#i hate his normal ass
mouseyippie · 2 months
me after pulling the same fucking Normal Aster for the 6th time in my contracts
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neothalamus · 11 months
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herberts such a little shit, get him dan
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nkogneatho · 2 months
miya atsumu is the kinda guy to fake his deep and manly early morning voice trying to rizz up girls but just comes off as a creep because he sounds like a dying rat who smoked 5 joints
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lyss-butterscotch · 9 months
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My favourite character trait ever is can beat the shit outta you and mechanical gauntlets 👍
[Process under cut]
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mugentakeda · 7 months
iroh azula antagonism is sooo important to me guys i cant ever read azula redemption fics cus none of them include their insane beef. its such a lonely world out here. can u even imagine how nuts it wouldve been if she found out abt the white lotus. i need to talk ab them dude
i like to imagine the trip back to the fn after ba sing se zuko didnt talk to iroh at all while he was in the brig because he was so in shock and still reeling that iroh outright betrayed him and his family and nation for the avatar. those three years iroh spent with zuko on the ship encouraging him meant what now? "why would he banish you if he didnt care" meant what now that you helped what would undo the banishment evade me?
and azula has never been above gloating, even over the most pathetic scum. so she makes sure to head to the brig the night they depart, her exhausted brother conked out in his quarters none the wiser, mai and ty lee flanking her. and even though the mission had been to capture the avatar dead or alive, theres something about looking down at her restrained uncle whod been working the whole time to get zuko (who has an unending list of faults but is loyal above all else and had been trying his hardest to fulfill the terms of his banishment even while being a wanted criminal to their nation- something she will not overlook) to betray their nation is somehow more satisfying by tenfold than looking down at a restrained avatar.
she knows just how hard iroh takes losing. he lost ba sing se and a son years ago, and here he has lost ba sing se and a son once more. or a boy his senile, trauma-riddled mind has convinced him is his son. her uncle bet against her father by trying to turn his son against him for whatever traitorous and foolish reasons he has and frankly shes just overjoyed to have him out of the way once and for all, because azula is a dragon just as much as iroh and she will always strive to protect her blood, because irohs the one who let zuko into that war room in the first place, because what right does he have to allow her foolish brother that couldnt keep his trap shut to save his life in a situation like that and then have the audacity to try and turn him against them when zuko even being in ba sing se (instead of working under azula along with mai and ty lee like he shouldve been) was all his fault in the first place? she hopes freeing zuko of him stings unlike anything else. she hopes if that sting manifested in reality it would take the shape of an ugly stamp right across his face and haunt him for the rest of his days in his self made prison.
and then iroh can say that zuko had no choice BUT to be loyal above all else because if he wasnt thats a death sentence from ozai. and then azula can say that thats wise of her father then because if that wasnt how it was then their whole family would be an infested nest of lying cowards like iroh. mustve been something her dad learned from his dear old brother. and what can iroh even say to that
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saionjeans · 27 days
i love how wakaba/saionji is normie4freak except you wouldn't ever expect which is which
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
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reasons number A Million why not every rgg character needs to be +6ft he looks so fuckin stretched out. actually got put in the willy wonka taffy puller
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gh0stgr1nder · 7 days
selfship list drop okay 👍 runs away before anyone even says anything
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whomstdvelynt · 9 months
i am so normal (all i can think about is genloss but not in a way that i can properly put into words ough ough ough ough and also my mouth hurts but that’s completely unrelated)
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gmanweatherreport · 18 days
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hey guys have yuo heard bout this guy yet😞😞😞😞
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lovecolibri · 1 month
Oliver to FOX as he spills the tea about Buddie
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The sign of a true Gai fan is hatred of the eight gates
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astarionposting · 9 months
Kind of wish there was a dialogue option to beat this dude’s ass
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toxifoxx · 3 months
truly at the end of the day its all about receiving validation
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f0point5 · 3 months
Why does Esteban Ocon have one of the most incredible built in narratives and psychology only to be super annoying (and I know this is a contradiction because all of the backstory is quite clearly informing his personality but the whole thing is so unsatisfying).
So many things about this guy are my Roman Empire and literally need to be studied (not least the fact that Max is literally his villain origin story), but he’s so irritating that you can’t even dig into it without rolling your eyes.
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symbioticsimplicity · 3 months
Re-watching Hell's Greatest Dad for rhe millionth time and just-- the audacity on Alastor's part. Literally no one else would ever. Lucifer met this dude for all of two seconds, and got pulled into two fights with him. He doesn't know a goddamn thing about him.
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