#i havent drawn traditionally in a long time
notedchampagne · 2 years
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this is so kind!! thank you i hope you have a nice day as well
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kirbarts · 4 months
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sorry for getting fixated on some brothers in a show that's about brothers. as if it's my fault.
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iridescent-heartt · 3 months
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today i sat outside and did some #gnome posting
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pnjrnk · 2 years
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oh uh scuse me, sorry, just, ah, just trying to practice drawing him, sorry, just, yeah, lemme just *posts this* there we go, sorry for the inconvenience sir/ma’am/refined and distinguished person
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puphoods · 2 years
i brought a physical sketchbook btw and also a journal... nervous
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eatingmarkerz · 9 months
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i havent drawn traditionally in a long time
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cherrycreamfairy · 1 month
I've thought your pencil doodles were okay 👍
thank you its just that i havent drawn traditionally in a long time and im very rusty
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dearheartwitcher · 2 years
all of the questions for the art ask meme! :)
ouhh!! under the cut for u! <33
1. Art programs you have but don't use
loll i bought clip studio on sale but i havent drawn anything in it because i cant find a good dupe of my sai brush
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
hmm i guess left!
3. What ideas come from when you were little
lol every time i draw self insert im just feeding my inner 12 year old
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
rosiers moth form.......... i love him sooo much but i need to try redesigning that form... also im trying SO hard to learn how to draw bloodhound but they have so many fucking Pieces to their design😭
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
i would say i post a good majority of the art i make!! ive gotten worse at it in recent years, mostly because i keep wanting to save things to post at "peak hours" or whatever but i always forget lmfao. i dont usually keep things to myself intentionally
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
art that my friends make always inspires me the more i see from them! mostly in little ways that only i really notice lol
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
traditional painting is sooo nice... i especially love gouache... i like when traditional painters dont blend their work and use a ton of different colors as well. also people who draw traditionally and put stickers all over their work, i think that's phenomenal
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
oh god so many lol. one that comes to mind is i was going to make a little animatic with a tiktok sound of my dnd party but uh. one character died and the other two belong to people im no longer friends with due to two separate falling outs 😬
9. What are your file name conventions
i usually name them based on whats happening in the drawing! or just the character's name, if ive only drawn them once. i also have all my art sorted into folders by subject matter (commissions, dnd, ocs, etc) and by date
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
hmmm.... probably long sleeve tshirts/sweaters.... regular jeans can be fun too
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
ohh lots of things. i have a drawing playlist on youtube thats got a couple hundred videos on it, i also have a ton of spotify playlists. i either listen to something that fits the vibe of what im drawing, or something that will motivate me to stay in the zone lol
12. Easiest part of body to draw
boobs. sorry eyes <3
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
i cant think of one!!
14. Any favorite motifs
eyes and hearts maybe 🤔
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
usually just in my room! one of the best parts of having a laptop tbh is that i can just draw digitally in my room instead of using the computer in the living room
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
hmm. thats hard to say! maybe designing characters? i like to think that im pretty alright at making diverse characters, and i do enjoy it when they’re finished, but it takes soooo much of my brain power to do it lol. i love having little guys that i made but its so hard to make little guys!
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
not really tbh KJSHDF i tend to uh forget to eat or drink for long periods when im in The Zone.....dont be like me. have some orange slices
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
NONE haha digital 4life. i dont use screen tablets so my tablets last foreeeeever.
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
fried eggs :)
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
hmmm i cant think of anything. i Can shade black, which my bf struggles with, but its not something i need to do often lol
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
i love hyper-stylized art and lineless super colorful art!! theres probably more, thats just off the top of my head
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
none 😬 i rawdog it... i do some wrist stretches afterward most times tho
23. Do you use different layer modes
a little bit! mostly overlay + multiply on low opacity. i put them over a finished drawing to make the colors more cohesive!
24. Do your references include stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
steven universe omg. like MAYBE back in 2015 or something it contributed to the way i use shapes a little bit but??? like i love the show, ive made fanart n shit! it just didnt contribute to my art style and i used to get that comparison A Lot
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
i cant think of one! i dont really do conceptual stuff so theres not usually a ton of room for misinterpretation
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
sometimes i do! my go-to doodles are fried eggs and little cartoony heads, but a warm up for me can even be a fully lined drawing lol
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
i participate in art fight every year!! ive been playing since 2018 :)
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
i think all media i love inspires me artistically!! even if it doesnt contribute to my art or anything, anything i love i spend a lot of time thinking about
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
um most of them imo AKLJSDHFSJ but thats the price of doing mostly oc art lol... people simply will not see your stuff
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snazzi-strawberri · 2 years
16 for the ask game?
Hmm favorite media to work with when drawing traditionally?🤔
Honestly i havent drawn traditionally for a long time with the same effort i did before i got a drawing tablet x] But my favorite mediums would be a simple mechanical pencil and if i wanted to go fancy, my alcohol markers >B] which have been. Laying down in the dust being unused for so long😭 Poor ohuhu markers,,
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julimye · 3 years
what's ur favorite way to draw in both traditionally and digitally
i havent drawn traditionally on my own accord in a very long time, but i enjoy copics and prismacolors...
for digital i use procreate, clip studio, and adobe animate!
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space-mantis · 4 years
Have you ever done traditional art?
yes i have! i used to draw traditionally all the time but i havent drawn on paper in a very long time since i just enjoy drawing digitally more 😔
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legendling · 5 years
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Goretober Days 7 and 8
Living shadow/Broken glass and Monstrous/bare your teeth
Sorry for not posting i was in Europe for a week!! It was super fun but i had no wifi to post most of the time, so im gonna post what i drew on the bus uwu
Since i didnt have any access to my markers or my tablet, i did these mostly traditionally, but a few like day 7 were colored on my phone via ibispaint uwu
Also some will be out of order because to make up for lost time im gonna post em in small groups by fandom.
Havent drawn the "who's there" boy in so long so i gave him a bit of a redesign ;0;
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marsupials-of-mars · 5 years
At art camp... think I may doodle a remus.... I havent drawn in a very long g time like barely at all this summer much less traditionally so wish me luck!!!
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the-queer-look · 4 years
flannel scarf and glitter hairspray
Age: 25
Sexuality: Demisexual, Lesbian
Gender: Genderfluid
Occupation: Banking – postgrad english major
Location: Campsie
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I like to present myself in an androgynous way. Most of my clothing is pretty masculine in the sense that I do prefer pants and a shirt for comfort reasons, but if it’s a hot day, I’ll wear a dress, and I don’t feel invalidated by that. I still enjoy slight touches of feminine influences in my life, and definitely don’t shy away from traditionally feminine colours or anything like that. I don’t use makeup, but mostly that’s because I don’t know how to use it, rather than not liking it. I’ll put on eyeliner and lipstick and be done. My girlfriend will suggest foundation or contouring, and I just say “nah I’m good” and don’t bother to learn. I have a glitter hairspray that I use to seal in my makeup on the few occasions I do try to use it, and it gives me a nice sparkle. Probably terrible for my skin though.
Growing up as a Muslim, I frequently get asked “When did you know?” in reference to being a lesbian, and when I came out to my friends I had a bit which I’d rehearsed to explain it. When I was around thirteen, this exchange student came to our school and I was very quickly drawn to her. She was very good at art, and a very cool person, which let me have the incredibly lesbian chat to myself of “I just want to be her best friend!” I remember writing specifically in my diary “I just want a best friend. Just friends, not gay.” we got really close, and I eventually came out to her, and told her that I liked her, and she was accepting of it, which was nice, and we both then had to manage our way around her realising that she was asexual, all while we were thirteen. Her being asexual wasn’t off-putting to me, I was just thirteen and didn’t know how to approach it. Hell, she didn’t know how to approach it, because she didn’t know the label for it.
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After that, I began to examine the relationships I’d had with other girls all my life. When I was very young, I remember thinking to myself “I wish I was a boy” because all of the boys in my class make my friends cry, and I think that if I were a boy, I could just make them happy, if I were a boy I’d know how to be better to them. But looking back at it I just… I was so gay, and just trying to be as straight about it as possible. I thought it would be fine if I were a boy, because then I would be allowed to like the girls and they would be happy with me. I also remember sitting in a circle in school and playing a spin the bottle truth or dare game, and always getting offended if someone didnt answer the obligatory “if anyone in our class was a boy, who would you date” question with me. If I was second choice? Offended hahaha.
I feel like there wasn’t much of a change in the way I presented myself from before realising I was gay to after, because I already accidentally dressed like a stereotypical lesbian. I guess I picked up a few extra flannels? And before it was just “I like flannel” and then became “flannel makes me gay, and gay people will know that im gay, and I wear a headscarf, so I need to let other gays know that I too am gay, so I will wear a flannel over my headscarf, and that will be my signal to all the other gays that I too am in fact gay.” and it worked great.
Realising that I was genderfluid was a much more drawn out process. When I turned eighteen I started to enjoy it when people would mistake me for a boy, I was beginning to dress very androgynously, my voice is deeper than an average cis girl, y’know. After I took off my scarf and got na undercut, people would mistake me even more. I eventually went and made a facebook account using the name Adrian, a close anagram of my dead name because I wanted to have an online space where I could be me and apart from my family. But then people who I knew in real life who’d added my new profile started calling me Adrian to my face and at first I, or my girlfriend at the time would correct them, but soon I realised that I kinda liked it, and I’d like to just go by Adrian. And that started to lead me to the point where I was examining my gender, and learning about different terms for trans and intersex people, and I thought that maybe nonbinary would be cool. I thought for a long time that I might just be a trans boy, but I also really didn’t want to go through the transition process, I’ve never wanted to go on testosterone, or have top surgery, or be wholly one of the boys. I’ve always felt comfortable in the little inbetween between boys and girls, the concept of gender as a spectrum is a very positive one for me, and I like existing somewhere on that spectrum. Genderfluid feels most comfortable for me right now, I like being able to embrace both my masculine and feminine side at will, and it suits the changing nature of my personality, and I hate the idea of sticking in the box of binary gender.
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I feel like my presentation changed after realising my genderfluidity. Not so much in embracing my masculinity, but instead in embracing my femininity. I had always felt like maybe I couldnt be feminine because of how llong id spent dressig in a traditionally masculine style, but after realising that I was genderfluid, I made an effort to express that side of myself, and to not be boxed in by conventions.
I feel like stereotypes can be a bit of fun I the lesbian community, like when I was just coming out and still dressing as a very muslim woman, flannels were honestly my godsend, I felt gay even though I didnt look gay, I could just have the flannel on with my scarf and identify myself to the community. But at the same time there are a lot of stereotypes that I don’t like – there’s a lot of biphobia, based on bisexuals wanting to have fun with girls, but not settle down with girls. And that sort of negative stereotype annoys me because it’s just gatekeeping at that point, by saying that you cant really be into girls if you’re also into guys. It also invalidates the experiences of everyone who had to practice compulsory heteronormativity when they were kids, because we were always told that boys being with girls was the default, and that was what we were supposed to go for. Some people’s lesbian inner voice isnt as loud as other peoples, they would have dated men, but that doesn’t make them any less gay than anyone else. I hate the idea of gold star lesbians, just because you havent slept with a man doesnt make you better than someone who doesnt. I’ve never slept with a man, but I dont feel more valid than anyone else, if anything I feel less valid because they at least have had the experience to know that they’re definitively gay. When they’re in a bit of fun, stereotypes can be fun, but when they turn that corner into something toxic, it becomes a real problem which we need to be much more vocal about criticising and removing from society.
I feel like there are more and more mainstream shows that are coming out and showing positive representations of the LGBT experience. They do lean on stereotypical looks for their characters, but I feel like thats just visual shorthand so they dont have to do a lot of work with the characters, and can just front load a lot of their personality through their outfits.
I know for a fact that the internet is and will continue to be an incredible resource for queer people, as it gives us a chance to create a safe space to explore our identities in private. I for one wouldnt have even known that lesbianism was a thing without the internet because of my sheltered upbringing.
full gallery on facebook
follow us on instagram @thequeerlook
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cowboyjen68 · 6 years
Hey Jen... New follower here. For the past 5ish years ive lived as a bi trans man (though still fairly closeted). I havent done any transitional stuff yet, and recently ive started questioning if im really a trans man or just viscerally reject any femininity in myself, and whether my attraction to men was just because id spent my youth saturated in "women are for men" culture.. Have you or someone you know dealt with this sort of thing before? I'm scared ill never figure myself out..
Hi.. I have had a few friends tell me that they have felt some pressure from friends and even family to ID as trans because they present as masculine. One of my friends has a pretty thick mustache and goatee so she is very often mistaken as being a trans man and she gets pressure just from people making an honest mistake about her. Our culture does condition us, as females to be accomodating to men, really to everyone. So I think it is relatively common for women to think they must as least try to be attracted to men. 
I grew up knowing I wanted nothing to do with being “traditionally feminine” and even with parents who really didn’t push things on me, I felt it appropriate to wear dresses to prom, for my graduation and, for the last time, one at my dad’s retirement.  I just didn’t want to “be weird” so I dressed that part even though I felt awkward and dumb  and I hated every second of it. I thought for a long time that I could not be masculine and love being a female.  Once I started to meet lesbians that were a little older than me and totally comfortable is their own skin, (like my boss and her wife who are 10 years older than me--we met when I was about 24), I began to understand that being masculine and still loving  being a woman were NOT mutually exclusive. 
  Gender dysphoria is complex and I am no expert or therapist nor do I have special insight. But sometimes the confusion comes from outside influences of our culture rather than a true internal gender conflict and it sounds like that is what is affecting you. See  if you can find older lesbians and bi women who present more masculine. Talk to them. They will likely be happy to talk with you and help you figure out your feelings.   
Spend some time getting away from the outside noise.. Stay sober, be by yourself and let your mind clear a bit. Think about what you feel about your physical body and how you relate to it.. Not due to what the culture tells you but your own feelngs.. Think about what makes you happy. What are you drawn to in other people. Physically and emtionally. Of course I can’t possibly know but you sound like a butch lesbian who is dealing with the confusion and mixed messages our society can toss on you.  
If you want to talk privately, please message me. 
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shadyhouse · 6 years
im gonna doodle in my notebook and im scared bc i havent drawn anything traditionally in a long time but... here i go
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