#i hate that i want validation from this guy
Look, I'm not a Sebaciel shipper. I'm not an anti, but I just read the manga and enjoy what's going on without reading too much into it (I'm also old and come from a time where the master word was "ship and let ship"). And I can tell you, the antis are fucking annoying (it was not that bad in the beginning of the manga/and then anime.... I daresay it was almost non-existent, Sebaciel was almost a given at the time). They're the ones spamming the tags with their hate when I just want to look at fanarts, gifs, edits, analysis, etc.... I swear, I see the Sebaciel posts and it's (most of the time) not those posts written in big font about how a part of the fandoms is crazy or should die or whatever else (and those hate posts can be several times a day, it's exhausting). I could have send it to an anti but they would have dismissed this message as a Sebaciel sending them hate or something and hurled more insults and I'm not in the habit of talking to walls. Anyway, you guys are chills and I'm going to finally blacklist the anti tag, never thought I would see the day.
Hey Nonny!
I agree, it's horrible what fandom spaces have turned into. I gotta say, when I fist saw the notification for an anon ask, my first instinct was that I had finally annoyed the wrong person and gotten my first anon hate message. How happy I was to be proven wrong, but I'm also sad because that is what the current state of fandom has done to us.
I've been in fandom for a long, long time; I grew up reading and writing fanfic in the don't like don't read/no flames/ship and let ship era. However, this is really my first time being an active participant in a fandom community and it sure is...something. But that being said, I also sort of get it. Because I too very nearly fell down into that moral purity cesspool about 10 years ago. It's so easy to fall into when that's what you've either intentionally or unintentionally surrounded yourself with. I was lucky to notice before I got too deeply entrenched in it and stopped looking at that kind of content.
The antis would say differently, but I don't care how someone reads/interprets Sebastian and Ciel's (canon) relationship as long as they have evidence to back up their claims; literature is subjective but that doesn't mean you get to say whatever interpretation you want and have it be valid. (Fanfic is another thing entirely - do whatever the hell you want with them and have fun).
Anyway, all this to say: good for you, Nonny, in taking the appropriate steps to curate your online fandom experiences. Life is too short to purposefully expose yourself to things that upset you or make you angry. I think more people could stand to follow your example.
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cupcakefoggy · 19 hours
Ok, this drives me nuts.
I love Bridgerton. And I don't love all things Regency, so before you write me off as a romance-loving Austenite (which is ALSO a perfectly valid thing to be, thankyouverymuch) just hear me out on why this take is so damn annoying.
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Ok. Cool. Now, you're entitled to your opinion that Bridgerton is too fluffy, too girly, and needs more "texture" (which, according to the article, should come in the form of labor, hardship, threatened financial ruin, the usual good stuff) but I want to impress upon you, firmly but politely, that if you're in the market for something gritty, you probably should turn off Bridgerton.
She compares Bridgerton to every prominent period show in this article, and consistently complains that it doesn't measure up. "Well it's not Downton Abbey!" No, no it isn't, and that's what we like about it. We aren't watching it to Learn Something. We're watching it because, for an hour or three at a time, it's really nice to forget that there's so much awful crap going on in the world, and just focus in on Penelope's up-and-down courtship with Colin or how damn cute Kate and Anthony are together.
But that isn't even the thing that bothers me the most about this article.
Why, in the year of our lord 2024, are we still perpetuating this "fluffy girly things are BRAIN CANDY" nonsense? Has Jane Austen truly taught us nothing? At the age of 12, back in the early aughts, my dad gave me a hard time for reading the Sweet Valley Twins books. He wanted me to read Pride and Prejudice, and aggressively shoved it under my nose until I finally agreed to take a look at it. I found it incomprehensible, looked it up online, and found to my immense pleasure that Jane Austen's literature was considered "popular" and "feminine" in its day -- not at all serious literature. I took my findings to my dad, who just about exploded and told me "that's not the point, it's a classic NOW, so shut up and read it."
Guys, I don't care if it was written in the 1600s or last week, pop culture is pop culture. It reflects its time. And more importantly, it shapes its time.
In the 1990s, Seinfeld aired the now-famous episode wherein the boys and Julia Louis-Dreyfus' character, Elaine, have a contest to see how long they can all go without masturbating. One of the men is out before the contest begins; of the remaining contestants, Elaine cracks first. This is now considered a bold statement, because in the 90s, women actually ENJOYING orgasms was taboo -- a concept they make sure to acknowledge within the episode itself, as the men insist women don't masturbate.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus later said of her time on Seinfeld, "We weren't trying to change the world, we were just trying to make something really funny. And that's really hard to do. And if you can do it, you CAN change the world a little bit."
Now, I don't watch Seinfeld. I hate it. I tried to watch a bit of it for Julia, bc I loved her so much in New Adventures of Old Christine, but I just couldn't get into it. but I saw the episode she's talking about, and it IS funny. Because they aren't up on a soapbox, they're just having fun, and she's a damn good comedic actress. So why am I bringing up Seinfeld in a conversation about Bridgerton? Because they're both fluff. No one is watching Seinfeld in an effort to solve the mysteries of the human condition or reflect on the nature of good and evil. It's just for fun. And so is Bridgerton.
And even if there was absolutely no value to Bridgerton besides being fun, it would still be "okay" to watch it. Because sometimes we just need fluff. But I don't think we really spend enough time thinking about just how much impact that "fluff" has on our culture.
I've seen people argue that Bridgerton DOES tackle occasional "serious" topics, and that's why it has value. I disagree. Bridgerton's value comes from the fact that it is FUN. It's easy to get into, it's easy to watch, no one is FORCING it on you, like my dad tried to do with P&P. And because it's fun, people -- YOUNG people -- are willingly watching it…
And they're seeing elderly women, women of color, and plus-size women being depicted as beautiful and desirable.
They're seeing a young, newly-married woman force herself on her husband and realizing that women also need to be taught about consent, and that a lack of sex education leads to damaged relationships.
They're seeing depictions of mental illness in the Queen Charlotte spinoff. They're seeing a man with a mental illness bare his soul to a woman he loves, and hearing her say, in no uncertain terms, that as damaged as he thinks he is, she loves him too. Unconditionally.
They're seeing queer representation in the Queen Charlotte spinoff, too. They're seeing racism and politics and medical abuse. They're seeing storylines that they'd never seek out on their own, and intentionally or not, they're learning from those stories.
Maybe it's optimistic to a fault, but I just can't stop wondering, how many young girls talked to each other about Daphne and Simon? How many plus-size women saw Penelope and Colin's sex scene and felt beautiful, felt seen, for the first time? How many people with mental illness saw Charlotte love King George and realized that they too are worthy of love? How many people heard Violet shyly tell Agatha that she misses having sex with her husband, and felt validated that, no, you don't turn 40 and stop being horny?
I sobbed my eyes out watching S3 the other night, because they captured the feeling of being unpopular and overweight so damn well. I saw my high school years reflected in Penelope's story and it broke my heart and gave me hope all at the same time. I love that they dress Violet and Agatha and Charlotte as richly as they do the younger, "hotter" leads. I love that Anthony Bridgerton goes down on Kate every fucking chance he gets. I love Bridgerton's message, however unintentional, that you don't have to be the classic Pretty Skinny Caucasian Starlet - you can be fat, old, BIPOC, disabled, outcast, anything, and still deserve and GET your happily-ever-after.
Shondaland is not trying to change the world. They're just trying to be fluffy and horny. And if they can do it, they can change the world just a little bit.
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stromuprisahat · 2 days
You came here for Ravka. I came here to chain you to my stove.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 18
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Skip your duties (that can help feed the country) to watch me be cool doing stuff! Anyone less important would do it for me!
This could've been sweetly melancholic if:
a.) The country they live off weren't collapsing and a few of Alina's lightballs could grant them at least a drop of much needed resources.
b.) Grisha don't get sick... and what has Alina's childhood, adolescence and life in Cofton been like? Malyen truly isn't bothered by it, is he? Either he's an idiot, who didn't connect the dots, and doesn't see it as weird, that Alina HAD been sick for such a long time, or he simply doesn't give a shit.
c.) Other Grisha... if he can't have her as ordinary otkazat'sya, he's willing to settle for ordinary Grisha. As long as she's NOT special, and has plenty of time to focus on him.
d.) As stupid as their party date was, it could've been something to distract Alina from her duties and the pressure put on her. This wouldn't be even spending time WITH Mal, just watching him be the skilled cool guy.
e.) Of course he hates the place that made Alina MORE than him. If it weren't for her time in Little Palace, she wouldn't even think about wanting more than to follow him around like a lost puppy.
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Perhaps put some effort in it?
If Mal can so miraculously fit in everywhere, what's stopping him from taking his duties seriously? Not just mope around near Alina, but try to truly become captain of her guards? Learn about strategies and best ways to protect her, exercise and train action with the twins, look for more guards, train them and WITH them, consult Botkin...
Do more than just go where he's invited, act as if he WANTED to PROFESSIONALLY protect Alina instead of playing hero, when others can see it?!
Not to mention he can make himself useful even at those parties. If he does notice nobles hate Grisha, he can at least make a list. They're careless around him, why not listen? Why not consult with Nikolai to learn who they might need?!
He isn't there for Alina, he's there to drag her back into obscurity as soon as an opportunity arises.
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Now, that he's doing something FOR Alina, he misses their period of stagnation, when she was slowly killing herself.
He admits it, while caressing her self-mutilation scar aptly representing their relationship.
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And here Alina should pull: Never deign to deny. Instead her puritan shame kicks in.
I know Malyen isn't friends with anyone in Os Alta, but if he weren't such a jerk, he could've catch Nikolai for a moment and discuss a strategy. It's not like Kolya doesn't have an interrest in this too. ...and knows how to deal with Court gossip.
I think "We need to discuss what to do about everyone thinking you're a whore." could be added to post-strategy discussions with Alina too. If Malyen can sit in Alina's council AND act like her captain of guard, they deffinitely DO have to spend time together.
If only he'd become interested in reality and its requirements, quit seeing himself as a knight in shining armour, destined to save feeble helpless Alina, and acted according to her actual needs and requirements.
Perhaps sort his priorities differently and instead of bringing up his one-night-stand with Zoya and inviting Alina to make fun of Suli focus on your damn fucking job!
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And you didn't read my mind!
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And Alina accepts all the blame.
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This could be Malyen spiralling. Or simply jumping to another reproach as soon as Alina attempts to address the previous one.
valid concern
digging into Alina's fear of corruption
reminding her right after she chose it (so the stress is really her own doing)
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Yup! This is the crux of the matter.
Alina might operate under faulty assumptions, she had to be physically dragged back to Ravka, but eventually she's attempting to DO something.
Malyen saw what the system does to people like him, to his friends... so he decided to pack his gf and bail on it all. And when he finds himself back in the middle of it all, he's simply waiting to drag her away from it again, no matter what SHE wants.
The Collar is temporary, her position of Saint is temporary, her leadership of Second Army too.
They reacted to life-changing events in a way that made them two diametrically opposite people, but Mal's sticking around in hope for Alina's regression. And eventually he gets exactly that for all his trouble.
I'll keep the rest for an extra post since some extra shady bitch is chiming in.
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the-alarm-system · 3 days
I’m sorry I just need to mention this
endo neutrals I DO NOT FUCK WITH YOU LOL
Idrc I just tolerate yall and whatever but know that I really don’t like you guys
The only reason I engage in the debate is to fucking affirm the validity of endos, I’m not “pro conversation” I don’t want to listen to whatever argument is against their validation because it’s all just harmful hateful bullshit
Like why would I want to hear a terfs side when their arguments is just sourced from “I fucking hate these people”
also can’t be neutral on existence sorry lol call me closed minded idc it’s simply set as endos are valid because they are
yeah I’ll discuss studies and shit but in conversation with them it’s just out of malice tbh
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arrow-guy · 1 year
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
Do you think you be Mayor could’ve been better friends (orsomethingmore) under different circumstances?
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syntheticpaperd0ll · 3 months
im feeling it tonight so this one goes out to all my girlies (gender neutral) with addictions. recovering from addictions. who don't want to recover from addictions. who are relapsing or have relapsed. who have moved from one addiction to the next. who cant recover from addictions. this one is for people with addictions other than drugs. shopping. sex. internet. food. self harm. all the weirdest and worst addictions that people may or may not consider normal. for all of you also trying to live in a world where addictions are so demonized, i see you. i love you.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
would it be okay if u told me why u like aoki😭/gen😭😭😭😭BEEN TRYNA LIKE HIM FOR SO LONG I JUST CANTT but i love ur art so much so i still consume it otherwise lol
i liked tohru adachi in high school and tbh i think that alone is enough of an explanation for why i ended up liking aoki
#snap chats#haha see i told you last post's tags were relevant#anyway vLKVJEVLKAEJVLKJ IM CRYING ANON youre so funny. this is the funniest ask i coulda got thank you so much#i dont know why i like him either <- yes i do#fine lets get Real Talk about it#well first off all i thought he looked hot rolling out the elevator and i was playing the eng dub and i think his voice sounds hot there#and thats like. not athing that happens to me ever <- literally thought sawashiro was hot two frames into the game but anyway#i like politician characters. or characters that are in a position of power ESPECIALLY if they have to act like they dont suck balls#like i very much love the idea of the power of charisma and that type of thing not to mention the 'strategizing' as aoki puts it#that comes with politics. LIKE HE SUCKS DONT GET IT TWISTED HE SUCKS BUT //shrug emoji//#like its why i love the mine rggo stories i like seeing mine's thought process and how he uses his intelligence#smart's sexy to me idk what to tell you but moving on#its fun watching him lose his cool too ESP IN HIS FIGHT LMAO HE STOMPIN HIS FOOT LIKE A TODDLER SHUT UP#i also really love the arakawa family in general and thinking of aoki's relationship with each of them makes my brain explode#especially him and sawashiro that shit is painful to watch and i love it so much#i also thought him going from goth to republican was the funniest shit in the world like i howled at that AND i was distraught#aokis so interesting to me from the notion that he IS loved by his family but he has so much hatred for himself it eats him up#and as a result he cant be happy no matter what he does- how hes constantly seeking validation even if it's nothing meaningful#his lil. Dog-Eat-Dog world world belief to ichi also appealed to my edgy depressed high schooler brain. sorry.#his speech at the lockers also got to me. unfortunately. sorry everyone i empathized too hard it got too real it wasnt funny anymore#like as much as i complain bout the very end the ending is what solidified me liking aoki if not also cause of ichi's impact in those scene#plus... analyzing him and the environment around him is so much fun too....#idk reasons for why i like aoki also boil down to personal reasons. he still sucks tho so i cant be upset when people hate him LOL#i probably have more reasons or could elaborate more i love rambling but i mean. who really wants to read all that 💀💀#maybe for a character that WASNT the worst but. aoki is so LMAO#thank you for loving my art regardless :) im sorry i have to be attached to the worst guys ever
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arson-09 · 1 month
i get disliking taylor and thats chill and i agree on lots of points but some of yall are being obtuse on purpose to shit on her and 🧍🏻 i preach media literacy for a reason🙏🏻
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mejomonster · 10 months
As I get older and older I more tangibly realize why queer individuals in older generations than mine might prefer words I wouldn't use for myself, and likewise why younger generations preferences would be different too. Like it was always clear you know, a person knows their identity best and what labels they prefer best and even if you don't get it you should respect it. But I guess the older I get the more I realize I really don't know and never can know the background another person has for their perceptions and meaning for labels and why something in particular helps them to use or not
#rant#lgbt#...........................................................................................................................................#i just. so im alive in the time i guess when i saw trans identities barely discussed like even in educational material i didnt#hear about gender identity until i dug deep. to people now using transmasc and transfemme as labels. labels i dont understand and know#i dont. i presume they mean trans people who identify with masculinity or femininity? but i think im probably wrong#because ive seen transmen call themselves transmasc and it confuses me. because a transman can be a very feminine person who loves makeup#so. one cannot say transmasc and actually Mean all trans men. a transfemme does Not include all transwomen because transwomen can be butch#and reject femininity. so like... from my outdated perception i see it as the cis straight societal gender expectations of men MUST be masc#women MUST be femme which. i hate. becayse i specifically feel all people should and can be whatever they want.#any man can be feminine any woman can be masculine any person can be any range on that and change daily and do what they want#and their gender is still valid. and then like. theres ppl like me. im nonbinary. im a pretty feminine guy#im a fairly masculine woman. i dont think i could even fit into transmasc or transfemme labels.#i do think those labels help and suit people who like them. if i met a nonbinary lipstick lesbian perhapa#transfemme would help her xommunicate how she feels. but those words dont help me they are boxes i cant fit inside#and i get why they exist but its like. cool. now i get why transman needs to be preserved Outside of transmasc. because feminine trans men#still need space. i get why masculinjty and femininity need to mean something clearly Separate from gender itself or we loose the ability#to express the range of gender expression in qll areas. i dont know what transexual means but now i realize why a person older than me#may LIKE that label and cling to it. because it may communicqte something For Them that helps them in a#way that was lost to understanding by my generation. in a way that the terms no longer useful for my self identity but is for them.#in the way that trans man and nonbinary fit me but i could never be fit within the labels of transmasc or transfem etc#and in the way that for some people transmasc etc labels will fit Them and Help in a way a label like transman never can. and so on
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volfoss · 7 months
also its very funny bc choosing a misdeeds mission will have mistos going up to you and being like 😒 do you REALLY wanna do this one. like the one im doing rn is about this sibling who was like hey. i dont want my sister to date. kill the guy shes dating. and mistos was like this is mushy relationship stuff and i dont wanna get involved :///// and when i get there, shalvas starts the battle with smth along the lines of i really dont want to do this but here we go. literally what is his deal
#twist rambles#♟#normally hes like ok ^-^ lets go into battle. its very funny to me bc its not JSUT my guilt over doing anything bad in games but they#will just be fucking miserable when u do evil missions. its very funny to me bc like. shalvas DOES have an established character. 10000% bu#if vol/foss was popular i knowwww people would give him the giorno treatment of no personality and he sucks to a majority of people.#but anyways it IS silly to me that mistos has to give his 2 cents on every mission you go on. even if its not an evil one. i think he prob#is mad at shalvas for taking this evil mission but shalvas is also on mad at me island due to me making him do this one so. really its only#fair. or something. its silly to me i like the little touches that they add. bc idk like normally ur protag in a game is pretty moldable to#ur choices. ie like. tw2s you have to pick the guys that suck so bad or the elves we are insanely racist to for a lot of the game#and like. when u look canonically. peepaw does notttt like to pick sides w the war. and esp since he doesnt have his memory back fully by#the time he makes that choice theres no way that he can use his prev knowledge from the LAST war to inform his choice. and that game treate#it as like yeah siding w the govt who are notoriously rly bad or the elves who are well. they sure fit them into the trope of i wrote a bad#guy and he has valid points but to make sure ppl hate him i have to have him do extreme evil. so u dont WANT to choose the elves side.#unless u suffered thru the really fucking bad racism in the books irt that. which i did. so for me its very funny to like. see vol/foss#handle the thing of ok u have choices and one of them is something it doesnt seem like the protag would do. in a more natural way ig.
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elytrafemme · 9 months
everyone please manifest that i wake up a normal person tomorrow because i am treacherously close to going on a fucking warpath
#nightmare.personal#omg ha ha ha classes are starting soon orientation is over isn't this going to be so fun <- on the verge of killing someone#it's not even classes that's the issue it's the fact that college is like. oh time to reinvent yourself#but like that's so not working. people aren't LIKING me.#and it's not that people hate me like i've made good connections with a decent group of people#spent all day with these two guys basically. my roommates seem to appreciate me. have a few others in the bag.#but they're not liking me that much. like. okay. i'm just going to say this#because i have a girlfriend i don't WANT people to try shit with me#and because i have a girlfriend people DON'T want to try shit with me#and that is The Fucking Problem I Think#because i can't feel attractive if nobody is telling me i'm attractive#because it sounds so. fake. from my girlfriend. like she obviously doesn't see it. obviously.#but people finding me attractive is the basis of how i can function as a human being#it's so fucking frustrating. i'm doing EVERYTHING i can. i'm being adaptable and spontaneous and reliable#and i'm funny and honest and i'm validating. i'm hitting everything.#and it's not working well enough. and classes will start and nobody's going to give a shit anymore#and it's like if i killed myself or something literally nobody here would care. because we don't know each other yet#and nobody at home would know for a handful of days aside from my family like obviously they exist so that's an issue#also i like being alive so that's kind of the main barrier to this plan but the point stands that like#something could happen to me and nobody would care#also side note it's really cool that i've balanced online stuff and real life stuff so now#i barely talk to the people i know online who would actually support me and mostly talk to real life people who probably wouldn't#isn't that so cool. hashtag living. being on tumblr makes me actually want to kill myself i want to delete discord SO bad#because that actually wouldn't make a difference for more than like 3 people here. what's my argument actually i'm contradicting myself#the reason i'm not being liked is because i'm not a likable person and that is definitely the crux of this issue#but if people don't start wanting me right now it's actually going to be so bad for so many people#if i go into college with no friends i cannot express to you in words how much i will take down with me#i will library of alexandria myself i do not even care. someone call me attractive and mean it. give me a fucking chance#suicide tw
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evansbby · 1 year
Your opinion is completely valid and I’m glad your so invested in the fic but please do trust me!
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
my unpopular opinion for this site is that i like the live action disney beauty and the beast but i like to think i’m redeemed because i don’t like any of the ones after that.
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the-ace-lesbians · 1 year
hot take (it’s the most lukewarm take you’ll ever hear) but we have evolved with our understanding of gender as a social construct and sexuality as an inherently complicated thing enough that it in fact does not mean that just using the ‘retro way’ of describing sexuality and relationships and gender in queer spaces is the way to go but rather the new words we have to be as specific or unspecific as we want are there for the purpose of encapsulating who we are and should be used. evolution and adaptation within a digital space in which you can be as highly specific as you want, or don’t want.
like, basically, yes old queers did use whatever goddamn words they wanted, and I respect that. I love the ways old queers described themselves. I’m enamored with someone calling themselves, like, a ftm boydyke. Great vibes. I’d be safe as hell in a room with him and he’d give me great ideas for soups. But the time in which old queers navigated their identities have changed massively and we now live in a digital world where the queer community is active and loud and everywhere, and any knowledge about any word we could use is at our fingertips, and new words have been made to more accurately describe experiences so we didn’t HAVE to layer what we could together to get a semblance of what we felt, and it’s not only okay but probably uhh very good for us to be able to, like...
Evolve and start using our own ways of self-identity and nuance, and also start defining the differences in our shared identities as queer people while acknowledging that that does not mean we aren’t all still family with a shared experience of marginalization and beauty and love.
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birdsong-18 · 2 years
just rejected a man, feeling good
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