#i just like the idea of the tardis growing alongside the doctor
ninemelodies · 6 months
i love the fact that the tardis is sentient but like
do you think she always was?? we know that over time she’s gotten bigger, what if overtime she also became more aware? whether through her link w/ the doctor & companions or just in general
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sheliesshattered · 3 years
rory is the master theory? :o
In regards to the tags on this post.
Oh man, okay this goes way back. In the s5 and s6 timeframe of Doctor Who, there was a fan theory floating around Tumblr and elsewhere that Rory Williams would eventually be revealed to secretly be the Master. Possibly the Master under the influence of the Chameleon Arch, like Professor Yana, or possibly just pretending to be human while knowing all along that he wasn’t, in an effort to get close to the Doctor.
Evidence in support of this theory include the first time Rory sees the inside of the TARDIS (in The Vampires of Venice, I think) and isn’t at all surprised, and immediately understands the transcendent dimensional engineering at work, which he excuses by saying he’s been “reading up” on scientific theories since the whole Prisoner Zero thing. Then there was the moment in the gifset I tagged and linked above, from Let’s Kill Hitler, where Rory sees River regenerate in front of him and suddenly hears a pounding in his head -- like, say, the drums the Master heard? Of course, the strongest bit of evidence is how often Rory just inexplicably died and came back to life, over and over again, to the point that even Rory joked about it repeatedly.
And then there’s the whole thing with River being “part Time Lord”. The official explanation is that she was conceived on the TARDIS while the TARDIS was in the Vortex, and then the Cult of the Silence did some genetic engineering on her to make her more like a Time Lord, but eh, her father being actually literally the Master would have been a lot cleaner. And made a lot of narrative sense with the Silence trying to turn River into a weapon against the Doctor, if she was the daughter of the Doctor’s oldest frenemy.
Of course, the theory never went anywhere on the show, but there was enough contextual support for it that the fandom had a lot of fun with it at the time. I would have loved to have seen it go somewhere, to the point that I’ve been working on a fanfic based on the idea off and on since early 2015 or so, called Second Chances (Of The Non-Time Travelling Variety). I posted a rough draft of the first part of the first scene here, but I have a lot more written for it than that.
The fic focuses on Amy and Rory in the post-Angels Take Manhattan part of their timeline, living in New York City in the mid-twentieth century, both of them in their 80s by that point. According to the tombstone we see in Angels, Rory dies at 82 and Amy some five years later. But, following through on the idea of Rory being the Master, if he died he would actually regenerate -- and for this fic, I played around with the idea that in his final years, Rory slowly starts to realize who he really is, and desperately doesn’t want to become him again. So naturally, when he dies and regenerates, he becomes Missy instead. :D
What follows after that is quite a lot of Rory-Missy and River bonding, and a completely serious (even angsty!) Missy/Amy ship. After Amy dies, the story shifts around to being about Missy and River, and filling in some of the holes in River’s timeline (who was her legal guardian when she was growing up in Leadworth alongside Amy and Rory? what if it was Missy?). The Doctor eventually becomes part of the narrative too, but the whole thing is rather long and complicated, and at this point I’m not sure that I’ll ever actually devote the time it would require to finish writing it.
Anyhow, I’m sure that was quite a lot more than you were counting on when you sent the ask, but I hope it gives you a little insight into what those tags were about. Thank you for sending the ask!
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Dreamer File 01
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Tenth Doctor x reader
Warning: angst
More warning: English is not my native language and I suck at it but I wanted to write for DW so here it is. My name is (YN) (LN) and I'm a traveler in time and space. I met the Doctor on his tenth incarnation. He picked me up alongside Rose. I have been with him for so long. He is a wonderful man so of course I ended up catching feeling for him. But he only have eyes for Rose.
Rose has the advantage because she has been with him the longer and I have to admit that she is a wonderful person but she is possessive of the Doctor. I'm the third wheel in this. They laughed and joked around and I didn't feel included. At least, the Doctor didn't kick me out because I do love to travel with them.
When Rose is gone trapped in the other world, his love for Rose is so great he even burn out a sun just to say goodbye. How can I ever compete with her? No chance.
The Doctor wanted to drop me home despite my protest. He said if I stay with him, I will ended up like Rose.
Before he could though, Donna appeared on board of the Tardis and we ended up having to sort her out.
He invited Donna to come with us but she refused. I felt hurt that the Doctor invited her when he said he want to drop me off. Did he got tired of me? That is so unfair.
Thankfully the Doctor no longer insisted that I go home. We eventually met Martha and she became a fellow traveler.
I could tell that Martha is smitten with the Doctor. I warned her that the Doctor is still hung up on Rose.
The Doctor didn't treat me and Martha very well. We endured it but one day I just snapped.
"I know you are still hurting over Rose but Martha and I deserve better than your treatment so far. Doctor, we love traveling with you and I know we can't replace Rose. She has a special position in your hearts. But I would appreciate it if you stop comparing us with her."
The Doctor is silent and I thought he will be mad at me. But he told me he didn't mean to make us feel like that and promise to do better.
And then the Family of Blood happened. Martha and I ended up having to care for a human Doctor. We worked as servants at the military school where John Smith will be a teacher.
He fell in love with Nurse Redfern. I can't help feeling bitter about it. Why am I never the one? I could drive myself crazy thinking about it so I don't. I pushed my feeling down. I am lucky that Martha is with me. I don't think I could bear it alone.
When John Smith turned back as the Doctor, I am glad to leave that time period behind.
I think my relationship with the Doctor improve a little during the time we got marooned on the year 1960. We have a moment together under a starry sky on top of a building after I finished my work. I also bonded some more with Martha since we both have to work hard to support the Doctor.
Then things with Jack and the Master happened. It was the worst time of my life. My father was taken on board the Valiant by the Master as hostage.
For some reason, the Doctor send Martha off to do whatever he told her to do. He didn't ask me to go with her and so I stayed and wonder if he think so little of me that I can't do whatever it was he tasked Martha to do. Maybe I really am useless.
During my time aboard the Valiant, between the mental and physical abuse from the Master, my father got a heart attack and died. I cried so hard that day. I didn't even get to bury his body. The Master ordered the soldiers to throw his body off the ship. I wanted to kill him but Martha's family stopped me before I did a stupid thing.
I cried and begged the Doctor to fix it. I knew that was selfish of me to ask that of the helpless Doctor but I was out of my mind with grief.
Then Martha came back and the paradox machine got destroyed. The Doctor returned to his former self and able to neutralize the Master.
Everything got a reset. The world had forgotten about what happened. The year that never was. Except for the lot on board of the Valiant. I didn't get my father back. I hated the Master with my whole life. I picked up the gun, wanting to kill him but the Doctor stopped me.
The Master is dead, shot by his dutiful wife. I only felt bad for the Doctor for losing the only other Time Lord but I'm also relieved because if he is alive and the Doctor take him on board of the Tardis, I don't think I could cope.
Martha decided to leave us. I couldn't leave the Doctor. The man with the sad eyes, how could I? Also it was easy because I no longer have any family now my father is gone.
I don't even want to sort my life anymore. I want to stay with the Doctor for as long as I could. Martha warned how unhealthy my choice was.
"Don't waste your life for someone who didn't appreciates you..." She said. "But maybe...you still have hope with him. I saw how he look at you. But be careful, don't let yourself be second best for someone, not even him."
But the thing is I will always be second best compare to Rose. And yet I can't bring myself to leave him. Not brave enough, not strong enough.
After she left, it was only the Doctor and I. We didn't talk much except during adventures. There were times when I caught him looking at me but he never said a word.
When Donna joined us, I felt so grateful because she made the mood more lively.
Donna knew of my feeling for the Doctor and often pushed me to be with the Doctor even after I told her that he still in love with Rose.
Of course, I had to experience almost dying of poison before I decided to confess to him.
"I love you, Doctor. I know you didn't feel the same and that's all right." I lied. "But I just want you to know how much you are loved and that this is not your fault. I choose this. I choose you."
But then, he managed to cure me and thing become awkward between us. Donna who heard my confession, pushed me to have a talk with him.
"No way. Just pretend that it didn't happen. He doesn't feel the same. I don't want to be a  nuisance. What if he drop me home and never come back because of this?" I ranted at Donna.
I don't know what Donna said to him but the Doctor ended up cornering me for a talk. Thankfully, he didn't kick me out as I feared. He made sure I knew that he care for me. He didn't exactly rejected me and he is being confusing when he kissed me in the forehead.
Donna pushed the both of us to have a date night together and to my surprise, he didn't turn away the idea. Of course, having a sort of date night with tour on Midnight, didn't end well when the Doctor almost killed by the passengers and I'm helpless to stop it.
Then Rose come back. I missed her but I resented her for coming back. The Doctor forgot about me and it's all about her.
Donna and Jack comforted me. Jack knew of my feeling for the Doctor during the year that never was. He sympathized with my situation because he also knew that the Doctor is all about Rose.
Martha is right, I should have left. But I can't.
The Daleks forced the Tardis into their ship and then Donna got trapped on the Tardis, presumed to be dead.
Rose took the Doctor's hand to comfort her and once again I was left behind. My heart hurts.
Next thing I knew there are two Doctor. A metacrisis,the Doctor said.
After we saved the world, Martha approached me and she give me a hug. I hugged her back.
"Remember what I said." She said before she said goodbye to the Doctor and left the Tardis.
I sat in the corner alone watching the others interact with each other. There were only Donna, Rose, Jackie and the metacrisis doctor left. The Doctor was outside saying goodbye to Martha, Jack and Mickey.
"Are you okay?"
I jumped in surprise when I saw the metacrisis doctor stand before me.
"I'm okay." I forced a smile.
"Why are you sitting alone?"
"I hates goodbye."
"Me too."
I wonder if I should ask him about his feeling for me. He still technically is the Doctor. But I'm a coward, too afraid of the answer.
The Doctor entered the Tardis and proclaimed their next destination, Bad Wolf Bay.
I was confused why he did that. Rose is staying, isn't she?
I observed the conversation between the Doctor, Rose and the metacrisis from the Tardis doorway.
I heard Rose proclaimed loudly about what she said last and what the Doctor intended to say during their last meeting.
And then I saw Rose kissing the metacrisis.
The Doctor and Donna got inside the Tardis and we left them behind.
"Doctor..." I called out. I stopped, unsure if I should mention Rose again. Will it really be okay to leave Rose again? Didn't he love her so much?
Donna pulled me aside and told me about how Rose and metacrisis will get to stay and grow old together.
I felt like a dose of cold water being poured over my head. Of course, the Doctor is immortal and I am not. How could we ever work out? How could he stand to have me? I will die someday and he will move on from me. He gave Rose the greatest gift he could ever give. But where that left me?
I didn't get the chance to break down because of what happened next to Donna.
The Doctor erased her memory of us and dropped her home.
We are alone again, only the two of us again.
"I'm not going anywhere." I blurted suddenly which surprise the Doctor and the smile he gave me next made me pushes down all my insecurities aside temporarily.
I hugged him tight and he hugged me back.
I was scared and worried about the future but I keep being in denial about it and continue to run away with the Doctor.
The Doctor has become somewhat affectionate with me. He didn't say he love me but he would look at me with that warm grin that I loved. Almost look like the grin he shared when he was with Rose. Almost. It did make me hoping that he finally see me.
I think the Doctor is sad but he wouldn't tell me why. He seemed to be running from something. It wasn't until later that I learned about how he is going to die and regenerate into a new man.
The Master is alive and took over the world in creepy way. Every last human on Earth turned into his clone.
Of course, the Doctor saved the day. But at a cost, to save Donna's grandfather, he sacrificed himself and now he is dying.
He went to his farewell tour while I remained at the Tardis.
When he returned on board, I knew he is about to drop me off for my own safety.
"I'm not going anywhere. Don't you dare say goodbye to me or I will hate you forever!" I yelled stubbornly.
He sighed at my stubbornness. "You always stay with me even after I hurt you. Why?"
"You know why."
He nodded with a sad smile. "It's time..." He whispered as he started to glow.
I watched in tears. "Doctor..."
"I don't want to go..." He whispered.
And then he changed into a new man right before my eyes.
I didn't get a look at him because the Tardis is crashing.
I woke up on the floor near the swimming pool. There was blood on my face. I think I got bumped my head pretty hard.
There was a strange man in front of me, fussing over me.
"Let me take a look at you. Oooh, you look like you might have concussion. That’s no good."
He smiled at me. "Hello again."
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Doctor Who Series 13: Jodie Whittaker Leaving Rumours, the Next Doctor, and the Future
Jodie Whittaker is fast approaching that three-season milestone at which most Doctors pull the inter-dimensional rip-cord and eject themselves from the TARDIS. Speculation has swirled around her, as it does for most Doctors, from the very start of her tenure, and now, more than ever, there’s the strong scent of Regeneration in the wind. So, will Whittaker leave at the close of series 13? And if so, will any of her companions remain to bridge the gap between eras? Might showrunner Chris Chibnall also hang up his sonic-shaped pen? The BBC is playing its cards characteristically close to its chest, so divining the answers to these questions is not unlike trying to unlock the mystery of the Doctor’s real name.
There was an ample reminder of the BBC’s zeal for secrecy when Who-newcomer and beloved Liverpudlian John Bishop – cast last year as companion Dan – was rebuked for revealing during an online Q&A that his character, too, would be Liverpudlian. If the BBC don’t want you to know that a Liverpudlian might be playing a Liverpudlian, then this is going to be a bumpy ride. But let’s strap in, brace for impact, and see what’s (or Who’s) out there…
Jodie Whittaker on leaving
Everyone has their favourite Doctors, and not-so favourite Doctors. Jodie Whittaker is not alone in having had love and scorn heaped upon her in equal measure, a phenomenon that has touched most actors to have taken on the role, with the possible exception of Tom Baker and David Tennant, who stand as almost deified in their respective eras.
It’s clear, though, that Jodie Whittaker has loved every moment of being the Doctor, and of being embraced by the show’s fandom, telling the Telegraph in November 2020: “If you bump into a Whovian, it genuinely makes both of your days. There’s something emotional, poetic and very humbling about being in the show, because you’re a little tiny jigsaw piece of something that is so precious to so many people.” It’s perhaps understandable, then, that her response to the speculation around her departure was to say: “To even question an end point would be too upsetting.”
Or, to parrot one of her predecessors: “I don’t want to go.”
Where’s the evidence?
Over the last eighteen months, rumours that Jodie Whittaker will be leaving after season 13 have been endlessly shared and repeated. These rumours were reported as fact by some media outlets earlier in the year, though the BBC has steadfastly refused either to confirm or deny them. It does, however, seem more likely than not that 13 will be 13’s last; a supposition based upon the ‘Who Rule of Three’ and the unignorable sound of drums gathering pitch and pace across the internet.
In the hunt for ‘evidence’, dead-ends and red-herrings abound. IMDb currently reveals no projects rumoured or in pre-production for Jodie Whittaker beyond her TARDIS tenure, but, then, actors keeping contractual secrets would be fools to release their schedules onto one of the most comprehensive entertainment databases ever to have existed. So no help there.
The Mirror newspaper recently reported that the front-cover of the 2022 Doctor Who annual would be Doctor-less for the first time in its 57-year-history. Could this be a clue? Not likely. The people at Penguin Random House – the annual’s publishers – made it clear that the thirteenth Doctor will feature heavily throughout the publication.  So whether the new cover is simply a radical redesign, a yielding to the purchasing power of this era of the show’s vocal detractors; or a shrewd marketing move designed to have the product promoted for free in the press, it doesn’t actually tell us very much about the likelihood of the 13th Doctor’s exit.
Peter Capaldi’s Trouser Clue
We might, however, be looking for clues in all the wrong places. Peter Capaldi deduced that he’d be handing over the TARDIS keys to a woman a few days before the BBC officially broke the news to him: thanks to his tailor.       
At a New York Comic Con panel in 2017, Capaldi told the audience: “I went into Paul Smiths, which is a very wonderful clothes shop in London where I buy my suits, and everybody knows me in there. And they said, ‘We just got a call,’ they said, ‘from the Doctor Who office saying, ‘Can we have a pair of [Peter’s] trousers, but with a waist size thirty?’ … And I thought, ‘Well, that can’t really be a man with a thirty-inch waist. That must be a lady then’.”
Staking out Jodie’s tailor probably won’t prove fruitful, though. Knowing the BBC, they’ve probably plugged that potential leak by sub-contracting Jodie’s wardrobe out to a mute grandma living alone in a fortress atop the Himalayas.    
Read more
Doctor Who: the behind-the-scenes causes of regeneration
By Mark Harrison
Doctor Who: Which New Doctors Are Now Canon?
By Chris Farnell
Will the Doctor Regenerate in 2022?
Series 13 will consist of eight episodes, set to begin airing later this year. The Mirror reports that there will be two specials in 2022, although it isn’t clear whether these will be in addition to this year’s 8,  or whether we’ll see a split of 6 episodes in 2021 with the 2 specials being held over for 2022. A special – Christmas Day, New Year’s Day or otherwise – has become the traditional arena for regeneration, so if Whittaker is leaving, it’s likely that her final scene will come at the end of that rumoured second special.
Many think that the greatest evidence for Whittaker remaining as the Doctor until at least 2023 is our proximity to Doctor Who‘s upcoming 60th anniversary. After all, it would seem a shame to bow out before a big milestone, and it could be daunting to saddle a new Doctor with spearheading such a significant celebration. Still, the timey-wimeyness of it all means that even should Whittaker leave in 2022 there’s no reason she couldn’t make an appearance in an anniversary episode, perhaps alongside a few other previous incarnations. And 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the BBC itself, so it’s hard to imagine that the show won’t be doing something extra special to mark that, given that it owes its very existence and longevity to the broadcaster (Michael Grade notwithstanding). Whenever she leaves, 13 could easily have her cake and eat it.
Will Chris Chibnall leave after Series 13?
When Bradley Walsh and Tosin Cole left at the end of ‘Revolution of the Daleks‘, Mandip Gill’s Yaz stayed behind. Yaz has been one of the new era’s most underdeveloped characters, so it made sense that she would get her chance to shine and grow in a less crowded environment, sharing companion duties only with John Bishop’s newly teased Dan. But as her character and her story seems so intrinsically linked to the Doctor herself, with the promise of more in-depth exploration to come in series 13, when/if the Doctor leaves, will Yaz’s story also draw to a close? Will only Dan remain with a foot in two TARDISes? All speculation at this point, and it very much hinges on which direction the writers take Yaz in this next clutch of episodes.
Showrunner Chris Chibnall – a lifelong fan of the show and, prior to his appointment as big chief, a long-standing writer for both Doctor Who and Torchwood – has been at least as divisive a figure in Who fandom as 80s helmsman Jonathan Nathan-Turner. Rumours regarding his possible departure have circulated with just as much frequency as those surrounding Whittaker. When asked about series 13, Chris Chibnall told the Radio Times: “I do know I’m coming back for a third season. Yeah, absolutely.” Within those words, if you look hard enough, exists the implied absence of certainty around future seasons, but perhaps that’s getting rather too Da Vinci Code about the whole thing.
While the stewardships of previous showrunners Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffat spanned two Doctors each, this doesn’t mean that Chris Chibnall is guaranteed a crack at the 14th Doctor. Should Chibnall leave after season 13, among the writing team perhaps only Pete McTighe – who wrote ‘Kerblam!‘ And co-wrote ‘Praxeus‘ – has the experience to take over as showrunner, given his stint over-seeing the award-winning Australian prison-drama Wentworth. 
How might 13’s Regeneration Happen?
Each of the modern Doctors has met their end in the service of some great sacrifice, either to protect a companion or to save if not the universe then at least a world within it. It’s unlikely that 13’s exit will be any different. It’s simply a question of against whom or what she’ll be fighting when her time comes.
Though it may be too soon for the Master to be directly responsible for the undoing of yet another Doctor so soon after 12’s John-Simm-shaped downfall, it’s likely that the Master will at the very least influence the direction of 13’s regeneration. Sacha Dhawan has expressed enthusiasm at the idea of returning, though nothing, as you would expect, has yet been confirmed. Or denied.
The revelations in ‘The Timeless Children‘, controversial though they proved for some fans, are perhaps too epoch-shaking and era-defining not to play a part in 13’s swansong, and it may well be that the shadowy Division – the Time Lord’s very own version of Starfleet’s Section 31 – will be complicit in the Doctor’s fall.
Another question presents itself: now that the Doctor knows she has infinite regenerations, might it make her more reckless? Might she start to see her body more like an easily changeable suit than a thing of flesh and blood? Might she regenerate multiple times before becoming the 14th Doctor, a la The Curse of Fatal Death, and what on earth would we call the 14th Doctor – who wouldn’t really be the 14th Doctor at all – if that happened?          
Who’s in the running for the next Doctor?
Many of the same actors tipped as possible replacements near the end of Capaldi’s run have reappeared in the Regeneration rumour mill, including firm favourites Michaela Coel, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Michael Sheen, David Harewood, Richard Ayoade and the indefatigable Kris Marshall. Joining them this time are Line of Duty alumni Kelly MacDonald and Vicky McClure, and It’s a Sin front-man Olly Alexander. It could be that one of them, or none of them get the call. The next Doctor could just as easily be Jo Martin’s fugitive Doctor, who’s been hiding in plain sight all along.
Really though, as with all things connected with the show at this stage of its cycle: Who knows?
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Doctor Who Series 13 will air on BBC One later this year.
The post Doctor Who Series 13: Jodie Whittaker Leaving Rumours, the Next Doctor, and the Future appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3h7A1nM
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Time travel rescue pt. 6; 11th Doctor x teen reader ft. Queen
*Author’s note*
Okay guys Here I am with a new update and more good news, I’ve got an additional 2 chapters for you today, however the bad news is is that these will be the LAST two chapters for this series, so yes today this series will come to an end. I want to thank everyone in advance for giving this series a chance and for loving yet another brilliant crossover. So enjoy this chapter as well as the last two chapters I have in store for you all :)
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I couldn’t sleep at all that night.  I kept thinking just who the siren scout could’ve been.  There’s at least millions of people here in London, not to mention hundreds upon hundreds of volunteers, roadies and groupies that work alongside Queen.  So anyone could be the siren scout, especially if they’re shapeshifters and can act like normal humans.
I was leaning against the balcony as I sighed heavily, the warm stream of fog leaving my mouth as I exhaled out in the snowy cold morning.
“You’ll catch your death if you stay out here.” I heard Roger say as I felt his arms wrap around my waist and rubbing my arms to keep warm.
“Just—got a lot on my mind right now.”
“Like what?”
“Oh nothing you need concern yourself about Roger. Just—futuristic stuff.” I didn’t want to cause a panic in him.  He and the others don’t need to deal with this, because I was gonna find that scout and end it’s life before it can harm the boys of Queen.
“Are you sure?”
“Mm-hmm.” I hummed with a nod and the best fake smile I could muster.  He looked at me skeptically before saying.
“Okay time traveler. But c’mon let’s head back inside I’m already freezing my nuts out here.” We then went back inside and as it was my turn to make the breakfast before rehearsal, I walked in to see Roger reading the paper although that’s not what surprised me.
What surprised me was the fact that he was wearing glasses. And not the shade prescriptions, I’m talking about real prescription glasses, round and all.  He looked up at me alarmed.
“Now (y/n) I swear to you if you tell the guys about this I’ll—”
“Don’t worry Roger they won’t hear it from me. But if you want a girl’s honest opinion. I think they make you look really cute.” He lowered them and he said.
“Really?” I nodded.
“It just gives you that—domestic, softy side. And any girl you get that can see you like that will consider herself lucky to snagged herself a winner.”
“Well when you’re trying for a rock and roll image, it doesn’t do very well does it. Back in school kids got beat up for wearing glasses like this. I pleaded with my mum to get me contacts but she refused again and again.”
“If you want, they do make prescription shades you can get. In fact what I can share with you is that you do get those in a year or two.”
“Huh? I never knew they did that.” I nodded.
“Yep. And you still wear those shades even in my time. Just….something to think about. But just thought you’d like to hear that I think you look domestic in real glasses.”
“Thanks (n/n).” he said with a smile as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.  After breakfast we left his room and carefully headed on over to the theater.
Turned out we were the second ones there next to Deacy and a couple of his roadies who were helping him set up his bass.
“Early start Deacy?” Roger called out.
“Sooner get ready just so that I can spare myself from you-know-who from his bitching.” Roger hummed in agreement.  As we got up to the stage I asked him.
“How’s Veronica and Robert?”
“They seem to be better. I sent her back home just so that she could get away from all this and just be with Robert.” He told me.
“I—I want to personally thank you (y/n) for saving my son from that—whatever it was. I know it sounds weird but ever since he was born I just…..fell in love with him. And if anything ever happened to him, I’d never forgive myself. So thank you (y/n).” he wrapped his arms around me and embraced me.
Wow a hug from Deacy, never did I think that would happen in a million years.  But man he does give pretty warm hugs.  Unlike Roger’s who gave some warm bear hugs, Deacy’s was like being wrapped in a warm blanket.  God was Veronica ever lucky to be hugged by this man every day for the past 44 years.
I embraced him back and leaned my head against his shoulder and said to him.
“You’re welcome Deacy.”  It was in that moment Brian came in and he said.
“Am I interrupting something?” Deacy and I separated from each other and Deacy said.
“No. I was just thanking (y/n) for what she did last night in saving my son.”
“Well I was only part of the rescue team. Had the Doctor not came when he did I—don’t want to think what would’ve happened.” I recalled back when that siren had my knife in it’s hand and stood over Robert’s crib poised and ready to stab the sleeping baby.
“Any idea when Fred’s coming Bri?” asked Roger.
“I passed him on my way over here. Said he was having a smoke break back at the hotel then he was gonna be over here.”
“Any particular reason why he didn’t come here for his smoke break?” questioned Deacy.
“You know Fred he just does his thing. For now I guess we could just run through some riffs. Would you like to be our private audience (y/n)?”
“Hey I’m your girl.” I said.  And with that the three Queen’s got set up and ready and they ran through some of their songs that didn’t really need Freddie.
Almost 2 hours later and Fred still hadn’t shown up yet.  While the guys were getting a little antsy about Fred’s tardiness, I on the other hand was growing concerned.  Surely he wouldn’t just blow off a performance like this.
“Does it really take 2 hours to smoke a cigarette?!” snapped Rog.
“Veronica giving birth was faster than Fred’s tardiness.” Deacy proclaimed.
“Okay nothing we needed to hear Deacy. But I agree where the hell is he? If Reid comes by and sees only the three of us, he’s gonna have a fit.”
“Alright boys let’s get this rehearsal under—where’s Freddie?” we looked up to see Prenter coming out from the backstage entrance and when he say that Freddie wasn’t around he grew annoyed.
“We don’t know Prenter.” Snapped Roger.
“Well find him. He’s the star of the show after all. And if he isn’t found in five minutes, I’ll see to it that Reid finds out about this personally!” his slimy Irish tongue rolled through his yellow teeth. He then gave me a nasty glare before turning back and going backstage.
“I’ll see if I can’t call the hotel. Maybe he went back into his room for whatever reason. Probably to try on other outfits for the show.” Brian said as he got up from the AMP he was sitting on and walked towards the back entrance where he knew some payphones were kept.
“He knew we had a rehearsal today. And Brian saw him just before he left. Where the fuck is he?!” Roger snapped.  I placed a hand to his arm trying to calm him down, but on the inside I was freaking out.  A few minutes later Brian came back and he said.
“The concierge said he saw Freddie leave shortly after his smoke break. Ordered a taxi cab and everything.”
“You don’t think he got into an accident do you?” Deacy asked worriedly.
“If he did, don’t you think we would’ve gotten a call from the ambulance or at least heard something by now?” Brian said. Oh please don’t let it be what I think it is.
“I mean they should.” At this point I couldn’t take it.  I quickly raced out of the theater and raced towards the TARDIS.
“Doctor!” I proclaimed as I opened the doors to the TARDIS.  He was already at the controls and I said. “Please tell me Freddie’s not…..”
“I’m running traces of him now, the TARDIS isn’t picking him up anywhere on Earth.”
“Oh god.” I collapsed to my knees. “Once. Just once, why does something bad have to happen? And why them!? What do they want?”
“Unfortunately I don’t know. But I think I did manage to find where these Rusalka’s are located.”
“Where?” I asked as I walked up and stood beside him.
“Beyond the reaches of space and time, a planet of desolation and death. Magna Graecia.”
“Magna Graecia.” I muttered.  It was then the doors to the TARDIS opened and there stood Brian, Roger and Deacy.
“(Y/n) do you have any idea what’s going on?” Brian asked me.  Now I was in a dilemma.  Do I tell the guys they’re being hunted by an alien force? Or do I just tell them to not worry and that Freddie would turn up soon (after the Doctor and I get him back that is).
“No lies (y/n). No more secrets, if Fred’s in any type of trouble we deserve to know. I know this has to do with last night right? Why you up so early this morning?” Roger said as he walked up to me and held my triceps with his hands.
Damn you Roger Taylor you know I can’t lie to those big blue eyes of yours!  I lowered my head shamefully and said.
“I’m sorry guys. I’m so sorry.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Deacy.
“We—might have an idea on what happened to Freddie Mercury, but you four are gonna have to sit down for this.” The Doctor explained gravely.  It was then the Doctor began to explain to them everything about the Rusalka zygons. I watched the guys’ expressions and they grew worried, scared or down right terrified.  By the end, Deacy said.
“And I thought we had to just worry about the critics ratting us out as the worst bad in the world.”
“Or crazed groupies and fans.” Added Brian.
“What exactly do they want with us?” asked Roger.
“That we don’t know. I’m sorry boys, but it’s not safe for you three to be out in the open.”
“What about the others? All those workers? Our families?” I knew Deacy was mostly worried because one Rusalka tried to kill his son, whose to say another one won’t try to do the same.
“We understand your concern John but—”
“But nothing Doctor! Have you ever had children before? Do you even know what it’s like when you imagine the worst possible scenario, especially when it’s already happened before!?” At that statement the Doctor’s face became grim and his eyes became piercingly cold.
“I do. In fact I’ve lived with it for far too long. So yes I get that you’re worried for your son’s and wife’s safety. But the second you walk out and try to find them, the bigger the target they become, all because of you.”
You could just feel the tension in the air. The Doctor never really liked talking about his past that much, sometimes it makes me wonder if he just chooses to forget on purpose and then choose to remember.  It was then Deacy folded and he said.
“I just don’t want anything to happen to them.”
“And nothing will John. I’ll have someone I know personally look after them and she’ll be damn well sure no harm will come to Veronica or Robert again.”
“So what do we do till then? I mean can you both defeat these Rusalkas?” asked Brian.
“Well the Doctor never likes dealing things with violence unlike me. And I can only do so much, plus we don’t know just who the scout is or what shape they’re taking.”
“Rusalka scouts are chosen by the Rusalka themselves and sometimes given extra strength to carry out the job, but they aren’t full Rusalkas. So at this point it’s like picking a poisoned needle in a haystack.”
“So that means picking the right scout would be one in 150,000.” Brian stated grimly.
“Afraid so.”
“So what can we do till then? I mean, if we’re pretty much walking targets do we just stay here and do nothing?” Roger said.
“For now yes.”
“And what about the concert?” asked Brian. “No one would believe us even if we told them.”
“Leave that to (y/n) and I. For now we’ll let you guys get what you need and get you three settled here in the TARDIS. (Y/n) will go along with you for protection, while I try to pinpoint Freddie’s exact location.” The guys nodded and soon the four of us left the TARDIS.
When we arrived at the theater, Brian asked me.
“Just what exactly do you got in mind?”
“Just wait and see.” We opened the doors and I came bursting in proclaimed. “OKAY EVERYONE CLEAR OUT OF HERE! CLEAR OUT! This building is under investigation! Everyone clear out!”
“Excuse me, who are you to tell us that?” John Reid, who finally decided to show himself for a change showed up.
“London FD. I was undercover to investigation this facility and it turns out there are high levels of Carbon Monoxide just radiating from this theater. Now then Mr. Reid, less you want all of these people to get even sicker than what you’ve probably put them through, I suggest you and everyone else clear out so that my superiors can do their job. Oh and I request that all of you don’t enter this building for at least three days.”
“We weren’t notified of this. And our CM detectors are working just fine.” He tried to reason.  I sighed heavily and pulled out from a Carbon monoxide detector.
“Not according to my detector. Which is actually a newer model and way more advance than the dinosaurs this building has.” The mini monitor (which was actually just an old broken, earthquake sensor) started vamping up and making that high pitched noise. “So if you please Mr. Reid. Clear the theater before you have a lawsuit on your hands.”  I knew he had been beaten because he had that defeated look in his eyes.
“Alright, the lot of you clear out!” soon all quickly filing out in a stampede were the volunteers and workers.  They were all clamoring amongst each other, pushing and shoving to try and get out of the theater.
“Whoa. Is that really a uhh—”
“No Roger, it’s just an old earthquake sensor I got in 2354 in the undersea city of New, New, New, New, New Orleans.”
“And just what type of paper ID is that, I thought it was blank.” Brian said.  I grinned and said.
“Gallifrey paper. The Doctor uses them all the time as ID’s and he had a spare one lying around so he gave it to me. I say what I want to be, and the paper shows the person I’m talking to an official license and registration. Legalized and everything.” I showed them my ID and said. “Chief detective (Y/n) (l/n) London PD.” And it was then I saw their eyes widen in awe as the license changed from what I had said earlier to a CD badge.
“Wow (y/n), you truly are full of surprises.” Roger said with a smile.
“The Doctor says it’s one of my best qualities. Okay now, I’m giving you guys one minute. Do you hear me one. Minute to grab only what you need and then meet me back here. I’ll stand guard of the back entrance to your dressing rooms, and if anyone tries to sneak back in. Then I think we may have our scout.” I said as we walked backstage and stood by the back entrance.
“You sure you can handle it?” Roger asked concerned.
“I’ll be fine Roger. I haven’t died yet, takes more than that to take down the Tigress. Now go, cause your one minute starts now.” The boys then raced down the gray corridors and I stood guard and timed my stopwatch.
*3rd Person POV*
Brian, Deacy and Roger arrived at their dressing room and they each grabbed something of importance to them.   Roger grabbed the keys to his car, his drumsticks, and his fur coat.  Brian grabbed his red special, a couple of books and a picture of his parents and of his girlfriend Chrissie.  John grabbed only a picture of Veronica and Robert.
“Really Bri the red special?” Roger asked.
“I don’t know if those Rusalkas can track down scents, I don’t want my mum and dad getting involved. And what about you with those car keys of yours, you know we didn’t drive here.”
“Hey! I don’t want anyone swiping my keys alright? I worked too hard for my Alfa Romero.” Roger snapped.
“Okay, okay you two stop bickering like children and let’s get going. Our minute is almost up.” Deacy butted in.  With no other words, they all raced down the hallways but Deacy stopped because he thought he heard someone call his name.
“John? John~.”
*My POV*
Seven, six, five, four, three, two. Oh thank god there they are and to think I…..wait where’s Deacy?
“Did we make it?” panted out Brian.
“Where’s Deacy?” I asked urgently ignoring his question. Roger and Brian looked behind them and saw that John was in fact missing.
“He was behind us a second ago.” Brian said.
“He even told us to hurry and get back here.” Roger added.
“Oh fuck.” I hissed I then ran off but I told the guys to get back to the TARDIS.
“But (y/n)……”
“NO BUTS ROGER TAYLOR! NOW GET YOUR ASS BACK TO THE TARDIS NOW OR ELSE!!!” I snarled at him as I briefly turned back and stared at him with my intimidating gaze that once sent shivers up even grown gang member’s spine.  
Hearing my voice sounding so threatening definitely took him by surprise as his eyes widened and he just stared at me fearfully while I turned back around and raced down the corridor.
I came to their dressing room and I saw there on the floor the Deacon family picture that John kept in his wallet.
“No Deacy.” I took the picture and placed it in my pocket and raced down the hallway jointed to the dressing room. “Deacy! Deacy where are you!? John Deacon you better respond back to me!” As it got darker and darker I had no choice but to take my phone out and turn on the flashlight.  Soon right in front of my just a few feet away was a ladder probably leading up to the catwalk.
I raced over and was forced to put my phone in my pocket and climb up the stairs almost blind.  As I climbed up slowly and carefully, it only got darker and darker till it was just pitch black.  Finally after what felt like an eternity of climbing, I finally reached the top.  But it turns out that I was actually on the roof.
“Oh shit.” I took out my phone and shined it through the long catwalk path that the roof thankfully had.  I slowly walked along until finally my light caught sight of a familiar brown boot and bell-bottom jeans.  I raised my light higher and there he was.  Lying on his back was Deacy. “Deacy!”
I raced over to him and pressed my fingers to his neck and I could still feel a pulse.  I sighed with relief but there was something else I noticed.  He wasn’t really unconscious cause his eyes were still open, in fact he—had this love-like dazed look across his face.
“Deacy. Deacy can you hear me? C’mon snap out of it bud.” I tried to shake him, slap his cheek lightly but nothing was working.
Then just like last night, I began to get that feeling again.  Like something was watching me.  But what also had me feeling on edge was that I could smell some sort of aroma.  It was sweet like nectar but—strangely familiar.
It wasn’t until I looked up to see literally leaning against the railing of the roof, Veronica.  However when my light shined right on her eyes, they transitioned to pure black and her teeth grew into canines.
“Oh f—” she then lunged right at me.  I grabbed John’s feet and dragged him away but the Veronica double ganger grabbed ahold of Deacy’s arms and began pulling. The two of us having a tug of war with the bass player, until the bitch decided to play dirt and literally leap right towards me.
Now you would think I would just go backwards right and we’d just stay on the catwalk, well you’re wrong.  Cause I thought I could manage to toss the Rusalka that was wearing Veronica’s body as it’s disguise off the roof, however she had a tight grip on my shoulders that I ended up falling down the roof with her. E might have possibly fallen 10-15 feet from the roof till we both ended up tangled in some old curtains that were fortunately underneath us and bundled up together to stop us from falling further down towards the ground.
The two of us struggling within the curtains with me trying to get out and the Rusalka trying to hunt me down and kill me. Her claws went straight through the curtains like scissors to paper.  Her haunting snarls and growls as she tried to pin me down and slaughter me, all while still wearing Veronica’s face.
With a final cut of the curtains, they began to rip underneath me and strangely by a string of continuous luck, I saw the catwalk just within my reach.  Using the momentum in my free falling, I managed to land on the catwalk with a loud thud.  I groaned in pain and tried to pull myself up, but my troubles were hardly over as the Veronica double-ganger landed just by my feet and tried to lunge for a kill strike.
Using my feet and holding her in a choke hold so she couldn’t get any closer, I managed to hold her off but she managed to scratch my cheek up real good with a single swipe of her claws.
“(Y/N)!” I gasped and that’s when the Rusalka also turned and eyed the left lustfully.  For that voice that called out to me was none other than Roger Taylor. Forgetting about me, the Rusalka got off of me and went to jump over the catwalk, but I tackled her and pinned her down.
“ROGER GET OUT OF HERE!” I cried out as I wrapped my arms around the Rusalka’s ribs trying to squeeze them as hard as I could and wrap my legs around hers so she couldn’t get up. “GET OUT!!! GO NOW!!” But the Rusalka managed to wriggle her way out and give me another scratch across the face sending me backwards allowing her to finally jump right off the catwalk.
No I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Why did Roger have to be so stubborn, why couldn’t he and Brian have just left and gone to the TARDIS like I told them to.  I pulled myself up and looked down only to see the Rusalka pacing around sniffing the air, there was no sign of Roger or Brian anywhere.  Then why did it sound like he was close, unless—suddenly the Rusalka jumped right back up towards the catwalk and with Veronica’s appearance she appeared to be a crazed, rabid animal.
The leopard-tiger like roars emitting definitely sent a sense of fear within my body.  I looked behind me and I saw a genie lift, I crawled towards it before finally finding my footing and rushed over and got onto the genie and quickly pressed the down button as well as ranked up the speed as high as it could go just so I could avoid getting attacked again.
The Veronica look alike soon jumped after me but suddenly a weight bag hit her gut sending her upwards and as soon as she reached the top and I hit the bottom, she was now tangled up in the ropes and pulleys.
“What were you doing napping?” Roger teased as he opened the gate and helped me stand up.
“How did…..”
“I was actually up in the technicians wing and spoke into the speaker microphone.”
“Then what was the weight bag and the…..”
“Galileo’s theory of gravity and weight. By tying that 30lbs weight back it had a greater acceleration than a lighter bag would. So I tied one end of the rope with the weight bag that was right by this genie and cut the last strand of rope just as the Rusalka would leap after you.” Brian explained as he and Roger helped me stand up.
“Did you find him?”
“He’s on the roof. We can get to him now that bitch face is tied up. Come on I need your help.” We raced to the back room. Just as I turned down the path, I was suddenly blindsided and all I saw was black.
And the faint voices of Brian and Roger calling out for me before nothing but silence rang out.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)! C’mon my tigress come on.” When I opened my eyes, there hovering over me was the Doctor.
“Doctor? Wha….what happened?”
“I came in to find you passed out along the corridor.”
“Where’s Roger and Brian? Did they get Deacy?” he looked at me sadly and didn’t respond.  I sat up and I demanded. “Doctor? How long was I out?” he didn’t respond right away I began to grow worried.
“You guys have been gone for an hour. And—I’m sorry (y/n) but they’re gone.” What?
“No. No. No! No! No! NOOOO!!!!” I sobbed as I thrashed around.  Why didn’t I pay more attention? How could I be so stupid you damn stupid bitch! Now because of you, they’re dead.  The greatest band in all of Rock history is dead because you were careless you damn bitch!
I felt the Doctor wrap his arms around me trying to get me to stop thrashing.  Pointless words of comfort and strokes of my hair meant nothing, all I could hear was my heart breaking and the last thing I heard of Queen were the sounds of them crying out my name.
After a while I just went numb and that’s when the Doctor said.
“It wasn’t your fault (y/n).”
“It’s always my fault. Everywhere I go I bring danger along with me. Some friends of mine from the gang, my nana, my parents, and now Queen. Why am I so destructive?” I numbly said.
“Don’t even try it Doctor.” I told him. “You’ve known all along. I’m reckless, as you’ve always said. And by being reckless I would be careless. And that’s exactly what’s happened.” He sighed heavily and said.
“Well then this might help you. I’ve found out where Freddie was taken, and just who the scout was.” I quickly looked up at him and demanded as I gripped the sides of his jacket.
“Who was it!?”
“I ran some DNA strands of hair I found in one of the volunteers dressing rooms and it came back positive with some Rusalka zygon DNA. But you’re not gonna like who it is.”
“Don’t sugarcoat it Doctor!”
“The DNA belonged to Paul Prenter.” At that point I saw nothing but red.  I stormed out of the theater and out into the cold London weather and as the Doctor trailed behind me calling out my name warningly.
“Where did he take them?”
“(Y/n) you’re not thinking straight—”
“WHERE DI HE TAKE THEM!?” I roared as I turned to face the Doctor.  He looked at me worriedly and he said.
“I need to know you’re not going to do something stupid. If you really want to save those boys, you’ve got to think clearly and have a plan.”
“I’ve got a plan. Attack and skin Prenter alive. Now tell me where he took them.” The Doctor was silent before he finally said.
“Their home planet.”
“Manga Graecia.” I muttered lowly with a slight nod of my head.  I turned back around and raced off towards the TARDIS.
“No! (Y/n) wait remember what I said!”
“The more time we waste here, the more time they have to be tortured and killed by those psychotic bitches! And I for one am not going to lie down while those boys endure that!”
“I get that you want to save them, but what good will it do if you just go in as you normally do knives or guns ablazing! This is why I don’t choose violence! Because I can’t stand by and watch as you get yourself killed!” I reached out and touched the doors and paused there for a moment taking in what the Doctor had just said.
I lowered my head and I said.
“Then what do you suggest then?”
“We can come up with a plan together, and we’ll save them together. You’ve done so much on your own already, and you bear the weight of your failures so much. Time for someone to finally help you. You’re not the only one who loves those boys (y/n).” he placed his hands on my shoulders and gently rubbed them.
“Okay.” I sighed.
“That’s my girl.” He then got in front of me and entered the TARDIS first. “Right now channeling the coordinates to Magna Graecia we can move right on as soon as we formulate a plan.” As the Doctor proceeded to ramble on, I silently picked up a 5/8th’s wrench and with the right amount of force to not kill him, I knocked him out over the head.
“I’m sorry Doctor, but I can’t wait another second.” I dropped the wrench and proceeded to drag him out of the TARDIS. I set him down on a nearby bench and went back to the TARDIS.  I activated her up and pressed the enter button for the coordinates to be punched in and I pulled the lever and soon she began to breathe that famed wheezing sound. “Hang on guys, I’m on my way.”
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chrisswearicho · 4 years
Fear (Chap 1/?)
AO3 to the first of the Valeyard series (It’s two chapters so not very long!)
Characters: Valeyard!13th Doctor, The Master (Dhawan), Yasmin Khan, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair, River Song.
Chapter 1
It wasn’t until the Master got back into his TARDIS that he finally had a moment to think about everything that had happened. He had his back pressed up against his doors, hearts racing from both fear and exertion and he was struggling to sort through the conflicting emotions at play within him. He was thrilled, how could he not be, a plan of his that involved the Doctor had finally come into fruition. And that was while surrounded on all sides by all the different versions of the Doctor and all her little friends. He’d won. Decisively. Of course, that didn’t mean much in the face of his victory leading the way for the Doctor embracing her dark side. He’d wanted that for the longest time. He’d wanted the two of them to be friends, to team up when overthrowing the universe. The same way the Doctor had wanted him to turn good and he’d tried. Really, he had. But it had backfired on him in the most spectacular way and so the Master was resolute that the Doctor needed to try things his way if it was ever going to happen. Now it was happening, he’d never factored in the possibility that they wouldn’t do it together.
‘Why would I want to work with a coward like you?’ the amusement she’d garnered at the mere prospect of working alongside him had stung.
He still wasn’t 100% sure if this was the Doctor or if she was, like she’d insisted, someone else entirely. For all he’d held the information of her true origins over her head, he didn’t know everything. Most of the information was lost. Maybe there was an ancient being living inside the Doctor’s head. Stranger things had happened in this universe. The Doctor had always had a darker edge to her, no matter how much she’d tried to protest it. Were those moments all the Doctor? Or could they have been this new version, this other being, shining through.
Just as he’d started to get caught up in the questions swirling about in his mind, he felt a jarring shudder as his ship was thrown suddenly off kilter. The force coming from outside the ship. It took him a few long seconds to realise that it was the force of Gallifrey as it was ripped apart by the death particle. He froze, finding it strange that he’d find grief in this considering almost all the death on its surface had come from him anyway. He probably had no right to grieve anything. But it was where he’d been born. The red grass fields where he’d played. It had been the starting place of he and the Doctor’s entwining history together. It was where he’d hoped to end it. Standing in front of her, nose level with her finger on the trigger of the detonator, glee in his hearts at this being how they went out. It had to be her choice. Now it had been, but it didn’t feel right. Wasn’t the same without her hesitating anger, the frustrated tears just barely starting to gather. Amused contempt wasn’t a look normally suited to the Doctor.
Her blasé destruction of their planet only gave credence to the ‘other being’ being the one in control of the Doctor’s body. He could think of no universe, no reason ever, that the Doctor would so callously press the button like that. She couldn’t even do it when he’d dragged her down as low as she could go. So, to do it now, just to spite him and get a rise out of him, seemed unimaginably cold for a being such as the Doctor.
And if they weren’t the Doctor, it begged the question, who were they?
The Master stepped towards his console, swallowing down the lump in his throat and reached for the monitor to take a look outside using the external scanners. His ship was still in the same place, protected by its shielding. The planet was in pieces. Chunks of rock and dust free floating in the space around him. He felt strangely empty over the fact that his home was gone. The grief was there, simmering away beneath the surface, but he couldn’t feel it. It would hit some time later when the shock wore off, he imagined.
The rage seeped through first. The glimmering hints of resentment over this being a victory taken from him. He wouldn’t have wanted his planet destroyed it if wasn’t proving his point. The Time Lords had been the problem, not the planet itself. His hands clenched around the metal at the edge of his console and he took in a few heavy breaths in through his nose, the noise coming out shaky as his jaw clenched. He pushed the monitor out of the way and rounded the console to begin the take-off procedure. He needed to put together a plan, pick up his contingency of CyberMaster’s that he’d hidden off world just in case of a situation exactly like this. If he was going to face down the Doctor, or whoever this was, he’d need an army, and he’d need to be smart about it.
He flew to Pazithi Gallifreya. One of Gallifrey’s two moons. The Time Lords had industrialised it for smelting purposes millennia back. It’s high concentration of taranium was mined to be used in temporal technology. It had been used in different iterations of TARDISs, in Time Scoops and a whole host of other Time Lord technology. The Master had commandeered it for his own usage shortly after killing off the rest of his people. He’d been searching for any stragglers, concerned that they may have already started back up mining operations, instead he’d found the perfect place for a secondary conversion chamber in one of the old mines. He landed his ship on the coppery coloured surface of the moon, near the entrance to the mine and made his way down, keeping his eyes peeled the whole time for any blondes in rainbow sweaters.
The walk down into the mines was eerily silent. Not that there should have been any noise, but he was still on edge, a million different plans on how to handle this situation running through his head. He’d kill her dead, but perhaps he should figure out who it was currently taking residence in the Doctor’s head. She was unpredictable like this. The Master knew the Doctor. He knew how she acted, he knew how she would feel about every situation, he knew the Doctor even better than the Doctor knew herself sometimes.
The mines, especially near the opening, were heavily reinforced to prevent cave ins. Also, he knew, housed a myriad of horrible devices and weapons that the Time Lords had had installed during the Time War. Even as Gallifrey had fallen back, calling all Time Lords back to the front to defend the planet itself, they hadn’t wanted the Daleks to get a hold of the mining operations. Luckily for them, their great enemies had been far more interested in ripping the planet apart and murdering all life than adventuring down into a system of tunnels beneath the surface of one of Gallifrey’s moons.
He kept going down until he could step into the still running conversion chambers and inspected over the collection of 50 or so CyberMasters who all stood to attention as he stepped into the room. It gave him a rush of power to have control over these creatures. Not just Cybermen but Time Lords too. He won. In the overall picture. He won. He beat the Cybermen. He beat the Time Lords. He beat the Doctor.
“We’re going on a trip.” He told his Cybermasters, clasping his hands behind his back, “up to the TARDIS.”
50 CyberMasters gave matching salutes in response to his order and then all spun and began marching out the room and up through the cavernous mines. The Master followed behind them, calmly watching them make their way up and it wasn’t until a familiar voice called out from further up in the mines.
“You really didn’t go far did you?” His hearts twinged in fear for a split second before he looked to the army of his CyberMasters and determination wrapped around his hearts like steel and he pointed up the mine shaft towards the blonde further up.
“Kill her!” His CyberMasters all launched into action, all of them moving into a more attack ready formation, their arms raising to point their weapons at her.
There was a moment where the Master genuinely thought he was going to win. That for all the talk from this new ‘not Doctor’, she was nowhere near as effective as the real Doctor and he would wipe out both once and for all in this one moment. His army of immortal CyberMasters advanced on her, growing ever closer and only thing that bothered him, and it was a minor thing really, was that she didn’t look all that worried. She watched the approaching Cybermen with a raised eyebrow and it was right as the one closest to her in front raised its arm so that its gun was pointed at her that it happened.
Four pillars raised in a square between the two of them, covering the Cybermasters and there was a sudden buzzing noise and a burst of blue energy that came forth over them and they went suddenly still. They gave a jarring shudder, and all came to a stop. There were matching groaning noises from each of them. The Not Doctor looked seconds away from just inspecting her nails out of sheer boredom. A following blast of energy, this time more red-tinted, came from the four pillars and his army simply collapsed like marionettes having their strings cut. His whole being seemed to slump in shock and confusion and the Not Doctor merely rolled her eyes with a grin, throwing her arms out wide as she yelled to him.
“Was that it? No offense here, but I was expecting a lot more! All those marvellous plans over the years and this is what you’ve got for me?”
“What did you do?” he asked once she’d trudged through the mud over to him. Stepping over the still bodies of his wasted creations as she came closer.  Frankly he was stumped for an explanation as to what had just happened.
“What? You don’t recognise it? I got the idea from a memory involving you. Or, at least, one you. That one seemed a little more pliable.” He took a second to realise what she was talking about but the fleeting memory of his almost execution back when he wore corsets came to mind.
“This technology is precisely calibrated. As you can see, it will stop both hearts, all three brain stems, and deliver a cellular shock wave that will permanently disable regenerative ability.” Rafando of the Executioners had been a man of a singular mindset, as Missy, the Master hadn’t given him or the rest of his little gang of neck choppers much thought. Her attention mostly turning to the Doctor when the eyebrow heavy version had been brought in to pull the plug on her. The machinery they used though was precise, one little nudge in its wiring, and it could be made to malfunction. This time it didn’t malfunction.
He’d implemented an army with the ability to regenerate and she’d simply cancelled it out with tech that was already there. Since she still had access to the Doctor’s memories, he’d have to be careful about what he did. She would know him as well as the Doctor had, and he had no clue who she was if she wasn’t the Doctor. An unknown entity.
“What they did to you, locking you away, I can help you make them pay.” He tried to do what he did best. Manipulating, offering everything and anything he could to get himself out of a situation, “after all you must have done. For them to just lock you away inside your own mind, it’s a wonder you’re so calm. I know I wouldn’t be.” She simply rolled her eyes at his attempt.
“You think that I was some hard done by hero, like the Doctor?” the Not Doctor’s tone was taunting as she smirked at him, “You think they wiped my memory because of something they’d done?” she laughed suddenly, throwing her head back as though that was the most hilarious thing she’d ever heard. The Master’s hearts dropped to his stomach; he’d already put this much together but having it confirmed made him swallow nervously.
“So… why was your mind wiped?”
“Well, they couldn’t kill me. There’s no limit on my ability to regenerate. They couldn’t keep me trapped. No prison could hold me. But then they figured out a way to stop me. Ingenious actually, I will give them that. They simply caught me long enough to erase me, or they thought they had.” She grinned, spreading her arms, “I took a gamble. Hid myself away, asleep in the depths of my mind. Until you came along. I still haven’t thanked you for that, have I?” The Master was silent for a moment, watching her as his mind raced, trying to come up with a question to follow and the face of a woman he’d seen whilst searching through the Doctor’s memories came to the forefront of his mind.
“You said you’re not the Doctor?” She raised an eyebrow at that, head tilting slightly as she looked to him like that was obvious.
“Why did you tell her you were?” her eyebrows furrowed for a second, clearly not understanding what he was asking until it clicked, and she just shrugged, figure suddenly a lot less amused looking, more forcefully blank.
“I was, once.” The Master’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion this time, her words not making any sense to him. She didn’t give him much of a chance to mull it over, because in the next second, she’d pulled a blaster of some kind from her pocket and fired it at him. He dodged, throwing himself to the ground before backing away on his hands.
“You still haven’t actually said thank you,” the Master told her quickly, now feeling rather desperate to keep her talking and stop her from advancing any closer.
“Thank you.” She told him, sounding actually rather sincere, “as thanks I would’ve killed you last, but,” she smirked, giving him a half-amused shrug, “it’s hardly my fault you killed every other Time Lord in existence.” She began advancing on him once more and he scrambled back and blurted out the first thing he could think of.
“But I’m not the only one left!” The Not Doctor paused mid stride and lifted an unimpressed eyebrow that told him just how little she believed him, but he just continued his explanation quickly, “check the Doctor’s memories. Back when she was old and grumpy with the eyebrows. The last time she was on Gallifrey before, she kicked out the High Council, dethroned Rassilon and had them all exiled. They’re all still out there.” At the mention of the former Lord President the Not Doctor’s face went eerily blank. Rage flittered near the surface for just a moment, with her clenching fists and twitching eye but she seemed to reign it in quicker than the Master ever would have been able to.
“Seems you’re right.” She took a step back, looking him up and down, “guess I’ll go pay a visit to those council members first. Rip out some throats. You took most of the fun out of destroying Gallifrey by leaving it to be done by the press of a button. Sometimes you want to get your hands dirty.”
“And Rassilon?” he asked as she started walking away from him.
“He’ll get what’s coming. But I want him to know it’s coming first. He and I will have a lot to discuss. He has a lot to answer for.”
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cwalshuk · 4 years
Doctor Who review - Ascension of the Cybermen & The Timeless Children
Spoilers! Obviously.
If you haven’t watched the ninth and tenth episodes of the 2020 series, then go watch them now. Seriously.
The first part of this two-part finale, does not work as a standalone episode. I’m not sure it really works if you haven't seen the previous episode, since the main villain first appears in The Haunting of Villa Diodati. And you can certainly argue that the cameo at the end makes no sense if you haven't been watching this series since the opening two-parter, Spyfall.
All that being said, Ascension of the Cybermen is a great episode. But it needs to be considered alongside its other half, The Timeless Children. So I will.
At the beginning of this two-parter, we get an ominous voiceover from Ashad, the part-converted Cyberman who terrorised the writers in the villa. He rightly dominates this episode, concentrating as it does on the tail-end of a Cyberwar on humanity. We are told that only seven humans are left, but we barely get introduced to them before their number decreases. That wasn't The Doctor’s plan, of course, having spent the time since the villa training the fam in the use of anti-Cyber tech. That it is all useless, destroyed by Cyberdrones, helps cement the Cybermen as foes worthy of a finale.
As the episode progresses, we follow Yaz, Graham and some of the survivors onboard an escape shuttle, with Ryan, The Doctor and the remaining survivors stranded in the war zone. We are also periodically shown the life of a man called Brendan, who grows up in 1940’s Ireland after being found as a baby. It isn't clear, even by the end of this episode, quite why we are popping back to see Brendan, which left plenty of material to speculate on during the week’s gap between episodes.
The Ascension of the title, it turns out, is Ashad’s plan for the Cybermen. We discover in The Timeless Children that he wishes to purge them, and the universe, of all organic material. That he uses religious imagery, and indeed emotes at all, is a clever twist on the Cybermen. Whilst the Daleks usually have no problems espousing their hideous ideology, the emotional inhibitor built into every Cyberman keeps their dialogue monotone, which risks tipping into robot tropes and becoming laughable. Classic series Cybermen were better at this, introducing various Cyber Leaders whose voices were, well, ‘Excellent!’.
The full mechanisation Ashad seeks is much further along in the real world than at the Cybermen’s first appearance - many of us walk around holding electronic brains, networked for purposes we barely understand, let alone have any control over. So if the idea of becoming androids holds less fear for us, we get the extra step of losing the last remnants of humanity left within the Cyber-casing.
That Jodie’s Doctor fears for her fam as vulnerable humans is particularly touching, given how many of her friends have been converted in recent series. Top of her mind, we can assume, being Bill, her companion before she regenerated from Peter Capaldi’s incarnation.
I was a little surprised to see Chris Chibnall’s era return to the Cybermen so quickly since their last appearance. But having had a Dalek appear after his first series in charge, and now the Master in this one, the show runner was always going to go for the last if the big three baddies at some point. Having said that, the speed with which he has had all three appear may have fuelled rumours that he was leaving the show - he's not.
Anyway, back to this two-parter.
Aboard the escape shuttle, Yaz and Graham try to keep spirits up amongst their group of survivors, and, as with those accompanying Ryan and The Doctor, we learn that these last humans are not soldiers by choice, being instead nurses, teachers, etc who have found ways to survive. The group comes into difficulty quickly, and make a desperate attempt to survive by boarding a Cybership.
Meanwhile, The Doctor and Ryan lose further survivors as they flee the Cyber forces, leaving them with just Ethan, a young man who knows little else but the war.
Both groups decide that their best hope for survival is a fabled ‘Boundary’, some sort of portal through which safety might be found. It is guarded by an old man called ????, who has seen many pass through, but stayed behind himself.
Between the shuttle group and this portal is Ashad, who boards the Cybership, forcibly converts some Cybermen to his cause, and begins to hunt the humans. They escape thanks to the skills they've picked up during the war, and Yaz and Graham’s encouragement.
They escape in Cybersuits, emptied, offscreen, of their converts remains, in time to stop the execution of Ethan. Thus reunited, ???? leads the humans and The Doctor to the Boundary, noting as he does, that it looks different this time.
Different, because Gallifrey is visible through it, in ruins.
And who should appear but The Master, ready to kidnap The Doctor!
Thus ends part one.
Part two, The Timeless Children, is understandably less enamoured with the Cyber plot, now that Sacha Dhawan’s here now. So, after a little light ribbing at Ashad’s preposterous plan, The Master miniaturises him.
That Ashad so readily shares details of his secret weapon - a death particle concealed in his chest - rather undermines the character’s build up, that his demise also shifts control of the Cybermen to the Master is perhaps a design flaw of this version of the villains.
The Cyberium works well in the villa episode, and helps explain how a part-converted Cyberman like Ashad keeps control in part one, but by the time it slithers into The Master, it is all but forgotten. I would be surprised if this new element of the Cyberlore gets another appearance in the show.
With the Cybermen dealt with, The Timeless Children can deal with some of the many story threads still left dangling.
The title one - who is the Timeless Child? - is the focus, but we are also treated to a return appearance of the Ruth Doctor from Fugitive of the Judoon, albeit from within Jodie’s Doctor’s mind.
Who or what Brendan is is almost glossed over, but makes enough sense, though I had hoped he was a new character in his own right.
According to The Master, who accidentally discovered the truth about the Timelords after destroying much of Gallifrey, the Timeless Child is a being of unknown origin, discovered as a child but then experimented upon by an early Gallifreyan. That the Child's only mother figure could be capable of subjecting them to such life threatening experimentation, simply to fuel her obsession, is frightening. Is it believable? Humanity experiments upon other animals in attempts to harness their secrets, and has experimented on humans it has first othered too. So it is not too much of a stretch to imagine a society like Gallifrey’s might seek to exploit something as extraordinary as the Child’s ability to regenerate. It could decide that it was necessary, even, given, say, the threat of war, or to be able to survive early time travel tests. It could find their actions shameful too, and decide to cover them up with a more palatable origin myth.
Before Doctor Who became a much more global property, the show often let viewers draw parallels between Gallifrey and the UK, particularly in terms of how power corrupts. As such, it is heartening to see further such parallels drawn in Chibnall’s era. The British Empire, and modern Brits’ varied reactions to its actions, have been part of the Brexit discussions, whether in ordinary households or amongst politicians. But Brexit still divides, so a filter is needed in order to get difficult ideas into our heads without too much damage. Science Fiction is great for this, so congratulations to Chibnall and the rest of the team for using it to do so.
With that in mind, the idea that the Brendan story is a filter for The Doctor, so that she is prepared for The Master’s last revelation, is genius. The Doctor is the Timeless Child. She is not a native Gallifreyan in the way she had believed, but a refugee, adopted, then co-opted, for the benefit of an elite. No wonder The Doctor is always running.
It is here that the Ruth Doctor appears, to console Jodie's Doctor that this new information need not discombobulate her, but strengthen her. With this, she can confront The Master, explain that he has not won, and leave him desperate to complete his next plan for domination.
He has used Cyber tech to convert deceased Timelords into a new deadlier race. They can survive even Cyber weapons, simply by regenerating within their casings. This is sickening, even for The Master, but The Doctor cannot bring herself to destroy him, and them. It is not her way.
Luckily, then that ???? reappears, ready to put right what went wrong when his resistance sent the Cyberium back to the villa in the first place. He will use the death particle, and destroy The Master and his new creations. The Doctor can flee again.
And too, probably, will The Master.
The Doctor, having already sent the last of humanity to modern day Earth in a random Tardis, uses another to jaunt back to hers.
The fam and the last survivors will want to know what happened, but how?
The Doctor, needing to process everything, does not immediately leave in her Tardis. Unfortunately, this moment of peace is disrupted by the Judoon, who swiftly imprison her.
Three ‘What?!’s later, the credits roll, and we are promised a return in Revolution of the Daleks. That should be fun!
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tardis-sapphics · 5 years
what about an angsty/ends in fluff fic based on your last reblog? yaz notices the doctor throwing "love" around constantly and it hurts a little more each time it isn't directed at her?
man i had so much fun writing this, what a way to start 2019!
also, there are some slightly spoilery little bits about doctor who: resolution so if you haven’t watched it yet, so if you haven’t watched it yet, please come back to read this after you’ve rectified that terrible situation.
as always, i am incapable of writing normal-length responses to prompts, so there’s the rest under the cut. enjoy!
She threw that word around a lot.
It was part of the magic that was innate to her. A bucketful of curiosity, a taste for danger, just a pinch of madness - and an endless amount of love. The Doctor’s hearts were so big, it was incredible that she could stand under the weight of them.
Every single day Yaz had known her, the Doctor had professed her love for something or other. It didn’t matter how big or small it was. From apple-bobbing to conspiracies, to her biscuits or Team TARDIS - everything was worthy in her eyes, everything needed to be commented on.
Maybe it did, for the Doctor. Slowly, Yaz, Graham and Ryan were completing the puzzle of the Doctor’s illustrious past - piece by piece, comment by comment. They were never going to find out everything, but what they knew so far was enough for Yaz to know of the heartbreak having two hearts full of love brought.
All of the friends the Doctor had made only to watch them fall. The collateral damage, the planets visited, the planets destroyed right in front of her eyes.  Everything turning to dust after its creation. Yaz couldn’t comprehend it all. Just to love everything again after all that seemed an act of defiance.
The Doctor couldn’t say it enough. It didn’t feel like a proper day with her if she didn’t celebrate her love, in all its forms. It didn’t feel like a proper day if the Doctor wasn’t almost overly excited about something, the little and the big. The universe just didn’t function right, somehow.
At the start, Yaz’s heart burst at every mention. The more they shared with each other, the more she could cherish. The Doctor’s magic would pass from her being into Yaz’s, it would fill up and she’d grow, every day stronger and better and more grateful.
The universe was more beautiful with love in it.
The universe was more beautiful with the Doctor in it.
It was when Yaz started to combine those sentences together that it became more and more bittersweet. Loving the Doctor was easy, Yaz knew. It was like loving energy itself. It didn’t even occur to her that she wouldn’t. But just because the act of it was easy, it didn’t mean the entire experience was. She loved the Doctor’s love, she always would, and she loved how it was seemingly endless…
It was just never directed at her.
That was all. She could live with it. It was nothing to cry about.
(Just didn’t feel like nothing, though.)
“Aw, I love this one!” the Doctor grinned as they stepped out of the TARDIS, off on yet another adventure. “The Leizich Gift, this place is called. The entire planet’s a conservation centre, bestowed as a present to the Skreun president from two very famous conservationists, the Leizich Sisters. Lovely people, once beat ‘em in an arm wrestling competition. Gertrude was surprisingly strong, but Geraldine was weak as anything. I was quite disappointed, really. D’you know, there are more animals roaming here than there are humans on Earth!” She turned back to her best friends, throwing her arms wide. “And I love ‘em all!”
Yaz’s smile was only half intact.
Fresh into 2019, and they were starting it off the right way. It was deserved, the Doctor had said, after that tussle with the Dalek. Instead of creepy farm buildings and governmental centres, they were being treated to nice, harmless creatures living their best lives.
“D’you think there’ll be a café?” Graham wondered as he finally stepped out of the police box. “If not, I brought tuna sandwiches, just in case.”
“Never liked tuna,” Ryan sniffed. “‘Sides, you’re gonna attract all the animals with ‘em.”
“Ain’t that what we want?”
His grandson paused. “Depends if they ‘ave fangs or not.”
The Doctor, a little bit further in front with Yaz, had turned around and watched this exchange. Then she tutted like an impatient mother, hands on her hips and all.
“I love those two to bits, but they aren’t half slow,” she complained to Yaz. She raised her voice to address the two men. “Come on, slow pokes! We’ve not even got our passes yet!”
So that was even Ryan and Graham, Yaz noted. The Doctor loved everyone. Everyone but her.
They’d landed in the tropical section of the planet. Rich in juicy red foliage and humming with humidity, it was a good deal different to Sheffield on New Year’s Day. Yaz’s outer clothes quickly became too much; both Ryan and Graham shucked off their jackets. Luckily, a lot of the path was overgrown with vines and other plants that had become skilled at tripping walkers up. They required a truck to travel through - so the group at least got to put their jackets on the truck bed while they peered at the thick trees.
After almost every bend, the Doctor pointed out a new animal, rattling off a new fact at lightning speed. She never missed a trick. Most of the creatures were never seen by the others, but they sounded fascinating enough, and Yaz was determined to let herself enjoy the trip.
It was also a nice distraction from noticing just how close the Doctor was while they were crouched on the back of a truck. Plenty of space on the truck bed and she’d chosen to snuggle up right next to Yaz, even resting one of her legs on top of the other woman’s.
(Yaz could smell peppermint and engine oil, and just a hint of nutmeg.)
The Doctor almost jumped out of her seat, suddenly. “Oh!” she cried with joy, flinging up an arm and pointing at something in the distance. She moved it to counteract the trajectory of the truck. “A flotto! Aw, mate, I love a good flotto! Just there, in between those burgundy branches, look.”
Everyone followed the direction of her finger to find a rather fat, round creature, lazily taking in the day’s heat. From what Yaz could make out in the few seconds she’d seen it, a flotto was like a hippo with a thick snake’s head, and it was covered in glistening black scales. Scary looking thing, Yaz thought. Almost like a dragon.
It caught sight of them and sniffed, curious. Graham shifted nervously, looking down at his pockets stuffed with sandwiches. But apparently tuna wasn’t on its menu for today, and neither were three tasty humans and an alien from outer space. Thank goodness. It just shuffled deeper into the trees instead.
The Doctor seemed to read her thoughts. “Y’see, it looks terrifying,” she explained. Now they had spotted it, she let her hand accompany its partner in a crazy dance, a constant product of the Doctor’s need to physically express herself. “Their fangs are some of the largest on this entire planet. They’ve been made into mythological creatures a thousand times over across this galaxy and hunted extensively ‘cause of it. But actually, they’re completely harmless. Wouldn’t hurt a fly. Evolution’s just like that sometimes.” The Doctor sighed happily. “Ah, I love ‘em. Nearly accidentally bought one off a black market just a couple of planets over. Complete misunderstanding, that language was a new one to me.”
The truck charged on, and they lost sight of the creature. The Doctor retrieved her arm and, seemingly without a thought, flung it over Yaz’s shoulder.
Yaz was left to calm her heart rate while the Doctor smiled and closed her eyes, basking in the heat and the calm of the day.
Hours later and the white sun was still high in the sky. Yaz was sweating buckets now, even with her jacket tied around her waist, and she wasn’t the only one. Even the Doctor had had to take her coat off. Neither did it help that they’d left the truck behind, electing to continue their journey on foot. Yaz didn’t know when they were going to stop walking and head back to the TARDIS, but she wasn’t enjoying the prospect of the return trip. She had no idea how long that was going to take.
Yaz was walking alongside the Doctor. It was just the two of them, and this was how it usually was. Ryan and Graham brought up the rear, taking in the sights at their own pace and having their family chats, while Yaz tried to soak up as much one-on-one time with Doctor as possible. Plus, any exercise she lost out on by not sticking to her workout regime was duly recovered just from trying to keep up with the Doctor’s quick pace.
Yaz lived for these moments. It was nice to see the Doctor relax, to be content with their surroundings and just let herself enjoy it. No people to see, no planets to save. They could joke together, talk through past adventures, listen to each other’s worries. When Yaz was in the deep end of her despair over her unrequited affection, these were the memories that made her feel better again. No matter what the Doctor felt for her, they at least bonded well.
But Yaz was quieter today, and the Doctor was evidently too excited to notice, throwing stories out like she needed them to live.
So perhaps it was a defence mechanism, Yaz deduced, after seeing a Dalek again. Go off and pretend it didn’t affect you, until you have the space to deal with it. She recognised it well; it was part of her job, after all. The standoff with the Dalek had been quite the scare, and they’d all been shaken by it, especially Ryan, but it was over now, and by and large they’d all recovered. Still, none of the humans had had any previous run-ins with the alien, no bad blood. Of course it was going to take the Doctor a little bit longer to process.
Still, in her hurt, it didn’t help to see the Doctor so oblivious, even more so than usual.
Or so Yaz thought. Distracted as she was by her miserable internal monologue, she barely noticed the other woman’s free hand slipping into hers. It was only with a quick squeeze that it was brought to her attention.
Yaz jolted, entirely unprepared. The Time Lord often held her hand but it was usually to hurry the team along. And it definitely wasn’t with interlocked fingers, either.
It was far too nice.
“You’re quiet, Yaz,” the Time Lord remarked. “Anything you want to talk about?”
You, was Yaz’s first thought. But that came across as a little too… heavy.
If she was honest, she wasn’t even sure she wanted to voice these fears, afraid she’d say too much. Her worst nightmare would be to feel the Doctor distance herself from Yaz, to create space between them when she only wanted to be closer.
But she was here in the first place, travelling with the Doctor, because she’d wanted to do more, to be more. Because she’d had the guts to invite herself on board. She couldn’t say no, not now; she couldn’t stop herself. This was who she was.
Diving headfirst into it even if it killed her.
“You always say you love things,” Yaz started, looking down to avoid the Doctor’s gaze, “pretty much every day. It’s lovely, Doctor, but…” She held out her hand to push away a giant red leaf in their way. “Why’ve you never said it about me?”
The Doctor watched her, puzzled. Her movement through the rainforest floor was effortless, even deep in thought, and Yaz envied her.
“I swear I have,” the Doctor responded.
“Never,” Yaz nodded. She took in a deep breath. “Trust me. I wouldn’t’ve forgotten.”
She finally caught the Doctor’s eye - and she had to subdue a gasp at the sorrow that resided in them. It was like the Doctor’s hearts had broken open.
“Yasmin Khan,” the Doctor announced, and they stopped right there, almost covered by more humongous scarlet foliage. The Doctor hung her coat on a branch near her and turned to face Yaz. She now made sure to hold both of Yaz’s hand, and brought them together to cradle like they were a precious stone, worth more than her weight in gold.  “Yasmin Khan, don’t ever think I don’t love you. I’m stupid to have not said it to you already. Fact is, I do love you. Very much, as it happens, which makes me an idiot for having forgotten to tell you!”
Okay, this was definitely more of an announcement than Yaz had been expecting. She was unsteady under the weight of the Doctor’s sincerity, a light ablaze in the Time Lord’s eyes.
All she could do was keep watching, mouth half-open, half-unbelieving. But there was a little part of her, daring to believe it.
“I’d certainly thought about telling you,” the Doctor continued. “I tell you all the time, in my head. Whenever you speak my language, or do something clever - which is all the time - or whenever you smile - ‘cause it’s the loveliest sight, Yaz, I swear - or whenever you look out for someone…” She huffed. “I’m getting distracted. Yasmin Khan, I couldn’t not love you if I tried.”
“In what way?” Yaz asked, before she could stop herself.
For goodness’ sake, Yaz, she chastised herself immediately, just take it. Just take it. She’d got what she wanted.
She was too busy mentally kicking herself to notice the Doctor’s blink of surprise.
“Oh, um…”
“As in,” Yaz continued, despite her embarrassment. This was going to haunt her for as long as she’d live. “You don’t love me the way you love custard creams, right?”
The Doctor laughed. “My love for custard creams is very special and unique,” she joked. Her eyes dropped lower, though - still on Yaz, but this time on her lips, on her body, and back up to her eyes again. “But no. It’s more than just that. It’s very much… more.”
The tiniest little gasp escaped from Yaz.
Well. That was… that was something.
“That’s a relief,” she breathed.
Their moment to just watch each other, euphoric, lasted for a second - enormously long under the weight of their confessions yet over all too quickly. Ryan and Graham had finally caught up, and their loud stomping through the trees and plants was preceding them.
“And I love you in a much different way to those two,” the Doctor added, “just in case any more clarification was needed.” She finally turned her head towards the sound of her other friends. “They couldn’t be quieter, could they? They’re scaring all the animals off.”
However, nothing could prepare them for the sight they were greeted with when Graham and Ryan finally came into view. Two creatures with bright violet fur, otter-like in appearance but monkey-like in nature, were sitting quite contentedly on the shoulders of the two men, their long arms lounging gracefully on the humans’ heads. Ryan looked extraordinarily pleased with himself, while Graham looked a little miffed that his creature had stolen one of his tuna sandwiches.
The Doctor’s face lit up even more. “Kakas! I love kakas!” the Doctor exclaimed. She stopped herself suddenly, a pleased smile taking over. “Not as much as I love Yasmin Khan, though.”
Yaz grinned at her. She was glowing, reassured and floored by the Doctor’s confession. Nothing was better than watching the Doctor smile at her, distracted by her once again, feeling her pull Yaz in, invite her closer.
Yaz was on cloud nine. With the way she was looking at Yaz, she knew the Doctor was too.
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untemperedwolf · 5 years
5 Headcanons Meme
So here are the rules; if you’re tagged, you list 5 headcanons that you’ll never budge on, and tag 5 other people to do the same.
I was tagged by @gingerteaonthetardis , thank you!
I'm tagging, with no obligation: @homeisabluebox , @gallifreyan-wakandan , @timelords-wizards-winchesters , @rosetylerlesbian , @pipertennant
Sorry if any of you have already done this!!
1: Bad Wolf changed Rose. What these changes are and how they changed her depends on what version of canon am I entertaining in my head (my canon or my edited but recognisable to show canon canon) but largely the basis of it remains the same, as in it enhances stuff like healing, strength, agility, general health, increased lifespan ect. Everything just runs all that bit faster. It also meant Rose's mind was more malleable to telepathy. Her biology is essentially changed, but to what degrees I vary on. And, of course, meant her and the tardis had a very unique bond.
2: Rose and the Doctor continue travelling together for the rest of time. This is my main headcanon, alongside the bad wolf one, since they go together. Bad Wolf changed Rose, she is able to live longer and match the Doctor's lifespan and they're just living the best life together. This is my version of canon, the canon I like to play out very much in my mind and the one I make headcanons and whatnot for. In this version of events, I have it that tentoo was never created (how JE is then in my head is never quite defined) because tentoo gives me closure and gives rose and the doctor and beautiful canonical happy ending and it doesn't feel right saying he existed and rose lived out his life with him before he died and she went back to the prime universe. It never feels right for tentoo, never feels fair to him to be, in my mind, reduced to a placemat. so in my version of canon, he never exists. (In actual canon my hc is that tentoo and rose lives a long and happy life together. Because obviously).
3: Rose and the Doctor was together before Doomday. They were a couple, defined and knew where they stood with one another, and they had been sexually intimate. It's just how I view their body language, and how they act and how I view their characters. I can't really see it any other way, although I know others do. It wasn't perfect by any means, and off screen I think it took until the later half of the series for them to have worked out most of the kinks and knew exactly where they stood with each other, but they were together.
4: following on from that, the Doctor and Rose are soulmates. They're each other's true loves. Not one true love, because that implies the loves they have before is nothing and I don't like that but they love each other more than they've ever loved anyone.
5: Rose needed to go through doomday and being separated from the Doctor. I love entertaining the idea of what if Rose was in series 3? How would that change things? I love what ifs, however this is one of my biggest headcanons. That when bad wolf looked out to all of time and selected the timeline that is best for Rose, what put her down the path that is best for her wants, Doomsday was something that was deemed has to happen. Rose grows up a lot post Doomsday to JE, we can see that. She's older, for one, which is the first reason she's grown up. But she needed that time away from the doctor, to find out who she was now. She needs time to go through the world without the doctor by her side, I think. Not because they don't work without it, but I think to make her more assured in herself outside having the doctor there. We see she gains a lot of self confidence in her time as the companion, but there's always that safety, I think, in her mind, that the Doctor's there. And I think she needs to see she can be strong even when he's really not there. And she goes through stuff on her journey away from him, and I think it just helps solidify her mind's view and how she is.
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ghostboyconceps · 7 years
Fic, Clockwork
I haven’t been putting out much Danny Phantom fanfiction lately, what with the most stressful semester of my life coming to a close, but now I’m on vacation and get to do some writing. Woo!
Anyways, @danny-phangirl reached out to me with an absolutely amazing idea and requested that I write a fic for it. It was an amazing idea and I couldn’t say no.
The basic boiled down idea is this: This is a Danny Phantom/Doctor Who crossover and gives Clockwork a backstory. I really hope you enjoy reading this nearly as much as I did writing it. Story under the cut. 1,645 words. There is a death scene.
“Clockwork, can I ask you something personal?”
“Danny, at this point I doubt anything you ask would bother me,”
“Were you created as a ghost or like, did you die? I get if it’s too personal I’m just kinda curious,”
All of time and space. Right at his fingertips. This was madness. This was chaos. He didn’t dabble in chaos, but something had to be stopped. Something had to be done. Something was coming. Where and when he did not know, but time had to be preserved.
He pulled the switch. The fresh TARDIS jumped and leaped.
“There we go, girl. There we go. Let’s find the light,” Clockwork said, patting the console.
The doctor pounded the console.
“Oh, doctor what is it now?” Jamie asked. “Can’t we go one day without a problem?”
“It would appear not, Jamie,” the doctor said, rubbing his chin. “I’m going to have to make a landing,”
A familiar horrible grinding noise came from the center console. They checked the monitor.
“Now doctor, where is that?” Jamie asked, looking at the tiny screen mounted on the ceiling.
“Well, let me see. It would appear to be Earth, North America, possibly the early twenty first century,”
A knock came on the TARDIS door. The doctor hesitantly flipped the switch and the white doors flew open.
A middle aged man with short brown hair about the same average size as the bowl haired time lord dressed in a casual business suit walked in.“I would know that horrible noise anywhere. Now which face is this?”
“Clockwork! Now this is a surprise! Oh, it is good to see you!” the doctor cried, shaking the man’s hand.
They ended up sitting in the grass outside in the generic American public park, just talking for once. Nothing of importance seemed to be happening. Jamie, being the easily bored human he was, walked around the park.
“What brings you here?” the doctor asked of his friend.
“Oh, same as always. Looking for the light. Trying to stop the time-stream from changing. Though I don’t suppose I have to ask what brings you anywhere,”
The doctor smiled. “So, is there anything unusual about this place?”
Clockwork smiled. “Just tales of floating green people and ghosts, but I’m going to have to ask you to not intervene,”
“Oh, I’ll just come back later,”
“You probably will,”
So many years passed. How did any of them keep track of how old they were? Sometimes he wondered why the doctor counted his own age in Earth years. There weren’t many other rouge time lords out there. The master was the madman. The Rani was the scientist. The doctor, the rule breaker.
Clockwork was the searcher. The observer.
He traveled through countless planets and times, never intervening, obsessively searching for the time he had to. The time he saw in the tear. He had a vision when he looked into the schism. He knew it to be true. It had to be true. It was so incredibly real. He could stop it. It didn’t have to be a fixed point in time if he moved quickly enough. He had to find it.
He grew old looking. He regenerated. He got caught in the crossfire in a human war. He regenerated. He was suffocated by poisonous gas by some kind of crab person. He regenerated.
He found the master. Old and jaded with a young face.
“Whatever you’re doing you need to stop it,” he said.
“Aren’t you the one that doesn’t intervene?”
“Not when there is a paradox machine involved. Not when a TARDIS is being cannibalized,”
“You haven’t had it yet have you? Go on, Clockwork. Go find the light. See if you can stop me,”
For once Clockwork listened to the madman’s suggestion. He ran.
He was tricked. He made it back to his TARDIS. Human beings truly were puzzling creatures. As he regenerated he began to realize why the other runaways seemed to fascinated with them.
The doctor’s redheaded human was sleeping in the back. Clockwork ran his hand along the console of the old beat up TARDIS.
“So,” the doctor said, “You’re ginger now. That’s quite a development,”
Clockwork watched the man in the cricket gear twiddle with wires.
“And you’re blonde now. I thought you said you’d never go that way. You look a lot younger now,”
“Well, I figured it was time for a change. No more middle aged bones, try a new hair color, and wear some lighter clothes, you know how it goes,”
Clockwork ran his hand through his new hair and fixed his jacket. “Yes, I suppose you are right,”
“So tell me, what is it like? I have always wondered and no one ever explains anything properly in school, now do they?”
“I’m still getting used to it, honestly. I can see almost anything I want, but the light is still hidden from me doctor. There is something coming. Something that affects both of us. And frankly, I think you meeting other versions of yourself is not helping one bit,”
“You sound so much angrier with an American accent. And you know that was hardly my fault. Aha! There we go. Well, I must be off. Always a wonderful time seeing you,”
“Yeah, I guess it is,”
Every day blended into the next. There was a storm brewing. He could see so much. The light eluded him. When had his hair gone grey again? How many worlds and times had he been to and which ones had he just looked for?
It was time for constancy. It was time to go back home.
He was welcomed back without question. He regenerated as a redhead again and everyone held him in high esteem. The council called him a hero and asked him for advice.
Then war began brewing.
Young Gallifreyans died alongside old ones. They were shot down by ruthless killing machines that felt nothing but hate and knew nothing but war. Clockwork felt the light was coming. The time was coming to intervene.
The doctor himself joined the fray. The master returned home, and the Rani began using her experiments for the war. All of the rouge time lords returned home, and they came to fight.
The man who had never intervened but only watched became capable of more than he had ever thought or dared to imagine. He learned to shoot. He learned to fly a warship. He learned to fight alongside his comrades. The one who had observed time became a soldier.
He searched through time in his mind at every moment, looking for the light, looking for it. It was coming. He knew it, but he was too afraid to alter time to stop it.
The master and the doctor manipulated time like a tool. Clockwork still refused to do this. There were some things that needed to be stopped, but time had rules.
The doctor fought alongside his all-knowing friend in countless battles. In his final moments, it was obvious that the doctor should have been stopped, but in the moment, in every moment, the rules were sacred.
He forgot to cut his long scraggly red hair and began wearing it back. He learned to not feel when he shot. The doctor claimed he would never go by that name anymore, but clockwork knew better.
He was shot once and blasted a troop of daleks with his regeneration fire. He came back taller. Meaner. Stronger. He still let his hair grow long in his frantic new lifestyle and continued fighting.
The doctor stopped talking to him. He began doing more dangerous things.
Arcadia has fallen.
The council calls the heroes to themselves and ask for advice. Clockwork looks. He stops in his tracks.
The moment.
He tears from the war room, grabbing his gun as he goes.
Stupid, stupid time lord. Stupid. You could have stopped this. You needed to intervene. A TARDIS. Get to a TARDIS. This doesn’t have to become a fixed moment. Run you idiot. RUN!
He stumbled over his own feet, blasting daleks as he ran, not bothering to help the innocent families that yelled for help. They wouldn’t question a red haired time lord’s motives. They knew everything after all.
Everything apparently, except this.
His red sweaty hair became untied as he ran. He had to get there. He could stop the doctor. He could save the time-stream. Gallefrey didn’t have to die. It didn’t have to be trapped. His best friend didn’t have to stay alone. Surely death was better than living in that kind of grief and loneliness.
The clairvoyant time lord didn’t think about or notice the peice of scrap metal jutting out of the dead dalek he was running past.
He fell, dropping his gun in shock. A green surge of electricity and plasma hit his left eye. Who shot it? Panicked ally or hate infused foe? There was no knowing, and it didn’t matter anymore.
Clockwork struggled to breathe and lay wheezing on the ground clutching his left eye. He wasn’t regenerating. Why wasn’t he regenerating? The beam was affecting his central nervous system. Movement became nearly impossible. His lungs struggled to work. Why wasn’t he regenerating?
Wait. How many times had he regenerated? He had lost count. Had he really just thrown away the final one?
You just watched. You just observed, waiting for the right time. Why didn’t you break the rules? Stupid time lord. Stupid red head. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The last thing he saw was that light. The light of the doctors.
“I think, Danny, that I died, though who or what I was, I cannot remember. No, I cannot remember,”
“Well that sucks,”
A flash went through his mind. He smiled through his confusion.
“Yes, yes it does. I do remember a light though. I’m not sure what else to tell you,”
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tardis-sapphics · 5 years
mistletoemistletoemistletoemistletoE but in all seriousness............... what about christmas gift exchange (THEN mistletoe)
i did it!!! before christmas ends!!!! yes!!!! this was a fab prompt, thanks pal.
also here’s the translator i used for this fic, if you want a visualisation.
merry christmas, happy hanukkah, and happy holidays to you all! i hope your day has been filled with love and joy (and if not, i’m more than happy to shower you in it myself)!
What do you get for the woman who wants for nothing?
This is Graham’s problem, currently. By finding the Doctor, he lost Grace but gained a family – and he loves travelling with them, it’s great, it’s fun, but it means he has to buy more presents for people he doesn’t know as well. Grace was so much easier to buy for. Not to mention she would’ve known exactly what to buy, and where.
(And. Well. That’s a reflection for another time.)
The others are easy to find gifts for. Graham bought Ryan’s and Yaz’s presents back in November. (Or was it forward into November?) But the Doctor… Doc is proving the most difficult one. Again.
Seriously, what do you get a 2000 year old alien? Another time-travelling box?
Christ alive, humans are so much easier to buy for.
He confides in the two youngest of the team about his gift-giving woes. He doesn’t have to be secretive – the Doctor’s off “quarking a micropoint bi-axial rotor” that had “gone a bit wobbly”, whatever the bleeding hell that means. It’s just the three of them around the console, the TARDIS’ gentle thrumming to offer sympathies at their brain-wracking.
But neither of them are any good.
It’s alright for some. Yaz has got the Doctor a present, already. Of course she found something. More often than not those two are joined at the hip, and Graham’s long suspected that something between them needs to be addressed.
And Christmas is tomorrow. (Tomorrow being no more than a construct at this point. Graham can’t remember the last time he saw the Earth at night. Oh, blimey, that’s a lot to think about.)
“Even you, Yaz?” he sighs, after a third round of hypothesising fizzles away into nothing. “You’ve got her something. Surely you have ideas, still?!”
Yaz shakes her head. “Only ‘cause the Doctor asked me to get it for her. She doesn’t have money and she gets too distracted if she goes into Earth shops. I’m sorry, Graham, you’ll have to ask her.”
In all honesty, he’s starting to feel a little bit betrayed by his luck.
Doc chooses this time to wander into the console room, heavy duty welding glasses over her eyes and a nasty pair of pliers in her hands.
“Yaz! I think I left the electromagnetic wave shifter pump by you, can you pass it over?”
Sure enough, there’s some sort of mechanical invention close to the police officer, hanging by a hook on the console. Yaz is immediately on the case - she grabs it from its resting place and zips over to the Doctor as if she was magnetised to the Time Lord. The Doctor watches her the entire time, her mouth turned up just slightly in expectation.
“They’re so not subtle,” Ryan sighs, a playful smile on his face. The noise diverts his attention for a second, but Graham turns his head back again and finds his grandson isn’t wrong at all.
Yaz gently pulls the welding glasses up onto the Doc’s forehead, sharing a quiet conversation and a giggle. Something deeply joyful has blossomed on the blonde woman’s face, wondrous and overwhelming. Her smile grows exponentially when Yaz gives her a kiss on the cheek, placing the pump into the Doctor’s free hand.
It’s a perfect image of the two of them, Graham thinks. But then he stops himself. No, it’s almost perfect. ‘Course, it’s Christmas; it’s a moment that deserves falling snow and mistletoe! Nothing less for the two women that deserve it most.
And, ooh, hey, that’s a good idea. That’s a good one an’ all.
Doc moves to disappear not long after - but not before watching Yasmin hop back over to Graham and Ryan. She always watches them go, Graham’s noticed, like she’s thankful for every second she’s able to see her. God knows she’s loved and lost more than anyone here, hundreds of times over if not more.
She does it for Graham and Ryan, she’s always watching out for them, but there’s a wistful edge to her loving gaze when she looks at Yaz.
Seems the woman does want for something after all. Luckily, Graham’s got just the idea for her.
He catches sight of her fluttering coattails. “Hey, Doc, can we make a quick stop at a Tesco?”
Ryan looks like he’s just been struck like lightning. “Wait, wait, make that IKEA!”
Christmas isn’t feeling like it should.
He can’t help but feel out of sorts today. Like he’s been dropped into an alternate universe, but instead of that Solitary thing trying to tempt them to stay or whatever that… thing was called, he’s just been left without Grace.
He doesn’t know if that’s worse. He’s picturing it all, when everything was right, as he moves through Christmas morning. He should be in the kitchen, he thinks, with her, as they cook a turkey for the two of them. Their Christmas dinner is mournful and it’s too quiet without her cracking jokes. They’ve got Michael Bublé playing but he should be hearing her singing; he should be hearing her soul jumping out every time she opens her mouth to croon along.
She’s walking past in the corner of her eye but he’s expecting her to be sat down in the living room every time he enters and she’s not.
This is the worst he’s been in a while, he knows. Grief’s a monster he wishes he wasn’t personally acquainted with, and it really bites the most when you should be celebrating with family.
Christmas is lonely without her. Life is lonely without Grace.
Despite all that, despite the heaviness crushing his chest and the smile he can see never quite reaching Ryan’s eyes, he’s still glad he’s here. He’s glad he’s continuing with Christmas even if part of him just wants to go to bed and do away with the whole bleeding holiday.
Because Doc and Yaz have joined them for the afternoon, and it means the world to both of the men.
Neither of the girls are tiptoeing around the subject, but they’re not making it their priority either. They’re just existing alongside their friends; pulling crackers; asking questions and finding out about each other’s traditions. What do Ryan and Graham usually do at Christmas? What was the best Christmas present they ever got each other? What was Grace’s favourite thing to do? He answers best he can, trying his hardest to make light of it all.
And it works. Conversation quickly dissolves into Yaz and Ryan having a food fight with the Quality Street sweets so the Doctor, lying horizontally on the lounge chair with her legs dangling over the side, launches into telling Graham about the time she almost got Oliver Cromwell to reinstate Christmas during his rule. It’s about as close to ‘tradition’ as Doc gets - keeping in with the rest of the year. Adventuring and trying to help however she can.
But now it’s his turn to help the Doctor, this Christmas, and he’s a little anxious about it.
He and Ryan have already opened their presents to each other. The scarf Ryan got him is pretty decent quality, he’s surprised - and Ryan’s already buzzing about his Red Red Exemption 2 game. If that’s what it’s called. But with the Doctor and Yaz here, the gift exchange can continue. When Doc finally finishes her story, he beckons everyone together and collects the remaining gifts from under the tinsel-drowned tree.
“Ooh! The gifts! I forgot about the gifts!” the Doctor grins, jumping up in her seat giddily.
Graham just hopes his gift can live up to her excitement.
For sake of the presents’ safety, Yaz has been the one to transport her and the Doc’s presents in her bag; after she adds to the pile, they all dive in. There’s no organisation, no rhyme, no reason. It’s every person for themselves. Ryan and the Doctor tear into the carefully wrapped gifts with gleeful abandon. Graham and Yaz share a look and laugh.
Ryan sighs in relief when he unwraps the Apple Airpods Yaz got him - his broke the day earlier. Graham is touched, frankly, by Yaz’s frog doorstop, another bit of Grace he can keep for himself. Yaz is already leafing through the baking recipe book Graham got her, but her eyes keep flickering over to the Cards Against Humanity set she received from Ryan. Meanwhile, the Doctor is delighted by Ryan’s toothbrush holder (Yaz seems to have an uncomfortable memory springing to the surface; Graham thinks it best not to ask). She’s holding the ABBA Gold CD from Yaz close to her chest, too. Poor TARDIS, Graham thinks, forced to play that again and again.
She hands out her presents to the rest of the team herself. They’re all small, and, as they unwrap them at the same time, the same idea. A pendant - “lovingly crafted from Sheffield steel,” the Doctor grins - with a Gallifreyan word stamped in.
“What’ve I got?” Ryan wonders, his mouth full of a toffee fudge stick as he squints at the foreign circles. It’s made up of little circles and semi-circles, a satisfying little pattern.
“Trailblazer,” Doc answers, and her smile is an answer to Ryan’s proud little beam. “You’re amazing, Ryan! And we wouldn’t even be a fam without you.”
Graham’s Gallifreyan word is more simple, like a moon and a sunbeam on opposite sides of the circle. “And me?” He takes his turn.
“Reason.” It’s pointed - a reminder, Graham realises, of how he close he was to straying from his de facto role in that heart-stopping face-off on Ranskoor av Kolos. And in that way he’s even more grateful for it. “You’ve been the voice of it more times than I can count. Sometimes we need grounding.”
Yaz takes in every detail of the meticulously carved metal of her necklace. Hers is like a sun on its side, a great cone of light emanating across the middle.
“Let me guess, mine says ‘stubborn’,” she quips, and they all laugh.
“Ey, that should be Graham’s,” Ryan jokes, and Graham nudges his knee lightly.
The Doctor only speaks after the laughter has died down. “It says ‘rapture’,” she explains, and her eyes can’t leave Yaz’s. “It’s great how much you love every moment.”
Ryan sends a pointed look at his granddad, a single eyebrow not-so-unsubtly raised. Graham can’t suppress his chuckle.
There’s one present left to open, one terribly wrapped little present. As soon as the Doctor alights on it, the nervousness jumps back into his body and his chuckle subsides.
It’s the last present. That’s even worse. The wrapping is off in a second. The Doctor holds aloft a little green plant, tongue out as she peers at it. Then sniffs.
“Yep, definitely real mistletoe!” she exclaims. “Awesome. Thanks, Graham, I actually really wanted one of these!”
She’s smiling, and every word is genuine, but it’s moments like these when he’s reminded just how much more intelligent and older she is than all of them, by far. In a moment she’s taken stock of every thought that could have been going through his head to make him buy it. She’s sussed him out in a second, and he knows it.
But the contemplative look on her face tells him he pulled it off. Not to mention, Yaz’s staring at it, too, as if it wasn’t bleedin’ obvious why the Doctor would want mistletoe.
“You said you didn’t have these lying around in your TARDIS, you know,” he whittles on. She never said that. Improvisation was never his strong suit. He clears his throat. “It’s Christmas tradition, you see.”
“I really love it, Graham, thank you,” she smiles sweetly.
It’s later, much later, when it finally happens. Ryan has fallen asleep under the blanket to the sound of Call the Midwife playing on the TV. Graham’s too engrossed to fall asleep, full of Christmas pudding as he is, but there’s a birth happening and he’d rather not watch that, thanks.
And he’s thirsty. Yaz offered to fetch drinks a couple of minutes later, and the Doctor disappeared not long after. He’d go to investigate but he’s comfy and he doesn’t want to wake Ryan.
In the end, he doesn’t have to get up at all. Haloed by the kitchen light, the Doctor and Yaz stand underneath the mistletoe fixed to the door frame. There are two full glasses of water at Yaz’s feet, and another in Doc’s hand. But they’re forgotten now. The two women only have eyes for each other, and they share a quiet laugh before leaning in for the kiss they’ve both been wanting for a while now.
Merry Christmas, girls, Graham thinks. Took you long enough.
He leaves them to it and turns his head back to grandson. It’s a nice moment to just pause, to reflect on what he still has. He watches Ryan as his snores start to increase in volume, and smiles to himself.
He has a family, still. He doesn’t have Grace anymore, but he’s part of a family that love each other to bits.
It’ll do for him. It’ll do just fine.
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