicks hard as well as wet. We’re the best sex in the zodiac and men are hooked on us. We’re also the most feminine. We’re the women who can best intuit our man’s needs and desires. We’re the ones that can hang with his (guy) friends. We’re the ones who can even chill with other women, if they’re secure enough. We’re the ones he takes home to mom. Other girls are for a good time, we’re here for a long time. We’re the types that a man marries. We’re literally every woman. However, we’re also independent af so although we love to be with someone, most times we know how to be alone. My friends are constantly asking me when I will get a boyfriend and I have no intentions of dating right now (plus most relationships are shallow af so I don’t want to be part of that drama). Single life is lit.
Our personalities are so kind and deeply caring that they may look manufactured to a lot of people who don’t understand us, but trust me, they are REAL. We are THAT crazy lol. We HATE being fake and we hate fake people. I literally don’t understand how someone can be fake and live with themselves. Also, we get it, as the emotional creatures that we are, our personalities can go from one extreme to the next but WE CAN’T HELP IT. I sometimes don’t even understand my own goddamn self and I find myself doing shit I didn’t even think I would ever do the day before.
Depending on who you are and how you treat us, we can be the sensitive sweethearts you love, or we can be the sensitive sweethearts you love to hate. Whether we (or others) like it or not, most Cancer women generally express their feelings so openly and it makes all sorts of people get involved—and unfortunately it’s usually the wrong people.
As to the degree of emotional transparency we have…it depends on the moon sign of the Cancer woman really. As a Capricorn moon, the only, ONLY other person who can spot that something is wrong with me emotionally is my mother. I actually care about certain things, I have a really big heart to the few that deserve it, but I don’t really show it.
About the selfish thing, yes as Cardinal signs, we may come off as selfish human beings who have no regards for anyone but ourselves but when you get to know us, we really have one of the biggest hearts of the zodiac. We actually care for people, but we are a very cautious sign and we gotta know each other first before we care THAT much.
Oh and we let you walk out of our lives, so the “clingy” stereotype really needs to die. We’re loyal and we don’t give up on people, but we don’t really run down people either (at least not for too long). Just make sure that if you decide to walk away from us, be sure that you are REALLY done with us, because if you decide to try and come back in, it is 1000x harder the first time (if you’re accepted back at all).
We may come off as rude, but the truth is, we see bullshit before ANYONE else does. Our intuition is head and shoulders above ALL of the other signs. I remember two years ago, people wondered why I was constantly giving this girl the side eye whenever she was right beside me, two years later they FINALLY understand. Sometimes we really do say things that can actually hurt others (we sometimes don’t understand it because we’re the type to want people to like us) but most times we don’t mean to hurt anyone. We would go home and feel guilty about it and internalize it and feel bad for days. Well…that’s in my case.
I see a lot of utterances on here and elsewhere about how Cancers aren’t smart and aren’t regarded for their intelligence. Alan Turing? Helen Keller? Nikola Tesla, anyone? And again, we’re smart enough to see bullshit before anyone else does, so how tf are we dimwitted???
I also hear and read that we’re “followers”. Followers? Are you sure you are looking at the right zodiac sign? Because if anything, the unpopular truth is that folks follow us. We’re cardinal signs and we’re the leaders of emotion, as such, we make it okay for others to be kind and to care and to be nurturing and empathetic. We do our own thing, roll our own way and we like being uniquely us. We aren’t the ‘follow the crowd’ type of sign. If you are looking for that, head on over to Libras and Pisces.
Reading about how salty everyone is towards Cancer women, just goes to show that we are VERY misunderstood. We’re the shit without having to shit on anyone. I guess that burns people up, lol.
Also, if any of you people have any problems with a Cancer in your life (and by the way Cancers are talked about/not talked about/willfully ignored/written about/dismissed it seems everyone and their grandmother’s dog does lol), talk to them, be REAL with them. PLEASE tell them how you’re feeling. Tell them EVERYTHING. Vent it out. Even if it hurts. At the end of the day, we do not like fakeness and we are DEFINITELY not the sign to deal with that.
We can be earnest and genuine to a fault and we find it really annoying when confronted with someone who isn’t; we’ll try to deal with you to an extent, but the more evolved among us won’t even bother, we’ll just give up and walk away. If we just someone, the more evolved among us will take our actions into consideration since unlike all the other signs, we truly don’t like hurting anyone, ESPECIALLY the people we actually care about. Again, depending on the moon sign (since we’re lunar creatures), we may or may not show it, but we do care.
If we have a problem with a friend or lover, we have the rare ability to articulate it without sounding accusatory. But if we’ve done something wrong, we take the blame rather than blaming them. We are never jealous without reason, and no matter how badly someone wrongs us, we never fall into the trap of self-pity. We calm others down rather than get them riled up. Despite the unfortunate name of this star sign, we are the cure for relationship cancer.
I’m dying to know the date and time you fell to earth from heaven. Do you have pictures? You’re almost too good to be real, but in a world of fakes, you’re the real deal. You’re that good, and anyone who doesn’t realize it the moment that they meet you is going to cause you trouble. Whenever someone has a problem with you, I don’t even need to hear the details. I already know that they’re in the wrong. Did you ever hear someone say, “It’s not you—it’s me”? Trust them when they say that. It’s not you. It’s them. It’s never been you, and it’s ALWAYS been them.
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gavillain · 5 days
Since you are the world’s leading expert on Disney villains, which villains have your favourite aesthetics/vibe? For me, Horned King is not even in my top 20, but his general aesthetic and the design of him, his castle and his army…I love it.
Oooh, I LOVE this question!
So, in general, I'm a very aesthetic and vibe oriented person, and in my case, for the most part, my favorite aesthetics and vibes correspond to my favorite villains. However, even though Maleficent is my top favorite villain, the one who has my favorite aesthetic and vibe is Queen Grimhilde.
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I was talking with a friend of mine about which Disney screencaps most incarnate our vibes, and Grimhilde's very first shot was my pick for myself:
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The color scheme with the purples, blacks, and blues, the dark medieval castle setting with its mixture of grandeur and mysteriousness, the star and moon curtains that represent the cosmos, the zodiac signs adorning the mirror, the magical witchcraft that is about to ensue with the queen and the mirror, the eerie looking dim torches on either side of her - it all just is so captivating for me right from the get go.
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I love her outfit and how flowing it is and the way it catches the wind and flutters about. The purples, the reds, and the blacks are just the prime villain color scheme, and I'm here for it! And the spell to summon the mirror has such amazing writing in general that conveys the mythic feel.
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I love fire and fiery aesthetics in general (Maleficent, Hades, and Jafar have entered the chat), so having her bring that in during the summoning of the mirror is great. This shot is just so dynamic and visually appealing to me. Speaking of...
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The Spirit of the Magic Mirror in general is such a cool aesthetic to me. I love the way he's only a floating theater mask illuminated in greens and blues and kind of distorted by the billowing smoke behind the looking glass that obscures the view of a world of total darkness. It has such a classic mythic feel to it that he captures my imagination every time.
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Me when the neighbor kids are making a loud ruckus outside XD
This shot is just so beautiful though! The carved balcony, the diamond design on the window pane, the vibrant blood red curtains, and the queen herself framing herself perfectly as she watches the hated youths below cavorting in her courtyard.
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OPPULENCE! YOU. OWN. EVERYTHING! I love her throne room. The ornate peacock shaped throne is of course stunning and so thematically appropriate, but I also love the details of the coat of arms and the woodwork on the sides. It feels RICH and ROYAL. And I love the way that she drapes her flowing clothing over the throne when she sits. The scepter on the pillow next to her is a great background detail, and once again those deep beautiful red curtains are immaculate.
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Shout out to Humbert the Huntsman. I like his design a lot - we don't really see middle aged men in animation who are designed to have realistic faces and body proportions any more.
Also take note of the castle detailing of the background and the shield with the crossed hatchets off to the side. All of that is part of Grimhilde too.
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I love the box she has for Snow White's heart. The detail of the latch being a dagger piercing a heart is inspired, and the blood red color of it is so visually evocative. Also the pattern on the side is very visually interesting even if I'm not sure what it's supposed to represent.
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Her castle's exterior is also worth noting. During the daylight, it's very pretty and regal, but it's more in Snow White's color palette. But at night...
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Once the sun sets and Snow White has left its halls, it becomes every bit a dark and imposing fortress befitting Grimhilde's dark majesty.
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I just love those star and moon curtains and her flowing cape so much XD But also notice those vibrant green eyes of hers! As a fellow member of the green eyes segment of the population, I feel seen XD
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Wearing a blanket down the stairs vibes XD Obviously I love the whole flow of her clothing in this shot, but I also love how up until now, everything around Grimhilde has been very regal and imposing, but we see her leaving the majesty of the mirror chamber and descending into the depths of darkness and decay marked by the presence of rats and other vermin.
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Any warmth is drained from the shot. Also, skeletons and skulls and chains. Love them!
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And it just keeps going with coffins and cobwebs that obscure our view. It's spooky Halloween-core in its highest form now!
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The raven is a great counterpoint to Grimhilde in a dark inverse of Snow White being kind and a friend to the birds whilst Grimhilde is scaring the living beejezums outta this poor thing. The heavy tomes, the skull on display, the hourglass, the melted candle, the bubbling beaker - it's all just so many great details that scream WITCH!
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I love the detail of the globe in this shot in particular. Like it's down here with her macabre magical artifacts rather than anywhere more royal or diplomatic. You really get the feeling that she wants her dark magic to spread across the entire world. Also it hints at her being well traveled and worldly, which with what we know about her backstory is very true.
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I don't want to hear anyone say that Grimhilde wasn't FULL of dark magic. We only saw her cast TWO spells out of all of these dark spellbooks. She has LOADS of power that we haven't fully seen, and those implications make her chilling. I'm also very intrigued by the nature of each of these. Astrology is obvious and harkens back to the zodiac signs adorning her mirror, which I love. But she's got the Black Arts, Alchemy, Witchcraft, Black Magic (which has the word DEATH at the bottom), Disguises, Sorcery, and Poisons. I wonder what the difference is between Black Arts and Black Magic since they're terms usually used interchangeably. Black Magic at least seems to be focused mostly on death based magic, so perhaps Black Arts are dark spells that extend beyond necromancy and killing curses.
Also I love hands and how expressive a person's hands can be, and Grimhilde's perfect manicure as she peruses the shelf is so visually appealing to me.
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Look at her little skeleton man scale on the left! That's SO classic goth, and I LIVE for it XD He even has a little crown XD
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This just has such cool and creepy vibes like finding an old worn book that has research material you need and having this vibe of unearthing long lost knowledge. Also look at the other page. It seems there may be some use for the heart of that pig after all ;)
But the ingredients are so classically witchy and spooky, and I enjoy the way they take the time to show Grimhilde adding each one and focusing on its unique visual properties.
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Everything bubbling around her, and that unique light fixture right behind her always make this shot so dynamic and visually interesting as we begin the spell...
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I love how the Black of Night slowly snakes its way down and engulfs the potion
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An Old Hag's Cackle. I love how it's a sound that has been distilled in liquid form and when heated it bubbles up and unleashes the cackle.
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A Scream of Fright! I love how the steam becomes a shrieking phantom as it rises.
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I think this is genuinely one of the BEST and most dynamic shots in all of Disney history. The way Grimhilde's face is reflected in the potion as it bubbles and smokes, the green of it, the placement of the hand, it's all just MARVELOUS and I love how it's also our last real look at her before the transformation. Almost like she's getting consumed by the potion right before our eyes.
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Then of course her Old Hag form is one of my favorite character designs in Disney. Look at how striking she is! How viscerally frightening! How utterly mad she appears to be! It's PERFECT!
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Notice "Formulae Mortis" next to the raven hiding in the skull - more magic!
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And the recipe for the Poison Apple with the beautiful and dark illustrations in the margins!
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I love the aesthetic of cauldrons. I love the bubbling witches brew with the blue and the greens as it billows steam that clouds the entire room. I love the hag peaking through the curtain of fog as she dips the apple into the brew, eagerly anticipating her ultimate victory by this one dark act.
And of course...
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THE APPLE! One of the most iconic pieces of imagery in film history. The dripping poison making the death's head as the magic seeps into the darkened fruit before turning it a luscious and tempting red to hide its malevolent purpose.
Her aesthetic and surrounding imagery is just so evocative and classically gothic and medieval and witchy that I just go gaga over it every time! She is that exact intersection between Halloween, fantasy, history, the esoteric, the mystical, and the deadly that captivates my personal tastes so much, and I just always find her and her vibes to be PEAK Disney Villain! And, when you think about it, every other villain in the lineup owes their entire existence to her, and their vibes and aesthetics are in turn derivative of Grimhilde and the gold standard that she set.
I could go on and on even further about Grimhilde and her aesthetic and her vibes, but I am unfortunately at the tumblr image limit and so I can't embed anything more XD But, yeah, you probably weren't looking for a deep dive answer, but you hit on two of my hyper fixations and so you get the info dump with visual aids! Sorry, not sorry XDD
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uyuforu · 6 months
Jungkook's Natal Chart: Virgo Sun in 8H, 8°
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Virgo Sun
Virgo are usually very professionals. It's a cliche that appears to be true most of the time. When it comes to work, they are very professional, perfectionist, they hate laziness. It has to be organized, perfect and clean. It does not mean that Virgo placements can't be lazy, it just means that when they enjoy something, you'll never meet someone that studious. (For ex, my best friend is a virgo sun but is extremely lazy when it comes to cleaning, but whenever she loves something, you'll never know someone better than her). In this case, we all know how professional Jungkook is. In this case, they are great colleagues, the kind you can talk to, have a funny chat with when it's time, yet very professionals when it is time. You can always count on them. Jungkook has this reputation of being extremely professional, yet also an amazing colleague. Yet, he hates people that are not professional.
Virgos are not one of the most extroverted sign in the zodiac, yet they appear to be very funny and very loyal once you are close to them. Some Virgos appear as cold and distant when you meet them. One of the cliche about Virgos is that they are not funny because most people only focus on appearance. Don't be fooled by that! They are very fun, and nice, loyal people, you'll be surprised! But they won't accept anyone in their life. I always noticed Virgos are observant and are careful when it comes to accept people in their life. They have this kind of witty humor too most of the times, and they like smart people. Overall, they are still their calm self, they aren't the drama type of humor. He does not have a lot of very close friends, and talked often how he doesn't go out often. Once a virgo trusts you and calls you their friend, you should feel special! Oh, I forgot! Jungkook was shy and veryyyyy introverted when he was younger! I got so used to his nowadays persona that I forgot how shy he used to be around members. I feel like there is still
Speaking of being calm, I noticed Virgos don't get mad often, they are rather calm in most of situation. Of course they can be stressed, anxious, and all, but their calmness are like no other. As we can see with Jungkook, he is pretty chill in most of situations. He always does his best, and often succeeds to be the best. Jungkook does not get mad often, if it happens, it's definitely serious! And this idea of wanting to be perfect that Jungkook has is not a coincidence. Virgos are perfectionist, so they often want to study to do the best (His Capricorn rising makes a lot of sense with this part of his personality).
Virgos Sun are perfectionist, I don't know how many times I said it there. But they also tend to expect the same with people around them. They are so very into helping people they love. They think helping someone to improve is a form of love, and it is. Sometimes their help can be seen as a critic but it's not the case. Virgos also have this thing for details, they notice so many things about people. This cold, shy, introvert appearance they have before knowing people, it's really a facade. In reality, it's also a way to observe people. Are you someone they can trust? Are you a nice person? Will you be able to be their friend? But mostly, what do they like? It's a way to get to know you secretly. They are very into making the life of their loved one either. You said you love that food? That virgo friend will remember forever. You said you often get cold? They'll find a way to help you with that. They remember every details of their friends! Their likes and dislikes! Virgos are so precious :(
Sun in 8H
The 8th House in astrology is ruled by Scorpio, so the house of sex, intimacy, secrets, finances that are shared (inheritance, partner's finances, taxes, loans), goals, mysteries, etc. This makes the aspects of Jungkook's personality more mysterious, meaning this boy is good to hide thing when it comes to him. The sun is the basic personality of the native, so let's just focus on this today. It's not you can't trust jk, it's more that he will be good at keeping things he wants to stay private. He will def not talk about something he doesn't wanna talk about, mostly if it's about his private life.
The Sun falling in this house makes the people around the native wanting more, more and MORE. Always wondered why Jungkook got so many thirsty fans? This placement. Jungkook has a strong scorpio influence on his sun (go down also to see the degree), meaning he will just attract people generally. People can tend to be obsessed about him because he has the kind of aura you can't get enough. He'll just naturally gonna make you wanting more lol. Also, now we know why jungkook LOVES to wear black.
Also, hear me out on this one. Jungkook might be interested in the occult, or anything that is not from our world. That could be something spiritual, to something more "spooky". I'm gonna leave that here, but don't forget what I said! Jungkook, if you find this post, I get you boy.
Sun in 8th makes the native very special too. They can like stuff that is not considered normal, or even hate stuff that are unusual. It's not the same vibe as Aquarius though, but it's still special in some sense. This placement makes the native even more introvert. And selective with the people they love and let in. Jungkook knows many people in the industry, but he doesn't have a lot of friends. Many people like him and want to be close to him, yet he doesn't let anyone in easily at all. This is the kind of person you should cherish if you are friend with him. He is gonna keep your secrets and even all the informations he knows about you like his own secrets, very trustful.
Also can be a bit moody sometimes? Not in a sense that his mood changes everyday, but some day you would feel like he just enjoys everyone, and the next day he just doesn't wanna talk to anyone, and everyone feel like his enemy. He could be a good stalker too, just saying. To be honest, I was always sure Jungkook never deleted Instagram, he just deleted his public account but still uses it with a private one. Privacy is important to him, and he could totally lie for the sake of it! This placement makes him enjoy having control over his life, he hates people that are gonna stalk him. But he could enjoy stalking lmao.
Also, this is a major sign of a lot of rebirth in his life! Like this man could go through many eras, and glow ups too! Did I already talked about the Sun in 8th house is an indicator of beauty? No? Well now you know. Something else: this man is thirsty. I knew it when I saw Scorpio mars, but man, Sun in 8th house is literally "I attract everyone sexually". We knew. He HOT. So even without flirting he could totally attract people naturally.
Through his life, Jungkook is going to receive money from his parents or, if he marries, through his spouse. This aspect could signify the native is destined to receive some kind of inheritance. It could happen to be money or just something that is considered important. Or it could be from his job, but def gonna inherit something important.
Sun in 8°
I feel like degrees are never very appreciated in astrology but I wanna add some spices hehe... The 8° is part of scorpio degrees (8°, 20°). The 8° is mostly connected to death, wealth, taking from others, manifestation, secrets, insurance, sex, jealousy, pregnancy, etc. I feel like Jungkook could go though many "rebirth" in his life, as his persona. For example, he was very shy being young, he seems to be more confident in his life now. This rebirth will never stop, we will see many parts of his personality in the future too! This guy also has his secrets... if you know what I mean. I mean, we all know now, with Seven, and 3D... lmao. By the way, pretty sure Jungkook knows about spirituality and the divine! And pretty sure he is into Soulmates & Twin Flames stuff! When he says "I can touch you in the Universe" in 3D, that made me thing of 5D thing (also not a coincidence the song is called 3D lol). Here, the 8° talks also about manifestation, and I think Jungkook has some interest in that thing. Which could be manifesting, spirituality, meditating, knowledges about the divine, angels, guides, and all this area. But I feel like it would easier for him to manifest, he could find it easy. Or even if he is not aware much about it, it might be a secret talent of his.
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Tells of the signs
Aries: they have wide foreheads with hair with a very close hairline so their foreheads look smaller when they aren’t! They are quick to react to anything that is or feels personally, and I mean that literally. Like you’ve just finished your sentence and they’re already throwing back what they think or they want ‘out there’. This goes for anything, small or big.
Taurus: we know about the square jaw, but why is nobody talking about their sleepy eyes!! Their peaceful but irritated, serene happy sleepy bulls eyes? Think Robert Pattinson, Craig Ferguson, Gigi Hadid, Lizzo...
Gemini: I know this is cliche, but it’s basically their ability to be two different people in different situations. If your answer is: oh yes, they absolutely have that without it being an (slightly) awkward part of their personality to realise this about, they’re a gemini. Think Paul Mccartney, Stevie Nicks, Prince, Donald Trump, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, etc
Cancers: you’re looking in someone’s eyes, trying to guess their zodiac sign and suddenly their cheeks start being very noticeable, they notice you remarking something and their eyes start twinkling, you think they’re not definitely not a cancer, chances are 99% that they are a cancer.
Leo: front foot forward. It’s mostly pretty obvious to see whose sun is exalted and whose isn’t.
Virgo: the virgo men do NOT believe in astrology, will debate you on it, will condescend you, will condescend it, cannot leave you be, girls tend to stay quiet and be like ‘oh whatever, happy for you’, the guys won’t. I’ve seen seven people in my life openly condescend astrology, adamantly like not even turning even a little bit around, using faulty logic and everything, that way and all of them were virgo men. To the point where I started laughing out loud when I asked them their sign, to find out they were another virgo man. So if you encounter one of these, specifically those who debate you with earthy ‘logic’ instead of ‘idk i’m just not feeling the faith in it at all, because how can...’ etc, they are a virgo. The virgo women I know are so organised.. in a certain way. It’s that their head inside is so disorganised, chaotic and such a mess that they keep up so well with stuff on the outside, like markers, college notes, little posters on their wall. They’re definitely ‘that girl’ by nature and they’re natural hard workers.
Libra: they’re kind of insane. The girls are very passive, but have very charming egos and you see their conscious struggle to not be people pleasers. Kim Kardashian, Kate Winslet, Naomi Watts, Bella Hadid, Dakota Johnson. The libra guys are... well most of them are insane. I’m dividing into gender, but it actually comes from ‘who has a lot of very well nurtured confidence?’ Those libras are ~batshit crazy~. Think Cardi B, John Lennon, Lindsey Buckingham, Doja Cat, Anthony Mackie, Jeff Goldblum and Simon Cowell. Noah Schnapp and Jimin belong to the girls’ side and Brie Larsson was bullied into being there too.
Scorpio: non scorpios, like all people, can divide people into types. You’ve got the cheery types, the organised types, the blunt types, the very sensitive types, and the intense types. Only scorpios don’t know that ‘intense type’ is a type at all. To them it’s just air. You can’t look at yourself, not even with a mirror, no matter how hard you try. So if you see someone who looks at you casually the way any other sign would attempt to m*rder someone with their eyes, it’s a scorpio. They also have slightly upturned eyes with sharper eyebrows.
Sagittarius: they all have that smile! The tenseless eyes squint and a laugh that goes like 😕 but then upwards of course! Their tell is most often their mercury in sagittarius (😂), which sag suns have most of the time. Sags are obsessed with going to things. ~Going~ outside, ~going~ out for a drink, ~going~ to the supermarket and ~going~ skiing or on vacation. That is really when they’re in their orange element and you can feel it. You definitely have to get to know a person before figuring out they’re a sagittarius, I think.
Capricorns: with white capricorns, their hair colour as a child is a big tell. Blonde children get darker hair as they grow older and mature. Capricorn children are able to go from blonde hair when they were small to dark brown almost black hair when they’re older. I’ve seen it with four (!!) capricorns myself. For the rest, look at their eyebrows. Capricorn’s eyebrows are such prominent features without somehow it being the first thing you notice about them. It’s a weird combination.
Aquarius: aquarii have these oval, round jaws that I can’t really explain, and when you try to imagine their face, their eyes ‘feel’ higher up in their face than most people have. With aquarii i often notice the lack of an actual ego in astrological and psychological terms (not in social terms, god no). They let everything else speak for themselves while setting themselves apart from the rest. Aquarius’ (self)-identified type of quirkiness is always some form of ‘more lowkey’ or ‘more distant from the rest in this or that way’.
Pisces: vampire teeth and sparkling deeper set eyes. Flat ears and \/ chins. People don’t often talk about how when pisces are enjoying themselves, it’s definitely, almost always noticable.
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foodandfolklore · 4 months
Wassail - A Holiday Drink to Good Health
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Wassail has a long history in Europe and winter holiday celebration. It was a drink commonly made and served at celebrations and feasts. To ale, crab apples and assorted spices would be added and allowed to steep. This drink would be heated and served in a large bowl so others could fill their cup.
Every house hold made their Wassail a little different. Partly due to what was available, and partly due to personal tastes. But despite being drastically different, Wassail may be the grandparent of Eggnog. Just another case of people getting access to better ingredients and culinary knowledge.
But Wassail is still drank to this day, though it's fallen a little out of the main stream. Each person makes it their own way still, but now it's more like an apple cider. You can make your own for the season, too. The word Wassail means "To Good Health" and is what people would often say it as part of the toast; which is how the name came. So when you make your Wassail, try to imagine the people partaking having another year of good health and prosperity.
Making Wassail
I make mine in an Electric Cauldron (Slow Cooker) but you can make yours on stove stop too. This recipe focuses mainly on Apples (Longevity, Luck, Rebirth) Oranges (Solar Energy, Happiness, Health) and Cloves (Protection, Kinship, Prosperity).
Need: -1 Gallon Apple Cider -1/2 cup Orange juice -1/2 cup Brown Sugar -1 Orange -Whole Cloves -1-2 Apples, diced -1 Tbsp All spice -1 Tbsp Ginger -2 Tbsp Nutmeg -3 Cinnamon sticks -1 Apple Sliced Widthwise (Optional) -1/2 cup Spiced Rum (Optional)
Combine everything into your crock pot/slow cooker, except orange, cloves, and sliced apple. Cover and let simmer on med/low for about an hour.
After some time has passed, retrieve the whole spices. You can let them simmer for longer for more intense flavour, but be aware if they are left for too long, the whole spices can leave a bitter taste.
Slice the orange into wheels. Stick the cloves into the fruit. Have some fun and arrange the cloves to look like symbols important to you. Spirals (a symbol of life) are commonly done. But you can do your initial, your zodiac sign, a sigil you made, or just poke them in randomly.
Place the Orange wheels with cloves on top of the Wassail. If you want some additional variety, you can add some apple slices. When you slice into an apple, it naturally leaves a star shape. This star shape can add a lot of spiritual energy to your Wassail. If you are worried about seeds but still want the star, try cutting out the middle with a small star shaped cookie cutter.
Continue to let your Wassail simmer on low until hot and people are ready to drink.
Tip: You may want to consider keeping the alcohol separate and just add right before serving. This way you can leave it out for anyone who may not want it.
And feel free to experiment! Check out your cupboard and see what kinds of whole spices you've been holding onto. I honestly do it a little different each year. The warm winter spices are your best bet. All spice, Star Anise; I might try throwing in some left over pumpkin spice this year. Do what feels right and hope it tastes half way decent :P
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snelbz · 1 year
‘Til Death Do Us Part {Chapter Eighteen}
Elorcan. Rockstar Modern AU.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab.
‘Til Death Do Us Part Masterlist
A/N: Sorry for the long wait between chapters. Tara and I dove headfirst into Zodiac Academy, reading every single book back to back to back, and then she came to town and we spent time together instead of writing. On top of that, I no longer have a desktop to post off of, so I have to do so at work once all of my other responsibilities have been completed. Enjoy and please let us know what you think!
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This chapter is 18+.
WC: 4506
Elide —
I wake up to a barbaric elbow digging into my side. Apparently I found Lorcan’s shoulder a lot more comfortable than I had originally intended because I notice the airplane is descending. He’s looking down at me, grinning, and pointing to the side of my mouth.
“You, uh…got a little drool…”
My hand flies up to my mouth but it’s perfectly dry and I narrow my eyes as I shove him and lift my head from his shoulder. He laughs quietly, his hand coming to rest on my thigh.
We left a little after ten this morning and I honestly have no idea what to expect. Since everything had been going amazingly between us for the last month, we decided we should finally take our honeymoon.
Lorcan suggested Skull’s Bay, which is apparently some boujee island resort but I was kind of put off by the name. Lorcan, of all people, would try to scare his wife by bringing her to some horror themed island or amusement park for our honeymoon.
I prayed to the gods that this was not the case.
I’m not a fan of flying so I took something to calm me down just before we boarded. Apparently it worked too well because I didn’t remember a damn thing from the flight in.
“We’ll land in about ten minutes,” Lorcan promised, his voice now gentle. “I promise the long plane ride will be worth it.”
I smile as I rest my head against his shoulder once again. He holds onto me until the airplane touches the ground. 
There are certainly advantages to being married to a rockstar. One of those advantages is first class seats on a six hour flight. I would’ve had no problem fitting in one of the economy class seats, but my six-foot-four husband? His knees would have been in his chest the whole time. Instead, we’re stretched out in our pod, his long legs comfortable crossed at the ankle.
As soon as we get off the plane, I can feel the heat settle into me in a way it hadn’t in Orynth. Our bags take a bit to come out, but then we’re being greeted by a man holding a sign that says Salvaterre.
“This actually happens,” I ask, squeezing Lorcan’s hand as we approach our driver. “I thought that was just in movies. You must be super important.”
He gives me an exasperated look, one he’s started using when I drag him for being too rich and needing to come back down to earth.
He shakes our driver’s hand and introduces himself and then we’re on our way. It’s about a thirty minute drive to the resort and as soon as we see the entrance, I’m glaring at Lorcan.
“It looks scary,” I say, pointing to the skulls decorating the sign.
“Baby, it’s called Skull’s Bay,” he chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “There’s going to be some skulls.”
“It’s zombie pirates, isn’t it?” I chance a look out the window, but see nothing but the ocean and white sand. “That’s what the theme is. It’s gonna be like that Scooby Doo movie from the nineties.”
He laughs quietly as he shakes his head. “Pirates maybe, not sure about the zombie part.” He meets my eye. “I promise nothing will jump out at you, alright? Not intentionally, anyway.”
Well that’s not exactly comforting. 
As we pull up to the massive hotel I must admit that it’s beautiful. Situated right on the beach, it has multiple pools and spas and bars. It’s a mile walk away from all the touristy spots which, even though I’m still slightly scared of the island, I really wanna visit. 
If I thought the outside of the hotel was beautiful, the inside is spectacular. I’ve never stayed somewhere so nice. My travels usually include a sketchy motel, not a five star island resort. I’m suddenly nervous, which seems silly. 
“What do you think?” Lorcan asks when we step into the elevator. 
“I’m anxious to know what our room looks like,” i confess. “I’m suddenly scared to touch anything.”
He chuckles before correcting, “Suite.”
I blink. “What?”
“We booked a suite, not a room. If you’re going to be traveling like the rich and famous, like myself, you have to have the terminology right. Come on now.”
He’s teasing me.
I roll my eyes and jab him in the side but he catches my hand and pulls me closer to him.
The past month has been one of the best of my life. It seems that Yrene was right and sex really was the piece that was missing from our relationship. Lorcan has been…insatiable. His desire for me was something I attributed to his need for the physical, but it’s less about him and more about me every time we’re together. I’ve had more orgasms in the past few weeks than I have in my entire life, and most of the time, he doesn’t even get inside me.
We’ve only had sex twice since then, and both times were amazing, but Lorcan’s main priority has been me. Whether it’s his fingers, tongue, or teeth on me, I always plan to touch him after he’s finished, only to be swept away in a mind-blowing orgasm.
But we’re on our honeymoon. This is a trip that’s meant for sex and I plan on having a lot of it. Right now, for instance, as soon as we get to our rooms.
If my girl parts aren’t crying for a break by the end of this week, something is wrong.
Lorcan unlocks our door after we’ve reached our suite on the top floor of the hotel. He opens the door and my jaw drops.
While the rest of the hotel is decorated like a pirate’s paradise, this room looks like the inside of a treasure chest. Everything is decorated in rich, jewel tones, silver and gold accents are peppered throughout the room, and it’s absolutely gorgeous.
Our bags are already waiting in the bedroom and Lorcan goes straight for his, digging out his vape, thanking the gods for portable tobacco. I ignore him and take a walk around the rest of the suite. There’s a rustic feel to the room, despite its opulence, thanks to the distressed wood on the walls.
This place is practically a second home. It has multiple televisions, a washer and dryer, and a fully stocked bar. There’s a full kitchen, a fireplace, two love seats in the living room, a jacuzzi in the corner of the bathroom, plus a massive walk-in shower. It has a bench and suddenly, I have the urge to ride Lorcan under the spraying water. I’ve never been on top during sex, so I don’t know why it’s my first thought when I see it.
By the time I exit the bathroom, my husband is nowhere to be found. “Lor?”
The suite is massive, but I couldn’t have lost him in here.
I start having flashbacks to the day after our wedding. He hadn’t left then, and I highly doubt he’d leave me now. We were in Orynth then, twenty minutes from home. Now? We’re on an island, hours from home, away from the mainland.
I finally find him on the private balcony off our bedroom, facing the ocean. His phone is pressed to his ear, his hand on his hip, and he looks tense. I want to go out and rub his shoulders, to help him relax, but I don’t want to interrupt.
So instead, I decide to surprise him.
Aelin helped me shop for this trip, since my first try at lingerie was a dismal failure. The scratchy, white number I’d bought for the wedding had been cheap and it showed. It also hadn’t really been my style. I skipped on the white this time, despite knowing it was bridal lingerie. Something told me Lorcan would prefer black or red. Both colors ooze sex and sinful seduction. Armed with my husband’s gold card, I bought a few new sets that were much softer, much nicer, and fit my body a hell of a lot better.
I really hope Lorcan likes them.
I also bought a couple swimsuits, seeing as I’d owned the same one since high school, and I pull one out of my bag and toss it on the dresser, knowing we’ll end up at the beach sooner rather than later. 
Looking at the doors to the balcony, I see that Lorcan has started pacing. I reach back down into my bag, gently running a finger over the black lace of one of the bra and panty sets I bought.
I could put it in now. After his phone call, I could be ready and waiting for him, like a gift to be unwrapped.
Or I could already be unwrapped.
The sliding glass door opens and I drop the lingerie as Lorcan steps in. 
So much for my sexy surprise.
“Sorry, that was our manager. Ro and I sent what we’ve written for the new album to the record label last week and things are kind of in limbo right now.” He sees my suit on the dresser and claps his hands, rubbing them together. “But fuck that and fuck anymore phone calls, because we’re on our honeymoon. Hell, yeah, baby, let’s go to the beach.”
Beach…not bed.
I try not to let my disappointment show but he doesn’t notice. He’s too busy undressing and searching for his swim shorts. I can’t help but admire his ass as I put on my own suit. He turns as I’m tying my top and he grins as he walks toward me. “Here, let me help.” I drop my hands as he takes the ties and ties a bow at my back. “You look sexy as hell in this.”
My cheeks still heat when he tells me things like that. I turn, fingers brushing his lower abdomen, just above the band of his shorts. “You look pretty damn good yourself.”
His eyes flare and he leans down to kiss me. For a moment I think he’ll toss me on the bed and ravage me, but then he pulls back, smacks my ass and says, “Let’s go.”
He’s taking my hand and we’re out the door.
The beach is beautiful and we have our own little secluded spot. The sand is soft and warm beneath my toes and the sound of the waves brings me peace. I’ve never gone swimming in the ocean but the idea of sharks terrifies me. It would be kind of a shitty honeymoon if I become shark food.
Lorcan, always reading my mind, asks, “Wanna go for a swim?”
I hesitate. “In the water?”
A humored brow lifts. “That’s the general idea, yeah.”
My bottom lip somehow gets sucked between my teeth. “I don’t know, Lor, it seems dangerous.”
This time he flat out laughs. “We’re staying in shallow water, nothing will get you. And I’ll be right beside you the whole time. Come on. Live a little. Let that beautiful hair of yours down.”
Ugh. I can’t say no to that.
He takes my hand and leads me down the sand towards the water. I stop just before the waves can brush my toes.
“Is it cold?” I ask.
“One way to find out.” He winks and runs into the water like he’s five before diving beneath the surface. When he comes up, he shakes his hair, sending water everywhere. “Fuck! Yeah…yeah, it’s cold.”
I laugh, thinking he’s completely adorable and idiotic all at once. Shaking my head, I turn back towards our towels. “I think I’ll pass if it’s cold. Maybe if it—”
I scream as Lorcan grabs me from behind, water dripping off him, and carries me towards the waves. “Oh, no, you’re getting in with me.”
I squirm and squeal until he drops me in the water, just as unceremoniously as he’d gone in, and I push my long hair out of my face as I come back up. It’s not nearly as cold as he made it out to be, though the wind does chill the parts not submerged.
Glaring up at him, I put my hands on my hips, which is completely ineffective at showing off my sass since I’m under water from them waist down.
Something tells me Lorcan picks up on it though, as he takes my hand and pulls me deeper into the water. I hesitate and he reminds me, “Nothing is going to get you.” To prove it, he tugs on my hand until he’s lifting me, wrapping my legs around his waist. “I’ve got you.”
“I trust you,” I whisper, my lips inches from his as he goes out farther and farther into the water.
He smirks, kissing me. “Good girl.”
It’s up over his chest now, so I know I wouldn’t be able to touch the bottom at this point. There’s also no one else out this far, everyone else is farther down the beach, nowhere near us, and—
One of Lorcan’s fingers slips under the edge of my bikini bottom, brushing the lips of my sex. Gasping softly, I look up at him, eyes bright. His gaze is already on me and his finger is teasing my entrance. “Do you have any idea how sexy you look in that little bikini?”
I shake my head, trying not to whimper as he pushes in to his first knuckle. He pulls it out, sliding it back in, repeating the shallow motion over and over.
“Really?” His lips are by my ear and I’ve got my arms wrapped around his head in a vice lock. “‘Cause you’re soaked for me already, so I think you do.”
“We’re in the ocean,” I say, trying to keep my voice even as he slips his finger in deeper. “Everything is soaked.”
“Oh, baby,” he murmurs and his tongue traces the shell of my ear. “If you think I can’t tell the difference between the water and how wet your pussy is, you’re wrong.” His lips trail down my neck. “You’re so wet, I bet you could take all of my cock in one stroke.”
“Then do it,” I murmur, tipping my head to the side to give him better access. Please, gods, do it.
He adds a second finger, no longer teasing me, pumping them in and out. My hips move of their own accord. His mouth is back at my ear and I can hear the smile on his lips. “Not yet, baby. You think I can’t see how bad you want it?”
“Lorcan…” My voice is strained, my orgasm building far quicker than I expected it to. We may not be close to anyone, but we’re on a packed beach, at a resort, and my husband is finger fucking me in the ocean.
It turns me on in a way I was not expecting.
“Tease,” I mutter and his laugh is deep and sensual. My fingers weave their way into his hair and tug. His moans, the sound muffled against my neck. He adds a third finger and my legs began to shake around him.
“Yeah, baby,” he breathes and nips at my neck. “Cum for me.”
It’s a demand that I have no problem fulfilling. 
My body grows tense as I cum, but he helps me ride it out until I’m breathing heavily and going limp in his arms. I can feel how hard he’s become in his shorts and all I can think about is getting him inside of me.
I lean back and kiss him.
It’s reckless, it’s rough and he instantly melts into it. His hands are gripping my ass, his tongue sliding into my mouth. With the slightest of movements, his hips thrust into mine.
“Lor,” I whisper, although it can hardly be heard above the waves crashing against the shore, he hears me. His eyes meet mine and his pupils are so big that they’re nearly all I can see. “Fuck me.”
He lets out a long, loose breath before reaching beneath the water. I can feel his hardened length beneath me as it comes free of his shorts, and then he’s moving my bottoms aside once more. This time, he wastes no time pushing into me.
True to his word, he thrusts into me with one quick snap of his hips. I take him all in effortlessly.
He swallows my groan in a savage kiss, the pace he’s setting relentless from the get go. I whimper against him as he slams into me over and over.
One of his hands cups one of my breasts, tugging the fabric of my top to the side. I pull my lips from his as I cover his hand with mine. “What if someone sees?” I ask, breathlessly, looking towards the beach behind us.
“What if they do?” His lips are on my throat.
“They’ll take pictures. You’re famous, remember,” I gasp as he keeps pounding his cock into. “Post them online. Being a porn star isn’t one of my life aspirations.”
“You’ve got such a smart mouth,” he says, nipping at my lips. “No one can see what we’re doing. It looks like we’re floating in the water.”
I want to respond, want to tell him that’s bullshit, but he’s changed angles and is hitting a spot I didn’t know existed and suddenly, I’m seeing stars. My eyes go wide and my lips part.
“That’s right, baby.” He snaps his hips into mine again and again and I’m not able to stop myself from crying out. “Cum for me, let everyone know who makes you feel so good.”
I bite his shoulder as my orgasm slams into me, obeying his command.
He’s close behind me, falling over the edge and he doesn’t stop until we’re both clinging to one another as we attempt to catch our breaths. He stays in me for a few minutes, pressing soft kisses to my shoulder, my neck. He always does this when we’re done having sex. He becomes gentle, as if he’s trying to remind me that there’s so much more to us, to him, to me than this physical attraction. Even though the physical stuff is so, so good. He’s trying to remind me that he cherishes me. Sometimes I’m still surprised at how sweet he can really be. 
We readjust ourselves before going back up to the beach where we lay down together, both tired from traveling and making love. At one point, Lorcan falls asleep and I snap a picture because I think it’s cute as hell. 
He asks me about all the things I want to do while we’re on the island. I tell him I want to do all the touristy stuff and he can’t tell me no, even though it means we’ll be around dominantly old people, other couples, and families with small children. He agrees, though, and that’s a testament in itself in regards to how much he likes me.
We agree to spend tomorrow at all the local shops, then the next day we’ll take a tour of the island. Later in the week will be dedicated to horseback riding on the beach, spending a day in the hotel’s spas, experiencing the local clubs, and, to my terror, snorkeling. Of course, we agree that we’ll carve out time every day to come down to the beach.
It sounds like a dream. I never thought I would be able to have a vacation like this. I have a feeling I’m going to be geeking out all week but I also have a feeling that Lorcan likes it when I “geek out” so I don’t feel too bad about it. 
“Where do you see yourself in five years?”
The question makes me jump. I was so at peace listening to the waves that I didn’t even realize that Lorcan had woken up. “That’s a very interview-like question.”
He chuckles, shifting so that he’s facing me underneath our umbrella. “I realize we don’t talk about the future very much…and I think we’re pretty damn good right now in our marriage so I thought it was about time we started talking about the future.”
My stomach explodes with excitement about the thought of my future, especially with Lorcan. “I agree with that.” I take a minute to think about my answer and am disappointed. “Honestly, I’ve never really spent a lot of time thinking about the future. I spent so many years just worrying about tomorrow that I never let myself think beyond that.”
He frowns but nods, understandingly. “Surely you’ve thought about some things, though. Like having kids. Do you want kids in the next few years?”
My eyebrows raise. “I can barely take care of myself, I’m not sure I’m qualified to be a parent.”
Laughing, he pushes his damp hair back off his face. The salt in the water has made his hair wavier than normal and I want to reach out and run my fingers through it. “Pretty sure I’m even less qualified than you are, but I think we could probably figure it out.”
And then I realize that he means our children. He means having a child with me. He’s talking about me having his babies.
I had only been considering myself as a parent, not the two of us, but…we are married. If I was going to have babies with anyone on the planet, it would be the man lying next to me.
I’m not able to stop the image before it conjures in my head. A little girl, with the darkest eyes you’ve ever seen, a familiar mischievous glint sparkling there, helping a baby boy learn to walk, his full lips so similar to mine. And there’s Lorcan, smiling from where he sits on the floor with them, making sure everyone is safe.
My heart physically strains at the scene my brain conjures up for me and maybe the idea isn’t so ridiculous after all.
“It would be nice to have a couple,” I admit and then quickly add, “when we’re both ready,” as a light begins to fill his eyes that I can only call hope.
It’s his turn to raise an eyebrow. It’s the one with the sexy scar going through it. Wait, when did I start thinking facial scars were sexy?
“You’re telling me you don’t think it’s a good idea to have a baby with a stranger you married less than two months ago?”
My cheeks heat and I shove him. “I wasn’t saying right now.” He catches my hand and pulls me on top of him. My leg automatically hitches over his, just like it does when we’re sleeping, and his hand, of course, goes right to my ass. I’m not complaining. “Maybe in a couple years. I’m only twenty-five, there are still things I need to do before I start having babies.”
“Like what?” The words are muffled, because he’s leaned down and buried his face in my chest.
“Lorcan!” I grab his face and pull it back up to mine. He’s grin is breathtaking and it fries my brain for a moment. I finally remember how to speak. “You can’t do that.”
“I just did.” He rolls us so that he’s on top of me. Since my leg was hitched over his, one of his thighs is pressed snugly between mine. “What kind of things do you still want to do before having my babies?”
My babies. The butterflies return.
It takes me much longer than it should to answer the question. “Wow.”
“Hmm?” he hums, kissing my nose.
“I guess I don’t know,” I confess. “I want to be…successful, I guess. I’d like my business to grow.” Even as I say it, I feel pathetic for that being the only thing I can think of. I’m still young. I should have a long list of things I want to do before I have kids, but I don’t. “If I’m being honest, I guess I don’t really know what my purpose is.”
His eyes study mine. “What do you mean?”
I shrug. “You have your music. That’s your purpose, right? You feel whole when you write, when you play.” He nods. “I don’t mind what I do. I like being creative, but I wouldn’t really say it’s my purpose.” 
I’m not sure how he’s going to react. It’s an embarrassing thing to admit, that at twenty-five I’m still not sure what to do with my life. But then he says, “That’s okay. Maybe now that you don’t have so much stress, you can start to experiment with new things, you know? Do some trial and error. Try new things.” He leans down to kiss me. “And I’ll help you in any way that I can. I’ll support you in everything you want to invest your time in.” 
My heart feels so light I feel that it’s going to fly out of my chest. I have no idea how I got matched with someone so supportive, so caring. It nearly makes me cry. I nod, running my fingers up and down his back. “What about you? Do you ever think you’ll be done making music?”
He nods. “Touring, yeah. I don’t wanna tour forever.”
“What will you do after that?” I ask.
“Write.” He shrugs, then hesitates. “Actually, you know, I’ve never told anyone this but I think it would be really fun to start a little school for young musicians. A place where they can come to sing and record and learn to play whatever the fuck they want.”
I stare at him for a second. “Why have you never told anyone that? Lorcan, that would be amazing.”
He shrugs. “Because it’s not a reality right now. There’s too much going on to try and get that going. This is the longest break we’ve ever had and that’s not something I’m going to be able to give part of myself to.” He rests his hand on my neck and his thumb brushes over the hollow of my throat. It’s surprisingly intimate. “That’s something I’m going to pour my heart and soul into. Playing is my passion, not the fame, and I want to pass that feeling on to whoever wants to learn.”
I have to blink away the moisture in my eyes. “I think that’s a great idea, baby.”
He notices what I’ve said before I do, not even meaning for the pet name to slip out, and the smile he gives me is liable to just melt my bikini bottoms off.
He kisses me and it’s so soft and sweet that my heart swells. I pull him closer to me and wrap him in my arms as his face nuzzles into my neck. We stay there for a while, tangled up together as the sun begins to set.
We go back to the hotel early, spending the first night of our honeymoon happily in bed, bodies intertwined and talking more about the future.
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Ok so I read the manga the day it came out…here are my thoughts
- ok I loved it overall but there were some things that, in my head, I chose to say “nope that’s not canon” lmfao.
- For example:
- I hc that Robaire is the only member that’s Canadian, I feel like the movie made that distinction but maybe that’s just me.
- I also didn’t agree with Robaire and Z being childhood friends, I like to think that all of the members met for the first time when the band formed.
- I hc that Robaire, T, and Z are all the same age and that T is older than Z so when I saw the ages I was like “NOPE”.
- I also still hc that Jesse is 26. 28 feels too old to me and Domee Shi kind of confirmed him to be 26
- It was kind of crazy to see that Robaire and Jesse’s zodiac signs in the manga are the same as my hc versions tho.
- I was also a bit bummed that we didn’t get to see T interact with the other members that much.
- I was expecting to see at least SOME of T and Z’s dynamic but oh well.
- I also kind of wish that we could’ve gotten to see a less hyper side of T.
- With that said, I am SUPER grateful that we got this manga and I enjoyed it a lot. I’m so excited to see what will come next.
- Here were some of my favorite aspects:
- Loved getting to see more of each of the members’ individual personalities.
- They were all so good, even though I do think T has a more witty, relaxed sense of humor.
- I loved Z’s personality the most.
- I feel like he was exactly like my hc version.
- The part where he cries when Robaire is talking to him. I was like “yup”.
- Also loved seeing Jesse and Tae’s dynamic.
- It was all around really good
I feel like there could be more 4town manga installments in the future, especially because it only just scratched the surface, but I think more 4town content is coming for sure, I’m especially excited to see what the “my first recurring VO dub with Disney+ (coming soon)” that Grayson posted about a few months ago.
Anyway what were your thoughts on the manga? I’d love to hear them!
And as always, keep sending headcanon requests!! I’ve been busy but I’m going to become more active again on tumblr.
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zodiactalks · 29 days
Most CHARITABLE Zodiac Signs Ranked
If you were asked whether you would like the world to be a better place, I am sure your answer would be yes.
None of us wish any harm to others and would gladly do our part to contribute to society (except, of course, the psychopathic or antisocial).
A charitable person is socially conscious, generous, kind, very sensitive, and eager to make a difference in the world.
They are less concerned about their not-so-important personal matters and always keep others in mind when making decisions.
However, some of us seem too wrapped up in our personal affairs and then don't have the slightest time left to do a little charity!
While others seem to devote all their energy and efforts to helping those in need.
Read on and find out which are the most charitable signs of the zodiac.
#1. Pisces
Pisces is the Zodiac’s last sign and can see themselves reflected in everyone else, so empathy is as natural to them as breathing. These signs thrive on helping others. They never look out for their own welfare without taking other people into account.
You can find these generous individuals doing charity work in hospitals, shelters, orphanages, and even prisons.
They also often lead fundraisers for abandoned animals and promote environmentalist habits. They just have a lot of love to give to the world, and they will go to great lengths to share it with those who need it the most.
#2. Cancer
Cancer is a water sign that knows very well how it feels to be vulnerable and search for comfort. That's why they tend to do charity work and help people in need of support.
At first, it is difficult for them to open up, as Cancer is shy around people they don't know and tends to be more reserved.
They usually look for organizations that remind them of their childhood and that are in their hometown.
#3. Aquarius
Aquarius, like Pisces, thinks of the common good before their own. These signs direct their actions towards a fairer humanity and won't rest until the most unfortunate people find peace.
Thus, it is common to find them doing charitable work, living in cooperatives, and working as a team for a common goal. This sign is not selfish and couldn't cares less about surpassing others in fame or profit. They honestly seek a more balanced and just world for all.
#4. Virgo
This earth sign is constantly looking for ways to help others and make things work better.
Although they are usually swamped, they find the time to help those in need in their neighborhood. Virgos make their food, clean where they stay and pass along a few bucks to ensure their well-being.
Virgo is not overtly demonstrative with their emotions, but they are very attentive to those who need help and don't think twice about lending a hand.
#5. Capricorn
Capricorns have often gone through tough challenges in their youth that have turned them into the firm and committed people they are today.
That's why they know all too well what it feels like to be helpless and endure the storms that a lonely and vulnerable home life brings.
So, they try to do charity work from time to time to avoid forgetting where they came from. This keeps them humble despite their current enormous success.
#6. Leo
Although they have a terrible reputation for being self-centered, Leo has a huge and generous heart! These signs can sometimes get lost in their little daily dramas, but that doesn't stop them from considering the less privileged.
The nice thing about Leo is that they don't plan their deeds. When they feel like giving something, they do it spontaneously, which often turns out to be very thoughtful gifts.
Leo has the spirit of a child who does what they feel and does not think too much about the motives. If at that moment, they feel like helping someone, they will unquestionably do it.
#7. Libra
Libra is a friendly and outgoing sign. It often hosts charity and fundraising events, which end up being the talk of the neighborhood.
They don't usually help those in need because they naturally want to, but because it's just another excuse to throw a party and show off their beautiful new outfits.
Even if the motives are not the best, the goal ends up being achieved and helps many people to improve their lives. In addition, Librans have a great sense of justice, and when they find that some people are living in unfavorable conditions for no particular reason, they can't help but pitch in to lend a hand.
#8. Sagittarius
Sagittarius is too busy enjoying thousands of adventures and basking in the blessings of life to think about people who are struggling.
Since these signs are so optimistic, they forget some people are going through tough times and need help to get by.
Of course, when they realize it, they give everything they have to support them, as these individuals are not stingy. They just need a little reminder from time to time to remember that some people are in a bad place.
#9. Scorpio
Scorpios do not like to be too exposed, especially with people they do not know. They prefer to remain in the dark, observing how society functions but avoiding too much involvement.
Besides, most of the time, they're caught up in their own struggles and don't have a very positive view of the world. So, there is not much point in trying to help.
When they decide to do charity work, they do it anonymously and do their best not to be seen.
#10. Taurus
Taurus invests too much in its luxuries and a comfortable lifestyle. They think that hard work is responsible for a good standard of living, and if we give away everything to people in need, they will never try to get back on their feet.
So, they spend their hard-earned money on their comfort and sharing with their loved ones. However, when a fellow friend needs assistance, they won't hesitate to lend a helping hand.
#11. Gemini
Gemini is somewhat oblivious to suffering in the world. They spend their time learning new skills, running all sorts of errands, and meeting new people.
These signs love to have fun, and when they have to face the harsh reality of some people, they don't know how to deal with it. So, they prefer to skip it and occupy their minds with other things to avoid getting depressed.
#12. Aries
Aries has an individualistic and assertive personality. These signs are constantly pursuing new goals, and the faster they can achieve them and move on to the next one, the better.
So, they don't have much time to do charity work, unless it is some kind of competition, they are participating in. If you challenge Aries to spend the most time doing charity work, they will do it just to show off their victory.
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4 years, 40 facts about me loving napo... let's go 🏃🏻‍♀️
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...or as @leonscape called it, 40 "Mopoleon" facts?! (picrew link)
the date of our "anniversary", June 19th, is one day after the date of the battle of Waterloo 💀
both our given names are of Italian origin
we're both leo zodiac signs
our birthdays are 8 days apart, in the same month
he's my first otome route ever played
i've only played his route once, in July 2019
i've never seen his dramatic ending
my first impression of him on a teaser tweet of ikevamp EN was that he looks like an asshole, and I didn't like his looks either...
my falling for him was utterly illogical as despite these thoughts I put him on my phone wallpaper a few days later (still before the release of ikevamp EN)
as of right now ao3 says he appears in 59 of my posted works: the total number of fics I have published with him is higher as a few of those are stand-alones in a multichapter fic (napoleon bday prompts 2019 +9, yumeweek 2020 +5, mini requests +4, headcanons +11 ) ...he appears in about 1/3 of all my fics!
we share a hobby of reading biographies! the official ikevamp character sheets state it as his hobby
our height difference is 18 cm
the @xxsycamore blog exists solely because of him, as well as my passion for writing - I started this blog because I wanted to express my love in some kind of creative way, as previously (and for the longest time) I thought my medium would be art instead of writing
despite that, my first ever posted fic is not with him but with Arthur!
I've always loved languages but he had influence over my choice of learning especially french in uni. It's hell but I don't regret it at all
I have a playlist with sleepy-themed songs for him 🥺
birds are my favorite animals (any kind) and he has a pet eagle!!
our mbti personality types are a so-called perfect match! infp + enfj
I don't like black-haired, blue-eyed men because of him, it was my type before him too! (not many such ikemens around but I have a handful of faves like that from other media)
as the fictional napoleon bonaparte is light years away from the historical figure, I thought I wouldn't be interested in learning about him - until I ended up reading multiple books on him, the thickest of which 680 pages... while I don't mix the two in my head, the napoleonic era history (+ russian empire history) is still pretty cool to know imo!
there's hardly any writer around here who hasn't received a napoleon request from me at least once... I'm so sorry...
it is implied in the game that napo has kissed boys (they were taking turns waking him up and they all know of his habit......) which gives me enough reason to headcanon him as bi....like me 🥺
I really suck at completing the bday creation challenges I host for him, as last year I did 0 prompts and the year before that 2....but in 2019 I did 10!
I love making bday gifts. I love birthdays. I don't have the exact number but last year a lot of characters received a bday fic from me but not napo 💀 partly because I was shadowbanned back then!
the only real tradition I have when it comes to his bday is to make homemade crepes since it's his favorite food! but my favorite part is eating them...
I still haven't watched the movie "Napoleon & Me"...
I don't have much napo merch, but I do have the Naplushieon doll which is plenty
I was still in highschool (11th grade) when I fell for him 🥺🥺🥺 it feels like ages ago
I love the song written for the ikevamp stage play and sung by his voice actor Nobunaga Shimazaki, "Lucida", so much you can even find it and play it on my blog... recently some kind soul uploaded the whole version on youtube (I've been waiting for so long....) and I haven't been the same since
my dream napo merch is the clothes hanger with his neck and face so that I can hang my silly little sundresses on him (I'm going to make it on my own actually, just watch)
after having so many random fic ideas for him that will never see the light of day, I accepted the facts at last and now I feel so much better and more chill
I'm currently working on fanart series where I try to post one tablet-drawn art of him every month... I have trouble keeping them simple as desired sometimes but I'm having lots of fun while learning (I still consider myself fairly new to drawing with my tablet)
once I wrote a death anniversary fic for napo!
the best napo song i've discovered so far is Wings by Su!YoON!
I don't know. anything. about his sequel. i just know the cgs. not that is hard to avoid spoilers LMAO
my most favorite napo cg is the 5th bday one (where they're in a field of roses) (it was on my phone's background for a very long time)
my most favorite napo card...that's a trick question but I think the one that is on the left banner in my blog (desktop view)
yes, yes I do want to go to Corsica one day what about it. I have a lot of other dream trip destinations too!
yes, I do love Napoleon cake (It's a russian recipe) (it was my bday cake in 2020)... but so do I love a whole lot of other cakes...!
Fact number 40 is that I love Napoleon a normal amount 😇 nono listen!! I do talk a lot about him, and here I tried compilating facts that are not too cheesy: believe it or not there are days I don't think about him, ok! I never pressure myself to get all the event bonus stories, or to always have a fic ready for him... in a world where im a worrywart about anything and everything, he's my safe place? my chill place? And if I begin to think about the gigantic mass of things surrounding him that are exactly aligning with what I love, with what comforts me, with what traits im looking for in a person, i'm going to get dizzy. So let's end this here with me saying, ily so much Napoleon 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 im such a nunuche sometimes but im your nunuche ‼️‼️
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pearl-tarotist · 2 years
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ASTROLOGY NOTES ۵♡۵ ⋅.
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➳Almost all the readers or psychics I have seen in Tumblr have a cancer placements in their big 3. Cancer placement=into esotericism.
➺When Aquarius and Pisces energy unite, you have the most unattainable and beautiful person ever. The fact that they are not at your reach makes the person even prettier and more desirable.
➻Cancers are ruled by the moon and people basically just see their light/shinny side. But! Cancers (mostly) sun, moon, rising and mercury do also have a dark side, "the dark side of the moon". They are also strategic/clever and from time to time even "malicious" if you disrespect their limits.
Their sensitivity allows them to know what could hurt you the most and how to use it in their favour while looking innocent and kind. I love these little strategists. They are clever but they hide it.
➳Capricorns and Leos are the "daddies" of the zodiac. (By personal preference I could also put Aquarius).
➺Scorpio male risings have dark/deep eyes and really broad shoulders.
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➻In my opinion, Gemini rules over limbs/extremities. So the ones with Gemini influence will have long arms/legs/ and even fingers (hands) and neck.
But Sagittarius rules over legs so, Sagittarius sun, venus and mars usually have really nice legs (toned) and proportioned bodies.
Conclusion: Gemini influence gives you the length while Sagittarius gives you the toning:
NCT's Haechan: Gemini sun, Venus and Mars.
Hyorin Sistar aka the woman who" has one of the best legs in Kpop".: Sagittarius Sun and Venus +Gemini mars.->
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➳When Taurus get sick (cough, flu...) the body part where they will feel the pain the most is their throat. Or they could just get random pain throats.
➻The more you grow, the more you will feel attracted to your North Node. In my adolescence(13-15) I was completely against esotericism, but here I am 🌝.
➺The ones to connect better with you in spirituality/ for divination have a connection with your moon. For example:
1.- People with the moon in the same house as you.
2.-Focus on people's moon sign; that sign could hold a big influence in your natal chart or to even be your sun sign.
3.- Look at where Cancer falls in your natal chart too, the house or the planets in it if related to the other person chart would make the communication easier.
➳ Sagittarius moon are the funniest people ever! There's also a place for Sun and Venus Sagittarius 🏹.
➻Also, Sagittarius Venuses like to work out! Or at least be active, they have a lot of energy. Some could be like "I am so tired!" And then they will do 367829 things more. + THEY DO NOT SLEEP!!! (They sleep like 6-4 hours when stressed, I don't know how they survive).
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