#i had a bit little sleep those last days 😶
i-can-even-burn-salad · 6 months
*crawls out of doc covered in blood*
I am done.
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f1nalboys · 2 years
Jerking off Ray but Ray is wearing glasses😶
awooga humina humina <3 i took some liberty with this and did a bit of a dom reader so i hope thats okay hehe BUT pls enjoy!!! little shorter than i was hoping to have it but i was running out of steam oopsie
Randy Meeks x GN!Reader
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WARNINGS: nsfw, slightly dom reader, slightly sub randy, handjob, facial, reader calls randy pretty/good boy/etc, glasses wearing randy hehe, implication of a blowjob/more sex, implication of multiple orgasms, praise, some slight domesticness, not proofread
Randy was so handsome with his glasses on. You had known him for two years, dating for 8 months, before you even found out that he needed glasses. “I normally wear contacts but I ran out,” He told you the day he walked into your film class with a pair of thick rimmed glasses and a blush. “I know, I know, I look like a total dork.”
“You look cute, Ray!” His eyes widened when you had said that to him, a few weeks before you asked him on a date, and all he did in response was sink down in his seat biting back his smile, telling you to ‘shut up’ under his breath. 
There was no bite to his words and you noticed that he would forgo his contacts more often now that the two of you were together. He would welcome you into his dorm, hair tousled from sleep, his glasses slipping down his nose slightly and a big grin, which is exactly how he looked today. He was wearing the unironically cute pj set you had bought him for Hanukah last year and you couldn’t keep your hands off of him.
“There’s gotta be something wrong with you, baby,” He says with a laugh as you nuzzle into his neck, planting a few sloppy kisses against his skin. “You’re the only person I know who prefers me with glasses.”
“More people would if you would wear them out in public,” You counter, pulling back ever so slightly to give him a grin. “I mean, look at you! You’re so. Fucking. Cute.” You emphasize each word with a kiss on his face and a laugh bubbles up from his chest as he squirms. Even now he still wasn’t totally used to how physically affectionate you were, not that he was complaining.
Grabbing his chin with one hand you hold his face still as you kiss him, deepening the kiss with a sigh. Class was over for the day and you both were on his bed, some shitty comedy movie playing on his small TV long forgotten about. 
When you pull back Randy whines, his lips following your own in an attempt to continue the kiss. His glasses were slightly skewed, his cheeks tinged pink. “C’mon,” Randy pouts. “Wanna kiss you.”
“You always wanna kiss me, Ray,” You tease, letting go of his chin and your hand falling into his lap. He sucks in a harsh breath as you palm him over the thin fabric of his pajama pants, his hips bucking up involuntarily. “But I wanna make you feel good, m’kay?’
“Y-you don’t have to-” He stammers, gulping when you shove your hand down his pants. His head rolls backwards and he moans softly as you fish his cock out of his pants, already half hard. “F-fuck, you… your hand feels s’good.”
Sucking a hickey on his neck you keep the same pace, your palm stroking his entire length slowly. “Yeah? How good, baby?” You pull away from his throat, taking a second to admire the mark, before your eyes dart towards his face. Randy’s eyes were squeezed shut, eyebrows furrowed, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. “So fucking beautiful like this, Randy, you know that?”
He nods slightly. You shake your head slightly, tightening your grip around his cock, pulling a loud moan from him. His eyes pop open and he stares at you. You cock an eyebrow, loosening your grip slightly and picking up your speed. “Yes! Ye-yes, so beautiful, only for you, Y/N. Only ever get, god, get like this for you.” 
“Good boy,” You purr, feeling Randy twitch under your touch. “You’re always so good for me, so handsome, but when you have those glasses on… I don’t know, baby, it just gets me so horny.” Randy grabs ahold of your upper arm tightly, panting, as you start to jerk him off faster. His whimpers grow louder with each second, his hips bucking up, fucking your fist each time you twist your hand or swipe your thumb over his swollen and leaking tip. “Just look so sweet like this, letting me jerk you off.”
“S-s’close, honey, fuck. Please don’t stop, please? Please, wanna cum so bad, feels fucking a-amazing.” His voice cracks slightly as he thrusts up into your hand, his glasses fogged and skin covered in a thin sheet of sweat. He was close, so fucking close, your hand bringing him to the very edge. “C- shit! Can I cum on your face baby? Please? God, y-you’d look so beautiful covered in my, ngh! In my cum.”
Without pausing you move from his side and position yourself in front of him, looking at him from your eyelashes. “Come on, Ray, you can cum. Show me how good I make my pretty boy feel.” As if you said the magic words he cums, moaning your name in an almost heavenly way. 
Cum covers your face, a few drops landing on your eager tongue. You let out a small moan at the taste of him, slowing your hand down to an almost painful pace. “F-fuck,” Randy says breathlessly, hips jerking as you don’t stop moving your hand. “T-too much, I think.”
“You can give me one more, right honey? You just sound so pretty when you cum with my hand, I bet you sound even better when I use my mouth.” You give him a devilish smile and he gulps, nodding his head slightly. He was in for a very long night.
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How would Ray react to me accidentally bonking my head against the wall while on a call with him 😶 Had this exact thing happen to me cause whenever I get excited to talk about something I move around a lot, and uh... kinda didn't notice a wall there...
I know I'd probs try to laugh it off even if it does hurt quite a bit, but with how much of a worrywart he is... I'm interested to see what he would do!
Ray is the kind of person that immediately assumes that he's doing something wrong every time he talks to you. The last thing he wants to do is do something wrong enough to cause physical harm.
At his core, he doesn't want to hurt anybody but it's hard to say that knowing how far he would go to get revenge to feel better about everything that he's gone through.
But those thoughts don't pertain to you and they don't align with the way he feels when he wants to protect you from the world. If anything, he wants to wrap you in bubble wrap and then put you in a bubble so nothing bad could ever happen. He doesn't want you to get hurt. He's been hurt enough in his life and he is afraid of seeing you in pain just like he is. That's why he goes out of his way to make sure that you don't have to take the elixir.
He doesn't want to see you in pain. If he can do something about that, he will. Of course, he is willing to do what needs to be done to make sure that you stay with him and stay safe but he's not going out of his way to do something malicious. As long as he doesn't need to be afraid of something bad happening to you, that's what he needs to keep functioning every day.
So, any sound of excruciating pain is going to set off his fight or flight response. He might not know what to do at the moment when he hears you yelp, but all he knows is that he needs to get to you as soon as possible. He would already be halfway out of his room by the time you tell him you're okay.
The bare minimum is knowing that you get to wake up, eat, and go to sleep.
He wants to make sure that you have everything taken care of, not just your basic needs but everything else. The bare minimum is knowing that you have everything you need to take care of your needs, but that isn't enough for him. Even if you're satisfied with that, he won't be. He wants to give you the full experience of being treated like the most important person in the universe. Because you are the most important person in his universe. You just haven't learned it yet. That's why he works himself to the bone.
It doesn't matter how exhausted or broken he is, as long as you get to smile.
Your smile is his smile.
Even if you try to rationalize everything to him and remind him that you're not really hurt, he's not going to be able to believe that until he can see you. It's nothing against you. It's not that he doesn't trust you. Why wouldn't he have trust for you? It's more so the fact that he simply cannot handle the fact that you got hurt on his watch.
That's the way his body responds to the situation. Even if somebody was holding him back, he would be pushing them out of the way so that he could get to you before it was too late. Even if you get a paper cut, it feels like you got shot to him. Every minor little thing feels like a major thing. It doesn't matter if it's a paper cut or a bullet wound, his fear and shame are the same.
That's just how it is.
He's been trying to do everything he can to make sure that doesn't happen. How could he let that happen? So, his heavy insecurities are going to instantaneously eat away at him no matter what happens. That's the bad news. Imagine this for thought, he puts down everything he's doing to come and check on you as soon as possible. He has that look in his eyes that says he's afraid that you've been hurt beyond recognition, even if there's only a bump on the back of your head.
The first thing he does is give your body a glance over for anything that could have been done to you. Once he has a good idea of what you need, he makes sure that you have it as soon as possible before he begins to apologize profusely for putting you in that position in the first place. Even if you don't forgive him, that's okay, as long as you're happy by his side even when he makes mistakes like this and you get hurt. Be prepared for him to baby and coddle you going forward. He's already guilty of that in many ways but it can only get worse from this point.
His concerns for your well-being sometimes override his insecurities for being the cause.
That means you're practically glued to his side when he can make it happen. Curled into his embrace as you walk together so he can make sure that if anything goes wrong, he's the one that falls on the ground and you stay safe on top of him. The part that may feel the most overwhelming is when he changes your room around to remove anything that could hurt you and the updates to it are soft and could hurt you in no way. His paranoia means well, because he doesn't want you to suffer, but it can be a little overbearing.
"I'm sorry, prince/ss. I'm so sorry. I'll make sure that you never get hurt again. Don't worry, I'll take care of all the details so all you need to do is sit tight and stay pretty."
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candyfloss-esophagus · 9 months
heyo hope I'm not too late about the headcanon ask game! (if I am just ignore this <3)
I honestly would love to read your headcanons for all the subjects but I've tried to limit myself to a few:
These are all for Hobie btw ^^'
💔 (angsty headcanon cause I can never get enough angst)
🧸 (childhood headcanon)
😭 (the worst thing that's ever happened to them)
😶 (and a random headcanon)
okay I actually wanted to do a lot more but I'll stop myself here!
It is never too late to participate in an ask game! If I'm a little late in replying, don't worry about it too much, I've probably forgotten or am wondering how to answer it, and you're more than welcome to send long ones in!
Now I'm gonna do these a bit out of order because I'm interconnecting them a little so I hope that's okay!
To preface, I have almost no knowledge of comics canon, I take canon when and where it pleases me. So if you don't vibe with that then this probably ain't the right spot for you kjdshkj
Childhood headcanon: I think he grew up with a very loving community-oriented family which had sort of been scraped together with people that came and went as the times progressed. This means that he had the whole 'fight the power, but never forget who you're fighting for' mentality down pat from a very young age. The thing about Hobie is that he loves. This guy clearly loves his work and life deeply. Perhaps not all the time, but overall. Which leads me onto the next point.
Worst thing headcanon: toss up between a couple of scenarios that were put on the chalkboard in the noirpunk server.
Firstly, that family that was mentioned earlier? That loving family that lifted him up and cared for him as he was growing up? That one? Gone. Dead. Scattered. Disappeared. He's one of the only ones left. And it wasn't gradual either. I think Hobie was perhaps fourteen and not yet bit when Karl grabbed him and hid him in the rafters of the place they were currently occupying, and they watched as riot police systematically murdered everyone that hadn't managed to get out in time. I think that only made him angrier after quite a long period of depression, and he fights every day -- not to 'avenge' them (because that's heroic bullshit and Hobie Brown is not a hero) but to lift up their memories and carry on what they started.
Putting the second scenario in the angsty headcanon because first you need to see the random headcanon to make sense of it (I am running on four hours of sleep and one mug of tea this makes sense in my head I promise)
Random headcanon: There is a Peter Parker in -138. He's Hobie's inside man for the police force/Oscorp and they've been friends for a while. They've had a casual relationship that Hobie knew in theory couldn't last because of Peter's alignment with the government. Peter's a little baby cop that Hobie has been trying to coax out of the government that he knows will destroy him in the end, but Peter comes from That Kind Of Money and is very hesitant about following in Hobie's footsteps (this is when they were 15/16 btw if we're going on that Hobie is around 19 in atsv). To keep the rebellion's efforts up, Peter passes information along to Hobie that he can scrounge up but withholds anything that might be of potential actual use because of his wavering loyalties.
Angsty headcanon: I lied in the last headcanon. There was a Peter Parker in -138. Not anymore. Hobie earned his blue laces the day Peter died. He's not ashamed about it but he doesn't like thinking about it. When he goes to the Society and sees all those Peters walking around he can't help seeing -138 Peter again, which is part of (but not the whole) reason that he avoids the Society even before the whole fiasco with Miles.
Many thanks to the noirpunk server that implanted these headcanons directly into my personality, and thank you for the ask! You're welcome to send as many in as you want, as long as you're alright with a bit of a wait before I answer them! Here is the masterpost for anyone who wants to participate <3
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I was wondering, if you have time, could you write some fluff headcanons about Frankenstein’s monster getting sick and is s/o taking care of him? I love your fluff Frankenstein headcanons btw! 😊😊😊
Hi!! Sorry I've put this off so long! I'm all achey from my booster so I'm feeling this now 😂
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He's never gotten sick before.
The closest he’s experienced was being shot, which slowed him down for a few weeks.
Not being a naturally born creature, he didn’t think he COULD get sick.
So when his muscles ache and his joints stiffen with fever, he’s certain he is dying.
You find him moaning and groaning on the hay-strewn floor of the barn, rolling about in abject agony.
“Darling! What’s wrong?!” You rush to kneel at his side. Placing your hand on his muscular arm, you realize he’s burning up.
“The end has come, my love,” he sobs. “Oh, my dearest angel. Perchance I shall be greeted by your brethren upon the threshold of those gates divine, should heaven deem this wretch worthy. Yet I fear I shall not see thee or thy kind again. Oh… what sweet bliss you have made of this life! Ahh… I am going… I am returning to the soil…”
“I think it’s just a cold 😶”
“A cold. You have a cold.”
“Human ailments cannot trouble me, for I am not human! The work of my creator is failing. I should have anticipated this sooner. I am the work of an amateur hand—the crude project of a schoolboy playing God, which now unravels like unpracticed stitches.”
“Humor me.”
You set up the softest bed you can manage to make—stacks of loose hay piled three feet deep and eight feet across, topped with linens and furs—and convince him to get up from the floor and lay on it.
The creature, accustomed to sleeping on the ground, relaxes his contorted face for a moment in obvious pleasure.
Then returns to moaning.
“You are most thoughtful for making my dying moments more comfortable. But perhaps I should drag myself far into the forest while I am still able—somewhere my corpse will not become a burden to remove.”
“I’m telling you, there’s a bug going around. I had it last week. You probably caught it taking care of me.”
You wring out a wet cloth and press it to his forehead. He sighs as the heat dissipates like water in a frying pan. Perhaps he will let you help him... for now...
You make sure he’s drinking water and bring him soup, spending the next few days tending to him.
He doesn’t want to be a burden, but thanks you for the attention.
He has never felt so awful in his short life, but you lessen his suffering a little bit every time you’re around. Cooling him with wet cloths when he’s feverish. Curling up next to him and holding him when he shivers. Bringing him medicinal herbs to speed his recovery. Just staying with him, reading him stories to take his mind off it.
Lo and behold, in a few days, the fever breaks, and he feels like himself again.
“Perhaps… it was a cold,” he admits.
“Looks like you’re more human than you think.”
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rosenallies · 3 years
I know it’s really old, but can you write a sequel to that smutty gottrosenali prompt you wrote a while back? The one where Nali went away to join the olympics but is in a friends with benefits sort of arrangement with Rosé and Mik I think?
shejshdh SO I’m sure the person who sent this was probably looking for smut but I felt like fluff so here’s this and I guess sugar daddy Mik has two sugar babies now 😶 rip his wallet 💔
Denali slept soundly against Rosé’s chest, Mik on the other side, still awake and looking at at her.
Rosé smiled. “What’s on your mind?”
Mik shrugged. “She’s so sweet,” he said, referring to Denali.
They’d all just had great sex, all of them finishing more than once with the others’ names on their lips, and afterwards Denali, sleepy and sated let herself be taken care of, grateful for the attention more than anything.
Chuckling, Rosé ruffled his hair. “Yeah, she is.”
“Do you think she would-,” he paused, “never mind.”
Rosé looked at him, puzzled. “Do you think she’d what?”
“Do you still love her?”
She was taken aback a bit, mouth agape while she tried to come up with a response. She loved Denali, and she had since college but Mik was hers and she was his, their bond and love unbreakable. Whatever emotional connection she had with Denali didn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things.
“Mik, I love you-“
He rolled his eyes affectionately. “I know you do but that isn’t what I asked.”
She took a breath. “I guess there’s always a part of me that will have feelings for her, she was my first everything pretty much. Why do you ask?
Mik nodded along. “I’ve always really liked her, even when I thought I was just jealous of her because she had you, I think I was jealous of the both of you.”
Rosé raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Really?”
“Everytime we do this with her, I get those same thoughts, just minus the jealousy because I have you, but it’s something for sure. Something I want to explore more.”
Rosé kissed his temple. “We’ll talk to her in the morning, get some sleep.”
Mik settled against her, his eyes fluttering shut, Rosé following suit shortly after.
In the morning, the all woke simultaneously as light filtered through the open curtains.
“Good morning,” Rosé said, kissing Denali and Mik on the top of their heads.
“Morning,” Mik mumbled, a sleepy smile on his face.
“Good morning!” Denali chirped, somehow so chipper moments after waking up.
Mik grunted sleepily. “I need coffee and food. Country club?”
Rosé nodded. “Yeah sounds good, you’ll love it, Nali.”
Rosé was right, Denali loved it, the glamorous feeling of exclusivity she got when she stepped inside was unmatchable and the way her heart fluttered in her chest when Mik told the valet parking attendant his last name, subconsciously grouping her in with them.
They sat down at their designated table, waiters already bringing out plates and plates of things.
“God, I could get used to this kind of life,” Denali said, biting into the sweetest strawberry she’d ever tasted.
“Well, you could,” Mik said nonchalantly.
Denali laughed. “The skater life isn’t this glamorous, trust me. It’s more, wake up at the ass crack of dawn to train and then train until 8pm and then go back to sleep to do it all again the next day.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
She looked at Mik, confused. “What did you mean then?”
“Well, Nali, we just really enjoy your company,” Rosé explained, “I love Mik so much, but a part of me has always loved you too.”
“And I have grown to love our time together, too, even the not so sexy parts,” Mik said with a wink.
Denali looked surprised, but happily so. “Are you asking me to be your sex doll or something?”
Rosé laughed, reaching over to squeeze her hand. “Not exactly, a little more romantic than that.”
“Like a throuple?”
“If you want to call it that, be our guest,” Mik said, stifling a laugh, “but essentially, yes. It’s up to you if you want to take some time to thi-“
Denali cut him off. “Yes!”
Rosé raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“Yea, yes, of course, duh, I’d be stupid not to,” Denali teased, “I’ve honestly felt the same way. Every relationship I’ve ever been in has paled in comparison to what you guys have and what Rosie and I had, and Mik you’re impossible not to love.”
Rosé shrugged. “Yeah, she’s right about that.”
Mik blushed, placing his hands on the table, each of the girls taking one. “Guess we’re all in this together, huh?”
Denali rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“I tell him that all the time,” Rosé giggled, ruffling his hair, “but he’s right. We’re all in this together.”
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somedaytakethetime · 2 years
Hii, I hope you've been good. 🙂 Maybe I've finally recovered from the SerieA season by now, my sleeping schedule was fucked up for week because I kept watching stuff including this insanely long bus ride party. 😄 But I've never seen anything like it, people celebrating a football championship like that and I probably learned more about this club and what it means to Milan people in those few days than in all the months before! So in a way it was also good they didnt win like 2 years ago because no one would of been allowed to celebrate then. I also changed my mind about the trophy being ugly its actually pretty nice it looks like a giant golden martini glass and I'm almost sure Davide slept with it the night after they won it, he looked completely physically attracted to it. 😆😆 They all did tho and if they look likely to defend it next season I'll fly over and dress up as the trophy before it gets awarded.😊 Never thought I'd ever say this but maybe for once I'm grateful for my stupid deranged kink who got me into this mess, with your help. 😅
And just when I wondered what to do without the football stress the internationals started, I watched Italy vs Argentina but that wasnt fun. And I blame the italian manager, thats what you get for leaving all Milan players out of the squad! He ruined Chiellinis farewell match too and thats not nice. And now hes off to L.A., maybe I'll have to watch a bit more MLS now that so many Italians are joining! I also watched Portugal and then France v Denmark yesterday and that was alot more enjoyable even tho Simon still isnt playing but atleast he lopped the scary beard off and is looking so beautiful again! Both teams were playing well but I was so happy when Denmark won! How cool is the ginger striker? 🙂 Although I like Theo and would be okay with him winning but he also just won the italian championship so thats enough for a while. :D I didn't know he has a brother who looks almost like him and thought I was going crazy when I saw the two of them going on the pitch. 😅
And now Italy is playing again, I'm a bit worried but atleast there will be pretty players to look at. 😍 Hope your having a nice weekend! 🙂
Hello!! Welcome back!! I'm doing well, I hope you've been well too my love! Football is something else isn't it? One hell of a sport let me say... you laugh, you cry, you curse, you scream, and in the end you love these clubs all the same. The guys and the trophies are always hilarious to me because they look way into the cups, but bless I guess they work so hard and suffer so much for it that they deserve to make out with it a little. 😂 Dressing up as the trophy seems to be a recurring theme that we've all thought of.. when I see my favourite men kissing a tin cup I always feel jealous as hell of it which is ridiculous but also a vibe xD Isn't it nice to have off-the-beaten-path kinks now? See? Totally okay, what did I tell you? And also it got you into this mess with the rest of us and that's low-key a vibe I love for you 😌
I've had to miss Italy playing tonight because I was fighting my technologies but I need to peep on that tomorrow (it's past mid-night so it's already tomorrow but... you know xD) the only games I watched were my very own clowns because it's free on TV and then my Danish rolls! I was more than delighted with the match and the results but I don't know which striker is ginger? Kasper Dolberg? I always thought he was blonde but maybe he's red to some. 😅 I'm so damn happy Simon shaved off that bush off his face!! I am beyond relieved that his prince good looks are starting to come back, if he made me look at that beard for longer I would have lost the last of my nuts and bolts... Theo and his brother tend to scare me because they're not event twins... Lucas is older than Theo and yet I swear those dudes look the same to me... but at least Theo is a decent guy 😶
I hope you have a nice weekend too darling! And I hope your sleeping schedule continues to improve while football is out for while! 💗
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