#i have animatics in my head every time i listen to these songs
shinshoyu · 7 months
speaking of johnshi music pacific by chase petra (spotify) feels johnny core to me
an eye for an eye by rina sawayama (spotify) is kenshi and nobody can change my mind
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
During the 2020 shut-in era, I basically only listened to Coldplay and god the amnt of emotional nostalgia I get from listening to their music is so
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#the first 3 albums only btw 🥰🥰#theres some songs i rly like from their other albums#but nothing has the gut punch of their first 3 for me#and i listened to them a lot while developing my main oc ship#so listening to these im like SOB SOB ECLIPOIR SOB SOB SOB#i even drew art of them w the lyrics....#but now these songs are my go-to ship coded songs#so ofc listening to them now my brain is subconsciously trying to apply them to vettonso....#tho something i think is very funny is how this music is pretty basic right? not a bad thing!!! but like very well known normal music#but of course when i listen to it im making these over dramatic animatics in my head to them#and once i looked at the lyrics explanation for a song cause i was curious#and the reasoning was something super boring related to chris martin's marriage and it ruined the song for a bit LMFAO#i cant be thinking abt them in that context okay 😭😭 theyre the songs thsy form the tapestry for basically every ship i have#blah blah blah typical catie moment of 'i dont listen to these songs in the NORMAL way' calm down...#anyways getting emo as always over this music sob sob sob#I just love that music can instantly transport you back to a specific time in your life or a specific thing#i think I also was into rainbow six when i listened to this music mainly 😭😭 so now ofc theyre popping into my head#also my god: Spies would be such a good Bond song and i refuse to believe they didnt write it w that in mind ;;;;;#maybe i should put more thought into what songs of theirs i could apply to vettonso...#i really need to make a playlist for them sometime :D#catie.rambling.txt
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kirnet · 2 years
5 song pairing playlist
tagged by the wonderful @montliyets! doing benny/raiden bc im insane
tagging @arcann @consulaaris @steelport and anyone else who sees this!
unfinished business - white lies
you’ve got blood on your hands and i know it’s mine / i just need more time / so get off your low let’s dance like we used to
a pearl- mitski
it’s just that i fell in love with a war/ nobody told me it ended
duvet - boa
and you don’t seem to understand / a shame you seemed an honest man
the pit- silversun pickups
somebody somewhere/ will clean out your wounds/ with dirty fingers/ bury the lie
to the blade- everything everything
in the final seconds/ i think he knew everything you are/ a plague on the horizon/ in the cold arena where you’re/ trapped
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~Johnalthea💚🌌🌟💘'At All Costs'~
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More Johnalthea goodness I was excited to share with you all but this time, in the form of a beautifully breathtaking three-page comic, done by none other than the lovely and sweet @jaguardorado16~✨💓 This masterpiece of a commission was heavily inspired by the demo version of Wish's 'At All Costs' and this amazing fan storyboard/animatic as seen here 🌟 Although the movie is mostly reviewed as mediocre itself (despite the hidden references, secrets and easter eggs to other Disney classics) this song I really enjoy listening to~😌To me, it really gives off John Dory x Amalthea vibes (hence it being their love song list💕) it really fits them~💚💘 You cannot imagine how truly over the moon I am to have this wonderfully romantic and memorable moment between John and Ama brought magically to life~🪄✨🥹I am absolutely love, love, LOVING every single part and page to the stars and heavens above -LITERALLY~!!😍💖🥰🌌🥰💖😍 Every time I look at them this way - dancing and singing amongst the stars together, the song always plays in my head, it's absolutely perfect...EEEEEEE~!!🤩🌟💝🌟🤩And it's great to see Broppy witnessing the beautiful moment too~💙🩷😉
Thank-you ever so, soooo much in a million, my dear JD!!🫂💞😊💞🫂You have done true justice, captured Johnalthea ever so magnificently here in your amazing style~!👏🏻😁💝I am also very happy you see them as a super beautiful and charming couple, just like I do, along with Coossy~!😚💗
Bless you, my dear~🫶🏻😇🪽 It was a real pleasure to commission you and keep up the awesome work in all you do!✌🏻😘💕xoxo.
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Comic Commission (c) @jaguardorado16~✨ Space Trolls (c) @x-elyssa-x~💜 Amalthea (c) @jade-green-butterfly (Me~!) John Dory (c) DreamWorks Trolls/DreamWorks Animation
'At All Costs' -Demo Version- (sung by Chris Pine & Ariana DeBose) (c) Disney's Wish
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Chrumblr RP animatic outline, to the song Fool's Gold by Briston Maroney
“Fool’s Gold”, then below in smaller letters, “A Chrumblr RP animatic”. Then when the guitar comes in, it shows the gang all showing up one at a time and meeting
I hate to say it, but I think I'm getting too old
Nightwing, Tired™, getting between Peter and Arrio
The conversations that my mind won't even let me hold
Maddox being confused about Nia's messages
Your attention isn't worth my weight in fool's gold
Peter sticking his tongue out at Arrio
Wanna let go, can I let go?
Raoul asking Maddox to help him sleep (to Maddox's surprise)
Started talking and you couldn't look in my eyes
Nia telling Arrio about the messages
Told me stories 'bout you drinking on the fourth of July
Arrio telling Nia about Jupiter City
Every little truth, it turned into a big lie
Matt explaining how he met Peter, puts a hand on his shoulder and Peter tugs his sleeve further over his web shooters
Why do I try? Why do I try?
Maddox almost outing a panicking Peter as Spiderman
If I hold my breath 'til I fall asleep
Christine playing with Raoul's hair, his head in her lap
Will it be there when I wake?
Nightwing, Nia, and Venatrix coming out of the forest to stand at the treeline
Maybe we can take some time
Maddox offering Arrio his hand
Move out West where we can do this right
The gang walking through town and finding the inn
Broken clock still keeps the time
Maddox talking about his amnesia/explaining how he knows Strike
Who says I've got to stay in line?
Arrio and Peter initial confrontation
I'm so sick of these city lights
Nightwing looking out the inn window at the unfamiliar town
Everything here's black and white
Trixi and Strike arguing with Arrio on the rooftops
I don't know where I went wrong
Nia finding out her shooting wasn't helping
But I surely did tonight
Nia panicking after shooting Matt
It just me or is this music playing too loud?
Nia tapping, Matt rubbing his ears
All the kids dressed in black, really getting me down
Peter pushing past Arrio, who then says he’ll stay back from the mission
Mother warned me about hanging with the wrong crowd
Nia panicking when Maddox tries to use the force on her
Gotta get out, gotta get out
Nia and Trixi running through the woods with Sploto poking out of Nia's bag
Don't give a fuck if you intended to ignore me
The kids having their heart-to-heart on the floor of Trixi and Nia's room
Wish that I could close my eyes and just go back to sleep
Raoul and Christine panicking in the hallway being comforted by the other adults
That's your best friend, and she's passed out in the backseat
Strike sitting on the edge of Maddox's bed where he's laying
She needs you more than me
Peter staying awake with Arrio, the fire butterflies floating around the ceiling
If I fall asleep with my hands held tight
Nia and Trixi in bed hugging
They'd be there when I wake
Strike hugging Maddox as he has nightmares
And maybe we can take some time
Trixi going to stand next to Arrio at the inn
Move out West where we can do this right
Nia, Trixi (in fox form), Matt, and Raoulstine sitting in the grass talking (during the interrogation)
Broken clock still keeps the time
(Same scene but focus on Raoulstine) Christine smiles sadly and takes Raoul's hand
Who says I've got to stay in line?
Raoul yelling about not keeping secrets
I'm so sick of these city lights
Dick takes off his mask for everyone to see
Everything here's black and white
Strike making a light-hearted comment at the inn, Arrio misinterpreting it and getting annoyed
And she's calling me to bed
Christine and Raoul in their room
But I will not sleep tonight, mm
Arrio awake in the corner after Peter's fallen asleep
I have a tendency to overthink in my head
Peter getting a second hug from Strike
Let's just listen to some music and go back to bed
Matt entering his room and finding Dick already asleep
Probably didn't hear a single word that I said
Arrio looking at Nia knowingly and her ignoring his look and just smiling
Just forget it until the mornin’
The gang eating breakfast, then stepping outside and finding themselves on the island (sans Maddox)
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aberrant-winter · 5 months
I found a song that would be PERFECT for a Nuzi angst animatic but of course i don't have the skill nor time to do It 😔
Guess i'll just have to keep replaying these scenarios in my head every time i listen to it
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morningstarwrites · 9 days
Hey Star! If we're talking about music, I wanna share a song that I've always related to Lucifer and Alastor, especially Lucifer, ever since I first heard it.
Misanthrapologist by Will Wood! https://youtu.be/jcWJMvSnhv8?si=8ZWCpZzTV9b_3EF7
It's not specifically about OSAS but I think it works well with any version of their relationship.
I mean,
"God made me famous cause I am his favourite, but I can hate myself so you don't have to."
I'm sorry, that's so Lucifer fpfpf
"I hear your heart beating under the floorboards, the rhythm is a gospel to me"
My mind, when putting the song in this context, always goes to Alastor's wound from Adam, and the idea in a lot of fics that Lucifer can sense the angelic energy :0
"So how can I stand a chance, let alone dance with the way you sweep me off these two left feet."
Especially to OSAS Lucifer, but we all know he fell first pfpfpf
"The only thing that's meant to be is gravity! And what comes up must go down."
The Fall 😳
And then of course,
"Beat by beat, and heart by heart, this won't have to end if it doesn't start." Repeatedly,
Brings to mind the way both Lucifer and Alastor in OSAS are hesitant and hold themselves back, fearing this "end" that will come if they do start pfpf
And those are just some of the lyrics!!! This song quickly became one of my favourite Will Wood songs, and I definitely recommend it in general, but in my eyes it works as both a great character study for both Lucifer and Alastor, and a review on the way a romantic relationship would go between them
I haven't even mentioned all the parts that drag my mind over to Alastor 😭😭 ("Look what you've done, gave this planet a sun, and made a man wonder if he's more than the sum of his cells", "Cause you defy creation, etc", "You're dangling a lantern over the event horizon, etc")
But yes, apologies, Star, for the spam, every time I listen to this song a mini radioapple animatic plays in my head pfpflf
I hope you like it if you give it a listen :D
Hey! Omg the lyrics work sooo well, thank you so much! And I love you analyzing the way they interact with one another!
And who said Lucifer fell first 😏
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prince-kallisto · 10 days
Argh…every time I listen to my preferred songs, I find myself imagining an animatic focused on either/all Crowley, Lilia, Malleus, Meleanor, Silver…it would be nice if I could sit down and work on these ideas, but I have so many rotating in my head at once! 🤣
A lot are in English, but there are several in Spanish that I’d love to do too- the vibes are so right \(//∇//)\ No matter if it’s from the 60’s, 80’s, or more recent times…I connect everything to Crowley BAHXJSHD
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I really admire people who can sit down and work and finish their projects…I find myself aimlessly working on so many different ones simultaneously that nothing ever gets done 🤣
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
Do songs that you listen often to ever remind you of characters or events from TPiaG or other stories you've written? It happens to me a lot with stuff from a story with OCs I've been helping my best friend make for years now.
Anyways, I'm asking about it because a song from my playlist reminded me a lot of Twig when I heard it while driving the other day. I had heard the song a million times before, but when I was thinking about the lyrics more they seemed to perfectly fit her internal conflict. The song was Blurt by Mega Mango if you want to take a listen.
The song is definitely just about dealing with mental health issues in general, but my PMD brainrot made it so that this was all I could think about after my epiphany. On that note, I want to offer you a congratulations for writing characters so well that they takes over my brain from time to time. I greatly appreciate it. :D
First up: Thanks so much for your kind words! Second: Oh my goodness. My friend, you are opening up Pandora's Box. 
TPiaG doesn't have as many songs associated with it as my other projects because it hasn't been in development for several years— however, a vital part of my story development process is listening to music and imagining all the animatics of the characters and storyline that I want to make set to them. I do this for every project that sufficiently resonates with the blorbo frequency in my brain, and TPiaG is no exception! 
In terms of songs that embody specific events but aren't connected to a single character, I regularly listen to “Turn the Lights off” by Tally Hall and imagine a sort of extended theme song animation for if TPiaG were an animated series. There's so many lines that mention concepts important to the story!
Another animatic song, this one set in the Dark Future when Twig was human and starting her and Grovyle's quest to save the world, is "Running Out Of Time" by Lin-Manuel Miranda--- specifically the stretch spanning at roughly 1:10 to the end of the song. I have a very vivid image of Twig repeatedly shouting at Grovyle that they need to abscond ASAP as he frantically gathers supplies that spilled out of his bag while they're being pursued by the sableye, and then of Dusknoir being dismissed by a ferryman as he's interrogating him on which way they went.
I also still listen to “Let's Get This Over With” by They Might be Giants and imagine the rest of that one unfinished animatic I posted forever ago. That song isn't as blatantly connected to the events of the game, but there's a few anchor points in the lyrics I really enjoy. 
As for individual characters and songs I associate with them, here’s a selection with links to Spotify for easy listening!
"Hey, Doctor Doctor" by Milk in the Microwave
"Monster" by Half Moon Run
"Smile" by Ukuletea
"Feelings Are Fatal" by mxmtoon
... And now, "Blurt" by Mega Mango as well!
"Problems" by Mother Mother 
"Rule #21- Momento Mori" by Fish in a Birdcage
"What You Know" by Two Door Cinema Club
"I'm Not Fine" by Blixemi
"Don't Throw Out My Legos" by AJR
"Just Take My Wallet" by Jack Stauber’s Micropop
"The Villain I Appear to Be" covered by Annapantsu
"Surface Pressure" covered by Annapantsu
(I don't know why both of these songs are specifically the versions sung by Annapantsu. Apparently she's Grovyle-coded in my head.)
(Insert any bubblegum pop or kawaii future bass song of your choice here.)
(Celebi has somehow evaded my ability to assign her songs. I’ll get her someday.)
"I'll Be Good" by Jaymes Young
"Never Love an Anchor" by The Crane Wives
"I Was Me" by Imagine Dragons
Twig's Aunt:
"Family Jewels" by Marina and the Diamonds
"In Fact (Demo Version)" By Gregory and the Hawk
"Ain't It Fun" by Paramore
Twig's Mother:
"Brother" by Madds Buckley
And for those who'd enjoy some Travailshipping songs...
"You Are The Moon" by The Hush Sound
"Dark Clay" by Levi Weaver
"When the Day Met the Night" by Panic! at the Disco
"Can I Have the Day With You" by Sam Ock
"Tongues & Teeth" by The Crane Wives
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kicktwine · 1 year
wanted to ask, could we get a look in to how you put together your animatics?? I've been toying with the idea of trying to make one of my own, but I've got no idea where to start
oh yeah totally
though to be fair, a HUGE chunk of my time is spent listening to about 20 seconds of a song and imagining how the images move around like a little movie, and I refine a ton of stuff in my head before starting to actually put scenes down on paper. This happens with non-music boarding too, imagining different versions of how the scenes line up with dialogue/music. So step one: put a song on repeat and daydream for at least two hours. But, if you aren’t sure how to do this, I’d suggest looking at animatics, MAP projects, AMVs, animated musicals, fight scenes, etc. what do they do that’s cool? Imitate them.
after that, I have most of the main images with some blank spots im not sure how to fill until I put them down. I make something like this and get the compositions of each main image looking more or less okay in this form. This is also the stage I figure out the in between blank spots. I try not to have weird camera moves or other storyboarding don’ts, but some storyboarding donts are completely valid to break if you know what you want aesthetically. As usual. This one was actually pretty clean, but check out all the framing edits. i always have to make the frame bigger
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If you really don’t know what goes in between things, don’t be afraid to focus on some little details of the scene, pull out and show us the setting, put some flowery symbolism on screen, give us some fun little comedic anime inserts, or do what cowboy standoffs do and build tension. What we used to do was draw paws stepping across the screen or eyes blinking, lol
next comes audio sync! I like to get the timing extant on copies of these rough thumbnails before moving on. It helps my brain work through smaller more animated movements + testing if the things I came up with for the blank spots work. and also just makes it happy. And also, most importantly, it tests if the compositions work. If you can see it, the whole sequence with mom was a blank spot until I sketched it. I usually do this step in roughanimator even if i don’t finish it in roughanimator. Keeps it very rough.
after this is just a lot of polishing and layers! For lots of small animatics, I just use roughanimator and leave it like that. It’s surprisingly good for a very basic program. But, for things that need tweens or lots of camera movement, I use toon boom harmony. It’s more powerful and is actually supposed to be used for animation, which. Yknow. I do. I tried storyboard pro, it wasn’t my favorite.
Here are some, I guess, miscellaneous more technical tips for making your animatics feel nice!
If you’re going for lots of movement, try out timing it so big movements or scene transitions line up with the spikes in the audio WAV. If it doesn’t feel right, move it a few frames BEFORE the spike/audio beat. Your brain usually wants to see something move barely before it hears it - this works for dialogue especially. BUT! Don’t feel like you have to do this for every beat. unless you want to feel like Wes Anderson, which you can do and I will not stop you.
If you’re going for something slower with not that much movement, try motion tweening! or adjusting something very slowly so we don’t linger on one still image for forever.
you don’t need crazy camera angles for everything, but put a few in there for spice. This all depends on your mood you want to cultivate. Slow = flatter, spacious, details; fast = lots of moves, weird angles, perspective; disorienting = slow/jerky weird angles etc etc. the camera has emotions built into it. Because the camera is you! surprise!
watch storyboarding tutorials. lots of people zoom in too much when they draw and I am not excluded. Also, keep in mind the eyesight rule. It’s hard for me to explain concisely but… you as the artist are always leading the viewers eye somewhere, with every shot you make. Don’t make them dizzy by having the center of attention jump around to six different spots for six shots straight - if you find yourself unhappy with a sequence, especially a fast one, see if your line of sight is going all over the place and try moving the subject of a shot or two somewhere else or having them move/gesture towards the new shot’s focal point so the viewers eye moves there naturally. I’m actually not great at doing this when words/lyrics are involved, pmv makers have my respect.
contrast is your friend. If you want to emphasize a big fast move or big bright image, put little slow moves or simple images right before/after it. and vice versa! this counts for camera too!
easy camera shakes are just 3-4 frames of cam down/up/down less/up less, a blank tween or two (easing back into normal), and then a key for your desired normal camera location. Or left/right, whichever.
your brain needs about six frames to fully register an object as being an object. If you want someone to see and really See it, rather than just get a glimpse of it and go "What was that!" It needs more than six frames.
don’t be afraid to experiment!!!!!! And don’t get overwhelmed! Everything I just described I MOSTLY do off instinct, which you’ll get a sense for after you make one. Or like…. Ten. Does it feel good in your heart? Then that’s what’s important. Find an idea you want to make move, figure out your limits (programs, attention span, drawing capability, make sure not to commit to a minute long amv if you dont KNOW you wanna do a minute long amv), and plan around that. When I was A Child, people on youtube were just making like three amvs per second and cringe hadn’t been invented yet so they were all mostly untrained unpolished and so so important and based to me. Stop thinking so hard about it. You gotta get that animatic out there into the world or it’ll start fermenting in your brain and make you sick. So what if it doesn’t turn out exactly the way you imagined it? You’ll have another idea tomorrow. And if it matters that much, you can always do it again. Go make! Good luck!
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ladye-zelda · 8 months
The Chain as Owl City Songs
You read the title; I gave each member of the chain an Owl City song (or more) XD
Some of these songs can go to multiple of the boys (most notably Wild, Twilight, and Legend; poor guys with girlfriend trauma).
Also disclaimer: this is mainly all of the songs I grew up with, so I won't have any songs from Owl City's newer albums (such as Cinematic and Coco Moon; especially Coco Moon as I haven't finished listening to that album at this time).
The first thing that came to mind was Strawberry Avalanche, since it kind of fits with the Koholint situation.
But I think the one that would best fit would be Angels (though it could also match with Twi and Wild).
For some more post-Koholint Angst, here's The Real World; I dunno, seems like a song Legend would belt out.
Up All Night. No doubt. I've actually been thinking of this for so long I've been going crazy XD
(And this is mainly the song that can go with both Legend and Wild as well; be prepared for some heavy angst.)
Originally what I had was Super Honeymoon (as kind of a joke) but listening to it I realized it made more sense if he was married to Zelda, which is a nope. (Or I guess it could fit if he just thinks of his wife so highly, which is likely).
Tbh he was kind of hard to assign an Owl City song to (like Four), so I think Meteor Shower might also fit for some Time Angst.
(Or Dental Care or Rugs from Me To You for some dad jokes hehe.)
(Bonus: Tennis Elbow from Sky Sailing; not technically Owl City but it's by the same guy.)
(Bonus Bonus: Unbelievable for that 90's nostalgia; unfortunately it doesn't mention Ocarina of Time but if this was Modern AU then Time would absolutely have 90's nostalgia... maybe...)
Plant Life. I think this song would kind of touch with that side of Hyrule who felt like he isn't like the other heroes
(It does have a slight romance undertone to it, but its only in the chorus/bridging lyric and isn't the main focus of the song I will admit.)
Wolf Bite. I know the title kind of suggests this should be Twi's song, but if you listen to it it kind of fits with the internal struggle that Wild goes through in the comics. (Plus if I could make animatics I would totally make an animatic of Wild to this song; ahhh I love Ultraviolet (the album this is from) so much).
Bird with a Broken Wing. Kind of self explanatory if you listen closely to the lyrics. (Actually, this could fit with Time... hm...)
Oof, this was kind of a hard one. At first I was going to say that no song could match him, until I remembered...
The Technicolor Phase. Kind of color-centric for those who like them XD
[Insert every 2010's Owl City love song here]
XD Kidding; but the two I have written down are Honey and the Bee and The Bird and the Worm (and maybe Early Birdie?)
A non-romantic song I remembered however is Sky Diver. Yeah that's Sky for ya XD
The Airway — SO perfect for Sky
Yacht Club! Except not really because I forgot it was a romance song XD (We'll save it for when Wind has grown a bit.)
On the other hand: How I Became the Sea.
I was tempted to put Deer in the Headlights as a joke but then that would fit with womanizer Wars which is a BIG NOPE (and doesn't fit with Wars at all), so just think of it as reversed or something XD
On the other hand, we have Hospital Flowers for kind of maybe that survivor side of him.
But Beautiful Times fits him the most, as it kind of delves in with that war aspect ("cab driver turned to skydiver then to survivor" screams war to me).
And yeah, that's all the chain! Feel free to add or switch out any songs that you feel might be better; these were just mainly off the top of my head.
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bloop-arts · 2 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
oooooo okay let's go, i'm going to give reasoning too because fuck it i have some soort of brainrot associated with most of these songs KJDHGSF
1: The song with 5 names - Will Wood and the tapeworms
amphibia tma au be hitting, i want to make an animatic with this song because i can see everything so clearly in my head for it all. might make a comic instead who knows!!
2: From the Air - Laurie Anderson
The vibes are immaculate, it scratches my brain so well, Laurie Anderson you will always be famous
3: Easier - The Crane Wives
SPECIFICALLY THIS VERSION oh it slaps so much, someday i'll make a life series animatic following zombiecleo's arc to this (@ayyyyysexual you know the great cledubs divorce saga of which i speak)
4: More Like You - Orla Gartland
The sasharcy yearning is so incredibly real in this one I don't even know what to tell you. Foils who want what the other has makes me lose it every time
5: Damage Gets Done - Hozier, Brandi Carlile
48 years au with @borkthemork my beloved forever in my mind, there's so much bittersweet nostalgia packed into this song it just fits perfectly with the central relationship (other than marcanne) of Anne and the oc we got way more attached to than we were ever expecting KSHDFS
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crabsnpersimmons · 4 months
Hi, hello, your animatic has been living rent free in my head and I've rambled to a friend how much I love it, so I thought I probably should do the same directly to you! (I know this was a gift for someone else so I hope it's not weird gkjhdsf)
First of all, thank you for introducing this song to me, I'll be listening to it a thousand times XD
Second of all, aaaaa I love how well you fitted all the images to the lyrics!! All the shenanigans and fumbles are absolutely endearing! I love Sun using his leg as a fake guitar haha! And Moon flying away dejectedly with the cable when they think they already blew it. All the expressions are amazing, and I love how they can go from smooth and suave to nervous wrecks in a second XD But they always look so heartfelt in whatever they are saying! And I think my favorite part is when they are complimenting y/n, quickly switching so that each can say what they love about them!
And omg when they turn into Eclipse to get on one knee, because that's the part they both want to be present for aaaaaaaaaa
I am so not normal about this animatic at all, incredible work with it! The art style is delightful and colorful and so much fun! I hope you are proud of it because my god is it an amazing animatic! ^_^
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chaotik!! this is so sweet thank you!! i had a long day driving in the snow and reading this revitalized me!! (and no worries at all, a gift to one is a gift to all in the fandom. that's why I love gift exchange events like this! we all get to enjoy the fun!)
you actually covered a lot of the reasons why i wanted to do an animatic of the full song. it's a great song (sad it was cut from Frozen 2, but it understandably wouldn't have fit plot-wise) and just a wonderful balance of fun and vulnerability and sweetness. one of my favourite songs about love tbh. the line "I planned to really try to be the opposite of me" just gets me every time—the words, the way the music begins to slow, the way Jonathan Groff delivers the lines—it's just so raw
and Sun's guitar part was one of the first ideas i had for the animatic! just the way the lines are delivered always made me think of air guitar, so i was really anxious to get that part right (haha) it's still one of my favourite moments in the whole thing (the fact this silly bean is acting all suave one moment and then pulls back to strum his leg like a jester rockstar. gosh i love this guy!)
i initially planned to cut it off at the part Moon gets carried off, because i was worried about time. but there was just so much i wanted to do with the animatic (especially the rapid-fire compliments and Eclipse coming out) so i'm glad i was able to do it all! it was a big project, but i'm so happy with how it turned out and happy i could share this wild song with everyone too!
also! you reminded me i still need to share all the thumbnails and the memes i said i would do once i finished! expect those soon!
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kraefishh · 6 months
Multiples of 5, + #23 + Bonus question of your choosing.
*cracks knuckles* yeah alright
i'm answering #23 first and the rest will be under the cut just for the sake of knowing how long this post is probably going to get. SO!!
#23. Favorite picture of this character?
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if we want just pictures of Raine alone-- THESE TWO IMAGES IN PARTICULAR THANK YOU VERY MUCH. both are by Dana Terrace. the Link one in particular makes me lose my MIND and if you haven't seen it before i needed you to see it now.
moving on to the other questions~~
#5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Just about every time i listen to tongues & teeth by the crane wives i think about them..... namely this animatic. that is the only one i can think of at the moment.
#10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Probably not best friends??? But I do think we'd get along quite well!! I had a habit of making friends with just about all of my teachers and Raine is very much... mentor esc. I mean they did teach, at one point. Point stands! As someone who is very musically inclined, we would simply bond over that.
They are also the kind of person you can sit in silence with for HOURS and it not be awkward. Sure we would probably have music playing, but their company is not inherently prone to chaos without an external push for it.
#15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Okay well this question was literally just an excuse for me to talk about Raeda, I see. I even went out of my way to include Raine-only pictures!! [dramatic sigh] I guess I'll just have to include my thoughts.
Ahem-- Raeda. It's... That's obvious, if you know me at all. Eda is my favorite Owl House character. And I knew before even starting the show itself that I was going to get attached to Raine. You put in a character who is musically inclined, a nerd, a genuine person and was best friends with your favorite character?? Yeah of course I was going to love them together.
Hell I made a fankid for them. Two fankids, actually. I haven't done that shit in years. I made a playlist for them 3 days after my friend and I finished the show entirely. That was a new record. I went several months with songs in my back pocket about a separate ship before making the playlist.
They make me feel so normal.
#20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
OH HANDS DOWN DARIUS. Those two were obviously the two that sat in the back of the class silently judging everyone. Like I love all of the Hagsquad equally (Eda, Lilith, Raine, Darius, Alador, Odalia(?)) but there's something about those two making fun of each other in all of the... few SPEAKING SCENES they share that really got to me.
Those two single-handedly came up with a plan to take down their corrupt government (With obviously the help of Eber, I can't forget Eber). Even if they happened to misunderstand each others' goals during their times as Coven Heads for most of it, I think they had that mutual understanding of hatred towards their situation.
#25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Like I said in #15, I walked into the show already knowing who they were, at least vaguely. I knew they were Eda's ex and I knew that they meant well. And already knew that they weren't inherently evil.
I love them so very dearly they are genuinely one of the most powerful characters in the entire show and I live by that statement. What a fucking power move they pulled just about every time we saw them.
'Them's The Breaks, Kid' solidified my growing love for them. They're so silly but they could break your fucking bones, and I respect that.
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Lonely Dance (Set It Off)
Out on the social anxiety/Out on the phoney friends I don't need/So I just turn off my phone and turn on TV/Cos solo's the only way I can breathe/So I just/Do my little lonely dance!/Performing for my only fan!/Cos its my kind of party!/My room is where my heart is!/I do my little lonely dance!/I don't need you to understand!/And there's no way I'm stopping!/It's like nobody's watching!
"I'm locked in my room, sick of the world, crank the music up and YES! IM DOING A LONELY DANCE! AND IT'S NOT SAD LONELINESS IT'S TRIUMPHANT! There's this bit at the end where the guy is just screaming 'all I need is ME MYSELF AND I' and I just understand that so hard. It's like that feeling when you're just so sick of the world and how stressful it all is, so you just want to lock yourself away from it and celebrate the things that do make you happy, even if that means you're alone, you want to be alone. I'm rambling but fuck this song means something to me. Just listen to the lyrics, it'll change you I promise."
Immortal (Reinaeiry)
Cause I'll always find you/Again and again/And I'll love every version of you/And you're never truly gone/As long as a part of you with me lives on
"I first heard this song when I was hyperfixated on Ingo and Emmet, twin conductors from Pokemon Black and White. Ingo is in Pokemon Legends Arceus, but Emmet is not. Ingo has amnesia and cannot remember where he came from or who he left behind, if anyone. In my brain, this song could be in the perspective of either twin, but I mostly apply it to Emmet, usually because of the line "I'll love every version of you". Knowing both of their personalities, whenever they're reunited, Ingo would want to apologize for not remembering who Emmet was, despite having no control over that, and of course Emmet would be upset, but he also wouldn't care, because even if he has amnesia, he's still Ingo and Emmet missed him verrrrry much. They're both workaholics, and most of the fandom agrees that Emmet probably worked himself to death (not literally (most times)) after Ingo's disappearance, both at his job and at home, working to do anything he can to find what happened to Ingo and bring him home, which of course goes with the lyrics "I'll always find you again and again". I could go into a lot more details with the specific lyrics and such because I've been listening to this song a long time now and building an animatic in my head, but I don't want to make this longer than it already is haha. If you read all this, sorry and thank you <3"
Poll runner: It's a really gorgeous melody about an immortal who falls in love over and over with the reincarnated versions of the same person. Even if this loses, go listen to some Reinaeiry, it'll change you.
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lunatic-fandom-space · 6 months
I dont think ive mentioned this at any point but Im actually really obsessed elisabeth but I cant engage with it at all or even think too hard about it without feeling like Im gonna start biting people. like, ive been making a lot of tanz der vampire posts and whenever one of my original posts gets interacted with I go and check the account because Im a freak like that and surprise surprise, people who like that musical also often like elisabeth, theres one account in particular who might even recognize me because its a fairly small fandom, and whenever I look at their account Ive always completely forgotten that they post a lot about elisabeth and I get jumpscared and have to very quickly click away as my heartrate inexplicably spikes for a second. And it really sucks because one time one of the posts I got jumpscared by was this one that pointed out how deaths carriage was also rudolfs bed and I hadnt noticed that and its really neat and I would love to see more posts like that about what is basically my favorite musical ever but I cant. look at them
I think the reason my brain is so weird about letting me enjoy it is that it is rpf and also german in origin. or well its from austria but you know what I mean. And i dont know why because its not like hamilton where all the songs slap but its weirdly patriotic so i dont really wanna watch it in full ever again, not only do all the songs in elisabeth slap but its also not patriotic as a whole, like thats the reason i was able to listen to it almost every day while taking the bus to school for about three months, i couldnt do that if it was weirdly patriotic yknow. Speaking of me listening to the soundtrack almost everday for three months, whenever I would do that I would imagine these elaborate and usually very romantic animatics in my head and thats perfectly fine but god forbid i wanna read a fanfic thats just a non-musical prose version of Die Schatten Werden Länger (Reprise) because like, no offense but what other kind of fanfic could you possibly write about this musical. Or maybe I just lack imagination idk
Also, speaking of the nature of this musical as rpf, because Death is the only character thats not like, real, hes the only character that I can read or write fanfic about, like I found a fic about him intracting with the von Krolocks and I liked it so much that I wrote my own oneshot about him having a weird tender moment with Herbert and I have ideas for like 3 more, which is kinda ironic because hes the character Im the most unwell about for all the obvious reasons and usually when Im this degree of unwell about a character i can hardly stand to even think about them but I guess the fact that I can already barely bring myself to think about the musical hes from kinda cancels that out
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