#i just really like our cast
felt-squirrels · 8 months
What people mean when they say it’s okay if you like a certain cast more than the original one: It’s okay to like the touring cast of Beetlejuice more, the UK cast of Heathers is really good, ect, ect.
What I mean when I say I like a certain cast more than the original: I need to hear a studio recording of my cast of School of Rock now, I don’t care that none of us are over 18, I need it
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obsidianbit · 8 months
I love this gay ass show with its literally life ending injuries that heal immediately, but only when convenient to the plot, and its ridiculous use of modern phrases, and its laughing in the face of historical accuracy, and its kissing the face of the fans instead of trying to outwit them, and the way everyone involved in the show seem to go 'I KNOW RIGHT! I'M EXCITED TOO!' instead of mocking the fans
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bruhstation · 1 year
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updated casa tidmouth designs as of june 2023!!! yahooo!!! (claws the wall and rips out the drying paint pieces)
individual characters below the cut:
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Helluva Boss and its consistent dedication to portraying those who are financially disadvantaged or female as one dimensional bad guys
There is something so genuinely insidious to me in how HB treats financially or otherwise socially disadvantaged characters and makes them the bigots and villains of the show.
Striker is "just a bigot". The one who consistently recognizes and verbally calls out the sham that is the classism of their society, hes selected to be the bigoted character. The one who recognizes that imps are at the bottom despite farming everybody's food and who recognizes the higher classes fetishize them like toys, he's the problem. He's the villain that needs to be defeated.
Striker DOES exert toxic masculinity, no doubt. But toxic masculinity can often be the result of poverty. In my eyes, while they're not excused, it is easier to understand why working class men would believe in toxic masculinity (I say this as a feminist). Their living conditions mean either be masculine or you can't provide and you let down others relying on you. You don't survive, while the most masculine survive the best. Striker has likely learned that being better off relies on frequently exerting toxic masculinity and violence. Does the show humanize him and show this? No, it does not. Instead he is reduced to being a bigot that gets tormented with sex jokes against his will, "like he deserves".
You know maybe there could have even been a plot or something in which he gets hurt and needs to be cared for and he's treated kindly and that makes him realize the value of not always being hyper masculine. Or maybe we could even get to see how him being softer lead to someone he used to care about dying GASP. Oh wait, but they would never extend that kind of humanity or development towards him. Why? Because he antagonized Stolitz, he pointed out the fucked up things about it - an unforgivable crime. Send in the hounds sex jokes.
Striker being treated as just a joke ultimately weakens the writing as it would have been far more satisfying for him to be an antagonist with a point, that really challenges our leads and makes them think. But to do that he would have had to be taken seriously, and there's no way someone in the way of an mlm ship can be taken seriously in this show.
The only way a character can get away with antagonizing Stolitz without becoming one dimensional plot fodder with no humanization is if they're something like Fizz and Ozzie - aka a gay pairing in their own right (that also later make up with Stolitz anyway). It is so telling that out of all the antagonists we've had, Fizz and Ozzie were the first to be redeemed.
Now lets talk about Ozzie. Ozzie, who is a lord with boatloads of money and a sex toy production and club empire, is humanized and seen as a good guy. He is even contrasted by Mammon as "one of the good ones". I will admit I love Ozzie, he is fun. The show at least doesn't guilt you into seeing him as a poor victim like it does with Stolas. But what is it with HB consistently presenting wealthy rich men like they're not part of a larger system of oppression? Why does the show twist itself into knots to ignore their contributions to classism and the harm they do? Ozzie can threaten his worker imps and that's fine/understandable. Meanwhile the only way imps are worth having their own lives and stories explored seems to be if they're paired with one of these rich ruling class "good ones" men.
And aren't they cute, these imps and their ruling class lovers? Just don't think too hard about how, while Ozzie's love may be able to lift Fizz, one single imp, out of being lower class, the system as a whole is designed to keep imps down. If Fizz didn't have Ozzie then he'd still be exploited for profit by another member of the ruling class, he had to rely on a member of the oppressive class falling in love with him to save him - no no, don't think about that, focus on the cute gay!
Verosika is another notable example though I will only talk about her briefly as we don't know too much about her yet and she doesn't tie into the shows thing with those who are financially disadvantaged like Striker (and someone else I'm going to talk about after Verosika). Though Verosika hasn't been totally made into a one dimensional villain with the Ozzie's episode showing her sympathetically (for which I am very thankful), she also has barely been explored. Fizz has had so much time dedicated to showing us his own life. Practically more than Millie has gotten. I do understand he had a huge impact on Blitz's entire life and Blitz is the main character. However, Verosika is still a big chapter, and was wronged by Blitz due to his issues. She was hurt by that, which haunts him. And then she got screwed over again by him in Spring Broken with the bet. So now where is she? Why does Fizz get all extra stuff about the life hes now built for himself while Verosika only exists to be drama in Blitz's past? Oh, right. Verosika's a woman, not a man with a sexy bf. So while she can show up, shes never going to be explored outside of Blitz.
A lot of this strange standard of one dimensionalism being applied to characters depending on whether they either appeal to the shows weird mlm fetishization or gets in the way of it can also be seen with Stella. Stella's treatment is honestly appalling to me.
Just like Stolas, she was also trapped in an arranged marriage from childhood. She had to have sex she didn't want and had to get pregnant and produce a child with a man she didn't love. Except, its not just that. Everything that could be said about Stolas applies to her, and on top of that EVEN MORE does - due to her financial status.
Andrealphus states that now shes produced an heir, she "would get nothing" if Stolas died. So this basically confirms Stella has no real assets. Despite them both being forced into the arranged marriage, its Stolas that owns everything. Her home is Stolas', and without the marriage, she has no home. Now I'm sure there's a good chance she could go and live with Andrealphus or some other relative and would be allowed to do so. But is it really so crazy to still see that her situation is demeaning and awful? From what we can see in the show, the way the Goetia seem to operate is like how it used to be in olden times for women - men own everything. If you don't have a husband who gives to you, then you own nothing. So Stella is even more disadvantaged by the arranged marriage than Stolas is. The only reason she has her wealth and privilege is because she was married off to him and used as a tool. All of her assets belong to the men in her life and she never had any choice in it being that way because she was set up to be put in an arranged marriage with a man that would own everything from childhood.
And yet the show thinks instead of exploring how Stella feels about all that, given the very real world parallels to what women throughout history have faced, apparently it was more appropriate to make her one dimensional so that she could exist for the male characters. She sticks around to torture Stolas with no motivation beyond being hateful for seemingly no reason - because that's all her character got to be. Something for the show's obsession with Stolas torture porn, something to make us feel bad for him, so that Stolitz looks better. If she's a one dimensional abuser then that means we don't have to think about her lack of property ownership and how she was a victim of the arranged marriage even more so than Stolas was. Now we don't have to feel guilty when Stella is left with nothing to her name in the divorce, and she deserves being cheated on too! Yay! Phew! That saved us from thinking about a female character for more than five seconds and from being critical of our rich male fave, thank God!
This show refuses to humanize any characters that oppose Stolitz in any way, especially not if they're female. And its noticeable and obnoxious. The consistent way in which it makes its one dimensional bad guys impoverished or women while also churning out "one of the good ones" woobified rich men that benefit from hell's class system is. Well, its really fucking annoying and skeevy, in my eyes. It reveals that this show at its core is about its mlm pairings and nothing else - the class struggle stuff is there just to add flavour and drama to the mlm pairings. Women are powerful and accomplished but only so they can build and be used for the male characters stories. If you have all this time and all these resources to over and over again show another side to the guy who lauded Blitz's business over his head and said "Continually have fuck sessions with me or I'll end your business" then you can also bother to humanize impoverished imps fed up with the class system and women with no property rights trapped in arranged marriages.
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"dorian is not the perfect flawless dreamboat that will be a strong shoulder to cry on to all the pcs and fix all their traumas that all his fans insist he is" and "saying dorian is a pointless character with no real attachments to the plot that people only like for shipping content and 'he should just die already' is reductive at best and racist at worst" are two statements that can co-exist
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Maybe it’s just me but the way both these characters are from New Orleans, POC, and French Creole, and yet one of them sounds like they’re exactly that and the other sounds like an average white dude.
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Like no offense to Edward Bosco, I love his voice acting and he’s very good, but holy shit you can just tell that Alastor being mixed creole was a last minute decision. I’m blaming Vivzie in this, not Edward, because while Alastor does have that 1920’s old Atlantic accent but he certainly doesn’t sound of his heritage, compared to Nico where the accent is clear. Of course I know that not EVERY person or group sounds exactly the same, so maybe this is a nitpick but still.
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kuruna · 3 months
ive complained about it before but the fact that baldy's gate3 very clearly wants to allow its players to be as self indulgent as possible but won't let u make a fat character just completely turned me off from it 😭
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14dayswithyou · 11 months
Let's play fuck, marry, kill, make your choices wisely 😉
✦゜ANSWERED: I wasn't sure if you were talkin about me or the main cast, so feel free to clarify/ask again!! Also!! Y'all are welcome to let me know who you'd fuck, marry, and kill in the replies >:3
Kiss: Elanor (on da cheek) Marry: Ren (my pink househusband) or Violet (my cottagecore wife) Kill: your landlord <3
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mwagneto · 8 months
the fact that almost every character in ofmd is specifically a gay man is seriously so fucking special like usually a show will have 1 character from a minority group and then that character has to be every single thing - a person the straight/homophobic audience can accept and even like, someone that deals with their issues the way they "should" be dealt with, someone who's not too much of anything but simultaneously everything because every expected trait has to be displayed at some point or another.... versus this show with its massive cast of characters who are all able to embody specific (and extremely varying) ways to be a gay man where all of their journeys and personalities and approaches to their sexualities are so unique to them but so true to people that exist in real life........ i wish i could express this better coz it's such an incredible thing to see it genuinely makes my chest hurt with how much it means to me
#I'm literally forever thinking about that interview lauren faust gave abt how cartoons will#usually only have 1 girl and then that 1 girl has to be every single thing#like she has to be smart and kind and athletic and loud and pretty and cool and funny and every other trait ever#so when she got to make MLP she finally got a chance to have an all girl main cast and that#gave her the chance to make them really feel like unique people because they finally#had the space to just exist as girls without having to be The Girl. so they could have like. specific personalities#LIKE IT'S LITERALLY THAT BUT W GAY MEN IT MAKES ME SO ILL...... IM GATHERING ALL OF THEM IN MY ARMSSS#i really really wish i could explain this better#like omg when izzy is telling lucius how to deal w his issues they're both gay. when ed is reminiscing w fang they're both gay.#literally clawing at the walls they all mean so much to meeeeeeeee#ofmd#our flag means death#ofmd s2#ofmd season 2#ofmd spoilers#ofmd meta#i guess ????????#also YES i know there's characters that arent gay men but that's kinda part of my point too#like even in media where there's more than 1 token lgbt person they're always#different identities coz the writer needs 2 different things to explore#instead of exploring how 2 people with the same identity might differ in a thousand little ways#and they also always lose that sense of belonging together that's so essential here#like ohhhmy gof oh mygod they're literally all gay in some way. massive found family of gay ppl....#it's just that i think this show is mostly abt exploring themes of masculinity and mlm so most of the cast being gay men makes cents
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dormont · 2 months
society if we got to do remote work for the expedition society while staying in serene village
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vegaseatsass · 4 months
Every time I see another theory that puts Perth on Non's side as his witness protector or his mafia escape artist or his BROTHER !!! or his boyfriend (no one has this theory. This is an agenda of me myself and I) I go a little more feral. Honestly I'm just a teething snuffling raccoon creature at this point
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clewis · 10 months
it’s been a while since i rewatched season 3 and of course i remembered Lewis leaving at about half of the season…. but i really did not remember that he barely was in the episodes before?!?!?! Gosh i hate it here (here being season 3) 😩😩
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normalest-of-knees · 1 year
Did they really..... do absolutely nothing with the fact that Jaune "had" to kill Penny?.....
I thought maybe they could pull something out at the end somehow; maybe have Penny be the one to help Ruby through her rough time as well as the tree lady
Though then again with all the Summer build up I'm not surprised
But I'm.... both flabbergasted and defeated that we went through this entire Volume without ever actually addressing Jaune killing Penny.
Back after Volume 8, so many people were like "So they HAVE to address this, right? Oh man how is Ruby gonna react to this??" And many were speculating and wondering
Apparently she won't, is the answer. We don't even know if Blake & Yang know either. They just never actually talk about or react if they do know
And I'm wondering.... why? Why did they tease about the Penny angst and then it amount to nothing in the end? Why did Ruby have to pass out while Weiss talked about the subject, and then never gets to talk about it afterwards? Why did she get to find the sword (that shouldn't even exist, mind you), give it up, then when it's thrown away she just leave it at that?
I know the answer is random angst and Jaune angst, but still.
Penny deserved so much better, and so did we. The audience deserved to be treated better and respected, but we got... this.
I wished they had picked between wanting to push the Summer stuff or the Penny stuff, since they clearly couldn't do both. And what we got of each was so... nothing
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normalbrothers · 4 months
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do u think there was something weird going on between linda and her mother
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Leah is my Annabeth and Logan isn't my Percy
#i don't think logan's a bad actor or but he's SO unpercy it is genuinely ridicolous and i know it's not cause he's white cause walker slayed#guys double L is not percy jackson he's just a white guy with black hair and light eyes who's sarcastic sometimes and generically attractive#and i'm pretty sure the last one dosen't apply to percy actually?he's the finest man ever yeah but he's also said to look naturally scary#he's also not actually popular with girls either it was just 4 and that's not really a lot compared to how big the female cast is#but back to my point leah is different from annabeth but that's GOOD because book!annabeth was very white feminist and not a good person fr#but she had loads of potential and leah is using it to the max which is she's my precious daughter and the celebrity i'm most rooting for#along with how she's very sweet fun and lowkey badass.double L is just like........a guy.that's it not bad or good he's just certainly a man#and i mean percy's canonically a freak in a punk and autistic and accidental femme presenting gender fuckery coding way so!#sorry logster you don't have the range and princess leah ruels supreme-knight walker has his rights too /lh#annabeth chase#leahbeth#leah is our annabeth#autistic annabeth chase#trans annabeth chase#pastel goth annabeth chase#< book!annabeth is transmasc and grunge though#claribeth#leah jeffries#pjo#percy jackson#perseo jackson#black percy#latino percy#punk!percy#team parent percy jackson#autistic percy jackson#summerposting#perlex#bi aroace percy jackson#transfem bigender percy jackson
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cmdonovann · 2 months
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man. ive had this art in my drafts since like three dnd games ago (so, like, two months? lmao) and have been putting off finishing it because NOTHING i could draw could possibly express how fucked up this fight made me feel. immense shouts out to my DM for a) understanding my taste in symbolism and themes, and b) letting raz literally kill himself with no consequences
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