#i have a serious case of same face syndrome
sadsmihalleyface · 5 months
the new league cinematic is so good but i hate the way Morgana's face looks almost exactly like Kai'Sa's
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saintsenara · 1 year
Thoughts on tomarry
thank you for the ask, anon!
tomarrymort was one of the first ships i ever read, and it remains a firm favourite of mine. certainly, it's my preferred pairing for harry [sorry to all the hinny girlies i'm friends with now], and it's up there among my preferred pairings for voldemort [along with riddledore and snapemort].
[i have a current tomarry wip, as well... just in case you were looking for something to read...]
but why do i like the pairing?
firstly, a couple of facetious - but still extremely important - points:
harry does not stop banging on about how hot tom riddle is. he simps for him shamelessly, which i respect, and he's clearly physically attracted to him, which is important in a relationship. tom is a bit more demure, but he does point out that he and harry look alike, so clearly he's been checking him out.
their mind connection is also hot, as generations of smut writers know.
thinking about how all harry's friends react to the revelation that he's banging the dark lord entertains me endlessly. ron, a stoic, can handle it; hermione, very much not a stoic, cannot. my guilty pleasure is the idea that dumbledore secretly ships it.
the pairing lends itself really well to a vast variety of themes and genres. darkfic, villain-redeeming fluff, time travel, stockholm syndrome, crack, horror, pwp? yes, all yes.
and then the main, and much more serious one:
harry is, canonically, the only person to believe in the possibility of voldemort's redemption.
the complexity of grief, anger, and atonement is something i like to explore in my reading and writing, and voldemort being someone whose obvious damage has led him down very dark paths is my preferred way of seeing him. i love an outrageous villain voldemort as much as the next girl, but i definitely would rather write him as slightly more fragmented and, therefore, slightly more capable of doing something with his life beside killing and being immortal.
harry gives him that space, and the pairing has so much potential for being a genuinely beautiful meditation on the power of forgiveness and love.
i'll try most things once, but i have developed some tomarrymort dislikes:
the forgiveness point is the reason that i don't like the subgenre of tomarrymort in which voldemort has all the power. the prophecy said the dark lord shall mark him as his equal, but that seems to be absent from lots of fics.
the canonical harry does not respect the canonical voldemort as he behaves in the series - and he certainly does not and would not submit to him, even in the face of torture [he refuses to bow to him in the graveyard when he's fourteen, he's not letting him run rings around him as an adult].
similarly, while harry is prepared to be morally flexible in pursuit of the things he wants, i don't think he would ever accept a relationship with voldemort in which voldemort actively refuses to change even a little. this doesn't mean writing voldemort as suddenly becoming a meek little lamb, but it does mean harry fighting him on his worst instincts and, very probably, winning. that isn't to say that i don't like dark stories with the pairing, but i much prefer those fics if harry stays defiant and aggro until the very end in them.
on a similar point, i'm not fond of harry when he's written to be fragile, delicate, or stereotypically feminine [he's a jock who wants to become a cop!].
i'm a member of ham nation, but i'll happily read fics in which harry bottoms, but i would like it if authors could move on from equating that with a hyper-submissive personality, completely subsumed and controlled by voldemort. maybe they do have dom/sub vibes in the bedroom - i love that for them! - but that's not the same as top/bottom and it doesn't mean it spills out into everyday life.
i very rarely read fem!harry stories for a similar reason.
and then, in general, i don't read non-magical aus, and i prefer fics without dumbledore bashing, which can be hard to find.
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ladybirdswritings · 9 months
BEAUTY AND THE HYBRID - Klaus Mikaelson Fanfiction
summary: the slip of burlap rope brings an unsuspecting girl into the arms of a vicious, bloodthirsty creature.
warnings: mentions of ab*se, stockholm syndrome, captivity, dea*h, and violence.
next chapter <3 | ao3 | tag list
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"Oh fuck yeah!"
My face tints a rose-like pink, burning at my cheeks as I scold my sister with wide eyes. She is happy today, and that's rare for us. Regardless, happy or not, her sailor's mouth never fails to mortify me. The patrons of this syrup scented diner stare for a moment, but return to their meal soon enough.
Birdie is fourteen today, and her eyes are eager and swimming with starvation as she inhales the powdered sugar air. I can't really afford this, not right now at least. Probably not tomorrow either, but today is her birthday. She'll only be fourteen once and- mom would have done the same thing. In fact, mom did do the same thing. Many times for me. When I turned twelve, we snuck into a cake shop and ate each sugared treat cased in glass displays. That was my favorite birthday.
I am not brave enough or- stupid enough to steal from anyone else. I have done enough of that this week.
"Dude, they have french toast coated in chocolate syrup."
Birdie is drooling now, I smile at her.
"Whatever you want, Birdie."
It's sad, how this is like Christmas for her. A warm meal at a shitty Mystic Falls Diner for the big one four. I will do more, soon. This however, it will be dealt with if I just take over Riley's night shift at the Grille- she won't mind the time off anyways.
The waitress is a strawberry blonde, her legs seem to go for miles. Her eyes are a pretty blue and her smile is tinted pink. Birdie wastes no time.
"Chocolate syrup french toast please! Heavy emphasis on the chocolate syrup... Ooh! And a stack of four pumpkin pancakes with whipped cream and lots of bacon and eggs on the side. Some orange juice too."
The waitress stifles her grin as she jots Birdie's order down on yellow pad paper.
"And for you?"
Birdie looks at me hopefully. I gaze into her eyes for a moment and pretend that my next words will be a request of pumpkin pancakes too.
"Oh that's everything, I'm not hungry."
Guilt floods them,
"I can hold off on the pump-"
"No Birdie, really I am not hungry."
I'm starving. My stomach growls in protest, luckily quiet enough for only me to hear. Birdie believes me, at least I hope she does as she sinks back into the booth.
The waitress smiles sympathetically, nodding once before scurrying off.
Birdie is impatient, drumming her fingers on the cherry wood as we wait. It isn't just the food she's impatient for. She groans.
"Ahhh- apple! C'mon- can't we just take a two second peek at what's in the big dumb thing?"
My brows twitch in discomfort and urgency, and I lift my finger to hush her. Maybe what that man said was all just to scare me, maybe he thought it was funny. It is the month of halloween after all, I have learned in my years here how serious all of Mystic Falls takes it. Still, I don't wan't to take any chances.
I shake my head at her,
"No. Not happening. That dude told us to keep this locked tight under all circumstances."
Birdie only rolls her eyes at that,
"Pfft. That guy was probably just trying to scare us. Ooh! I bet its drugs, or illegal weapons! Or illegal drug weapons!"
I shush her again.
"It doesn't matter what it is, it's not ours. I'm not opening it. I need it safe till midnight, till I get the payout and we get the hell out of Mystic Falls."
Birdie frowns, eyes gazing at the lonely jack-o-lantern glowing golden on the concrete outside.
"You think all that money is gonna buy us real fancy meds for dad? Like ones that'll get him better quickly?"
I wince at the question, I want to say yes but I truthfully don't know. He's worsened this month, I only hope these days. So does Birdie. It's her birthday, I can't make her sad.
"I'm sure we'll figure it out, we always do. Dad's gonna be fine. We're gonna have lots of money, money for medicine and money for unlimited pumpkin pancakes until you're at least forty three."
Birdie nods in agreement with that statement, "fuck yeah." she whispers. She tries to keep it discreet but, I hear it anyways. I ignore it.
The strawberry blonde waitress returns, juggling Birdie's food on a golden arm. She places four plates down in front of my lanky sister, her eyes light up like a million fireworks have ignited within them.
"Brought you a coffee pot sugar, its on the house."
The waitress, Karen, she smiles softly and it's warm like the coffee pot. She throws pink packets of sugar and small cups of cream in front of me. It'll keep me awake, I'm grateful. I thank her as I pour the bitter drink into the mug and breathe in the aroma.
Birdie is devouring her food as if it will up and leave her.
"My my, all this food. Today a special occasion?" Karen inquires, I nod with a warm grin.
"It's her birthday."
Karen gasps, "A birthday!? Well how old are you sweetheart? Old enough to pay the bill?" She jests.
Birdie shakes her head, teeth crushing a mixture of chocolate whipped pumpkin toast topped with bacon and egg. Whatever she could fit in her mouth. "Nope. Fourteen." She speaks muffled with a mouth full of food- her words are hardly audible, masked by her chewing. I repeat it to the waitress.
"Well then, a birthday calls for a special treat don't it? I'll go get one."
I nod gratefully, "Thanks. Hey um- do you guys have a bathroom?"
She points to the right and I slide out of the booth-gripping the white oak case in my hands. I'll bring it with me. I would be a fool to lose it, let alone leave it with my very occupied sister. I almost don't believe it's anything of importance, probably just some cruel prank. My intuition reminds me just how too good to be true it sounds. Yet, I am hopeful this month. So I'm playing along anyways.
My eyes are glued to the case as I walk right, so much so that I don't see the polished boots in front of me. I gasp, accepting the fate of the floor before it even greets me. We never meet. I clutch on to the fabric smelling of maple and bourbon. It tethers me, lifting me to my feet.
It is silent, I meet ice blue eyes.
They bore past my very being, into something I don't even see myself. My soul, maybe. He is tall, tall enough that it makes me feel quite small. He has golden brown hair that curls at the tips, and golden brown stubble that surrounds pink lips. His eyes, they're all I see.
I stumble, he steadies me again with two strong hands.
"Holy shit!" Birdie calls, maybe amused- maybe relieved. She saw that, everyone saw that. My cheeks are pink again, as are the tips of my ears. The man's eyes wander around us, and it seems like that is enough for everyone. They all mind their business and return to their meals. As if he just cast a spell to detour their gazes.
His hands still grasp me as his eyes devour my composure.
"Are you all right?" His voice is like honey, stuck in a glass pot but glazing sweetness dripping from the very lid. It is deep, accented. He isn't from here.
I can't speak, I feel like I am crushed under his boot, the same one I tripped over. I only nod.
He releases me, slowly.
His eyes remain on mine, until they don't. He peers at the white oak case with an expression I cannot begin to describe. I watch him for a moment, analyzing. Fear strums at my core... its familiarity- I think. Or maybe I am just paranoid. I gulp, bending down to collect the case in my hands in an instant before he gets the chance to. I gaze at it, praying my fall didn't disrupt whatever lay inside.
He gazes at it too.
I have to speak now, otherwise I will be stuck frozen here.
"I apologize I um- I should have been paying more attention."
He doesn't tear his gaze away from the case. Not at first, for a moment that seems far too long for me to stomach. He breaks, eventually and a part of me is relieved but it seems a bigger part of me wishes he would just return his stare toward the case again. His eyes feel like they're burning through me. Like as if I try and speak again, my voice will falter to nothingness.
"You're alright, sweetheart. On you go."
Sweetheart. It calms the nerves. I nod gratefully, but his eyes returning to what is grasped in my hands just reminds me of why exactly I should be stepping rather than shaking. A gulp, then I am on my way, feet clashing against the noir tiles. Birdie is accompanied by the waitress, I catch glimpse in a napkin holder and sigh in relief as I push through the faded blue door.
I am eager to release the case from my burning hands, I was gripping it tight enough to callous my reddened palms. I throw it on the ceramic sink as the faucet squeaks, my trembling hands splash my pink face with warm water. I heat even more.
The mirror greets my pallid features, sunken in with exhaustion and hunger. It also meets my eyes, swimming with a melting pot of emotions. My breaths are shallow and labored, and my heart is pounding on its cages.
I splash my face again and yet? I cannot shake the feeling that this won't be the last time I see that man again...
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popawritter12 · 3 months
Can I send a request of yandere Kenshi specifically masked kenshi.
Author's Notes: By “masked Kenshi” I imagine when he already has the bandana, right? I'm kind of bad at English, I'm sorry if this one-shot isn't as you expected.
BTW Im sorry for taking me so much time to make this :c
Yandere! Kenshi Takahashi x Fem! Reader
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Yandere Character: Kenshi Takahashi
From the video game/manga/anime/movie/series: Mortal Kombat 1
Case: kidnapping, mention of escape, Stockholm syndrome.
Warnings: No.
Finished: Yes
I always found his behavior strange.
Maybe that was why I initially wanted to get closer to him. It was mostly my cheap curiosity, though, he took it personally; thinking that I really was in love with him and was looking to have a life with him, even when that wasn't really the case. He locked me away and forced me to live this life, one I never sought, nor desired, but it was also not something I could face or counteract.
I still remember very well the night he took me away from everyone. It was cold and a little cloudy, but never cloudy enough for it to rain, it seemed that he had been waiting for this moment, a moment in which it was at any moment it could rain and thus clear his tracks, but at the same time be was going to give me enough time to take me away from everyone, to get away from this life that I always had.
The first nights in which he kidnapped me, I didn't have a very good time, so to speak, in the sense that he was quite strict and almost every time I responded badly or did something in a way that he didn't consider correct, he responded by screaming or trying to hurt me, condescending manner. And it was totally the opposite if it was “good.”
To tell the truth, I would never have suspected that this could happen, since the few conversations I had with him were focused on quests or with other people, and I found it surprising that it all ended this way.
But hey, at least I don't have chains on my hands 24 hours a day —Do I have them on my feet at night? Yes—, but it is necessary, important, just as I couldn't control the rest of the things and much less could I know what moment would be the right one to get out of here.
And although most of the time he was at home —or at least the time I was awake since I slept in the afternoon— and he was not very talkative so to speak…, in fact for the most part he always remained serious and without saying almost anything. no words.
I often get depressed thinking about the days before this, where I was happy, where I knew everyone and where I had friends everywhere, but now that was purely taken away from me. And although I understand his reasons fairly well, I consider them unfair, selfish and aberrant.
But at least his family came to visit me from time to time, even Cage came to visit me and gave me certain things like clothes or books.
In fact, I find it surprising that someone like him is the only one allowed to talk to me. And although when I asked him if he could try to convince Kenshi of the decisions he was making, but he just shook his head saying that it is a hopeless case, and that the best thing I could do was get used to it, even if it was an attempt.
Pathetic, was what I thought; It seemed quite strange to me that the only person who even had the possibility of helping me decided to simply turn his back on me and give me minimal things so that I could at least try to "get used to" this life that I have now.
But hey, nothing is worse.
Honestly, I kept thinking that maybe it would just be a passing feeling, something that he would temporarily feel that would last until a certain period, and that he would progressively let me go, letting me go…, but I would never be more wrong.
As the days went by he seemed to be gaining more confidence, which was the complete opposite of what I expected. Sometimes he brought me gifts, during the nights he asked me if I wanted to sleep with him, if he could stand next to me so he could protect me while I rested, and although sometimes I refused, eventually I had to give in and know that I would never have a normal life again.
I still remember one time I tried to escape, I tried to try and see how far he could go, to where he was going to chase me. I tried to go to several cities or even go many towns away, seeking even the support of someone like Liu Kang or any of his warriors to think about even going with the Ling Kuei, but I quickly ruled it out since I was at war with their “other half” of the family.
However, each attempt was worse than the last, since he always found me, sometimes faster, sometimes he took a few days, etc. It was strange to think how he knew where I was because he would even have found me even faster than I could think.
Even if he have sometimes raised his voice to me, i understand it in some point, maybe be because my attempts to escape being almost daily at one point.
He would constantly increase the number of chains on my body or simply add more security to the window or doors, but I always found some way to escape from those four walls.
However, those events were a couple of months ago; I would say about six. And in fact, thinking recently I realized that I was quite skilled at one point, being that I could go through entire towns and get tired only when I had just arrived, and only when I knew I was safe could I give myself a rest and a well-deserved lie down on a bed.
And now I knew there was no way to escape, that somehow I would always know where I was, that no matter where I went, I would always know when and how to find myself at the right moment, I knew that my life was condemned to remain by his side. , chained and locked in a place that almost no one knew.
And that's why today was a special day.
I barely managed to become aware of the time and time I was in; I got out of bed, gave the room a little order and approached the door at the entrance to my room, but before I could take the doorknob, he opened the door, a soft squeak of wood was heard. , silent.
—Hello, Kenshi, —I greeted, my voice softer than usual —, how did you wake up?
He didn't answer, he just took one of my hands.
I smiled, knowing the habit he had picked up for a couple of months. He would check my palms, caress my skin and notice if it was more damaged, or rougher than my skin normally is, and if it was, then he didn't treat me very well during the day.
—Then I guess the noises were from the animals —he mentioned, his fingers now running over the tips of mine —. I'm glad to know you haven't hurt yourself trying to run away yet.
A soft laugh escapes my lips, letting him take and caress my palm to his liking.
—Yeah, digging in the dirt wasn't such a good idea for my hands, you know? I learned it months ago —I joked, before separating his hands from mine. —. By the way, are there wild animals at night?
He remained imperturbably calm, and only nodded in response.
—Two nights ago I noticed them —he admitted, —but I thought you were you trying to escape.
I laughed at this, before taking one of his hands, my fingers settling into the gaps between his half-open ones. My gaze stayed on our hold, as I only panted softly.
—Well, then I guess you would have to get used to dealing with those animals.
He looked confused, and was even more so when he saw the grip he had with my fingers wrapped around each of his knuckles.
—Just because you said so?
—Because I don't plan any escape.
—You always say the same thing, —he emphasizes—, and then you run away from me.
—This time is different —I clarify, before looking at him again for a second, I gently pressed my fingers against his knuckles again —, I seriously don't plan anything."
Just by noticing the gesture of his lips and eyebrows I noticed that he was hesitant; He had learned the different expressions he had, and each one was more intriguing than the last.
—Fine. —he whispered, not very convinced.
He let go of my hand, and without telling me anything he just left the hallway, going to what I assumed was his room.
Since he never let me into his room; It was a strange thing, the obsession he had with me not touching his room under any circumstances.
In part, I was a little hurt by his indifference to my revelation, since I very rarely lied to him, but it didn't take me long to go look for him.
His steps were not hurried, but he could tell that he just wanted to be alone for a moment. When I tried to call him, he ignored me, and only advanced to the door of his room, where he took out the padlock that secured it and entered it.
Denying what I was trying to tell him, I just headed to the kitchen, ready to finally replenish my energy with anything that would serve as fuel for my body. And while I was taking some time to prepare it, I was just thinking about a couple of things.
Since when had I accepted my destiny? I guess I've been thinking about it for a month now.
How long will this last? Until the end of my life, I guess.
Do I have any way to escape? Nah, most likely not.
It was a little painful to think that I was no longer going to try to regain my long-awaited freedom, limited to being between six rooms and a hallway.
The more I think about it, the more my mind focuses on random points in my vision, and in the end, I just longed to stop overthinking this situation.
Suddenly, I notice that a hand took mine, giving gentle caresses and stopping my movements.
—Oh, Kenshi, what would you like…?
—How sure are you that you're not going to escape?
I gasped softly, trying not to lose my bearings at that moment.
—I already told you that I'm not going to escape.
—You said the same thing 6 months ago, and then you ran away.
—What way do you have to prove that I am trying to escape?
—You're too calm these days.
I sighed, stopping cooking.
—You are too paranoid.
He frowned, before letting go of my hand.
—I'm not, I just don't trust you.
I tried again and again to reason with him, but I found little use in conversing with him. I felt stressed thinking that this was useless, coincidentally I got tired but I couldn't get out of that situation, I wanted to stay there for as long as possible.
But it only exhausted me more mentally the thought of him that I was about to escape, or that I was planning to do something bad to him.
It was then that, out of my own coherent line of thought, I limited myself to taking a sharp step towards him, placing myself right next to his body and my face facing his cheek.
Gently but quickly my lips landed on his cheek, placing a soft kiss on his undamaged skin.
The sensation of kissing his skin wasn't very different from other things, in fact it was almost like giving a kiss to my wayward pet.
However, when I moved away from the sudden display of affection, a hand on the back of my neck stopped me, forcing our lips to connect with each other with a gentle but forceful push.
With my pupils dilated, I was surprised, knowing that I couldn't escape his grasp, I limited myself to just letting him follow his path with the contact, unless until he wanted to stop.
—I guess that's a sign of trust, —He playfully separated from me —, tell me, will you give me more signs of trust in the future?
Playful and idiotic, I guess I discovered a new side of him.
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oneshortdamnfuse · 3 months
did they not teach you not to do holocaust inversion in that literacy class?
No, because criticism of Israel isn't Holocaust Inversion. Furthermore, comparing victims of genocide to identify patterns for intervention in and prevention of genocide isn't Holocaust Inversion and I think you know that but you're preying on people's insecurities when talking about serious topics like the Holocaust to prevent criticism of Israel.
I've made no claims that Israel and Nazi Germany are the same entities with the same goals, nor have I made any claims that Israelis and/or Jewish people are comparable to Nazis. I also did not engage in Holocaust denial. It's important to state over and over that Jewish people aren't a monolith and that Israel's government doesn't represent them.
With that said, Zionists are nationalists trying to build an ethnostate using genocide as a tool to do so. This occurs across history, just different groups and different targets in different lands. Genocide is genocide, though, and we study the past including the Holocaust to understand the present and prevent genocide in the future.
It just so happens that Israel is committing the genocide this time. So, you're uncomfortable confronting that reality because there are Jewish people who settled in Israel who were victims of the Holocaust. Mind you, many Jewish people who were victims of the Holocaust also did not settle in Israel. Additionally, many Jewish people have lived in Palestine prior to colonization. So, in that sense this topic creates discomfort in a lot of people as they want to avoid being antisemitic.
I compared two realities faced by victims of genocide, and that is starvation. It is not "Holocaust Inversion" to observe that both populations face(d) intentional starvation, and that the consequence of that is often death even when given aid because of an observed phenomenon: refeeding syndrome. If you're putting Israel and Nazi Germany in the same boat because of that then that's your fault. The point of this comparison was to talk about the grave reality of starving a population of people.
The literacy class was taught by a Jewish professor whose parents survived the Holocaust, by the way.
We used USHMM's guidelines among other sources on teaching about The Holocaust to study other genocides and historically "controversial" topics. USHMM also has many resources on genocide case studies that make comparisons with The Holocaust to identify patterns that occur in genocide. This is part of the "prevention" work they claim to do.
Unfortunately, they have since been publicly hypocritical in their responses to Israel's documented atrocities. Not everyone who works for or has worked for USHMM agrees with this, and there have been people outspoken about their response to this given USHMM literally uses the Holocaust to teach about genocide as a whole.
I'm not playing games with you any more, though.
Any Zionists in my ask box will be blocked.
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fecto-forgo · 5 days
Zan Parmesan
not her name.
favorite thing about them:god ill never get tired of an evil woman w a serious attitude whos a massive cunt n silly abt being evil n murder-y.mix her w being an overly loyal subordinate to someone who doesnt deserve it from how they treat her at all which ties into the games themes of healthy n unhealthy relationships ?? kumazaki did you make her for me.
also the kirby character whose lore had to be censored in translation bc of a v obvious implication she attempted suicide.they had so much fun w KSA.shes amazing fr
also also shes seems to be a competitive sore loser thats so endearing
least favorite thing about them:there is no flaw in perfection.
favorite line:ok listen ik her twitter nicknames r hilarious n calling taranzas face idiotic was even funnier but calling magolor a "self proclaimed best friend" was COLD.get his ass ig girl godamn
brOTP:i like to think she n taranza get along um.eventually.i think he was just rly sympathetic abt her situation even if shes...not the best to work with at first
OTP:suzan is my favorite yuri i think theyre soo fun to pair together in personality n as foils if youre delulu enough like me
nOTP:hyness.even if the person doesnt interpret them as family i just loathe it id bite someone over this.
also magolor bc i frankly rly dig the theory magolor used to be in the jamba cult so to me theyre some kind of siblings.even if hes absolutely disowned lmao
random headcanon:ok ok yk how the one time i drew the mages gijinkas i designed them to look more like corpses in a way? that translates over to my headcanon designs of their official designs ! since she died from a lighting strike she has a lichtenberg scar on her back that never faded (she does get them p often from her own magic but the others all fade quite fast).the strike also gave her some degree of hearing loss n shes since developed some vision problems as well.the way i hc the girls revivals worked is their bodies r stuck w the damaged state ? as the default so those dont heal away w any convenient magic, theres still some magic aids though.she could also just get glasses for conveniences sake but i think shed rather die
unpopular opinion:ppl who call her or her sisters or even hyness underwritten can fight me.i literally dont know what theyre on abt theyre developed the same way other kirby characters r n zans character specially ties in w the relationship theme KSA has?? theyre completely fine characters what the hell r you guys on abt.i dont wanna point fingers but sounds like that+a lot of common KSA complaints r another case of fandom "something in this game didnt satisfy me so im latching on every stretched complaint to have a better excuse to be angry" syndrome
song i associate with them:partner in crime by madilyn mei + chop suey by system of down
favorite picture of them:
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look at her 🥺 shes so cutie patootie 🥺
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uniiiquehecrt · 3 months
Thor Odinson
tagged by : @beheworthy bc i would ALWAYS like 💖💖💖
Give me a fictional character and I will say:
Favorite thing about them: His big dumb hero's heart. His compassion. How much he loves his home, his people, his family, his beloved, his friends — how much he loves.
Least favorite thing about them: //stares pointedly at his inability to form meaningful connections because Thor is Not Allowed to be Not Okay (even when it's obvious and people he loves asks him to share his heart).
Three things I have in common with them:
I am, myself, an elder sibling!! And one whose younger brother was/is someone I am incredibly close to, care a great deal about — that entire drama is very close to home for me.
A passion bubble for friends and family that's, on occasion, close to the surface... but otherwise am chill 👍
and .... bunt out golden child syndrome vibes. Especially that vibe of "do it on your own and put on your leader face at all times, because all eyes are on you, good luck"
Three things I don’t have in common with them:
His ... overly reserved nature. I've been told I can be serious but I don't think I brood the way he does.
One day I will be nearly half as eloquent in my speech outside of writing 🙏
The way that Thor is able to just command a room???? Goals. Total goals. I'm either very good at directing conversations or shaky at it and I wish I had Thor's level of confidence.
Favorite line:
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"i would rather be a good man than a great king."
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"is that why everything's on fire~?"
BROTP: Brodinsons 100% . Then the entire warriors + sif squad dynamics! I'm forever sad we never got more of them all together. Then Heimdall, because Thor deserves positive mentor figures in his life. (and as far as the avengers proper go: Thor/Steve absolutely deserves more recognition they were the og duo as far as Age of Ultron is concerned and y'all , we've all been sleeping.)
OTP: Fosterson ! :D They're adorable star-crossed lovers, and he loves her very much. (and she feels the same for him !)
NOTP: if i see (1) more fan art of thorki in the thor tag i will scream. I guess also bruce/thor and valkyrie/thor exist ...??? I'm not really sure who Thor's exactly shipped with in the MCU besides Jane.
Random Headcanon: One time I considered the thought of little!Thor being exceptionally friendly with his kitchen staff servants, and because he's a strong little guy, he'd pick up giant barrels 3x his size and lug them around just because he wants to be helpful. And he'd do it with or without the prize of getting snuck goodies (though he would definitely prefer the goodies, were it up to him.)
Unpopular Opinion: I'm not sure if this counts as an unpopular opinion exactly, but I do always find it interesting that in the Frozen Vault Scene in Thor (2011), what the cinematography and editors show us that sets Thor off is seeing the dead einherjar...
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And I'd actually say that this triggers his anger more than the interruption of his crowning ceremony.
So with that in mind, I'm not actually sure that (most of) his rage regarding the situation was about the coronation at all, in that case. At least, not in comparison to the fear he states (semi-subtextually) about being strong enough to maintain Asgard's borders were. ("They know you are vulnerable.")
He actually seems to only be upset about the coronation AFTER Odin makes it very clear he's decided to change his mind and rescind the crown from him entirely ... which only further fuels the point that Thor isn't ready. (aka: the one thing Thor is keenly aware of, scared of, and is scared the Frost Giants also know.) Which, you know, he's not at that point in time, but I don't see a lot of people talk about the details of that particular inciting incident all that much.
(honestly the ENTIRE text and subtext of the frozen vault scene absolutely FASCINATES ME so maybe I'll do a deep dive on it one day idk)
Song SONGS I associate with them: ... //looks at my 5-minutes-until-13 hr playlist uh...
Glowing, Boreas, and Rounds by The Oh Hellos
Plant Life, The Real World, and Bird with a Broken Wing by Owl City
No Sanctuary by UNSECRET (ft. Sam Tinnesz and Fleurie)
Afterglow and Places by Portrair
Paper and Ink (fosterson) and Everything Changes in Time (brodinsons) by Madds Buckley ... also Hoping on Another Life by Madds Buckley
Favorite picture of them:
//pulls out my entire dark world screenshots folder bc are you really going to make me choose, quirks, are you really going to make me choose
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soft beautiful 🥺🥺🥺🥺 precious boy ... give me more of that poncho look tho thanks
Tagging: @darkwee009 for pinkie pie or for kirby ! :D whichever you'd like more, friend !!!
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kannra21 · 9 months
you’ve got this nasty habit of starting arguments with useless, baseless facts and then pretend to be all high and mighty even though none of what you said makes sense. You trying to be “badass” and “ending” people will never not be funny. you just look stupid.
this is the second time you’re doing this after the whole misogyny incident.
Eh I think you're the one who's stupid enough to come to my blog and write nonsense, accusing me of something that's absolutely not true simply bc you're not seeing the bigger picture and you're lacking critical thinking. Plus every statement I've made was backed up by evidence. You won't aknowledge it bc reality doesn't align with your frame of thinking and you're emotional.
Woman side of the fandom is very hypocritical. You can have a hoe phase and expect men not to care about your past. But when a man (in this case Gojo) does the exact same thing your feelings get hurt? Hypocrisy.
Now that you've touched the topic, no, I'm not a misogynist. I'm a woman so it doesn't make sense. I just don't support hookup culture that's so normalized nowadays. Plus men get insecure if you've slept with multiple partners bc he will never satisfy you. You had so much experience, what if some other dude you've slept with fucked u better than him? You keep comparing him with everyone you've ever been with. And if a man truly loves you he wants to be the only one who can satisfy you. The benefit goes both ways. And couples who have active sexual life are much happier, bc you're obsessed with each other. You can't be obsessed with your man if he can't fuck you correctly. You can't keep thinking about Adrian while Nate fucks you. Women with experience are difficult to please. And if he can't please you he feels less of a man.
Like, he wants you to be happy and he wants to be the only one who can give you this happiness. Why do you think men like watching their woman's face when doing the deal? Bc they care about how you feel. And it feeds their male ego if he's the only one who can make you feel this good. You're his woman. Nobody can have you. And this possessiveness and dominance makes a man so hot. And confident and secure too. It sounds primal and funny and "haha men are such cavemen" but be honest with yourself, you like it too.
I agree that he had a fboy phase but he's not a cheater. People need to understand the difference between the two. Gojo is absolutely loyal in a relationship, but he never found his girl. Bc he never got a chance at being intimate with someone on serious terms. He never formed a bond with anyone bc he knows that deep inside he's broken. And that he's lacking in many ways. He has a lousy personality. He said so himself in ch11. Plus he's the ethical type and he's not playing with anyone's feelings. I believe that Gojo is kind and he knows that love is a very serious thing, TMMTS ch1. So at least he's openly casual ab it, nobody's feelings get hurt and everyone is happy.
Since men have this hormone called testosterone and their drives are often much higher than women's (this is smtng we girls don't rly understand bc we don't need it as much as they do), there's a certain factor called "male ego". He can't jack off. It's embarrassing and humiliating. Bc of the "post nut syndrome" and the way you feel like a loser etc. etc. Like ok, women perceive it as a pleasurable experience, but with men it's not the same. They feel guilt. Bc there's no mental stimulus, like woman's praise and gratitude. When a man can make a woman happy he feels like a king, like an achiever, like he did something. He feels like THE man, he's on top of the world, he matters. He's her hero. There's a phrase "happy wife, happy life". Woman gives importance to a man. Without women, men often times feel useless or unimportant. Unfulfilled. Men will pick a real woman over a hand any day. Bc if you're a man, you know you have ultimately made it in life if you managed to become the epitome of a woman's desire. Especially in their peak years when boys simply can't help themselves.
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He's a hero and a protector.
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And Gojo happens to be handsome enough that he can afford it. What's stopping him? He can make so many girls happy and it would feed his male ego (like a mutual agreement). I mean, you can't have a massive cock down there and not do anything with it. That would be a shame and a wasted potential.
Idk I think it would be sad if he never felt a woman's touch before. V cards are for losers if you're a man. And I agree with the belief that a man appears more attractive when desired by other women. It gives him attractiveness boost. The more testosterone the manly the man. And every girl likes a manly man.
But I believe that he gave up his hoe phase when all this became old to him, when this hormonal craze stopped. And he realized that nobody will love him on a personal level. So he just stopped. Now he's an adult in his late 20s, he cares ab the safety of their world and other more important things. He's more serious, more mature and more experienced. He can confidently wife up someone. He can be a provider and a protector.
But he can't bc he's a bit messed up inside and he needs therapy first. I can fix him tho
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junebugwriter · 1 year
Disabilities I
Since I have some time, I'll tell you all a bit about what the deal is with my disability, and why I am writing about disability in my dissertation.
Back in 2012, I got into a car accident. My girlfriend (now wife) was in the car with me, but I bore the brunt of the impact, and as a result, got some moderate spinal damage. That resulted in me going to physical therapy for a few months, but the lasting damage resulted in fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia isn't so much as a single disease, as it is a cluster of related symptoms that don't neatly fit into one classification or particular syndrome. It's more like, "you don't have x, y, or z, but you have all the same symptoms, so we're going to put you in the big bin that's labeled TO BE SORTED LATER." This is gross simplification, of course, but it's close enough for jazz.
Fibromyalgia is mostly related to a conjunction of hyperactive and inflamed nerves, chronic fatigue, and chronic pain. My body thinks I have an infection or an injury, but there is none there, so I get all the lovely side effects of my body fighting off or healing itself without the benefit of actually healing or fighting off an illness. It's not great! It's often comorbid with depression and anxiety, which I also have.
Really, the only reason I was able to get the fibro diagnosis was because my partner ALSO has fibro, and the only reason she knows she has it is because her sister has it! No one thing causes it, but it is often related to genetics or physical trauma. She saw all the signs of it in me, got me to see a rheumatologist, and sure enough, I have all the signs of fibro.
What I struggle most with is with the nerves and the exhaustion. I have chronic fatigue, and the rest I get from sleep isn't all that restorative. Whereas most people tend to wake up rested, I wake up more or less the same amount of tired a regular person feels before going to sleep.
I'm relatively lucky, to be honest. I'm able to manage my pain and such with medication. I'm even able to go to the gym a few times a week, energy permitting. But that takes a lot of effort, and I probably don't see all the benefits a regular person would get from exercise because of a cluster of reasons, related to my thyroid, fibro, and other things.
Oh, and just this past year, I've gotten serious about addressing my latent ADHD. I've had it all my life, but the difference now is that I'm trying to write a goddamn book, and that takes a lot more mental energy and organization than I usually have. This may be needed to addressed in another post, but the fact of the matter is, I'm taking a lot longer to write this thing than most people, partly because I'm working full time, and partly because my brain simply does not work like most neurotypical brains and requires a lot more effort to simply write one page whereas others might be able to knock out much more in a night than I would with the same amount of effort.
So there's my disabilities as they stand. I'll probably try to talk a bit more about them in future posts. It's an ongoing conversation, but having been diagnosed with disabilities like this has given me a much greater focus on the issues disabled folks face in society, and in my case, the church.
Writing about disability is both freeing but also complicated. Nobody experiences the same disability the same way, and can be affected by comorbidities that result in different experiences. I'll try to be as honest about my struggles with disability as possible, because it's good to get these stories out into the world and out of my brain. But also? We shouldn't be afraid to talk about our disabilities. In all statistical likelihood, you will be affected by a disability, either in your life or in a loved one's life. So it's good to be honest about struggles and joys related to disability, because if we can normalize it, we can understand each other better and work together to form a better community. One that treats each other as co-equal humans, worthy of love and respect.
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While most pregnant women return home from the hospital with a newborn baby, Kayla Smith and her husband, James, returned home with a white memory box, a painful reminder of what could have been. "We obviously would rather have our baby than this box," Kayla said, "and it's really sad to leave the hospital without your baby." The couple found out they were pregnant on Mother's Day last year, automatically growing their family to four. Their daughter, Addison, is 2.5 years old. Kayla said everything was going well up until her 20-week anatomy scan. James said the ultrasound sonographer kept going over the baby's heart, and in their own hearts, they knew something was wrong. The baby, who the couple named Brooks, had several fetal anomalies, including serious heart defects. The couple met with a maternal-fetal medicine doctor and pediatric cardiologists. Unfortunately, all of the prognoses were the same. Kayla said Brooks had Critical Aortic Stenosis (CAS) and Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). "Based on what they were saying, it wasn't going to be operable," James said. "So, when we're told it's not operable, no choice is easy going forward." Kayla and James were also worried about preeclampsia, which Kayla developed with Addison. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication that can cause high blood pressure and other dangerous complications. The couple said they were faced with a "crap buffet of choices." "We didn't want our son to suffer, and also, I felt like there I was putting myself at risk [since] getting preeclampsia was very likely towards the end of my pregnancy," Kayla said. At 21 weeks, the couple traveled to Washington state to get an early induction of labor. Under Idaho's abortion laws, Kayla could not get that care in state. As of last year, abortions are only legal in cases of rape or incest with a police report or if the pregnant person will die. Kayla isn't the only woman dealing with an impossible situation. Dr. Stacy Seyb, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist, said doctors around Idaho are referring people out of state. He said the lack of reproductive options in Idaho hit low-income families the hardest. "Not everybody has the money to pick up and go to another state, spend a few days, maybe even pay cash or money … some places want it upfront," Seyb said.
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allthislove · 1 year
Storytime: The man who ran up on me and mom in the parking lot for no apparent reason.
So, this happened April 3rd at like 10:45 AM. Mom and I were pulling into the parking lot of this office building where we were going to handle some business. As we pulled in, we noticed another car trying to park. He was backing into a space and seemed to be yelling out of his window at a couple who were walking into the building after he almost hit the woman. Mom and I didn't really get what the dispute was from inside of our car, but the couple continued into the building and the man continued into his space, so we proceeded, looking for a space, ourselves.
Mom was about to pick a close space nearest the building, but I thought it was too tight because there was a big trailer that belonged to a dance studio parked in front of the open spaces. So, Mom pulled the car around the median and to the spaces further away. We were a bit early, so we sat in the car for maybe five minutes and just as we were about to get out, the man was knocking on the driver's side window. He was a middle aged Black man wearing a blue polo shirt and a snap back baseball cap, looked very much like a dad or a man at work. So we assumed that he was from the company and they had sent someone to come get us. (We didn't yet know he was the same man from the parking dispute we'd just seen.)
But with my mom rolled the window down, he was like "Why did you park right here?" We were confused. My mom was like "What do you mean?" So, he continued.
"Why did you park here? I noticed you were behind me when I pulled in-" (no, we weren't. We only saw him when he was backing in. We weren't behind any car on our way into the parking lot.) "And then you pulled around here to park. Why'd you park here?"
My mom was just like "I parked where I wanted to park." I don't know if she thought he was telling us that we were parked in the wrong place or what. But then the man went "Let me say this again." And his face got serious and his tone got stern as if he were confronting us. "Why did you park here?"
At this point, red flags went up, for me. I figured that the man thought he was special and that we, specifically, wanted to follow him for some reason. A full on case of delusional main character syndrome. So I barked. "Sir, you need to get away from our car. We are here for a meeting." The thing is, that set off the man's crazy, and he starts what I can only describe as scurrying back to his car.
Mom screams at me "Why did you do that?! Why did you do that?!" and she starts to pull out of the space because he seems to be going to his trunk. At this point, I'm not really thinking he's going to shoot or anything, but I'm angry and annoyed, so I start dialing 911 as mom pulls around to the other side of the building.
Mom starts calling the man we were meeting and I'm talking to the 911 operator at the same time. So our guy comes out of the building and escorts us in, and the 911 operator isn't being extremely helpful at all (don't know if the cops even came.)
And so... like, there's no conclusion. I have no idea who the guy was, why us parking there made him angry, why he was being so paranoid, or what would make him think two fine Black women in a car would be after him in any capacity. 🙃 Like, if someone hired a private eye to spy on him, it wouldn't be 2 dressed up women making themselves obviously visible by driving IN FRONT OF his parked car. If someone was a stalker, same. If someone was road raging, they wouldn't park and mind their own business for 5 minutes drinking coffee in the car casually. Like, what did he think was happening? The world may never know. 🙄
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kdream-factory · 2 years
After all this time... [SF9 Zuho Oneshot]
♥ I wanna ask you to read this while listening to Dylan Conrique’s “Birthday Cake” on loop ♥
[Warnings: ANGST!, Heartbreak!, toxic relationship, commitment issues, wrong understanding of what love is, relationship fights, gn!reader]
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Your love life had a sad beginning and you always were convinced it would have a sad ending too. You and Zuho have had a relationship for 3 years now. From the start it had been an unhealthy one. Him having commitment issues and you being so love deprived throughout your whole life that everytime someone loved you, you thought you would have to do something to deserve it. Zuho and you getting into a relationship was a miracle. It took 4 attempts to finally be able to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. People always thought you two were the perfect couple, your relationship being so ‘powerful and strong’ when truely it was a day to day fight. This hasn’t always been the case. After about one year of Zuho and you tricking yourself into believing that what you had was love for life the fassade and all the fakeness started falling apart. The trigger point was Zuho’s commitment issues coming back to life, although they where never gone but instead just buried deep down in a chest of untouched feelings. What made it bearable for you two was the fact that you where the one who always tried to push him into thinking different. You remembered him that he would not have to walk alone but instead you would take his hand, him sometimes being more strict to himself and sometimes giving in to your words easily. ‘Communication is key’ was your motto. Putting this rule into practice was barely needed because you two were lacking problems. Thats what you two thought. Thats what you had to pretend for your little bush of roses to keep growing and, of course, to hide what was underneath it. There came a time where both of you thought you would never face any hardships in your relationship so that you two agreed on instantly talking it out if one of you had a problem, not realising that, this being a lie, would’ve been needed way before you set it. 
Two full years into your relationship and a little war of pointing at each other and telling your partner that they had a problem and them not admitting it, on both sides, had started. Pretending that your relationship was all fine was getting harder and harder. Your opinion was always the stronger one while Zuho never seemed to face his issues. Occassionally you would wake up from that rage fit and at that time this was the last straw that kept you two at stake. You always tried to speak in a calm tone, telling him you don’t mean bad when the truth was that your helper syndrom was at it’s peak and you were near to exploding. Two and a half years in, that exact same barrel was constantly overflowing. You openly blamed him for not beeing able to show love when all you did was powder his butt with love and affection and yes, at first you were totally fine with it because that was what kept you driving. You thought you would get some praise for all the stuff you did because praise for you meant love. Why would anybody ever be nice to you when there wasn’t something they would wanna benefit from nor why would you get love when you did nothing very lovable. You had to earn yourself the love you always wanted. Zuho being that mysterious and heart broken guy you thought you could fix was the perfect experiment, just that you thought you were being genuine in what you did for him, and you were at first. But one day Zuho snapped.
Zuho: “How could I possibly take any of your love serious when honestly all you do this for is yourself, to not feel useless?!”
Y/N: “Who are YOU to judge who never even went out of his comfort zone and never EVER appreciated one thing I did, no wait, that ANYONE did for him? Are you that heartless? And you say you are the one suffering?!”
Those arguments went on and on for months and they were getting so bad that sometimes you wouldn’t even talk for a week straight because thats how either you two got your piece or how long it took for one of you to apologize, if that was even in any of yours vocabular. The hardest times were when guilt started kicking in and you realized you never even gave Zuho a chance to explain himself or you never saw listening to him as an option. And it’s true, pride shouldn’t be stronger than the knowledge of being able to step back with your own needs when someone else is suffering more and can hardly handle it. Sometimes. When you’d pull yourself together to reach out a hand to Zuho he would just slap it away, rarely ever accepting it and when he did, you two would surprisingly well talk it out, sometimes just sit next to each other or in each others arms while listening to each other cry. In those times of you two sharing words, apologies weren’t needed. Your tears spoke for you. But shame would often take over, then ignorance, and then the cycle started over and over again. Zuho, who, to your unbeknownst, analysed those situation more than you thought, took the courage to speak up about it in another of your rough conversations.
Zuho: “-Y/N I understand you... I have, in fact, two weeks ago. We have been at this point. Aren’t you tired of all of this? Why can’t we break out of this cycle? Everytime we two barely make it through the last argument and seem to make a good end, it all starts again because one of us is too full of themselve to admit we are having a problem. Listen I- I love you okay? I know we have said that like... maybe thrice in the last two months but honestly I just feel so exhausted when I hear it from you. I wanna accept it. I really do but can’t you imagine that every time I think we found a good basis and the hill is going up my hopes of us getting closer are thrown out the window because of a stupid fight? All this is stupid!”
Y/N: “...Gosh Babe I know I KNOW you’re right and I wish I could show you how I feel the same but... i feel like you say you understand but in fact you don’t because if you did you would’ve changed things... I don’t know but the past year I have always been the one to take steps towards you and my strength to do that is slowly fading. I feel like I am running on hot coals when sometimes I feel like I deserve for you to come and pick me up and carry me on your hands. I don’t wanna blame you here but I fear I just don’t have the mentality anymore and it- it destroys me from the inside. Why is it so hard for you to just give back a bit of love? I see we both seem delighted by the concept of ‘give and take’ but do you know how hard of a punch in the face it is for me when you say you cannot take my ‘I love you’s” serious anymore but then demand that I put down my guard of basic needs for love when in all those years this was your main problem and you NEVER made an attempt at stepping out of your bubble? Zuho that is taking but never giving!”
You flinched.
Zuho: “Shit Sorry... excuse me I didn’t mean to yell I- *sigh*”
Y/N: “No Zuho, you meant that. Sometimes, and I am sorry for what I am about to say but I can’t do this anymore, sometimes I desperately wish for us to fight after we didn’t talk for a week because I really hope we find each other in fights where we end up in each others arm just crying... Because that has been the ONLY time over the last year where we have truely been emotionally on the same level and where we exchanged some kind of affection. Shit we don’t even have Sex anymore Zuho!”
Zuho: “We did have reconciliation Sex-”
Y/N: “ ZUHO WAKE UP! That has literally been hate Sex! Do YOU not ever wish to be held gently? To be carrased??? Surprise, surprise: I DO!”
The long pause that filled the air made you anxious.
Zuho: “I... I really have never given you the attention you deserve, have I?”
His question made you unbelievably sad and heartbroken, tears started running.
Y/N: “No Zuho... you haven’t. And I am shook it took you three years to realise. I... *sob* Zuho I know I haven’t been nice to you over the last year either. But I was desperate and helpless. All those fights I started were a call in hope for you to wake up. Everytime I tried talking sublty about it, trying to approach you to rationally talk about my needs I hoped for you to do better but you took it personally and made it seem like I had bad intentions. I noticed that if this wouldn’t work and that you would only yell at me- I thought yelling back would be the only way to get through to you...”
Zuho has long started crying too, holding his hands infront of his face, running them through his hair, walking up and down the apartment and sitting back down again.
Y/N: “And YES Zuho. I DO wanna apologize for all the things I have said. But don’t you realise that while I know you deeply wanted to fight your commitment issues, you pushed me away and did the exact opposite? I don’t wanna reach out anymore. I love yo-  ahrrghh I don’t dare to say it when you might think I don’t mean it but I always meant it. And Zuho I still do, but I need to safe myself now.”
Zuho was shaking his head. He couldn’t get himself to look into your eyes because that meant accepting the situation. His breathing got heavier and heavier until he broke down and all came out. He just realised that he was the perfect example of ‘People only start to appreciate something when they lost it’ and he did not want to see your crying form because that meant to look at what he had done, how he broke you and how your instability was his fault. 
Zuho: “Please no... Please tell me WHY WHY WHY when all we want is to be loved- WHY can’t we take the courage to do it NOW? Y/N please tell me you give this a chance if you love me! This can’t end like this, I was so so stupid PLEASE I can’t loose you! I- I-”
Zuho was now facing you, begging on his knees while you sat on your shared sofa, his head laying on your thighs and his arms hugging your lower body so tight in fear of letting you go, feeling his tears on your legs. You had to wipe your own away, fast enough for them not to hit Zuho but you have never felt something so heavy in that moment and it was too hard for you to hold all of them back.
Y/N: “Zuho I- I start to think that I used to love the old you. I loved the thought of naive little me thinking I now found my prince and that now my time to be loved has come and I miss the time I found joy in us. I was disappointed once and I just cannot handle a second time and I don’t want to take the risk. That’s delusional for both me AND you. Gosh you don’t know how hard it is for me right now but-”
Zuho: “No, No, NO I am begging you please don’t say it please Y/N I cannot handle another person leaving me... I can’t!”
Y/N: “I know Zuho, I know but it has to be said! I don’t think we do each other good and for both our sakes it is better for each of us to start and learn to love and accept ourselves first and... and learn how to deal with our issues first and-”
You took a deep breath.
Y/N: “I think it’s time to end this relationship.”
Zuho’s sobbing got immense in that exact same moment, he had difficulties containing his breathing and when he started to stand up to furiously walk through the apartment it stung like a knife right through your heart to see his red eyes, his puffy lips and cheeks, you so badly desired to hold him, kiss him and tell him that everything is going to be fine but you promised yourself you wouldn’t lie to yourself ever again. Seeing him like this, who you always dreamed about would love you, made you do him justice and you broke down in whimmers too, holding your hand against your mouth, your vision blurring due to all the tears collecting themselves.
The scene was pure heartbreak and the world you two tried to poorly create fell apart,
I wrote this for a friend of mine and while I wrote this I thought “Wow Niwi are you okay? This is damn sad”... I am not. I was bawling my eyes out the whole time- I really hope you enjoy this one. Niwi~
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newgameplaybyplay · 2 years
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Okay, the whole "I didn't want anything evil, I just wanted to give people hope! You thought I wanted to hurt people? 🥺 But I'm just an uwu soft baby!" completely invalidates the viewer's experience. He was laughing maniacally, had crazy eyes, and kept saying things like "you can't stop me". Also he was a jerk to his students. "You don't respect me anymore? Aww, that's a shame because I was really proud of you for following my clues and setting this all up for me inadvertently and without me telling you what you were setting up!" is not the sort of impression any teacher wants to give to their student...and certainly not any teacher with "good" intentions.
He was putting up ALL of the red flags. Just because it turned out his grand plan was something totally innocuous, doesn't mean we the viewer were wrong to assume the worst. Yes he didn't actually intend to do anything wrong, but he was sending off 'going to destroy the world' vibes and those behaviours need to be addressed regardless of the actual outcome.
I'm sorry, they gave Mr. Kay "nice guy" syndrome. I don't care that you looked up my phone number in the system for the totally innocent purpose of telling me I left my purse at the store, you still violated my right to privacy and misused your position of power having sensitive client information and 1000% deserve to be fired for it.
I don't care that you hacked the infrastructure for the totally innocent purpose of turning on the stadium and completing the crashbug QR code to give people hope and good luck, you still threw the city's infrastructure into chaos, caused undue stress and physical harm to those forced into trashbots (or left stranded on trains or involved in car accidents because the lights stopped working, etc), screwed up your lesson and the lessons of every teacher across the city, caused chatman or whatever his name is (the computer-savvy smart kid) emotional distress, and generally caused significant harm and injuries across the city that you absolutely deserve to be held accountable for. It'll be up to the courts to decide whether that accountability is purely financial, or includes jail time for the injuries caused.
Not a lawyer, but reading up on causation and harm seems to fit Mr. Kay's situation fairly nicely. I think a court could pretty easily argue that Mr. Kay should reasonably have known that hacking into the city's mainframe could cause harm, regardless of whether he meant that harm to occur. I don't think this is outright a criminal case, but if the courts decided that it was, LegalEagle's YouTube channel mentions some law somewhere that states that if you commit one crime, like assault or theft or robbery (especially if those are armed assaults or thefts or robberies) you can be held criminally accountable for anything that happens during that robbery, like an accidental murder. You were engaging in a dangerous act, saying "I didn't actually intend for people to die" when your plan involved holding a gun to their face does not, in fact, matter. I'm pretty sure the same principle applies here. Whether or not you intended Yuma's grandma to get thrown into a trashbot, you hacked the city's mainframe, trashbots included, and because of your hacking things went sideways and Yuma's grandma, and probably a hundred or more other grandmas across the city, got thrown into trashbots, and some of them definitely needed to be hospitalized for whiplash, broken bones, and whatever other injuries happen when a frail old woman (and a frail older citizen in general) gets thrown upside down into a trashbot. Again, this is to say nothing of the car accidents that occurred and all of the injuries or deaths caused there.
I'm just saying, this is not a feel-good story; Mr. Kay is going to be in some pretty serious legal hot water after this.
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master-of-stringz · 1 year
Christmas Date.
hi! i'm new to this; but i love writing and got big on shuyuka on this last week. any feedback is appreciated! just dont be too mean pls ^^" also, english is not my first language so there's probably some mistakes here and there qwq
Christmas Eve of 2009. 20:30, Paulownia Mall.
It was a snowy day at Tatsumi Port. Even though the cases of apathy syndrome were increasing, and the SEES team knew about the doom approaching their livelihoods all too well; they tried to take these days to relax a little, reducing the training at Tartarus and trying to be happy in these times of wintery joy.
Yukari had made plans with Yuki to meet at Paulownia and then go around town, to have the fun that the month had lacked so much.
–”Aaand… he’s late again! He’s lucky I like him, or else I’d already left this dumb place.”--. Said to herself the Lovers Arcana. She wasn’t really *mad*, moreseo annoyed. She can't be blamed though, everyone really needs times like these to spend with each other.
Then, a weird sound came from some feet away where she was seated. As if a door had just been closed. Makoto had appeared on scene, coming out of what he called the Velvet Room. –”What hour is it?... Damn, guess I’m late.”--. He looked at his phone to check the time, to then mumble those words to himself. He approached the girl in pink, sitting at the center of the mall. –”Hey. Sorry for the wait, I was occupied with some–”--. He got interrupted. –”No need for formalities, Mako. At least you came…”--. She was clearly annoyed, but at least it looked like she didn’t wanna ruin the mood with her bad temper. –”Well… you wanna do something or…?--. The kid was still, as awkward as ever. He did have some intention to have a good night, but God if it isn't taking him his whole chest to speak. –”Of course I want to, idiot! Come on, let’s go find a place to eat or something.”--. She stood up and grabbed the Fool by his arm, with both of her hands; clinging onto him. –”Sounds ok to me, ma’am.”--. They wandered around the place for a few minutes. –”How does Chagall Café sound to you, miss?”--. Makoto was pointing towards the café, of which he’s heard there’s some good food to get at night-time. –”You can stop with the whole ''miss”, ''ma'am”; stuff already, please. We’re the same age and you’re NOT funny.”-- She seemed a little pissed, while she was bringing the boy into the café with her, by force.
They were sitting on a table, waiting for their food to come. –”So… what do you think we’ll be doing after all of this?”--.Takeba spoke to break the ice. –”I… I don’t know. I think the both of us have already decided what we’ll do with Ryoji, right?”--. Yuki talked with a serious tone in his voice, reducing all his sarcasm to 0. –”Yeah… I’m sick of the fact that we can’t do anything about it, and can’t begin to imagine how hard it’s gotta be for you…”--. The girl was staring at the ground, sorrowfully. She knew they had to fight; even though it seemed so hard to do.
–”Yeah… I don’t think we can do anything else. It’s for the better of everyone, really.”--. Makoto looked at her directly, with a meek smile on his face. –”Well. I guess there’s no point in being sad, right?”--. He said, in what seemed uncharacteristic from him. –”Huh?”--. Not even Takeba could’ve seen that coming from him. –”At this point we’re at, we can’t walk back. We won’t.”--. A light was shimmering inside his eyes, as if he was truly sure of this. –”We will fight. We can change fate. I know we can.”--. –”Where did all that hope come from? I don’t think i’ve ever heard you talking like this–”--. Yukari was taken aback by the words coming from her lover.
–”I sat back and took some time to think. Thought about everyone who gave their lives for this…”--. Yukari gasped for a second, to start processing what came from Yuki’s mouth. –”The last thing my mother told me before passing… she told me to “live”.”--. Takeba was staring toward the boy, intrigued. –”I never really understood that. “What does “Living” even mean?” I wondered… I always felt as if Death came with me everywhere after that. Never spoke too much, never thought too much… I spent my days alone in my sorry room listening to music. Now I know that probably had to do with the Death Shadow within me, but still. It never came out until I got here, and I doubt anything would’ve actually changed… without you.”--. Yukari started to get red at Makoto’s words. –”Not only you, but everyone. You guys changed my life, seriously. But you were always there for me, Takeba…”--. Yukari, still blushing; responded. –”You say it like it wasn’t you who saved our asses that night at the rooftop.”--. She laughed a bit, looking a little happier. –”And who stayed at the hospital with me, even without knowing who I was?”--. Makoto’s smile became more genuine by every sentence he spoke. –”I’m going to fight. For everyone. For us. You showed me that I really could do something in this world, you know?”-- He had a warm smile on his face. –”Now that you say it, it is kinda funny.”--. Takeba was grabbing her own arm and looking at the floor with a light smile on. –”You and Mitsuru really changed my view on things. About myself, my family… I can’t begin to imagine where I’d be without you two.”--. She laughed it off.
–”I guess you’re right, Mako… But well. What do you say we amp up the mood a little bit?”--. She said, reaching for something in her purse. –”I didn’t exactly know what to get, but I remembered that plushie you gave me one time. Jack Frost, was it?”--. She said, pulling a little Black Frost out of the blue. –”Matching Jacks, huh? I didn’t know you were that corny, Yuka”--. Yuki took the plushie from Takeba’s hand. –”This is really cute though, I like him.”--. The boy had a smile on his face as he put the plushie on what would be his inventory. –”I’m glad you liked it!”--. Yukari was notoriously happy, as if they hadn’t just had a whole existential conversation seconds ago.
Their food came and went, and afterwards; they left the café. Not to go to the Dorm yet, but to wander around Iwatodai Station, and sit back on a bench, watching the stars.
–”Yuki?”--. Takeba was resting on Makoto’s shoulder, as he had his head softly resting over her own head. –”When everything is over… I want to take you out, somewhere outside from here. Just the two of us. I’ll ask Mitsuru if the Kirijo group can get us some kind of transportation, and I’ll take you somewhere. Maybe a big city, maybe a beautiful countryside; whatever you want. Just… to be together. Spend some time, you know?”--. The sky was full of stars, all shining brighter than the last. It had stopped snowing, though the floor, bench and everything around them was full of snow. –”Hey, hey. No need to be fancy with me, Yuka. You know anything works well with me, I’m a simple guy.”--. He said, chuckling a little. –”I just wanna make it special! You know, after everything you’ve done for me… I thought I could at least repay you, somehow…”--.
Takeba blushed in an intense tone of red while speaking. Yuki grabbed her hand, speaking up quickly. –”Don’t be stupid, Yuka. You’re already “repaying” me, whatever that means. Just… being here. It’s enough for me.”--. He looked directly into her eyes, and could see how Yukari was as red as a tomato. Before she could speak up, he stole a quick kiss from her lips.
–”Let’s… stay here, like this. For a little while. We´ll go home later…”--. Takeba squeezed his hand as gently as she could, as she was full of different emotions at the moment. –”You–... I–... I love you.”--. She whispered, as she responded to Yuki’s moves with a profound kiss of her own.
After some minutes, they both went back to the dorm; where they continued the act at Makoto’s dorm. Finally, they fell asleep on his bed, waking up early the next morning and having Takeba go to hers as quickly as possible, with no one noticing.
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tokkiheart · 1 year
Pinocchio (피노키오) Review
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Yeah, I’m going to review this show from 2014 lol
I’m going to try to keep this spoiler free in case a K-Drama newbie stumbles across my blog and wants to find out if this show is right for them.
First thing’s first, I will admit to being biased as I love Lee Jong-suk and I have yet to dislike or otherwise not enjoy one of his dramas.
Romantic Comedy • Fantasy • Melodrama • Found Family
This drama is primarily about the lives of news reporters, but focuses primarily on the lives of Choi Dal-po/Ki Ha-myung (I’ll get into why he has two names in a bit) and Choi In-ha.
Ki Ha-myung was the youngest son in a family which was destroyed by false news reporting which had led the public to believe that his father was responsible for the death for unnecessarily leading his fellow firefighters into a burning building which led to their deaths and that he was still alive and in hiding.
Nearly losing his life, he winds up being rescued and subsequently adopted by an old man who believes that he is his long-lost son Choi Dal-po, who actually died 30 years ago. Deciding to conceal his identity, Ha-myung gains a new family. A father who is old enough to be his grandfather, a middle-aged younger brother and a neice who is the same age as him - Choi In-ha.
Choi In-ha is what is known as a “Pinocchio” which in this drama means that she is someone who has Pinocchio Syndrome, which causes her to start hiccuping uncontrollably if she lies and cannot stop until she tells the truth. (Note: This is a fictional disorder and is where the “fantasy” label on this drama comes in)
The two are at first friends, then enemies once Ha-myung discovers who In-ha’s mother is, then more like family.
The two wind up working at rival news agencies as reporters, both working to hunt down the truth.
My Review (Spoiler Free)
I will admit that I was a bit skeptical about watching this. Partly because it’s 20 episodes long, partly because of the sort-of incest because they’re uncle and niece (but not biologically). All culminating in me worrying that I wouldn’t enjoy it, but apparently I had nothing to worry about. Lee Jong-suk can sell me on just about anything (except probably his movie V.I.P.) lol
I think the hardest thing to get past is the atrocious “Dal-po hair,” which is hilarious, but I swear if you look past it and tough it out, it’s worth it. He gets a lovely glow up by episode 4 and then you never see it again except in flashbacks lol
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Anyway, this drama was paced really well and did a great job (in my opinion) of balancing out the humor, heart, and the serious drama bits and the acting was all excellently done in my opinion! I never felt like they weren’t their characters or that something was under/over acted. On top of that, the chemistry and the dynamics between all of the characters was flawless.
Pinocchio Syndrome As A Disability
{Potentially Spoiler-y Info Here}
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As someone with a disability (specifically ADHD), I do want to touch on the fictional disability of Pinocchio Syndrome. While I do not consider it to be a perfect metaphor(?) facsimile (?) for a real disability, I found it to be handled… hmm… I don’t know if I want to say perfectly or really well, I’d say that it was handled about as well as can be expected to be done for a 2014 Korean drama. I do, however, want to give props for choosing to create a fictional disability instead of potentially misrepresenting a real disability.
Anyway, I will say that the show was consistent in the way that In-ha’s disability is depicted and shapes her life experiences. She faces many obstacles and experiences many things that someone with a disability experiences. Things such as discrimination due to her disability and being bullied/made fun of in and outside of school because of it are all just a few experiences that many if not all people with disabilities face. Though she chooses a career that seems to others to be ill-suited to her, she views her disability as something that would be an asset within the career and says as much during job interviews when or if it comes up. She can’t lie without hiccuping, so she believes she will be a good reporter who can be trusted by viewers to tell the truth because of it. In the drama, we see her disability as a strength in many ways, especially when she hiccups if she feels that something isn’t quite right with the facts of the story, which leads her to do further investigation and finding out the facts.
Much like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (weird comparison, I know, but bear with me) In-ha’s disability is at one point suddenly seen as a desirable asset by employers only when they’re in trouble/need what her disability brings to the table. Though she was initially ruled out as a potential hire, she is suddenly seen as being hirable as a reporter because the news agency is struggling with a PR problem where they are seen as an untrustworthy news source and having her as a reporter would bring credibility to any story she does.
While probably not a perfect representation, I found it easy to relate to In-ha, which is probably why I cried a little a lot during one particular job interview scene (if you’ve seen the show you probably know which scene I’m talking about, I’m talking about the one near the end of episode 4). It was rough, but I understand where both characters were coming from in that scene.
Anyway, I do love any show that depicts someone with a disability as being worthy of love and desirable as a romantic partner. Not in like a “inspirational porn” way, but in a “we’re people too and we want to be loved or find love just like anyone else” kind of way. Not in spite of/despite of or because of, but because it’s a part of who we are and we as a whole person are lovable.
If you watched Extraordinary Attorney Woo and loved it, I think that you’re probably going to enjoy this drama too! If you love Lee Jong-suk, you’ll die laughing about the Dal-po hair, but you’ll probably love the drama. If you like any of the actors in this show, you’ll probably love it!
I really do strongly recommend this drama, it’s a classic and I see why it is well-loved. I especially recommend it right now around the holidays because pretty much all/most of the present-day events are set around December, so there’s lots of Christmas decorations, music, lights, etc.
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darken-sunshine · 2 years
enjoltaire fic idea
(ik it’s wrong, it’s just a first draft)
enjolras starts out as political activist in the same way that lindsay bluth is from, “arrested development.” until he meets his first love, who shows him true faith & passion. eventually their relationship ends somehow, (i haven’t figured it out yet, but i’m thinking something tragic.)
then flash forward to a few months, or years into the les amis. he knows about grantaire’s feelings, & grantaire is doing that’s thing, that for some reason, guys do in tv shows where he’s trying to convince the girl, (well in this case the guy, but u all know what i mean,) to fall for him, & it kinda works after a little while. but enjorlas is confused by his attraction to grantaire, because he’s so different from the guys he’s dated before. he even feels ashamed that he could ever fall for someone like grantaire.
then he, “realizes,” that he must do the same thing to grantaire that his first lover had done to him. r thinks of it as just some playful banter, & their relationship evolves into something more serious.
r takes enjorlas to go stargazing one night, upon a beautiful hill covered with hyacinths. grantaire throws down a blanket right by a laurel tree. they look towards the stars. enjorlas’ pale golden ringlets lay within correspondence of one another, upon grantaire’s chest. r plays w/ each curls whilst expressing his adoring love for this beam of warmth & light, composed of a flaming crimson. finally resting his powers upon a cynic’s heart. not even truly saying the phrase, for it had felt almost as another breath. something he hadn’t the need to think about, something that was just done, “i love you, enjolras.” that’s how you knew if he was serious, if grantaire ever used the name engolras, which was infact an absurdly rare occasion. as brown met blue, with the slight upwards tilt of thou’s blonde head, the secrets in which it had been keeping began to spring out. “as do i for you.” although the cynic was poor, he had felt the power of all the king’s riches in his possession; once having seen that slight, yet enriching smile spread across a prophet’s face. “even though your progress aa been stunted due to your cynicism. i am willing help as we claw our way through, & i am extatic for the end result”
“my progress?”
“why yes, you’re progress.”
“enjorlas, what do you mean by my progress?!” enj could have sworn he had seen the flowers wilt, & the tree branches shake, as result of grantaire’s anger. “well, i thought i could help with create an exponential growth in your faith, your faith of the cause.” you could see the sense of betrayal consume r’s eyes, “i-i should’ve known,” that same betrayal had spread, creating a ripple through his voice, “i knew this was all too good to be true!” “how could i have let myself believe that you would ever truly be attracted to me?”
“no r, it’s not like that!”
“what then? what was this some beauty & the beast stalkholme syndrome bull crap? you know, you can leave the flat whenever you’d like! no one is keeping you there! you’re the one who insists on staying put to work on the cause, not me, not combferre, not couferyac, just you!”
“taire, you don’t understand!”
“i’m not your test subject, enjorlas! i’m not your next project!”
“r, you where born broken, & you don’t know how to work fixed. i just want to help you, & show you.”
“broken?” enjorlas had realized what he had done. his eyes widened with shock, as a result of his actions. “no no, not like that,” he started to stumble, “y-you know what i mean.”
“oh ya, i know exactly what you mean. oh & by the way, dr. enjorlas. you made an error in your last report,” “the patient’s faith did in-fact increase, it just wasn’t for the cause. it was for you.”
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