#i have never looked worse physically
thatdamnokie · 6 months
thought my ex found my tumblr and when i tell you i almost fainted.
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natreads · 6 months
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2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 🎄
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halogalopaghost · 4 months
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#IM SO STRESSED IM SO STRESSED#I feel like I'm not handling ANYTHING well rn#so many people have symptoms that are WAAAAAAY fucking worse and they're like. working full time jobs and being a parent and shit and#I'm like waaah oh no I have body aches and chronic fatigue looks like I'll have to be unemployed and never do anything ever 💀#how am I gonna live?? like. my parents are taking care of me and I'm so fucking glad but#SOMEDAY THEY WONT BE AROUND and that stresses me out so bad#I'm 25 years old and I NEED my mom every day if not physically then emotionally because I'm a little bitch baby that can't do anything for#herself. im having a hard time feeding myself I'm having a hard time keeping my living space clean#I'm not taking care of anything except the dogs sometimes and my lizard and she's not getting as much attention as she used to#I need a job and I need to be able to suck it up and DO THINGS but I feel like I'm not the person u was anymore#I was strong and I could push thru things and make myself do things and now I can't???? I just lay on the fucking couch!! and feel bad abtit#is it the tism. is it the ADHD. what about the chronic depression. how bout the fibromyalgia?#and the thing is that ALL OF THOSE THINGS ARE MILD#I don't have severe pain (yet).#I just can't handle it I don't WANT to handle it#so. shoutout to my mom I guess because if it wasn't for her I simply wouldn't be alive#I feel like I've never been happy!! why can't I just be content and be happy!!!!#I have no fucking reason to be unhappy!!!!!!
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imperiuswrecked · 8 months
I hope people remember.
When Gaza is razed to the ground I hope people remember those who were lost. When the rest of the Palestinians who are being massacred all across Palestine are gone I hope the world remembers them all. I hope those who loved them celebrate their memory.
I hope the people whose hands are coated in the blood of these beautiful, brave people remember. I hope they are haunted by their actions every single moment of their entire lives. I hope they feel the suffering that every single Palestinian felt every second of their lives. I hope it's the last thought in their head when they die.
I will remember. I will never forgive.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
Mandela Prophet AU: Sleepless Nights
Adam is unable to fully get over Jonah’s death, and to make things worse, he’s starting to feel…different.
TW: body horror, blood, vague arachnophobia/spider mentions, character death mention
Notes: this is around 3,400 words I think? This is just a random thing I wrote cause I wanted to write something based on this au cause. I think it’s neat
Adam had been awake all night. Lying in his twin-sized bed, he stared at the ceiling, his expression blank and his mind the same. Adam had shifted his sleeping position at least 17 times, yet could not for the life of him get comfortable enough to drift off. Every single time he was able to even somewhat fall asleep, a twitch or squirm in his torso woke him back up. He sighed deeply, groaning as he pressed his hands against his face; might as well get up if staying in bed wasn’t doing any good.
Adam sauntered out of his room, deliberately ignoring the second bed resting next to the opposite wall to his. He looked down the hallway, seeing Sarah’s bedroom to his right before looking left, walking through the hallway and immediately entering the kitchen. He opened one of the cabinets, grabbing a nearly empty box of off-brand cereal before placing it on the small, pathetic excuse of a dining room table. When he went to the fridge to get milk however, he saw nothing in there besides a few cans of soda and a couple condiment bottles.
“…Figures.” Adam sighed quietly before slamming the fridge door closed. He grabbed the box of cereal before all but throwing it back into the cabinet, slamming the door of it shut as well.
Adam audibly groaned, looking over to see Sarah, sleepily staring at him from the hallway entrance. She was in her pajamas, being a cheap T-shirt and shorts, and her long, chestnut-colored hair was a mess.
“What?” Adam questioned.
“It’s four in the morning…” Sarah said as she attempted to fix her hair a little. “Why are you awake?”
“Could ask you the same thing.” Adam replied.
“How could I not be, with you being loud as hell in here?”
Adam sighed, moving his arm to itch his upper back before lowering it again. “I say you mind your business.”
“…What’s your problem?” Sarah questioned. “Ever since you got back last week, you’ve been acting so…shitty.”
“It…it doesn’t matter, okay?” Adam responded, unable to help himself from scratching his back again when he noticed the itch didn’t leave.
“…Is this because of Jonah being go—?”
“Shut up.” Adam’s tone seemed…harsh and stern, as if mentioning Jonah’s name was taboo. “No…I…I don’t care about him, alright? He ran off, and that’s that. I don’t get why it’s such a big deal.”
Sarah appeared stunned by the response, feeling somewhat unnerved by Adam’s tired and annoyed glare. “…He was your best friend.” Sarah said softly. “Yet I feel more sympathy towards him than you do.”
“I was his best friend.” Adam said, trying to ignore how irritated his back was. “I…I don’t…have friends.” Adam glanced at the ground before looking back up at Sarah, trying to keep his harsh glare despite the hesitation in his tone. He doesn’t need friends…right?
Sarah shook her head slightly before shrugging. “Alright. Sure.” She said with a hint of cynicism. “If that’s true then I guess I’ll go back to bed and leave you to sulk alone. Goodnight.”
With that, Sarah sighed and walked back down the hallway to her room, closing the door behind her. Adam watched her leave, with his brow furrowed and his glare able to melt ice. He winced slightly, his gaze fading when he felt a slight sharp pain in his back, as if someone poked him with a tack multiple times. The pain felt somewhat…familiar, though he couldn’t place why. He walked down the hallway, entering the bathroom before closing the door behind him.
He pressed his hands against the counter, staring at the sink for a moment before grabbing his plain white shirt and pulling it off. The first thing he noticed when he threw the shirt onto the ground was how thin he was; he could see his ribs through his skin, and his arms seemed almost longer than usual. He was still losing weight, even though he figured he had been eating just fine. In fact, he only seemed to be losing more weight the more he ate.
He groaned, going back to try and satiate the itch on his back once again before he paused. His finger brushed past something that felt somewhat hard, like a small hook. He stayed still for a moment before pushing his hand further, rubbing his upper back before he once again felt something under his fingers. This time, it wasn’t as small, and it felt almost fuzzy, in a prickly kind of way. He started to feel worry build in his chest as he poked whatever was sticking out of his back, feeling his blood run cold when it twitched away.
He pulled his arm down to his side, able to feel…something moving in his skin; multiple things. He quickly threw open one of the drawers, grabbing a hand mirror, one they had salvaged from the mirror destruction act, before holding it up. He held his breath as he turned his head the most he could, pointing the mirror towards whatever was on his back. His heart sunk when he saw a glimpse of multiple small, black, almost arachnid looking appendages sticking out of his skin, small hooks at the end of every single one.
Adam tried to suppress the urge to hyperventilate before he hesitantly used his other hand to prod at one of them. It didn’t move for a moment before it suddenly twitched, wrapping itself around his finger. Adam yelled in surprise before ripping his arm away, out of its small grasp. He dropped the mirror, unable to catch it before it slammed against the ground, cracking as a portion of it broke off. Adam stumbled back, trying to scratch the spider-like appendages off of his back, even grabbing one of them. He took in a breath before ripping it out, swearing he could hear something like an inhuman scream in the back of his mind. He looked down at his hand in front of him, uncurling it to reveal the limb itself.
It was bleeding something viscous and dark, like clotted blood. It had two joints, curling in on itself despite the fact it was no longer connected to anything. Adam was unsure whether to drop it on the ground and try ripping the others out, or try and figure out what the fuck it even was. However, before he could make any decision, he heard a knock on the bathroom door.
“Adam? What the fuck’s going on?” It was Sarah, sounding especially concerned.
Adam couldn’t spit out anything for a moment, flinching slightly when Sarah knocked on the door again. “Adam?”
Adam threw the small limb into the sink before fumbling with his shirt, sliding it on and trying to forcefully get rid of the horrified expression on his face. Sarah prepared to knock again before Adam swung the door open, his eyes still wide.
“…Are you—”
“I’m fine.” Adam interrupted, walking out of the bathroom before slowly closing the door behind him, his eyes locked on Sarah. “…I’m okay.”
“…You…don’t sound like it.” Sarah’s voice seemed shaky.
“I uh…I’m…y-yeah, I’m fine—”
Sarah caught a glance of a small splotch of blood soaking into the back of his shirt as he attempted to brush past her. “Oh my god, you’re bleeding—”
“NO.” Adam shook his head when he realized he said it louder than he wanted. “I…I’m fine, alright? Mind your fucking business for once.” Adam pushed past Sarah, hurrying into his room before slamming the door shut. He locked the door as soon as he was inside, walking backwards before sitting on his bed. He pressed his hands against his face, despite the right one still having traces of blood on it. He planted his elbows on his knees as he thought to himself.
“Such a fucking idiot. You absolute moron.” He muttered, grasping his hair. He had no clue what was happening to him, but he knew deep down that whatever it was, it was his fault. Before he could wallow in self-pity however, Sarah started speaking from the other side of the door.
“What’s going on with you?” Sarah asked. “Do…do you need help with anything?”
Adam glanced through the gaps in his fingers, towards the door. He was tempted to yell at her to go away, but for once, bit his tongue. “…Things…have been…weird, okay?” He said, putting his situation lightly. “I…feel like shit all the time, and…I don’t know why.”
“No, not…I don’t think so.” Adam said. “I’m…I’m…”
“…scared.” Adam could barely hear himself say the word, but he knew it was true. He was scared; scared of the things happening to his body that he can’t control, and scared of the fact that his mind rarely felt like his own anymore. He was scared of how Sarah would react when he eventually had to tell her the truth about Jonah. Every time his name was mentioned, Adam couldn’t stop the image of his cold, lifeless, headless body from creeping into his mind.
 He was scared of the fact that something in him wanted to open the door and strangle Sarah to death.
 “Well…you…know I’m here to talk, right?” Sarah asked as she leaned against the door.
“…Yeah.” Adam responded, almost choking on his words. “I…I guess.”
“...I’ll…be in the other room then.” Sarah said softly. “And…try and get some sleep, okay?”
Adam murmured a response she couldn’t even hear before Adam heard her walk away, back to her own room. He stared at the ground, trying desperately to ignore the feeling of something pushing against the back of his shirt. He wondered what the hell was happening to him, and why. Ever since—
The angel.
The false angel that stopped him on his way back to Bythorne that night.
That fucking thing is the reason he’s like this.
Adam felt a twitch in his torso when he thought of the alternate, making him hunch over as he pressed his arms against his stomach. He was too tired to think any further than that, but he wasn’t sure how he could sleep, knowing what was sticking out of his own skin right behind his head. He laid down on the bed, resting on his stomach, before hesitantly closing his eyes. Hopefully it was a strange, vivid nightmare he was having from sleep deprivation. He’d wake up the next morning, with no strange spider legs, no twitches in his torso, and hey…
Maybe Jonah would be there.
 It wasn’t a nightmare.
After only around an hour of sleep, Adam woke back up, finding himself on the floor next to his bed. He was drenched in sweat, from a nightmare he couldn’t remember. He sat up, wincing when he felt something shift inside of him. He stood up, grasping his torso, uncontrollably twitching his head and arms. His back hurt; a dull, yet intense pain rushing over him. He wanted outside, with no clear reason why. He wanted out of there, he needed out of there. He needed fresh air.
He stumbled towards the door, opening it before slamming against the wall in front of it. He tripped over his feet, nearly falling as he approached the living room, his wide, dilated pupils fixed on the front door. “Out…out…” He muttered under his breath as he reached for the doorknob. He swung open the door, stumbling away from the house, not even bothering to put on a jacket or boots to protect him from the cold winter air. The door remained open, wind rushing through into the living room as Adam disappeared from sight.
 Sarah awoke to the very faint sound of screaming; muffled, yet gut-wrenching screams from outside of the house. In her half-asleep state, Sarah couldn’t tell if it was real or if her mind was playing tricks on her, unsure whether to ignore it or try and help. Her fear of it being real was only confirmed when she fully woke up and still heard the screams, though when she stood up from bed, they abruptly stopped. She froze in place, unable to come up with a single plan of what to do. It could be someone in genuine danger, or an alternate mimicking the screams of its victim, and she wasn’t sure which one it was, nor how to differentiate them.
She hesitantly walked towards her bedroom door, pushing it open as she looked down the hallway, thankfully seeing that no one was there. She walked towards Adam’s room, seeing that the door was open. When she peeked inside, she saw that no one was there, and that it was completely silent. “Adam?” She called as she turned down the hallway. “God damn it, where did you go now?”
As she inched down the hall, she caught a glimpse of the bathroom, seeing that the door was also open. She flicked on the light, seeing the broken mirror on the ground. She glanced towards the sink, seeing that part of it was stained with a dark liquid. She looked into it, seeing a small appendage curling and uncurling itself in a pool of its own blood. “What the fuck…?” She asked herself before backing out of the bathroom.
She walked into the living room, immediately feeling the cold breeze hitting her. She saw the faint moonlight coming from the open front door, her heart sinking as her mind started putting things together. “Oh…god fucking damn it Adam—” She jogged back to her room to put on warmer clothes, only hoping Adam didn’t get himself killed.
When she had put on her jeans, jacket, and shoes, she grabbed a pistol from her nightstand and immediately left to go look for the missing BPS member. She closed the front door behind her, shivering when the cold air hit her face and blew through her hair. She looked around the front yard, seeing the street in front of her, yet no sign of Adam. She glanced towards the ground, seeing something in the snow; footprints, leading towards the side of the house.
She followed the trail, seeing that it was leading into the woods behind the home, seeming to go on for what felt like forever into the darkness. Sarah swallowed hard before she hesitantly began to walk into the forest, hoping that the pistol she held tightly in her hand was enough.
“Adam?” She called, almost afraid of how loud she was being. “Adam, where the fuck are you?!” When no response came, she only felt the sinking feeling in her chest become worse, knowing she had to keep following the uneven footprints, deeper into the woods.
After a few minutes of walking, she stopped, seeing that the trail had ended, and her eyes widened as she stared at what it led to; a pool of rapidly freezing blood. The impressions in the snow were messy and unclear, as if Adam was struggling against something. Sarah crouched down, lightly grasping something that was sticking out of the snow, being a torn piece of blood-soaked fabric.
“Shit.” Sarah stood up quickly, dropping the cloth and turning to head back for help. However, she froze when she heard something behind her; a faint, hoarse voice.
“Saaarrah…?” It sounded as if it was in pain, drawing out the word. Sarah hated that it was Adam’s voice.
She turned her head, looking behind her before freezing in place, not from the bitter cold, but the figure standing by the trees, barely visible in the shadows aside from the moonlight bleeding through the leaves above. She found Adam, just…not in the way she wanted.
His clothes were stained with blood and grime, and he was around a foot off of the ground. Sarah noticed in horror that there were…hands covering most of his face, one barely holding his mouth shut and three others covering his eyes and grasping his hair. Two large, mangled arms held his limp body up, its hands pressed against the forest floor. Every single blackened arm was attached to his back, the main body hanging from them almost lifelessly.
Sarah watched as Adam lifted his own arm weakly, the pitch-black hand covering his left eye shifting its fingers so Sarah could see his eye; his horrified, tear-filled eye.
“H…Help…me…” He choked before his human arm fell to his side and the hands covered his eye and mouth fully.
The two large arms shifted, “running” to the side and out of view in the blink of an eye. Sarah stumbled backwards before turning and sprinting away. It was a hunt, and she could hear the alternate behind her, chasing her from behind the trees. She didn’t dare look behind her, even when she heard Adam’s voice telling her to come back; she knew it wasn’t really him talking.
Sarah finally made it out of the woods, turning towards the house to see the van in the parking lot. She sprinted towards it, seeing her salvation as she ran around it, fumbling with the car door handle before swinging it open. However, she heard a loud thump from on top of the van, and when she looked up, she froze. The alternate was perched on top of the van, its two walking hands grasped firmly on the roof. Adam’s head was facing her, forcefully moved around by the hand clasped on his hair. Two free arms from his back appeared, reaching for Sarah before she swung up her gun and fired.
           The shot hit Adam’s shoulder, and she could swear she heard a muffled, human scream under the cacophony of horrid screeches. She didn’t spend any time figuring out if she was simply hearing things or now before she spun around and ran. Sarah rushed down the street, wishing she actually worked on her cardio often as the alternate continued its pursuit.
She felt her foot hit a rock before she yelled, slamming against the asphalt before she scrambled back onto her feet. She felt something grab her ankle however, and fell to the ground once again before turning over and seeing the alternate right above her, staring down at her. Adam’s head tilted slightly before Sarah’s shoulders were grasped by two of the arms sprouted from his back. She kicked at him, but it did nothing as she was lifted off of the ground and brought to eye level. She watched as the hand covering Adam’s mouth was brought away, and when he opened it, eight spider like mandibles flicked out, his body shuddering at the action.
The hand that was covering his mouth reached for Sarah’s neck, and the one grasping his head let go and joined the other before beginning to strangle her. She struggled to move, coughing and choking as she felt the ice-cold hands tighten around her neck. She felt herself slowly losing consciousness as the alternate tried to crush her windpipe. She shakily held up her gun, struggling against the arms holding her shoulders before pointing it towards Adam’s body, and as much as Sarah felt guilty for doing so, for the sake of her life, she pulled the trigger of her pistol once again.
The bullet hit him square in the middle of his torso, right under his sternum. Adam screamed, and the hands let her go. Sarah slammed against the ground with a thump before seeing the arms forcefully jam themselves back into Adam’s back, retracting before his limp body fell to the ground unconscious. Adam grew still as Sarah’s quickened breath echoed in the silent street. Her wide eyes fixed on Adam’s body, seeing the open wounds in his back and the blood that was pouring out of them.
Sarah had no fucking clue what she should do. She had no idea a situation such as this was even possible, and as she stood up, she wondered if the Adam she had been talking to was even the real him. She hesitantly approached Adam’s body, her gun trained on him before Sarah looked back down the street, barely seeing the apartment from where she stood.
She shoved the gun into its holster before crouching down, shakily grabbing Adam’s leg before beginning to drag him down the street. If what she was thinking was correct, Adam could be saved, though she never encountered a possession of that sort before. Whether she was actually able to help him was unclear; either way, she had many questions to give him when he woke up.
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tinylittlebab · 1 year
ill be skinny. it will happen. ive been trying for so long now. once it was just trying to eat less and be smaller but not much real focus on my physical appearance. now its all about that. 11 years of my ed and 7 years of wanting what i want now. i dont live with my parents anymore. i have more control. i will achieve it.
there was a time where id eat 300-700 consistently. ill get that back. i will.
#most of the years ive had an ed i had no access to a scale so it was very jard to track progress#maybe i did lie my ass off and fool ppl around me into thinking its actually healthier for me to have a scale bc ill restrict worse without#one which is half true. not that kts anyones right to make that choice at this point. at least not in 2 months when im 18 its not#part of the problem im having is i wanna be small but i have so little muscle that ill have to be very dangerously underweight to look even#close to how i want. many peoples ugws are under that line. mine was once. before i learned that its genuinely very very dangerous#and a lot of the people who look the way i wanna look are only just below that line which is where id like to be#they look that way bc they have more muscle. most ppl cant maintain a bmi of 14 or less for that long. eventually your body freaks out#ppl use instances like eugenia coonie as proof that you can actually do it but like. most peoples bodies wont hold out that long#and many of the ppl in thinspo pics eother only maintained it for a short bit before gaining or getting really sick or they weighed more#and had more muscle. and like. my goal isnt to be all bone. i dont wanna push it that far. bony people arent physically nice to hold anyway#i just wanna be light enough that somwone cpuld carry me and people might view me in a certain way#i wanna be seen as cute and fragile and shy and like. young and sweet. ots hard to explain exactly what i want peopel see see me like but i#want when people look at pictures or videos of me for them to think i look sweet and wanna be gantle and nice to me#and when i walk around places instead of seeing an awkward weirdo they see a timid cute girl whos really tiny and pretty#i know ill never be that but. maybe if i lose enough weight and dont have much acne and leave my hair down then maybe i can come close
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pepprs · 9 months
genuinely so angry and scared im shaking. how many other times this week this month this year have i been exposed without knowing it. do people even tell each other anymore. it’s just so grim. it’s so fucking grim
#purrs#delete later#covid19#i am fighting for my fucking life every day to stay safe and to keep the people around me some of whom are disabled / chronically ill /#immunocompromised / medically vulnerable safe. i am fucking fighting for my life. it’s already hard that i am usually one of two people in#any given room still wearing a mask let alone an n95 mask. hard and bad enough that we get looks for wearing masks and people think im crazy#for my life still being on hold and for my family still basically never going anywhere. ITS FUCKING WORSE that we are still very much in the#throes of all of it and we are in constant physical and quite frankly EXISTENTIAL danger not only of getting sick / becoming (more)#disabled / literally fucking dying but also returning to the absolute hell of lockdown which while important was psychologically damaging in#ways that are difficult to even articulate. like not only have we as a society decided to not give a shit about unpacking all of that and#healing from the trauma and assuming everyone went through the same thing when we very much did not and to just send everybody back to#school and work because 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑capitalism🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 but we have ALSO decided to pretend like the freakish unceasing danger just doesn’t exist#anymore and to get rid of every tool we had available to keep us safe or at minimum make people have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to#access them because 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑capitalism🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 !!!!!!! im TIRED. im so fucking tired of it. i am so fucking exhausted and angry and scared. and i#HAVE the luxury and privilege of being able to afford n95 masks and covid tests and to be able to work a job that i can do remotely if i#need to and to not be disabled or immunocompromised. what makes me fucking furious is we decided to throw all the people who don’t have#that access or privilege under the fucking bus and forget about them lol. but what do you expect from a country rotten to its core the way#it is lol. im fucking despondent. why are we living in an incinerator.#* the lockdown(s) werent just important they were necessary. and arguably we should have another one even though if we do i genuinely fear#for my mental health both during and afterwards and quite frankly before. im tired. i am grateful for the life i live which has resulted in#part from the different things that have happened because of the pandemic but i also so desperately wish this never happened and every day I#think about what life would be like if it hadn’t happened. the grief of it all is unspeakably big.
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I think this is a pretty reasonable situation to cry in, right?
#ughhhhh#you know what becausd i hate myself (not really dw) this isnt gonna be a vaguepost#if youre reading the tags buckle the fuck up#so last week and the week before were spring break for me#and the week before was jjst full of studying and exam stress to the point where i couldnt attend my archery lessons#cause all i was doing at that time was either studying or feeling like shit for not studying#but when spring break hit actually THE VERY SECOND it arrived I had to go to another city about two hours away to visjt family#and guess what? I STAYED THERE FOR ALMOST THE WHOLE ENTIRE SPRING FUCKING BREAK#so i couldnt even do most of the shit i wanted to#and even there i couldnt enjoy my time#why? because ALL I DID was study. my cousin tutors me and I was failing these 3 specific subjects#so she was helping me withtgem and she wouldnt leave me be#and when my (undiagnosed) adhd made me shit at focusing and my mind keot wantering and i kept looking away because i was understimulated#i got shouted at which was not very fun#whats worse is she did it in front of people. literally in public.#then we come back home THANKFULLY and she comes with us. because of course.#and now all my time all of it except for one or two hours of the day is just studying#the only free time i have is when she sleeps#and school. literally never in my life have i been happy to go to school and yet id rather be there than here.#but what choice do i really have#its either this or fail the exams#it gets worse. on thursday i was really tired from school. i came back and PASSED OUT#and by passed out I mean PASSED OUT#idk if it was cause it was hot outside or school just drained my energy but i could barely exist at that point#then my cousin finds me on the couch sweaty and basically dying#what does she do? she wakes me up like “alright time to study”#so yesterday i did charity work and it involved carrying a lot of heavy boxes and stuff so i naturally came back drained and tired and she#STILL WANTED ME TO STUDY so the second we got back I just slept and i was practically comatose so she coukdnt even wake me up#i slept for 11 hours and woke up to MORE STUDYING HURRAY and then at 5 i went to archery class and we got back at 8 and she WONT STOP#i just want to go home. im so tired. physically and mentally and emotionally. i just wanna go fucking home.
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danny-chase · 2 years
hello DC where’s my 9 year old Dick Grayson doing this with mid 20s disaster Bruce?
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Nightwing (1996) #25
[ID: Dick Grayson as Nightwing stands on a moving train as Tim as Robin climbs up onto the car. They’re both blindfolded, and the sky is dark. Tim: “Batman did this with you when you were Robin?” Dick: “Yeah. And I was a couple years younger than you.” Tim: “There’s a break.” End ID]
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
Guess who fucked her wrists up during work because he refused to go on a single break because he felt like that's the only way to prove she's not useless since her autism stops her from doing anything a person his age "should" do
#its me. if you couldn't guess#i did that#i didnt do any actual damage to my wrists but they are in pain and i can already feel that its gonna get worse#and ill probably have an awful time trying to sleep because of it#and look.#i know that im not useless#i know that prople who have similar or bigger struggles aremt useless either#i dont believe that anyone's worth depends on having a job or being productive or whatever#i do know that#but sometimes even when you know something you dont feel it#yknow what i mean#and this blueberry plantation is the only job i can have right now#im not built for a dayjob but im able to work for a few hours with saplings every now and then#though that is. very physically tiring#which is also extra frustrating to me as a young person#because the other older ladies at the job always make me feel like im not allowed to be tired or in pain because im young#so i never say that im tired until im alone w my mom#and i want to prove that im not a useless parasite. i can do some work. so i might as well give my all#and dont take any breaks#im not trying to excuse hurting myself#but you know. its hard to think straight and respect myself sometimes#sometimes its easier to hurt myself in ways that make other people think good of me#im treating myself to some snacks now tho#gonna go buy myself some chips and smoke s cigarette and watch silly videos and play games and go to bed#and yes i know that being kind to myself after i was cruel to myself doesnt fix that#i shouldn't have the mindset of#yeah im being unnecessarily cruel to myself but at least im gonna reward myself later :)#but y'know what can you do#(go to therapy i should go to therapy)#bee buzz
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aggghhhhh71279534 · 3 months
#and to clarify: it is Not terrible because of everyone around you#its terrible because its insanely fucking unhealthy to weigh as much as i do (300+ lbs)#and its restricting i cant excersize like i want to i cant jump without being in pain#bras always physically hurt me like they are So uncomfortable to wear#my terrible diet makes me feel worse than i already do for mental reasons#i look fucking terrible. okay? there. i said it. im ugly because im fat#i have huge rolls and a double chin and stretch marks and it looks UGLY!!!!!!!#my thighs chafe when i walk so i cant wear shorts above my knees. my underboobs sweat so much they stink#i look fucking terrible. i cannot emphasize how awful i look#and you know what? ive never known what its been like to be pretty#because ive been fat My Whole Fucking Life.#and my moms fat but its just us in our whole family! just us! everyone else is skinny#weve been trying to lose weight for years the two of us and it just doesnt fucking happen#i dont know my moms reasons but my reason is i just dont fucking care i think#like ill just give up and forget about it. i cant focus on it long enough#and frankly? counting calories makes me fucking miserable#like i already feel guilty every time i eat but when im counting cals its 100x worse#so guess what! im going to be morbidly obese my whole life and it will probably kill me.#i am going to die young and its literally my own fault#anyway my point is im happy for anyone whos fine with being fat literally good for you!!! im happy for you#but please dont force that upon me. ok? i hate being fat and thats literally my own business
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
#what does one do when their perception cannot b trusted? im so physically and emotionally exhausted#and i can go from feeling hopelessly terminally bad to completely normal for no apparent reason. and on occasion i can go from normal to i#think i can stay up all night. i never have to sleep again. look how great i can focus. i could kill god.#and i have no emotional object permanence so it feels so stupid when im normal. i cant sympathize with myself in altered states of mind#and it doesnt matter but it makes me crazy the idea that i might not b bip0lar but i just push myself so far that under pressure my mind#splits into the catastrophically positive or negative. but i feel like this is how i have to live. i have to b perfect or pay a blood debt#and thats just how it is. and thats how its been. so at this point ive spend thr last idk 15 years of my life being d#some measure of miserable for no reason. i dont kno y i do this to myself and im 26 now and idk how to stop bc even pushing myself as hard#as i can im so far behind. how am i supposed to do less and not#and not just quit. im compulsive for a reason. there's a fundamental barrier between myself and understanding language but if i do more and#more and more then i can at least try to keep up with everyone else. idk im so tired. and im 26 and im afraid im stuck like this#and i cant even... its like ive split my head in 2 to cope. ive created distance within myself so that i cant fully feel how terrible i make#things for myself. half my brain is always like lol suffer idiot. it throws off my therapists bc i cant take my own pain seriously. ill#laugh and smile while im like yea i feel horrible like most of the time and i dont kno what to do lol. idk so it goes. i think im gonna stop#with the birth control tho. as it doesnt seem to help with my sadness levels. idk if ite making ot worse or not. guess well find out#itll b easier once i dont have to b trained on things. then i wont have to ask a question and burst into tears on my lab mate 🙄#unrelated
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seapasture · 8 months
i am going to sit down and draw the gentlest scene one can possibly imagine, or the pure visual manifestation of unabashed fury. there will be no in-between (unless)
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
i have been thinking about that ‘give your oc a kink’ post for days. because i think even would have a thing for hypnosis. yes, yes, for character reasons of overwhelming feelings of impending failure that make the idea of having the ability to choose anything at all be taken out of their hands look extremely appealing. but also because it would be so fucking funny in the worse timeline. imagine you get stuck in time hell with a guy whose whole thing is hypnotizing people, and u hate him. u hate him so. so much.
#i never let them just have a nice relaxing time huh#even just wants someone to take over their brain for a bit so they arent filled with insane amounts of stress about fucking up.#and no one around them will help out for silly reasons like ‘this is a bad coping mechanism’ and ‘having free will is important’ and#‘controlling someone’s mind is invasive’#except for this one asshole. and they don’t even like him.#i cannot emphasize enough how much the core of this timeline is that even and the master do not fucking like each other. at all.#but the thing is: time bubble.#even can’t reasonably expect to survive on their own. and the master gets his kicks out of watching one of the doctor’s companions get Worse#when circumstances force their hand. and also its helpful to have a spare to be able to throw into pits before you jump in yourself to see#how deep they are.#something even is aware of. and on some level finds easier than their relationship with the doctor. there’s security in knowing someone will#destroy you. in choosing them to do it. or at least telling yourself that you had a choice when you picked them.#<3 healthy and normal relationship.#i got off topic this was about hypnosis. anyway the point of that was that its one thing to give a guy your death and another to (willingly)#let him fuck around in your head. no matter how appealing it looks some days.#and let me tell you: even’s had some days.#endgame for even getting out of this. (if they do. i haven’t decided.) but the endgame is someone on the surface whose face the doctor knows#and someone underneath who is a complete stranger. both metaphorically and physically as in: that suicide pill tooth is probably not the#last thing they end up letting the master stick in their body. even is at the end of the day a constant struggle to be a person and not a#reaction to the people around them.#dw oc#and maybe in a nicer timeline they meets river song and find kinky applications for hallucinagenic lipstick. i could let them be happy.#i could. i wont! but i could.
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beesinspades · 4 months
very happy to be a little over two months on T but boi despite no changes the hormonal mess it's causing has been taking me on a RIDE and next time is my first shot by myself i totally expect to either chicken out or suck it up and feel sick af afterwards
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rgg can have a You Did The Bare Minimum award for keepin jo alive and not continuin the trend of one-shottin every interestin antag we meet but they esp deserve it cause lettin jo live the rest of his days in guilt and shame without the power to do anythin is pretty thematically consistent for him. if i may be insane to say.
#snap chats#Stream Of Consciousness dont look at me im rambling#EW this text post is longer than a tweet thats disgusting#i never even tweet outside of art on twitter. ok i do on my personal but i barely post there outside of qrting stuff lmao#In Any Case. i do have an essay on my dome about shame/guilt and jo i aint gon lie#thats been brewing for a while cause like.... lol..... lmao perhaps....#ill just keep it short and sweet rn cause my brain just aint fucntionin how the fuck is it 10pm hold on (;´д`)#anyway Speedrun Version of what im thinkin tonight#jo's greatly motivated by the guilt he feels for his irresponsibility debilitating masato#he does all he can for him in an attempt to atone for that#but despite those attempts he still shoulders that never-ending guilt#despite those attempts i think its a fair wager to suggest he probably thinks there isnt anything he could do to properly atone#but he at least can and does still try right. this comes back to him going to jail i promise#beforehand jo /felt/ as though he was powerless to do anything- in prison he's /physically/ incapable of doing anything of use anymore#or. he's at least incredibly limited. the most he can do is tell ichi past info but Specifics right#moreover both the arakawas are gone: even if jo was free he still would have no conceivable way of 'redeeming himself'#esp in the case of arakawa that feeling of guilt is worse: this is another case that he arguably couldve prevented#obvi with masato that one is more sure He Definitely Could Have Prevented This but Specifics 2x right we know what im saying#my words are muddy but i hope we know what i mean. in prison all he can do is think and be left with his feelings#all he can do is stew in his regret and guilt. its like. Thematically the perfect consequence for him#like again One Thing to let him live but it also just so happens to play into that eternal guilt/utter powerlessness so well#this type of thing is going to decay my brain until LAD8 comes out and all of this is undone somehow but for now.... i love his misery...#ok this is the only vaguely. I Thought For More Than Three Miliseconds Today post youre gonna get im going back to being stupid
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