#i keep wondering who's texting me at 2am
samkerrworshipper · 8 months
the call up
leah williamson x reader
please keep sending requests in i need some fuel!
angst, panic attacks, pain, mentions of abuse of power, mentions of abuse, a short 4000 words im posting this at 2am so sorry for any typos or little things i might have missed x
my heart breaks for the espwnt as they navigate their current situation and i’ve been thinking a lot about it so here’s this little fic ❤️
blurb: you got the news notification, not a text, not a call, a fucking new notification that had broken your heart into a million different pieces
I was consciously ignoring the sound of furious knocking against the bathroom door, but not on purpose. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I’d felt that way ever since I’d gotten the news notification and then the follow up text from Alexia asking if I was okay. No I wasn’t okay, but I’d told her I was fine anyway. It was a blur to me what had happened after that, I’d thrown my phone at a wall, knowing that my phone was probably 30 seconds off of lighting up furiously with more notifications. How could they do this to us? How could they do it to me? After that I’d stumbled my way into my ensuite, finding it hard to see properly with the tears that were crowding my eyes. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think beyond the thought of how this was actually happening.
I’d staggered my way into the shower, cranking the water to its highest point and sitting myself down on the floor. I was bawling my eyes out but I couldn’t really feel it, all I felt was numbness, overwhelmingly numb. The shower water was boiling hot but the searing liquid felt perfect against my skin, it did wonders to comfort the iciness inside of me. It also drowned out the neverending sound of me sobbing furiously into my own skin. I was still wearing my clothes, still dressed in the same t-shirt and shorts that I’d been wearing when I’d gotten the notification. I was scratching furiously at my legs, seeking out the relief that the mixture of pain and burning gave me.
How was this the world that we were living in? How was it that in the current world that we lived in I didn’t even have a basic human right? I was a sobbing, trembling mess just thinking about it all.
How was I supposed to go there and pretend that everything was fine, that I didn’t want to claw my throat out just at the thought of being in the presence of some of those people. It was insanity, pure insanity. I was a fucking world champion, one of the best players in the world and yet here I was, back to square one. What was the point in us even signing a treaty if they were just going to flat out ignore it anyways. It made me sick to my stomach, in what world was this okay, in what world was this how we lived?
Leah would probably hate me, hate me for being ungrateful for the opportunity, hate me for not taking a chance to play when she couldn’t. I was being fucking childish, it shouldn’t have been that big of a deal, shouldn’t have been that upsetting. I was being given the opportunity to play the sport I loved for my country, so why did everything about it feel so wrong? Why couldn’t I find a part of my heart that was happy that I’d been called up, happy about the prospect of playing for my country. I should have been happy, should have been excited, should have been bewildered that they were asking for me to come back even after I’d told the press about all the abuse, it was a miracle really. My heart went out to Mapi, my best friend who I knew would be absolutely devastated that she’d been called up, she’d rejected a call-up to the world cup because of her views and now that was invalidated, everything she’d stood for was going out the window, much like the rest of us.
It was the knocking that brought me out of my spiral, it was non-stop, loud and furious.
“Y/n, I’m coming in sweetheart.”
It was Leah’s voice, both so gentle and stern at the same time. I didn’t take my head out of my knees as I heard the door to our ensuite open, I must have forgotten to lock it in the flurry of emotions that had gotten me to the shower floor. I heard Leah step cautiously into the room, probably taking in her surroundings and the state I was in. Then I heard the door to the shower opening and I couldn’t help but pull my head out of the spot in between my legs to look at her. She looked flustered, her hair and clothes dishevelled and nothing like what they’d looked like when she’d left this morning to take our dogs on a walk and meet up with Keira for coffee.
“Oh darling.”
I knew I probably looked like a mess, mascara smudged all over my red eyes. She reached out to comfort me but immediately recoiled when her skin made contact with the water, letting out a string of profanities towards the water,
“Fuck, you’re burning yourself,” She said, her eyes flashing with fear as she reached towards the temperature dial, immediately turning it down to a more luke warm temperature.
“No, I need to feel clean,” I reached up to turn the water controls back to my previous temperature btu Leah’s hand stopped me, her hands gently gathering my own in hers.
“You are clean y/n,” Her voice was a mere whisper, her voice hoarse as she hurriedly slipped off her shirt and shorts before climbing into the shower with me, just left in her sports bra and boxer shorts.
“Dirty,” I choked out, flinching away from her as she snaked an arm around my body.
“You are not dirty y/n/n,” her voice was stern, she was speaking to me with the intention to get past my internalised barriers that were trying to block her out, trying to block out her attempts to convince me that my self deprecating thoughts were wrong.
As soon as she noticed my hands falling down to my legs to continue scratching at them to get some release she put a stop to it, her own hands intertwining with mine and bringing them to her chest.
“I know there are a lot of twisted thoughts going through your head right now sweetheart, I know that this whole situation is so fucked up, beyond it being okay but I’m here for you.”
I felt like I couldn’t breathe, like every breath that I was taking in was lacking in oxygen and everything I needed to be able to fucking breathe.
“How can they do this? How can they make us do this?”
Leah just shook her head at me, because we both knew she didn’t have an answer, that as much as I leaned on her to give me an answer for everything she just couldn’t in this situation.
“I don’t know.”
Her words were rocky, splotchy, it reflected everything that I was feeling in that moment.
“I’m sorry, I know I’m being ungrateful, I mean you can’t even play and I’m sitting her complaining about the fact I’m being given the opportunity to play,”
“You aren’t being given an opportunity, you are being forced to play. You are allowed to be annoyed about that, it’s not being ungrateful. We live in a world where as women we are supposed to be grateful about every single fucking opportunity we are given but this isn’t a opportunity my love, it’s fucking abuse, especially after what those men did to you.”
I shivered at Leah’s words, just thinking about everything that I’d given to that team just to be fucking abused and assaulted, it had taken so much therapy for me to acknowledge that it had been abuse, that it hadn’t been deserved, that I deserved better.
“I can’t go back, I can’t do it,” Leah nodded at me, pressing her lips to my forehead under the spray of the shower and nodding against my skin.
“That’s okay, we’ll sort it out, I’ll call Ale and we’ll figure it out. If you don’t want to go you don’t have to, we can't risk your mental health for fucking soccer.”
“They’ll take my licence, they’ll fine me, I’ll never be allowed back, they’ll find a way to invalidate my passport and I’ll never get to see my family again,”
“That’s a bridge we can cross, we’ll figure it out, what matters most is that you are okay.”
I didn’t feel okay, I felt like I was tearing at the seams, like seeing that news notification pop up on my screen as I’d been catching up on the most recent episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was probably the worst moment of my life.
“You do feel safe, y/n?”
I shook my head, burying deep into Leah’s neck, trying to get as far away from the world as I could.
“I love you y/n, I will never stop loving you, no matter what happens, you are stuck with me, so even if thats hard to believe I need you to know that, I need you to think about that. Let’s get you out of the shower, yeah?”
She was right, I didn’t believe her. I kept my cheek pressed into her neck as she lifted me up off of the floor and out of the shower, stripping off my layers and wrapping me in a towel, I refused to face her though, refused to look into those eyes.
“Can I carry you?” Her voice was so hesitant and before I could gather my thoughts, the ones that told me to push Leah away I found myself nodding.
She engulfed me in her arms so quickly it was as if she knew I was on the cusp of changing my mind, I still hadn’t stopped crying, my sobs had just quietened down into numb, soundless tears that somehow burned my cheeks as they dripped down my skin. My chest pressed against her own as she lifted me up and walked us into our room, our bedroom. I squeezed my eyes, trying my hardest to ignore how perfect it felt in that moment to be pressed against her, to be in her arms, how perfect it felt to be held by her.
She gently placed me down on our bed and I tried my hardest not to whimper at the loss of contact, she dashed off into our wardrobe, stumbling around in there for a few seconds before returning with a fresh matching bra and boxer set on herself and a sports bra and pair of boxer shorts for me. I didn’t even flinch as she pulled the items of clothing over my body, just went limp in her arms. Once she was done dressing me she climbed onto the bed beside me.
“Can I hold you?”
I nodded at her with tears in my eyes and she’d immediately wrapped both of her arms around me. She rested herself against the head of the bed and brought me into her lap so my back was pressed against her chest, it was the skin to skin contact that made me start to sob unapologetically and furiously. Leah was quick to tighten her grip on me and start to rock me back and forth in her arms.
“I’m so sorry this is happening to you sweetheart, I’ll do anything I can to fix it.”
Leah was a problem solver, furiously dedicated to helping out anyone that she could. In this instance though I couldn’t find anything that she could actually help with, what was there for her to do? No one could do anything, any effort, any attempt to try and make a change, for Jenni, for us all, was over.
“How am I supposed to go there and act all happy and grateful when all I want to do is tell them all fuck you, fuck you for doing this to me, fuck you for condoning the abuse for years, fuck you for covering it all up.”
My words came out in hiccups between the sobs, Leah waited for a few minutes before answering me, it got to the point where I was worried she wasn’t going to answer me at all.
“If you don’t want to stay and play you won’t have to, it’s against your rights and the FIFA code says so, fuck there bullshit law that says you have to go. We’ll talk with our lawyers, talk with Ale and Mapi and we’ll find a solution. If they make you play then you can sit on the field, you can fake an injury, get yourself red carded. We’ll find a solution, we’ll work it out.”
Everything Leah said made sense but it also didn’t, how was I supposed to go there, how was I supposed to walk in a building and try and reason with people I was terrified of, people that I now needed anti anxiety medication for, people that had given me years of trauma and PTSD.
It was then that we were both shaken by a furious banging from our front door, my mind went to the worst place possible. What if it was reporters, or people from fifa, or people from the Spanish federation? What if they’d come to take me, what if they were already here to take my licence or take me to jail?”
Leah sensed my distress and slid herself out from behind me.
“I’ll go take a look, stay here, it’ll be fine.”
Even her voice was unsure, like she didn’t even know if it was actually okay. She darted out of our room, I heard her thudding down the stairs and then making it to our front door. I heard her open it, which indicated to me it had to be someone we knew because if it was someone she didn’t want to see she would have looked through the peephole and left them. I heard the hushed voices of two people, maybe? Then the furiously fast footsteps of an amount of people I couldn’t make out. Within a few second though all was revealed to me as Alexia, Mapi, Lucy and Keira bursted into my room, Leah chasing after them. One look at them all had me sobbing again. Alexia and Mapi were quick to jump onto the bed beside me, I noticed the the tear tracks that were painting Mapi’s face as well and the red rims around her eyes. Mapi was my best friend in the entire world, we’d played with each other since we were kids. Alexia was like my older sister, she’d taken me under my wing as soon as I’d joined Barca as a rookie and she’d treated me like her own ever since. The two women meant more to me than anybody else, bar Leah and I knew that they both knew how much this would be tearing me up.
“How can they do this to us? After everything they’ve done?”
“Lo se mi amor, lo siento mucho.” (I know my love, I’m so sorry)
Ale’s voice didn’t do much to comfort me, if anything her familiar words that were spoken in our mother tongue just made it all pour out of me more.
The two english women in the room were lead out by Leah, the three of them sensing that this was a moment that us Spaniards needed to have on our own.
“No puedo hacerlo Ale lo siento pero no puedo hacerlo.” (I can’t do it Ale, I’m so sorry but I can’t do it.)
“It’s okay Mi amor, I understand. We are going to sort it out for you and Mapi, we’ll figure it out, you don’t have to be there if you don’t want to, they can’t force you.”
“Can’t they?”
It was the first time Mapi had gotten a word into the conversation and Alexia’s eyes immediately met hers in a glare, she was trying to stop me from working myself up even further and Mapi’s words weren’t helping.
“No they can’t María, we’ll work it out, I’ll sort it out for my girls, I’ll keep you protected, te prometo que.” (I promise you)
“You can’t make that promise, you didn’t protect us last time.”
The tension between the two was thickening and it was making me feel even smaller.
“I can try my hardest, last time it was different and you know it, this time we have an audience, we have people that we can trust to help us, we don’t have to be scared anymore, I am going to protect you, lo juro.”
I pressed myself further into Ale’s arms, finding solace and comfort in the older woman's arms.
“I’m scared, Ale.”
I felt Ale’s head nod against my own from its position balancing on top of mine, her head burrowing into my semi wet hair that Leah had partly dried with a towel.
“I know pequeño, you have every right to be scared, but I’ll keep you safe and if you want to go home after we negotiate with them then you can, no one is going to make you play.”
I nodded into Ale’s body, searching for Mapi’s hand and when I found it tangling it in my own, finding warmth and steadiness in her hand.
I could feel my body relaxing into Ale’s, the emotions of the last hour starting to hit me and affect my energy level.
“Go to sleep, cariño, rest, you need it.”
I’d nodded sleepily into Alexia’s body and let myself relax fully against her, letting all of the stress, fear and anxieties leave my body as the feeling of sleep started to overcome my senses.
When I woke up it was no longer light outside. I shot up in bed, realising I was alone and immediately clutching at my chest as I felt the anxiety overcome my body, I’d been deserted, because of my stupid fears about being called up, I deserved it, I was so weak, so stupid, so fucking unworthy of love and attention. It all came crashing down on me, like a massive wave, all of the feelings crashing down on top of me in an overwhelming cascade. I was gasping for air, frantically clawing the sheets of the bed off of my body, suddenly feeling overwhelmed, overheated and sweaty. I’d left a cold sweat patch on our bed sheets but it didn’t really bother me, I was so hot and it was so hard to breathe and I just couldn’t think.
The next thing I knew Leah was walking into our room with a cup of tea that she’d almost immediately dropped when her eyes had met mine, forgetting the cup and liquid and jumping directly onto the bed, her mind immediately reeling.
“Y/n/n, you're having a panic attack, I need you to breathe for me, how we’ve practised, you’re going to be okay, take some deep breaths for me.”
I’d gulped and nodded at Leah, we had practised it quite a bit, it didn’t make it any easier when this happened but it did reassure me that I knew how to do it.
Her hand had almost immediately found its way to my hunched over back, rubbing circles into the muscles along my back as I struggled to take in any oxygen.
“You’ve got it my love, deep breaths, in and out, it’s going to be okay, I’m right here.”
Leah’s voice was so soft, so comforting, like it was made of cotton and teddy bear fur.
“I thought I was alone and I-I thought you’d left me.”
My voice was so unsteady, so unlike me.
“I’m never leaving you honey, not if I can help it, I’m here for you, always by your side.”
She solidified her statement by pressing a gentle kiss to the side of my temple, I relaxed my scrunched up face against her mouth, trying to enjoy the feeling of it as much as possible.
“Good girl, keep taking those deep breaths for me, you're doing so well mi amor.”
Leah knew very little Spanish, I’d tried my hardest to teach her some, especially when she’d stayed with me in Barca but it just never stuck, she didn’t practise enough for it to stick, not that I minded, my mum was english so I’d spoken both since I was a child, my English was just as good as my Spanish so it wasn’t hard for me to converse with my partner.
Leah’s voice kept rubbing against my back, helping to guide me back down to earth from the panic induced cloud that I’d sent myself to. When I did finally come back down I started to take in my surroundings, the damp sheet below me, Leah’s breath against my neck, our dog and cat sitting on the edge of our bed, cuddled up together asleep.
“Hey angel, you back with me?”
Her voice was so gentle, so patient. Leah’s hand found its way to my face, brushing the loose brunette strands from my face and pushing them behind my ear. I felt shameful, I couldn’t handle looking into those eyes, those eyes that held a world's worth of care in them, the eyes that I knew could break me down into tears on their own accord.
“M’ sorry.”
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”
Her reassurance was what I needed, I craved that reassurance, craved her approval.
“I just want this all to go away, I just want to be able to me be, just live how I want to.”
Leah pushed herself back against our pillows and pulled me with her, wrapping her arms around me and bringing me to her chest, her lips fell to my forehead out of habit, it was one of her favourite things to do, I loved the connection.
“You can be you, you are allowed to be upset about this, there is nothing wrong about being angry about what is happening to you.”
I let my head find a nook in Leah’s body and relax into it properly, finding so much peace in her.
“I just want this to all be over, better yet, never have happened.”
“Fair enough, you’ve dealt with enough bullshit to last you the rest of your life, you are allowed to be angry about that, anything you feel is valid, your life has been turned upside down by a bunch of old white men who don’t care about anybody besides themselves and it sucks, it sucks that most of the men in power across our world are the same and that we can’t really do anything to change that. I’m here for you though, so is Ale and Mapi and everyone else that cares about you. It sucks, but that's what we have and maybe it’s enough, maybe it’s all we really need.”
I nodded along with Leah’s words, she was so wise, so smart considering her age. It was one of the things I admired her so much for, how she knew so much but was also prepared to educate herself on something that she wasn’t sure about. She was always wanting to be better, to learn more, it was jarring for me when I’d met her, having come from a very traditional family and set of views.
“Go back to sleep my love, we’ll work this all out in the morning, I promise.”
“Pinky swear?”
She’d rolled her eyes at me but nodded regardlessly, knowing that if she didn’t my anxieties would creep up and I’d probably send myself into another fit.
“I pinky swear.”
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axelsagewrites · 11 months
Robb Stark*Yearbook
Pairing: Modern!Robb Stark x reader
Summary: after years of secret pinning the reader is confronted with the end of high school and her crush
Word count: 2794
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not requested but i got this idea at 2am last night and ran with it. been a while since i did something fluffier so enjoy
Warnings: none
Masterlist Here
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As you walked down the corridor, you seriously considered sprinted as fast as your legs could carry you to the car park and escaping this place. As you were in deep thought about your getaway plan you felt two strong hands clamp down on your shoulders. “Jesus Christ Robb!” you yelled, smacking his shoulder as he moved to stand beside you, “You scared me,”
Robb cackled as he moved next to you, holding onto your shoulder to keep himself steady, “That was amazing,” he laughed, his head nuzzling your shoulder as he tried to compose himself, “You should’ve seen your face,”
“This is why I hate you,” you said with all the fake malice you could muster.
“Please you love me,” he grinned as he finally stood up. He was right, he just didn’t know it. you had been best friends since you started high school together and now it was senior year, and he still didn’t know about your freshman crush.
One time you tried to tell him. Junior year you sucked up all your courage and walked up to him, determined to ask him to prom, only to walk over to find Talisa wrapped around his arm. They’re smiles were sickening when they told you they were going to prom together. You tried to look happy, telling them they were cute together despite it cutting you up inside. You eventually ended up having to go with Jon.
Talisa and Robb actually ended up dating for a few months and as much as you wanted to hate her, she was one of the sweetest people you’d met. It was hard to get used to her being around, but you did it for Robb. At points you even tried to distance yourself to try get over him, but he always tracked you down after a week of ignoring him. The hardest part was trying to make him feel better when they broke up but even till now Robb had never told you why they did.
Jon was also the first person you talked about your crush and was the one that pushed you to ask him out. You still hadn’t forgiven him for that one. “Get a room you too,” Jon said rolling his eyes as he walked over to you and Robb.
Robb ignored his brother and you three continued to class as usual. It was the last month of senior year and Jon had gone from occasional jokes about you two to making them daily, if not hourly. He also kept texting you to just tell Robb already, but you insisted the crush was gone. Lying was easier than ruining your friendship. However, Jon wasn’t the only one.
“What’s up love bird?” your best friend Margaery asked as you took your seats in English as you waited for Mrs Lannister to come. “Oh, and Jon,” she grinned even as Jon shoved her head and took his seat behind her.
You sat next to Margaery, rolling your eyes as you took out your stuff, and Robb took his usual seat behind you.  “It is getting old,” you said as you pulled out the ungodly amount of homework due in for today.
“What’s getting old- “Margaery said as she swiped your homework and began to copy down some of your answers. You rolled your eyes but couldn’t argue as you’d copied her math homework last week. “is this whole charade. When is the wedding, Robbie?” Margaery asked as she turned her head to stare down Robb.
“Aren’t you dating a junior? When is the court date Margey?” Robb shot back with a grin.
“Down girls you’re both pretty,” you said, snatching back your homework when Mrs Lannister walked in and began to shush everyone.
The class, as always, was torture as she went on and on about the same old play no one actually bothered to read. Sometimes you wondered if she’d ever read it. you were stifling back a yawn when a balled-up bit of paper hit your head. You turned to glare at Jon who twiddled his thumbs in fake innocence before snatching it off the ground before you got caught. Waiting until Mrs Lannister was pulling something up on the computer, you uncrunched the note.
Ask him out. He’s been staring all class at you
You rolled your eyes before shoving the paper into your hoodie pocket. This was apparently not good enough for Jon who kept tossing balled up bits of paper at your head every time Mrs Lannister looked away. When the end bell finally rung you whipped round in your seat, “One day I’m going to kill you,” you said, and Jon only smiled while Robb looked confused out his mind.
“Not very nice,” Jon said as you all quickly grabbed your stuff to head to your next classes.
Robb slung his arm over your shoulder, and you felt your heart jump, “Please don’t kill my brother love,” he said as he walked you out of class, “Also my mom text to ask if you’re coming over Saturday?”
“What’s Saturday?” Margaery asked as she tried to keep up with you both in the busy halls.
“It’s my dad’s birthday so she’s having a family barbeque, but she loves (Y/N) so she always tries to drag her along,” Jon piped up from the back.
Ned was practically another dad to you so of course you already planned on going, “Hell yeah im going. Can’t miss out on your Ned’s grill skills,”
“Alright I’ll text her,” Robb said as you approached your next class, “See you at lunch. Have fun in maths,”
“Ugh I won’t,” you groaned as you lined up outside Mr Tarly’s class with Margery, Jon continuing down the corridor to his own class. “Enjoy French,”
“Ci,” Robb grinned before turning back and practically running up the corridor before the late bell rang.
Margery squealed as she gripped your shoulders, “Dude he’s so in love with you,”
“No, he’s not,” you tried to laugh as she gripped your arms like a viper.
“He legit walked you here when his class is on the other side of the building,” She said rolling her eyes, “When are you two just gonna date?”
“When are you gonna date someone our age?” you smirked.
Margery rolled her eyes again and you wondered if they ever got tired, “Please at least I have a boyfriend,”
Sometimes you wondered if your whole friend group was out to set you up with Robb. They constantly called you both the parents of the group and whenever you argued said they were children of divorce. Not to mention all the get a room comments and jokes. According to Margery you were practically already dating but at least if that was true, you’d get to kiss those soft perfect looking lips.
Lunch couldn’t come soon enough, and you were thankful that Mr Tarly let you leave class a few minutes early since you got to secure your favourite table. Instinctively you put your bag on the chair next to you for Robb, something Margery was keen to point out with a smirk. Soon the table filled up with Jon, Theon, Tommen, Gilly, and Sam. “Dude no offence your dad sucks,” you said as Sam and Gilly came over with their lunch trays.
Sam just laughed as he took his seat by Jon, his girlfriend since junior year on his other side. “You act like I like maths anymore than you do. Where’s your husband?” he asked when he saw Robbs empty seat.
“He’s probably asking about extra credit,” you said as you pushed around the food on your own tray, wondering how they called this food.
“Speaking of boyfriends,” Margery said lowly with a smirk.
“Hey guys,” Robb smiled as he pulled out his chair to sit down, sitting your bag beside you, “What’s happening?”
Thankfully the subject was dropped, and you thought maybe the rest of the day might get easier. Then the announcements started. “Okay Dragonflies!” Daenerys voice came over the loudspeaker, making Margery instantly shush the group. You gave her a confused look but didn’t dare argue. “So, the votes are in and im happy to announce the yearbook awards for all my fellow seniors. The full list will be available on the school blog but here’s the five most voted for categories and their results. Starting with my favourite most likely to be famous goes to my bestie Margaery Tyrell!”
You weren’t shocked that she had won even though you had been off with the flu the week the voting slips got passed out however you’d made sure to nominate her as an option the week before. “Woo go Marg,” you said, high fiving her over the table as she held a hand to her chest in fake shock.
“I’m just so honoured,” Margery laughed as she faked cried to Tommen.
“Next up best dressed goes to none other than Missandei Naathi. Okay now this next one was a tight race but best teacher, winning by only three votes, Coach Tarth,” Mrs Tarth blushed from where she stood at the head of the cafeteria, trying to stop the freshman’s pushing each other. “Now best hair obviously had to go to Jon Snow!”
You couldn’t help but cackle as your group celebrated a bashful Jons win. “Look at these glorious locks,” Theon said, grabbing Jons head in a headlock.
“I demand a recount!” Robb half yelled across the room earning a sharp look from Mrs Tarth who tried to hide her grin after.
Margery gave you a look you couldn’t quite place as you laughed at Robb’s antics as he flaunted his curls. “Okay and last for now but certainly not least. The most tense of all the votes. Cutest couple,” You saw Gilly whisper something to Sam and honestly you really hoped they won however you soon realised why Margery was looking so intently at you. “Give it up for (Y/N) and Robb everyone!”
Your smile dropped for a moment, your jaw slackening as you looked at Robb horrified. His face was scrunched with confusion before he gave you an awkward smile that you tried to return. “No way congrats guys,” Gilly gushed and all you could do was stutter for words.
“Yous finally got together? That’s so cool,” Tommen piped up from the end of the table, “Babe why didn’t you tell me?” he half whispered to Margaery.
“Uh guys we’re not like,” you tried to rush out before Robb could speak, “like she’s got it wrong idk what happened,”
“This is like a sign- “Margery said, her eyes lighting up as she reached across the table.
Your eyes just flickered down to the table, trying to think of anyway to move on. “Lets just leave it Marg,” Jon said, seemingly getting the hint from how bright red you had got and Robbs flustered face.
“I know but like- “
“Gonna just drop it,” you snapped which only made everyone look at you, “Its just some dumb list. I’ll go talk to Danny the now,” you didn’t waste any time to grab your stuff and stand up. Robb tried to grab your arm to stop you but instead you just walked even faster, desperately trying to get out of there.
Instead of going to Danny though you made a beeline for the bleachers, hoping there were no stoners hanging out under there who could see you cry. You didn’t know why it bothered you so much. Being voted as best couple with your crush should be the best thing but it just made you feel so stupid. Robb wasn’t even a boyfriend, just a friend, a friend who was gonna go to college and make new friends and get a girlfriend and forget about you. it made it worse since he was also the friend you hung out with every day, got coffee with after school, went to the movies with on Saturdays and always knew just how to cheer you up.
When you got to the slightly dingy looking under bit of the bleachers you sat on top of your jacket, back leaning against the chain linked fence and closed your eyes tight to stop tears from falling. Why hadn’t these feelings just gone away already? Why did you have to love him?
When you heard footsteps crunching against the dirt you reluctantly opened your eyes but soon shut them. “Hey,” you said, your voice strained as you heard Robb move to sit next to you.
“I’m sorry,”
“It’s not your fault,” you said, finally opening your eyes again, and pulling your knees to your chest, “I don’t even know why it bugged me so much,” you lied, “It just annoyed me that Marg would nominate us. Like think about poor Sam and Gilly,” you tried to make yourself sound plausible, but you knew you were doing a lousy job.
Robb sighed, closing his own eyes as he thought, “She wasn’t the one who did it,” he confessed and you just looked at him confused, “I was the one who put our names in,”
Your face scrunched in confusion, shuffling slightly to face your long-time crush who suddenly sat like a bashful schoolboy, “But why? Did you think this was funny?” you said, anger rising in your chest.
“No it wasn’t a joke-I-“ Robb said, his hands flailing before he paused to take a deep breath, “Look I nominated us because I was gonna ask you out and then the next week you were sick and the votes came out so I thought I had more time but then when I went to ask you I panicked and I kept trying to find a way to do it but nothing felt right and now im just an idiot who made you upset,” his head flung back against the fence, his hands running over his face as he groaned, “And now I’ve just fucked it all up,”
“You were gonna ask me out?” you said, your voice barely above a whisper, “You like me?”
Robb uncovered his face as he turned to look at you, expecting to see disgust or anger but instead he saw a light smile etched on your lips, “For a long time,” he said softly, “And I just thought it would be a good note to end school on. I didn’t mean to upset you,”
“You haven’t,” you said, pausing for a moment before finally confessing, “I like you too, ever since freshman year,” it was like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why didn’t you?” you said back and for a moment you both sat in silence, looking at each other, “So does this mean you’re my boyfriend?” you finally asked.
Robb chuckled lightly as he took your hand into his, “If you don’t mind,” he said smiling down at you.
You smiled back, “Not at all,” you said staring up into his eyes when you noticed his eyes glance down at your lips. You moved slightly closer, your hand moving to rest on his shoulder. Robbs head dipped down slowly, his lips hovering over yours. closing your eyes, you closed the gap, his lips colliding into yours as your hand moved to the back of neck. Robb wasted no time in moving his hand to your waist, holding it tight as the at first soft kiss sped up and all the pent-up waiting turned to hunger.
A shrill whistle pulled you apart as you both turned out of breath to see coach Tarth standing angrily at the end of the bleachers, a crowd of oooing freshman behind her. “Get out from there right now!” she said as you and Robb scrambled to get out from the bleachers, “Just cause yous won the vote doesn’t mean you can be setting this example,”
“Sorry coach,”
“Won’t happen again,”
Coach Tarth narrowed her eyes at you both for a moment before stepping in closer, “Right well take this somewhere else before I have to give you two detention,”
You both nodded, avoiding the eyes of the excitable freshman which you only just noticed Robbs little brother Rickon who was high fiving a friend when he saw who it was under the bleachers. As you both rushed off you felt Robbs hand slip into yours. you looked up at him with a smile as he dragged you back inside the school. “See if we’re already late to class…” you said, your voice trailing off as you looked up at Robb.
“Wanna ditch and drive around?” Robb said, already pulling his car keys out his pocket. “Let’s go love, before Clegane catches us on hall duty,” safe to say you really were the best couple.
Taglist: @clairacassidy @nyotamalfoy @valeskafics
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Chishiya x Reader
1) I could kiss you right now
AU - College AU - SFW -
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It was 2am when your cellphone started to make call noises. You opened your eyes and almost fell from the bed seeing who was calling you.
Your classmate and best friend (who you had a crush on) was calling you at 2 am....
You quickly got the phone and responded to it, nothing but loud music sounded in the background so you assumed Kuina had pushed him into a Party.
"Chi?" You asked just in case he had marked you by mistake
"Yyou know I love when you call me Chi"
His voice sounded blurry and honestly, drunk. Too drunk. Usually he was good and keeping his alcohol in check so you wonder if Kuina had let him free or if something had happened.
"Chishiya where are you? Are you alright?"
"Where Im?" There was a pause as he was taking a look around.
"Outside your door"
You sprinted to it, not caring of your night clothes or messy hair. You opened the door and sure, there he was Chishiya. He smelled like bad alcohol and weed.
"What and how in hell did you get here?" You looked out but saw no signal of a car.
"Got a taxi, payed by card" he simple say, letting himself fall in your sofa.
You went to get him some water, when you returned he was already sleeping. He once said your sofa was too comfortable.
You stood there, seeing him sleep. His chest went up and down slowly, his mouth was slighty open. He looked like any other drunk college student. But to you it was beautiful.
Still....you moved him to awake him up so he could get some water. He gave a sleepy look that almost looked offended but drank the water anyways. He then kept looking at you, and you, you took a look at yourself and blushed seeing how you were dressed.
"Dont say a thing, its 2am-" you were going to keep scolding him but he interrumped you.
"I could kiss you right now, you look beautiful".
Your mind went black, you could not believe what you had listened and blamed it to the alcohol.
"Dont say things like that being drunk" you responded "People will take it seriously".
Chishiya moved himself to get closer to you, the alcohol hitting your nose.
"Im drunk, but im saying the true, I want to kiss you so badly"
You blushed at his proximity and as much as you wanted to kiss him too you pushed him.
"Tomorrow, tell me again tomorrow"
You gave him some blankets and went to your room. You got a text from Kuina asking for Chishiya and you returned it by saying he was with you.
Her reply: ;)
When morning came you did your routine trying to ignore the nerves you were feeling.
When you went into your living room you saw Chishiya taking some coffee (there was another one for you) and eating some eggs.
"Morning" he simple said starting at the TV
You sat besides him going to take your cup till Chishiya talk almost making you let your cup fall.
"Can I kiss you now?" He was looking at you with knowing eyes and a smirk.
Good looking bastard
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
hello hello my lovely Tumblr gals!
I've been waiting to post about this until it was like, a forreal sure thing, but I'm SO excited I gotta share the news 🤩
soooo as most of you already know, my wife & I both have serious chronic health conditions, which come with severe chronic pain as well as all the other wonderful symptoms. We have been struggling to maintain a life of working full time, doing things we enjoy to keep ourselves sane, taking care of our 6 pets, and also getting chores/errands/tasks done like keeping the house clean, grocery shopping and cooking instead of frozen meals and doordash, etc. A couple weeks ago, I posted an ad on a roommate seeking page to "rent" out our spare bedroom. Except instead of money, the majority of the rent would be "paid" by helping us out with those sorts of tasks to help us live as close to a normal life as possible. I created a scaled system where the more assistance = the more the reduction in rent, with a very low cap on the money side of the rent bc we really don't want to take advantage of anyone or profit off renting out a room, so just enough to cover the basic costs. The goal was to find a mutually beneficial arrangement with someone who needed a place to live without paying the current horrifying rental prices of South FL, and was able bodied and capable of helping us out a bit (on their own schedule, around their other work/obligations).
I posted it pretty impulsively when I had the idea, thinking not many people would see it or respond to it, just sort of putting feelers out to see if there was any interest in that kind of arrangement. I specified female only (and of course got multiple messages from men). First thing the next morning, a woman who looks about my age sends me a message. She and her gf have been urgently looking for housing since the plans they had made had fallen through last minute, after they were already packed and everything with their lease ending at the end of February.
She was 100% good vibes right away. We messaged for a couple hours straight, just got talking, and intermittently throughout the day. It turned out there were so many strange coincidences between us, it was uncanny. And talking to her felt like talking to a close friend of many years, not a total stranger. That first day I talked to her, really good things happened to me the rest of the day. Solutions to problems that had been causing me stress for weeks or months fell into my lap. I'm not spiritual or superstitious or anything for the most part, but sometimes the universe is just screaming in your face that something is right.
We kept texting, and planned a video chat "wine date" to discuss the arrangement and get to know each other better. We talked for hours, past 2am, and it felt so natural. Never an awkward moment. We have very similar couple dynamics, we like the same lifestyle and hobbies, we have the exact same sense of humor and communication style, the first woman I had talked to and I go by the same nickname, their dog and one of our dogs are very similar breed mixes and born almost exactly just 1 month apart... I could go on. I mean we even buy the same brand of vapes 😅 They're clean freaks who enjoy cleaning together, and one of them is super into cooking and likes to keep an herb and vegetable garden (we have a huge backyard and have been longing for a garden for ages). I looked up their post in the group, which was posted weeks before mine, and they were a perfect match. We were looking for the exact same things in a roommate.
The decision was made that first video chat night (there have been more since). They were abso-fucking-lutely going to be our new roomies. I wrote up a unique lease, month to month like we both were looking for, and had it looked over by a lawyer, who said we're good to go. My wife and I have been gushing about them to all our friends and our parents. We've been calling it a "couples crush" 😂 I told them that, and they excitedly admitted they've been doing the same thing. My wife and I have also been so much happier and more productive and active since all this started.
These absolute angels have even offered to help us get the house clean from where it's at now instead of us rushing to deep clean before they arrive. They seem genuinely empathetic and like they want to help 😭 And we feel the same way about their housing and financial situation. We own the home, which means there's an inherent power dynamic when renting out a room, so I worked hard to talk to them and create a lease that would equalize as much as possible. My wife and I emphatically expressed that we want them to feel like it's fully their home - we remember from renting in the past how it can sometimes not feel like your home. For me, renting was damaging to my mental health. All the rules and restrictions made me feel unable to create a safe-feeling home environment. We don't want to put any restrictions on them when it comes to pets, drilling into walls, painting the room, re-landscaping the backyard, whatever. We also told them they're always welcome to give us feedback, communicate totally honestly with us about any of their needs, complaints, changes they want to the lease, etc.
Soooo with all that said... they're moving in on Friday! We are all counting the days. We already know we're gonna have a ton of fun together. We even agreed to have "family dinners" sitting together at the table a couple times a week 🙈 We are all just so dorky it's beautiful.
And! I accidentally said "gyns" referring to them in a message 😅 so I had to explain that, and they were SUPER interested and want us to teach them about radical feminism. Like??? We couldn't have created a more perfect roommate situation in a mad scientist's lab. I've been working on trusting my gut recently, as it never seems to lead me astray, and every instinct I have says this is Good.
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sleepy-achilles · 27 days
"Oh please! Leon Michaels does not give in to any man! He is a dominant force! What he says goes!"
Also Leon Michaels-
Leon lays in his bed, eyes closed, basking in the sunlight filtering through the blinds when he feels the bed dip. Then he feels the weight on him. "Baby?" Drew asks. "Mmm?" Leon hums keeping his eyes closed as Drew places soft kisses around his jaw and neck. "I was talking to Sheamus and I got a really good idea." Drew states, his hand skimming up and down Leon's naked side. Leon cracks his eyes open. It's moments like this when Leon is glad the fans can't see him. His tough guy act is, well just that, an act. It doesnt exist in the four walls that is his home. He glances down at drew.
And boy isn't that a sight. He's clearly just finished working out, and drew knows that's Leon's favourite sight. "Drew..." Leon warns as his stomach tightens. Drew presses harder against him. "I was thinking we finally take that holiday you promised me." Drew states. Leon examines his face. "Somewhere nice and sunny. Maybe one of those islands all the other celebs goto, you know, private and beautiful. No worry about fans." Drew suggests tilting his head, his eyes gazing down to Leon's pierced nipples. "Of course Darling. Anything you want." Leon nods.
Drew smiles and kisses him. "Ill book it yeah?" "Yeah you know where my card is" Leon yawns. "You're the best, I love you." Drew smiles sitting up. "Love you too. Go nuts. Don't worry about cost." Leon adds as drew begins to move.
Drew wonders if the fans would lose their shit at this side of Leon. The skeleton king who does things his way, does not give into orders. Breaks rules and laws. Is currently laid in bed, telling his husband to spend as much of his money as he wants on a holiday he agreed to without much thought.
But then drew thinks about it. It must be a genetics thing. If only fans could see the true push overs that are Leon and the Undertaker. Two men who are wrapped around their husbands fingers. It makes drew chuckle as he strolls into the office, texting the Michaels wives group chat that he was successful.
Drew- Done.
Cassie- Already? You literally sent the plan a minute ago!
Shawn- just finished working out?
Drew- yep.
Shawn- Works everytime. My boys are suckers for a sweaty mess.
John- doesn't work on my hubby.
Cassie- works for me, doesn't work for rhea.
Drew- what can I say? I just look really really good all worked out.
Shawn- God I love you. My turn.
Cassie- nope. Ignoring chat now.
John- agreed.
Can I just say it 2am and I got this inspo after reading a tibbs fic in which Gibbs just gives in without hesitation. Beautiful really. Love the concept of big scary men who give into their partners at any given time.
Also I'm so tired so this is shit but idc. My blog is full of shit work that I promise to rework and never do lol
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banditthewriter · 1 year
You guys know that situation where you're a kid and you have a best friend in your class or camp or neighborhood and you're inseparable. Until one of you move away. And this is our childhood so it's harder to keep in touch and you grow apart. Then you get older and you have Facebook and you think "I wonder what so-and-so is up to these days" and randomly search for them or just stumble on them by accident.
Its now happened to me 3 times.
First was my best friend from like, 3rd or 4th grade? She sent me a fb request a few years ago, we both were so surprised to find each other, talked for maybe two weeks. I think she deleted me like a year later.
Next was my other best friend from 4th grade. She lived in my neighborhood. My last memory of her was telling her grandmother that she saw some car following me as I was walking home and my dad didn't let me walk down the neighborhood for like a month. We are still friends on fb after she added me like 10 years ago but we don't talk.
The third was also the most recent. This was my best friend from like, 2nd grade. I vaguely recognized his name when I saw the friend request. No friends in common but I accepted. He messaged almost immediately and said "I've been looking for you for ages, we were best friends in 2nd grade, we sat beside each other in gym class and I had the biggest crush on you". I asked D because he was a grade above me and he remembered him, said he was a weird kid (but so were both of us, it wasn't an insult haha)
We've messaged back and forth for a while, caught each other up on our lives. I said pretty early on that I was married and happily so. He told me about his kid that he has joint custody of. It was nice to talk to someone that I vaguely remembered, no pressure or anything.
Then last night at like 2am he sent me a bunch of texts asking for nudes and telling me he thinks I'm his soul mate and he loves me (it's been like 3 days since the friend request)
I said "dude...I think you were drunk texting me last night, no worries I didn't take you seriously" to give him an out. He doubled down and said he was sober and meant every word.
I show this to Chaotic Neutral who of course is aware of the whole situation. He jokingly asked if I was going to leave him for my 2nd grade soul mate.
Why are people like this? Why they gotta make things weird?
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ghastlybin · 2 years
Request: DC Dami x reader school au. The reader is mute from past trauma and is constantly being bullied at school. Dami who's popular stands up for them. After she comforts the reader. I hope that made sense lol.
Hello! Thank you for requesting :) I hope this is what you meant? I did a lot of research and I'm hoping I did an alright job at it! please let me know if anything in here is offensive! I'm not too familiar with the topic of being mute prior to researching so please PLEASE let me know! It's also 2AM so if there are typos, I apologize.
Pairing: Dreamcatcher's Dami x (gender neutral) Reader
Word count: 1,074
Contents: Angst, comfort (towards the end), School AU.
TW: Bullying, Trauma, Mutism, Mature language, this is angsty so please proceed with caution!
Note: I am not sure if mutism is a trigger, but I included it just in case because anon said it was caused by past traumas so if it's offensive to have that as a TW, pleaseeeee let me know so I can edit it! ALSO, I chose a random name for the main bully, I am so sorry if coincidentally your name is Karen! If it is, you're the better Karen lmao okay onwards, enough stalling
AAC = a device or program used to help people who can't speak communicate.
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Just today and I can get out of here. One more tomorrow and I will be out of here for good.
It’s the words you’d replay in your mind every morning as you wake up, every night before you fall asleep- Those words replayed like a mantra in your mind.
Even being pushed and shoved and degraded, you didn’t let it show exactly how your peers have hurt you. They didn’t see the tears you’ve shed; They never knew about the sleepless nights you spent trying to make time slower so you wouldn’t have to experience the torment you faced, and they surely know nothing about you for you to have deserved this.
“Holy shit,” the one voice you hoped to avoid made your heart momentarily stop with the fear she had induced. “You’re still here? You’re harder to get rid of than cockroaches!”
You didn’t respond- You never did. Keeping your head low, you attempted to walk away from her; Whatever her name was. You never caught it.
Or cared much to learn about the person who led others into joining in on your torment.
She pushed you back harshly, causing you to lose footing and crashing to the linoleum floor.
“I wasn’t finished.”
She stood over you, intimidatingly as a small crowd had formed. All of whom you felt unsafe with.
“Speak and we may let you go.”
Dami walked with Gahyeon, only half paying attention to what she was saying.
“What do you think?” Gahyeon asked, worry on her features. Dami knitted her eyebrows together, looking at the crowd of people blocking her and Gahyeon’s path.
“Dami?” Gahyeon tried to receive an answer from her again. Dami glanced at Gahyeon, then back at the crowd.
“Sorry, follow your heart.”
Gahyeon followed Dami’s gaze, barely wondering why there was a crowd formed. “I will ask you again later…”
Dami pushed through the crowd with Gahyeon. Luckily, anyone in the way had parted to let them pass.
“Not going to speak?”
Dami’s mouth curled into a frown after hearing your bully taunt you. You looked at Dami, embarrassed that she had seen you in a moment of fear. Weakness, you thought.
“Oh, Dami! Don’t you agree the freak should speak? Or are they faking it?”
Dami felt her blood boiling. You, however, felt used to her harsh words.
Even if it still hurt.
“Maybe pulled your head out of your ass, you’d see that it’s actually none of your business, Karen.” Dami remarked, standing her ground with a glare shooting straight at Karen.
You took time to open then AAC app in your phone, typing a message to be spoken aloud.
“Whatever. Can’t believe you are actually defending them.”
You hesitated but pressed ‘play’ for the text to be read out loud.
‘Fuck you, Karen.’
Karen widened her eyes, her cheeks flushing red and her jaw clenching simultaneously. She kicked the phone out of your hand and lunged at you before you could move away.
Dami moved fast, yanking Karen’s shirt roughly to pull her off of you. You crawled towards your phone, clutching it in your shaking hands. Whether it was just adrenaline or the fear you had from what you had done, you managed to stand up and rush through the crowd of people in surprise.
“If I hear you have gone near them- Any of you, you will wish you hadn’t.” Dami glared around at the crowd. More specifically at Karen, who was disoriented and slightly embarrassed from officially ending up on Dami’s bad side.
Especially considering Dami was idolized by many of Karen’s friends.
“Yeah!” Gahyeon added, attempting to add emphasis to Dami’s warning.
Dami searched the crowd, looking for you, only for you to be nowhere to be seen. She gestured for the crowd to part so she could pass through- Which they did, not wasting a second.
She looked around the school for you. She checked various classrooms, the gym, the auditorium, even the restrooms.
Only when she went outside is when she found you, crying to yourself and holding your phone tightly in your shaking hands.
“Hey, I’m sorry if you want to be alone,” Dami slowly sat beside you, “but I wanted to check on you.”
You turned on your phone and began to type a response to her. You showed her the screen, not wanting to play the audio out loud in case someone else overheard.
Dami gently grabbed your wrist to steady the shaking a little.
‘I’m okay. Thank you.’
Dami shook her head, letting your wrist go. “You don’t need to thank me. The bullying has gone on too long. I’m sorry Karen and her minions chose to hurt you.”
You were torn on whether to just listen to her talk or type something else for her as a response. Dami looked at you, shifting herself to show you that you had her full attention.
“I want you to know that I’m here for you, always.” she slowly reached for your hand, “I would also like to get to know you better.”
You used your sleeve to wipe the tears off your face, turning your phone on to type again.
‘Me too.’
“Good.” Dami smiled, squeezing your hand before letting go. “I am also proud of you for standing up to Karen. I doubt anyone expected you to after seeing how brutal she was towards you.”
You frowned, remembering the years of bullying you’ve endured from Karen and the others. Dami mistook your frown as you being offended, to which she quickly apologized.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to basically call you weak, I just meant that… I don’t think I would’ve survived… This came out all wrong.”
You rested a hand on her shoulder, getting her attention and showing her the message you had typed for her during her explanation.
‘I get it. Don’t worry.’
Dami softly sighed in relief. “I just think you’re a very strong person and you deserve a lot better than what you got.”
You didn’t believe her at first- It was hard, especially when you felt the world had turned on you. Dami stood up, looking towards the doors into the school, seeing Gahyeon headed towards the two of you.
Dami looked back at you, nodding towards Gahyeon who was almost there.
“Would you like to join us?”
No matter how long it would take to heal, you slowly felt less alone in the world.
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rottingskunk · 1 year
A Questionable Sandman head cannon!
Tw: Mentions of cannibalism, Descriptive text of gore and violence (i do not condone cannibalism irl please do not see this post as a way of me agreeing with that concept)
This is the perfect time to write about something i will regret in the future! But this will be entertaining so might as well, 2am me is none the wiser. Few days ago stumbled upon the songs:
Man eater by Nelly Furtado & Cannibal by Kesha
And that got me thinking “what if Lucifer Morningstar was a cannibal, a beast of indescribable hunger” This sounds very ooc most likely i digress. I thought of their innate desire to feel in control and above those who choose to fight them. My brain is very incoherent rn jdkcdk. Heres a pathetic ficlet shit bc i can!
Lucifer’s feast:
Many beings whether immortal or not always wondered what would Lucifer Morningstar eat. Would they eat meat similar to humans? Or was it as intangible as the mortals sufferage in their dominion. The answers were none of the above for they craved something even more brutal, human flesh, the flesh of their own kin.
They say that Lucifer chooses their prey among disobedient mortals that arrived to their dominion. The rumors spread that Lightbringer rips out their heart last but will end up intensines first and rip up the body with their sharp claws. Eating up eyes was similar to eating candy stolen from children.(Cori probs wants some too🧍‍♂️) Not even their own demon citizens are safe from their feral hunger.
Ripping apart bodies felt as easy as tearing paper. The satisfying crack and shred of their feeble bodies was never tiring to hear repeatedly. It was animalistic outright a lowbrow thing to do. Lucifer did not care for such culture and will eat as they please. A human’s brain was as tasty as venision whislt demons brains tasted of lamb. It was an illegal practice even for hell’s practice but as their ruler they can be excluded from the law. Hypocritical yes but Lucifer cant help but think of biting off the coarse rough skin of demons once it no longer pleases them.
Demons they like the most get to be eaten repeatedly. For the rest of eternity. Demons have regenerative properties but its not as powerful as being immortal they can still withstand long lasting injuries. For Lucifer’s case they use whatever they can to keep their favorite prey alive.
More deranged hcs bc im in a silly goof mood!!
-maybe using spines as scarves or backing on the back of their outfits (imagine-JUST IMAGINE )
-maybe blood for nailpolish, would be funny if it can work that way
-Chorozon did not survive after the battle between Lucifer vs Morpheus lets be real☠️
(Ironic how im not a fan of gore or heavy implications of it but i still wrote this, its ass atm but yea) BONUS GIF OF BBYGORL CORINTHIAN BEING A SLUT YEAAA!!!☠️(also there was no lucifer Morningstar gifs so offended)
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saxifactumterritum · 10 months
there is someone who keeps posting snippets of fic as a image and I would like to ask them in a nice manner why. I can probably read them, I have them in a draft to keep them for looking at later when reading is not so discouraging and hard... tbf i hardly ever remember to look in the drafts or bookmarks or likes or other way of saving stuff for later hahah but I COULD if I REMEMBERED is the POINT. Anyway it would be nicer if they were text and I could put my phone to do the thingy and read it.
I just wonder since it must be text somwhere cus it's typed words, maybe they could make it as words.
on another more important note I was gonna eat crackers (its 2am which is a good time for a snack) but then I remembered I could put THINGS on crackers.... Hm. I feel like crackers are a socially acceptable snack for 2am but crackers with things on are less so. Well, there is no one here but me for now, so I could put avocao on my rlly salty crackers at 2am. I could do that.
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algid-star · 10 months
Oh. My. GOD. okay so,
My burnt-out dumb ass, been working on sewing, and shared this hobby with a friend (who is cute). And like, yay! Friend! I love friends! Community! Love and support and appreciation! You can get all these and more from people with whom you are not romantic!
And she messages me fairly out of the blue, and we get to texting, and talking about hanging out and having craft time and hangouts. Body doubling! Do your own individual projects, but in a group as a fun friendship activity!
And so we go grab boba tea before craft time. And let me tell, you. Respectfully. I know people can dress for themselves and not for others to be leering at them. But also she was wearing the kind of dress I would wear if I were her if I wanted to send a signal loud and clear. Respectfully: the titties were out, and they looked amazing. ANYWAYS, BY THIS POINT I'M ALREADY PANICKING.
"Am I being too autistic about this?". I was genuinely looking forward to crafting together because I really wanted to finish up my muslin and check the fit because this is the first fitted garment I'm drafting myself and like, I'm just kinda excited to have that experience, but also share it with a friend who's also into this hobby?
But then idfk where my mind went. We got back to my place and talked about crafts and I showed her around, but then before it was craft time she had to show me something on the sofa, and then we just talked for hours. And slowly got more and more subtly cuddly. Intertwined legs to watch something on a cell phone, when we easily could have chromecasted the video to the big TV in front of us.
As I'm saying this right now, in retrospect, I don't know how I was not clear in my reception of these signals. But also that's important for the story later. Because. BECAUSE, eventually our faces got a little close and she got flustered and at THIS point I felt confidently clear. And I just smiled and asked, "what?".
"Oh, I just. We just got really close there."
"yeah, we did." just a big teasing smile, with rizz.
After more flustered, I say, "listen, I play by vampire rules. I need an explicit invitation. If there's something you want, you need to tell me clearly. Otherwise I will not push."
"well, okay WAIT, well what are YOU feeling, what do you want?"
"I really like all this cuddling. And I also think maybe kissing could be really fun, too."
She agreed. AND AAAAAHHHH.
I am still buzzing. Can you believe that there are people who actually believe that consent can't be sexy? I bratted/teased/dommed my way into sexy kissy bitey time with a lovely and cute and wonderful woman by simply DEMANDING explicit consent.
And the only thing that ever held me back in this kind of interaction has been all the bullshit expectations of how I should behave as a "man", and now that I accept myself as non-binary, I just have to be ME, and that's enough. I don't need to put on a masking performance in order to start a physical or romantic relationship. If something happens, dope. If not, now I'm friends with yet another amazing and talented and beautiful woman. Woe is me, all of my friends are dope as fuck. How will I ever cope. (that's sarcasm).
Anyways, this was a big firehouse of feelings. Idk if any of it makes any sense. It's nearly 2am (she stayed until we noticed it was midnight and we have work in the morning) and I'm exhausted, so maybe I can't keep a train of thought.
But the fact that my dumbass autistic self was SO GENUINELY STOKED for craft time with friends, and then, only then when I have zero expectations, does such a magically wonderful experience happen.
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baby-grayson · 2 years
Playing By Your Rules|| Wilbur Soot Chapter 2
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Click Here for the previous Part
(1.2k wrds)
A couch only feels comfortable if you have something to do on it. Otherwise, it becomes a comfortable tease of the lonely pang of boredom. And after work that, you sat alone on your couch. You scrolled through a seemingly endless stream of tweets and posts, even reviving a Pinterest board from 2016.
When the silence in your apartment seemed most present, your thoughts smuggled in flashes of Wilbur's mischievous smile, the way his cheeks balled upwards, and that naughty look in his eye when he knew he was being funny. You blushed, sighed, and opened a new app trying to distract yourself.
The cycle would repeat itself multiple times that night. Eventually, even the funniest tweets and most striking reddit posts weren't enough to push Will from your thoughts. You needed to end his invasion of your mind, so you escaped your apartment.
You texted your most social friend, Niki, and asked where she was. Before you could get off of your couch, she had sent you an address for a lounge by the shore in Brighton.
You said goodbye to your sweatpants and grabbed your keys, skipping out the doorway to meet her. The nighttime air was cold, you felt goosebumps form underneath your skin. It was a refreshing cold, the kind of cold that might offer the solace of forgetting about your love sicknesses for your boss.
But the cold made no promises. You found Niki sitting by a booth in a corner of the lounge, nursing a drink and softly bopping along to the beat playing in the background. You made quick work of ordering your own drink and joining her in a merry evening.
"You obviously still like him," her words were more observant than jugement.
You shook your head and took a sip from your drink. "I- I can't like him."
She looked across the room, at a bar where about half a dozen young men sat. She turned her gaze back to you, who was already slumped slightly before she spoke, "Falling in love with him in your head is only going to give you problems. Find the courage to tell him and talk about it or find someone you can be happy with, without the complications."
You sighed, "I just- I never knew anyone to treat me as well as he did."
"Just because you never had that kind of respect before, doesn't mean he's the only person you'll find it in." She reached across the table to squeeze your hand and run her delicate, manicured fingers across your wrist.
You squeezed her hand back and managed a small smile. "What about you? Who are you hanging around these days?"
She giggled and then proceeded to dive into answer that you only half-listened to while wondering if it was time to count your losses and stop pining after Will. It felt appropriate, it felt like what he would want you to do. But your heart and mind battled relentlessly over what you wanted to do.
Niki filled your night with bright laughter, her favorite throwback songs, and funny stories about what it was like being a German in England. She had a calming, soothing way to make your problems feel faraway.
Unfortunately, you could not keep Niki by your side forever. You said goodbye to her in the late hours of the night and stuffed your hands in your pocket as you walked home.
You didn't have to pass his office on your way home. You decided to pass by his office on your way home. A quiet part of your brain played scenes from a Hugh Grant movie, where you would burst through the door to find him working late and make a flowery declaration that you wouldn't finish as you pressed his lips on yours and you lived happily ever after.
The wind knocked the air out of your lungs. Passing by his office, in the little corner window you shared with Will, the light was off. Of course it was. Why would he be there at 2AM anyway?
You signed and took harsh breaths the rest of the way home. You were disappointed, both in the window and in yourself. You felt silly for thinking that some lightbulb being on at 2AM would somehow be a signal from above that you still had a chance with Will. You felt more than silly, you felt foolish for thinking that the light in that corner window would illuminate your chance to share your feelings for him.
Eventually, you made it back to your apartment and closed the front door behind you while kicking off your shoes. Pulling off your phone, you went to text Will: "hey, coming in late tomorrow morning. that ok?"
You made your way to the bathroom and started stripping off clothing when you heard your phone ping:
Will: ok with me, i'll be at rehearsal in the morning anyway.
Will: if Ash responds soon
You chuckled. You turned your shower on and waited until you saw steam form on the mirror. Before jumping in the shower you picked up your phone and read, "why are you still awake?"
You typed out, "went out with Niki, just got home".
You stared at the screen, nearly chewing through a part of your bottom lip. You hit backspace and decided to send, "went out with someone, just got home."
You jumped in the shower, feeling empowered by your last move. You knew he had entertained women in the time since he had hired you, but he didn't know that you hadn't had sex since the time you two laid together. It always made you feel a bit pathetic. But maybe Niki was right, maybe the move to find someone else was a positive direction for you.
You left the shower, feeling as if for the first time in six months that you have the right attitude for success.
Picking up your phone you saw:
"call me alonebur"
"sounds like a personal problem"
"wouldn't be if you wanted to come over"
"i would be there if you wanted me"
"don't play like that"
"i'm playing by your rules"
You didn't wait for him to respond. You plugged your phone in and slipped into bed, where you were snuggled to sleep without an alarm in the morning.
On the other side of Brighton, your sound sleep directly contrasted Will's distraught face. In the early days of the transition from lovers to co-workers, Will had used bodies to get him through the night but knew things would never be the same. He looked at the aloof way you handled the transition as a sign of the most idiotic move he ever made. He felt like an idiot for how he treated you and a piece of him knew that he deserved to lose his chance with you.
Every time he looked at you, he saw the light within your eyes dim a little more and his heart was slowly growing familiar to the empty feeling of looking up at a window and seeing the light turned off.
Will's strong heart refused to believe the light was on. With a surge of courage, he texted you: "i'm asking you to come over tonight"
Tag: @vktoraa
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whats-wild-to-you · 1 year
Abandoned (Jay Park AU)
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- Escape Route -
“And this is the kitchen. If you want something to eat just request the chef to prepare you something. He can make literally anything!”
“Jay mentioned 30 people live here, but we didn’t come across a single soul.”
“They’re all busy most of the time.”
Jun-Seo stated, but didn’t convince Sophia. While it was his idea to bring Sophia here, the thought of one woman among 30 men now left him feeling queasy. He figured Jay would protect her, like Jinyoung wanted, but Jay wouldn’t always be around.
“On second thought, maybe you could text him and he could bring you your food up to your room. Have you set up your new phone yet?”
Sophia nodded, showing him the phone in her hand.
“Great. I’ll give you the chef’s number so whatever request you have, you can just text him.”
Jun-Seo continued the tour and then accompanied Sophia back to her room. She frowned when Jun-Seo told her to text him if she needed something.
“Yes! I need some human interaction!”
Sophia cried out when Jun-Seo closed the door. She felt like a prisoner, trapped and unable to go anywhere. Then it dawned on her. 30 people lived here, presumably all male. And it was strange how the staff, from the cleaning crew all the way to the in-house chef were all male as well. Surely this was no coincidence. Sophia wanted to ask Jun-Seo about it but chose to wait until she saw him rather than texting him.
“And where the fuck is Jay?”
She continued lamenting to the empty room. He had promised her answers, but so far all he did was avoiding her. She checked the time. It was close to midnight. She wondered how much longer Jay would be gone. Even though she knew nothing about him, she instinctively wanted to stick by him. She also deserved answers and she wouldn’t sit still until she got them. Deciding to wait by the door, she left it ajar, peeking through the small crack, ready to pounce at him the minute he emerged.
But Jay was nowhere to be seen. Sophia checked the time again. Now it was close to 2am and she could barely keep her eyes open. The next thing she remembered is how a loud noise jolted her out of her sleep. She was still leaning against the door and pushed herself off, waddling towards Jay’s room.
Knocking on his door she waited for him to open, and knocked louder when he didn’t.
“I know you’re in there! Open the door, I need to talk to you!”
“Go to your room!”
Jay shouted, but the impact of his voice was muffled by the thick door. Sophia officially had enough. She sat back and waited for much longer than she would in any other situation. Finally she decided to take matters into her own hands. She would treat Jay like she treated those uncooperative patients in the hospital. She would simply barge in and get her way.
“You know I’ve been patient, but I’m starting to think you’re taking advantage of that and are intentionally keeping me in the dark!”
She snapped as she forced her entry into Jay’s room. Too late she realized he stood there in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.
She quickly turned around, but refused to leave. She deserved answers and she was going to get them.
“Put on some clothes so we can talk.”
“I don’t want to! I want to sleep!”
Sophia scoffed. Jay sounded like a huge baby.
“I did not let you drag me halfway across the globe for you to act like this and treat me like a nuisance. I have questions. You have the answers. Now put on some goddamn pants!”
There was a knock on the door and Jun-Seo entered Jay’s room, driven by the commotion that was audible even in the hallway.
“Is there a problem?”
“Did he put his pants on?”
Sophia asked Jun-Seo, since she had her back still turned towards Jay. Jun-Seo peeked past her, catching a glimpse of Jay who was huffing and puffing. So, he was the new boss for a hot minute but still Sophia should know better and show some respect.
“Why don’t I answer your questions! Jay had a really tough day. I don’t think he’d be of much help.”
He cautiously reached out his hand, guiding Sophia out of Jay’s room, shooting Jay a pleading look as he closed the door.
Back in her room, he sat down on the couch, fiddling with his hands on his lap. Sophia had seen him do this before and wondered why he was so jumpy in front of her. After exhaling a strained breath, he began talking.
“I don’t know how to say this so bear with me. Since Jinyoung is dead, there has to be a new boss. Jinyoung specifically asked Jay to take over, so he’s the boss now. And while you’re Jinyoung’s daughter, no one besides Jay and myself know about it, so in people's minds you’re committing a cardinal sin talking to Jay like this.”
“What people? I’ve been here for hours and I haven’t seen anyone!”
“I heard you, and I was in a different part of the mansion. All I’m saying is you should try to fit in a little better.”
“Listen to me, I’m not trying to fit in anywhere. I was brought here for one specific reason. I’d like to know what the reason is, how I can be of assistance, help out, and then get the fuck out of here!”
“It takes time, we can’t rush this.”
“How long?”
“I can’t tell. But in the meantime, while you’re here, you need to adhere to certain rules.”
“What’s your plan?”
“Jay could prob-”
“You saw him, he doesn’t talk to me. It’ll have to be you.”
“No one knows you exist. We can’t just introduce you as Jinyoung’s daughter. No one would believe us.”
“Who are these people you have to introduce me to?”
“Other families. Jay needs their support.”
“Because he’s not Jinyoung’s son, and he’s having a hard time getting accepted as his successor. Jinyoung knew this would happen all along, so he was preparing for it.”
“Well, he kept track of where you were, he compiled all the information for Jay and once he passed away Jay accessed it and came to find you.”
“Because he needs me to be accepted as the new boss. I’m his connection to Jinyoung.”
Jun-Seo said enthusiastically, thinking Sophia accepted the situation.
“I’m sorry! I can’t do it. I don’t want to.”
“Jay will be by your side, you don’t have to worry!”
Sophia took a deep breath, slumping down on the couch.
“When I first met Jay, he said he knew my father, to which I replied that I didn’t have a father. That’s nonsense, right? Everyone has a father. Jay used these exact same words. The truth is I was never really curious about my father, I never craved to meet him, talk to him. As a teenager, whenever Jinyoung would visit my mom, I would have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I somehow knew my mom was lying about his identity, and that he very well could be my father. And that thought scared me, because Jinyoung to me was a scary man. He would come with two men, but they always waited outside, no matter the season. I often asked myself why he needed escorts, and I often tried to ask my mom about him but she always changed the subject.”
“I’m sorry. I know its a lot to ask bu-”
“So he just assumed I would play along? Like he was that sure about it? How? He didn’t know me!”
“He was hoping Jay could persuade you.”
“Yeah … that’s not going to happen! If you brought me here for this, I suggest you get me a ticket back home ASAP!”
Defeated, Jun-Seo searched for words to change Sophia’s mind, but knew it was a lost cause. At least for tonight he would let her be, and revisit the topic tomorrow.
“Okay. I’ll talk to Jay tomorrow. But please stay here for the night. You must be exhausted.”
Jun-Seo lied through his teeth, and knew he needed to talk to Jay immediately.
“Fine, but I want results in the morning!”
Jun-Seo nodded and bid her goodnight. But he didn’t go far. When he turned the corner, he pulled his phone out, sending Jay a text.
Meet me in the garden in 15. Very important.
He made his way to the garden, waiting for Jay, trying to come up with a solution for their current predicament. Jay appeared 15 minutes later, visibly irritated.
“We have a problem. Sophia wants to leave.”
“I told her why she was here and she refused to play along.”
“Why did you do this?”
“Because you wouldn’t. You kept brushing her off!”
Jun-Seo stated to his defense, and watched as Jay rubbed the back of his neck.
“I know, we’re unprepared for this, Jinyoung clearly didn’t think this through. He just assumed you could persuade Sophia. But it turns out it might be tougher than expected.”
“And what do we do now? What are our options?”
“No one knows about her, so getting her out of the country would be no problem, BUT since people started snooping around in Seattle she might have unwanted visitors should she go back alone.”
“So it would be best to keep her here. For her own safety!”
“Looks like it. Do you want me to go talk to her?”
“No, I’ll do it!”
Jay shook his head, leaving the older male behind. But he was right. Jinyoung didn’t think this through. And neither did Jay. Desperate to fulfill a dying man’s last wish, he agreed to everything without weighing the consequences. Sophia probably wouldn’t accept her fate but at this point she had no other choice. With a sorrowful demeanor he knocked at her door, waiting for her okay to enter.
When she didn’t respond, he assumed she might have fallen asleep and knocked at her door a little louder. Still nothing. Pushing the handle down, he slowly opened the door, peeking in. He couldn’t see anything at first so he opened the door a little wider. Suddenly a cold gust of wind hit him and he yanked the door wide open, finding the window by the bed open.
“Oh hell no!”
- Family Dinner -
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envihellbender · 2 years
“Oh god, please don’t be dead. Please don’t be dead.” + Oswald/Victor
Fandom: Gotham
Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Zsasz
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Victor was elated and calm when he left the docks, he’d found an empty warehouse to dump his latest victim. He couldn’t be bothered to do anything too special with her, she was just a quick fix as far as he was concerned. He switched his phone back on, and wasn’t surprised when he was greeted with missed calls and the text messages from Oswald. He’d been far too on edge when Victor left to meet his latest target.
He quickly flicked through them. They ranged from: When are you coming home to Are you done yet to a simple ???????? With an added When will you be back ??? Then there was a jealous: You can’t still be with her, followed by a Where the hell are you. Eventually Oswald turned demanding: Home. Now. And somewhere along the night he’d started to panic and sent: Please be safe please be safe, Oh god… Please don’t be dead, and finally: Please please please don’t be dead.
Victor typed in “calm down coming back now” and sighed as he clicked send. He hated that Oswald’s phone was so old, he enjoyed the immediate gratification of seeing if someone was typing. He slipped it back into his coat pocket and headed back home. He wondered what he’d come back to, Oswald was either drunk or a manic episode had occurred. The type where Oswald was intensely anxious and paranoid. Hopefully it would just be the alcohol, Victor thought, he hated Oswald’s habit but it would be gone by the morning at least.
As soon as Victor opened the front door he grimaced, he could smell it. The sour, bitter taste of red wine. It made his stomach turn and his brain try to remember things he did not want to remember. In the living room he found Oswald slumped over on the sofa with a large, almost full to the brim as he sipped it, glass.
“Honey, I’m home,” Victor joked from the doorway, Oswald flinched at the sudden noise and spilled wine over his arm and the carpet.
“Victor!” Oswald all but shouted, he clumsily got to his feet without his cane. He stumbled but caught himself on the sofa arm. “Where the hell have you been? What happened- why are you? What time is it?” He rambled groggily.
“Had a date. It’s 2am,” Victor shrugged. “Wanna maybe go easy on the booze, Os?” Victor slipped his coat from his shoulders and fell into a nearby armchair. He’s dressed far more casually then he does when on duty for Oswald in a t-shirt and jeans. Still black of course, excluding the blood stains. On his forearm is a freshly cut tally mark, screaming his night’s activities to anyone who saw him. Oswald’s hazel eyes fixated on it for a moment, staring at the deep, weeping cut. He picked up his glass and took a large gulp, he drank so much he grew dizzy. He pulled the glass away, spilling some wine down his chin and white shirt. He looked at it with a third left in it and threw it at the wall. Victor didn’t react to the smashing sound but raised his eyebrows at the red stain on the wall.
“That’s gonna be hard to get out.”
“I don’t care.”
“You will tomorrow.”
“Maybe I’ll just keep drinking then,” Oswald snapped. Victor’s eyes hardened and he stared as Oswald picked up the wine bottle and raised it to his lips.
“Put. It. Down.” Victor’s voice was sharp and fierce. It was so cold Oswald felt as if he’d just been slashed across the face with a broken bottle. He’d heard that voice before, it was the one Victor saved for his victims, or for fellow criminals who weren’t behaving. It wasn’t for Oswald, it wasn’t ever for Oswald. He swallowed and placed the bottle back on the table. Victor softened, his tense body relaxed, and he sighed in relief. He put his head back and closed his eyes. “Did you really think I was dead?”
“I… I don’t know. I pictured you under a car. With a bullet in your head. In a cell. With that woman. Maybe she fought back. I don’t know. Ugh. My head wouldn’t stop.”
“Wow, you think so highly of me. Do you really think I’d have been so easy to take out?”
“I didn’t say that,” Oswald whined. “I just… you’re mine. I don’t like letting go of you. I don’t like not having you near me. I don’t like other people touching you. I don’t like seeing you leave.”
“Well, that’s hot, actually,” Victor said, managing to break the tension. “You know, I can’t stop. You know that, right? If I don’t kill for so long-”
“I know. It’s fine. Once you’re back it’s fine. Sometimes I don’t care when you’re gone. You fuck them, then you kill them. Problem solved. But… I sometimes I get… like this,” Oswald rambled, his eyes started to get unfocused and half lidded as he swayed back and forth.
“Bed time,” Victor said jumping to his feet. He scrunched his nose as he approached Oswald, breathing through his mouth as he helped him to his feet.
“Just… don’t die, okay? Or leave me. Right?” He asked, he stumbled again and Victor picked him up into a bridal carry. Oswald buried his face into Victor’s chest, smirking as he smelt the familiar sweets and hospitals, with the added iron of blood.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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I don't know how to start this, talking about the one who made me write about my feelings again. It's been so long, I don't even know how to do this anymore. The fact is that I'm writing here so I don't write for you.
I keep reliving all those moments. The good ones. When you held my hands under the table so no one would see. When you kissed me for the first time and you jus couldn't stop kissing me all the way home. How you picked me up at my house that night and just blushed when you saw me. Everytime you watched me talking about something and you were really paying attention to me. It felt so real. I wonder where did you learned how to be such a good actor. Because I truly believed all this shit for months. I fell for the way you seemed to care about me, and the way you used to look at me. And the way you used to call me sweet names. And just how careful you were with me all the time. How can you just do all of this and then suddenly start to act like I never even existed? It haunts me every night to think about how and where and when and why it all started to go wrong. At what point I started to mean nothing to you. Did you ever really cared about me? I don't know how someone can be so warm and so cold in the next day.
It all went from 2AM laughing to 4AM anxiety tears. Have you ever stopped to think about how I felt while you were acting this cold? I bet not, because you were probably too busy thinking about yourself. Because right in the deep, you were always selfish, all behind that nice words. And I fell for it anyways. So that's how it ends. Long texts and painful words. And after all, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, I want you to feel sorry for yourself. I showed you all of me, I was so honest, vulnerable, kind and caring. And all that you did was disappear for no reason. At least right now I can see I deserved so much better.
I just hope I can come back here someday with better feelings and better words.
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goldenshoyo · 3 years
Taste like Strawberries - DILF Daichi
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Warnings: Fem!Reader, age gap (Reader is 22 and Daichi is mid to late 30s), daddy kink (obv), brat taming, finger sucking, spit kink sorta, dumbification, degradation, thigh riding, oral (m. receiving), rough sex, a little praise, alcohol consumption. (as always, let me know if you want something else tagged)
Word Count: 4.9k (honestly idk how it got so long hahaha sorry)
Author’s note: This is my contribution to @kaijime's dilf collab! Make sure you go check out the masterlist and read all the wonderful works on there as well! Also, I edited this at 2am; so sorry if it is a mess.
Can you pick Mei up for me? I have to work late.
You sigh looking down at the text from your sister, this is the third time in the last few weeks she’s sprung this on you. Despite knowing there’s nothing she can do about it, it’s irritating with her husband traveling and needing to work. The one good thing is the quality time you get funny spoiling your niece after school, getting her whatever junk food she wants that your sister never lets her have.
Texting her back that you will, you go back to studying. Your final year of college has been more stressful than you expected, work always piling up with your motivation lacking. No wonder so many students take an extra year. However, you were determined to finish now and not extend your torment any longer.
Glancing at your phone you see it’s nearing pick-up time at Mei’s school. You clean up the library table, shoving your laptop and notes into your bag, and leave. The drive isn’t long, her school is close to your apartment and sister’s house so you would have needed to take this route anyways. Pulling into a free spot near the school, you leave your bags in the car going out to meet her by the school’s front gate.
“Big sis!” Your niece squeals and you look up from your phone. She’s dragging another little girl behind her, pulling her your way. “This is Kaiya! She’s my best friend. She said it's okay I use her first name, so don’t scold me like momma does! I let her call me Mei too!”
You laugh listening to her babble on about her new friend. She’s coming up on her 6th birthday, and every day she is growing more and more into her own personality. “I wouldn’t scold you like your mother. You know that,” you bend at the knees, getting at their height.
“Hi Kaiya, I’m ----. It’s nice to meet you.” You shake her little hand and she smiles.
“You’re very pretty, like Mei.” She pulls her hand away and then her lip pouts. “I wish I had a big sister.”
“I can be your big sister too if you want. Mei, you don’t mind sharing me do you?”
“Only if you promise to get me ice cream.” Her eyes and nose squint and she laughs, her mischievous face has stayed the same since she was a toddler. It’s impossible to resist.
You stand up, rubbing her head and laughing. “Fine, we can stop by a shop on the way home.”
“Sorry,” a deep male voice comes from a few feet behind you. “I had a work thing... I’m sorry I’m a little late baby.”
You watch as a tall, broad man picks up Kaiya while she giggles and wraps her arms around his neck while squealing ‘daddy’. You smile politely when he looks at you. His face is handsome, features not too sharp or round; everything about it warm and inviting. He’s still dressed in his uniform, well besides the jacket. You assume he’s a part of the police force from the pants and belt he wears matched with a dark blue shirt that clings to his form.
“I hope she wasn’t bothering you,” he says while setting her down.
“Oh of course not. She was very polite and well behaved. You’ve raised a great daughter.”
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thank you. I’m Sawamura Daichi, and you are?” His smile is so cute, you think. It’s not forced or out of politeness, but instead genuine happiness.
“---- -----,” you tell him and shake his hand. He squeezes it once, and your stomach turns. What was that?
“Is Mei yours?” He tilts his head, eyes going between you and your niece. “I’ve never met her mother, only your husband. Kaiya talks non-stop about Mei when she’s home with me.”
“Oh, no-no. I’m her aunt. My sister works a lot, so I pick her up from time to time.” You laugh. “I go to the local college, so it’s close by. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Sawamura.” Trying to keep yourself from becoming too flustered, you look away. Watching as your niece digs through her backpack for some reason.
“Please, call me Daichi. It’s nice to-”
“Daddy, big sis is taking Mei to get ice cream!” Kaiya cuts him off. “Can we go too? Pretty please!” She kisses her father’s cheek, smiling brightly as he sets her back down. She holds tight to his hand, begging some more.
“If it’s okay with your dad, we don’t mind. Do we, Mei?”
She nods with a big smile. “Kaiya they have the BEST strawberry flavor.”
“Do you mind? I don’t want to impose on your time with Mei.” Daichi asks while still keeping an eye on the girls, who have wandered a few feet away while blabbering about ice cream flavors.
“Of course not. It’s good for young girls to spend time together.” He nods and thanks you. “There’s a spot close by. We could walk if you don’t mind.”
“Better wrangle the girls then,” he laughs, walking towards them both and getting their attention.
Taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh, you try and relax. It’s just ice cream for the girls… even if Kaiya’s hot dad is coming along. You’re sure he’s just trying to be nice and let his daughter have a nice time. However, it’s hard not to feel something when a man this hot and good with children is around.
The ice cream shop has a pretty outdoor area off the back of the shop, fenced in with a swing set and other children’s toys and playsets. No one else is visiting currently, so the girls have the playground to themselves, running around with ice cream dripping all over the ground when they forget they should be holding the cones up. Sitting quietly, spooning ice cream into your mouth, you try not to stare at Daichi too often.
“What are you studying?” He asks, breaking the silence that was threatening to become awkward.
“Oh, uh,” you swallow the cold cream. “Literature and classics.”
“Interesting. I bet you enjoy reading to your niece then,” he smiles at you before taking another spoonful of ice cream. You can’t help but watch his tongue dart around the spoon.
“Yeah.” You say quickly looking away. “Mei enjoys it, well, when she pays attention. Does Kaiya like stories?”
“Her mother says she always listens to her when she reads, but for me, it’s hard enough to get her to go to bed. I don’t think she’d ever stay still to let me read her a book.” He continues to talk about the weekends he gets with her, and you listen closely.
It’s stupid, you think. You shouldn’t feel this excited that he’s either divorced or at least no longer together with Kaiya’s mom. It’s selfish, but lucky in some ways. You don’t have to worry about a jealous wife coming after you because her husband paid for your ice cream.
“I’m not around for bedtime, so I can’t really relate.” You say softly and stick your tongue out lick the spoon clean. Stopping yourself from licking the ice cream off, deciding to explain more, “Mei never really stays the night anyway. She gets too worked up without her-”
The spoon is plucked from your hands and you frown looking at Daichi, who has a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. “What do you like to do at bedtime?”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you stutter out something incoherent. Daichi’s tongue swipes up your spoon, and you watch carefully, longing to be that spoon as his tongue drags across it.
“Well?” He continues, then hands you back the spoon.
“I, uh, I don’t know.” You manage to stutter some words, even if it's not a real answer. “I uh-”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t need to answer now. Let me see your phone,” he asks holding out his hand and you hurry to hand it to him. He puts in his number then hands it back to you. “I’m not free on weekends unless I get a sitter. But, I’ll see you around.”
You sit, stunned by how quickly that turned from a polite playdate for your niece to potentially a playdate with Daichi. You bring your hands to your face, trying to compose yourself before waving at both Daichi and Kaiya as they leave.
“Big sis,” your niece wines. “Wanna go home.” She pulls you from the park bench and through the shop while you continue trying to collect your thoughts.
Did you really just pull a dad? There’s no way he was serious, right?
You texted him the night after you got ice cream, but he hadn’t responded. It wasn’t until late Sunday evening he sent back a short ‘you’re welcome’ after you thanked him for the ice cream. Your face burned and your stomach twisted with every flashback to watching his tongue slide across your spoon.
It was so unnecessary.
It was so hot.
Gathering up the courage to ask when you could see him again took another day and liquid encouragement. Maybe texting him while you were drunk wasn’t the best idea, but it did make sending him photos of yourself a lot easier. The ones you got in return nearly made you drool. Joining the police force ensured he never lost his perfect physique. Every inch of him looked like it had been handcrafted by the gods themself.
Slipping your fingers into your panties and toying with your desperate clit was all too fun when he called you late that night, not caring about his early morning shift or the classes you may have. His voice breathy and deep, yours whiny and high pitched when you came around your fingers begging him to come over and fuck you.
He only laughed, telling you to wait until he had a day off.
Sitting across from him at dinner should be fun. He keeps the conversation going and you always paid attention and politely answered. However, it becomes increasingly obvious that the burning between your thighs is becoming unbearable.
“Check please,” he tells the waiter, and you nearly squeal with excitement.
“Mind if I go get some fresh air while you settle the bill?” You ask, placing your hand over his; thumb drawing circles on the back of his hand.
“Of course, sweetheart.” He smiles at you and you walk out of the door, ignoring the way his eyes make you feel as you walk out the door.
Cool evening air hits you hard. Letting out another sigh, you laugh at yourself for acting this desperate in public. He must know. It’s not like you’ve been good at hiding it. You’re worse than a cat in heat, mewling for attention and a quick fix.
“Ready?” His voice startles you and you turn to face him. You nod and he extends his hand out for you. The walk to his car is short, and you’re grateful for the dim lighting in the parking garage once you slide into the passenger seat.
Unable to can’t wait any longer, you straddle his lap in his seat and he tilts his head, looking up at you in amusement. Kissing his neck, you run your hands down his chest and slowly grind against him. His firm hands hold your hips and you whimper, trying to convince him to give your body more attention.
“Daichi,” you whine against his neck. “Please, I need-”
You’re stopped as his hand takes control of your jaw, cheeks squished in his hand while he admires you above him. His gaze is intense, not a hint of a smile or enjoyment on his face, but the bulge in his pants hints otherwise. You frown looking down on him, irritated this is the most he’s touched you all night.
“I don’t like brats.” He says simply. “Impatient ones are even more annoying. Tell me, are you going to be an annoying brat?”
You try and shake your head no, barely getting it to move from side to side in his grip.
“Good,” he releases your face and you sigh. Rubbing your cheeks with your fingers you relent from trying the aggressive approach with him; seeing now he’s much less patient than you had expected. “Now can you wait until Daddy takes you home?”
You nod, a smile brimming on your lips while your stomach turns.
“I want to hear you say it.” His eyes somehow focus on you more, making your stomach twist once more.
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl.”
The rest of the drive is silent, his hand resting on your exposed thigh a little too close to the hem for comfort. It keeps your mind buzzing, every nerve lit aflame at the slightest bump in the road or motion of his fingers. His thumb occasionally draws circles on your sensitive skin, and the whimper that always leaves your lips feels embarrassing.
Are you really a whimpering mess already?
Everything about being with Daichi made you feel more intense like your body knew just how to react to everything he does and says. Was it the age difference and excitement? Or was it simply because he knew how to touch and speak to you?
“Sweetheart?” Daichi’s voice draws your attention and you look over to him. “We’re home now. Be a good girl for me, and go unlock the door.” He dangles the keys in front of you and you take them nodding.
“Yes sir,” you slip out of the car. Did you call him sir? At the moment it felt right, but now with your face burning and palms sweating you wonder if he thinks it’s ridiculous.
You unlock the door, pushing it open and standing awkwardly waiting for him to walk up the stairs to the front door. Why is he prolonging this? There was no reason for him to stay behind. Turning your head to look where he parked the car, you see he’s talking to a neighbor, laughing, and paying you no mind.
What’s his game here?
You huff, frustrated, and embarrassed with how desperate you’ve been acting and he seems to not have a care in the world. Stepping inside, you close the door and take your shoes off. He doesn’t mind you having access to his house with you unsupervised. After all, he did give you the keys to unlock the door.
His home looks comfortable and lived in, not overly clean but not messy per se. You sit on the couch, crossing your legs and laying your head back. While you know it’s rude to begin feeling this irritated, if something didn’t happen soon you were going to have to call for a ride and get home to a toy or even indulge in one of the sleazy dating apps you’re all too familiar with.
Pulling out your phone, you respond to a few notifications you garnered over dinner, nothing of real substance, but better than sitting in silence. A few friends have invited you to a bar not too far from your location, and you consider it, but the front door opening grabs your attention.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetheart.” He smiles at you and you lay your phone down on the cushion beside you, feeling like you’ve been caught texting in class. “I see you made yourself at home.”
“Oh, I-” you stand up, even more embarrassed.
Does he take pleasure in making you uncomfortable or are you just too on edge?
“Sit back down,” he laughs walking into the kitchen. “Would you like a drink?”
“No thank you,” you answer quickly, sitting back down and laying your hands in your lap to fiddle with your fingers.
He comes back into the living room with his shirt unbuttoned a few, his chest peeking out, and a beer in his left hand. Sitting on the recliner adjacent to the couch, he motions for you with his pointer finger then pats his lap. Your body moves without thinking, straddling him with your knees sinking into the soft cushion of the recliner on either side of his hips. He grins watching your dress ride up your thighs before he takes a drink from his beer.
“Why are you acting so shy now? What happened to that confident little attitude?” He sets the beer down on the table between the couch and chair.
“Why are you toying with me?” You ask, furrowing your brow and tilting your head. “Just fuck me already.”
“There it is,” he chuckles. “You’re not as good of a girl as you think. You’re nothing more than a spoiled brat who needs put in her place. Lucky for you, I know just how to handle bratty girls like you.”
His thumb pulls on your bottom lip and you part them, letting his middle and index finger slip in and press against your tongue. You moan at first, grinding your cunt against his thigh before his fingers slip further in and make you gag. Closing your eyes you grind on him harder, the gagging only intensifying and your body lighting on fire.
“Pathetic,” he laughs while resting his cheek against his hand. Opening your eyes more you see he looks unamused, even as he shoves his fingers down your throat more. “Moaning like this over what? I’m barely touching you.”
You moan again, pressing your core harder on his thigh and whining. Your fingers dig into the arm of the recliner, steadying yourself while you ride his thigh. It feels too good to stop, the minute amount of pleasure intensified by Daichi’s fingers in your mouth.
“Maybe I was wrong,” his voice making you whine again. “Maybe you’re not a brat, just a dumb little slut desperate to cum.” Removing his fingers from your mouth, you take deep breaths, coughing and leaning your head on his shoulder.
“P-please,” you beg. “Please fuck me, daddy. Wanna feel you in me. I’ll be good, I swear.” You sound desperate, you know it and so does he.
“Do you think you deserve it?” He rubs the spit from his fingers onto your cheek while holding your jaw. He shakes your head back and forth slowly as a no for you. “That’s right. You don’t deserve daddy’s cock.”
“B-but-” you whine and grind against him. “Please!”
“Hmm,” he hums, releasing your jaw and licking his fingers clean before taking another sip from his beer. “Maybe if you earn it. I’m not in the mood to fuck an ungrateful whore.”
“Anything!” You nearly shout, eager to please him.
How you’re feeling is different than usual, the need to do whatever Daichi wants completely takes over your own desires. While the feeling is new, it’s something you want to continue to chase. Your head feeling lighter and body burning is all too good to give up now.
“Do I need to tell you what to do?” You nod. “Of course,” he chuckles, “silly of me to forget you’re nothing but a dumb brat. Get on your knees in front of me. Put that mouth to good use for once, won’t ya?”
“Yes daddy,” you say quietly, sliding onto the floor and tugging at his pants.
His belt is a struggle, and he makes no attempt to help you until you’re sliding his pants and boxers off and he lifts his body up just enough to get them down his thighs. Gripping his cock, your mind races wondering if you’ll even be able to fit his girth in your mouth as your fingers barely manage to wrap around him.
“If I finish this beer before you make me cum, I might not fuck you at all.” He says tapping your forehead with the cold glass bottle. “Do you understand?”
You nod again and he leans back into the recliner. Precum leaks from the tip and you wipe it up with your tongue, enjoying the taste as it floods your senses. As your tongue swirls around the head and your warm mouth takes him in, he moans.
It’s quiet and short-lived, but enough to encourage you to take more of him. He fills your mouth so quickly, but you’re determined to make him cum; unsure if it's because you’re desperate to be fucked or if you just really want to please him. Either way, you’re going to have him cumming in your mouth in minutes, you know you can.
You gag loudly when you force him into your throat, nearly taking him to the hilt. This time his moan is louder and longer, making you buzz with pride. Managing to keep him deep in your mouth you rub his balls with your shaky fingers while setting a steady pace bobbing your head up and down.
“Fuck,” he groans. “I guess that mouth is useful for something…” another moan breaks his last word but you don’t care.
The condescending praise just enough to make you hum against him with glee. He bucks his hips when you do, his fingers tangling in your hair and forcing you to choke on him again. You claw at his thighs, desperate to come up for air while you fight against him. He releases the tight hold and you take him out coughing as you stroke him with your hand.
You watch with a frown while he drinks on his beer again, watching carefully as the faint line of liquid lowers nearing the bottom of the bottle. You can do this, you tell yourself before taking a deep breath and taking him back in your mouth. Humming against him lightly while massaging his balls in your palm earns the same reaction, except you’re better at keeping a steady pace now.
“Shit,” he groans.
His cock twitches against your tongue and warm spurts of cum coat your mouth before you can swallow fast enough. He pulls you off his cock by your hair.
“Tongue,” he says and you stick it out timidly.
He spits on your tongue before pulling you to his face and kissing you, his tongue invading your mouth and making you gag at the taste of his beer. His kiss takes your breath away, literally struggling for air as he continues. You’re coughing and pulling away from him while a mix of spit and cum runs down your chin.
“I didn’t think you could do it,” he admits. “I’m surprised someone as desperate and stupid as you could make me cum that fast. I suppose I should reward you then, hmm?”
“Please daddy, please,” you beg. “Want your cock in me so bad.”
His hand slips under your dress and rubs against your soaking panties. “You really do want me, don't you baby?”
You nod.
His free hand gropes your breast, pinching your nipple through the thin material of your dress. You close your eyes biting your lip as you enjoy the not so soft touches he gives you. You moan when his fingers slip into your panties, sliding against your puffy clit.
“Daddy!” You squeal when his middle finger slides inside of you and curls. “Fuck, more please.”
He laughs, pulling his finger out and standing up. He sheds his clothes while you remain on your knees in front of him. You can’t help but admire how good he looks above you like this. Honestly, you think you’d do anything to remain in this moment even if the anticipation of him splitting you open is forcing you to clench around nothing.
Daichi offers you his hand and he assists you in standing to your feet, but it doesn’t last long. He bends you over the arm of his recliner in seconds, pulling your dress down and allowing your bare breasts to fall from it.
“Tell daddy what you want,” he teases while rubbing his cock between your folds.
“Want your cock!” You turn your head back to look at him. “Please, I need it.”
“Good fucking girl,” he groans while sliding inside of you.
Even with your intense arousal and the spit on his cock, it stings. Your body goes limp against the arm of the recliner as you try and relax your body to let him in. Crying into the cushion, you try to not be too loud while getting used to his size.
“If I’d known you’d be this tight, I would have fucked you sooner,” he says after fully sheathing himself inside of you.
He isn’t nice enough to give you more time, too overwhelmed with the way you squeeze him so nicely to not start thrusting immediately. You cry out when his cockhead hits deep inside of you, pulling against your walls as he pulls back out only to do it all over again.
It hurts. It feels ethereal.
“Daddy!” You whine as his fingers twirl your nipple between them and he holds you back against him while relentlessly pounding into you. “Too much!”
“Be a good girl,” he hisses. “I know you can take it.”
You whimper in response, his thrusts forcing your breasts into his hands while he continues to assault them. Your thighs begin to shake and your core feels like it’s a tightwire about to break.
“Wanna cum!” You tell him, some part of you knows it's better to warn him or ask instead of letting yourself go. “Please, daddy! Let me cum.”
“Aw, my little slut is learning,” he chuckles, thrusting deep into you and letting you fall back onto the recliner. “Go ahead, cum for daddy. Cream all over my cock sweetheart.”
He hits the sweet spot inside of you once more and you come undone, cumming around his cock and crying out a mixture of daddy and curses. He grunts as you clench around him, body pliable for him to hold you closer while rapidly fucking you.
He cums, and you feel it drip out of you around his cock before you comprehend what’s happened. You’re too fucked out to even care if you’re honest. He pulls your panties back to the side as he pulls out of you.
“You’re going to keep it all in, aren’t you?” He pulls his pants back on, leaving his shirt on the floor and sitting on the couch.
You nod, pulling your dress back over your breasts and adjusting the thin straps back to a comfortable position on your shoulders. He pats his lap again, and you sit across him, wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your cheek against his shoulder.
A knock at the door startles you and you look at Daichi with a concerned face.
“Oh,” he laughs. “I lost track of time. Can you get that?”
You sheepishly nod. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I need to go grab something from my room. I’m sure you can handle it.” He disappears down the hall.
Running your hands through your hair to make sure you don’t look crazy, you open the door.
“Oh,” a sharp tone greets you.
“Big sis!!” Kaiya screams, jumping up and down and running inside.
“Uh,” who you assume to be her mother says shaking her head. “Is Daichi here?” She’s irritated, and reasonably so. “I need to speak with him immediately.”
“Yeah, he’s right-”
“What do you want?” He appears back into the living room, pulling a loose shirt over his head as he comes in.
He easily could have done that before. Is he doing this on purpose?
Oh god, he is.
You look quickly between the two of them as he steps in the doorway with you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“I think we need to speak in private.” His ex tells him, eyeing you up and down.
“Sweetheart, do you care to take Kaiya to her room to play for a few minutes?” He kisses your forehead and you look away from the intense glare you receive from Kaiya’s mother.
“Daichi! Why are you-”
“Stop,” he says loudly. “---- can watch her for a moment.” He lets go of you.
“Can you show me your room Kaiya?” You ask sweetly and she takes your hand and guides you down the hall.
You’re not sure if you’re grateful Daichi got you away from his ex or if you’re happy Kaiya won’t have to see her parents bicker. Either way, it’s a win for you. Your heart is beating against your chest, making you nauseous. There’s no way he just forgot he was getting his daughter tonight.
You’re flattered that he used you to make her angry, but the more spiteful part of you wishes he had let you in on it a little more. Having you answer the door was good, but you could have left your hair a mess or something more…
“Big sis, why are you here? Did you and daddy have a playdate?” She asks, handing you a stuffed rabbit while you sit on the floor of her room with her.
“Uh,” you giggle. “Yeah, we had a playdate.”
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halstudandruz · 2 years
Best of Me ~ Part 3
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: After a night of drinking you learn you seem to be missing something.
Part 1 here // Part 2 here
Warnings: Swearing
Good lord you were never drinking again. That was your first thought as you opened your eyes the next morning only to quickly shut them. You had no idea where you were but judging by the familiar mix of cinnamon and vanilla wafting through your nostrils you would guess you somehow made it into your bed the night prior. Slowly pulling yourself out of bed you inwardly begged your head to stop pounding. Trudging down the hall and stairs in search of medicine. Hoping it hadn’t moved since the last time you were home.
“Where were you last night?” Your mother sat at the table peeling potatoes. For what you already knew would be some type of casserole for Vanessa’s family. Watching as you headed straight for the medicine cabinet.
“Out with my friends, you knew that.” You mumbled trying to keep your voice at a low tone.
“I thought you’d be out for an hour or two not until 2am when I heard you come crashing in.” The mom voice automatically had you cowering until you remembered you were an adult. Silently cheering when you grasped the advil.
“It’s nice to be together right now. Did you happen to forget I’m an adult who’s about to get married?” You rolled your eyes shaking two pills into the palm of your hand, man you had forgotten how easily your friends could drink you under.
“No, just making sure you haven’t either.” She remarked.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You mumbled before taking a drink of your water to wash the medicine down.
“You know exactly what I mean, [Y/N].” She said matter of factly.
“I went out with a group of old friends. Some of whom I haven’t seen in years and who are also grieving one of my best friends. That’s it.” You ended the conversation walking back towards the steps or so you thought before you heard her mutter,
“For an engaged woman your hand looks a little bare.” Just as you reached the landing, stopping you in your tracks.
Shit. Your ring! You looked down hopelessly at your left hand willing it to somehow appear. Luke was going to kill you. How could you lose a $300,000 engagement ring? This wasn’t happening. You distinctly remembered wearing it the night prior, the image of Jay looking forlorn in the corner of the table as your friends gushed over the rock popping into your head.
“Okay, deep breaths.” You coached yourself, taking a deep inhale, trying to ignore the way your head began to pound even harder than before. You just had to remember what happened last night. Anything that happened last night. You went in search of your phone hoping it would have some answers to the puzzle, but all that was there was a text from Cody in your group text wondering who would be driving to the funeral today. Scrolling through your phone in a panic you quickly opened a FaceTime call to Sydney, darkness on her end popping up within a few seconds.
“What the fuck happened last night?” You asked as soon as Sydney answered the phone with a groan. Barely able to make out her features in her dark room.
“Bro you’re gonna need to bring it down a notch.” She replied barely above a whisper.
“I’m literally already whispering.” You shot back, but to be fair talking in general was only making your headache worse.
“Did you know we’re not 20 anymore? I never knew hangovers could be this bad.” She complained.
“Yeah hard agree over here, but seriously Syd-“ You tried to ask again before she caught you off,
“Oh wait Emily’s calling let me add her to the convo.” The line went silent until you watched Emily’s face appear on your screen,
“Are you guys as hungover as me? Who the hell let us drink that much?” She immediately complained, but she looked much better than the two of you and much happier too.
“Yeah yeah we’re all hungover and old. Can we please focus on the bigger issue here?” You pleaded.
“Which would be?” Emily asked.
“I can’t find my ring.”
“Your engagement ring?” Her eyebrows shot up.
“Yes, my engagement ring!” The urgency was taking over your voice.
“Oh well probably for the best.” She shrugged.
“Not right now.” Your voice was harsh. It wasn’t that your friends didn’t like Luke, it was just that they didn’t know him very well and they were still caught up in this hope that you and Jay would somehow rekindle an epic romance. Like something out of a Nicholas Sparks novel. Like somehow the past would become the present again.
“Well did you ask Jay if he’s seen it?” Emily offered.
“Why would I ask Jay, exactly?” Confusion floating deeper into your brain.
“Cause you left with him?” Emily stated matter of factly.
“I did what?” You exclaimed, just as you heard a loud chuckle come from Sydney.
“Oh shit, yeah you did I completely forgot about that!” Sydney got out between laughs.
“Does someone care to explain to me why two of my best friends and bridesmaids for my upcoming wedding let me go home with another guy. My ex nonetheless.”
“Come on girl, don't act like you don't already know the answer to that.” Sydney smirked.
“I’m not gonna lie to you, I was more concerned with booking my own dick appointment at the time.” Emily answered and you noticed the obvious smirk.
“Ooh, please refresh my memory again.” You were suddenly intrigued.
“Hey, scrambled or sunny side up? Oh sorry didn’t realize you were on the phone.” The familiar voice interrupted your conversation off screen, but it didn’t take you longer than a second to realize who it was.
“All good, it's just the girls, but surprise me.” Emily beamed.
“You got it.” Cody answered.
“Andddd,” Emily held up her finger until you heard the door close in the background, “go.” She pointed to the screen giving you and Sydney green light to react.
“No fucking way!” You exclaimed right as Sydney let a squeal out, earning a generous giggle from Emily.
“I know right!”
“I’m never getting drunk again. I miss out on all the good stuff!” You complained.
“And I can assure you it was indeed good! As much as it sucked I really think the years of sexual tension made it so much more special.” Giddiness seeping through her voice.
“Well I’d fucking hope so. After 10 years of pining after each other the sex better have been worth the wait.”
“You guys don’t think it was..wrong?” She asked after a beat of silence, “It’s just..like you said I’ve been trying to make this happen for a decade and of all times we finally hook up the night of our best friends viewing. And well.. morning of the funeral.”
“Em shut up Ness would’ve loved every part of this.” You tried to reassure.
“Yeah, I mean she was rooting for you two almost as much as she was rooting for [Y/N] and Jay.” Sydney included. It was true, Vanessa was your biggest supporter in your relationship with Jay and was probably almost as devastated as you when it ended and she had also been trying to push Emily to make a move on Cody since high school. So, she would’ve been proud.
“Seriously Syd?” You grumbled.
“What? Everyone knows it.” She dismissed your annoyance.
“Doesn’t mean we have to voice it.. anyway they do say grief is the best aphrodisiac.” You added.
“They aren’t lying. I mean you know full well how many times I’ve imagined this but I’m not kidding when I say..” her hands appeared in front of the camera attempting to give you a visual measurement, Sydney loudly groaning and covering her eyes when the door to her bedroom opened again.
“Bon appetit!” Cody appeared in front of the phone plate full.
“You’re so sweet.” Emily’s grin covered her face.
“Just looking at that makes me want to barf.” Sydney complained, still reeling from her obvious hangover.
“Considering your FaceTime is working I would venture a guess that your text messages must also be working.” Cody laid down beside your friend.
“Dude, I can’t even stand up vertically yet without the room spinning so no I am not planning on driving.” Sydney shot at her brother.
“Would it have killed you to text that back a half hour ago?” He bickered.
“Honestly, yes I really believe it might’ve.” She admitted.
“Can you not be dramatic for like 10 seconds?” He huffed.
“One, you already know the answer to that. Two, I’ll probably just ride with my parents.” You jumped in.
“What? But we all agreed last night we would go together.” The look of disappointment came over his face.
“She doesn’t remember anything from last night. Including where her ring is.” Emily filled, what you were guessing was her now boyfriend, in.
“Oh shit. Did you tell your man? I’d be so pissed.” Cody winced.
“He’ll just give her his credit card to go buy a new one no worries.” Sydney joked, except she was probably right. He didn’t even pick out the first one. You recently found out he sent his assistant to pick one.
“Thank you for the calming words of reassurance guys. Much appreciated.” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh we’re just kidding [Y/N/N].”
“Did you ask Jay? I saw you guys leaving together last night?” Cody wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“No.” You answered straight and to the point.
“So, what happened? Did you guys.. ya know? Or..?” He continued to push the subject.
“Do I need to reiterate for the third time that you guys got me so wasted that I don’t remember anything!” Your voice raised, getting more stressed at the pressure of being clueless begging your brain to give you any snippets of the night.
“Dude, not cool.” Sydney groaned, visibly holding her hand over her eyes.
“Sorry Syd. I gotta go, my mom needs help with her casserole.” You sighed, displeased with the lack of information your friends held.
“Wait do y-“ Emily tried to question before you exited the call.
You were beginning to feel nauseous again, moving to lay back down against your pillows, closing your eyes to take a few deep breaths. Figuring you should probably text back the group before Cody had a meltdown you moved to pick your phone back up just as it pinged. Heart fluttering as the name you hadn’t seen in years popped up on your screen.
Missing something?
The text read, accompanied by a picture of your ring. Relief and anxiety flooded you at the same time. Your ring was safe, but why was it laying on what was obviously Jay’s night stand?
All Tag List:
@corebore123 @scarletsoldierrr @hehurst23 @beautiful-bunny89 @ingie @halsteadsway @malrunaway @grettiwrites @inlovewith3 @wanniiieeee @que-serasara
Jay Taglist:
@jayxhalsteadx @life-treatments @weepingfestivalmentality @toomuchtv95 @queen-of-arda @sofferderynnp @mrspeacem1nusone @chicago-pd-13 @maddi-bug @nevaehstreater18
Best of Me Taglist:
@iamasimpingh0e @keabbs
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